Episode Transcription
Hey, thanks for listening to this episode of things to learn last night. Exciting news. We are officially part of the evergreen podcast network to find out more about them or their other shows. Go to evergreen podcasts dot com. We're so excited to be working with them.
and continue to grow our dumb little show. You know, there's a website where you can rent a hit man. Yeah, it's rent a hit man dot com very hard to find. Yeah, turns out it was someone who made a website was trying to do a different service, but people really thought it was a hit man website. So they started submitting requests like legitimately to get a hit man for a hit man. Yeah great episode. This one's recommended by one of our patrons. Her name's happy Shira.
in our discord. If you want to recommend an episode, that's the best place that you can do it. Become a patron and send us your recommendations for shows. Yeah, of course, and this comes out in december. I'm busy, but you can't come to them because of private shows. I'm busy, but you know they're private shows. They're actually no, just kidding. Tomorrow in Tulsa, Oklahoma, december eleventh, I'll be there's a show you can come to. Yeah, so if you're a tall site, it's coming to that a tall sin, unless you're a hit man,
don't do that then stay at home. So this is a great episode. Thanks for joining us. This is a comedy podcast where you're going to learn about the topic, but also we joke around and laugh a lot, and so hopefully you enjoy it, and if you hate this episode, there's two hundred other ones to hate go watch all the other ones and tell us about it in the comments, comments, comments, we want it yeah. We love thanks for being here.
Hey man, what's up man? Are we rolling? Yeah, we've got the whole thing sweet cool. Hey man, what's up? Have you ever heard of rent a hit man dot com? Huh? Have you ever heard of rent a hit man? No, I heard rent a hit man, a hit man dot com. Yes rent a hit man dot com.
No, I think we should acknowledge that we look like we're in a hit man place. Yeah, we look like we're like waiting for the drop. You know, saying like this looks like we're yeah. We hit the little rewind. We thought it'd be fun to rewind for a second. Yeah, but all the way back to when we first got in this studio. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If you're, if you're listening on audio, we're back where we did our episodes like way before, like not the very first duty. We switched studios several times now. We do it a lot.
on our first every year. We're like, let's switch it up a little bit. Yeah, you know we were here for two years. We were in this one probably the longest on yeah yeah yeah we're not back, but we're just here for the we thought I thought it'd be fun. We thought it'd be fun to be in here sure for a few episodes. So we're here and right now it looks like we're in a warehouse. It looks like we're waiting for. We look like we're at the beginning of a saw movie where you're just sitting in an open room and it's like ah yeah ah you know what's what's going to happen. So anyway, he's going to get sod.
rent a hit man, a hit man dot com rent a hit. I don't think did you go to it? Yeah, I don't think you should that's on a list. It's fine. No, it's fine. It's I think it's fine. It's probably all right. Is it run by you hall? You're looking for a moving truck, yeah, or you're looking for a moving truck. If you know what we mean yeah, and that's what it is moving truck. If you know what I mean dot com
like the just subtly like if you know what I mean, what are you pointing at? Go to go daddy dot com and see if we can find moving truck. If you know what I mean dot com gosh are our bill on go daddies get we're paying like six hundred dollars a year for the we really are. It's getting too much. It's not too much. So wait hold on rent. No, no, no, moving truck, moving. You know what I mean. If you know what I mean that is that this
I don't know if I don't know if you're gonna believe this. It's a veil. How much I mean the same price any dumb domain is we're doing dot biz or dot com. I don't know. I feel like we should
wish probably dot com. This yeah, let's see. Let's see moving if dot com is available. If you know what moving truck, if you know what I mean dot com, I'm oh that's cheaper than dot biz actually a wow yeah. We're going to do that for sure. We're going to redirect it to you hall moving truck. If you know what I mean dot com okay cheese, so no rent to hit man similar, but different was founded by a guy named Bob and as this is him, Bob and as
which I don't like that way. He's standing like this. This is this is how business he's standing like he thinks this is what landlords look like. You know, that's not a landlord. That's what I guess that's clearly not a landlord, but that's what he thinks a landlord looks like. I guess it is like when the landlord walks in and they're like hey, we're not going to refund your deposit. Your hot water's been out for two weeks. Bob started this site okay,
in two thousand five Bob Inez, cool hands guy. Sure. He started the site in two thousand five and it was actually so he he's an interesting guy because he got into the I T space and he had a hard time. So he moved to Napa Valley in two thousand five and he graduated from the police academy and he after
I guess they were out of you say they had too many cops, a cop job, a cop job. That's what that's what it is. It's a cop job. Okay, he's like I can't find any kind of he set up a sting. He was like you know what will get me a cop job. I catch people, build up, but I got to build a resume, yeah, build a resume as a freelance crime fire before they'll let me do sanctioned crime fighting. He's like in his interview.
and they're like they're like what's your experience is like I've been glad you were seen the topic catch a predator.
I have rent a predator, what
you can do that. No, it's really close. What he did is really close to what you're saying right now. I guess is it a sting? I no not even close, so he couldn't get it. He couldn't get the cop job all right, and so he said well, what else what else can I do sure and he was like training that I've got he's like. Oh, I bet I can learn I T sure, so he starts trying to learn I T stuff makes
decent bit of progress and then sets up a website. I know some stuff about computers and I wanted to be a cop Is there a reason? There was a funding issue in that side of California.
sure and so there wasn't like that. He was like interviewing and they were like now we don't want you no yeah. It was like it was like all we can't afford you sure and he was like he's like hi okay, I'll do it for free and you're gonna get the taste people right actually honestly. If you want to do it for free, we can't hire you. That's like the rule. That's actually like you want to do it. You're not allowed. You want to do it too much to get to do it
you want this too bad. We can't let you let me be a cop. I want to be a cop. I heard they get kissed
so so I heard they kiss that cop dot biz fresh. Don't do it, don't do it. You go go on okay, okay, okay, so he it is available though he goes and he takes his I T skills and his hopping skills and he says well, what if there's a world I can put them together? Okay, and so he
starts a website called rent to hit man dot com. Okay, but that it's not what it sounds like because the idea have you ever heard of ethical hacking? Yes, like anonymous kind of stuff where they're like, oh yeah, we had to expose the truth and that's how we got him kind of thing. Not necessarily. So there is that and that's that's a gray area. I mean, some people would call it ethical. Some people could still call that unethical. What ethical hacking is, is there's this whole community of
hackers who instead of hacking and like leaking data and stealing information, what they do is they hack and then they take the information about how they got into that environment and give it to the owners of the sites. Yeah, it's like that there's a there's a there's a is it a YouTube show or like an actual like this seems like a discovery channel type show where it was like a guy who was like a security expert that would would test your
business is security. Oh, he would just go in and just him. He would break in. He would destroy stuff. Yes, it was kind of like remember. Remember they did that for homes. The it takes a thief on this. Yeah, that's where I think it's what I'm talking about. That show is sick, but yeah, it was just your home. It takes and then you would just watch them rip your house to shreds and it would be traumatic. People would be crying right right right and then they like your parents were there with you
and then if you didn't like that thief, you could be like next and then there we have to go, you know, and there was also big was there
Jesus, no okay, so companies and it's sign up for it. It's such a big thing that companies have like actual programs for this. They're called bounty programs yeah and so Microsoft has bounty programs and depending on what bounty you're going after, like for example, in the Microsoft has an identity bounty, which is any vulnerability related to identity services in their accounts right. If you find that vulnerability, you report it to Microsoft, they pay you a hundred fifty thousand dollars
and so there's all sorts of these. There's people who are just like making a living on finding. Yeah, this is all they do. They just go find these vulnerabilities. They report it. They take the bounty and the bounties depending on the site in the program anywhere from five and you know to these guys are scrawny little nerds, all right, little nerds and they're out here on the town and people like what do you do for livings? I'm a bounty hunter shut up, dude, shut up, okay, like that
Greg go back to your they've got that they've got that that gaming chair that like leans back like that. You know I'm talking about all the way back six screens, the chairs come and they're just like
Yeah, they've got the keyboard that split in half, so they have their hands like this. It's me more than someone who works for freaking Angie's list and has a slick keyboard dude. You're going to call center, put your hands together, put your hands together.
Ha ha ha!
why your hands like that? They have an L desk and they put it on both sides of the L and the screens right here. I don't think that's what the mouse is limit that's the one on the right, not plug. They've also got a track pad like little.
yeah and an iPad like dude, it's just setups that people have made in 2020 was way over the top because they were like what else do I do and I'm getting six hundred dollars stimulus. I'm going to upgrade my desk and every single week. Yes, yeah yeah and it was worth it so insane. Do we pop podcast equipment instead? Yeah, yeah, that's why it looks so good all of a sudden, so he starts this company during these bounties and this was relatively
for businesses and so they would hire their hit what kind of okay, and then their hit man would go find those vulnerable god. That was the company and he was supposed to be a fun little play on words or whatever sure ran the company for a little bit. Eventually shut it down in two thousand five later in two thousand five, so didn't run it very long like it only a few months. Him and his friends that started it parted ways. It wasn't like a huge thing, but like he left the site up like he never managed went to go take the site down
and so then he came back and he was like well, I'm going to sell it. He's like that's probably a pretty good domain. I could buy sell that so he listed it for sale. It's like a domain sure he put his email address, so the site was just a white screen that said if you're interested in purchasing this domain, email this email address. So it's his email address and he had like a separate. It wasn't his daily driver email and so daily driver
I hate everything about you. It wasn't his daily driver email. It wasn't the one he signed up for nothing bundt cakes email. You know, if you sign up for nothing, but cakes email list on your daily driver email, yeah, then that's a problem. That's that's problem number one in what the heck why that is that is a red flag. I get their daily newsletter. That's a giant red flag. Do they have a it's a cultural
zeitgeist man, it's such crazy because they send out information every morning. That's where I get my news. That's how I found out Donald Trump one was the nothing bun kicks email newsletter dude. I opened it. I was like oh
I deleted Twitter. I get enough information from the nothing fun. Thanks, nothing later. I was like I don't need to be on social media anymore. I think I get it. I think I get it. Yeah, that's the crazy every morning. I get my news digest from and you know what though they're very center.
people were talking about how the political slant nothing is like is fair. Just the facts, just the fact they let you interpret it, just the cakes, nothing bun facts man, everyone ends with a coupon. It's like I learn everything about what's happening. I know all my current events yeah and I get a bun cake at the I get a bun cake.
Should I redesign our email list? To be a nothing bundt cake.
can we how would you redesign it? What are you? What do you mean? Should we design it? I would assume this colors color scheme would be like pink and like moth okay and then yeah and then yeah everywhere we have pictures of bun cakes. Yeah, it doesn't make sense. They don't relate. We're not going to have all of our have to listen to this episode to give it. You know saying like
yeah, you just like why does every e-mail from three years from now you won't remember that joke. You can't remember that you open your cells. I'll be like why do we put buckings and all you'll be like. Is this a reference to our podcast? I'm like yeah
Yeah, it's actually your idea. Didn't you read the newsletter yesterday about Dementia? You didn't subscribe to nothing fun cakes and how the new information that on dementia patients I've not subscribed on my daily driver. How what are you expect right? My bad, my bad, check the Tim at Tilland dot com. So anyways, so he said my daily driver is roast beef at Gio dot com.
just so everyone knows it's two three yeah it's roast be three three f. I know that I come here yeah, so I do have the other one set up though to like just at that rost towards to the forward to my roast be thirty three f yeah. You've been trying to sell it to Arby's. They won't buy it. What it is it's a reference to how many years Jesus lived
My two favorite things, Jesus Christ and roast beef.
is my savior and my savor. Did you say my savior and my savor say it's my savor, I savor, savor the flavor I'm crying. Why the two I was trying so hard to keep straight on that
in the early days of this show, we did like affiliate ads where we were like a sign up for grammarly and use code till and and we got like fifteen cents and now we just do patreon. It's a much better way. It's better for us as creators. It's better for you as listeners and it's a much more fun way for us to interact. We do monthly hangouts like on zoom. We just hang out and play games online and and get to know each other. It's a really fun time. So
but still use our code till in at grammerly dot com because I think it's still I think we might get like a couple cents from that, but join us on patreon because we're having a great time. If you don't, we're going to have to start doing mobile game ads.
So it's just the white screen. It's got his email address on it. He's not checking that email every day. He doesn't check it until two thousand and eight two thousand and eight. He hits it and he's got seven hundred emails and it's all people looking for a hit man nice, but he's he's like he's like most of these. I love that there's people who are stupid enough to be like hit man. Oh, there's a go website for and everything cool. Hey, I don't like my husband.
and I'm trusting this gmail thing hope you're not a cop, hope you're not a cop send and they sent it from their daily driver yeah and he's like he's like he's like don't worry the cops want to hire me. I tried trust me. I tried now I'm against them. Yeah, let's do this together. You create seven hundred emails. No one's like wanting to buy the domain. He's like they're all yeah. They're all people that are looking for a hit man for a hit man yeah, so he got
he got all these emails. Okay, most of them were a joke like the vast majority is a joke, but a couple of them he's like this might yeah. I think I would email a hit man as a joke. You know, and I just kind of test the water and they were like they were like hey, if you're serious like let's meet up and I go okay, so turns out turns out this is an option. You say it as you're like ha ha yeah. Oh, I'm just making a ha ha yeah. We've all been there
we clear. I'm making a ha ha to be clear. This is just a ha ha so a couple of them were serious, but a couple of them were serious, and so he was like he's like ha. That's interesting, and there was one that was from like a couple days ago, and so he looked at that and he was like he's like um. Maybe I should so he emails back. There was a woman named Helen from the UK. She's currently in Canada and she's wrote in saying that she wants
to hire a hit man for her three siblings who are out in the UK. She's trapped in Canada right now whole family because her three siblings are keeping her from her inheritance and so she's like she's like they're keeping me from the money that's rightfully. Yeah, I'd like to hire a hit man in the UK. Do you have coverage there? Their names are William Harry
this is the so royal family. That's a royal. I thought you and Prince Harry. I thought that was one direction. That's also one direction though, isn't it? Is it don't they have a William and
this is like whenever you try to name in sync members and you're like Justin Timberlake, a Dipper Lake. She was like yeah, we I want you to off them and so he looked at that he was like
do you still require our services and she responds back and says yes, and so he's like a great connecting you with a representative and so he you're the representative like you used. So he continues the conversation with her basically gets like this yeah she's she's actually serious about this. I really does want to go through with this. He passes this along to the authorities and the authorities track her down and get a conviction.
they okay. They take it from there and they're like okay yeah we're going to be the hit man sure and we're going to line set up a meeting watch on Netflix show hit man no no not show movie. No it that's. This is the concept of it. It was that he was he was a pretend hit man who would and dress up as different. Was he a cop? No, but he worked for the police department okay, but they contract him to do it. Oh it was like his side hustle
So what he was a freelance crime is a freelance crime, but they were like they were like hey, here's a job, you know whatever and he would go and do the the hit man stuff interesting, interesting and then he falls in love with one of the girls. It's a girl hires a hit man to take out her boy. Oh, so it's Barry yet kind of kind of no because she never hired Barry. She never hired a hit man. Yeah, that's right. Barry's trying to become an actor
Barry's such a good show. Okay, no, so I hear part about Barry is the songs at the I love you, you love me. I don't think you know what Barry I love Barry. I don't think you know a bit. You know Selena Gomez got her start on that show
and so he passes this along to the authorities. Sure they email her. They're like hey, we're the hit man from rent a hit man and she's like right where the hit man rent a hit man and she's like perfect. This is insane. This is so dumb, so she sets up a meeting with them. They meet up with her. They arrest her yeah, and so he anes is like okay, so that's kind of crazy, and so he get a bounty or any money for that
I don't think so okay, but he sat on that for a little bit and then he was like huh like that. Well, no, he was like he's like he. I mean, I guess there's probably a part of him because he tried to be a cop and now he works in it yeah and he's like there were a lot of people who emailed in and he was like I might have just saved three people's lives and he's like these people who were writing in like if I don't respond to them
then maybe they go somewhere else or maybe they try to do it themselves. Yeah and I want them to come to hire a hit man dot com, not hit men are us. Yeah, we got to be better than our competitors, so he sets up like an actual started on hit man for less, so he puts together like a real instead. He takes away the landing pages like if you want to buy this, who the original jersey mic was
he's a hit man. It was a hit man. Yeah, you don't get a day like Jersey Mike for making fresh slice.
so he takes away that little landing page thing is going to sell. He's like I'm going to keep the site up and he puts together like a real site rent a hit man dot com and he puts it together like this one hundred percent hip a compliant. Well, read what the hip is a human information, privacy and protection act of nineteen sixty four. No, it's the hit man hit man. I can't see from here. Tim got issues. Click here. Oh my gosh,
and so it's this whole site and it breaks news. The whole thing is it's pretty like it's obviously a joke sure like anybody who sees this at the at the footer. They have this little disclaimer that says they're no longer working with P Diddy Johnson and Johnson. Oh my
like this is obviously a parody site like he put a lot of keep reading the name. I know what else is in the name. I know what else is in the keep going. You stop you're like oh yeah, P Diddy Johnson Johnson and you're like anyway, there's a lot. Oh, keep reading the name. You can look it up. There's there's some pretty timely ones in there. I'll say so they it's pretty clearly a joke. There's all sorts of banners across the site that reference at this is like a joke.
but there's still a contact page. They have group discounts if you want to hit more than one. that's the whole thing too. that he thinks are legitimate. And so here's how he does this.
and he doesn't respond right away. He gives him a twenty four hour cool down period because he's like these people could have just got in a fight with their brother. They're just angry, let him cool off. We'll see where they're at tomorrow. Then later, twenty four hours later, he sends in a response to say thanks for reaching out to rent a crime until you exchange money right. Yeah, so so the here's the process. Should we what should we fill out a form
get through all the stuff and then be like hey, by the way we do a podcast. We'd love to interview you. We'd love to yeah, by the way, I mean, I don't even think you have to pretend like we could just be like hey, we're a podcast. We'd like to see that picture he took. You don't take a picture with your hands like this without liking it like you really like yeah. Okay, okay, okay, go ahead. So he gives him twenty four hours to cool off gives him. He reaches out. He's like hey, you sure yeah he's like he's like hey, are you still interested?
We love it's like a formal email. It's like thank you for reaching out. Here's our services we provide. Are you still interested? Here's our Google reviews. Yeah, he actually does have Google reviews on the site from people and their faces are blurred like Alex's on our site. Same blur like it's like this spiral blur on their heads and they're like yeah, we we hired a hit man. They were clean, discreet, covered everything. It was great and the prices were fantastic. Yeah.
but they still link their Google account so that it's like they may they leave that review and it's like loved using the service great hit man, but it's like yeah yeah you look at their other reviews three stars for Domino's cheese sticks were burnt loved your services, he sticks were burnt and so whenever he gets that whenever he gets a serious inquiry, I should say
he sits on it and then and then sends that and then if they respond and they say yes, he's like okay, I'm going to connect you to one of our qualified hitman hit man, which on the site, it says that they have seventeen thousand nine hundred and eighty five failed operatives working for rent a hitman dot com, which is the number of the approximate number of American law enforcement agencies. So and so whatever he does, he finds out their approximate area
gets all their information and then he reaches out to that local law enforcement agency and says hey, here's here's all of our conversations. I told him you'd be reaching out as a local hit man and then what typically happens from there is that law enforcement agency there's a sting. Yeah, they set up a sing. They reach out. They're like hey, we're the hit man from rent to hit man dot com and they're like the guys like sweet. They meet up. This is so crazy. I would love it for it for it to be like
Hey, this is Rebecca. I work in the offices of rent a hit man. We're just going to click over a couple policy things and just get a couple information from you. Do you have a credit card number I can put on file? No, no, no, it's only in case of incidentals. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we only charge it in the incident. The person survives and we have to re hit them. We call it a second
that would be an additional charge. Unfortunately, just count as another full hit, you know, yeah, because that's I mean it's not cheap, but we would do a voucher for your next hit. Yes, yes, we would give you a we would give you a credit yeah, yeah, towards your next hit, and so this has been an operation since twenty ten. He set up this site okay, and it's still operating to this day and he still gets in crazy. How many is these caught along to law enforcement agencies?
I don't know how many convictions there are, but what we do know is that the estimate is that he says that there's been a hundred and fifty victims that have been saved from this service, so not a like those that's including groups, group, a tan, but I mean, so I hit man dot com. That's crazy. Yes, yes, so there's all you say the three people the first time, so that's three and then another person wanted to kill a hundred and twelve people.
No, one hundred and fifty, not one hundred and fifteen, one hundred and fifty. All right, sorry, sorry, so you I mean you got to figure that's at least over a hundred people who have been caught trying to hit someone in ten years. I mean that's one a month. You know, I mean that's over ten years. It's fourteen years, fourteen years. That's what I'm saying. It's like one month. Yeah, that's true, the ten a year. Yeah, so I mean pretty incredible. It's obviously it's still up. Most people recognize it's a joke, right. Here's the thing, though, man.
there's so many dumb people out there you're right, and if you're a person who is already dumb enough to Google how to find a hit man, yeah, then you're dumb enough to fall for this. It's the same way like you know the emails that they they send out. They have all the grammar issues and you read it and you go. This is clearly a scam. Do you know why they do that? Oh yeah, because you're trying to like weed out the people who will fall for it. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, it's not because like oh they look at they're so bad at english and they didn't know how to translate correctly. Yeah, it's you read it.
you know it's a scam, therefore you're not worth their time. Yeah, they don't want to waste their time on do a follow up email. Yes, but if you read that and you and you're like this seems this is it you already a little dumb yeah. They're like oh, we can get this guy yeah yeah yeah. It's like it's a qualifier. Speaking of dumb, did you see this congressional hearing last week about the UAP? What is the UAP UFOs? Oh come on man,
don't sneak in a conversation by aliens by calling them UAPs don't do that. Everybody knows that's what that is now. They don't know that I have mentioned that on this. I didn't see anything about that. I don't remember anything that happens in this podcast, but I know for a fact that I've said it. I've called it you. I ain't see anything about that on NBC. Yeah, well, I think there's nothing but cakes
the only reliable news source for me is NBC News. Oh, I bet you get all your news from a B C. You bet I do like yeah, but they're all their anchors suck as I anchors anchors. What are you talking about? I just read the article newsletter. It's an email newsletter. I read it. I read it for the articles. I promise I read it for the time I read. I read another butt cakes newsletter for the article.
for the articles. If you know what I mean every once in a while, I get a cake out of it. Okay, criminal no, no, no, no, no. Okay, so so this no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, but the UAPs, aliens, you're talking about dumb people, everyone wanting to bring it up, so so there's this other. It's another congressional hearing. Sure, sure, sure. We talked about the last one with David crush
This one's got a another guy in it. Michael Schellenberger, I think is his name. He's a reporter who's been digging into this thing. He leaked a government program called Immaculate Constellation okay long story short. So what can I do a constellation makes me so mad? So it was him the reporter get it's a reference right? Huh? You get that it's a reference to what the Immaculate
Conception, conception, yeah, yeah, constellation. That's annoying, but so it's it's Michael, the reporter, what's the theory and it's lulz on dough, who is the big obviously whistleblower and then a couple other whistleblowers that we haven't seen right. Anyways, a couple other whistleblowers that we haven't seen yet that are supposedly like within the D O D coming out as sure lowers is the story and in this hearing testifying before Congress, the actual Congress, yeah,
The story that they outlined for Congress in this hearing was that, yes, the government has a crash retrieval program for UFOs. And they are reverse engineering these UFOs. And we're not the only government to do it. We know that at least every nuclear-powered government in the world is attempting to retrieve these and reverse engineer these.
and they said that's the reason for the secrecy because it's an arms race. It's like the Manhattan Project. It's not because we don't think people can handle it. It's a military thing. Here's where things get really interesting. Okay, the story line is that these these have been here for a long time, at least a hundred years, and they're coming from our oceans. They're not coming from space. Oh, I've seen this theory. These are their unmanned drones.
and there are essentially underwater factories that are building these to suit for each of their missions. And then they're rising up out of the ocean. That's why there's so many variants between each of these. And then they're coming and they're particularly interested in our nuclear power plants and our nuclear warheads, wherever those are stored globally. And so that's where all the sightings are happening. And so the storyline is one of two things that they're saying is one,
they are aliens. They came here, they built these factories and these factories are autonomously creating these drones and these drones are good factories are operating this on themselves. Yeah, just like we have autonomous factories sure with robots and stuff like that, so they're building underwater. Yeah, I mean they're okay. They're underground underwater probably, so they're underwater built into the mountain underwater and then they are building these ships. The ships are coming out. They're doing the recon and then
what yeah yeah, but they're unmanned and so that's why they're able to sustain such a high g's because the these are these are getting one thousand two thousand three thousand g's which will obliterate any living being right. So that kind of g forces sure that's theory number one sure theory number two is that these creatures live down there and that's why they care so much about the nuclear stuff we do because this is their planet to right and so they're very concerned.
because they're like you guys, you surface dwellers are risking stuff service all of us, you land losers yeah exactly and they either could be. They either could live in the water or they could live under ground in the water. It's right right right right here's here's my thing sure here's where I'm very interested yeah yeah go ahead. What if yeah you're going to love this in on with you? What if what if these crafts they're on man right? What if these are being built?
octopus yeah and they are setting the and the thing that that's why they're so smart. How we draw aliens man, they look kind of like octopi, octopi are so smart. We always talk about how or maybe dolphins. We always talk about yeah really smart and yeah whenever they come up to shore, whenever they come to land, that's their vacation. They're on vacation and like we can't let the humans know that we're smarter than them and so they're like we swim around and be goofy.
it's kind of like a pastime for them. I'm so glad that our podcast is a safe place for to get all this out so that you don't have to subject your family to this at Thanksgiving. Thank you for allowing us to be your place to say stupid stuff so that you don't take this out into real life. I really watches this podcast yeah, but we get to edit that part out. You know saying what do you think about that though? What do you think about that? That's a good theory though, isn't it? Yeah, maybe it's not
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's the Dolphins, maybe it could be Dolphins, right? Right? No, I don't know. It could be Dolphins. Yeah, no, like if I right, it could be Dolphins, right? No, here's the thing. Why do you think the stingray took out Steve Irwin? Yeah, that's the only logical explanation. That was an act of war. That was a warning shot.
I knew too much yeah. Why do you think we nuked the water so much? Why do we think we test on where you think water castle bravo the open seas? Yeah, it's not. It's not a test. It's not a test, but yeah, there's a you should try this outside of San Diego. There's an island. It's not Catalina. It's a little further south
I don't think you guys understand the mental exercises I have to do to keep my sanity during these. I just literally I look at them and I just space out in my head. I go to a happy place. I go somewhere where there's waterfalls and green pastures. That's exactly where I want you to go because that's where they are. They're underwater. Yeah. Really?
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I like
I ran a women's sweatshirt right now. It's not a it's not a woman that kind of makes me angry. It's not a women's sweatshirt, Missouri State, women, US bowling league, yeah, it's support. I mean I not allowed to support in ship in turn. I can I not support women two thousand and fourteen. Am I not allowed to support women's bowling? Okay, can I not? It's a good. You really are the only conservative who's cared about women's sports for ten years now, huh?
I just like women's bowling. Is that such a dirty republisher rising you dirty gross mind? No, I can't find this island. Yeah. Oh yeah, maybe do you think it that it doesn't exist? Do you think that it was out there, but now they scrubbed it from Google Maps? Damn, I think I found it. Oh good. Yeah, yeah, it's I mean, I guess it's a little bit closer to Mexico than it is to San Diego. Yeah, but it's Ila Guadalupe and
that's supposedly where one of these factories are, and so that it was a famous. It was a famous diving island. People used to dive there all the time, but now you're not allowed to because it's quote unquote because of all the danger risks, but it might not be dangerous. It might just be, you know, the alien factories there, but I there is one of the highest concentration of sharks in the world. So you see sharks.
Anyways, what do you think about all that? What do you think?
I is plausible. That's great anyway. So what do you think about that? Yeah, I think that's the probably double thing I heard today. Here's the thing is we got a lot of episodes to get to. You got time to wrap this up. Here's the thing. Here's the thing. I think that there it's possible, but I also think these people are testifying before Congress and so I'm like. I think that these people are gen. I think that these people are sincere. I do think that people. I mean, I think that what they're finding is other
nations, military equipment or just freaking homegrown terrorists. Dude, we've got plenty of people who are making stuff all the time and just like making stuff out of like these drones and stuff that are just maybe crashing and landing and you know, maybe I think I think what's more likely in my opinion is one of two things either either it's these remember Bob Lazar when we did that episode way back in the day yeah and that it talked about when
they signed on their contract during training, they had all these documents they read and the documents were full of lies. So that way they know if your stuff got out. Which yeah, they know that because it's a different lie for every person. And if that gets out, then they know you're the leak. I think that there's potential that some of this stuff. Which would be my strategy if I got into the big brother house, by the way. Yeah, yeah, you tell a lie. Yeah, it's a great strategy. Tell a small lie to each different person and then you go, hmm, okay. Interesting.
Yeah and then you come back and you say you lie. That's what I did to my family in Thanksgiving one year. Yeah, so I sold all of that. Why is that why you didn't go to Thanksgiving for a few years? I saw you in a hot tub yesterday talking about how you don't go to the hot tub. Yeah, of course. Oh, I said about these cameras around your parents house or my parents house. They're just way worse when I was there in two thousand and fourteen. I keep track. No, so it could be that
I think it also, I think it could be genuine. is that I cannot get over now how likely it is that someone in the government And now there's a lot of other people in the government
physically witnessed any of this because that's the thing all these whistleblowers. They have reports, they have documentation of this. They're not the ones who've seen this stuff. I don't know if this stuff exists. I think that they've just seen the documents that's probably coming from people who's circular, Osama's computer. Yeah, it could be. It could be. It could be Osama's computer or it could just be circular reporting where someone said something right and then it kind of telephoned yeah and then it got in to you, the people reporting to Congress have not physically seen these things with their own eyes. They're just reporting
paperwork from their own yeah. Well, that's what they all say is like all of them. None of them have none of them are saying I've seen this. Yes, they all say I've talked to people in intelligence. I've read documentation. They none of them have been people who've had hands on this stuff, and so I think what's more likely is that there's just. I think we forget a lot that the people in government and in government intelligence are also are also people yeah, and they're also think about this. I was also thinking about this of like the
social media landscape and the way that like the all these senators and in congress people live in DC and they're in their own bubble and it's a lot like when we worked at churches and we just you know you forget there's an entire way of life outside of what you're doing yeah and and it can be very easy to be like ah you know
they're so out of touch with the with the common man and it's like yeah news pundits you live in DC and you are also out of touch with the common man. What are you talking about? Yes, yes, yes, that's why I only rely on one new source nothing yeah. So anyways, that's all I got to say about the alien thing. I think it's interesting, but I just I ever since that I have a hard and that end and the remote viewing thing
I'm like yeah, create the that was that was such garbage and they've got documents from them trying to figure that out, but it's clearly all made up and they didn't get anywhere with it, but they tried and like I have a because they try now it's got now everyone's like everyone's. Oh, they did it though. I did try it. It worked actually
anyways, I repented for that, so anyway, if you need a hit man, yeah, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, so someone there's a very important thing. Someone found this page is an rent to hit man careers. Yeah, so there's in two thousand. Hold on, let me get this date right. God, I got too many tabs open in
two thousand twenty three recently twenty one year old Josiah Ernesto Garcia got out of the military. This is him got out of the military. Okay, was expecting a child. No, I don't like we will take selfies and they make eye contact themselves in the mirror. You know I'm saying yeah you got to look at the camera, look at the camera, look at the camera, either look at the lens or look at your screen or look at the solo cup cups behind you. Never look at the camera.
yeah, but so he he got out of the military was expecting a child and was looking for work and he's like well, what am I experienced in and he's like I'm experienced in firearms and shooting people and I've seen Barry yeah and so he goes online looking for a job. He finds rent to hit man dot com sees that careers link sends an email with a CV
and with a cover letter, my resume yeah, let me kill includes a cover letter saying what he's capable of and the cover letter was like certainly
Certainly here's a cover letter to apply for a for a hand-written job.
in a thousand words at a fifth grade reading level.
you got to know your apply. I don't know yeah and so and s gets this bob and he's like he's like oh, this is interesting and so he takes that application and he sends it to the fbi. The fbi is like this is a joke. We're not responding to this and bobs like no this is not a joke. Pretty s, this guy, very legitimate to be wants to kill people, so Bob has to go back and forth with them for a little bit. Finally they're like okay fine. We'll give him a call and they realize he's
serious, so they the FBI calls them. They act like they're with rent to hit man yeah and they say hey hi. This is Rachel with hit with rent to hit man dad go over your resume here, a phone screening sure our initial interview. Yeah, so interview he does a phone interview with the FBI thinking they're from rent to hit man dot com and then they invite them to an in person interview comes to the in person interview and then that in person interview. They say hey, I think I think we'd like to work with you. Yeah, here's an actual contract
can you go ahead and move forward that contract and so yeah he signs a contract and the contract when I when I say contract it's a hit and so like yeah, here's the hit. Here's the folder. Here's there. Here's their location. Here's their name. Here's a picture. It's all obviously fictional. They make him go kill a guy yeah they're like he just picked out for murder. He just picked someone yeah. He's like I get his cute yeah. Let's see you do it walk outside kill someone show us what a lot of nothing bun cakes anymore and so
Our next live show is at nothing bundt cakes by the way, so he takes he takes the he takes the folder yeah and he turns around and he's like he's like hey wait he's like do i need to take a picture or something and send that to you to verify or and they're like and they're like yeah like yeah that would be great and then the guy reached it the FBI is like good doing business with you reaches for a handshake when he reaches for a handshake he cuffs him and rest them.
very movie so so and you know that he practiced it. Yeah, he was like, he's like babe, now the honey come in here. Is this natural? Does this feel? Does this feel like if you were in the room and you watched this happen? Would you be like
would you like that was cool? I would you be pretty hyped about now? If you were one of the people that he's going to shoot the starbucks employee and so there's a lot of people are going to be looking at that, but if there might be two people who see this, I be a couple of people watching lots of people are going to be more focused. I got shot, you know, like why is that guy who's clearly working for the FBI not doing any about this? Everybody in the building knows that this is an FBI state like that guy, he's like
he's wearing an FBI windbreaker, but he won't let the guy see his shot. He shot looks over another person is goes.
all according to plan. Don't worry, I'm with the FBI. The guys like FBI is like I don't were a roll hit. He never fit her anyway. We've added him. We I said kill that guy. We knew exactly what you're going to believe this for. He put out a hit on three of his siblings last week. All right, so we got a lot called two birds with one stone.
we're prepared. Here's the thing everybody's complaining. We got too many people incarcerated. We're spending too much money on people. What is one or not? So we're just making people who want to be hit bands do it and then we rest for it. Okay, what's so wrong with that? Yeah, that's pretty friggin smooth. Yeah, that is got a rest. Some obviously take a present. You're under contract and also
under a rest, so so yeah, so not only has this site got people trying to get hits done off saved one hundred and fifty people and it's also changed the life of one potential hit man.
Yeah, it's great. So this thing's still out there. If you know anybody who's looking to do a hit on someone, send them to this site. This is probably the best place for him to go because ask me hey, you know where I'm gonna get it. I've been thinking about killing my boss. You know where I can do that? Oh gosh, you know honestly no
you could go with a local guide, but this national service yeah, they're one of the biggest. They got great reviews on Angie's Lohop offered it when I moved yeah, just make sure you use duck duck go yeah. We move cross country. They're like hey, by the way, so we got your furniture. We got the truck all set up. We know your arrival days over. Is it anybody you want to kill?
Hey, just quick question. I do you know, is a call and turn your internet on for you. Great. We can do that for sure and then we'll actually hire a cleaning service and well then we'll hire another cleaning service. If you know what I mean, you know what I mean. I know I don't know what you mean. Can you be a little bit more explicit?
Oh that had not made it pretty clear when you tell that your head like that. I realized oh this guy's talking about killing somebody or cop. Are you please cop? Are you police? What's your email? Not a cop at bellhop.com. I believe it. I believe it. I buy it anyways. So that's read to hit man.com. I'm going to be honest. You before we shot this, you saw that my
internet browser had rent a hit man dot com open did see that I was like. No, I just saw the Google for rent a hit man near me. That's what you Google. You Google did not. I said read the hit man, Tennessee, I try to remember the name of this kid. Got a see that's what I was like. Is our manager okay? Our manager lives in Nashville, yeah,
We know other people in Nashville, so honestly, that's the whole thing. That's why I have a manager is I don't have to Google that stuff. Yeah, she does. Hey, I need you to get yourself on a list for me, please. She's already on the list. That's what I bet it or I was like. Are you already on the list? You are less. I'm on the way. Yeah, I'm going to get you on some. I was like perfect. Yeah, that's perfect. I don't want to put anybody's life in jeopardy. I want their life to already be in jeopardy. Yeah, so I don't know. Honestly, I don't know if going to this site will put you on a list
because it is on it's a parody. It's a parody site and it's very clearly. They make it clear that this is a joke throughout the site by saying this is a joke on the site, but people don't read anything. They fall for it and then they end up getting arrested because of it, so they end up FA F O fiddle around fiddle enough. There you go. I like that. I like that
If you like this episode and you want another topic, a similar Lake City Quiet Pills is an episode we did a couple of years ago and it is about actual assassins potentially allegedly. What they did was they hid the requests in the code of the website and so we did a whole breakdown and the story of how they all came together through reddit and different websites and how they were potentially handing out assignments. So that's Lake City Quiet Pills. There's also a ton of other episodes you can listen to and
Next week's episode is available right now to our members. If you want to join our membership program, you can go to tilland.com slash support. This helps us to fund the show and make it better and continue to upgrade our equipment and upgrade our space. We don't make a dime from this. We literally just want to make a better content and a better show for you. So thank you for checking out our show. Thanks for being here. We'll see you again next week on Things Over the Last Night.