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The Most Dangerous Movie Ever Made | Roar Ep 241

A lion with the roar movie poster behind Jaron Myers and Tim Stone with a banner that reads Lion Movie Gone Wrong

Have you ever heard of a movie that was so dangerous it put its cast and crew at risk? There’s a movie just like that, and it’s called Roar. Let’s dive into what makes Roar the most dangerous movie ever made.

What Is “Roar”?

Roar is not your typical movie. It wasn’t made with trained animal actors. Instead, the filmmakers used real, wild animals like lions, tigers, and elephants. The cast and crew worked with these animals for eleven years! That’s right—eleven years of living and filming with untrained wild animals. The movie features scenes that are both scary and exciting. The actors weren’t just pretending to be scared—they were indeed in danger. Making Roar was a considerable risk for everyone involved.

Why Was “Roar” So Dangerous?

Imagine trying to act in a movie where you are surrounded by lions and tigers—not just any lions and tigers, but real ones that are not trained! The people making Roar decided that this would make their movie feel more real and thrilling, but it also made it incredibly dangerous.

Many people got hurt while filming. Actors and crew members were scratched, bitten, and injured by the wild animals. Some people even had to go to the hospital.

The Lessons We Can Learn from “Roar”

We can learn lessons from Roar. The first lesson is about respecting wild animals. Lions, tigers, and other big animals are not pets. They are intense and unpredictable, which makes them dangerous.

Another lesson is about the choices we make when creating something. The people behind Roar used real wild animals to make their movie exciting. But was it worth the risk? That’s something we all can think about.

How “Roar” Became a Cult Classic

Despite all the danger, Roar became a cult classic. A cult classic is a movie that may not be super popular with everyone but has a particular group of fans who love it. The hosts mentioned that people are amazed by the bravery—or maybe the craziness—of the people who made Roar. The movie is unlike any other because of the real danger involved.

Today, people watch Roar not just for the story but also to see how close the actors got to getting hurt. It’s a movie where the action is accurate, and so is the fear!

Final Thoughts on “Roar”

The podcast episode gave us a lot to think about. Roar is a movie like no other, filled with real-life dangers and unforgettable moments. While working with wild animals might sound fun, it’s also a reminder that we must respect their power and strength. Next time you hear a roar, remember the movie that took it to the extreme!

Whether you’re interested in movies or animals or love a good story, Roar is a film that stands out. It’s a perfect example of how far people can go for art’s sake. If you ever get the chance, watch Roar and decide for yourself: Was it worth all the risks?

Things I Learned Last Night is an educational comedy podcast where best friends Jaron Myers and Tim Stone talk about random topics and have fun all along the way. If you like learning and laughing a lot while you do, you’ll love TILLN. Watch or listen to this episode right now!




Roar – Wikipedia

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