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What’s Hidden in the Grand Canyon’s Forbidden Cave? | G.E. Kincaid Ep 242

The sphinx next to archeologist GE Kincaid in front of a banner that reads 'history cover up' behind comedy podcasters Jaron Myers and Tim Stone

Have you ever wondered what secrets the Grand Canyon might hold? Beyond its breathtaking views and enormous cliffs are stories of hidden caves, ancient civilizations, and even mysterious cover-ups. One such tale is about G.E. Kincaid, an amateur archaeologist who claimed to have made an extraordinary discovery in 1909.

Who Was G.E. Kincaid?

G.E. Kincaid was fascinated by the Grand Canyon. He set out on an adventure to explore it before certain areas became restricted. In 1909, Kincaid journeyed down the Colorado River and came upon something incredible. He discovered a cave high in the canyon walls, leading to a complex system of rooms filled with strange artifacts. But the type of artifacts he found made this discovery so mysterious. Kincaid claimed to see items resembling Egyptian and Tibetan cultures inside the cave, including statues, mummies, and inscriptions.

The Hidden Cave of the Grand Canyon

The cave that G.E. Kincaid discovered was said to be filled with rooms that could have housed up to 50,000 people. It was deep in the Grand Canyon, far from where most people would dare to go. There were bowls, carvings, and even a giant statue resembling Buddha. This led Kincaid to believe that ancient civilizations may have lived in this cave long ago.

One of the most astonishing claims was that there were no signs of animal bones, but there were animal skins. Kincaid and his partner, an archaeologist named Molhat, suggested that this cave might have once been a thriving society. However, there was no clear evidence linking it to any known culture.

The Smithsonian’s Role

The story of G.E. Kincaid and his Grand Canyon discovery was published in the Arizona Gazette in 1909. Soon after, the Smithsonian Institute reportedly became involved. According to some, the Smithsonian quickly shut down any investigations into the cave and claimed that no such discovery had been made. This led many to believe there was a cover-up, with the Smithsonian allegedly hiding proof of ancient civilizations in the Grand Canyon.

Though the Smithsonian denies these claims, conspiracy theories continue to grow. Some believe the cave might have held evidence of advanced civilizations that once lived in America long before recorded history.

Was G.E. Kincaid’s Story Real?

The story of G.E. Kincaid and the hidden cave in the Grand Canyon is fascinating, but many details remain unproven. Some researchers suggest that the story was nothing more than a hoax published by a newspaper looking to sell copies. The Arizona Gazette, which first reported the story, was known for publishing sensational and exaggerated claims.

To this day, no one has found the cave or any of the artifacts Kincaid described. Some explorers have tried, but the section of the Grand Canyon where the cave is said to exist has been closed to the public. This has only fueled more speculation about what might be hidden there.


The legend of G.E. Kincaid and his Grand Canyon discovery continues to capture the imagination of conspiracy theorists and history enthusiasts alike. While there’s no concrete evidence to prove the cave’s existence or the artifacts, the story serves as a reminder that some world mysteries may never be fully solved. Whether or not G.E. Kincaid’s discovery was real, it’s clear that the Grand Canyon holds secrets that intrigue and mystify people today.

Could the Grand Canyon have once been home to ancient civilizations? We may never know for sure, but one thing is certain: G.E. Kincaid’s story keeps the mystery alive.

Things I Learned Last Night is an educational comedy podcast where best friends Jaron Myers and Tim Stone talk about random topics and have fun all along the way. If you like learning and laughing a lot while you do, you’ll love TILLN. Watch or listen to this episode right now!




1909 Grand Canyon Hoax – Jason Colavito

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