Episode Transcription
in twenty thirteen, someone tried to poison President Barack Obama. This story is about a doctor who's selling body parts, a karate sensei who's running for local government and an Elvis impersonator who's going to crack the code. This is things I learned last night. It's a comedy podcast. You're going to learn about the story, but you're going to laugh a lot along the way. It's going to be a lot of fun and this episode why did you weird laugh dude? It's like a fag and yeah, this feels like a morning news show. It is a morning. That's right Tim.
this episode comes out. I don't have a lot of shows coming up, but oh, I also did realize in previous episodes that I said that I was going to be in Egan Illinois. That's because I've been watching Severance Egan's from Severance. It was South Elgin Illinois is where I was going to be and I just feel kind of dumb about it and I feel like I got to say it out loud. You know I got to come clean and be like hey, I'm sorry, but you can find all the shows by this point. There's some dates that are coming up in June that I don't know if they're announced by this point or not, so
if they are there on my website, which is we sell dead people yeah, and you can, and if right now you're like man, I want next week's episode. You can also go to we sell dead people dot com and join us on our membership platform where you can get next week's episode right now. So
I think we nailed this intro. I think we nailed it. Let's get to the episode.
Okay, man, they man, have you ever heard of a Paul Kevin Curtis, Paul Kevin Curtis, yeah, three different guys, one body.
Is this one of those people with three heads like Paul Kevin Curtis, be Paul Kevin? No, I do know this story and I'm very excited about this Paul Kevin Curtis. What I feel like there's like nine stories we have to tell here. Yeah, so let's start with the easy one. Paul Kevin Curtis lives in a town called Tupelo, Tupelo, Tupelo, Tupelo, Tupelo. I watched a video about this story.
Oh, I thought you were like I watched a whole video on how to pronounce to put no. I watched a video about this story and I'm not exaggerating and I know I'm going to say this and most of our like regular listeners are going to be like I know, but the guy this video pronounced literally
every single name wrong. Every person's name, every place, yeah, I'm not exaggerating every single one he put ice. How do you say any of these names wrong to the point where I was like this is a bit he's doing this on purpose. He is he's what he said stuff wrong. He called it to P. Low. He called it to P. Low. There's a I don't want to reveal all the characters. I mean I guess I could tell I don't worry about every character. He said the name wrong every place. He said the name wrong.
even some of the things that are in this like some of the items that take place in this story. He said wrongs yeah, I'm like I'm like how how are you with its intentional at that point? There's probably thirty things he said wrong episode and look. I know I say things wrong. I get it. I understand. I understand. I say things wrong, but I don't say every single. I really we got a lot to get to okay. You done with me talking about yeah, I'm sorry to you
acknowledging that you say stuff like I don't want you to be mad at other people for that. You're not mad at other people for that. I'm just saying it was we
just say that you went to New York really weird. Yeah, but New Yorker now that's why I talk so we New Yorker now I spent three days there. I know all about life in New York. If you go to New York and you do the bit where like a walk in here, someone like literally just jumps out of the gutters and they hate that. I didn't see that happen to three tourists. So I was there yeah. They come out. They literally come out of the sewers. I didn't see a single I didn't see a die the whole time I was there except for
when the cops are beating the crap. Yeah, and it was like one of those one of those Tom and Jerry Cartoon, where they're like really yeah, that I think hard to with the really wide ones. Oh yeah, really weird cartoon bats and they're like yeah yeah yeah it's like why are you nice thing so big? That seems hard to carry and transfer that you put that would you get
you know every time it hits it as one of the comic books, pow like how does this happen? Everything really is bigger in New York, Big Apple, baby, Big Apple, you're a big city guy though. I feel like I feel like you try to pretend that you're like a that you're not. I don't feel you are and I'm not. I like and it's very odd because I've never lived like in a city center like I've lived in
I've lived in cities, but I've been a guy yeah, but yeah, I just like my heart longs for the nice speaking of cities. Let's talk about Tupelo. Okay, yeah, so not big cities to below. If you don't know as a famous city because Elvis Presley was born there and they ham that up. They are very proud. They are. I wonder how long I've said this before. I think I said this in the podcast. Yeah, how
like will there be like Harry Styles impersonators when we're old yeah? I'm curious to see what that person is because like that phase is like. I feel like the Elvis impersonator genre is enduring because of the whole Vegas thing and it being like a cultural yeah element now. Does that make sense? Like it's an like it's it is it's kind of like it's it's an American thing.
it's like bald eagles and bacon like an el. Okay, but that's what I'm saying. It's like in Branson, there's a Beatles tribute band yeah who's going to that, but people who were alive when the Beatles were the Beatles, right? How when do you decide to shut that show down when people stop showing up? Yeah, but Elvis impersonators. Is it still going? I mean, I think we're getting to the end. That's what I want to close to the end. Yeah, I think yeah. I mean, I think it's
it's interesting with that though, because you think back to that time okay, and at that time there was just less of like like there wasn't as many giant stars like that, the because it was so institutionalized. Maybe you had just the people who were the industry decided was the big star. What's the demand for an impersonator like our people?
Because I know there's Michael Jackson impersonators No, I think it's... There's got to be some kind of psychology and stuff behind, Well, it's very odd. there are impersonators,
these elderly women, like 10 years retired elderly women going to these concerts for the Elvis impersonators, not the real Elvis, but the Elvis impersonators. And they are like throwing themselves at this impersonator. They love the impersonator. Yeah, like it's actually Elvis. Yeah. And it's like, oh, you know that's a fake, right? And also- But that's what I'm saying, they know that though. I know you're like 84. That's what I'm saying. They like the impersonator.
as like they don't they're not confused. They're not like that's Elvis. You know I'm saying like that's that's what I'm saying. Some like I would never strange to me yeah. That's what I'm saying is like it's they're not yeah there's not a disconnect right. They recognize that's not the real guy, but that's what here's the thing. What I realized watching it is I want to do something so significant that sixty years after I'm gone, there are impersonal early people are as excited about a person who's pretending to me me
as they would have been. If it was actually me like what a stranglehold you have to have on a society for you to die and people to pretend to be you and people to be just as excited about the fakes as they were about you. That's that's a stranglehold that's power baby, power baby. Okay, that's insane to me.
and it's what I'm saying. So like but the whole town like there's murals or statues of Elvis, there's like two below Mississippi is an Elvis shrine essentially yeah and there's dozens and dozens and dozens of impersonators who do the shows and people show up to the shows at the VA or whatever that's what they don't do shows freaking anywhere. They're doing them in the middle school auditorium and there's enough there. It's like I can make money. Yeah, they're making doing living doing it yeah
which is wild. It's why I'm saying I am saying how much longer will and this is a long tangent on Elvis impersonators, but how much longer will an Elvis impersonator because I think this is now a thing getting married at a chapel in Vegas by an Elvis impersonator is its own thing. Yeah, I think there's plenty of people who do that that's almost completely separate from Elvis Presley a hundred percent yes, and that's I'm saying
is that so many of the things that you and I associate with Elvis are not even things that he did. They're just hammed up acts that impersonators did yes yeah that eventually I feel like you know the all right, all right for Matthew, I hey is so far separated from who he what he actually does now we're just we're impersonating the impersonations is what I'm saying exactly yeah.
but how much longer do you think you'll be able to get married in Vegas by an Elvis impersonator? I don't think that'll ever go away. That's where I wonder. I think that has become like, but that's the thing a culture yeah and I think most of the people who do that have they couldn't name an Elvis song. Yeah, yeah, I think most of the people who see Elvis and take pictures with him on the strip. They couldn't name a song, but they like feel compelled to do it because it's so have you seen the video of this of this trip with the Michael Jackson impersonator watching a Michael Jackson impersonator? Have you seen that
no and the Michael Jackson person who looks just like him. Honestly, he's got I don't know if he got plastic surgery or if he just you know if he just looks like that yeah, he just looks like that is watching the impersonator and looking proud as if he's the real minor. You know saying like it's a video you have to watch it because he's looking at he's like
like he's like he's like wow. This is flattering to me another fake. That's what I'm saying. It's so what like there's there's two levels of broken people in this scenario. There's the people who go and watch impersonator and then there's a level of broken that you have to be to be to be that person. Yeah, yeah, that's crazy, but I can I can understand being the impersonator a little more because because honestly at the end of the day, I should say this
I shouldn't make the generalization. I see I'd say probably half of them are like. Oh, I love Elvis and I'm doing this out of passion, but half of them. It's obviously a grip like yeah yeah yeah and so like I think half of them are like I can get old ladies to love me just for the old women. What's up Grandma's? Oh dude, I kill a jello night. I'll tell you what
Dude, these old women love jello shots, dude. They friggin'- They LOVE jello shots, man. It's crazy. It gets-
crazy down at the Haywood, the Haywood Senior Center, you know, talking about yeah and we go down there on Tuesday nights and I do bingo as Elvis, but instead of BINGO, it's ELV, I S E twenty two, you know, Sam yeah and so and someone was Elvis and then I kiss him on the mouth. Show starts at three PM. That's incredible yeah. I got your home by seven yeah
It's a great gig. It's over now. Yeah, it's a good gig. I mean yeah, I just I find it hard to believe that that'll ever happen again because I just don't think that there's any stars that have like because there's a fake Taylor Swift that well yeah, I think we're spending a lot of time on this, but yeah, I think the nineteenth century was an interesting time because nineteenth century media hundreds. Sorry, the twentieth century. Sorry, the twentieth century was an interesting time because the media was so centralized. Yeah,
that I think the stars were much bigger stars and fair now it's more de centralized yeah like you have like a rogan there's a you and I aren't fans of Joe Rogan yeah yeah yeah where I think and obviously I wasn't alive, but I would I would say during Elvis's era like he was inescapable yeah and that's what you really want to be. I want to be in a that's power baby.
that's crazy. You're dead for sixty years and people so to below Mississippi. People love Elvis down there. Yeah, they love them. They love them a lot. Speaking of Elvis impersonators, yeah, there was a guy by the name of Paul Kevin Curtis. He goes by Casey for Kevin Curtis, yeah, because Casey is better than PC. I think I had a guess. I think that's why he does it, but yeah, so he was an Elvis impersonator, yeah grew up being an Elvis impersonator.
kind of interesting story. He has a brother. This is a toll sidebar, but he has a brother who was the all star kid like he was like the captain, the football team, like he really talented. Everybody looked up to him like and he was he Paul Kevin Curtis grew up in his shadow. I totally grew up in his shadow, but then he became an Elvis impersonator one day. One day he was getting ready for school, brushing his hair and he's like anywhere he went and then he was like
I said, uh-huh.
oho and so he started at like in middle school doing the thing and he started getting a ton of attention for it for the first time in his life. No he didn't that his older brother, no, no, no, no, Casey Casey started when he started doing it yeah, yeah, and then his brother saw that and his brother was like I can do that too. I could do that too, which socks man, so me came in all this in person yeah and his brother in him
so that be like if you become a counselor right now right, I could do that to actually I can actually I it's so easy. I don't know what is of that yeah. I could do that yeah. I just like anyway.
is you realize that you're good empathy. You go run to the other room. I get a dad, your dad, so tell me about your dad. Tell me about your dad.
I got that Freud in me. Ha ha ha ha ha.
I like my mom.
I got that right. It's crazy.
I got that fruit in me!
I got that Pavlov dog in me, dude. Ha!
it sucks. Wow, I don't know what time is it. We should wrap it up. Okay, come back for a okay. I guess so yeah. So his older brother, his older brother is like oh me too. I can do that like Casey is winning competitions when he's in high school, which so he's like good at it. That's what I'm saying. It's so it's only cool if you're in Tupelo, Mississippi. You know say like if you're if you're competing as Elvis is a high schooler, you're getting bullied for sure, but in Tupelo
and Tupelo, your star, you're like getting less bullied. Yeah, yeah, you're getting, you're getting bullied by all your peers, but you're getting praised by all right, right, right, all your peers, grandparents, by all your peers, moms, and that was really the own dude. That was like that was like dude. A bully would be like, oh, you're an Elvis impersonator. That's so lame. Yeah, yeah, your mom didn't think so. Your mom loves it you do weird. Okay, creeping on my mom,
So yeah, so his brother starts doing it. His brother says getting attention for two and then they decided to team up and do something Elvis never did, which was have a second. What's better than one hell to Elvai? Let's do it baby and this blew people's minds. They were oh my gosh, whoa, there's two Elvis to El. I don't remember this ever happening because it didn't and so they started like actually like touring, which was crazy. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know if they toward you know like they toward they toward tour. What do they tour?
they traveled the country. They went to places like Branson. They went to places like Vegas and they would do these shows and competitions. I think they win. Okay, they did national tours and competitions all over the place together and so they were like this duo. They are like a power do. I mean I say that I go yeah. I can't believe people toward the people will tour with anything yeah, you know yeah and the question is like what is they
I mean yeah, we know that we know they said tour they're touring blippy on ice right now. You know, like anything can be a tour. I'm saying like freaking yeah, that's fair. Yeah, I don't know how many people were coming to these shows yeah, but they win around the country doing their shows. Yeah, we did it. We had a tour. We were on really good. It was a great tour. A lot of people came out. A lot of people showed up for that. Yeah, people paid for it. Okay, maybe that parts alive, but like people win
people came. Some people showed up. Some people didn't know they were showing up for it. Some people thought they were just getting coffee that night, but I go. Oh, there's a weird comedy show out there. That overweight fella singing songs about we should go bell. Yeah, I was trying to have a nice romantic date night and this guy's ruining it. I'm on a first date right now. I do think about how we were and I think about this tour a lot. We were in
college of angel in two thousand and fourteen. I don't know our young listeners will never understand this anymore. We didn't all consume the happenings of the world at all times everywhere we went yeah. That's kind of crazy. It's never really not that long ago. Do you were you in like two thousand fourteen? Were you up on the happenings? That's what I'm saying to trick. We didn't know we didn't care. We we care, but not like we got stopped on the street interview. Do you remember that in Chicago
Oh gosh, we did on the street interview. This is questions and we literally were just like I had no idea yeah and like I worry sometimes that we're in like a freaking Kimmel compilation looking so stupid being like. I don't know. I don't know what he's talking about. I don't remember what they asked. I don't know what they asked. I remember it being about the issues of that time, but it would be like if someone stopped on the street now and asked you where you were like Israel, Palestine and you're like oh yeah. I mean I lot of complex issues that I said I for some reason know so much about yeah
We didn't freaking live like that in 2014 yeah interesting. We were doing freaking the Harlem Shake, dude. Why does he say it like that?
no, no, that's making a comeback. I here yeah. I like that one anyway. That's what we're going to tour sixty years from now is the harlem shake tribute pay holy to an hour of the is we know we go up and we do the harlem shake and then we go and then at the end of it's a surprise. It's like a little encore yeah. It's like it ends and we're all like that was super fun and then someone goes. What does the fox say you know and we do all the hits yeah
Oopa Gundam style and like and we sit here and we're like wow music. This day sucks. It's like free in a bad. Come on, but to be fair, we all knew that sucked. Yeah, well, and we were like the thrift shop song or whatever, like I'm imagine tags. We were all well aware of how much we were. That was the joke. We were. We were in on it. Yeah, that we like yeah. We thought it was funny. We were in on her joking around about a kidding.
we that was just a anyway. I'm saying we got stopped on that tour, so they were touring doing double trouble. Yes, yes, doing their doing their duo Elvis thing. Yeah, but anyways, all this is kind of backstory of just how damaged this kid is. Well, I mean yeah, they're they're not making a living doing it. That was what I mean. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and so he starts a business. He well, he gets married, he grows up, gets married, starts a business because his wife is like you got to get a real job.
Yeah, you got to and sees a case like I do have a real job. I'm tell your wife says about the podcast where your wife is like a wrap this up to do something real. They transporters, you know, she's just not enough.
Yeah, support us on page. You're listening to my wife. Stop. I come out when this episode come out. I don't know. I got to look at the data on the pulled up arch eleven March, eleven good guess. Let's see. It is going to be who very close March, fourth, okay, Tim's babies getting closer yeah, and if you don't support on Patreon, they have to give it away.
so Tim's wife said that if we don't have two hundred supporters by May, Tim's wife told us that if we don't have two hundred supporters by the end of this month, serious this is serious to get rid of that kid and just like it's going to become the neighbors kid. It's the hospitals, baby and and no they're going to give her the neighbors and then she's going to have to watch it grow up next door.
every day and show us be sitting there in the morning and try that could have been ours, but like, but if you know the till and fans didn't care enough, you know, they care enough so I'll tell you what those neighbors. They are a loving caring family who are going to do a better job. It sucks man. It sucks to watch this kid grow up. He's going to be able to compete in whatever Elvis comment. Yeah he wants to he's going to be such a good Elvis.
without us. Can you imagine the other seed be with us? So support us so that Tim's kid can grow up in Tim's home yeah and be a mediocre and I don't. I feel comfortable making these jokes again. Breed never listens to this Tim's parents do. They don't like that joke. They're like we didn't like that bit at all and you know what? Maybe you should support us on
Terry maybe you should maybe you should sign up then
okay, so you see how it doesn't like when I talk to his mom. Talking to my Terry, don't listen to him. Okay, so we're supported if we had the pillow pet money.
If you've been watching for a minute and you like this show, Our patrons get a ton of perks for their support.
We do monthly hangouts. There's a way to get birthday messages on your birthday. There's a lot of great perks, but more than anything, you just help make sure that this show continues to happen forever. We never want to stop. We're going to keep doing this forever. If we have enough patron supporters, we can put our brains in those little vats and have AI pretend it's us. And so we can keep doing it long after we die, but that only happens if you support us on Patreon. So we appreciate your support. Thanks for your help. If you don't want to support, that's totally fine. Thanks for being here. We really appreciate you watching the show.
so we so he gets he gets a real job and by gets a job. He starts a cleaning business sure and honestly good business. Yeah, that's a quality business to be in every management. Everybody needs everybody needs stuff to be gives a speech to his team. He's he's managing facilities. He's got to get this place clean, okay, and so he starts cleaning up and while he's clean it up, he gets a good offer.
to be the cleaner upper at the local hospital. Yeah, he's the big cleaner guy at the hospital, which actually is a pretty big contract, a huge deal, big, big hospital, huge deal, honestly, arguably potentially life changing opportunity right, and so he gets it starts cleaning. He's cleaning there for a while and he does something that's like which that's kind of crazy to me that they third party contract that you know
I guess he just wax some floors and stuff. You know yeah. I mean there's probably like yeah, it's probably there's a different crew that office cleans utensils and beds and stuff. You know, but yeah, I guess the hallways and stuff. That's a big it's a big contract. If they can get a better deal, yeah outsourcing it yeah and yeah. This is a fairly large hospital in the area, so he's cleaning and he does what we probably in the business would call a career limiting move and so one day he is you know cleaning and he says
I'm going to explore around some areas. I've seen every ask him to clean a certain area. They ask him to clean something. It was like a party. They asked him to clean, but he he did a little like he. I don't think that's what it was. I thought he was supposed to clean this. Okay, go ahead and tell what happened and then I'll give my argument for why I think it was viable that he was in this area. Yeah, so they're at a party. He was asked to clean a specific area of the hospital and while he's cleaning, he stumbles into the morgue and he started digging around the morgue and he finds
surprise surprise human body parts right and that's where they keep them at a hospital in the morgue and and so he gets really excited about the fact that he found right a human head. He found a human head, a human head arms. Yeah, human head was the big thing. The human head was the exciting yeah to him and he couldn't shut up about it. Well, okay, so here's what I think happened yeah right is he did
get asked to clean this area of the room and this is a pretty. This is a restricted area, obviously because there's body parts in the fridge. Yes, yes, yes, which is not crazy. You're sitting here listening. You're like, why does the hospital have a head? If someone is needs those eyes that are donated, they're not just in a jar. That's in a cartoon. Yeah, right. Also, if somebody dies, you kind of put it all on the fridge. You got a
I that's not true to them. They don't chop you up. If you die, well, I mean if you don't fit the fridge, it's not a size is you Tim. They have odd job fridges at the hospital. They open up the cabinet like all man. That's what do that. That's where where's dirty. Yeah, they open it up. They said all the big jars dirty. Here's right. I got to cut him into so here's what happens. He starts
taking people to that room and showing them the head yeah, because he's he's height of he's like he's like I found a head right. I found a head and then he's like telling everybody in the hospital. He's a hey man. I saw the craziest thing you want to see this head, so he takes them to that area. People see it and they're scarred for life. They throw up and they're like. I wish you didn't show me well. You don't know. Here's what I think happen. I think he was he was rightfully supposed to clean this area of the hospital. Yes, yeah, he saw the body parts right.
what he wasn't supposed to do is then bring everyone in the hospital into that room. Well, the body parts, I think he was supposed to clean that area. I don't think he was supposed to open the fridge. Oh yeah, for sure, for sure. I think I think he did something he wasn't supposed to do there and then I think he definitely does something. It wasn't supposed to talk about it. No one would have known he wouldn't have gotten in trouble for peeking in the fridge and the well, there's a head in there. Yeah, yeah, you know what yeah, no, but he would get in trouble for being like hey, you guys want to like making a field trip out of it for everyone on the second floor. You know saying
and that's that's where I think yeah, he was all the way he gets when he gets rightfully terminated yeah he's like oh you're you're terminating me because you're trying to cover this up. That's what the conspiracy brain does is the conspiracy brain is they're firing me because I saw ahead.
and you're like hey you moron they're firing you because you came to work and every single person you saw the first thing you said wasn't hey happy Tuesday or hey happy birthday. I see you're wearing that birthday sashes your birthday right or hey I'm really sorry for your loss. I can see you're a family who's crying right now and holding a bouquet of flowers for a family member who clearly just passed. It was hey y'all want to see this and I found you want to see human head. You want to see a human head. You want to
area that you only had access to to clean this without one minute and then now all of a sudden your your people are tossing the head back and forth playing catch in a room and head ball in the more you quit. What even is head ball or even his head ball made up a game that you throw someone's head around. So yeah, you got fired. You guys want to play head ball. Hey, you guys will play some head ball. No
not really. It's really fun. It's kind of like basketball, but with head you guys like football in it. Yeah, you know that commercial with Patrick Mahal and the state farm guy and it's like it's like oh it's soccer, it's football. What is it? It's kind of a farm guys head is back there all that guy that's dig from state. You have things for see. Okay, honestly, honestly, if you find Jake from state farms head at Hospital Warg,
you should bring everyone to see that that anyway, so he loses this contract because yeah, long story short, take everyone to see the head yeah long story short, the hospital is not happy about this. He gets cut and and you letter of termination. You alluded to that his he has conspiracy brain, so he goes oh my gosh, they're trying to cover this up. Yeah, they're covering up the head, not oh you did something you weren't supposed to. It's you cut. You're covering up the head and so he begins to create this elaborate story.
of the hospital is selling human body parts on the black market and not just this hospital, but again I already said the reason they keep the body parts is for donation right or like that's the reason they would have a whole head is for if you were an organ donor right organ donor an organ donor yeah. They're not just keeping the head to be like that's kind of cool. I never see one that looks like this before and so like yeah
yeah, I don't say it in the more, but he's running around telling not only over the hospital, but everyone in this town that the hospital has body parts. Therefore they must be selling them yeah, which is a crazy thing to you. You're connecting dots yeah yeah right, so now he's creating this big story about how the hospital selling body parts yeah, and they're a part of this large connected black market. What year is this around? This was ninety nine. This is also
perfect time for the internet. Yes, yeah, the internet's just now starting to pop off and this is again. We've said this on the show before conspiracies used to be limited to your weird uncle who would say some weird crap and then you'd be like that's a shut up uncle Dan. You know, I need to be like you'll see one day or whatever and that would be the end of it yeah yeah, but then uncle Dan found all the other uncle Dan's on the internet and they were like yeah, that's right actually yeah, and so now they're not alone and they're dumb think yeah and they're
No, you're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. It's yeah. All those people, they got forums and they started talking on forums and then they got Facebook groups and they started talking ice base, the whole thing, another podcast. Yeah. And now they decide elections. So now they have their conspiracies about yes, all the stuff yeah about how we're all this like
these these body parts are being right put or sold in the black market. Yes, so he thinks that it's this big conspiracy. All the all these underground sales of human right parts and he's connecting all these crazy lines and he's telling anybody literally every single person he talks on a huge town. How most of the population of Tupelo population in ninety nine so we can get a better picture of what it was back then because it's not it's a city, but it's not like
you know, this is a huge city is to blow Mississippi by the way. I don't know if I said Mississippi yet so yeah ninety nine. The population was between thirty four and thirty five thousand people. Yeah, that's not a big. It's a small town. It's the right size where it's like everybody knows your business yeah and so everybody knows this guy's going around and talking about the head yeah and the body parts and they also know he lost. Who was the weird guy in town? Did you have a weird guy? No, I have a suburb of a metropolis. That's right. Yeah,
we had some weird people in Mount Vernon. We had the lawn mower couple. What I've heard a lawn more. I've told you about the lawn mower couple. There are a couple that drives lawn mowers instead of cars pretty self explanatory dude. They didn't have cars. They had lawn mowers and could you guess what they did for work? Did they mo lot a mo and I was really hoping no they were no. They were doctors. I don't think I ever actually saw them mowing a lawn. Now that I think about it
I maybe I just associated that anyway yeah. They drove lawnmowers instead of instead of that. We also had Mikey who was a special needs adult who the town basically gave Mikey a job. Yeah, so Mikey had a gate town as in like city hall or the town as in like the people of town said no the city. He had like an official like he had a gator like a like a gator yeah like an alligator nope
like you know the little little like a gate that you can know like what do I even call this thing like a good suit up golf cart. Yeah, I knew the whole time, but yeah, it was close. He had the yellow light on it and everything and his job was to go clean up trash essentially yeah and then he lived in this little honestly a shack. I don't know why the town didn't buy him a better house. I could give him shoes for real though like the thing that he the little shack that he lived in. I was anyway
so the town gave him a job and he wasn't a weird guy. He was just a special needs adult who had he was like Hollywood on a yeah yeah yeah, but you know how kids are with that yes the kids are like that guy scary. You know, even though he wasn't at all yeah, slinging slasher, he's the yeah and then we had we had a lot of weird people. Now I'm thinking about yeah I've met. I met a couple of them when I that like one month I lived there through you did meet some of the weirds yeah Vernon
Yeah, I cannot tell you a single one from my home. Oh, there's the witch lady that I told you about. We rode her bike around and hung newspaper things. I met her. I met her. Yes, you did. I called. I called you. I was like I was like, I was that. Where was it? Casey's at the truck stop. Yeah, there's a weird lady. Well, now I said there's a man. I can't. Why is there this weird manicure? She moved and I was like, no, that's a person, but that's a human. Yeah, you ran into. I forget what we called her. She wrote her bike around. She literally was just standing outside the door like this. Dude, here's a thing
I am from a small. I'm proud of where I came from. I love Mount Vernon and it's really fun to okay. He's gonna keep going. Are you gonna tell us to keep? I like that I'm from Mount Vernon. I'm not. I'm not ashamed to where I grew up. There's just some stuff that there's there's elements of a small town culture. There's yes and there's so many things about that small town culture that I'm sad that my kids won't experience yeah, but then there's so many other things and I'm pretty glad my kids won't have to experience yeah yeah.
so anyway, and so what what KC experienced was everyone knew his everyone knows everything yeah everyone you got fired of a wave. People are like and then people will talk to each other. They'll be like hey, because you because here's the thing about conspiracy people. They will trap you in that conversation yeah yeah you will. You can't escape it there's you didn't bring it up yeah you didn't say anything yeah yeah
you be like where you're working at well. Here's why I got fired. I got fired and I saw ahead because they're selling body parts down to the hospital and you're like and you're like I actually have somewhere. I'm you know. Actually, I was just being nice yeah actually honestly couldn't care less. I was whatever you're saying being nice yeah just say just say yeah. I work at McDonald's and move on yeah. You know like let's not do all this, but yeah everyone knows everything, so people will warn other people essentially being like hey
careful what you bring up around Casey yeah around Paul, Kevin Curtis. They got a they had a group chat for the whole town like okay. See at the subway right now, everybody paper. They were like hey, don't worry. I talk to Casey oh he's in the morning paper is like hey, they're trying to cover it up. I everybody knows it gets papers in on town. He's telling everybody in the world.
and they all know he lost his job yeah and it's becoming a big issue because he's like well, I now I can't get any income, but he's like super passionate about it. Long, short short leads to a lot of problem in his marriage. These a lot of problems to all of his relationships and well yeah, because everyone in town knows that you're married to the hospital in a tick yeah yeah and he starts he starts to I don't know what the right word is go off the wall a little bit like he see he seems very obsessed with this and he's very much like that
that always there's a delphi. I've watched the documentary. The saddest footage in the whole documentary is his wife like he's filming his wife. You know I'm talking about that scene yeah and we'll get to that later, but you can literally like he because he's got a lot of footage of him filming his wife. He becomes the dad who's sitting at the computer all day yeah all day yeah and just consuming conspiracy stuff. Now I thought about this
is that it used to be your dad would sit in the corner on the computer all day, not our dad, but you know I'm talking about that that dad would sit on his on his computer all day and just scrolling forms on stuff and now they just moved it to their phones and now that dad will just sit on the couch, just trolling conspiracy, scrolling Facebook. Yeah, that's now those forums. Yeah, that's the same, but you footage that he's he took of his wife. You can literally just see her disso disassociate and she's just
spaced out and he's like. Can you believe all this stuff and she's just you can see the weight of it on her yeah her face? It's really sad he's losing it yeah and because because he gets he gets like it becomes kind of a pipeline for him because that's what the starting moment, but he gets sucked into like all conspiracies. Yes, like it's not just that, but that's like the top one and that's the one he's the most passionate about. It's also ninety nine two years before yeah nine eleven yeah, which then is
opens up the floodgates of like the conspiracy right world really, so he actually goes and he gets a bill like he puts a bill through to be like yeah. We're no more selling body parts. We can't do that anymore. No more black market also represent yeah. How does how do the person get a bill draft? I think I think anyone does anyone could do it. You just write it up. You get some local reps to sponsor it and then you're like okay. Let's do this.
did any local rest. I don't think he got any local reps to sponsor. He wrote his draft it up. He wrote his bill sent it and yeah and he was trying to get a sponsored. I think he did have one guy, but it's one of those like to we should or he, but that happened. He named it like US US, no more body parts. No, no, no, he like he like called it house bill two six one or something, but it's not a it wasn't an actual yeah. I wasn't that actually have a broken brain. Yeah, too, is that he just
you know, because he doesn't understand how bills get passed or how any of that works. Yeah, he just called it house bill two six one. I think I think what happened to is like he went to he went to some party or gathering or maybe he maybe his double trouble thing was playing an event and there was a representative there. That's right. He started talking to that representative and the representative told him how to do it and he was like yeah. I mean that sounds like probably a good thing to stop people from illegally selling human body parts. He was like cool. This guy signs off on it and he was like he's like I got his support and that guy's like I didn't say
I was talking about the same the guy that they know. Okay, so here's what because he hired they hired him as an Elvis impersonator yeah and then he here's the thing is that when you bully somebody and you're not clear that you're bullying them, you know I'm saying is that he went so I heard you. I heard you got fired from the hospital for some kind of body part thing. That's that representative being a jerk
that's what that was yeah. He's just like I heard you got fired for it. You know he's because he's just like now you're kind of dumb right. That's essentially what that was and then he was like and then I was you don't think so. You don't think the representative being like hey, I heard you if I because you're you've heard about the body part selling huh or you got some crazy views about them selling body parts out of the hospital and he was like yeah. I do he said be careful with that. Be careful with that and that yeah so that if you know
and he doesn't read that as hey, you're an idiot. He reads that as I'm on the right, but this guy knows about yeah, I'm not talking about that guy. I'm talking about the other rep that was like oh yeah, this sounds like a good thing. We probably should stop that, but he doesn't know the whole story sure and he's just like yeah, that sounds good. He's like he's like, but the here's how you do it and so he thinks he's signing off on that, but yeah, that guy he was like oh he's in on it. He's he's he's funneling body parts through and he's at the top level of the government. He's making this happen sure. Tell your story then and so
He he he drafts this bill, he sends it, and so he sends it off to that guy because that's his local representative who's got to sign off on it. And that guy rips it up and is like, this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. And then he starts to believe, OK, this guy's in on it and he is a part of the conspiracy and he doesn't want me to be a part of now. Why is that guy in on it? Are we talking about that guy now? Yeah, yeah. Let me look at let me let me look up his name real quick. So Steve Holland was the representative. He sent this to to to get this bill passed. Yeah.
and he was not having it and he then KC starts to think, Oh, Steve Hollins in on it. He's part of selling the selling the these body parts and the reason for it, the reason for his connection. Well, is obviously he seems like pretty dismissive of the whole thing because he thinks it's ridiculous because it sure is pretty ridiculous, but there's a little side story hidden him and his mom, Steve Holland and his mom, Steve Holland and his mom. They run a funeral home together.
Yeah, which is it's weird. It's pretty weird. Me and my mom, we run this funeral together like a bonding thing. Yeah, and so so he's he's like a the representative, but he's also right now he's got this gig as the funeral guy, and so it you can kind of see how you get there. You're like oh this representative shoot down, shoots down my bill to not harvest body parts and sell them on the black market and he's
you know he owns a few got a lot of dead bodies around him hangs out with the dead. He's a mortician yeah he's not yeah he is like the guy who does it all. Is he the is he the guy or does he just do it sometimes because I kind of got the vibe from the documentary that like he wasn't supposed to be the guy that it did it well he's been around it enough for is like I can cut the guy I got the vibe that he you know that's what they did and now he's representative so he's hired.
Yeah, he's got a staff now, but he and his mom ran these funeral homes. Interesting. I met someone recently who owns a funeral home. Yeah, are they weird property? No, pretty normal, pretty normal, but it was interesting hearing about it because it was like him and a friend. They went in together to get this funeral. I mean, it was the whole graveyard. Obviously you have the funeral home in the graveyard and he was like yeah, we kind of split responsibilities. He's like, so I handle the funerals. He handles the maintenance and so he's like my friend goes up there
and he does like all the like lawn care yeah and then your friend got the better end of that deal, dude, and then I just get a call whenever someone dies and then he's like he's like it. So does he do the embalming and all that he doesn't do all that they like outsource all that stuff, but he has to like cordon and a party contractor, an omer yeah. He has to coordinate all that's who the weird person is. You know saying yeah the entrepreneur he's got the hustle grime shoot dude. That's a great bit
a guy who's just like yeah. I run six businesses, one of my embalm people for funeral homes because they don't want to do that. Yeah, the other have a social media market. So here, so I actually own. I own a crib and baby store and then I own a
teen apothecary right for for teen clothes, then I own a wedding shop, right, and then I own and I'm a divorce lawyer. I'm a financial advisor, obviously, lawyer, and then I also I sell it works homes and then I own the funeral. So I'm a full life care kind of guy. Yeah, I'm a life coach. If you will, coach, I prefer guide. I prefer the word. I'll take you through the whole thing yeah and I'll bury you.
crazy dude shark, dude, psychos, do this. Can you imagine going on shark take a trying to pitch him charging business? Dead people are gross. We make a black. That's why there's none of them in this room right now. That's why we keep them away from you know who's never in the decision room.
dead guy. He's like that's why today I brought a few. You guys see a dead guy look. How gross they are that on platter. You hate that yeah. That sucks doesn't it. What if I told you that that shark has been dead the whole time you didn't even know that's how good I am. Kevin hasn't made a deal in six seeds
guy involved him six seasons ago for this moment. Heck yeah, dude. Anyway.
that's crazy. So so reasonable to be a little suspicious sure that this guy might maybe somewhat be involved in selling body parts on the black market. You know somewhat reasonable connection. Sure yes, so I sell dead people sue me pretty good website. So I don't know if you should look that one up. You think it's available
let's find out I so when when Casey when Paul Kevin Curtis, when Casey says that he's on the dark web yeah. What does that mean? When people say that dang it, it's
we get done at pops up, it's taken. Oh, it's probably parked right.
I probably shouldn't go to this, but here we are committed. Yeah, I'd say it's just parked. Someone bought that being like oh yeah, someone's gonna want this. I can flip that to me. That's crazy. Sell that people so Casey starts going around talking about how yeah this guy's connected to this. That's why he shot down my house bill and then something happens one day
relatively normal day and what did I say this guy's now Steve Holland, Steve on Steve Holland, opens up his meal and it's there's he's got suspicious, suspicious mail that day. Another another is in his house. I think it was at his office. Yeah, I don't know which office but is that his office. He gets suspicious mail, another house or another like a congressman gets some suspicious mail and then most noteworthy
President Barack Obama gets some suspicious mail. What year is this? This is two thousand and thirteen. Thank you
I was trying to set the stage that now we're thirteen years ahead of where the story start. So this has been going yeah he's obviously been in this deep into the conspiracy hole and in two thousand and thirteen yeah rock Obama. What was the other representative's name starts with the W or was he the senator? Was he the representative? I think he was a congressman. I think it was the congressman of the state, the state rep Ben Thompson, the congressman and then Steve Holland, the local right
all got suspicious. That's right, yeah, Steve Hollins mom is a judge. Yes, yes, she's also a judge, which is also suspicious. Yes for body parts, yeah, and they all get a suspicious letter. Yeah,
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They all get the package. Steve or Steve Hall's mom is the one who kind of sounds the alarm and then they inspect it and they're like, oh, this is interesting. They do the inspection and then they're like, we should inspect those other weird ones. So it goes up the chain because she open it. I believe she opens it and I do think she gets sick. Yeah and so they they investigate. They find it with obviously the president, the congressman, the senator and her the judge.
they realize they're all connected and these are all laced with rice and their letters race laced with rice and which is a poison yeah, I said is the is the white powder substance that if you open the envelope, you get any contact with it. It's deadly. Yeah, you're done. It's very dangerous. Yeah, it's the reason that everything that's sent through the White House or anything like that is screened. Yeah,
Yeah, this I was opened by somebody other than the people who would send to and they have to which sucks because there's somebody who's just like ah well, you're alive, I'm dead today, blommer that killed me. So they they find this rice in and in this rice and letter there's there's a letter on it and the letter. Here's what's interesting. He has for years been posting on these forums, all these conspiracies ramblings like you see people do when they
he's also written a book at this point. Oh, I forgot call as the screen play. Yeah, he's he's writing a screenplay yeah he's written this book yeah yeah about his life and how he's taking down this ring. I'm the I should tell the story because you missed some very crucial things that happened here, right. Look up that doctor in New York who got caught right while I'm telling this part. Okay, so Casey has written a book called missing pieces yeah.
and he is he's written this self published book about all the conspiracy. These got the things that he's putting together. He's uncovered this big ring. He is actually he's running like fate like what would be called Facebook groups. I they were I for where they were like Facebook, my space like groups and he's doing these big video calls with people and
having them share their stories about them and their area about body parts getting sold. So he's got people from Connecticut and Arizona and New Mexico and he's in Mississippi and he's got people all over the country, reinforcing this idea that there's this big ring of body parts getting sold right, and so they're actually they're narrowing in on one specific doctor and I believe it was New York. Yeah, he was a specific doctor in New York, after Michael Mastrom Marino
master marino, yep, and they have for years been like we think this guy is selling body parts right and everyone's like I mean you're crazy all the stuff. Well, what year did this happen in two thousand five that is covered that he was pulling bones, tissue and other organs from deceased in two thousand five master marion, where we went on nailed it, whatever that doctor in new york is actually caught doing the thing that at that point kc is only six years into believing right. So this
This is almost like we did an episode about Alex Jones, not a couple years ago, and in that episode we talked about how Alex Jones uncovered an actual conspiracy when he was in high school, and this is what I think happened is that that reinforced that part of his brain and for Casey he was like. Oh, this is real. I'm not crazy, and it's one of those things where one element of this massive story you've told yourself is true.
Therefore, you believe the entire story is true because you've reinforced with this one element, but that's not enough to build that big of a story arm. Yeah, so he's been doing this. Also, every time he tells these stories, it grows grander and grander and grander. It grows from I saw one head in the refrigerator to I saw refrigerators full of heads. I saw, you know, by birth with labels on them, all this stuff. It grows to like where he's changing his memory to instead of Oh, I just saw one head in the hospital. Now it's I saw
twenty heads in the hospital. He is holding. He's doing like street evangelism. He's having small groups at his house and he's having people share their stories of their conspiracies and it really is like we grew up in Christian environments. It when he was showing the footage when they were showing the footage of their like small group of their house, yeah, that felt so churchy, yep, yep, so this has been ten years of now thirteen years of this
this is real. This is happening and all these people are covering it up. Yeah, yeah, also in that timeline he gets divorced right and then his wife is working for his brother at his brother's insurance company, which also you have to look up as brother.
because his brother advertises his insurance salesman stuff as the Elvis impersonator, so it's like he's like he's like he's like hey come on, which is the thing he stole from his little brother right, so his wife starts working for his brother. They are a little too close little weird little little too close. They probably touch faces sometimes and and that really bothers Casey a lot so
there's so many external things at this point. He's isolated himself from his kids who are now growing up and he's divorced. Yeah, there's a footage that he takes. He's got the camera pointed at his wife where he says. Do you think you're my brother's more handsome than me? Yeah, you know, and you can see her face just so she's somewhere else and she's just no and it's so sad that he's
Yeah, yeah, he's better looking. He's got more money. He's taken her all these business trips. Yeah, it is nice. He's not insane. He's not a crazy person thing. So what I'm saying is that in ninety nine he sees this thing in the hospital. He gets fired for it. He's conspiracy brain kind of triggers a little bit. He does all this stuff two thousand five. It's reinforced because one element of this massive story turns out to be true. Yeah, so then he
doubles down on it, triples down on a quadruples down on it so much that he's exiled himself from anybody in his real actual life. Yeah, two thousand thirteen. These suspicious letters show up and they say this and they say to to see a wrong and not expose it is to become a silent partner in this continuance and then it's signed off as as I am Casey and I approve this message and it's lace with rice and yeah
and so there's also a mention of missing pieces in it in the right. Yeah, I mean I might just be saying just a a letter. Read the one that was sent to Obama. So I what I've while you're looking that up when I am like so I've been reading a lot about cults or you know just conspiracy minded people and how they end up here and a lot of people write this stuff off like it's just harmless.
it's like oh, I mean yeah, he's got some crazy ideas, whatever like we still it's the same thing of like oh, I would never cut someone out because they believe this weird stuff, but they there is such an I the isolation is part of it. Yes, like you yeah, it's unavoidable. It's not one of those things where it's like oh man, like you have to confront this yeah. If this is happening with your family member, you have to confront it. Otherwise it will. It will always lead to the isolation of that. They will always
it's like a cancer like it just grows and it gets worse and worse and worse. The more you let it grow yeah. I was. I've been thinking about this recently while we can say this conversation. We can say that the after the available to our patreon supporters, which are now part of to save Tim's family. So the earlier I terry, the first part of this letter to your mom, the first part of this letter says no one wanted to listen to me before
there are still missing pieces. Yeah, maybe I have your attention now, even if that means someone must die. This must stop to see a wrong and not expose it is to become a silent partner in its continuance. I am Casey and I approve this. You read the least dramatic part of the of the letter dude to even it to expose the truth, even if someone must die and then you were like, I don't know what I don't want to say. Yeah, he says I'm willing to sacrifice somebody. They're still missing pieces. I am Casey and I approve this message yeah yeah and so
obviously the FBI is not excited about this right and they're like we need to figure out who does this. They do some digging and they find that Casey is on all these forums on Facebook in his Facebook groups constantly signing off from everything saying I'm Casey and I approve this message and then also having like you said the the screenplay book thing called missing pieces and so they think this is enough circumstantial evidence to bring him in and question him and so they bring him in they question him obviously they don't get a lot out of these questions, but they
book him and they hold them and they begin a trial as if he is the guy who did this because he has this grand story. It's the people who he has beef with that got targeted with this. He's got this big conspiracy. He's very outspoken with it and then obviously a lot he mentions each of these people who are targeted with the rice and like he sent these letters, yes and the letters are postmarked from an area close to where he lives and so there's just a lot of things that say okay, they
point towards. He's probably the book. He says I am Casey and I approve this message. Yes, yes and so they're doing this whole trial. He's he's booked. He's held for a couple weeks. They're investigating him the whole time and the judge of his trial. Oh, who was the judge? The judge of the trial ended up being Steve Howe's mom. Yeah, the the person selling the body parts right. I forgot about that. I you might be right. I don't know
I don't know. Was she not the judge of that trial? It may have been a different trial that he go to. Did he go to trial for something else because she was his judge at one point?
yeah. I don't remember he chose to read was on that self because he's because yeah he's done dumb dumb. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. Honestly, so yeah, so he's arrested for sending the rice and letters yeah he's arrested for sending the rice and letters and this is all over the news. This was this was the this is huge. I mean I remember the news happy yeah being like oh yeah. Guys, try my got a lot of letter yeah
yeah and that's where it is what the representative said in the documentary too, was had he just sent it to his local representative. It would not have been the massive story that it is yeah yeah you know, but he said it went to the press. Now it's the biggest story in the country yeah yeah and so which that's news for you. Just so you guys know, remember you can poison your locals, but you can't poison the feds. So the f has got him
in their interviews. They're asking them the questions there at the light on them. The whole thing you know how that goes. They search his home. Yeah, they they're doing the whole night because they really j when they came and got him. They kicked down his door. Yeah, they it was a raid like it was an FBI raid and obviously small town big news FBI rolls into town. Everybody's talking about that for years. Yeah, so he gets booked. He's in questioning and in the questioning he doesn't have like a lot of answers for what's going on, but at
at one point in the questioning process, he starts bringing up a name of another character that we haven't met yet and guy by the name of Everett Dutch, never Dutch key a little bit about him, former military guy owns like a local karate studio and is like the the karate teacher. Yeah, the karate teacher, the karate teacher, yeah, I know karate. He's the karate teacher and they had an interesting relationship because at one point they want you to call him sensei
Yeah, he's the karate sensei yeah, and so at one point they had like a little. I said what they want you to call. I'm not that's what they want you to call. Actually, I was sensei. No, you're not. They had they had like a little bit of a budding friendship for a second because it Dutch key heard him talk about the body parts was like yeah. I buy that yeah, and so like he like supported the theory and they kind of like I don't want to say spiral together because I don't know if I would
go that far, but they kind of like you know and each other's flames. Yeah, they did the conspiracy thing together and he was like yeah, I believe that and then he's like he's like I know some other conspiracy theories. He's like oh, you tell me you're and so they were their conspiracy buddies right well well and and dusky had run like a newsletter or something that for years case. He had been sending his stuff to dusky trying to get him to because that dusky had long term goals of becoming a politician.
yes, yes, so dusky's been you know around all these politicians and trying to work his way into was it the Republican Party at that point like he's trying to you know through the two thousands just at all the different events trying to you know work his way into that circle so he could eventually run for office and that was his big thing about trying to start a karate studio was that dusky starts a karate studio in this town to kind of
make roots in this town, so that he can become the representative, which is a crazy thing to do to move to a new town and be like. I can't just run for representative here. I just moved here yeah, so I got to get to know everybody. The best way to do that is to teach them all karate. It's like a missionary, yes, that's what I'm trying to get power here power conspiracy theorists really are operating at a discipleship model that works better than the church models. Yeah, it's crazy, alarming yeah.
because they're insidious ideas and they just yeah, that's on to people. So he he he moves into town. He was you guys want to see a human head. You know it's crazy. Yeah, you can't start with that. It was an Italian. Like you guys want to learn how to kick better. You're pretty bad at it. I'm a sense. I'm going to teach you how to kick. It's like cool. I'd like to know how to kick better. So he has aspirations to do something bigger. So he started his karate and he and he is allegedly in a very, very intelligent guy. He's a member of Mensa. He's got a background
in some sort of like you and I need to take the IQ. We do need to do the IQ test, but he's got some sort of like background in like paramilitary like secret ops sort of stuff. It's like a little foggy, but allegedly he's done some crazy things and by all accounts, very intelligent guy, very intelligent guy. Well, him and him and Casey kind of have this friendship, but then they start to get a falling out falling out and it kind of revolves
around this thing where Casey starts to or yeah Casey starts to annoy Everett Dutch key and then it starts to turn into oh he doesn't just annoy him like he's he drives him nuts specifically because Casey starts saying he's also in Mensa and well he's like no you're not well. Okay, let's broad scope here. This is really quick telling of it. Casey's now ex wife who already has maybe kissed his brother
that has a soft spot for guys who are balding yeah and ever dusky doesn't got a lot of hair yeah and so casey's ex wife has a big old crush on ever a dusky that drives casey crazy yeah. So casey starts this is a weird broken brain thing to do yeah. He starts like starts like no. He starts in person like he starts like all of duskies hobbies. He starts making his hobbies
so dusky does karate. So all of a sudden KC is posting videos of him on Facebook in his living room doing karate, then it's like you don't do karate and he's like yeah. I do. I do karate now and it's him doing. It's the same thing like his older brother did to him where his older brother saw that Casey really enjoyed doing Elvis. So his older brother did Elvis and then did it better. I think Casey thought he could do that to ever dusky where he was like. Oh this guy does karate. I do karate. This guy does
this, this and this. I do this, this and this yeah right, but the thing that drove ever it nuts was when ever because ever it's big thing. He tells everybody that he's a member of Mensa, which is if you don't know it's a high I Q group, you have to qualify to go take a test in person and qualify to be in it yeah, and if you're in Mense, you have to tell everyone about it. That is the rules like it's a it's cross fit for people who aren't. It's the other side across the other I Q range is Mensa on this side cross on this side.
you got cross, you got cross, people dumb. You guys get it right. So you got cross think cross think cross, you know, and then you know anyway, then normally all the cross fitters dumb, but anyway, so
the thing that drives him up the wall is when is when case he's finally like you know what I'm going to win this battle. I'm going to win this war that we're having yeah, so he photoshopped a mince certificate. This is how petty and weird they are is that him posting on this all on face. Just on face, but yeah, is that him posting this mince certificate is what flips dusky to send him messages and emails are like I'm giving you two days notice to delete that because you are not a member of MENSA and I take this
very seriously yeah. They're having it flipped into this feud yeah that they're very public few yeah yeah and the whole town is kind of like yeah. These two guys hate each other for some reason yeah and dusky dusky is like. I don't know what you call it, but like a narcissist like a troop leader for Mensa and so he's I don't even think he's actually in Mensa. Yeah, he claims he's a true. This guy is a this guy's a narcissist, but he sues him for
like faking the fact that he was in Mensa, which is an insane thing to do sure, and so yeah, so they've got a lot of beef and so when Casey starts saying oh it was a guy yeah, it was dusky yeah, and so they start looking into Dutch key and they're like oh, this is this is a guy that this guy's got a problem with yeah and they're like oh he's framing him, but in the FBI they like well we got to chase down this lead and figure out what's going on there. So they start chasing because as they're talking to Casey, the FBI
asks Casey. Well, did you make the rice and case he goes? I don't like Chinese. He's like he's a Gatton. So we're a response. I don't eat rice. Yeah, they were like the FBI starts to one. What is this guy smart enough to do this and that's a level that you've like you know saying you got a hope
that if you get you get a red for a crime that you're dumb enough that the FBI goes, there's no way this person could have pulled guys too dumb to do this. There's so there's already like those are the holes where it's like there's a lot of things here, but now this guy's kind of dumb and there's no evidence in Casey's house that he made rice and yeah and so if he did he's either has another location or he's very, very, very good at what he's doing at keeping it clean. The thing the FBI knows about rice and is that to make
Yeah, so now they're looking through Casey's trash and they're looking through purchase history and they're trying to find. Did he buy it? Because you got to grind all this stuff up and typically they use a coffee grinder like a like a store bought co grinder and so they're looking for this coffee grinder. Yes, and they can't and they can't find it. They can't find it, but at the same time they're tailing dusky. Yeah, they're like well, but the dumb guy. It doesn't seem like he did it. Maybe we should see if I'm guys other dumb guy.
the dumb guy is still feuding with this other dumb guy very publicly during dumb guys trial for sending rice into the present yeah. That's a your reporters are calling him in prison and he's he's like hey, can you post on my face? You post and say you just put duskies an idiot. You say Dutch LOL boo anyway, yeah, so so they're like well, that's let's chase this lead down. So they start
exploring. So they go to Dutch keys house. They check around Dutch keys house. They're like, hey, we're here to look at your house time that they do that. Dusky's talking to reporters. Dutch key is so the FI decides to search Dusky's house. Yeah. Dutch key. Dutch key is like calling reporters and saying I want to talk about this guy and he's show up to public. Yeah, yeah, very, very public because he's such an image control kind of guy. Yes, yes, yes. So they come to his house. They search his house. They don't find anything at his house. Yeah.
they, but then someone during the search is like, Oh, but he's the sensei and they're like what now he teaches the karate. Why didn't you say that? Why did you say? What did you say? Sensei Mensa? He's the Mensa sensei. He's a sensei. So they searched the dumpster at the karate at the karate studio and what do they find? They find the grinder. They find materials that look like they were or that were contaminated. Don't find a grinder. They find the box of the grind.
okay. They find the box of the grinder and they find that the materials that the rest was sorry. I'm trying to tell the story. They find materials that are like contaminated with rice in and then the materials that you use to make rice in and so they book him and they do a full scale investigation. We end up realizing it was ever at dusky and what he was doing is he wrote this letter to frame Casey yeah because he had such a also the whole reason that Casey signs his
posts. We forgot that part Casey signs all of his posts. I am Casey and I approve this message. The whole reason he started doing that was because Dusky's been trying to set himself up as a politician, so Dusky posts videos all the time on Facebook and ends all of his video. I'm ever dusky and I approve this message, so he's making fun of that. So Casey has been doing that to make fun of ever dusky. So now ever dusky to get back at him for posting a mince a photo has made rice and has put it in an envelope.
has said it to the resident rock Obama and then tried to frame Casey yeah for sending rice into the president. He's like this guy annoys me enough that I'm going to kill the president of any feud in my life that is aggressive enough that I'm like you know what I'm going to get you sent to prison for life for trying to assassinate a president yeah yeah.
and I'm not not only am I going to tell you right now I'm going to attempt to do it. If this podcast ever ends, I will frame you. I will make that happen, but it's a level of insane bleep that word. It's a level of insane that is off the charts like absolutely off the charts, so they get them. They've got evidence. They book them. They release a release. They go hey sorry
they were like sorry you were too dumb to do this and he's like thank you so much for saying that yeah and so he leaves and honestly this whole thing like wrecked his life and I mean to be fair, he wrecked his life earlier a long time before this by getting so involved in all this stuff, but obviously this was a big deal as well and he he had a hard time after this book in his office things and like and so there's an impact in his life now he obviously went to prison again.
give up the conspiracy theories. Yeah, he said he went. You know what? I realized that being close to my wife and kids or my ex wife, my kids was most important thing to me and I put out a fair series and I let it all go and I'm just living my life yeah and nine months later he goes. You know what? What if Dutch key was
also framed, so he sends a letter to ever dusky in prison. This is Casey Casey sends a letter to dusky in prison and says hey ever it. I know that you were framed by somebody else and you were framed for trying to frame me. So let's team up and find out who put who did this, so they're interviewing dutch key via phone call the document area.
yeah and they're like hey, what do you think about this? Casey says that you got set up because I did get set up, but it's very clear that Paul Kevin Curtis had nothing to do with and Paul Kevin Curtis is like hey ever a dusky. I know that you were framed trying to frame me and it cuts back to duskies being like I cannot overstate that Paul Kevin Curtis has nothing like even they're feuding and they're conso like so ever dusky is now claiming that he was framed yeah yeah.
but that Casey has nothing to do with it. Yeah, okay, that's how and broken your brain gets when you follow down the four Chan hole. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So this is all to say like we've got an episode about MK ultra. We got an episode about the mod project. We have an episode about operation paper clip. We have so we have so many gateway drugs for you that you can get started ruining your life.
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a good place to end it. Oh sure. Just fiddle it off there. That works. Yeah.
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