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He Went to Jail but His Crime Didn’t Stop

Podcasters Jaron Myers and Tim Stone talking in front of a man who is writing a letter and a banner with text that reads "Who wrote these blackmail letters?"

This episode of Things I Learned Last Night is about the mysterious Circleville Letters that terrorized the small town of Circleville, Ohio, starting in the 1970s. The letters contained damaging information and threats and were sent to hundreds of residents over nearly 20 years. The first recipient was the local high school superintendent Gordon Massie, who received a letter accusing him of having affairs with bus drivers. More letters followed, threatening exposure of affairs, abuse, or obstruction of the local sheriff.

One letter led resident Ron Gillespie to his death in a car crash after he raced off with a gun following a threatening call. Ron’s brother-in-law, Paul Freshour, was accused and convicted after police matched his gun to a booby-trapped sign left for bus driver Mary Gillespie. However, letters continued even while Paul was in prison, leading many to doubt his guilt. Theories point to Paul’s ex-wife, the sheriff, or others, but the true identity of “The Circleville Writer” remains unknown.

Things I Learned Last Night is an educational comedy podcast where best friends Jaron Myers and Tim Stone talk about random topics and have fun all along the way. If you like learning and laughing a lot while you do, you’ll love TILLN. Watch or listen to this episode right now!




The Circleville Letters – All That’s Interesting

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