This Game Show Left Him Naked for a Year | Nasubi Ep 240


Episode Transcription

00:00 Hey, how long do you think you'd survive if you were cut off from the outside world alone by yourself indoors, outdoors, indoors, oh four days. What if you were naked three days today? We talk about a Japanese game show that reluctantly locked a man inside of an apartment for almost a full year with no clothes, no food and no sanity. 00:29 Yeah and he was stuck there until he won a million yen. That was the terms the game show. That's how he won and how much is really how did he win it like a sweepstakes yeah. They were mail and sweepstakes. He had to do mail and sweepstakes. He had to win a million yen, which is eight thousand US dollars. Well, we don't have eight thousand dollars and we can't stop doing this podcast until we do. So this is things I learned last night. We learn about it, something interesting every week. This is this week's topic. Let's jump into the episode. 00:59 how's it going man? You having a good day? Okay, what have you start the have you ever heard of nasubi nasubi nasubi? No, what about what about to moa to Tamaki Hamatsu? Nope. What about den pasonin? Why are we doing this? Why are we going to start the episode with you confidently saying things incorrectly 01:29 confidently saying things correctly, okay, subjectively sure. Nisubi is okay, so Nisubi is the Japanese word for eggplant. Okay, that's it end of episode, end of content, Nisubi, no Nisubi is the Japanese word for eggplant. It is this guy's name nickname to Moka Himatsu. He was nicknamed Nisubi in grade school and he stuck with it for a long time. Okay, 01:58 you guess why his nickname is a plant. I'll tell you it's because his head's really long like an eggplant as the kids, the kids in a school like your head looks like it's huge. They were like your head looks eggplant and so you're like you are a large chin. It is yeah and it and like yeah his head is longer. It's thirty centimeters, which I don't know what's a normal head length. Why do we know the measurement of this person's? It's on his Wikipedia page. It's one of those like side facts like where it's like they got their picture when they were born there. 02:26 head and then has the head as like size of his head have anything to do with the episode. Well, it has something to do with his name being nasubi. He goes by nasubi okay, because his head is long sure, but he was a kid. He was born in nineteen a or nineteen seventy five sure nineteen seventy five and he had a he was born in Fukushima, Japan, and he had a childhood where he was bullied. He got bullied as a kid for having a abnormally long head. 02:56 and I bet I don't know when his head developed, but just for sake of argument, I better develop before everything else. So yeah, the thirty centimeter head is born a normal size by that kid size body. Why are you saying so these centimeters? That's what the Wikipedia says convert that thirty centimeters all right, thirty centimeters to feet. It's point nine eight feet, so it's almost a foot. It's almost a foot. 03:24 I mean that's a big head. How big is yours? How big how big is average head? So take that number, cut off a couple numbers, because this is a small conference. This is circumference. How long how long is average head average head length is eighteen centimeters? Oh, so he is almost above average ninety ninth percentile. Okay, so he got to measure our faces now, like 03:53 the yeah. Yeah. Is there a, is there a measuring tape in there? There might be in that top drawer or in the or in the middle drawer, maybe the bottom drawer. There's a chance if it's not that joy, there's a chance is the other drawer and it's not that one. Try the other one. You see one really 04:12 Would you have those two Google pixels? You get those Google pixels and we can look up the Google pixels and measure with the. No, nothing. No dice. You think you could have done that a little louder? 04:34 Thank you all right cool. Sorry if you're listening they're not. We started going off a table, the size of heads and they they clicked that little fast forward thirty, you know, a little thirty in little circle and they're like get to the point. Stop being dumb. We hate this show, but we still want you to get the ad revenue, so we're going to skip ahead. 05:01 What if you only listen to the ads that would help us a lot? I'm a big fan of that. Yeah, you just go oh better. Oh good, it's the okay, so compassion international. You can look their stuff up at I own that kid dot com. It doesn't exist anymore. So I speaking a big heads, okay, time for another sponsored post 05:30 from our sponsors, odd job hats, not just for big ones, but for long ones. I job hats has gotten so much free for us. We're trying to get him to pay for what he's like. Why he's like I don't have to be actually doing it. He gave me free hats and he said stop talking about your talk and I was like it's right. I can't do it. He would have a multi million dollar company that wasn't for us for how much we say they were better help. 06:00 yeah. All right, so goodbye fresh, so he was bullied going up and he learned as a kid. You want to kill your business, advertise, he learned driving into the grass. He learned that as a kid he was getting bullied a lot and so if you're a kid and you're getting bullied, you got a couple options. You option one he was walking around as a kid looking like jalapeno on a stick right 06:29 yeah, got a real bad, a little tiny body, egg plant on a stick, a subi on a stick, but you what I'm talking about. I go, no yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a pop culture reference. It's not it's a pop golf, retchard reference from fourteen years ago. Doesn't ten yeah yeah, so it's dude jeff done. I'm still sells out arenas yeah, but it's pretty wild who's raise your hand. If you're going to wherever you're at right now, raise your head. If you've been to a jeff tudum show in the last both hands, I guess so 06:58 the sui so hard to drive back from church camp is like jeff done him take the we take the we okay, so take it from my hands. He can you know yeah. I get what you're saying play this with me for a second. All right, you're you're a kid who's getting bullied right right. What are your options option number one? What's your options? Let's I think you probably have 07:26 three three options. Yeah one you can just suck it up, take it. Oh, it wasn't an option. I was thinking hold on. I'll tell you so maybe four options. Okay, one you can just stuff those feelings deep inside yeah. Just suck it up and take it okay to you can say something back. You can try to be yeah and try to be yeah three 07:44 is you can say something back and then they say something more hurtful and then you say something a little slightly more hurtful. You get in trouble. You do the principal's office and then you sit in the principal's office and explain why you said the hurtful thing that you did. The principal's like actually you went way further than they did and now you're the bully in the situation. The gas light you end up thinking that you're the real problem. You grow up, you go to college, you drop out of college, you start a comedy career and then later you have a podcast where you're talking about what you could do. If you're bullied, if you were a bully, then you end up in a 08:14 later. You didn't realize at the time, but we're pretty bullying you and then you have and then you've set yourself up in a lot of friendships where you have the power and then you bully those around you because you don't know how to relate to people and so you use humor as a way of being like our close and friends and stuff, but really all of your friends. 08:33 lay in bed at night and they go. I don't think he actually likes me and then your cousin goes. Hey, you guys should learn about the love languages. I think that I think that you should learn lower. It doesn't seem that you like your wife that much, but it's like no. I do. I love her a lot. That's why I make fun of her so much. That's how I show love and compassion because I'm actually in my warped twisted mind switched to yeah where now I roast you. That's me telling you I like you because that's how I convince myself. They actually like me all along. I mean that it's they like the kid all the kid all yeah. It's the sixth love language words of yeah defamation. 09:02 um words of okay. Anyway, those are the three are pretty close to what I was going to go with. I was going to say the first option. I guess you picked another one. You could bottle it up. You could become a rat and you you go tattle on them. Yeah. You could tell you could be a rat. You could stick up for yourself and beat the tar out of them like the so are you could stick up. You could have someone else stick up for you. 09:30 and that's the role you could play when you see someone getting bullied. You can step in all right, and if you want me to come speak to your high school about this, just go to comedy on campus dot com, hire a comedian. Your students will love. Here's the thing. I disagree. I scrolled tick talk and I just see people 09:48 who school, who should have been bullied, bullying is not so you're at the first website and you didn't keep watching sometimes we got to bring this stuff back. We got to bully it out of if if someone you know says something that is not okay, bully that out of them, bully them until 10:05 they're not confident enough to have their bad opinions. That's what we need to do right. No, I agree yeah. Yeah, I agree. I or they're just weird. Yeah, if you're like odd, I don't like weird things that they like or if they look strange. If their head kind of looks like an eggplant, that's what I love about Instagram reels comment sections is that that they don't play. They're not going to get away with it. Tick tock is like we'll deliver this to people who like it yeah, like there's going to be some people who won't like it, but 10:32 you know Instagram is like we're only going to deliver this to people who do not like this. Yeah, I love my favorite social media trend lately is when people comment hate from wherever they're from. That is I every single time I like cry laughing from Australia from Canada. That is so funny to me. I respect it. So hey, tell us you hate us from wherever you're from in the comments. It really helps me gauge whether that's an important opinion or not, because if you're like hate from Indiana, yeah, that 11:01 the Indiana you freaking got me dude. Yeah, we got we got some hate for hating on Iowa lately or recently, so we need to hate on some more states. Cool pick another one. 11:14 bottom five are 11:18 That's how we did that yeah, so so so yeah and then the other option, the fourth option yeah. So you you you can embrace it, defend yourself, turn it around yeah and become like a class clown rare and so in the soup. That's what in a subi does he's like. I am nasubi. I am eggplant. I am eggplant, nasubi good to claim eggplant, not great. That's a that's a language barrier thing there, but honestly 11:47 Egg plant also kind of it's a good name. I am a there's a kid in my school named biscuit. Yeah, I am egg plant. Okay, so Nassou be embraced it and became kind of a class clown or became like a like a slapstick comic like body comedy kind of person where like he just would do like crazy facial expressions and like it tried to extend his face and like open his mouth real wide. So thirty centimeters returned to I don't know what a normal mouth span is thirty six centimeters. How big is it six 12:15 six years. Yeah, how big is the average in now? 12:27 Most people. 12:36 Carlton Fresh Prince mouth. 12:47 average route is one point four to two point two inches open. You were like six. I like jeez dude. Oh, it should be in the typical person. It's about the width of their three of their fingers. It's true. Quick you win. I got test this out jeez dude. I read it online. It's gotta be true. You just 13:16 shove your fingers in your mouth. They're clean to not the straight one. Okay, so that's your crooked gross to I don't have crooked do you one one crick. There it is. You touched it. You knew exact which one I was talking about because you went while you just touched it. I mean all these you just touched it okay. 13:40 all right. We need to we get into this. That's your name. Now we've got a lot to talk about today and this we talk about just as subies don't let me do bits. Okay, let me let me tell you the story. You have to stop me okay. Stop the subi got into comedy wanted to be a comedian. She's like he's like this is this makes me feel that's what I'm telling you. He's anybody who's been bold. People laugh and then I feel like they don't hate me yes and so then he started he's trying to break into that scene right. These that plagues us all 14:11 and then in the ninety something interesting happens. Jeff Foxworthy discovers I think you got something kid. He brings them on the what was this that tour with all or color yeah yeah. He didn't really fit the Nassou so Nassou is doing I shouldn't say he moves to Tokyo okay and his parents say hey like if you want to pursue this entertainment thing, go for it. 14:40 do your give your best shot, but they really wanted him to get into like a tech career or something like that right like very traditional parents sure and so they were like hey but honestly if you want to pursue this pursue this like we'll support you just don't take off your clothes interesting random thing just tell your kid and so he's like 15:02 I yeah it's comedy. I shouldn't have to like now. I wasn't going to but how do you say that that would be pretty funny. It'd be kind of funny if I did it though. This set be funnier if I was shirtless 15:18 and that's how we got that yeah. Oh interesting, so yeah his parents actually were like. We do whatever you want. Just don't wear clothes, no wear clothes. Oh no, but I'm talking about Bert, Bert's parents were like do and he was like it was like you can't tell me what to do yeah taking my shirt off. So he is in Tokyo kind of auditioning for stuff, not really getting any opportunities sure, and then there was a open casting call 15:48 for a TV show. for this casting call for this game show. It was put together by a guy named Toshia Tsuchiya. This guy. 16:17 throughout the 90s. And so 20 people show up for this open casting call. 20 people showed up for the casting call? Didn't really give any information of what it was. 16:43 almost auditions or questions or whatever. They was what they expected. They got there and it was just a raffle. And so all of them put their names in a hat and then they drew their hat. And Nassou was drawn in the raffle. This is him in ninety eight getting drawn for this raffle. Very excited. I guess my thing is that I don't think his head is that big. You know, I guess that's fine. I mean, he might have grown into it. I think as a kid, it might have been bigger. And I will say in certain 17:12 there's certain angles and facial expressions he gets in where you can see it more sure this one. It looks relatively normal, but it is still ha yeah, so he gets drawn for this and immediately they pull him aside and they pull them. They take them to a separate room in this facility yeah and they walk them in this room and it's a small room honestly, probably about the size of the room we're in now. If you're watching this picture, the space you can see and double it pretty much is how big this room is 17:41 like a ten by ten room. There's a fish tank in the corner yeah and this hallway over here that leads to a slide that goes yeah deep downstairs very deep. It's probably six floors and city underground. Yeah he's caves yeah we got the two bits and then this so there's a window on the wall. This is not our studio. That's his where he is no windows. There's the there's a window on the wall bonkers how they get away with that because I don't think this classifies as a room. 18:10 yeah, it's illegal pretty sure they can't call this a room yeah. They can call it. They have to call this an enclosure. I'm going to my go to your enclosure. If any come up to the enclosure 18:33 That's a joke about your wife, so there's a little there's a room and then off the side of the room. There's like a small little kitchen. It's like a tiny fridge, tiny, like they put them in here. They go. You live here and a little sink, a tiny little kitchen and then there's a little there's a little bathroom, a small little bathroom off that room to and then there's the window on this side and then up against the wall. There is like you know when you go and 19:01 I should there's a man change to the wall and then they throw him in there and then he looks down and there's a chain around his ankle. It's like to get out you to cut one of your legs off. Congratulations, you won the ref and there's a dead guy on the floor. You seen the original song yeah yeah yeah there's a dead guy on the floor on the wall and this is something that maybe not everyone listening can picture, but there's like an old school magazine rack like you would have it like a gas station back in the day. 19:30 And so it's just magazines for days. I would guess, and here's a guess number, like a decent sized magazine rack, right? and that's it. And so that producer you saw, Toshio, 20:00 And he basically is like, after filming's done. is you're going to have to earn a million yen in this room. And the only way you're going to do that And he said, and also. 20:31 Do you have a question? 20:37 Okay, so the concept of the show is we've got all these magazines with all sweepstakes in them yeah and we're going to make someone fill them out for us and then in hopes that we win one of these sweepstakes well. Well, they're so it. I should be clear. This is not like a million sweepstakes for a million yen. It's the they didn't have those they had. It was million sweepstakes. It's like mail in and get. I don't know a glue cooler 21:06 and so he had to win male and sweepstakes for the total value of a million yen is what he had to earn, and so it's going to be small prizes that had to add up to a million dollars, a million yen, which was at the time equivalent to eight thousand US dollars today, like twenty thousand US dollars. Oh, it's pretty doable. Okay, here's the catch. He also the catch isn't. I have to submit magazine sweepstakes. The catch is the only thing they provided him with was water 21:36 he had to meet all of his other needs 21:44 and so so first thing you got to do is go look for all the food sweepstakes so you can get food. Well, then he said oh there's one more twist and he said there's a see if you don't complete it, we kill your whole thing. Oh, that's kind of a big twist. He says strip and he's like you have to earn your clothes to 22:10 and I'm mailing sweepstakes. He goes, but my parents. Yeah, I made a promise to my parents. I made a promise to my mom and dad. 22:19 If you've been watching for a minute and you like this show, Our patrons get a ton of perks for their support. 22:31 We do monthly hangouts. There's a way to get birthday messages on your birthday. There's a lot of great perks, but more than anything, you just help make sure that this show continues to happen forever. We never want to stop. We're going to keep doing this forever. If we have enough patrons supporters, we can put our brains in those little vats and have AI pretend it's us. And so we can keep doing it long after we die, but that only happens if you support us on Patreon. So we appreciate your support. Thanks for your help. If you don't want to support, that's totally fine. Thanks for being here. We really appreciate you watching the show. 23:03 and so he after some back and forth obliges and he ends up stripping in this little room. He's like naked naked yeah he's naked, but naked that's his cushion. He picked up the cushion on the floor to cover up and he those are envelopes for him to fill out the mail and so sticks and mail him out. He's got a phone for emergencies. He has a radio for radio sweepstakes. He can enter radio sweepstakes as well. Can he call in and be on the eighth color? I don't think so. I'm pretty sure they told him the phone was only for emergencies. 23:33 So I'm pretty sure it was only Mailin's radio. we're going to release this later this year. in the room and then the producer just leaves, with nothing but a bunch of magazines. 24:01 This is not going to work. There's no way this is going to release unbeknownst to him. It was already releasing. It was on a TV show called Denpa Shonen. And to give you some perspective, this is Denpa Shonen. It was a like like a late night TV show in the 90s in Japan, but it was very. 24:26 I mean, think Japanese game show. Very, very like, comicky. And this was a segment in Den Pashonen. for a year, and in his brain, he's like, 24:56 weekend. He's on live tv naked naked on live tv and it's a segment. I got ten eagle. It's like a I don't know if it's Japan and in the nineties. I don't know and so he it's like a ten minute segment where they're just they kind of crunch the whole week into that ten minute segment at the end of the end of the we did this week yeah pretty much here's him cooking naked. Here's him filling out envelopes 25:25 Naked. Well, what they would do is they had producers that were honestly very similar to them. He won two socks. They were very similar to like the Big Brother producers where they would like find like relatively exciting moments and they would play it up. Like they would add in sound effects and like graphics on the screen and like do goofy stuff to make it more interesting and exciting. Okay. But it's a single person in a room by himself. Right. Again, naked. 25:54 and so obviously they blurred it and he was working sits down and just kind of gets to work on male suit. So he opens it up, starts flipping through these things and filling out cards. First day he does a couple dozen mails him off second day. How long does it take to get the stuff? I mean that's a thing you got to figure he's mailing it and then the mailman's got to come pick it up and then they got a 26:22 strip it out to the place, he has to get selected, to show up, at least, right? And so he's sitting there, the room's exactly what it was The producers were like, well, we can't kill them. Yeah, so they started slipping them crackers to keep them. 26:51 from dying. What am I the ducks at Disneyland or would open it crackers would come flying in sliding on the door he's. 27:02 which first of all the ducks at Disneyland. Do you think they landed there and they were like? Oh my God, this place is incredible because they just get to live in his old ponds and they'll come up and eat out of your hand speaking to Disneyland. You hear about this controversy with that they're in right now. Well, the case killed that person yeah yeah yeah. Did you hear about the lawsuit? I don't know anything and if anybody at Disney tries to say that I know something I don't 27:30 I am at the last. I'm loyal to you Walt. Okay, all right. Did you hear about the lawsuit though? I did okay. I'm afraid of Disney dude. All right, why because of this stuff? If you ever heard of it, if you haven't heard a woman who they're there. Her husband is alleging that her death was caused because they explicitly over and over and said 27:56 she has an allergy. She's an allergy. She has an allergy and she was reassured over and over and over again that the food she was given was was not did not contain her allergen yeah, but then it did and she died because of that yeah and so which is crazy because they're really good about that's where I was thinking like that is pretty wild. That's where immediately like made that there is a part where it's like okay. I mean mistakes happen, so like I do think it's a pretty big mistake. That's huge. That is huge. So the husband sues Disney obviously and is like hey, you know 28:27 their lawyer, one of their lawyers, whoever did this thought that they hit a home run. They were like oh, we got him yeah because the husband had downloaded the Disney plus app on his xbox yeah for the free trial that lasted seven days and then didn't even log into it yeah and then deleted it yeah from the xbox yeah, but when he signed up for it, he agreed to the terms and conditions and in that terms and conditions, it says that any lawsuit brought against Disney. 28:56 they'll have to go to arbitration. So now they're trying to take this to arbitration based on him accepting terms and conditions from twenty twenty one yeah on Disney plus. So if you have signed up for Disney plus they're going to kill you and get away with it. Yeah, well what's interesting is he. This is just a testament to how much the law doesn't exist yes, because he has a really good lawyer and so what his lawyer said is we're going to set up a trust in his wife's name and the trust is going to sue her because she did not accept the terms and conditions. 29:25 Yeah, and so she she can take you to court while he can't and so he's not a part of the suit anymore, yep and the trust is and so that's just which is crazy. Yeah, but it is like I mean it's scary. The terms and conditions thing have we talked about black mirror on this podcast, the black mirror ad campaign when black mirror a few years ago. They did an episode about terms and conditions. Yeah, if you haven't seen black mirror, where have you been 29:51 But the whole concept of the show is like crazy tech companies being insane. Right. And so they literally went and they just quietly updated the terms and conditions. you give Netflix express permission to use your image likeness and your name in advertising. 30:20 your image and likeness from your social media profiles. and got people's real social profile pictures I don't remember what the bit was from that episode, And they put these billboards up all over the country 30:49 also terrifying brilliant marketing campaign, also brilliant for that show should not have been allowed yeah should not have been allowed, but it is because the law doesn't matter to the rich to the yeah yeah yeah. Anyways, that's Disney and Netflix and every terms and conditions you agree to right. So this I mean he probably in the subi probably agree we know when he signed the show. 31:14 just didn't know that he was signing up to be yeah. Yeah, I'm sure he filled out a contract that's given him crackers. They were giving him crackers. They were making sure he wasn't going to die first sweepstakes. So he's in there for nine days and there's a knock at the door and so he gets super pumped. He thinks he's finally won something hello, which where's the door? Where's the door? 31:45 he's going hello and he tells the kid hallucinating tells the kid he's like he's like did I win and the kid was like what the kid goes no they paid a kid to eat the ramen in front of him. Now the kid was like what and he's like that'll be eleven ninety nine and he was like what do you mean? I don't have any money and he's like are you what and he asks the name he's like oh he's like oh sorry wrong apartment. It was a ramen delivery kid kid 32:12 and an order. This isn't like on a set. This is a real apartment somewhere in this in Tokyo, and so this kid showed up thinking he ordered Robin and he did it and it was just like the slap in the face and like watching the dejection as he closed that door like with the ramen in front of probably smelling it like fresh cooked ramen and he's like he's like I have no way to pay for that and even if I could it's not my so 32:33 yeah, he's still naked. He's got a pillow cus he's just covered in some of that for me. Did I win? All right, let's imagine that you're a door dash driver right. You go out with a door dash, you knock on someone's door. You got the McDonald's. Someone has the door naked pillow and they go. Did I win? You run away screaming. Nope, no you didn't hang up yeah, so he's in there for 33:03 three or four more days and he has his first winning show up. He eats the socks, it's it's a box of it's something we don't have. Like they said the brand name. It's basically like tubed jello jelly or something like that. They're just little tubes of it kind of like think gogurt but for like gelatin and so he's got these little tubes. He loves it. Yeah, obviously he's starving, literally starving and so he's trying to make them last. 33:30 eats, eats them all. A couple of days later, his second price shows up and it's rice and goodness. The the rice was a pretty big winning for him because rice can last a long time. You can make that last the and it was like a pound of rice. It was like a decent amount of rice. The problem is he realized he has no pans or anything to cook with. He's got a stove, but he doesn't have any pans or anything. That's cruel. And so he's got to win pans, 34:01 pants also need, but I need pants look my book marking that for later. 34:13 it's the it's the looking pans pans got into all the pants. We've things so he fills out the info his name. Please give I'm desperate. No seriously, I deserve these. I need these really bad and so here's the problem. Mr. Give he tries. He tries to eat it raw. Yeah doesn't doesn't work. It doesn't work. 34:40 and then so then he starts trying to get tried. He starts trying to get creative and so he starts finding just different things around the house that he's like. Maybe I could put this in and then he remembers he's got those gelatin containers and he's like maybe, maybe if I turn the stove on overnight and let that run overnight and put the gelatin can chan container full of rice and water just close to it like not close enough to actually catch on fire, not like close enough towards really. It's just the heat is just slightly radiate or sound asleep. 35:10 and the whole apartments in flames all right, but now he's going to ender a sweepstakes for a fire extinguisher. 35:22 I got please no seriously need. They need this big time nine one one sweepstakes. So wakes up in the morning and it worked. It took literally all night, but that right, but he cooked that rice and that and here's the thing. Here's the thing it's a little thing, probably half the size of this bang can and so he's just got it sitting there and so he's like I can cook 35:51 that much every night and it takes all night and so he's able to get at least a little bit of food out of this and now he's starting to kind of figure out how to win sweepstakes and the point of winning sweepstakes is volume and so it becomes like a ten hour a day deal for him. It wasn't before. What else was he doing new? Well, it started out like because they gave him a notebook and so he could he could take notes and like 36:18 diaries and stuff like that, and then other than that, no one he did. He did kind of pull you and he would do run laps around the room to keep himself like physically like yeah, he's got to look hot the whole time. What do you think he's going to gain weight doing this? So he's running laps around the room and just yeah, I don't know, and then he's got a bunch of magazines. Maybe he was reading the articles. I don't know like nothing to do. I don't know, and so it started out. He's only doing a few dozen 36:46 a day and then we're and stuff. I guess I don't. I don't think he has a shower and he has a toilet. I know he has a toilet. I don't think he has a shower. Yeah, rough and so he scales up production of his mail and sweepstakes. That's the point where now he's doing twelve hundred and fifty a day on average, mail and sweepstakes holy cow hammering them out and within a few weeks he's a day thirty ish. He's the sweet start a month. 37:15 the the su states start coming giggling like he spent nine months in here, so the su states start bailing in. We start getting updates every week on that show on denpas shown in and so he's winning like major box of any he is and he's getting pumped for it. 37:39 he's getting pumped every time something comes in because he's the thing. Nothing's happening in his life. The only interesting moment in his life right now is when someone shows up at the door with a gift for him because all he does is sit there and write postcards all day yeah and so when something comes in he gets pumped like he's dancing around jumping around showing all his prizes right and his prizes are usually like like that. I think was a bunch of potato chips like they're nothing like great, but it's something you know it gives him something well. 38:08 They've been doing the, they've been blurring him out on the TV show, right? And someone then has an idea like, wait, his name is Nasubi. He's the eggplant. They're like, what if instead of blurring him out, we used an eggplant? And so they put an eggplant instead of blurring out. Here's the thing. There's a lot of like cultural people who are pretty confident. This is why the eggplant emoji became the eggplant emoji is because of this. 38:38 so it actually has more to do with this guy having an abnormally long head than anything else. Anyways, so this is whole episode for this no, no, no, it's just a happy coincidence. He's got found out a toothbrush. Yeah, I think that's what's happening there. I don't know if that's a toothbrush or his makeshift spoon. I don't know. I can't tell because I what I don't know anyways, so he's he's doing his thing. 39:07 Meanwhile, this is blowing up. Japan loves this. It's on every week. Everybody's talking about it. It is. It is Big Brother. It is twenty four. It is American Idol. It's a cultural phenomena, his parents, not stoked. They're like that's the one thing we told you one thing to do and this is why we warned you. We knew they were going to do this 39:36 the local time traveled back in times. They hate just whatever you do. Don't take you don't get they get. I tried to help you and so they the the local news doxes him someone on a local news finds his apartment, the one that he's in yeah and they publish it. I don't know why and so in the mill at night, I'm and delivery driver comes forward with his 40:04 a war, a location and so they dox him and the producer shows up at the middle of the night and says we got to move. Well, he shows up in the middle of the night and he says hey, we're going somewhere and he like makes him put on a blindfold, leaves him naked and like takes him out into a band and blindfolded and drives it drives him across town. He said that they turned on music really loud, so he couldn't tell where he was and then they pull up into an identical apartment. 40:34 somewhere in the other side of Tokyo and he was like he's like. Did I win and it is like no you've got no you've got a long way to go. No, no you've only made twenty dollars and so we love this yeah, and so he had to so they moved him. We're making millions every day. Actually we're making pretty pretty good money and so he is he has this moment where it's like oh I get to leave and there's a video of him leaving and this is around day sixty or something like that. 41:02 and sixty yeah, two months and in that scene he walks outside and you see him react. He's like he's like fresh air and then he gets in the car. He's like oh, I'm in a car. He's like he's like we're driving somewhere. He's like we're out and like we're dry. Don't make like excited about butt naked. He's got his cushion though. He's covering up with this cushion in the car and yeah, then they drop him off in this new house and there's just that moment where he takes that blindfold off and it's the same room. 41:31 and so he closed his eyes left for a while, opened his eyes and it's the same exact room and they actually moved all of his prizes in there and so all of his prizes are now in this room and he's like he's like all right, see you later and then he leaves and then he's just got to continue. So this goes on every week. They're doing these updates on denpa shonen and they're putting little updates of like here's the day day ninety nine. How long was he in here and 42:00 He's how skinny he is. And that's the hard thing is there's not a lot of and like not great amounts. of times and he's like, well, this is just in the way. And so he's got like a wall of just prizes. 42:26 Yeah, just random stuff. And there's some stuff that he had fun with, some stuff that he didn't. He did win a PlayStation at one point. And so here's footage of him playing PlayStation. He won a TV, I guess. He did win a TV, but the TV didn't have anything to hook up to. And so it was just static. But then he won the PlayStation. He played the PlayStation almost nonstop for two weeks straight. And then he was like, oh, I need to put this away. He's like, I can't. He's like, this is going to literally kill me. He's like, I have to do those sweepstakes. This is too distracting. 42:54 And so he put the box, the PlayStation up and hit it from himself because he's Okay. And then let me see if I could get this this date right. Remember the goal is to win a million yen. 43:24 I believe it was around day... uh... 43:32 two hundred and ninety something. The door opens the middle of the night. Did you just say two hundred and ninety? Yeah, yeah day like two ninety. The door opens up in the middle of night. Producer comes in. He's asleep, still naked. He's never won pants. He's one close, but they've never fit him. So there's been times where he's one close, but he couldn't like they literally couldn't fit. Okay, he's been naked for like two hundred and ninety days 44:02 This is a crime. Yeah, and I mean you saw in this shot, his hair is now really long. He's starting to get some unkempt facial hair. He's got a lot of random prizes. A globe? Toshio comes in with the camera crew and a few other people and he's laying there asleep naked in the middle of the night and Toshio comes in with party poppers. There's a possum in his face. So he wakes up to a party popper and it's like. 44:31 all over his face and he's just staring at him like confused and so he pops another one and he's literally he doesn't say a word he's just staring at Toshio and he pops another potty popper and party popper yeah and then he's like he's like what are you doing and he's like he's like what do you he does he does that he pops another one he says what are party poppers for and he was like parties and he's like yeah then he passed another one he's like he's like why do you why do you use him he's like to celebrate 45:00 And he's like, why would we be using one? He pops another one in his face and he's like, did I did I win? And he's like, yeah, he pops another one in his face and he's like, you did it. You the game show was called a life and prizes and he's like, you survived the life and prizes and he's like, he's like, are you serious? Are you, are you joking? Are you messing with me? Cause he's he's had this happen. Obviously that one time he got docs runs before 45:21 and it did actually happen another time they moved him at another point. I don't know why, but they just moved him and so he's moved three times in the middle of night, so he's like a little guarded at this point. He's like I don't know if I believe you and he they have a suit and like put this on and he's like oh my gosh close. He hasn't worn clothes in two hundred ninety some days, and so he's like he's like okay. Can I go home now and he's like well, we have one more thing we have to do and so they walk out to this live studio audience. They put the blindfold on and they take him out 45:48 and he gets in a car. This time he's fully clothed. He's wearing a suit, a full suit. They take him out to car and then the car stops and they get out of the car. They walk up some stairs and he sits down in this chair and then he realizes he's in a plane and they're like he's like wait. Are we in a plane? Where are we going and he's blindfolded and they're like just wait and so plane lands. They get out of the plan, the tarmac and same apartment and get out play on the tarmac 46:18 And then they go out into the street, like they find a main road somewhere in like the downtown area of this place they went. They take off the mask and they're like, do you know where you are? And he's looking around, never been to this place before, doesn't recognize it at all. And he's looking around and he deduces just from looking at the signs. He's like, are we in Korea? Is that Korean? And he was like, yeah, we're in Seoul, South Korea. And it's like, we're celebrating your winnings because you said in one of your journals that when you leave you want to- 46:48 he said. He said he said that you wanted to eat Korean food when you want. That was the first thing you wanted to do, so we took you to Korea to get authentic Korean food cool. Yeah, so malnourished so unclean hasn't wearing clothes the first time in a year, so they take and he's like they take him to this Korean restaurant. He's in this suit. 47:12 and they take a picture of him and they're like hey, get be excited. They are. They film this whole thing. His brain is broken. Yeah, they put him on this on the show. They take him to a Korean theme park. He actually get a million dollars worth of prizes. Yeah, he got him well a million yen. So it's like eight thousand yeah. He earned a million yen worth of it to come two hundred and ninety days. Yeah, of mail and sweet steaks to reach a million yen worth of of goods. The last thing he got was actually a bag of rice that put him over the million and so then he gives us a Korea 47:42 They took him to a theme park. They do a whole day riding the theme park rides and then the final day of the final scene of this like celebratory day in Korea, partying his whole like him celebrating to his apartment. They walk in. They they take him to a different place. They walk him through a door and they walk in and it's the same exact apartment, same layout, same everything, but now it's empty in Korea. Toshio says we want to know if you can do this in Korea. 48:12 and so he says here's a Korean Japanese dictionary, so you can translate the magazines and then he leaves and he makes them strip again makes no and they extend it because at this point the show they're trying to get a career market. Well, the ratings are at seventeen. They have seventeen million viewers a week on the show, which is better than American model did and it's pay hey day in J in Japan, and so this show is crushing 48:41 and so he hit it and the producers were like we can't stop and so like see if he can do it in Korea, so they take him to Korea and they drop him in an apartment and this is kidnapping at some point right. I mean I think you're right. It does depend with the contract look like like he signed a contract. Probably didn't look at it. It does just kind of depend what he agreed to when he signed the contract. Oh this sucks. 49:11 and so this first prize is a bag of rice. It was, it was, it was the same concept. It was a life and prizes Korea is what they did still aired on dempa shonen and everybody's tuning in every week to see if he can do it. This time the prize is equivalent to like three grand. It's a much lower goal to get to and so he and now he knows how to do this and so 49:36 the added challenge, though, is he doesn't read the language. He doesn't know how he doesn't be added challenge is that he doesn't have a language, not that you've been alone for a complete year with only three instances for if you count the delivery driver where you're interacting with another human being the added challenge that you don't know Korean and so so he starts entering these stresses me out and 50:02 in these two six he's opening the magazine. He has to translate every word of the magazine to understand what it's saying, and even if that is a sweepstakes he can enter and then when he enters the sweepstakes he has to translate his postcard to Korean to into the sweet stakes. So it's an increased serious challenge, but he pulls it off in thirty days and so they come in and they were like. How do you feel about Australia mate? 50:30 Hey, thanks for checking out this episode. Want to let you know real quick. We have an email list and it's not like a hey, we're going to send you our merch and new episodes all the time. We actually give you updates on these stories as we find out about them. So a lot of our episodes we've done a couple years ago now have updates or that the person the top was about passed away or was caught by the police or whatever updates we can find on episodes that we've done. We want to let you know about it so that our episodes just aren't 50:58 you know out there out of date. It's really fun way to keep learning new information and then every once in a while we let you know about new events coming up or new episodes and it's just a way to help us keep spreading the show. Join that email list. You can text till into six six eight six six or there's a link in the description of this episode or you can just go to till and dot com. It's very easy to join this email list. It's everywhere. It's actually really hard to not join it, so 51:30 they're like they're like you did it. Congratulations, great job and they said. What have you doubled it? He goes 51:42 I'm going to go home. Yeah and so so he said no, so so they double it and he keeps doing it. What does he get at the end of this? Does he just get all the prizes? No, he gets to be on TV. Mind you, here's the thing. He has no idea that this is going out on TV yet like he thinks this is going to release after the fact. That's what they told him. 52:09 He doesn't know these he doesn't know that people know about him yet. Yeah, yeah, and so after three hundred and thirty five days of this, the producer comes in and it's like you did it. You won a life and prizes and so he takes him and same thing puts him in that same suit. At this point, he said in interviews after the fact, he said he hated wearing clothes for a long time after this. 52:34 Yeah, because he was naked for forever. Yeah, and so he's like it was so uncomfortable. It was so itchy, like it was so hard to get used to being clothed again. So same thing gets that suit put on, goes in a van completely blindfolded and then they leave. They take him back to Japan, but at this point he is like. I mean they have millions of weekly viewers. He is so unbelievably famous that they're like we can't fly him out of oh yeah, so they take him on a boat. 53:02 back to Japan and it was like one of those fairies to go through security on that first flight. I don't know what the deal was with the first flight that for sure yeah and so this one and I don't know yeah. I kind of feel like there was probably ways around with this with a flight, but I don't know if it was for theatrical effect or whatever on Southwest Airlines and so so they so what they did on this sorry, South Korea, West 53:27 so they put them on one of those fairies, but they pulled a ferry in and you know how like if you've ever taken a ferry, you drive your car up onto the boat yeah and then you get out of your car and you go up to the boat part of the boat where you ride the boat stayed in the and then you go down and you get it and they left him in the car and so they all got out and so he's just in the van. I look at your line folded on the boat child block turned on it so he writes at the car and folded and use your ice 53:58 guy. Here's the boat horn are in a Disney cruise right now. I don't trust Disney my life in Disney cruises. Did I agree to these terms and conditions 54:19 So they ride the boat back to Tokyo, and then he guides him through this new building that they walk into. And so he just impulsively is dejected And he grabs the, he's like, I know the drill, 54:49 the cushion covers himself up and sits down. The hosts are there, they've quieted the whole audience. and a live studio audience, and everyone's waiting, to reveal he's in front of this. 55:17 live studio audience. He has no idea, by the way, he thinks he's in a regular apartment again, and so he just sees the walls fall down. 55:29 to then be but naked. You know how I wouldn't make it past day for they couldn't do this to me that and there's hundreds of people in the room. This makes me so people are taking pictures. There's music, there's confetti cannons going off like it's like it's like he won a major game show because he did three times yeah three times. He remember is three times 55:55 people are losing their minds. The hosts of the show come, they walk up to him and they're like crouched down next time with their mics and they start asking all these questions. He's just be Korean. He's just he's just completely floored like he is speechless. He can't talk and he's like. Did I win and they're like yeah you won you did it. You won a life and prizes and he's like can I put clothes on and like just just frozen honestly like deer and headlights moment 56:22 And it's also the first time he's talked to anyone really. Like he's talked to the producer and he's talked to that ramen kid. But for a year, those are the only people he's talked to. Yeah, a lot of talking to himself. And so they bring out a robe, they put him in this robe and they escort him off and they make a whole big deal about this. And that's the first moment he realizes that he's been on TV this whole time. And he like now he can't go out in public because he gets mobbed because everybody knows him, everybody loves him. Like he has a. 56:52 a pretty loyal fan base. Like everybody really appreciates him because the show, like any show made him look really good. Yeah, they made him look fun. They made him look like he was having a great time. Like it was really enjoyable and all this stuff. Um, and they like, they censored out all the stuff where he was dejected and writing these really sad journal entries and like very clearly spiraling out of control. Um, cause he was, he was losing his mind and yeah, 57:21 Like anyone would, you can't be alone in a room naked with no food and expect to be in a good mental state. Yeah. And so, oh, another interesting thing I forgot to mention. About day 80, there was these rumors. Everyone was like, oh, this isn't real. They bring a man, they film all this stuff, then they take him out and he's just acting like all this is fake. And so Toshio started the first 24-7 livestream. 57:49 and so they live streamed his room twenty four seven on the internet. It was the first time anyone anyone's ever done that and they had a crew of people. It was like thirty people manning this live stream and there was someone whose job was to just track him with that eggplant at all times and so like they would go and shifts and just track him with the eggplant. Make sure he was still censored twenty four seven for like two hundred more days, something like that of just what do you do for work? Oh, oh 58:18 have you ever played Pac Man and Siddler kind of like I play that all day only much higher stakes. There's no ghosts yeah, but there might as well be so he gets out and all of this gets revealed to him that it like he's famous now and he's 58:44 got a mixed feelings for this. He goes on a press tour. They sent him on a press tour, I should say, so he does like every late night talk show in Japan, every news channel in Japan, every morning show like he is guesting on literally everything that exists for like four weeks straight. They're flying him around. He's doing all these guest appearances, doing all these interviews. They're blindfolding him, taking it off. He's like good morning Japan. Yeah, yeah, he even like leaves the country a couple times. He goes on BBC and they interview him on the BBC. 59:13 And so it's like it's like a major press tour and goes from being trapped in a room for three hundred days with nothing to eat to a giant, giant level press tour touring quite literally a decent part of the world and having to do all these interviews and he's never done any of this before in his life. And he said that that press tour was tough because not only was it hard to wear clothes now, but he also had no one to talk to for a year and so he he's like I found myself 59:43 all of a sudden being socially awkward. And you can kind of see it in the interviews, and he has strange habits Just doesn't hold the conversation very well. He does the press tour, he goes back to Tokyo. 01:00:11 and then he's like, well, I'm going to go home, see my family. They're probably going to disown me for going out and being naked, naked for being naked. But luckily that didn't happen. They like welcome him home. They knew that, oh, this is he was tricked. They could tell right away. And so they welcomed him back. He, as far as I know, never took like legal action or anything. 01:00:37 I don't know if that was something there was like grounds for and like. I don't know what Japanese law is around something like this, so maybe he knew it was something he couldn't win or maybe he did sign a contract and he knew. Oh, I I agreed to that. I don't know, but it did open up a comedy career for him. He got to be in some TV shows. He got to be in a few movies. He did stand up for a little bit. He's a pretty recognizable. Yeah, everybody knows him now and so he was able to build a career out of this and 01:01:07 for him though, he was in a very dark place after this, understandably because like yeah, I mean, I guess I don't have to explain why he was in a dark place until he found what he figured was like his purpose and that was in March of twenty eleven because a long time. 01:01:34 to find a purpose. Yeah, yeah. And so he did like, he had a career, but he was in a dark place for years. March of 2011, there was a pretty major event in Japan because there was a giant earthquake. That earthquake triggered a major tsunami, and that tsunami took out the Fukushima nuclear plant and led to the Fukushima nuclear disaster. And so being from Fukushima, he immediately. 01:02:00 got on a train from Tokyo to go home to see his family and his friends and make sure everyone was okay. And luckily everyone was okay, but he noticed almost immediately, the place was trashed. If they got hit with an earthquake and then a tsunami immediately after, the place was just completely destroyed. And there were people who've lost loved ones, who've lost possessions, their homes are destroyed. Terrible situation, but people would see him and he just... 01:02:29 having him there. He was such like a figure that people figure figure. People were like they would see him and they like break down crying. They go hug him and they be like thanks for being here and like there was people. There was a person who came up to him and said I lost my autograph in the tsunami. I'm so sorry and he was like he's like. Well, I can give you another one yeah and he realized 01:02:58 Hey, I had one, but I've lost it. Would you give me another one? And so he do you what I mean? You know if my home was destroyed by like a hurricane or something yeah, I would love to see just like sure my house is gone yeah sure all of my belongings never coming back things that like I have like 01:03:24 nostalgic value. Yeah, my pets probably yeah, you know my my car, my neighbors, yeah, yeah house, not them. They're fine. Yeah, but my name is house. Yeah, just a Patrick Mahomes walk through. I'd be like this is worth it. I'm so happy so glad you're here. 01:03:49 Well, what he says is weird to me, so he helped in the rebuild. I understand, but it's weird to me. He helped in the rebuild and he realized during that rebuild he's like when Joe Biden came to Joplin tornado. Do you know about this? Do you remember that? I don't remember that because I don't. I wasn't here yeah, so I don't remember it. I wasn't big job on tornado yeah yeah horrible yeah and it was like a hundred and sixty two people who died. Yeah, Joe Biden, then Vice President, yes comes and doesn't event and says a hundred and sixty two thousand people died in 01:04:19 it's not a hundred percent real people in job. He straight up was like a hundred and sixty two thousand people died. Joe Biden Joplin 01:04:32 and that's when I knew I'm going to vote for that guy. I've got a vote for that guy. I know at Joplin High School, October, third, twenty fourteen. He came way late. I'm saying you were there and you were in Springfield, because he came after the rebuild of the high school was done. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah to like dedicate the high school. Yeah that high schools, why very the amount of money that got put. So that was what was so hard about. I was on staff at North Point and we were launching a campus in Joplin and one of the 01:05:01 barriers. One of the challenges was that people in Joplin had so much money flow in there and so much relief like it became like 01:05:13 I think that they responded to job in the way that they should have responded to Katrina. If that makes sense, yeah, I know what you're saying and I think they were so afraid of how poorly the US government and the world responded to Katrina that they were like. We can't do that again, yeah, so then they over responded to job one yeah and it was all good necessary stuff yeah right, but you know so much attention so much like you know yeah funding the whole thing and then Joey be 01:05:43 dedicates at high school and then all of it was just like all right, we're done yeah, they left yeah and the next year we like launched a campus, but it's now been a year since they've had all this funding and all this attention. Yeah, they just went back to being the ugly stepsister of Springfield. Yeah, that it was it was very weak. It was challenging because they were like well, how long you gonna be here? Yeah, yeah, that was definitely the gonna be nothing that wasn't explicitly said, but that was definitely could feel it. Yeah, it was like yeah, but you're going to help us for a couple years and then dip and then you're going to go, which is what I did. 01:06:14 so the so he realized in that moment he's like he's like I think there's something I can make of this yeah, because he's like he's like I didn't really learn any skills while I was in my life and prizes. He's like I learned how to fill out twelve hundred post cards a day, but that's not really a valuable skill help these people and so but what he realizes he's he became a figure and him being a part of something could like actually help people and so sure he learned. Oh, I can put my name on it 01:06:41 Well, what he said is he said I could fill this emptiness inside me by helping other people, and so he was a part of the relief effort and then he went as an effort to raise money for Fukushima. He built a campaign to climb Everest and he said fund me going to Everest and I'll donate all that money back to Fukushima, and so he's like I'm going to climb Everest and then you donate to Fukushima for it. Help me. You know I'm saying 01:07:11 I mean, I know exactly what me complete my pilot's license and I will give money back to you. Help me do something that I want to do. What was it? It wasn't because he could go he so he could go on his own. Basically it was like it was like hey. It was kind of like those like those like run walk like those donation is like. So you donate I'm a lapse around Everest. Will you do 01:07:32 you give me you donate two dollars yeah and then I'll do twenty five laps. So you got to give me fifty kind of yeah kind of so something like that give me a so people are donating foot that I gain on on he's risked and he's climbing and he's climbing Everest in Fukushima's name right and so he goes he gets a he gets a trainer. He gets a guide. He's in a group of like a hundred people to climb Everest. It's a shaman 01:07:54 Yeah, and so they go there's a group of like a hundred of them. They get a base camp, but there are people whose whole job is to like climb Everest every day and help tourists yeah achieve their go up and those like we do and they just do that all the time. Have you heard of that food or that Everest business that just got started? It's a start up for Everest. Have you heard of this? They fly to the top? No, what they do that would be what they do. I would love that is you sign up 01:08:20 and they find a hill near you and they do the math. How many times you have to climb that hill to climb Everest and so then they're like yeah, go at this hill, you do it is and it's your Everest climb for cheaper. Is that count Everest ten thousand laps in your living room? That's the business you pay them significantly less than you pay to go to Everest yeah and then you climb Everest wild if it was the same. 01:08:47 it's so goofy because it's like it's like yeah. I mean you're going the same distance, but it's so much easier like it's not frozen. It's not. You say that but you've never done it. I mean I've never done it. Let's what I'm the Everest near us. Are we in no come on now? I bet I'll do a faster. I bet I'll even complete. You know what faster's not even thing because it doesn't matter how long I take. You will never complete it. Oh 01:09:17 Hmm. I don't know about that. 01:09:21 I mean his head all it takes is a little competition. All right, so anyways, so I bet I could put more money in my bank account than you could. I bet I could put more money, not earn or put more in my bank account. 01:09:44 so he gets he gets he gets he gets the base camp. He gets the base camp for not let me at the base of Everest. Yeah, there's like a hundred of them. They set up camp. They're going to no one sponsored the next day. How long is this episode by the way we're almost there? Oh shoot and the the earthquake of Nepal hits Nepal's big earthquake hits and he's at base camp of Mount Everest and that triggers an avalanche and this avalanche 01:10:13 hits their base camp. There's footage of all of them just getting nailed by this avalanche. And so he's now in two back to back earthquakes basically that lead to secondary disasters. And a handful of people did die. A bunch of people were injured and he jumped right into like emergency mode and started like setting up, okay, here's. 01:10:38 he was going through everybody's bags, finding all the first aid stuff, setting up a first aid station, and finding all the clothes, like getting all the clothes together so people would have places to get warm, warm clothes and like change out of their stuff where they got avalanched, and then helping people get out of the area, you know? And like really was kind of a hero in this situation. And so he goes home and he's like, he's like, I'm sorry Fukushima, I failed you. And they were like, no, we heard about what you did. And it was like... 01:11:06 even better and better. Yeah, we're so glad that that happened. Yeah, we're so proud of you die on Everest, so we're actually pretty glad we watched you walk that hill by your house and we were like like that's not going to happen, and so he goes and he he goes back to do it again and he this time achieves it and it has become a thing he does now and so he's now climbed Everest four times. 01:11:31 And every time he does it, he does it in the name of some other charity. And they give to another charity. And so he just climbs Everest over and over again. And he's like, I've realized that this has brought me to this point. And so he's like, my life in prizes was the worst experience of his life. I was definitely held hostage. And it was a mentally very trying thing. And he said I was in a very dark place for a very long time after that. But he's like, I do think. It was worth it for this. Yeah, at the end of the day, where it put me. 01:12:00 and that's the thing that a lot of people don't realize yeah fame solves most of your problems. You know saying like it's like man that sucked, but I was famous after, but I ended up famous. I was like ah, so it's worth it. So here he is on top of Everest and he he's but as they made hoods that big 01:12:25 to cover his eggplant head, so he is he went from wearing zero clothes to the place where you have to wear the most clothes and he's like this is a lot. You sure we need this? Do you sure we need this? You sure? Do you sure we wow? So now I'm glad he found a purpose. Yeah, so he now he would be forty almost fifty yeah forty nine he's forty nine and yeah. Now he like he speaks at events and he talks about 01:12:50 I don't know how to be naked for three days. No, he talks about hope and stuff like that and he still does the occasional comedy thing, but by and large he spends his time doing climbing Everest, yeah climbing, a long time doing like I want you to get up and back. We'll stop them back after the fit. We'll save yeah. I'll look it up. So yeah, that's that's that's nasubi crazy experience in my life and prizes 01:13:20 arguably one of the craziest TV shows ever made that producer went on to do a few more TV shows. They got darker and darker and darker. Literally one of them was they were trapped in a room in the dark and they had to like surviving. It was a very similar concept, but those are in the dark and so the challenge is that it's the lights are off the challenges. You can still going to fill out those sweepstakes, but you can't see a thing and so he ended up here's thirty thousand dollars in cash. You have to match the serial numbers to a radio station in the United States. 01:13:50 but it's pitch black dark yeah, and so he did a handful more of these contests. He ended up getting shut down by the network though, because they were like. I don't know if we can do this. They're like this is pretty bad and people he's like finally I've been trying to get fired for you. I couldn't believe you guys said yes to half these ideas. Obviously these are like get out of here. Ideas the public turned on him because the public had no idea like how bad of a place in a subi was in 01:14:15 when they realized he was in a bad mental state. They're like, oh, that sucks because we like him. You guys know yeah, no, no, we just assumed he was happy. He'd acted like it sometimes on the show. Yeah, sometimes and so that's an a subi. He's a hero wow, big long head fiddle off 01:14:45 Hey, thanks for checking out this episode. If you liked it, we've got an episode called Ida Wood, where there was this woman who lived in her apartment without leaving for, I don't know what it was, like 70 years. It was something pretty insane. She ate everything inside that apartment. She hoarded a little bit. It's kind of a wild story, a little nasty, so it's kind of like it's kind of like this episode, but like a little different in a way. You know, it's similar, but different, and that's what a recommendation is. It's to see something that's similar, but different. 01:15:14 And hey, if you want to see next week's episode right now, you can do that by becoming a Patreon supporter. There's a link in the bio to do that, or in the description to do that. Our Patreon supporters get a lot of great perks. Like they get an episode a week early with ad free, they get a discord, they get to hang out with our producers and us in a video call once a month, which is super fun and a lot of other great perks. And not to mention they make this show happen. So we really appreciate all our Patreon supporters. You can do that right now at the link in the description, or you can just subscribe, you can like, you can comment, you can do all the stuff that YouTubers tell you to do. 01:15:44 because that helps a ton. But we really appreciate you watching our show. It will see you next week on Things I Learned Last Night.

Imagine living in a small apartment for almost a year without clothes, food, or a way to escape. This was the reality for Nasubi, a contestant on a Japanese game show. Nasubi, whose real name is Tomoaki Hamatsu, became an unexpected celebrity when he was chosen to participate in a unique and challenging game show that tested his endurance, patience, and willpower. This blog post will explore the strange and fascinating journey of Nasubi, the contestant who captured the hearts of millions.

Who is Nasubi?

Nasubi, which means “eggplant” in Japanese, was the nickname given to Tomoaki Hamatsu as a child because of his unusually long head. Born in Fukushima, Japan, Nasubi faced teasing and bullying throughout his early years due to his appearance. However, he learned to embrace his nickname and used humor to cope, eventually pursuing a comedy career. When Nasubi moved to Tokyo, he began auditioning for various shows, hoping to break into the entertainment industry. In 1998, his life drastically changed when he was selected for a mysterious new game show.

The Start of the Challenge

Nasubi attended an open casting call for a TV show organized by a producer named Toshio Tsuchiya. Without knowing the details, Nasubi and other hopefuls put their names in a hat, and Nasubi’s name was drawn. He was immediately taken to a small room with no windows and minimal furnishings. The producer explained that Nasubi’s goal was to win a million yen (about $8,000) by entering and winning mail-in sweepstakes. However, there was a catch: Nasubi had to do this while completely naked and without any resources besides water and the magazines containing the sweepstakes.

Nasubi’s Life in Isolation

Nasubi began the challenge by filling out as many sweepstakes entries as possible, hoping to win food, clothing, or other essentials. For weeks, nothing arrived, and he was forced to survive on water alone. The game show producers slipped him occasional crackers to keep him from starving. After nine days, Nasubi won his first prize: a small amount of jelly. A few days later, he won a bag of rice but had no pot or pan to cook it in. He found creative ways to cook the rice, like using empty containers and placing them near the stove overnight.

Despite the hardships, Nasubi remained determined to reach his goal. He filled out over a thousand sweepstakes entries daily, knowing that each entry brought him closer to his target. The show producers filmed every moment, and the footage was broadcast weekly on Japanese TV. What Nasubi did not know was that his struggle was being watched by millions of viewers fascinated by his perseverance and plight.

Nasubi Becomes a National Sensation

As the weeks turned into months, Nasubi’s story captured the entire country’s attention. The producers blurred his nakedness with an eggplant image, a nod to his nickname, and added funny sound effects and graphics to make the show more entertaining. The game show, “Denpa Shonen,” became incredibly popular, with millions tuning in each week to see if Nasubi had won more prizes.

Nasubi, however, remained unaware of his growing fame. The show producers kept him isolated, and he believed the footage would only be aired after the contest ended. Meanwhile, viewers were captivated by Nasubi’s journey, laughing at his triumphs and feeling empathy for his moments of despair.

The Contest Ends, but the Story Continues

After 335 days in isolation, Nasubi finally reached his goal of winning a million yen in prizes. He was thrilled when the producer announced his victory and allowed him to wear clothes for the first time in nearly a year. However, there was another twist: Nasubi was blindfolded, taken on a plane, and flown to South Korea, where the producers asked him to repeat the challenge in a foreign country. This time, Nasubi had to overcome the added difficulty of not knowing the language.

Despite the new challenge, Nasubi achieved his goal again, this time in just 30 days. When the challenge finally ended, he learned the shocking truth: he had become a national hero, known to millions of viewers as the contestant who endured incredible hardships to win a game show.

Life After the Game Show

After his ordeal, Nasubi struggled to adjust to life outside the game show. The sudden fame and the mental toll of isolation had left him feeling lost and confused. For a while, he pursued a career in comedy, appearing on various TV shows and doing stand-up comedy. However, it wasn’t until 2011, during the Fukushima nuclear disaster, that Nasubi found a new purpose. He used his fame to help his hometown recover, raising money and awareness for the disaster victims.


Nasubi’s story is a unique tale of perseverance, endurance, and unexpected fame. He started as a contestant on a bizarre game show but became a symbol of resilience. While his experience was challenging, Nasubi turned it into an opportunity to help others and find new meaning in his life. His journey from isolation to heroism shows us that even in the strangest circumstances, there is always a chance to make a positive impact.

By embracing his challenges, Nasubi, the contestant who never gave up, taught us all a lesson in hope and determination.

Things I Learned Last Night is an educational comedy podcast where best friends Jaron Myers and Tim Stone talk about random topics and have fun all along the way. If you like learning and laughing a lot while you do, you’ll love TILLN. Watch or listen to this episode right now!




Nasubi – Wikipedia

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