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Why 46 People Witnessed His Murder and Said Nothing | Ken McElroy Ep 245

Ken McElroy behind comedy podcasters Jaron Myers and Tim Stone with a banner that reads The Town That Killed A Man

The story of Ken McElroy stands out as one of the most mysterious unsolved crimes in the United States. His name is forever linked with the small town of Skidmore, Missouri. This crime shocked the nation, leaving many to wonder how something so significant could happen in broad daylight, with so many witnesses, and yet remain unsolved.

Who Was Ken McElroy?

Ken McElroy, born in 1934, grew up in a small farming town. Over time, he became known as a local bully and menace, constantly threatening his neighbors and committing petty crimes like theft. McElroy was feared by many, and his violent tendencies made life in Skidmore terrifying for residents. Despite being charged with numerous crimes throughout his life, Ken McElroy avoided jail time by intimidating witnesses.

The Unsolved Crime

The story of Ken McElroy’s death is as strange as the life he led. On July 10, 1981, McElroy was sitting in his truck outside a bar with his wife, Trina, when he was shot. Around 46 people were standing nearby, yet no one would say who fired the shots. According to reports, the shots came from two different rifles, and the scene played out in front of many witnesses. Despite the crowd, no one called the police or an ambulance. The case remains unsolved, as no one has ever confessed or been convicted.

The Town’s Silence

The mystery deepens when you consider the silence of Skidmore’s residents. Forty-six people saw Ken McElroy get shot, yet none of them stepped forward to name the shooter. The FBI investigated, but the town remained quiet, and the case was closed. It seems that fear or perhaps a sense of justice kept the witnesses from speaking out. Ken McElroy had terrorized the town for years, and the residents may have felt this was the only way to end his reign of terror.

Why Is This Crime Still Unsolved?

One of the biggest questions surrounding Ken McElroy’s death is why no one has been held responsible. Some believe the town conspired together, agreeing to remain silent to protect whoever pulled the trigger. Others think Skidmore’s residents were too afraid of retaliation, even after McElroy was gone. Either way, Ken McElroy’s unsolved crime continues to haunt the town.


The story of Ken McElroy is unique and filled with questions that remain unanswered. How did such an unsolved crime happen with so many witnesses? What motivated the silence of Skidmore’s residents? To this day, Ken McElroy’s murder is a mystery. Skidmore may never get closure, but the tale of the town that banded together will live on as a strange chapter in American history.

By learning about Ken McElroy’s unsolved crime, we gain insight into the complexities of small-town life and the lengths people will go to protect themselves. As this case remains unsolved, it continues to capture the curiosity of true crime enthusiasts everywhere.

Things I Learned Last Night is an educational comedy podcast where best friends Jaron Myers and Tim Stone talk about random topics and have fun all along the way. If you like learning and laughing a lot while you do, you’ll love TILLN. Watch or listen to this episode right now!




Ken McElroy – Wikipedia

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