Santa – How St Nick Became One of Capitalisms Key Figures


Episode Transcription

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Ham, man, Oh happy holidays, hey how the gun! I fear, I feel cheerful, why? I don't know: Okay, Hey man, Hey! What's up, have you ever heard of Sana? No! This is a good one. We already did the episode about him, though now we did yeah remember how he's red and his horns so the little weird tail yeah we did Satan took a break and then did Sanna. We did Satan mice and Sanda you're telling me they're different. That's the that's the really! What Christmas is all about. Seeing my licence sat. You know the three wise men, okay, so Sana Santa Saint Nick, Oh so you've heard of them. I've heard the tails disclaimer. If you're listening to this episode with your kids, stop just like the disclaimer from the sand, Satan episode, Teaou, Your Kids, stop! If you listen to our podcast with your kids in general, chill out on that you, if you don't, want your kids to know the dark side of saint o'clock, I make you get out of here, things's, pretty accurate. I'm glad you made that disclaimer yeah me too, because some people rely pretty upset if you're an adult, hey o. We were, let's have a conversation, real quick yeah conversation with Tillin I'll, never forget. I was at a table a chill like dog. I was at a table very similar to this one. When someone told you the truth, yeah I sat down, it was I it was very similar to when I was toned up. My name wasn't: Tj came home from school, a e at the table and they're like Tj, and they sit down your parents back down with you they're like sit down. We the have a talk, and I was like- and I was like I like. I know my name's not Tj, and they were like. No, it's not about that to so like this is about Satan. Sanna Seh is the deal if you're watching this. Is this still you your as no Okaya this and you're an adult or if you're, listening to this and you're an adult. I have some sad news that we need to get out of the way from the front. The SANA that you know in love is a by product of Coca Cola. He was a marketing tool of the use in the S and s to sell more Coca Cola. Sorry to ruin your life yeah he's, not the presence. Your Dad worked really hard for, or your mom wow rely yeah. I'm really glad that you went the sex is bad or your mom work really hard for that. You get cancer, this guy from your church or some other couple from your church. Oh okay, it's o o rating gifts. Somebody we rounds like your dad worked hard for the E or your mom or some guy from your church, and I like all right like so freeer year, but you wending your family and be like listen Deborah. You need a man who can provide gifts for your kids and give credit to Sanna. These are from is humble enough to get credit to sit San. I would like to take you out. Why do you think your mom loved that Song Sang a baby baby? Okay, so anyway, anyways not that that's out of the way. So Sana he's got an organ story: Yeah he does and there's probably bits and pieces. Every villain does there's bits and pieces of it you've probably heard of before yeah. But honestly, even looking digging into this there's a lot that I never heard and there's a lot that I'm like, oh well, that's how that just kind of turned in or flood it became sure just like Satan. This is actually can be very similar to the Satan episode perfect. So I guess we should begin really putting your degree to work. Yeah Yeah! I guess we should begin with saying it in the Old Testament. No okay! So Yeah! Where do you start? I think the best place to start to Saint Nick. So if you don't know, the story of San Nick Sat nick was a dude in the fourth century and he was that's way longer ago than I I thought, hm what part of the World Myra North Carolina or century North Car. You know year three hundred eighty three Ul beach. No, he was he was born in or he lived in Myra, which is modern day DEM re that if you know where that is, but it's a town in in Greece during the fourth century, he was born to parents who had prayed for a long time for a child because they couldn't have kids and they ended up having him. So it was like this real miracle baby yeah. They both actually died shortly after his birth of totally unrelated reasons, and so he became an orphan and was raised under one of the local priests and the priest talked about it. He's like he's like it really was. I don't have an explanation for how it happened, but he was just a great kid like he was just the priest talks about it. He edidit today, you try. You know it's good kid. I think a a yeah. We talk about the priest talks about it. Well, I mean the priests like Ron stuff down. Okay, they had es he sent to people that like got things I like a Nicholas so nick. He had a pretty big inheritance from his parents, though, and so when he be carfree get the inheritance to I mean I guess well I mean I get they do now to I guess at least in four century Greece. What kind of inheritance I don't know exactly the hair. How old is pretty big? I don't know how old he was. He was a child like a young child when his parents died got the inheritance when he became there. This is your house now and he was like he was like cool. Can someone explain utilities to me again? I don't understand the fourth century. EANT CAROL A taxes. I don't get the taxes thing. Okay, I get, then they just take my money every year and they don't do anything. That is it's always work yeah. So so so he gets the inheritance, but he was always kind of the kind of guy where he was just like humble and he didn't need nice things, and so he always was kind of like. I don't need this inheritance, so he never really touched it. Okay, but there was this local family. The guy had three daughters, but he didn't have the money to marry them off and in that culture the father had to put up the money to make them off. They got married and no wife was good right. If they couldn't get married and the father couldn't put up the money to marry them off, then they would go into slavery. That was kind of the two options for women and that day, and he thought that was wrong. He didn't like that and he knew he couldn't change the Sissone Nick Yeah. I well he's not saying yet yeah just Nicholas just Nicholas just okay, so regular nick regular nick. He knew he could to do that and but he also knew humiliating for the father if he just gave him a bunch of money to pay for his daughters, and so one night he just snuck over to the house and tossed a bunch of gold in the chimney. So that way that one of the daughters could get married, and so that happened and happenstance they had a bunch of their socks hanging up to dry. Next to this chimney and the gold fell in the SOK o o by that on that part, I don't buy that o the next morning, an hotoke you're telling me this guy shooting gold through the chimney and hitting ten out of ten nothing but sock. Are you kidding her and I'm sure there was gold all over the floor too, but there's such a sucks. How was enough to marry her off, and so then they started praying he just marry one of them. Please he's! Oh because the father has to put up the the fit has to put up the money, and so he has tiles. She was still like that you know okay, yeah yeah, so the father basically had to buy by to marry your daughter pay me baby to do it. I'd like to be your daughter, that'll, be fifty an here's. Here's my invoice. You know you can I mean I take. I don't take checks, it's two thousand and twenty one yeah, but you can cash at me just scan my qr code. Here you go so the daughter got married and then he started praying and like at the the Var the fathers praying for the other daughters to be able to give like wow God. Please send more make it Rales and lane gold coinsdown into my socks, down my timney's and so Nicholas. Does it again and again and pays for all three daughters to get oh by literally throwing money into the chimney while the third time he does it he gets caught. Somebody is like he wos, like he neeme we've heard about two instances of you throwing golden chimney or doing a true crime podcast. We Are we're trying to figure out a host in the Golden, the chimney you know, and so so we were ordering. If you be availe for an interview, real quick, we can jump on a new, you you're, being recorded you're, really it right now and it's four hundred all right, the three, the fourth it there's a guy over here with the Stone Tab just is like it could be real hard to get this in everyone's riss yeah. No, I knew I was being recorded. I can hear him a mile away, you know, guy in a super sun jumps out and it's like mutual combat, there's another guy over a different quarter. Also chiseling was like and then he jumped down and said you tual combat, but the user vs, and that's how you know. As the fourth century moves know, you know that the Phoenix judge jumped out of the fire, Sara saying the US are vs. you know how they call you get in and know how they couldn't do round in to use they could it they just didn't these. Were you yo know that, okay, so anyways to say, nick or first, who drew you, they freaking paraded him around. Oh, my gosh, so we're got out that Saint Nick was throwing money down people's Fuca fire to me. Everyone was like everyone's walking by on town they're, like they're they're, opening their socks hopping on one leg, just like a I mysse would hate is some goal fell in here you know. Well, what happened is he would, on his birthday every year, go around to all the kids and throw gold wherever I y new kids live just throw golden the chimney for the kids, and so he was just a friendly dude. He did en kid birthday would leave their shoes and their socks by the chimney to in hopes of catching the gold in their socks, which I mean just pick it up, but it's what ever I I well if it's as e floor, it's bad luck for a year at gold. That's that's! For Gold, that's fog! We can use it! That's how snobby everyone was in the three hundreds they're like, oh that's or so his legacy outlived him as being this dude. who was just incredibly generous. He always given stuff away. He ended up becoming a saint in the Greek Orthodox Church, and then there was the sixth of December became Saint Nicholas Day, okay, and so they always would celebrate and what people would do as they would give gold to their children in their socks under the fireplace every Saint Nicholas Day. Okay, so it was kind of a very a cold yeah, very early precursor to you know. It was really weird bad times that sometimes people w l get gold coins and it would be like why they flip it over and they go. Are you disappointed on the back? So you disappointed that this isn't real gold I'll tell you what is real gold Jesus Christ? It's like! Oh, you know those fake hundred or bills, fake gold, so Martin Luther this is this is silly man's goal. They didn't know the word full yet so about a thousand years later, Martin Luther during the reformation yeah is like everything. Catholics got to go, and that includes Saint Nicholas Day. That was in the on his reformation papers. Yeah everything yea is ninety five CS, PCS number. Ninety three get rid of Ta Nicklas Day out of here a yeah replace it, and so he moved it to Christmas. On the two thousand and fifteen of it yeah, he was like he's like well celebate Christmas on the twenty fife decent. When did they get Wenti Christmas start being on twenty fifth December? Well, we're going to get there, I mean we can jump into that right. It's a different topic. It's relatively similar! It's Edi! I was going to cover it. Okay, okay, do sorry about it. Do your little lesson plan or whatever. Well, this is perfect. It's a perfect chance to get a little pig in perfect a perfect pagan moment yeah. This is perfect, Pagan, Pagan, yeah, I'M THE PERFECT PAGAN! Okay, so I here's the deal. Everything Christian is Dolin from Pagan Religion, yeah yeah, actually very accurate because they were like it's basically like how. Basically Christians saw people doing stuff and they were like that's Christian now and they were like wait. What I like? No, you can't listen to music, but you could listen to Christian Musa. So basically what happened was like. Does anybody know what the Christian alternative to Christmases and the guys like Yeah I've actually got a poster over here, both Rismas, I in the Christian alternative to Christmas, actually you'll be surprised. They call it Christmas before it. They did. Oh, and so this poster here you'll see cutlass is the Christian Slip Knot and a cur? That's as hard as I ithout, even in Christmas anyway, third day, the Christian nickel back. Yes, they are it's so an so. There was a couple of Pagan religions. Read is the Christian creed? I think right that isn't he Christian with arms, Wide Barn? Have you or a love on been diagnosed with too many advertisements during the till an podcast? Have we got good news for you, our patrons enjoy, add free experience and they get early access to content behind the scene, stuff, exclusive merchandise and access to a private discord channel. We all are in it our producers and the hosts. So if you'd like to be a patron today and solve that problem, why don't you text till in to six six, eight, six, six! You know: okay, so s, some Pagan Holidays, so akin holidays, there's a couple of them in December in December sombody how under the winter? So is. Oh, my God, I don't know you should prepare for some of my question time. Okay, so there was the winter. Solstice was a thing yeah a long time, and so basically it was the holiday in the northern countries. Okay call in the North Countries, for if you want to say north but shorter, nor you're too lazy to say nor a bunch of the norse norse country. Maybe it was north the whole time and someone has had a lisp well yeah, the North countries that tracks we go by north o t about norse s. We conquered you so it's north. Now there was the midwinter of that they called Yule and so you'll try to get you all tied from and part of. This was the father in the summer. They would go out in the woods and they would get what was called your lock, which was just a big log that they would light on fire all Christmas. Well, all youll perfect as they could see because they were so far it last the whole time. Well, here's the thing it was the winter solstice and they were so far north that it was that time of year where it was dark forever, like the suddint, come out, that's right, and so it's a really weird season because they for them, especially at that time of the world you had the sun, doesn't come up for months. It's super cool because it's the winter and then also you're, very superstitious so and everybody round, you believe and go a and s die from the races. It's super cool everyone around he's, getting diseases or dying because they're super cold, yeah and the sun won't come out and so that time of year, you're like this is evil. There's evilness afoot and it happens every year, and so they would light the logs on fire and use that to fend off evil spirits. And then there was this idea that there was these gods like Odin that were coming and protecting people or killing people and and evidence by here's, the guy who died and here's a guy. I was just thinking I was like how do you know if it works? Oh yeah, they died. Yeah, they lived interesting that everyone who did the right things got anyway, and so it interesting little side Bar. There was a cult of Mithra. The cult Mithra. Have you heard of that? So there's this. I think you've heard of myth roll at s same thing. So this is a very interesting, almost all side, tangent, okay, I don't know enough about it for us to go super deep into it, but there was a I real. The dark, the Iranian God of the Sun Mythra had a pretty big cult following and an around the similar time of the year. What they would do is to guarantee their survivall through the winter basically and then ask and also ask for favor for the following year. They would go to this celebration where there was this giant idol of Mithra, which was the god of the Sun, and this God was honestly picture. The fiery furnace from veggie tales with you had a giant chest that just opened up, and you threw your kids in there and said they sacrificing their kids yeah. They sacrifice their kids to this God to be like here's. What I want for this year or help me survive this winter. Here's my child, how many kids did people have back then enough? What you could throw summer one away for every year, and then how do you decide which one yeah I mean it probably worked a lot better than the cold for Christmas thing, yeah be good or I'm throwing you in Mitres is well. We have high expectations as a family here, what's really interesting about Mithras, for this discussion, two things one: He wore a red hat with a little white boof ball at the end of it interesting little, poof, ball, okay, and to here's, something that so very very predated Christianity, but he this God Mithras. He was the god of the Sun and his role in mythology and I'm shaky on the story line, but whatever it was, he died for the sins of his followers and he rose again three days after okay, very odd anyways. That's all I know we all wearing a poof ball was o fat and people were in accepting child sacrifice in his chest. Give me I oh that's darker now like yeah, we go. Take our annual pictures with Mittra one less kid: every year I watch the YouTube mythra bass pro he orated. I watch the Youtube video actually, where a guy was like raging about Santa. He was very mad. You can tell the way narrated it and he showed a bunch of pictures of kids like crying on Sanna's lap yeah and he was like he was like. Why do you think infants always hate Santa because they know they like he's like he's like they can sense the evil. In her look at those moments, trouth now mom mither a sacrifice, your kid outside of J C Penny. So so they took okay. So there's a little bit of a s mythology. They took some stuff from myth, rest and then they just Chile, Little Oran of Sane, Dick! Well, here's what happened! There became this teaching of. In Finland there was a guy named you Lo Boki, you Lubo. I believe, that's how you say that. Why do you sound like you're talking to a baby right? Now? You believe here's the translation of that here's, the translation, Christmas, goat, Oh heck, yeah de that's what they called Sina the Christmas go well, and I don't really understand why but he's the Ulupi, which is a I'm calling sane from now. Is it a creepy? Looking goat? I don't think so. Let me pull up a picture. I imagine like the goat from no last I, which movie was where it's just like this. Is the Christmas goat he's like red eyes and he's like is it's honestly? He looks at very similar to SANA. Okay. He just got a longer beard, like he's still wearing all the same. Clothes he's just got a longer greater beard, it's like of Gand off and saying now we're one person, okay, I've seen so I call and thin he's tall and thin too also so, okay, but he's called a goat yeah because apparently he turns into a goat on Christmas. I don't really understand yeah, but it's a hard way to find out that you're, the next one. You know it's like it's The t Tim Alan Movie For one day he wakes up, but he looks in the Mer and he's he's tired. You know he wakes up his grog an we up, he's shaving his little goat, but he's like winsie. I don't. I don't have a good tea weird longer than normal shaped yesterday, he's a got a little Bir, but he's that sound weird goes downstairs, makes breakfast throws the breakfast in the trash eats the plate right just bite and random stuff right gets in his car he's like well hold on it's like, because you can't sit. Yeah he's trying to full he's, got full just extend that's when he made that's what he realized realizes something's Nowright I sat down and his horn got stuck in that little handle in this car and he's Oh, what the Oh in the litle full o that still never realizing what happens gets all the way to work right. He walks on. I was like you poky he's a quick talking me like that. I'm a grown man, then he sits on his computer, tries to type he got hold dude he's like wow, I don't em big is difficult. How are you now realizing you're, a goat, my guy? Oh my gosh, and then a little Elf shows up that's when he realized something was up so over the next few years and by next fees in me next couple hundred years, yeah, that's how time worked in history. I was just like. I know some time years there was a Babylonian exile. Yeah people were celebrating Saint Nicholas Day. Parents were giving gold and eventually just like toys to their kids yeah on Saint Nicholas Day, Saint Nicholas is ne, now been moved to December twenty fifth by Luther Yeah, because he's like he's a K, we're not Catholic he's like really not Catholic, and there was all these different names given to him based on the country they're in so I was like basically translations, so you got center clots, which was Saint Nick, but in Dutch you had you Lu Pooki, which is saying nick, but in goat and then obviously at Saint Nicholas, you had Christ child. Let's see, there's another one around I hear somewhere, I don't know it doesn't matter but sit les. All these closes yeah all these other SOS things that sounded like Santa Claus until eventually, because history is just one giant game of real life. Telephone, yes, yeah before the telephone, when the telephone came out there like the wee slice er, what do they call telephone or is you know that game's got a been around? I mean? No. I don't think it came out until Christmas. What yeah, okay so go ahead, so anyways. So in eighteen, twenty three there was an author who also he wrote a couple things. It doesn't matter. Okay, he wrote a couple really famous things. It does kind of manner, but I'm not going to talk about him. What he did talk about. What in was his. I was the night before Christmas, Oh and kind of night before Crout, this story of Sana, yeah show or not. VERSO was stirring, not even a Yuki Po. You Lo Poky, okay, you look, I don't know what I said You keep pooling, and so so so this new story of a yeah. Yes, sorry, just a really weird picture of a Pretzel midsins O stop your brain stops functioning for a second because and then you followed up a sorry. I just sorry. I just saw a really weird picture of my Pretzel. Are we do we doing a podcast episode right now? This is the least professional thing I've ever heard. Let me see it is this gonna like a dude if it's just a normal Pretzel, I'm going to be really in no what it, what I'm pulling it up home? Is it an advertisement? No there. It is his a weird pressel right. I guess now weird enough for me be like hold on. Let me talk about this. For a second s, the thing is that they, okay, you got to save that. So Connor can put it in the video yeah. Whatever okay, I would you, Google imaging something and that's what popped at. How did this okay? So this? What happened? Is that your search history? Do you search? Did you get on there and you searched Carlton biceps extra, ten, Weird Pretzel, so here's what was going on? Okay, let me explain this. I don't, I would love for I do so one those ght hundred and forty five o o no work. I would mean to explaind the wine beat laying again: okay, okay, a new name for San a had a rose called Chris cringle, okay, and the reason for that was, I think, a marking campaign to sell pretzels, because cringle was another word for pretzels, so they just tried to coo, and that was what the cringles look like. was that picture I hadn't clicked on the cringle with you gain it. I was like well, we know two things about our business right. We are a Pretzel Making Company. Well, they call them males. We were kringle creators, green creators, yeah and we're not Catholic yeah. So we need a mask God, that's definitively, not Catholic! And Oh what about that? So? Where about that Uli Pooki, we can work with that. You work with that. What? If we're the same was Chris and he gave everybody pretzels crinkles. Sorry Chris Cre Chris Cringle, better than Chris Pretzel Rename our pretzels crinkles. I think that's what happened? Okay, but anyways yeah that I had T. that's how you got to Oncet page for cringle picture of us at that really weird cringle. It's a weird crinkle, okay, crazy, crinkle, crazy, cringle, anyways. All right that makes sense. Then yeah we can cut it all out. So over the next like a couple dozen years Saana, it is taking a lot of different forms. He is well keeper other they can use that for marketing, because then everyone's got a common myth year, a common legend yeah there. There are so many religions around the world that are so things more popular, big foot or Santa. I guess I say Sana, but but also yeah may move should start a pull, because you can do the thing if you're over in another country that doesn't celebrate Christmas. You still know about book foot. That's true! It's very weird to me that adults are like yeah yeah. I understand how Saint I worked, but big foots real. You know I mean: Do you not throw out thinks get off this, whatever? Okay, so so saying all these different, I'm just thinking they're common legends, yeah that people all over the world now. So then companies can start to figure out like kringle creators, cree companies- yes and go. Everyone knows about this dude exactly and so the holidays from Star is o holidays. Had Him, but everybody who would depict this Chris, cringle or SAIC character would depict him differently. It was almost always an older guy with a really big beard, but sometimes he was tall and thin. Sometimes he was short and stumpy. But honestly, if you think about it, that's all you need to identify a Santa Claus. Now is a a big white beard yeah, I kind of it a large man and a red suit. No, you don't need the red suit well back, then they didn't have the Rusu either a lot of times it was green. Sometimes it was red, but the poofy hat was always a feature and gray like and the the almost weird bathrobe thing was always a feature he gar cloak yeah. Yes, yes and he wrote a sleigh which is something sat. Nick actually did he wrote a sleigh around and he had a couple dogs that pulled him in this way. What which I guess was like a normal form of transport? Oh okay, for cars, now here just on my sleigh, which also can go, there was a pagan myth. I forgot about this: There's a Pagan myth that apparently there's a fresco somewhere where her a similar Santa like adjacent figure in a Pagan Myth. I don't know which one it was, but one of those earlier ones like the Yulie, okay, there's a myth where he gets pulled by snakes with wings in his slave okay. That was not the direction I was prepared for you to go like yeah, okay, so picture this Ol make it this Samians right here: slay brows gold and people's chimneys mixed in their socks. Every time also pulled on a sleigh. I like yeah, I'm tracking with you. I see a with this by snakes with wings, yea winged, snakes, winged, winged, winged snakes. Yes, yes, so I don't know, I can't remember which one that which myth that is, but it's some myth with this ancient God that gets pulled on this, lay okay slaves pulled by winged snakes, which is very fun. Oh Dad! That's something I I that's lither. Some people think that that's where that came from is because they were flying snakes that were dragging in a sleigh. So some people are like why eventually morphed into flying rein, deer because they were easier to stomach that yeah yeah and that's how evolution works to everybody. Now they spray from snake, you get it yeah every reindeer starts as a little tiny snake. That's why they lay a case. That's Oh! What so so so saying a over the late eighteen, hundreds, okay, look like a lot of different things. Yeah. When does he get defined? Well in the probably about the e s he starts. Showing up at shopping is not that long ago, no, not okay. In N N E D Net, he starts showing up at shopping malls with guess what flying snakes? No, no weird pretzels, no, no close, both by fiery called hen to sacrifice children. What do you? What do you talk about? All of these guesses, very, very close reindeer, no, the Salvation Army, so he was above San, a the king, the Bell Guy. This makes sense. Okay and in a e n y out, so did the Bell Gris even up until recently weren't they didn't. They have to dress like Santa Claus. I don't know if they just like Santa Art, they just dressed in red chrysos stuff. Maybe they did Jess Lic San, I don't know, I feel I guess an I feel like they said they were saying us had they now and it. Someone was like I care about this, but not that much you know so, all of a sudden they were like all right, just say: Hey. Would you stay up there for a couple hours O ring this bell? Is this a Manila? I do you remember this Alex to a the dress like an is yeah. I think this is a mafet. I don't it to made. If I I just fact, I think it is changed it over time just because they had something I were like. I like it's, not a Mandela infect to go. Oh yeah, remember when Shrek was on the SHRIK movies came out and new Mandela and hines had green ketchup. Do you remember that, and all of us are just like yeah there's, no one is run down. No one is up right now is like no. No one of this group is like you're making that up. You know, I remember them dressed as flying snakes, not a single person is not a Mandela effect if it was if it happened whatever so Saina was out there collecting money, which is you know what I er. I remember your name being TJ before and you're telling me your name. Is Him this whole time new man o that's a bad de effect right there so saint as used to be the salvation ARY people which makes sense because they've they cooped that yeah. What's ironic because, because Sana he like, you know how Sangit gives back to people, what, if you gave to US exactly yeah they're like a I yes say, nick threw money at other people. What, if you throw money at him now so Sana became the Saint Nick Guy and then what they noticed was hey. All the kids are coming to the shopping malls and the Christmas season to chin, see yeah to see Santa, and so they rely taking pictures back en they were taking their tragic fixtures in all these families are showing up and they guys a guy with the hood out there. They got a they're brain, a Cavis. They got a guy painting, the hey, we're excited to part with a new APP called wisdom, and it's all about learning from experts and mentors and that's why you're here listening to this episode is because we are your mentors. So if you like, learning random stuff from us and have enjoyed what we do, please join US January. Fourth, at two PM central time to join us in our first live session. Where you can interact, ask questions. We also have a really special announcement, we're making exclusively on the wisdom APP so download that APP join US January. Fourth, at two P: central for that special announcement and also maybe learn some stuff. So thanks and the like saying a stop smiling and in the painting they're putting the salvation or a little. Can I oh my gosh, but can you quit moving your arm for a second, so we can get a good stop an he jes like I'm supposed I'm supposed to be ringing. He's like you're, actually not supposed to stand by me this long, it's freaking everybody out scan. You guys leave soon, so he so they that's how ventriloqua started to a. They were smiling for a portrait wakers right and they were just like I'm getting really good at I'm getting really good at talking and not moving my face it. Well, I'm getting really good at talking and not moving my face for these strictures yeah and the guys like. I can tell that to you. We hear what if I had a puppet, Oh yeah, what about dish so so they started bringing Sanna's inside to meet the kids Yeso. The kids could give them give Sanna a letter and say hey. This is what I want. This is what I want for Christmas and then all of a sudden things just went from here's, some guy who gives some gifts some times to Sanna. He lives in North Pole and he has an army. He brings all of your gifts, yeah he's an army of the elves and he travels the planet Yeah One night does at I'm saying for that to not even be like for that to be eighteen, ninety yeah right, then the night, the nineteen hundreds really took. That story interrupted, and I mean it's like when you know what happened, though? What is that little children are annoying and they always ask the question why and so parents were just like I yeah sand, a brings his gifts. Why? I don't know it's when he loves it? That's it brings him life. Why? Because he loves seeing kids happy. Why? I don't? I don't know: Why does he get the gift o? Why there there's a lot of em in the north of pole yeah and they all work for him? Why? I don't know, do that ENA dream Al, have a choice. I don't know doesn't seem like they're born they work in the workshop. They die all right, that's how that works for generations. A grandfather worked in this workshop. I worked in this workshop. My kids work in this workshop. There's no life outside of this workshop is Santa Unethical sure you know. Do we get paid in housing, but it's gone on housing and comte yeah how's it made of gun drops every once in a while gold falls down our chimneys. I do I we get all the floor, gold, it's it's literally chocolate gold. It's wrapper, disappointed or Carter to make more toys. What do you think happens to the way? Here's? What is what happens to the kids that we sacrifice in the first? They were re born in the North Bowl to make toys for kids in the future. Man. That's why I did so an to think we're trying to colonize the moon. We could colonize another or North Pole ad, save those elves. So in one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, where were you born? I was born in one thousand nine hundred and ninety four in the one thousand nine hundred and fifty so in one thousand, nine hundred and fifteen. What happened in one thousand, nine hundred and fifteen white rock beverages, we're trying to sell mineral water. Okay, say said: Hey, let's get Sana to sell our mineral water and they just them in a red and white suit to sell the minimal water and they said hey this work great. Let's have him, sell our Ginger Ale and now worked really good. So pepsy was like hey. We can do that too, as she was like we like you, what you did with mineral water m, so in the in the S and s they ran a an ad campaign for with SANA drinking pepsy, real yeah, Yep Yep, and then because I was a coles which beverage do you associate with saying, yea and then Coca Cola was like wait where the red brand Giros, like you I go like- were the R, the ones with cocaine? Wouldn't that be or thing so they just kind of took them and they started and they joke Santa Clo just took an a CAS and they help marketed everybody else and o yeah. We are, I mean, so you Sana, I mean and the philosophy for it, though, even back to the white rock Beverage Co, they said people don't drink our drinks in the winter. They said they're getting hot COCO and they're getting edes they're getting warm drinks like we need people that s the old, oh, they could at heatthen better than a hot loves hot ICE. I seeking with it creamthine he makes us live in houses of coming drops and we only get hot Pepsi A it's. Your Steve, pepsy frost, Pepsi Boileau, it's cauldron of Pepsi here you go they as no more peps, but if you boil it, it becomes that weird black liquid right very very day were like shoot. People are heating up our product. Let's probably get her of that. You know, don't heat it up, don't worry about yeah! I don't worry about what happens when it's hot okay, so coclea they were like in the winter time. We want people to yeah. The Co Cola was like yeah. We want that too, and they're like what's throw more money at this than everyone else and tell everyone thinks we came up with this yeah and it worked. I guy's great idea. Didn't I see a Pepsi Commercial? I will literally pay you to never say that again they said: what's Your Dollar Mountain? How met in this in Da I'll marry your daughter, we'll marry all three of your daughters, wait, say we yes, company, Colcothar Yeah, what's your daughter's name, Mary she'll be married. Tokay will pay us to do yeah yeah that will be sixty. Send Mary Coca Cola you're going to marry Mary Yeah Mary is getting married to Cocacola. This is Mr and Mrs Mary. Cocoa Gary is also Co. Collis, first name yeah, okay, so anyway, so Mary and Mary got married. A lot of people think that Sana became right because of Coca Cola, but it was actually that white rock beverage. They turned a lot of people like saying I was always wearing different clothes yeah like, but they defined it. I find it red they like. We need to pick something and they picked red and then pepsy stole it and then Cook Colestin and Co cal put more money towards it than anyone else. Isn't that the way it works and this era, the twentieth century, is the era that it really took off, for, I think a couple reasons: one capitalism and consumerism. I'm really do that's. What I'm saying is like you, you can define an image yeah. Well, I think the biggest thing was the whole holiday kind of revolved around this idea of there's a generous person, who's, giving gifts to kids, okay, and so everybody for years was like I'm going to get something nice for my kids at Christmas time right and capitalism and consumerism said by everything yeah. You have to buy this, for you go into lots of debt every year and they just heard your kids with Hot Coca Cola, wake em up with a part of Coca Cola and that's the pagan connection to mithrus yeah. Now we throw into the Caldron of Coca Cola yeah, he coucal the culture so and it just exploded. It was such an opportunity for marketers to just kind of steal this and make all these campaigns yea as for free, and they still do it and still he yeah sat as driving a Lincoln yeah, exactly yeah. So all these all these companies kind of started to dictate the mythology of this character because as they created their ad campaigns, and so he started drinking milkin cookies, he started drinking Coco Cola, all this different stuff, and then you had a film and so now, all of a sudden we started coming out and now all these new interpretations of sand a that had never existed, started coming out like an things like ten millons of Santa Claus. This way later. But so all these different, theatrical filmed thing versions of Sana yeah I started coming out and influencing the culture and, like each film, was kind of picking and chooses thing things for no previous one. So eventually, like you get to the s O s, you have this full on storyline of who San is and what he does and even miss claws and what she does and the flying snakes didn't make it any the marketing meetings yeah everyone's like. I think we need bring the snakes back and they were, like, I don't know, just give them the same names. That was the snake's names you I don't like is that the Santa Claus Series Turned Jack Frost it in the even the not clamation, but the the Te Alon, no animated. What what is t Rudolfi Reindeer and like frost this to me that this Colinton you got it Ros or be those were not clamation. Those reclamation is different. Yeah, those were a hundred percent clams were not claiming anyway, they make Jack Frost like ould like a villain and all this stuff. You know anyway yeah. So all those guys to kind of dictate the story of USANA was sure, and consumerism really played one of the biggest parts. And now it's to the thing where it's like it's kind of its own monster like it did. It did kind of form in really two parts to half part, Pagan, Pagane, sure, half part. It's pretty wild to me how quick things can like in the I s, the Salvation Army picks up this Santa Claus, character, yeah and then now we have full back stories yeah. I know I mean it wasn't really just that one thing like over so yeah yeah, but I'm saying like over so much time and then for it to accelerate the way that it did yeah, and I mean that is honestly that that is kind of as American y. You know I mean that solution right there that yeah, that's the twenty century, yeah like Er everything did that accelerated so fast, and especially with consumerism and marketing and capitalism like things just moved, really quick, because the quicker you could define something as something marketable quicker. You make a lot of money off of it. Yeah things move so fast like technology and coved cases, and all that you know, like things, just accelerate cars. What we're already on cars? Three cars for a series so fast I feel like Jesterday, the first one came out so is on honestly, though cars as a series. They took their time with cars. To now cars three was just garbage, but between cars want and cars to there was a good six year gap there. You know they didn't pump one out the next year, yeah yeah, like Trolls, the movie anyway go ahead, so yeah, so so Sana became this became what he is today. He became a part of the the MAS thanksgiving, the parade to usher in the Christmas season, a guy actually just asked if he could do that, he was like he could. I just so like San a an I be Santa Claus, yeah, that's what they were like who he ahes like. Well, you Le Poky, it's kind of hard to explain: I'm not going to do the whole furnace thing, but, like it'd, be fun yeah. Have you guys ever seen Cop Pepsi before you guys, like? Let's talk about it over some hot Pepsi, so anyways WHO's got hot pepsy, and now it's I mean here's the thing you hear a lot of people talk about Sana and Christmas and honestly a lot of different things, and so oh that's pagan. That's too Pagane for me, no that's to Pagani for us, here's the thing it's also a Christian like, and it's also all these other things there's also Coca Cola. Yeah. It's also cocacola. It's also, it's also the Salvation Army. It's also admiel water yeah. It's all these different things. Nobody owns Santa Claus, yeah all these different things, kind of melted together and got nixt what it is. Now this isn't you? Oh my gosh. If you really look at yourself deep down, there's a Santa Claus inside you in all of us. You know some metaphorically orphaned person who, as a rich inheritance, that you're supposed to give to other people around you so take that joy. You got inside stuffining your neighbors socks, I tryin so hard definite. I was trying an I. my point is a lot of people. I pintin can't celebrate Christmas because I got pagan backgrounds. We can't sell it Halloween because got pagan background. Here's the thing. Let me tell you the way church services are organized today is Pagani literally the Constantine borrowed everything a mad tims, getting right now about everything we pegasius. Okay, he's my he's. My thing parents are like you can't watch Harry Potter. It's pay could be yeah well. So I lord of the ring, is Your Coca Cola Ma? Have you ever heeded the thing yeah? You Know Chris Christian MOMS love to harp on, saying it, but they're jugging diet, coke, here's, the thing my point is really just yeah, it's Pagane, but it's also a Christian. It's also a lot of other things you can't and and at the end of the day, it's you you get to celebrating some people still think he's a goat like you can decide when you want to believe it. Sangeet ng Christmas is not celebrating a Pagan holiday like you're deciding how you're celebrating that what you want to do with that. You can't accidentally be a pagan. You can accidentally worship the devil. Interesting, it's not it's, not an accident, a like! Oh! I don't want to do that because I don't want to you're thinking, Jus, the heart posture and the intention matter. Yes, so it's with the same is true. You can't just do nice things, but if you're doing it to be seen as a nice person, that's not a nice thing, yeah yeah wow, look at you! You Really Youth Pastor! This whole episode, didn't you yeah. I did you really turned it into a guy. What's inside matters and what's inside you is a Santa Claus? Well, anyways, there's a lot of controversy about saying a because it's lying to your kids, their whole life and then there's actually a lot yeah, there's a lot of parents who don't do it because they like well. If they find out, we lied about Santa and the Easter Bunny they're going to think we lied about Jesus yeah, there's also a lot of parents who are like well if well, if I'm going to hi all these presents, I want credit for it. Yeah the other parents who are like listen, let's just get in the car right now we're going to drive down to Georgia and have a fiddle off with Santa and like no it's. I think it's. I think it's it's sating, but you can't prove it's not. Things are done. That night is a production of space. Tim Media produced by Christian Taylor, audio by as Garnett video by Conteret, our graphics and Ar logo by Kalu Golberg's media is on by Kelaba our host, our JERN myres and Tim Stone falls on your favorite social media platform at Tillin. PODCAST is till and podcast remember to tell all your friends about us and we'll see you next Tuesday for another episode of things I have on last night

You know Dasher and Dancer and vicious misuse of a historical figure for profit. But, do you know the story of how St. Nick turned into the Santa Claus we know today? The story is a long one that flows through many changes throughout history. The jolly bearded man didn’t become what he is today until recently. It wasn’t until … Read More

Epistemology – How Do You Know What You Know?


Episode Transcription

Made for robots, by robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey Man, what's up, Oh, have you ever heard of? Oh, oh, I don't know. Okay, have I ever heard what epistemology come on dude? This is what you want to do, what his tomology have you ever heard of it? What is it a sounds? Dumb, a Piso Ology, it's well! I want to know what do you o? What is it? What is it? What is it o histology us? I tell you, I'm a I'm a pissed off that you did this for our hundred. No, this makes sense. This makes sense. Is it the study of a heart? I don't know it's a study of one hundred. What is a pistole? No, I think it I figured. It makes sense for a hundred episode because of pistol is the study of knowledge and how the nature of no one is to dictionary, defines a Pisto Ology as the study of what is this a freaking middle school presentation? No, okay! So here's the thing epistemology we're really doing it about a pistole. Yes, okay! Oh my Gosh! So pistol. It's an interesting thing, because, basically the idea is it's. Your topics have just been so cerebral. What do you mean just like Satan, we're gonna go through this satis store Santa Claus, they're, not fun any more Sana Claus. Santa Crass is next week's episode. We have not done that yet! Yes, we have. This is, are you sure a hundred percent well next week done it next week to learn about sit? How do you not you your Satan, you next week, her years Santa I'm saying is like it's all just like you know in the fourth century, what you want to do. Another L is tomology yeah, okay. Well, I will do some fun stuff. I find another one. This will be fun: Okay, Jones, Sol and MI. The are the gifts that is God. I learned about learning for a bit o a power for no rich. What, if I'm just like mad up in your head, it's possible- I don't think we're real may be. This is no to this is real. This is real. Can you justify t, prove it things so use the thing. PISMA is interesting because, basically it's where a lot of skepticism comes from He. This is the stuff you want to go at, you ill be like well. Actually, this is where the conspirations- no it's nothin no o is like skepticism is actually the opposite of like learning stuff, it's all just like critical race theory. No, not talking about like do she a modern conspiracy, theory sceptics. We saying just teach me about like weird happenings all right now, a L. I do a lot about alien, so why you can't you can't really a you about weird stuff and then leave out most of the weird stuff on those weird things all weird things I tete so many things and I'm like. Please teach you about this and you're like now. You know the showeth I got. I really want to teach you about and it's a Pisto ology have you ever heard of it. So basically, and it's just like Bro, what are we? The freaking encyclopedia? Are I'm trying to get us an NPR sponsorship, I'm not by being more rings. Do so my things interesting, here's a thing! Here's all right! Let me let me tell you the thing I want to know. It's interesting. Yeah: here's where this ties in I think this Tisingol, because I started so start like Georgia guide stones, Bob Ross Block bluster. That was cool, the three identical strangers. You know just so much stuff, and then you jus go you just gotten like Satan. I've done to two of these now. If it just makes sense, this makes it. Let me tell you why this makes sense. Okay, we're gonna, have a fight on the podcast for a hundred. The peso this makes is honestly, is a tists pretty much it. I don't know if you picked up on this, but let me tell you about things on and last night, I don't know he's the thing we live in the information age. It was ironic about the information age is all the passion all the informations aged and all of us are so stupid, we're all just so so dumb. That's absolutely true and everybody talks about how they know they act at the the expert on everything and when they really they know nothing. They're, the expert on nothing and one of the most interesting things from my degree will use my degree for a second hare. Are you going to talk about how I ever won how the disappearance of experts like people resent experts? I think you think yeah pace the same way of like sixteen year olds. Next, eighteen year olds go off as freshman in college and they start arguing with their professor and it's like you're, going to argue with the person who's got. You know your entire life's worth of studying in that specific topic, because you read something on the Internet. I think that's the thing is: Is People think that they know a ton and that I honestly that was the most valuable thing I think I learned in college, like interaction classroom was the second you think you know a lot about something. Is the moment you really don't to you that long to realize you're stupid. I knew day one. You know that was the most valuable thing you learned of angel was that people think you're dumb. My professor. It took nineteen papers of my professor riding on both your tongue. You should start with Google epistemology start there. He literally said Stop Paying, for this is not worth it for you. You were dumb out all my papers, it just the night and artist was rough on both of us. That's who she wrote in mind too. That is aggressive, so here's the thing our show is really kind of a play on that, because I don't know what I'm talking about ever play on that. Come I don't know. What I'm ever talking about show really is is a definition. Inert Age, you know the information age when you really boil it down is just things I learned last night. This is something I research on the Internet last night and I'm acting like I'm an expert on that's what we do. Every single episode. Okay, it's a joke. It's a comedy, podcast. The things you've learned on this show are not valuable. You don't know what that yeah, because I don't yeah about them and so a pistol is the study of is really. The question is asked the question: How do you know the things that you know and when you think about that? What are you in college pretty quickly learning about what learning? No, I already asked that yeah yeah. No, I'm learning about learning what just learning about what are you learning about it? Oh, that I don't learn a lot earning about learning. I'm learning that I haven't learned to hold on a second. If a pistole is learning about learning, yeah and I'm right now, learning about a pistole. Am I learning about learning about learning age? But yes, okay, Mrs I'm, Minister, now there you go great, teach me Oh master of stuff, so it's asking the question: How do we actually know that for your hand or your knock over one of our wise men, the a knock over yeah? Okay? So one of our epistemologists? The question is: How do you know the things that you actually know yeah and you realize pretty quick if you really dig into that you like crap, I don't know a single thing. So let's do that. You don't know yeah it's based on knowledge of someone else. Well, that's just where it begins. Oh, no! So there's a there's! There's really these three kind of pillars of a pistol y. We have to set up to begin with their belief, truth and justification, and they sound a lot like what their names are, because it's a good name believe is just the things that you believe in belief. Yes, so a lot of times. These are religious police, political beliefs. Things like that truth is something that can be believed in, but is also true. So these are facts. Actual factual and truth doesn't care about your feelings. I've heard I've heard yeah and then the last one this guy justification also Mur is the short hand name for I got it. So we got Joe saw and Mur. Those are the gifts, a Jesus God very in practical. You know this is quality contort home, so so justification justification are things that prove that the things that are true are worthy of belief, so this is reasoningi kind, O get more evidence: okay, okay, okay, okay, so, for example, these have to do a dance all together, yeah for you to know, you know something. So here's a really famous example say you were to say: I believe it's raining outside. I believe it's raining outside that doesn't mean that it is or a true that doesn't mean it's truth. No, the only thing you have to justify that truth by walking outside and getting wet yeah, but here's the thing here's what's interesting about this is, if you believe it and you're. Confident in that belief and you walk outside and it was raining. It was a true belief, but you didn't believe that, because you had a justification, you believe that for really no reason you were just confident in that belief and that it has happened to be riches happened to be true. Yes, it's like another example is, if you, if you believe it's new, if you believe it's awaken, are falling over over here and you believe it's to Eco, we believe it tol ocock, you walk into a room, you see a clock that is on twelve o'clock. It was a true belief, but you believe that before you had justification for it, okay but say you believed that you walked into the room. It was two o'clock. Well, you walked in the room. You said, I believe it's it's twelve o'clock. You saw the clock. That said it was twelve o'clock. He said. Okay, now I have a justified belief and it's true. I have what's a justified. True belief is the way they phrase it in epistemology. You could still that justification, though, might not be true, because that clock could be stuck on the number twelve and you just happen to see me. You walk in the rooms began like I believe, it's twelve, you know you're walking and you go. I believe it's to thirty and that clock just happens to say on thirty, the bat puts out of battery someone's like well. Actually it's four o'clock yeah so so truth does not reconcile with your justification or belief. Yeah it you so belief. Justification could both agree and truth, not truth, but truth and belief can't agree without justification. No because you because it could be rinning outside. You could be confident in your belief that it's raining and it could actually be raining, but you don't have the justification, so you could have a true belief. That's not justified! You could have a justification for a true for truth that you don't believe you can also have a belief. That is not true and it's not justified and you could also have a belief that is justified, but isn't true. So just like the clock, that's on noon, it's justified because you see a clock. This is as new, but it's two thirty. So that's a belief, that's justified, but it's false, okay, and so basically what what you're looking at that's called the gettier problem. It's all these justifications and the beliefs and the truth. It forms this ven diagram where you need it to overlap and be true, keep it that back er but knock it over. You need the truth and the justification to over that, but you also need your beliefs to overlap that and that's how you get knowledge when you have that happy little center in the medium, you have the knowledge knowledge. Yes, yes, knowledge is when you have a justifies Lou. That is true. Oh you have power and that's how you get power and power is money and money is power and money is greed. What are you learning to college power? I learned about learning for a bit. It made me powerful and now I'm rich talking to the clerk of the gas teachin about it. Can I buy some muscle I walking. I believe it is two D and thirty, and I have twenty on pum seven, please the guys, like it's noon, do you have desiccation for that belief? Oh Gosh. I that's exactly how Le Talk, though man. I bet those college classes all right night mayor to be in Oh yeah, they're, exhausting! Oh! I do you have a justification for that belief. There's a lot of philosophers who have come up with scenarios. The clock was one: The rain was one. The get of your problem with the Vin Diagram is a way to think through that. So there's a lot of problems and scenarios and ways to exemplify this idea. Sure that have come out over the Millennia, but the the basic concept is this. Is You can believe in something and be confident you believe in it? You can honestly have proof in your belief in it, but that doesn't make it true, and so I pretty common honestly think about everything you know right now take a moment close your eyes, breathe them through your nose. Okay, bree, that through your mouth and think about all the things you know every single thing you know think about it. Do you know that you know that thing m? Do you know the answer? Is No sorry sorry, so I guess I don't know that yeah, you don't know. I sure thought I did at all the things you know you don't know those things, because here's the thing why I believe that I do it doesn't matter. If people ave you do you can be yeah. I heard that's not true. So so I believe that I do know everything yeah, that's a Bo, and that is a truth. No, no! It's not do you have a just ICATION for that boom fiddle it off. You just learn a pistole, that's what they named it that because it pisses people off when you argue about it, have you or a love one been diagnosed with too many advertisements during the till in podcast? Have we got good news for you, our patrons, enjoy, add free experience and to get early access to content behind the scene, stuff, exclusive merchandise and access to a private discord channel? We we all are in it our producers and the hosts. So if you'd like to be a patron today and solve that problem, why don't you text till in to six D, Sixty eight six, six! So here's the thing: Let's pick something an Arnica. Okay, do you believe the AASE? So you believe in an article. That's great blue man, Orgar, that's okay, good to know where you're at good. To that here's! The thing why? Because I've been there but yeah, I been shut up yeah. I went on a mitre and the shot snow people yeah well to the elms. That episode doesn't come out yet you're called a thing. That's happened yet that's to make sense of yeah. I knew that Oh yeah that'll be just I know when the episodes come out, I'm justified, so I do believe in in Arica yeah. Why? What's your just if Crepin the believe on a mission trip when living water fellowship church is a summer trip which is emertine yeah, I like it's too hot and humid in Missouri. Let's go go verita dry, so I went there right. This is my Justicie Yeah Southwest Airlines Southwest Yeah Bailey leaves the US but also anarchy, okay, Great Yep and didn't land open the door you out took off our clip on ties and threw us out. That was a DB cooper call. I threw us into the Antartic to the anarctic with all your money, so here's the thing. Well, that could be true. You could have went to an Arica, but I didn't did you know his lie? Sometimes sometimes I do this thing where I just make stuff up to see. If you could believe it, I'm gonna tell you, I didn't believe it A. I was Gongor saying that, because I've, never, I don't have tangible justification for be. You have a testimony. You have someone else's testament, sure and the reality of it is you O, O o landing? Do I believe in the moon kind of because here's the thing honestly you it doesn't have to be something like the moon landing. You can go down to pretty much everything. You know you were taught by someone, and so you were given their test. Okay, I'll tell you why I believe in the Arica, then, is because I believe in maps. The reason I believe in maps is that so far, the places that I have gone to on a map have been correct. Yeah. So that's fair, that's fair! The issue with that is it is, I don't know we're talking on to somebody. I don't even believe in planes on so the issue is loolie as real. The issue is so you have evidence that maps are real, so you can trust the testimony of the map, which means okay. I I'll trust the testimony of the entire map. You don't have evidence that the entire map is sure you just have evidence of the map that I mean we, you wreak all that stuff. Do I mean, like all that's the point of the pesonal Gy, is saying that until you experience something- and you have the evidence yourself, so your experience is the definition of reality. So I have disagreements on that. Not Necessarily so here's the thing. If you have testimony from someone who is able to show their evidence and give like a clear proof of their evidence, then you you serve to believe there. You deserve to believe their testimony. So then I believe the experience of people who have been to an AMICA- yes, yeah, that's fair, but the reality is is most of us. The testimonies were receiving is not first hand testimony it's not even second or third, it's like way down the line of this person went went and then they wrote about it or they talked about it or whatever, and someone wrote about it and that ended up our text. Books are taught our teachers who taught us you're down a telephone line of experiencers or really testimony or or testimonial Ers Testament, testament and the experiencer. So does that? Are you suggesting then, that the knowledge is not worth believing any more? No, I don't know anyone who's falling off a ten story building, but I know that that would kill you well do you, though, the question of a pistole is: Do you know, because you have evidence that every time that you've had testimony of that happening, it's resulted in death sure, but could it be you you don't have a way to prove that that's a guarantee. You just have a way to prove that at least every time that you have evidence of that. It's repeated that way. Theoretically, that could be a part of a pattern where a hundred times someone dies, but a hundred on the hundred first time. Every time someone survives you can't say so what a pistol Gy is doing is saying at the end of the day, you can have a lot of evidence for something, and you can say you can't believe anything unless you've experienced it. No, no, not exactly it's saying that. It's saying that it's very, very, very tough to know you know something for sure is kind of is what they're saying they're saying you can know that happens most of the time, or that happens a lot or that's happened every time you see. You believe that I like being around you, I can say Maga, true he's what I could say. Yes, I can say I know that at least eighty percent of the time you seem to enjoy when we're hanging out seem to enjoy it, but that doesn't mean yeah that you do a hundred percent the time I'm acting, but yeah there's twenty percent of the time where you don't seem to enjoy it, it's a pretty good. That's that's fair! That's accurate one of five makes sense. All the pesonal is saying is your evidence. Is it's very hard to find testimony or evidence that can conclusively prove a hundred percent of the time that you know what's going on in that situation? It could say you have evidence that it happened this way before you have evidence that so times it goes this way, but you is very, very tough to say this is how it's always affinitive, yeah, okay, and that's why science so many times will when experimenting, try to make something clear and repeatable, because you want to say okay, this continues to happen. It wasn't just a one off, it wasn't just a fluke. It wasn't just that one time it happens. Often, okay, the scientific method is age, but the epistolis would say well what? If what? If that was you just did it enough times for it to repeat? If you did it one more time, you don't know that that's going to you're going to get the same, resoling yeah, that's just poking holes and you could pull calls and stuff all day. Yeah I mean is appointed. It is poking holes and stuff, though kind of I mean yeah, it's basically say you could always do that. It's basically it's skepticism. So it's saying you it's very, very, very hard for you to clusive say I know that what I know is true: What is it hard? It's very, very T. is it difficult? Yes, you don't know that. That's fair, pretty easy for me to do. I hate you. You are, but it's but you're a but is accurate. Let's look it. Let's look at y what you're doing right now, it's good, but I don't like it here. You brought this up a second ago. I want to dive into it Gosh. This is called the cart, Cartesian, evil, demon problem, it's a theory from Rene de Cart. That's one of my favorites because you mentioned you said: Renee Cart! Yes yeah! I thought that was is a term in a restaurant. Whenever you just want the entree now can I have the fish run at a card? Pasaen, it's actually a worship artist. Oh I've actually got a since yet a car yeah. No, he he talked about you just you said you only know something's true. If you experience it and what he said is no you don't because what he says he said you can't prove that your experiences are true either, and so he created this theory hold on what so he created this theory. He said we can't prove that what we're experiencing is universal, yes, but also more than that, just like you real. He said he said I could be, and he created this ridiculous scenario o not because he believed it, but to ilustrate point he said I could be strapped into a chair being fed at this experience by demon. Who is able to give me all these sensations. Give me all these perceptions and make my mind believe I'm in this world that I'm not when the reality is totally different, yeah and then someone out of the s like this, a really good movie, that's actually exactly when they got the Atamor Sense, and so I r the car was like you know I could be somewhere ordering a entree of chicken Renata, cart right and I in my head I could be like this is what chicken tastes like yeah. I don't know that yeah, that's exactly what I said. You can't trust. Anything is what the philosophy is. Yeah he's like he's. A your experience is a could be all entirely wrong everything you know sure everything experience could be wrong. So then you can't know for sure that any of this is reality. You just know that it's your experience currently of reality, which doesn't as true what, if I'm just like, made up in your head, it's possible that just blew our mind. Here's the thing! If you did really deep into this yeah, it becomes kind of tough to say you know anything because you either have to try, drive yourself insane doing that thing. T YEAH! You either had to trust somebody before you and be like. I trust that what you taught me is true right or what you you should do, or your wisdom is or you have to go experience, everything which is what a people in our culture are trying to do and both of those both of those are tough because one, if you trust everybody who teaches you someone's going to have it wrong, you sure learn some stuff that are wrong yeah and then also, if you go try to experience everything you can go crazy because you can't, and if you're the cart you could Bo if you're the car, but you o Ben Saying I can't trust my even if you experience it, you still could be wrong yeah, he saying even if you yeah o you cunjee already got enough anxiety. We don't got to put this one okay, but this is what social media saying is that, like? How do you know you know you don't know what the only way to to know is to experience everything yeah. You know I got to try everything exactly. It's gonna, try everything yeah and it's like. We want to try everything. Actually, you don't you don't and I think that's a we live in a very sceptical culture. That says I don't want to trust anything. Anybody says I don't want to trust authority on. Did you read teacher? What was the example? Where was that the island that the when the tsunami happened? They only had like seven deaths? I er, which book that was in. Do you now talk about very analogy her even an analogy with a real thing of like this unami killed thousands of people yeah, but on this one island in only killed seven, because you know they've passed down this wisdom for for generations, even though they've never had they haven't had a sunamite re. There was an earthquake yeah and they've been told this children's story, their entire lives that, when the ground shakes retreat to the mountains yeah you know and when the tide recedes go to the mountains yeah and they only lost seven people, because they, because, even though they had never experienced it before they had wisdom that they learned from yeah that they went to the mountains and they all sort out survived interesting, very interesting yeah. I think that's. I think that is a very good illustration for this, because we have a tendency in our culture today be skeptical of anybody who came before us. Anybody in kind of any kind of leadership, because the ACIS is what's leading right now is that enough things have panned out to be, and this will in maybe this is maybe our podcast helps feel. That is the number of stuff that you go. Oh, that's not what it seemed to be, or Oh, that was that turned out to be malicious yeah. You know then does feed those like well do we know for sure yeah exactly and I mean and that's the, but I don't think that people who ask questions like that should be the ones leading because that's what it that's where I'm getting annoyed is it's like just people all the guys do to be a thinker or to be intellectual, is Hube like well what? If what? If this is whatever you know, and it's said well, we should elect that guy then you're like no do not put that person in charge at all, and I think that will make that guy. Your Pastor, Hey, have you er heard of till in podcast March. That's right: We've got a full march store of tilling branded, teas mugs stickers, hoodies a lot more and we put out new designs with every episode, but those are only available for a limited time. So you got to get those wither hot text, tillandsia eight six, six to get access to our exclusive merchandise. I think that's where a pistol gy differs from like modern scepticism, cause monospecific, asking questions and really poking. I really was elegy is saying: can you justify the beliefs, and can you prove your belief? A true, and a lot of them is a like trusting this map. I can prove that this part of the map is true, which gives me reason to believe this part of the map. Exactly and a lot of seers of pisonous will go really far down that gravital to try to find an issue in it because they're going really far down that rabbit hold to try to see. Is this justified and I actually believe this, but you can drive yourself mad doing that, because, at the end of the day, you're always going to find a whole way. You're like well, I don't know for sure sure in that spot and so at the end of the day, at the end of the day, Howat might not be real, then the where it comes down to there has to come a moment where you say your choice to either keep trying to follow it and figure out the reason or just order to say I haven't the most disgusting fatty food. You can cause. You draw your body because you're not real. Nothing to do matters. You don't exist, eat whatever you want. Speaking of this week's host is our host art. This week's sponsor is now it's not but tribe, kitchen, yeah real mark. There got a brunch thing: it's like the Nashville, hot chicken business and Gravy, and it's I mean, got to be four or five sand, calories right, yeah, so yeah. How do you know because I've justified that experience? I believe that it's good. I have tasted that it's good. Therefore, it is good. Now there could be a demon. They're could be she a convention me that it's bit this is really good chicken. Is it? No that's true, he's just shoving a rod chicken down and for whatever reason, the de Iratis as well as that. What I think is we, I think, a lot there's no way that is all made up in my head, because I would looking around and I go there's no way. I would put myself through this stuff. That's what Covin really brought me to was like in my head. It's like if this is all in my head. I D have a better life. I'm serious! You know what have done better. You know maybe we're all in cones. Had I don't know they were all in like bill gate. They Elon Musk said, I don't know, maybe we're all in those people's had yeah. You know, but there's no way, we're in mind. There's no way, there's no way that you listening in your two thousand and three Chrysler minivan driving right now, your mourning commute to a job that you don't like. I really hope I'm re to real fell due. I hope somebody's listening right now and they're like what I'm gonna walk in the OFFICII quit they walk in with tears in their eyes, because they've cried in the parking lot they're like, I don't think, I'm real real. This is real. I'm going back to my cristine have to break up it's like. Oh, are you going to try to pull like this whole? God tell me to break up with you, it's like! No, I don't think we're real. What do you mean? This is. No though this is real is real, but can you justify that prove it, but it really is it's. This is where a lot of a lot of these I mean Sert comes from this because you have art, you have a history of in the reality, people who are at the top of the total pol get to decide what's TAT, and sometimes they leave out some stuff yeah and it's important to go back and learn what that stuff is. That has like so I mean there's not the same thing is happening with theology, yet tons of stuff, that's like, and I think, there's value in questioning and looking at the things that you've learned sure, especially when it comes to a world view yeah, you know, but does that mean that we have to to use a word deconstruct every part of our being yeah yeah? No, so no, I think I think, my honestly, why I wanted to bring this up. Is it is such a? I think it really is an issue today where people don't trust a lot of people, but at the same time they put too much trust in a lot of other things. Just because you watch a youtube videos or read opposed on social or honestly, with with everything we learned here, the things you learn in school there's a chance that those things are not justified. Tug beliefs, yeah, you might believe them, but just because one thing you- and this is the other thing too- is that just because this system taught you something that wasn't true doesn't mean everything the system tie. You wasn't true, absolutely true, yeah someone, one person could have done something really bad or said something that was false, that doesn't it's like throwing the demon out with the chair, you're strapped to you know, and that's I. It doesn't disqualify everything they said, but at the same time, just because you listen to one thing that talked about something doesn't mean you're an expert on it and it was it all the podcast and less it's our podcast, in which case you're, not even real, so you're made up in Tim's head really to me this by cast a big part of this podcast. Is I your h? Why is this show not more successful, but I I I a hundred episodes in and like we have with decent listener ship, but it's like Bro. You could do something about you make this way home some Sarah tone into our show. It's because the devil is right again and he wants it to be like yeah. It's just don't say the Devil's writing or shows like that. Like that yeah we give them our souls in a solo cup a few episodes ago. He also stole the end of your sentences. So all right, so that's why you brought it up was like listen. Things are fine yeah like I think I think the point is, if you're going to believe in a time timannee with. I think the point is it's just that you know it's a great episode. I think the point is, if you believe something more, if you, if you watch a video or a podcast or whatever, like sure the person, you listen to, might know what they're talking about, but don't take their word for it like if you want to really believe in that, go find another testimony or find other evidence justify that belief before you go out saying. Oh, this is the way the world works. That's a basically crazy conspiracy. It's the same thing of like this is a good example. Yeah all right give it to me. I know where you're calling you don't know where I'm going. I think I do if you're bind someone Amazon and it's got five star reviews, but it's only got three people who said that I don't trust those refuse, but if it's got four point, eight star reviews- and it's got like thirteen thousand reviews- trust it. I trust that was actually a really good example. That's a great example, because there's a bigger sample size yeah so, but unfortunately, right now were I why that guy, who had almost mice had a ton of them? You know I need more, an more mice, I need more. I need to prove it and it's a show. It's repeatable, I mean yeah yeah, that's true, that's fair! Your sample size is important. Yeah. You could have ended like that. I think the point is take a bigger sample size take a bigger sample size, but even more than that, it's if you, Google, something you can find. Whatever answer you want. That's true. That's true that, just mostly because Tim spins his day, writing like ten articles about the same thing with just different vehicles. You know you can find any of in Yo was yeah. You know every single tilling subject: There's a a very on Amoros lying Lani Zamor is correct lines on more was lying, but that doesn't mean every alien stories were on bally and thor is the close of the show. You know, there's a you can find an opinion on everything everything find what you want to believe and you can google it and you're going to find some high sport. I see we stop doing that. It's making everybody really mad on twitter. That's why everyone's blocking last proriger yeah anyways, she's wisdom, you some wisdom, you some wisdom, realize you probably don't know as much as you know, and that's: okay, it's okay to believe in something, even if you can't prove it, but don't be weird about it unless you have to. Unless you have your weird about it, also you're not real anyway. This has been a hundred episodes of our show. Thank you for listening to it, thanks for being here so offereth ngs are on that night is a production of space. Tim Media produced by Christian Taylor, audio by Ous, Garnett video by Conteret are graphics and or logo by Kaleb, but Goldberg and our social media is run by Calabar. Our host, our JERN myres and Tim Stone falls on your favorite social media platform at Tillin. PODCAST is till and podcast remember to tell all your friends about us and we'll see you next Tuesday for another episode of things I have on last night

How do you know what you know? That’s a weird question. It’s an important question to ask, though, and that question is at the heart of epistemology. Briefly, epistemology is a philosophical school of thought that seeks to understand knowledge. At its core, the hope is to determine if evidence can justify our beliefs. The system of thought has birthed … Read More

Mouse Utopia Experiment – This Experiment Tested Dangerous Behavioral Sink


Episode Transcription

Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey ma'am: what's up, have you ever heard of the mouse utopia? Experiment I don't want to. I don't even want to mount utopia experience or no. This is that game that we used to play as kids. What is a board game? Oh, what is that yeah master AP Mas Yeah, that's fun cause you have mastero. Now, Oh dude, you had to send a Lang and then, oh sorry, I forgot that my parents were richer than yours e. They weren't we were poor. We made some bad financial decisions and my my parents went into debt over mouse draft dude. My Fares, like my kid wants to mouse. Your parents are wise, you're like wait. You your parents are like you, can either go to college or get mouse tron after my parents are like you can do both buddy yea and they paid the price for it. You know your parents sat down and they were like they're like okay, we're going to the bank. Today they got there and like Hey, can we take it a personal loan and they're like yeah? What's the reason you know that port persons reasons there are er to the bank, why I need the money? Do you have to tell a bank while you need the money Cato a personal, long hell, but sometimes they make conferie they're like so. What's this for my own business? How about that Jerry? I'm laundering money in open a KFC yeah about with two and Dollar Watch me, Jerry, yeah, never say them legally. You have to save mine you're. Listening to this is the most Baga thing about you, Ansai cannibals. There are people at Hetter, he said you're a rap former. Now I was the person in the Mickey suit. He would force me to eat all of the other MASCO things. So the mouse utopia experiment not experience. I say experience wishes, which is actually the new the mouse utopia experience is the new section of Walt Disney world, BUT MOUSE UTOPIA, experiment is, is similar to the Stanford prison experiment actually kind of have. We talked about the same for spiting we have what it is kind of similar. So basically it was this guy. He was an ethologists is a what thologist. If there's an thologist ethnologist, is it thologist and ethologists which ethics no o? It's often confused with ethics is kind of similar, though it's a study of animal behavior, usually with like it's focusing on what how their behavior adapts and Circumcirca certain circumstances, okay, and so he did this. He crashed this experiment. This guy named John B Calhoun in the late and early S, and it began so there's kind of two iterations of the experiment will start with the first one. Well, actually, let's talk about the? Why I watch a Ted TOG about? What's your, why you know who was John B Calhoun's, which I hate, how you said: Calhoun Calhoun, what was this Liao as a come on Calhoun yeah, but you go calhoun. He told me. I jus told me before this I said: Do you think we need to damp in the corners in this room and put like some sand trement on there he's like wow he's like that? Only really matters for base, and I was like well, I lower my voice so that wasn't at yeah. Also, I I don't think pouring water on it's going to help that damp corner right. Alice goes in your next time and we sethos spraying aping the stamping in the room, a really a mess up or outlet less echoes. Oh Yeah. This is bad yeah. Our Electric is we're going to burn up any moment. It's pretty crazy, so hey alex if we ever died, while we're courting an episode, rely lysia the moment before we die yeah. No, no do it like those, never mind so calonnes in the. Why of what you're thinking? So he does experiments it's the s. A couple things are happening yeah over the past fifty years the world has just gone insane, so anybody who's alive. Then they saw two world wars, the Great Depression, the that dust bowl and his name and stuff. That does the only the biggest thing. The biggest thing that relates to this is the the roaring twenties were just Laden in sin. They saw the sin of the century, and so there was this big perception that the world was becoming a much more sinful place, because there's all this like pain and bloodshed and just promiscuity, promiscuity, promiscuo yeah, prop you think, that's where prom got its name, I think is they mean pro? You think they named Prom after a promise duty because they were like. I mean they knew what was going to happen and, like that's call problem. Let's move on from that cow Tsoo from them. I think that's where I came from Pan Penning, so you stress me out o there's this great move of people who were just like the world is going mad and everybody's awful yeah, which I think happens in every generation all the time. So there was this kind of impending feeling of societal collapse. Oh yeah, and coinciding with this was also this feeling of urbanization has reached this fever pitch yeah has never happened before all of a sudden cities are getting overcrowded, and at this time it's still the freeway and the sprawl is still a very new thing for cities, and so it's starting to get to point where set everyone's got cars and stuff. They do have cars, but it's still early enough in that to where there's not the sprawl, so they're running out of space in the cities, because people a lot of people can't commute yet because there's no free way the free ways as Tom still very young and a lot of cities, don't have it yet, and so there's this kind of impending feeling of were running out of space. We have more people than we have room for, and the people on the edge of town are looking at the fields across the street and they're like all that space, they turn around the people in the middle. So I feel it every time I like go through like Wyoming and people like running a space, and I go well. No, you just don't want to live in Wyoming you just don't like the places where they're speaking yeah you don't like the place that there's room for you. You want to be pleased with everybody. What was it he want, like so they're, panicking a little bit so there's kind of these two two big pressures, so I mean you know that London Yeah did you know that London is the is very close to the same square miles as what are you that totally effect, I told you. No, I wat tell you a fact that me and Reagan discovered. I told you this fact on the podcast in the hot tub that London, yes, is go ahead and tell me the fact that you think I'm going to share London is about the same amount of square miles. A spring film Missouri was no, I was gonna say all right. I was gonna say it's about the same squires Wichita, Kansas, all right. How about that? You not tell me that I I cant her par. It me, which one of US pays you neither of US okay. So how about you don't listen to either of us. You don't take orders from us all right, London, three thousand three hundred square miles, the Springfield metro includes so that includes probably Mount Vernon Branson so the whole anyway. All that includes Nixa Republic, definitely Ozark, definitely but anyways three thousand square miles. So so fifteen million people crammed there could live in that area. All Right! Listen! If you told me that in that episode, Here's I guarantee here's. What happened then all right, because because Reagan told me that more recently, I think yeah because she probably heard it in that as she heard of that episode and then she's been telling you next, she got from our show and you have a neat. You know what it's pretty interesting. She told me about this. You go on to believe this. She told her this guy that jumped out of a plane once stole all this money right. It was like C bd or something like C. my deeper CB duper. That's what I think all those! That's why everyone's like CBS, you know, isn't that what it is yeah. He started an oil company, big big fuel tycoon yeah anyway, so apparently anyway, I'm saying so they they are solution to the running out of space thing was to go up well kind of. I think London, one of the big things with London is, it's always been here, and so it's been around for much longer, and so they didn't have for much of its history. I lie that is in the same time as Jesus I mean. I think there might have been a talent there. I don't think T it was a big deal that was that was. I thought I had when I was out there in sequoia fuck. You know I just become a nature guy, you know, yeah, you know just become one of those dudes think about getting a super room. Actually was it well. It was settled depending on where you date the birth of Jesus, about twenty to thirty years after Jesus. So pretty close, so it's a really old town, and so they didn't have the opportunity to sprawl becaus. They didn't have cars o Spring Fi Missouri around, as i Jesus time fill, was actually founded. Twenty years before, Jesus Wow, depending on where you put Susie, you put Jesus and actually what's crazy, I er stares was there first labors La Orchas, not there a hundred, yes, Luisa, cork headed out on their adventure, and they were like, if only some one could throw some rolls, that's how it started their throwing rolls into the river to Lisan Clark. They were just bored, throwing their food away for their journey like men. Hopefully this journey doesn't take a long time because we wait lose our co o the food away. I was saying that lamberts was on the banks of the river, throwing Lewis and Clark roles, and you were going with their they're. Just like we're so bored, let's throw our food overboard here, you're on a road trip. You know you get that snack bag right and then you're just trying you like. I Bet I can catch this fun in on the antenna of the car. Next to us. Here we go, and so you just disk toss and Funnin on the iter stay. You ever been that board in time. Mom Has it ever happened to you? So what do they do about the crowding stuff yeah? So everyone's freaking out about this and this Guy John B Calhoun? He was like well I'm going to do an experiment and see what happens if we let this play out and so what he did is he got a bunch of rats? Mice, no rats. Oh later it was nice. Okay started out with rats. Well, first was bats, but they flew out of the enclosure like Oh, they can get away, and so experiment works for Vampires. So he set up this big enclosure that was separated into four sides: charater four sides of it and in between the sides there is a cross in the middle for each of the sides of an electric fence, so four corners electric fence separating all of them. So it's a square, yes with four squares inside yes and then separating them as an electric fence. Okay, on the bottom three, there is a big bridge that goes up over the electric fence, but just one so there's from the top right corner to the bottom right corner to the bottom left corner to the top right. But there's not one or the top when you're saying are you is this. This is laying on it's on this table. Yes, this is the angle you're looking it's not like it's up right, yeah! No, it's not upright yeah in fat, so, okay, but then the top left and top right are not connected by a bridge. So you can only go, only have a you, so you have to go down and around to get to Kay and so what he did as he did minor things to set up. If you will better places to live so there was like, for example, in the top left corner. The nesting space was at the top of this ramp, but the ramp was significantly taller, then all the other ones all of them had ramps. But this one was really really tall Kaya a little inconvenient because you had to go up, get to carry your couch all the way up there right where everybody else could just carry it right in the door. Yeah gotta get helpers yeah, but the bigger impact, the bigger impact, was the food supply. How big is this? I don't know exactly like probably room size. I don't know it's not huge, interesting but big enough to where you could have a few dozen rats in each section, so decent decent. So he s not on top of a table. No Definitely Not Table Top, definitely not table top like room size at least okay, and so, but the bigger impact was in two of the sections. There was feeders that were feeding full size pellets and into the sexier fears that were feeding powder, and so there was a clear difference in food and a clear difference in Nesting Zon Age, or that they had initially, it began to where everything kind of works normal, like the rats, were all going across the bridge and interacting with each other and giving food from the PALLAS getting fruit from the powder over time, though, as more generations of these rats were born into their habitation, how long this experiment last a long time a couple years, oh as more rats got born into it, got more to Adora and they got more population to it. A few really interesting things started happening, so there was what he described as like. The Beta males of the population would wake up really early way before sunrise and they would cross the bridges and they would go to where the pelts were and try to gather as many of the past as they could and bring them back to their side of the bridge. Before everybody else woke up once the Alphas woke up, they would go stand guard on the bridges and not let anybody get past them in real section of the habitation, and so that was why that happened. They all started being like. Well, we got to get up before they do and go get all of our. The same thing happens. Now you see these dudes with like tribal tattoos on their arms standing on bridges around town. You know, don't go to. I said of the bridal like rose out there, another bridge right down the street and they just like got a little boom box and they're blaring old, Joe rogen episodes. You know and they're, just like pretty good Awfur from the fore. It was like pub like Perrouse, like episode, twenty of Joe Rug, an pass saying yeah and it's like really bad audio quality, and it's like. Oh okay, yeah, that's exactly what's happening simultaneously. Do you think Alpha Brose, listen to our show? No Yeah? No, I you're listener to this is the most Bada thing about you. I hate that language. You, I hate all. I hate all those people who do that yeah, I mean to me in my head, like I don't use that language, but the dudes would like tribal tats who do use that language, like they call other people Batemans like that's the most Bata male behavior. You know I'm out like if you got to like tell me how much more powerful you are, the other people I feel like pretty not power, you're a weak little TORP, your weak little O, and I will punch you in the face over some full size, pellets. Okay, I want the full pellets. You know at Tillin we're not just a podcast we're a ministry and our hope is to continue to reach more people with the light and the joy of the Lord, because I remember at the center of all this, the core of who we are. Our main objective is to fiddle off the devil. If you want to help support us in that ministry, please join us on patron. We will get at free episodes, exclusive merchandise, a discord channel or we can discuss everything you want to talk about your dreams, your ideas, your problems, text till in to six six, eight, six! Six! Do you feel that relief anyway? Here's another advertisement, so so like this, so there were larger rats that would then stand guard and make sure that no one could get into their yeah. They started hoarding the food there's a little robin hood rats that were just climbing over the Robin Hood Rats: Oh Gosh, getting shocks for everybody else and throwing it over the fence yeah. No, that did happen. Another interesting. That thing happened, the taller than nesting enclosure, the worst the parenting became because it got harder for them to get up there and take care of their young, and so they found that the the mothers of the the rats that were in the lower enclosures would do everything that they rastell do to rear their children, but in the taller ones it was almost as if they were conserving energy because they didn't have as much food, and so they would come up, and they said that when they would move the rats around, they would often just kind of scatter them. They want t move them all together. They would just kind of toss them around wherever they ended up and they wouldn't feed all of them like they would only partially take care of them and do the bare minimum possible and then like get out of there, which was very, very odd, and so after seeing this result, his preliminary thought was there's something interesting happening here. When the population get got too big to sustain itself, behavior got really really out of whack people got, they broke into smaller groups, and they got really territorial and they also simultaneously started looking out for themselves more than they started. Looking out for the whole, the rents did yeah yeah, so you said people there, a personified, the rats. These were actually people yeah. I just at the end you're going to be like hey this whole time, haven to out rats. The rats were people, the rats there, their people with little the little hats, the little rat years like the. Why would they make them? Do that? Why would they be there rat? Why would that need to be part of the experiment? Timour find out a lot about human er, but I also want to demean them as much as possible eat these pellets Y rat. We head them pellets protein powder, and then we were surprised when they were like foaming at the mouth animalistic we were lighting each other. creer like this is wild. This is definitely because we made the nest too high, not because he doesn't we've been looking at people in these next year. Here's a nest for you yeah. I can't believe these these people, and so he was like he's like okay. He had the all these thoughts about how, as it olly populated things, got crazy yeah, but then he said well, you know what he said. I did kind of influence. This he's like I made some of their living conditions worse and I made it to where there were these kind of these bottle neck points for fights to happen. I mean those those rats were like killing each other on the bridges. Do you find a or e in the electric fence? Yeah, Hey Christine? It's a Italia, Barnet reference that pushing her into lector fans. I was trying to think of a wait a bit Christine merge with rat. I was like what names have rat in it, what what names? rately, Hey Rachel they'll change, their name. Okay, I was so were Adali. I hate that so so Calhoun was like okay. How can I take as much of my influence out of this experiment as possible, so he went and he found this farmer and he told the farmer he said put on these beers you're, a rap farmer now Kay snicker for me, okay, that's weird, but it'll work. Now I went to this farm and he was like Hey. Can I use some of your land for an experiment? I know everyone's freaking about a out about everyone loves in space, but can I use some of your space and the farmer was like sure you can, but an experiment on my land like there's some wooded areas over there to do whatever you need to do. He didn't expect Cahoun to Chot down a bunch of trees and build an ager long like an Acre Square Acre enclosure for mis the guy. The FIR was just like I mean I did tell him. He could do it. I mean, I guess technically. I said Yes to this. Just hear about their three am just hammering stuff jus and the rat farmer's wife is like Hatty than you came to each other. We're got to put. We got to put a little captions underneath these that's him going. I made a commitment we're following through. That's, don't you give me that attitude? I hear the tone in your clicks. She feels this much much larger and close yeah for mice which are smaller Ehan. He got nice this time he's. I can fit more of these in here and he put a few dozen groups together and he didn't do anything different like He. Just it e ad, a bunch of random foods for were the same and well, there wasn't for a separate sections, so it was one massive, open computer and then he put a few food like. What do you call those things where it's like? He put the food of Es Yeah feeders, you put a few feeders all the same food. There was nothing in it. That was like okay, there's room for inequality here, basically, and he built a bunch of like nesting zones that were like same high. You know whatever, so there's no room for any of them to get stuck with. Is it enclosed over top? I don't know, actually are there like what the Dome with a fake sky on it? Just now, I'm saying like we're on the boys. Some other lives are standing on the street and they're like flat, dog or flat COS ICOS Ere Earth. So, like I was like no, this is a globe. The Sky is not real, like the like. I've been to the end of the closure, there's a wall so anyway, it's the true mice show, and so, but I'm saying like, were there predators in there at all? No, no, no, no so it's just the nice they're, the only ones in there. Okay, so I would imagine, probably in close as it's just an acre on this farmer's land yeah, how ye going to keep like hawks and stuff like that, so it must be, must be enclosed, but there's no there's no like pictures or videos of this experiment anywhere. He can refer. He Walt that's what he prove he did his experience. Well, I don't know: ask the RAT farmersyeah. The rat farmer has a pretty good eh and former skip town. So so so he puts all these these mice. In there and over the first about year, every hundred days, or so they would double in population, but they stayed pretty gripped up into almost families, so groups of rats that were reproducing together stay stuck together and they kind of stayed on their own thing and got food from the same place, nested in the same place and kind of were separate from each other sure. But after about a year there multicast doubled. So every fifty days they were doubling the the whole population was doubling. And when that happened, some interesting things started to happen. One the Beta mail started to arise again, and so there was this, this structure of Alphas and Abatis, and the bat is what the man is did. Is They for some reason, just all packed together in the center of this Acre white enclosure and they just kind of stuck together in the middle there and never really went out every once in a while all the altas for no clear reason. We just come bite them and then just leave, and so they had this little spot where the rest of deserve Niti just O. observing all this. I mean he just he's watching from the the wall, with a little like a like. Just like hen takes notes, it's just like Bata Bat, weak little bathos, yeah althaemenes drove their large trucks over to the center of the like Alpha males, open, a Ford plant and so and what was what was interesting? is they just kind of lived in the state of constant fear? They seemed very jumpy, very skittish, the better the Badami yeah in the center in that center, and they just stayed in that center, so afraid to the point that on occasion they would something would happen and they would freak out on each other, and so they would just kind of brawl each other and often times it would kind of be this everyone against one mentality, so one person would make a setten movement and everyone would just kind of mob them and that one would just kind of lay down and just take the beating until it was over, and then they would just kind of chill together again like they would just that was their. That one was just like okay. This is this. Is My life now? What were the Alpha males do when they were just like watching them, yeah, so the offis kind of Split, but were they bade him as killing each other in the middle? No, they were just beating the tar out of each other on a great occasion just because they got spooked like they weren't. They weren't like like malicious toward each other. But like someone, woe like a sad of moving everyone be, like God, a lot and then the bee. Oh that's Tom! Sorry, then, and it's like it's okay, I just I be eventually. I thought you were one of the Os other ones. The ouse go back to being a herd in the middle. The Alpha split into these different groups as well, and they are very there's, like gangs, yeah they're, a very odd selection of out this. You know so there was: let's just go down the line. There was a group of cannibals that there was no reason for them to there's plenty of food, but for some reason they would just go eat other mice like they would find them and they would kill them and they would eat them and there was no reason for it whatsoever. He was very perplexed by that behavior. They were kind of the most feared people in the in the whole place no way so. There's just there's a group of Cannibals Group of Cannibal, there's a so there's a group of sexual deviance, and so these were people who they started. You got quit saying people dude you gotta clarify that these are mice. Okay, you CUSA. These are people who just win at each other, like you're, giving too much personality to these mice. So there was this group of mice that initially legally you have to say mice. So there's these group of mice that for some reason they stopped mating for reproduction yeah. They just constantly wanted to mate and they had no preference of who their partner was and male female adult it didn't matter. They were just going around and finding people to just do their sexual deviation with my Finin wine for finding the reseeking. You look down this little mouse on your doe you're, like a theory V. So there's that group yeah and then there's the cannibals in response. There is the recluses and so a bunch of them. There, reclusive recluses, reclusive recluses Calhoun's got recluses, so they built so they had the the the nesting yealing. But these guys they built they dug tunnels and they lived in these tunnels and they would only come out. I guess they could a ink. They could have dug underneath the fence they got out. Did it on e Ground Dome as well? That was what that was why some of them thought it was around Earth. Okay, they reached the the underground dome, so some of them dug and they would only come out to eat or drink, and then they would go hide in their tunnels again, and so because they were like society. It can't be a part of this society, anymore, yeah, people, mice, are crazy out there and then a lot of the women in the society female mice, a lot of the female mice in the society, Women Yeah I wim ice, but okay, they stopped journeying down out of the nest. They stayed in the nes twenty or seven they cramped out and as literally the way, the researcher states it is. He said they can't out in their apartments, and so they stayed up in the apartments. Now there was house mice yeah. If they were lucky, they had one of those males that would bring them food most of them didn't so the majority of the litters started dying out because they didn't have because they an't lition yeah, because the mothers wouldn't leave because it was too dangerous, they would leave, and there was they had to worry about the canibals, the deviants and the Betas, who, if you spook them, they just mouse, yeah, yeah and so society for these rats got really really crazy for a while, and it didn't happen until the population got really really big. There was still plenty of food, there are still a good amount of space, but for some reason, once the population hit a certain point, behaviors hit a fever pitch and- and so his theory was that if there is too much population that in event that he a term behavior sink occurs where animals and his theory is, maybe people would then begin to deviate their behavior. So you would have things like the sexual deviants right have things, cannibalism and then poor, parenting, reclusion and then huddling into groups like yours and then fighting each other win and in fighting as a response to this dangerous world around you, I guess and so behavioral sink became his kind of post. Her child phrase that people in that culture were using because yeah they looked the same thing as my mentality, yeah yeah kind of, and so they just looked to the world around them and they said Hey. These cities are getting bigger and bigger, and the lifestyles and those cities are getting worse and worse, and so they started a lot of people start to believe that behavior sink was a real phenomena that was happening in human in human people, start think that behavior sink happen in human. There was this podcast that one of the Nice started in their society and the guy was like. You got to stop calling the mice you need to call them humans. I come on man, kind of call them human, and so the expectation was when you overpopulate, you affect behavior yeah, and then people begin to do things and the only solution so nervous. What is the solution to him? So he's the thing he's like well, he solution is to kill half of these minds. Calhoun, never provided a solution. Interesting! Okay! He only provided here is the research is research. Okay. What he did say is he said when, over time as new generations couldn't survive, only a couple of the letters were surviving and then everyone's getting cannibalized and killed by each other out in the streets. Eventually, population started to decline and he said after declined. After about a year of this declinante at normalized behavior started to become a little bit more regular. Hey you ever heard of dylan merchandise. That's right! We've got a full store of branded teas mugs hoodies stickers, a lot more all of its available online. If you just text tillin to six six, eight six, six we'll send you a link for all of that and we put out new designs with every episode, but those are only available for a limited time, so get them while they're hot, so things level out. If it is leveled out. Eventually, our population is decreasing. Is it okay? It's pretty pretty well increasing, still, oh really guys having as kids quit it quit it. You you're going to make canace on my voice. Yeah, your kids are either going to be cannibals or be cannibalized. This is where they're going to live in a whole facts. Don't care about your feelings? Okay! This is real! No, I feel like there's too many anxious people who listen to our show. That's not going to happen! YOU'RE, fine! So in the seventh. As long as you don't need, people, so least, don't need people, so this was why they accepted as as hey. If we have too many people, people are going to go crazy, yeah and the I. There are people in small towns who still think that about cities yeah, because it is true, like you get that many people together like there are deviens in any society, but you get a big enough place where you get em enough of them together, they are going to be a lot of people who are have devi and behavior and do crazy stuff. Yeah. There's a lot there's a lot more cannibals in the city than there are in a small town just because of park capita. These no anse city cannibals, a hundred percent. There are people in the city that each other guaranteed guaranteed. Stop It. I don't doubt it. I don't. There's people soapless, there's nobody here de Moyne, now there's nobody here who eats anybody c Cleveland Clava has a lot of canibals is in the sea. You know they're trying to to see names at Ohio, a lot of cannibals Hannibal Missouri a can he. I kiote guys like S, we're not going to get any new produce that moves in we're not going to get any at an age that like Channibal, I hate everything about you. Okay, so in the S, deviance is at an all time, high you're having things like wood stock and fire fast and okay, and- and I was that one that we talked about me- want to know that I cum social yeah, there's just debauchery the butchers everywhere, and so everyone thinking it's curing the roaring s o Ron, everyone's thinking how man, the psychologist was right, but in the s but a psychologist, Jonathan Friedman said I don't think so. I think there was something else going on there. So he said I'm going to update any. He said I'm going to get a bunch of high schoolers, I'm going to put rattier on their head, I'm not going to put them in enclosure for a couple years, see what happens now. So he got a bunch of high school students and Oh, he really did get high school th high school students and university students and then went to that same farmer said. Do you still have that enclosure? A Hey? Can I use a little bit of space in l and he built a high school. Far was talking to his wife. He was like he was like he's think about all the food in the lunch rooms. We won't the farm anymore. We can just take it for the lives like we can get the government pellets, those public school pellets, and so he set up a situation where he was just monitoring them at school. So they went to school. High School is an university students and he monitored the Haus Walker on the hallways, like hiding and lockers and stuff like he just aint, a walker, take a nose, hole, cock people are doing the little combinations and right next to it, he's sitting there. It's someone to other combination that can't get it and he's like Sthir two. Yes, that was the moment that that guy became a Christian yeah. The Guy met God. He told me some more over my locker up. That's my testimony. If it wasn't for him, I'd still be at that Loeta yeah, I wouldn't have he just high he's he's dressing up as a Ganger. It's got a fake mustache walking around. You know, sweepin stuff, a kid throws up the ground and he's just like with a broom, not even mopping it just with a broom just like, as he doesn't know how to janitor. You know he doesn't know how to he isn't at a a janitorial thing like on is school, not caninis. He would yeah janitor junior college, that's exactly what it is yeah and he's just over there. The kids are walking by a he's, just yeah yeah. How long did it take for cannibals to show over the high school only a couple months, so he measured their stress through discomfort, how competitive they became and how unpleasant they were. He said to be like interviews with him. How was he, how was he measuring those things? I don't know he was monitoring the behavior as what okay it. As so. I don't know what that means. Yeah. I think you might be closer to reality and then, after they probably knew he was doing it. I don't really think he was hiding in like was watching him for a distance like, I think I think she can. He was probably asking you know some questions, and so after he studied, and so what he did is he studied smaller schools in bigger schools to see the difference in the size of the population in the school and how it affected their behavior of the students and he didn't find any connection in the size of the school and so what he said. After the after his research concluded, he said: CAHOON's work was not simply about density and a physical sense as a number of individuals per like square unit of whatever surface yeah. He said, but it was about degrees of social interaction, and so he says he thinks what was happening was in the in his mice experiment. He said there was, as the population grew, there was more deviance in that society and those devions began to take over. It was not as much of a because population grew. Everybody started to deviate. He said that, because Papato grew, there was more of an opportunity for deviens and then those devions crewed together and unfortunately, there was no sort of ruling group that could quell the deviance the devas just kind of took over. They were like barbarians invading the town and yeah doing whatever they wanted with it. When the high schools, he said that there was no there's, no connection to that. You had the same per capita rate of people behaving or use had an ever ster whatever, but there was a group that could control them that helped limit that yeah. So he was like we a principal yeah, we mean. Would you believe it is a giant rat right? The only way to control the humans as to have a giant rat run around the highschool. Tell you what I I it like an animal anamorphic rat. It is. This: Is Ours six feet tall giant ran on it through the hall on me right now, would you respect a pale white guy in his s? All right, who used to be a history teacher won his way through the ranks that small school hasn't quite reach. The end of us all the way he's got blueberry muffin crumbs in it. You know you respect that guy or do you respect a giant rat yeah man? Mr Mouse came the class room the other day and Danny was smoking a joint and he ate him. So don't cross ter mouse, don't the rat do it, but he goes by Mr Mouse, and I don't know if he goes by that, because all he does is go and then we don't actually know his name. We gave him that name. That's probably. Why is eating this? You know I'm a hat he's actually the headline speaker at the Teachers Association, because the act scores have skyrocketed. I mean, like kids, o what rate yeah yeah. You should see him in his suit. He got yeah because he goes and they're like wow dude Kaye get below a thirty three on this he's literally going to eat our entire family set. So I'm goin to eat us all yeah, but he drives a really cool like Mercedes. You know rives at home, exactly he's got vertiges in his tail goes up and out the opposite, and I asks opping he's got that window rolled out, but it's just like pinched in the door. I think he cares a brief case to demand respect. You know, there's not a la cheese. The brief case is full of normal size rack. He goes home to his nest. You know in the farm yeah talk about Alpha, males, I'll, tell you what he's he's up there so yeah. So calhoun's conclusions were basically. If we let population get too big we're going to have a lot of bad people, Yeah Freeman's conclusions. We conclusions were there: Will there is just a percentage yeah, the higher population you have now I, if those can band together, that's when it's dangerous and he's as great and the there's Facebo groups full of them true. But his point was more Freeman's point was more: You have to have people who will stand up to them. Yeah you got to have everybody just hides in their circle in the send of the group, goes up in their apartments or dicks holes and hides in the holes. Then the deviance will rule society, but that is why, like that's where I think I think we have institutions that do that whole people accountable right, but as the trust and institutions crumbles yeah, which is, is yeah. You know the people, don't trust the justice system to deliver justice. You know- and I think the issue with that is in a lot of those situations, Devi and start working. The way into those organizations that are supposed to be holding people account yeah, yeah, right right, and so as that accountability and that trust is gone and also there's social media. This is where I make the show all the time of the you know your crazy uncle at Thanksgiving used to be just your crazy uncle with his weird ideas: yeah, but now he's in a facebook group with ten thousand other crazy uncles and they're just reinforcing each other's ideas. Exactly they're like we, we should go out and eat people. You know that that was that's kind of where Freeman takes its for you, like yeah. you see that the the camel group got really big because they ate everybody else and they had all the power the that Beta grin O at. Maybe I should a eating people keep it in with the people who are eating people exactly like those behaviors became. If you wanted to succeed in that society that birth inside Calhoun's experiment was, you had to start eating other mice or you had to become a sexual devant or you just had to hide out those were kind of your options, and so it became a matter of survival of well. What am I going to be you can? Who Am I real? Who Am? I am I cannibal, and my sexual dva E'RE NOT gonna hide in a hole which one would you do I mean I'll say when I was in high school. I wanted a bunker, so bad yeah. I know that's what I was saying. I know you're a bunker guy this one of the rows fast yeah. So how long was the high school observations? I don't know? I think a couple O years. I think he watched them through so then, what conclusions can we walk away with it? Is there any like, because I mean I feel like they're, both just like yeah, the person was kind of wrong. Well Yeah. I think I think the bigger thing vans exist. There's no hope there yeah. I think I think, with Freedon and I think free mins. The conclusion you have to take because I think it I think cahen experiment was interesting to watch that yeah the devens kind of took over there, but he is right. There is no power structure, there's no systems yeah that can exist. That is a difference between humans and animals, as well as our ability to make systems yeah and our ability to override our desires. Yeah Yep Yep Yep, because you have a desire to punch someone in the face, but you can go. No, that's not productive. You know that doesn't help anything yeah yeah. So I think I think you have to look at Freeman's results, because one I mean he did actually study people, not mice, people, not people dressed his mind yeah, who were who were belittled every day into thinking, yeah, announce you're, a mouse and you're a DVAR mouse to like you're, not even a good mouse dv Mouse. I just need some want to tell me I'm a good mouse. You know dva mouse. He s sounds like a two Usan blog yeah toad and for em dvosh sounds like a disgruntled ex Disney employee who then goes online and starts a whole forum for people who are trying to take down Disney. You know it's like share your horror stories of working for Disney. I have this Devatas, it's a whole form of people who are like. Oh my gosh man I had to. I was the person in the Mickey suit. They would force me to eat all the other mascots e Goofy, fro Epcot was super weird. When they first started it have we have we done it up. We haven't done an episode about Eco, haven't I'm sure about it. Yeah there was actually also a canibal mouse group that was run by the shift managers. That was not a real cannibalism yeah there were Trito, get people fired yeah, but you know so I think I think yeah. I E O et Freedman, though, because Freeman, actually, you keep saying Freedman it's Freedman, there's a d: okay, Yeah Free O, you keys switchin between Freeman and Freedman, not just sometimes the DIS, a little less pronounced. Okay, okay, all right everything go ahead, because because one of the stud humans, not mice, but two, he noted that hey. There was no real connection in the size of the group okaybut. It was he his theory. Is that it's more of the social structures outside the DEVAN groups to control the deviens yeah exactly so. If there's a if there's a structure, if society allows DP behavior, then it will contain it well. But as long as society says this is this is not okay yeah. So you point to things like Las Vegas right, there's a place where DV and behaviors allowed and Devin an behavior is encouraged a lot yeah, but you go to places like I. Don't know Ol Iowa, yeah, small town, you say you say the sword which to them is shut up. You say that you're right get it. You know I'm telling you yeah yeah, so it's the social structure that controls the deviens, not the size of the sure, the Suchan mice didn't don't have social structure. No, no, so they just either were killed or be killed. Basically, no as their society grew too big, but to leave it Calhoun's one big conclusion: he said that he thinks that the fate of population, as it goes too big, is that of revelation to eleven, where, where it talks about how there is a second death and so the first, the social breakdown of society is the spiritual death and this tares death and that's what we saw happen in the mouse. The second death is the bodily death of the people, and he says our society has already experienced it's first death because of the collapse of. Are you joking ers is what he said. This is, I said: okay, I thought you're doing A. I thought, because your tone of voice shifted to now. He was serious. I just didn't: take it serious, okay, okay, so he says that we're headed toward a second death. Well, I mean everybody's always headed towards dying yeah working. This is a hopeful episode. I love this well now. The Hope I love that someone can listen to this and they can get into this episode and they go man. Here's the hunters break. Here's the help when your friends do bad stuff call him out on it. That was Freeman's point and if you have people around you who suck tell them to stop it, that's what keeps people from Secchi people from taking over okay. I stand up to it. So yeah, there's a there's, the moral, the story cool if you're ever in, I don't know lost Angeles Amen. is a man running down the street with being chased by a giant rat? You step is one of that around and you go no! No! You Go. You be really useful. Thou be really Carlo because you gotta go your bite. Your fingers up because is eat me. What is no is eat me, so be very listen to the difference. Eat Me. No E, the fair careful. No, I hear it yeah you're right, you're, right, you're, right, you're, right, there's a different yeah! Also you could also instead of know. You know I would be right, but if you did, if you added a third at the that's fiddle off question things are, then that night is a production of space. Tim Media produced by Christian Taylor, audio by as Garnett video by Coner, bets or graphics, and our logo by Kaleb Goldberg and our social media is one by Kelaba. Our host are JERN myres and Tim Stone falls on your favorite social media platform at Tillin. PODCAST is till and podcast remember to tell all your friends about us and we'll see you next Tuesday for another episode of things I have on last night. I

Throughout history, generations watched as the younger generation took the helm. With each transition of power, the older generation has often disapproved of the behavior and decisions of the younger. This was particularly evident in the early 20th century. Events like the roaring ’20s, the world wars, and the great depression left people wondering if the world was ending. Some … Read More

Satan – How The Devil Became Scary, Red and Got Horns


Episode Transcription

Made for robots, by robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey ma'am, what's going on, have you ever heard of Satan? Are you really going to come in this hot? Are you serious yeah? Let's talk about the devil, I'm sweating right now I get nervous, is epist coming out at the beginning of the Christmas season very crazy Christmas. Let's talk about Satan, we have the ONSTAR button. They give you a tone. Ye Do startkey that you know what I don't need in their job, but I do want to go interview for the jobs as he was a cabin a resume but yeah I was an exile or in the question of the desne's close his before hoppy lobby stole them the emperor of Babylas, a pices right things. Are you serious, yeah, I'm serious I've heard of him really he's the thing I've seen some of his work got a a you know, not oppressed. You know. We have different goals in mind. I E say probably my least favorite person, entit being yeah yeah, see here's the thing you always say you want me to put my degree to work here. We go. Let's talk about, so you want to do a theological. Here's! The thing I want to do another little caesars I want to do something: that's not controversial and instead you're going to do Satan's, not contra. He said you're going to do theology, you told me, you said why don't you put your idol agree? Why don't you put your degree to work? You know who I think I had this idea, not even using catones for this idea of your ear, all right trying to tear down this show you guys are getting a lot of views. You should talk about thinking about me Takin about me. That's good! That's how he talks man, okay, so we're legitime got to was so you're not going to spend this to be like it's, this band in the ties or whatever now Satan's Nalin, the aliens have theology of their own. I mean if they exist, I'm sure they do okay, so so we're actually get into a Satan. Yeah Satan, also known as a Devil, also called Lucifer Aka Ka here's the thing a lot of what, when you think of Satan, let's do this when you think it's sayin. What do you think well? Do you want me to do you one you made it play I'll play into your new here. We go sweet thanks. What I think of is like the Little Red Guy on your shoulder. You Know Yeah and the little pitch fork and the tail yeah he little tail at the spike yeah the hoofs yeah, the horns, you could artist say anything on yeah, yeah, yeah, the port, scard veins yeah. So there's this picture of Satan that we have today. That's like some Red Dude, where I come from yeah and there's the picture of not just what he looks like, but also hell, yeah well, yeah, that's a whole or thing we're not going to hell today, but then there's also there's also this just who he is by like what he does in his role and all the stuff. That's like can't really find it in the Bible. Okay, so I thought it'd be cool. Let's just talk about the history of Satan. Where did Satan come from so Satan was born. Is this for his wikipedia page yeah? They got his birthday. Forty seven thousand million ad BC at his bro isn't even born, yet no okay. So here's the thing. The first time you see a character that in the Bible you could relate to the satin is the guard is the beginning, the very beginning, with the the serpent super, never name. They never named this guy and he's he's just a tempter. He comes in, he tempts them and then he's just disappears from the story and then throughout the rest of the Hebrew Bible. You don't have much reference to a Satan. There's a lot of false gods and other gods. Bale is pretty prevalent, mention astrot is pretty prevalent, but you don't see Satan very often and when you do it's interesting, because that that Hebrew word that's being used. D Is The word Satan which we pronounce Satan, but it just means enemy or a fuser yeah, and so it's not used to define a person, and we know that because it's actually used every time. We see it in the Hebrew Bible with a definite article to say this is something defining the role of the person, not the name. Okay, the character in that story, so the name is not Satan. Probabit, not saying it's not a particular it a description, yeah, it's a description of his role of what he does, and so you actually see in the job, because he in that in the story he's the ancillary hate. I was making sure we're got to terms right. You know so job in story in the book of Job. If you've read the bucket job and you didn't have a lot of background on Satan or the Hebrew language, you probably would be really confused the beginning of this book because in the very beginning this book Satan comes to God in the council. So I says, God was with his counsel and Satan shows up and Satan says hey. I don't think Joe Really believes in you. Let me make his life pretty rough and we'll see if he still believes in you and God's like sure, go ahead, which is like, like no joke, which is like all right, pretty tough yeah, it's the oldest book. We have in the Bible, here's the first one written like by date. So the world was very different, then is one thing we just have to acknowledge and so their view on who God was, and what a good God would be. But Joe was the first one we got yeah. It was the first book, and so you have to acknowedged that before you approach that book to begin with, but you also looking at that. You have to realize that the Satan who comes in this story is a person who's, filling a role of the enemy, the accuser, the tempter, he's a person who's, a part of this divine counsel that God has which the Bible references a couple of times, which is just this group of basically angelic beings who help God see forth his mission yeah and for some reason, there's a guy in it who's supposed to go. His Jo is just like yeah, let's mess us up y. Ah, that's what we were trying to take a little tricky hate. We we're trying to do so kind of which is weird and doesn't make a lot of sense. But that's that's what's being explained. Her is not that the devil is just shows up and is like hey. This guy isn't really par. I dont like job yeah, that's not what happened! Yeah Yeah! I don't know, I want to fight him, okay, and so so it's it's still difficult to chew on in our Western minds, because you're like well, why do God say okay to that, but it's easier than the devil coming to God and saying, and God be sure, do what you want man it was. It was a guy who was fulfilling a role that God had given this so they're just going around the council God's like all right guys re come to job. I was thinking about like doing some good stuff a thin and everyone was like yeah. We should like really yeah. We should do some good stuff. You know great okay, good, stuff, good, stuff, good stuff, great okay, and then you just hear guys and everyone does yes the enemy. First of all, I was to go to on son name for my job. I was thinking o doing some bad things to him. The interesting point continue ye flesh this out. Yes, a little bit yeah. I just want to want to make his life as tough as possible and to see if he still likes you yeah. That's got interesting. Haven't done that yet I hadn't thought about. I mean so far. It's all been good, so motion pass all right, like what kind of which is really weird. It is really weird it's tough to deal with, but that's the story we get right, okay, other than that. There's a couple quick passes to their other stories. Do the other Gods at this time have counsels there's not a reference to it? Okay, so you can't say for sure I mean there does seem to be. You might be able to say that they are at least in collusion together. Maybe I don't mean like with God with Creator, God, no, I mean like yeah yeah, there's, there's evidence that maybe and it's it o d be very circumstantial, like I'd, be tough to say for sure, but you could say maybe that these other, like, like spiritual being, they were working together at a purpose, but I there's nothing clear but anyways. That's really! All you get in the Old Testament, a couple of references to there being some sort of spiritual enemy who is deceiving us and then also in some occasions. A member of God's counsel, who is his role, is to deceive deceive for the purpose of apparently like testing. People is what it seems like and then the Jews going to exile and Babylon, and so this is this is an interesting period. So after I what the events of the Old Testament and then there's the New Testament there's a period of a couple hundred years referred to as the Inner Testament al period, which really fades further past the time of when the event its happen B. It's just at the time in between the writings. What's this seven year gap in your resume, that's my inner testamenta period. I see you work at subway and then there's just a few years here, where there's not a lot there, a as an exile, Babylon, it's pretty horrible, I'm gonna I want to. I just want to go. You know what I don't need a their job, but I do want to go interview for some jobs. The was a capita resume but yeah I was an exile yeah. I don't worry about that. That's a tough at learned, a lot of it! Well, you know there was an enemy and you know I wouldn't call him. I wouldn't call him enemy, that's not a name. You know yeah, it was like you know it was his role. Is Role was to be my enemy yeah? I think God put him there. If I was really to break it down. I think he's part of a council they're like okay. I think we're going to pass on his roll. You know what I realized. I was in the ocean. My plane had just got down. I was in the ocean and I thought this is the enemy you know but wait. Here's the thing, here's a thing. What I learned from that is my biggest weakness is actually my strength, and so you don't see you right in that down. You should write that down. You should tell your your supervisor that Jus, right biggest weakness is biggest strength, his biggest trees. Actually, all right, I for so writing it upside down like what is this macaronic real you're rig your name on the table. Have you or a love, one been diagnosed with too many advertisements during the till an podcast? Have we got good news for you, our patrons, enjoy, add free experience and to get early access to content behind the scene, stuff, exclusive merchandise and access to a private discord channel. We we all are in it our producers and the hosts. So if you'd like to be a patron today and solve that problem, why don't you text till in to six D, sixty eight six six, so so during during their exile yeah? What happened Babylon came took, took over and he's like you're a Bablon now and they're like no we're not and they're like. Yes, you are there like yeah, you yeah you are, and so it is really rough. It was a really really rough period. They just place a lot of people destroyed. All the temples destroyed a lot of homes and everything, and just is what empires do you know, took over and like your one of us now it's I was really really tough period and when you look at a lot of the writings in that period, some very interesting things happen like cultural Shis, within Judaism, one of the biggest ones to the biggest ones less well. Look at to him. The first one there is. This shift of. There is a an evil power at work gray that had never really been much of a point. In Judaism there was, there was the serpent. There was other evil spirits out there, but they didn't really care they're, like we worshipped, O God. Above all of them, we don't give a crap, but now, in this inner testamenta period, where they're in exile in Babylon, all of a sudden, the enemy becomes a bigger player. Yeah. The enemy is really important because they're living in this situation, where they're kind of their living underneath an enemy and a lot of them, politicized that in the anime is now the emperor and now Babylon, and so especially when you look at a lot of the latter profits and a lot of some of the psalms and stuff you hear all throughout that Babylon is a word used a lot as an evil, because in their eyes that was the picture of evil in the world and when they got taken over by them, it just got amplified even more. I M Goin name my kid on Er Roddy, any Myers yeah. This is a little baby alone on neest baby long baby, Lawn Babylon baboon. I hate you Bablon baby one. I didn't even pick up on that. Okay, so I know you didn't you were like lying in are what was I like, my alright you? So he don't don't get about of me, get mad of the enemy, the other big shift yeah. I was the nation of Babylon. They were. They believed ensor Astrans, which was a big RELIONI. That big word for astrology, so so the the emperor of Babylon was a pices right so and we all know how they are. You know, and so it just got pretty crazy and I did have bloggersto explain what was going on back then, and in that faith there was a chief enemy who was rebelling against the chief good and they were described as the light in the dark and they were at war with each other and over the course of their time and exile. You see their teachings start to kind of adopt that view with cristy adopt the view or they start to use that framework to discuss their view. I mean it's probably began more like that yeah, but over time it began to morph to where it was like. Oh No, there is a evil God, and there is a good God and they're at war with each other interested and they started, and you could tell when you're reading a lot of the Inter testamenta text, which aren't biblical texts, but there their extra biblical stuff that we still have they were in. Oh, my Gosh, I'm John a blank right now, the Cleveland he found them. We found them in Cleveland the de course yeah they were there. They were in the Colection wit, The des Crawls. This is before happy lobby stole them before I ha la O, O be like we didn't steal them. We bottom, let's different them from a guy who stole them, but we bought up he's the bad guy yeah. So so he's the enemy. You might call him Satan we're the good guy. You start to see this shift in the writing about them, as if there's this powerful God and in their references back to the story in genesis to joe to other references throughout Isaiah and Ezekiel can start to see. There's this narrative that begins to arrive within Judaism of this is the enemy. It's no longer a enemy, it's no longer another spiritual being that has rebelled from God, but it is the chief of enemies, interesting, okay, and it appears that in this period also there's the story- and I say a I think, it's Isa. I could be wrong in that. I A but yeah he okay. Where is often the the narrative where we get the idea that Satan fell from heaven yeah and in that it says something along the lines of an Imparai play. It says the Don Star felt, fell and brought down a tenth of the stars with him and is cursed. Basically, the interesting thing about that passage is the beginning of that passage, says basically an oracle about Babylon and so they're sang we're talking about Babylon following, but at some point they read that into them, and maybe partially because of their experience in Bablon, where they painted Babylon. As the devil started to say, that's a story of Satan falling from heaven is using okay lace, okay, which Don Star an interesting little little tip of her doncaradam Venus, and so they called Venus the Don Star because it rose with the sun yea and the Latin translation of that phrase was Lucifer because Lucifer means brings the light. An we got the name Lucifer so so don star is not just the button in your Chevy car, but you click wherever you need help you're saying Don star is in the pible Yeah Don Start Down Star Dancer, you have the on star button. They come, they give you a toe, yeadon star button. It takes you to he. Let me warn you they're, pretty close to each other. So I, like you a flat tire like Oh man, you know becassin that the dilemma you know what's really interesting is now you fast forward into the New Testament and you start to see it a lot of these cultural changes that to happen yeah, because if you look at Old Testament, the devil's rarely reference this so really reference. So you think that it could have started as then trying to speak to the culture using their I'm, not making a joke. I'm going with you yeah yeah. I think that is in their framework and then what happened is that they got themselves. They got yeah taken over yeah, but I think I think I think that's accurate and you look at a lot of the letters and it seems like they had a very similar view of who the devil that that the devil was and how this sort of spiritual warfare worked. Okay, which is very interesting- and I feel like I feel like we need to make it an a Denda, real, quick before we get into where things get more interesting. I I I, the Bible is really old, and there is this, there's this sort of belief in Christianity that the Bible is like exactly the way it was intended to be, and I know you're going to make this controversial, I'm not making it controversial, and- and is I'm trying to find the right words to say house, I don't work in the church, an markers go for. No, I want to here's the here's the reality of this. The Bible was written by people a long time ago for people who lived a long time ago and trying to apply it literally with everything parallel to our current civilization. Just doesn't work, it doesn't work because we don't live in that world. It's like trying to tell a kid today about blockbuster they're, not going to get it we're in the same position, but thousands of years removed. We don't understand that culture on top of that. Well, the average lay person doesn't understand the culture I mean to Orissa it better than we do, but they don't have even the EOTE Werne culture get it yeah, but even even more than any of that this is, it happened within a vacuum. There was a world outside of the Bible and outside of the people who wrote the Bible and that influenced them and the way they saw the world is evident in the things that they wrote. This is why the picture a lot of people are like. Oh well, the Bible says, God is the same yesterday and today and for ever, but why is he so different? The Old Testament than he is from the new testant, it's because of the inner testamenta period, a lot of things happen and the culture shifted and people's view of God really changed. The writers of the Bible had one view of God in the Old Testament and they had a different view of God in the New Testament and they wrote that into their writings. Does that mean that God is different between those periods? Absolutely not, but the way they talked about him changed, and so, if you don't, if you're, not cognizant of that you're going to miss those things, and so I think it's really important and it's also easy to just go. But this is all doesn't make sense. They're also going to be like yeah, it's trash, there's a lot of there's a lot, a lot o a lot of a lot of stuff where there's a lot of text and stuff that isn't in the Bible that we have. Oh absolutely, there's a lot of stuff, that's outside that has and then not even related to faith. I'm saying like from different time periods. We can go. Oh here's what they were. Believing us a a exactly yeah so all right to say the Bible s an important brook, but people wrote into it the their cultural view, and if you want to accept Jesus in your heart right now we're going to lead you out a prayer but anyways so to say that the New Testament view of the devil also shift it shift it. It doesn't look like it, he does in the Old Testament for sure it is now a person, a yeah, an individual character. In the story you see him show up in the desert with Jesus and ten Jesus, you see reference to an authology. We need to avoid the temptations of the devil. I don't think I should say I don't think it's consequential. I think whether it's a group of enemies or it's an individual enemy or it's a the spirit of rebellion within all of us doesn't really matter. There's something deceiving us is the point of the story who that character is is not consequential, but you can see the culture shifting the view now over time after the Bible is written. You start to see a lot of other things. Are To happen: When does he become the Red Guy, we're going to get there yeah so in in the Middle Ages? Something really interesting happened in a lot of plays somewhere along the line. It's hard to pin point where it happened, but somewhere on the line. A dude in a red suit started to be the comedic relief in a play, and he would over time, turned into more of this devilish character and they started giving him hubs. They started, giving them tails and wings and like horns, but he was the comedic relief like his wish of adding stuff to yeah. I guys is her potato head yeah and he would just kind of dance around stay O B here yeah and he would like do something really stupid yeah. There was a scholar a couple years ago hold on. Let me see what his name is. It doesn't matter something pool, but he was writing about him. I can't remember his first name, but he was like he said this whole character his whole, all they ever did was for years. They just frocked on the stage, fell and fared in in the background, and that was just their role, and so they was kind of like they picked this she forded in the background yeah. So I the Middle Ages. Even then their humor was just like they're, just like it be is but me to sound. You, Hey, hey, hey, that's the enemy, that's than you take him seriously. Well, we aim I've taken more series of his but didn't make that twenty sound. Well, that's kind of a hat. You got to really think the, and this is what we're talking about like theologically biblical principles here, we're talking like the way to beat the devil is two ways: one you gotta learn the fiddles and to I mean just imagine that even the Devil Farts, you know even Satan, rips one every once in a while. Oh my gosh, you know take it back to that council meeting where he's like. Hey everybody just had a quick idea. It was. I sat he's like don't mind that maybe the good place had a right where he's just like a guy who's, like you know what a yeah er one of the council is just like m. What should we do about job? I got an ID like hey. Have you er heard of tilling podcast March? That's right! We've got a full march store of tilling branded, teas mugs stickers, hoodies a lot more and we put out new designs with every episode, but those are only available for a limited time. So you got to get those wither. Hot Text Tilono six, six, eight, six, six to get access to our exclusive merchandise, so it was a comedic relief in place, a relief in places, but that we almost like that's the enemy. Well, as ironic that you took that art because that's kind of what happened so just coming and trying to ruin the character it wasn't always it wasn't always. He was necessarily influencing things. He was more when things would go bad, he would appear in the background. So surely was like this darkness, like yeah, dark figure that was kind of red like ere yeah, and then you start getting things like Dantes inferno, yeah a which was a big influence, because he has this beast with these bat wings, and so he paints the picture that this is some scary, terrifying creature, and they took a lot of those parts and they personified it into their picture of this enemy, devil figure. You also see it and Milton's paradise lost. They borrowed a bunch from that and you also see from other characters in just different mythology of the era, also in even before that in Greek and Roman, with Ology they're, just grabbing different things from different characters throughout theology that are or different mythology that are evil es and stories, and then all of a sudden, you end up with hers, mashing stuff together, yeah. Well and honestly, I mean if it's for entertainment purposes, that makes sense, because you're e just trying to explain you yeah everyone's, you know, but then something happened. This had become so prevalent all over the place in in the culture. That's somewhere along the line, and you can't really pay pen it down, but somewhere along the line. The cultural representation of the enemy became the Christian belief of who that enemy was yeah and everything down from the way he acted to the way he looked it became. That is who that is, and that is our enemy, and it was a very long slow more up into the point where we have the picture. We have the day of the little red guy with the horns in the pitch fork to knows and yeah, which is I yea, weird tongue, yeah. The weird filer talking weird Tom is as a bunch of creepy stuff that we put a six stand around yeah fire pit M, but a lot of that stuff comes from most of what culture and what of what we think of the devil today comes from way after the Bible was written, Yeah and then a lot of it comes from that inner testiment mental period, where Israel is just kind of going through it and they needed a scapegoat like for real. They needed someone to blame yeah, yeah forts. If you don't blame the devil, you end up like blaming each other yeah yeah I bot blaming people or God yeah, and so they took they took kind of this Amagi a mall. Shall we monoamine lary of all amalgamation of auto? You still say figures, no, a we just. Can we just like overdub that Alex? Can you just say it right over his voice of all these evil figures from the old test? Can you also say every time he says the word figures? Can you also overdub that, because he says overtakeing I say just take everything guys say a EIFEL figures. That's the right way. Okay, so and then they just mashed them all together. They just bashed them all together and okay. The Bash brothers of evil in this we're like this is the one bad guy yeah, not a lot of evidence from that, at least from the Old Testament New Testament, you kind of get some, and so so we let all with that. Since the Middle Ages, well, we've been rolling with the individual view of an a person of evil who's, tempting and deceiving us since the Inter testamenta period. Okay, so just before the new test, Mos ran, we've been rolling with this transformation of him into what he looks like and the way he talks someway. He acts in pop culture since the Middle Ages has been, that's been transforming a o what it is today, but that picture of what he looks like and when he talks like and a lot of his role is not accurate at all. Take it back. Maybe there is, if you look at the New Testament, maybe there is a single individual figure who is out there deceiving us and tempting us and pulling US away? But if you look at wasn't do of the story, it's much more likely, but there's a handful of these figures. So more of the story is: How are you going to bring up aliens in this? Well, there's, not just one Satan, there's about a dozen satans yeah, so better have watch out fiddles. I Guess Better Watch out for those dozen of those dozen devils yeah. Could I get a dozen devils? Yes, I would love a sack of Satans. Please can I get a lot of lucifer o? What a loud a Luteolus e give me a look. Give it a logos. Just get me. Oh Man anyways that that go o Venam, I don't know the enemy just war shaking their heads. I was trying to go for another one hold on. I I it oh here we go an enormous amount of enemies how they hay, which means you're going to need a anyways, so so you'll need a O. is the one thing we know from more overs worser, here's one thing we know for sure. Just before the garden event, when the serpent arrived in the garden God and Satan in the council moment, they're in the council- and God said I need you sang said me and got said. Yes, you it's very poetic, so I me yeah. He said that I need you to take this fiddle and hold on to it. For me, Joe Fight Job go fight, job. All right he's like I will I will I did all this stuff. I gots like no, I'm. No, the film man no bets on. I wish you a fiddle fight of things of last night is a production of space. Tim Media produced by Christian Taylor. Audio is edited by Alice. Garnett video by connee social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic designed by Caleb Goldberg, our host or Garen Myers and Tim Stone. Please follow us on social media at Tillin, podcast, that's till in podcast. Leave a review comment subscribe wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on the last night. I

Let’s talk about Satan. The devil is one of the scariest creatures in the whole Biblical story. The problem? Well, the Bible never describes the devil in the way the creature is portrayed today. The Bible rarely ever refers to Satan as a single figure or the chief of evil. The picture we are given from the Bible is far … Read More

Jose Canseco – The Man That Took Steroids Mainstream in the MLB


Episode Transcription

Made for robots, by robots. Only read if you're weird

Same Old Studio, it's going to be back in the same studio, you're to be back in my home or we record every week. You know in the same place same exact as nothing's different. I don't know if you could look around if you're listening look around it looks the same wherever you're listening is probably the same. I don't know unless you moved nowhere in a new space. What, if someone's listening in they're in our office right now like they're, they're, listening yeahs is weird I'm here. Let me hear well yeah we're in a new space. We just moved in go if you're listening go. Look at on Youtube. It looks really nice right now yeah. We should turn the lights off. I us do in ever some in the dark till in in the dark till in after dark he right, anyways we're working on it. It's going to we're going to add some stuff we're working on. It were anyway, so yeah T, blankets, okay, yeah, that's tims blanket from home on the walls. That's just blanky. He actually is not even first sound. He was just like man. I would just feel more comfortable yeah. If I had. I wanted to wrap up in it, but Janson hanging on the wall like an adult. What Graeco your childhood blanket be a man hanging on the wall. I hope this topic is an interesting because, if someone's here because of the topic, we are again wasted, the first two minutes being idiots. Well, hey man: what's up, have you heard of Jose Canseco, Jose Canseco, Jose can say co? Okay, we can start over if you want to be less racist, inspired him because he was like. I want to live forever. The book was called Juice, wild times, rampant, Royd Smash Hits and how baseball got thin pure tell me o Boma's, not juicer, I'm just looking for equal treatment of a raters, I'm a bidding to a lot of stuff. I beside S, everybody that I've murdered people and got away with it things Oscans Jose can Seco is what some would regard the father of steroids in the MLB, what a name due the father of steroids yeah? Is he like the Guy Yeah Yeah? He made steroids, he invented them, and I don't know if you're joking or not I'm not well, I am you're an he basically okay, so it's hard to pin it down because, but he got into the League at the birth of the steroid areas, a player yeah he's a player got a league at the birth of the steroid era. It's hard to pin down who started it when, as the Lloyd years, when was the late s through the s? Okay, all of the s yeah s were Royd right rage, re rage, nine Royd, rage; okay, I like road, rich yeah, so the roaring roads, so a lot of people say can say, go it's hard to say he was the first who did it because it's just like which than to play for he played for the Oakland Athletics and then about a dozen teams after that was his long is run was with the athletics. Was He playing with the athletics when they were doing their money? Ball thing? I don't know about that. You Know Money Ball, the movie, No, that Jonah Hill money ball. I don't know about that. What yeah, where the athletics did like a different strategy for picking players, and then they ended up winning, like everyone thought they were dumb, and I have never heard of it you nor heard of this. So basically the strategy. The strategy was, we don't like every all. Er teams are spending big money on like star players right yeah and the athletics there was like a finance guy who came up with this system. That was all you need is players who can get on base. Oh I've heard about that yeah I've, and so they end up winning twenty two games in a row just off that system. They start losing. After that yeah I mean they haven't, won a game since you know, but it worked for like to game. I looked it up. This was in two thousand and two was when that happened: Oh okay, okay, so yeah! I was a little little bit after his time. Yeah they did that without steroids. Can you believe it that I thought of that? No roads, yeah didn't need run, thinis really unfortunate. The steroids like were such a big deal in the MLB, because all these dudes from the s hold these massive records and it's like a lot of people. We have so Serois, definitely stars yeah, so w a what I was saying was it's hard to pin point who was the first person to bringing rods into the league because it's kind of an underground thing: yeah, it's people are they're shadowy about that. They don't want you to know. I heard it was a high school chemistry teacher Diana Cancer. You know, is really trying to feed his family and you know anything he got he he got swooped up and I and then he was like hey berry. You know: Hey Bar bear okay, so but a lot of people say he was definitely the one he was the Godfather. It happened, okay because he was the kind of guy who was like hey check this out and someone will walk over and he just jab on hey watch this. It's crazy now he's on vaccine just out there at around this tree, he's the dude. So Hey! Look at this hey! Look this. What is he like, a street magician? What is he that David Blane of steroids re he's like yeah? You just got roaded pick as Syrans any three. She is pretty graze this tree, for I just Juglans a jab up some that twenty times in a his hands are jacked brother's. Like people like that, though, there was a guy who came and spoke about Middle School, who won the world's strongest competition for his lungs, you know, he's a Gran, the start yeah. He got a blow up, annibal anima balloons and stuff with his lungs, and the whole speech was like don't smoke. That was his whole thing. Where he's like you want to be like you want to have the world's strongest lungs, you know. All you got to do is like ruin, your marriage and divorce, your wife and start speaking at middle schools. You know and then just blow forty balloons a day. How do you? How do you stretch for that? You know. That's insane anyway, do had trouns, never heard of that. So I would not. I would not put it past the strongest man competition to have a fingers strongest hand. That's got on fingers, you so Jose Yeah. He was the kind of guy he'd hang around the locker room and just juice, his friends and then all of a sudden, everybody in the League was pretty clearly on steroids. You doing finger pushes yeah. I was trying to get my hand yoked. You know just really working I hate to so. It's spread it's Ben here. Let's pack it up. Let's look it. There was like a Herod Pandemic, yeah, a tandem, so back it up. Jose anemic seems like something that a youth pastor would would be like hey guys we to stand up for our faith. Oh God, we just start a stand. demicentennial, my Gosh, that's you know a hundred percent yeah. I bet it's happened. I bet O for sure. You know got a google. It will back it up through his history he's born in Cuba. His Dad worked for a like a manufacturing company in Cuba and when Castro came into power in fifty nine, his dad lost his job and they were permitted to leave the country, so he can find work so the kind of got out in the neck of time. Okay, move to Miami. He was one of a twin and they both have baseball. They pay baseball, their hornbooks won yeah. His twins name is Ozzy Josea, Azi Censeo: He went into high school, played a lot of Basel on high school, but was never great played junior varsity where they moved to Miami Cure. Was He played university and he actually was the VP of the JV team in his junior year. So I got a chance to play senior university and needed pretty good, but it was like. Was He juicing? Then he was it's like yeah, this guy's like four times the weight of everyone else on the team, pretty crazy. It's nuts, I don't know how I did it, but but he was like generally good at baseball, yeah yeah I mean he was decent like it wasn't like he was. He was like a prodigy, hmm yeah, because I mean he didn't start varsity until his senior year and even in that and his senior year, he was only right for older yeah. He was only decent, but he was good enough in eighty two to be drafted by the oaken athletics and shifted into their feeder, leagues, okay and so like he went straight from high school to the pros, a'll be at minor leagues, but we still playing in the pros, and so, but he was shifting around all of their their feeder teams for the athletics sure and he was not inspiring in the slightest like he was like okay, you know, you'd sit around them and you be like what do you think about the future and he's like I don't know, doesn't look great you know doesn't like this is an inspiring man. His other teammates were out here, like hey dude. If you work out your lungs and you never smoke, you can have the strongest lungs in the world and he was over there just like. I doubt it not very inspiring to be round. You know the kind of guy that you sit around and you go a man. This is bleak. This is leges. He he he would have had a decent career in the miners is kind of where he was at it was like you could play in the miners. You would never be the don't get a iners, though do they. I don't know. I don't know what the miners look. Quite, probably not in the S. I don't know, I really don't know, but it was like, as like, you're going to you're to pay a little bit you're just living on you're living on twenty four thousand a year and the hope and yeah promise of maybe hope of Ma wasn't very inspiring so s he was like well, he missed part of the beginning of his eighty five season. Okay, because his mom was on her death bed, so he flew home and she ends up dying and it inspired him because he said you know. I want to be the best player of all time figure more. It inspired him because he was like. I want to live forever. He hes a fame member Dian. He's like that's, never going to happen to me, you have to be now. He wanted to honor his mother, and so he wanted to become the best mlb player of all time, her name and her name, so he started doing drugs. I know how to do it. He said he said. I want to honor my mother's memory. Anybody got some R and they were the there like tars the hospital like we had a lot. We know it yeah like so. This is on. This is all that's actually what we do more, that's great, the US! No, I that I that they're going to be like well, you know you could grieve differently yeah, but you went the rout of yeah. They've got them and doctors is righting scripts yeah. What do you mean? Yeah he's a new drug called oxy. He a love it. So he goes back. He comes back from this trip, Royd it out, and it's like a hundred and eighty on a season like almost immediately he's just playing super crazy or the whole team was like yeah. This is like yeah, his mom's death really inspired him. He went off not inspiring to vary. All he talks about is how great he's going to be. You know it's contagious, I feel so. He earns the nick name, which is the most ironic nickname ever herns the nickname this season, the natural I don't know what I was expecting for that wasn't it he's a natal dude a, but that fine specimen what you just hit puberty you're, he might have you know he might have Fu. You know he's what twenty one at this point yeah. I don't know Man Yeah, probably about twenty one, a he just gratia gross spurt and twenty one wow, that's crazy, dude, and so towards the end of this, the eighty five season. He ends up getting called up to the major yeah he comes on with the Athi. We got a prodigy down there, and so he plays twenty nine games an for the Oakland, a a as at a these. They just call their Myer Ling, tea, they're, just the devil, because that in a one of the the Oakland das down there, what are they? It's a? He only plays twenty nine games that season, but he ends it with ninety six at bats and comes up with five home runs thirteen r bis and a batting average of three o two so has a pretty pretty good season. His next season is technically his rookie year, since he it's his first sure for full season full year and he wins a rookie of the year wookiee and woke okay. He Cos o the season considerably huge like when he cuts out they're like Wow Tho. You Got Jack the off season and he's like yeah. I he's like yeah. It's all natural call me the NAT come wit the natural, that's weird. If someone gives themselves a nickname, you know it's fine, as someone else says it yeah. But if you come out n you're, like I'm the natural you're, like, I think, he's unnatural. I think things yeah. Something is trying really hard to convince us that he's naturally so in eighty seven is his second full season. Marco Maguire joins the League, who he got called up from the minors as well. Yeah Mark McGuire is pretty visibly juicing as well. Ye Look at him and you say: They're, probably juicing, and so now dreot at it's pretty wild at that's still a thing, though you know what is that like there's steroid use, you know, because I mean you look at on Instagram Theer Day there was two sixteen year olds who are jacked, but you can always tell because they're vain s too big right there and it's like it's like about to like burst e all day, yeah yeah it s like the rock steroids, yeah, Ena Yep. Definitely Steids, definitely right, but it's interesting like body building and I went up because Kurt The guy who owns the gym. He was like into like actual baldy body building yeah. You know a wile ago, but he was talking about like Arnold Forten Egger. You know not a steroid user, at least back in the day yeah, because the whole point of those competitions was to get your measurements exactly the same yeah, and now it's just about be as big as you are and lift as much as you can you. You know you strong hands, yeah, you know strong, but but back then like so compared to modern day body billers. Arnold worten Egger is not impressive, but what wasn't like his measurements? Measurements were identical. You know so he's also really strong, well yeah yeah, but you're. Also what the art of it was. You know if this one smaller. I know I need to work out this and do different things to make all the things the same yeah and then now it's just. I mean it's why I was looking at the like the because they came up on the discover thing, and I was like this. This kid looks his face looks too young to have his body yeah and I clicked- and he was like you know, home coming and I'm like pro what the heck me like wild yeah Jose gave them the yeah he's Yeah, you love my dad hose. Can Sako so mark McGuire, Jose quickly become two of the biggest names in the lake O, thou, you're, gonna, say pals a cothy look across each other, the team. They go you by sensor, fake natural, like giving each other the not across the field and they're just incredible yeah that year Jose and pretty well their performance. Would you say it was enhanced this season Jose his thirty one home runs? Oh my God, Mark McGuire Hits Forty Nine, Oh yeah, I mean and honestly I grew up a cardinal's fan yeah. So I was fine with it yeah I was like this is great. This is, and so they they got. They started doing this thing. That's like I mean you see it all the time now, but it was that they were like. I think, the pioneers of that thing where it's like, instead of like high fives, you do that thing where you, like Hook your arms, have you ever seen that were like like two dudes? So if you were, if you were right here, I would take your arm and come a yeah. You did come right there. I can't do it because it this arm is because you don't buy, set to do it. Yeah my arms out fate or your okay yeah. It was I you can't do it by yourself, not like you, don't have the arms for it now yeah, you don't have the arms a, but so they did that thing all the time and they got the nickname the bash brothers, because that's what they called it. They called it the bash that they did so McGuire Jose would do that to yeah. Yes, they would do that thing. Every time they'd hit a go, runs, yeah they'd run out and they link arms like that, and they got the nickname. The Bash Brothers en one call bachots, because they're bastion, baseballs and fashion arms and so and the marketing deportment for the ass saw an opportunity in them yeah and they start branding them as the bash brothers, but modeled after spatose. No, that wasn't out yet. Actually the Blues Brothers, Oh bus, Roers, pre, popular E, and so they had him. They had M in the photo. shoop swear these pay. What brand will never stop doing is just taking other people's self. They jus go where the Oaklana, and these are the the as brass, so they wrote a song that was like musically to the tune of one of the songs front of the Blues Brothers, but it was one of the bash brothers and the best part about the song was the hook. Was Don't waste time with a high five? Do the Bash Yeah don't ways sin with a high five. You know that time could be spent Jusan. I just love that that's your secret! Well, I just eat healthier and work out all the day. I Bash a lot and also the steroids Hell Yeah Erota big party. That's probably honestly, should listen. That first set of should have led with that. So anyways. Do you use steroids? Did you ask it? I need new steroids of us, the Rock staff and I think, stuff that this dude in my neighborhood sold me and I do off it's working that well. So I think this is essential oil, but I'm injected it. Every day an in it's just lavender I got mains full, even yeah do the rash. You know I'm saying I e rash for just break it out in hives, Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday. That's right, that's where new episodes drop on patroon patrons a way to get early access to episodes and other content and exclusive merchandise, and we're not going to stop there, because we have a private discord with our host and producers in it for less than seventeen cents a day. That's right! That's five! As a month, you two can be a patron supporter and not your advertisements in this freaking podcast anymore text, till in the six, eight six, six, otherwise I'll come to your house. I will find you. I will destroy everything, that's good in your life until we're the only thing left anyway. Here's another advertisement so they're, just dominating yeah yeah, the two of them people are like this is a wonder to bash brothers. Mark in Jase are running running the league they're, giving each other shots in the bathrooms coming out, Bashin and Bashan Baseball. I know you made shots, but I for a second, I was like shots in the bathrooms they're, just like you, they were, they were literally. They were the best players in the world, Oh yeah, I'm undisputed, and so they were all stars everywhere they went, they had he the star treatment and they lived like very live fast die. Young lifestyles came out pretty quick, though, that they weren't as good a friend. Ashbrook live fast, do Yo, that's their new campaign and everyone's like that's worse, like a song, hasn't even come out. Yet I with that, and I'm really glad you did because we're going to call that back in a minute, so it came out that they weren't as close as their yeah brand, wanted them to be. They were just teammates, yeah busy and so it's kind of a cross, but they they had to act like they were closer than they were. There were attentions. Meanwhile, Jose we do here. Mark Mark is in a relationship where he thinks Jose's, giving him exclusive shots in the bathroom. Jose is shooting everybody up in the bathroom. I say it's like marks like hold on hold on you. Do this your meeting on me and the MLB you're Jus, a cheater all around and so they're they're, having an incredible run on the field. Yeah thirty forty home runs of season, both of them sons, which is insane that two people on the same team are hitting those kinds of numbers, stealing so many bases a great job in the Outfield, oh, except for one moment, oh, except for what, except for one moment, there were well actually all throughout his career, how they had these moments that were just like. Are you a professional baseball player? Like my favorite, my personal favorite? He was, he played the in the outfield and there was this ball that was going to like it was going to be a close call. Is it going to go out? Is it going to be in the line sure, and so he jumps to get it and he hits it with his head over the fence, and so it was a home run. He headed it like it was suck dude. I felt that way watching the chiefs play this season so far like the stuff that, like Mahom's, has done you're just like are you. I had a dream about it. Last night I've been watching that dope sick series on Hulu yeah about Oxi cotton and in my dream someone was like yeah dude patrol home is like a day the oxy now, and so that makes so much sense actually put that out there. So after after that play half he knocked it over the yeah, he headed it account for his home run record. Do they give assists so after you did that a professional indoor soccer team called the Harrisburg Heat, sent him a contract? Oh my God, for a bit, though, as a joke right, a hundred percent of yeah yeah, that's Hilarious, to the like, hey you want to do that in our team, we're goin to ever. That's funny! Man would you I mean that would suck, though, because you know he's just mad all the time because of the steroids, but you know then you get like roasted and luckily the Internet didn't exist in because twitter would have destroyed his self esteem. A hundred percent, but off the field mark is whatever like he has his roy rage incidents but they're, not terrible Jose, on the other hand, murdered three people is a man madman. He does he murders from him. No, he didn't. Okay, I was gonna say I make a joke about that. He didn't murder anyone, but we know of he had he had a lot of Roy rage incidents where he did freaked out on reporters screaming yelling throwing stuff you know whatever, but he also had some crazy other incidents. Like one time the cats tried to pull them over for going a hundred forty miles an hour and he led them on a fifteen miles police chase and that that is were like Bro. You CAN'TI. Do that he's like. Why he's like give me one good reason. Another time he was in a fight with his wife, so he went outside and he ran his car into her BMW yeah. But who hasn't you know what was the fight about? Let's hear it out at your mom. I don't know what the fight was another time and he actually was charged for hitting his wife, but those charges were dropped by her. But it's you know so. There's a lot of a lot of scountrel happening, an interviewer I rammed his car into her car yeah. He just ran his car and I thought about doing that to you so many times and like not even in an angry way. You know just for fun, it'd be funny. If I did this for fun later on down the road, it came out that he was on steroids after his retirement and an interview were asked him about all these things. That happened, and I like do you think, that's because of the steroids, and he said he said you can't blame steroids for every angry out person that burst from a person. He said: What do you do if someone goes crazy and murders? A bunch of people and they're not on steroids, you can't say steroids of the problem, and so the interviewer is like. So are you saying you're the problem? Hey, hey you're buying he sarod. Have you met my wife? She sucks she sucks. You know I either a sin. Fellow person now he's like a suck. You know you on and like you like, it just seems like you're uncomfortable with this question herods. You know so after after in the middle of the ninety two season, Yours Ben, this has been happening a lot. Maybe that's what is needed, though you know it finally got him to some introspection. You know where he's like. Maybe I am the problem. Maybe I am the problem and and that's that is why I suggest, if you're having marital problems, steroids might be the solution. You know, because you can't find Jesus until you reach the NELF. You have to get some Royd rage in there. You have to get a testimony. You got to get yourself a tested money. I do a testimony Ye, I'm out. Looking for my test, that's why we call it when we walk. Someone through you know, Romans, three, twenty three O in six, twenty three, it's called the Romans Royd, so I was trying to make a man stero jokes, like an that's my job in this. So after after in the middle of the ninety two season, the as were basically like you know what this is getting too much lit on to you, yeah. Well, it wasn't so much we were on to you. They were cool. Turning a blind ed to the steroids yeah. I then it was more of a you're, a liability because of the cop chases and the beating your wife thing like, if you could stop doing all this crazy stuff, we're happy for you to break the rules and the mall be just don't write the rules in real life yeah. We didn't like that. You, you know shanked that second basement, but we love the R bis. You know yeah, if you're going to shake someone, do it with this arrange and someone on our team. It we get it. You got to shake people, sometimes yeah it I mean we get it. You Know E C MLB you're, not in the double as anymore, so he goes and he jumps around for the next, like ten years plays with the Rangers, the Red Socks and Oh hold on play the Rangers, the Red Sox for a few years, and then in ninety seven. The athletics management t was like remember, remember the past brothers Yeah were good times weren't, they those were great, and so they called Mark Maguire and they called up. I was at consecon like he just want to read night bring back the good old days, and so they did it. They brought them back and it would he they had a good year. They did well, but it was still the same kind of drama and they're like yeah. We shouldn't have have done this, so they end up letting them both walk. He goes to the Blue Jays. Then the rays, then the Yankees and the white socks and then ends up going to the miners and plays in the minors for yeah pretty much until now, he still playing shut up. Yeah, you know, I think we, your career is his last okay, so his last time he was on a depth. Chart He's, I think, he's still trying to play his last year on a depth. Chart was two thousand and seventeen. Oh wait. No thousand and eighteen, two thousand and eighteen he'd also play in a couple amateur leagues in two thousand and even and two thousand, and sixteen which is really funny to me, like he just went out for the wreck league is a sixty year old man. Over here I got his bices are gigantic the O. nothing else to I mean his legs are scrawney. Walk, looks like frame pop ye out there, so anyways, so he's had he's up having this career, where it's like I mean he should go to the hall of fame right He's had yeah s an insane most, his average home run count every throughout his whole career was forty average average, which means he got like fifty some seasons. Well now he was like forty. I think his highest was forty, seven okay, but still he was like in the S S and at the lowest in like the ties most seasons unless he was injured, and so he had just a really incredible career granted. He had some help from WHO I don't know man. I think the front office yea so anyways. When did he get found out? Well in two thousand and five he wrote a book called. I I did it. The book was caught juiced wild times, rampant, Royd smash hits and how baseball got big, and in that book he outed everybody. Oh Ye, just like yeah yeah. I gave that yer the back an that Guy Royds. Okay, that guy realise I just call them my name like practically have Bele and he's like he's like he's like yeah everybody did rods is like he's like we all did steroids. I think Barocco Bam will be president without me. He just I gave him road to the bathroom right before the primary yeah. We thought you were talking about a different barry. Now it's Berry, Ani doused, Barry, bonds, Obama. Here an tell me O bom. It's not you so, and so, and so he writes this book and obviously so many mubby players are really mad at him. After this yeah they like what do they do? They deny it bro Yeah, they all denied it. Oh really leading to this like congressional of hearing where freaking ones there like no, no we've never done steroids. Not Us not do I look like I do sterol like so sorry like us, like you got a guy running to lie playing demolition Derby in the parking lot with everyone's cars windows down just like I don't do he's just demain and everyone's just like looking at like yes, this guy's, I e does deros pretty obvious right, like it's pretty clear. We can convict this one. So in this congression I hurt my voice to do. Every other player denies their use in steroids. Yeah. Obviously Mark Maguire is my favorite, though, because Mark Maguire every question his response was. I don't want to talk about the past, which is a pretty obvious way to say yeah. I did I just wars. I want the is dude if I ever go to N for murder, which I will I ever go down for it, then that's how my in my interrogation there were like what did you do? Baki? Don't real talk about that? I don't talk about t. You know. I just feel like how's the point talkest with you officers. I just feel like you're dwelling in the past. You know- and I just really would love to push you guys to the future yeah or off a cliff one of the two would love to push you somewhere, though she somewhere. So in two thousand and seven afters book came out. He got six votes, six hollow fame votes, which is one percent of the bounce. You need at least five percent to stay on the ballot for the next year, so he missed his shot at the hall of fame and from that point forward he claims that the mave was black, balling him and say we're keeping you out. You can't be involved and even like he wasn't invited back to a lot of different events like back at the stadium until the they won a world series in eighty nine I didn't mention that actually went to a world series three years straight years. They honed an eighty nine and at the anniversary of that, the twentieth anniversary of that he went Mark Maguire didn't come because he knew he was going to be there. He don't want to se him so mart Magar and him are like moral enemies. Now, the Royd Enemies. It's tough to see the Bash Bros Yeah, you know yeah become the bash foes. I was what every where you got to go at that O. I was wondering to all I didn't see it in as like we whersh, I came up with it and said it was I was I was I trusting that my brain was going to get there by the end of the sentence, and you know what came through that time, because of all that practice, you do N. I practice comedy what about it. So so he misses this chance. The hello fame what she deserved, I mean he did a lot of Sarod. He deserves to bring the hall fame. Here's the thing: here's the shot. Are you kidding me ring here's a his thing. Everybody was juicing, that's the thing I new yerthe he deserved to. I don't think they should be in it. If here's my thing, if, if you're going to say this guy can't get in half fame, because you dosed, then everybody that in that era has the whole fame, but we don't get to put him by Jose. Canseco he's got to go in as the unnatural, unnatural, look hers, I'm saying if we want to take if we can set up a juice era, hall of fame he's a p. He can be a part of that hall of fame is a separate hall at the hall. So you're saying to me the second day hall, it's an offshoot hall, wouldn't it just be, like the you know, the hall of in Fame. You know the hall of blame, the Hall Yeah, you know. Just like I mean I mean here's the thing I will say it is cheating clearly, but it's a went agree on it, it's hard when you're like okay, so many other players who did it are in the hall of fame and he had an amazing care. He was the best in the world at the time. Why is he not getting recognized for it because he cheated, I mean yeah, but some of the other people who cheated are in the oecus. It's fine. They can mace themselves over it, but dad everybody else did it. Everyone was doing it. That's the message, your setting, I'm not saying you're, saying everyone thing it's: okay, because everyone was doing it actually. Can I nance, I would like our finances. If that's possible, I sort to make sure that you know because you've been doing it, but I would like to take over that if, as on say, if everyone else is doing it and they're getting re everybody's doing it everybody, I want I'm not saying it's. Okay, I'm just saying this guy deserves to get the recognition that everyone else is getting the same recognition because he godfathered it. I believe that everyone else deserves to get the same recognition that he's getting, which is not in the Holla. I'm saying that I'm saying the same thing, I'm saying if these good people are in the hall of fame he deserves to be into. But if he's going to be out, they all need to be out to I'm just looking for equal treatment of Royd ragers, okay, love tilling podcast want to support the show. Well, you can support us by buying till an podcast march and wearing it out in the wild. We have teas hoodies, shirts and so much more in our merch store. We also have exclusive march for every single episode, but those are limited so make sure you get him. While you can text till in to six six, eight six, six to support the show. Thank you so much. Here's what he said about it, though he was. He was asked about whether or not he thought he should be included, and his answer was. His thought was for the coming generations, and so he's like he's like. I really don't think they were like. What do you think about future years and he was like I only wanted to talk about. The past is like he's like these kids. He s the kids coming up now. He said they don't need steroids to become good players. Yeah we took enough home so now our kids just naturally have steroids in them. They don't need the duce anymore. He said he said this is a quote. He said we over emphasize the steroids and and not the afflict and skills of these people. He said we're taking away the hard work and athlete puts in and saying he became great just because the steroids, let me give you a perfect example. This is a direct quote. This is a direct what he says. I have an identical twin brother, Ozzie he's the closest thing to me genetically and in my prime I was a super athlete. My twin brother used the same chemicals same work as the same nutrition. Why didn't he make it in the Big Leagues? That's the perfect example that we are giving steroids way too much credit. If steroids are that great, it would have made him a superstar too, but Ozzie sucked. I added that last pro as he would have been a superstar to but ozzy suck. You know and Ozzie's there for the interview and as he's just like also gigantic- and it's like he's like yeah he's like he's like it even gave me the hundred forty million hours police chase. I ran to BMW with my car said we did all the same is like I did everything he did, I'm serving twenty years in prison right now, speaking of other things that they did together. Oh they got in a fight out of a nightclub outside of a nightclub in Miami with each other. No with some random dudes, okay, they beat the tar out of them. Oh yeah, because the other dews weren't on steroids, yeah one they were on steroids to we haven't mentioned this yet but Jose can say, O s a black belt in Jiu Jitsu, also a self Polam nun, chuck expert Ho. So here's the question right they k everyone's listening is having you're saying that the nun chuck expert plays a role in this, a fight outside the club, which means that he did. He have his nun jocks at the club. I don't think so. It's unsubstantiated just like you're sitting here. Ye like I got, got the go, go no take in a buttall right, don't mention the checks he's on steroids, right lots of STA, maybe he's Hidin, maybe he's hiding the syringes inside the numb job. That's where it is he's. Just like a freaking appy pin on steroids has an appy pin joke for Michael over here. So after after his after his professional baseball cart, I guess not professional, because I still was playing professionally but after MLB career ended, he did the same thing. Logan Paul did after he was not relevant. He just started changing you tubing. Now he just started challenging a bunch of face some famous people to fight, of course, yeah and so hey. You Me No chucks outside this club, so he calls he calls up a former. What year is this two thousand and eight? He calls up a guy by the name of VI SICAE. I was big in two thousand and eight. What's he called up his ten of the people who called that up, so you called vis Sikham who was a fighter as the new Manuma guy from Youtube Brit, two thousand and seven new, my new meste video, all the rest of us, like he's watching alone, three am in his boxers in his living room. You know that movie seem where's. Just the glow o come in his nun took so hard, like dentin finger prints in his nut. Cuts. Calls this publicist. The next morning is like give me the new maneuver, like, though the no Manuma I haven't seen that. Yet let me send you a lake. I want to fight them. He broke four laptops because this video t I so he he challenges this guy in a fight Vice Sikombo. I agree not sure. If I'm pronouncing that I took place on July, twelfth n Atlantic City Challenge fight with the prize of thirty sand dollars. Is it a boxing match or is it just? This is okay. He got knocked out in the first round. I love that so then I love we watch the UFC fight, I loved whatever that Dude's name was the street Jesus Guy. It was just like I'm. The Best Piter in the world was on and his like the guy. He was fighting against it cut to his interview and the guy was just like. He is no competition to me and I was like that. Guy's going to obliterate this man like his yeah, I mean like I love. What one fighter is just like: Oh yes, O and then the other one is just like. I have not even trained for this fight. I will win so after after he lost that fight the following year in January, he challenges Radio Personality and former child actor Danny bonaduce yeah. What's that kid from home alone, doing he's listening the radio like a a fit that guy I want to fight the kid from hold alone. Give me the kid from Second Hand Lions to Haley Joe Osmond. Let's get hit, he just name it. What so he ends up. He ends up fighting Danny in a soasage. Let's fight, we go a Lanzo, what's his face to Carlton. Is this like doing it cousin I'll fight? You have you seen Alonzo. Whatever his face is now look up, Carlton go he he definitely got connected to Jose Canseco. Oh my gosh, let's see, let me look up biceps on your search history. Your search is tragic, fresh, Prince Carlton Bis. That's getting sent to your accountability, partner, freaking freaking, coveted eyes is like that's messed up Dere. I we got to send this to everybody. You're, getting you're getting your age. stufft me over fresh, Prince Carlton biceps. They are pretty big. Thougha yeah sat okay. So who else is he fighting just give me a list ice, so he fights one more guy. Just as another fighter, he loses all of them that actually the Danny one was a draw, so doesn't have a great fighting career. Meanwhile he gets a divorce. It was pretty nasty falls into some financial issues ends up getting his house for closed on and goes into a kind of a bit of a spire in yeah. A bit of a spiral ends up Gosh. I was laughing so I'm out of breath the cartel, not a road user, so and then in October of two thousand and fourteen yeah, he actually shot off one of his fingers and then in in two thousand and nineteen he opens up a car wash in Las Vegas which, on every Wednesday he does autographs, can get out or was in big still yeah yeah. So you go, get your car wash get yourself a hey. You did your honeymoon in Vegas. Did you go? I didn't know it was there. Actually. My honeymoon was before that before the car watch open the COM, he opened that Cosein the last two years yeah I open it. I to Hosann nineteen and actually, at the beginning of this year he fought billy football. The Bar tell full sports guy got knocked out in the first sound. I lovely went back one back. Would he fight me, I'm sure counte, hey how's, they can say, go all right. I I want a fight I'll, tell you right now I'll fight you with one finger tied down. So it's a fair fact. I cut one of my s e it kind of finger off for the bit. He had a handful of well panful had a handful of legal problems throughout the two thousand, some like vehicle stuff, a couple allegations that ended up being dropped and then he did have to spend a month in jail because he was on probation and he tosas Tive for steroids during that period. So he did do some jail used. Ter Words on probation also use a beproven on probation. What can a boat? Can you not do? wheres the hardest drag still lie: Yeah, that's kind of a serious question we just want to know for when I'm on probation yeah, I'm admitting to a lot of stuff on the podas. I've been maning that I've murdered people and got away with it. Put that out there so and then he he had a few reality TV stints yeah obvious. He had a show in two thousand and eight Callosa Canseco last shot chronicles. You got a show yeah. He got a show about him, trying to make it back into the nil, be from the MS at what like forty seven? It's a long shot guys, but I'm going to go for it so like good, we can use that, but we'll call it last shot and he was on celebrity and prentice ended up leaving early because his father got sick on celebrity apprentice. Yeah, he was on celebrity apprentice. He's met a president yeah, but I'm going to be honest. This all of this pales into the real reason why I brought this guy up. We have ee got through the real reason. Yet one more thing before we Jupati is in a third and is thirty or thirty jumping into another thing. This is a long pea. Second, okay, before we jump it- and this is my favorite quote from him- and his thirty or thirty can ot one of his quotes on the wall yeah. Actually, let's do this one. It is thirrty interview. He called Tommy Lasorda, who was the manager of the dodgers? He seems like the kype Guy who just didn't know what was going on call them a chubby little fat roll. who was the worst Humpty dumpty Pasta, eating more on I've ever satake every, but he just went here'swhat. He did right, he went down to the local bus, stop where middle scores were hanging out. He's i give me your insults come on he water. Now we and they're, like we call this kid humpty dumpty younes, i al right, good goer. What else we got you know. What can you send that to me? I'm, like i have a new titter vile that i would like to i'm literally just get a it's a tweet, so i'll send it directly to you. Did he tweet it? I know somebody quote tweeted him, because it was in his study for thirty interview yeah. I would like to get that as one of those like you know, hobby lobby quotes if we can put that up on. That would be awesome, so he also somewhere after his mob career, got really into it. Is what we're on? Is this a joke? No, he got really into aliens and he was convinced in mossel interviews. He said that the aliens he's been in communication with the aliens and they're trying to teach us time travel, but our bodies aren't. How does it always come to this? How how do you do this? How is it that the whole time i'm like this is a normal episode and in the very and you sneak in some alien stuff dude is to this tis. You got all this o kiting me right now, and he said he said: they've been trying to do. Just have the time travel i'm mad aliens once they were some pigeon bran, humpty dumpties i'll. Tell you that, like what are you talking about, he said, but first he said we have to change our body composition. Our bodies cannot handle time travel with the way they are that's why i've been using steroids for decades. I think that was kind of that was this whole thing was like guys, normal people can't do it. You know he only us naturals. Here's a quote. He said aliens have been trying to teach us how to time travel, but first we have to change our body composition, which we are not willing to do. We've tried with animals and it has failed. I don't know what he means by that he didn't elaborate. We want ireland being what if we try with animal. He later said he later said time travel puts forty two thousand six hundred and fifty one pounds of pressure on human skeleton tressure. Instead of you can detach the human brain from the body and equalize the pressure it could be done, but then it pleats, our science, is totally irrelevant aliens and here's here's my favorite part of of this whole thing is what is today: it is friday, yeah, okay, can we? I can you all look up some flights to vegas for wednesday morning for oce. I've just got some questions. Well, bro wait till year this it is at the time of this recording is october, twenty nine eight. If you're listening to this, i think it's thanksgiving. So how do you thanksgiving? I hope this is benish thanksgiving, okay. Well, this is a blessing tea, but at the time of recording this four days ago, jose canseco was in a plane crash shut up. He was in a play crash and it crashed into the water and he tweeted after this play gras she set from the water. He said in the ocean right now he tweeted flying to new york. This morning. My plane crashed, so i was swimming to my appearance. He had an appearance in new york, he couldn't miss swimming to it yeah, so he crashed to the water and he started swimming piece like all right. All just free. Are you kidding me right out this to the ditch the bilot dishes are, which ways new york. They were like in the water like on the lot sasi think it's that way and to if he s wait. We just put a flare out, but because i don't have time to wait. I know that you regular old humans, we'll just hang out here- is shark bait y, but i'm prime meat down here they're gonna, try to get me first. I got to get out of here. You know which way s new york, cool and then just dives. He goes. He makes a dolphin noise and down he's swimming to his even in new york shut up. What is the rest of the tweets say as i was swimming a light beamed down from space shot up? I was sealions and aliens picked me up and they're dropping me off at my parents at one o'clock today see you guys, then he is on the space craft le the aliens care about my speaking skedule i dove into the water. The aliens were like well, this doesn't match up with this google calendar. I hate that everything with you comes back to aliens. Can i just say it again: are you kidding me right now? Did he make it to a speaking event yeah? He did walking soaking wet just stretched like jose. Why are you just doing wiping all over the sameno? This is evidence. Don't try me of to to ta ra, as he speaking at the same thing, that the blink on at two guy was speaking in a is, is he's just speaking of the american legion hall for like six people who believe in ghosts and aliens. The aliens picked him out of the water yeah, the article the article says. Thankfully his friends were there, and so they picked him out of the water and got him to his appointment on time, but jose blames the aliens. I'm not sure it's unclear to me if jose thinks his friends are aliens if he actually got picked up by alien for if he knows his friends ring a rat. You know, i know you guys are aliens, a disguise he's like bel and that's what didn't make the book in two thousand and five they're like let's e out us to steroids, but don't tell everyone mark becas, i'm alien! Okay, are you kidding me right now? I go four days ago dan i was so happy. Were i delivered to his speaking of it by aliens? That's what we're going with man. That speaking event is a fiddle off. Things are done. That night is a production of space. Tim media produced by christian taylor, audio by ous, garnett video by conner bets are graphics and our logo by caleb golberg's media is won by kelaba. Our hosts are jern myres and tim stone falls on your favorite social media platform at tillin. Podcast is till and podcast remember to tell all your friends about us and we'll see you next tuesday for another episode of things i have on last night. I


Lawn Chair Larry – Larry Walter’s Sketchy Balloon Chair Flight


Episode Transcription

Made for robots, by robots. Only read if you're weird

Hey Man, what's going in not much have you heard, have you heard of Larry Walters Wary Walters Yeah. Is that later the cucumbers official? Last name? No? No, you might know him from his more infamous name lawn chair Larry. Yes, yes, yes, yes! Yes! Yes! Yes, yes, okay! Yep M! So I know what we're talking about. So you may have heard of this guy yeah he's pretty famous yeah. He murdered somebody with a lawn chair, just like stood over him lawn chair and then just got guillotine like a Oh God. You know. Is that not longer Larry Yeah? He announced himself before to yes that person's the one I's going to spread his rumors he's. Like you know, the wet bandits were the wet bandits with a lot I'm voluntarily on chair Larry. He was not a murder. No! No! No! No! We know of. I don't know he could have been. I could have been this God on his escape. It took so long because they had put it on the back of a truck and drive it down a highway. I'm just going to Vedal blind people and he's making history as the first blind pilot for American Airlines. You go into a hospital with a Pella in your hind and someone's like what happened. Well, I was looking up at this guy, but forty three heroin, Molin Tiso launcher Larry, was a dude who lived in San Pedro, California, and loved the sky and all things flying and one day he thought it would be cool to strap a bunch of balloons to his lawn chair and go for a flight yeah because it is like what up is based off of right. I think so. I think so there's a lot of imitations after this. He actually wasn't the first to try this though, but we'll get to that. Let's start with dried it huh different people tried it. Oh yeah, it became a thing so because of him or like they had tried it before him. One person tried before him. He got the idea from someone else, let's, let's pack it up. Let's start the story right lawn, chair, Larry, born Richard Walters went by Larry is no name Laurence. Okay, Larry always dreamed of becoming a pilot for the: U S Air Force. He was born in one thousand nine hundred and forty nine. I always dreamed of becoming a pit pilot spent his free time, military surplus stores, buying model airplanes, yeah laying out in his yard, watching the planes fly by wanted to be a pit so bad. Eventually, when I became an adult and sis en listen, the air force wanted to go through their pilot training program become a pilot was to tall no had that eyesight. So you can't see far enough and contact haven't come out yet so we can't do anything for sorry. You can't fly on account of the you know, forehead on your face, there's just no eyes there. Yet you need eyes to feed eyes to fly yeah. You know what they say eyes in the sky, not for heads in the sky. You know so yeah unqualified. I saw the panic in your eyes as you try to figure out a way to end that prose you're like not for heads in the sky. You know you tried that was great yeah, okay, so so he gets, gets, kicked out of high school and is like Hey, you could go, do something else in the air force and but he tried so he was like. No. I can see he's like. I can see he's like he's like look at. I see the here's a thing about flying, though, is like listen here: Ma'am, okay! Well I maybe this is a I've played a lot of flight simulator and here's the thing about flying. You definitely need to see your instruments, but when I fucos life, here's the thing about marriage stupid. You see your instruments, that's important, that's really important yeah kind of. But you look at the window and here's a thing. You know I've died, I've driven a lot. You see your instruments right, you literally go to that one, because you freaking drive here's the thing, but flying is not like driving like you driving on the highway. There's a lot pretty close to you that you need to be able to see pretty well flying. Things are pretty far away the ground's pretty far away. The Sky is pretty far away. All the things are going to hit, but they're pretty far away, so it doesn't matter how good dry sight is. It's bory like it's poorty for everybody, because it's far away yeah. So, let's be honest, does he need good eyesight? I don't know M, maybe to land. No, no, because here's the thing you don't need, if it's blurry is there been a blind pilot? We look that up. please. Is there been a blind? I seriously doubt it. I think it's against the law, but yeah we'll see I guarantee someone's on it. O. Oh, is this another episode? Is there a blind pilot hold on yeah? I believe in that guy or girl. What that's right do an inception. Okay, so hey man yeah, have you ever heard of Miles Hilton, Barber Miles Hilton, barber? HMM! No! Does he happen to be blind just on a guess, yeah. I was just a guess. I your born. I haven't done any research, so this is going to be very good episode or inception episode, but here's a fig in Si shod Miles Hilton Barber as a British adventurer who I'm literally just reading the wikipedia article, despite being blind, undertook a variety of expeditions all around the world to raise awareness for raise awareness and monote money for a charity organization and blind people in general in general. What you raising money for blind folks, please get Juan, I'm just gonna Ven me blind people is his accomplishments, include climbing mount blank and running across the Gobi Desert and accomplishing a flight from London to Sydney Bola by himself. I don't know, there's no way yeah, you would have to wow from London to Sydney. I was literally thing like a right brother situation where he flew like a couple hundred yards or whatever that's a light man. That's like a real flight first blind by it to take undertake what the heck. How would you feel? Was it a solo flight? I don't know, I'm still I'm s so he. How would you feel if you're, let's say you're on American Airlines and ower the Intercom to cup? Ladies and Genleman, we just have a announcement to make our head pilot for the day is making history and everyone claps, and it's like yes, he's making history as the first blind pilot for American Airlines and you you can't be like hold on right, because that seems rude. So here's the deal. Okay, so I don't know exactly I'm still trying to figure out. If I, the Word E of I'm, worried that he might be more interesting than the actual topic, an I'm like I'm a little worried about. So do you want to like? Do you want to do research on it? We talk about a different episode or an you want to. His conception was just as I think, we're kind of to the end of his accomplishments. So he his flight is, what's called a micro flight, I'm still trying to figure out what that means. But you know it's kind of like a microwave right. What yeah it's just based on radio active stuff? Okay, I don't know where I was going with it. Okay fight, so micro flights are okay, microplates are not planes technically they're like they, so you could be a blind like train engineer, that's on track! You you! Let that control you so microplates there like this: Oh okay, okay, sitting them and apparently, and I'm still trying to figure this out. It sounds like the remote controlled. So it sounds like he just sat in this plane. While someone flew into Sydney in this remote control play, I'm not I'm not a hundred percent positive. What year is it? I don't know I mean it seems relatively recent, I'm trying to figure out, because this guy he's a motivational speaker now he he's still alive yeah a rational speaker. Oh here's, his website. Okay, what your one flight happen! This will be helpful. Okay, he took a fifty five day. Twenty twenty one thousand flight, my Columbro flight from London to Ciney fifty five days. Yeah took him fifty five days, so he did have a sited, copilot O, but h he used a speech output technology. I don't know that means to help him pilot his place. So he piloted it. Oh, my gosh and he broke the sound bear okay, but this is it. This is what all I did he. What is happening right now? Who is this guy he's set waiting for you to tell Siruta the globe using eighty different forms of transport, including boat, Bob sled, Whitewater, rafting and swimming scuba, diving Pari sailing. He dined blind, scuba diving stresses me out yeah, that does. Let's see he was the first blind person to participate in a drag racing event driving out a hundred and fifty miles n now got that mountain. I mentioned that he took a four hundred. Kilometer sledge is what this says across Antarctica. He ran across the Sahara. Was He on a hundred and fifty miles across the say? Who is this m? So was so he did a did. He do a dog sled team yeah by himself across him, well yeah, but you got twelve seeing eye dogs to pull your slit. This man is a legend. This guy's I was what was his name again Miles Hilton Barber, myles, Hiland Barber. We should interview them yeah. We should I mean we can we can reach out to him Jus, but it does events yeah. I we got a couple O weeks. We try to give it at the live show no, but I think we should try yeah. I mean no fiddle off that guy, so launcher Lange Larry couldn't make it in the navy or in the Air Force. He couldn't do. What myles could do. That's what's unfortunate. Is that it's been done. It's not done now. Yeah all Lanchere Larry Larry Walters. He was near sighted, okay, Hilton Barbaras, blind yeah, so it's like, so you can see you know you can see some stuff larry. I just can't see all of it. Just can't see all the stuff. We only want people who can see absolutely everything or absolutely nothing, no inbuilt thing we want in the guys. So instead do you play Microsoft flat simulate with your ice clothes, though I've never tried it. But piles do do do do this when they're learning how to fly. I Afar there's two kinds of fine. This vfr Nir VR is visual, so you're, actually looking at the windows and looking where you're going, I a far as instrument so you're flying completely with your instruments and that's what like, like airline Palette, they're all instrument flights, they're, not looking at the window. I mean they'll, look at the window, but that's not how l they're figuring out, where they're going and stuff it's all instrumenting and when they're learning they that they do what's called Hood flights and they have a hood that they wear. That literally attaches to the instruments. So you can't see out the windows, all you can see as your instruments and that's the most terrifying thing in the world to me like trying to fly and not being able to see at the windows, but it's important that were driving one. So I made it downtown. I got pulled over and he was like what are you doing? I was I'm a HOO driving, I'm od training, yeah yeah, so ended up in the hood. I was pretty crazy. You know I was like Whoa, Hey that joke what I just followed my yeah. Well, it's kind of like you see, did you watch bird box now, oh, where they just went off of GPS because you can't, for whatever reason it was like. If you open your eyes, the monster is going to get you or whatever yeah, but they so they covered the car windows and everything and then went off the GPS and they're just driving through the streets just based on the GPS. Interesting yeah same concept. I guess wait. So is this like a post apocalyptic like yeah yeah, it was a little bit like yeah, okay, but here's the thing. So it's like Im Night Shamela made a movie in like two thousand and ten, maybe called the happening. Did you see that one that's got our guy? I don't know if I saw it, but I yew Jackman Mark Walberg S, Robert Den Robert down a junior flash blash, Bon Jovi, you know it's got that guy in it yeah, but the idea of that movie was that the plants are emanating a cent yeah. Whenever I remember the people breathe it, their brain chemistry turns their survival, instinct, flips yeah and they commit suicide. This is the same thing for this was that whatever it was, when you see it, it flips your survival instinct and you kill yourself, weird yeah, it kind of seemed. Like movies had happened. It was like a mix between the happening and the quiet place because you couldn't open your eyes, so it was like a yeah. It was. It was a center book with the Borneo and e they're going down the river blind, yeah yeah, and you can't open your eyes or whatever anyway interesting yeah, so about that yeah. It wasn't. I didn't hate it, but I was like you know. I don't I guess in Killin movie reviews all right. Well, one res so Larry he was like. Well, I can't be a pilot, so I guess I'll do the next best thing and I'll become a truck driver, so he starts driving trucks and in the s he was like. Okay, maybe there's a possibility of me actually flying because in the early s he heard about a story from one thousand nine hundred and thirty seven, where a guy named Al Mingoon. He was a photographer for Para Mountain News. He was putting together a feature photography assignment in Maine, where he needed, like some scenic photography, and so but the the it was thirty seven. So it was not easy to get arial photos like you in one thousand, nine hundred thirty seven yeah, so he this is a so got any pilots that can get arial photos. I mean it was more difficult because you not a lot of is the this. The ES pilots are aren't readily available, there's no helicopters. Yet I think helicopters were like two or three years out. That's how long they took to get anywhere helicopters took. For I mean at that point it was like you know they had to stop every couple hundred feet. You know they hadn't really figured out the fit took so long because they had put him on the back of a truck and drive it down a highway. You know and figure out the flight or yeah. We can get your a helicopter e h. o I hit you like. I go worry yeah get to the CHAPE. You know what I'm saying yeah, IT'S RIGHT! It's over there on the truck. Can it fly? Oh yeah, I mean I was going like eighty down the highway today. Have you or a love one been diagnosed with too many advertisements during the till in podcast? Have we got good news for you? Our patrons enjoy, add free experience and they get early access to content behind the scene, stuff, exclusive merchandise and access to a private discord channel. We all are in it our producers and the hosts. So if you'd like to be a patron today and solve that problem, why don't you text till in to six six, eight six six, but he he read this story about l Mingal. What aw did to get his aerial photos as he bought thirty two weather balloons and he got a like parachutes like harness and he tied it to these weather balloons and tender. I sells the MESELF and let himself lift up so he cud get those photos in Maine for his assignment. Oh my God, and got the time en done, got the photos. Everything turned out great yeah, and so later he heard this story and Larry said well, I could gole, he says I could do that didn't sound like they had a sight test for that one. I could see that I don't need a weather balloons to just about anybody that there's no eye test for weather blue. You show up with one eye and they'll, give you a weather balloon, so he says door. The kid that got like you know was disappeared, and would they thought that he was on the weather balloon Dover with that as the re or I following those Blo, they were following this they're like there's a child potentially trapping this balloon whole time in his parents adic, and that kid that kid you're not gonna, believe it you're not going to leave it Ferdinand Waldo der. I hate you, we wateer so anyway, so Larry, he starts doing the math and he says okay. I want to get about eighty feet into the air. If I want to do that, what i'mm going to need to do is i'm going to need to calculate how much helium like the lifting power of helium and how much helium i could fit in balloons and then figure out how many balloons i'm going to buy so originally he was like i just going to go to a party city and buy like seventy packs of balloons. Is i do in the math and he realizes i'm going to need so many balloons, hardy cities, just selling balloons well yeah like for party blunts and as like i'm gonna, go to a party city it just by like two hundred balloons. Well, he starts doing them now, they're suspicious. At that point they go. They don't sell you over like a hundred a yeah. I definitely happening they go. We he's like nothing. I used to love my kids, i'm just having a party, but what a arty he's like that kid kid kid: child, antike kid cuddy and my other one kid ruck. Okay, so he's like doing actual calculations. I he's doing the math. He realizes. Okay, wait! This is going to be a lot of balloons right all right, and so then he says i could get military surplus balloons and i would only have to get like twenty of them. Military, sor, plus yeah, which i don't know what the i don't know. Why? O? No? U g i mean enough for there's a surplus. You know the military is like here's, the blots. We didn't need this yeah. What is the militia? Did you need? Well i mean everybody. Everyone in the military is got a body. Everyone's got a birthday, doesn't matter for the soldier or civilian like we've got to celebrate oh yeah. What are their names? Sitisens soldier soldier for christ, that checks out? Here's? Here's a bob billion balloons, here's a balloonin blues! Yeah! Do you have i'm looking for balloon? A balloon? An balloons yeah shaped like balon, that's gonna, blue abalone and balona raise the debt ceiling, so we're going to have to attach a few balloons to the debt ceiling so that it comes on up. So we can afford a billion balloony balloons yeah. Hopefully it doesn't balloon the economy yeah. They come from buffalo, so they're buffalonian, but it's a buck. It's a balloonin, buffalonian belloni balloons. I'll tell you what and we actually you know we had enough of them and we had a western teamed restaurant right. So we that's where we stored all of them. We filled we. So we had. We actually renamed the restaurant. It was called the bolognian buffalonian belloni balloon saloon, balloon saloon and they actually, on tuesday nights, we have a bassoonist, so you can come on down to the buffle. No, the balona buff buffalonian balone balloon saloon bussons. He goes by buffoon too much it's too much so anyways. He realizes he could get a bunch of militario military balloons whole military. I used one though yeah. You know what easier on us to a belies and so he's actually on the math with that yeah and there is the what's the: how much helium does it take to lift a person say how much it takes to lift a person's spirits whatever amount it is. That makes you go. You know, that's a good amount. Yeah actual, i could kill a person now, it's so sorry they got so intense. The way i said that was a that was that was very launcher are to ask how to murder somebody. So what a tea spoon of helium take someone out. So, according to house stuff works a helium balloon can lift about fourteen grams. So you need about how many drams of lions to lift one pound. Oh my gosh! So but that's an average party city balloon kaso, here's actually on union university. How many i am twelve years old and weigh about a hundred pounds. How many humian balloons would it take to lift me? This is right before the blo get into it. So yeah posted that day, so they said it would take over. It would take two thousand seven hundred fifty four balloons to left a hundred pounds. So that's why he shifted to the military surplus point, because it's about fifteen or twenty, but he had a hard time finding enough of those. Apparently they weren't in surplus. So instead he shifted and said. Well, i just get weather balloons like the original guy. Who did this and so yeah? He was able to get forty three, but how much? How much our weather balloon lift? Do you know we? Let's see, i hate when you fake type, that's how i type stop it you're going to break my screen. I would rather type like that than this. I could yeah, so a weather balloon can carry a pay load of up to two thousand grams. So let's just figure out graham's to pounds, one grand two and how you know we don't do like hard to does go it's four and a half pounds. So, oh, whether billion can live four and a half pounds, so you need about a hundred of them. To lift i mean about fifty of them lit to two hundred pound person. I guess yeah, so he he got forty three okay, i was gonna, say yeah forty three balloons and he tied him to his lawn chair, fill them with helium put on the parachute captin. I you hold it down whenever you're yeah, so he tied it to his jeep. He tell it. It is g, a sense, and so now what? If hear me out, yeah gets it wrong and the jeep just starts going. He was, oh god, oh god, estro pull the gout. This just did we're we're at a seventy second and pedro. There is a man attached to forty three army surplus weather balloons, weather balloons and a jeep floating across the valley. I'll tell you what's on me. I really hope that someone can wrangle that wrangler and bunch of cowboys running down. Why, with the late trying to last soon, they all catch it and it starts lifting a last a week then, and then the horses go up with them, because i don't know, i don't know how that works, they're strapped in tin, so that they're just because then you got the weight of horses pulling your legs right, just like you're like so the cowboys are screaming rites, pain, and so they are now this. These weather blooms are just blowing al, and i mean it looks l like parlamentare and there just picking stuff up along the way right. The only thing you know what they had to do to save everybody was that someone had to go with a giant axe and then to cut into the town's molasse supply, so the molasses spilled out and they came in strong. Yes, that's the only way to catch. Like a giant, i drap what a crazy in you the turn the city of phoenix into a flis. The phoenix fly trap. That was super quick guys, i'm really proud of that one so anyways on a july. Second, one thousand nine hundred and eighty two he set up those blons fill him with hair with helford three ramballo for heroin. I'll tell you what you want to get high, i just don't get it. We have forty three balloons full of heroin and they're all just on the ground hold on. If these helium tanks are full of heroin, what got sent to the kid's birthday park- and i m k- i got kids rigous- just shoot leave at each other at these. Why is that the thing? Are they syringes now a hell? It is right, we're the ring harlin yeah, but i was thinking they got. Put in the helium tank, no because the heroine was in the helium tank, so the helouan, the hair with sericans. Do you buy heroine by the tank? We don't know yeah. Clearly, this is how you know that me and to him are never involved in anything, sketchy is how often we joke about sketchy stuff, and we don't know they. We don't know a single lingo. You know we got how many grams are in a powder. We don't know you know what is i pa stand for not a clue: yeah anyways i just quited beer, drinking and heroin us, but whatever they are, the same. The same so watch her larry. He fills this balloons with helium puts his parachute on and then straps himself into a literal lawn chair and he grabs his pellet gun, a c b radio, a couple sandwiches, some beer and a camera, and he asks his friend hey. Okay, when i tell you cut the cord that i have tied to my get and let me go for my flight and so, according to his calculations, his calculation said: okay, i'll, probably five on the. What is the pelagon for, like i'm assuming it is it for descent yest's when he wants to go ay he's goin to pu he's not gonna go around town shooting his in the nes from the bullet he's like all right. You go into a hospital with a pellet in your eye in someones, like what happened. Well, i was looking up at this. Guy fled over with forty three heroin bullions and suddenly there was, you know, just got a pellet in my eye. Yeah he's not like he's fining over oh's, like he's like barbara. This is for what you did he's not like hanging out the side of a helicopter non, a no i like, but it's a loch t he's going to shoot himself down: okay, okay, so he's gonna shoot the balloons and that's how he's going wen to come down. Okay, according to his math he's like i should fly about eighty feet in the air, be able to fly, shoot myself down and we're good. So his friend cuts the cord and his long chair starts rising rapidly to sixteen thousand feet. Oh my yeah! He really messed up like he's. Like something's wrong, this isn't going right where he was. Is he strapped into the chair? Yeah he's strapped in the chair? He does okay, and i bet he got an old seat belt that he just like tied to the it's a lot of chairs. It's got those little loops so lost there. I remind me a he's, got the pelagon and what else on a cb radio? Oh a couple of sandwiches, some beer and a camera, a couple, sandwiches yeah and he's way a pershod where's he trying to go. I mean i don't know he's obviously trying to have a picnic up. Eust want to go up. Yeah he's just wants to fly it, so he figured to go about eighty feet in the air. He thought he was just going to fly around like his neighborhood, his e e v guy. I owari there shooting the ether what if they call him on chair larry before this is so we know he's always out there in his long that old lot, chair, ligero up there, so drifting around los angeles at this yeah and slowly at sixteen sand feet. He drifts over a long beach and then is he going toward the ocean while he drifts over the primary approach corridor of the long beach airport, oh no, and so a couple of airplanes spot him and well how we use their their site instruments. They use their eyes. They have good eyesight. He doesn't oh okay, okay, he didn't see a a he's like. What's that noise yeah, like yeah, there's a guy out of chair, he didn't see us at all. I didn't even try to move didn't seem to acknowledge our existence. He had a gun e t even shoot at us. I don't think he knew we were there at a gun. Yeah, that's a hole to yeah so, but imagine also that he did shoot at him right because then you're in more of those little plans easier. What this guy got a egshels doesn't even damage the flame. He gets on the cvras and he's able to contact air trafton, rol and he's like hey. So i'm i don't know what to do and they hey guys oops yeah t a this point. What's up here is a talking dog and a boy scout with me, and i don't really know how to get down so he's talking to aircraft control. He changes channels she alex as drop all of his papers. I mean like they just so and he just washed a halo. Oh no, he just let it happen. He just let happen. That's a professional right there not faced so then he gets in contact with the citizens like radio station called react, and this is this is one of my favorite parts of the whole situation because he gets on the radio station on it react and react. The host gets him on the on the radio he's on his seamy radio on sixteen thousand feet. Yeah and the host is like what information do you wish to tell me at this time as to your location and your day this time at this time on and this he says the difficulty is. This was an unauthorized balloon lodge and i know i'm in federal air space and i'm sure grand crew has alerted the proper authority, but just call them and let him know i'm okay, so he just floats around over the airport for forty five minutes and eventually start he like. Let him know i'm okay, yeahlin up here i'll, probably float somewhere else in a minute o guys just want to let you know you've probably seen, but i'm fine thiry. That's literally not the concern they're on er, like is that guy, okay, the concern was like. Can we get him out of our er, but yeah? Can you go somewhere else? Yeah so is like we don't really have a way of controlling this thing. I do have one of those you don't want to go to a theme park and you get that little fan. You know i've got one of those just and i can try to like try to go through. That's how he's steering himself as other e too far so he's up there and he's really nervous to start shooting his balloons because he's really high and so he's afraid that what will happen yeah, because heroine he's super he's like he's like, if i shoot the balloon somebody can be covered in herein had to tear. When i got that's the every thing i was worried about to is that i am on federal property at me. Lots a hero, idiot amount of herward is illegal, i think, but i've got definitely over whatever the legal limited. We have the legal limit of heroin in bloway past the legal limit of zero heroin, so he he ends up si. If i shoot the balloons, a couple things could happen, one good guy. It could be like a rapid drop in altitude and he a he's afraid that that drop would like pressure and like it would be bad. He would pass out and then he's like he's a the other scenario. The other possible scenario is, i shoot the balloon, and then it puts me off kilter and then i'm hanging in this chair, like sideways yeah, she's, afraid to shoot it basically air tram on trolls, like you guys, start shooting baloon the man, so he does it. He says: shooting balloons everything's, okay, he er she send. He does have a parachute, but i mean that does yeah, but they don't want him to just leave this balloon chair floating through the sky, he's still up there wensday to come, actually juster shoot it down and then lots just up there on the six pack of beer and two sandwiches, just you know up there, for whoever can get it literally is the date of this again. This is july s, one thousand nine hundred and eighty two okay, okay yeah you go to that airport and literally just floating over a runway b is just been to close down the whole airport. Now because it's not open, it's actually a protected national park, so he was very careful trying not to unbound the load. He shot a couple of them and then he accidentally drops his pelagon into the airport and they were like hey lara. We just saw something fall. Can you tell me that was literally anything other than your gun? Well, was it a beer? No was it a sandwich? Larry? No. Was it the pellet gun? You know i am fine. I just want to really know i'm okay, larious, not the concern there. We don't care if you're, no care or not lar, this suck concern over they're all their music. Do you think they abandoned the link that the official o? I don't know- i mean it, sounds like it like from their they're. Just like oh man, you done messed up where you're yeah larry. What are you doing? Hey? Have you er heard of till in podcast march? That's right. We've got a full march store of tilling branded, teas mugs stickers, hoodies a lot more and we put out new designs with every episode, but those are only available for a limited time. So you got to get those while there hot text tilono six, six, eight six, six to get access to our exclusive merchandise, so he now has no way to shoot himself down, but he had shot enough balloons where he's descending, so he descends very slowly. Okay back to the ground, eventually the cables for his balloon get caught and tangled up in a power line: oh no and break the power line, causing a blackout and he's just dangling in his lochar for these paralyses drinking his beer. Somebody get me down, i mean like if you, if it takes you a few hours, i'm fine yeah, i'm okay, i got a tersay, which is i've, got one more peers, and so they arrested them on an intoxicated fly and does get in flyinge flynt, two tousand and twenty vision yeah. So you pay your driving in impaired vision, yeah. So when they finally cut him down long beach, police department was waiting for him and they immediately arrested him. But it took him a while. It took a while to figure out what to charge him with, and they said well they're like if he had a pothesis ence, then we suspend that, but he doesn't so we don't know what to do yeah so eventually they they did get him and the charges that they gave him more a charge of operating a civil aircraft for which there is not currently, in effect, an airworthiness certificate. That was the charge. So basically you just flew something that we haven't said is okay, and so it's figure. I guess he got a fifteen hundred dollar fine, and that was it. That was that that was that did was there any fundraisers that helped him pay it? I would imagine you became a big new story right yeah, so yeah almost just after lying, he told our landing in till the press. I said it's something i just i had to do. He said i had this dream for twenty years and if i hadn't done it, i think i would have ended up in the funny farm. Oh what that, but did he enjoy it though it's the psych word. Did he enjoy it? Yes, yeah he loved it, he loved every minute of it. He apparently named his lawn chair in the flight, the inspiration one, which i saw where's the launch church today, we'll get to that. I saw in a a another. Video was talking about it and they said the he named it. The ispirito one, which was a missed opportunity called chair force, one o that one but yeah. So he ends at the darwin awards. He got a darwin award n. Ninety three with the title of at risk survivor. I don't know what that's supposed to me, but i the do jas. I don't know what that is either daron awards seem, like you know, dumb people dying, oh darcet ly what it is absolutely yeah, so he ten days afterwards, he appeared on david letterman and then flew in you bring your chair up for our yeah, pretty good share, and so he was kind of reaching this like level of like kind of fame right for it. He paid his fine and everything was whatever and he got in. He was featured in a timex ad, and so he had like a rent. A ran yeah and it was like it was like the ae. Time watch the skies. I don't know i teaboys, so he was the. He was the celebrity endorsement on this time ex ad, and so he quit his job as a truck driver and then became a motivational speaker telling people to pursue their dreams nice. The problem was, he wasn't a good speaker got guys. So i there's no enim. Okay, i'm fine over right and that's how i hits his speech, and so he goes. Others like he's like nine or nine er, and they were like what he is making up. What he thinks is er right, he's like airplanes, but he's like yeah he's a the weather is eighty five here today with the clear skies and visibility. You know what the in to tell you just too much information on planes: yeah thetis, like yeah, the visibile about twelve miles and now bar magic pressures about that and you're just like. Why are you telling me this yeah? I don't you're just bored any of this yeah yeah so but yeah, so he didn't have a career as a motivation. Speaker didn't last long, he ended up going back to truck driving. Imagine, though you do this big thing, you start booking speaking gigs and you're so dog time x at you do a time accent. You have to go back to truck driving yeah. That's sad that as a not the truck driving is sad, but it's just that, like you to go back to whatever your job was before, whatever your job was, it said that he thought. Oh, i just opened up this new career path, this exciting new career path, just to go back see this is a guy's. The limit belivin was sixteen thousand feet. How i found it so the lawn chair he is in the fight. There was a neighborhood boy named jerry who really admired what he did hung around after for a long time after this weird relationship, but o walter gave him the lawn chair as a gift, because he was a big fan. A few years later, the smithsonian reached out to him and asked if they could have the wan chair to put on the exhibit showed up, and he said no well, i don't have it. I gave it to that neighborhood boy, jerry. Oh, they lay said the larian asked: okay, okay, okay, they rased had to larry. I thought they asked us ary yeah. So, twenty years later, jerry is an adult cherry, jerry, jerry cherry cherry, joh. Okay, so all right shut up dude. He ended up with to the san diego aran space museum. Let them take it to put it in their exhibit, and this in so didn't get it yeah. This miss onny, didn't get it in a like sikeson space museum is never said, arrivals. You know the two top museums in the world, the smithsonian and the san diego aran space. I mean we all saw that movie at about the night and night, go where all the planes and lawn chairs come to life. The lancea i've seen that movie. So he ends up later in his life. He did some volunteer work for the forest service broke up with his girlfriend. Lary yeah larry broke up with his girlfriend of fifteen years, had a girlfriend at fifteen years. Yeah it's the sort of situation where it's like yeah. We don't do labels hey. What's what sounds like we'll get married after? I think why yeah and then work were sporadically as a security guard and died in one thousand, nine hundred and ninety three at the age of forty four really young. Oh so, but here's the thing what he did it spawned a legitimate extreme sport called cluster ballooning, where i could do that pope anything with the word clustering. It should be banned forever. That gives you not. The sport is just tie a bunch of balloons to something and write it somewhere. That's the whole sport, it's what he did just over and over again, so the first person to do it was a guy named kevin, wash n n nineteen ight four, just two years after him, he flew to nine thousand feet with fifty seven balloons and then jumped out of it with a parachute. He got a four thousand dollar fine, because fa regulation stuff you know, have they now approved balloon flights. I think you can go get a license for like a recreational pilot license to do balloons, flights, because the genes book of world records. What do you an do like, like you, get like a ses now? What you? What are you going to do? Elwes want to buy some balloons so, but imagine a guy tries to do all this right and he's goes home and just starts and you're walking in your apartment, flood with balloons that he's blown up like that and a in your list bloom. What are you doing he's like i'm going to fly with these you like? Do you know how okay and he just goes outside he's car he drives. His car looks like one of those like just married people, where is a bunch of balloons, trailing behind the car and he's a lot of extra because he knew they'd pop on the dry, so some of them are popping. He opens the back of his trail blazer right. They all start pouring out he's like he's like i gotta go faster. I got a hit eighty eight miles an hour fer to take it off its carpenter oxide, a so passed out several times, blown up all the balloons in two thousand, a d one in new mexico, a team, my coward and steve davis. They flew to eighteen thousand three hundred feet broke the genness book of our wiles record for it and a bunch of other people started doing these flights all over the place. It became really big er. The two sands yeah i feel like weird stuff, became bigger than two sands. You know we were in like slime and all that yeah yeah yeah, that's true! So here's a couple really notable ones: a roman catholic priest and human rights defender by the name of adali, antonio de carley. He took off from brazil and flew across the border into argentina, and this was a big civil rights demonstration. Was him doing this and he was a lawn chair, balloon cluster or cluster ballooning flight, another big a lost er ballooned. He won a darwin award for that as well. Another big one was in may twenty eight two thousand and ten, a guy by the name of a jonathan trap, cross the english channel wow with these balloons, and he actually ironically, this guy. He replicated the house from up for a national gography tv show. He apparently can also build how many balloons would it take to lift the house, i'm sure someone's on the math right, i'm yeah, probably i'll. Look that up a quick yeah you're, so you're just making it up most houses but way between eight thousand and a hundred sixty thousand pounds. So it would take about one point: five million cubic feet of helium or about as much as would be contained in about a hundred and five thousand balloons that were three feet in diameter, so giant balloons. Those are those big balloons that are like from the sivori girl pictures. Oh yeah, those are big bilin. I worry about the sorority houses. You know because they've got those shaped balloons that are just like you know, one two, two zero two one or whatever and like all of a sudden, this or house is floating, was gonna away. You know so jonathan trapp did that trip across the english canal. Big win right. I think i was a f win right, o huge wee winnow w what a win in two thousand and ten. So then, in september thusan he tried to cross the atlantic. You took off from maine but ended up having to land in canada because he was unable to control his balion. So you obviously went off course yeah, so that didn't work out well, he got the canada and was like this. Is india you're all indians, right and they're like bro? It's two thousand and thirteen. I know where i landed. I got a report back. They were like check your iphone like yeah. What's your chip called it's the may flyer, i found a new land in two thousand and thirteen joe barbara. He broke another. He broke the geest book of world records for height at twenty one thousand feet. Oh my gosh, it was a sponsor y rebel. I don't know. Actually it seems like the red bull are. I at yeah would have said hey. Let's do that and then here's my favorite one of all in september. Second, two thousand and twenty the record was once again broken last year, yep at a height of twenty four thousand nine hundred feet suspended. Why one hand, so he literally just held on by one hand- and it was broken by david- blame no way. No way show me a picture no way no way david blaine come on. I e g. He was sponsored by red bull. Of course, it was no way dad blame de david blaine, although you see if i could get a close shot, so you could tell to sometimes i think it's wild that we live at the same time as david blane e. What a wonder to be alive! I mean he's harnessed into it, though well yeah. Obviously they weren't going to be like yeah. We can put this on tv, you just hold on to it. What does arm pops out of socket how old's david blaine, i don't know, let's find out, because he n, i mean he's been doing that stuff for a minute. Would it even blame? We should do an episode. They were blaying, please yeah, okay, how old is this forty, eight forty eight, so i forty seven you're just like you know what i'm gonna. How do you tell your wife hey? I got this idea. I hate the e on the late wax suit is an and you know it's a tear away su so when he lanse is pulled off that, like i've been phoenix jones, this whole time you like what what does happen yeah. So do you remember what it was it like, two thousand and eight two doesna twos and six thousand and seven whatever the era where it was like i mean chris angel and david blaine were rock stars. Huh h i were they were. They were a big chiel and honestly now he's like i got to go out above the grand canyon in it with balloons, and i didn't even hear about it. That's how yeah yeah that's a that's faire, so yeah so in later lon, chair, larry. Obviously in was the inspiration for up yeah because he had the kid to. Even if she s the am to kistie. Also also also inspired an australian movie, which we need to watch. Oh no, based entirely on this cover. It's an australian comedy called danny deck chair, look at any deck chair. Any deck chair, look at the cover. It's like those dude sitting in a launch hair with the balloons and the balloons- and i mean like let's describe the dude, though, because the dude looks like an off brand early career owen wilson. He don know he does and then he deck chair and then whose face is in the balloon. The balloons are like when mufasa's looking over linking and then there's like a face in it, but the balloons are the face of somebody's face. Some girl's face. Oh my gosh, so yeah as the inspiration for that movie as well. Legendary film e ave inspiration. What led you to this topic? Let me take a little peak here. Actually, that's a good point. I should there is a guy in our patron. He goes by the name of michael i am which i assume means in diana. You don't know, i assume is indiana, because it's capital case would be michael in alike. Michael and what an he leaves it to, he goes lease it for mystery. I don't know in your mind now in this episode of telling, but today he actually brought our discord to level one he boosted on his gate. So i be you know yeah, and so that's here's. The reason why i bring that up because he boosted it to level one. I need somebody in the comments to let us know what that means, but we know that we don't do drugs and we are completely out of touch with all the kids are doing. We had no idea what it is so meeds, that's hilarious, yeah so and then obviously there's the bloom boy hoax, which i literally forgot about yeah. Until just now that this happened in colorado, oh yeah, it was there as the balloon boy. I know it being in the balloon he blame and so what what ended up happening was they found the kid the kid recent top his head on sipped his face right, david boy, steps out it does his weird, like you know, think whether it has had its david play right and so anyway, cool well. That is that, if you haven't listened to the live episode which we recorded last, like yeah, it's camot it come it's we release it now, it's available, you can. You know yeah, just watch the episode or listen o the episode right before this. Just just go back in the archive as the conte to do it. I don't know it's there. It's out. It was really really good. Okay, so is there anything else on on chair lary? No he's my hero, oh man, you know something about being at that height, though he didn't break the sound barrier right. He he and what was that guy's name hilton? Oh man, my s, elimi milton bow or something right, yeah. What something broke, the sound barrier, the sandbar they both you know. Actually i've in this is against all ods. I saw it on the week when you turn it around. I saw the miles hill look at pedia page. It said that you, though he couldn't see he was guided to sydney by the sound of fiddles. Things are tone that night is a production of space. Tim media produced by christian taylor, audio by as garnett video by conteret, are graphics and ar logo by kaleb, but goldberg and our social media is one by kelaba. Our host, our jern myres and tim stone falls on your favorite social media platform at tillin. Podcast is till and podcast remember to tell all your friends about us and we'll see you next tuesday for another episode of things i ve n last night t t

Lawn Chair Larry, also known as Larry Walters, had always dreamed of flying. As a kid, he planned on becoming a pilot in the airforce. Unfortunately, he was turned by air force recruiters away due to his poor eyesight. In the wake of the death of his dream, Larry became a truck driver. Despite his inability to build a career … Read More

Timothy Dexter – The Luckiest Business Man Who Dropped Out at 8


Episode Transcription

Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey Man: what's up, have you ever heard of Timothy Dexter, Timothy Dexter, Timothy Dexter S got a laboratory? No, he does not Timothy Dexter Timothy Dexter T if I say it over and over you act like he's going to show up to x, Timothy Dexter o the name. Don't say you five times: Who's, symathy Dexter. So Timothy Dexter, he is quite possibly the the world's first like rags to riches story. Okay, but let me ask you right: Now we go a live show. Is there going to be aliens? I just want to get out, like God and your friend start saying, you should shoot that guy, you should did I use so much blubber s e o of my biography. His loge was keeping frappy. I Ra someone's putter vilets a all right. First rags richest story, there's no aliens. I want to do that to you. I want to do that to you, there's no things. I could work it in, though, we'll see I'll find a point. Okay to the Dexter. He is the he might be. The luckiest person to ever live the things that happened in his life. I can't even begin to compete hand luckier than the guy who survived to atomic bombs. I don't know now that you bring that up. He is guy until what is that on thousand nine hundred and forty five forty four years to deck for a live, what your so he was born in seventeen forty seven, oh early yeah, so he's early early he's an earlyer guy now for sure, but he's alive he was really reladen it, okay, so, okay, so Timothy Dexter we're going way back. I was born in Seventeen. Forty seven in this town called Malden Massachusetts. Okay, his parents were were lower class, lower class citizens as if you will rags he dropped out of school at the age of eight to work on the family farm, so not sue. I thought you're going to be like because he was like I'm too good for this. I, like an eight year olds. Like I got it, I got it. I could do better than yeah this education thing, not digging a to me doing man in five times three fourteen got it got it a dud. I don't know anybody got farm. I can work at youthe over confidence of eight year old dude, so he warn't there for a little while, but at the age of sixteen he said man a little while this kid worked, eight years somewhere, eight years as a farm hand, okay or man in Massachusetts and at the age of sixteen he said you know what this is really put in a lot of weight on my body like this is making the age quickly sixte sixteen, he said my boy sit, can't take it anymore yeah. He felt he felt himself aging. So he did what anyone would do in that moment and heard no, all right, I'm done with school and also it's time that time. Sixteen, like the forty right like there yeah it is s s Yeh tied like a twenty eight yeah. He was he was at the end. I know he walked to Newberry Port Massachusetts, which is not a quick walk. If he maps it on maps, it'll tell you what ye then you die, it's a long walk, and so I team he walks to me be for it and he becomes a Tanners, a Atanas apprentice. so He's learning how to Tan hides right. Everything to this point not super important right, but what happens while he's here is incredible because wiles Tanen hides yeah. He so he's tanning hides he's saving up his money. He saves up a couple thousand dollars with a lot of money for that time. Yeah and the Revolutionary War is coming to a close and throughout the revolutionary war, the government they have, what they call the continental currency, and so this currency was what they were paying their soldiers with. They just made it up. It wasn't real money. They were just like we're we're, say: Coins Yeah, we're I er possibly dying well, like here's the deal we're in revolt right now against. Oh Yeah. We have no money right. So here's a bunch of fake money and maybe if we win it'll, be worth something they won and the guy came or something well: Okay to Er, as I haver those co just kidding Hyeah, you know a yeah reber those coins. We gave you there's this new story for de man. For this stuffed animal. You can use that at Chucky. Jesus s Charles Jesus, the former, they were more formal. It was his grandfather, who's, checking to rucket the ten hundred yeah you gotta gotta get there well when the government was established a bunch of the the whigs. You know the way my wig they just put Google eyes on in Thee. Here's your whey going with that! Now, let's e founding father, O okay, we with googly eyes we just when we drew them. The artist drew them and they were like. This is creepy what Eve moblots they could be exchanged for coins, Oh yeah, so the goterie government said: okay, we can exchange the Cuttin on a currency, and then the people in the government were like what, if we didn't do that like what, if like, we just didn't, have to pay them like a war one, and was it like a thing that was like? Well? Okay, so if you put money in the hands of the people, who literally just want a war, want a revolt, I was going to say: Wouldn't it, how do you keep them from her? It's like it's. Like a you know the girl, cheats on you. If a girl, if you're you're dating a girl, who's cheating on her boyfriend, she's going to cheat on you yeah, if you pay the people who revolted there, a revolt on you eventually yeah. So that's a good point. You just got o know that you're, like a weird, that's good logic. So so there was this big debate in Congress at the time. It's like. Do we pay these people or do we not and so till going on by the way they're still debating that so so the government was like back and forth on this right, yeah and meanwhile, these continentals everyone's, just like this money's useless like they're, never going to pay us. This is never we're, never going to be able to Olin our middles, the contoor con up, continentals yeah, and so this phrase arose. Whenever you had something that was super useless, you would say that's as valuable as a continental because it was useless. It had no value. You know. I heard your wife say that so much about you and I just never understood the reference I get that now breen. Thank you! That's good, so the continental was worthless. Abigail enjoy that one! It's not gonna happen more is, I hope, to a last more just can't stop now just and it was naif a joke, so the CONDITA was worthless. Yeah, nobody saw any value in it. Yeah said Timothy Dexter. He had a couple things a bit coin thing where he was like were like all of the sudden just surges. He started continental market bets yeah. All men, twitter, listen, Shark, Clinton, continentals, okay, because in a few years this is going to blow up. I promise come in hands baby diamond hands. Also telling you one day that car is not going to have a horse in front of it. I promise I promise. You know this guy's pretty crazy, so he he takes his full thousand dollars. His couple thousand five s to the moon and he goes, and he just goes to all these ex soldiers. A ton of continentals he's like give him to me, and he just starts buying him off of them. But here's the thing the value of them was so low at this point, so he was literally US dollars established at this point. No, no! No! What is he buying them with he's buying them with like British money like because they were in a nation COCO? I don't know what do you call Britain Great Britin, the UK Norwegian reticere British dollars friend? I don't know where you knew Brit, Bratina, Patita. Okay, so end all these roties dollars ye had all the all this money and so he's collecting continentals trading. What re so valuable yeah for the continentals, the CONTENTA, didn't make any sense they got them like they were like. The denomination was like two dollars: Seven dollars: Thirty eight dollars, it didn't make any sense, but they were so not valuable that anybody would take really really low like low ball offers. For him, like literally fractions of a penny, was what he was getting these for. He was getting two three and a buck. SEVEN DOLLAR NOTES: Yeah! There's a button. Give me all you give me all you got now, so he was getting so much of these continental doughters bags of cone walk around with all these continentals for fractions of a penny yeah. Well, then, the government is going back and forth right and then finally they come to a conclusion. They say: Okay, here's! What we'll dom well allow them to trade these for bonds, but they're, ten percent of their value, which is way more than what he bought them for, and so he was able to go trade a I with these bonds at significantly high a higher value than what he bought them for so overnight. I just got rid of all my buttons for the just bags of Fuckin. Why? Okay, I go back to Puoti was hoping you would fill in the gaps there, so he so he overnight become incredibly rich, and I tried so hard to find someone who figured out the value that he got: okay, okay, it was just insane because he went and he bought two ships like not boats, ships and he in an estate. He bought all this stuff incredibly like over hips super wealthy two ships who ship I'm with you in a house two ships in a house and a total buttons school bottoms. I got a ship full of buttons and, if that weren't a story enough after this mount happened. After all this happens, he meets this woman named Elizabeth Frothingham and she's. A super. Seventeen hundred Sir Ham, is that name around Google that is there a NA. Is there anybody named, Not Elizabeth froths? The frothing is even here lasting trouting ham shut up Joe Joe RAPINAT LOUIS RE yeah. There is wow there's a lot on it. All like this is like super actually is a master hairstyles dum linked in with the last name, propping an frothing Hashes. Fifty four connections connect. How old is that hair stylist? I don't know it doesn't say the age they start they. You know that in the early two thou hundred their shop was like you know, I don't do frosted tips, I do frocked or there was. It was a car person. When I was growing up. There was a car radio car radio. There was a radio ad who the guy sold cars, they all have radios, but at the end his name, I don't remember his name, it was something it was frost right, it rock a dealership and at the end he would say, keep it frosty. Oh No, and I just thought, that's the that's the peak of just sleazy car salesman. That really is just so anyway. If I had a his crazy that you said that, because Elizabeth she was recently a widow and her husband was very wealthy as a card dealer sure and his loge was keeping froppery come on down because your carriages, they don't Rick it around. You know it was only. It was a weird voice, one saying the end: A E come on o we got a you know the talking real fast and the D just go, keep it for osteen. That's weird. We've got palaces that on at the Elizabeth. She really was a wealthy widow. Her husband was very wealthy and she inherited all of his money when he died yeah when he died, and so now she's very rich, also yeah and he starts courting this woman and they get married so her riches and his new riches. They are some of the most wealthy people in the state of Massachusetts, Oh and so now, with his new found status, Timothy Dexter says. Well what do I do? I should start a shipping empire he's like. I got two ships. I got a lot of money yeah. Let's do a shipping empire, so he hires a whole crew and he says what can I start to ship, and so he makes a lot of friends in his gated community in Massachusetts and here's the thing it's been gatherin starbucks, his good debora are not a fan of Timothy Dexter. Is Contemporary Okay Yeah his peers? If you will they're, not fans of him, because because here's the thing they don't think he's legitimate because he's not like he just got lucky and made a ton of mole has legitimate money now. Well, he does but oh they're treating him like a like a lottery person who won a yeah like he just won something and now he's here like and all of them there old money. There was no new money at the time. Like new money didn't exist everyone's on mine, and so I do they treat him like the neighbor who moves into like a really big neighborhood, and then it collects boats in his back yard. Yeah Yeah I worded out both you know it just like, like the back yard, just overgrown and all stuff er looks over and they're like yeah. They treat him like a dude who droped down to school at eight he's, not one of our Contini, really don't like that contemporary over there. All my other Kay temporaries I enjoy. Did he take her long? It Frothingham? No, he did not but anyways, so they did not like him and just because they don't just because they're, but the out they're legitimate they're, like my Granddad, gave me this money yeah, I'm glad those people aren't around anymore fat on by tickets. To our show, I repear a very let's be odes all we're all middle class. All right. We have a very specific audience Caesar there, homeowners here, homeowners, homeowners, wow, wow, quite a few wow. I hate that our listeners are further ahead than I am. I bet you know. I don't like that. So yes, so he is at some party trying to just bounce business ideas off of everyone around them right and someone tells them they said. Well, hey the West indies down Caribbean. I hear they don't have any any bed pans like bed heating pans, so they what they had at the time. I don't know what technical term I o have the wood they. So they had these bed pans, but they were for heat, drag, get they weren't. Just like the pans tied. What are you trying to describe a that? warmers they're called Tad warmers. They came to me and they were they look like a little like, like you know, those popcorn that you pop on the stove. You know I'm talking about yeah and then it's like pops up and you're, like Oh cool pop wor. No, I a said yeah and you kept going. I appreciate it, they had the same thing, but you open end up. You filled it with hot coals and you stuck it at the foot of your bed yeah to warm your bed up because they didn't have like the E in a bed Pan Yan, it's not the same thing at all. Well, that pays worth the same fig the heating elements different. We can't stay on now. We got regit off that pot because it was so and they have heaters, and so they would just stick this hot pan in their feet and wet their bed up. It sounds like a good way to come upper class. All right. The lower cans were setting their mat to fire in a lot of casualties. You know a gate, the matches, the man we at there just yeah. We got. We got ten minutes before we're gone, so honey. How I can't Ford the mattress matches. I hate that so that they were shipping it to a place that was really hot, all the time yeah, and so they didn't need bed pans. BED WARMER AD warmers. They didn't need better warmers, basehead, ers yeah, the space eaters, but Timothy heard this idea and he's like that's a great idea. They have none, they have none of those there there's no market, it's an untape market, and so he buys a hundred thousand of these bed. warmers loads it up in a ship and sends his crew out to the West indies and he's expected to trying to sell was a show, a lot of money. Snow shovels in Los Angeles. Where am that's exactly what he did so he gets there and his captain isn't sure what his cargo is yeah right, so they land they make lamb fall. They crash into the port. The captain wasn't sure about a lot obness, you know didn't know what was on the boat didn't know how to drive the boat. You know just rammed into the shore they get there. The captain opens with the cargo and he's like. Are you kidding me he's like these? People don't need this, but he realizes while he's there he's like you know what molasses is the biggest export of this place, I'm going to tell them. These are molasses. Spoons- and so so he goes to a bunch of molasses experts and he's like have you guys heard on the lasses spoons, the last a sex or to teach molasses classes, Yep Yep, molasses, Tech A, and so they sell out the everyone laste spoon. I'm really glad we clarify that they were bed warmers and not bet pan to those gay, just bed pans of molasses, so they just make up a new use for H, m yeah. They just pretended something else and everything, but a big they're like they're, very large, they're, very large and they're like this, is better than the spoons. We were using tea spoons to spoon out all this molasses. Now we got this whole molasses spoon a yeah, so they sold out, and so the ship comes back with so much more money, and so now his contemporaries like hold on it seems as though he has used the boats in his back yard and returned fruitful and so so yeah there their matter staring out their window e o dust grunt to old man. Just so so they were shocked to see his success yeah. So they had to devise a new plan, so they came to him and they said. Okay, you know what else the Western des need there is like. What else can we lie about were like Oh yeah? This looks like you know. They said you know what else the best in these needs. They said Mittens, they need lots of mittens and he was like you know what on tap market mittens down there and all their hands naked and was a making hance a great idea? Is it great yeah? Thank you, Jefferson, I'll load up the cargo go lot of the cargo. To was Jefferson. Is that what you said? Thank you. Jefferson Jefferson is still mad about the I I'm trying to get into a mitten market. He bought all the Mittens and Massachusetts all the Massachusetts. Mittens are gone, so they're mass producing Massachusetts, Mittens Yep for mass transit got Kaso, so they get them they get into the West indies and, as luck would happen, you all like swampy hands what you going to convince him on that, as look would have it. There is a group of traders there from India that were about to head up to Russia and they had no mints, and so they bought all of the Mittens on the boat. It's gonna be cool. Where we're going do we use some of that? I would be man at this guy. You know, like your, I let's say you're, one of the founding fathers you lie like. First of all, we were volted, we were did the trying to build a country, and Tim over here is selling the mittens. That's where the the West indies, so then at Tosti comes back with another boatload of money. Another bow load of money insane. How is this guy's getting? He starts going by Lord. Nobody gave him the title he just gave it. He was now Lord Dexter, yeah and now people hate him even more, Oh yeah for sure, due because men, if you meet somebody and they're like what was your first name again, oh you can call me lowered. I'm sorry, did you say Lord Lord, or a Lord? No Lord, Lord Lord de Lord Dat, Hey and you ever heard of till in podcast March. That's right: We've got a full march store of tilling branded, teas mugs stickers, hoodies a lot more and we put out new designs with every episode, but those are only available for a limited time. So you got to get those while they're hot text Tilono six, six, eight six six to get access to our exclusive merchandise. So so no one like this guy and there was a kind of phrase of the time- a college where you say: You're shipping cold to Newcastle, because Newcastle was the top manufacturer of coal. I he was like. I Bet I can sell it. Well, here's what happened! So when you do something really dumb some one man say it's like you're shipping cold to Newcastle and someone said that to him and they said he's having all this luck and they're like you're, just shipping cold to Newcastle and he says, should I do. That is no honesty. I'm taking business advice from anybody yeah, so he ships a bunch of cold Newcastle and you're, NOT gonna! Believe this. The ship ports a Newcastle and there is a minor strike, so the whole city is out of call and they're like we can use that. We can use that as as it were, we have no cold and so low and behold this guy tells him to ship cold, the Newcastle he does it and to his dismay, the ship comes back to Massachusetts plenty money. At this point you got to think he's a magician as you got to think he might be an alien or a wizard and it doesn't stop there. The things just kept getting crazier and crazier and crazier he for some reason he had this obsession with rounding up stray cats. At what point does you know, because you use the word of session it? Does it cross from like a hobby? Were he got a ship load of cats? Well Yeah! If it's? When do you hit the point where you hire a team to round up stray kittens for you, and so he he really does. He gets a shipload of kittens and he ships them overseas and when they get to where they were going. There was a infestation of rats and sort of ones like give me your cats. Give me your cats, give your cats for these rats, so we need more cats, I'm trying to wrap my head around this wrap it I am like I bet. Noyo know this stuff happens to this is what happens at Reagan. Reagan is like a lucky person, yeah right, like she changed her own breaks and then those brigs broke yeah because she changed them, but then, at the same time, like she's on a phone with me and a tow truck driver just pulls up, and it's like hey I'm on the way. To this other thing I get to take your car for free. Oh my Gosh, you know that doesn't happen to. Is it you ever you that doesn't happen to you? Then you lock your keys in your car today, three hours ago, three hours ago, I was an office deep is sitting in the Office Depot Park. It glad called my wife delivering samplers, you wouldn't believe it, but he was trying he was to take safe. I'M gonna sell these seers. Had you heard of this your out front trying to undercut off Sebois, hey Ma as got to sell these? For My kid you know I guys got to get rid of these. You know I give you five for a button, just the one off your shirt, I pop it off O. that's the easiest way to do it's easy for to do it. You know you ever popped the button of someone's shirt. No, you got to use your teeth, man. I wish you were wing a sort. I have experience knowing that or what you US doing. I wish your werthes the quickest way to you know, that's how I make sure no one Tis, your buttons honestly masks up with it. I don't know where this Pat's going resolve. So the cat took care of the rats, the cats to Gar the rats and they brought a bag load of money. Others there are bad, be they trade them for Bass. Now, yes, they probably traded them for the rats. I think we could use the no. I can sall those yeah. It wasn't just the cats, though it wasn't just the cats. Another thing that he, for some reason, really wanted- and this isn't today it would be found upon. If you did this, so don't get any ideas, but he really liked whale bones for some reason, so he just got a ton of them. He had like a basement like a storage dream and it was a o bones. Here's my whalebone room to walk down US Open the door, O a small on small whale bones. You know the metatarsal is the whale metatarsus is, is a way believe it or not. Is a walther. Skeletons are tiny and said: it's just a pot water, yeah ooh, my God, so much blubber whales are tiny inside. So much beat them. Aren't we all, though so much blubber is the title of my biography. So your biography! This is someone else, wrote this ostile about you, okay, so what else is so so ye one? He has all this all these Wal Bounds and this trend kicks off in Europe for male corsets. But me here's the thing for some reason: Milk Mail courses- specifically, I don't know why were made with male war whale bones. Okay, I Alborz the rich people were killing the Akan, you know and just taking their bones for their courses. How many mail dones do that, so they trick the whale bones just squeeze squeeze their chests in or something I don't know and tipathy was like Timothy was like well, you know what I got a lot of in my base life you. I got a lot of my basement, so we export some whale bones and makes a fortune out of these well bones and he's like now, my basement's empty may, or that's next okay, so he buys makes all his money off of that now. He really is just playing like you know the youth group, where you'd start with a penny, and then you Wud just go trade that up yeah yeah kind of actual this guy's life was just like a crazy for an extreme scale. Yeah of that his use group as I go, the game ended but yeah. So we had things done with this yeah we've been chugging soda through socks. For the last I learned I and he's like. No, I'm still going, I'm collecting whale. I I I look at all my wilpon. There is a kid, a youth group who does that too. I ring and you're like what are you drawing a a Bo? I want that heck man. What are you wearing Maloka right, so timothy, a man, he found faith, and so he said you know what I can export this yeah yeah. He does. He gets a TON OF BIBLES LOVES UP A ship full of bibles ships it overseas, just as submission aries were thinking. Are you joking? No nor gosh. They said they were praying. There's a Lord bring us some bibles and then Timothy Dexter Aristis here a boat crash into the shore. Next to them, anybody needs some botles. This, the shout from the port they're just like we got Bibles S E game, all right bibles and a whale, but the souls out of Bibles we sole barble, tells all the bibles. This guy is just insanely rich he's one of the most wealthy people in the whole nation. In fact, he loaned the United States government five million dollars in that day's currency insane Lee. How much is that nigh? I don't know. Let's take a look what you think that I don't know exactly the year around the time frame: Seventeen! No! I would have been probably like eighteen, ten, okay, let me at five million, do as I abeen ninety seventeen. Ninety, at least what you say. I said at least six million all right here we go inflation, calculator com. I got her wind faith, hoping that that's a thing. I worked. Five million a D D ventured ninety go whale bones for sale com, see if that one, just if not it will be the end of the night, we got a buy that no we're got it or get it say: five million in seventeen. Ninety is worth a hundred and forty nine million dollars on Le Cow. This guy's insanely rich insane, Lee rich and everybody hates him for it. They hate him for it and he knows it. So he leans and he goes it. He leans into it. This guy buys this massive estate in Massachusetts, yeah the massive Massachusetts state and massive Massachusetts Mansion and the things that this man did to this house. Okay, I don't know why you said like that. Okay, he he wanted to make it the most opulent place in the world, and so he built this garden, this massive massive garden outside and he erected forty statues of prominent people in the world, and so it was George Washington, William Pitt Napoleon, Bonaparte, Thomas Jefferson and, of course, himself yeah, obviously yeah, and it was Lord Dexter. It was the biggest statue in the garden, obviously because he was the most important and it had the inscription that said on his statue on his statues, a Timothy Dexter. I am the first in the east, the first in the West and the greatest philosopher in the Western world. I don't worry, got the foloi someone's twitter by a yes and so, and he started like painting like that's a cane west quote is like that's what that feels. Like that's one of his weird tweets, he started painting these murals on a ceiling. He started paying his walls het the sky, and this always was like Vegas like it was just insane and the nicest thing Tim could think of was Vegas. That's what he went he likes place was crazy ranson. It was why I'll tell you never seen so it's like in Vegas when you look up at the sky ceilings. Oh yeah, I don't know I've never been to that place. Oh my gods, full of sin you've been with me as an accountability partner. All right. We only went because Heman bree warm mayor. We to follow the bill. I Graham rule all right. I was gonna. Onsay went there on your honeymoon that was Goin to try to be like. I had to go to rule, but then I decide not to, but here we are, we can edit it out. His house was just so over the top right and everybody knew it. Everybody was like I hate. Looking at that thing. I hate walking by and having to see it because it's just too ridiculous yeah, especially his wife, so she made him bias Elizabeth. She made him buy another house for her she's like I want to listen, be for him, not that, of course, Frothingham propping. That's right worth oth words forward. They named a city after her propping it okay, propping a Lisbeth, had a separate house. She see and that's a is calling she just was like. I will not live there. Okay did she get a statue? I don't think so. Maybe that's thirty. You built a state for yourself. Would you give one to breathe? Of course, I'm sure would you give one to me now now? Definitely not would you give one to me? Okay, okay, I would have said yes as me. First, are you kidding me? I would give you a statue. If you had a statue on your property of you, you would build a statue of me to go along with it. It would submit your body and let you die out there and then people would be like what happened to him. I go. I don't know he disappeared up that statue out for him. Yeah ad, so remember, don't had to open it or nothing. YEA His face looks terrified a didn't dry, quick enough. I covered you and sit and your face is like and then you're stuck like that for ever. This is how you'll remember me here with the inscription says: Lord Stone Gosh Yeah, so she look at. I was trying to think of what the line about the coins was. I couldn't get it that's a I was on. It was a good call back in my head, though yeah I'll give myself crane, he got it and so because his wife didn't live in there. His son WHO's. Now an adult moves back in with him. Okay, and they turn this into the Frat House and they are just belligerently drunk all the time so much so that one time this guy was just on a walk. A leisurely walk through the R gated community and Timothy is tells us sun he's like you, should shoot that guy hold on before we laugh. Did he kill him? No dition? To do that? You know I, like you, know yeah. He says he's like you're, not gonna, do it I'm gonna. Do it I'm a very dry person and you should shoot that guy. That's when you know it's time to get an over I'm a very person. If your friend start saying, you should shoot that guy, you should, then I t yeah call them an Uber. Send them home. That is like Vegas satinet shoots that the guy misses horribly, because he timothy did it to. He was like you're, not gonna, do what I'm going to do. I miss is m a bunch he's like you should shoot that guy and I some like yeah. That's your state you're not go to it to every night he's like all these people outside looking at our house. Those are you put those there. There are forty people in r there's forty individuals, I wouldn't call the crowd, but it's something all right. There's a gathering outside one of them's, the leader he's bigger than the others of the scared, so that got didn't walk by that house anymore. I I got to change my routine over that a different different route, different root, but the house got famous. I mean it was famous already, but it got even more famous for being a place that was offensive to look at and then here's the next part of the line. That is more a interesting. It was offensive to smell rough, so yeah, so this house went down on a hard time with this mica. I want to be okay, yeah, it's really difficult hold on my thought on Certeau it out, we can cut it out my hand. Is Too big, we'll cut it out, we'll cut it up. I feel like we're not going to cut it out. My Mikak fell off earlier. It's on the floor. You just want to do yeah. It fell, but I was like you know. What show US right right there on the front were: Go, go all right! Okay! So anyway, where were we? God changes routine yeah? Have you ever heard of Timothy Dexter? Oh my God yeah. We didn't record this whole time. This is new sore, laugh again, all right got it got it we're going to put it in post either way. I'm glad you can I'm glad you came through on that. So the House reeked, the house mounds, really bad. The house was really bad. He had a third floor that was entirely for parties, but it stout being used because everyone's like I don't want to smell that place. Yeah, and so do you think it was the whale bones was smelling in the house. Do you know what was smelling? Are you just saying it smell bad? The quote is literally was offensive to smell, and then in giving context is just this place was to fend is how they talked to yeah the places offensive to smell yeah. How bad does something have to smell for you to be offended by it like it's like you can smell something and be like that's gross that for you to be. Like I offended of tamed by that Smell, I don't know it's got to impact your life yeah, okay, anyways, so these two were disgusting is the more of the story. Well, Timothy is he's made a ton of money in his life right and he's starting to become suspicious of all of his peers, because he noticed he's going back through the script of his life. He's like wait a minute. You guys didn't like me before he's going through the script of his life. He's like no one comes to my parties, any more and he's like he's. Like all the business advice, I've ever gotten. I think they were trying to ruin me he's like. I think they were trying to financially ruin me and she says you know what I wonder that what they would do if I was dead, and so he builds a mausoleum and he faces own death. I am a big fan of this guy and he gathers his family. He gets his wife and his children. He says come around children. I need you to act like I'm DA and everybody just says: Okay, and so they hold this funeral at this mausoleum and he's hiding on a e say he died. I don't know they didn't say, but he faits he fakes his death and sure it was easier to fake your death back then, to again I miss those days. You know I mean like it was easier to disappear, easier to fake. You could just have someone spread, a rumor that you died, yeah and no one's going to be like well. It says that he's online on Instagram, so he also at that time. You could be like. Oh to ghost, all right have you or a love worn, been diagnosed with too many advertisements during the till an podcast. Have we got good news for you, our patrons, enjoy, add free experience and they get early access to content behind the scene, stuff, exclusive merchandise and access to a private discord channel. We all are in it our producers and the hosts. So if you'd like to be a patron today and solve that problem, why don't you text till in to six sixty eight six, six yeah? So so he sits in the mausoleum and he watches this funeral. Three thousand people show up. Three thousand people show up to his funeral and they don't think he's dead and his kids are selling it. His kids are doing a great job. They are sobbing you have to yeah, they are selling it. Oh Hey! I think it's all. I think pizza is calling no way no way hello. This is Tim, hey how's, it going. Oh sorry, it's the fourteen yeah it's! The Rhino awesome sounds great. Thank you. I know about that. Gene was so confident in Miskes Corporate America pay all right well hold on this. I got time to pull it through. Do they, though, also I like your delivery driver? I do like him a live hi. This is me from Pizza H. I love this guy. I hope he wins. I think I come on stage. This is what my worry is that he's going to show up and then not want to come in the room yeah. Is it just going to be nervous? It's gonna have stage fright stage fright. I was just worried about. Like I mean, would you deliver okay anyway? So you think you, okay, thanks for by time, I believe in Minsky's, I don't okay, so his kids are selling it they're, sobbing, you sotting their eyes out, but his wife she's, just kind of enjoying the party she's got a drink. She's mingling she's, just like Aeon, goes on at that big house. Seyo know, in my mind, he's been dead for years. He sly he's, like you know what I've done. This has been dying before it's, it's not he's a land, so she's just enjoying it and Timothy is getting frustrated because she I whispering from them, he's like estarse it don't better and she's. Like Hmm, your house smells my house doesn't. Is that whatever his guest said? If he funeral good man smelling house, L Sel else the whale bowls so he's just watching his funeral he's watching his finer and he's just fuming at Elizabeth Fuming frothing at Frothingham and oh my gosh. I see your gyrae God you guys ready for this. I think Kalas trying to talk him into it. I was like listen was like listen. We give you a lot of money for this. You got to do your part already, oh praise, God he's so nervous. He does not want to do this. He doesn't want to come in. I hope he I hope he comes in. I'm really excited for this. Here we go. Everyone Start Sorry, peds Hut, Petah me a hut. Please we're gonna give the anyway. He was a Naini love that guy. I love that guy. There's no pizza in here. Anybody want some pizza. I love it before you even offered it Joe wait. Are you no eat that Pizza Joe got here? I four hours early Joe as a towel with our faces on it, so they came to my show in St Louis, with a picture we had taken in like two thousand and seventeen and then put her on a towel, my God and then we took a picture a think. You deserve a pzzant to offer it. I love that immediately we're like they're going to hand that to me that's my pizza. That was confidence, you know. Well, so does the next guy is mice's gonna get two trophies. Then I guess so great everybody gets there. You here something I wanted to boo the second place, but we were told we can't do that. So I mean. Does that hurt? I think it's Hilarious, but I guess hack is ticking Minsky's all right so so so timothy is watching to is funeral ye sing. His funeral happen frothing at Frothinghamyes, and he says you know what I've had enough and so he sneaks out of the mausoleum and just start berating Elizabeth in the middle of the wake. The priest is like doing the speech and he gets so mad. He like grabs a cane and starts hitting her with it, he's like you're, not doing good enough yeah like I really really angry and everyone's like wait. A second is that Timothy Dexter is that that guy who's funeral writ guy looks some out like that statue over there as Timothy I'm offended by the smell and by the fact that he's hitting his wife with that molasses, but what's happening, and so everyone's like you're, not dead. I can you please do this for me I want to. I. Can you all to show up to my funeral Jowis, a pizza? Is there to Ekowe O next Saturday Bridie in two weeks. You know it's like fat. I was gonna say you know. What's murder, we, I said fake, okay, but also fat. All right, so he's like you know, ruining his funeral absolutely ruin his own fe by being alive and everyone's like really mad about it, and he just says you guys want a party drinks on me and just turns it into this massive turns out he's a live party and everybody just kind of dances, the night away and forgets about it. Okay, it's, like you, know, ship and Colin New Cai's, like sorit your own funeral. You know it's a sane. It works out. It works out. I guess, and so the Guy Yeals be honest. This event wasn't great for their marriage, it's kind of fracture between the two of them. Luckily, she already moved out a long time ago. Yeah, you don't got to like do all that stuff yeah. So he just starts telling everyone he yeah l anyone's having fun like hey. Can we just forget about the whole, like me, Yellin, an Gian hit with that molasses, food and she's like no. We can't forget about that. We wouldn't have done it. If you would said Nice things yeah. If you would have acted sad, a little bit, it actually sounded like Maro's counseling. I wouldn't have done that if you had done this so so he now. He has a track record of this, because now he starts telling everyone that Elizabeth is dead. Oh yeah they're saying that can't be they're saying they can't be O se. This, like, like you know she left me yeah. So ons like what happened to Lizbeth she's dead she's a really saw her at the dollar general, a general. How long is do General de saw her the Coil General? What did you say to Canina Lieutenant? I don't know at they call an Canea tree, so people did exactly that. They said well. That can't be because I just saw Elizabeth yeah and he was like well that was her ghost s like yeah. You might have seen her wan talk to her ghost. Her Ghost doesn't like me, yeah she's, rude and so they're like they're e a, but we see your coming into your house all the time and he's like it's a ghost. It's a Gush. That's her ghost watch out for evil, ghost coluche out for her evil ghost, and so he starts. He becomes kind of like this street profit kind of guy, so he just kind of hangs out on the side or on the street corners telling people about how he could run the government better and his wife is dead. He lose it or is he like? I think he lost it a long time, probably preak funeral. I honestly, probably before he got out of the what I, how old, are you when you're eight? What grade are you in or the second grade? How old are you with your hat? Probably Second Grade, I think that's when he lost it. When he's like now, I should drop out okay. This is a slow spiral. That's low, so now he's out on the streets being like watch out for that he's followin around town dude he's like a cuss over there, don't talk to her she's post once I when we were in Los Angeles, once we went down to Hollywood, Boulevard, N and one of the street performers just like leans over another step before and points at me, and this goes that guy is a cop and that's so confident and serious, very like be careful at he's a code. So that's what did you arrest him? Oh yeah, I fall into his car, followed home, really leaned into it, or now he was doing some drugs, so I turned out he was a cop, for it was a trait feeling so that guys, a cop and the cop who's under cover. As a Hollywood street performer in this scenario, just Hollywood spider man's just out there and he's like in the suit sweating like don't blow my cover, sweet, doesn't suspect the thing okays he's telling everybody about how he could do everything better than everybody is he's: braiding priests, Brading, the government brading his wife, like everybody that exists he's like I'm better at all this than you. I could do it better and he's like. I can prove it by the ship loads of anything. I could sell and give me a ship load of whatever I'll sell it for a lot of money, because I'm better than all of you and so he's one of those guys right, and so he says you know what makes sense for me at this stage. In my life essays that Mat by the podcast weren't around that guy's time, you know he would have had one and it would have been popular and that well, you know what was around at that time. The newspaper was what was around the printing press books yeah, so he wrote a bullet obviously, and this book is literally called a pickle for the knowing ones and in this book he just goes on a tirade for a pickle for the knowing one yeah. It's about forty pages long, that's my biography about forty pages long, and he goes on this tirade about how bad the government is, how bad Presso, how bad his wife is, and it's his big book of Philosophy. Here's a thing. There are eighty five hundred words in this book. Eighty five hundred boards. There is not a single punctuation. It's a forty page run on sentence. Forty pages, no punctuation. On top of that everything is misspelled, there's not a single work, let's to Coretti years old, lad and there's random capital letters all over the place just random here I actually have. We can see an excerpt here, I'm not I'm a you! Want readers, Lord of the the Unit States of America. America re a mercury now of newberry port. It is the voice of the wow. That's rot! It's really really really about fourth line. I love Lord Prete Souna for don't hurt a cat nor the mouse he did that he on a mouse. Did you read this? I didn't real great because this port down here says in the first place they are, are found in the next place to make out dexters Voisim. I want four lions to defend the great and Masein from east to from north to so which now are this way. I want four lions arihat the places race. The lamb is not ready and short meter. If agreeable, I form a here's. What I love about it, as he didn't say, I want four lions. He said I once I wance for love O reliance. I want four lines to defend this great end, something men from why this is mystery. Men, Merman, watchin, O the mystery. I here's the thing: here's the big! This guy's got forty statue for large cats. We're not liking this guy's, Lord exotic, a right, the Tiger Lord, so he doesn't even sell. This he's got enough money, so he just is walking around the streets like their tracks and he's like a Watusi it out to people and here's. The thing he's handing it out to people and eventually a printer, gets it and he says Oh yeah we're selling e, Oh yeah, they do a barns. Oh Go is gonna love this. I tell you what I don't know, Mr Borders. That's an old one, so the guy gets it he's like yeah we're selling this. They do eight editions that flies off the shows O. I need this. I ended it all and the other editions. So after the first edition goes live the press gets it and he gets a lot of criticism. For you know the old grammar yeah crisis import it the like. We can't understand anything but one of the biggest things I said at least add some punctuation to this yeah, and so he adds in a second edition. The publisher comes to him and is like: Do you want to add some punctuation? He said sure, and so he has an Denda at the end. So the end of the second edition, there's a page, that's a full page with a text in the middle that says for all the critics. It spelled way worse than this. It doesn't. If you read it, it wouldn't sound as good as what I'm going to Er all the crickets for all the comices for all the critics. Here are your stops and marks salt and pepper them where you would like, and the next page is this? What we just want some punctuation of your book- You do it he's like this should be enough. Tis put wherever you leave. I don't think I can see, but in this column of question marks, there's one exclamation point. This looks like something my grandma would share on facebook and be like found it. You know when you find it things, and the publisher was like yeah is, is good. What are you gonna cut it out pasted in came with a glue, stick SIC edition rap to the front, so Timothy Dexter Yeah, you wrote that you know he wrote that poetic, really when you think about it greatest is resis called full. Stop Pretty incredible, pretty incredible, and so, when I heard about this I said well, I'm going to get it shut up. WOT IS DUMB Ha. This is a pickle for the knowing ones. If you can't see the picture this is this is this: Is Him and his pup? This is going to go up on our wall. This is going to be a new piece in our studio, we're going to frame in going ones. Here's what's crazy. The second addition is impossible to find it's like a collector's on em. I tried so hard. This is first edition, so we don't have the stop page, but yeah. It's really really tough to find that second addiction or addiction addition, second edition, it's incredible and so you'll see. This is amazing. You'll see this in our studio. From now on, we're going to hang it up on the wall. Well, maybe not from now on. We need to find a place to put it but wow at some point soon. We'll hang that up somewhere, I tickle for the knowing ones so got. What is the dedication you put into the craft an it says, Lord Timothy Dexter original edition with illustrations? Did he illustrate it? No, he didn't all a so. This is a later like where someone else so you're saying that hat is proportionally correct. That's what he was or back up, that's a he ha. The dog are proportionally correct. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's wearing a little dog and I said, that's actually a whale bone on his head. Incredible, incredible, wow to the dexter he's a legend wait, even the even the title of it. It's a pickle for the note and then the one is not capitalized what it looks like I mean this, a petal, the sub title where's this sub time I mean. Is it not on the front on the front of it? Is this the set title I don't know read it. Let me know pickle for the knowing ones by Lord Timothy Dexter, with an introductory preface by a distinguished citizen of old newberry. Fourth Edition. What's the pre, oh, what's the you were trying to find me to tell me to do what some time yeah I was trying to get you this sumtimes there's a some title. I thought it was on there. I guess it wasn't it the wrong addition dude! Oh my Gosh! This is almost cool. I can't remember. I can't remember what it was. I thought I thought I had that on that it is printed in Vegas just see you know, that's funny, that's why we went you bought this a couple days ago. This is prince it on demand Sata's wild yeah. So he he rode that book. Just handedd it out handed it out and it got to be pretty say every look under your chairs right, happy. Why do you look so he had surrounded himself by this group of people that were insane and one of them was a poet who wasn't good, but they wrote this poem and this kind of lives on an infamy the house that he had built after he died, someone came and they sold all of his statues. He's the thing nobody wanted them, so they only sold for a couple dollars a pot, the one thing he couldn't sell. It was because he was sad. He didn't get to sell him. Yeah, you put us on a boat, you show on the islands and they're like you tell. This is crazy. Yes, what you keep doing, wiss you looking for these ates, and so so they couldn't sell them all. They sold them off for a couple dollars and they had a bunch left over, so just pile them up and they burned them, and then they took his house and they sold. It became a tavern cycled through a bunch of owners and somebody somewhere on the line said you know what we want to repaint this house, but there's pain on the walls already, and so we can't paint over it, and so they said, let's burn the paint off, so they burnt like half the house down. Obviously I took care of that pay out. The was I saw that that's that's a quick dip, OATTA's gone so so a historical society got their hands on it. It was like half brunt down, they ended up, restoring it and they they sell it. Now, it's like some private property, but there's a plack out front written by this poet. Who was one of his friends. The poet says: Lord Dexter is a man of fame. Most celebrated is his name: Oh Gosh. He sold cats and rats and bats more precious than gold. That's pure Lord Dexter shine forever mere. So you guys are going to love this guy. We dropped out of school together, all right, so here's the thing he did die he died had a big funeral. It's how I feel show his actual one. I don't know there's that he like no we've been to that one eel catch the next one. I would be interested to see how wife did in that one, but yeah so upon his death, though the paper went to some of his contemporaries, his business partners, and they asked for a quote- and this is the quote. I said his intellectual endowments are not something to be exalted. A was it that was the club. I oh, he died. I you want a cop for me, yea you're, Goin, say something: okay, he just doesn't see what the kind of guy who knows what's going yeah and here's here's the craziest part of it all just before his death just or for his death. He was, he had been long retired from the shipping industry right. He had made all his money. He was too busy right in books. Now right, none of the other ones got published. None of the other ones made it off the drafting table and so he's doing this career right. Yeah someone told them they said. You know what I hear is happening in Georgia right now. Oh my gosh. We got to get a ship load of fennels down to that estate. I'll, tell you what you're, having a sittings of one last night is a production of space tim media produced by Christian Taylor. Audio is edited by Alice. Garnett video by CONARE social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic designed by Caleb Goldberg, our host Er, jare, Myers and Tim Stone. Please follow some social media at Tillin podcast, that's till in poncas. Leave a review comment subscribe wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on the last night. I

Timothy Dexter might actually be the luckiest man ever to live. Dexter was a prolific business mam at the dawn of the United States. He was one of the first people in U.S. history to rise from the lower class to the upper class. His business success, however, was entirely a stroke of luck. Few things that he succeeded in … Read More

Ferdinand Waldo Demara – The Greatest Imposter Among Us


Episode Transcription

Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey Man, what's up, I had something like contact. You wear contact, you know. No. You always made fun me for wearing contacts. How long have you were in contact since eighth grade? There's no way I made funny for in you idiot for wearing content, what a you can't have strong natural eye site I've, not a thousand and twenty vision. You don't you suck. I've never said that as why I swear. Are you thinking of someone else? No! No. You think that I was trying to pass off my contact wearing eyes for just like this is natural. I think this is a Mandela effect yeah. This is definitely like a barons tein guys kind of situation. You know, because I have there's no way. I Made Fun of you for that yeah. You never work out, there's so many other things. I invite you for. I don't know why I would choose context, there's just a whole other list. You know yeah you don't you never work it. I don't buy it. Jar, never wore contact. Yeah Jaren doesn't have eyes anyway, you I you listen to the podcast version. You don't know that. You know you listen to ad, you know, that's just skinned Wi S. I should be yep there's not as an ice ogist. My ol doesn't have eye sockets, it's just a flat. Just there's a no stan out, there's a Freeson, you know and it's just a flat landscape of a face. You know it's pretty gruesome to look at Ye. I guess I would assume I don't know. I don't know what. Then I don't know what it makes like know what things look like, but I will say, as a non e having person, I did make fun of Tim for wearing contact. I, like you idiot how poor is your vision and he was like. I have odes you know, and what, when I did, try to shove two pickles to straight into my face. I was like I heard this worked somewhere this I got pickles for eyes. It's going to be a medical manual, get this for Canadian Lumber Jacks. Well by God. That's fine got a screw in it best night of my life. I know that it doesn't sound like it. What? If what, if hold on what, if you impostor the motor things anyway for for listers, I just need to let it be mown that a couple days ago, Jan and I had a conversation because our eels episode got really o Yeah Percent Yeah and we were like yeah, it took us forever to talk about the content and that up yeah and we keep doing bits at the beginning. You know so, if you're here I don't know what this topic is, but if you've googled it. Your is very interested in. We haven't even mentioned what we're talking about yeah and then you've made it. This far, you've probably skipped a lot, but you have made it this, for I have a way man, I'm sorry, yeah, welcome to the show Tim has eyes. So have you heard of Ferdinand Waldo de Mara for Folorn Waldo and Waldo Yeah de Mero, diner damara damara yeah, Feminine Okay, it's not it! Now! It's an as IT'S FEMININE! Is that okay, it's linguistics! So No, I haven't heard of any of this, so he is as wikipedia calls him an American impostor known for impersonating other people. Yeah is this frank calliades real name Bro? I does he like I impossibe he imposther and steal money and stuff. No, I think it's a hobby he's like no he's like a he's a. What do you even call that person an impostor? No, I would commeant. No, no! No! I mean like okay, but I'm saying like does he m? Does he imposter to take money? No? No or to like trick people I thier? Is it an act? Where he's like? I can do these voices, you know it's not an act. What kind of is an act, but it's not really an act honestly. I think he's just addicted to seeing how far he can convince people that he's somebody else, yeah like how you try to convince people that m done as your yeah brother cousin brother to cousin Hasan. She is my cousin, we're cousins yeah. If you say it enough. Yes, I she is get cousin, we're cousins, look her at Emma Stone Tim Stone, Amiston from Phoenix Arizona, Tim Stones, Linea just from Phoenix Arizona. You don't have to dig that deep to be a man reaped page says it yeah. Her wipe stage, let us his family Tim Stone, Co host of things so on he time you have five weeks to make that happen. I realized that Gonta add it to infinity. Let me just go into our back in here and let ad a little show note. I'm literally adding good to yeah got to try to figure that out also could a cut this part out to make it just look smooth or leave it in, so people can get it behind the scenes. Look, you know how you can get it behind the scenes. Look Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, that's right! That's where new episodes drop on patron, patrons a way to get early access to episodes and a their content and exclusive merchandise, and we're not going to stop there because we have a private discord with our host and producers in it for less than seventeen cents a day. That's right! That's! FIVERS! A month you two can be a Patriot supporter and not your advertisements in this freaking podcast anymore text, till in the six, eight six, six, otherwise I'll come to your house. I will find you. I will destroy everything. That's good in your life until we're the only thing left anyway. Here's another advertisement so fetiche Alfredo for a man Al do de Mar I'm very close. Okay. So here's the thing: here's! What this guy did? It's incredible, I'm just going to I'm on a start from beginning this way. I don't want to Embarras, you can kind of thing or he's just like. I just want to see how far I can get almost yeah, okay and I'm gonna, I'm not going to tell you a lot of times. I tell you his accomplishments and then we go on this R, I'm sure to tell you the story, because it just it just goes so I think it all began when he was about thirteen years old. This guy was born in one thousand nine hundred and twenty one. So this is the early S. His family was pretty well off until the Great Depression, and then they had to move to a much poorer neighborhood, and I think I think, for Ferdinand one of the his problems he always struggled with. was he just got bored really easily? He had a photographic memory. He was very intelligent, but he couldn't keep his attention on one thing for very long and I think, especially after his family moved to this poor neighborhood. He didn't know what to do for fun. Until one day they lived in Massachusetts, he managed to get his hands on a couple manikin legs, and so he goes out. They moved to Massachusetts, and wouldn't you believe it just everywhere in Massachusetts- is just Massachusett Mannikins and their legs. What happened on the tors torn arms? I don't. I have no idea what happened he just grabs. It lags. He somehow got the legs and there was a big snow storm, and so he just stuck them out the snow drift on this busy highway. That's fun. I just hung out watching people swerve off the highway and pull this the I of this guy. I am again in all I O wow. This guy really nailed it. That's Hilarious, where you did that thirteen yeos prodigy! That's a are you kidding me yeah, that's funny, so he did that three years later he's sixteen he's in high school and he's he just he's like man, this school stuff. Really Boring not into it. Yeah doesn't give me the high yeah that watching people freak out over Manicola he's, like he's, been chasing that his whole life. You know he's sitting there in eighth grade in eighth grade he's just like at his desk, just like, Oh my God, zoning out in class, just like looking at the front of the classes, imagining the Manikin legs and like not even in a creepy way, I'm not like in my God. I have manikin a lot of crises to anyway. You stop at like a yeah, but like a man that was my moment or he's just like in his head he's like did I pikat thirteen you know is that homecoming freshman here wins. I you win Tom Thinking, I mean he like. He has high school accomplishments, he's the quarterback of the football team right, he's the Brom King graduates top of his class. A still your heads, not in a none of it, is like he's just like yeah I'll take what my head is in s, no drift in Massachusetts. That's where Moroni was gonna say so. Tempt Massachusetts is a two thousand and three email album yeah. I love it. The snow drifts in Massachusetts, so I he's sixteen and he just gets tired of school and he says you know what I'm going to do. I'm going to run away and yeah. You know what I'm gonna do. I'M gonna run it's. What is this? The early es yeah? The is a classic movie where he's just like you know what I'm going to do. You see that open road, I'm gonna walk and I'm gonna keep blocking. I'M NOT gonna. Stop till I kep where I'm going so I know when I get there. I don't know where it is now, but I'll know when I get there. So it's sixteen. He run away from the House. He runs away from home at sixteen to you, take the legs and runs to Rhode Island. I only hope you know you know all those like things where they got the stick in that bag. On the end of the TI, just kind of a manikin like, and a bag hanging off, the ankle of it he's just walking down the road thumb up, trying to get a ride, guys like driving down the highway. It's the late es drive down the highway in Rhode Island on my ways and he's like Cindy Lou. Does that boy have a leg? Is that it is that a lake he's got on? Well, don't worry about him down. Just keep Dr There's a screw sticking out of that thigh. What do they do to that woman? There's a screw sticking out of that thigh well by God that five got a screw in it. cindly eyes have never seen such a thing. I know that you're blind and don't have any, but let me try to explain it that boy. That boy must have a screw loose, but there ain't a screw loose in that time. I go so he runs away to Rhode Island and he lies his way into a monastery and becomes a silent monk. Convinces them he's older than he. This is the plot of a good place, though we heustis like the quick, the easiest way to get away with. Something is just to not say anything yeah. So he lies his way into this monastery becomes a monk, but it's a silent monastery, they're silent monks, and he stayed there for a few years, but he eventually gets kicked out for lying, which is ironic because to lie. You have to be not silent, what they can write stuff. I mean, I guess so so yeah he broke the roles they kicked him out and so then he's like well I'll, join the army, so in forty one he joins the US army lot perfect time to join. I think yeah great great year to get an jump on in you know he joins the army and really quickly realizes not a fan of this, but he joined the army legitimately. He didn't just show up to camp and was like yeah he like legitimately enlisted and then, while he was there, he his tent mate Anthony Agnola. He created a pretty good relationship with him, got to know him really well and then realized. Not a fan of the army, so I am now Anthony Agnola and I am going a wall, and so he just ditched the army. What happened in the Real Anthony Igoe did so he dishes the army goes to. Canada enjoys the Canadian Navy, then, like the American army, you I like a different arm. It was the American part I didn't like and he becomes a hospital Corman as Anthony Amelia, yeah yeah. So now he's Antiano, Lia and just took up his personality took on his like fake paperwork. Pretending to be him becomes a hoss hot again. I say this every time we tell these stories yea. I wish that I lived in that time. Era Yeah. You could just start over Yep Yep Yajus go somewhere and be like this is who I this is me, I'm this guy. This is real to see. Is Me I'm exactly who I'm supposed to be so so he he became a hospital Corman, oh you're, mad, that I sing songs. I'm now that you say that so that's fair. So he becomes this hospital Corman. But he's like he's like a medical assistant, he's not like. Actually doing much but he's assisting now doc did he pretend to be a doctor, so he's just assisting yeah. I can hear it in your pace of your voice. You're, like Oh man, this guy yeah. Okay. Here we go, but he never got to the position he wanted in the navy. So he chases, I don't know a resident of President of the day E, I'm the emperor of the Canadian Navy, so he fakes his. I he fakes as suicide. Oh my God files, another name, Robert Linton, French, who is another real person, he's a doctor who man don't Dr French Yeah, R, French and he goes, and he manages to get all of French's paperwork so his birth certificate, his PhD, like all of his paper to paperwork, just gets his hands on. What do you steal it or they go? I don't know how he did that just goes in the office and is like. I was like Hey, Hey, I'm Robert French. Could I get his license and his PhD and my my license and my PhD please so yeah, I don't know how he does it, but somehow he pulls off getting all of his paperwork like his legal, identifying paperwork and he moves to Erie Pennsylvania and gets a job teaching psychology and ethics at Gannon College love that which a teacher yeah. So it seems like he's working his way through the good place, cast right right, because at first he was Jason as the silent monk now he's cheaty teaching ethics Yep Yep, and so he actually stays here for a while until eventually he got bored moves to the gotbische takes on some other identity. You say it like that say like what Lost Angelis, I don't know, you moved to Los Angeles, moved to lost last an gales, oh my, and he becomes an orderly at the La Sanitarium. What is any of those words, you just said mean I'm going to be honest and I m not positing orderly at the La Sanitarium Yeah. So the sanitarium was the cleanest place in La no it's a a medical facility for long term illness. So they typically or treated turberculosis for antibiotics and orderly, I'm pretty sure, is kind of like a nurse and attendant at a hospital responsible for non medical care of patience and the maintenance in order of cleanliness so yeah it was the cleanest yeah. He just came and cleaned like the bed, pants and stuff. I don't know He. I think he was like kind of like a kind of like a nurse was like guy I'm over qualified for this. What was his name at this point? I don't know he took on another identity, it's hard to keep track of all the identities that he took on s because he took on something it's crazy. That that's. The other thing too, is that he has to keep track of those things yeah. You know like in his head when he's in Pennsylvania, he's gotta, be Dr French right M M yeah. I don't know how he how he kept up with it, but yeah so he's in La and then he also was. I don't know how he did this, but he was like commuting back and forth between shifts, so he would do it some time in la at the sanitarium and then he would drive up to Washington and teach classes at Saint Martin's College. As dodger French, I think as the well whoever his orderly personality was. So he was like some like adjunct, nursing, professor or something like that more like ad junk right, but somewhere, someone in one of those jobs was like kind of got, win to something's fishy here and alerted the authorities. The FBI starts keeping tabs on him and figures out. Oh Hey. This is that guy who deserted the army back one thousand nine hundred and forty one? How do they track that down? I don't know, but they ended up. I rest O it a lot of stuff there. I don't yeah. I don't know how they pained him for that, but they ended up, arresting him and giving him six years in prison for a military desertion yeah. He ends up only serving eighteen months and gets out on good behavior and after his release he took us out because he impersonated a guard right. He was like guys, it's me guard Bernard and they were like. Like I do you know Bernard you know I mean I guess so I don't know how you ended up on that side of the yeah. Get you out of there Gardar classic in no. Now I tried to median legs. You know still has the mania legs this whole. That's of that! That's how the fate they were like you have two manikin legs. You know we saw a guy deserting the military and all he took was to Manikin legs yeah yeah, so he gets out of prison and he's like, I think, I'll, try being a monk again. So he does that again. He joins the brother's Christian instruction in Maine, which is a Roman Catholic order, and things go well. There gets bored, I moves back across the country and assumes a new fake identity and studies, law and northeastern university. Okay, realizes halfway through the program that he's like. I don't need to get the degree I'm just going to fake one. Oh yeah he's like what am I doing it's like. Why am I going to school? I am a doctor. I am my military monk Doctor, I'm an orderly military monk doctor. I don't Raly, do I of this, so he so he starts teaching law and why he's teaching law a Canadian surgeon moves into the same as us? Well he's starting catching it yeah. Well, he finds some Universi that he's like Hey, I'm a law professor and they were like, like okay, all right l, you can teach this kid, have an empty law classroom that you can just walk on it, there's actually a class in there right now, yeah professor waiting for a lawyer, so I me Fen hold on hello you're a what no way I was just praying for a new law prefect's, a class waiting for you right now. Yeah like got our last law. Professor just got arrested for personating a lot pean here I was praying about what you do now and here you are, and here you come ready to teach low. That's for in a row that have just lied anyway. What's your salary that you need you, Oh yeah, that's pretty big, but I pretty high, but we need based on the resume that you wrote by hand. I will pay you that so Canadian surgeon again this is the era of world that I miss yeah base that people just trusted each other Yep. They just believe each other. So a Canadian surgeon named Joseph Sir moves to a school to teach at his school so he's near the twilight is creer something and he's moving to America, something moving to America, so he needs help with his paper work. So he asks his new friend Ferdinand to help him get his. He was like he was like. Oh I. I will gladly help you so Ferdinand. Just takes the copies all his documentary and moves to Canada and opens up a practice as Ferdinand ser the surgin, and then there was a surgeon yeah. Never really does anything in Canada ikey much immediately. Yeah the Korean War breaks out. Oh okay, okay, and so he says I thought you're going to say pretty much immediately. A patient came in, you know he had the tools and said there was like you're going to need to see a specialist about this one. I you know like how yeah you should see. How long can you push o o you just not e yeah, so he he he says, Hey. I got navy experience, I'm going to join the Canadian Navy, and so he joined the the navy again and he's on base, so he quits the practice as a serpatas goes on base, and he is like, of course, he's like guys. I know how to amputate things. Wet is like you have to that screw put itself there, there's a screw in that thigh and so here's. What he's where he's at he's he's been an orderly. He was a name Navy, coreman and so he's got a little bit of experience around the medical field. He's got a bit of an idea of how a lot of things work, but he's not he's, never done it. So, while he's on base waiting to be shipped out, he makes friends with all the other navy surgeons, yeah and he's got a he's want to compare notes ye no better. He tells all the other Navy Corman that he's working on a book and what it's going to be my. Is it O it's going to be a medical manual, get this for Canadian lumber jacks so that way, when they're out in the field, if they get injured, they can perform field sergey on each other news right step by step, yeah, and so he just goes to each of his his other navy surgeons and he's like hey. Why don't you do one on amputation? Why don't you do one on this kind of like and just gets them all to write? How to do these different series and he's saying he's writing parts to, but he's not, writing anything. That's honestly, I mean, and you got to respect it is the thing: That's brilliant he's a genius he's a genius, so he gets shipped out right and he's got his lumber Jack Buts. Again, you got to make it easy enough for some dumb lumber jack to read. You know tackles. I don't use words like that: the lumberjacks don't e!! well now yeah yeah, so he gets shipped out and he has an assistant. A medical assistant he's the surgeon on board his destroyer, his Canadian destroyer and but he has a medical assistant, and so he tells his medical assistant. He says: Hey. I want to train you up. He says this is a perfect opportunity, for you get some real world world experience, and so he says you're going to do everything I'm just going to offer my opinion going to observe yeah, and so the the the medical assistant does everything on board the ship Hatem until they get to Korea and when they get to Korea. Two important things happen. First, one of the naval officers on board the ship needs to have one of his teeth removed and so ferdinand stalls him for a minute and consults his lumberjack book and then welcomes him into the room and removes his tooth successfully, and so the naval officer is now none. The wiser he's like yeah, he's a real surgeon. He removed my tooth, everything went great, I think was fine. All I did was you know like he just title string around the anchor and when we dropped anchor that suckered as pop dry. Now I know yeah, so he weel surgeon. He pulled a tooth biggest procedure. He had ever done in his life right. Well, they get to Korea and aboard the ship, comes a group of Korean militants that needed medical attention and he was able to off load a lot of the work to his assistant, except for one who had a bullet lodged in his chest near his heart, and he was tasked with performing the removal and he was like. Let me consult Looso Yeah, so he does the same thing. He stalls for a minute. He's lumberjack book was out a full axe. That's all the tools they got in Te. Tam Sides He to get the bullet out of your heart, so he literally just wings it and he does it and it was successful and he saved this guy's life and it was such a phenomenal story. I there were naval officers there and a this guy can take teeth and bullets out of your body. There was naval officers in attendance watching it because it was such a big deal because it was like not one of our melaten. He was performing the surgery as a Lisenin surgery saved his life, everybody witnessed it. The naval officer wrote home about it because they were like this. Guy Needs a commendation like he save someone's life and he ends up in the paper. They take pictures of him on the ship, put it in the paper. It's it's all over Canada right. This Guy Saves Korean militants life, but then Joseph Sir's mom reads the paper obviously and says: That's not my son. Well, the Navy to told on me mom is so that was the danger of war stuff, you know was war stuff, but the danger was like, because people did long distance relationships, they wrote letters back and forth. You kept a picture in your wallet and you were like this is what she looks like. She may not look like that when you get home from war, my guy got a look different yeah. She may have had a head of surgery to get all her teeth out and you call home to you know: Gummy Gale, all right and she's, like hey, welcome home from war and you're. Like you, don't look at the picture anymore, you look nothing. That's not my girlfriend and and she's like war, kick a tall. You know. So I'm not your go friend. Now, I'm your gun, a! What, if is there a wit? Is there a way for him to convince the MOM like mom? You know me mom. It's me guys, I'm so sorry, she's suffering from the lumber, Jacolliot lumber, jacks call it de Menja. That's what she's got. I think I don't know. That's what the lover does. Call it a mom. It's it's! Your boy! Joey! It's your boy! Have you read of Tillin podcast March? That's right. We have a merged store full of tillin bread and teas, hoodies mugs and so much more. We also make new designs for every single episode, but those are only available for a limited time, so get them, while they're hot text till into six six, eight six six to get your till in March today, so she calls the navy yeah and the name L, one eight hundred a d may do she called the general, and so she calls the navy in the navy's, like okay hold on a second you're telling me that this is just some random guy who performed surgery on some other nations soldier, and they were like. Don't let anybody find out about this and they, Mrs Sir, that's her name. I don't know you're laughing at that. That's her name MISSIS, Sir! Please shut up! Please quietly walk into the sun. How about that? How about? How are you go away? You know that will pay you to never speak again. Actually we're going to have this we're going to have Joseph Sir. Remove your vocal courts can never tell anyone, so he so the navy is like the name is like a comet him and as like, hey so we're hearing these reports. That you're, not you, say sure, sir he's nighted at this point nited, Sir Sir we've got some reports that you're, not who you say you are, and he was like you guys. Like he's like I don't like oatmeal right yeah. You know I lied yesterday at breakfast and I was bigger than that. Okay, how Oh well? What do you do now? I got your teeth. Give it the note. I got your teeth. The the naval officers, like Sir Sir we've got some reports that you're not who you say you are and Ferdinand was like. Who Do you say I am Oh, my God I am so they just say: Hey! Look! Let's just keep this quiet. Let's just ship be back to America and let's just pretend how to this ever happened. We don't want to in international. You give me, though, no I have to give a bag like no, but you can keep the tooth in the bullet and so he's got. He got a bit a true man he's get Lix is to and the bullet. What's in your hand there nothing. Oh it's just a balloon. The tooth in that order, in that order, that's some serial killer, stuff yeah. So, while he's back in America, he's obviously got to try to get back into doing imposter ISM, im, posturing he's obviously got to get back to you know yeah pretend so he he tries to become a monk again. Does that for a couple years gets bored and then says you know what I'm Goin t old? Is He at this point he's no is Nienti is es yeah, so yeah. This is, I mean, he's doing like one to two year schemes here like these are quick schemes and then he's out of the next thing so somewhere between fifty hundred and fifty nine, a d exactly sure the year. He says you know what I'm going to start a Christian college, and so he opens up the Christian brothers of instruction and he made this religious teacher. I thought you were literally about to tell me, because in the s do you know what college was established angel? I thought you were about to go. That would be incredible started the school called Evangel universe. That would have been incredible, but I then started so you started the college, got it charted by the state and where we're at in Maine, okay and then he was really offended because the Christian well honestly, he should have gone the Christian around to begin with, because you can get some pretty prominent positions with zero qualification to its true, and so the Christian brothers instruction was at T. I did Christian comedy you like yeah, I'm not a comedian. No, I said I was a comedian, but there was like okay, whereas comedy clubs were like. No, we are you and then Christian. The churches were like yeah. You are yeah cool, that's good great come perform for our youth. We will literally not vet anything. You say yeah yeah, how much you want to get paid. Well. I guess I haven't even thought about that. I didn't think about getting paid. So so he took the Christian brother in struction. Wasn't our already an organization he took them, got them organized into a college, but then, when that happened, and he accomplished all of it with the state, he was really offended because he wanted to be named the Chancellor of the college or the rector of the college. Those were the two titles he wanted. They didn't give it to him. Okay, and did they give him a title? What did they give him? Another time I give him anything. They were just like thanks thanks sorry, and so he then said you guys picked an awful name for this college Christian Brothers Instruction and he just left and he's like I'm mad. That's what he's he left with an insult yeah, your name's, stupid yeah. I didn't like it anyway. I didn't want to be here anyway and so and then at night he's just looking at the pamphlet to join the college crying and his so so Hartman after he left the college moved to Canton Ohio and re organized as Walsh University, which is now actually a still school still school. They have about two thousand undergraduates and six hundred is about the size of angel yeah about the size of it. So if you went to Wash University your life a game, this guy made it up, your college is made up yea, they all are yeah. I mean I guess so you know at some point. So one was like we should start a college they're all made up. We could make up right now. Are we going to make a Tillin University? No we've already got. We got so many things. We've got vigilanti valley, right, yeah. We should just how hard is it to get accredited you make like a till in online course. I bet we could. I went to high school. I bet we could get a credit. We were going to get you an associate's degree. Okay, yeah I mean as long as we can charge tuition. We'll have Christian look into it: seven, email speaking of tuition yeah, we have a patron five s a month. That's your tuition to till an university he be to. You got a shout out Patriot in the I did it twice. I didn't really do it the first time we can cut the first time out great. We get that time on to. We can actually just we had to have to put an episode out. Speaking of putting episodes out next week, we're putting out a pretty big episode, yeah, we we haven't filmed it yet because we this week on it a couple days ago. Well, how does shows work? Do we pretend we've already filmed it because we haven't yet, but we could act like it? Okay, let's try that that sweet, sweet smashing success this weekend say thirteen people in the audience. Thank you so much. We still had twenty five tickets, alreadie yeah, but half a more show right. You know, and your wife's not going to be there. So that's fourteen right, so it was awesome. All Fourteen P Yeah! Is this: What we do? We pretend yeah yeah, okay, this o this is the impostor up anyway, the live. We recorded a live show by the time, you're hearing this we will have recorded a live show and it comes out like it comes out that episode that episode comes out next Tuesday. So I don't miss in so I set a little reminder in your syllabus at Tiller University on no was putting in the calendar. The syllabus yeah put a little reminder somewhere and remember to check out the A or he watched it on line or whatever yeah. If you were the ethics for coming out and you'll, maybe hear your laugh and a tenor yeah. If you were there. Thank you so much. We had a blast eastly than last night of my life. I know that it doesn't sound like it because I have not. I have no experience to pull from right now, so so, after the Homai name is o. So after the whole lost university incident, Ferdinand is in a weird spot: okay, because he got kind of famous with the whole navy thing, so his picture has been all over th place. He's trying to be in the navy, try to keep it on raps, but yeah a little bit of like a thread. That's like kind of leaking out there. Okay, well, a reporter at time. Figures it out and is like this guy has been lying, has been lying at least about the navy. Thing may be more, and so they reach out to him and they say hey. Can we buy your story and he's in some financial hard times, and so he says you know what yeah sure, whatever I'll sell my story, I'll sell you my story sure. So he sells a story. They put out an article, they do a photo shoot with him and like he is the cover story on life magazine. Why, for time, it's the same thing. If you look at the cover, look at the cover of life, look at the cover of time and tell me it's not the same thing. It's the same thing, but it was. It was life magazine, I probably said time, but it's life. Was it relevant or time Rotha magazine relevant magazine? I know what you're saying now it was life magazine. Was It club house? What's the One? That's the the like the folks in the family magazine Anyway, so he does the he does the magazine and he does he's like the center ful. Like all the stuff right he's the center Poles, the centerfold of the magazine, yeah, Okay Yeah, so they have a. They are a full body picture of Ferdina to Mayo, and I want a watnall do de ma, demar. Okay, for I just yeah. Did you buy this week's addition of Life Life magazine and not even he, he the whole time. He thought it was life magazine, it's life, cereal. So I e you pull out this poster on a n in boaster poster poster. I got my impostor poster in my cereal today. He's the senter fall is what you said. Oh my gosh, okay and the story goes wild everything, Oh yeah, the story right because he tells all in this story. Yeah, it says Life Magazine impostor tells all. That is what it says on the cover. Then after that comes out, he goes guys. I lied about that whole article. None of this. What what? If? What? If E, what if hold on what? If you impostor the Oster, what it was it an another guy comes out, was like Ho, that's Mandodari. What are waking credit for my surgery and that guys, like you, can't prove it the guys like look what's in my hands as of a bullet and the teeth you know so so he, after that things, start to get a little tough for him. He tries to get another job at a university, goes really far in the interview process, and then someone recognizes him and says you're the guy from that life magazine and he's like he's a like cereal but yeah, because he was using fate credentials again. So then he has to watch in an interview room and they have the frame center full on the wall. To a he's, like he's like trying to do that thing he's that they were getting at him he's trying to sit in front of it. You know he's like like trying to block it so itch on my back. I just slept with like this, but he actually gets pretty far. The interview process with this university doesn't make it because the guy recognizes him and so ends up working a few short term jobs like as himself because he's like. I can't do this anymore. Everybody knows me things quiet down a little bit and then he got himself some fate credentials, so he could become a guard at a prison in Huntsville, Texas, guard, Bernard Gar, Bernard Castela, and he having been to prison kind of gets. A G has a good idea about how to be a garden, so he just guards it up for a little while and then he he worked. His way onto a game show kind of work, his way back in what into public life? What game show take a good look, so there's three. It was three celebrity panelists that guest your identity, so this kind of propelled him back into the limelight, Oh yeah, because I was like Oh this- is that guy that, like wid about that stuff, yeah and then Hollywood picks up his story and they were like Hey. You want to play yourself at a movie, and I it was that a question. Or do they say that, because it sounded like they said that hey you want to play yourself in a movie is the way you said that that's how the Hollywood at least just approach people and they go. You want to do this and then someone goes. I want to do that's like a a way to do that baseball movie or that is that the old dad who became a pitcher or yeah exactly, and so they gave him a role in a horror film before his movie they're getting ready, they're putting his movie together, and so they said, Hey, let's put you in a small thing: Roll so can kind of get your feet wet. I M in a movie called the hypnotic eye. Apparently he showed up was like I'm the director I well no, and the dredger was like he's like no, you, your Fordonne Rado Yeah he's a you're, an extra in the scene and the girl was like okay. Okay, what do you want to be an extra end? So, ironically, his role in the film is he's a hospital surgeon in this horror movie. But here's the thing his his acting wasn't great, and so when the movie was in production and they were watching it back, they said sucks, we should hire somebody else. Er like wait. Hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on this guy is not good at pretend. What we tar was acting is not good. This guy's not great at pretending we are talking about, so they end up casting someone else to be the lead and his and play him in his movie, and he gets really mad. Who Do you? Who Do you want to play you? Well, he didn't like who they chose him to be him because he's like he looks nothing like me. I were like Ivy Buddy, it's pretty much the same so so he gets angry becomes a drunk for a little while because he's really mad about his failed, acting career and then gets bored with being a drunk he's. Only pretending every night he's just drinking water and then, like I'm, an angry drug. That's what they do. That's how you know when you're at a Bar- and you hear someone say I am an angry drum- that's the time to go home now I will say if you're at a bar and someone legitimately does say that it is the time to go home. But that's how you know is that he goes I'm an age, that's probably why they like his acting stuff. As he's back there doing the hypnotic eye movie and he was like. I am a surgeon and they're. Like you don know, no people can trelsar the context. CLUES YEA is like it's like he's like there's no lumber Jack books in this operating route, because I'm a real boy was and like hey, write that down. I think we can use that anyone at in a different movie. So after being a drunk for a little bit, he actually goes to the Union rescue mission in downtown L A and becomes a counsellor for seven years. This is one of his longest dints in any of his cons. This is a corn yeah, he's note, counselor he's a consoler that your say and then in sixty seven. He says you know what it's time for me to do something real for myself, and so he goes to Bible school and gets a legitimate Bible degree in Portland, Oregon from the Maltine School of the Bible, and he becomes the pastor of Cherry Grove Baptist Church in Gaston Oregon, but he ended up. He didn't stay long, because rumor started to surface about everything he did in his life and he broisat point yeah. I tell you about my test. Let me tell you about who I used to be all right. I have the teeth and the bullets to show, and I great bullets teeth, there's just one. So he ends up resigning from that position because they felt that he was counting them again, even though he had actually got a Bible degree and had yeah legitimate creditis this time and was playing himself so play. He was getting to be his killing this role. To be honest, and so then he moved to tootle Washington toodle and he became the pastor of to the late Community Bible Church was there for a couple years and then he moved to Friday harbor, where he worked as a school desk driver and then, as long as you know how to drive a school bus, you know yeah later he became long as you're, not looking at the kids like all right. You guys are going to have to drive this thing. I'm just going to observe. You know, I'm just here to teach you how to drive a school bus, hmm yeah, so he became a hospital chaplain and then kind of lived out the rest of his dayse discipling people in the hospital and performing minor surgeries. He didn't do that, but eventually he died and that you can't imposter that you know yeah. You can't impostor your way out of death and that's really the message today is: Why are you waiting to be authentic? You know you can't fake your way into a better life, so he died in eighty two of heart failure and at this point he had lived a pretty amazing life as a naval surgeon. There was a stent that we didn't talk about where he was a Silva civil engineer didn't do a lot, but he was in built a bridge built. I don't know if you've heard of it the Brooklyn Bridge. Now I've actually heard he built the London Bridge Yeah and that's why it was falling down. Oh God, he was in a prison guard doctor of applied psychology, a hospital, orderly, a lawyer, a child care expert, a bending monk, a trappist monk. He was an editor at one point, a cancer researcher. At another point he also got a job teaching in an elementary school and then he also was teaching in the university started a university and performed a very successful or two pretty successful surgeries one was minor but and really pulled off by the best prank in Massachusetts. History, which is, is so tritone absolutely absolutely, which honestly he's got nothing on Robert Down and junior. Who was a investigative that one point was a brilliant master mind of solving crime and was a also a very rich person who became a Superhero Yep and also one of four brothers in Detroit Michigan who lost his step mom or adopted mom and brother and avenged them? Yeah Yeah also opened up a restaurant with his brother that he didn't really have a part of him, but he takes credit and yeah yeah. I don't you going of. I know many more things he he ran a. He was a veterinarian who could speak to animals and a movie they didn't. Do that great? I think I just realized. I am starting to blend Robert downy junior yeah. You were. I was Goin with you're, fine yeah. No, I heard you I heard you're fine, you find your fine. I was like you, he yeah. I know I know yeah you're good. I was letting you do it, though I was like okay, this guy yeah, like the same person yeah. They are to me at least right. He was also in the greatest showman. You know we might as well thor a huge Jack Wet in there. He was, I saying you might as well just keep going. Why did I think? I don't know you can was like all right S. s like Yeah Robert Donyer is more yeah wow, so prity incredible life or you're, saying yeah. So he he had a book written about him called the great impostor and then another followup book called the Rascal in the road like that Tater, like biographies. A couple songs came out about him: songs, yeah, some, some yeah anyways a couple times came out in dedication to them. The Old Im, pastor, fake thou life, Yeah Yo that one yeah so there's an episode of Mash that reenacted his surgery in worak surgery. There was the feature film that he was supposed to be in, but he wasn't in starting Tony Curtis, which he didn't like that Tony Curtis was him and then a couple of TV shows and and now he's lies on an infamy wow saved a life man saved the life and took a lot of identities, so yeah Yeah Fernand. You know what happened was he had? Actually gone into Georgia once to fiddle off the devil, but then, at the same time he went you want to play the fiddle a right, and then he tried to be the devil and that's kind of how he died. Yep, Yep yeah, so this final accomplish file accomplishment was pet to be the devil yeah and the devil was just like. I don't know how to play this thing, O like honesty, so the devil spent a couple of years learning the fiddle and the devil spent a long time, building up a defense against fiddle ors Ferdinand with a for her and was like you play the fiddle for and for today went back to La and he found all the people started, trying to become rock stars and he was like silver. So is the S he's like he's like selling your soul, I'll make you favit me your soul and he knew the guys in Hollywood because of his movie yeah. It's s like give me your soul. Like a couple les you made himself read: Yeah kicked open doors, had a fog machine he set out by the door. You want to give me your soul, Puthur here, Bon Jovi, I know you want to fame. I know that you Banjo VI. I know that you just got offset of that movie where you play for the Philadelphia he invincible whatever. I know that you just got off set for that. I need you real, quick, I'll, make you famous by joy or solely to this Solo Cup, we're half way to come on we're half way there. I met Er the rest, we're half way there. Somebody get a sharpe can label this budget LE, as is it it's this on my not sis pot joy. What's in this tree, watchin this dream Bun dofi. So what is that French? For a couple of years I lord fiddle came to La, and I was like, I figured it out. The devil rolls in the Oxalis and says I to read just walking around like has anyone seen for a name all to I figured it out. You might be saying his name, Satan Yeah, you, my she painted red anyone, seen the red man with a bunch of Red Solos of famous people. I need to so low CYAH. Actually, he started the Church of Scientology is over here, O love, the so the devil, chacked them down and feddle them on. Oh, my things are done. That night is a production of space. Tim Media produced by Christian Taylor, audio by as Garnett video by Coner bets are graphics and or logo by Kaleb, but Goldberg and our social media is run by Kelaba. Our host, our JERN myres and Tim Stone falls on your favorite social media platform at Tillin. PODCAST is till and podcast remember to tell all your friends about us and we'll see you next Tuesday for another episode of things I have on last night

Ferdinand Waldo Demara is quite possibly the most legendary imposter to ever live. This man lied his way into almost every career known to man. Throughout his long life, Demara was a correctional officer, a prisoner, a soldier, a medic, a lawyer, a surgeon, and so much more. All the while being unqualified and his contemporaries being none the wiser. … Read More

Valiant Thor – The Alien Who Lived in the Pentagon


Episode Transcription

Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey Man: what's up, have you ever heard of valiant thor what valiant thor valiant? Yes Thor? Yes Valiant Thor? Yes like for what I don't know, how many times I can co Yeah Yeah I've heard of valiant for that's that college is that was like Valiant Thor Tech. You know, Oh my God. No, no, no you're, gonna, you're, gonna HATE! This episode is in an alien one. Is it an alien one? Okay, you a picture of her. I can tell you by the picture: If he's crazy, I'm telling you right now somewhere approaches me and their argument against nukes involves aliens, I'm I'm not pro duke, but in that situation I'm pretty prone rats. A new book called Matthew, Mark Nuke and do- and it's like a case mixes a male things. Okay, go ahead! So so so there's this guidance valiant thor owes not ly. IN ONE T S A strange craft landed land in in a field outside so dumb. Wait till you hear the story. Okay, all right go ahead, so I'm not going to say anything but O Tis. All you did have fun so landed in this. This field outside Washington, DC and the police were called. They show up on scene and when the craft opened up like the gate opened, they immediately drew the guns. Expecting a funkia craft. Explain the craft is a dis, don't have any information on the craft, they expected the inhabitants to do the same, to draw whatever inter planetary weapons they also had, but they were shocked to find a peaceful man walking out of the cap craft. Okay, let me tell you, let me just go to yeah. Let me tell you from the beginning, okay, so here's the thing this story is ridiculous. It is, it might possibly honestly be the most ridiculous story. I tell you on this show. I don't believe that, and I'm I'm really honest with you. I know you told me at Sigmund spent ten years of his life dissecting eels. So that's a Tory, that's basically, but this ore is made up. That's what you're saying I heard it. I think we all heard that every single one I was like in that one was true as opposed to the crap I'm about to speel. I've got it. I don't really buy it, there's a chance, though, because I don't buy. I don't change, I don't buy the story. I'll tell you there, but there is a chance that I do and the reason for so the reason for that chance is because there is a handful of prominent figures in the US, like high ranking officials in the military and in the government who corroborate the story who they hadn't corroborates a strong word. They haven't said that it's wrong. No, that's that's too weak of a word. They have. They have referenced Valiant Thor in passing as if it was a normal accepted thing, and so they haven't said they haven't gone out and said, or you just out to lunch with one of the generals. You know he's at macallisters, tin and he's just like yeah. I mean that movie just kind of reminds me a lot about this, like valiant thor incident anyway, how's your Tuesday. I've never told you what Hal Thor said to me on my thirty sixth birthday. Well, you know, and there we were it was. It was pretty crazy because I mean, like my this fantasy league right that I did you know it was at a time where JFK wasn't president yet right. So he was in the League and then there was valiant thor and he just got really bad in the league, but JFK won that year and he was like hold on back up. What did you say a you know: JFK wasn't dead. Yet that's what I said you like. No, no. I understand how time works. You know, but you said something about. I understand that it's bere one thousand nine hundred and sixty three sure valiant for yeah. Can you talk so spacecraft opens police surrounded, ready to kill whatever comes out peaceful man, humanoid human human in man, herson human, and he says he says: Hey, I don't mean you guys any harm. I need to talk to your emperor, your where is Josh Wa. Take me to the emperor of the United States. This is I need to talk to your president, but he didn't say it. It was telepathic now you're. Joking, are you serious and the police? Are you serious Tom? Are you joking did he, as you were saying that he said it telepathically shot of the police? For whatever reason I just I like, okay get in the car and they drove him in the DC to the Pentagon and they just pulled up the PEDACO and say hey. This guy needs to touch the president and the Pentagon or the Pedaga like this, isn't where he lives. Suppose for the wrong house yeah. This is the giant Pentagon. This is a dark Pacothi. Is the Pentagon house he's at the white he's the white one? This is the tandarees a lot of white building here, no he's at the White House. I like okay, so they go to the capital building and they're like we talk for the president and they're like like you guys are police officers, you locally, you should know where the White House, how did that guy just say that to me without moving his mouth? You see some kind of good trilloes vitalis tore over here Sky Coss, like only time after people can see with the big eyes and great of puppet right in a very talented Ventura, CIS right and so a million four yeah. He does a dumb voice to yeah you're right instead of doing a normal voice, he decides to do a cartoon. Is She does the alien voice? Ll, I'm relume to foe? Take me till your emperor, you know so they go to the Pentagon. They got the Pentagon and, as the story goes the Pentagon as this yeah, this is all made up. You can say whatever you want and it'll be just as true as what actually happened. They seem to be ready for him like they were in a go, was like. We heard the message to yeah. They said yeah, we know he's here and they take him to the Pentagon into the Pentagon, to an elevator to the mile underground yeah to the Pentagram Chamber of the Pentagon. Now that's that Er that the elevator takes a do a wrestling ring in the middle. That's the Pentagon. You know it's just like free, so this at the pen I mean that's: What's at the middle of the Pentagon, is the freaking alien fight club right because, like all the stuff they're getting you know, yeah originally the USC was going to have a Pentagon, but the Pentagon was like hey. We've got that train surly on go to go on if you'd like. We are Pentagon, TM, sorry about that, so they they take them down to the basement. Where there's a subway that goes to the White House secret subway, nobody knows about it, except for the people who know about vally, thor yeah, there's a subway and also a subway. There's a secret subway we're going to take you to the secret subway. Oh really, does it take us somewhere. You ever been to a subway before yeah you're Goin to get a spicy Italian. There Wal get yeah, I secret some way and like it's just it looks like a dingy old place and then someone goes and like all the stuff. What's over and like this employ this like sixteen year old kid walks out is like. Do you want a footer? A six inch, Oh, no sorry, we're out of Italian names and she a honey ote. I understood, and then I I don't know what's in the Pentagon, so you gets Onin the sun of the pentagons. Listening to this and they go. Oh, my God, the you guys have figured out that we have an a week and ilses a proud sponsor of elw right and our podcasts. So they take him to the White House and he gets the White House and at the White House they were like yeah. Let's go talk to the president and so the where's, the subway station in the White House where's that pull up to the basement right where the White House, as basement so a but I'm saying like. Where did the stars come up at you know the basement? No one's hearing like the ISBA train, yeah, they tell them it's the Wifi, it's like! Oh, that's, just a WII super loud yeah, really mine's, quiet yeah ours is ours, is yeah sounds like a train. I don't know when you got top secret info running through that Wifi. You know it's just pretty. It's like fiber, but yeah, and it's like really I mean your wife- is one yeah, the wifies loud. Let it go, stop asking not the Wiffin, you stove, if you as to the I in an I'm, pushing you in front of the Times what tracks the wife I tried. Don't you know how you want to go, see the basement. That's a really great! It's not white! I mean composed the rest of the house like we've painted it. You know pretty surprising. If you want to see it, yeah I'll show you I'll show you so sorry. Let me ask a different way: Do you want to see the basement? Hey, really exciting news October thirtieth and Kansas City Missouri, we were doing a tilling live show. Please get tickets there available right now until and we're going to have special guests, a live episode, Q and a bunch of stuff tim right now is researching. If we can get a monster truck there you're going to love it. If you were anywhere near Kansas City or you're able to get there, we want to see you there. So please go to the website. I am by those tickets because the spots are limited, so let's hang out and just keep making some amazing magic stuff together, fit off huh, so he gets to the president's office, the Oval Office, if you will, and the president talks to him and is very interested and everything else to say so long very short, basically valiant thor is saying: Hey new, so dane the were calm valiant thor. Can we call him V T or something? Well, they actually call a vow. So we can talk out. Here's something. Let me tell you this. Let me tell you this when I picked this topic, I was like. Oh, this is really interesting and I started researching it. I was like man, this is a crazy story and I kin to it the more I was like. I don't buy this, but I really want you to hear it. So so you know bow so val tells the president that nukes are bad. Not just this. This John F Kennedy or is this? No, it's Eisenhower is an Harrer before okay, because this is what year in the early s like early, is okay for fifty. No Yeah S Jakie and come into sixty one, that's right yeah, so so he val tells the president he says is Enho Yeah. He says hey eyes it as like. Please call the eyes an hour. Please call me Hower, please don't say that ever again, all right is holy, so I hate that an alien form comes to earth and they immediately get comfortable with it. They're. Just like Yeah Raro, where I, your secret, subway Atoica, you can eat. I tell Yo what is an take you, the press, but prays so he's dill dies in Hower all about how nukes are dangerous and like they're, not just bad for humanity but they're bad for the entire Yuse from the future. At this point is, are we saying no he's an alien? I know, but I'm saying is: He is an alien from the few. No okay, so he's saying he's saying that news are dangerous, not just for humanity, but there they would have ramifications for the entire universe, and so we need to stop having them, and so he's telling is an hower. You need to get together with the other world leaders and create this sort of pact to stop it with the nuclear bombs and never do them again or have them at all because they're dangerous, and so then, in the middle of this conversation, this is one of my most favorite parts of the story. In the middle of the conversation, the Vice President Nixon locks in the room, yeah and Nixon greeds valiant thor like an old friend, and it's like a case. Nix is an alien he's, one of them and they just kind of chop it up for a minute. He walks in and knows his name. Yeah he's a loss of Littahs vs for V, guys Nixon a godly, I'm in now, wow wow, it's about val and Nixon, a Iseno er put together a plan, I to brief the rest of the world about the dangers of nuclear bombs Nisan. How is very thankful for vall's work, so eisenhower sets up an apartment for him in the Pentagon and pauses he'll stick around until like sixty three or something like that he's like he, a all Ha. Why that your? Well, I don't know well, I guess I'll, hang around till November of one thousand nine hundred and sixty three, I was a pick in random date. Let's say the twenty second yeah and at which point I need to just the right. So so you so he vow becomes like almost like a diplomat to the United States from space to like its uses, perfect time, and we haven't named our next emperor, yet we're actually in the gap between our emperors yeah, so so now of your tow and then the rest of his team who their names are Don Jill and Tanya. His Group of humanoid human looking alien well he's vow, which is short for valiant for right, yeah, and so the other ones are donant thor, Jillian thor and Tanya. That's as gray for yeah, Jillian so over time. Well, then, Gin and Isy hower right. They fall into love right. But it's like oh he's, Mary he's got a first lady he's gonna, so so valuator is described as a handsome tall white male about six feet. Tall looks strikingly human except for his six fingers claims on each hand or just one of them let it is good. Six O one it now he's got six umble hands is an extra cut. He moves his hands on the quick. He can't really tell she's always on him all the pictures are borry he's always moving his hands around every. He like why you ove or an so much he's like oh no reason, yeah, it's just a thing. I do makes me more memorable honestly, and this is the only picture you've seen of Nixon's hands and if you count them, it's a good point. There's six one chain, ah so value thor, creates this like pact between his aliens, becs and the US to say: Hey we're not going to do bombs anymore. Do other countries have alien stories, yeah, yeah, okay, a yeah I said now. If, like you know, aliens were choosing the United States. No, no, they choose everybody. Well I mean, but God chose the United States. That's what the Mormon said. Please he's here's the way the aliens work they're smart. They say they come to every country and they say you're the best couch in the world. We need your help, don't tell the other ones, don't tell everybody else. It's everyone else, you're the best. They came to Emperor Norton to and said that they said you're. The best don't tell anybody else, you're the protector of Mexico Yeah. You need to keep Mexico safe, and so at the same time they were also saying to Napoleon you need to take over Mexico. Basically, what they're trying to do they're trying to pit us against each other right pretty crazy, so that works with the US for a few years. But every time is a how ar supposedly going to come out with this information to stop nukes like he wasn't going to come out and be Hay, an alien told me: We can't nuke each other, obviously, but he was going to come to the rest of the countries in the world and convinced them that nukes were dangerous and we can't do him anymore. The FBI or the CIA or the defense would come to him and say like block him essentially from doing that, and so he was getting red taped out of making this announcement, and so tow thou knew this isn't going to work through the government. Somebody else influential is going to have to break this news to the world to stir public opinion, so he goes yeah so he finds. I know where it's going to go ahead, rider and Christian evangelist, Frank Strangest. Oh, I thought I was going to be like a Hollywood producer or something no. No. He goes to an evangelist. Obviously and frank strangers is an interesting guy because he he has a degree in business and a degree, and I don't know something something. He sounds like an Jusos who would run a circus in like nine tens. You know just to us the strangest things you've seen you know and it's like a whole. It does sound like that Barnam and Bailey situation, but he was a devout Christian, and so he left his career. While he was a private investiator and then he left his career also as a pean bow was like we're, also Christians, and so so so that was like hey, you know how Jesus is coming back. Did it I told you you needed to say it. You know I was just telepathic Wat yeah tell about that. We communicate it to him now. So this this evangelist was. He wrote a book, Here's hers where he wrote a book about the Bible and specifically the story in Zekiel, where there's a vision of an alien or not an alien, a vision of an angel that is described as a wheel within a wheel, a wheel, turning within a wheel, and so he says this has got to be aliens is his theory of Frank Strangers. Why? Because he's like he's like if you live, if you listen the wheel within a wheel, it's kind of like a UF, it kind of looks like a flong saucer. If you imagine in your head that way, if you imagine a flying saucer, it kind of looks like one. You know, I give you really like it. You think flying saucer and you think that thing might be a flying saucer. Then, when you think about it, it's looks the same. That adds up to me yeah, so so he so what vow is a Impuni, the Pentagon yeah that okay o your phone get close to it, so this guy's on tour, promoting his new book and he's at some church and talking about his book trying to sell his books and afterwards, at his little book stand people are buying books at a lady comes to him and says I have something you'd like to see, and so I asked her words after believes. She tells him that she's in the FBI- and she says, come with me, and so she takes him to the Pentagon and walks him into vows apartment, Yeah Homo. We a knock first, he might be watching TV. I vow wow. I have a guest here. Yeah. Do you clean up today? Is it Frankoyse him a moment? Yeah all right vow? This is Frank: Sturgis, a totally sane person who you say surges. What did I say turges you said sturges its strangest Turgis, okay, stranger strangers! This is frank strangest who is a totally normal guy, and I was in a inrushing. You vow a totally normal guy. All right see all later yeah yeah that's pretty fit. I was is in his apartment, yet so tousin his apartment. He walks me in em and he says Frank. Of course frank. I called you here, Frankie Body and so just getting immediately comfortable with everybody. So he proceeds to tell frank that he read his book and he's like he's like you're pretty close, and so he tells him the real truth that he wrote his book. When I mean he probably ordered her Amazon, read it in a port or something you know what I just thinking the other day. What do people do in airports before Wifi? What the same thing they did everywhere else before. Why fie what you talk about? No, but I mean like I mean you go somewhere else without why I you just wait a couple minutes whatever, but I mean especially before Wifi people who show the airport like four hours early, and you don't have you no wife, I. What are you doing? You didn't watch in Flax, so you read, it are you reading the books at the new stand like? Is that what people did in the airports they talk to each other like? What did they do they get food? I don't know. I think why, if I changed to chas a millennial tries to figure out what life before technology was. We talk about yeah, they talked to each other. They read books, they were the newspaper a lot las yeah. That's probably what happened he read. He probably bought it. They sat there a marvel over the fact that they were going to fly in a plane by the clouds and they were like. This is crazy. The technology can do this. They appreciated the world around them, they got to know their neighbors and the people that they knew and loved and cared for, and now we're just so sucked into our phones that we don't even hear the LAN waning al around us they're trying to get they're, calling us by name they're, saying there in same room: Hey, hey, hey and you're, just like man. I wonder what people did before this. You know. Probably Talk to Ali, I don't know freaking encountered aliens. So just frank does frank: You says: Hey you're, pretty close, let me tell you the truth. I says my name is Valia. Thor I go by VAL VAL says: I'm from the plant of Venus shut. It's what Your Bible calls the Morning Star and he says we're in in in race. That is part of a Galactic Federation that has been watching over the lesser races and the universe. We're always a orace intelligent ones. Yeah we're pretty dumb and your governments have access to nuclear bombs that stand to threat, not only your race but all the rest of us and so we're trying to stop them without like coming in and making a scene. You know we're trying to do it like quiet, you know, but your government keep locking eyes and her as an have been trying, but your government keeps blocking them, and so I need somebody who is kind of primed to believe the story to go break it to the world and frank is like I I'll be your willing vessel. Have you ear till in podcast March? That's right. We have a merged store, full of Tillington, teas, hoodies, mugs and so much more. We also make new designs for every single episode, but those are only available for a limited time, so get them, while they're hot text till into six six, eight six six to get your till in March today, so tall tell do tell frank, not tells frank. Even he's look he's like he's a look cause. She amity is Pretty Pretty Pretty close to the truth. He's the thing, though, the angels areas profits there. All as Jesus is an alien and God's pretty unhappy with humanity. I'll tell you that God must be an alien, then I mean maybe he doesn't say explicitly like whether or not gods an alien but he's his guy's. Pretty unhappy. He's kind of annoyed like a fed up with us, but he wants to give us another chance to try to write the ship. It's like you need to stop nukes an so. I just gets this Christian writer the task of stopping nuclear bombs from being a thing, and so frank goes. He read a New Book writes I called Matthew Mark Nuke and Jo. The Christian ar the Christian Alien Argument Against News, the Christian Alien I'm telling you right now. Someone approaches me and their argument against Nukes Involves Aliens, I'm I'm not pro duke, but in that situation, I'm pretty pro. No, you know I'm like Im. He best argument. You have against it. His aliens told us not to. I think we should. You know, because that feels like aliens being like. You know what you guys shouldn't have guns you shouldn't and would be like: Oh yeah, we should get rid of those and then they just come here, wipe us all out. Yeah Yeah I mean it's pretty fair, so val just said: Hey. I need to help people turn towards God. An you. Just got the new thing and I don't know whatever like write a book or I don't know so they went to so vow. That and frank write, a book together, but Franks, the only one who gets credit on the book, because you know the alien thing, it's kind of hard to get profits, yeah you're, not a Siyou or have a tax code. It's yeah he applied for an in and they said what do you put your address as the Pentagon apartment or five, like you know like and a God sweet? What's the Pentagon's address? Is it just Pentagon? Do you can you just put on an envelope Pentagon and then they know how to get it there I mean they know where it is. Let me see the Pentagon address. I feel bad for the mail room at the White House, because all of us wrote letters to them like the third grade yeah. This is not worth it. I'll say that it I mean honestly, looking at these addresses, it looks like it's literally just the Pinto sweet number first and then the Pentagon Washington DC. Was it cup like if you stroll up the yeah school through. These are all the different secretaries. You can mail to. It looks like it's the Secretary One Thousand Defense Pentagon, Washington. I think it literally is. I think it literally. Is You just right, petty frinds Pentagon? So it's whatever, I think it a Igor staff, Pentagon, sweet department and then Penrod I to gone address. That's what I knew. What do you think I didn't Google Pentagon addres? What do you think that Google Address Washinin DC real? How do you get there? What road is this? I don't know man, that's interesting, the PEDAGA s not on a road, it's just the Panti, that's pretty crazy, you're right about the Pentagon, not even address you're right about the subway. If you are right about the Pentagon Pentagon, that's the same were like okay hold on now they've, given out our mailing address. Okay, I think we got to shut this podcast, a yeah, which is why our address is just podcast, Kansas City Missouri. If you'd like to manage anything, if you just put podcast, could we try to apply for that? As our address like? Can we apply, we make podcast road or what we talking about? No, can we just contact the government, the government and be hey? Can you just me now? I know my guy who could help us call the US PS and just be like hey. This is my address now it's kind of like like phone numbers where you can get those vanity phone numbers. Yes, Hello. Can I talk to the emperor place? I know I got. I know a guy. No, I know a guy hoping up. Yeah Hey, I know you're busy doing the whole apple bees thing right now, but could you like just throw away not a little favor for yes, Sir Yeah? No, I'm sorry, Sir Yeah Yeah! No, I understand thank you. What do you say? He said he knew I said Frisco earlier, so all of our earnings this month are gone. I gone a Bummer, so so Ebi just I he writes the book Frank Strangers Franks. She just writes the book and here's we obviously have to buy. The book is, how can you buy non Namozine, still yeah, it's for sale. It was a rings in our bio, some of noral. For me. So here's a thing his book is like one of the only real sources you can find this story. Obviously he made it up. It all signs point to him, making it up. Here's the thing, though it's I it's like you, your whole episode on like Fro, you heard about the ar one thousand nine hundred and eighty four. So this is creep book, the only source that all this stuff actually a pin, one thousand nine hundred and eighty four right all. There's everyone. Anyone else, history, they're like no, I didn't have en, but this book you know, tells the story. I guess you know Isy Howers Gone Eyes, good old eyes, the walk around, but even got eyes on eyes, yeah. So He's here's a couple things: okay, here's a couple things with this, though ridiculous story, lots of evidence that frank strange as make it made it up right, right and lots of just like stedyin alien trips in it, like he walks out of space ships as that come in peace and says, take me to your leader and then he's got problems with nukes claims to be Jesus sort of like claims to it's kind of combining all the alien stories together, yeah, it's kind of putting it all together. But here's a couple interesting things: There's a photo of him! No there's not there's a photo of an we go and here's the thing that gets confirmed is the leaders in the military es or prominent people say yeah, that's valiant! For they don't say who he was or what he did, but they say yeah, that's rotor! You want to see it yeah, obviously yer right- and this was at one of iano speeches and a lot of high rinking government officials. Just say Yep, that's it, and this is outside the book. People have asked them lanes how that's down the door, which is strange because valiant thor is not a traditional given name and it looks like just a normal guy. I mean it could be a picture of anyone, but the fact that there is, I mean there's about a dozen government officials who have said yeah, that's val thor, but where's Tanya. I don't know what time it is. I don't know on photos of Don Jill Yeah, there's no photos of his team. Okay. So that's the only picture we have them. That's the only foe we have of him where's. He speaking in the picture. It's a got a vent. I don't know yeahs is in how speaking at some event and also eisenhaurs great granddaughter now is like campaigning around the world. Like travels the world, telling the value thor story. No, she does not yes, shut because she says it's true. What's her e says, let me show see a picture of her. I get her name is Laura. Let me look at Laura. If her name was Jill, I was going to flip my mind. Yeah she travels the got a picture of her yeah politic. I can tell you by the picture: If she's, crazy or not, you know exactly what I taking about to yeah call rasy o this one. You chose the good one too. I tried to hide the back. I don't know how well you can see this, but that is not a sane person, so she travels the world campaigning that it's a true story. Well, this was better holy crap. Let me see, I don't look along we'll put it on there, so she travels the world campaigning for you o. She claims that her father or her great grandfather now signed the rito truth. PODCAST is one that she was episode. She she was on. That's a believable title discussing the journey towards full disclosure. So she s e. She says that her great grandfather's side, the treaty with the aliens I so is an had it, the actual president and the line the far Romo material for some of the stuff that she's on. How do I go back? You See, I'm saying, like I mean like I took that picture in a dark, closet, bigger question season. One Laura is and Howard, the great granddaughter of President is an Howard talks about M J, twelve basis on Mars and an extreme secret space program. What's that face that's the face of Oh, I can of by that Dr Dream and Laura is a Har, metaphysical soul couple on far out radio COM, the more you search, this person is at say the Marysas person far out radiocomedians the more you look, these things up, the faster it becomes just like ridiculous. It is it is. I mean they are a couple. This is her and him together. That's what they look like we're going to send all these pictures to condorier like we don't need to judge her well, I am not judging anybody. I'm saying that you want me to base reality off of that person, absolutely not he's what his I'm saying you because I mean for the audio experiences. Okay, she looks like you know. Imagine the basically, the mom from Princess Diaries right that, like painting in the loft kind of like frizzy hair, like crazy oils person like her eyes, are always just full and wide and she's married to a guy who dresses like a pirate. You understand, like the Bay Dana the fluffy white shirt. Like a that's, I mean and you're saying that this is a reliable like you're, not saying it, but people are like this is a reliable source for information, and I'm saying no well, her great grandfather's present lies in how Er yeah so she's reliable. I really hope that my great grandkid is not a crazy person, yeah yeah, so that's that is rough anyway. She claims that her family has signed a treaty with the aliens. Obviously well they've got a bunch of NDA as well yeah. You know I supposed to talk about it, but she is that's why they made her. Look Crazy, that's photoshop! All that stuff is well. She got a lawyer, assign it in new Venus Right. So it's an envy NDA, oh my gosh, so I don't know I mean I'm going. To be honest, I wanted to find your feet. The tries one I beat you down on it. I was like you know. This is not real he's the thing I didn't believe it. I wanted to believe this menser story when I've heard the like. I heard the like plot line that I was like. Oh that's really interesting. That sounds cool, but the more I dug into it. The more. I was just like this guy this. This author just made this up this author totally just made this up took a bunch of alien, srubs and just kind of ran with a frame strangers. Look like I don't know, I'm willing to bet. He looked a lot like bowl, for he was his he's, he's one of the probably the the nail in the coffin, though for it. While I look up for Estranges, I, the story of valiant thor is almost exactly the same as the story. The plot line from at a movie called the day that Earth stood still, which came out only six years before he released his book. Oh yeah, so I know is it aliens or plagiarism? You know. Oh yeah, this guy looks like freaking Giero from from what we do in the shadows. No, he does trit looks like Germo does, oh no, so I don't know. Is He an alien enthusiast or a vampire? No, you decide, I guess once you vote in our discord. Let us know your thoughts. So anyways a metal band was started in two thousand and one in honor of valiant thor called valiant thor. I so the members are igitur demos or storm Thor Elden, thor and valiant himself. Is that what is called valiant himself yeah? That's his legal name, he changed it. A joke. People do that and valiant literally came to start the spell band. He came back and he said: Hey you guys, hey you guys. I got this great genre. Music. That's really blown up right now. I just think this is the answer of the world. No nukes and mash pits no necks and more metal, and so one of my favorite parts about it is the band our first show is in the Pentagon. Everybody in the band has names that there was a don Thora Jill Thoris, so they all based on name off of the war. It strangest was one of the guys, then there's a guy professor night wall. How big is this bad? This is an orchestra. Well, those are past members, so people have Rota Yeah. Someone goes for a while they're like Oh, no, you guys take this way too seriously. Really like. Oh, this isn't a joke. Yeah you tell me Laura is an howers are tour manager. This is going to be a nice. It's going to be rough yeah, so they they had a song in eas, skate back in the day and then they been on. They were on fantasy factory and guitar. Three, so Nolan Thor big deal. I guess I don't know man. I really wanted to believe this story. I didn't, I knew you were going to hate it. So that's the only reason I told you right. So that's value thor. Maybe who knows he could be up there watching over US yeah I mean the you know, because you got vow Ye Isy Howe, yeah, Nicky, Nicks, Yep and they're to sup there they're all aliens yeah. You know those six fingers on each hand really gives the ability to fit loff. Give just a little Etlingen last night is a production of space. Tim Media produced by Christian Taylor. Audio is edited by Alice. Garnett video by CONARE social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic designed by Caleb Goldberg, our host or Jaren Myers and Tim Stone. Please follow us on social media at Tillin, podcast, that's till in podcast. Leave a review comment subscribe wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on the last night. I

Valiant Thor is the subject of a truly unbelievable story. We mean it. Tim doesn’t even buy this one. Here’s the story. Valiant Thor, or Val as his friends called him, was a humanoid alien living in an apartment inside the Pentagon. Val had a tight-knit relationship with President Eisenhower and was passionate about ending the possibility of nuclear war. … Read More

Emperor Norton – The First and Only Emperor of The United States


Episode Transcription

Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey Man, what's up baby boy, you know why I did that. I Apologize. I say only you know when you talk to your pets too much like you have human interaction, yeah! That's where I was this week H and I call my girl friend, moved to the city this week. Yeah. I know we don't hangout hung out more when she lived in Los Angeles than we do now, rips off the Tuxedo right, there's a camera guy on the corner, we're going to put sauce on chicken nuggets for you guys, so you bought a shipload of rice when the world had no access to it and you built the throne out of the rice. I love the New World Order, a big fan and I would like it to be known by everyone that I think that there's one government that rules, the all things, sis and I know she's, going to come in at some point and grab. My can't do the that. So I kind of hope that she's in my apart r now so she can hear this. She bought a bunch of stuff on Amazon, put the wrong zip code. So all of her stuff is getting delivered to a house in Parkville that every and she didn't order it all at once. She never does she orders it one thing every day, yeah, instead of all at once, like a normal human being because in her brain this is how Reagan works right in her brain. She goes. I can't justify spending a hundred and fifty dollars yeah. I can spend thirty dollars a day for five days in a row. You know what I'm talking about, and it's just like dude. What are you just? Do it all at once, right, yeah, so guess who's got to go to Parkville every day to pick stuff up I mean it should be her. I agree, you know who it is, though, I've got a gets it to you, no s she's going and getting it today. I think, but we now she's becoming friends with the owner of this house and the Er just like. So what are you going to change your address on him was at the owners. Here's! What was weird the owner is like this isn't the first time it happened, and I we you have a very specific address. That's how well I mean not even very specific now that there's there's no non specific addresses. That's how this works. You know. So what do you mean? That would mean that the person who lived in Reagan's current apartment had to have also done. Also did this interesting anyone that seems intentional. All right, hey man, I'm ordering a bunch of stuff on Ames on and having it ship there on purpose. I'M gonna show up in the idea a similar address, not at all, not even close, not at all hey. We have never heard of the US mail service close. Have you ever heard of the Pony Express close? Have you ever heard of Emperor Norton? That's not at all anywhere near. I remember a Norton Yeah Yeah he's the guy who plays in fight club what a Morn Orton, who he was in the two thousand and eight hulk movie you're, going to love that joke. When you look it up, the two thousand and eight halts movie yeah, the not good one yeah so mark Ruffalo was emperor. Norton. Are you talking about Lou Ferrigno, not at all a er? What T S O Edward Orton there you go see was that good. That was worth it. If you weren't stupid, that was everyone else litsen this got it. You know I was like emperor and everyone else is like that's an Edward Norton joke. That's Pretty Faisait fight club people got it and you were like. Are you talking about loofs? I don't think he was in like not talking about Lu de Sonai. Don't follow celebrities enough to get your Pobul ture jokes and, let's start over Emperor Norton. His name is Joshua Abraham Norton. This feels like he can. I take a guess at who Emperor Norton is yes. She is he a guy and like Kentucky who owns a mountain, and he like has made this compound and he calls himself in Per Norton no better in. He was born in Eighteen, Eighteen, oh okay, so you're a real old one; okay and in s eighteen and fifty nine, he proclaimed himself norton the first emperor of the United States. Okay, this is kind of what I wanted. Yeah yeah, it's close. You got kind of a I wanted a guy like now to do it but yeah. I will settle on an eighteen eighte, you now O N Eighteen, fifty nine! Oh that's because he was born in a modern, almost yeah. So I don't know anything pre civil war is, you know? Is he the reason for the civil world? God? No, so Eber Norton? He was born in Eighteen, eighteen in England, I his family shortly after that moved to South Africa and then to well after his dad died. He moved to San Francisco. His parents were pretty wealthy, so he inherited forty one thousand dollars from his father after his father passed away and how much it was that now forty one thousand dollars in eighteen, forty yeah, it's a significant sum of money. I'll tell you that much for sure. So that's I mean whose life wouldn't be changed by forty one thousand dollars. You know, even today. Here's what I hate about that amount of money is. I can see Dave Rams on Fox News and like if forty one thousand dollars would change your life. Then you were, you know you were screwed to begin with, and it's like thank you. Seventeen million dollar house day ransy seventeen million dollars yeah forty. I found a nice little calculator hey. This is what is it is nice how much the things cost one thousand eight hundred and fifty nine com. Now it's official data, DOT, ORG, okay! So, according to official data that or forty one thousand and eighteen, forty is worth one point: two million today. Okay, so I mean a chunk yeah, he got. He got a small inheritance of a million dollars. I got a small inheritance of forty one thousand, so after you moved to San Francisco, he took his small inheritance yeah and made a successful living for himself in two fields, one as a commodities trader and one as a real estate speculator, and so you just bought houses and sold them and then again it's a real estate speculator. So basically you're like that seems like real Estan, that's vacation! I don't know your house seems full of speculation. What man he pulls it. Let me check my binder and see if this is a real home. You know oh my gosh, so he took that money. Yeah you could. If you got money, you can make money yeah! That's how Credo works. That's how that's how money works? Just in general, you have enough! You make a lot more, so he became very wealthy and pretty quickly rose through the links, the ranks in SANFRISCO business scene. I tried so hard. The more I thought don't live. It then same temor. I saw your face shrink into itself. Okay, so he became socially very prominent in San Francisco. A lot of business. People really looked up to him and a lot of a lot of political leaders really looked up to him because he was just winning and every way yea in the Eigen S, and he was he was a prominent roaring eighteen for the roaring S, and so he was the poster child of success. You know, but something happened. What screaming in our ears. Thank you. Something happened yeah. So there was a famine in China that the Chinese government said things are bad, we're not exporting anything. We need to keep it, so we don't know more bionicles. We can't keep taking on them out right now. There's a famine literally everywhere in the else in the world is playing with these wooden soldiers, like that I witals IC Ostis, aren't even invented they're steel by articles bionicles for ten dollars. What a steel I would speculate that is so China's not I don't know. I guess what I associate Chinese products with is just cheap stuff. Now, obviously, that's what the joke was, but what were they exporting at that time? So they were exporting rice and lots of it. Obviously, and so the price of rice was around five to six cents per pound and when they stopped exporting it, the value of rice world wide skyrocketed because crazy that every small town has a Chinese restaurant. Do you think that was part of like the government's plan to get rice out? THAT'S BIG RICE RIGHT! That's like that's like the big race. In the ring right I mean like every small town. Every small town in existence has a Chinese restaurant. I mean every town, every town has a Chinese restaurant yeah, but they also have got I restaurant we've got twelve. They also, I er. What other restaurants are re, saying that, for I mean her, not even per capita per block, I don't know you know, there's my small town now burning. We had two at one point: We had two and a food truck. Well, that's how that that's, how that works, because it's like everybody, immigrates to the big city and then they're like there's too much competition here and we I open the shop somewhere in seeing that that was part of big rice, you're, saying big RIS. Big Rice was like go to the small towns, get him hooked on Rice. I'm just saying I mean they. You men make a lot of opportunities to sell it. Here's the stats, according to the Chinese American Restaurant Association, there's all the societ. That's what I'm saying it's big enough that there's an association there are forty housed Chinese restaurants. In the S, the number is greater than all the McDonald's Kate CFCs, Pizza Huts, Taka Bells and Wendy's an I'm say in that's what I'm saying a lot of there's a lot of Chinese restaurants right yeah, which is great I'm all. I love their food yeah. I you know. I also love that it's not actual Chinese food. I love that they came here and they were like. Listen, let's make something that we're going to put sauce on chicken nuggets for you guys and sell and like because we're dons revolutionary they literally hated to us and they're like this is what we eat and we were like. This is foreign yea for super cheap. They got US good for real. They really did they really did they got US good, but I'm saying like there's a lot of them yeah. So you're saying there was some I'm saying there was the fear said by big rice. That was the joke. I was trying to make and then it turned into this whole like dude. There really are a lot of Chinese restaurants, okay, so the price skyrocketed of of rice from about five to six cents per pound to somewhere between forty and sixty cents. Oh my, but I there was a bubble on rice, yeah, so rice, all the SED EF became super valuable l have signs an say by Rice. You know there was a we got. Rice Bros out here, who are just like, as all they could talk about is like R, I'm just trading ryse all day. You know, I'm buying a pound here, sell a half a pound at night, keeping that a half pounds of next day sell it. What of the by the dip by the damp yeah? There was a rice market, that's great, no yeah, so Norton Joshua Norton. He had a contact in the shipping industry who told them that there was a ship load of Peruvian rice arriving in San Francisco and he trusted this guy. This guy, he blowed a shipload and he told them that this ship load of rice was the last load of rice from Peru. They were out of rice throughout a road and they're shipping into San Francisco and so Norton. He quickly runs and buys this entire ship load of rice for twelve cents, a pound. So a ton of money, something I mean how many pounds are on a ship I mean he bought. I think it was about eight or nine hundred mean I did buy a shipload of little caesars pizza. Once you know I was like a Palata pizza is not enough. You know, I need a barge we're goin ne to bring in the tug boat, so it was about eight hundred thousand dollars worth of rice. So a lot of money well, but he turns around and sells it for forty dollars a pound. That was the plan until the next day. A couple dozen more Peruvian ships of rice show up and then peruse like hey guys. We got a ton of rice who needs some, and so they saw some guy was just like: Hey man, they're out of rice and Peru yeah, and he was like I buy all the he did. I mean he was like you know: Selling Toilet Paper, a basic market place. He bought the debt. What E was was that there was a theoretical DEP happening, but it wasn't yeah, and so that's why- and this is important- there is a shortage of till an merchandise. Okay, it is there's not it's non existent. There's only last ship load, we've got a a the E got so load of till in merchandise that you can purchase solve that's a pound. We measure it by the pound. You can buy a buyer shirts by the Pat Yeah Holy. I went down to the dock today and I bought myself twenty six pounds till a t, shirt killing by the pound. You know that that is so funny to me. Is it so? I don't know I was going to try to make it by the pound joke like now by the pound, like B: u y the pound, you know how he goes. You can get us by the bat, so a bunch more ships came in and Norton was really mad because he was out because the pride is just standing over the ocean just like looking at them all rolling. You know they're Gutton Bein right, so he sitting on his now throne, made of rice but he's just like the right, I'm the rice, King Right, and so I'm the rice king, looking out over the ocean right. It's everybody across an fans coming to him with cups I like so can I have A. I have some rice he's like you're lucky I bought the last ship. I was seventy five cents, a pound, the like okay, they reach into their bag and they're like they all look like tiny, Tim Right and so they've all got crutches right. They all walked on crutches at that time and of like please, please, you know and he's dealing at rises and they turn around and there's just like. I mean it looks like a war movie that Wus like just ship they just rolling in as on this or some reason, they're like pirate ships, they've got the big like you know, sales and stuff yeah. Then he just he stands up because it's time for war, they don't even dock, they retell roll up on the shore. They started shooting, cannon loads of rain. They didn't prepare these ships for a round trip. All right. These ships are crashing into the shore right is just spilling all over into the ocean. It's actually expanding and becoming you know becoming its own Ilan t. This is why silent there wasn't San Francisco the peninsula. Wasn't there that's the rice and on top of it they built Alcatras is square. This is where we'll house or rice prisoners- oh my gosh yeah. So he lost a lot of money. The price. With about forty, what did I say, forty to sixty cents, a pound to four cents, a pound, so west of a re Dang, and so by the time he sold it. He lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. He was very mad, so he sued his contact and court for lying to him and lost that and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees ended up hundreds of thousands of legal fees in eighteen fifteen yeah, because he went really really hard trying to prove that this guy lie to him, but he lost so he lost all that money lost the money from the original deal ended up having to declare bankruptcy, the bank foreclosed on all of his properties and he just sort of disappeared over rice over a speculative rice. He was a real estate speculator, not a rice speculator. He got out of his market and he got out stayed in your lame stay in your Lane Morton, so he kind of disappeared off the face of the Earth for about ten years. There is one record in the middle of that ten year span where he was a juror in some case, so we got called for. Jury die. How long like about a ten year span where he just was disappeared? No one really knows what he was doing in this. She was a door yeah. He got called for Jerry duty and he he did that, and then he found him they'll serve you just wherever you're going to camp in the woods, hiding you're a disgraced rice flipper. We need another jer. What about that Rice King from a few years ago, hear me out right. I don't know why some people have tiny tim accents and some people are just like now hear me out right, that's what I s that Rice guy and like they all are anyway. So after about ten years in the late eighteen, fifteen fifty eight he comes back into San Francisco and starts kind of showing himself in public again, and everybody at this point is like they've: either forgot about him or his leg. I walk in the town was like everyone's going to notice me and people are like hi he's like yeah. It's me I was the rice guy in the were like excuse me. What yeah I mean it was me. I was like the you know, the botteney about a ship load or rises. You know and they're like I an welcome to o San Francisco. You know nobody remember this. At all yeah, so a lot of people didn't remember: Some people did, but he had a turn is reputation, so they won't do business with some people were like you're. That guy was setting that Rice throne yeah yeah. That was a throne of rice. You bought a shipload of rice when the world had no access to it and you built a throne out of the rice that was like seventy pounds of Ri gest it it's in the town circle we make fun of you museum. We actually have a once a year. We were Rice festival where we put someone, we put someone on the round and we bring them into the middle of the town and we brutally murder them. You know almost Mardarin, we don't kill people, but we almost murder Eh, it's you know the kids love it and I feel like it. We need to explain why that was so funny to me now now, yeah go ahead, an tell your little story, so I found out the other day that there's a place in Indonesia that has this festival once a year where on Easter- and this is what Jaren was joking about- this is going to sound, like I'm a really bad person. If you're saying I'm joking about this now, but go ahead every Easter, they replicate the crucifixion yeah, so they have some one build across and they carry it though the town square, I think, o about everyone dresses up like the Roman, emperors and stuff and then apparently allegedly speculatively. They select someone from the crowd and it's like a great honor to be crucified, and I mean they don't like they put some nails to their hands and they hang them up and they lift the cross. They don't put anything to their feet and then they let them hang there for a minute. They pull them down, they don't kill them, but they do sandals. I don't think eleve that that's what I'm saying like. I don't believe that that's real yeah, and so he made fun of it by once a year they put someone on the rice throne, take them to the town, they nail them the it is it's so like. I don't believe that I don't know you have to feed. You have to find some verifiable information on that yeah yeah. If you do we'll do a bonus episode about it, cool sounds good and it will be that clip that I just will just cut that clip right there or we could just go. Oh yeah, let's just try it. Let's see if we get selected, no, I'm gonna, that's what I'm saying I'm going to make. I may sure you can. I want to get tasted only the only step, only logical, step next to to write down the time stay. Just in case later you go. I don't know if I want to make a joke about. I want to get Mace, taste and possibly crucified. I don't know if you want that to be up. If you are fight with it I'll leave it in. You know we'll leave it in if you're fine with it. You know, but like I just don't know like do you want other jobs with me or a hat you can just anyways. So Norton comes back and for a couple of years he's becomes kind of like the the dude in town who is like the government, sucks it what they're doing, and I could do it better than them and he's just very loud about it and everyone's like oh here- comes Norton and he's GROMS doring in his political opinions, everybody just try to change the subject. Yeah everybody just pretend it's. You agree with him. It'll be faster. It's like Thanksgiving with your weird uncle every year were just got to be like yeah. That is crazy, yeah and he's like okay, but hear me out. Big Rice, okay is trying to take over the world and you're like yeah, okay, Uncle Tarry, that's pretty crazy! So so on September, seventeenth, eighteen, fifty nine. He takes matters into his own hands and he eighteen what eighteen, fifty nine September, seventeen eighteen, fifty nine. He dresses up in military regalia. So like an old like blue, like almost like, like civil war era, looking military suit yeah with the buttons and the Stripe on the pants and then he's wearing a like a raccoon hat, that's adorned with all these feathers like an explore or hat yeah. I can explore it, but it's a door with a bunch of feathers. So it looks like a mid summer now looks like a midwest summer, okay, and he stops into the San Francisco daily evening bulletin, like news, Ram, yeah and hands a letter to their editor dress like that yeah and any one is got a sure. He has a same. I just say what I picture is the capital riot guy. Well, I mean he's dressed a little bit more official like this guy. This guy looks like he's like. Oh this guy might actually maybe be somebody important y have a red ever like new sons are busy. Were those rooms are like and they're using typewriters T H, I don't Theron's on a macbook right, but they're other like t the typewriters yeah and the big printing machine. It's like a H, a I e and he walks in slowly just hear it all get quiet and everyone's like he just hears footsteps. Erst one person like that. ICAMENT s like a it's like whenever the Ice Queen Walks in from freaking bequerel, Inari, yeah yeah exactly actually and he walked in and just dramatically puts a paper on the thing this is I'm the emperor. What does it say while the editor reads his letter and says yeah we're publishing this later is like a. This is good all right, yeah, no notes great work, so so they put it in the paper and here's what it here's his letter. Here's what it reads: Oh Gosh, I goin to read the whole thing. Yeah Great. I says at the preemptory request and desire of the large majority of the citizens of these United States. I Joshua Morton, formerly of Algoa Bay, Cape of Good Hope and now for the last nine years and ten months past of San Francisco California declare and proclaim myself emperor of these United States and in virtue of the Authority, thereby in me vested, do hereby order and direct the representatives of these different states of the Union to assemble and musical hall of this city on the first day of February. Next, then, there then, and there to make such alterations in the existing laws of the Union to as May aniliates the evils under which the country is laboring and thereby cause confidence to exist both at home and abroad, and our stability and Integrity Norton, emperor of the United States. I would like it I'm the editor right, I'm skimming it and I'm like all right. This is boring, boring but er first, okay, whenever I think that's superleague hold on, I I'm sorry, did you call yourself emperor of the United States and he's like yeah, I'm in yeah we're going to rush this to print now? Actually, yeah come e. This they ran it in that evening's edition, absolutely yeah. Absolutely! Yes, someone calls themselves emperor of the nation. You go okay, so that began his twenty one year, an where that song came from what Impervia Watir near, I think you're thinking of and she's a break back then teeth's made of rice because he bought a bunch and it's cheap to make bricks out of brick. Tutia is like yeah remer on to when you used to sing that song she's a brick house- and I was like I do not know the title of the Song Brick House. Well, I wasn't sure of brick houses terse me song. That goes. I can only imagine what is that one? What's that casting crown song, that's like in the Voice of truth. What is that one? What's how's that one was so on? Go with that Michael Jackson, Song, it's like yes, Trai can remember one word from it, but I don't know the title: What's that talking that goes, this is the national of them. I don't know that a lition know e. What Oh say, can you see Niwatori about? What's that song called it's the national anthem, pods the natural hand them what yeah so so, Morton spent his days walking around San Francisco patrolling the streets, making sure everything was clean and tidy. Checking the off the plaidlike lose his mind in theory or completelysound, and really does think that he's got the answers. Yeah. I think it's that and so he's like. Well in my country. We don't have this trash on the street yeah, so he put troll the street make sure everything was clean tidy. He would check it on police officers and make sure the uniforms were to snuff and they were like okay, like he's walking up to him and he's like straighting their backs and stuff and they're. Just like all right. It's got. I was I had a weird hat, I'm a weird, headed fellow and so, and then he would just engage in like public discourse with anybody who was interested. He would walk around and he would ask them like question you would so to score like what are you talking about us like conversations on politics and policy and just like random stuff? He would just like find someone and just converse with them about it: Yeah for a few years, views in the city's tax code and they're, like I'm just trying to get home. Well, here's where things got interesting, I'm glad you brought taxes, he would die taxes from people and they would give it to him why, at that time, if someone walks up to you in a uniform and a weird hat and just says you owe me this much in taxes, I would pay you just some right away. BUMMER! It's! The tax makes the tax man. What are you talking yeah? I hear if you say, tax man five times he shows up, you know, but like it's the tax man, I guess this is what text guy looks like is what taxes look like yeah, that was before Turbo test came on the scene. Jet Was the super he and who killed all the tax men, yeah turbo tax to text Turoa Superhero. In this scenario, good God I got here to kill the text, I'm gonna drop TV's on those those he's a tax vigilante is what he is so he's just collecting taxes and just pocketing that yeah yeah and then he starts actually passing some laws. So one of the laws he passed. Why can you? This is what I'm saying when I say like these are the Times that I miss. You know, because these are laws that actually passed. These are laws that he wrote and then stoll in the street, corned e said I hear by announce a new law and everyone there. Everyone present is just like all right. All right, cool new law, I listen up. litten upset is a new law. How many people live in San Francisco the time I think a lot, because I know well, I'm not going to say that that 'll be a spoiler. I know there was at least ten thousand people at his public murder, okay, Jeez O on man. I don't know if I population in San Francisco I like, but just go back to that body. No Nets go back to that back about eighteen, fifty nine com hold on. I found it so at this point in time I mean ball park it. It looks like it was about. Seventy thousand okay, I mean that's, that's still, you know, that's a good population or something like that, but that's the city itself, not the whole matcho right so anyway, so pretty good side city so yeah. He starts passing laws and to effect my favorite one being from that point forward, there'll be a twenty five larfin enforced for anyone who refers to San Francisco as Frisco, which was apparently a pretty common, like short hand for San Francisco at the time, and he was like no it's San friend Sisko and they were like yeah, but I mean you know it's like a R go. I pay up pay up twenty five dollars, so I was like a I'm not doing that. I'm not do I'm free. I'm can do. However, I want here in Frisco he's like now: It's fifty! No, you only fifty las yeah and so here's the thing it worked like his law, like San Franciscans, stopped calling at Frisco during his reign and now his reign. Why are we calling? It is raining the emperor you go make stuff up, because, literally to this day he see emperor o This Day until day, to this day, it's still in the book that, if you say fres no, but to this day, people in San Francisco apparently will not refuse to call it. Frisco he's the one who changed the tides on that, because he just I guess, didn't like it. So he passed a lot. So he was passing laws he created his own currency. Obviously I felt that WHA been step one. Yes, so he created his own currency, a be Frisco. We need a God, stop called the city of Frisco cause. I had the the rate for going here to love them and so the his dollars set on them the value and so ten dollar note from the imperial government of Norton so named it after himself. I are these any wore the existence to yeah. They do and they're actually very valuable. They sell on Tenenos now yeah, so very valuable, cal. That's what my contact said and I bought one and then the six ship lows of imperial notes came in. You know now they're worth like twelve cents. Yeah, that's crazy, eats a lot of money on imperial notes in IM, homeless and starting my own empire. Imperial notes is actually what my a Capella group was called him. So, but something happened. People he came became like a sort of a local celebrity and people like Oh there's, Emperor Norton, but they were like, but it was like they like made fun of them, but they were like. We like him, like Emperor Norton, he's such a good guy. You know. Oh, he was I not popular yeah. He does e people were people liked him. He was like a fun little quirky they're like yeah, we love the changes. He's made to San Franes were all catching the self and then one day a local police officer, arrest him for vagrancy, and that then, after talking to him for a few minutes, also gets a MON books. A on charges of lunacy, which interesting times in treason to the United States, government or whatever, and so the local newspaper who broke the story of him being emperor, get cat has win to it and I like Oh, we need to get this out of the people, and so they publish a story emperor nor a restless go again, but Emperor Norton, arrested and they're holding a trial for him and an agree. Mob Storms, the Court House and our deinias yeah are demanding the freedom of Emperor Norton. They estimate and the numbers are foggy, but somewhere between a thousand and five thousand people came demanding his freedom and the chief of police released, Emperor, Norton and release the Public Chief of Police Brings Emperor Norton in front of the mob and then also brings Barabas right of the crowd, and so which do you want, and the crowd chanted give us Pravis and, like you came here forever war you to know. In that story, your Barabbas was a Judah Smith message that was like is a big. That was how he went virole first time anyway. So so they so the two police releases him and release. A public apology is, like sorry, guys do know. Fusion had a weird hat also also puts in place of policy that officers from henceforth whenever they see Emperor Norton anywhere in San Francisco. They have to salute him. I make this right. How about this norder we're going to one they're going to salute you and they're going to give you twenty five bucks. You know that's a lot of money in this time, it's about equivalent to one point two million dollars, but I want to make sure what the so yeah that we're sorry for we're. Really we didn't know who we were dealing with with. He realize you with the emperor we didn realize you worth a rice, king, and so he gets released and it just sort of furthers his belief that he is the sovereign emperor of these United States, so he then began to sneeze. He then begins some diplomatic. That was a good one. Clearing out those nostrils go ahead. I hate you, you know what I've been doing every time. I sneeze, though involuntarily Reagan sneezes. Like eight times you, how do you sneeze I'll sneeze a couple times Reagan goes to when I sneeze I literally do I did that big one just because to be an idiot yeah, but, like I literally involuntarily, go you who almost every time like shocks you yeah, I'm scared of sneezes like terrifico to so so this sort of furthered, his belief that he was a sovereign emperor right. So he began some sort of diplomatic efforts. He was. I got to explain outside of San Francisco Yeah. Well, he began setting letters he became. Pin Pack is winded the civil war in the in S and is like you know, honestly. If they would just make the emperor I could put into this. I could end the war. Well, no, he he starts sending letters to Queen Victoria of the UK and to Napoleon like Napoleon Bonaparte, like Napoleon Yeah. I wasn't confused. I wasn't like you mean like that. Quirky won high schooler. What's he doing that for add to Comania the King of e? I don't Associate Napoleon as that same time area. That's crazy. He was I mean. I know he is but remember when I was talking about how like what time like when you think of the civil war yeah. How do you think about it? Yeah, that's what I mean like I just think like I don't know, got jumbled up with, because we learned American history and we were. We learned a world history, but we kind of learned them separate. They didn't really join together until the war fors yeah. You know it was like these are two totally different things right honestly, the same thing yeah honestly yeah I go out. A Polin was oh yeah, yeah, exactly hey, really exciting news October thirtieth and Kansas City Missouri, we were doing a tilling live show. Please get tickets there available right now until nom and we're going to have special guests, a live episode, Q and a bunch of stuff tim right now is researching. If we can get a monster truck there you're going to love it. If you were anywhere near Kansas City or you're able to get there, we want to see you there. So please go to the website. I am by those tickets because the spots are limited, so let's hang out and just keep making some amazing magic stuff together, fit off Huh. So when Napoleon invaded Mexico, Emperor Norton San Im a letter and then release a public statement denouncing Napoleon and declared himself the title of protector of Mexico and so Norton is like. I am the emperor of these United States in power of United States Mexico. I am the emperor of the United States and protector of Mexico and the rice king, and so he called on a bunch of generals to invade and stop it. But they didn't listen to him. They were like okay, they like yeah sure we'll do that. He actually he also disbanded Congress. At one point he he released a public statement saying that Congress is full of scoundrels and thieves and he hereby disbands it and he ordered a specific general he's like he's like I'm ordering you to March in the halls of Congress and arrest every last one of them, and they didn't do it. They published it in the paper, though I'll tell you that you Koilasu no one of the most interesting ones, the king of Hawaii Comah, which I'm pronouncing the Dragon Ball. Z pronunciation, not the real, because it's better that way, but coming on my heart, refused to recognize the US government as the leader of the United States. Instead, he recognized Emperor Norton. Why? What under what he was just the first one to send you a letter. I don't know they were, they became pen pals and they really hit it off. And- and it's like- I don't like your President- I, like your emperour president, doesn't remember my wife's name. You know, and I love your emperor- do he's like talking to people Washington DC and I like an art to the emperor and they were all like. Excuse me yeah. You know that guy has been ruling San Francisco for like half a score now and that's how they talked to the four score, and you know oh my gosh, but yeah. So what ended up being problematic for the Kem of Hawaii, because not long after that, the US would take it yeah as there s ye were like they're like call me, president he's like and he's like, I do you guys have an emperor and they're like do it or we'll. Take you over. Are Your us now I'll show you what a president looks like and they're like the like wow. This is a pretty emperor thing to do with you. Take them so so yeah, so he actually had some diplomatic efforts. What's interesting is he did publicly come up with some stuff that actually ended up happening? He didn't do it, but it did end up happening one of the things he bought for a lot. I was like we're going to go to the moon by the end of this next century, we're going to go to the moon, and he said that in one thousand eight hundred and sixty nine, we choose to do this and the other shoe to do this, not because they are easy, but because they are hard to show Napoleon well. Mexico will be protected as you way our moon canons all right e, all right. That's why the arrest of the lies he's like no. No, it's Lu, nursy nurse. You now understanding it. You know. Do you know anything about the moon, so he largely campaigned for a bridge to be built between Oakland and San Francisco, which happened there's a few of those Tay Bridge. He had nothing to do with it. He even he will. He specifically called for a suspension bridge, which is what it is, is pretty surprising. He's a t about a big red bridge. Hear me out, you know, but we call it golden say it's gold people from out of down. They won't see it. I've got just redny a rise, a build it out of, and so it's built out of rice going gave that a fog fact it's just fried rice. That's why it's gold Friday, it's FRI, Rice yeah! That's it not even on Color Fried Rice. How often are you eating orange, fried rice? Well, FRI rice gets a little ORANGY. It's got a little tinge to it. You put enough of it together. How about you walk out of a whatever Chinese restaurant? You were at go across the street to the other Chinese restaurant and get actually what that fan. I is like so another thing that he was campaigning for in his dip. You're eating FRY list is a that's rot and all his diplomatic engagements he was, he was arguing for a League of nations and he said we need to all team up and become a super nation which ended up at wormword. Go with the United Nations. The new war order than we yea order is yeah, and so, which were bad fans, is his idea. I love the new world order bag fan and I would like it to be known by everyone that I think that there is one government that rules them all. What's the government we are ruled by an emperor than we are protectors of Mexico, and so he actually later in his life, when he was already like established as this emperor everybody in Sanfrancisco like is a per nort. Let's give him some money, he also he also before we up into this. After after we got arrested, he became like famous famous in the city yeah to the point where he had reserved box seats at the local theater for free he could eat in pretty much any restaurant for free, like he was literally treated like realty, most most clothing stores, which was a Brefi for a while. You know really was all things to. I came out as pro vaccine. I Mos calling sores with outfit them for free. He, he he only wear his military, robes, yeah and and a lot of a lot of stores would accept his currency. Even if it wasn't from him like you could come into a store and pay with his money, an they boo, cool, sweet yeah. What if it is all worth like ten grand one day hold fellows they'd, be like like okay yeah. This is a bit. This will be forty six cents or twenty emperor notes. Well, IT'S CONVEEN! Well, let me see. What's in my wall, that's e L. my wife took my cash okay. Well, I got fifty emperor notes. Fifty emperor notes. I hide in my shoe for just an occasion so so yeah. So Latin his life: How old is he at this point? I don't know exactly how old he was when this this event happened, but your did happen in I don't know exactly okay. So there was a a long standing issue in San Francisco of racism towards Chinese immigrants, largely because of that embargo originally because a lot of people lost work during it and so there's a lot of racism. Oxis is your fault yeah, and so there was one day there was an angry mob. Coming on to a group of these Chinese imigrants like claiming they were going to kill them basically because they lost their jobs because of these people, but Emperor Norton just appears out of the crowd and stands between them and everybody just stops and just watch is he says: Let he who is boyness. I could you not. He takes off his hat and he stands between the crowd of the immigrants and he just recites the Lord's prayer, and when he finishes the prayer, he looks up and everybody still there. So then he just starts quoting random scriptures until eventually the crowd disbands, and then he tells the immigrants to go home. He turns out an he says: Where are your accusers go and send no more like, so we didn't send you're right. Actually, the Suraman, the like it's called friscoyou loser. He turns to hers like that'll, be twenty five. I just feel like. I, you know, drove the mob away, that's not a free service. You think I'm doing this in my spare time. You think I'm an emperor. My spare time I I just like I should deserve to pay to night yeah. Do you coach for Free Ted? I don't I don't guess I do, but would you yeah? Are they setting up an ark where they date? Is that what they're doing it looks like it like it Jinks, I think? Okay, so, okay, so Emperor Norton eventually dies when he was walking to. He was walking on the street one day and he just trip over a cobblestone. I don't know how the roads in San Francisco were he just collapsed. Luckily, there was an officer standing saluting him when it happened, and so the office was run. How long do I wait he's just an just like how like he's like he's like Sir I'm even the whole time is at doing CPA of one at he's, give one hand at CPR while like saluting him the whole time yeah. So he calls her carage dreaming to cause for carriage to pick them up to take him to hospital, but before the carriage can arrive, amper Norton Dyes were his last words. I actually don't know he's at this is messing up. My groove is that what he said. I imagine he goes what's that song, but that goes God bless America, that's, as has that. Can you sing it for how is that go? Do you know the title of that Song? To no hope, do you know which one I'm talking about? I don't would you just focus. I was trying to stall while you're doing whatever yeah. I don't. I don't. I can't find his his last worse, but the papers and Seres I don't care. The paper published that night with the headline front page, Lay Roy s mart, which is a made up language here really now. I dint O yeah. He was actually starting his own language to his own currency, starting his own language, but was it long live the emperor? No, it was the the king is dead. Is it really the king is dead and they had the article detailing what happened saying that Emperor Norton had died and they held this funeral two days later they discovered after he died. They wend was home. He had two coins to his name, a bunch of his made up money, but two coins to his name, and he had a bed and a night stand. That's all he had to his name, so he was clearly pretty poor. Despite having the access to everything in the city for free, so okay did his currency, then just to you know, evolve when he dies well. It became like a collector's item and so two dollar bill yeah. So so a bunch of the locals chipped in they did a girl. Fun Me to give him a a proper burial, as they got him a really really nice casket and they they held this. This big, this big funeral with the police there doing their little gun, salute and everything. Thirty thousand people showed up my Gosh, how okay to lay the emperor of the United States to rest, which was I mean at the time by half the city of San Francisco came. I am going to write a letter to mayor Q and say that I'm emperor of Kansas City, I'm serious, so we need to do a photo shoot with me in, like a crown like and like like robes, and all that so I mean like I look at me. I am the new emperor. I am I'm the captain now you know, like I'm serious, no tim, better, better, better. We email apple bees, I'm the emperor of Applebee's. Now the ample and a sole emperor. I stand in appleby's with this big school. That says my First Amendment to apple these, my apple bees amendment my amendment bess, my appleman, my bring back the Buffalo Sauce S, seasoning praise! God you go to literally every apple beace. I think I could we get the grass nigh to Clare. I declare myself emperor of Appleby's every single one you acted like this is like you're like this would be a funny idea, I'm telling you I'm doing it. Are you in or out do my vice emperor yeah, the VM v Yeah, I'm the rice vice that's right, maybe baby, which one of those Te Things Goin to die? First, I don't know man, you don't know, probably me. I agree, I think so too, when you're older, like in your s o when I'm old, okay, I dusare with that's fin. Well, I hope that you can pull off the sort of burial that emperor nor thirty thousand people show at that's, quick, that's what I'm saying like I mean yeah, that's crazy to just be able to be like bind the emperor of the nation if people are like Yep Yep cool cool man, I'm down for that. Hey! Welcome to San Francisco! There's there's the goal game. I cool bridge. We got great Sushi. This is Bandar of the United States. THAT'S OUR GUY! We love him a lot and there's a cool ice cream place down the corner. Actually, if you are now yeah, if he asks you for money, just go with it and I look at me. Look me in the e right now. Do you not say Sander? It comes I twenty five, as I heard it, rips off the Tuxedo right, there's a camera guy in the corner and he goes. He goes public discourse. Meanwhile, six place officers are standing right behind just the attitude on saluted. This is the dumbest evison we ever done. I is ARONA. TRY TO BE EMPEROR, not that I know of okay. I mean I could look into it. I'm sure so. WE'VE GOT IMPROVE NATION FRIEND OF HAWAII YEP protector of Mexico, inventor of Nort Nani virus fiddle or off of the devil. The things are done. That night is a production of space. Tim Media produced by Christian Taylor, audio by out Garnett video by conner bets, are graphics and Ar Logo by Caleb Goldberg and our social media is run by Kala backer. Our host are JERN myres and Tim Stone falls on your favorite social media platform. At tillin, podcast is till and podcast remember to tell all your friends about us and we'll see you next Tuesday for another episode of things I have on last night

We all remember the days sitting through history class learning about all the presidents in the short history of the United States. We learned all about each of these presidents and the things they did while in office. However, there’s a good chance you were not taught about the first and only Emperor of the United States. In 1859, Joshua … Read More