The Greatest Prank of the 1800s! | Berners Street Hoax


Episode Transcription

00:00 Okay, so two friends make a bet that they can make one house. The talk of the town in the eighteen hundreds. Yeah, I was eighteen ten and do told his friend. He said hey, I bet you a hundred dollars. I get everyone in the city of London talked about this one house the way that he did. It makes us talk about it literally two hundred years later, so it worked. I think he won the best and I said he invested that hundred dollars. It would have been worth 00:23 Oh, I for now yeah and a bonus story of the time that a cartoon network promo shut down the city of Boston. Yeah, it was a three booms. Hate that more than anything in the world. If you're just finding our show, it doesn't get better. It's a comedy show where we learn different stuff each week. This is things I learned last night. Thanks for joining us. 00:52 Hey man, what's up? Hey, have you ever heard of the burner street hoax, the burner street? Yeah, but it's not that kind of burner as B E R N burner burners, burner street hoaxer. Have you ever heard of that yes, okay, because does it have anything to do with the burner street bears? No, I think you're thinking of the berenstein bears. Sorry, I think you're thinking of the burner street bears 01:19 don't gaslight me right now. That's absolutely. They were called the burners, three bears gas. Like they've always been called a burners. Rebears. There's that. I mean like, okay, I mean what you know, what is the man go you effect? I hate that you're 01:40 Hey, I just want you guys to know you pro here a little bit for the next three weeks. I got a little bit of a cold so yeah for the last three weeks we had a nat problem yeah, but for the next three weeks, no the last three weeks we didn't we were in here. Oh yeah, yeah there's no problem. The next three weeks I've got this. I woke up every day for the next three weeks. Just 02:03 cold, congested, so I'm doing my best yeah, but I'm gonna be mouth laughing today. I don't know if you guys have heard people mouth laugh before do it. It's a little Jari. I've been doing it. I laughed. I laughed when I said Mongolia. Give us a give us another you know. It's a weird thing. What's the different? What's the other? What's it different? I'm not going to do the other one. Show me the other one. I will. Why? Why can't you do it? I because your nose is fine. Just it. Yeah. Do you laugh out your nose? I laugh out my orifices 02:31 that's a little weird. I don't like the way you said that anyways. You didn't call a face because you can't spell orifice without face, right? Yeah, you actually like totally can orifice, O R P H E U S. I'm pretty sure that's Morpheus. I think I'm missing. I'm missing a more of his hold on. Let's see. How is this 02:59 I dang it. There's a mythical creature, a Dorotheus or a face. Maybe you can spell it with maybe I'm wrong. Oh no, we're both wrong. Oh, how do you spell orifice? O R I F I C E. Oh, that sucks. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's how I spell face. 03:21 sorry. I'm just trying to save face right now. Okay, I hate you for that. Okay. No, have you heard of the ador hook burn or street? Okay, theater hook who teddy hook the yeah teddy hook yeah like that teddy hook. He was a boat captain. No, he actually had nothing to do with captains or hooks except for his last name theater hook. He was born in September twenty second at seventeen eighty eight. Okay, so you know early 03:48 Yeah, his English man of letters don't know. I mean that just means I guess an intellectual person who engages in a letter, a letter jacket. Yeah, that's what I mean. That's a that's a man of letters. That's a man of letters are there then later they shorted it to letter man. No, I don't want to go on a date with you. My boyfriend's a man of letters. He's known for a couple things crazy how I'm the sick one, but you're the one that every week goes 04:17 it's my do you get it set to your devian septum okay. No, so he pay to get that fixed. Okay, I would actually really appreciate that. That would be a great welcome. I would do that for you. I'll never go to the appointment birthday. I have a habit. Here's here's what I want to do for you. Actually, this is my new thing. I'm going to do for you is I'm going to graciously accept any gifts you give me, but I'm never going to cash it in. You know, 04:47 Oh yeah, because I did give you a flight flight. Yeah, that's right. That's right. That's right. I actually thought about that. Actually, what you're going to do is you're just going to accumulate all of them cash them in all at once. All right, let's get the deviated system. I'm like that's like $15,000 dude. And you're like, yeah, I'll get the septum fixed and then we'll go for the flight. Yeah, I'll come to the fight. My face is like swollen. I can barely open my eyes and I'll be like, but he said I can it's my 05:13 birthday give it's my birthday. This is my twenty seven birthday to take a to take a exploratory flight and then to look at the CFI and go. This is my birthday. He's got my context. This is my birth. They got no context for what you're talking about. You just walk out there and you go. This is my birthday gift. That's crazy. So Teddy Teddy Hook right. He was known for a few things. One he was a composer, 05:40 He spent a year at the Herald School and then he went to the University of Oxford Oxford and he made symphonies and stuff. That was something like and it wasn't like he wasn't no Mozart. No one does that anymore. You know, people are making garage, but people some freaking symphony people make symphonies, but you just never hear about them. Nobody cares about some. I hear more. I mean, hey, honestly, honestly, honestly. 06:09 What should you make a symphony and make it like a what's that guy's name pluth video where he's like what if it was like a what if it was like a and you do the whole symphony, but make it in cross that sounds good and then we'll have the timpani come in 06:34 that's a fun and the trombones this is the part where we're telling the story of the yes, mom, and then what if there's a light switch? It's a it's a great. I mean they didn't have yeah so anyways, tady, we have garage band yeah 07:03 Yeah, Teddy, Teddy was doing symphonies. His dad was so proud of him. His dad was into symphonies too. I don't know if his dad was as successful as he was in symphony a but his dad was his dad was so proud of him for me. Yeah, yeah, coincidentally, he this is. This is a weird thing. He he is the person 07:30 who received the world's first postcard and we don't know this for sure, but people are pretty confident he's also the person who sent the world's first okay, but we don't know for sure why what I don't have to be honest. I don't really know meme, so he was the first person to receive a post. I didn't say it again. He went to the mail box 08:00 and he dropped the postcard in it okay, allegedly and then a couple days later he came to the mailbox and the mail already existed yeah mail already existed, but no one thought let's just send a picture and write something on the back yeah. Everyone was like you got to put in an envelope. You got to seal it with the ink or the wax sorry then he was like what if I didn't like forget all this stuff too many steps he sending a postcard is just 08:26 keto mail. You know, say it's just the meat. It's just we don't need anything else. We don't need all the breading, all the all the dressings on it, but not really though, because it's like it's just the meat, but that's also check out this cool picture of San Francisco. You know you can. This is true. Do you know you can mail a coconut like a full coconut? This is real. You can just mail a coconut. You can paint it. You can just put the address on it. You can stick that in the mail and they can't freaking stop 08:55 and they'll ship it. I feel like we need to set up a P. O. Box for that now. You know why I know that is that my mom's best friend lived in Hawaii when they were now. I'm looking back. That was looking when they were our age yeah yeah and like my mom's best friend is live in Hawaii because she was my mom's cool friend. Here's my fear right now. I'm your cool friend you and was that you yep. 09:21 so right now I'm your cool friend. I don't know if I've seen the rest of them and my fear is that I'll end up like still being your cool friend in like our fifties, but like I kind of start. It's like not the cool. I need to start being your investing friend and I need to start being your saving money for oh yeah. Why do you think I'm doing dumb stuff? What you're doing them? I'm saying that like 09:48 by the time we're fifty, it won't be cool. It won't be cool to be cool anymore. So there comes a point where being cool is childish. Well, yeah, yeah, I'm not saying my mom's best friends like that. I'm just saying she lived in Hawaii. She was when she was our age and I'm like, oh, that's really cool, but living in Hawaii when you're fifty is not cool. 10:14 Yes. 10:17 Okay, I think I'm tracking with you now. Okay, I think I'm tracking. I do think that there are, so we live in Los Angeles. Yes, there are a lot of people and where we live and who are in their thirties who spend money and behave and plan their life as if they are. 10:38 22 years old and it's like when they talk about having kids, they talk about that being like 15, 20 years in the future and you're like, Hey, that's 50 for you. Yeah, yeah, that would be pretty old. That would be, that's a long time to wait at that, you know, and with your diet, you're not going to make it at the same time. They're like, Oh, I don't want to be old and 50 at my kid's graduation. And yeah, you're past. Yeah, yeah, let's be honest. You're going to ask. You're going to be, you're going to be, you're going to be 80 at this point. Yeah, I got to like 11:07 and but all of our friends in the midwest at nineteen were like i'm forty. So there's there's a balance is true. Yeah, you want to be in the middle. Yes, you want to be in the middle. Yeah, I feel like we're we're that's where we're at. I feel yeah, I feel like I feel like we are in a good spot for our lives. I don't think we are behind. I don't think we're ahead. Thanks for saying that to me who is dressed like a six year old. 11:37 all that's missing is a little yeah, you're just you're just like you brought those you're just like you're on a trip to the zoo and you've got those sunglasses that go up yeah, that's pretty accurate. I love that I have a time with the tank engine lunch box. If you brought your lunch to the my my peanut butter jelly sandwich is in is this was fancy, not in a ziplock bag. We're in those little cases. Those yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a crustables, but you're it's an uncrustables, but your mom cut off the 12:07 just still. She didn't get it. She ate it. That's the secret. That's what you get to do when you're a parent. You make the crust. You just cut the crust off at home and then you get a little snack and then you get to eat a little bit. Okay, so Teddy you get to eat a little bit. She had food outside anyway. You can mail a coconut is how we started how we got here and my my mom's best friend when I was growing up, mailed us a coconut for why did she also mail the potato to your mom? 12:33 don't talk about that. Don't bring that up. Let's not research that okay, coconut that she had just painted our address on and they and the mail got that they're like. I guess they're like I don't we didn't. We never said no, so I realize we're this far to the episode. We haven't looked at this guy yet, so let's yeah. Let's see what he looks like. Here's teddy. This guy looks like he postcards himself. Yeah, this is him. This is him at that point. His wife where he's painting yeah, 12:59 because it's look at his rosy cheeks. Yeah, this is like call early a hundred rosy cheeks. What's the condition Alex alopecia alopecia? Is that what that is? Is where they have like rosy cheeks? No alopecia is the hair yeah. I don't I don't know right. They might be right. I don't brother. I don't know it where they just they just get their cheeks get real red embarrassed. 13:23 so this is this is him when he you think the paint the artist painting this painting got him just right at the right. He was like the artist was like so anyway, it's been such a good time painting you and we're almost finished also that time in sixth grade when you walked up to brook Mara and you said hey and she was like you've even following me around all day and you're like ha ha ha ha 13:53 Yeah, and then yeah, he got all flushed and he was like, oh, let me get my rose out. She starts mixing it up. I'm painting. Yes, yes, 14:12 In the early days of this show, we did like affiliate ads where we were like a sign up for grammarly and use code till and and we got like fifteen cents and now we just do patreon. It's a much better way. It's better for us as creators. It's better for you as listeners and it's a much more fun way for us to interact. We do monthly hangouts like on zoom. We just hang out and play games online and and get to know each other. It's a really fun time so 14:39 but still use our code till in at grammerly dot com because I think it's still I might get like a couple cents from that, but join us on patreon because we're having a great time. If you don't, we're going to have to start doing mobile game ads. 14:56 so that was him when he was like making symphonies and post carding himself, but this story happens earlier in his life when he was in his late teens. I believe and he looks at the Gerber baby, Gerber baby all grown up. I'm saying it looks like the Gerber baby. If you put him on a milk carton in the seventeen hundreds of like this is what he might look like now. That's crazy, so Alex can't see that though. Can he? 15:26 No, I love that. That's funny. That's a pretty good bit. I bet I bet that's true. Jared's never been wrong. So in eighteen ten, so that would put him what I say he was born in seventeen eighty eight. Yes, that would make him twenty two twenty two. So yeah, so early twenties he he was a little bit of a 15:56 I hesitate to use the word degenerate, but kind of a degenerate gambler and a little bit and he like playing little practical jokes and bits on people speaking of gambling. Yeah, sorry to do so many tangents in this yeah, but have you looked into the stats on sports gambling like what stats? What do you mean? I mean the number of twenty somethings who are bankrupting their parents. Oh, oh it's a problem. That's why literally I remember talking to you when that was on the ballot and I was like I don't 16:27 I know how I feel about it. I didn't think of is that big of a deal when it was when we were voting on it. I was like I to me it was like yeah, it's going to get legalized everywhere. It doesn't make sense for it. Like there's people who are already traveling cross state lines to go bet other places like there are, but I didn't realize how much of it. Did you know that they can just ban you if you're too good at it? That makes sense. It's just like a casino. Yeah, a hundred like if you get on the sports apps and you win too much money, they'll just ban you. That's like that. Never mind 16:56 That's been my biggest concern because we've seen how addictive and dangerous social media is for people. And I'm like having a casino in your pocket scares me. Well, they'll use that same algorithm to figure out if you're bad at gambling. Yeah. And then they'll give you suggestions for, well, that you should play this parlay that's clearly not going to pay it out. And so it's a good algorithm that's betting against you. Yeah. That's playing your worst impulses and draining you financially. 17:25 Yes. Yeah. It makes me nervous. It's like to be a part, to be a Gen Z, like to be a kid in Gen Z right now, It's the same group of people who were in the Game Stonk stuff And they... 17:54 they are strategic with it where they let some people win really big things. who win big things? I think that half of those aren't real. Obviously. Yeah, yeah. And so it feeds the idea that you're just one bed away from a huge jackpot 18:23 and then some and so then people are just like, well, why would I invest? Why would I save what I can just shoot for that one shot? I mean, I remember that because I tried draft kings. I think it was one of them Fandel or DraftKings or whatever a couple of years ago when it first got legalized, I crossed the border and tried it. I was like, this is kind of fun. I'll look at the shot. Yeah, and the Kansas gave it a shot and I do remember 18:50 I think I was what, 26, 27? But I do remember that feeling because I had a couple decent wins. Like it wasn't crazy, but decent wins. And I remember being like, oh, I threw out a couple dozen bets and I had a couple of them hit big and it made it work. And I remember in my brain being like, like rationalizing it and being like, oh, if I just, this is just a numbers game. If I just do enough of this, then this is worth it. And that's the trick is like, I mean, it's like a casino, like the house always wins. It doesn't. 19:19 You can't win in this game. called Social Studies. is that they took like 20 teenagers and had them screen record their phones they were just giving the crew 19:49 the social media addiction and just integration into their everyday interactions was bonkers to watch. Is it a series or a single document? because the first episode was talking about which then pushed the girls to post more provocative images. 20:18 because those are the images that got more likes and got more comments and got more shares yeah, and so then it just slowly push girls who who even on camera are saying like I just I never dress like that. I would never wear that on public. I would never do this stuff, but I posted online. I get more likes yeah and like so they're saying like and the it's pretty well because like every single team that we're following. There's one of them who's like the one of these tick tock guys who's like oh tell me how much your outfit costs 20:47 you know, one of those street people or whatever, street interviewers, and I mean he's making a ton of money from doing this on tick tock and snapchat as a sixteen year old kid, and so he's throwing this rager party that the cameras are at. The cameras are at this raging party watching these kids, watching these kids do drugs and drink alcohol. It's like it's really like euphoria and a kid ods and like they literally there's 21:11 the other teenagers, the camera people are all just watching this happen. Yeah, they're the other teenagers are dragging this kid a couple blocks away from the party so they can call nine one one to the other end down there and not the party, which is and the 21:27 It's like the kids, the boys alone or whatever you're watching this series. I'm like where are any of these kids parents and then they'll interview the parents and I go oh I get it. This makes sense. Sense that you guys like this is every single set of parents that I see on this thing. I go oh none of these kids have parents yeah it's crazy like the one of the the kid who does the tick tock snapchat stuff his mom worked for Lindsey Lohan or whatever 21:52 and she hates that, by the way, they'll go, they'll go. He goes, Yeah, she worked for Lindsay Lohan. She was. Why was I was a business partner with Lindsay Lohan and you're like, she shot the heck up shot up Lisa. All right, you were her personal assistant. You didn't you weren't her business partner. Shut up, Lisa Lohan. You were but like dude, it's it's like legitimately insane what they're like. They're following these kids and they follow one girl who 22:21 who made a friend through Discord, who lives in DC. And so she convinces her mom that she wants to go visit one of those schools in DC and go on a trip to DC and sightsee the city. And then meets up with this boy at the mall. They go to the mall and she's like, I'm going to try something on. The boy is in the dressing room. 22:43 you, that's the first time I've ever met in real life. That's wild. She's fifteen. That's wild. I feel in the camera people. I straight up feel insane when I'm watching this and I go. I thought that high schoolers like this only existed in movies because in my small town, yeah, no way would do that crab. Yeah, we weren't stupid. Well, I think the world is change. We were stupid, but we weren't like 23:09 It's just the stuff that they're posting. who all of them say they're going to be rich one day. that you're just one hit away. And that feeds that, the idea that exists. 23:39 you get shot in broad daylight. So I mean it's an interesting. It's an interesting era. We live in, huh, where eat the rich, but also I want to be the rich. That's crazy. Yeah, for real. Yeah, yeah, it's it's insane, but at the same time, same time, same time, same time, right. I don't even want to be a billionaire. 24:06 I just want to be able to have a medical emergency and bankrupt myself yeah the next ten years. That's yeah that's yeah it's not like I'm like I'm not shooting for the stars yeah. I don't want. I don't want to own how I am shooting for eating out once a week. I'm shooting for getting the bill of Applebees and not being surprised and not even looking at it yeah just slided by card. I mean you know what I know that the chocolate milk and boneless wings is going to clear 24:38 I'm a simple man. All your friends are like, And you're like, 24:57 Oh, she used to go to red lobster when they had endless shrimp, but the new ceo knows math. Apparently you see that he's like that you was again. We're not doing in the shrimp anymore because I understand how math works yeah. We're like ah yeah. You got to do that with a food that's harder to eat endlessly like that's why 25:18 it's too easy to just gorge yourself. I remember the crawfish. It takes some time. It takes too long yeah and people get tired. Their thumbs get tired before their stomach does dude. You got to do foods like that or do foods like like all of garden does the salad do. People don't want endlessly do foods where people take a couple of bikes like pretty that's enough done with this, but I appreciate the offer. So what we're saying is is that 25:47 and Teddy Hook would have been hooked on yeah. Teddy Hook would have had a problem sports, gambling, yes and social media. He would have been that kid with like the dollar bills jacket and like being like what's up guys exactly exactly except for its eighteen ten. So things are a little different and so instead of hello fellow pulls how are you like that yeah you're right. You're that's exactly right. 26:18 he he was a he would bet on weird stuff. Oh, he really what it was, but it was like because he was betting on weird stuff, but it was because you couldn't bet on not weird stuff like it wasn't sporting events every day. Yeah, we're just fighting a bookie and getting the mob so him and his friend. He had a friend by the name of Samuel Beasley okay, and he actually grew up to be an architect, Sam, the list Samuel Beasley, yeah Sam Beasley, 26:45 I don't know if he ever went by Sam, but yeah he he went am Beasley. Why do you keep saying it like that? He pay him Beasley. Oh, I mean he could be he was an architect to play right. You think he's really a volus, a fictional character pay Beasley and he architected a couple of famous. You know, so all these guys went on to have like fairly illustrative 27:14 careers sure, but but in their youth, Sam and him Sam and Teddy, they would do bets with each other. Yeah, so easy example, Teddy bet Sam one day. He said hey, I bet I could get anybody in this town to serve me dinner in their home, and so he would. He just went and showed up at a door and pretended he knew them and he was like I'm here for dinner and then just got them to go along with it and just was really confident about it and then made a 27:43 a few bucks off of it. You know those have a do that today. I don't know, because here's the thing yeah. You could maybe do that. You could maybe do that in public. You couldn't get somebody to show up at someone's doorstep. That's that's a capital punishment. These days you can't just show up to live in Los Angeles. You can't ring someone's doorbell 28:05 anymore. If you ring someone's door about unannounced, you are the devil. I think about all the time. I think about kids can't think don't bitch anymore because they'll literally get shot. Yeah, you can't do that. It used to be a thing where you could just show up to someone's door. You do that nowadays and people can't ignore. They ignore you or they fight you. It's offensive to just show up to someone's door unannounced nowadays. It's almost offensive to call someone. I was going to say it's offensive to show up at the door even when it's 28:32 planned. It's announced we're like oh you. We did make these plans didn't I oh you showed up speaking of I was hoping I are in our neighbor. If we don't answer his phone calls, we'll come knock on our door and he goes to bed at like eleven thirty p.m. So I'd like and he doesn't understand we don't end my wife takes me this morning and said that he knocked on our door in nine forty five p.m. Last night, yikes. What did he need shit chat? 29:01 just wanted to be like hey, I'm home for my trip. Thanks for feeding my cats. Thanks, thanks for letting us know we knew you were coming home. We knew that was the plan. Yeah, that's what you said. That's how flights work. You could have sent me a text yeah. If that flight had crashed, we probably would have heard about it. Yeah, I bet that would have been on the news. Yeah, that's pretty rare. Yeah, buddy anyway, yikes so also his door. I'm almost going to tell me if I'm wrong on this. Should I get my landlord? 29:29 about my neighbor's door being super loud because like his door will shut. I mean like it's an old door. Is it like it creeks or is it slams? It slams and so he goes he goes and then he can't get the lock in the lock is super loud right yeah and he you know leaves it like I don't know he's got stuff to do at six a.m. I guess he gets up at five thirty six a.m. and I mean yeah should I call my landlord and be like hey fix that door it's right next to our bedroom wall. I mean you probably could tell him to 29:59 I mean is it the door is that he says he's slamming the door. No, it's the door for sure, because we feed his cat. I mean you can tell you tell the landlord then I can't talk to our neighbor about it. This guy when his fridge went out, he wanted my dad to fix the refrigerator and it was like just tell the landlord to get you a new fridge man. This was old. I think it's the land. He said he literally said well, I don't want to put 30:20 put her out money and I went she lives in a Malibu home. I think she can afford a new refrigerator buddy. Yeah she owns this building. I think I don't know. Yeah. Do you understand how economics work? Do you understand how much real estate costs in this city? You know that's okay. Okay. So Teddy Teddy and Sam made a bet. Great. And the bet was one guinea, which is equivalent to about a hundred US dollars today. Okay. So about a hundred bucks. It was like I'll bet you a hundred dollars that I can make any house here in London. 30:50 just give me dinner the talk of the town within one week. It's a talk of the town. Yeah, he said to everybody in town. I'll be talking about this house in one week. Give me one week. I'll make it happen okay, and so Sam's like that you can't there's not going to do blow it up. He bombed his house. Everybody's talking about it. Everyone's talking about everyone's talking about it house pay up loser. So so what they did is they rented a room across the street for a week. I don't know. What do you spray paint on it? You go talk about this house. 31:18 everybody, everybody talk about this like a realtor side, ask me about this house. So they rented a room across the street from this house. They picked a house fifty four burner street. Yeah, it was the fairly well to do home that was like a woman lived there. She had a maid and so that's the kind of wealth she had in eighteen ten and so they picked this house. They 31:43 rented a room across the street from it on a Saturday. And they were like, we're going to watch. And so at 5 a.m. November 27th, and a chimney sweep walks up to the house hey, you ordered a chimney sweep, 32:12 We don't have a chip. We didn't order a chimney so and he's like oh that's strange but okay and so he leaves. She sends him away a couple of minutes later, a different chimney sweep shows up at the house knocks on the door and says hey, I'm the chimney sweep you ordered. I'm here to sweep the chimney and she's like no, no, we just sent one away. Actually, we don't need you guys and he's like oh I yeah. I don't have anything to do with that other guy. We're actually competing chimney sweeps 32:40 I've been trying to beat him for years. That's try sweep. I'm chimney swooped. I could you please actually be really great for me. If you let me sweep your chair, my name is Jim, Jim Turi and so she says no, no, we don't need a chimney sweep. She sends him away. A third chimney sweep shows up and by this point she's like you know, I wish for 33:05 This sounds like a set up for a joke. The third chimney she sweep shows up, so it ends up being a dozen chimney sweep show up to this house, okay, knock on the door saying that they were contracted to sweep the chimney right and every time she turns away and then after the twelfth chimney sweep shows up like clockwork. Another person shows up at this time is not a chimney sweep. It's a delivery cart full of coal and they're like hey, we're here with your cold delivery and she's like 33:34 No, didn't order any coal and she started to be like, am I at the right house? Did I did I move? What's going on? Okay, a dozen different cards show up one after another trying to deliver coal to this house and then a dozen different cake man makers showed up delivering wedding cakes, large like double decker wedding cakes. We're here for the wedding cake and then 34:01 a dozen different doctors show up looking for the sick, the sick patient. They were here, we're here to deliver the baby and they're like, she's like, there's no baby this and they're like, there's no baby. Oh no, like there never was a baby. There never was a baby. There was never a like a what? Oh, what? Okay. And this goes on all day long with it was. It was groups of dozen of all these different trades people. 34:29 so there was the heat is twelve days of Christmas. This house on the first day of this bet teddy hooks into me a dozen people to sweep the chimney yeah on the second day of this bet, Ted he hooks into me twelve 34:55 bakers with the cake from the Baker. They have that in the song twelve bakers baking on the 35:10 Hey, thanks for checking out this episode. In that mailing list, we give updates on past episodes. and every week things are changing. in the happenings of Tillon topics. Also, we give updates on things that's happening 35:37 I like 36:02 So yeah, so it's twelve chimney snooze, twelve coal deliveries, twelve cake makers, one third wedding cakes, thirteen cake. It's a baker's dozen and gosh, I wish that he was that smart twelve doctors, twelve lawyers, twelve priests, well doctors leaping twelve priests. They were they were called because they were told someone's dying and so they showed up to pray for the dying person. 36:31 like no one's dying here. Thank you. We'll see you later. Twelve shoemakers. What did he just go around being like hey, they need you twelve fish mongers, which I think are just fish salesman. I don't like that go a fish, monger, a fish monger, and so they brought they brought all the fish with them. They had all these fish, twelve pianos were delivered to this house like twelve grand pianos 36:58 And then there was one organ, like a full pipe organ to the house and deliver the organ. there was more, what's the word I'm looking for? So the governor of the Bank of England showed up 37:26 to talk about an opportunity or business opportunity or something like that. The Duke of York shows up the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Lord Mayor of London to these people and you go hey and there was so many of these people at one point that were showing up at this house trying to get to this house all at the same time that actually congested the streets of London and created like 37:52 This is obviously before cars or anything, but a major traffic jam on Burner Street and no one could get through because there were so many people trying to drop deliveries or do visits or whatever. Like it was basically every type of trade in the city got summoned to this house to do whatever they do. Yeah. And then so Teddy turns to salmon, he's like, look, everyone's talking about it. And then he got his hundred dollars and that's the Burner Street hoax. 38:23 no, I'm not done. What are we talking about here? Here's the it seems like you were done and then when I started me a joke, you were like I got a vamp, so the thing I'm not done. So he here's the thing. I don't think you could do this today. 38:53 because because I think this is unique to this era where you could just send off a little. I mean it wouldn't be a postcard, would be a letter. So a letter that's sealed. You say hey yeah, you're we need your services are requested. I'm ordering this thing and that's what he did all week. 39:09 that week. He just sent letters to stuff like this is why businesses over time has started to require payment up front yeah or yeah they didn't require deposits. They were just like oh yeah you want to organ will bring you an organ organ and then you pay when you pay there. You want you want a giant wedding cake will bake you a giant wedding cake right. You want half the fish we have in our store. We'll bring them and so I don't know if there was any repercussions for this. I it doesn't seem like it and it doesn't seem also like 39:39 What are they going to do? How they going to? How are they going to find out who did it? It's probably the two kids sitting across the street laughing all day drinking course. Oh, the lawyers just showed up. You're not going to believe who's next. You're not going to believe who's next. One chimney sweep. You were four hours ago. You're so late, so late. Is that the Archbishop of York in bakers? I say to me to be two more somewhere. 40:07 So he got doxed after this. They this is a local paper. They put out a picture of his house, which is very interesting to me that the paper just published just a picture of his house like that's how you doc someone in that day. It's like everybody look for this house. I don't know if anything happened. I don't know if anyone delivered stuff to his house or anything like that. I mean on camera blow my nose yeah, but yeah and here's a here's a dramatization of the events that 40:36 appeared in the paper. I guess a painting or drawing, whatever you call it. Oh, there's people delivering coffins, so they posted a picture of his house and they're like this guy did it. Yeah, they doxed them. It's not a bad house, but there's got me thinking about another thing. Okay, have you ever seen that show aqua teen hunger force 41:08 I know you haven't seen this show. Are you serious? Yeah, I'm a grown adult. What is this? You haven't seen Aqua teen hunger force. Where were you? I know okay? Yeah, I don't. I've not seen any clips of it. If you don't know I could teen hunger force was a show on adult swim. Okay, if you don't know what adult swim was, or a good Christian adult swim was when Cartoon Network realized. Oh hey, we have a TV channel for kids and they all go to sleep at eight o'clock. Let's just switch it over to adult stuff after 41:35 that kids are supposed to be asleep, but then all the kids stayed up late and learn stuff to young, learn too much stuff. Aqua teen hunger force was one of their cartoons because that was a thing they all they still did cartoons. They just were not for kids anymore. All of a sudden it would turned over I would see hunger force was one of them and the concept of the show was it was this three roommates and they were an epamorafized fast food items. So the thing of french fries, a meatball, 42:04 a drink and a yeah and the beverage and they just had their adventures. It was like workaholics, but it was honestly, honestly pretty much exactly workaholics well. They had these characters in it called the moon a nights, which were these like 42:23 weird little pixelated and just because he's just a floating yeah. He's a friend and you're looking at me being like you've never seen this. I've never seen this incredible work of art. You've never like been interested in looking this up and watching this incredible creation. We used to make symphonies. We used to make symphonies. We used to paint paintings of twelve bakers bringing cakes and people would 42:50 immortalize history through art and now we have floating french fries on at eight thirty okay, so art has fallen. So the moon and nights the moon and nights these guys they were like these pixelated figures and the story is their aliens from the you got to learn how to say that word by the way moon and I've said nope moon and what figure figure 43:19 that's how it said that's I've always said it. I know I know that's how you always said it. I've been trying to change you since the day we met, so the moon and nights were aliens from the moon. They live within the moon. There these little pixelated and they mermaid out of moon tonight was like fictional material and they it's figure. It's not like Tommy Hill figure. That's exactly how I say that. Actually, I know that's how you say. That's why I'm telling you tell me he'll figure he'll fig. You say figure 43:47 Hill figure, that's not what that is. I know it's a hill figure yeah exactly. The word is figure. I know it's figure okay, so the moon and nights who were characters in the show sure and in two thousand seven they put together a movie, a feature length film. The moon and nights were central characters in the film and they their promotion for this movie was pretty funny. They did a couple things 44:14 One of the things that they did that I actually love as a promo is they for the announcement for the movie, instead of rolling a bunch of previews and stuff like that, they rolled the whole movie on adult swim, but they rolled it in the bottom left corner of the screen while other stuff was playing. And it was just a tiny frame of the movie with no sound. bottom corner? And it was the it was the movie. 44:42 the whole move the whole movie. Okay, another thing they did is they made these little light brights of the moon a nights okay, and they took these light brights of the moon nights. These are the right. I can't see the she okay, because it looked like that and then it looked like Jared from subway from where actually he does like way and so these moon and nights. What they did is they distributed these to cities across America and they hid them like 45:11 little public art sure sure sure sure. So here's an example in Boston of the moon a night just on a support beam up there, just a little little moon a night sitting there on the support aim up above the streets of Boston. Sure sure sure here's a thing. This is this is two thousand and seven and this is in the middle of I shouldn't say the middle, but like near the 45:40 near the end of like the if you see something say something era. You know I'm talking about like post nine eleven. There was this this if you see something say something so you're supposed to report what anything you think looks suspicious okay in case it's terrorists sure and so someone was like to your terrorists to be totally fair. This pixel art thing. If you're not, if you don't see it from club close, you see it 46:04 on a support beam on a bridge looks like terrorism and you don't watch aqua teen hunger force enough to recognize the weird pixelated characters that don't show up at every episode and you see this you're like. What's that especially in like the heightened terrorism era we were in where everyone was afraid of it. Were they afraid of terrorism? 46:26 yes or were they afraid of yeah? I mean you know who's to say racism was at a pretty high point in the two thousands, so on January for thirty first two thousand seven someone reported this to the police January first January thirty first thirty first January thirty first two thousand seven some more reported this to the police and 46:55 immediately the Boston police took this very seriously and they called in the bomb squad and they shut down half the city and because these were all over the city. They started finding out and so this you the new you oh geez let's hit the news and bomb squads and state police are going around removing these little moon a night light, bright are flipping you off by the way. The yeah, they are is a middle thing they are and so because of that in these 47:24 in the news reports because this thing is flipping you off. All of the new stations that reporting this were learning out the whole thing, so nobody was actually seeing this. One of the things everyone said is if had they not blurted this out, this would have been amazing. Someone would have a me. This would have been incredible, average somewhat else. That's just been incredible advertising, but someone would have wrote in or or called in and said hey, that's a character from a show like chill out 47:50 but nobody show out. Nobody knew what it was because they were blurring it out, so it became this mass panic. Everybody in Boston thought there were in the middle of a terror attack and bombs had been plant and planted, which I don't know if you've seen how Oliver in the Boston please, but if you watch the documentary about them trying to find the Boston Marathon bombers, did you watch that piece? Yeah, it's pretty crazy and did you watch that? So one of the bombers hides in someone's boat, 48:19 and the police walk past that boat. I don't know a thousand times and like they're like Heather dogs out there like we can't find it. We can't find this guy and he's just hiding in this boat that they've walked past ten thousand times and so finally the end of the night they're like. Maybe we should check that boat. We've walked past twenty five thousand times and sure enough there. Well, they had him on like the heat camera. Well, they also shot the boat about a thousand times 48:44 that's true. They did yeah. They I think they heard something or saw something and then someone jumped and yeah, it was literally like a thousand rounds loaded that out insane, so but it really was not the documentary does not make them look good at coppin and yeah solving crimes. So so they end up. They actually detonate two of these in the control detonations. 49:14 and you mean they did he blew it up yeah. The bomb squad came out and they they set explosives on it and and then and you know let's say that let's say you're in the marketing department for this and suddenly you've set off a citywide panic in Boston yeah when in this process do you go and go hey well that's a thing they weren't. They were blurring these out so not even the adult swim people knew that that was their stuff because it was blurred 49:44 Oh wow! These led fixtures popped up this terrorist led fixtures pop up the same day that our led campaign rolls out. What bad luck on luck. The heck do you mean? So this obviously becomes a huge scandal. It's all over the news all day long and gosh, I forgot his name again Shepherd Smith on Fox News. 50:14 is raging about it all day long. It's like his favorite thing to rage about all day long yeah. This makes sense and this would really get Fox News and those people would see this and they go they actually Shepherd Smith was reporting that it was sponge Bob. They said that this guy was sponge Bob and they said someone put you believe Bob signs up is which severs he shepherd has a very distinct like sharp way of speaking 50:42 it's because his face couldn't move from the botox, but he'd be like he'd be like and tonight in no, that's not good. It's well, I'll find it later. Yeah, well he they end up someone writes in and explains it to Fox News and so later that night they issue a correction saying that it was from the show Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and so he had to explain what the character was live on air. 51:07 and be like this. There's this was never a bomb like this was all just a big misunderstanding. Sure, it was a marketing campaign and you can actually hear in the sorry for the last eight hours of our coverage of this being a bomb. Sorry to get you all worked up turns out is just marketing for the adult swim channel, something I've never heard of the adult swims. Well, you could actually hear when he makes that correction live on air in the background. 51:36 people laughing at on set at Fox, which I love so much, but yeah they it and it became a big thing. They have they put out adult swim, put out shirts years later. They didn't shiver. No, I wish the years later they put out shirts that said one thirty one oh seven never forget and it had the moon a night on it and they were selling those 52:06 As a response though, Turner Broadcasting owns Cartoon Network. Yeah. And they actually responded and they've like fired the head of Cartoon Network because they were like, yeah, you need to step down like that this happened. Okay, I should say he stepped down, but he got fired. We all know how that stuff works. And he issued a public statement and he says, he says, I'm sorry that this happened on my watch. Like I should have been more prepared and I claim responsibility for the panic that this campaign caused and actually pulled them. 52:35 the movie. They didn't release it because a central part of the movie was Boston, so it never released, which is crazy. So he steps down and a lot of people say that that was when cartoon network yeah the end of the golden era of Cartoon Network because it really was like those that early two thousands. They were pumping out some great stuff yeah and then all of a sudden it changed and they're like it was because that head step down so the bombs didn't kill any killed everybody 53:05 Honestly, if I had my way, no one in Boston would have survived that 53:11 Honestly, here's the thing. Here's the thing. This was the height of Tom Brady and had they been successful with these are you saying the Cartoon Network was conspiring against the New England Patriot? Yeah, they were targeting them. They can't keep getting away with this. It was all in route to their commute. Yeah instead they just deflated a couple of the walls and frames Tom Brady for that 53:39 Yeah, I was the second that was the CEO. This is on record. The CEO of Cartoon Network Framed Tom Brady. Put that on the internet. I call that's crazy. Well, twelve fiddlers off, huh? 54:00 Hey, thanks for checking out this episode. If you liked it, you should check out another one, the Richmond TV vigilante, similar to how Teddy liked to show up at doors where he wasn't invited. There was a guy in Richmond, Virginia, who showed up and dropped a bunch of TVs at people's doors in the middle of the night. It was a crazy story. Definitely go check that episode out. Um, and hey, if you want next week's episode right now, you can sign up to be a member. All you got to do is go to till slash support, um, and you can start supporting our show. You get a lot of different benefits, but one of those benefits is you get to watch every episode a week early. 54:30 ad free. So make sure you go do that and support our show. We really appreciate it. You can find out more about them and all their different shows at ever

Some pranks leave us laughing. Others leave cities in a state of chaos. Two unforgettable examples are the Berners Street Hoax and the Boston Mooninite Panic, Which show how a clever plan or a misunderstood promotion can cause widespread confusion. Let’s dive into these wild events.

The Berners Street Hoax

The Berners Street Hoax happened in 1810 in London. It all started as a bet between two friends. One claimed he could make everyone in the city talk about one house on Berners Street. To win, he sent out fake invitations and requests to dozens of people.

On the set day, chaos took over Berners Street. Tradespeople arrived with deliveries no one had ordered. Doctors and priests came for emergencies that didn’t exist. Thousands of curious onlookers clogged the narrow street, making moving impossible. This hoax disrupted the neighborhood and became a story told for generations. Even today, the Berner Street Hoax is remembered as one of history’s most elaborate pranks.

The Boston Mooninite Panic

The Boston Mooninite Panic of 2007 was a very different kind of chaos. It began as a marketing campaign for a TV show called Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Advertisers placed light-up signs around Boston featuring characters called Mooninites.

Unfortunately, the signs looked suspicious to some people. Their blinking lights and wires were mistaken for bombs. This misunderstanding led to citywide panic. Streets were shut down, and police spent hours investigating. Although the devices were harmless, the event caused significant disruptions. The Boston Mooninite Panic is a reminder of how easily fear can spread in a modern city.

What These Stories Teach Us

The Berners Street Hoax and Boston Mooninite Panic highlight how misinformation or miscommunication can spiral out of control. One involved a playful bet, while the other was an innocent ad campaign. In both cases, their creators didn’t expect the level of chaos they caused.

These events also show the power of human curiosity. In London, people came to see what was happening on Berners Street. In Boston, fear of the unknown brought everything to a halt. Whether fueled by curiosity or fear, these reactions remind us how quickly emotions can take over.

Why We Still Talk About Them

It’s been over 200 years since the Berners Street Hoax and the Boston Mooninite Panic happened nearly two decades ago. Yet, both remain fascinating examples of how small actions can create big ripples. They’re stories of human nature—our tendency to believe what we see and react without all the facts.

Next time you hear about a strange event causing citywide chaos, remember the Berners Street Hoax and Boston Mooninite Panic. These stories prove that even the wildest moments in history can leave a lasting impression.

Things I Learned Last Night is an educational comedy podcast where best friends Jaron Myers and Tim Stone talk about random topics and have fun all along the way. If you like learning and laughing a lot while you do, you’ll love TILLN. Watch or listen to this episode right now!




Berners St Hoax – Wikipedia

Boston Mooninite Panic – Wikipedia

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