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Kenny Veach – One Man’s Disappearance in an Area 51 Cave

Podcasters Jaron Myers and Tim Stone pose in a confused manner next to YouTuber Kenny Veach.

Kenny Veach was a YouTuber and hiking enthusiast living in Nevada. He regularly posted videos showcasing his latest inventions and documenting his solo hikes in the desert near Area 51. Veach took pride in bringing only the bare essentials on these hikes – usually just a candy bar, bottle of water, and a handgun.

In 2014, Veach posted a comment on another YouTuber’s video claiming he had discovered a cave near Area 51 shaped like the letter M. He described feeling overcome with fear as he approached the cave, detecting strange vibrations and humming noises emanating from within. Intrigued readers pressed Veach for more details about this “M Cave.”

Sensing an opportunity, Veach made a video announcing he would attempt to relocate and explore this bizarre cave. He embarked into the desert with his usual sparse provisions. When Veach failed to return after several days, his girlfriend reported him missing.

Search crews discovered Veach’s cell phone sitting undamaged on a rock near the mouth of an abandoned mine shaft. But there was no sign of Veach himself or any struggle. YouTubers theorized the M Cave must be a secret military or alien base. Perhaps Veach stumbled onto something he shouldn’t have and was captured or killed. Some even believed the cave emitted directed energy weapons that could incapacitate trespassers.

Amateur investigators scoured the desert looking for possible M Cave locations. The leading theory focused on a sealed, rock-covered cave entrance. But when the YouTubers approached, they felt no strange vibrations like Veach described. The M Cave’s secrets remained hidden.

Months later, Veach’s girlfriend posted a comment revealing the likely truth behind his disappearance. She explained Veach had been struggling with severe depression and debt since quitting his job. On the day of his final hike, he left behind his camera but brought the handgun. She believes he went into the desert to take his own life in an isolated location, like his father had when Veach was younger.

While this seems to be the probable explanation, Veach’s fate remains officially undetermined. Conspiracy theorists dismiss his girlfriend’s story and continue the search for the elusive M Cave. They are convinced it hides either a military base or an alien colony – both intent on keeping their presence hidden through misdirection and subterfuge.

Veach’s story highlights the lure of unsolved mysteries and the human tendency to reject simpler explanations in favor of sensational conspiracies. The desert can be an unforgiving place for the underprepared, but the most dangerous elements are often within ourselves. Perhaps the real M Cave is the one we construct in our own minds.

Things I Learned Last Night is an educational comedy podcast where best friends Jaron Myers and Tim Stone talk about random topics and have fun all along the way. If you like learning and laughing a lot while you do, you’ll love TILLN. Watch or listen to this episode right now!




Kenny Veach – Nevada Magazine

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