This Magician Fooled the CIA | Uri Geller Ep 266


Episode Transcription

00:00 Hey, the government figured out mind control and they use this one weird trick to do it. Yuri Geller was an illusionist who claimed to the very end that he was not an illusionist that he really did have special gifts and he was CIA certified like they were studying him and the CIA was even convinced that this guy is legitimately doing these things yeah yeah hey it's a March twenty fifth. What do you got going on nothing? 00:25 Sweet all right. Well, thanks for checking out. Okay, so this is things on those nights comedy podcast. It's an evergreen network podcast. You can check us out there, but all of my shows are in slash shows. We're getting into Easter. It's the time of the year where like I maybe stuff will pop up. I usually don't have a whole lot till after Easter, but after Easter I do have pretty busy schedule, so come hang out. 00:48 Hey man. What's up? Hey man. 00:52 Have you ever heard of Yuri Geller, Yuri, Yuri Geller, Yuri Geller? Yeah, yeah, hurry. It might be early, Yuri, early. I think it's Yuri, Jerry, Yuri, Yuri Geller. Have ever heard of him? No, we've actually talked about it on this podcast before we have. Yeah, we have, but we haven't done an episode about it. He's Ross's brother. 01:16 Yeah, close. Here's a picture of him. Maybe this will help you. If you see him, maybe you'll know who he is. Ready? 01:32 blocking out the haters. Here's another picture of here's another this point out. I don't know if you can tell he's a big guy. I hold on to that. Let me say that again. I don't mean it's a big spoon guy. I mean like he's he loves spoon. He's a big spoon man. Why I'm trying to put together why we would have talked about Yuri Geller before 01:57 Cause he loves... He loves spoons. This guy must love spoons. 02:08 Okay, it's picture guys. We have so much. Let me show you another one. This one might make you help you get it ready. Yeah, 02:25 Oh, are you faking it? Do you know what this is? I know I what if I show you this one been the is he an illusionist yeah yeah yeah there you go, there you go, yeah you're catching on you're catching on he is 02:38 okay, here's the thing he's not and he doesn't brand himself and as a losing an illusionist, he's a psychic. He is a psychic sure, so here's the story of that guy drives around in a car covered with spoons. 02:56 My favorite thing about it is it's not even like a great car and I think it's a hearse dude. You think that you see this skull on the front? I think that's a hearse. could be a hearse. That's kind of that's kind of freaking actually covered her soon. Her's that's kind of cool. Here's the thing though. I'm not sure like if the spoons on the sides. I don't know if those are real spoons like that might be like a like a rap. I mean obviously the top. Those are definitely spoons. 03:23 but like I'm saying, I definitely sticking off the side yeah sure yes. I don't know because if you look at the front by like the by the headlight that looks like a rap. I don't think so. I don't know anyways. This guy he's the spoon guy. He's the guy who made the spoon bending thing a thing okay. So if you don't know Christian illusionists do this thing where they all hold you hold hands like four people 03:46 and then they do something weird to the for the first person's hand. They go and the spoon bends in a bag for hands away kind of thing and they open it they go. The only illusion is the illusion. The devil sold you when he told you that life was going to make you happy, but what's going to make you happy is following Christ. The true illusion is following for the sins of the world. All right, 04:13 that's what they do. I don't know they they spin it at the end all right. Oh my God, speaking of spinning at the end. Another thing is artists love to paint and they spin it upside down. It was Jesus the whole time, so maybe that's if you turn the car picture upside down, it's Jesus. Don't do it. Get out this. Move on to the next bit. Okay, why are we talking about this guy pretty interesting stuff? You know he's an illusionist. He does the spoon stuff and 04:41 He married this girl and then he died and that girl died in his house and that's kind of it. Oh, remind me to talk to you about that at the end of the fill. Of course. Yeah, of course. So Yuri started his 04:57 life as a child and he was a grade school. He had a he had an experience and so here's what happened. He was he punctured his tongue with a fork and said never again ever again. Well, I touch one of these and so instead he just damaged spoons for the rest of his life. No he he had a moment. He was at school and he was on the play playground and you know plan and then he looked and then something got his eye 05:26 and he looked up at the sky and it was a silver flying disc and he said in that moment he felt this connection to this dead serious. He felt the connection to this disc. No, it is he felt the connection to this disc and he has since talked about this experience as an adult. Okay, and says I don't know what exactly happened there. He said I think it could have been a few things said. I think it could have been my mom and dad were fighting the night before and I just needed a reason to carry on 05:58 okay, that I got made fun of in the class right before that and I just really needed a reason to feel special. Okay, I could have been 06:08 that I was getting shipped off to a church camp I didn't want to go to that summer and I was really afraid that I was not going to make any new friends. But then when I got there, I met this counselor and he was like, you're going to fit in great. And then that counselor was actually really mean to me on Thursday night and kind of forced me to go forward and raise my hand and say that I accepted Jesus even though I didn't really feel anything. And he stood there and made sure that I spoke in tongues. And I was like, I don't even know what this means. Then he was like, you just got to do it. And I was like, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then he was like, that's ASMR. I'm not falling for that. 06:32 and I was like stupid a by and he was like that's the Lord. He wasn't and I'm the thing played with that guilt and so I just needed a reason to get out of this world and so I imagine that a spaceship is going to come and take me away to playground and then so that's probably what that was though. That was one of the things he said and he said or it could have been or it could have been or a alien. Exactly yeah. He said it could have been aliens and they could have been trying to communicate to me and that's what I felt and he said or 06:59 it could have been or one of my classmates was trying to steal all the snack cakes from the cafeteria and I was just creating a diversion. So I said look at that big thing in the sky and all the speakers came out and everyone looked and I was like whoa, but I then me and my buddy were actually sneaking into the cafeteria to sneak all the food and then years later there's a documentary being made because this whole class saw something in the sky, but really it was just me and my friend who made it up the whole time. We're like yeah sorry we made that up. Sorry you flew your documentary crew to Africa to cover this and then we looked at these two identical 07:29 hand drawn dry and we had to watch this podcast or be like look how different they are even though they're the same drawing. You don't talk about yeah, so it could have been that it could have been a he said or it was was that that was the psychologist. What was his name? He was a psychologist who 07:52 believed the kit. Oh, that was about the psychologist because he was it was one those ones where I bait and switch to you. had a toral totally normal. That's right, psychologist career and then all of a sudden he got into aliens. Okay, so anyway, this one's not a bait. This is where we're starting. This one's reversed. Well, I'm going to start with aliens and we're going to we're going to switch later pivot to we're to pivot to I don't know. the normal he said or is it or or it was like God he's like God was speaking to me through this light and like sure blessed me 08:21 or some sort of interdimensional being and he said, but he said whatever it was, or I know for sure is it's not made up in my head. Yeah, well, he actually did say that he said, or maybe it was a projection from in my okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, so maybe it was a projection. He was like it's either aliens or the god of the universe. I know it's not for sure is that it was just made up in my kid brain that I have my kid brain just came up with it, but he said he said whatever it was. It defies explanation because he said at that moment is when he felt the power well up within him sure, and so he then 08:50 had the psychic power and he realized oh, I can read everyone's minds like I know what everyone around is thinking now. I saw that thing and now I know what you're thinking and they're like well, what am I thinking and he's like you didn't actually he's like thing did you I could do it right? I can read your thoughts right now. I do it. 09:18 and you're thinking no, you can't you idiot, how close close that's actually pretty close. You want know what I was thinking? I knew we were thinking you said it. I know you. Do you want to know what I was? Yeah, yeah, I was actually thinking that you were going to say there's no way that he actually liked that gift he's just oh he's all an act. It's just an I let me try. I've been thinking about it ever since I try 09:48 You think Lee Harvey Oswald was innocent? 09:56 that's what he's thinking about middle of this episode. I try to have a that the whole thing is going around in his head is aren't they frame that guy like I definitely didn't do it. There's no way he that. He's not that good. I know for a fact I have it a good confidence that they're lying about that. I can't stop thinking about it. Yeah, it's all I think about 10:19 so yeah he's like he's like i can read everyone's subtle messages in those asmr videos you watch it's all just conspiracies yeah they're 10:35 we're talking about the rats on the moon. What rats on the moon dibs on the band name? Okay deal, so he's like he's like I can read everyone's mind now right right right. He's like that's crazy and so he holds you this point. He's a child. He's like he's in grade school. He's in grade school, so he's realizing your fourth year special home yeah and your fourth grader goes now. I know you're thinking 11:04 and you're like okay, what are you talking about? You can read people's thoughts. We know when you read people's not see how I said at the same time as you, it's like you actually said it like suddenly just all really arrogant and cocky yeah, kind of and all of sudden he realizes that he definitely because he had this in in elementary school. Yeah, he definitely used this to like pick up girls in high school. He was just like 11:40 I just yes, I just know what what a girl wants. You know what girl wants and isn't that a movie? Isn't there a movie? This is like yeah, is Mel Gibson able to read women's minds? What is Mel Gibson? If what a girl wants? No, isn't I don't know what the movie is. It was a man of binds. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm not how about what a girl wants. I'm talking about a movie where Mel Gibson can read women's minds. 12:11 that'll give sin mine reading. Oh interesting. It's called what women want. Ah hey, hey, I was close. That's kind of interesting, huh? Strange. Okay yeah, so same. I guess that's use that. We're just like I know what you're thinking girl. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking 12:38 guy's kind of cute. And she's like, no, I wasn't. He's like, hey, hey. 12:48 Yes, you were yes, you were yeah yeah and she's like get away from me like what are you doing? You say that now yeah twenty years from now I'm going to drive a spoon mobile and you're going to regret this. We just see my through this Candice. I don't know what years it was of the eighty. He was born in forty six in Tel Aviv and so he he gets he gets home and he's 13:16 just kind of like wow. I got these powers. What else can I do yeah and so he's practicing around with just many moves stuff yeah he's like he's like think I can move some stuff with my mind and so he starts doing his telekinesis moving stuff around with his mind and this is the this is forty s fifties he's born in forty six so yeah yeah he was like early at this point stuff up yeah. This is when people made stuff up so he allegedly I will say to this is a good 13:45 a little bit of backstory. His grandma sure, I think grandmother is named Margaret Freud and they claim that he's a distant relative of signal Freud on his mother side, but there's never been like connected. It's like yeah, they got the same last name and so he's like. I think he's using that as like a claim to thing. I don't know. Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure. If it is 14:15 yeah. So he starts like learning. Oh, I can I can move stuff with my mind and he starts taking keys and just different metal objects and bending them with his brain. He's like sitting there bending them. The parents are losing their mind. Everything is bent in their house because he's sitting there going and he's like look what I can and his his dad even said in an interview later in his life. This was an interesting interview. His dad said I don't know what it was about him. 14:45 but his watches always seem to break and I don't break like I don't know what the claim is there. No, like I think it's that they just stopped working like his watch. This watches would just stop working and then I I think the claim the claim is my kid just wanted to spend more time with me, so he broke all my watches, so wouldn't be able to know what time was. I think that I think the claim there is that he had so much magic energy coming off of them that all the gears in the watch stopped working 15:13 like the gears would would bend and break sure, but that does happen. He allegedly was able at times, not all the time, but at times to take the watch and shake it and fix it. I don't know what that you got a cheap watch. Yeah, have you tried shaking it kid? No, this has got to be because my kid is magic because my kids magic okay, so he starts doing like local shows when he gets to high school, sure doing the spoon bending thing 15:42 and then he would do a thing where people would come up and he would have a blackboard up stage from him and they would draw a picture on the blackboard and he would have like a canvas and he would draw the same picture okay, and this is like late fifties at this point yeah, and so this is blowing people's minds. This is like this is early in like magicians doing magician stuff right. It's not I'm pretty sure it was like who do you for literally 16:09 thousands of yeah, yeah, but they but everyone believed it back that like this was the first era like Houdini was the first era where it was like I'm magic, but it's like I'm not actually worshiping the devil. Okay, and what year was Houdini? I don't know ten years before this. We did an episode on them, but I don't I'm not gonna. I'm not going to remember okay. He died like thirty years before this, so yeah, it's still new. It's still fresh, okay, but he's doing not 16:37 he's doing his magic. People are coming in there and they're like oh wow, we've never seen this before. 16:45 They're going. I say this is brand new to us people in the fifties who are who have never seen stuff before they all that trans and as the trans Atlantic yeah, the transit that we can't do yeah yeah. No one talks like that anymore. They should yeah we should. I think they we should try. I think they did it for a very specific reason. They got rid of it or they did the act. No, I think they did it for a specific reason, which was radio waves. 17:15 I think the radio waves like interrupted their voice since they had to talk weird so that way their voice when I get distorted by the radio. I don't think right Alex. No, I think yeah, it's a thing just had transit. Did he say yes? No, I didn't think so, but you just confident way right yeah. Is that the yeah? 17:35 In the early days of this show, we did like affiliate ads where we were like a sign up for grammarly and use code till and and we got like fifteen cents and now we just do patreon. It's a much better way. It's better for us as creators. It's better for you as listeners and it's a much more fun way for us to interact. We do monthly hangouts like on zoom. We just hang out and play games online and and get to know each other. It's a really fun time so 18:02 but still use our code till in at grammerly dot com because I think it's still I might get like a couple cents from that, but join us on patreon because we're having a great time. If you don't, we're to have to start doing mobile game ads. 18:19 so he started doing this. He started doing like theater shows and like little things, but in spinning spins is new thing. No one's ever heard of before called match exactly called shows called theaters. No one had thought of it before. No one had thought about it like man. No, I've never seen this many people in one room yeah, and so he was doing the show yeah and he started to garner a little bit of attention around Israel and he 18:44 got some television like local television appearances sure I ended up having a show called the Geller effect that kind of made him a celebrity in the country where he would do the bending spoons in there was my that's got the whatever effect the car the carbonara effect yeah. Actually, I wondered if that is an homage to that yeah. Carb carbonara effect carbonara, which is interesting because that's what my favorite dish at Olive Garden is called 19:13 this yeah, that's really hard. I wonder if that was a I'll tell you the effect that's got 19:22 I mean he does kind of do the mentalist thing too, so I guess that makes sense that he was anyways, so he started getting recognized on tv started getting flown out to Europe to do appearances on European TV shows and this eventually gets to the states and in the seventy's Johnny Carson finds out about him and then seventy three he has him come on to the tonight show, but Johnny Carson. I don't know if you knew this because I didn't 19:51 Johnny Carson was like a hobby magician. Yeah, he does the little thing that was his whole bit. What little thing the with the envelope and the hat that was like one of his bits where I don't know what you're talking about where he would like. It was like you know you could tell I think that yes Johnny Carson was a hobby magician, but he also liked the showmanship of magic yeah yeah yeah which had been around for centuries. 20:16 and but one of the bits that they would do on the show is that whole like the punch line would be written in the in the envelope and he would say this the set up and then he would just read whatever was in the envelope. It wasn't a magic trick. was but it was the showmanship of a magic trick, a mad trip interesting interesting. So I figured what they called that but johnny carson was what's the right word, irked by geller because geller repeatedly we'd be asked like oh that's a trick and he like no i'm a psychic. 20:46 Like, I have special powers. Like, he would not. Oh, and Johnny Carson was like, come on. Yeah, he would not be like, I'm a performer. He would be like, I have powers. And Carson's like, no, don't. And so Carson, so they had him come out and his Ernie Geller's team came out and they set up the set. So they had a bunch of spoons that they set out. There was another bit that he did where they had a bunch of like metal canisters that weren't see-through or anything like that. And they were all empty except for one of them was full of some sort of powder. 21:16 without touching them or feeling them or anything like that. He'd be like, yeah, it's that one. And so Carson came out and he saw that and he's like, he's like, yeah, right. And so he's like, he's like, take it all away and replace it with our stuff. And so he had his production team replace everything with their spoons and their canisters and one of them was full and so they just, he's like, I'm going to humiliate this guy on live TV pretty much. And he was like, he's like, yeah, replace it all. And so he comes out for his segment. Johnny Carson's doing a show. 21:45 does his whole thing and then it's like, okay, Ernie Geller, this magician from Tel Aviv is here. You might have heard of him. He's starting to make waves internationally. He's here to show us what he can do. And we've got this stuff. And so he comes out and he immediately sees the table with all of his stuff and he is like perturbed. And so he sits down and he can immediately tell, oh, something's wrong. the first, I think maybe the most obvious thing was 22:14 he would always have all of these goods on like a metal tray yeah and one of the bits and one of what some magicians since have said the way he did the what's in the jar thing as he would reach out and he would spin that that tray and he can kind of tell from what by the weightedness of it where which one was full and so when there wasn't a tray he immediately knew oh someone mess with my stuff and he started looking around at his spoons he's like these are not my spoons and so he realized 22:43 I'm not going to be able to do any of my tricks because it's not my stuff. So he's on the show and he's sitting there and he's like, oh, something's wrong. Yeah. And so what ends up happening is 20 minutes of like the worst television in history because he's just sitting there kind of mumbling to himself, like very clearly upset and then like occasionally going like this over things and like looking at him and Johnny Carson is just being like, what's wrong? Can't can't do it like just 23:13 very clearly being like all a bully yeah, kind of and Johnny Carson, this is a really mean thing to do to your guess that you've flown from Israel. Yeah, yeah, and he's just sitting there smoking a cigarette, which honestly I'm going to be honest. Here's the deal smoking in public pretty cool, pretty cool smoking in general. 23:38 smoking in general very cool. It's unhealthy and yeah dare program, whatever, but honestly dare program forget you guys, your program for nerds, their programs for nerds. have. I do think that cigarettes are cool. Cigar is hard. It's hard. That was the whole thing was that it was. It was it was on tv and it was so normal. You know, I saw this is going to sound really crazy for a second. There's there's things in life where it's like it's hard 24:07 not to look cool while doing sure there's things in life where it's hard to look cool while doing and stick with me for a second smoking. It's hard to look not cool smoking like smoking looks inherently just yeah, but you got to think about why though and it's because the characters that they made smoke in film and tv yeah through they were always cool before before like the late eighties, nineties anti smoking stuff yeah, but even even after all of that right when I was high school we knew 24:37 that like he was cool. That's what we knew we knew so no one to tell us we were like that's a cool guy. We knew smoking was bad, but when I walked out of the venue between sets at shows and all those kids were out front smoking, I was like gosh you guys are so cool yeah, but here's even the kids that didn't weren't cool kids, but seeing people who have smoked for fifty years yeah and you see what they look like look cool when they light up though they still look cool. 25:05 not hard not to look cool, just not in the you have not with the se. You have not walked out the back of a comedy club with the in freaking Minneapolis in the winter and seen people who are so addicted to smoking that they'll stand outside of the freezing cold just like they're freezing for a reason and the reason is Nick. Maybe, maybe I don't know. It's pretty cool so but 25:33 the other things were. It's hard to other thing cool while I was driving. I was driving home the other day, drive past or yeah, driving home the other morning. Yeah, just so you know, I know that there's families who listen. We're not. I don't think you should start smoking, but you shouldn't stop if you know we're not trying to smoke, but I do think if you do, it's pretty cool. 25:59 Alex is trying to figure out how we PR this. I don't I don't think you we're not trying to be. I'm not endorsing smoking. I'm just saying it's not not cool. 26:14 Okay, what's hard to look cool? Why you do it and so I was driving. I was driving all the other morning, pass a school bus stop hard to look cool playing badminton. I passed the school bus stop and there's one kid standing out at the bus stop, probably fifth, sixth grade, just itching his butt like hardcore itching his butt and I'm like man, we're seeing somebody cool. It's their butt. No, I'm just like it's hard. It's hard not to look cool, itching your butt. 26:42 and here's the thing. I think you said it's to look at you. Oh dude, I think about all the cool kids itch in their but you're seeing somebody has reached out and grab a handful and each their but that's so cool. Now you have context for Tim's definitions. 27:04 here's the thing. Here's the text was that just to get another mission. What is that you kind of like? You pull that up in front of your eyes, dude, like like like somebody who's taking their neck health super serious. I got to come up here. Yeah, I got to take care of my health. I got to do this, so my neck doesn't hurt, but 27:26 after this, I'm going to go smoke up. I'll tell you what it's really hard to look cool while checking your apple watch for notifications. That's just so hard to look cool. Why you go? Let me tell you, let me tell you where my goblin brain was at the other day, so I saw that I saw this kid. just and you thought I'm going to turn and hit my car. saw this kid. It just but and my brain didn't just go 27:53 I saw this kid itches butt. So I saw this kid just butt, right? I'm driving home. So I saw this kid, itches butt. That's crazy. And my common brain said, because I was coming home. a cigarette right I was like, the simple, kid was smoking a cigarette. 28:16 that's conflicting. What do you do if you see someone who's a resounding is there, but what did you think? I don't know Goblin brain. I was I went home from the gym and I was I was at the gym. I was listening to like I hope my kids never that lane. No, I was listening to like I don't know what it was like some like in podcast about like I don't know some hustle grind thing probably Anthony. I don't know, but my brain I was like I was like a success winning blah and so I passed this kid and he's itching his butt like 28:44 And that's exactly what I think immediately. I'm just like, oh man, it's hard to look cool while you're itching your butt. And I'm like, and my brain says, yeah, you can put on a leather jacket, you get the sunglasses, the designer jeans, the cool shoes, but you hit your butt, you're not cool. And my brain goes, and it's just like your business. If you got a bad business, you're trying to sell a product that isn't cool. You can dress it up all you want. You can do the marketing campaign. You could try to make it look really good, but it doesn't matter what you do. If you're 29:12 if your product is itching your butt, it doesn't look cool. So anyways, Johnny Garstin sitting there smoking and it's like 20 minutes of this guy getting really upset about the fact that he can't do these tricks and he's like mumbling on his breath and there's been some like lip readers who've been like, oh, he's saying like, why would you do this to me? Like, why would you bring me on here to like embarrass me like this? Like he's like very mad. Would you do? And so then he says, 29:37 So then he says, he's like, I just, don't have positive energy today. Like my energy is really negative. I can't, I'm not sensing this the way like sometimes that happens. Like I just don't have the right energy. And Carson's like, uh huh. Okay. Yeah, sounds good. And so like just pretty much publicly shames him for being a fraud. And that show ends, he never does any of his tricks. They just watched him for 20 minutes essentially. And so he goes back to his room that night, his hotel. 30:06 just outraged, very upset, thinking his career is going to be over because of this. But something happened. He looked at the window. He saw a disc in the sky. A An alien in that disc going, hey, it's okay. 30:30 A lot of people don't know that the reason that aliens are like that is because they photoshopped the cigarette. 30:48 I used to be cigarettes in there. That's what I saw like that. I am a million and I don't this. I smoked a done a bunch of people saw this yeah and for some reason what you would expect is people would see this and they would say oh yeah. This guy's a fraud he's been exposed, but what people saw instead was oh this guy must be legit. 31:18 if it doesn't work all the time. 31:24 and so this blew him up like this is what stuff that makes me feel the is the reinforcements that people will go through in their brains to go see that actually validates it. That actually makes a lot of sense because it since it didn't work like it's it not where for me that's like when the cancer chiefs lost a server was like he's not scripted see not scripted. See how could it be scripted? They want to have them lose if it was scripted. There's too good of a story, so then he goes on a circuit. 31:53 and he does like every morning talk show, every late night talk show in the States and the UK, like he's all over the place and it kind of culminates in a moment to here where you might remember this part of the story where he gets a call from a guy by the name of Harold putt Hoff putt Puth, Puth Hoff. Why am I saying that wrong? That doesn't sound right. Harold putt off, Puth, Puth Hoff, Harold Puth Hoff. That's right. I think and Russell Targ 32:23 which you might remember those names, maybe. you? No. They are researchers at the SRI, which was the Stanford Research Institute. They were tasked by the CIA to try to figure out if mind control was possible. MKUltra. This wasn't MKUltra, but this was another like... Oh, speaking of that, Montauk. Yeah. 32:52 Right? Yeah. Is referenced in Severance. Oh, really? You're gonna freaking love this show when you finally watch it. Yeah. Hashtag ad, but you're gonna love this show when you freaking watch it. Okay. I think this is all I think it all plays in. Interesting. mean, that would make a lot of sense actually, knowing this, the subject matter. No, this was the remote viewing. Oh, he was actually have never relisted that episode because I was just like, this feels like a dark. 33:21 I mean like, you told that story about how you remote viewed once, have you? 33:27 shut up. Have you ever repented at that and ask for forgiveness for doing that so from God? So he goes and I just smoked instead. Okay, so he goes yeah. He gets called by the Stanford Research Institute, yeah and they said hey, we are looking for a psychic to study to see if there's any legitimate thing there yeah sure, and so they had him do a 33:55 pretty common trick he would do on tv shows and stuff was the drawing thing where people would draw a picture right. They put it in an envelope. He would he would draw it another common point like that's crazy that you're just like oh yeah you're looking for a psychic like I know know I'm making this up yeah. 34:15 Yeah, yeah. And so they call him and they do the drawing thing. I'm on your way into psych, like being a psychic. Well, here's the thing. Yeah, you would think that when the CIA is investigating you for your psychic ability, you would probably say, guys, look, circle of confidence here, right? I made a fraud. Don't tell anyone though, please. 34:43 Can we just act like this is really legit? I mean, maybe it's all made up. Maybe honestly, maybe he did like maybe he did say hey, it's it's fake, but just writing it is baby. That's what we do. Maybe that's our thing. Well, honestly, I'm not going to lie. I kind of think I kind of could see a possible world because so many magicians at this point already had come forward to be like. I know exactly how he's doing all this. It's a trick. He's not a psychic like they could explain it all. 35:13 and he would just like double down every time that he's an actual psychic. Yeah, and what he would say is he said he said magicians they can they can imitate through tricks, but it's not the real thing like they're imitating. He's like he's like I'm the real deal. Yeah, he's like we're doing this. He's like yeah, the results the same, but the method is different as what he would say and people be like oh yeah, he must be yeah, that sounds right. He's the jet yeah, yeah, that sounds right and so these guys and how how that's right. 35:41 Harold goes by Hal, that's why that sounded so weird to me. Hal Puthoff, he's like a pretty famous guy in like the UFO sphere today because he did this remote viewing thing and he's always been into the extraterrestrial paranormal world. And so he kind of has that brain worm too. And so he might have... 36:07 been more susceptible to believing this stuff. Okay, when he did his research, but I also can see a possible world where when the SRI got hired by the CIA to investigate this stuff and try to figure out if remote viewing was legitimate, Russia was. I mean this is the middle of the Cold War and Russia, the Soviet Union was saying yeah, we we have psychics and they can do stuff yeah and so it's not a far fetched to me. 36:36 to think that the CIA was like, just put together some reports that say we can do it too. And that seems like that might be what was going on here. Like they took him in when Russia was our adversary. Yeah, yeah, exactly right. Yeah, like a long time for like, you know, most of it. Yeah. 37:01 Thanks for checking out this episode. you like it, there is some great news for you. have a mailing list in that mailing list. give updates on past episodes. So things in the news, things that happen for episodes, we've got over 200 episodes we've done and every week things are changing. New updates are coming out and we're keeping you up to date on what's happening in the happenings of tilling topics. So if you want to keep learning stuff even beyond the content of the episodes, that's a great place to do it. Also, we give updates on things that's happening in the tilling verse. 37:28 I like that. I've never said Till and Verse before, but I'm sticking with it. If you want to know what's happening in the Till and Verse, that's the best place to do it. You can go to There's a link in the description or you can text tilland to 66866. There's a lot of ways to sign up for the mailing list to make sure you keep up to date with everything that we've talked about and everything that's going on in the Till and Verse. But anyways, now back to this episode. 37:53 so they they come forward and they say yeah. We have no reason to that he's faking this yeah and he wears that like a badge of honor yeah. I a confer yeah approved and I can see him paying for that too actually because he was already rich at this point. Here's his house by the way he's he made it doing this grift. 38:11 And I'm going to be honest with you, there was a point in my life where I would see that floor and I'd be like, oh yeah, he's part of the Illuminati. That's why, because that's Illuminati floor. So there's a guy, there's a guy on, honestly, he does the best on Facebook, guess, on YouTube, TikTok, all that stuff. Have you seen him? He used to be an illusionist. He used to like the big corporate events stuff. His name is Justin Flom. Okay. And I don't know if I should give away his secrets, I guess, but he, 38:38 does all this stuff, he loves stencil art, he does stencil art on his walls, or he'll show this secret room in his house, or this trap door that he built into the floor, like all this stuff. Do you know what talking about? Have you seen his videos? No. Like different stuff, it's like literally he pulls a lever and the floor opens and it goes to this ball pit that's downstairs, right? Or like a little hidden bookshelf door that goes into this secret room that has a slide and all this stuff in this house, right? Yeah. The guy owns a house across the street. 39:06 that he and his family live in. That's their house and then he got his this house that he goes over and makes YouTube videos in tears out a whole wall and then does his little YouTube video tears it down. Three puts the wall up interesting and his he just puts like different stuff in this house. They don't actually live in. He doesn't live in, but that's where he's making his content out of interest. That's crazy kind of like being the big blue house yeah or no. 39:30 out of the out of the box. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he does have a bear in that house. No, what I'm saying is he made enough money from doing I mean, mean he's CIA approved like, you know, illusion stuff for like Walmart and cost illusions. He was do yeah, he was an illusionist and he was doing it for Walmart. Yeah, he's in the big corporate gigs. Oh, the corporate I was like, I was like what 39:51 what for? Why was he doing magic? He was out front of Walmart was just like Ding Ding Ding Salvation Army and he's like and he said what's that behind your ear your donation? So no, he like made enough money for doing the corporate stuff yeah you know now and now he makes the money's money from doing the social content, but it's just like he built he bought a whole house just for that's crazy stuff. Man, we do the one that was telling me about the 40:17 kids YouTube thing where it's like you can't have the... this new law passed in California where if, have you seen this Alex? This law that passed in California, there's a lot of family vloggers who are moving from California to like Tennessee or Idaho because there was a law that passed that said if your content features children over a certain percentage, then you have to put a certain percentage of your proceeds in a trust fund for them. 40:41 and so some of these parents in California are just like I'm not going to pay my kid and they literally move their whole family rather than honor the life and sanctity of their child and the relationship that they have together because they would rather capitalize on their existence in this hellscape that we live in them into a character. So hey yeah well, kids should get paid right yeah. That's why we had to wait till you grew up to do this podcast. 41:11 that's why we had to wait until Tim grew up to go to video. If you guys want to see the audio, I was a little kid, just a little kid, little kid. That's why in the video is when he finally looked old enough that we were like all right, you at least pass for look like an adult. So anyways, so he started he kept doing yeah he kept doing his magic thing. Sure did a full career of this and he got 41:38 all sorts of hate and claims that he's a fraud. People would try to expose him all the time. I think about getting hate. I think about this all the time too. If you're successful enough, who cares? Yeah, you know, yeah, like the number of people who comment on bird, Christ or stuff, he's got a new special coming on Netflix. Yeah, actually, I think it drops. This is March eighteenth. No, yeah, this one will be okay. So this is March twenty fifth twenty fifth, but so it came out last week. 42:04 but you know Netflix drops the trailer and all the comment ever. I couldn't find one single supporting comment that was like yes can't wait for person special, but it really yeah, but there's so many people, but he's yeah that I'm going to watch it. I think he's a phenomenal stand up yeah yeah yeah he's, but it's one of those things where it's just like who cares yeah yeah like the you saw his house yeah yeah you know where it's just making it oh no he lives that he lives that life like 42:32 I mean he obviously you seen his house, but he lives like he has all the celebrity friends and he in two thousand one he renewed his wedding vows and his best man for his renewals Michael Jackson, which is hilarious to me. When did he renew his wedding vows in two thousand one? I don't know. 42:54 I just say there's he's already said there's certain dates that have a lot of meaning to him. I just want to know when in thousand one he renewed his wedding vows. I do not know I know yeah, and so he kind of lived that life some fun trivia Pokemon made a Pokemon dedicated to him as Kadabra really all of them Abra Kadabra and Alakazam they're all and dedication to him because they got the spoon and it looks like I'm 43:23 Yeah, I can see it. I mean, it looks at this picture looks more like that. So yeah, so I mean, he from this point on, he was like just a career magician. Yeah, had a lot of scandal around him because he'd never backed down from trying to claim that real legit. And so now you can find him a lot on the Gaia network, which do know what that is? The Gaia network? Yeah. Have you not seen anything from the Gaia network? No, gosh. 43:52 Our algorithms are so different. Gaia is one of those things where whenever I see a Gaia video come up, I'm immediately like this is garbage. Don't watch this. Don't pay attention to this and I comment on it. I'm like this is God. That's why it keeps popping up on your stuff is because you keep commenting on it. I just want people to know that is what is Gaia Gaia is like a I mean I think it started as a YouTube channel, but now they have their own website and all their videos on their own website and stuff and they're like 44:23 very fringe conspiracy theories. It's like all alien and astral projection and stuff like that and he's on there all the time talking about this his psych psych is a lot of and and yeah he's still alive. He's like seventy eight he's like eighties seventy eight. Nope. It literally says right here age seventy eight was born in forty six. Let's see if the math is right on that seventy nine depending on when his birthday is. Oh yeah, it's December so yeah he's seventy eight now okay, whatever do 44:55 No, what was the what was the magician? I think he went by the masked magician yeah that did the like exposing yeah you're on time. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and I it's ironic you brought him up because I watched a video like the bio of Uri Geller and they said that Uri Geller, the only magician hated more than him by Magistrate, which who is the mass position? I don't know if we know. I think we know 45:22 Google it. 45:25 Howie Mandel. 45:31 No, we know who it is over right. Yeah, we do. guess yeah he unmasked yeah Val Valentino yeah, which is crazy and so because he was just he did a whole video series. Was that the early two thousand that he was a TV show he did a full TV show of how magicians do their tricks yeah, which was honestly great idea. Oh, it was a phenomenal show. Yeah, it's called breaking the magicians code yeah and he just revealed how every trick was done. 46:00 which was pretty. I mean honestly, it had me in a stranglehold. I'll tell you what as a kid like does kind of suck what to reveal it all yeah. I mean I'm going to be honest like in retrospect this guy. I mean he the timing was perfect. Oh yeah. I'll be for him. Sure he capitalized on money, but I'm saying like he really did like it does take away the fun of the magic. 46:28 know what I'm saying is the time is perfect because like just the way like like in the height of like slip, not he comes out with this mask, oh yeah, he's telling you all the secrets in the middle of when we're like oh yeah, the government's hiding everything from you and he's like yeah, they are also he was like oh, I see a rise in conspiracy theories. Now is the perfect time to expose the secrets of long held magic traditions. 46:53 now is the time to give the people what they want exactly yeah. You're keeping your track in all right here. Well, anyway, what the magic community would like to say to Val Valentino is that are an evergreen pot 47:17 Hey, thanks for watching this episode of Things I Learned Last Night. If you liked that and you want more of it, guess what? Behind this hand right here is another episode. That is our remote viewing episode. You can go check that out. That's like this thing where people thought that they could kind of astral project. They could see things around the world even from their own home. Just kind of going to this transcendent place within themselves. And they could see the nukes in Russia. And they could go to Antarctica. And they could see different things and maybe even different times. 47:43 It's a really wacky thing. I don't believe in any of that. Tim loves that stuff though. Or if you want to watch next week's episode right now, it's available to our Patreon supporters. can join us there. slash join. You get access to our Discord. You get monthly hangouts with us and you get that episode's ad free with early access. So it's just a way to support the show and help keep us going and we really enjoy that you're here. So we'll see you next week on Things I Learned Last Night.

Have you ever heard of Uri Geller, the famous magician known for bending spoons with his mind? He became famous around the world because he claimed to have real psychic powers. People still wonder today: Was Uri Geller really magic, or just a clever illusionist?

Who is Uri Geller?

Uri Geller was born in 1946 in Tel Aviv, Israel. He said he saw a strange, shiny disc in the sky as a child, and he believed this event gave him psychic powers. Soon, Uri began performing amazing acts like bending metal objects and reading people’s minds. He quickly became known as the magician who could bend spoons with his thoughts.

Uri Geller and the CIA

Uri Geller’s abilities caught the attention of the CIA. The U.S. government was interested in mind control and psychic powers during the Cold War. Uri was tested by scientists who wanted to see if his powers were real. Surprisingly, even the CIA was convinced by his tricks. They reported that Uri Geller truly had unusual abilities, growing his reputation as a magician.

Was Uri Geller a Real Magician?

Many people believed Uri Geller was genuinely magical. Others, especially professional magicians, thought he was performing illusions. Johnny Carson, a famous TV host, tried to expose Uri Geller on live television. Carson replaced Uri’s spoons and materials without telling him. Uri couldn’t perform his tricks on the show and said he didn’t have “positive energy.” Surprisingly, this made people believe in him even more, thinking a real magician wouldn’t always succeed.

Uri Geller’s Life and Legacy

Throughout his life, Uri Geller never admitted he was just an illusionist. Instead, he insisted that his powers were genuine psychic abilities. Uri Geller became very famous and wealthy, performing around the world. Despite criticism and fraud claims, he continued to fascinate audiences with his mysterious acts.

Uri Geller’s name is still well-known today. Pokémon even created a character, Kadabra, based on him. Uri continues appearing in videos and interviews, often discussing psychic phenomena and mysterious powers.

Was Uri Geller Truly Psychic?

While many argue Uri Geller was only performing clever illusions, others continue to believe he possessed real psychic powers. Uri Geller remains one of the most controversial and talked-about magicians ever.

What do you think? Was Uri Geller psychic, or was he just an incredibly talented magician?

Things I Learned Last Night is an educational comedy podcast where best friends Jaron Myers and Tim Stone talk about random topics and have fun all along the way. If you like learning and laughing a lot while you do, you’ll love TILLN. Watch or listen to this episode right now!




Uri Geller – Wikipedia

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