Every generation’s unique experience shapes its values, beliefs, and behaviors. The Fourth Turning, a book co-authored by William Strauss and Neil Howe, presents a compelling argument that generational cycles can predict social, economic, and political crises. The authors argue that America is in the midst of the fourth turning, a period of crisis that requires a profound change in leadership, … Read More
The Fourth Turning – How To Predict The World’s Next Crisis
Episode Transcription
Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird.
Speaker 1 Hey man, what's going on? I don't know. I don't know what happened to see what's going on. There was a B that somehow came out very Louisiana I don't know what happened, guys, we can be immediate. Both of us. Sorry, Connor if you could just put subtitles over me like they do in the swamp shows that would really be helpful. I have no idea what I said. Unknown Speaker David, like a weird swamp name. Speaker 1 We don't got to do this. Jared virus swamp. Swamp boy. That's what they're called. You know? Golly, dude. Anyways, have you ever heard of okay. You're gonna one of those Gator tourists and like Louisiana. Yeah, Unknown Speaker Latin Louisiana. And Florida. Unknown Speaker Yeah, I went. Speaker 2 We went. We went. Have you been in the point? Is it Pensacola Bay? Yeah, that whole bay is only an average of like four feet deep. Which is crazy. And so like he took us out in the middle of the day on our little the little floater saying Unknown Speaker hola dude, Speaker 2 while we were at your honey, we were at Alice beach. And then we drove up to Pensacola for this tour. But Pensacola Bay for the for the Pensacola Bay Gator tour. They got a swab on the backside. Gotcha. Gotcha. So we're in a little fan boat. And he takes us out to the center of the bay leaves the swamp takes up to the center of the bay. And he didn't tell us that it's only four feet deep. What he did tell us he said he said this bay is swimming with a with a bull sharks and then he jumped out of the boat in the middle of the bay. Yeah, Speaker 1 one of my favorite videos on the internet is you don't know what I'm talking about where there's just on that Swamp Boat pitch black middle and night going into the swamp and they see someone in the swamp and they roll up you know exactly talking about he's got a Walmart cheesecake in his hands. And and the guy that vote in the most Louisiana way just goes, Bro, are you eating cheese? And it's that's what the video is. You don't get any context, guys. And he's just barefoot. In the dark. Unknown Speaker Is Gator territory swapping Speaker 1 around dude. Do you think down there they call garage sales swamp meats? Or do you think that's what they call? Do you hear what they call their meat shops when they sell alligator? Speaker 2 Swamp swamp me swamp me? Gosh, I hate that. Anyway, incredible story. But yeah, the guy just jumped out and he and it was like knee deep water. And so all of us were like, he just jumps out and lands and we're like what? Like, maybe later on a shark? Well, that yeah, he's He's like, he's like, he's like this whole bay. And he tells us explains it's like four feet deep. He's in there for 30 seconds. And he's like, he's like, oh, yeah, there's a bull shark now and like jumps back into the bull shark literally like swims right up next to her about. It was crazy experience. Yeah. What do you even see any gainers on the Ghana tour though? Anyway, Unknown Speaker do you see the ghosts of the ghost tour either? But we did see ghosts of the Gator tour. was weird. Those night vision goggles is not a ghost. And then where did that where did this house is we saw cheesecake right? I was Unknown Speaker like the guy was like yeah, the gate. Not a part of the ghost tour. Out of this basement. Speaker 1 gators Dunoon swamp cats bro they're just like okay swamp cat was what my name should be Unknown Speaker on the discord you ran my name. changer, David. The discord right now. No one. All right. I think this whole part should be the intro to the episode Speaker 1 if you're not a Patreon supporter, sorry. If you are you get access to our Discord channel. And Gerrans name right now is Unknown Speaker Paul Rudd, the actor Speaker 1 It is Paul Rudd. The I also changed with no context. Speaker 2 I think mine is lord of the rabbits days right now I forget how to change your name on it to like click on your profile and then go to like change. Speaker 1 User Profile. Here we go. I'm going to go and swamp cat swamp cat. Unknown Speaker Like we don't know what's out there, but Speaker 1 we don't know where you're at. But you know. She says if a guy has taught in his 20s to take me out on dates, he's a loser. A guy tried to pass me on a single lane road today. He was real man isn't where you gotta go in your Chevy. I needed some things I learned last night Unknown Speaker Dude, the whole part in great except for this part that we cut already Unknown Speaker executed flawlessly. Perfect Guy. We're so good at editing this dude. All right. So yeah, we're talking about have you ever heard of the Strauss? How generational theory what you might have heard of it under the more popular name? The fourth turning? Speaker 1 The fourth turning. This is an alien thing. Speaker 2 No. No, actually I don't. I mean, I guess maybe there's a way? No, yeah, the fourth turning. That's this more popular name? Speaker 1 No. So this is an interesting thing. It's just like the Enneagram. Speaker 2 In a way, sort of similar. There's no test that you can take, okay? You got proclaimed. You get to just pick you get to just choose or no, but in a way, it's kind of similar. So this is the fourth turning is comes from the Strauss. How generational theory. Okay, this is a book What are you saying this Strauss, Strauss dash, how, okay, generational theory. Great. And it's, it's found in a book from a guy named Neil Howe and William Strauss. is these two academics, one of them's an economist, and one of them's a historian, okay. And they wrote this book that released in 97, called the fourth turning, and American prophecy, and the concept Unknown Speaker of greed. Speaker 2 This was their second book together, and 91, they released a book called generations. So these guys are really interested in and generations. Have we Speaker 1 talked about this weird book before? I don't think we have Okay, on the podcast, but just like you and I, Speaker 2 I don't think so. Okay. I don't think we have Sure. And it's interesting, because I've been hearing a lot about this concept of the fourth turning lately, especially on like, tick tock. It's gotten very conspiracy II. Yes. Yes. Speaker 1 I want to say there's like a some kind of book from the 90s. Yeah, that like, prophesied a lot of the stuff. Yeah, it's this one. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. And there's like a lot of conspiracy theorists who are late who? And it's like, pretty vague. Yeah. You know, prophecies. Yeah. That then you can be like, well, technically, this does match that description. Speaker 2 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And so I'm glad you have a concept of this. Because what I want to do is I want to outline the conspiracy theory view. And then I want to, and then I want to take it so I Speaker 1 was worried about I was worried about the people who are going to search this topic, having to listen to us talk swamps. You know, Speaker 2 it's always it's always one of these episodes where we open like that. It just happens. There'll be episodes about stuff that doesn't matter at all. And we'll dive right Speaker 1 super into the topic. Yeah, these ones we just go dead swamps. Unknown Speaker Conspiracy episodes. I guess Matt seen Speaker 1 people. Oh, bro. That's a terrier episode was rough. Unknown Speaker Yeah, yeah, that always happens. I'm Speaker 1 shocked about the lack of comments we have on the Oregon episode. Speaker 2 That is true. That one just hasn't picked up. I don't know why yet. Yeah, well, I think some talks about it. The full term is so yeah, I want to I want to look at the conspiracy view of it and kind of outline that. And then I want to take it back to the book. Dudes aren't dead are they like they're around? One of them's dead, the other one's still around. So he's still doing interviews and it's actually really interesting watching him as he feeding into the conspiracy stuff now. That's the best part of it. And what's Unknown Speaker interesting is partners dead if you you know, saying Speaker 2 his partner was feeding into the conspiracies, and the FBI killed them for it. Unknown Speaker The FBI doesn't do that. It'd be your right Speaker 2 but yeah, so I wanted to do an episode about this conspiracy theory. And so because I wanted to do that episode, like I did my research and then I realized wanted to look was on Amazon Yeah, what's the word I'm looking for? Not Kimberly noble dot Kindle. We use it all the time to books. Audible audible Thank you. I was trying to blank telling.com/audible Unknown Speaker Hashtag add. Unknown Speaker No. And so I was like, Well, I'm just listened to it should Speaker 1 be. We should make an ad service for podcasting called animal called no animal is a definitely a term from algebra victory. Stupid. Algebra victory. It's algebra for Patriots. Except for except for that's a joke for victory. I don't know Google algebra victory. By the time this comes out. We will have Speaker 2 so the Oh Uh, I wanted to do the episode about the conspiracy theory because I thought it was an interesting theory more just because I thought you were gonna hate it. Yeah. But I do. Then I listened to the book and I realized, like most conspiracy theories how far off they are. And so now I want to do Speaker 1 both because obviously they're so far off. Yeah. I know, you were gonna say I realized, like most conspiracy theorists the truth, you're like, Okay, Speaker 2 well, no, I think I think I think the conspiracy theory is like they took they took the ideas and they freakin ran with them. Yeah. And they didn't read the book. Yeah, they they read. They watched a YouTube video about a guy who read the book, right? Yeah. And then they made some assumptions. And then a bunch of people watch those guys assumptions. And it just right yeah, now. Yeah. Unknown Speaker I don't know. I haven't read it. Unknown Speaker But my basket basters. Unknown Speaker I watched the video. Yeah. Speaker 2 That's really funny. No, okay. So here's, here's, here's the way it goes. Right? The concept is that every 80 years or so we enter the fourth turning period. Okay. And the fourth turning period, everything blows up. The political stability of the world starts to collapse the Unknown Speaker good polar. Sure, Speaker 2 and, and there's usually wars and economic issues and things like that. Okay. And it's interesting, if you go back 80 years from now, World War Two, go back about 80 years from then. It's the Civil War, Civil War about 80 years from then it's the Revolutionary War. About 80 years from that is like the beginning of the Speaker 1 similar theory is this. This is totally not off topic. My ex girlfriend's dad. I remember one time very specifically listens. I'm so yeah. Well, I'm so serious is that we were in his little his kitchen. You know, we're sitting there talking about whatever it was 2015 Yeah, right. Yeah. And he goes, You know, every seven years, the economy resets. I was like, what? He goes, it's biblical. And he's talking about how every seven years he goes, he was saying that it's biblical to forgive your forgive debts of? Yeah, no. What do you think that our country thinks that because we're not because they're not. It leads to financial collapse? And honestly, bro, 2008 2015 things were rocky. Yeah. 2022 Speaker 2 It does kind of track. It does kind of track. It's like a little it's a little I was Unknown Speaker like, okay, hey, it's a little hot. Unknown Speaker But you might be Speaker 1 right. You might. Well, if you say in 2000 2008 2009, right. 2015 2016. Yeah. 2022 banks just closed this year. Point three. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know, man. It could Speaker 2 be a thing. Yeah. Could be right. Or you could be totally wrong. Me and him Unknown Speaker flying in my Pepsi jet. Speaker 2 Hey, thanks for flying by me this Pepsi jet. Hopefully everyone repays their debts next year, and they don't have to get this. Speaker 1 Thank you so much. Yeah, so here's the flight. Here's the rules for the flight. Okay, gotta stay seated when the seatbelt signs on. Exits are to the back of the front here. If there's an emergency landing route to get on the field, and also we just don't talk about her here. That's just rules don't really vibe that didn't work out. Unknown Speaker Okay, we're just moving. We're moving forward. And it's, it's all right. Speaker 1 Do you pray? Lots of inside jokes for our listeners there. Anyway, since you're not a listener, conspiracy theorist who stumbled across this, let's talk about the 430 then yeah, let's get back to it. But he did. He really did feel like he was like, It's Biblical. It's Biblical. He was so serious. And I remember these people are serious about it. So I was always like, there's like a similar like, vibe, you know? And so I'm sure it's still track because 878 Speaker 2 It's a it's the number of because he while I'm saying like, Speaker 1 in his theories, correct, you know, yeah, that every every 10 of those is about is a bigger window for turning or whatever. Yeah, that's interesting. So it's not like a strict like ad. Speaker 2 Yeah, it's it's it's a 80 ish. Yeah. Yeah, that's interesting. So the the conspiracy theorists say we've seen war after war over a two year cycle. We're, we're do we're due for another woofers of war. We're due for a big one. And so they look at the COVID-19 pandemic and the financial issues that we've had. Yes, all this stuff. That's as like the beginning of the turning, but it's gonna bubble over into this big war. Speaker 1 Sure. Coincidentally, war is that what they've chosen on to like, it has to be like a world war. Well, it Speaker 2 depends who you look. Sure. There are some who say it's gonna be like a World War. There's some who think that the aliens are gonna invade and we're gonna have a war with aliens. There's ones who say it's Nibiru. Have you seen? Do you know what Nibiru is? Is that a Nickelodeon Jr. Show? Yeah. bluey Nibiru No, yeah, it was something I thought that Nibiru Unknown Speaker was one of those jokes you knew was covered. Yeah. Speaker 2 But Nibiru is, is this concept of thought about doing an episode on bureaus, Unknown Speaker brothers of Unknown Speaker the Bureau, you get where I'm going. Speaker 2 Basically, it's like an idea that there's like some other like hidden planet we haven't found. That's like trying to hit Earth. Like, we don't know it's out there, Unknown Speaker but we don't know where you're at. But you know, we're Speaker 2 gonna be here within the next couple of years, because we're in the fourth turning, and they know that and they know it, but NASA hasn't seen it yet. They've been tracking this giant planet that's close enough to hit us in a couple of years. Speaker 1 Do you think time will work on Mars? Same way it works in here. Now I understand what you're saying. But here's No, like, how long is the year on Mars? Compared to a year here? You know, like for a full rotation of the sun? Unknown Speaker I've I know this but I don't remember. Unknown Speaker Speed of this we should do away with timezones. Speaker 2 Oh my gosh, is this the only reason you brought 687 Days on Mars? For a year? That's right. Yeah, that's like two years that is like, Speaker 1 now. So how do yours work on Mars? Speaker 2 If we because Mars, do we have years zones to not just time zones? Well, Speaker 1 we'll time zones exist. I don't think time zones should exist. I think we should go on Universal Time. Yeah, we've been arguing about this all day. Well, and people were like, well, then the sun would set it, you know? 9am. So the sun says at 9am Get over it. Like, well, you know, we can't just do this because God gave us time zones. It's all made up. It's all made up. We made up time zones, dude. Unknown Speaker Yeah, we did. We made of yours. Yeah, we did. We did. Speaker 1 So how would that work? If they're what I'm saying is if they're in a different planet, here's why I brought it up. Yeah, totally different planet. How are they like, this is at Earth yours? Unknown Speaker Yeah, no, they will probably just change. They will probably just, Speaker 1 they don't really care. They don't speak. They just grunt and do war. Unknown Speaker They would probably just have Martian years. This is a Martian year. Speaker 1 Martian gears. Yeah. Okay. This is two years. I was like when they get here very far away. They'd be like, Oh, the conspiracy theories are getting pretty loud. Speaker 2 It's one. It's one more year. Sir. It sounds like Earth is nearing a crisis. It sounds like the beer is about to hit. For us. We live on Mars. That'll be it. Yes. So some people think the beer is about to hit. Some people think it's just like an economic crisis or just gonna be like a another pandemic or something like that. You know, everybody's got different ideas of what is the crisis, but the leading one is like a World War. And coincidentally, right now there's some geopolitical instability with some major powers in the world. Yeah. That plays we Unknown Speaker did an episode. Speaker 2 And then we couldn't put it out. Yeah, you know, because we record weeks in advance. Yeah. So I'm saying like, we got to be careful when we talk about what I say right now. Yeah. Cuz we don't know what's gonna happen in five weeks. Yeah, that's true. But yeah, there's some geopolitical instability that is stoking the flames of these conspiracy theories. Sure. And so they're getting pretty easy. Yeah. And so. And what's interesting is they use this book as kind of like, the proof to this concept. I look, we're not the crazy ones. Yeah. Because the end of this book closes with some predictions. And they predict at the end of this book, a few things that are very interesting, they predicted that around 2020 they use the word 2020. Around the year 2020. There'll be a communicative virus that spreads across the whole world. They said that there'll be an economic crisis. What, Speaker 1 like when we live, he didn't live in the apartment, I guess. When I left the apartment with Martin Ryan and all them. Yeah. That was 2014 2013 2014. Yeah. And last man on earth. Yeah. Do you know about that? Heard about that? Yeah. The opening scene? Yep. Yep. Says the year 2020. I didn't know that. I don't remember Speaker 2 that. That's spooky. That was a fun show, though. It was alright. It was pretty good. For the first time first, the first season was really fun. Yeah. And then it got they got weird. They had to stretch it a little bit. Yeah, yeah, that's alright. Anyways. Speaker 1 So yeah, there's a lot of weird spooky stuff. Yeah, so that's it. Oh, and we're watching servant. Yeah. And servant came out in 2018. Yeah, when we're watching season one, and he loses his taste and smell interesting. And he's like, he's gonna have some kind of virus or Something interesting, and we're watching it be like, Oh, no, he got it. Unknown Speaker He's early. Yeah, he was the first US subject one, Speaker 1 but it was like in the show it's like some you know, it's like, not witchcraft thing but a supernatural anyways weird. It was Unknown Speaker Boronia virus Morona Unknown Speaker anywhere is a different Unknown Speaker thing. Good says Speaker 2 Hey, thanks for checking out this episode. If you liked it, make sure you subscribe so you don't miss any future episodes. Speaking of future episodes, we have a ton of past episodes, we have a back catalogue of well over 100 episodes. So check those out. My current favorite is Nelly Bly, she was a journalist from the early 1900s, who totally changed the industry, especially for women in the industry. Super cool story, but also kind of crazy. Some of the things that she did, we had a lot of fun in that episode. So check that out. Don't forget to subscribe, but ultimately, just thanks for being here. Speaker 2 Now, and then they said that they said that there's going to be an economic crisis in that during that same time period. They also said that at the very beginning of the fourth turning, that there would be a terrorist attack that would result in the explosion of an airplane. And then they talked about a war a major war happening. Has there been an explosion with airplanes? I mean, 911 Yeah, but that was the beginning of that's what the fourth turning people are saying they were talking about because this book was written in 1997. Speaker 1 That's sure I know that I understand how it works pre. Pre and Post 911. I understand that. I just didn't know that. They were like, that's, that's it? Speaker 2 Yeah, that's the idea. And so they they take these, these, these predictions and say, well, here's all the predictions that they said, We're gonna happen. We can pinpoint. Here's some things that have happened. But then there's some other things that haven't happened, like the war. Sure. And so they're like, Yeah, we're still in in this fourth turning period. And we've got a big war coming in. You better buckle your bootstraps, by your by your bootstraps. And build your Unknown Speaker skills. You're being Speaker 3 basement. You feed a lot of kids of beans. I just did another b word. DEED is what happened being wheelchair big castle. Unknown Speaker How's your dream? Conquer Unknown Speaker debugger? is bonkers. What? 100% being? Speaker 1 Okay. It's the most it's the most structural structure Speaker 2 is perfect because it could withstand nuclear blast. But then once I'm ready to get out, I could just eat my way out. All right. Very weird. So yeah, so here's the thing. Unknown Speaker Okay. Do you listen to it, though? I listen Speaker 2 to the book. Yeah. And I watched some interviews with the author, because he's still around doing interviews. Yeah. Interview number one, I do this. This wasn't me. I didn't do this, though. The CIA. It wasn't me. My my partners of the CIA showed up like, we're Speaker 1 still trying to figure out what happened. I didn't Speaker 2 know he. What's interesting is that into the book that is kind of the basis for a lot of the conspiracy theory. That last chapter was a section that open with them saying, here's how this could possibly pan out. And so they even say that, here's some predictions for the future. Here's a possible scenario. And they gave four possible scenarios. And those four possible scenarios were separate. The virus did not happen in the same scenario as the war. The economic downturn did not happen in the same scenario as the terrorist attack. Speaker 1 But it's also not like not like COVID came out of nowhere. Yeah, we that was that's what all the experts were trying to say. They've been saying was like, we've been saying that we're not prepared for a pandemic. Yeah. Since the swine flu for decades. Yeah. Yeah. So it's not super surprising that a 99 is, it is a little odd. There were 2020. You know, yeah. But like, for them to say, in the next 20 years. Speaker 2 Yeah. And that's the thing is everything that they said was still brought, like if they did say there would be a pandemic, but like you said, like, yeah, of course, a pandemic could happen. Like we have record of those things happening all the time. Wars could happen, economic downturns could happen, possible terrorist attacks could happen. And so these were all really broad things that weren't just like, tragic events that they were saying could happen during this fourth turning. And they weren't saying they were going to happen. They weren't like predicting them. Right. They were saying here's some possibilities of how the fourth turning could pan out. Right. And they've ran with them like these Were prophecies, when that's not what they were saying. Their subtitle was misleading because they use that word prophecy. I feel like they should change that. But the whole concept of the book is actually a lot more interesting than what the conspiracy theorists say it is. It's not this is not this mystical, like the world goes to World War every every 80 years. It's not it's not sure. It's that it might. Basically, the concept is this is that they take seasons, like we all have, every year has a season. And every season, you have different behaviors in that season, you would not try to reap a harvest in the winter, you're not trying to plant seeds in the winter. And so your mindset and your behavior in those seasons is different because of what season you're in. Speaker 1 Yeah, I mean, hot girl summer is different than Meet the Parents winter. You know, those are, those are different Speaker 2 seasons. That's a dry season. Yeah, you're right. And so what they said is that the generations Yeah, follow the same pattern that makes sense that every 20 years has been talking about this, too. Yeah, he honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he's read these books. Because these are these are pretty academic books. These are not Yeah. Speaker 1 Good. I've read it. The, these are pretty academic. These are pretty good read, you want to understand, I read this after I volunteered at church on Sunday. Speaker 2 You have to buy stocks to understand this, but yeah, you know, I got a portfolio now, so ETFs, every 20 years or so? Short end, 10 years long in 30 years, average 20. You know, averages work, but every is a different generational archetype. Yeah. And those archetypes follow one of four. Structure structures. There's the Prophet, okay, which is a time where it's all this generation is big. It could be life consensus around ideals. Basically, there is large figureheads and institutions that guide people forward, there's the prophets of the generation that lead everyone and everyone follows their lead. It's very high value of institutions. Yeah, the Nomad has rebelled against the prophets, the nomads the next generation, okay, they've rebelled against the prophets. And it's almost like, like a spiritual awakening type of situation, but much more internal. So it's, it's less about the whole, and it's more about the me. And it's more about like, taking down the established order taking down the establishment and not listening to what they want from us, because Sure, they are these two right after each other, these two different come right after each other. Okay. The next is the hero. And the hero is one where they have seen a lot of instability that has come from the no man's having kind of tore down all the establishments, and all of the institutions. And so they, they come up in an era where things are, are rocky and difficult. Sure. And so they are, oddly, strangely optimistic about the future, that change is coming, and things are going to become better. And they often become the ones who kind of lead the change. That's why they're called the heroes. And then the artists are the ones who they come of age in a time where everything is radically changing. And they don't, and they're, they're not allowed to be a part of it, because they're too young. And so then as they grow old, they feel this urge to contribute, but the only way they can contribute is through art. And so they kind of describe everything that they were around growing up, because now things are better. Sure, they've got to remember a time when they were worse and they kind of describe and they write this real, poetic. They're writers, they're musicians. They're artsy people. Okay. So yeah, those are the four archetypes. And obviously, everybody is different than those, but that's sure type that characterizes the four, the four generations, the four generations, and they they wrote the book generations kind of talking about these archetypes and really fleshed out the concept of what these archetypes were sure. And they followed them back about 500 years and showed that as you look at culture as a whole, from the American line of culture, so through the birth of the United States, right through colonialism and into the early Unknown Speaker Jesus signed the Declaration of Independence. Speaker 2 that they followed this pattern. And pretty pretty closely. And while doing that, they noticed that it wasn't just the generations that there was this sort of feedback loop of the nation itself was going through this process as well. Okay. And that's what they call the turnings. And so the fourth turning is what we're in very academic so far. Thanks. Unknown Speaker I just want to give our listener a break. Unknown Speaker Do you want to do it no, I'm just talking about swamps Speaker 1 so the so the, the listeners were thanking me for that, dude, they were like, jump give me a freakin haul let me pull up my notes. I guess hold me so there's an anon there's one or we were here last year. So fooling yourself. Speaker 2 Here we talk. We are here we are. Yes. We'll get to that. We'll get to that. So they just got you over here. Speaker 1 You're a hero. I'm a hero. We're all heroes. Now. We're Speaker 2 not all heroes. We're barely heroes. We are barely heroes. Okay, but we'll be we'll still use GZ the artists they're artists. Yeah. Okay. Because it makes sense. Speaker 1 Well, you're so old some artsy here. You're so old bro. I'll tell you what I saw the most millennial thing I've ever seen today. This is a real someone got like so you know there's a lot of the lane closed sources they're piling up and then someone you know does the thing where they cut all the way up here and they try to cut around this person. Anyway, gets in front of this girl. This girl's got one of those lejos octopus things on her dashboard. Those little fluffy Yeah, she turns it inside out. Because it's got a frowning face on the inside. Oh my and I was like is that the millennial middle finger is no one are you freaking kidding me? That cuz it's like once I was happy, that's a good that's how you're telling your mood. Yeah, I was like, Is this like a millennial mood ring? What is going on right here and she has she's reached out she went like this. Speaker 2 But do you think that guy could actually see that? I know I guarantee. Oh, I saw a tweet where the guy was like, to me I would break check. Speaker 1 And then I walk it out. I'd steal that octopus. turn upside down. Are you joking? You saw a guy would do what Speaker 2 Nizar tweet where the guy was like my dad doesn't flip people off in traffic. He gives them a thumbs down and he's like people people seem to like that even less. Speaker 1 They don't like that. We just go. Boo. A guy tried to pass me on a single lane road today. He was real mad. I was like, Where are you gonna go and your Chevy? What was it? Malibu Chevy Malibu. Yeah, that's sad. That's sad. Sorry, Chevy Malibu. Unknown Speaker That's because we're sponsored by Toyota Toyota Corolla. The happiness of my life. We couldn't even do sponsored by one of their better cars. Unknown Speaker It's not sad. It's not sad. Not sad sedan. Speaker 1 Okay, oh, good. All right, back to the boring, the Unknown Speaker boring stuff. Things. Okay, so here's, here's where it gets interesting. You ready? Unknown Speaker Thank God, we're finally here. Now keep going. Speaker 2 Okay, so they noticed that the nation goes through this as well. And so there's these four cycles every 20 or 30 years or so? Sure. Where do you have the the four phases are? Let me scroll down. So I get this right. You the four phases of the cycle or the high. And so that's when everything is really good. Okay, that's when you're excited to be alive. That's when things are going things are chugging along forward, things are going good. But it's double sided. It's not just high because it's good. And that's not just profit, prosperous. It's high because you have a high institutional reliance. Everybody's everybody's relying on the communal. Yeah, here we are. You're in the high. The next phase is the awakening. That's when everybody starts to become, yeah, more introspective more. It's all it's about me. It's not about everybody else. And then you have the unraveling, that's when everything starts to fall apart. It's a very chaotic time. But it's not. It's not explosive. And there's not a lot of change coming out of it, but it's chaotic. And what's strange, though, is it's still pretty good. Like it's it's weird, because it's still it's still pretty good. But there's also Speaker 1 about the safety of the institutions. Yeah. But you can explore different things. Speaker 2 Yeah. And there's, and maybe a good way to put it is there's bad things going on around the world. But you're kind of removed from it. And so Like think things are pretty bad and you know, it's bad, but you're like, I don't have to, like, acknowledge that it's bad. Yeah, like that's the unraveling. Things are bad. Yeah, yeah. And then the crisis is when the unravel kind of hits that fever picture and then you have to get involved, you're stuck in it. And it's, it's, it's here, and things get really, really crazy. And then it repeats and you go back into a high and what they say is that because of the way the interplay of where the generations are at specific points in time when events happen, right, and because of the way that those generations react, when they have the power and the control to events, then it creates this cultural attitude and it dictates how history unfolds and how how the nation gets involved with world events show for example, World War One happened during an unraveling World War Two happened during a crisis period and so the unraveling period Unknown Speaker no that period period Speaker 2 so because World War One was in an unraveling period Yeah, well Unknown Speaker well wasn't a very popular with America. Yeah, Speaker 2 it the World War One started with the sinking of that ship I don't know it's called the Titanic Speaker 1 Okay, is did the cruise it took out carnival dream. Speaking I'll be on Carnival dream Memorial Day weekend. If you want to buy tickets to that cruise. It's just his vacation. He's gonna be it'll be there. Ray's not going to see me till the day. That's right. I needed some cheapest if you want to see me perform with the Spirit Airlines. You can come to carnival dream. You can book Unknown Speaker a show on spirit. Speaker 1 Fly spirit to be honest with you. Oh my gosh, no, I really am on Carnival dream Memorial Day weekend. If you want to come to that. I you. I know. You for your birthday Speaker 1 this is for you. Aubrey. Yeah, one and then you won't have to pay for it. So you guys can have that fight later. But just wanted you to know I'm gonna get you a good gift. You got me a really good gift this year. Yeah, I try. I mean a bad gift. Unknown Speaker That's why I tried so hard. Speaker 1 Last year, it looked like he unscrewed a lamp from his own house. Like a little wall lamp and was like you can have this Unknown Speaker doesn't match anything in my house. I was like okay, thanks. I put it up though. So I'm not allowed to modify things in my apartment. I can't put that up anywhere. Speaker 2 It's importantly, like conveyed stripped to the wall. Like that's why I was like a nice little loud Speaker 1 gift. Is a great gift. I really appreciate it. I bought you a car. That's a Toyota Corolla and I need to be one of the sad ones bro. You went to IKEA Do Unknown Speaker you would cry on Unknown Speaker your cry like have fun? Jeez, bro. Well, I get you for your birthday last year. Speaker 2 You got me a flight that I still haven't taken it bro. I know I need to take Speaker 1 I got him a training flight that he can go learn how to fly. They do that on spirit. Did you know that? Let you sit up there. They're like, Hey, you want to give it a shot? We don't know what we're doing. You can Unknown Speaker book it on expedience. Like first. Oh, man. Oh my gosh. Unknown Speaker Oh, yeah, it was Speaker 2 in World War One, yeah. They sent the Fantasia the sea. And it took the us two years to finally decide, hey, we're gonna be a part of this war now. Sure. World War Two was in a crisis period. They bombed Pearl Harbor and the next day we are in the war. Yeah. And so it's it's it's the way that people Power react to things sure that make the things that happen in that Speaker 1 you're in a crisis, very reactive time. And that's the idea is that Speaker 2 the people who are in power in that, and that not very calculated are our crisis. Mind. So Speaker 1 hey, it's me again, thanks for being here for this episode. If you like what we're doing, it does cost us money to do this. And so just think about that. You know, that's it. We have Patreon supporters. And it really helps us to make this show possible. Honestly, we're so grateful for everyone who listens to the show. But there's people who want to make more of it happen. And so they financially support the show. And you get a lot back for it, you get our private discord, where we chat every day, we're hanging out and just getting to bond and hang out. We also do live zoom Hangouts for our Patreon supporters, you get exclusive merch, it's a good time, there's a lot, there's a lot in it for you. And it's a lot easier for us because we get to know you better. You know, you're not just a number and a stat board or whatever. But you know, you're our friends, and we appreciate you a lot. So consider doing that. If not, then you can listen to this dumb little ad, because that's how we're gonna get money from you. We're gonna leech from you either way. We're gonna get paid. We're in this for the cold hard cash, baby. Anyway, here's an ad. How do Speaker 2 they how do they get it though? I realized I forgot to put a CTA in mind. Oh, dang, we're doing Yeah, Speaker 1 they can text Tillandsia 66866. Thanks, Jared. Speaker 1 The question I've got then is, like so. So I mean, like you're saying the generation as a whole is certain whatever. Like, we're the heroes, whatever. Right? Yeah. Are you suggesting that we're going to have to be the heroes for the next phase of this? Unknown Speaker Yeah. So the concept is, Unknown Speaker well, that kind of sucks. What Speaker 2 they realize what they realize is that the generations all had these personality types. Sure. And then the nation went through the phases as well in the nation. On target, but yeah, it lines up to where your hero is always coming to age. So in their 20s to 40s, during the crisis, and so they're the ones who have to rise up and solve the crisis. And so that's, that's why Speaker 1 don't want to do that. You don't say like, oh, that's not my problem. Speaker 2 It will be. That's their point is it becomes a situation where you're the one who has to figure it out. Speaker 1 And I hate that. I resent that. I want it to be their problem. It is their problem. Like the bank failure, bro. That's their problem. That's dude, I was so annoyed. Do you know about the SVB bank failure? They not do know about the bank failure thing? Do you know that in 2009, they put a bunch of regulations on banks that they were like, Hey, you can't do sketchy stuff anymore. And it's just an 18 The government was like, hey, narrowminded feels, you know, sketchy. And then it took them less than five years to be like we scheduled Unknown Speaker harder. Speaker 1 I'm so annoyed that crap, man. I don't want to be the hero generation. Yeah, well, you got baby generation that gets taken care of. I want to be ours. I want to do ours to a podcast Speaker 2 while we are on the line. So I mean, if you pray cards, right, you're gonna want to do that crap. You could be artsy, if you want. Change your haircut. I'm just an artist. Speaker 1 I'm so full of hair is whatever that means. I don't know, the kids say. I agree. Unknown Speaker Oh, man, you've been on a youth ministry for a minute Speaker 2 I have. So it's become this feedback loop. Sure of the people behave in a certain way when they're in that part of the generation. The world around them is what has led them to do that. So the world they came up in, created their personality, like, nurtured their personality. And because they came up in that world, when they find themselves in their position of power, they're going to react a different way. And, and that creates a cycle and it's just okay. Because that's yeah, the Speaker 1 same way that like, you know, our grandparents don't do this because they didn't live through the Prussian war, but they are parents. So like, my mom's grandparents saved aluminum foil and stuff, because they, you know, they lived through the Depression. So they they saved everything. Speaker 2 Yeah. Because they, they came up in a period when that was, Speaker 1 even when it wasn't necessarily more that was still who that's what they did. Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah. And so. So they, they, they take this back to the 1500s and illustrate this. Every 20 years or so, you see the turn and they, the whole book is pretty much them going through each of these 20 years to being like, here's everything that was happening in the world. Here's how it went down. Here's how the American culture reacted to it. And it lines up throughout the whole story. And so when they wrote the book, they are at the tail end of an unraveling. And they said that we believe that the unravel this unraveling will end sometime around 2006 and be launched in what happens what's true of the crisis? Almost throughout every point in history that they've outlined, they I think they went through five of these. Speaker 1 A lot of crisis though this is more than just freaking Well, that's the thing Speaker 2 is the crisis is always started. Kind of surprisingly, it's like an overnight thing. All of a sudden, you're in a crisis moment, and that lasts about 20 years. And there's multiple crises. Speaker 1 Crisis lasted. Yeah. 911 the housing crisis 911 Speaker 2 Wasn't the unraveling. It was actually in the unraveling. 2008 was the housing crisis. That was the start of our crisis period. Okay. And so by their numbers, Unknown Speaker I did have a crisis doesn't tend to that makes sense. Speaker 2 I don't think personal crises Oh, that's just that's just you. Speaker 1 Yeah, that's not a part of high school. There was like one level of Temple Run. I couldn't get past your guy broke Speaker 2 my phone. My phone it's an iPod Touch. Speaker 1 I should download tempo run tonight. ashtag ad it's Speaker 2 interesting. He brought that up because I saw somebody played temporarily the other day. Literally out loud said are you playing? Are you playing Speaker 1 that's like the guy in first class. You see it all the time. i You don't because you don't sit in first class. Like I see it all the time. People still play Angry Birds. Yeah, that's that's bonkers. All white guys got that game. Like that's the first thing that download. Yeah, when they get a new iPhone, they don't have a very good download or wife's contact information. Download Angry Birds three. They walk through they go restore purchase. Speaker 2 They walk into the 18 T store and they say hey, well I lose my Angry Birds. Progress if I get the new I got Speaker 1 yeah, there's a guy straight up has his old phone still got some kind of progress on his phone? He doesn't want to lose. Lose but he's got an iPhone. It was it was a different phone and he didn't want to lose so he got the iPhone, but he keeps his old phone. That's so weird. Well, Verizon, I guess Yeah, no. Yeah, we chose you know, marriage and family and this guy chose snake on his 2002 Nokia. Bro, the buttons are gray, you know saying like they're just worn out and he's just sitting there freaking Speaker 2 out of the plane this dude's watching a movie. This dude's eaten five guys and then this dude pulls out his Nokia Unknown Speaker cash dang it Gee Golly. Unknown Speaker I think if you've tried to bring a Nokia on the plane Speaker 1 that seems pretty 2001 No pre 2007 phones are here Unknown Speaker your phone has to have a screen that's full phone or else we Speaker 1 can't bring a break it doesn't need well it doesn't meet the the weight requirements too heavy for the plane Unknown Speaker can take away the whole plane down by Speaker 1 back police for weight and balance with your break phone. Unknown Speaker Hey, sir, your phones too heavy to sit in the front. Speaker 1 Imagine walking through the airport though that huge phone in his pocket. Just freakin pants are designed for that anymore, man. Unknown Speaker Yeah, they had parachute pants back then. There's a lot more Unknown Speaker to do. I don't know how we got here. Speaker 2 But the last 20 or 30 years tend to tend to 30. So on the low end, 2018 was the end, which we all know that was our wasn't the end. So on the mid end, 2820 28 will be the end of the crisis and crisis. Crisis periods are full of crises. And so we obviously don't We don't even have to list them. We know that in the last 10 ish years. Let's learn a lot. There's been a lot. Let's list them. The the point is there's probably going to be more. And there's probably going to be things that we as the heroes are going to have to be heroic for sure. What's interesting, according to their timeline, we've obviously gone through a similar process. Yes, there's a good chance there's going to be more fire with what they say we could be done. Because they say that 10 years, it's somewhere between 10 and 30. On average 20 years is what these turnings are surely can be done. What's important is that during the time of crises, the people in power genuinely Generally not genuinely, but genuinely as well, you will generally make decisions that exasperate the problems and make things a little bit bigger of an issue than they would have been if these things happened during unraveling or other periods. Because that's an important thing to note is that wars and crisis's crises happen in every turning Speaker 1 well, but that's the thing is that wars and crises they can't be dealt with with long term solutions. They have to be dealt with with immediate solutions, which is where conspiracy theorists get all messed up and stuff. Yeah, it's like, dude, the government didn't have all the info we've gotten now about COVID. Yeah, so they couldn't be like, Hey, here's the we're gonna do a two year rollout of all this stuff. They had to be like everyone shuts down tomorrow. Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And, yeah, so So issues happen throughout everything. It's the way that issues are handled, and the way things happen, and the way the society reacts to those issues, during the crisis that makes it a crisis period. What what the really interesting part about this as though is that in the crisis, period, sure. And just like a lot of us do in our regular lives, yeah, is we wait until the crisis to finally deal with all the problems that have been coming up during the unraveling during the awakening, right? That's when we say, okay, all this stuff needs to be dealt with. And then in the high period, you become, you come into an area where the heroes have noticed, I pointed that myself, for you are the heroes who helped usher everyone out of the crisis, sure, create the new institutions, and they build those institutions, it becomes a high institutional era. And it becomes an area of relative prosperity. Because everyone's kind of been like, oh, yeah, this whole, like, trying to do everything by myself. We were hasn't really worked. Yeah. And then the cycle repeats itself. What's interesting is, if you look in war, at the end of World War Two, all of the all of the high institutions that were established are really the high institutions that are running everything today. They're still the ones that are in play. But they haven't changed at all, the world's changed a lot. But they're still operating things as they did in that era. CIA, FBI, United Nations, NATO, all of these institutions that created the prosperity that was possible. After World War Two are still here. Chances are in the crisis period, a lot of those will get obliterated, and new things will be put into place, and everybody will bow down to the new world or new institutions. Sure, Unknown Speaker every knee will bow Speaker 2 and then things will be pretty good. The authors do are careful to note that it's not the highest not a high for everybody. There are people who the highs are high for some people because they subjugated other people to be able to be in a high and so it's not a everybody is everything's great all the time when things are happening, but it is for the most part as far as the greater culture. The majority of the people are in that in this cycle, and it repeats itself. It's kind of that concept. You probably heard it the this is a this is a classic Wild at Heart Conference quote. But it's kind of it's honestly kind of their point of of hard times make strong men strong men make good times good times make weak men weak men make bad times. Bad times. Make strong men trying to make good Speaker 1 researcher that's a you've been to one to many men's conferences. Yeah. Speaker 2 And that's essentially the concept here is that the things that happen in the world are pretty cyclical. I'm Speaker 1 just a weak little man just a weak weak little boy. But Unknown Speaker anyways, we can leave it with this the interview the guy did an interview with Tony Robbins Speaker 1 we're gonna leave it here. So the guy was doing an interview with Oprah you're like come on Unknown Speaker it Tony Robbins came out and he was like oh my god these guys did the 40 Unknown Speaker sounds at all can you do Unknown Speaker he sounds like he smoked his whole life but didn't smoke Speaker 3 Yeah, it's it's definitely a low it's a little it's a little raspy. Kind of low hold on kind of low and rest. Unknown Speaker The rest I don't know what accent he has like Unknown Speaker it's almost our Manian kinda Speaker 1 know guys a little I guess a little close anyway. Or Tony Robbins say? Unknown Speaker So he talked about he talked about Speaker 1 on Audible. This is real. His money book or whatever. Yeah, I'll read that. As long as you're not long. It was like 20 hours. 21 hours, bro. I was like, I don't need to make money. Speaker 1 If I spent all 21 of those hours learning a new skill I spent all those 21 hours instead of listening to Tony Robbins stupid book, if I spent all 21 hours breaking into cars at the movie theater parking lot by my house and stealing their stuff and reselling or Amazon much money, Unknown Speaker if I've spent all 21 of those hours paying 21 rental properties, Speaker 1 bro, okay, I see you see the podcast clip? Golly, man, it's one of the barstool people. It's a girl. And she's saying, she says, If a guy has time in his 20s to take me out on dates, then he's a loser. Yeah. And you're like, Speaker 2 yeah, a guy should not have time for you in his 20s. Yeah, that's her point. That's crazy. Speaker 1 Yeah, I sent it to Ray. And I was like, This is why I hang out with you. I'm busy listening to Tony Robbins. Unknown Speaker Busy succeeding over. Speaker 1 It's just me. Just just sit Unknown Speaker cross legged at Starbucks. With with a Strat to your Speaker 1 group that's on the floor of a long straw. Speaker 1 Actually, I listened to Tony Robbins book in one year. And then the other book I listened to Grant Cardone. Oh, god, oh, my gosh, this is so bad. That was so so yeah. Robbins, Speaker 2 Tony Robbins was talking to him about all these generations. And one of the main points that the authors of this book make is that the reason why things get so bad so often Yeah, is because we we do things in these turnings that are not first turning or third turning actions. And Tony drew the example of saying that one of the biggest moments for the human race was when we figured out seasons was because we figured out that we should not try to reap a harvest in the winter, we should try to plant seeds in the middle of the summer. Because people were doing that for many years. And they couldn't figure out why it wasn't working. Right? When they figured out seasons, it opened up a whole new world for us. And so their point is that we need to recognize these patterns and be able to see what part of the pattern weren't in and play to that pattern and not just play act like everything's the high sure and act like everything's great because in reality, it's not. We need to plan for whatever phase we're in. Maybe we're maybe we're planting for a harvest in the high that's going to be 40 years from now. Speaker 1 Well, I guess it's good that like the crisis is almost over. It is kind of like the rest of our life gonna be all right. Unknown Speaker Yeah. I mean, it's true. If we can serve your little Speaker 1 baby listen to this. Sorry, to Speaker 2 your your your childhood is gonna be pretty rough. Yeah. But maybe a week little man, you're gonna make some art. You're gonna make some good artists, some good little drawings, art, and then your kids are going to your kids are going to be crazy or rise up. Yeah, there's gonna be the world's gonna unravel around your eyes. And then you're gonna die whenever everything else was as bad as it was when you report Speaker 2 it was bound to start it is going to be bad when it ends. I'm sorry about that. That's, Speaker 1 that's why I'm saying if you're born like 1940, and you died last year. Unknown Speaker That's rough. That's a rough. That's Unknown Speaker a rough why? Speaker 2 But honestly, though, like you didn't have to, honestly, that might be the best scenario because you didn't have to do to do it when it was bad. And now and then you're old enough to where you don't have to deal with it. What was bad. Speaker 1 I was my grandma's. She was born at 35. Yeah, she's still around. She's still kicking. Yeah, it's not her problem anymore. Speaker 2 Yeah. So she got to live the prime of her life and the world was Yeah, her house at $21,000. That's bonkers. Because for her. Yeah. So Unknown Speaker I bought it for 21,000. Last year. She doesn't know. She doesn't know how How's 1000 for this? I said, let's call it can you Unknown Speaker drive it off the off? Yeah. Unknown Speaker So you drive it off the law? Speaker 2 I'll give you 16,000 For this house. Yeah, that's fair. That seems Speaker 1 to try to buy a car this week. And I was like, let's just see what I can swing for. Elizabeth for 26. Nine. And I said, would you take 21? Do it. No. Would you take for no one I said, I said okay. I'd ask. I've walked in. She goes 26 Nine. And then so we didn't say different number. A different number is about 23. Five. Speaker 2 She said she said 26 nine and then I said oh that was Colin should do. Is that supposed to be your fault? You don't have to do that. Oh, Does your shirt pull your shirt down? Speaker 1 Tom, it was about you tubers. Oh my gosh. Sorry, Tim. Unknown Speaker Oh my gosh. Anyways, long story short. Speaker 1 I'm in my prime right now. I'm in my high time right now, if you will. Speaker 2 Long story short, yeah. The conspiracy theories to tell you that these people predicted that we're about to go into World War Three Yes, odds are we are, but they didn't predict it. And it's not guaranteed we might not we might be done, we might be going through a period where we're going to build up our institutions. One thing I'll say that's really interesting is when I was in Bible school, I did not get credentialed by the Ag because I did not trust the institution. And I did not want to tie myself that closely to the institution. Because I came up in unravelling when institutions weren't trusted. I have recently, within the past year or so, started leaving institutions. I think you and I have had these conversations where I'm like, You know what, I think institutions are important. And I think we do need to bring some order into the world and people need to put some more trust in institutions. And that's just kind of happened. Speaker 1 Yeah, Tim came in the office one day and said, We should rule over our neighbors. And now he's trying to frame that like, put this man walked in the door, I was wearing a fur coat down to the floor. I Unknown Speaker said, like, jumpsuit, Speaker 1 he said, Let's take control of our dominion. I was like, What are you talking? Unknown Speaker What's that? What's that Pax Romana, Unknown Speaker she comes in wearing his fur coat. He's goes Unknown Speaker I'm the hero. Stop. It took me so long to figure out what to do. Speaker 1 YouTube comment, we could talk about it. There's a YouTube comment that said, Hey, you don't have to keep pulling your shirt down. You could delete this. Yeah, read it. Well, let me delete it. He goes, You can believe whatever you read it. You don't. You don't have to be pulling your shirt down. It's okay to have a little bit of belly. And listen, the YouTube comments are not kind to me. Yeah. And they're usually about me. They're like, Oh, yeah, the big guy. Yeah. Right. And I was like, well, that sucks. I watched the clip. And I didn't touch my shirt once. That's about Tim. Yeah. Speaker 2 Shame to have a little belly. I'm not ashamed of my little belly. Speaker 1 So he comes in one day for coat down to the ground, pulling on his shirt. And he's goes, we need to rule over Kansas City. Yeah, they will bow to us. Speaker 2 How do you think we take over power? What are the crisis? We all that's kind of that'd be Unknown Speaker a crisis. That's a that's a cool like, slogan. That's a good album. Unknown Speaker You want to start a call? Well, I was thinking a call. It's like that was the cold slogan. So we are the crisis. You Speaker 1 believe in institutions in a way that's like what you're like, we should make banks still around. What do you what do you mean, you know, it's not banks? I think I think it's, it's important to have oversight, because here's the people. Here's a Speaker 2 great example. There's an episode. I don't remember what episode I know, we shot it. I remember, I vividly remember in your apartment that we did, where we were talking, I think about AI or something like that. Maybe it was one of it made his neural link. Because I was saying at the time, i strongly believed that crowdsource wisdom was better than like, refined academic, like academia coming in. And I have changed my opinion on that. Yeah, I don't think I think that a lot of the things that have happened recently as a Bitcoin, do you think about Bitcoin? It could have been, but yeah, now now i don't i don't see things that way. I think that the Wikipedia model of doing things, yeah, is not the best way you need peer review. You need a control system to say, yeah, that's accurate. That's not accurate. That's an okay thing to say, that's not an okay thing to say, Sure. Here's the rules. And we're gonna enforce them and make sure you follow them. Because that's how you have an orderly society that doesn't crumble and people Speaker 1 will go outside the box. Yeah, but not that far outside the box. You don't gotta think into a different realm, a different circle. Speaker 2 And I think it's like, I think there, I think there's, I think there's room for that. Yeah, but I don't think you publish that. I think you think that oh, yeah, but I don't think you got published it. First. You gotta, you gotta like test and justify it. And you gotta have people who can agree with you and prove be like, Yeah, you're right. You don't get to just go tweet and needles on the internet affects the generation stuff at all. I'm sure it does. I'm sure it does. But I think that do you think Speaker 1 my theory is that we would almost accelerate it that instead of 80 years, we will be doing this every every 30 years? Speaker 2 You know, it's possible. But I think I think I think more than anything, it's just kind of moved that. I mean, to use a word that was used when Twitter was bought a lot. It's moved that kind of marketplace, like city center thing. Yeah, to the internet. And so like it's still engaging. Still doing the same thing that was happening before I saw this thing. On tick tock today a guy was talking about third place. Have you seen that? Have you heard of this? Yeah. Like you have to have. Speaker 1 Starbucks is that's what their slogan is, is nurses won't be a third place. Speaker 2 Yeah. If you haven't heard of it, basically, the concept is that your third, your first place is your home. Your second place is your place of work. Your third place is your place of community. And for a lot of people, that's churches, maybe a cafe or a coffee shop, that they go to a lot. Or whatever, a bar, a club that like it's Speaker 1 the Internet became the third place. Yeah. And so whenever you like, you know, a lot of kids end up isolating in their rooms as an attempt to find the third place. I saw that video. I saw a video like that in the context of Well, we made we made it illegal for kids to hang out anywhere. Yeah, yeah. So kids don't have a third place outside of the internet. Speaker 2 Interesting. Yeah. And that's, that's the problem. The Internet is a lot of people thought the internet was gonna be our new third place. And so all the third places closed down. Yeah, there's so many churches, so many restaurants and bars and things like that. Yeah. But the internet has not been able to replicate what third place has done for people. Yep. So but it maybe or maybe it has done all the worst sides of the third place, though. Like it? It's yeah, I don't know. Anyway. But yeah, anyways, long story short, I felt my opinion change on that. And just organically through watching the world do what the world has done through this fourth turning. I've been like, you know what, maybe institutions aren't that bad of a thing? Yeah, I was very against them when I was younger. And now I'm, I would say I'm leading pro institution. It's interesting. Yeah. Speaker 1 So we as the heroes have to face a crisis head on. Yeah. You know, let's say the banks really screw us over. Yeah. What do you suggest that we do? To fight back? Speaker 2 I think that the obvious thing that I think any hero would realize in that situation is everybody get on a bus Unknown Speaker okay. Speaker 2 All the heroes if you're not a hero, don't get on the buses bus for heroes only the hero bus destination Georgia. We're gonna put a lot of Speaker 2 things out there last night is a production of space Tim medium produced by Christian Taylor audio by Alex Garnett video by Connor Betts. Our graphics and our logo by Caleb Goldberg and our social media is run by Caleb Walker. Our hosts are Jeremiah and Tim stone. Follow us on your favorite social media platform at tilam podcast is Ti ll en podcast. Remember to tell all your friends about us, and we'll see you next Tuesday for another episode of things I learned last night. Transcribed by https://otter.ai