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Are You an Alien Super Soldier?

A robot human soldier behind comedy podcasters Jaron Myers and Tim Stone with a banner that reads 'secret super human space soldiers'

The Secret Space Program conspiracy theory is certainly one of the more outlandish ones out there. At its core, it involves the idea that a secret human civilization and space program has operated mostly in secret since the late 1800s. This all traces back to a fictional novel written under a pseudonym by a woman named Maria Orsic in 1871. The book outlines the idea that aliens came to Earth long ago and bred with humans to create a superior Aryan race.

Later, it’s believed that Orsic started a metaphysical society of women called the Vril Society, which attracted none other than Adolf Hitler to its ranks. The society was said to gain access to advanced alien technology and use it to develop experimental aircraft and spacecraft. After World War II, the theory goes that this group retreated to an underground civilization in Antarctica, where they further developed space travel capabilities.

Secret Space Program’s Operations

Over the years, this secret cabal is said to have been battling with various alien factions. To bolster their ranks, they used time travel technology to abduct humans from the past 400 years and turn them into super soldiers through training and indoctrination. After being used up, these soldiers would have their memories wiped and be returned to Earth.

Hidden Memories

In recent years, several supposed secret space program super soldiers have come forward on YouTube and at conferences to share their stories and memories. Many claim they can recover these memories through meditation, hypnosis, and other techniques. The backgrounds of some of the more prominent whistleblowers give reason for skepticism.

For example, one ran an unsuccessful coup to take over his hometown and declare himself king. Another is in prison for murder, and yet another for blackmail. The granddaughter of President Eisenhower is also a prominent voice in the community, which seems surprising given her prestigious lineage. There is an entire subculture built up around this wild theory, with guided meditations, conferences, interviews, books, and more.

The Double Agent

One YouTuber was able to completely infiltrate the community by making up an elaborate fake story about being a former super soldier. He attended a conference, was interviewed on a prominent super soldier YouTube channel, and really convinced everyone with his story. Afterward, he reflected on how spending so much time concocting and rehearsing the fake story made him believe it was real.

Protecting the Mind

This highlights the dangerous slippery slope of falling down rabbit holes online. When you spend all your time connecting dots and building a narrative, your brain can start to warp reality around that narrative. No matter how detached from reality the original premise is. It’s important to remain grounded and think critically about even the most compelling conspiracy theories.

Things I Learned Last Night is an educational comedy podcast where best friends Jaron Myers and Tim Stone talk about random topics and have fun all along the way. If you like learning and laughing a lot while you do, you’ll love TILLN. Watch or listen to this episode right now!




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