This Scientist Got $450k From The DoD, Then She Disappeared


Episode Transcription

Hey, welcome to Things on the Last Night. This is a comedy podcast where we attempt to teach you something. And so this week's episode is about Ning Lee, who was a scientist who was who was studying anti gravity and then abruptly and immediately kind of just disappear from the public eye. And so we go through kind of what we think might have happened, and then what we know happened, and so what we know. We're serious journalists, Ye get to the root of an issue. Thanks for checking out our show. If you've been here a lot, it's a good episode. Hey, the best way to help our show grow is to share this with somebody. So if you could send send the show to because think about how you found us. Okay, you found us because someone you know shared it with you. Or if you don't have friends, you probably found us on the TikTok feed. But if you've got friends, you know that's how you got some of those you know, So share our show. That helps us grow. I didn't mean to do that. Sorry that you were about to do it too. You were about to share it, and I said, just like what you're doing, I didn't mean to do it. Amen, what's going on. All right, have you ever heard of Ningly? Ningly? Ningly? Uh No, this is a fun one. This is a person. Ningly is a person. Yes, that is a name. She's ahead, Okay. She was a physicist in Huntsville, Alabama. Well, I don't know about Huntsville, do you, Yeah, they do space stuff there, you're right. So she's she works with the space people. Yeah, the space boys, that's what they call. So she she here. I'll bury the lead. Well we probably already mentioned it in the intro, but I'll bury the lead for you. Great. So Ningly she was born in China in January fourteenth, nineteen forty three, on a wise China like that, graduating from Peking University with a degree in physics, and then in eighty three her and her whole family emigrated to the US, where she got a job in the early nineties working at the University of Alabama Huntsville in their Center for Space, Plasma and Aeronomic Research. And so while she was there, she obviously probably did a lot of different research, and she published a lot of papers. She was like a paper person. That was her, that was her of thing, and so she was constantly pushing out these papers that were getting scholarly reviews and put in scholarly or scholarly publications. Okay, and she had this specific series of papers co authored by a man by the name of Douglas Torr. And these series of papers outlined a theoretical model for or practical anti gravity, like a practical anti gravity device, meaning meaning practical as in flying saucer. I mean, yeah, a scientist but the name of Jack Sarfiti. I love your commitment to not reading these names before we're live. I'm so serious when I say that there's got to be like creative grants that we could apply for. Yeah, probably looking to that grant. What if that's what we thought? That that meant things I learned last night, Well not just flying saucers. Flying saucers would be probably included, but also hoverboards, like and then just like those cool things like trinkets that you can put on your desk that float, you know obviously, Well, because there's magnets in the earth, right, so couldn't we Yeah, if you just stuck a bunch of magnets or something and flipped them over, we should float. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying that's what her paper said. It said, should flow, should float. Yeah, she didn't used a lot of words. She drew a picture and should float and submitted it and the scholars, I mean, I can't find anything wrong with this technically true, I guess. And so according to her research, basically she she said, Okay, if we have a device, it's like a ring. And in that ring, it was something that at the time hadn't well I shouldn't say it didn't exist. It hadn't been discovered yet. It was. It existed in the mind of a lot of smart people, but they haven't figured out if it could actually really exist, you know, you know those things theory. Yeah, well I don't know. I mean, I guess the French horn, yes, where it existed in my mind and it had discovered yet. Yeah, except for everyone else. And then you discovered it and you're like, oh, it's it is. It does exist. I've seen that. I've been the man in my dreams plays the French horn. Did you see did I send this to you? That sound the French horn? Mak okay, it sounds like a horn. I don't know who tell you no, but give you In the movie intro that's like those are French horns. Oh interesting, Yeah, I guess. I just I just never picture like when I hear that, I don't picture goofy little French horn. I picture like majestic. You're listening and you picture French horn. Which one of us do you think plays it? Based on our pictures? This weekend, I was I was just in Indiana and uh, I was out in the in the lobby and this guy comes be lining straight toward me, I mean, and he's got a neck tattoo and a face tattoo, and he comes up and he just goes, you know, exactly where it's going. He goes, welcome to the crappy part of Indiana. I'm Scott. Yeah, that's what he did. I'm Skyler. I found you in jail that part of Indian Yeah, it was awesome. I mean he walked in the building like he was going to go because it was like three services and he's like there for the last one. He's like walking in and he sees me. He goes like you the robber, and like he yeah, yeah, so Skyler, good to me. You man, that's cool. I think I've been thinking about that a lot because they because we recently found out the episode where it stops jet Jeff and I think I haven't heard anything past that. And we've talked about prison a lot. Yeah, we did. We also we also started talking about prison breaks a lot. And I wonder if they were like these guys, this is like Barkley, Ma. We're giving them the way out. We're training voices from the outside, teaching them how to escape. What if we just, like, one episode at a time, have each step for how to like make a shift out of a spoon. I just love the idea of us getting indicted and then on this like brand theory that we were teaching prisoners how to escape. You're the one. We simply exploited a little posters. Hold it in your left hand, use your right hand. Come back next week for the next step. Can subscribe, Come back next week for the next step, how to make a shift. We're getting demonetized, for sure, dude. So her device, Yeah, she says, what we need is a high temperature superconductor. She doesn't exist yet a little bit about superconductors. This is what they look like. Hold on, this is what they like, ripped people in the engine of a train. I okay, So Essentially what they are is it's this little thing. Yeah, this is an actual photograph, is it for real? No, it's not. This is a This is the three D animation of them. Look. So essentially what it is is it's it's a type of material that is so conductive that you actually don't lose any of the electricity like going through it. Because normally, like even conductive like there's a little bit of loss of power. These don't lose any power. And theoretically there's like magnetism and I'm where it does just this. It will reverse poles and pushed things up and they'll just kind of levitate about. Okay, But up until this point, we knew that the only superconductors we knew of only were super conductive at ridiculously low temperatures like hundred or negative one hundred ninety degrees celsius, so super super cold. It was the only way that these existed. There was this theoretical idea that, well, obviously, if we could get these to work, there's value in superconductors. But to have them in a space where it's anything above negative one hundred and ninety is like, there's not a practical use for them because of that because it's it costs, it's so expensive to get the oh so unnecessarily aggressive. I was just getting rid of the trash. I was just throwing into our new Pa due it wasn't looking We call them Pa, Pa, Pa. Pa thought his name was Pa the whole time. Ba, I just thought it was your name. I just assumed that was your name. Isn't it crazy that all three of you are named Pa? What a weird name? What a crazy I haven't been a single pop. You got to figure out a way to differentiate between you guys. What are your middle names? Your Pa, your papa, your papa? All right, so super connectors, your knee deep? What are you smashing grapes? And it's celsius here just out there, knee deep like those commercials. No, that's what because your body as you drink fluids, it just fills up, and so I've got it to my knees. This is where your liquid goes. Commercial? Is it that they're like in the big Is it cranberry cranberry juice? Cranberry juice? For some reason, I was thinking it was bush as beans. I was like, there's no reason they'd be standing and that nurse is not like that can't be. We love be. We got so many beads that are Bush's beans factory that we just got a way through it. Yeah. I mean, I'll be honest. When I was a kid, I thought Bush's beans belonged to George W. Bush. This is not a joke. I was like. I was like, those are those are Republican beans. Republic beans beans. Okay, I threw the water bottle. I thought it would be really funny, and you just derailed. Sorry, Pa, Okay, So the obviously, yeah, in real life a superconductor is not usable because it has to be so cold, like it would you would use more energy getting it that cold than you would save by having it super condie. Yeah. Yeah, and then also like yeah and so, but she was like, what if it hovers above us? Well, that there had always been, like I shouldn't say, a theory, just a whole that someone would find a way to have high temperature superconductors because that way they could exist in the real world and you'd have to get them super cold for them to work. And so in her model, if you could get a high temperature superconductor, right, she said, Okay, if there's a way where we could flip. You could have the superconductor spin one way and you could flip the ions in it, and essentially it would reverse that polarity and then it could hover. And so she wrote this paper and all the scientists were like, yeah, I mean it sounds like this is something that's possible, and so they said thumbs up, you can publish this. And then it got published and she became like a I mean, like any famous person. Some people were like big fans. Some people were like, oh, like she became like any famous person, like she's doing the Late night tour. Oh no, not that famous, any famous person for the nerds. But people who were like, yeah, there's people who really like her and thann Tho's people who are like you, this is stupid. Yeah. People were like it'll never work, right. And so she wrote a couple of other papers. And remember I mentioned this person before she was a paper person. She wrote a lot of papers, big, big paper paper person, wrote a lot of papers. Write this one, writes a couple more about it. It seems like it's going good. And then she says, you know what, I made it all up. I told you how I wanted to be a country star. What. I thought it'd be really funny too. Yeah, I guess I thought it'd be really funny if I dedicated like twenty years and became like a Garth Brooks sized country star. Uh. And then was like just a bit yeah, And it was like, look how easy it is to make it in this space, because I mean so many people that like started out as like serious indie musicians like rock or whatever, transitioned over to country. Taylor Swift did country, yeah, and then transitioned into country. Is just like the lowest entry level. Yeah, that's true. That is true. Well, sorry, if you love country, we just called it low bar is. I'm not sorry. I'm sorry at all. Dude. Yeah, that'd be fun though. We should do it. I'll go with you. Do you want to be I'll be your country bassist. I'll play this guy. You play bass? Yeah, well I play guitar too now yeah, yeah, I remember I'm doing them mid like have a guitar, No I play. I play it all the time. Anyway. I talked to my wife. We got a dinner like conversations and stuff. Yeah. Yeah, we're still in the honeymoon phase. So you guys, you guys got a whole we'll go on walks. That's insane. Okay, Son, So she wrote these papers kind of is looming over her. Yeah, yeah, I got to figure this out before like computers, I'm gonna leave University of Alabama at Hutsville, Okay, because like all I'm doing here is researching stuff. I think I've got a product here. And so she's like, she's like, I think I got something that can actually like be commercially by. So she starts a company AC Gravity LLC because she means LLC, And Okay, I'm trying to figure out what she's selling. The the anti gravity device. It's called AC gravity. Yeah, but like that's not I have no applicable use for this, but it just floats. That's kind of neat. Yeah, well think about it. You gotta keep your AC really low. Think about it. If if she was correct and was able to find a high temperature superconductor, this could be a component that would go in vehicles because now like you don't need floating vehicles. Yeah, you don't need thrusters anymore. If you have the anti gravity, like you can just float and angle that and then that propels you. So it's a whole new form of propulsion. Got so it would be very valuable for like any sort of transportation. But there's also I mean there's also like commercial uses of it, Like the hoverboard thing is definitely a sure. But then I mean, look around us. Look at all this stuff that we've got that's like on the ground, that's just on the floor, Like, what is the point of this? Oh my, imagine how much clue? I mean, if you think about it, though, this is a fire hazard. I bet we're breaking fire code. Actually, actually I bet we're breaking fire code. But if we could just set all this stuff, all these cameras and all these lights and everything, and just float them, then we could roll underneath it. And you should more, you should use your pointer finger more than flat handing that because you do that a lot. You just wait until next week's episode. We'll be right back. Okay, all right, Okay, So I guess I'm yeah, I'm saying so she's she's thinking more of like I'm going to start a company that then other companies would buy my they would buy the anti gravity component to then Bill I was direct to consumer, and I was like, what are we doing with this? I got it? The all new floating toaster. A toaster with toasts that you can't reach. That's kind of the appeal. Yeah, it's like it's like it's you've had too many cars. We made it so you can't even reach your fridge. So she starts this business in ninety nine, appears to begin working on this. She actually here's the deal. Her her colleagues apparently like really believed in it, because the chair of her department at the University of Alabama Huntsville, a guy in the name of doctor Larry Smalley, eves his post to join her and starting this company along with her co author what was his name, Douglas tor They both leave this is a fraud, and they start this company and and and here's the They have a a what's the word journalist? A journalist comes to their office to like see the device. So here is her and this is Douglas Tour on the left, who was her core author, and then that Larry Smalling on the right. And so there you see. It's like a little donut, but it's not. It's a it looks like a record player. Oh, that's actually really going to compare it to a really big donut. So that's better, but like a really big one, like a donut where if you see it, you're like, I don't know if I could eat that by myself, but you do eat it by yourself. Yeah, yeah, you feel bad all day for sure, yeah all week. But yeah, it looks like a record player. It does look at And so what they said a bigger hole in the middle. Allegedly what happened at this demo with this this journalist is they said, hey, you can take whatever you want and place this above this device and it'll just float wherever you left it. And they said, oh, sorry, it looks like it's off. Turn it on. And then he stuck his hand over there and it shot out into space and we never saw him again. No, So they took a bowling ball and they held it above and they let go of it and it just floated there. And then they moved it and moved it higher up above it and just floated there. And what they said is what will happen is from the point wherever you set that, from the surface of the Earth to outer space, there is a field where there is no longer any past viable for everything. Because I mean, let's you can't fly planes, hey, I guess you could. You couldn't cross traffic. Yeah, I guess you couldn't cross traffic. Is yeah, yeah, you got to put a lid on that at some point, real life lightsabers, Like, there's no way to make it just end except I mean then you just point it at your friend. Well here's the thing. It doesn't. It doesn't shoot you away. It makes you It takes your weight away. So what they what they said is like, we'll take a fifteen pound okay, So it's not moving it up, it's not moving it. What it does is it makes it to where the forces of gravity don't exist. What means you weigh nothing. And so like what they I don't know how they measured weight, if they had a scale, but they set it on or something and then held it above. But they had a fifteen pound a fifteen pound bowling ball, and they're like, here, we measure it outside fifteen pounds and then we put it in the gravitational field. We put it over a zero, and so it just floats away. When the journalists saw the bowling ball float allegedly, I don't know. Yeah, this is a fraud, is what we're covering. Yeah, I'm with you. I don't know, I don't anytime you go her. Actually actually one of her like colleagues left the company too, and it's like yeah, yeah, okay, cool cool. So so they do this, this paper or this publication goes out. I believe it is Wired that does this. Wired magazine does this expose on it. Hey, thanks for being part of this episode. If you want to help us do more of this, you want to help us grow our show, one of the easiest and best ways to do that is to join our Patreon. It's a way for your financial to support this show, and you get a lot in return. You get access to our discord channel, you get bonus content that comes out, you get exclusive merchandise, and like live Zoom hangouts where we're both just hanging out, eating pizza, just getting to know each other. The biggest thing is is we want to know you more as an individual and as a friend. So thanks for supporting our show. If you don't support us financially, we're not pressed about it. We're not like mad, but I'll find you. So text till into six six eight sixty six to keep yourself from being found, all right, because if you don't, I will want you down. So in two thousand and one, Young Company, Young Company, Okay, they get awarded a grant from the Department of Defense specifically for anti gravity research, and we have record of this grant. They were awarded four hundred and forty eight thousand dollars. We had a lie dude to research anti gravity. And what's interesting is these research grants, the way they always work is you get the grant and then you do the research and there's a term for your research period, right that term expires and so in this case it was two thousand and two was when the term expired. And then you publish your papers that you discovered from the research. And so essentially this just gave you a bunch of money to do the research and publish the paper. Well, what's interesting is that grant period went through, they got the money. We have a paper trail of the money going through to them, but then there was never a paper published about the research. And there's no evidence that the company ever did any work ever get but we have paper trail as recently as twenty twenty one of their LLC getting renewed, So they've been renewing the LLC every year. But we have no public evidence of the company doing any more work. Sure, yeah, okay, conspiracy. Here's my thought. I think that the LLC is listed on some of the patents that they might have. Yeah, and so they have to keep renewing it to own the patents. Still an interesting theory. No, I mean it's the most likely. That feels more more likely than whatever we're going to spend the back half of this episode. What do you think I'm gonna spin the backup of this episode. I think you're gonna be like, here's some theories. So this was, you know, two thousand and two was you know, So after receiving this grant, let's get into it. After receiving this grant, Lee, could we apply for grants? I mean, we can apply for them. I don't know if we can get them. I'm so serious when I say that there's got to be like creative grants that we could apply for. Yeah, probably we should look into it. Yeah, look into that grant. What if that's what we thought that that meant we got a few grants from the government, and it's just some government, some grant that worked in the taped up. What we took it? We took it. He taped it. We got some grants. His ransom is four hundred and forty eight thousands. We had Pad Papa, go get grand Papa. Now you're Papapa. Nope, nope, Pa, not pop Pop. You're not supposed to talk right now, Pa Papa. Sorry, this is confusing. Too many paws in the room, too many Pause. So here's the thing. Here's the thing. Okay, here's the thing. So after this d D Grant was awarded, she never published another paper again. Sure, but remember I said she was a paper person. So this is this is this is odd for a lot of reasons. One, like I said, she published papers often multiple times a year. Two, that's the point of the research grant. The point of the research grant is to publish the paper at the end of the research crew. Do you think that? Are you saying, are you going to suggest that she was doing all this research but then it became classified research. Well here's what's interesting. Obviously, never published report for this, never never published another paper. It's always the twenty eighteen foy or was it twenty twenty one for you? Yeah, this is the big one. What year was the big one? Yeah? I think it was twenty twenty one. Yeah, the twenty twenty one FOYA report that you know, Tim was like, everything's real, So she uh accept the moon landing. She The last, the last like public record we have of her doing anything is in two thousand and three at the m I TRI conference. I think that's pronounced meter miter meter. And so she gave a presentation about the measurability of AC gravity fields. And she had a co presenter who was an official from the Redstone Arsenal, which is the part of the Army's Aviation and Missile Command, and so they kind of co presented this PowerPoint together. She did one slide, he died one slide, and they were like, look at our word art. Two thousand and three. I'm sure they had word art, and so they pointed out the stuff, did their slides. That was the last thing that we saw her do publicly. A few months later in May, there was a private email that she sent to some of her former colleagues that we have record of where she claims to have conducted some experiments where there was eleven kilowatts of output from her device. Okay, what's significant about eleven kilowats? None of us know, but Apparently she seemed excited about that result. How much does my microwave put out? How many killer watts in a microwave? It's more? Wait what it's more, it's a lot more. It's like, there's way more one hundred and twenty is it? Well wait, no, that's watts, not killer watts. Wait, so fifteen minutes if you ran, if you use a microwave for fifteen minutes per day, it will use about six point one kill hours of electricity. Microwave uses six hundred and two one thousand watts of electricity, So that's not a thousand is one killoot? Right? Right? So this is this is eleven microwaves. That's what I'm saying. That's that's a lot of power. That's a lot of power. It is eleven microwaves worth a power. Okay, but now we've got someone builds a vehicle text powered by microwaves, and they got to hit the popcorn button just on eleven different microwaves. Boo boo, and it's like Doc in Back to the Future. Boom boom. They're all up here like the like the plane on the ceiling. That's what they're full microwave, just drill seven thirty seven is seven hundred and thirty seven microwaves. That's the whole thing. Why do you think they keep crashing? Can't you can't even bring a microwave through TSA. That's why, because you'll mess with the other microwaves on you're not micro. But I'm sure you're not allowed to bring a microwave on the plane. There's no way. I try often enough that we can just try. You know, Oh really I can't bring this. That's fly tonight. I'll go, yeah, I think we do have to spare microwave with that rue. All right, let's run it, dude. This is my carry on item. Bro, I've been I get through. I've also got to get on the Southwest plane microwave carry on? Can I put this in the overhead It'll fit in the seat underneath me. Underneath, it'll fit underneath the seat in front of it. Can you imagine sitting down on a plane, the dude in the aisle seat has the microwave in the like seat under him. But he brought one of those our packs, yeah, the power to USB things. So he plugs it into the USB and just starts microwaving. He's making popcorncorn. Oh yeah, dude, Wow, honestly, there's no way. There's no way. I don't see why you couldn't bring because it's too easy to start a fire with a microwave, I know, but there's I don't see why you couldn't. We almost weren't allowed to have microwaves out of Angel and Scott Hall almost. What do you mean you guys fought for it protested. Yeah, we did. We had to fight. There was a battle for your right to a wave and we won. We won that fight. Yeah. Anyways, so she's got eleven microwaves with the output coming out of this thing, and she's excited. She emails all of our colleagues. She's like, oh my gosh, you're never gonna believe how many microwaves worth the power we got out of this thing. And everyone saw that and was like, wow, good job, congratulations, thumbs up emoji. What are you doing googling? Microwave is allowed through the checkpoint? Oh my gosh, can you plug it in? This should be removed from luggage. Oh did you look it up? You can't have it in your luggage though. Is kind of like you declined my air drop sending you the Google result me, I did. I tried to send it. Oh, I didn't even get a notice for it. This is crazy. The list on TSA dot gov you can bring. Yeah, so here's the deal. I'm not we won't have to bleep this. But if you bring just a bunch of forks, I think you bring forks, right, maybe not forks, spoons it works, and a microwave utensils. Yeah. Sorry? Can I just read a little bit of this, uh to me? It's on some travel website talking about we're not sure why airplanes would allow you to bring a microwave, but it's allowed. It says you'll want to verify that your airline allows microwaves on board and the ears fits within the size limit for carry on bags or personal items. There's nothing worse than backing up the boarding process because you can't fit your microwave in the overhead compartment. Yeah. Can I take kitchen appliances on a plane? Is a? Is an asked question on kayak dot com. This is, I mean nothing, nothing's worse than when you're on vacation you just find an appliance. The lenders are allowed. You just can't have the blade in the blender. What do you ship the blade separately? Like this article also says you can bring live lobsters. Hold on, did we talk about this recently? I just got a back full of lobsters. Yeah, this bag is all lobsters of this backs mic wave. I will say there was a flight where were we at goodness, we were on a flight and the plane smelled like fish? You know that? Yeah? What was going on? That's so nice. I think it was actually to our our thing in uh in. Anyway, we were, we were flying and we get the baggage claim and there's a person who had gone like to Alaska and gone fishing, and they had checked a gigantic cardboard box of like fish, and so the entire baggage claim smelled. That's the smell that was coming up into the plane. Yeah, it's that guy. It's that guy. Yeah, yikes. Luckily I have my a wave there. Luckily to fish in there. Yeah, they'll smell better if we cook them, yea. And then yeah, and then it brought everyone on the plane together just to like a meal. Everyone on the plane got to have a meal together. And because another kid CRUs some Yeah, and we put two fish in the microwave. And it just kept digging and more and more fish kept coming out. You'd open it for that. So she sends out this email. All of our yeah, all of our colleagues are like, wow, that's impressive. But we have literally not heard from her since that email. No emails, No she's not been no public again, No I'll find her, no public record of her. No, here's a good picture for the here, I'll show you one with her team. I'm going to get you. And so she was someone who was pretty pretty well in the public eye, at least in her field. Sure, all of a sudden was out of her field in two thousand and three, and so there was some work done to try to track her down. Someone thought it was a little odd. In two thousand and four, a journalist by the name of Tim Ventura, and so he contacted another scientist that worked in the field by the name of Eugene Uh Pod clintonov, podklintonv Pod Clintonov. That's this guy, Eugene Pod Clinton Nov. Okay, he he tells, Uh, this journalist, he says, Okay, here's the deal, mister, what happened mister Tim Ventura? He, by the way, a little bit about Eugene we probably should establish this guy is. He's a Russian scientist working at tamp tamp Pierre University of Technology, which is in Norwija. I think he published a bunch of papers on superconductivity. Was also reaarching researching anti gravity. Also did like expose a and Wired magazine Wired was I guess into this for a minute. He was expelled from the universe ninety seven for some reason I don't really know. I couldn't track down why. But then he went and worked, tried to work in the field and then kind of fell off the face of the earth up to that. Who knows what he did. Maybe he discovered something he shouldn't have. What do you Okay, So Eugene tells Tim Ventura, this this journalist. He says, okay, here's the deal, he said the email that Tim has on record for ningly, he says. Tim says, I've been emailing her like every couple of months the past few months, and I'm getting read receipts, but I'm not getting any replies. So I know she's opening it. I know, or at least I know somebody's opening him, but nobody's replying to me. Sure, And so Pokola nav is like, oh, yeah, that makes a lot of sense, and she he's like, she is currently still working with a DoD because he claims he's working with the DoD as well. Okay, so he's like, he's like, she's working with the do D. But she has a higher level of security clearance, so she's not allowed to talk to journalists or anybody about anything that she's doing, and so it has to be very underground what she's working on, and so she's probably seeing it all, but she's just deleting it. She's not allowed to respond. Eugene says, I also don't have like a contact number or an email for her, Like obviously you have an email that's getting to her from now, but I don't have like a direct line to her. But he's like, yeah, she's working at the DD. So Tim puts this out and the public's like, oh cool, So she's still working on it. And clearly she was like, I don't want to say the front runner in this field, but close to it. Like she seemed to be making a lot of headway, and after getting that DD contract like went pretty underground, right, so it seemed like she might have found some things right well in two thousand and eight, a scientist by the name of Jack Sarfiti answered a question on an interview. I love your commitment to not reading these names before we're live. You know, I've read these names a dozen times in preparation, and you go, Jack Sarfiti spy. So Jack Sarfaity He gets asked a question in an interview that was put up on a YouTube video in two thousand and eight. Okay, and Jack Sarferiti is another scientist in this field. He's also researching anti gravity. He says, this is just a direct quote. I'm just going to read the quote from him. So here's what he says. This is very important from a national security and political point of view. One of the key scientists is a Chinese woman named Ningley. She has disappeared and gone back to China. She was working at NASA and at the Red Stone Arsenal, but she has disappeared for several years now. The people at the Pentagon cannot reach her anymore. She's allegedly back in China, and the Chinese are pouring money into similar experiments. Now, that's why our intelligence guys are very interested. The most likely people to develop the first anti gravity propulsion technology? Are the chaiese and so this did say it like that, though, Why did you say like that at the end? Are the Chai nesey he? I don't know how he said it. I just read the interview. Why did you say Chinese? It's emphasis dramatic? Are the yeah? You know how to you said the Chai knees? Why did you say that? That's like saying that I am an amhara? Can it? It's emphasis? Okay, have you ever heard of it? No? Not like that. Uh So this interview comes out and there are some people kind of following this. It's kind of a niche community of people following this. But this kind of like blew the lead off. Everyone's like, oh my gosh, wait, like, yeah, she's gone. China got to her, they took her, and like now they're using her to get ahead of everybody on on the anti gravity stuff. Right. H There's some issues with Jack's Sarfiti though. Okay, Jack was kind of blacklisted from most of like legitimate science communities, and he was he was one of those guys that started up his own lab. Sures like I'm doing my own thing and I'm like researching truth and stuff. Here's the thing. Here's his profile picture on Twitter. Yeah, and so that tells you pretty much everything you need to know about him. I also don't understand how he made this or why he made it the way he made it, because there's just like there's four different people in it. Yeah, he's the one on the left with that. But he would wear those sunglasses, yeah, really thin ones like the small Yeah yeah yeah yeah, untrustworthy. That's a pretty untrustworthy trait. So he uh, and his Twitter is littered with like I'm trying to think of a nice way to series. Yeah, yeah, it's UFO stuff, conspiracy stuffs, tons of uh yeah, yeah, that's definitely definitely some of that, lots of RFK, definitely some of that, oh yeah, some light bigotry. Yeah. The majority of his Twitter, honestly at this point is just RFK Junior retweets. Oh so that's the kind of guy this guy is. And so it does kind of check out that he would just honestly just assume this that Okay, yeah, that Ningley is back in Chackage. Oh she's back in China. Yeah, she's not even from and this is and to be fair, this is two thousand and eight too, and so like the world was a pretty different place at the time, and I think he just lost his house in the market crash probably honestly, so it could have been okay, yeah, this in shortly after this, I think it was like twenty seventeen, there is this video that comes out by YouTuber by the name of Barely Sociable who covers the story and it is like, no one knows where she is, isn't that crazy? And covers the whole story, covers some of these theories of like maybe she's working on a ground with the DoD Maybe she didually get approached by China and is back in China doing this. Maybe aliens are like, hey, you're revealing our secrets. Stop doing that. And then they're like, want to see how we built the pyramids and she's like that'd be cool, and they're like, okay, we're going to take you to Mars, and then they dropped her off and left her there. That's a possibility. He didn't mention that in the video. That was just kind of something I thought of just now off the like that was just straight out of my brain. Pretty impressive. I actually have this in my notes Aliens and in parentheses cutable segment. I didn't cut it though. I thought it'd be fun. Okay. So Bailey Sociable does his video right, okay, and he he he whatever does all that, It does really good. It gets like three million views, and everyone's like really good and made those real good, real good. And there's a large population of people now all of a sudden that are like obsessed with the story. Sure, where's Lee? What happened in why don't we have anti gravity yet? Did Fossil Fuels shut her down? Because if this works, that's true. Fossil Fuels like, hey, we we threw that body in the ocean that one time. Let's do that again. You know, they've got a precedence for this. Do you think they're hiring out those things? What? Like? Yeah, is there like one company that's doing it for all of them? Though, because like he did it for the Rockefellers, he did it for Boeing, he did it for you're saying, there's like an assassin like brand agency. Yeah, an agency, the agency, that's what they call themselves. That's kind of how they call themselves, the agency. Yeah, we take care of problems. Well, no, we discreetly handle issues there you go. Yeah, yeah, that's the brand. So yeah, the agency took care of it. Yeah. Well, there was a local journalist by the name of Noah Logan, local to Huntsville, Alabama, and he was like, Hey, this is something that happened in my community. And he was like, if I see her around all the time, she's actually a sandwich artist in some way. Yeah, she's a manager there, but she's managing a subway, managing somebody. Here's the thing though, it's the weirdest some way I've ever been to. Hey, thanks for checking out this episode of Things I learned last night. If you're here and you're a little shocked because you've been watching as MR videos all night and you woke up to the sound of my laughter, let me help you out real quick and join back in the ASMR. One thing that would help us a lot and the algorithm is if you left some comments or some reviews if you're on the podcast app. We'd really appreciate that and it would help us grow this show. So thanks for your support. But if not and you're just here trying to sleep, I hope I interrupted it. But here's another advertisement. So it was a subway, but she bought it in two thousand and three and renamed it a C Gray LLC. But you walk, but it's still still still all this stuff. Yeah, got all the like the meat pictures of New York City on the wall for some reason. What is the New York City? It's the subway system that doesn't make a lot of sense. Okay, yeah whatever, y Yeah, subs and subways. Okay did you see that? Subways doing six dollars six inches? Now, six dollars six inches, six bucks six inches is what the is? What the graphics? So they didn't learn their lesson. Yeah, I was literally about to We talked about this here before. Yeah yeah, okay, like yeah, and that is absurd too. Let's talk about it a game so I can get a social media clip. H go for it, Go for it. No, it's just six six bucks six inches. They did not learn their lesson. If you've not heard us talk about this before, when they did five dollars foot long, that was a huge campaign, and it actually was a huge way more than it was I think supposed to. But anytime that you market something as a certain price, the dollar menu four for four, yes, five dollars foot long, that's not realistic to keep up with forever, obviously, because burgers used to cost a nickel. You know, eventually things just costs more. It's just how the world works. That's how inflation happens, right, So it's very short sided marketing. I can't believe they're doing it again. It's crazy because I still if I go to Subway, I don't go to Subway often anymore. If I go to Subway and I order foot long, I see the price, I constantly am like, this is overpriced exactly, and I never I never go, oh, it's supposed to be five dollars. I was walking away twenty years ago. That's not realistic to do that now. You don't know how much a chicken sandwich of Chick fil A costs. They never market on their prices, and they also never give discounts. They never give twenty percent off, because every time I order pizza, if I don't have a little coupon, I feel like I'm overpaying. Yes, yeah, that's smart, it's it's just short sighted decisions that and I just I'm it's blowing away. And that's the thing with Wendy's, like surge pricing. Yeah, Weindy's didn't announce that. I bet most people would never not even noticed. Yeah, if they would have just did it. Wendy's just quietly started doing it. But also once someone figures it out and then you realize they've been quietly doing it. It's like the Amazon thing. What's the Amazon thing? Josh? We talked about the area they just walk out stores? Oh yeahah, and so like they have an AI that tracks your movement. If you know the just walkout stores, Alex, have you heard this No? Okay, great, I'll tell you the just walk out stores with this big thing in twenty seventeen where Amazon was like, you can just go in, you scan your car when you walk in, you like scan your credit card, and then you just pick up a bottle of water and a bag of chips, and the AI is watching through these cameras up here, and it is charging you for the items that you pick up and put in your bag and then you just walk out right, And they were like, look how advanced our AI is. People start dumping money into the Amazon stock because because their AI is so advanced, we want to get in early on this. What else are they going to do? Turns out they were supplementing their AI. The AI was tracking you, but it still had to be manually checked, and so they were using cheap labor from India who was watching each individual person to make sure that the AI actually grabbed the right stuff and then would just correct it or use it. So really it was just a person going, Okay, they grabbed a bag of chips, and they grabbed a bottle of water, and you know what's going to happen to them? They got super rich and people bought a bunch of stock because they were like this AI is so crazy. But it was just cheap labor from somewhere else, and that's crazy to me. Happy Capital, you are a conspiracy person who like falls into these deep holes of like, oh yeah, they made someone disappear. I'm just looking at what they're outright doing and I'm getting radicalized, like what happened? You know? And I owe money to the I R S because I'm self employed, and if I don't pay it, they're gonna arrest me and put me away. But what's gonna happen to Amazon? Nothing? Nothing, they're gonna keep. They're gonna charge you two ninety nine more a month for ads. Yeah, because yeah, they're not making as much money off those stores. Now they've got to supplement that income somehow. It makes me so irrationally angry. So anyway, and someone's gonna get rid of people. Do you know that all together? Well, I mean the human race, someone's gonna annihilate the world. No, they're they're maybe you're going to a subway. Now you can't see the meats anymore. Do you know that? I did, They've done anything because Picklemans you can't see the stuff. You can see it, but like you gotta like you're behind the count look over. Yeah, yeah, but you can see. I bet Chipotle and and some way are both gonna go to this model where you don't see the food pay anymore. And uh, and they're pushing more or like order ahead plausible deniability. Yeah, they just want you to order on the app and then you can show pick it up. Yeah. I mean, I always felt like whenever I worked at Pickleman's, it was very inefficient to let the customer be a part of the process while you're making it. I was like, just tell me what you want at the beginning, I'm gonna make it because then otherwise they're sitting there and they're like, oh, what if you do that? Could you put some more? Say? And it's the putting more that the business is like, ah, you know because the this is true. The formula for a subway sandwich if you want olives is six olives on there, six little olive rings. That's in foot long sub That isn't they want you to put on there? That is an insane amount of olives. It's so little as well. And they just put six little rings on there. Yeah, that's not olives. So if you're putting more than that, that's that's no lives. That's no lives. We should be bargains. We're good at naming stuff. All lives matter. That should have been their campaign, not six to matter. All this matter. As many olives as you want to put it on the side, as many olives as you wanted your sandwich. What say what you putting olives on? Anyway? Black olives? You put it on the sandwich and you put them side by side all the way across the sandwich, so you close it. There's a thin black line all the way across, all just falling out. What do you do when you have olives that fall out of your savings. Do you pick them up and need them just eat them separate eating you just open them and toss them back in anyway, all right, so anyway my subway. Right, So, Noah Logan, he's a local. I took up fifteen minutes. Let's wrap this up, Huntsville business journal journalist yea. And so he says he watches that YouTube video and he's like, He's like, I bet I could figure this out. He's like, this is local. He's like, there's probably not that far I have to go to figure this one out. And so he releases an article July thirty, twenty twenty three, because he did figure it out. And so he tracks down her. Well, first of all, I should say, he finds her obituary from twenty twenty one. So after the social article our video came out there, her obituary comes out. She died in twenty twenty one, and the obituary says that she was like an accomplished astrophysicist, worked for NASA and the d D and contributed greatly to the world of science. Right, And so he tracks down her son and reaches out to her son and is like, hey, mind if I come over to your place for a bit, and the guy was like, he was, oh, what hang out, I'm just looking for some com looking for some friends. And so the guy says sure, and so this sudden lets him come over. His son's name. Her son's name is George. So he goes over to uh uh. Noah goes over to George's house and they you know, exchange pleasantries, get to know each other, and then he's like, hey, I got some questions for you. And he's like, oh, is that what the sound home? Hey? Is your mom agent for China? What excuse me? Does your mom or did she? Sorry, did your mom work for the communist Chinese? Is that like really hard? Like yeah, it's essentially the interview that the what's his face the senator did for the CEO of TikTok? Yes, yeah, the same thing. Do you have any loyalty to the CCP? No, I'm senator, I'm Singaporean. I don't know, I don't care what kind of diet you're on. So stupid. So this journalist, Noah asks George and he says, hey, did you ever talk to your mom about her work? And he said, yeah, I asked her once, And this is a direct she grabbed my face and she said, never bring this out to me again. Men will come for you and they'll kill us. Both men will come for you, and they won't look like humans because they're not. You will end up tied up in a podcast studio listening to do idiots ramble about conspiracy theories and aliens. They're making stuff up and Jim's gonna spin his Celsius in the carpet. Dude, this is That's not the life you want to live. Son. Don't go down that path. So here's the deal. He says, this is a direct quote. He says, yes, I said, I said, Mom, do you need to tell me something? She told me. First off, you don't. You don't talk to me. She said, First off, you don't know anything. Second off, if you even think you might know something, you forget about it. And he says, I said, okay, that's fine. So honestly, I would really like to treat my children like that before they have the Internet and can figure out what I do. Stand up, Your parents are like, what do you do for work? First of all, I first asked that question again. Second off, if anybody asked you that question subway, tell them, tell them he's a regional manager for so restaurants. No, no, no, no, that's too high of a position. I am just a sandwich artist. I clock in, I work maybe twenty five hours a week, no benefits. So the conversation continues and George does confirm for Noah that she never stopped working for the dd She continued working for the DoD throughout of her career. But he also said she never left for China. What's interesting though, in two thousand and eight, he does remember China did approach her and she turned it down. Yeah. They were like, hey, what if you came and worked over here? They were like, hey, can we come over to your house? She was like sure, and so yeah, China approached her and asked her, hey, what if you came and did all this stuff for us instead? And she was I guess she was like, hey, I don't know about that. I think she was more like, I am more afraid of the United States Government than I am of you at this point right now. Yeah, the position the curtain state in my life. And so she turns them down and they're like, ah, fiddlesticks. So they go back to China and then a couple sorry shucks, because Robert's going to think it's the end. He's gonna be so confused, too close, too close A shucks And they go back to China. A couple of years later, her mother passes away and they won't let her back in the country to go to the funeral, and so they are like, you know how to get back to China. Yeah, give us your secrets. Yeah, they like, tell us about gravity. And she was like, I am the most anti gravity person you're ever going to me. She looks, she looked at the Chinese Communist Party in the eye, and she said, you don't know anything, and if you think you do, you forgot I forget about it. That's an aggressive thing to say to someone. Your parent either works for the DoD or the mob. You know what I'm saying, that's the only two options. And so he says he does say he does mention that, uh he noticed a change in his mother after she left working at the University of Alabama. Yeah, because he said, I think the secrecy really wore her down. And she also like, was I think I think she expected a different experience. I'd be curious on some psychological studies of people who work in defense, and we have to be super secretive, not even just defense, but like just other sectors that you your whole work is n d A. Yeah, you know that you can't you're not allowed to talk to you about it. Yeah, yeah, I'm sure that's tough. And he's curious about the rise of workplace romances that could happen because the only people that you're allowed to talk yeah to you should do a study on that. Maybe we could get a grant for it. Grant get on that you'll see your family when it's done. But he says that ruthless. He says that she clearly was really struggling with it. And he also means to be clear on the bit here. Just if you guys are sure what's happening. We have kidnapped a person named Grant. And it's not like, oh, we were joking. We did this. They followed through there. We always followed through bits. You can. If enough people buy the hat that says free Grant got we'll do it, then we'll let him go. But you gotta buy the merchandise. Your life is in the mercy of our twelve listeners. Buddy, here's the thing. If you know someone named grant and you haven't heard from them in a while. Maybe you should buy a hat reach out. Man. I hope there isn't a missing grant somewhere that it's pinned on her. So he says that he thinks the secrecy wore her down, especially because he says she took great pride in like all of the work that she was doing, especially like all of her Yeah, she was publishing papers about it. She was gaining notoriety for it. She was she had a voice. Yeah, and then had the nineties for Yeah, you know, a woman to be leading the charge and the charge on that field like that especially, it was a big deal. It's still a big deal. Yeah. She was very proud of it. And then all of a sudden she had to go underground. And he says, I think it I think it wore on her. Yeah, And so Logan that interview, published the interview and published the full story of everything up to this point. He also submitted for a Freedom of Information Act on her work, and along with a lot of other people, he found record of many other FOIA requests that have all been denied. So they don't want anyone to know what she was actually doing. Is apparently still top secret. She ended up in twenty fourteen getting I can't I'm the worst she didn't have been twenty fourteen getting hit that car. I can ever do these transitions the job just like tragedy. They trying to figure out anti gravity and work. She was thinking that don't ut around and throwing it in front of cars to see if they'd shoot up. And yeah, so she can't hit by a car. And it was actually really tragic because her husband witnessed it and he had a heart attack. He passed away a year later from like as a result of the heart attack, and she actually ended up like having a traumatic brain injury that gave her and so for the next six years she lived on the rest of her life with Alzheimer's. Her son George took care of her until she passed away in twenty twenty one. And so this was by the time that very barely sociable video came out. She had this accident had already happened. She was already out of her career, so things were not happening, yes, but no one would know about that because at that moment, it's just she's just home bedridden pretty much. So uh, here's the Yeah, here's the thing. Mainly probably made some discoveries with anti gravity. Whether or not they're actually things that are like in use, yeah, it's questionable. But here's something pretty significant. I don't know if you saw this after you remember when David Grush did that hearing with the the Congress about the aliens that he witnessed. One of the things that came as a result of that was a massive report that Congress did, like an internal study, and they publicized this big report. A lot of stuff in there that they couldn't explicitly discuss, but after their kind of conclusion in that report was that there are after looking at the classified documents of this and talking to people who have high enough security clearance to know what's going on, they said, we do not believe that this is non human intelligence that's controlling these crafts. They said, we believe that the technology that is being used in these test vehicles are so beyond our current technology that to anybody, even trained personnel, it looks like humanity couldn't have came up with this. And so that was in their report. They were like, we can't tell you what it is, We can't tell you where they're doing it, or what kind of technology is in it, But it's so advanced that even people who know a lot about this would think that it's not us was the conclusion that they made cool And so anti gravity does sound a lot like the devices that were described by Grush and all these other people, like the tiktac UFO and all the stuffs that people were seeing. Right, And she was working on that, and she allegedly discovered it and had eleven microwaves worth of power that she was putting out, and so that many microwaves in a tick making to some crazy stuff pretty nuts. So we don't know for sure if that's what happened, But I'm gonna be honest with you. I nowadays, I think I think, I think I think that her discoveries are the source of a lot of these UFO sidings for the last twenty years. I'm sure. Yeah, And she wasn't allowed to talk about it. Fatal sticks, that's the wrong one. No, that's what we're gonna use. Hey, thanks for checking out this episode. If you liked it, We've got another one. Rudolph Diesel, another guy who had some really incredible discoveries that just disappeared out of nowhere. So if you like seeing people disappear, then you might like that episode Root Off Diesel. And hey, if you're not a patron yet, you should become one. You'll get next week's episode right now if you become a patron. And if you're not a patron yet but you want to support the show, the best way you can do that is by sharing this with your friends. Go ahead and hit that share button send it off to them so they can find this podcast and enjoy it just like you do. But until next week. Thanks for checking out. Thanks sad than last night

Ning Li was a Chinese-American physicist who made breakthroughs in anti-gravity research, only to vanish from public life under mysterious circumstances. Born in China in 1943, Li emigrated to the U.S. in the 1980s and obtained a position at the University of Alabama’s Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research. There, she published numerous papers outlining a theoretical model for a practical anti-gravity device. Li claimed such a device could generate an anti-gravitational field around itself, causing objects to levitate. Her work garnered much interest and speculation.

In 1999, Li started a company called AC Gravity LLC to commercialize her research. She convinced several colleagues to join her, including the chair of her university department. That year, she allegedly demonstrated her device to a reporter by levitating a bowling ball. However, no products ever came to market.

In 2001, Li’s company received a $450,000 grant from the Department of Defense to study anti-gravity technology. But curiously, Li never published any more papers after receiving the grant. In 2003, she gave her last known public presentation on her research at a science conference. A few months later, she sent colleagues an email claiming successful new experiments, then went silent.

In the following years, journalists attempting to follow up on Li’s work could not reach her. Some heard rumors she had gone to work for the Chinese government, while others speculated she was continuing anti-gravity research for the DoD in secret. But in 2021, an investigative reporter found Li’s obituary – she had passed away that year after living with declining health and dementia since a 2014 accident.

Before her accident, Li had complained that the secrecy around her work had worn her down. However, the nature of her research under the DoD remains classified to this day. Li’s story illustrates the difficulties faced by scientists working at the cutting edge of technology, where tremendous discoveries come entangled in webs of secrecy. Though Ning Li’s ultimate fate is now known, the mysteries first raised by her disappearance – what did she discover, and what became of her work? – remain unsolved.

Things I Learned Last Night is an educational comedy podcast where best friends Jaron Myers and Tim Stone talk about random topics and have fun all along the way. If you like learning and laughing a lot while you do, you’ll love TILLN. Watch or listen to this episode right now!




Ning Li – Wikipedia

Ning Li – Hunstville Business Journal

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