How Ed Thorp Beat Blackjack, Roulette, and the Stock Market


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Ed Thorp is a name you should know. He is a math genius who changed the world of gambling and investing. Through his love for numbers, he discovered ways to win at Blackjack and Roulette. But Ed Thorp didn’t stop there. He also became a big name in the world of finance, making a lot of money with his smart investment strategies. This blog will take you through the amazing life and achievements of Ed Thorp.

Who is Ed Thorp?

Ed Thorp was born in 1932 and loved science and math from a young age. When he was just twelve, he built his own radio. His curiosity and skills led him to study physics and mathematics at some of the best schools, like UC Berkeley and UCLA. Eventually, he earned a PhD in mathematics from UCLA. This strong foundation in math helped him in ways no one could have imagined.

Beating Blackjack

Ed Thorp is most famous for his book Beat the Dealer. In this book, he introduced a new way to play Blackjack called card counting. Card counting is a method where players keep track of the cards that have been dealt. This helps them figure out which cards are left in the deck. Knowing this, they can make smarter bets and increase their chances of winning. Thorp’s strategy turned Blackjack into a game where the player could have an advantage over the casino. This was a game-changer and made him a legend in gambling circles.

Cracking the Code of Roulette

But Ed Thorp didn’t stop at Blackjack. He also found a way to beat the game of Roulette. Using his knowledge of physics and math, Thorp figured out how to predict where the Roulette ball would land. He even created a tiny device that could fit in a shoe to help make these predictions. This device gave him a massive advantage in the game. Like in Blackjack, Thorp found a way to use math to win.

From the Casino to Wall Street

Ed Thorp turned his attention to finance after making a name for himself in the gambling world. He became a pioneer in hedge funds, which are particular types of investments that can make a lot of money. Thorp managed a hedge fund with a 20% yearly profit for 28 years. This was much better than the average stock market return. His success in finance was just as impressive as his success in gambling. He proved that the same math skills could be used to win in casinos and Wall Street.

An Encounter with Warren Buffett

Ed Thorp met Warren Buffett, one of the world’s wealthiest and most successful investors, early in Buffett’s career. Although they didn’t work closely together, it’s clear that Thorp’s strategies influenced Buffett’s approach to investing. This meeting showed how much respect Thorp had earned in finance.

The Legacy of Ed Thorp

Ed Thorp is now in his 90s and still going strong. His life is an example of how powerful math can be. Thorp used his skills to change how people think about gambling and investing. Many people who want to be more thoughtful about money still use his ideas today. Ed Thorp’s legacy is one of innovation, intelligence, and success.

What Can We Learn from Ed Thorp?

Ed Thorp’s story teaches us that math is more than just numbers on a page. It can be used in real life to solve problems and create opportunities. Whether playing a game or investing in the stock market, understanding the rules and using math can give you an edge. Thorp’s success also shows us the importance of curiosity. He was always looking for new ways to use his knowledge, leading him to discover things no one else had thought of.


Ed Thorp is a remarkable figure who made his mark on gambling and finance. His ability to use math to win in these fields has made him a legend. Ed Thorp’s story is inspiring whether you’re interested in games, investing, or just learning something new. It reminds us that anything is possible with the right tools and mindset. So the next time you hear the name, Ed Thorp, remember that he is the man who beat both the casino and Wall Street.

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Ed Thorp – Wikipedia

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