Episode Transcription
Today we're talking about the richest woman that maybe ever existed. Yeah, she propped up the financial industry in 1907 during the panic of 1907 without her multiple banks and financial institutions that still exist today might have failed yeah and she amassed in astonishing amount of wealth that's crazy. Even to this day and a pretty interesting reputation. So today we're learning about heady green. This is things I learned last night. It's an educational comedy podcast. We're going to learn a lot about the life and the story of who this person is.
but we're also going to joke around a lot and laugh along the way. Today's date is February twenty fifth, yep nailed it nice. So this weekend I'm in the Chicago area that I got a lot of dates in March and April and May and June and none in July, I don't know, but all my tour dates are on jerry meyers dot com slash shows. I would love to see you at a live show. Let's laugh and hang out together, but if I don't see you there, I will see you every Tuesday on this podcast.
I don't know how to land. I love that. All right, let's get to the episode.
You know there's a place called Sandwich in London?
Are we going to do Earl of Sandwich? Is that what we're doing right now? No, I think it's in London. I think it's in the UK or something like that. I don't know. Is this unrelated? I don't know where Sandwich is yeah. It's unknown. Okay, but you man, but do you know okay? So Sandwich, do you know that's why I know it's in Massachusetts? What no Sandwich is a place in the UK. Okay, but do you know why it's called a Sandwich like a? Oh, is it because of the UK of the Sandwich? Huh?
man shout out to that guy. Well, at least the folklore is that he was a poker player and enjoyed and he wanted to eat his dinner while he was playing a card game, so he had his person put the roast be was between that between two pieces of bread. He was that bad of a degenerate gambler yeah that he couldn't stop to eat that he literally that's why this that's why it's so he was the Earl of Sandwich. A lot of sense actually looking at you looking it up right now. No, I'm not that doesn't make a lot of sense though.
all right. That is really interesting. I made it up. Did you really? No, come on. What's your episode about Earl? Hey man, and there's a whole restaurant named after they're literally called the Earl of Sandwich, but after the Earl of Sandwich, the guy who created sandwiches, is that real? Though is that the story that they tell for market that's a hundred and real because I actually googled it separately. I was like no way that's no way there's a real story. They made this up for the brand and then I googled it
but how do you know for sure that I is not from communist China, dude, China didn't tell me that story. China was like you know for China was like a come over to have the same which was you got really worried in your eyes for a second. You thought I was a great ready to do a Chinese accent. Did you you thousand? I does not like
all right man. Have you ever heard of head? No start over, leave it all in that's a place to start the episode. Have you ever heard of any green, eddie green, hattie green? Have you ever heard of hattie green? Yes, hold on. It's another way to say this. That's the color we just painted our room. It's henrietta henrietta hattie howland robinson green
Henrietta, how the Robinson Green, I can't remember why okay, tell me about heady. She was born in eighteen ninety seven in New Bedford, Massachusetts, every person memorized who was born in eighteen ninety seven. I and that's where I was like I've heard this. I heard this David. I'm proud that's what I do like you know in my free time. I just I sit on my couch and I just go through the list yeah in Rieta, Hedy
it's just a list of obituaries from eighteen ninety seven. Yeah, Eddie Green later in her career. She would earn her earn the title and I don't know if I would call this a title. She would earn the nickname yeah. The public began to call her the nickname, the witch of Wall Street, because she just hung around Wall Street cursing people sell me this broom, sell me this broom
you can't do your pathetic, but that okay, so she will just start at the beginning of the story eighteen ninety seven. I don't know she was born in eighteen thirty four, eighty, wow, I was way off that did not look like eighteen thirty four. First time I read it, she's born in eighteen thirty four in New Bedford, Massachusetts. She was the daughter of a man named Edward Robinson, who was a whaling tycoon. So this back when you used to just take miles out of the ocean.
Wailing Tycoon.
Yikes. Oh, I'm going to get you.
you build your boat, harpoon, harpoon that way, i'm going to put a boot. It's my white whale harpoon.
ding dong out of harpoons, but it's like a nineties. Okay, by more by more harpoon credit card so well, so well, so well, so yeah well, oil was a big deal. If you don't know that was like all the oil, all the oil was whale oil because we hadn't figured out how to take it from dinosaurs yet, so we took all our oil from wheels. Is that what vehicles ran on?
I don't know. I mean this was before cars yeah was eighteen thirties. You don't know that tartar Chinese proper, so the whale, whale, I did the whale oil was where they like lit all their stuff and I don't know whatever else you needed oil for yeah. You don't know it for you. I don't know whatever else you just leave it. I don't know man. Don't make guesses. Yeah, I'll take a guess. Great guess. That's what it's for. Yeah podcast is for misinformation.
so her family member were Quakers, Quakers and Whalers Quakers as in the religious, not the cereal, which is named after the religious Quakers, the same Quakers. You can't just be like us different Quakers, the same Quakers okay. I don't think that's true speaking of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. There's a there's a there's a Quaker plant
like where that's where they make quaker people. No, that's where they make the oatmeal, but they make the strawberry oatmeal and in Cedar Rapids. So some days it just smells like sweet strawberries to the town, smells like strawberries and cream. Is that wonderful? I think I said that is actually pretty nice. I grew up next to a dog food factory, so that's not as a true story. I never forget where I came from. I came from next to the dog food factory, think that I think that they their their mascot is a quaker. Yeah, but I don't think that
that the Sira Company is the Quakers. I don't know their Quakers, but I'm down saying like oh you're trying to differentiate your being like oh we're talking about bees not like the B movie yeah, but those are still bees. It's the movie about bees like that's a B. It's I mean I guess I don't think bees made the movie. I don't think so either do I say we can be I made the only the bees made the movie either, but it's a but they could movies could though. These are smart
the bees could have made the right. I guess I wanted to make the movie that could have been saying the Quaker that you see on the cereal box is the Quaker being referenced here. Yeah, you could be right at Quaker is her dad. Yeah okay, so that Quaker burst the witch
wait her dad yeah, because she's the witch keep up yeah, but you said her dad birth to which yep. Okay, all right, Quakers are like seahorse switched. Okay, that's because of all the whales. I don't know to a sub their biology. Keep up there are too many whales. My biology is all my this. I'm trying folks so so
at two years old. Their parents were like this is too much work, and so they sent her to live with yeah.
this is too much work. Gosh, you're so annoying. Where you were this enter to they said her to live with her grandfather and her aunt who also live with her grandfather. I don't want to deal with this anymore. You got to get out of here and what sucks is they had six other kids already, so it's not even like yeah. Yeah, it was just like this wasn't our first thing. The one was too much. They're like so they said her to live with her grandfather and her aunt in sandwich. Was it actually ran Maryland like yes, it was actually her. Yes, yes,
and and sandwich in sandwich, not the origin of the word sandwich. No, it's based off the Earl of Sandwich.
in the early days of this show, we did like affiliate ads where we were like a sign up for grammarly and use code till and and we got like fifteen cents and now we just do patreon. It's a much better way. It's better for us as creators. It's better for you as listeners and it's a much more fun way for us to interact. We do monthly hangouts like on zoom. We just hang out and play games online and and get to know each other. It's a really fun time. So
but still use our code till in at grammerly dot com because I think it's still I might get like a couple cents from that, but join us on patreon because we're having a great time. If you don't, we're going to have to start doing mobile game ads.
so Gideon her grandpa, grandpa's name is Gideon. He really liked financial like stock markets and the news and stuff like that, and he didn't like working for himself, and so at a young age he taught heady how to read so that way she could read the paper to him.
so he could sit on your books didn't exist yet, so you know it on the other side of the room with a scotch and a cigar and be like read me the paper. Wow, it's brutal and so I love it. She read stock market news to him every day and so she started to learn the stock market because every day she's reading it as a child. She's growing up reading her grandfather, all the happenings of Wall Street sure and then Gideon had a lot of influence on her father.
and so he was constantly like kind of leading him and may helping him make decisions, and so Gideon was like hey. I think that your whaling business. I think you'd be a lot more successful if your thirteen year old daughter was your bookkeeper and so had he took over as the bookkeeper for his whaling company, and so she learned how to run the ledger and now to trade commodities. Here's a thing we used to let like let
the kids take charge and now we got these kids who are twenty six living at home yeah, could we never let them be in charge of the whale company yeah. You never let them do things yeah. We never let them make decisions for what the teams, what players the team should trade for because oh, I know what they're mad and re whatever dude like freaking here's the thing. Here's the here's my input to a twenty six year old living in your mom's basement. Go join the whaling industry, yeah learn how the learn how much whales are worse grow up.
pull yourself up on the boot straps and you don't know what a whale's worth. Oh quit helping your mom turn the butter and go join the whales.
I'm not on a touch. You should be with the way you should be with the who that boy should be with the whales. I don't want the whales and you believe he's a home turn butter when he could be out there with the whales and she would accompany her dad to all the business stuff he would do. She would go to the counting houses into the store right to all the places to learn about how the whaling industry worked and how to sell commodities, and so she was
She learned about the economy, items, invoices, inventory, the point of it's the economy. Guess what? It boosts the economy. Listen, Jack, listen, Jack,
we can't make those jokes anymore. He's been gone for like a month. I don't mean from probably cheese won the Super Bowl, though, right, most likely if they didn't then it's right. So if they did, I don't know man. I don't know what to say. They lose the Texans tomorrow. We're recording this. I don't know what before that game yeah. If they lose the Texans tomorrow, I'm not going to put this episode out
So she graduates high school yeah. She attends like a multiple different porting throughout school. She graduates high school with her high school diploma, impressive and impressive in that day and age yeah and then also fifteen years experience at the whaling industry and so like she and which also also she's a woman in the eighteen seventies and so it's peculiar enough for her to know this much. She can read yeah like it's kind of strange that she's like
knows this much about money in this day and age like everyone's like. Why are you bringing your daughter to this? Don't you have a son and he's like shut up? My daughter's here forget about it. She knows more about Matt than I do. My daughter's like my daughter knows stuff. I don't yeah. I just kill way as all I know. All I know is all I know is death to Wales. My daughter's here to negotiate the terms of this deal. I'm here to kill some Wales for you. Okay,
I like a guy who's like a broken assassin. You know what I just like all I know is death and he's just like he shows in the meetings and she's like, so here's the services we offer and they're like why isn't he talking? He doesn't really have a money like to say he's. Why you say something?
he's like sounding it out. That's all he's saying. He just does a whale calls the whole time. That's so ominous dude, like someone saying that's where ghosts are. Our move ghosts are just go to whale hunters. All right, yeah, they were all whale. They were all whale arms. It was a big industry.
a few years from now there's just going to be why that you know all the all the iron age guys that were working in in to try years from now goes. There's going to be in the corner being like a masculinity is dying. It's also going to be sad dude. We were man, masculine energy, we need more men. What we need is more men.
okay, so she turns twenty and her aunt Sylvia Giddens gone by now. Giddens yeah, but her aunt Sylvia is like hey, I think you should move to New York. You should find yourself a spouse. It's time you're twenty years old. Your woman is what your life's about. You need to go find us out there in your years yeah, and so she convinced I at thirty five now on Sylvia rings up or probably writes a letter. Actually, this is the eighteen eighties, writes a letter.
or now this is the eighteen fifties eighteen fifties, writes a letter off to Hedy's dad and is like hey, your daughter got to get married, send her to New York. Why don't you send her twelve hundred dollars so she can get really nice outfits so she can find he goes since the twelve hundred so he sends twelve hundred dollars to a lot, though a ton of money back then a ton of money and she's like he's like buy yourself some gowns, some great outfits go out on the town like
do the socialite thing yeah, so you can meet a good wealthy man as the idea, and so she spends twelve two hundred dollars on a couple of nice outfits. Then she invests. She invests the other thousand. That's my kind of gal right there. Somebody who sees through the temporary and says I'm going to play the long term game here. The only thing she was able as a woman to invest in was bonds, so she invests in bonds like we won't let a lady invest in our companies.
You can't put any more money in the Coca-Cola from a woman.
What are the one female dollars? Can't give me no female dollars. That's that dollar is worth seventy five cents coming from you.
yeah and so she goes, she invests and she has a yeah. She doesn't have huge success, but she's got these bonds that are sure and she doesn't find a man and so she kind of runs out of money to live in New York. She goes back home and so she's back in New Bedford. She sort of his bonds. Yeah, she still got the bonds. The bonds are still growing or father exits the whaling business. He moves to New York City,
and he timed his exit. He's like I'll go find you. He times is exit perfectly. Hey, you got a wife all right, I got one and so her father exits the whaling business and he times it perfectly because petroleum was discovered and it
basically killed the whaling industry overnight. It killed the whaling industry, the way that the whaling industry killed the way and her dad, her dad, all he knew was killing whales and so she he started sit in his chair all day, been like he's got like the beer bottle and he's doing the over the that's how that started because they missed the sound of the way
I missed the sound of the whales I killed.
it sounds like them and so she was she was moving between she's bouncing between Bedford and New Bedford and New York City, and so she was how assisting her father with his new businesses. I don't really know what his new business adventure or venture was Donald, but but she was assisting him and then something interesting happens on Sylvia dies and when she dies on Sylvia had
children of her own and allegedly she left all of her children out of the will and left everything to I know how that happened to Hedy Green and all of her. I do is find an old person who is a little bit out of it and then get them to write everyone else out of their will. That's I mean that's you know yeah and so and that's a that's the most his like that is the most common scam pulled yeah and so all of her siblings are like you tricked her.
dollars, then so they took her to court because she left her eight thousand dollars, which is the equivalent to two hundred seventy thousand dollars today. So pretty decent good chunk of change yeah inheritance and so her siblings are like that's ours and she's like it's mine and so she wins and she gets two hundred seventy thousand dollars and she remember knows money and so she starts investing and pretty quickly after that her father also dies and her father's estate is a little bit bigger.
and so her father leaves her a million dollars in a trust and she's really mad that it's in a trust because she doesn't have control over it, and so she spends years in a legal battle trying to figure out how she million dollars in what year this would have been eighteen sixty five, so a lot of money. I mean let's see eighteen sixty five one million dollars, nineteen point three million today. Okay, it sounds better
I mean, that's still a lot of money. You could buy Venmo and flip it for that much money by Venmo. You're pretty close seven million more dollars. Pretty close to being able to buy Venmo. Yeah, it was in mo. You know what's on your phone and they go was a phone and you go like well, it's a device that you're holding your hand. You talk to someone else who's across the world and they go you're from space and you're like I'm not from space. I can hear you're from space and you're like cowabunga brother and they're like we're going to kill you and they kill you yeah yeah exactly. So
she gets in this long legal battle trying to figure out this trust simultaneously taking the other money that she had and investing it in all the stuff. Nobody else would touch and now here's the thing. Her philosophy is quote. I buy when things are low and nobody wants them. I keep them until they go up and people go crazy about them. That is, I believe the secret of all successful business. This is eighteen sixty and so this is when
now that's kind of like you hear people say stuff like that by low so high like that's the story of the stock market. It's a story of crypto, but in this day and age, people weren't thinking by low so high. They were like by like stuff that looks like it's going to be a good base, like by good business and then it goes up yeah. This wasn't a concept and so she almost gaming it yet. Yes, yes, and so she was investing the interest from her father's trust fund because she couldn't get
all that million dollars. She genuinely believed she's like if you give me the whole million, I'll make so much money off this yeah and they're like now you can just get the interest out of it. You just get the little this little piece and now it's more like the industry yeah. That's the interest. Yes, you speak it used to be off. It used to be all four figures and I was just one of the figures. Thank you for my high yield savings account high yield more like
a little little bit of yield like a little bit of little bit of some yields. Thank you so little bit. So it's a really good joke. It's a panic at okay great. Oh my gosh worry about how you're going to provide for your child all the time. It's like all I think about
okay, so civil. She invested in civil war, but I've been worried for you since you told me about this kid yeah. Me too. I've been worried since before I told you about this kid. I've been worried since before you were worried about me telling you about what you were worried so she is investing this trust fund interest in civil war bonds, okay, which paid high yield and gold.
high yield does when high yield meant this not this all right. We've established this. If you're listening doesn't make sense, we got our toes out and then put your toes away.
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so her profits. She moved to London. She's running this civil war bond game after one year in London. Her profit was one point two million dollars in that day's money, so twenty million dollars yeah, and so she had a single day that year or she made two hundred thousand dollars in what is this eighteen sixty something yeah bonkers returns that she's she's making and so she's day trading.
kind of day trading wasn't really possible. I guess in that day, because like there wasn't like that like online like you couldn't yeah, she's probably doing what's the eighteen sixty equivalent of day trading week trading. Yeah, I guess we trading and so she's it's blowing up and then the the she bought green back dollars during the civil war, which were the
they were these dollars that they printed during the Civil War. There was a paper currency that was just for the emergency of the Civil War to have more cash flowing around because we weren't printing dollars. All the dollars were gold backed during that day and so they they needed more money. They didn't have more money. They're like we're going to make up some money for the war, so that we have some money to use and so they were less valuable than US dollars right and so she bought she's like oh perfect and she bought a ton of these green back dollars and then
In eighteen seventy five, Congress passed legislation backing the green back dollars with gold, and this was basically an idea to pay back civil war veterans because they had a bunch of these green back dollars and so they could trade for gold. She happened to have tons of the green back dollars, and so this ballooned her wealth okay, and overnight it became a sort of thing where now all of a sudden she was someone in Wall Street who was the number one lender in Wall Street because she had the most cash like liquid cash.
because she was incredibly cheap. She would not buy anything right. She lived in hotels. She had one outfit and she would wear it until it fell apart and then she would go by that out that same outfit again, which might be why she learned the nickname, which of Wall Street, because it was a witty outfit like a crazy person. It's a witchy outfit. Yeah, it was like this
big black gown and like she had the hat, a hat, the hat, a broom walking around being like making money.
and so she she marries a guy. Oh, this guy's name is Edward, Edward, Snowden
What's his actual name? That's a bit funny. If you said scissor hands, you idiot, Edward Robinson, and so Edward Robinson was another businessman. He was fairly wealthy, not as wealthy as her, but he was a fairly wealthy guy. He made some, but I thought wasn't her dad's last name Robinson. No her dad's last name is green. You messed that up at the beginning then, because you did. I say Robinson, I said Robeson. I think
I'm yeah. I'm confused here. I don't know. We'll call him Edward. It's fine. Who cares Eddie and Hedy Eddie, so he makes a bad investment and he she leaves him over it. She's like you lost us a lot of money, and so she leaves him over it. He he stays in London. She goes back to New York and she lives in New York full time and they they have children at this point yeah and that her. I believe they named their child after him. I think this is why this is so complicated, because her dad's names that word
her husband's names Edward and I think she named her son Edward. I think there's three Edward. Did I not say Edward? What did I say her dad's name was her grandpa's name is Gideon? Yeah, wasn't her dad's name Edward. I am so lot. I am getting lost in my own web right now. I have no idea what you're talking about. Her dad's name was Talisman. Our dad was that when your gas lighting me. I hate that I fell for the
So it was eighteen eighty five. Edward was a partner at a bank called John J. Cisco and son this bank. Heady had five hundred thousand and invested in it, which was a quarter of the bank's assets. Edward her husband, who was the partner, he had seven hundred thousand and debt tied up in the bank, and so when that debt defaulted, they couldn't pay for that and
heady was enraged because she had twenty six million in stocks, bonds and mortgages that she could have liquidated and saved the company, but the bank million yes, but the bank refused to allow her to transfer it, and so when this happened, the company fell apart and so that's when her and her relationship with Edward fell apart because he didn't disclose her that he had seven hundred thousand dollars in debt and seven hundred thousand dollars in debt is nothing to her
well, it's nothing to her, but in eighteen sixties is also millions of dollars today yeah, but it's also like that. We could have just handled that debt. Oh, it's true yeah. If he was if he was open with it like she would been like yeah, I could have we saw this over night yeah yes, because she also doesn't spend money right, and so she's famous for that. Actually, I'm a mess of this. She's famous for not spending money consistently. She in so many situations where it would have been so easy.
for her to solve a problem by spending money. She's just like your stereotypical super cheap rich person. Yeah, her son got gangrene and almost lost his foot because she refused to take him to a good doctor. She was she like she was shopping around the cheapest doctor and so he was getting bad medical care and he got gangrene almost lost his foot. It was a you're how much you charge eight chickens. I'm going to go find a doctor that charges me seven well he's actively losing a lake
she's like don't worry. I'm going to give you some of my blood and then there was a there's another situation where she was in a negotiation and it was a negotiation where it was like she would have been out a few grand like it wasn't like like she had so much money. This was not worth the the problem and the hassle of this negotiation, but she was so serious about it that she pulled a gun on the guy and the negotiation and she's like this is the rate that we're going with and the guys like okay.
we're going to go at that rate. Sorry, sorry, I was I questioned you over just a few grand when she has millions, literally millions in the bank, and so she's I mean the which of Wall Street maybe makes sense. She's kind of a psychopath sure she also smelled bad. A lot of people said she spelled. Here's the thing. Here's the thing about her though we need. We do need to also recognize it's the late eighteen hundreds. Yeah, people are very misogynistic. There's a woman on Wall Street who's running the show like
she is where all the money smells yeah, and so it's like it's like we're not totally sure how many of these stories are true yeah about her. She had warts on her face yeah, and he was ugly. I wouldn't kiss her I yeah. It sounds like even crusher. I hate her and so the panic of nine hundred and seven came along.
Yeah, and so this is years down. There's nothing new in the market. The panic in 1907 was just people woke up and they were like we're gonna have a kid in May, right and they freaking freaked out. You know saying that does that to people, some people, not everyone, but some people really get really freaked out when their kids do soon yeah, and so she's she she paid for some markets out a lot yeah, just some people, just some people. I love that we brought up that you're going to be a dad, so that way we can just really I can make no yeah you're is
It's I've been I love the way it's going. This this thing you're doing is awesome, so Jaron in 1904 she's watching the trends. Hey, what about the full house you watch full house? Yeah, what about it? What they call Jesse? Is Jesse Uncle Jesse? What they call Joey Uncle Joy? They're all there, but they were related. Joey was not related. Is Uncle Joey actually Uncle
there's a Mandela effect about him. Oh, the Mandela effect is that everyone thought that he was actually the uncle and was actually related, but this the screen rent article is like they just call them Uncle Joey. He was just their friend, so they weren't actually related. It's not a Mandela effect that was just in this situation. See, so it's a Mandela effect. You can't be mad at me in a Mandela effect. It's a Mongolia effect
Oh my gosh, okay, so here we go in nine to four. She's watching the and nine to four. She's watching the trends in the market and she sees something's coming and so she liquidates a foot. She liquidates all her positions into cash and she waits for the panic. The panic comes around and she swoops in and she buys everything when it's low and she saves J Pierpont Morgan of like JP Morgan Chase like that.
that JP Morgan she saves his butt and if it wasn't for him, he would have gone under during her yeah, I got under yeah. He would have gone under because she had the cash to float him yeah. The amount of money she made during the panic of 1907 is staggering because she had so much cash. She was able to one save a lot of people's butts and load a lot of money and make a ton of money off the interest, but also buy stuff when it was insanely low, but I do now seven
and so she bought super low during that and over the next. I don't know what this comes out to nine years. It she grew her wealth, so in 1916 she died at the age of eighty one and at the time of her death, then most people think because of her actions and the panning of an I to seven her net worth was somewhere around the ballpark of two hundred million dollars in 1916, so adjusted for inflation.
it's somewhere in the ballpark of five point four billion dollars was the net worth that she had accumulated as a woman in 1916, which is bonkers and there's a lot of very, very influential businessmen yeah who she funded like she started a lot of empires and it's all because of the money she had. She was also very what's the word philanthropic? She gave to a ton different
churches and non profits and sure that she set up all these trusts upon her death. She gave her two kids a lot of money and they blew it all that her daughter tried to be an investor. She wasn't good at it. She blew it all investing her son blew it all gambling so I did not last, which is a sandwich. He did come up with the sandwich and so heady green. She has a pretty rough reputation, but I don't think it's real
Okay, it's that's actually a good point yeah yeah yeah yeah she has so she was like the richest woman of the nineteen early nineteen hundreds probably right might have been the richest woman of the entire twentieth and maybe nineteenth century. I don't know if that's true happy women's month yeah it's this episode is for you ladies yeah. If you succeed, we everyone's just going to call you a way love propping up women. We love cheering you on. You know some of the other podcast they want to tear you down.
they want to come on here. They want to talk about how men need to step up and take over and all this stuff. We were highlighting women's stories this month, but don't forget she never would have been anything of her dad and her grandpa didn't in a and we're going to point out that we're doing it and we want to make sure you know anyways. We're two white dudes with a podcast to white guys with a podcast. That should be like the little jingle at the end. You know yeah
yeah, but that's actually that's pretty crazy. That is a good thing to point out like that. Maybe that's our reputation wasn't yeah. There's a lot of stories we have from a life that are like is that true? We don't know for sure it's what's written down, but most likely a lot of it's fine made up to make her look bad. You know, did she smell? I don't know. Did she only wear one outfit? I don't know. Did she shoot that guy? I don't know their dad only speak whale
I don't know. If you can like caption his but fiddle off on that, that would be great.
Hey, if you like this episode, you might like Ida Wood. She was another wealthy woman who said, you know what? I'm going to spend none of this. So if you're frugal, you might like her too. That's either would go check that episode out. If you want to see next week's episode right now, it's available to our Patreon supporters. You can help a supporter by going to till and dot com slash support. Our supporters get access to episodes a week early ad free. They get all sorts of bonus content. They get to be in a discord with
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