Russ George – The Oceans Savior or Greatest Enemy


Episode Transcription

Made by robots for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey Man, what's going on? Man? Oh, not much. Hate that you've decided. That's our intro. Like you, you act like we have to do that. We do when you're the one who says how's it going? You could just say hey man and then I would move on. But you say how's it going, I feel like I have to answer me to respond to hey man with hey man, hey man, a man. Yeah, it's like when the pastor says hey man, everybody else has to say hey man. Also, is that how you and yeah, thank you for our daily bread. Hey Man, I wonder why there's no Hayman, like scarecrows up in the church I've been. I figured it made sense, so you went with okay, it took me a second to see where you were going. He said, hey man. Yeah, if you're listening, just skip this one. I'm blessing your decision by giving you the case of Rido and canned Bob last that's how I knew this is what I was supposed to be doing. Right. I feel really bad when I go to olive garden. I make that waiter stand there for a good fifteen minutes, you know, and I make them earn their tip every day, I come out and the first thing I do is I walk over their aunt hill. I get really close. I'm like God, can't hear you here? Things I learned last night. Have you ever heard of Russ George? Russ George. Yeah, okay. Also, you might know him as uh, uh, Darcy Russell George. On Darcy Russell George? No, I don't think so. Okay. So, Russ George. He's an environmentalist, has been working in the industry for a long time, in the environment industry. Yeah, okay. Yeah, he's been building environments that will last a lifetime. That's slogan, his personal slogan, Um, building environments that will last a lifetime. Of the planet, hopefully it's a long lifetime. Has Part of that. He didn't put a lot of thought into what environmentalists do. Like what's the office like? Yeah, they come in and they say how's the planet look? And they're like, I don't know, it's still pretty bad. I don't know, Darcy, and he's like us, Russ, I don't understand what they Russell George, why are we talking about this person? So He's an environmentalist who has um a pretty crazy idea. Uh, and it's garnered a lot of attention. Uh, and and it leads to it's a really interesting it's a it's a crazy story that involves uh Um, uh, the ocean, uh, native tribe, Bolands, the Swat team, uh and Um Rust Uh. It's rusty like, yeah, like when you leave your bike out and back out back. Yea, come back and your bike is rusty. Your bike's all rusty. It's more like when you leave your bike inside and your parents move it out back because didn't have enough room inside. Um, and then you come back and it's all rusty. And then you come back from college expecting to ride your childhood bike. Yeah, my hog, e. of course I did. Oh, yeah, my hog. Well, my mom goose, of course I did. Yeah, it was exactly, of course. Yeah, with the pigs. Yeah, the pigs were rusted on. My trusty plastic helmet. Get out there. You just say that for well, this is a true story. I came home and my hog was busted over. I wanted to bring it back home with me. My life wouldn't let me. She was like you can't keep that. You know, your wife's not gonna put up with the Rusty Hog. You know's like no, rustyns in this house. So why did you tell this story? We're talking about Rust Oh my God, speaking to rust Rusty, George. Uh. So, here's here's does he go by rusty? He goes by Russ. Russ, but he should. It makes a lot more sense with what he was to do. So Russ, George. H He uh started highlighting in the early two thousand's this theory that he had to solve the climate crisis, specifically the carbon count in the atmosphere. Okay, and so this theory. To explain it, we gotta start with, UH, plankton. Yes, I'm with you. So plan to do this thing where they where they there's a competitive restaurant across the street and they're like must get the secret formula right. And so, yeah, you get it. You're right on track. Spend their whole lives trying to get the formula. So Plankton. They hang out, Um, in these big old pods of Plankton's Um, plank del plank deons hang out in pods. Yeah, I think the word onto them was called blooms. They're like little microscopic they're almost like bugs in the water. Um, very, very primitive life forms. Um and they feed on carbon molecules and then when they release Uh methane, uh, and it was a natural forever. Um, they had helped keep plankton pretty much single handedly had helped keep the carbon count in the atmosphere really low, because what would happen is they would take the carbon, you know, whatever they do with it, and then, uh, there was this process that was really interesting with plankton. Obviously they got rid of in they replaced it with nothing. But when plankton would die, UM, some of them would stay up near the surface and then rerelease the carbon, our carbone, car carbon that they hadn't digested yet. Um, but most of them would sink to the ocean floor and there's a certain point in the ocean where if they sunk past that point, then that carbon was considered gone forever because they got so far that it was never going to go back up to the okay, I'm confused on what I'm confused saying. Yeah, so here, here, let's do this example as if it was it was me, if I was out in the ocean, swimming in the ocean, deep see, swimming, deep sea swimming, uh, and I had a burger. Normally, if I died right there. If I drowned and I stayed near the surface, then eventually I decomposed and that Burger would float back into the atmosphere and be a part of the Burger problem we have in the atmosphere to day. Everybody knows Burger Count Way too high. Um. But if I sunk too far down, if that Burger is never going back to the atmosphere, sink plank and so the carbon that they emit when they die close Um. So the plankton would sink to the bottom of the ocean. They take the carbon with them and then that there's a a layer of carbon at the bottom of the ocean that has been there for millions of years and this process has been happening over and over and over again. Um. So there's just tons of carbon down there that the natural order has eliminated from circulation in the atmosphere, which has been a great thing for the planet. Well the last hundred or so years. When industrialization happened and we figured out, oh, Hey, we can get that, we started going back down there and bringing this carbon back into circulation and using it for fuel and which was putting it back into the atmosphere and so this natural process that was keeping carbon out of the atmosphere, we were interrupting and pulling that carbon that had been supposed to be gone forever, based by the way the natural ecosystem figured it out. Um, we we broke it and we were like, Hey, put it back up there. This is great, we can get it out and put it back up with this guy who cares. Uh, this guy cared, and it's break. It's falling apart at the seams because of us. Um, and so russ is like, I think I can solve this problem. Um, so this is contributing to the global warming. Yes, yeah, so the carbon count is a the carbon the carbon count in the atmosphere is a major cup part of the global warming issue, because what what happened is, uh, the more carbon in the atmosphere, the more the atmosphere warms, and so the carbon coming out of the atmosphere and getting stuck at the Botom of the ocean meant that it stayed cool, which created an environment that was possible. There was a natural process that was doing that for Millennia. Yeah, we interrupted that process by using that carbon as fuel, as fuel, and we're not shooting plankton back into the ocean exactly. And so so he's like, Russ is, just buy a bunch of plankton. Russ is, where do you buy a plankton? There's a little kiosk in the mall in the middle of it in palace. Yeah, UH, no. So, uh. The Russ's point was like when we go farm, if we're farming in the fields somewhere, uh, we take care of the earth, we take care of the soil because we realize, like, if we don't replace the nutrients that we're taking from the soil, then eventually it's going to dry up. Is that what happened? We did that one man episode about that desert in Maine where the farmers didn't take care of it and it turned it into a desert and now it can't bear any fruit. Um, it's the same concept, except for we're taking, taking, taking, taking, taking from the ocean and we're not replenishing what we're taking from it. And so we're taking. The ocean is gonna rise. I'll tell you what, Poseidon will get his revenge. Poseidon and his plankton army, posidons plankton platoon. And so Russ's point, Russ is like we need to WHO IS RUSS? WHY IS RUSS? George a environment I'm saying, like, who? Who is he to to say he's a Merman? All right, thank you. He's a scientist, I'm saying, like anybody, because he can. People just can scientists just tweet stuff and be like we should? Anybody could just tweet stuff. Well, I'm saying, like, but would that count as official work? Where they're just like I think we should put more planked in the ocean, and someone's like, well, scientists are saying we should put more plankt in the ocean. Well, I think. I think what a scientist would do is write a paper, give it peer reviewed and published in a scientific journal and then go on a speaking tour, get some funding and then start doing it. That's not how all the youtubers I watched you stuff. That's not the people I get my news from. So so, he started campaigning this in early two thousand's, okay, saying hey, we need to we need to fertilize the oceans and treat he called me, to treat the oceans the way we treat the soil. Yeah, he said. He said we need to take care of the ocean. Pastures like we take of the land pastures. Um, and he says we're doing all this damage to them and we're not replacing the right there Pacific pastors. Uh, he's we need to pasteurize the Pacific pastors, please, when he pastors to pray for this. We need our pastors to pray for the pasteurization of the Pacific pastors praying. It's why I started the organization, praying pastors for the pasteurization of the Pacific pasture. You know, it's a mouthful, but you know it's God's work. So it is Um so, uh so, Uh Russ. Is The way he, Russ, wants to pull this off is he says that you mentioned it earlier. Killed the plague to get rid of the boom of the oceans. Uh No. So what Russ Russ proposed is that Um one of the UH, there's a few pieces to a healthy plankton diet. Carbon is one of them. We've got a lot of carbon right now, so obviously they're they're getting found on carbon. Another important piece is iron, which there's a deficiency in the oceans right now of iron. The way rest wants to pull this off, as he says, we'll fertilize the ocean with iron. And so we'll sprinkle some iron into the ocean, let the plankton eat that. That will give them the nutrients they need to reproduce a bunch and then we'll have a surplus of plankton that can then die and take the carbon down to the bottom of the ocean with them when they die. And so basically he's like, we need to put enough dead plankton down that more dead plankton down than then we're then we're taking out okay, to solve this carbon issue, Um, which is a decent theory. Uh. And so he started campaigning this, traveling around, Um, as you do. Yeah, looking for funding to go actually conversations with strangers. Yea, Um, good question. Quick Question. What do you know about plankton? Yeah, what do you think about dumping iron in the ocean? Yeah, I see you an iron man Tattoo, uh, like you know, like the dudes that come in that have like the iron man, like race, like the it's like the dot about, like you run, really, you run and yeah, yeah, run and bike and sweat, not the Superman. That's what I was trying to say. Yeah, I thought your people had iron man tattoos? Huh. No, they did too, but did they? Yeah, I don't know if iron man the race was out in two thousand either. I think that was a two thousand tents thing. No, no, look it up. Iron man like the race, like the iron man races. Yeah, oh well, I was way off. Wow, you said so confident to two tens things. I didn't hear about it until then, so it didn't happen. Okay, it's not really until I hear about it, so that's fair. So he was going around doing all these speeches, Um, and making these plans to go try this, Um, and then he started selling. Uh. What he did was kind of clever. He started selling carbon credits, uh, to private individuals. And so do you know what carbon credits are? So, carbon credits are things that nations can purchase. Um, it's an environmental thing, basically. UH, nations can purchase x amount of carbon credits to make an impact in the carbon crisis by funding some other nation to make an impact in their nation. And the idea for it is for nations who do not have the means to do it themselves or do not have the physical space or resources within their country, to actually make an impact. So these are things like planning trees um or or lowering emissions. Like if a nation doesn't have the ability themselves to do those things, that can buy carbon credits to be like hey, we're we're approaching that carbon neutrality and we're working towards it, and so we get credit for it because funding it, but we can't do it ourselves within our board. What was the credit like? What I want to I want to go to know that we did this. Essentially, it's it's it's like if some people can be like well, Sweden is not doing anything, and Sweden's like well, hold on, look at our carbon credits or whatever, Swedish acts and sounds like that's pretty accurate. It's and they're like uh, yeah, I don't actually want to do anything, but I want the credit for it. It's like in high school when my youth group we, uh, we all banded together and we gave I want to say it was six thousand dollars to be the light and they gave us this little silver plaque to say we gave six thousand dollars to be the light, but really Patrick's parents gave five grand and you and the and we got this plaque that proved how good we were as people. I guess yeah, because I had a dollar on it. It's the same thing carbon credits. Just say how much money you spent on planning trees and stuff, and it's some other country. Hey, thanks for checking out this episode. We love our listeners a lot and one way that you can let us know you're here is by leaving a podcast review. Maybe that's a five star thing in the apple podcast at. Maybe you listen on spotify or, if you're watching on youtube, leave a comment. We do read all the comments and reviews. We just love knowing what you think about this show. Also, if you haven't yet, go check out some of our other episodes. My current favorite is the identical strangers episode. It's three brothers or triplets, who were separated at birth, unbeknownst to them or their parents, as part of a really weird experiment. So, uh, there's a lot of really fun stuff we talked about in an episode, but thank you for checking this out. Now back to this one. But what he did is he started selling these carbon country carbon credits to private individuals Um for five to fifteen bucks, and so you can buy a carbon credit and no, Oh hey, this is going towards making more plankton to solve this carbon crisis. And so, if you so, I mean it was essentially donating to them Os, but since he wasn't five, one, three C he couldn't take donors. And so he started, how allowing people to purchase these carbon credits so that way he could then fund with this mission, Um, as a scientist. Uh, and so he had a couple of decent sized backers and then he met Uh this native population uh called the man. I'm gonna burcher this, the Hida. You butchered the butcher. I'm gonna burcher this, the Heida tribe, h a I D A, which is a tried in Uh uh British Columbia. Um, and UH partner with the partnered with then uh to go do this. So they started studying the impact of what would happen if they did it and made sure it was safe to do it, and then one day they sailed out into the ocean and they sprinkled three tons of iron into the ocean and they just kind of drove around over and I shouldn't say one day, it was over the course of a couple of weeks. They went around with a little salt shakers and they were just like I like the cracked pepper better. Or they're just guys like say win, yeah, cheese getter at alive garden. They're standing over there. It's just the boat. I do feel. I feel really bad when I go to olive garden. I make that waiter stand there for a good fifteen minutes, you know, and I make them earn their tip, you know, and they just sit there and they are I'm gonna have to get a reload. Yeah, Dude. I saw one olive garden uh, employee, like a a server there, had to buy special shirts, you know, because one arm Jack. All right, they are so small, you know, and I was like switch hand sometimes, you know, you don't have to always. You don't got to do that. It's that same hand. Uh. Yeah. So they went around, they peppered the ocean with Iron Um, uh, and then they came act and they were excited about it, ready and waiting to collect that data and they dropped a bunch of probes down there to see see if it works, to see if, like all the plankton started coming and what they were doing with the carbon Um and things like that. And while they were collecting this data, all of a sudden one day, uh, the Canadian Swat team just busted into their lab and destroyed all their machines, destroyed all their hard drives, uh, and arrested a few of them. Uh. For what? For trying to save the planet? UH, because the oil barons don't want them. Is this real to do? No, this is a real story. This is your this is your conspiracy theory of mind talking right now. No, uh, this is where, this is where, uh, the story needs to pivot. Um, here's what's interesting. So I watched this video. UH, in prep for this, I watched an animated clip. I watched this video, and here's the deal. This wasn't the SWAT team. These were aliens. Uh, I'm kidding. No, it's I watched this video as it came out only a couple of days ago, as this video is an interview with Russ George telling this story about how he came up with this idea and about, Um, them doing these experiments. All this still. Yeah, this was probably two when this happened. Um, and and then he talked about how the Canadian spat team, he is the biggest swat operation in Canadian history. And they came and they shut him down. Um, and he said he he thinks it's because there's some corporation that had an interest in this. and Um, as happens often do, then came. They kicked the right and they're riding there. They're Moosin right over to the the where were they at? The British Columbia, right, and they kicked down the door. They don't kick down the door, they knock the sorry about this. Uh, sorry, and you can. You can't do this anymore. and Um, if you keep doing it, bad things are gonna happen. Yeah, Hey, does your hard drive? We need to destroy them. We need to throw those in the ocean with the iron you threw out there. and Um, we'd really appreciate it if you stop. That's pretty accurate. Um, I don't know. Uh. What he said was that there there must be some corporation that has a vested interest in this, that doesn't want US doing what we're doing, and so they got the government to shut us. Of course that's conspiracy. One, Oh one, though. Yeah, and so I watched this video and I was like, Oh, this is an interesting story. I want to know more about this. Um, what corporation you think is behind it? I don't know. McDonald's, for some reason. I knew you were going to say that for some reason. So, uh, so, uh. So. Then I went back on and did some more research on this story. Obviously, so rust George. His occupation on Wikipedia is for store of Ecosystems Nice. Uh. He's started uh dozens of businesses. Um. Uh. Let's take a look at a couple of the more famous ones that he started. Uh. Clima is one of them. Uh. This is a company that is UH solving the carbon crisis by planting trees. Um. One thing that Um did, and was famous for doing, was selling carbon credits to people, uh, to fund the planting of trees. So you could buy a carbon credit and that would they would plant a tree somewhere in your honor because you purchased a carbon credit, and just like where you would like. You didn't buy somebody birthday gift. So you're like, I got you a star. You know, I hate that. You know what I mean. People own that star, alright, first of all, and then like am I dumb for that? Anyway? Yeah, I mean, let's be honest, like your if my girlfriend bought my cat a star. That's a real thing that I had to say world. But your girlfriend didn't buy a catastor. She bought a plaque that said you on the stock. It wasn't even a plaque. It's a piece of paper, all right, she printed out at office depot. All right, at least. Yeah, yeah, I mean, Oh, yeah, she didn't know. Dude, like, I'm not trying to talk bad about her. I'm not saying that I'm taking the gift for granted. All right, you know, she gave me a good card stock. You know, my cat owns that star. So solem, you could pay to buy this carbon credit and then they would plant in your honor right and you'd be like, you're saving where. When you die, you turn into a tree. You heard that? No, they didn't do that. You've heard of that? I've heard of that. Yeah, what do you what do you want to happen to you when you die? Do you know, like, do you want to be? I don't think I've ever asked you this. I'm of what I wanted to happen to you when you die. I figured we're just throw you over a boat in the ocean see what happens. I haven't thought about a lot. Have you thought about it? Um, you know, I mean I just figured I'd just get buried. I mean, I guess so. I don't know. I figured I'd figured that out when I was closer to death, you know. Yeah, speaking of death, uh, check out our patriarch. I thought I thought you were gonna pivot of death. We've been working on this landscaping project. I don't start by saying you didn't find a body in the yard. I wish there was a landscaping in my yard lately. Oh yeah, I guess the neighbors see you digging a hole in their backyard. Is that where you're going? Know, what I was saying was we started this like first week of March. We've been doing this for like four months straight and I just realized something as like I was digging up my like nineteenth ant hill of this season. Um, because we were putting and we've put in probably seven like flower beds. It's so much spark digging and moving and pulling stuff. Um, I put it in a pool where I live. You didn't. It hasn't been open for my my apartment complex, they haven't opened their pool. So I dug one, dug a hole, fill it up, dug it in my living room. I dug into the ground in my living room. So you've been digging flower things. Yeah, so I've been digging it and I just I realized something this weekend. I was like, I was like, I told this to my wife and she was like, you're an insane person for thinking like this, but I was like, I was like, here's the thing. I was like, there is an entire generation of bugs who all they've known is upheaval, all they've known is us just destroying their lands and then they migrate to the next plot of dirt over and then we come and we destroy their land. and honestly, because bugs live what six to eight weeks? So this has been two generations. There's now a generation great great great parents and them there's that generation who has had children and their children have had children and all they've ever seen is just bloodshed and destruction and they are just ripping apart around them Um and it's just, I don't know, it's just kind of fascinating. Every night they cry out God, when will you smite our enemies? And every day I just every day, I every day I come out and the first thing I do is I walk over their aunt hill and I get really close and I'm like, God, Kid, hear you here. I do think it's evil when people pour the you've seen the like that hot? Yeah, no, not water, but like the silver. Oh God, yeah, Yikes, I don't isn't that like bad for the environment? No, no, no, no, what am I talking about? You know what I'm talking about, where it like hardens and then that up and now you've got the no, yeah, we're just we're just putting in bushes, but even still, it's like they had this whole ecosystem in place, because there was old plants there that we ripped out and we dug out all the mulish. We're putting in rocks and stuff like. Weird that sometimes we feel bad for bugs and then other times we don't. Like I have no problem killing wasps. I sprayed them and then I watched as they like. This was the weirdest. A little a little caterpillar. I felt I felt genuinely bad for a group of bees in the middle of this project, because I don't know if this is normal, but there was like a bunch of storms and I think they put a hive. We dug a hole and we hadn't filled it yet and I think they dug into that hole and put a hive in that hole, because we just kept singing, flying and out of this opening on the side of the hole, Um, and it honestly didn't bother me. I was just working around them and letting them do their thing. But bree was like I can't work like this because she she's like, I don't know if I'm allergic, and I was like well, I we can find out pretty easy. Doesn't mean she's never been stung by a B before, so she doesn't know I've been stung, um, but she's she's allergic to a few other things, like pretty allergic to a few other things, so that means she could be. Yeah, but we so like, I'm like, we could just get you stung and find out, um. But anyways, so long a story short, she was like I can't be around this. So eventually I just plugged the hole. I just threw some dirt and it plutted that hole and I was like, okay, we're fine. They can't get out. Um. Well, then all the bees that weren't in there started panicking because I guess the queen must have been trapped in there. And, I kid you not, this was the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my life. These bees came back to that hole where I plugged it with dirt and they landed and with their little bee hands were digging, trying to dig through that with their tiny little little bee hands, and it was the saddest thing I've ever seen in my life, like all these bees frantically trying to dig through this dirt to get their queen out, and I was just like and I was just like I don't have that kind of passion for anything. You know. It was this saddest thing to watch these creatures be so passionate about a directive and I was like wow, I have no motivation anything like that much. That's what was the saddest part. I told her, I was like, I feel like we need to save him, and she was like, well, we're gonna have to, like, we're gonna put something in that hole eventually. We're gonna plan a Bush in there eventually, and so we just let him dig for a while until eventually they gave up. They came back for weeks trying to dig in there it was pretty sad. But there's a whole generation of bugs. That's all they've ever known in my property, to generations, my father and my father's father and my father's father before him. The world is a dangerous and what they want to happen to you after you die? They're gonna want me to get buried on. We've had some ideas. You think bees are vengeful? Son Tangent. I don't know how we got there. I don't know how we get back either. So Russ he's got this business called UH and they've been selling these carbon credits and he's famous before uh. Well, he got famous, I think, in two thousand seven for selling thousands of these carbon credits to the Vatican Um, because the Vatican was like we want to be carbon neutral and probably the easiest way we know how to do this is to plant a forest in the Vatican Um. And so he was like, Hey, I do that. Um. You want to buy thousands of carbon carbon credits and wool plant the Vatican forest? And they were like yeah, and so they did that and they're just like this press thing. So they did that. There's this big press thing like him handing them the carbon credit. I Vatican, you know, and the Vatican. Hey, thanks again for this me, this episode. If you like our show, make sure you follow us on social at tilling podcast or some suscribe anywhere where you're listening to right now, whether that's Youtube, spotify or apple podcast, whatever it is. And if you want more, we do have a patreon you can support us on. In there you get all sorts of perks like add three episodes, early access to our content and even a discord with our hosts and producers. So We'd love for you to check that out. All you gotta do is text till into six, six, six, six. That's till into six, six, six, six. But thanks again for checking us out. Uh. So, uh gave them these carbon credits. Um, here's the thing. Forest never got planned. Uh, and that's what the kids call fraud. And Uh repped from the Vatican. I watched an interview rep from the Vatican was like, uh, yeah, I guess we got scanned there, didn't we? At the field where they're supposed to be. This Vatican, for us, is literally still just a field. So that's Bevanadians Swat teamed him. Yeah, so this guy, he's got a history of having these businesses, these environmental businesses, where he sells these carbon credits to people and does nothing with them. So it's just a scam. Well, here's the thing, though. He did do this rust into the ocean thing. No, you don't know that, by the ocean. Yeah, there's video of it. He took video and he reallysed, but it's like, what are they putting in there? IRON IS PAPRIKA? That's what I'm saying. You know who. That's what I'm saying. Like an environmentalist? Anybody can pretend to be one. Well, here's the thing. People started looking back at his credentials. He dropped out his Sophomore Year of college. He has no degree. Um, his his one of his previous business like a genius or like am I like, here's the thing. I think a lot of people are dumb. You know, does that? I just yeah, you're telling me the story and I immediately to talk about carbon credits, like that's first of all made up. It's a real thing. That's what governments do. But as soon as he's selling it to private people, you know, as soon as he's selling it to the guy in starbus with an Ironman Tattoo, I go this is this is a scam. So he had a he had a company. You can buy one on our website, DOT com. Slash Carbon Credit. He had a company called uh, Um, leaner, Leonard, Leonard Leaner. Um. It was called low energy nuclear reactions, UM, and basically they look like little dishwasher units that were nuclear power units and they would do small nuclear reactions. You can have a company for anything. Dude made up they would do small nuclear it was a nuclear bomb and supposed to be a small nuclear bomb that was going to give you energy and power your home. I think they're actually just heaters. They're space heaters. Is what he advertised. And he was like yeah, you could buy this. And he's like dishes, if you get too close it will burn your skin. Um. Yeah, yeah, if you get too close, your leg's gonna Swell up real big. Sleep it off, it'll shrink. Uh, and then Uh. The most peculiar thing in the scenario is uh, every time someone was asking for his research on what was going on with these plankton and how he knew that this stuff was gonna work, Um, he was like, Oh, it's it's very secret. It's like early, like I can't share that with you. And so so like they want to share it, like you want to share anything, Um. And so a lot of scientists started an actual environment that started like sounding some alarm bells and we're like, don't let this guy do this, like, like we do know that iron would explode the plankton population doing this, he said, and we do know that. What happen is they would consume a lot of carbon and they would take it within too the bottom. Here's the thing, the thing, what we don't know is what would happen when we don't trust that guy. They were like, well, we don't know what happened is when the rest of the ocean gets their hands on that iron. Um. There's other life in the ocean and we don't know what's gonna what's gonna do to the rest of the ecosystem. We also are pretty sure that flooding an ecosystem was one type of life is usually bad for it, um, and so it's like we're going to overwhelm the population with plankton. That's usually going to harm the rest of the population the ocean. And so all the environmentalists, we're like, we can't do this, this is a bad idea, um, and so he tried to do it and the calopical, but it's a bad idea. It works, but McDonald's told me to say it's a bad idea. This counter idea is brought to you by pizza. Nobody Plankton's the hut. Okay, UH, put a pin in that. That is a movie idea. We need to create a movie where it's a future reality where scientists are sponsored by corporations. Wait, that's real. That's actually happening right now. They just don't say it, but we'll have them say it. We'll have them do that. What do you think that every dietary thing is is like that? The yeah, Coca Cola is paying scientists and not tell you that the sugar content in those sodas is going to definitely end you with your feet not on your body anymore. So we don't even have to pretend. We'll just we'll just have them do their speech. What a cool SCI FI story. Be a crazy science fiction story. We'll have them do their big I don't know. Ted Talk Coca Cola. Coca Cola in Evil Corporation was just full of Coca Cola. Is Not Evil and support Coca Cola. They love human brought to you by pure and Holy Coca Cola. Hail the cocoa, Hail Coca Cola. So he tried to do it in the glop of goes and you try to test covers to watch her because that's hilarious. Maybe I'm one of them, maybe I'm all of them. Every time you crack open a cold one at the game, I'm there, Geez. Uh No, uh. So he tried to do this a glop of ghost and the glop of Goos was like, no, you're not doing that here. You're in fact, you're not allowed. First of all, we sound made up, Al Right, someone asks for Our Name and we just made some sounds like the Gol up. It sounds made up, doesn't it? Hey Man, go up again. Here's the thing. All words are made up. I understand that right, but that one specifically sounds pretty far fetched. That one just sounds like some noises, many and they were like, please, don't do that here. The glapics was like, and he was like, and they were like you can't come within one FT of us, and so he got restraining order from the entire Galapicos islands and the waters around him. You were not allowed here and so. So then he tried to do it in Bermuda and Bermuda was also like no. So then what he did, and this is where the story gets sad, is he went to this Hata tribe, to tribe, I'm not sure, but he went to this tribe and this tribe. The story with them is they had always been, like most tribal people, very conscious of the environment, Um and very proud to be that. That on top of their largest industry in that tribe for as long as it had been around, is was salmon fishing Um. The majority of the people in that land worked either as a fisherman or in an industry adjacent to fishing Um. And the way that works is, I don't know how much you know about Salmon Um. Yeah, okay. So they have the rivers right in the same swimming and then at the end of the season they leave, they leave up the river and then no one knows where they go and then the next season they come back and then it's like welcome back, we're gonna eat. You go to the river, nobody knows where it goes right, and then all of a sudden it's back. You know, it catches everyone. So the fish, they leave, they come back. Well, one season they just never came back and to this day scientists have no idea why. Um, there's a lot of guesses, but they're not they don't know. Trust showed up and he was like, guys, it's the plankton. Um. And so at this point when he shows up, uh, the unemployment rate in the tribe had reached because all the jobs, there was no industry, there's no same, there's no industry, there's no yeah, there's nothing to do. And he came back saying, Hey, like, I know how to fix this, I know what the problem was. We can go one to create jobs to Um, bring the salmon back and create long term jobs. And so he creates this, I think it's called the Heida Salmon Corporation. DO SALMON EAT PLANKTON? I don't know. Okay, because that isn't about salmon. Couldn't you, Nick Ribbs? Do though, mcglankton's actually really similar, because that was MCB. What was the last time you ate to mcribb? I don't know what I ever ate the mcribb? What's that? Sam McDonald's? It's been a while. Yeah, what's that time? You Mate McDonald's. I am McDonald's. That night there we went, putt putting. Yeah, that was because the only thing open. Yeah, I probably went a few months ago. I do like their nuggets. I will say I used to do their double cheeseburger meal because you got to double cheeseburgers trying to drink. It was like bucks. I went and I grabbed that the other day and it was nine dollars and I worked it. I was like, oh my gosh. Anyways, Um, remember when we used to go when they had the deal for like five bucks or bucks, and we will go and we get like forty nuggets and a few of those mots sticks when the hand monster sticks for a little while. Sticks were so good. Yeah, dude, we remember that. The year that we started touring was the year that Taco Bell released the case a Rito and it was just like blast came out, that blast came out and it was like those times where where God says this is what you're supposed to be doing, you know, and it was like wow, dudeb blast and canned form, I'm blessing your decision by giving you the case Arito and canned Bob blast. Bro That's how I knew this was what I was supposed to be doing in my life. Yeah. So, anyway, so he's like, Hey, listen, this will bring the salmon back. Yeah, and so he gets a bunch of these people to come work as his researchers. They're not researchers. Half of them, like out of them, genuinely I haven't really ever heard of science. Um, because all they've done is salmon. All they've done is salmon fishing. They they went to a very rudimentary school and then as long as quick, as soon as they were old enough to fish, they went and started fishing and that was their life. And so, uh, so he conned him. He Yeah, he tricked these people. What? What was the aftermath of him putting all the iron in there? That's what's very interesting. Okay, uh, they estimated, this group estimated, and by this group I mean Russ George, estimated, uh, that this was gonna Bring Pink Salmon back to the area, bring about fifty million pink salmon back into the area. Um, well, it actually turned into a catch, a season catch, so the whole season catch of two million pink salmon. So it five x the return of so they did come back yeah, so he was ready. Yeah, do you think he did on purpose? He kidnapped the saving? Do you wait, that's not at all what I was saying. I was I was saying, did he just lie to them and be like this is gonna bring the salmon back and then when it did, he was like, he's like, like he didn't know what was gonna happen. You're saying that when the salmon went up the river, he was like, I got him and he just caught all the same, and it was like you're saying, one at a time as well. You're doing is if he's got a little like a butterfly net. He's catching one salmon at a time. Of Him. Huh, that's where you're saying. And then he breeded them through. He went down there and just lied, talked out of his butt and then got then just, yeah, yeah, and you're saying it's less likely. He's less likely. So it brought in five x the amount of salmon. I guess they do eat plankton. Then, apparently, I don't know what happened. Um, I'm not sure how this how this turned out the way it turned out, but it works pretty well. And now the people think that this guy's a genius. Um. Well, yeah, uh. But here's the peculiar thing about the story is this man has clearly been in a situation where, time and time again, he's lied to a lot of people and made a lot of money doing it. Um, somehow he's still like if you cry wolf your whole life and then one time a pack of wolves show up and you're like, that's what I was gonna Happen, six wolves. The good thing you guys got your wolf credits. Good thing you guys are trained in Wolverine Uh. So, uh. What's peculiar about the story is he's clearly a con man, sure, but he's still out here doing this and he's not getting in trouble for it. Um, and he's open about it. And what's even more peculiar is this youtube video I watched. This wasn't like some youtuber made this youtube video. H This was like a production. Yeah, but it worked, though. He brought the salmon back. I'm kind of serious, like, I don't understand. Well, that wasn't the goal. The goal wasn't the Salmon. The salmon was what he did. They discover did they did? Did they nothing? Nothing happened. With the plankton. Yeah, there's no data about what happened with the planks. So they didn't even research the plankton. He just done a bunch of iron and then all of a sudden there's five x the number of Salmon. Yeah, and so it's most likely unrelated. Um, okay, unless he kidnapped, it's most likely unrelated. But here's the thing. He's out here still filming these videos, trying to act like there's some big conspiracy about the swap team and everything to stop him, to stop him, when most environments are just like Hey, if you introduce that much of one into the ocean, that's going to create that's going to create other problems. Yeah, it sure will. It do the thing you say it's gonna do? Maybe, Um, but there's other things that are going to happen. Salmon. Alright, I love the galapacos before the two million salmon showed up. Dude, we're on our honeymoon in the Galapagos Islands, right, wonderful, just sprawl down on the beach, just a wonderful week and then all of a sudden, Sam one morning we woke up, we opened up the curtain in our in our room and it's just pink. As far as the shower on Salmon, coming around the shower, you're hard is to brush your teeth and Salmon. It's almost impossible, almost almost impossible. I still did it. Everything smelled so bad, Um, and they're like there's five, the usually are here. Sorry, guys. Hey, here's the thing that here's the point. Here's my point, the point I'm making. There's a lesson in all of this, and the lesson is I watched this video and after watching this video, I was convinced that this guy was a scientist who the Canadian man was after and trying to shut down Um because they had their dirty pockets and she was trying to save the planet. But upon doing just a little bit of research, I found out this is a con man Um. And the point is, uh, don't listen to the P U see on Youtube. If you hear a story on Youtube, that means if you listen to this in the podcast APP, you can believe everything because you're watching. If you're watching on Youtube, discredit not it. No, just like double check it, like, uh, I don't know, it's it's it's easy and a lot of people believe what they hear on social media and on Youtube Videos, Um, and especially this youtube video. This youtube video was it seemed like a very reputable news source, the way they edited it and made it look Um, and at the end of it I was convinced, Um, but it was a lie. Um. So Um. Yeah, there's that mcribbs coming back. You know, the only way to bringing mcgrib back just sprinkle a budge of iron on every McDonalds. Just. So, what are you doing? I'm bringing back to the back to MB fivefold. What it's gonna be was like, guys, people got it. We were giving mcribbs away. Here's too many MC ribs. We've got boxes and boxes and boxes and ribs and are at the chestnut location. What are we to do with all these? Heyways, this podcast was brought to you by the MIC RIB at McDonald's. Things on the last night is a production of space tim media, produced by Christian Taylor. Audio is edited by Alex Garnett, video by Connor Bets, social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic designed by Caleb Goldberg, our host, or Jarren Meyers and Tim Stone. Please follow us on social media at tilling podcast. THAT'S T I L O in podcast, leave a review comment, subscribe wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on the last night M

The ocean is one of the earth’s most precious resources. However, like many of the resources on earth, capitalism has not treated them well. For that very reason, Russ George has devised a plan to revitalize the ocean. His controversial theory is called Ocean Pasteurization. To replenish the ecosystem of the world’s oceans, George plans to dump iron into the seas to feed plankton and cause an artificial bloom of plankton. Though Russ has acquired a wide array of investors and supporters, many others think he is causing more harm than good. At the end of the day, we do not know what the impact of such an endeavor would be on the ocean ecosystem. So, what would you say he is a hero or villain?

Things I Learned Last Night is an educational comedy podcast where best friends Jaron Myers and Tim Stone talk about random topics and have fun all along the way. If you like learning and laughing a lot while you do, you’ll love TILLN. Watch or listen to this episode right now!




Russ George – Wikipedia

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