They Left 10 Kids Alone for Content | Boys Alone Ep 244


Episode Transcript

00:00 Hey, this week we talk about boys alone, a TV show that locked ten ten year old boys in a house for like five days and they were like let's just film and see what happens and it happened exactly like you thought it was going to happen for sure, and they had cameramen who were not allowed to interact with the kids, no matter how bad things got so, and then we talk about the other variations of the show and then some real life stories that that pretty 00:29 Tempe, Arizona and pace in Arizona. It's Tempe Tempe. I'm in Tempe, Arizona and then next weekend I am in Lynchburg, Virginia at Liberty University, so that's not a joke. Don't laugh at that. That's not a joke. That's really I'm doing. I'm laughing at it. I respect Liberty University, go flames and the week after that we're in me and Shama are in Boston in the fall, so 00:55 you know from Veggie Tales in the fall. I'm actually super excited. We're doing basically the entire state of Massachusetts, four dates in Massachusetts. If you're up that way, I would love to see you there. This is things I learned last night, a podcast where Tim teaches me something every week. This week he does it. He does the thing where he teaches me something, so I hope to see you at a show. Thanks for checking out our episode. 01:21 Hey man, hey man, what's up? Have you ever heard of boys alone? What is on the team? I don't know. You tell me, have you ever heard of boys alone boys alone? Is this a band? No boys alone does sound like a band name though. It sounds like a nineties boys boy band boys alone. Yes 01:42 but not a but not a real boy band, one of the Disney Channel boy bands. Oh yeah, it's like you like an animated boy, like a chipmunk boy band boys alone. All that reminds me of it in the chip box. 01:58 Okay, you know this is a fun piece of trivia. I learned this week. Oh okay. I thought I thought that your whole thought was all that reminds me Albert in the chip. I forgot about yeah anyway boys. I thought that that was you have a trivia piece about a little trivia. You know the song. You know the song by the black eyed peas, which one is it kind of feeling 02:24 It might be. I got a feeling a feeling yeah. I think it's I got a feeling wasn't written for the black eyed peas originally because you know how the music industry works right where, like the bands aren't writing any other stuff. It's all the industry writers are writing stuff for other artists. Who's right? It doesn't get picked up skillet my freedom. These are the only things I know yeah. That's rough. That's a. That's a bad one. 02:54 that's a bad one. I promise I'm one of the cool guys. I own a pick up truck ba. No, the please don't pull images of me in two thousand two with my bleached blonde hair and my cool outfits. I've always been a tough guy here. Okay, so I got a f that wasn't right. That was written for the chip. 03:28 Yeah, my free, you know it's yeah. You got to sing it super slow, so when you speed it up yeah, then it's the speed that it's going to be in the yeah. That's that actually now that you say that I've never thought about that before, but that's pretty hard. That's impressive that they do that. Yeah, I mean they used to do that. Now they just do the voice. They drop like yeah, they pitch it, but they used to sing it slower 03:55 so that wasn't what it was one guy who made the chipmunks right at what Alvin yeah. I'll then did all the singing yeah no because so the so there was a rider who wrote. I got a feeling for the. I don't know what the what do they call Alvin and the chipmunks, but it's not the chipmunks. It's the girl chipmunks. What are they? What are they called? Do you know by scrolls? No 04:29 I didn't even the chipets, the chipets, so there was a chipets movie that was supposed to come out. It was supposed to be a Christmas movie that got canceled yeah right before I got a feeling by the black. I piece came out what you're they had this song. It got canceled right before this and so they had this song and the writers two thousand yeah two thousand seven two thousand eight something like that yeah, so the writers came to the black I peace and we're like well. We got this song 04:57 and so the black will I am was like oh yeah, but if you listen to it, knowing it was supposed to be a chipmunks movie song, it makes a lot more sense. I got a feeling that tonight's gonna be a good and then like like take it to like the like verse. What's like so love my cup, like there's like all those things that it's like the shout backs. Oh, you can are very good. All right, so imagine 05:26 I got a feeling in the final scene of the Shrek movie where they're all in the swamp that plays yeah a hundred percent. 05:35 they were they were. Is one of the chipets Jewish? I'm actually not sure that it was there. Lee two thousand so like Jewish well, what you scared me. I say. Did you watch Alex? How do you say his last name Edelman, Adam, Alex on HBO? It's got a special. I have no idea who that is. It's a it's a really great special. Actually, it's a story. He's a he's a Jewish comic okay and he 06:05 went to a Nazi gathering as an undercover to his person. I mean it's you know and he was like it was a great. It was a really it's like an hour and a half yeah man show almost type thing and it was pretty good. It was on HPO HPO yeah. I want to hear that story for sure yeah. What did you think I was going to say? I don't know it's just I don't know so boys alone. Have you ever heard of cutting edge? 06:35 cutting edge is the the cutting edge is actually what my my dad's my dad used to work at a metal shop. This is real. It was called the cutting edge. Yeah, no, not that okay different thing. I was alone cutting edge boys alone, so cutting edge was a British like TV documentary series on channel four in the UK. Okay, you know what I realized please do the okay, so 07:02 channel for ran this series called cutting edge, and it was just a series of like exposes on different cultural things. They would commentate on cultural things and then one episode, specifically the episode, a boys alone. Okay, it's like episode like one hundred and forty four sure they just were like what if we did something crazy and so they got a house in somewhere in England. They got this house and then they built off the edge of the house, an apartment 07:32 and there was a door that entered an exterior door for the apartment and then a door that entered into the main house with a doorbell on it. It's important and they said, okay, here's the plan. They said we're going to get ten children, all boys who between the ages of ten and eleven, we're going to shove them in this house, lock them in there with cameras for a week and just see how it goes and we're going to adults, no adults, a bunch of food. 08:00 a bunch of food, bunch of games, bunch of activities, everything that they need to survive okay, and there's going to be camera men, but they're strictly instructed not to talk to the kids and engage at all. So there's adults present, but they're not, but how old is gets ten and eleven cool ten and eleven. What kind of camera is that 08:23 Hey, what kind of camera is that? 08:35 I'm not allowed to engage with the subjects, right? 08:40 Okay, you're talking to he's not walking away. 08:52 oh my God, you see kids cry. Oh, they're like Angela and Big Brother. Oh my gosh, there's so they I said oh my gosh. Oh no. Okay, anyway, so they they get these ten kids, they shove them in this house before they put them in the house, so it didn't have to shove them in the house. There was no pushing involved. There was just 09:19 go here, put ten kids in a house. They weren't like where they were voluntarily with their parents permission. Yeah, so the parents in the parents on wasn't the episode before boys alone was just was just boys alone in the park was the before 09:42 and they just gather around kids and they were like they're like. Do you want to make your parents disappear? It was an impractical joker style episode. The goal was to just get ten kids yeah, and so the next episode was where they put those ten kids in a house yeah. The people doing the getting thought it was after that is where they made them compete on an island for sir for out without last out survive yeah and then or that's not it out play. I 10:12 it. I think it I can't. What was called, but it was everyone had a grocery cart and then they started the time and you had to go pick up all these certain items from the grocery store and get back to the beginning with the items before everyone else and you won. Remember that show it's called Black Friday. I wasn't that was real life. It's called March thirteen 10:33 No, it was you had the grocery cart. You remember what I'm talking about? Yeah, I was part of a show. No, it was the show, the show. It was a game show and the whole game show was you had the cart you went. You might have had like a competition where it's more like prices right in the beginning and you had to name the prices on the grocery items. Wait Frick, I'm remembering this yes yeah, but you had. I think it was there was something with you had the stuff in your cart had to 11:00 add up to a certain. That's right. You had to go and you had over yeah. You had an exact so you I your goal was to get the I think throughout the game you had to you had all the questions that gave you your dollar amount and then they would do the dash the grocery dash or whatever they called it the store dash shopping dash, whatever it was called and then they would have to go get that total. It was a cool show 11:27 Yeah, it made me run through grocery stores. All right, well, anyways, I don't know why I started thinking that I something we said there was also like you would run through and then there was like all these spinning things. You get knocked over. There was like a there was like a pool in the middle of the store and then it was like a sludge guys 11:51 and they like overdubbed them and made them say mean stuff about you really mean really mean stuff. No, so the parents got so like the parents volunteered yeah kids for this. Obviously they had probably signed a pretty lengthy contract. The kids then had like they went through a screening with a psycho, a child psychologist to like screened if they thought they would be capable of dealing with this emotion. How long were they hoping to put him in the five days? I wasn't long like youth camp yeah without 12:19 without the leaders yeah and then and then they put them through a cooking class. They taught on how to cook so that way they could eat while they were there and then they put them in there and what they told them. They said at any time if you want to leave, there's this apartment and our child psychologist lives in that apartment for the week and so you just ring the doorbell and it's like attach the house, but it's detached. You know what I'm saying? You just ring the doorbell 12:46 she'll come out and she can take you home if you want to go home or she can. If you need to talk to the psychologist at any time, then you can ring the doorbell and if you have the emotional intelligence to go my, I feel irregular right now. Maybe I should speak to someone yeah and to be fair to remember this is two thousand and two and these are ten and eleven year old boys yeah in the UK in the UK. So yeah they don't they don't have that emotional awareness. 13:15 So ten boys got together. I'm just going to list the names for you real quick. Luke, Michael, Robert, Daniel, George, Mark, Paul, Sam and Sim. I don't know if that means anything to you that list of ten children's very generic names they get in the house and it goes. John James, it goes about as well as I think you expect it to go immediately. 13:45 one of them sells out their leader for some gold shekels immediately. It seems like what happens in the very beginning they get in this house. I watched this documentary and it seems like immediately they get in this house and I'm. I wish they had the foresight and they might not have had the technology for this. I don't know because this was an actual house like in the suburbs in London or something like that 14:12 and so like this wasn't like a studio that may they made to look like a house. So I don't know if they didn't have the gear or whatever they needed to do hit the hidden camera thing, but they had like actual like they did have some hidden cameras because there's some shots that was like clearly like ceiling mounted cameras and black and white also cameras walking around if they were bad at the shot every once in a while you catch an amir or something, but like there's adults in there, so there's a dog in there. They're aware that there's adults and the kids feel safe 14:40 and they also don't feel in charge. Well, I think here's a thing. The kids are told the people with the camera aren't going to engage with you. They're only they're only going to intervene if it's like a serious safety concern. That's the only time they're going to intervene and so they're not going to step in standing on the counter with the knives. Is this that's is this how how unsafe are we talking here? 15:09 unsafe to me or unsafe to them? I don't know. 15:13 because I feel safe right now. This is great because that's the thing that the kids were told they're not going to intervene. They the adults were told not to intervene. Sam is trying to kill sims. His name is too close. Is that a safety issue? Is that how safe are we talking here? We'll let it play out. We'll see what happens. I don't think he can do it. I don't think he's got it. I think it broken bones at the worst that's covered in our contract right. So 15:43 they the kids pretty and pretty quickly. They started like testing it. They were like out. How much do we have to do to get these adults to intervene? The answer was a lot. They're not gonna and so they came in and they like were they out loud being like we're going to see like to each other. They did it. They never so like hey, why do we you know punch me? See what happened? They never said that, but like it was pretty clear because they went in and they try to find some troll making kids 16:11 like were some of these kids like I don't know. I don't know if they were intentionally trying to find any and I should say most of these kids. There's a handful. There's a well behaved. There's a couple of kids that were on the line, but I don't want to even say any of these kids were trouble makers, but so yeah the kids. I think there was a combination of factors. One, I think the second these boys walked into this room, they had this like liberation of France feeling 16:35 where it was like I could do whatever I want. You hear the sing the songs of angry man and then I think there was also yeah a part of them that was like a sleep over moment where it's just like yeah there's no rules. Yes, they taught us how to make real cheese like let's freaking and they rip it. Yeah they were like they're like and I think there was also just like let's see how far station this will go 17:03 I don't think there was any video games. I never saw him play if there was yeah well, then I was because if there was a bit of fart, it would have ruined the whole yeah, so they immediately ran in or still playing video games. The kids won't put the PlayStation down. I'm going to get a tripod. I don't feel like I need to be so 17:29 they immediately are. It's a combination of the excitement of the situation right, and I think they're trying to test it, and so yeah they go in and they find paint. I don't know why they left them paint and they just start painting all the walls. I think I know why they left to pay it. They really pay all the walk in here. There are six buckets of pain. Here's the thing that I would do 17:57 we could do this with this apartment when we leave yeah is just tell her on a game show buckets of paint and we go don't paint these don't paint. Whatever you do don't paint the walls and then we come back and it's back to what it's supposed to be monster. That's a way to get your house then that 18:17 if you're if you're into house flipping, here's a good way to save money on contract. I tell them right is TV in your old kids to believe they're on a competition reality series. Yeah, that's good and then get them to do the work for you, so they I had some players build my garage they start painted on the walls and it's not like they're painting. It's like they're just splattering paint, making a mass doing whatever they start just breaking stuff for the sake of somebody's stuff. 18:45 he has someone volunteer their house for this. They start breaking stuff for the sake of breaking stuff like you're just breaking furniture, breaking games, all the toys. One of the kids just goes and gets the cereal cash and he just starts ripping open the cereal cash like the place where they have all the cereal. Why did you call it the serial cash because it's a lot of cereal and then he just rips open the bags of cereal and just starts running around the house like fleeing cereal everywhere like they are just trashing the place. 19:13 within an hour. This is the how this is the living room within like an hour of them being in there. Oh man, if you've ever worked in children's ministry, you know exactly what this looks like. Yeah, it's just what do they were. First of all, let's look at the color. The wall was what is this the Garfield house 19:35 I think they tried to make it fun. I think they painted it to be like oh, it's a fun environment for the kids. He's riding the bike inside that so immediately yeah they got the water guns out. They had a water war indoors with water balloons and everything like just just thrashing it because like they're not really thinking through like if you trash this whole place you got to sleep somewhere for the next five days. You know yeah and so that is exactly what happens for about four hours. They just go ham and then 20:04 they start to, it starts to set in. And then also we got to live here for the next week. And then 20:22 and so just the marshmallows of the cereal. So it's like eight forty p.m. Something like that they get together. They have a house meeting and here they are in this house meeting and there's just trash everywhere. The this no, so this rash I'm going to call it this kid in the gray shirt is the one who like takes charge. I don't know who took charge, but they said let's get together house meeting and they said we need to elect a leader. Oh really? Yeah, which is very interesting that yeah they sat down. They said we need to elect a leader. 20:51 and that person's going to help maintain order because they immediately realize they're like this is chaos. We can't have no one in charge and so they elect a leader and you're a hundred percent right. That kid is the kid that they elect as the leader feels like I mean look at his hair cut. Yeah, his name is 21:07 he's the only one wearing a watch is why he's in charge. You know saying like he's the only one kids got a camera this house that was like I'm going to need to be able to tell what time it is. His name is George wearing a watch when you're a kid is like a flex at the power move yeah, because it's like I am responsible enough to not lose this and also I know how to read it. I know you know that's you saying to your other 21:37 ask me what time it is. Oh, I know I know, but it's one of those it's one of those like I'm in fifth grade and I need to keep track of time. It's one of those. You know, having a watch is when your childhood starts to die yeah, because when you're a kid, you don't it doesn't matter what doesn't matter what time it is everyone you're at everyone knows racking time. 22:02 That's the thing that's the secret. Oh, it's five thirty is dinner time. Shut up, go live, go outside. That's the secret. That's why we're also stressed. It beats because we're so concerned with the time and we're the clocks. 22:19 your watch. Someone's got to be in charge here. Okay, the power moved to your they don't either watch and then keep you. So you're the only one capable. Anyway, now that it's five to eleven, I'm glad that let me tell you what time it is 22:49 let's all get rid of our watches. Let's throw them in the river. That's right. We idiots are the only one who knows 23:05 If you've been watching for a minute and you like this show, Our patrons get a ton of perks for their support. 23:17 We do monthly hangouts. There's a way to get birthday messages on your birthday. There's a lot of great perks, but more than anything, you just help make sure that this show continues to happen forever. We never want to stop. We're going to keep doing this forever. If we have enough patron supporters, we can put our brains in those little vats and have AI pretend it's us. And so we can keep doing it long after we die, but that only happens if you support us on Patreon. So we appreciate your support. Thanks for your help. If you don't want to support, that's totally fine. Thanks for being here. We really appreciate you watching the show. 23:49 so George, I told you what my dad thinks about time zones. 24:02 that's a really funny way to phrase that, but my so like my dad doesn't think that we should do time zones anymore. Why I've getting there, he thinks that it should just you know. You know how like when you know well, you don't know you're not a pilot when you fly you go on grinch time and Zulu time and so we do the universal clock right and so that's what he thinks we should all just live on the universal time. 24:26 yeah and like he's in you know, and your argument would be like well, seven a.m. would be so he was yeah. You would just get used to the sun coming up at whatever your time five p.m. where you are yeah and then it would go down and then when you see hours posted, it would be out. There was a just be that yeah, which the problem with that though is when you move, because then you move to I don't know say Japan and then now you're like oh 24:55 I it's it's three o'clock in the morning or three o'clock, and to you that's the middle of the night. The reality it does, because now your brain, because now the number in your brain that you've associated getting used to that's really tough. Yeah, it's not impossible, but it's tough, but it would make it a little easier when you do move to Japan to go. Okay, so now my work hours are going to be three to one instead of nine to five. Yeah and 25:25 the sun is setting at ten. You know, I think that's, I mean, I, it does make sense. 25:36 Okay, so have you seen never mind my dad just really passionately thinks that we should get rid of. He's like he's like it's just so frustrating yeah. I agree with him. I have actually seen this thing that if you're on like the far side of a time zone, yeah, you're actually less healthy because your sleep schedule is worse yeah yeah, because because yeah you're either waking up or going to bed. 26:00 too early. I've always wanted to build a house big enough in Indiana where the time zone thing is so that one side of my house is an eastern time or the other side is in central time, so then you could just walk. You're like oh, I got to wake up in an hour. I go to the other bedroom yeah and I get an extra hour sleep pretty funny. That's big brain right there, yeah, so George, I was just thinking about what are we 26:30 daylight savings time. 26:35 we're still day one. Oh shoot, we have five days to go. It's okay. We've almost been four minutes. I know because I track that act. 26:53 all right. Fine, let's keep going so door. We can cut out all your chip at stuff. That doesn't need to get so leave this party and where I reference it because people will be like chip at what I got a feeling this episode is going to suck 27:11 right now. Okay, so what I was saying about saving time is that there's there's two types of people right in the fall when you gain an hour of sleep yeah right. You can either go to bed at a normal time and actually gain an hour or you can do what my wife does and she goes. Oh 27:32 it's only eight p.m. right now and social stay up till two a so wake up the next day and be like I don't rest and I'm like yeah, because you didn't gain an hour so late up till two state of three extra hours. That's what I'm saying these kids like this. So they've elected this guy and they were like you tell us when bed time is to tell us what's the rules yeah. So immediately they start watch man 27:58 so immediately he kind of divvies up. He's like he's like all right, we got to get this place back in order like we ruin this place sure and so he divvies up some chores and so clean the paint up so he's like yeah you guys got to watch the paint off the walls. You guys got a vacuum. You guys got to try to fix this stuff. We broke you guys got to figure out what that smoke wants to jack. 28:18 Jack, we got to go back. There's a computer upstairs. You got to put this number in every hour. I don't know or something a little happen, so don't find out. So the kids who vacuum are the only ones who like can actually achieve the goal that they were given. The rest of the kids are trying to clean this pain off the halls and they're just scrubbing it with sponges and water and they're like it's not coming off and the kids that broke stuff or like I don't know how to fix furniture and so 28:47 they pretty quickly give up. It lasts like an hour and then they go back to just being chaotic and so they're like this is way more. It's so much easier when we did have a leader yeah and so they continue just. I mean that they continue just being can clean it up and then some kid was like freedom. 29:10 Liberty. So they, they start being pretty chaotic again, but now what happens is they have George in charge and so now they start bringing their grievances to George and George is now trying to be like the mediary between kids. Okay. And so he brings them together. He keeps bringing them in the living room and being like, what's your issue? What's your issue? And like trying to solve these problems, but he's not doing a good job at it. So like issues are spiraling worse and worse and worse. 29:40 but nothing gets like cake crazy, too crazy sure. So the first night all the kids stay up to like two a.m. They're literally in the backyard just screaming for the sake of screaming noise complaints keep getting called. The police keep showing up and the producers are outside. They're like it's it's for a tv show. Yeah. All right. We love the tally kid. What can I be on 30:06 it's very funny. There was a crossover episode of cutting edge and cops 30:14 and they taste them. The producers, the producers, they were miners later. The producers taste the cops. That's the twist. We're here to protect these. You know the UK. They don't have guns. Yeah, they were like we're not scared of you and so what you gonna do night stick me yeah, so they stay up all night and then the next day they go back to doing what they were doing. They spent a whole a whole day. 30:41 water gun fights indoors, riding bikes around indoors, all this stuff, just trash in the house. He's further, every once in a while, George is brought a grievance and he tries to make it better and doesn't really. The kids, mind you, are just eating the cereal and candy. Like they're not making any food. They learned how to cook, but they're not doing that. And so they do a whole day and stay up till like 2 a.m. again, go to bed, wake up. 31:07 And now things are getting a little strange. The kids are clearly hungry. They're clearly like on sugar highs and they're clearly very tired. Yeah. And the stress starts to get to them. So they start trying to cook, but it appears like they forgot everything they learned in their cooking classes. And so they start trying cooking stuff. They didn't attempt to use the stove or the oven at all. They were just using the microwave. They. 31:33 breaking eggs, putting in a pan, putting in a my I'm not exaggerate. When I say they got a bowl and they cracked like four eggs in this bowl and poured probably three cups of milk into this bowl, didn't measure it, just poured it into the bowl eggs and milk and put in the microwave for like two minutes and then got it out and tried to eat it and they were like oh, it's disgusting. It's like yeah, of course it is of course that's disgusting. 32:01 didn't like stir it up or not. Don't don't just poured it in shoved it. That's like what I had a babysitter when I was a kid. I remember this so specifically because it's one of those things where you just go. Did my mom care if I lived or died? I had a babysitter who and this was like a time where I'm a kid. I don't remember how old I am, but I know that she was like maybe thirteen yeah young you still leave children in charge of other children. Yeah. If you think about babysitters, especially back of the day, like it's kind of insane yeah, 32:31 eleven, twelve, thirteen and she didn't know how to make ramen and I remember her. She didn't break it up. She microwaved no water, a ramen patty that just turned dark in the microwave yeah, and then she was like. I don't think this is right and I was like that's not right. 32:56 I was like there should be water and so then she put water on top of an already microwaved thing and it's like Bert. It's like charred. That's what I'm saying yeah yeah. I remember that so clearly, but he always tells a story. She baby sat a girl whose parents were like super wealthy. She said that one day she only ate. I think it was spaghetti was the only thing she ate and so she made her spaghetti yeah and then the girl 33:23 was walking with her spaghetti and tripped on their Persian rug. It was like an eight thousand dollar rug and spill spaghetti sauce all over it. She spent in the girl stood up and went. You did this 33:34 she said they spent like three hours. The rest of the time the parents were gone trying to clean it and they couldn't clean it. It just kept getting worse yeah and they were terrified and then the parents got home and she said they just laughed. They went you spend three hours. I will just a new one kill another one. 33:56 Why you just try to clean it that much? It's not only a grand rich. Now here's your fourteen dollars go home, so they they're cooking is failing. They then they go pretty quickly. They try to cook a couple of things doesn't go over well and they look at the camera man and the camera is like I'm not allowed. I'm not allowed to help 34:23 and they're like if I put the fork in the toaster and the camera guys like they're like okay, if I do this and they go they did actually later that night they tried to cook hamburgers. They had frozen patties. They tried to cook hamburgers. They're cooking the hamburgers. I get uncomfortable cooking hamburgers. I couldn't really know and they they're cooking these hamburgers on the stove and it starts smoking and the boys 34:51 It's a ridiculous scene, especially when you know there's an adult right there with a camera filming this whole thing because it's smoking like a lot of smoke and the boys are freaking out trying to figure out why it's smoking. And it is odd because they just put the frozen patties on like they are brand new frozen patties and you look at them and they're they're not burning. Yeah. And so boys are like, what's going on? Why is this burning? They didn't realize they had a tea towel on the stove and the tea towel was catching on fire and that's what was and they grabbed the towel. 35:19 and they start like waving the towel around and they're like trying to stomp on it. 35:34 They're setting the house on fire? Understood. 35:45 because they don't realize that they left the gas on their butts light matches. I'll just I'll stand further away. I'll just back up. That's crazy and so where are the camera men sleeping? I don't know if they're sleeping. I my my assumption is that they're taking shifts okay, and yeah they're there all twenty four seven. So my assumption is that they're coming in and relieving them and going back to that apartment. Yeah, it's my assumption. I don't know they never explain that 36:15 but yeah, so then it does get a little sad at moments. There's moments where kids are kids and they kind of start bullying each other. A couple kids start getting singled out. George does a really good job of being a leader in this situation and I should say not being a leader. He doesn't actually like lead anyone or stick up for the kids, but he does comfort the kids that are being bullied and so there's a stick out for him, but then comes along goes 36:41 hey, I'm sorry, I really sucks that I said that really sorry that sucks. I was he just gas fighting under. I just I had to do it for power. You know I you get it. They can't see me be weak. What am I supposed to take my watch off? So read this 37:05 Jeez, dude. 37:08 Oh, so one of the kids does end up deciding he's going to sleep outside, so he puts up a tent outside and got boy that much yeah, and so he decides he's going to say a lot for a kid to eject from sleep over where he is. I was a man outside. Well, I should say there were kids that were sleeping outside every night like they set up a couple tents. There's kids that were choosing between inside and outside, and so he chooses I'm going to, but he wanted to be out there alone, so it's a little different. They elected him as the kid who was supposed to clean all the dishes and like he 37:37 peer pressures into it. And so he ends up being the dish cleaner the rest of the week. And so there was some sad things like that. Another kid, Michael, got blamed for all the issues in the house because he kind of was like he was the one breaking everything. He was the one throwing cereal everywhere. Like we were almost as cereal as he was only like. No, no. I don't know if I have doesn't matter a picture of him, but he was the one they're like, you're the reason why we're almost out of edible food because we can't cook. 38:07 and you threw cereal all over is it yeah. We'll tell that to these three squirrels. I killed up you killed squirrels and so he they were dead when I found them. They singled them out and this was actually a really interesting moment because they single them out. They and it starts to escalate pretty quickly. They lock him in a closet for a while while they try to decide what they're going to do with them and then they they open it up and then they drag him out of the closet, drag him in the backyard, tie him to a chair in the backyard. 38:36 and they're like and they've watched in movies. They get george and like george. What are we going to do to him on time? So they're all sitting there at the camera man's just watching and one of the kids like we could just beat him up and george is like that's actually an option and then all of a sudden george just has a moment and he's like he's like we should go. We should go talk to miss scott 39:03 and everyone's like oh, it's a good idea and so they all get together. They run upstairs and they ring the door, are tied up and they're chanting at the door. They're like scott scott scott scott and she comes out and like we want to talk to you and like let's go get the kid you tied up in the backyard. They go to one of the bedrooms and it starts like just everybody in this group counseling session like ganging up on Michael Michael's very clearly having a hard time with it, but by the end of it she does do a pretty good job like 39:30 redirecting everyone and everyone realizing. Oh, we're all the problem and not just Michael like we all have had a part in this because she's watching this whole thing from her studio apartment, eating popcorn. He's like watching the lives and she's like. I love watching kids suffer 39:47 but and so I love this, so they all agree like yeah, we're all the problem. It's not just Michael. Michael is literally like curled up in a ball in his bed like yeah cry. Michael's parents are like he needed a reality check. So why we set up and so then Miss Scott just stands up and walks back in her apartment leaves in there and so okay. Good talk. The kids go over. They try to comfort Michael. Michael's not having any of it and so you guys just tied me 40:17 You literally just tied me up outside. The only reason you stopped. And so they they talk for a long time. Eventually they decide Sim gets the idea is like we should play man hunt and so they go downstairs to go play man hunt. And when they get outside they find a what's the word chipmunk, not a chipmunk go for some animal like that. I can't remember what animal it was, but some small animal chipmunk go for type animal and they decide let's kill it. 40:44 and so they start chasing this thing around the backyard. They trap it in in like some bushes and they're all throwing stuff at it, trying to get this go for chipmunk or whatever, and that's the moment when the camera crew steps in and says hey guys, we should stop this so to be clear. 41:05 camera guy watches Michael get tied up relentlessly bullied the whole week. Well, they go out at the house of fire. This is the same thing as when someone's like they see a homeless person on the street yeah, and then they see that homeless person has a dog and they go feel bad for that dog. Yeah, yeah and you're like hey, there's a human being right there. It's the same. I was just thinking about this in movies about how like you don't want to see a dog get hurt in the movie. I just watched a fall guy 41:35 Yeah and there was and I was watching is a fight scene where I'm watching them shoot people over and over and over yeah and there's this dog that's barking and I was like don't shoot the dog what's wrong with me yeah yeah because we're so desensitized that if we had a bunch of movies where dogs got killed all the time you probably wouldn't care as much. I'm going to start watching more of them. What are you doing just trying to desensitize myself to the death of animals? I don't want to care this much about care. 42:10 I care too much about animals across from my gym in Kansas City is the animal hospital and have I told you about this now and every Thursday, the big white van pulls up and comes and picks up the animals that didn't make it yep, yep and so every Thursday morning it happens. We see it happen because I'm at the gym every Thursday. I was I was a big strong man 42:40 but I'm in there working out one time and I just hear like this and I look up and there is a there's a middle aged white lady on the elliptical that faces the in wasp and she is just sobbing on this 42:58 that's and I was like should have watched some more YouTube videos. I'm do since yeah they could they could take that right out my family, my freedom. I watch cats die on the internet. 43:19 I'm doesn't hurt me. So so that he step in, make sure they don't kill the gopher or whatever it was. Okay, and the boys go through the rest of the week, just as much of a mess, not even anything sugar highs by the last day. The last full day. It's very clear that most of these boys want to go home. They don't want to be a part of this anymore. 43:48 they are emotionally and like physically just so drained because they barely ate. They've barely slept. They've expelled a ton of energy yeah, and they're all really started to get on each other's nerves, and so there's a lot. This last house isn't big enough for them to like separate yeah, and so this last day is a lot of tears. A lot of kids like that are like very clearly like very stressed and emotionally just yeah ready to go. This is like church camp, but they none of them want to 44:17 break. None of them want to be the kid who goes home and so all of them are like holding on and like there's just so many shots of them on this last day where they like sitting in chairs just like what literally white knuckling it like gripping the chair seats and just like staring off in the wall to like make it through the day. So that way they didn't quit. It's pretty pretty rough. There was a kid and when I was a when I was a camp counselor, his name was we'll say Colby 44:46 because that's what it was and he I remember the other counselor in our cabin said to him because he was he would egg stuff on and then like he would get made fun of and he like he would just crumble yeah and the other counselor said something wise that I think I've actually learned from and maybe you should too. Yeah, as he said cold, but they probably wouldn't bully you so much. If you weren't such a baby every time it happened, 45:15 this was like Thursday and I remember being like I don't think that was the right thing to say to this sixth grader, but but also bad. Yeah, you know, but he was the kid that like by Thursday he was just like no one likes me and it can house was like buddy. Yeah, they're doing it to get that rise out of you. Yeah, you're not likable buddy. Like I you know it's like he didn't say that to that kid. Yeah, 45:41 you know. I hope that kid turned out okay. I got a YouTube playlist to watch free was like a kid. You have a soft spot for the like man, but like he just really was like shooting himself in the foot on any chance that like people were like hey man, come play with us. Yeah, it was almost like he was like pulling out his pocket knife and deflating the ball and be like ha ha ha and then and then he's like why don't they like me like me? Yeah, I don't know. You did some sucky stuff so on the last morning they will. They all wake up 46:10 their parents are in a line in the probably like early twenties. Now he's some college girls problem now, so so they wake up at the boarding. All their parents are in a line in the front yard waiting for them, and so they all walk out the front door together and they they're reunited with their parents. The parents get to come in and see what they did to the house. All their parents are just like. What did you guys do? Like it was Michael, it was Michael Michael, Michael, wasn't me. I was tied up in the back and they're like 46:38 why their parents were looking at the pit, the camera guys and like different shift. They it wasn't that one wasn't me. I wasn't here for that one and they're just yeah. They're blown away that their kids did that all of them, except for one parent. One parent's like honestly, I probably would have done the same thing. It's actually kind of like what you did with yeah. We should let you do this at all. This is pretty sweet and so this this got some interesting reception in the public. Most of the people 47:06 most of the public was like this is not okay that you did this. It's pretty wrong, but honestly like we want to watch more of it yeah and so give us boys alone to so they spent a year cleaning up this house and then cutting edge about stop fifty episodes later, put out a show called Girls Alone and it was in the same house, a group of ten ten and eleven year old girls pouring episode of the whole season because they all were well adjusted and did nothing. 47:34 What is interesting is the first night they, the group of girls got together, they cooked a spaghetti dinner with meat sauce and they baked a cake and they had dinner around a table together and 10 and 11 year old girls and they, they all like, they put together a fashion show that they all did in the house. No damage, no messes. They actually did. One of them did spill some of their spaghetti and they all got together and they with soap and they cleaned up the carpet and got the stain on the carpet real quick. So that way it wouldn't stain. 48:03 Like, exact opposite experience of what happened with the boys. They did end up drawing on the walls at one point, but what they did, it wasn't, they weren't drawing to like damage the walls, they were drawing to decorate the space above their beds. And so they would like put their name and they decorated their space, they painted. They did feel guilty about it later and tried to clean it off, but they couldn't clean it off. By and large, didn't damage the house. 48:32 they did. There was drama. There was situations where like they've gotten disagreements. There was situations where girls did kind of get bullied and it was like it was sad in moments. There was two girls that did end up leaving deciding to leave. They never actually called the therapist in, but two girls did end up leaving, but for the most part honestly pretty uneventful like they cooked for themselves. They they cleaned the house. They they they divvied up chores. They clean that kept the house clean. They showered 49:01 like the boys did not shower at all and so like sure yeah think about that. Yeah and so like that was a church camp. We had to be like hey yeah you smell yeah you stink, go shower the girls. The what I will say is the girls did pull pranks on each other and when they pulled the pranks they were a little like meaner like the boys were just like hurting each other. But the girls like there was one scene where a girl was fresh air with another girl and she took a big bucket of water and just dumped it on her bed without her knowing it's like right before 49:31 bedtime and so like her bed was just soaking wet that night and so like there was stuff like that. That was just a little meaner. We're on the boys on the other hand, just fought. I forgot to mention the boys to get in. They split into two groups and did get no like a full scale war and so they split into two separate bedrooms. They were like throwing stuff. I didn't mention that. I forgot that I forgot the war about the war of day three. Yeah, they did. They did get into a whole war. It was four on six 49:56 it was the quiet ones was the loud ones and they were like literally just throwing whatever they could find in the house at each other and it was like it was pretty violent. The caraman didn't like it was like actually angry though or oh yeah. It was like a real war like they were like yeah. They were throwing stuff at each other and so after this they didn't. They were like yeah that this this the girls alone thing wasn't as exciting as the boys and so let's bring those same boys back so five years later in two thousand nine 50:25 They said, hey, remember when this was really cool? and it was a series. because in this show, 50:44 and they both had the food. They had all the stuff, but they were given like tasks that they had to do throughout the course of the week, see and I think that's probably what the what the difference maker is going to be is if they've got to accomplish something together yeah. That'll create a team sense and a sense of like direction yeah, but if it's just five days just do nothing. That's the same thing. I mean like you know, church camp yeah, those team exercises were fun 51:10 but it also like there's a reason we do cabin versus cabin. Yeah, it's because it solidifies your cabin as like we're looking out for each other kind of thing. It didn't go better and actually went way worse, so they because there's girls and there's those like opposite sex involved. Well, what they did was they gave them money and so instead of just stocking the house with all the food and goods that they gave him money, they said you have to budget 51:36 you have to put together a budget and you have to go to the store and you have to buy a mate. You need same age group. You have to buy everything that you need and so they follow these kids. The kids walked down to the local store. They Cameron followed into the store and did not enter. Let's imagine group of ten you drive. You're just driving to work one day right. You're just driving. You see a group of ten children and a camera man and 52:05 the caraman is not interacting with them and is following pretty far behind them. Actually just a there's a group of ten unaccompanied minors by themselves and then maybe fifteen twenty feet later is one man with a camera who is just keeps talking to himself here and you're like you know what I'm going to keep going to work. Good. I don't want to be involved in whatever that is, so they go to the store 52:35 and the kids just buy junk like they don't buy anything of substance. The girls actually bought cigarettes and they smoked them and the camera men did not intervene. How do they buy them? I think they got an adult to buy them for them. I think they went and they found an adult in the parking lot. We're like. Can you buy us the yes? Hey, will you buy the end? The adult was like 53:04 This is the camera. I don't know if I'm oh he just goes he just goes 53:11 that would be great TV. That would be really good TV and the girls smoked them, the girls smoked them and so and the whole concept to show. There was three episodes solo and then the fourth episode they made the girls move into the boys house and that was also chaos and so move in as in like okay. We hold on. There's three episodes same kids, same kids yeah. Okay, they didn't do this three different times. Now it was the same group of kids for them, so those same kids moved in what day 53:41 I'm not sure. Here's what's interesting. I'm foggy on the details and everyone is because this show you can't watch it. It doesn't exist anywhere. It created such a giant backlash that while it was on, there was like government pressure from the United Kingdom to like shut the show down and channel four was like the Queen was like don't do this. Channel four was like we're getting two point four million 54:08 views a night on this like we cannot shut this down. That's not going to happen and do for was like my free, you know, like there and so yeah, channel four kept running the show, despite it being a thing where nobody every there was a massive public uproar, but everyone was watching it. It was the thing and so everyone was like this is child abuse like you can't let this happen and allegedly this one was well and like at that point though it's like guys it already happened. 54:36 Yeah, it's yeah, it's not you're not going to get it to stop. You know, like you're not going to. I think they didn't want them to air it like they don't like we shouldn't put this gonna because because of this one things. Things did get worse. Like there was a situation with a knife where this kid like was arguing with another kid with a knife and like threatening with a knife. There was from the promo. This screenshot comes from the ad that they ran to promote this show like a genuine fistfight between two of the kids. This kid's getting like nailed in the face. 55:06 I don't know how long I can show that without getting demonetized. It's blurry, that's fine and then yeah, and here's another shot from this of them alone at the grocery store. Just a bunch of shows very two thousand nine yeah. Those are those are some cool kids to that's a two thousand nine. Those are like yeah that is the style that's trendy, very trendy so 55:31 this one doesn't go over well. I tried really hard to find footage of it. I found one site that has two of the episodes, but I did say two of them are removed and it was the it was a site where you had to like down there. When I played it popped up and said there's viruses or viruses, you know, yeah, I'm not going to download these from this site, so as far as we can tell, it's been wiped from existence. This this like new series that they did a lot more controversial, a lot more violence, apparently 55:59 11 year old girls smoking cigarettes and they just broadcast it. a lot of potential lawsuits, child and social services was involved. When this one rolled out, they went back and they interviewed the kids 56:22 and like yeah, that was one of the most scarring experiences. My like all of them were like yeah. I have some serious emotional trauma from that yeah. That was very difficult. Sometimes I wake up from my dreams and I'm like on time. You know 56:36 complete like you know, like actually the villain of my dreams is always a camera man. It's like I was a person with a camera as a head is like someone who's just as a head in there and not helping me someone who like could help me who could isn't so in doing anything, but he's choosing not. What do you think like the as a camera man like as an operator as like a production a person on this show, there's got to be some levels of guilt that you feel for not intervening or probably I'm sure I'm sure yeah. I'm sure they feel guilty too, because they yeah they watched a lot of 57:05 sketchy things unfold, especially in the newer season. The older season, like there wasn't. I think in the newer season, I think the producers were like we know how to make this good tv because in two thousand two reality tv was really new. Oh for sure, but it was nine. They were like here give the kids cigarettes yeah watching watching the two. I watched the both the boys and girls alone and it was pretty dull like it was like very slow, like very just for two thousand two ground breaking yeah yeah, but yeah two thousand nine 57:30 they put them in situations. Same thing. We go watch reruns of like those nanny shows. I do all the time. I watch them all the time. Every day I'm watching those British ladies come in to Alabama homes and they just go. I'm here to put this house back in order yeah and they come in and it's a mess. They ride in their little limo like Mary Poppins yeah, so 57:59 a lot of people compare this only I watch. 58:06 I watch reruns of Nanny nine one one, so a lot of people compare the watch that new movies. No, no. Did you watch season for episode nine of Nanny nine one one? Honestly, probably, but I could tell you what happened. It's been twenty years since I watched that and wife swap are my guilty pleasures. Dude, I wife's the great though there 58:36 what a tell me the idea. Okay, no, no, so a lot of people compare this to the the Lord of the Flies, brain stop for a second. A lot of people compare this to the Lord of the Flies right for obvious reasons, and so I I read a lot of like Lord of the Flies. No, I read a lot of like. I read some of the articles about this story and prep for this and in prep for it. I came across this story that we just have to talk about 59:09 Hey, thanks for checking out this episode. Want to let you know real quick. We have an email list and it's not like a hey, we're going to send you our merch and new episodes all the time. We actually give you updates on these stories as we find out about them. So a lot of our episodes we've done a couple years ago now have updates or the person the top was about passed away or was caught by the police or whatever updates we can find on episodes that we've done. We want to let you know about it so that our episodes just aren't 59:37 you know out there out of date. It's really fun way to keep learning new information and then every once in a while we let you know about new events coming up or new episodes and it's just a way to help us keep spreading the show. Join that email list. You can text till into six six eight six six or there's a link in the description of this episode or you can just go to till and dot com. It's very easy to join this email list. It's everywhere. It's actually really hard to not join it so 01:00:09 about a guy named Peter Warner. Have you heard of Peter Warner? No, are you doing a different going deeper? Okay, Peter Warner, he was alive from 1931 to twenty twenty one. He was a son of a guy named Sir Arthur Warner, who ran a company called Electronic Industries, a very big electrics company in Australia, okay, electronics company in Australia, 01:00:39 when he was a kid, he got an interest in sailing though, and so he couldn't make a career out of sailing, so he became an accountant for his dad's company, did that for years, but he would sail on like vacations. He would sail boat around Australia as a kid. Well, this now is early adulthood, so he's gonna keep working as an accountant for his dad and then on September, eleventh, nineteen sixty six. He is on one of these sailing trips for like vacation by himself. I believe so actually okay, 01:01:06 and he's sailing. He comes across the island of a ta. This is the island, a very small deserted island and he notices her did yeah. There's nothing there. Well, that is we got to get some key terms here. Deserted means there was something there. Oh yeah, yeah. So there was actually this. So this island was there was a local tribe that lived on this island for forever and they actually all got kidnapped during the slave trade and so it's vacant now. 01:01:34 but there's like structures and stuff from when they were there. So it is a desert and is stuff that was okay. Okay, okay. Yeah, this was an island that had so at the top of it. You can kind of see that like mound at the top. The back end of that is a little crater. This is was a volcano okay, okay and inside there like an ancient volcano yeah inside there's where their little village was oh okay, okay, okay, yeah, so cross is island yeah, so it comes across this island and he's just sailing on his little sail trip. I don't know 01:02:04 1966 and so he's smoking his pipe and then he notices from that the island runs eyes a little bit and he sees a kid running off the island shirtless jumps in the water and is like running across the water like waving at him and then he sees from the bush another kid come running out of the bushes and then another kid come running out of the bushes and then another kid come running out of the bushes eventually there's a group of like eight kids jumping around 01:02:33 comes in and gets close enough to where one of them could swim out and the kid says, hey, we've been stuck on this island for fifteen months and he's like what what it's a group. There's a group of eight boys and there was one of them had a watch that could tell it's been fifteen months and that he sees a dude with a camera cover out for the bushes. He's like oh, I've been out here with his kids for fifty months. I've had a radio to call for help 01:03:01 but I just thought that that would ruin the episode experiment. That was so big beard. What happened was the kid. So these kids are fourteen. They go to a Catholic school on the island nation of Tonga and they were in class one day bored and they like it's a beautiful day out and so lost on an island. So they went down to the pier and they stole someone's boat and they were like oh, it's going to be a great day, so they just went out on the boat. 01:03:30 and they had no intention of like going far. They're like, we're just going to sail out, enjoy the day, go back to land. They sail out, make anchor somewhere, and then they all fall asleep. And then a storm hits and it breaks their anchor. And then they just go drifting and they try to open up the sail. The sail gets shattered in the wind. And so then they just drift. And he said, they drifted for eight days at sea until eventually they drifted to this island. And they hit the island. They swam up to the island. 01:04:00 and then they survived on this island for fifteen months. These kids they got together and they set up a fire at the top of that mountain and it was is nineteen sixty six is nineteen sixty six and they set up this fire and so this was their eternal in the summer of sixty five yeah. They go missing and they survive fifteen months. Yes, eight fourteen year old boys surviving a fifteen months on a deserted island on a deserted island and they set up at the top of the mountain. They set up a flame 01:04:29 so they're like this is our signal fire. We're going to keep it burning. This is our eternal fire for when the Olympic games get started on this island because we're going to have to repopulate somehow, even though yeah, they're not sure how that's going to work, but and so they do. They keep that fire burning for fifteen months. It never goes out. They said they kept it burning for fifteen months and took fifteen months for anyone to see the fire. That's how remote this island is and they they start hunting. They start fishing 01:04:55 they start killing like the birds around and like little small animals that are on the island. They find the tribe that lived there had a farm and so they found when that that tribe got abducted they took all of the other chickens were left behind. So there's like a hundred chickens live on the island. So they were taking the eggs from the chickens, they were killing some of the chickens and cooking them like surviving off the island and the dude was 01:05:23 the guy who find found him Peter like didn't believe the story because these kids were so fit like he's like he's like these kids should not be this fit. If they were trapped on this island for fifty, they should not nourish. They should yeah yeah, but they were like in incredible shape and he said he said yeah. We were running around the island. That's a detail that he put in his kids were too hot. His kids were like freaking. He was a we're in great shape for kids who but I noticed at one point you could tell this island is like it's it's a 01:05:52 it's a cliff, the island and so at one point one of the boys did fall off that cliff and break his leg and they using sticks. They stinted it and were able to like heal his leg and so that kid that kid he didn't have his job had like survival skill. Oh they had to be boy scouts yeah. These were eagle scouts for sure Alex. How long could you make it on a deserted island? Do you think I mean how talking to your microphone 01:06:21 Oh fine, now you can't hear me. 01:06:24 back to you. Oh sorry, say it again. I mean how many people there eight eight and you're all jazz. You could eat seven people. Well, how many people I mean, what's the supply like Alex? Are you a cannibal cut his mic cut his mic cut his mic guys? You don't see this right now, but he's he's looking at Tim with a knife and a for Alex put that down 01:06:56 That's crazy. So what's your number yeah? If there's if there's eight people, I mean probably quite a while. Let's say that only four of them have your skill set. Yeah, four of them are dead white. Yeah, does that change it? I feel like as long as there's a few people that are able to help. What if you're the only one? What if you're the like? What if what if the three of us were stranded somewhere and like 01:07:24 We have the ability to do the things you tell us to do. 01:07:29 Does that make sense? Yeah, but we probably want to know what to do. I mean, I don't know. I don't know how long we'd make that. Let's try it next season till on on the 01:07:45 so these boys surviving yeah. They sent up. They set up a series of hollowed out coconuts to collect rain water and so they could have like safe drinking water. Like they set up this whole system to survive and they did. They survived for fifteen months. The guy when he met the kids, he didn't believe it and so he radios back to shore and he says hey, I got a group of eight boys that I found under this island. They said they'd been here for fifteen months, the missing eight and the guy, the guy on the other side was like hold on. 01:08:15 And he's like, I didn't hear anything for 20 minutes. comes back and was clearly choked up. And tells them where to bring him. and the family's there, the family's losing them. They were like, it's been 15 months, 01:08:44 and all of them are alive and well, and so all of them are sobbing jacked all the parents are like what you do, your shoulders. 01:08:58 like everyone's like eight hot kids eight jack teens found on an island like that's the one detail they start that if that was if that happened today, that's a hundred percent the detail that would run. Oh my gosh and so they're all reunite. They all become fitness influencers. Their I'm serum like if you want abs like mine, you're going to have to go to an island for fifteen months 01:09:28 So they all they're all hugging their parents. It's a really emotional moment and then the police comes and arrests all of them and takes him to jail for theft because they stole the boat and the guy's boat found out that they found him and he was like yeah. I want to press charges. That was an expensive boat and so he arrests all of them. Peter's standing right there and he's like are you kidding me right now? And so Peter telegraphs his dad. He's like he's like hey, I crazy story. 01:09:53 he's like you're like let's just get past the bar. I found some boys, I found some jacked boys. Anyways, we have to. Can I have a few hundred dollars? I got to pay off this boat debt. It's nineteen sixty, so that's a lot of money and his dad's like whatever much was the boat that so he comes back and he he gives the guy a hundred and fifty bucks and the guy's like this will cover it. It's nineteen sixty six. It's also an island nation in nineteen sixty six, 01:10:22 and so at the time a hundred fifty dollars is what I mean when I say rich people have always been goblins. You know if you see the video, there's a reporter who was talking to somebody. This is like a couple weeks ago yeah and they're at the boat dock and the guy is like oh man. You know the economy so bad because of all this stuff and like people can't afford groceries yeah and she just goes. Do you feel like you're in the best position to talk about that as you get on your yacht? 01:10:51 and he freaking loses his mind. That's really good, so that I just did the inflation calculator. That's fifteen hundred dollars today, so I mean which is still it's a cheap boat, but I think you got to remember. Also, this is a small island nation, so like it's there 01:11:10 but still you they've been missing for a year. They m is missing for over a year and they come back and you're like what about my fifteen hundred dollars about my boat again? We can probably figure that out dude, so he pays for the boat and then he goes to the king of this nation and he says hey, I would like to have that island. No, what he says is he said he said I'd like two things and the kigs like I'll give you one. The gig was like I will grant you anything for finding our lost boys, our lost Jack boys 01:11:39 and he says he says okay two things one. He said I would like is ripped rapscallions. He's like he's like I would like exclusive rights to the story and then to I would like fishing rights to the seas around your island nation and the King grants them both of those and so he takes the story rights and he sells it so they could create the story like the film the story line and then he sets up and does his dream. He's like he's like he sets up a fishing company so he can sail around these islands. 01:12:09 instead of being an accountant for his dad's company and then he three years later hires all of these eight boys to be a part of his fishing crew when they graduate high school and so here he is with the he's the he's the the dude on the they're all still Jack. Yeah, they join him and they go fishing with him on the sea for years. I don't know if you notice anything, but the guy in charge 01:12:39 He's got a watch. He's got a watch on him. 01:12:44 so yeah, that's the story of Peter. This is Peter is this guy to get you a close shot of him where he's got a rich dude's haircut yeah, especially in the sixties where he discovered these these kids and saved them, saved their lives. That's not a shan, they survived that long. That's pretty incredible. They also set up along all across this island. They set up a 01:13:10 food garden where they grew their own food. They had that rainwater system with the holladaw holladaw trees and coconuts. They built a gymnasium, a badminton court and they had a chicken enclosures and then they had that permanent fire burning for someone to see that fire and come rescue them. And then they the kid got examined from a doctor afterwards and they said, I mean your break healed perfectly fine. You guys did exactly what you needed to do and that's crazy because you heal a broken bone. You think I mean if it's just 01:13:39 putting together a splint yeah. I hate the hubris. I'm proud of my eagle scum. Yeah, I mean yeah easy. I mean yeah, I'm an eagle scout, so yeah, those are those are a few stories of boys being left alone. A couple of them went well. One of them went well. The rest of them did not go well. Wow, so that's crazy. Anyways, what here's what's wild. They say that eat to this day 01:14:08 if you sail by the island of a ta, I don't know if anything's on that island anymore. It looks completely deserted now yeah, but they say to this day. If you say I was ever want to go back like they're ever like I miss the island. I don't know. I mean yeah, maybe I don't know you know, but if you sail along that island at the perfect time at night, they say you can hear the sounds of a fiddle off beautiful. Do you think this is how fiddle? Is what you think 01:14:39 where you think it was a way. Hey, thanks for checking out this episode. If you like that last story about Peter Warner, you probably going to like Julianne cop. It's a story very similar, but there's one person and she survived a plane crash and also survived in the wilderness for like a really long time. It's an absolutely bonkers survival story. So if you like those, you're going to like that one. Check that out. Julianne cop key, uh, hey and hey, thanks for checking out this episode. If you like it, 01:15:07 Make sure you subscribe, comment, hit the bell, all this stuff that YouTubers tell you to do. And if you want to support the show, you can do that on Patreon. Our patrons get access to all sorts of great stuff, like this episode early, ad free, they get a Discord with our hosts and producers. There's even a way to hang out with us once a month on a video call. It's a ton of fun and it helps make this show possible. We appreciate all of our patrons. That's the best way to support. But if not, thanks for being here and we'll see you next week on Things I Learned Last Night.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if kids had to live on their own without any adult supervision? Two documentaries, Boys Alone and Girls Alone, show us exactly that. These shows provide a unique glimpse into how children react when given the freedom to manage a household and their behavior.

What Happens in Boys Alone?

Boys Alone is an eye-opening documentary that takes a group of ten-year-old boys and puts them in a house without adults. The boys have to take care of themselves for five days. There are no rules, except the kids must figure out how to handle daily life, such as cooking, cleaning, and solving problems independently.

At first, the boys enjoy their freedom. However, as time passes, things begin to break down. Messes pile up, and arguments start. The boys struggle with teamwork and leadership but learn important lessons along the way. Watching Boys Alone shows us how young boys deal with the pressures of living independently and how they handle responsibility when no adults guide them.

What Happens in Girls Alone?

Girls Alone is a similar experiment but focuses on a group of girls. Like the boys, the girls are left in a house without adults for five days. At first, the girls work together more smoothly than the boys. They create plans and divide up tasks. However, as time goes on, disagreements arise, and the challenge of managing a household without adult help becomes clear.

Despite the conflicts, the girls showed a different leadership style and problem-solving skills than the boys. Girls Alone offers a fascinating look into how girls handle independence and the responsibilities of daily life.

Critical Lessons from Boys Alone and Girls Alone

Both Boys Alone and Girls Alone reveal valuable lessons about children’s behavior and how they manage independence. Both groups face challenges in cleaning, cooking, and teamwork. The boys tend to be more chaotic, while the girls initially approach things with more planning.

However, both groups face similar issues with leadership and decision-making. Watching Boys Alone and Girls Alone shows us that kids need guidance but can also learn a lot from figuring things out independently.

Why These Documentaries Matter

The documentaries Boys Alone and Girls Alone remind us that kids can handle more than we often expect. While they may struggle, these experiences teach them about teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving, which are important for their growth and development.

Watching how boys and girls react in these situations also highlights the differences and similarities between how each group approaches independence. Both documentaries provide valuable insights for parents, teachers, and anyone interested in how kids learn and grow when given the chance to take responsibility.

Final Thoughts on Boys Alone and Girls Alone

Boys Alone and Girls Alone powerfully remind us of the importance of independence in a child’s growth. Although the boys and girls faced struggles, they also learned valuable lessons. These documentaries show us that kids are capable of much more than we might think when given the space to explore responsibility and decision-making independently.

If you’re interested in understanding how children handle freedom and the challenges that come with it, Boys Alone and Girls Alone are must-watch documentaries. They give us a unique look at how kids learn, adapt, and grow in situations without adult supervision.

Things I Learned Last Night is an educational comedy podcast where best friends Jaron Myers and Tim Stone talk about random topics and have fun all along the way. If you like learning and laughing a lot while you do, you’ll love TILLN. Watch or listen to this episode right now!




Boys and Girls Alone – Wikipedia

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