How a Bartender Used a Glitch to Take Millions From an ATM


Episode Transcription

Hey, In this episode, we're learning about a guy named Dan Saunders. Dan was a guy who figured out a pretty wild glitch in an ATM and lived a pretty insane lifestyle. You're not gonna believe this. This is a bonkers episode. Hey, if you're here for the first time, this is things out than last Night. It's a comedy podcast where we learn a little bit of stuff, but we actually just laugh most of the time, and so it's gonna be a lot of fun. You're gonna laugh a lot, I hope, maybe you're gonna learn a little. But we're gonna jump right into this week's episode. Hey, man, what's going on? Hey? Have you ever heard of Dan Saunders as uh from Australia? Actually? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you know this story? Yeah? Do you know this story? Oh yeah, shut you know this story? Do you story Bartender? Yeah? Well that's well, yeah, he is he while he starts as one and then he kind of has a career evolution. Let's see if you can guess. Here's a picture of him. Uh, this is Dan Suners. Okay, well here's another picture of him. This is a I mean probably Bartender era. Yeah. I don't know how many bartenders. Do you know that where aprons like that though? Is that an Australian thing? Well, I mean probably not at the bars that you go to, but and not the ones I go to either, because I don't know that as a Christian comedian who's never frequented anywhere public, any other place to be, you don't see any text on the savor. This from this angle up looks like a cracker barrel employee. That's true. That's true. Yeah, he could be. He could be like a Starbucks employee. I took you that they changed the color of that pub next to our house in California. No, I didn't know. You didn't. You've only been out there one time. Yeah, I was there for twelve hours, so you know that's fine. And I don't know what that was supposed to be. Just in fighted you out and literally twice couldn't and I came. One of them couldn't even give me the time of day. But anyway, the Irish pub at my house, they wear aprons and stuff. Like the restaurant that that Ray worked at. She had to wear a tie. Even though it's like not a fancy interesting it's kind of like the U should wear a white button up with a black tie, and I had to have at least fifteen buttons on it, fifteen pieces of flair. I don't know if that was something borrowed, something blue. What are you talking about? You seen off of space? Oh? Okay, okay, here's another picture. Maybe this will help you start to understand the story. Here's here's what's interesting to me about this picture. He's outside of a coals and that's so I mean, I guess, I guess in theory, there has to be coals in Paris. What he's outside of a coal? Yeah? I look behind him. That's clearly a coals right there, that's the coals, and then the Eiffel towers hind it, that's the coals. He's on a hill in front of a coals parking lot. That's clearly that looks Okay, are you seeing it better? Now? Now make the decision of whether you're gonna double down or like this. This to me looks just like our video we shot at Cole's quick question about what you did on your your bookshelf? Behind you? You just go get the cheapest, dumbest trade show display plastics that you could. You just went to office. We spent all your rewards at office depot on. I don't think we read we Willy won we will we Willy Winky. We read this and Bono's content that I'm pretty sure we never released, and it's been on this shelf for a year years, just sitting behind us back there. Yeah. Anyway, well it was kind of falling over, so I got some stuff to make it not fall over. And then this fell over and now it doesn't have the glass. Oh that's what fell. Yeah, that's sad. Tim punched him. Sometimes I'm just angry at that. Okay, so here he is. You know that we we we can interview this guy. We need I told you this, Yeah, we need to reach back out. Sorry. Oh I saw an ad yesterday. I saw an ad yesterday. But Frankie mune is showing off his new hair after he got Oh yeah, I think maybe plugs plugs And I was like, dang, I should do that. You think the ad worked on me, I'm not here. Frankie Munas was balder than me. Yeah, there's that. There's that Kin City influencer guy Andrew whatever his name is. He just did it. I sent you his stuff. Remember his face? Well oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, And I said you should do this just for the content. Yeah, you need to do it for your hair, but also I want to see your face. We just did what I was saying, Uh, the person the blue frame this right here. Yeah. His wife messaged me on Instagram and was like, Hey, that's my husband. Why do you have my husband on your wall? Oh? She said he did. He did. This is like thing for this photographer, and they sold the hobby lobby and now he's like in all these stuff. So yeah, all these podcasters just it looks like a very two thousand and seven youth pastor. He really does. Was he did you ask? I haven't. I was saving there for the interview? Okay, cool, well we'll bring that back anyways. Anyway, So he's not This is Damon. This is the Coles in front of Niffel Towers. Okay, but maybe these pictures will start to get you into the right mindset of who he became. He became. Here's one, it's a little Glory. Here's another. Is this Roy from the office. He does look like Roy. Here's another. Here's another. Oh okay, we got the eyes covered up here, So that's that's that's a pop punk album that actually does Yeah, like a like a two thousand and nine give you the scratch? What other pictures we had? And we've got here he is okay, private jet, this is a this is a heist. And then we've got frauds. Here's the private jet with some ladies, and then here's a limo, different ladies with different ladies and some champagne. So this is there's a camera crew of following him. So he's like, a he this is a fraud. You think it's a fraud. Why would the camera crew being falling him? Then because he's rich. And then later we get found out that he got it all fraudulently, fraudulently fraud Wait is this like this name sounds similar to me. I feel like it's gonna be one of those things like Elizabeth Holmes where it's like, you know, Elizabeth Holmes is, Yeah, she was that girl that was kidnapped, doesn't child it's Elizabeth Smart. Elizabeth Holmes was the was the girl girl, lady woman woman who faked the whole blood test stuff? Yeah? What was that coming with Paranosse? Yeah? And so I imagine that this would be like that, not even close cool uh so, Dance Saunders. He was if you're having trouble picturing and uh Roy from the office would play this guy in a yeah, one hundred percent biopic one hundred percent, so Dance sunders. He's from the town of Wangarata, Australia. Yeah, have you heard of that? Yep? Have you ever been? H The only place in Australia I went. You said, you said, where in Australia should we go? Wangaradag It's like it's like southern southern Australia, probably like an hour maybe two hours outside of Melbourne, Melbourne, Melbourne, that's how they say it, right, So he it's like a smaller town, not like it's crazy how much people don't live in Australia, you know, like the populated areas are all along the coast obviously, but then everything else is just like well because the inside of wasteland, Yeah, the nuclear wards was what happened. Oh, speaking of I saw this thing yesterday about Tartaria, Okay, and we might have said this in the episode and I forgot about it. So maybe our listeners will be like, you idiot, you said this. But I've always wondered ever since we put that out. That episode has been one of our higher performing ones on YouTube, sure, and the comments are are vicious. People hate us because we because we don't believe it, and they really do. And I've always been like, this is such a weird conspiracy to get so passionate about. But I've always thought it was so strange that people got so fired up and passionate about Tartaria. Well, I saw this thing yesterday on TikTok. A Tartaria video came up and this Tartaria truther was talking about it. And I don't know if I found this part of the story when we did the episode on it, but he was talking about it as Tartaria the Kingdom of Tartaria was the millennial reign of Christ from the Book of Revelation, and now we're in the post millennium period. And that's why they're covering it up because I feel like you mentioned it. Maybe I did because I saw that, and I was like, Oh, that's why they care so much, because they think, oh, now it makes sense. Actually I believe in and now now I know that it's the millennial reign of Christ. I just oh, I saw it. I've always just been like, what a stupid thing to be so passionate about. And then now I'm like, well it's a religious thing for people. Now that makes sense to me. Before it didn't make sense. Why people keep talking? Really, you know, it's a stupid thing for someone to care about. No, let's really truers, I've not made it this far. If they're still watching, they're not. Does this shirt make me look shirtless? Because it blends in with my skin color? Do you think anyone's watching being like you just look that good shirtless? It's a cream colored sweatshirt. What they do with his nipples? Sk sweatshirt? I took a nipples? Who took him? Who took him? Anyway? Go on? Dana was born in when Garada, three hours north of Melbourne. Looked it up, and so he's did it was just the next sentence. It was just the next sentence, wasn't it. You're reading the bio born in Wikatonka, whatever it's called, and you were like, I think it's like an hour from Melbourne and the next sentence as you just read the next sentence six three hours from Melbourne. That what happened? That's a harvardent. What happened? I saw it happen. Yeah, that's it. Yeah, you're right. I think it's like an hour, three hours. Just the confidence. Dude, you got one job and it's to do the research. I did it last night. I don't it's not a bunch okay. So okay, okay. So he's twenty nine years old. Sure, he's working as a bartender at a local bar, a local a local pub. Twenty. I do enjoy stories that started around our age because that means I could have this life soon, you know what I'm saying, Yeah, this could happen to you. Maybe. So I was born about three hours from Kansas City. Hey, I think it was more like an hour. If I had to guess the hour. If I had to guess, I had to guess, oh three okay. No. So he's working as a bartender, and as he does most nights, he clocks out, calls up his buddies, they go out drinking. Sure, he says, I've had a long night of giving people drinks. I need some of my own. And so he goes out, starts, look on your face is just sketching me out, Like you've got like you're up to something, Like you've got a plan right now, and you're about to expect it. You know what my plan is? What is to listen to you describe the topic of this episode. Interjected a few jokes when I can, because that's what this podcast is, all right. It's a comedy podcast where Tim teaches us stuff. All right. So and every week we sit down, we learned about a fascinating topic that Tim has barely researched. Thanks. So he uh, he goes out with a couple of friends. They're having drinks and they're doing that thing where it's like you buy around, I'll buy around, you buy around, I'll buy around, you buy around. And then he opens up his wall and he's like, oh, I'm out of cash. You gotta buy this. And so he's like he's like, I'm gonna hit the ATM real quick. And so he walks outside this isn't looking for the ATMs, finds himself across from an elderly woman. Then he goes, I could probably beat her up. Take her cash. He takes her cash. I think, I don't know, I probably could have waited for the next sentence, but I was just kind of guess this is pretty confident. This was going close. He sees an atm for the National National Australian Bank, and ab walks over to it. Uh, and he's got a problem right now because he's like, he's like, well, he's engaged and him and his fiance got some cash in the checking account. But he's like, if I take cash out of the checking account, she's gonna know I've been out drinking really late tonight before. And then he's like, he's like, I could take it from the credit card. And my wife doesn't know how much money we have at all. You run the finances in your house. Yeah, yeah, we're but like she knows, yeah, she yeah, she's very aware. My wife couldn't tell you if we have seven dollars or seven million dollars. Yeah, my wife keeps keeps a close eye, okay, because she doesn't trust me. Now, we we were very like egalitarian. Yeah, we have a joint account, but we also still have our own accounts and so like we're very yeah, we're very together, but separate millennial. Yeah. Yeah, anyways, Bill's account and then checking account, and then yeah, they're like it's kind of like if you had envelopes and you put cash in your envelopes for I don't know, groceries. Another below for gas. Take a guess saving I guess Okay, So he checks his, he checks his. Here's the issue, here's the issue he asked. He can't take from the checking. His credit card is over balanced, so he can't take any credit. So his only option, his only option is a savings account. Problem. His savings account only has three dollars in it, and so he's like the withdrawal and so he's like a bummer. And then he's like, he's like, well, he's a little tipsy, and so he's like, I'm gonna try something. And so he's like he puts the gun at the ATM. He's like, give me. He doesn't understand you understand robbery, doesn't understand theft at all. He's like, yell, you know what I saw I take up the other day is how lucky. I saw how lucky rich people are. That money isn't a tangible thing anymore. Yeah, have you seen that? No ever thought about that before? No, when rich people when it used to be gold, like hold it all and then you would just go storm the building and take all that and take Yeah. If you yeah, you can't like rob someone, if you can't go rob someone's offshore account. Yeah, that's not an option. You can't point your gun to the ATM and be like, give me all your money. Yeah, that's what he tried. It don't work, and so instead what he did type in random accounting account numbers. Well, so what he tried is he said, he's like, what if I He's like, he's like, I'm just take a shot in the dark. He's a low tips here. So he does bounce transfer two hundred dollars from his credit to his savings account. Why he thinks this is gonna work. Anybody's guessed and says he gets an error and it says transaction failed and his car gets ejected and he's like, looks and the money's in there. Well, then he puts his card in and he checks his savings account balance and still three dollars and he's like, what the heck? And he's like, withdraw two hundred dollars and it spits out two hundred dollars cash, and he's like interesting, and so then he's like, tries again. So he's just found this one ATM. So it spits out cash. What if that's the secret. So he does so he goes and he goes from credit card to savings four hundred dollars, transaction failed, spits out the card, puts the card back in with draw from savings four hundred dollars and it spits out four hundred dollars. Does it with six hundred dollars and it works six hundred, eight hundred dollars worth the eight hundred dollars did he try and not do the credit card thing, just to see if it was just if you withdraw. And then at the end of all this he checks the bounars three dollars staying with the count and and so he's like okay, And so next morning it's all going to get So he goes back. So he goes back to the bar and he's like, he's like, understand, how okay. He goes back to the bar. He's like, he's like, drinks on me. There's like nine people in this bar. It small Australian town, and they spent all seventeen. So he stays out till the wee hours of the morning and then goes home. On his way home, he walks back by that ATM and so plaster drunk blowing kisses the ATM ATM he's like, he's leading over. He's like, hey, so like where you where you go from here? You know you're going home and he's staying out, like what are you doing? Na? Nap, it's me nabby over here, na na bottom of how people pronounce it. Uh. And so he checks, he checks ATM checks his saving account bounds three dollars right, check his credit card balance hasn't changed, and so he's like, interesting, what year is this? Twenty eleven? He goes home, okay, says for the night, waste of the morning, it's the ATM. And of course, oh god, You're like, get down the street. You're like, please be a drink, please be a drinking, please be a dream please please please be hot, Please be hot, please be hot? See and you go, was I flirting with an ATM the whole time? So he goes, he gets to the ATM uh and so he gets the balance on his savings account three dollars, two thousand dollars in the negative, nineteen ninety seven negative, nineteen ninety seven, and he's like, he's like shoot, He's like, well that didn't work. So he goes tork and he's servant, drinks a little stressed at at work, and he's thinking in his head and he starts to slow the whole nineteen hundred dollars, yeah, and he starts, so he starts to piece together a little theory in his head. He's like, he's like, I wonder. He's like, for some reason, in between midnight and one am, I was able to go in and I was able to pull money from my credit card into savings without it recognizing what was happening. It didn't it failed, but it didn't fail, and it never balanced my account until the next day. It balanced my account with what the balance was. And he was like, he's like, I wonder if I go back tonight at midnight and go and I pull four thousand, if it would put me two thousand in the black. So that way, i'd the two thousand below, he'd get them back to three and then pull another two thousand, and he'd be two thousand of the bus. And he's like, he's like, this is interesting. He's like, this, this will this will make me This certainly won't put me five nine hundred and ninety seven dollars in the hole right right like this clearly, so he she wouldn't do that you know what I'm saying, she's not like that. You don't know where, Like, that's not that's that's not that's not his plan. It's not it's not stupid. He sounds stupid. He thinks he thinks that he found a glitch, and he says he didn't. Though he didn't find a glitch, he thinks he might have found a glitch. And what he's gonna just using to save his account as a line of credit now, So he thinks he found this glitch. And what he's gonna do is he's gonna give himself the Caleb Hammer. He's going to give himself two thousand Caleb Hammer. He's the Dave Ramsey for millennials. Yeah, like this, what do you mean? He goes, what are you mean? That is so accurate rams old times? Like man better than I deserve cams? Like I don't think you deserved the man? Are you stupid? He says that all the time. Why do you have a truck? You can't afford tackle bell. So his theory, he has a theory that is broken. He's not saying if I double it, I'm fine. He says, if I can get two thousand in the black, then I can take those two thousand. We have a tab branch in my pub, which is a horse betting branch, and he's like, I can bet that two thousand and make up that deficit. So he is stupid, I mean, yeah, but he's not. He's not stupid in the way you thought he was stupid. He's stupid dummer in a whole other way. Okay. So he's like, he's like, if I take that two thousand, I can double it. I can get myself back to zero. So he goes and he makes one hundred and thirty one million. So he goes, he goes back, he gets off a shift, goes back to that ATM and he's like, ah, how you doing going now get to the park. It's the part about the horses. I like horses. He transfers the horses. What was the horse's name, He transfers the two thousand over okay, checks his balance three dollars and he's like, oh, it work, it's working. It's not working. And then he transfers another two thousand and he's got two thousand and three dollars okay. So he goes back to the pub and he starts betting on horse races and just gets obliterated, loses all the money, goes back to zero, and he says, what's his balance the next day, tim So he goes and now he's negative four thousand the next day. A better plan than what I thought he was doing. At least, you're like trying to make the money back. Yeah, you know what I'm saying, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And so now his balance is three and ninety seven dollars. Yeah yeah. So he goes back the next night, and the next night he says, oh, here he drew four thousands, he'd be five thousand. No, because he was nineteen ninety seven negative, and he pulled another two thousand on top of that. Thirty nine ninety seven. Yes, that's where he's at. But then he put that in the account to put him at at three dollars. So then he pulled another two thousand. Well, he hasn't done that yet, so he was at nineteen ninety seven. He pulled two thousand again three pulled another two thousand to get him over. So now he'd be five if when it all settles, he'll be five thousand, nine thirty nine, Timothy, you put two he's at on top of the existing two Timothy, he is at nineteen ninety seven yes, negative, Yes, one thousand, nine hundred and ninety seven dollars. Okay. He withdraws two thousand dollars. Yes, that puts him at three thousand, nine hundred ninety seven dollars in the hole. Yes, he would draws another two thousand. What does that put him at? That's four thousand. The confidence that you just said that made me want the rage in my body right now. No, you're right, you're right. The amount of time you will waste on a podcast just to avoid me being correct is infuriating. I'll tell you that these people have lives, they're waiting on us to tell him a story, and you're your whole. I can't be wrong. I can't be wrong about stuff. No, it's not okay. So so look back at this video. So he goes and he's like, there's a limit to what he can bet on the horse races. So he calls up his buddies and he looks at it. He's in the hole. So he goes back that night, gets himself back to three dollars. I was drawing six thousand dollars. I bet he doubles that withdrawal, so that way he could have cash to work with. And then he calls up his buddy where would he be at? Then Tim, let's win this all settles. Now he's at what twelve seventeen? Jeez? Yeah, So he's getting deep. So he calls up his buddies and he's like, he's like, how do you? How do you? How does anybody? This stresses me out, So he calls up his buddies. He's like, guys, we're gambling to someone can get drunk, flirt with an ATM and end up eighteen thousand dollars in debt is crazy, But I guess I did that with a girl an Evangel. I paid a lot of money to go flirt with some girls at evangel for a couple semesters and then married to Missouri state girl. So yeah, waste of brutal the moral jes River, but I married the Missouri state girl. The moral the lesson was just go to the state school, to the state school, go to state schools. Yeah. None of the girls at the Christian College were good enough for me. So in the early days of this show, we did like affiliate ads where we were like, hey, sign up for Grammarly and use code tilling and we got like fifteen cents, and now we just do Patreon. It's a much better way. It's better for us as creators, it's better for you as listeners, and it's a much more fun way for us to interact. We do monthly hangouts like on Zoom. We just hang out and play games online and get to know each other. It's a really fun time. So but still use our code tilling at grammarly dot com because I think it's still like it. We might get like a couple cents from that, But join us on Patrion because we're having a great time. If you don't, we're going to have to start doing mobile game ads. So he calls up a group of his friends and there's five of them. It's married. You married a Missouri state girl too. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, everyone out of Angel was worried about me. Whoa, whoa, I guess yeah. They're like, oh, he's going to go hang out at their library. What's he going to learn about there? They haven't banned any of the books in that library. So uh. He calls up a group of his friends. Great group of friends, it's him, Dan Mark, Mike Ron, I think, and Avon Judas. So they go they go back to the bar. Okay, He's like, guy's great news. I have a lot of money. We can gamble with you. Guys can whatever bets you make, you can keep a cut. And so he's like trying to use them to help him get back to the positive. This goes on for a few nights and he's kind of going up and down, fluctuating up and down. He's able to make some deposits, makes some headway, but in the long run, really because every night basically because you know what I'm saying, like, yeah, is this over a weekend? This is like a week that is going on where we're at right now. But like there's a Monday involved, is what I'm saying. Yeah, there is a Monday. There's office hours involved. Someone is seeing the ledger on his negative. Yeah, there's how is the ATM letting this happen? Who knows? Mate? Yeah? So okay, So he's making a little bit of headway from winnings, but I guess pretty much free pretty much he's doubling his debt every day because yeah, because he's going in and he's having to get every day, is in like he ends up like thirty four thousand pretty much. Yeah, how much death did he go into We'll get to that. So this is going, this is going, and then he gets called into work outside of his shift. They're like, hey, you need to come in. We've got a question from police. Are here, And so his boss is there and they have a representative from TAB on the phone, the gambling organization, and basically they were like, hey, we've noticed that you've been gambling a lot, like like a lot, way more like way more than normally happens at this branch. You want to sell the film crew down, and and so, long story short, his boss realizes that he's gambling during work hours because of this. Uh. And then also for some reason, TAB was like, you're way past the limit of what you're allowed to do because like someone else is betting on his behalf. Yeah, so he gets allowed to do so, he gets banned from gambling at any TAB branch, and he also gets fired from his job. His fiance finds out about this, texts him and she immediately is like she finds out it's like some something like that, something like thirty thousand dollars he's gambling, and she immediately is like, we don't have thirty thousand dollars? How is this happening? So she just texts them and through a text message they've been together for four years during engages and she's like, I don't know what you're into. I don't want any part of it. It's over. And that's how his engagement gets broken off because she just assumes it's gonna be. Like, so you're saying, I'm a single man. Oh, Nobby, I don't like Nabby. It should be Hobby is not good, Nobby not me. Sounds like he's making out with an elf. All right, come here, Nabby, Nobby, he's a free LF. So no job? Yea, like probably thirty thousand dollars in debt at this point. Sure, no fiance, he's like at his lowest point. Yeah. He calls up his buddy Mark and he's like he's like, hey, I think I need a weekend away. Let's go to Melbourne? Did I say that? Right? Melbourne? And Mark's like, you can't afford to go anywhere, dude, and that a good friend would say. Mark's like, bro sounds sick. Let's do it, Yeah, dude, let's take our wife, should we have jeer no so Mark, and then they go to Melbourne for the weekend. Uh. They try to check into a hotel and the hotel's like, we don't want you here. They literally turn them away. They look at them. They go to like it was like a resort, like a five star resort hotel, and they look at them and they're like, you can't come here. And so they go to another hotel like a Crown Plaza and they check into this Crown Plaza and down Plaza is a good hotel. That's not I'm not no, I'm not saying it's not. And so this for them, they went to aza for for them, now, this Crown Plaza is the nicest experience of their life. Like they're like, holy cow, this is the high life. It's downtown. They open up the blinds, they see the city. Oh wow, the luxury. It's the city all right, uh and so so beautiful. I don't miss her at all. So uh so he is like, hey, let's go gamble. There's casinos here. Okay, great, I have thirty thousand dollars. So he goes down. He goes down one ATM right, like he can do this in any ATM. So He goes down and this is his first time trying. He tries, he finds an N A B A TM and he feels like he's like, Nabby, are you here too? In the ATM is like I'm nappy. He's like, he'll do this, He'll do so he tries and it works, and so they go to the This is on the bank at this point. They go to the casino and he's like, he's like, we're gonna win this cash back. His friend doesn't know what's going on. His friend's just like he's like, like, bro, we got a room. We're thirty thousand dollars. I'm gonna win this and her bank and his friend's like, I thought we were I thought we were just hanging out for the weekend. I thought we were just going away. Yeah, you seem you see he's like seventy five hundred on Black said, what are you saying? That's okay? You just lost your job, bro, I was thinking about putting like one hundred dollars in a slot. Man. Yeah, this is a little more than I expected this weekend. There's not going to get us there. It's not going to get us there. No, No, it's like fifteen thousand dollars black. Hey, don't talk to her anyway, the ATM. Don't reduce her to that am. She's got a name mark. It's nab ATM's her last name. Don't be so formal, Hello, miss ATM. Mister ATM's her father. So they gamble the weeknd away. Yeah, same thing, like a little bit of headway, a little bit of loss. No, And so he at this point in the story, he realizes, as long as he gets back that next night by midnight to get in and double that account, then he's he's going to stay golden because it's never going to actually hit zero. It's never gonna register that he's negative. He's like, if I get if I make it every night in that midnight to one am window, no one at the bank's going to find out that I'm doing this. And so as long as he just keeps that ruse going, he's fine. But he has to Yes, yes, he's double game every Yeah, he doubles it every time, every night, every night. He has to double it to stay on top. Tim I know how fast I can get out of hand. So he's doing this, he's doing this in my roulette strategy. Strategy, No you put three dollars on you know, red, black, even odd whatever. This is just in the app. I don't actually gamble, but like you put like red, like three dollars on red, and then so if you win, you just put another three dollars on red. Yeah right, But if you lose, you double it. You do six dollars. Yeah, because then when you win that you're twelve dollars. But you've only bet nine, so you've made your You've made three dollars. Yeah yeah, but you if you lose again, you put twelve. Yeah, in twenty four, in forty eight. Yeah, and I know how fast that spent, because like there's a couple times where I've hit twenty four dollars and I lost, and I go, okay, now I've I've lost a lot more than and so I can't keep going yeah. Yeah, So that's what he's doing with his bank. That's what I'm saying. It gets It's causing me to stress out right now thinking about it. Yeah, it should, it should, so freaking Sunday Sunday Night more a love. I feel like this is an episode where we have to put that one one hundred number at the beginning, you know, I'm talking about actually, if you have a gambling problem called one, listen to this makes your blood ress. So Mark Sunday rolls around and Mark's like, I gotta go back to work. Are you going home? And he's like he's like, no, it's gonna stay live here now, I'm going to stay. I'm just I want to stay at the hotel, stay here a little longer. And so Mark's like, okay, buddy, I want to take the train home back to Wiggly Town. Wiggly three hours from Yeah, it's about an hour from here, maybe two Waitta, possibly three if you're in the facts and information. But I'm going to head back to wink Winkleville. So he goes home, but he's like, he's like, call me if you're need some Wayne Garata. Okay uh. And so he stays in Melbourne and so the next night rolls around, he does the same game, and he's like, he's like, do I know anyone in Melbourne? This guy ends up we run the numbers, he's doing the math. This guy ends up thirteen million dollars in the whole jeez. So he's like he's like, who do I know in Melbourne? And it's like, oh yeah, my childhood friend Richard. Oh ye out here, the Prime Minister. I heard him. Who do I know? In DC? Joe Biden. I hit up my friend Joe all the time. Every time I'm in DC, I go Joe, Anyboddy, I don't know you, like he goes, He goes, I don't know. Yeah, yeah, Dad, it's it's me Dad. He goes, oh, oh my gosh. She pretends yeah, because that's too awkward. I feel like it's like he's like, yeah, you will always have to pretend, oh yeah you Anybody ever comes up to you and they go, yeah, I'm like your cousin, you have to like, yeah, that's way too That is that's the appropriate way we should scan people. That's the appropriate way to get close to somebody, because it's close enough that it's like you should know who I am. Yeah, it's far enough away that it's kind of hard to verify that, Yeah, you don't know for sure, especially off that cuff, especially if you can, especially in Utah where people have like twelve siblings, that was kind of that wasn't the perfect place there was that's a perfect place to play that My parents would be like at our Amish country. My mom's only got one brother. Yeah, so who are you? Yeah, she's got more. Yeah. Interesting. So he calls up his buddy Richard and he's like he's like, my buddy Richard moved out here after high school. So he calls him up. He's like, he's like, hey, man, I'm in Melbourne. You got in one of those calls when we went to high school with have you No. I don't think a couple of calls from people that it's pretty clear, like within the first thirty seconds, right, yeah, like hey dude, how are you? Man? Yeah, I'm pretty good, dude, how are you? Like? Oh man, you know, just crushing you know, great Greger. And then there's always like can we catch up? And no, that guy, that guy did call me ye who pitched me on the the amway stuff, And I tell you what I did do him on the phone. He called me literally two weeks ago maybe and he's like, hey, man, you know I'm next time you can't see I love to hang out. And I was like, I was like, man, I don't know if we've seen each other since that time in Springfield. He's like yeah, yeah, man, I was driving through I remember that I was like, yeah, you pitched me on your amway stuff and he went I was like, I remember that super clearly. It was very weird. Yeah. I was like, are you still doing that? And he's like he's like, actually, yeah, I am. I was what I was thinking we could meet up about. I hate it anyway I've had I've had a couple of calls from people who are like, mind me, yeah, forty bucks. Yeah, so kind of similar. He calls I always I'm very charitable. He's like, he's like, hey, Richard, and I also know that if I send him the money and then I report the transaction and it's a scam back double it and do so why just do that? So he calls me jerdy. He's like, he's like, hey, man, what are you doing tonight? Drinks on me? And he's like he's like, all right, well, drinks are on you. I mean, I've got my wife and kids here, but I mean drinks are on you. Yeah, see you later. So they go out, they hit the casino. They do it, not a gambling, they drink and then at the end of the night, Dan is like, you want to see something cool, let me show you my at can I introduce you to somebody. I love the bit. That's really funny. And so this is the first person he's told about this, yeah, which is the person who goes, hey, man, this is pretty messed up. So he takes Richard to the ATM and he's like, he does five hundred dollars, does this with five hundred dollars, shows it to him and he's like, he's like is that cool? And he's like he's like, it's like, wait a second, I don't understand, like what happened. And he does it again and they're five hundred and they've got a thousand, and he's like, took your balance and he's like he's like, that's not crediting, like it's not showing. And he's like, no, he's doing it no to his own account. Oh okay, and he's like he's like he's like he's like no, dude, it's like free money. And he's like he's like, I just got to make sure i'm back here by midnight tomorrow and double it and we're good, and he's like he's like, so here's what I'm doing. So they go back to the hotel and Richard is like blown away by this how is Dan keeping track of how much he is? You know, I actually don't know. I haven't seen anything that like verifies how that works. So they go back to the hotel and he's like, he's like, yeah, so here's the deal. He's like, he's like, I've been doing this and he's like, so I'm gambling to try to make back the deficit so I could keep myself back to zero. And Richard looks at him and he's like, he's like should No. He's like, he's like, why are you gambling? He's like, you can just print money, just go back every night and just double it, and you just have the money. There's no reason to gamble, Like, just keep doing it. And Dan's like, so you found it, which is exactly what you want if you have an addictive person, is just somewhere to go. This is great. This is kind of the best, which is what our Patreon supporters are to us, because we're doing a bad thing here on this podcast by doing this. It's a waste of your time, my time for sure. Yeah, but you guys enable this, so thank you for who you are. So he calls up his crew from back home that was gambling with him, and he's like Mark, Mark vacuum acorn, Yeah, Mark, Mike, I think We'ron and Avon Avon Yeah, and uh, Mike and Ron are like, this is weird. We're not involved, Mark and Avon. We're like, we're catching the next train. We're coming down. And they He's basically like, hey, guys, we can have as much money as we want. And so he tells he lets them in on the secret, and they all pretty much just they get rooms in this hotel and they just decide this is our life now. And so every night at midnight, they've got alarms on all their phones, and Dan goes to the ATM at midnight and does the transfer to get them back in the positive. That amount of money they're duffel bagging cash. Yeah, so this is he's now moving six figures at a time. So to go down and back, you were like, whoa for my guess, man, if it's a thirteen point seven million dollars, I feel pretty confident with that figure. So now they're just living this high life, and it's they're not gambling to make up the deficit anymore. They're gambling for fun now. And then they're they're doing spa days, they're getting private jets to cities all over the world. They're going to they're getting Louis Vauton bags, they're getting like tailored suits, like just living a high life, high life, and they're also like like there are they're like benders. Every night they're going out and they're buying drinks for everybody in the c and not realize that eventually he's thirteen million dollars in the hole, Like you don't like, I think he I think he knew this whole time. He's which I mean, I guess it's I think that was Richar's point. I think Richard was like the years, what you do in jail for this? I think Richard I think that was Richard's point. Richard's like, bro, you can't. You're never going to make this up gambling, and he's like, he's like, so let's just freaking gun it until you choices. I think that was his point. It's like, let's just freaking go for it and just live live it up while we can't and you're gonna get caught. And he's like, he's like, you know, and what I love for the other guys is that this is all on damns yeah, and the other guys are like, let's freaking goal, maybe make it twelve. It's all damn you guys. Do you guys want to Philadelphia, Role California roam four of each And so they're going, They're buying food for everyone everywhere they go, and they he is in this He's becoming a sort of a weird version of like a shoot, what's that guy's name? I'm drawing a blanket. I was gonna say, Peter Pan. What's that's not? Right? At the hotel? His robe at midnight down at the at M Peter Pan. He makes everyone of the hotel called Peter Pan. Where's these green dice? Call me Peter? As the guying Oh. So what he does is he goes around and like he buys a hotel stay for the on House community in Melbourne. He's walking around and he's like staying stay in this room. And so he's just booking rooms for them, buying meals, and then like he's going and like meeting people in town. He met a couple in town, uh, an elderly couple that was on vacation and they were like, yeah, we've always wanted to go to Hawaii, but we're here in Melbourne because we couldn't afford to leave the country. And he's like, he's like, you guys want to go to Hawaii. He's like, I'll fly you there tomorrow. And so he flies on private to Hawaii the next day for a vacation, pays for the whole thing, pays for the entire vacation for them, and like just doing stuff like this, NonStop buying people's meals, buying people's hotels, stays, going places and buying everyone's streets. He would go to luxury restaurants where everybody there can pay for their own food, and he's just like he's like, put everyone's meal on my tab. And so he's just like uber high rolling it for the sake of high rolling it. And sometimes it's like people who actually need help. But a lot of times it's just like he's just kind of flexing on people. And so like one of those luxury restaurants he shows up, but couldn't isn't there a world where you trying to think of how he could make this money back? I mean, at a certain point, you're pulling so much, you got invest in and you probably, yeah, you probably could make that back. Legally. Yeah, but I mean and once you have enough, you're just hoping that you don't get caught with the bag. Yeah, yeah, because that's the difficulty. What he is doing is that's the difficult thing. Is you have to double the amount. You have to double the amount every night, and so you have to if you're investing, you probably can't realize the return on that investment before that balloons because every night you're doubling what you're in the hole, right and so, and they're not gonna let you do a million dollars yeah. Uh, And so he's doing this night after night. Uh oh, he's how much cash is in an ATM? That's a good question. I don't know. I know that he was able to move. I know from reports that he was moving one hundred thousand dollars or six figures at a time, is what they said. What that what's the cap of six figures out of time? Is that's the peak? The peak was he was moving six figures at a time. Okay, So I'm assuming he was pulling six figures in cash out if that's the case, right, which is crazy. Yeah, I don't know. It depends on the A team, but I will say, maybe this is because at a certain point, eight teams are kind of slow at a certain point. Here's here's what I will say, this is probably he probably wasn't using the teams because a certain point he actually went into a branch and he's like, I wonder if I could just do this to the branch. And so he walked into a branch one day and was like, yeah, I like to withdraw a hundred thousand dollars from my savings account. And he said that. They went in and they were gone for a while in the back, and then they came back with Duffel bags one hundred thousand dollars. They're like, here you go, sir, and he walked out of there and he was like, He's like huh. And so the bank has no idea what's going on? Is the moral of the story there? And so eventually he starts just going into the branch every day, and so he's doing the thing with the atm at night, he's getting the cash from the branch in the morning, just directly from the branch in the morning, and he's getting calls from the bank this whole time. They're like, hey, did you just spend thirty thousand dollars at Louis VUTANI'SID, Yeah, that's me, and they're like, Okay, thank you sir, thanks for banking with us, and like they clearly have no clue what's going on. Uh. He's at one of those luxury restaurants, pays for the bill of the whole restaurant and the server is like a reporter. The server is like, are you the richest person in Australia And he says he said this in interviews later he sat and he thought about it, and he's like, he's like, I can think of the top six richest people in the country off the top of my head. And so he's like he's like, I can't tell him I'm the richest, and so he turns back to him. He's like, I'm the seventh richest. And the guy was like, wow, cool guy, I get a picture of you. Okay. Someone took a picture of me in Kansas City for the same reason the richest person person. And I was like, do I look? I was like, I was like, I'm the seven hundredth because you know that rich people look bad, right, yeah? But what they don't dress well? I mean, depending on the rich person I mean, I live in Los Angeles. The richest of the rich people in the world live there. Team them. Here's the thing, here's the thing they wear. They wear very expensive clothes that don't look great. True, they look they're very very It's a seven thousand dollars shirt, but it looks terrible. Yeah, very expensive, but you look like you look like trash. Yeah, that's the idea. That's that's why would say it was a compliment. And someone was like, are you rich? This got to the airport this morning. Look you see this on my chest right now, coffee stains. I didn't notice until you pointed it out. Thank you. Yeah, I thought, honestly, I thought you were shirtless. I thought it was her nipple. Hey, if you need a boost of confidence, let me give you a quick hack. Just wear a shirt size bigger than you usually do. You know what I'm saying Right now, you're wearing large, and just buy an excel you know, uh, And we have plenty of sizes available in our merch story. If you got a Tillan dot com and so that'll help you boost your confidence overnight. Is that good? Can I say that? You can say whatever you want. That's dot com slash merch. So one hundred thousand dollars at a time. Yeah, so he's clearly in the multimillions. Yeah, so he is in a he's in a crazy spot right now. And uh so I'm saying he could have with that amount of money. I feel like it's easy, the same way that it's like easy to turn two dollars into three dollars, it's easy to turn two million into three million? Yeah, but how quickly can you do that? Because every every that's that that's the problem is every day you're doubling what you're in the hole. True, but I'm saying, like you could I mean, in the span of a week make back your deficit. I bet maybe this is a new show. You want to start a show. Every day you go, you double it, double or nothing? Double. Oh that's a good idea. Oh shoot, dude, all this that's a really good idea. We got to take to the people who make Shark Tank. Yeah, that's a great idea. It's called double or nothing. And I got to start with one dollar. Yeah, and then tomorrow you're gonna be negative one. You have to turn it to two, or the next day it'll be negative to every day. You don't pull it off, you go negative whatever that double would be. Anyways, patent pending eight, pretty good, pretty good, hif grade teacher, I greade timestables. Sometimes there papers no I've offered. I've offered. Here's my wife is a first grade teacher. She teaches first grade. I want to I just want to over and unciate the fact that it's first you don't know that math, and she says, and I've offered, and she's like, no, you want to know what it is. And I'm like, are you serious what you're saying. We're drawing, We're drawing the arms of a clock. He literally shapes it. Oh you're no, you're a big old dumb dumb so appreciate the support, though you couldn't figured this out. Okay. Anyways, So he's going through this whole thing and he's just blown cash being Robin Hood, being Peter Ban in this hotel. And meanwhile, he knows, he knows that this is a big ruse, and he's like, they've got to know, and he's like, they've got to be figuring this out. He's like, at some point this thing crumbles, and so he develops like crippling anxiety, and so every day he wakes up just in a cold sweat, and he goes and he checks the bank. He goes to the branch as does the bounce and query. They still don't know, and he goes to spawn, sweats it out, and then he goes back to his day and he like, can't He's losing it. And so he comes to realization. He's like, he's like, I have to come clean. He's like, I can't keep living this way. He's like, I can't keep men night every night going in doubling my hole. And so he calls the crew into uh, into the hotel room. Hey guys, me and Nabby we uh, I think we have to break up. And they're like, ah, shoot me, and can I keep my bag? Look my Louis Vuitton bag. Let's go gamble and let's see if we can make up the deficit. Hurrah. So he literally says, he says, he says, we'll do one more withdrawal and he says, you can take as much as you want, tell me what you want, and take as much as you want and you can run and uh, We're gonna have one more good night and that'll be it. That'll be the last one. We'll let it actually hit my account and I'll be in the hole and I'll turn myself in from there. And so they go, they make the withdraw, everyone takes what they want, and they do one last party night bender, and they a lot. I don't know how much everyone took. I don't know if we know right, but how everyone took. And so the next day wakes up in the morning, he counts the money in the bathtub because he had a pilot cash in the bathtub. So he's eighty thousand dollars in cash in the bathtub, and he walks down to the ATM checks his account and he is one million, nine hundred and sixty thousand dollars negative in his savings account. So this is like a five month span. He's been doing this for five months. Sure this is one point nine million in the hole. And he's like, okay, jig us up. He's like, I'm gonna He's like a place are going to show up any day or any minute now. And so he just like chills in his hotel room all day. No one shows up, next day, no one shows up, next day. Nothing. So he calls the bank and he's like he's like hey. He's like, I don't know if you guys have seen my balance and they go, oh, this must be a mistake one point nine minutes ago. How did that minus signed get in front of it? Yeah? And so he gets he gets the bank and I can tell her answers and she's like, she's like, yeah, this is peculiar. She's like, let me let me transfer this to my supervisor and see if he can figure out what's going on here. And so the supervisor goes, I could tell you. The supervisor picks up on the phone, and the supervisor comes in hot and the supervisor is like, hey, Dan, we know what you've been doing, and I just got to tell you. He's like, it's not going to work anymore. You've ruined your life. And Dan's like okay. He's like he's like, well, what happens from here is like it's a police matter now. Uh. And so Dan's like, okay, all right, that's kind of what I expected. And so I think I was like, yeah, but it's the police. He's like yeah, I kind of I kind of thought. No, it's like you don't understand. Not the band. It's it's like it's like it's like it's going to come to your house and he's gonna he's gonna kick your bot. He's gonna all the kangaroos in the country. You're gonna know what you've done. The police. That's what the police do. They tell everythingle kangaroo out what they're whispering, and the kangaroo's ears. The cost tiptoe up to every kangaroo the help back. They played telephone and that's how the justice is. This is why America is so unique. They play a game of telephone with the kangaroos and that one no, it can tell you what happened. Then you get shot on the spot. That one's usually like diaper is like Dan Saunders stole yeah, two million dollars from the bank. And he gets there and it goes diaper guy is, ah, what are you talking? Talked down here? He always talked here, don't where you are. We've always talked. We had rides. Man, it's a real kangaroo court. Uh. That was I hate you. That was the joke. So they, uh, it was more subtle than I. So he gets off the phone with the bank and he's like all right, He's like any minute now. The police are gonna show up. Order's room service eleven or twelve orders room service, kind of living out of the hotel. He's got dollars. Dude, imagine you're the he delivers the room right, you come in like, what's it dumb? No, he you come in, you drop it off, and he's like, let me get your tip. He digs through. Is it like screeched up? You changed the bottom? He comes up with a dollar twenty five. You should cover it. Yeah, it is that good sort. I don't have any more that's going to take this. Sorry, this is anymore. And it's literally stuck in his hair, literally house. Sorry, I don't have any more cash. I'd give you more, but I just don't got anymore. It's anyway. So a couple of days goes by nothing. Every time room service shows up or the cleaners show up every single time, like he's like, oh my gosh, this is it. And then it's not. And so after a few days he starts to get a little bit more da. He starts to get a little more comfortable, and he's like, he's like, maybe they're not. He's like, I got eight thousand dollars cash, and so he starts living his life, but not like extravagant, but like still living. And so two months go by, nothing, three months go by, he's almost out of that cash. So he's still living pretty good. He calls back to the bank and the bank guy was like, oh, I forgot to call the cops. No one, no one's send anything to you. So long story short, he burns through all that eighty thousand dollars cash is there any more, checks out that hotel, gets a ride back to Wingorata, and then gets a job, just some normal job, just two million in the hole. Yeah, and uh works for two and a half years, still crippling anxiety. Every day. He's like, he's like, any day they're gonna bust through my door and they're gonna get me. But nothing, nothing's happening. And so he gets a therapist and he's like me with the irs by the way, just crippling anxiety every day. I think I think about so only old than my twelve dollars. I could pay it off so easy, but there's a little bit of a thrill. It's just so exciting me give the government money. Yeah, what am I gonna do? Pay them? I pay more to HBO than I do to you. So he gets uh. So he gets a psychiatrist and there's an interview where he talks about this. It's a therapist and he reaches he tells the therapist the whole story and the therapist's response he tells he dumps the whole story on the therapists and therapists response that says, I'm not qualified to do this. Invoice he's gonna be paid, right, Yeah, you're gonna be able to pay for this. No. Yeah, The therapist says, I'm not qualified to do this, and he says that sucks. His response like and say, his response was, mate, you're the shrink, surely you're qualified. And the so he like dips out of that one find himself. Another therapist keeps seeing therapist and the therapist is like, the only way you're gonna feel better is if you get caught, and he's like, you got to make yourself get caught. And so he goes and he contacts the local paper and he gets them to do a story story on it. Does the interview goes to the paper. It's all out there day. A couple days go by, a couple of weeks go by, a few months go by nothing. So he calls no one care. He calls a national paper same Wait year is this now fifteen? This is like twenty thirteen, of twirteen, twenty fourteen at this point, okay, So calls a national paper, same thing. They run a story, a couple of days go buy nothing, a couple of weeks, a couple months, nothing, nothing happens. So finally he calls up you might have noticed this graphic Current Affair. Affair. This is a national television program similar to like our sixty minutes. Yes, So he calls him up and he's like, He's like, I got a banger of a story for you guys. And they were like, you're right, that is a banger of a story. And so they say, come on down to the studio. We're going to shoot an expose. And they arrange these. It will cost you one point nine million dollars million dollars. Now. They arrange a photo shoot and so these are from his shoot with Current Affair. They just arranged it. They got this private jet for him to take photos with, They got these models for him to take photos with. They got the limo for him just for the exclusive run of this show. The show goes through. They put that they aired the episode, and he expected they're going to air the episode, the police are going to see it, and then something's gonna happen. Police don't watch TV. Police are busy talking about all the ko is. The police are still behind on TV, like, did you see season three of the Office? Only one of them talk. It's the last one last and if he gets put in the middle of the whole thing, the thing gets thrown off. He's like, did you see season four of Dexter? So at the end of this whole expose a they say that there's a warrant out for his arrest, and this is first he's heard of the police caring at all, and he's like, He's like, okay, cool, that's good for dramatic value. Though, yeah, He's like, cool, they're going to get me. Right when it ends, like the credit roles, he gets an email from the producer and the producer's like, hey, mate, loved the way this turned out. Great job on everything. We've got all your photos if you want to come pick them up on Thursday at this time, you can come pick up your photos. So he pick up my pictures. He immediately sees through this he's like, this is a sting. He's like, this is one hundred percent sting, but that's what he wants. He wants a sting because his own handcuffs. He gets out of the car already cuffed. He drove that way crash times, like get out of the car. He's like, I accidentally cuffed myself to the car. I was trying to help. I was trying. I've done something wrong. So he pulls up, gets out and then he gets swarm with photographers and geographer's filming them, and there's a single officer that's like, push your hands behind your back, bro, and then they're paid act guys like and so he gets arrested on camera. They roll the second episode that night of him getting arrested. They're like, we got him, and so they because in that first one they said he was on the run, like he's on the run, and then they roll that second episode kind of crappy to do, I know, okay, and so lastra short. He then goes into trial and he finds out that over those last three years, the bank, the guy who threatened the police and everything never called. The police had no idea about any of this until that exclusive episode the night before. That was the first they had heard of any of this, and so had he not done anything, he would have been completely in the clear. But here's the thing. They go to court and in the court case, two very important things happen. They can't prove what. Yeah, so the first very important thing happened is National Australian Bank doesn't want anyone to know that this happened, so they won't provide the paper trail. They're like, they're like, oh, well then you can't. Yeah. They're like they're like, ah, yeah, here's a couple of his bank statements. And so they were very like they were as cooperative as they could be to where they couldn't get in trouble, but as uncooperative as they could be to where the public wouldn't find out just how much he got out of okay, and want to find out about what actually happened and how he did it, because they didn't want the public to know that that was possible, and so they just counted as a loss on their part and we're like, we're good, we're out of this. And so it comes through and they see a like twenty or thirty grand move in the statements. That's all they see. And then the judge didn't understand how it happened. No, there's like, I don't understand. So he charge of this credit card but there's no nothing, there's no money there. And then and then he got money, three dollars. But then he's got but where's the money come from? But where is the rest of it? How does he get the money? What do you do with the money at that? So let me get clear. It is ninety seven, that it was three seven, it was four ninety seven. If I'm understanding that, great, clearly I understand right right, And so long story short, he gets charged, Ah got you too old, nabby. She got me back at eighty one. I was with nob when I was in Nam. You know where you went wrong? You told the police. I didn't tell anyone. Now I'm a judge, judge I mean. And so he gets charged with just the twenty thousand that they could see. He gets one year in jail and thirteen months of probation after that, and so he served in twenty fourteen, he got convicted, served a year. By twenty sixteen he was done with his probation. Now he is supposed to pay back. I think it's I think it's two hundred thousand dollars is what he got on the hook for to pay back. Okay, pay that back, and he just got a normal job, and so he's like, I haven't really made much of a dent on that. But now he's writing a book telling his story, and he's also got greenlit for a Hollywood film movie tell tell him that story. So maybe, just maybe he's actually going to be able to make pay that back and maybe make a profit on this for real this time. So the moral of the story is don't tell the cops, or the moral of the story is don't talk to the cops. The moral of the story is diving her hands baby. I mean realistically, don't talk to cops. Just kiss him. Because what was happening was there was this one hour window in the middle of the night, yeah, where the ATMs weren't connected to the Internet system, and so they didn't know what was going on. They would just approve the transaction, but they weren't supposed to. That's why it said error declined. But if you just punched through that error, it was like, okay, cool, you're right, I'm sorry, I must We had bad boundaries. I guess you're right, I should get that time. I'm sorry, And it wouldn't realize it until the next night at midnight when it re when it refreshed, and so then if as long as he made it back before that refresh he was fine, and so he could double it. And so that's how he ran that scam. Scam scam, yeah, scam. I guess it's a scam. The scheme. Yeah, in theory, he could have ran that for the rest of his life and got away with it unless they ever figured it out and patched it. Had he not came forward. He also could have just got away with it because nobody ever came asking for that negative balance in the same as account too, which is crazy. They never were like, hey, are you gonna, you know, do something with that. I think the bank the bank clearly realized it, and we're like, don't tell anybody about this. They're like, oh crap, yeah, that that one guy at that branch he talked to was like, we got them. And then he called his boss and his boss is like, do not tell anyone about this because his boss could see. But I told him the police. I told you the police. He's like, no, the police are not coming after him. This guy got away. It was like it was like, guys, I'll handle this. I'll get him to stop. I'll take care of this. That's like the if you don't stop borders, we're not gonna have Christmas this year. You know, it's an empty threat, like it's not actually like we know, we know what's really happening here. Yeah. So that's the story of Dan Saunders. Oh, I almost forgot my favorite part of this story. So at the height of this scheme, there was a banquet hall in Melbourne that he noticed was right behind a like major NAB office, not a branch, but like one of their corporate offices. He had banquet overlooking. So one day he went and he put a sign on the door of the office that said NAB Employee banquet uh. And he threw a banquet for the employees of the bank and thousands of them showed up, and he catered it and he had all this food, he paid for all the drinks. He gave them all gift bags, and he went up at the end of it and he said, he said, hey, I just want to thank NAB like for your generosity, the hard work that you guys are putting in like it is making our business possible. We've had a great year this year and has all thanks to you guys. We're so thankful for you. And everybody was like yeah, and he was so bold and they had no idea, they had no idea. Whatsever That's my favorite moment in his career, is that? Right? How long was this? What was the span five months? Five months before it got to the point where he was like, I can't breathe. You go to an ATM one night. Yeah, within five months later, you were throwing a massive banquet for that bank. But the bank, That's what I'm saying. How quick your brain can get warped? Oh yeah. He was asked in a Vice interview what it was like going from spending like seventy thousand dollars on private jets to making twenty dollars an hour, and he's like, He's like, it definitely humbles you, that's for sure. He's like, it's hard to go from it's a lot like I mean, I've had to fly coach one one and uh. He's like, he said, it's hard to go from that lifestyle to back to a situation where you have to actually think about money, and he's like the self control, like relearning self control has been really really tough. Yeah, and relearning like paying attention to the numbers because clearly he wasn't. So yeah, this is the story of Dan Saunders. We might see a movie soon. Roy from the Office is probably gonna play him, would sense or I could yeah actually audition all right, I think I will. There you go, hey show I'm a does someone have to make out with an ATM machine in this movie? Or is that that's why I'm here? Do a photo shoot with an ATM and just send it steamy? This guy gets a photo shoot with an ATM. I don't know something like this. Oh yeah, this is bad. He's clearly so uncomfortable too. Oh yeah it would be great. Well anyways, off off, hey, thanks for watching this episode. If you liked it, you might like Sandy Jenkins. He's a guy who was an accountant for a bakery and uh did some light fraud and it got a little sketchy, and by little skin, I mean so unbelievably sketchy. It was a risk. If you liked this episode, you're gonna like that one. Make sure you go check it out and if you want to see next week's episode right now, it's out on Patreon, and if you become a Patreon supporter, you get access to that literally right now. So if you can't wait, go to Tilla dot com slash support to become a Patreon supporter today. There's a lot of other great perks and then plus you just help makes this show continue to happen. So if you like this show, that's a great way to help out. Another way you can help out is by becoming a subscriber, hitting that bell icon so you don't miss anything, and then leaving a comment liking all the stuff that you do. Just tell you to say, do those things. It helps to show a ton But if you don't want to do any of that thing, any of that stuff, just thanks for being here. We really appreciate that you watched this dumb little show that we get to do and we'll see you next week. On Things I Learned last night,

Dan Saunders was just an average 29-year-old bartender in the small Australian town of Wangaratta. After a long shift one night, he headed out for drinks with friends, only to realize he was out of cash. He walked to the nearest ATM, planning to withdraw money from his nearly empty savings account. However, the transaction failed when he tried transferring money from his maxed-out credit card to boost his savings balance, and the ATM still dispensed the cash. Dan realized he had stumbled onto a glitch in the system.

Living the High Life

Over the next few nights, Dan repeated this process, doubling the amount each time to stay ahead of his growing negative balance. Soon, he was withdrawing six-figure sums and living large with his pals in Melbourne—fancy hotels, private jets, you name it.

Dan knew it was only a matter of time before the bank caught on. The anxiety ate away at him until he decided to come clean. But when he called the bank, they had no idea what he was talking about.

The End of the Game

Still uneasy, Dan went public with his story on a national TV program. He expected the police to arrest him immediately, but they remained oblivious. The bank didn’t want anyone to know their systems could be hacked this way, so they never reported Dan to authorities.

Realizing he was clear, Dan returned to his everyday life. But the lavish lifestyle had warped his mindset, and managing money responsibly again was a real struggle.

Two years later, needing closure, Dan contacted a significant TV show to finally get caught. He served a short jail sentence and repaid the $200k he was ordered to return.

The Aftermath

Dan says readjusting to everyday life has been humbling, but writing a book and selling the movie rights to his story may help him get back in the black. His wild tale serves as a cautionary reminder that just because you can beat the system doesn’t mean you should.

Things I Learned Last Night is an educational comedy podcast where best friends Jaron Myers and Tim Stone talk about random topics and have fun all along the way. If you like learning and laughing a lot while you do, you’ll love TILLN. Watch or listen to this episode right now!




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