Things I Learned Last Night is made possible by all these fine people

The Triceratops Room

Based in KC, MO the triceratops room handles the audio production of Things I Learned Last Night. 
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Jaron Myers Comedy

Things I Learned Last Night is a passion project of Jaron Myers Comedy. Thank you for your support.
Laugh Out Loud

Our Patrons

Our patrons make TILLN possible. The show literally could not happen without them. 
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Curiosity Stream

Thousands of documentaries in Science, History, Technology and so much more. All on demand, all for less than $20/year.
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Store passwords in a single place and log in to your favorite websites and apps with a click. With NordPass, access your login credentials on any device, even when you’re offline.
Protect Your Passwords


Compose mistake-free writing with Grammarly’s AI-powered writing assistant. Grammar, spelling or tone, eliminate errors and find the perfect words to express yourself.
Become a Better Writter


The best second phone number app for any occasion. Make private calls, send texts, picture messages, and manage multiple numbers… all in one easy-to-use app.
Get a Second Number


NordVPN will protect your online activity, secure your online traffic with leading-edge encryption, and bypass censorship and enjoy your favorite content by connecting to a VPN server.
Protect Yourself Online


Explore new skills, deepen existing passions, and get lost in creativity. What you find just might surprise and inspire you.Take classes on the go with the Skillshare app. Stream or download to watch on the go.
Learn a New Skill

Feature 01

This is the feature description, where you can go into more detail about the item mentioned here.

Feature 02

This is the feature description, where you can go into more detail about the item mentioned here.

Feature 03

This is the feature description, where you can go into more detail about the item mentioned here.

Feature 01

This is the feature description, where you can go into more detail about the item mentioned here.

Feature 02

This is the feature description, where you can go into more detail about the item mentioned here.

Feature 03

This is the feature description, where you can go into more detail about the item mentioned here.

Care to Join Us?

Things I Learned Last Night is growing rapidly and we would love to have you along for the ride! We're actively looking for advertisers, marketers, producers and other strategic partners to take the show to a new level. If any of that sounds great to you then reach out.