Russ George – The Oceans Savior or Greatest Enemy


Episode Transcription

Made by robots for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey Man, what's going on? Man? Oh, not much. Hate that you've decided. That's our intro. Like you, you act like we have to do that. We do when you're the one who says how's it going? You could just say hey man and then I would move on. But you say how's it going, I feel like I have to answer me to respond to hey man with hey man, hey man, a man. Yeah, it's like when the pastor says hey man, everybody else has to say hey man. Also, is that how you and yeah, thank you for our daily bread. Hey Man, I wonder why there's no Hayman, like scarecrows up in the church I've been. I figured it made sense, so you went with okay, it took me a second to see where you were going. He said, hey man. Yeah, if you're listening, just skip this one. I'm blessing your decision by giving you the case of Rido and canned Bob last that's how I knew this is what I was supposed to be doing. Right. I feel really bad when I go to olive garden. I make that waiter stand there for a good fifteen minutes, you know, and I make them earn their tip every day, I come out and the first thing I do is I walk over their aunt hill. I get really close. I'm like God, can't hear you here? Things I learned last night. Have you ever heard of Russ George? Russ George. Yeah, okay. Also, you might know him as uh, uh, Darcy Russell George. On Darcy Russell George? No, I don't think so. Okay. So, Russ George. He's an environmentalist, has been working in the industry for a long time, in the environment industry. Yeah, okay. Yeah, he's been building environments that will last a lifetime. That's slogan, his personal slogan, Um, building environments that will last a lifetime. Of the planet, hopefully it's a long lifetime. Has Part of that. He didn't put a lot of thought into what environmentalists do. Like what's the office like? Yeah, they come in and they say how's the planet look? And they're like, I don't know, it's still pretty bad. I don't know, Darcy, and he's like us, Russ, I don't understand what they Russell George, why are we talking about this person? So He's an environmentalist who has um a pretty crazy idea. Uh, and it's garnered a lot of attention. Uh, and and it leads to it's a really interesting it's a it's a crazy story that involves uh Um, uh, the ocean, uh, native tribe, Bolands, the Swat team, uh and Um Rust Uh. It's rusty like, yeah, like when you leave your bike out and back out back. Yea, come back and your bike is rusty. Your bike's all rusty. It's more like when you leave your bike inside and your parents move it out back because didn't have enough room inside. Um, and then you come back and it's all rusty. And then you come back from college expecting to ride your childhood bike. Yeah, my hog, e. of course I did. Oh, yeah, my hog. Well, my mom goose, of course I did. Yeah, it was exactly, of course. Yeah, with the pigs. Yeah, the pigs were rusted on. My trusty plastic helmet. Get out there. You just say that for well, this is a true story. I came home and my hog was busted over. I wanted to bring it back home with me. My life wouldn't let me. She was like you can't keep that. You know, your wife's not gonna put up with the Rusty Hog. You know's like no, rustyns in this house. So why did you tell this story? We're talking about Rust Oh my God, speaking to rust Rusty, George. Uh. So, here's here's does he go by rusty? He goes by Russ. Russ, but he should. It makes a lot more sense with what he was to do. So Russ, George. H He uh started highlighting in the early two thousand's this theory that he had to solve the climate crisis, specifically the carbon count in the atmosphere. Okay, and so this theory. To explain it, we gotta start with, UH, plankton. Yes, I'm with you. So plan to do this thing where they where they there's a competitive restaurant across the street and they're like must get the secret formula right. And so, yeah, you get it. You're right on track. Spend their whole lives trying to get the formula. So Plankton. They hang out, Um, in these big old pods of Plankton's Um, plank del plank deons hang out in pods. Yeah, I think the word onto them was called blooms. They're like little microscopic they're almost like bugs in the water. Um, very, very primitive life forms. Um and they feed on carbon molecules and then when they release Uh methane, uh, and it was a natural forever. Um, they had helped keep plankton pretty much single handedly had helped keep the carbon count in the atmosphere really low, because what would happen is they would take the carbon, you know, whatever they do with it, and then, uh, there was this process that was really interesting with plankton. Obviously they got rid of in they replaced it with nothing. But when plankton would die, UM, some of them would stay up near the surface and then rerelease the carbon, our carbone, car carbon that they hadn't digested yet. Um, but most of them would sink to the ocean floor and there's a certain point in the ocean where if they sunk past that point, then that carbon was considered gone forever because they got so far that it was never going to go back up to the okay, I'm confused on what I'm confused saying. Yeah, so here, here, let's do this example as if it was it was me, if I was out in the ocean, swimming in the ocean, deep see, swimming, deep sea swimming, uh, and I had a burger. Normally, if I died right there. If I drowned and I stayed near the surface, then eventually I decomposed and that Burger would float back into the atmosphere and be a part of the Burger problem we have in the atmosphere to day. Everybody knows Burger Count Way too high. Um. But if I sunk too far down, if that Burger is never going back to the atmosphere, sink plank and so the carbon that they emit when they die close Um. So the plankton would sink to the bottom of the ocean. They take the carbon with them and then that there's a a layer of carbon at the bottom of the ocean that has been there for millions of years and this process has been happening over and over and over again. Um. So there's just tons of carbon down there that the natural order has eliminated from circulation in the atmosphere, which has been a great thing for the planet. Well the last hundred or so years. When industrialization happened and we figured out, oh, Hey, we can get that, we started going back down there and bringing this carbon back into circulation and using it for fuel and which was putting it back into the atmosphere and so this natural process that was keeping carbon out of the atmosphere, we were interrupting and pulling that carbon that had been supposed to be gone forever, based by the way the natural ecosystem figured it out. Um, we we broke it and we were like, Hey, put it back up there. This is great, we can get it out and put it back up with this guy who cares. Uh, this guy cared, and it's break. It's falling apart at the seams because of us. Um, and so russ is like, I think I can solve this problem. Um, so this is contributing to the global warming. Yes, yeah, so the carbon count is a the carbon the carbon count in the atmosphere is a major cup part of the global warming issue, because what what happened is, uh, the more carbon in the atmosphere, the more the atmosphere warms, and so the carbon coming out of the atmosphere and getting stuck at the Botom of the ocean meant that it stayed cool, which created an environment that was possible. There was a natural process that was doing that for Millennia. Yeah, we interrupted that process by using that carbon as fuel, as fuel, and we're not shooting plankton back into the ocean exactly. And so so he's like, Russ is, just buy a bunch of plankton. Russ is, where do you buy a plankton? There's a little kiosk in the mall in the middle of it in palace. Yeah, UH, no. So, uh. The Russ's point was like when we go farm, if we're farming in the fields somewhere, uh, we take care of the earth, we take care of the soil because we realize, like, if we don't replace the nutrients that we're taking from the soil, then eventually it's going to dry up. Is that what happened? We did that one man episode about that desert in Maine where the farmers didn't take care of it and it turned it into a desert and now it can't bear any fruit. Um, it's the same concept, except for we're taking, taking, taking, taking, taking from the ocean and we're not replenishing what we're taking from it. And so we're taking. The ocean is gonna rise. I'll tell you what, Poseidon will get his revenge. Poseidon and his plankton army, posidons plankton platoon. And so Russ's point, Russ is like we need to WHO IS RUSS? WHY IS RUSS? George a environment I'm saying, like, who? Who is he to to say he's a Merman? All right, thank you. He's a scientist, I'm saying, like anybody, because he can. People just can scientists just tweet stuff and be like we should? Anybody could just tweet stuff. Well, I'm saying, like, but would that count as official work? Where they're just like I think we should put more planked in the ocean, and someone's like, well, scientists are saying we should put more plankt in the ocean. Well, I think. I think what a scientist would do is write a paper, give it peer reviewed and published in a scientific journal and then go on a speaking tour, get some funding and then start doing it. That's not how all the youtubers I watched you stuff. That's not the people I get my news from. So so, he started campaigning this in early two thousand's, okay, saying hey, we need to we need to fertilize the oceans and treat he called me, to treat the oceans the way we treat the soil. Yeah, he said. He said we need to take care of the ocean. Pastures like we take of the land pastures. Um, and he says we're doing all this damage to them and we're not replacing the right there Pacific pastors. Uh, he's we need to pasteurize the Pacific pastors, please, when he pastors to pray for this. We need our pastors to pray for the pasteurization of the Pacific pastors praying. It's why I started the organization, praying pastors for the pasteurization of the Pacific pasture. You know, it's a mouthful, but you know it's God's work. So it is Um so, uh so, Uh Russ. Is The way he, Russ, wants to pull this off is he says that you mentioned it earlier. Killed the plague to get rid of the boom of the oceans. Uh No. So what Russ Russ proposed is that Um one of the UH, there's a few pieces to a healthy plankton diet. Carbon is one of them. We've got a lot of carbon right now, so obviously they're they're getting found on carbon. Another important piece is iron, which there's a deficiency in the oceans right now of iron. The way rest wants to pull this off, as he says, we'll fertilize the ocean with iron. And so we'll sprinkle some iron into the ocean, let the plankton eat that. That will give them the nutrients they need to reproduce a bunch and then we'll have a surplus of plankton that can then die and take the carbon down to the bottom of the ocean with them when they die. And so basically he's like, we need to put enough dead plankton down that more dead plankton down than then we're then we're taking out okay, to solve this carbon issue, Um, which is a decent theory. Uh. And so he started campaigning this, traveling around, Um, as you do. Yeah, looking for funding to go actually conversations with strangers. Yea, Um, good question. Quick Question. What do you know about plankton? Yeah, what do you think about dumping iron in the ocean? Yeah, I see you an iron man Tattoo, uh, like you know, like the dudes that come in that have like the iron man, like race, like the it's like the dot about, like you run, really, you run and yeah, yeah, run and bike and sweat, not the Superman. That's what I was trying to say. Yeah, I thought your people had iron man tattoos? Huh. No, they did too, but did they? Yeah, I don't know if iron man the race was out in two thousand either. I think that was a two thousand tents thing. No, no, look it up. Iron man like the race, like the iron man races. Yeah, oh well, I was way off. Wow, you said so confident to two tens things. I didn't hear about it until then, so it didn't happen. Okay, it's not really until I hear about it, so that's fair. So he was going around doing all these speeches, Um, and making these plans to go try this, Um, and then he started selling. Uh. What he did was kind of clever. He started selling carbon credits, uh, to private individuals. And so do you know what carbon credits are? So, carbon credits are things that nations can purchase. Um, it's an environmental thing, basically. UH, nations can purchase x amount of carbon credits to make an impact in the carbon crisis by funding some other nation to make an impact in their nation. And the idea for it is for nations who do not have the means to do it themselves or do not have the physical space or resources within their country, to actually make an impact. So these are things like planning trees um or or lowering emissions. Like if a nation doesn't have the ability themselves to do those things, that can buy carbon credits to be like hey, we're we're approaching that carbon neutrality and we're working towards it, and so we get credit for it because funding it, but we can't do it ourselves within our board. What was the credit like? What I want to I want to go to know that we did this. Essentially, it's it's it's like if some people can be like well, Sweden is not doing anything, and Sweden's like well, hold on, look at our carbon credits or whatever, Swedish acts and sounds like that's pretty accurate. It's and they're like uh, yeah, I don't actually want to do anything, but I want the credit for it. It's like in high school when my youth group we, uh, we all banded together and we gave I want to say it was six thousand dollars to be the light and they gave us this little silver plaque to say we gave six thousand dollars to be the light, but really Patrick's parents gave five grand and you and the and we got this plaque that proved how good we were as people. I guess yeah, because I had a dollar on it. It's the same thing carbon credits. Just say how much money you spent on planning trees and stuff, and it's some other country. Hey, thanks for checking out this episode. We love our listeners a lot and one way that you can let us know you're here is by leaving a podcast review. Maybe that's a five star thing in the apple podcast at. Maybe you listen on spotify or, if you're watching on youtube, leave a comment. We do read all the comments and reviews. We just love knowing what you think about this show. Also, if you haven't yet, go check out some of our other episodes. My current favorite is the identical strangers episode. It's three brothers or triplets, who were separated at birth, unbeknownst to them or their parents, as part of a really weird experiment. So, uh, there's a lot of really fun stuff we talked about in an episode, but thank you for checking this out. Now back to this one. But what he did is he started selling these carbon country carbon credits to private individuals Um for five to fifteen bucks, and so you can buy a carbon credit and no, Oh hey, this is going towards making more plankton to solve this carbon crisis. And so, if you so, I mean it was essentially donating to them Os, but since he wasn't five, one, three C he couldn't take donors. And so he started, how allowing people to purchase these carbon credits so that way he could then fund with this mission, Um, as a scientist. Uh, and so he had a couple of decent sized backers and then he met Uh this native population uh called the man. I'm gonna burcher this, the Hida. You butchered the butcher. I'm gonna burcher this, the Heida tribe, h a I D A, which is a tried in Uh uh British Columbia. Um, and UH partner with the partnered with then uh to go do this. So they started studying the impact of what would happen if they did it and made sure it was safe to do it, and then one day they sailed out into the ocean and they sprinkled three tons of iron into the ocean and they just kind of drove around over and I shouldn't say one day, it was over the course of a couple of weeks. They went around with a little salt shakers and they were just like I like the cracked pepper better. Or they're just guys like say win, yeah, cheese getter at alive garden. They're standing over there. It's just the boat. I do feel. I feel really bad when I go to olive garden. I make that waiter stand there for a good fifteen minutes, you know, and I make them earn their tip, you know, and they just sit there and they are I'm gonna have to get a reload. Yeah, Dude. I saw one olive garden uh, employee, like a a server there, had to buy special shirts, you know, because one arm Jack. All right, they are so small, you know, and I was like switch hand sometimes, you know, you don't have to always. You don't got to do that. It's that same hand. Uh. Yeah. So they went around, they peppered the ocean with Iron Um, uh, and then they came act and they were excited about it, ready and waiting to collect that data and they dropped a bunch of probes down there to see see if it works, to see if, like all the plankton started coming and what they were doing with the carbon Um and things like that. And while they were collecting this data, all of a sudden one day, uh, the Canadian Swat team just busted into their lab and destroyed all their machines, destroyed all their hard drives, uh, and arrested a few of them. Uh. For what? For trying to save the planet? UH, because the oil barons don't want them. Is this real to do? No, this is a real story. This is your this is your conspiracy theory of mind talking right now. No, uh, this is where, this is where, uh, the story needs to pivot. Um, here's what's interesting. So I watched this video. UH, in prep for this, I watched an animated clip. I watched this video, and here's the deal. This wasn't the SWAT team. These were aliens. Uh, I'm kidding. No, it's I watched this video as it came out only a couple of days ago, as this video is an interview with Russ George telling this story about how he came up with this idea and about, Um, them doing these experiments. All this still. Yeah, this was probably two when this happened. Um, and and then he talked about how the Canadian spat team, he is the biggest swat operation in Canadian history. And they came and they shut him down. Um, and he said he he thinks it's because there's some corporation that had an interest in this. and Um, as happens often do, then came. They kicked the right and they're riding there. They're Moosin right over to the the where were they at? The British Columbia, right, and they kicked down the door. They don't kick down the door, they knock the sorry about this. Uh, sorry, and you can. You can't do this anymore. and Um, if you keep doing it, bad things are gonna happen. Yeah, Hey, does your hard drive? We need to destroy them. We need to throw those in the ocean with the iron you threw out there. and Um, we'd really appreciate it if you stop. That's pretty accurate. Um, I don't know. Uh. What he said was that there there must be some corporation that has a vested interest in this, that doesn't want US doing what we're doing, and so they got the government to shut us. Of course that's conspiracy. One, Oh one, though. Yeah, and so I watched this video and I was like, Oh, this is an interesting story. I want to know more about this. Um, what corporation you think is behind it? I don't know. McDonald's, for some reason. I knew you were going to say that for some reason. So, uh, so, uh. So. Then I went back on and did some more research on this story. Obviously, so rust George. His occupation on Wikipedia is for store of Ecosystems Nice. Uh. He's started uh dozens of businesses. Um. Uh. Let's take a look at a couple of the more famous ones that he started. Uh. Clima is one of them. Uh. This is a company that is UH solving the carbon crisis by planting trees. Um. One thing that Um did, and was famous for doing, was selling carbon credits to people, uh, to fund the planting of trees. So you could buy a carbon credit and that would they would plant a tree somewhere in your honor because you purchased a carbon credit, and just like where you would like. You didn't buy somebody birthday gift. So you're like, I got you a star. You know, I hate that. You know what I mean. People own that star, alright, first of all, and then like am I dumb for that? Anyway? Yeah, I mean, let's be honest, like your if my girlfriend bought my cat a star. That's a real thing that I had to say world. But your girlfriend didn't buy a catastor. She bought a plaque that said you on the stock. It wasn't even a plaque. It's a piece of paper, all right, she printed out at office depot. All right, at least. Yeah, yeah, I mean, Oh, yeah, she didn't know. Dude, like, I'm not trying to talk bad about her. I'm not saying that I'm taking the gift for granted. All right, you know, she gave me a good card stock. You know, my cat owns that star. So solem, you could pay to buy this carbon credit and then they would plant in your honor right and you'd be like, you're saving where. When you die, you turn into a tree. You heard that? No, they didn't do that. You've heard of that? I've heard of that. Yeah, what do you what do you want to happen to you when you die? Do you know, like, do you want to be? I don't think I've ever asked you this. I'm of what I wanted to happen to you when you die. I figured we're just throw you over a boat in the ocean see what happens. I haven't thought about a lot. Have you thought about it? Um, you know, I mean I just figured I'd just get buried. I mean, I guess so. I don't know. I figured I'd figured that out when I was closer to death, you know. Yeah, speaking of death, uh, check out our patriarch. I thought I thought you were gonna pivot of death. We've been working on this landscaping project. I don't start by saying you didn't find a body in the yard. I wish there was a landscaping in my yard lately. Oh yeah, I guess the neighbors see you digging a hole in their backyard. Is that where you're going? Know, what I was saying was we started this like first week of March. We've been doing this for like four months straight and I just realized something as like I was digging up my like nineteenth ant hill of this season. Um, because we were putting and we've put in probably seven like flower beds. It's so much spark digging and moving and pulling stuff. Um, I put it in a pool where I live. You didn't. It hasn't been open for my my apartment complex, they haven't opened their pool. So I dug one, dug a hole, fill it up, dug it in my living room. I dug into the ground in my living room. So you've been digging flower things. Yeah, so I've been digging it and I just I realized something this weekend. I was like, I was like, I told this to my wife and she was like, you're an insane person for thinking like this, but I was like, I was like, here's the thing. I was like, there is an entire generation of bugs who all they've known is upheaval, all they've known is us just destroying their lands and then they migrate to the next plot of dirt over and then we come and we destroy their land. and honestly, because bugs live what six to eight weeks? So this has been two generations. There's now a generation great great great parents and them there's that generation who has had children and their children have had children and all they've ever seen is just bloodshed and destruction and they are just ripping apart around them Um and it's just, I don't know, it's just kind of fascinating. Every night they cry out God, when will you smite our enemies? And every day I just every day, I every day I come out and the first thing I do is I walk over their aunt hill and I get really close and I'm like, God, Kid, hear you here. I do think it's evil when people pour the you've seen the like that hot? Yeah, no, not water, but like the silver. Oh God, yeah, Yikes, I don't isn't that like bad for the environment? No, no, no, no, what am I talking about? You know what I'm talking about, where it like hardens and then that up and now you've got the no, yeah, we're just we're just putting in bushes, but even still, it's like they had this whole ecosystem in place, because there was old plants there that we ripped out and we dug out all the mulish. We're putting in rocks and stuff like. Weird that sometimes we feel bad for bugs and then other times we don't. Like I have no problem killing wasps. I sprayed them and then I watched as they like. This was the weirdest. A little a little caterpillar. I felt I felt genuinely bad for a group of bees in the middle of this project, because I don't know if this is normal, but there was like a bunch of storms and I think they put a hive. We dug a hole and we hadn't filled it yet and I think they dug into that hole and put a hive in that hole, because we just kept singing, flying and out of this opening on the side of the hole, Um, and it honestly didn't bother me. I was just working around them and letting them do their thing. But bree was like I can't work like this because she she's like, I don't know if I'm allergic, and I was like well, I we can find out pretty easy. Doesn't mean she's never been stung by a B before, so she doesn't know I've been stung, um, but she's she's allergic to a few other things, like pretty allergic to a few other things, so that means she could be. Yeah, but we so like, I'm like, we could just get you stung and find out, um. But anyways, so long a story short, she was like I can't be around this. So eventually I just plugged the hole. I just threw some dirt and it plutted that hole and I was like, okay, we're fine. They can't get out. Um. Well, then all the bees that weren't in there started panicking because I guess the queen must have been trapped in there. And, I kid you not, this was the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my life. These bees came back to that hole where I plugged it with dirt and they landed and with their little bee hands were digging, trying to dig through that with their tiny little little bee hands, and it was the saddest thing I've ever seen in my life, like all these bees frantically trying to dig through this dirt to get their queen out, and I was just like and I was just like I don't have that kind of passion for anything. You know. It was this saddest thing to watch these creatures be so passionate about a directive and I was like wow, I have no motivation anything like that much. That's what was the saddest part. I told her, I was like, I feel like we need to save him, and she was like, well, we're gonna have to, like, we're gonna put something in that hole eventually. We're gonna plan a Bush in there eventually, and so we just let him dig for a while until eventually they gave up. They came back for weeks trying to dig in there it was pretty sad. But there's a whole generation of bugs. That's all they've ever known in my property, to generations, my father and my father's father and my father's father before him. The world is a dangerous and what they want to happen to you after you die? They're gonna want me to get buried on. We've had some ideas. You think bees are vengeful? Son Tangent. I don't know how we got there. I don't know how we get back either. So Russ he's got this business called UH and they've been selling these carbon credits and he's famous before uh. Well, he got famous, I think, in two thousand seven for selling thousands of these carbon credits to the Vatican Um, because the Vatican was like we want to be carbon neutral and probably the easiest way we know how to do this is to plant a forest in the Vatican Um. And so he was like, Hey, I do that. Um. You want to buy thousands of carbon carbon credits and wool plant the Vatican forest? And they were like yeah, and so they did that and they're just like this press thing. So they did that. There's this big press thing like him handing them the carbon credit. I Vatican, you know, and the Vatican. Hey, thanks again for this me, this episode. If you like our show, make sure you follow us on social at tilling podcast or some suscribe anywhere where you're listening to right now, whether that's Youtube, spotify or apple podcast, whatever it is. And if you want more, we do have a patreon you can support us on. In there you get all sorts of perks like add three episodes, early access to our content and even a discord with our hosts and producers. So We'd love for you to check that out. All you gotta do is text till into six, six, six, six. That's till into six, six, six, six. But thanks again for checking us out. Uh. So, uh gave them these carbon credits. Um, here's the thing. Forest never got planned. Uh, and that's what the kids call fraud. And Uh repped from the Vatican. I watched an interview rep from the Vatican was like, uh, yeah, I guess we got scanned there, didn't we? At the field where they're supposed to be. This Vatican, for us, is literally still just a field. So that's Bevanadians Swat teamed him. Yeah, so this guy, he's got a history of having these businesses, these environmental businesses, where he sells these carbon credits to people and does nothing with them. So it's just a scam. Well, here's the thing, though. He did do this rust into the ocean thing. No, you don't know that, by the ocean. Yeah, there's video of it. He took video and he reallysed, but it's like, what are they putting in there? IRON IS PAPRIKA? That's what I'm saying. You know who. That's what I'm saying. Like an environmentalist? Anybody can pretend to be one. Well, here's the thing. People started looking back at his credentials. He dropped out his Sophomore Year of college. He has no degree. Um, his his one of his previous business like a genius or like am I like, here's the thing. I think a lot of people are dumb. You know, does that? I just yeah, you're telling me the story and I immediately to talk about carbon credits, like that's first of all made up. It's a real thing. That's what governments do. But as soon as he's selling it to private people, you know, as soon as he's selling it to the guy in starbus with an Ironman Tattoo, I go this is this is a scam. So he had a he had a company. You can buy one on our website, DOT com. Slash Carbon Credit. He had a company called uh, Um, leaner, Leonard, Leonard Leaner. Um. It was called low energy nuclear reactions, UM, and basically they look like little dishwasher units that were nuclear power units and they would do small nuclear reactions. You can have a company for anything. Dude made up they would do small nuclear it was a nuclear bomb and supposed to be a small nuclear bomb that was going to give you energy and power your home. I think they're actually just heaters. They're space heaters. Is what he advertised. And he was like yeah, you could buy this. And he's like dishes, if you get too close it will burn your skin. Um. Yeah, yeah, if you get too close, your leg's gonna Swell up real big. Sleep it off, it'll shrink. Uh, and then Uh. The most peculiar thing in the scenario is uh, every time someone was asking for his research on what was going on with these plankton and how he knew that this stuff was gonna work, Um, he was like, Oh, it's it's very secret. It's like early, like I can't share that with you. And so so like they want to share it, like you want to share anything, Um. And so a lot of scientists started an actual environment that started like sounding some alarm bells and we're like, don't let this guy do this, like, like we do know that iron would explode the plankton population doing this, he said, and we do know that. What happen is they would consume a lot of carbon and they would take it within too the bottom. Here's the thing, the thing, what we don't know is what would happen when we don't trust that guy. They were like, well, we don't know what happened is when the rest of the ocean gets their hands on that iron. Um. There's other life in the ocean and we don't know what's gonna what's gonna do to the rest of the ecosystem. We also are pretty sure that flooding an ecosystem was one type of life is usually bad for it, um, and so it's like we're going to overwhelm the population with plankton. That's usually going to harm the rest of the population the ocean. And so all the environmentalists, we're like, we can't do this, this is a bad idea, um, and so he tried to do it and the calopical, but it's a bad idea. It works, but McDonald's told me to say it's a bad idea. This counter idea is brought to you by pizza. Nobody Plankton's the hut. Okay, UH, put a pin in that. That is a movie idea. We need to create a movie where it's a future reality where scientists are sponsored by corporations. Wait, that's real. That's actually happening right now. They just don't say it, but we'll have them say it. We'll have them do that. What do you think that every dietary thing is is like that? The yeah, Coca Cola is paying scientists and not tell you that the sugar content in those sodas is going to definitely end you with your feet not on your body anymore. So we don't even have to pretend. We'll just we'll just have them do their speech. What a cool SCI FI story. Be a crazy science fiction story. We'll have them do their big I don't know. Ted Talk Coca Cola. Coca Cola in Evil Corporation was just full of Coca Cola. Is Not Evil and support Coca Cola. They love human brought to you by pure and Holy Coca Cola. Hail the cocoa, Hail Coca Cola. So he tried to do it in the glop of goes and you try to test covers to watch her because that's hilarious. Maybe I'm one of them, maybe I'm all of them. Every time you crack open a cold one at the game, I'm there, Geez. Uh No, uh. So he tried to do this a glop of ghost and the glop of Goos was like, no, you're not doing that here. You're in fact, you're not allowed. First of all, we sound made up, Al Right, someone asks for Our Name and we just made some sounds like the Gol up. It sounds made up, doesn't it? Hey Man, go up again. Here's the thing. All words are made up. I understand that right, but that one specifically sounds pretty far fetched. That one just sounds like some noises, many and they were like, please, don't do that here. The glapics was like, and he was like, and they were like you can't come within one FT of us, and so he got restraining order from the entire Galapicos islands and the waters around him. You were not allowed here and so. So then he tried to do it in Bermuda and Bermuda was also like no. So then what he did, and this is where the story gets sad, is he went to this Hata tribe, to tribe, I'm not sure, but he went to this tribe and this tribe. The story with them is they had always been, like most tribal people, very conscious of the environment, Um and very proud to be that. That on top of their largest industry in that tribe for as long as it had been around, is was salmon fishing Um. The majority of the people in that land worked either as a fisherman or in an industry adjacent to fishing Um. And the way that works is, I don't know how much you know about Salmon Um. Yeah, okay. So they have the rivers right in the same swimming and then at the end of the season they leave, they leave up the river and then no one knows where they go and then the next season they come back and then it's like welcome back, we're gonna eat. You go to the river, nobody knows where it goes right, and then all of a sudden it's back. You know, it catches everyone. So the fish, they leave, they come back. Well, one season they just never came back and to this day scientists have no idea why. Um, there's a lot of guesses, but they're not they don't know. Trust showed up and he was like, guys, it's the plankton. Um. And so at this point when he shows up, uh, the unemployment rate in the tribe had reached because all the jobs, there was no industry, there's no same, there's no industry, there's no yeah, there's nothing to do. And he came back saying, Hey, like, I know how to fix this, I know what the problem was. We can go one to create jobs to Um, bring the salmon back and create long term jobs. And so he creates this, I think it's called the Heida Salmon Corporation. DO SALMON EAT PLANKTON? I don't know. Okay, because that isn't about salmon. Couldn't you, Nick Ribbs? Do though, mcglankton's actually really similar, because that was MCB. What was the last time you ate to mcribb? I don't know what I ever ate the mcribb? What's that? Sam McDonald's? It's been a while. Yeah, what's that time? You Mate McDonald's. I am McDonald's. That night there we went, putt putting. Yeah, that was because the only thing open. Yeah, I probably went a few months ago. I do like their nuggets. I will say I used to do their double cheeseburger meal because you got to double cheeseburgers trying to drink. It was like bucks. I went and I grabbed that the other day and it was nine dollars and I worked it. I was like, oh my gosh. Anyways, Um, remember when we used to go when they had the deal for like five bucks or bucks, and we will go and we get like forty nuggets and a few of those mots sticks when the hand monster sticks for a little while. Sticks were so good. Yeah, dude, we remember that. The year that we started touring was the year that Taco Bell released the case a Rito and it was just like blast came out, that blast came out and it was like those times where where God says this is what you're supposed to be doing, you know, and it was like wow, dudeb blast and canned form, I'm blessing your decision by giving you the case Arito and canned Bob blast. Bro That's how I knew this was what I was supposed to be doing in my life. Yeah. So, anyway, so he's like, Hey, listen, this will bring the salmon back. Yeah, and so he gets a bunch of these people to come work as his researchers. They're not researchers. Half of them, like out of them, genuinely I haven't really ever heard of science. Um, because all they've done is salmon. All they've done is salmon fishing. They they went to a very rudimentary school and then as long as quick, as soon as they were old enough to fish, they went and started fishing and that was their life. And so, uh, so he conned him. He Yeah, he tricked these people. What? What was the aftermath of him putting all the iron in there? That's what's very interesting. Okay, uh, they estimated, this group estimated, and by this group I mean Russ George, estimated, uh, that this was gonna Bring Pink Salmon back to the area, bring about fifty million pink salmon back into the area. Um, well, it actually turned into a catch, a season catch, so the whole season catch of two million pink salmon. So it five x the return of so they did come back yeah, so he was ready. Yeah, do you think he did on purpose? He kidnapped the saving? Do you wait, that's not at all what I was saying. I was I was saying, did he just lie to them and be like this is gonna bring the salmon back and then when it did, he was like, he's like, like he didn't know what was gonna happen. You're saying that when the salmon went up the river, he was like, I got him and he just caught all the same, and it was like you're saying, one at a time as well. You're doing is if he's got a little like a butterfly net. He's catching one salmon at a time. Of Him. Huh, that's where you're saying. And then he breeded them through. He went down there and just lied, talked out of his butt and then got then just, yeah, yeah, and you're saying it's less likely. He's less likely. So it brought in five x the amount of salmon. I guess they do eat plankton. Then, apparently, I don't know what happened. Um, I'm not sure how this how this turned out the way it turned out, but it works pretty well. And now the people think that this guy's a genius. Um. Well, yeah, uh. But here's the peculiar thing about the story is this man has clearly been in a situation where, time and time again, he's lied to a lot of people and made a lot of money doing it. Um, somehow he's still like if you cry wolf your whole life and then one time a pack of wolves show up and you're like, that's what I was gonna Happen, six wolves. The good thing you guys got your wolf credits. Good thing you guys are trained in Wolverine Uh. So, uh. What's peculiar about the story is he's clearly a con man, sure, but he's still out here doing this and he's not getting in trouble for it. Um, and he's open about it. And what's even more peculiar is this youtube video I watched. This wasn't like some youtuber made this youtube video. H This was like a production. Yeah, but it worked, though. He brought the salmon back. I'm kind of serious, like, I don't understand. Well, that wasn't the goal. The goal wasn't the Salmon. The salmon was what he did. They discover did they did? Did they nothing? Nothing happened. With the plankton. Yeah, there's no data about what happened with the planks. So they didn't even research the plankton. He just done a bunch of iron and then all of a sudden there's five x the number of Salmon. Yeah, and so it's most likely unrelated. Um, okay, unless he kidnapped, it's most likely unrelated. But here's the thing. He's out here still filming these videos, trying to act like there's some big conspiracy about the swap team and everything to stop him, to stop him, when most environments are just like Hey, if you introduce that much of one into the ocean, that's going to create that's going to create other problems. Yeah, it sure will. It do the thing you say it's gonna do? Maybe, Um, but there's other things that are going to happen. Salmon. Alright, I love the galapacos before the two million salmon showed up. Dude, we're on our honeymoon in the Galapagos Islands, right, wonderful, just sprawl down on the beach, just a wonderful week and then all of a sudden, Sam one morning we woke up, we opened up the curtain in our in our room and it's just pink. As far as the shower on Salmon, coming around the shower, you're hard is to brush your teeth and Salmon. It's almost impossible, almost almost impossible. I still did it. Everything smelled so bad, Um, and they're like there's five, the usually are here. Sorry, guys. Hey, here's the thing that here's the point. Here's my point, the point I'm making. There's a lesson in all of this, and the lesson is I watched this video and after watching this video, I was convinced that this guy was a scientist who the Canadian man was after and trying to shut down Um because they had their dirty pockets and she was trying to save the planet. But upon doing just a little bit of research, I found out this is a con man Um. And the point is, uh, don't listen to the P U see on Youtube. If you hear a story on Youtube, that means if you listen to this in the podcast APP, you can believe everything because you're watching. If you're watching on Youtube, discredit not it. No, just like double check it, like, uh, I don't know, it's it's it's easy and a lot of people believe what they hear on social media and on Youtube Videos, Um, and especially this youtube video. This youtube video was it seemed like a very reputable news source, the way they edited it and made it look Um, and at the end of it I was convinced, Um, but it was a lie. Um. So Um. Yeah, there's that mcribbs coming back. You know, the only way to bringing mcgrib back just sprinkle a budge of iron on every McDonalds. Just. So, what are you doing? I'm bringing back to the back to MB fivefold. What it's gonna be was like, guys, people got it. We were giving mcribbs away. Here's too many MC ribs. We've got boxes and boxes and boxes and ribs and are at the chestnut location. What are we to do with all these? Heyways, this podcast was brought to you by the MIC RIB at McDonald's. Things on the last night is a production of space tim media, produced by Christian Taylor. Audio is edited by Alex Garnett, video by Connor Bets, social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic designed by Caleb Goldberg, our host, or Jarren Meyers and Tim Stone. Please follow us on social media at tilling podcast. THAT'S T I L O in podcast, leave a review comment, subscribe wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on the last night M

The ocean is one of the earth’s most precious resources. However, like many of the resources on earth, capitalism has not treated them well. For that very reason, Russ George has devised a plan to revitalize the ocean. His controversial theory is called Ocean Pasteurization. To replenish the ecosystem of the world’s oceans, George plans to dump iron into the … Read More

Operation High Jump – The Secret Antarctic Missions With Nukes


Episode Transcription

Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey, man, what's up? Hey, we talked about it. Uh, this is the episode. Okay, you. Yeah. So, have you ever heard of operation high jump? This is an alien thing. This is an alien thing because Ju means flying saucer. Are you joking me right now? Is this an alien thing? I mean it could be. It could be an alien yeah, it's got a joop sound and operation of the name operation what high jump? It's hard to get water boarded in an article. The water freezes so fast it's just drop. Guys, we forgot to tell an article about the world. One Colony, tender, logically advanced dwarves. How many times we gotta do your chest to give you the press flay the righteousness? Things I learned last night operation high jump, Operation High Jump or Operation Argus? I'm excited about this because she's the thing. We've done Operation Paper Clip, we've done one operation chrome dome. Now we get to add another operation to our belt, our tool belt of operations, episodes. Um. Next is operation by Hasbro Um. That's pretty funny. Thanks. So here's here's the operation high jump. Uh, let's just tell the story. Let's tell the story. We'll bury the lead. We'll tell the story and then we'll get we'll tell yeah, all right. So here's the Um isn't is it in the desert? No, it's the exact opposite of the desert. Is it in the sixties? No, go ahead. The United States military uh, put together a fresh off their World War Two victory. Yeah, they said, what are we gonna go due now? World War Two? Yeah, they had. They had an interview with Rolling Stone magazine and they say, what's next for you after that major success? I'M gonna get the world or whatever, you know. So they put together this plan. Uh, if you do it, no, you know, we'll have to we'll roll it back a little bit. Before this, there was a guy by the name of Richard e Byrd Um. You might know him more with his title Rear Admiral Richard e Byrd Um. He's a famous admiral of the United States Navy because he had done a few important things. Uh. He was one of the first military he was of all, the one of the first military operations uh, to test a transatlantic flight. That was in before World War Two, between World War One and World War Two, he flew a class to the Atlantic. Oah, and everyone's like, oh my gosh, Whoa, super cool that who did that, and he did it again. Everyone's like he already did that home, and he was like, we weren't as impressed with you already proved you could do it. It's not as cool that you just did the same thing again. You came back. So then what he did instead is that he went to the North Pole and back and everyone's like, oh my gosh, you went to the north that was crazy, like that's crazy that you went up there, and he's like, yeah, I saw like everything. Yeah, very snowy, the elves were there. Uh, and he came back and everyone's like, Whoa, that's so cool. He flew back up again. People were less excited. They were like you going to do that again? Basically, he's like when even been around a six year old, like a six year old does something like that was really cool, and they just do it like doing it because you thought it was and you're like that's exactly what he's doing. And then, uh, he was like, well, they did the pole twice. What if I did this South Pole? So he flew down to the South Pole and I was like, oh my gosh, that's crazy. He did it three more times and then okay, okay, we're getting tired of the South Pole stuff. Like can is there somewhere else you can fly? Do something different? Go to the East Pole. And so he set off for the East Pole. Right. He was trying to find it is. He's still flying. WHO This Day, just hit? He's like if I go east far enough, eventually I'll find it east pole. He's still going. That's a good point. Why do we have north and South Poles but not east and West Poles? Obviously I know there's the magnetism thing or whatever, but like for real, like if we picked a spot that's North Pole and South Pole, how haven't we picked an east pole in south or West Pole in eighties pulling weast pole because we didn't pick the spot where the pole is? I know there's that, but I feel like we should pick an east and west. I think the West would be in Missouri. Right. I know that that's the magnetism stuff. Okay, you don't want to it's whatever. Okay. So he spent a lot of time in Antarctica because he's it was super cool. Right. Um, he saw penguins and he couldn't get enough of them. Kept going back. Um, World War Two starts Um and you know, he kind of got busy with war, so he stopped going to Antarctica. He's like, Dagan, this is really cut into my Antarctica time. But before the war he had filmed this video to Pique young people's interest in Antarctica, and so he, with the help of the U S Navy, was like, Antarctica is super cool, you should come research Antarctica with us when you grow up. That was the video and they just sifted off to schools around the country. This is real. I thought you were joking. And so there was a bunch of footage of him and create a timeshare commercial. Yeah, like when you graduate high school, come join me and as wonderful resort. Yeah, and so they get interrupted by the war. The war happens, it ends and then he's like hey, remember Antarctica, and then he goes to all people like we totally forgot about that. We didn't loot them into the World War at all. Yeah, guys, we forgot to tell an article about the World War. You think they'll be bad? That's why the official title of World War Two is world minus Antarctica War Two. They forgot to look him in. Whose side would have been on, you know, and that's what they that's why they didn't do it either. They knew the penguins will choose Hitler. So after the war, bird gets approved to do this. What a cool name, Richard Bird. He could go by rich bird or he can go by Ricky Bird, which is way cooler and it definitely sounds he's got a great rock album in the Nicky Bird. Ricky Bird. So Ricky Bird. He goes to navy and he's like, Hey, remember an article and they were like, Oh, yeah, you did so much cool stuff going there. The first time it's really cool. The other times we're like, but it would be cool you did that again. Every other time you've done something twice or twice it's been awesome, so why don't you do that? And so they said, Oh, we've got that video. I wonder if any of the youths that saw it before the war would be interested in joining you. They were. He took forty seven hundred people to anthy what so on one trip. Yeah, so he on one trip. Yeah. So this was called Operation Hyi. This was called Operation One people. So this was this was a a there's a few things happening on this but the largest portion of this was a research mission to Antarctica to study. Yeah, see how many come back what like, there's a few things that were doing. They were studying the environment. They were studying how do you how they could build a base. They coordinate travel for people while you lock on a true Vo town. Of that's the that's that's bigger than the town I grew up in. Yeah, that's pretty fair. Um, it's it's a lot of yeah, this is a lot of people. This isn't an alien thing. Well yet, I should give me time. Okay. So, yeah, people, Um, it was a research thing. They were studying one the environment and learning more just about Antarctica in general, like general science stuff, but also they were studying what would it look like if we built a base in Antarctica? Could we pull that off? What would could we do that? And then they were like also, they're like also, uh, we want to study, Uh, if we were in a war with Russia and they attacked us through the Arctic, how would our soldiers do in Arctic conditions? So they did like training missions for having to go out through the Arctic and engaging as to the Arctic. And then was also some other side that it's questionable. Uh, that was we'll get to that. But yeah, this was a huge mission. They brought so for this research mission, what was labeled public as a research mission, they brought people. They brought people, Um, a civilian. Uh No, well, they were soldiers and researchers. Soldiers and researchers. Um, they brought USS, destroyer, Henderson, USS Tanker, H M hm, cacapon, USS, taker, Canisteo, USS Destroyer Brownston. Um, uh, we'll just say two submarines, three supply ships, two icebreakers, an aircraft carrier and a few dozen airplanes and at the paratry. So this is a navy like this is a full navy fleet coming down to Antarctica for this research mission. Um. And so it's an eight month mission. UH, they end up calling it four weeks into it. Oh Gosh, they come back and people came back. Um, yeah, it was cold. Uh, he got a cold. He got a very severe cold. Now he like Got Frost Bitton or something like that. That's the that's what they say. Um, what do they say? UH, on the way back, uh, a reporter hits a ride on the aircraft carrier down there. He Oh, thank God you're here, stranded Antarctica for several years. He rolled by on his boat, rolled the window down. It was like, I'm a reporter, it's The New York Times, it's TMZ. Hey, Ricky Bird, remember me? We flew down together and you left me here last time. It's been three years. I missed the whole war. Well, you don't know that yet. Happened? Yeah, what's happened? We forgot to tell you guys in the Antarctic, but there was a world war. There's not you guys, there's no one else in the Antarctic. So a reporter is somehow with the group. Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, he jumps on on board the ship. Wait, did he really roll up on a different boat? Yeah, I don't know how he got there. Somehow he ended up on the ship. Maybe he flew, because it's an air with him. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, okay, somewhere along the journey he joined them. Somehow he ended up on the ship. Now they're back to people. Yeah, and so this is Admiral Bird's fourth trip to Antarctica. Right, Um, and he said that there was a quote that came from him in this interview with this reporter on board the ship on his return to the states. Um. And in this report he said, Um, uh. So I'm not trying to scare anyone, but the United States military needs to prepare itself with the cruel reality that in case of a new war, we need to be prepared to be attacked by planes flying over both of the polls. Um. What do you meant by that? Has Been extraculated upon quite a bit. Um. Some people say that he was saying this is just forces that are becoming capable of taking a trip over one of the Poles to get to a destination, because at that point they never did that. It was too long of a trip. They ark around somewhere or take a stop somewhere along the way. Other people, I think that what he was saying was that there are enemies that have the capability now to travel over both poles in a single trip, like go all the way around the world. Yeah, circumnavigating. There's people who have been able to do that for a long time. Just in connor balloons. He saw launcher Larry. Well, I was making around the world in eighty days. References, you know, but as if they didn't one continuous trip all the way around the world. That's what I thought when I first heard that title. Yeah, so, and there is a legend that after this he was institutionalized. Um, I haven't found anything to back that up. Um, that he came back. was like they can attack us from all over. Yeah, yeah, so and then, yeah, the legend says he was institutionalized after that. I haven't been able to instantiate that claim. I don't know. He might have been Um, but I do know he stopped talking about that after that report. That reports the only place he mentioned anything like that. And they stop saying something like that. Say That again. Yeah, they were like whatever you just said there, don't say that, and he was like which thing I said? Like they were like can you head that out? And he's like who are you pointing to? Are you? What are you talking about? Hey, thanks for checking about this episode. If you like our show, make sure to leave a podcast review in whatever platform you use or, if you're on Youtube, drop a comment. Uh, if you want to listen to another episode. My favorite right now is Jose Canseco. Uh. It's this guy in the MLB who really brought steroids mainstream for the sport and did a lot of other just absolutely insane stuff and there might be a little bit of aliens in it. So check that episode out. It's one of my favorites. But thanks for being here. Here's here's where this story goes from Um, and it just little mission to America too. Very interesting ums, operations were down there. They had these guys in space suits, right, and they're jumping around an ARCTICA and they've got a flag that holds real still. Right. They got it all on video and they were like, twenty years later, we're going to release this and say we went to the mode pretty close. So, uh, you see, the energy just drained from me whenever we like, well, pretty close, I you should know by now that if I say pretty close to you, uh. So, about ten years later, in n the United States Military Uh launch what was known as Operation Argus Um and uh in publicly declassified documents. This operation was an operation uh to detonate nuclear bombs at a high altitude in order to create an artificial radiation belt around the earth, the whole Earth, and that radiation belt, in theory, would cause enough radiation to an intercontinental continental ballistic missile that, if it flew through that belt, it would get disabled. What was in that belt and could not continue its fight and would then crash land. So okay. So Rickey Bird, theorizes that someone could launch a missile over either the Poles. They could, they could be a plane. He said fly a plane, or he said fly. I think he just said fly, not even fly a plane. He said they could fly over the pulse. So they could, you know, attack US long range. And then they're like, well, what if we made like a little microwave belt? Then they can't fly at it. Yeah, yeah, so basically they're trying, what if, you know how, like we've got like this bug spray? They're like, there's a little bug up there and I can spray that bug. Could we like like a radiation bomb spray? This is sounds like something that would be like completely essentially, what they're trying to do is create a force field around the globe, on the side of America, where all their enemies everyone else, can just get nuke. Yeah, but we have a force field. Is what they were trying to do, Um, which sounds like a crazy idea, because it was um right. And so what they did, and that's what I mean, is that people higher up in the government are just like hey military, like they're spouting out stupid ideas, like they're just like could you like make like a like a force field that like when the bomb flies through, gets gets stuck in the ear, and then someone in the military has to legitimately spend a month of their degree earned life trying to figure out if it's possible. Yeah, and then they were like well, I guess it could. Maybe like spen a billion dollars testing it. Yeah, for Real, and there's like put a bunch of money toward it. Like, I don't know, is there any way to like, I don't know, bleach in your veins or something like what they say stuff, and they go just that work? Yeah, so the government's gonna be like, I guess we could try. So what happens is they've been theorizing this for a while and then in about a week long period, the U S military drops three nukes in Antarctica. Uh, and then all of a sudden, on that last nuke, they got rid of all the evidence, burned all the documents, all the tapes, all the evidence of what they did and well, you know why, declassified the radiation belt story, which is fishy. Oh, I was gonna say. I was going to theorize. The reason they did is because they launched four news right, three of them landed and the first one got caught in the belt. Like mission accomplished. It worked, a radiation belt. It worked. Yeah, they're like. They're like, I'm calling this the belt of truth. Now, if you guys can get started on the breast period of righteousness, how many times we gotta do your chest to give you the press? Flee the prestiousness. What is with you? Why did you send me a picture of God's armor this morning? Why did you do that? You sent me a picture of consoles. Someone tweeted that. That bus say. This is my phone background. It's also someone tweeted and I was like that's a really funny picture the armor. Okay, so, uh. So, anyways, so that happened right. Um, well, some questions have arised about these two operations in their connections. You know, since then nothing has happened in Antarctica pretty much at all. And then has been a pack to never knew anybody ever, ever again, and we're like, we're not doing that. Anybody, everyone never uh. And then there was this split country. Is like you're the only country that's done it and they're like, but we're not doing one's doing it anymore. No one's doing it. It's not cool anymore. Yeah, we're not no one anyway. So no one's doing that anymore. So it's so, wow, no one's doing that anymore. You're the ones that did it. So they split up an Arctica and an article into a bunch of countries and they a little pieces of the Pie. I didn't know that. Yeah, they did. So there's if you look at an article, maybe I'll grab a picture for you. It was claimed. Yeah, so they split up their research borders. So everybody in Antarctica got a little piece of the Pie, and they are legitimate pieces of the Pie. Every country kind of got a piece of the Pie. Um, you got Australia, Norway, United Kingdom, Prance down there in the corner, Prance. If you look at the funt that at Flix, like Apee, it's prance. Okay, Argentina, are we sharing? Yeah, there's there's some portions where there's there's a split. It's not an equal like. You got little portions of it. And then there's an unclaimed they call it west Arctica, Um, and that's legit the United States not get any? No, yeah, they were like, you guys nuked it. That's not cool. You don't get anything. Really, I think they do research in the unclaimed land and then they go to research. Argentina doesn't get any to itself. Argentina. She was like yeah, but we want some, and they're like, well, you can come to our area, but it's mine. They're like no, Argentina's is just inside the United Kingdom's territory. Of It. How odd. There might be a reason for that. Sure you'll find out. So anyway, so they split it up and into these research regions and, as far as we know, all that happens there now is a research they've demilitarized Um Antarcticle, because in the past it had been a militarized uh areas. Yeah, so everybody had like military bases there, including Germany, which, if you know anything about World War Two, they're the big they're the bad guy, they're the ones that everyone's like yeah, we don't want them doing anything, and so because they did something there, no one can anymore. Um, that's how that goes. They ruined it for everyone, as the Nazis do. So here's where things get interesting. Um, there is a theory. Um, and I should buy theory. I should say there is UM. There's a fact, a hard fact. There's a a Soviet document that was released, that was declassified in the eighties. Um, from a veteran who was present on operation high drump I jump I drump I high trunk. Okay, he was present on on a mission. He got captured by the Soviets in INTARCTICA. I don't know, just at some point, probably in Ohio. I thought he was like he was just out there in Antarctica looking around and sees the shadow of figure and he's like, I can't tell if this is a penguin or one of my buddies. And then and then the Soviet comes up. He's like, you come with me, it's a Soviet rush. It's a Soviet that's their little space. There, little snowmobile things. What they got? Windows? He's got roll up windows on a snowmobile. It's the Soviets. So, uh, he was getting interrogated and in the interrogation, uh, they asked him all these different questions about everything he experience. It's hard to get water boarding at the water freezes so fast. It's just it. Yeah, it like doesn't actually it just is a nuisance. It's just it's like some important crust ice on your faces and you're just like stop, it's that. He's gonna get interrogated and it comes up operation high jump and they're like what did you do there? It said, well, we did some research, we did some military stuff, but then there was the battle and the somebody's will like tell us about the battle, and he said that allegedly, in this battle, uh, they encountered somebody uh in their research and in the battle there was Um, AH, flying machines that run like anything he had ever seen. Um, and they engaged these, but they were a little they were obviously much more technically advanced and they were treated and they left. They left the whole in Anarcha, the middle of operation him. This is why they left, Um, is what he's saying. So they got engaged in with these um unidentified flying objects. Yeah, I think. I think he does call them saucer like objects, right. Um. And then that's the reason they left. And then that's the reason why, the years later, the U S Nuwke did is the theory, because whatever's there needs to not be there anymore. And that the theory also goes that that's what they waited twelve years to nukem they're like, we're gonna let him kind of hang out on there. Oh Man, they said, you don't know, you're messing government red tape. Is What that is. You know what they were like, we should do something about that. They get started on it immediately. Right. Takes some twelve years, and then then they were like, all right, we're ready to do something about those aliens in Aertica, and so I was like, what are you talking about? Oh shoot, that was the last president, you know, that was the other one. UH, okay, so it's a crazy idea. The idea was that Rear Admiral was talking about that when he said that they can fly over both Poles, and he's saying that this is a fast enough to fly over both Poles, and so we need to be prepared for that, and that's why he was institutionalized, allegedly. Uh So, there's a few theories about what happened here. You want to talk about it the head thing the whole time. There's a few theories. Not what's going on here. Uh So, theory number one? Number One, obviously aliens obviously we don't have to spend a lot of time on that because you get it. Yeah, you understand. There they encountered Ali it. Yeah, they encountered them, uh, and they got on a little firefight. Apparently the aliens had a base in Antarchi or something like that. I don't know, I don't know what the idea is. You know, you get it. Yeah, you know, it's been a lot of time on again, and I say this about aliens before too, if that's just where they landed, yeah, you know, they'd be like, man, there's nothing on this planet. What they would land there and say, man, there's nothing on this planet to start researching, and they would go all right, yeah, Um. So theory number two, this is one that's pretty interesting in my opinion. Uh, you're gonna hate this. Uh. It's the hollow earth theory. I don't know if you've heard of this, Um, but the theory basically goes, Um, that the earth is hollow, uh, and the access point is in Antarctica. So here, here's a picture of this is a satellite image of what Antarctica really looks like. So it's just a giant hole in both the Poles, north and south. Poles. There's a giant hole that leads into the earth and that's where the dwarves live and they've got better technology than us. Some people believe this. Yeah, so the idea is that inside the earth there's about mile core like of dirt and when you go through the holes there's a whole another earth and it's just like our earth. There is there's a sky and there's clouds and there's suns and stuff, but inside there it's a different earth. But they're much more technology. They know about US and they're, depending on whose theory you listen to, their either dwarves or their giants, either or Um. And they've got really good technology. And so they found. The theory is that, uh, these people in Antarctica on this mission found the whole uh, and then their military from that in inner Earth Society. It was like you can't come down here, but would down the South Pole. Yeah, so there's an opening there too. There's nobody on both hands and so they so you're saying? You're saying inside Earth's spot it's a colony technologically advanced dwarves or giants. They're really short of really tall. We're not sure that emerge to fight sometimes. Yeah, well, they're protecting it, because here's the deal. This is the garden of Eden. So those are the angels. That's what I thought. Now, if you pull up your chart of pull up your chart, your they believe that this is a garden of Eden. Eden in that thing, because I was literally about to say like is this PAENGEA earlier interesting? And so that was that was a theory I had. And so now everyone's got a little piece of the entrance. Okay, go back to prance. Prance, you notice there a piece of the pie doesn't go all the way in. Germany is not allowed. GO BACK TO WHY? Why would what we've found out later explain why Argentina isn't allowed to? I thought. Everybody like, yeah, the Argentinians, the Argentinians, I think that's Argentine people, through the inner earth people, the inner earth people are Argentinians. Hey, thank you again for listening to this episode. Making sure that you don't miss one in the future, go ahead and subscribe to this podcast, whether that be on apple podcast, spotify, Youtube, you'll get an alert when we drop a new episode. And if you want more, if you want something a week early, you want to be part of our discord more access to us as creators. You can support this show on patreon. It helps us go a long way. Nothing that we're doing is possible without our patreon supporters. If you want more information about that, please text tilling to six six eight, SI six. Thank you so much for being here. Go back to your hollow earth graphic here. This is so stupid. So some people. The proof that people have for this is because I felt they do, and the proof that people have for this. I think it was in the eighties. Uh, there was a I can't remember what country it was. I want to say Russian, but I'm not positive. A Russian trip to the moon. UH, and they messed up and they accidentally hit the moon pretty hard with their rocket. Um, and when they hit the moon, uh, the description of the quote is it rang like a bell for years. I just rang like they like they hit it and it was hall Um. There's a scientific explanation for it that I don't remember, but long story short, something about the story. Yeah, it really happened. It really happened. The Moon Ring. Yeah, it rang like a bell. Something about the seismic activity and the gravity on there is different than ours. So the contact with that made the reverberation through the whole of the moon lasts way longer as it passed through the whole planet, or I guess Moon, Um, and it rang. Yeah, but that theory is, it's it's that's proofs that it's hollow, which, if the moon's hollow, then so is the earth. And then if there's hollow, there must be super advanced inside there. It explains a lot. So yeah, there's this theory and that's why the government nuked it, because they were like, Hey, if we knuke you, then you're ours now, Um, hours, I don't know. They declared war on him? I'm not sure. Um. Yeah. What I like about this is they have they have a whole map down there, like they've thought through which way is what I'm thinking. Well, it's a glow inside there, so I understand. But so here's the idea. So here's the idea. So it's all water that is in the inside there that we're seeing. Yeah, yeah, so here's what you need to picture. All right, you got a beach volleyball. You cut a hole in the bottom of the beach volleyball and on the inside of the beach volleyball along the inside wall is the oceans and the land. They're gravitized towards the wall. In the middle you still have the core of the earth. That's the Sun for those people, and I guess at night it just turns around and turns into the Moon. I don't know, I don't understand there turn it just turns around it. It's like now it's night. Um, I don't know that what that idea is, but essentially you're now in an inverted earth scenario where the sky is going in towards the core and the earth is going out towards the earth. Um. Yeah, so this is pretty unnikely, I was not expecting the helpless eyes as you look up and you go pretty unlikely if you ask me. All right, but there's another theory that involves Argentina. Yeah, so here's the other theory and honestly I think this is the real one. Okay, so you remember Operation Paper Clip? Yeah, where after the war? If you haven't listened to that episode, should go back. Let's do it's actually very interesting. After war, Um, a bunch of different countries stole Nazi scientists. They were like hey, you were making actual like good scientis like science, like progress will ignore the fact that you did really horrific things if you come do that for us. And so they and so operation paper clip was the US version, where they just kind of hid the Nazis and said, yeah, we're your scientist, I've been a scientists the whole time. Yeah, and you've never done anything sketchy. And that's where we actually got to space. That's the move. Was a Nazi scientist pioneered a rocketry capabilities. Um. That and that cultist actually from another what was that guy's name? No, yeah, Jack Parsons. Thank you. So, anyways, so they here's the thing about the Nazis, though, Um, and we have record of their plans. There was this thing that the Nazis were trying to do called the wonder weapon, Um, which was basically like the weapon to end all weapons, um. And that is a large reason why we began working on the atom bomb, because we that was the closest thing we could come up with to what we thought that they were working on. But they were working in a lot of different is. So they were working in like missiles and stuff like that, and bombs. They were working with guns, like weird guns. They're also working with weird Um Bell and Um saucer shaped planes or aircraft. Um. So we have the plans for these. I think we also talked about this in operation. We might have. We might have. So we had the plans for some of these and I don't think that this is the original plans. I'm having a hard time finding the original plans, but we don't know if these have ever been built. But we did recover after the war the plans that at least the Nazis were trying to figure out how to create things like this. Um. Here's another artist rendering of the bell shaped craft that they were working on. Um, which kind of just looks like the furnace from home alone. Um, yeah, but like Nazis. Yeah, so this is a bell shaped one and then the other one is a bunch of what do you think when you think of flying saucer Ufos? So here's what's interesting about this. Um, there is a theory. Well, there's a theory. They built some yeah, they were in Antarctica. Yeah, so here's what here's here's a couple of things we know about the Nazis. Um, they were obsessed with Antarctica before our modern renditions of the the borders of Antarctica. They look like this and you don't notice. Nazi Germany had a pretty large territory uh, in the northern end of UH Antarctica, and they did a lot of research and activities and training and things like that, um, because they were just very interested in Antarctica. We also know that in a h a Nazi base was discovered, not in Antarctica but in the Arctic on an island in the North Pole, Antarctic Circle, that they had dug underground out on this island, it's called Um Alexandra Land Um, which is an island in the North Pole where they had built an underground Nazi fortress in the North Pole. That was discovered by the Soviets in uh and it was obviously vacant at this point. There was some Na. They're still fighting UH and so the theory goes that the Nazis, some of the Nazis that fled in World War Two, fled to Antarctica because they had a base there and they obviously operated a lot there. Um. We know that they have an arctic circle base and so it's possible that they did build another underground base in Antarctica that we have yet to discover. Yeah, so that's so. That's the theory was that while operation high jump was underway, we were in Nantarctica doing our thing and we stumbled upon that Nazi base where they were working on their flying, flying saucers to be able to kind of regroup and start their next attempt at the war. Uh, and the US stumbled upon it. Everybody, everybody came out and then they came back and nuked them. They're like we gotta get rid of them. Um. The Way Argentina comes into this is Argentina is one of the largest countries that house Nazis after the war and they've got that little slice where they kind of share it with everybody, because they were just like we want to be a part of this, we want to an Arctic because you can't have your own spot. They're like, we're still a little confused about you, because you're speaking German. Yeah, and we don't speak that. So if you can speak English, you also, when you started this conversation, you said it's the Nazi Germany and we're confused because you're Argentina. Uh, it's Nazi Germany. I mean it's I don't know how we could be more clear right now. We're also a little confused because you're giants but you're also really short at the same time small giants. You're you look like giants but you're little. It's very strange. Uh. So the theory is we stumbled upon this Nazi base where they were testing. Yeah, we bombed we bombed it three times and we measure the evidence. Um, okay, I don't know. Maybe there's three access points, maybe there was, um, but uh, we can't just take a trip to antarcticus. There's no way we can know for sure. Um, yeah, we're not allowed. The US doesn't. Why doesn't the US have any territory down there? I don't know. Probably probably because we need to. Everyone was probably no, you can't have something. No, no, that was rude. Um, I think they're just they share it with the UK or something to go down there. Or ants. I don't know. Um. Uh. There's one more theory. We don't have to spend a long time on this, but it's a similar concept. Where where this giant hole in Antarctica is, uh, there is a lush green forest where it's not frozen like the rest of Antarctica. Um, they yeah, you can't prove it's not and they discovered that and when they got there, whoever lived there by the Lante iniens said you can't come here, and they said okay, and then they used government foun out and they knwked it. Um. Yeah, so I think would probably happened. Honestly, I bet, I bet they found some Nazis down there. That seems like it could make sense. Yeah, it seems like the if, if operation hydrump and Operation Argus are connected, most likely it's because they found a Nazi base that some leftover Nazis went to and we're trying to work on their little ufo. Think is that. You know, we're entering into the Cold War era for operation, what is it called high, the other one us. Yeah, so they could have been there. There is credence. They could have been like nobody lives in America, let's drop some nukes, like that's how we can test some stuff there. But we were still testing stuff in Nevada at the time. Like yeah, but like they're like let's test things where we could destroy an entire continent. Maybe maybe they were testing bigger and stuff than they declassified. That's possible. Um, that's what I would think, is that even if you dropped it in Nevada, if it's gonna be it's gonna Shake America where we would feel it in Missouri. You probably don't want to drop that. Yeah, that's yeah, that's pretty fair. Um. But yeah, so this, this same time period where the military base in Antarcica from the Nazis would have existed, was a time when, Um, there was at amount, a large amount, I should say, of ufo sightings in Argentina. Um, which what? So at the same time of Operation Hydro in the Post War era, there was an increased amount of ufo stings in Argentina sacers. Yeah, and so if the Nazis did go there and they were testing their craft in Argentina, uh, and they also went to Antarctica, they could have been testing the craft and they could have seen as and it seems sketchy. So it was probably Nazis, Um, but man, man, do I hope it's the little middle Earth dwarves, middle earth that makes so much sense. It all happened. Caught one once because he looked up with the sun and it's like, Oh, yeah, the core is out today and you right, Sun The Sun. You guys tell us about World War Two. And we're still better. This is such a stupid idea. This is such a stupid, stupid idea. Here's what's really wild about this. Um every night. So it's like a cultural thing. I think this country here is called Ad Vata Bar. You can see. That's why this is sid Ad Vata Bar. Every night at Vata bar is a cultural phenomenon. The whole the whole inner globe, uh nation of a Vata Bar. When the sun goes down, they all gathered together when the flips core flips, gathered together in their various town squares. Um, and they're their criers. Um. They have a they have a tune that they sing. Yeah, and they all looked up their voices and they sing and the whole the whole Inner Globe sings this these dwarf in giants Um and it echoes and reverberates across the inner love. So if you're standing at one of the portholes of the planet, all you hear this is the longest fiddle off I've ever heard in my life. Off. I'm like sitting here trying, I'm just like things that. The last night is a production of space tim media produced by Christian Taylor. Audio by Alex Garnett, video by Connor Betts, our graphics and our logo by Kayle but Goldberg, and our social media is run by Kayla Barker. Our host are Jarren Meyers and Tim Stone Fall. US on your favorite social media platform at tilling PODCAST IS T I L L and podcast. Remember to tell all your friends about us and we'll see you next Tuesday for another episode of things either than last night

Antarctica is one of the most mysterious places on the planet. Few people in the world have ever or will ever step foot on this massive slab of ice. Due to the lack of experience with this strange continent, many conspiracy theories have been born around the area. One of the first and most prolific, Antarctic explorers is US Navy … Read More

Ash Street Shootout – Gangsters & the Us Army Battle It Out


Episode Transcription

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All right, let's do an episode in Sod of talking crap about my girlfriend. Um Are we were rolling. Hey, man, have you ever heard of the Ash street shootout? Okay, no, the Ash Street, Ash Street shootout? Okay, no, have you? You're googling it right now. Yeah, I'm looking at it out, looking at it enough to make sure I get this right. So as street is a road in a neighborhood in Tacoma. It's Tacoma's hilltop neighborhood, is what it's called. Um, and so in, uh, the eighties. In the eighties can be remembered for a few things. Um, when you get in storyteller mode. So in the eighties, the eighties, can you like you switch, you start a sentence and you go no, I'm gonna add more flair. This the eighties. It's just take something takes over. You look like a used car salesman, a bad one that we can get you. In the eighties, by this night, tonight. That's why you never saw many cards tonight, this night. We scare them, we don't hurt them. I would help you, but you did not pay me. So, if you're shoking, you didn't. One guy standing out of the Sun Room. It's like it's your cripts. Oh Damn it, it's gonna be a really good joke. I can pull it off. Hold on things I learned last night. So the eighties can be remembered for a few things. One, uh, uh crazy world where kids could just go anywhere at any point and for any reason on the bike and nobody said that was about. Yeah, they wanted all over the neighood. The other thing that these were known for is the crack epidemic. And then the other thing was that at video game that they buried. Uh. Those are the three things. If you know nothing about the eighties, those are the three things you need to know. Uh. Those are the children, crack, cocaine, buried video games. This story focuses almost entirely on that middle one, the crack epidemic. So, uh, it's UH Tacoma, Washington, suburb of Seattle. Uh. And at this point in the the eighties, a lot of individuals from California, in Las Vegas, a lot of like South Western uh cities, were moving along the northern corridor to other cities. Part of migration happening from people moving from California moving up. Yeah, they were moving up. Um, they weren't moving up in the world, they were just moving up in the in the world there's moving up on the map. You oving up on the map, and so a lot of them. You're a met a person who thinks that north is up, you know, like when you're a kid and you don't understand how how maps work, and so you go north, is that way? Well, I mean it is, if that's the like, if that's the if that's the UH, the way you see the world, it's up. What did you just say? But if you look upside down, then it's down, because here's the thing. You're this this flat object floating through days. Is The round object, spay, and so, I mean, depending on which way you're looking at it. From space. Yeah, yeah, I mean. What? What? No, I mean like whenever you're a kid and you think that up is north, like above your head. Yeah, what do you idiot? What do you think? Well, I'm thinking if you're looking at the earth. Yeah, my English teacher, my English teacher in high school, had a map that was upside down, but it wasn't upside down. She kept saying. You know, you'd be like, oh, your map up, it's not upside down. It's any different perspective. It really was. Yeah. Well, and the way that she explained it was the reason that, you know, Europe and North America are on the top of the map is because that's where the we see ourselves. Well, that's where ourselves at the top. The explorers were all from those places that mapped out the world. Had they been from then, it would have been yeah, which is very peculiar. If you think about it, it is. Yeah, it was a cool map. I liked it. So this is what I was happening. A bunch of people from L A. WE'RE traveling up to Washington and they were drawing their maps upside down. Yeah, they were going down to Washington. They drew their maps upside down and he said, we came up from up in L A. Um, it's so hard to flip the language. We're going ahead. We came up from up Um because, because a couple of reasons, uh, prices were beginning to rise in L A and cities like in that southwest area. Um. Also, uh, the crack epidemic was getting very, very bad and those cities. So a lot of people were migrating northerly. Um, including did what is happening? No, uh, we just didn't do an episode last week. I think we did. Do you know what your face looks like? Your facebook said that guy from x or not x, from UH men in black. Yeah, that gets overtaken by the alien. Oh, yeah, as you're like, they moved up, you know, they moved up to Tacoma, Um, including the CRIPS. And so now they gang activity. Yeah, they're up in Tacoma moving crack cocaine, um, as was the norm in that era of the world history. Uh. And so a street, then the hill top neighborhood, was one of the most overrun neighborhoods for gang activity, specifically CRIP gang activity, in Tacoma Washington, and it have become such a big issue that the police uh stopped responding to calls. Um. What they said is it was the common phrase that they were used was over the hood or over the radio, Um, and so they stopped responding to over. So they stopped responding to over the radio calls. Instead it was just over the hood calls, meaning if they didn't physically see it happening, they didn't respond to it because they didn't have time. They were too busy responding to the stuff that they were watching in front of them, Um and so people were calling nine to one. The police just weren't shutting up because they were like, we can't see it, we're we're doing this other thing that we're looking at closed right now. We can't see that. Who, what street is it? Come in the address all, they paid us not to come. But this is the thing, though, is that so my parents house is out in the country and you know that they have to pay the fire department like a year or whatever. It might be more than that, might be a hundred dollars a year. That makes sense to me. Why? Because, I mean, if I if I don't want my house to be covered by the fire department, I should have the option to not pay for it. Now, obviously I'M gonna choose to pay for that in most scenarios. So you want, you want an ala carte tax systems, what you're saying? Because I'm just think, I don't have kids, why do I gotta pay for other people's kids to go to school? I if I don't have a home, if I'm homeless, why do I got to pay for fire just throughout the most ease? Like the Basic Libertarian talking point of Public School Education and then you started going to sideway sponkers. I'm trying to tell you that if, if they don't pay, that the fire department shows up and protects the neighbors houses that have paid and just lets their house burn. Yeah, I agree. No, no, no, you should agree. That's bad. Why would in what world does it exist where a fire department shows up with the tools to put the fire out and then they just go yeah, you didn't pay us, though, so I think that makes perfect sense. I genuinely I think that. I think they should. You want to send this out, because you look like a monster right now. Save anybody in the in the building. But I think if I choose not to pay for fire protection, I think that's my choice. So I'm saying that even if you, let's say, let's say you lapsed, right you, you just forgot to pay, you missed the payment, like you. You've done several times with your trash cans, and then your house catches on fire. You can't just pay them to do it like. You can't be like, okay, let me pay the hundred dollars, please put like they'll just let your house burn. Yeah, that's a bummer. Man. Here's the thing, man, I think it's I think that makes sense to me. It makes sense to me. I know you don't understand that, but to me it makes sense. Okay, well, when I'm your landlord, your your life's gonna be pretty difficult. Then there's gonna be a lot of stuff that makes sense to me at I cannot believe you're saying this right now. I'm genuinely like a little like, Hey, let's okay, let's talk about that off podcast then. And you got a bad opinions, man, that's fine. We're all inside of a couple of bad opinions. Okay, go ahead with our story then. So the police are just like, all right, we don't have time, like, we don't have the resources to deal with every call that's coming in. They're not. They're not responding to anything because they think, oh, I don't have like we don't, we're not seeing it, we don't have the resources. And at the same time, like it becomes such a big deal that, no matter what they did, like they couldn't, they couldn't keep up with this right, because it was just too it was too big of an issue. Well, Um, Ah uh, an army ranger moved into the neighborhood and his his reason for this. He was like, I'm going to clean up these streets. We kind of. And so his name is Staff Sergeant William Folk. He was stationed at a nearby army base. He's an Army Ranger, had served in he was like, I'm going to move in to clean up the streets. Yeah, he served in the war in Panama Um and it wasn't like he moved into clamp the street, but he moved in betting that the issues we're going to go away soon and it was like an investment. So he got the house super cheap and he's like, eventually this neighborhood clean up and I'll that'll appreciate and about you. Well, he moves in and that wasn't happening, and so, wanting to protect his investment, he was trying to help the local police in helping police the neighborhood. Hey, thanks for checking out this episode. If you like our show, make sure to leave a podcast review in whatever platform you use or, if you're on Youtube, drop a comment. Uh, if you want to listen to another episode, my favorite right now is Jose Canseco. Uh, it's this guy in the MLB who really brought steroids mainstream for the sport and did a lot of other just absolutely insane stuff, and there might be a little bit of aliens in it. So check that episode out. It's one of my favorites, but thanks for being here. So to protect his investment. Yeah, suit, no, he doesn't buy a super suit. This is Seattle's out in. He what he did a street property and he's like, I am here to vigilante this street. He bought a bunch of cameras and installed them all over his house, like the watch our guys should have done Um. And so he puts all these cameras out watching the neighborhood and then he starts sending that footage to the police. Whenever he sees drug deals happen. He's like you guys, Oh, come on. And so he's like hey, he's like, he's like there's there's our drug dealers. He said, Hey, look at that, get those drug dealers and the police are like that video, I guess we can see that. Now they're like, well, that guy paid us to not do anything, so we can't respond to Yah. Yeah, that guy doesn't. Well, that house doesn't pay for police protection. So Um, well, it word got out that this guy is taking videos, Um, and so that he became like a target for them. What an idiot. And so he had a couple in UH interactions with the crips um that were heated arguments, but not like nothing violent ever came from them. Well, yeah, I mean let's say that you move into a neighborhood where established crime is happening, right, and we did a whole episode about frue Eric Ross, like these drug empires are not just like little street dealers just, you know, hey, like this is a full blown these are big operations. If you mess with that stuff, that's a problem. So you move into their neighborhood and then you start putting up cameras to snitch to the police. So in my mind, I got that guy deserves to get beat up, not probably not killed, but it deserves to get but it's like, what are you doing? Like, what else do you what? What outcome do you expect? That's what I think. Like you think the police are gonna come in and clear out the rest of the neighborhood and everyone move out. I think the outcome he expects is he's an army ranger and so he thinks he can take the crips Um roll, which probably he probably camp, because this guy's Jason Bourne. Well, here's the deal. Here's the deal of the crips there. They don't have any training. They just have a bunch of penty two. You don't know that. You don't know if they got a boot Cape. I can picture. Have you seen the movie JAR head? No, you haven't seen JAR head. It's kind of boring. It's not a great movie. Um, it's boring, like honey boom he uh, couldn't pay me to watch that movie. Well, first of all, blade is a great movie. Um. anyways. So, uh, it's a it's a kind of boring movie, but the majority of it is about boot camp, Um, and it ends up being like a guy snaps in boot camp and it's like sorry, spoilers, Um, but anyways, how old the movie? UH, probably like two thousand two. Yeah, I don't feel bad about spoiling so it came out twenty years ago. If you wanted to watch you probably would have seen it by now. Um. So I'm picturing a a JAR head, but it's the crypts boot camp and that's that's like your stereotypical movie where you see all of the like, you see all from and you know, all right, I would help you, but you did not pay me. So, if you're a show idiot, you didn't. You didn't pay me. So that not to pay for it. I think if I want to not pay for it, I have that. If you don't have the ability to pay for it, Tim Yeah, well, I think if you don't have the ability to pay for it, then you have to. Then you have no choice. But if you have the ability to make the choice, then you should have the ability to make the choice. Are you cutting that out? He's I'm taking notes. I thought he was gootting that he had a sound issue. Okay, so folk uh, thinking he could take on the entire crypt organization, at least in that neighborhood. Yeah, he's, he's, he's filming them, he's having arguments with them, Um, and then one day it all kind of culminates where he threw this barbecue. Um, and he threw a barbecue. Yeah, it's just a friendly neighborhood barbecue, and he's just living in this neighborhood. This isn't like an investment property, this is he lives there. Well, he lives there, but he bought it as an investment. Like he probably would have bought it somewhere else, but he's like, Oh, I could buy this house way cheaper. But he did buy it and wait for it increasing value. He lived there. Yeah, he lived there. He lived there. Well, he also lived on base, so whenever he wasn't on base he was at this right Um. Uh. So he uh, he throws this barbecue and uh, in the middle of the Barbie Q uh, some's got military buddies over. Yeah, he's got all of his his buddies over, which are most likely all military people. Yeah, because, like you know, those are the people he knows. So you're not allowed to make friends outside of it. He's doing this barbecue and during the bobby que uh car rolls by, Uh and it's the CRIMPS. Uh. And what's that funny to you, just because we all knew that? It's just the idea that they roll the window down and they go it's the cramps. It's one guy standing out of the Sun Room. It's like it's the CRIPS. It's like yeah, I mean he could all deduce from the story you're telling it was. It made it sound like they they announced their arrival. It's like a roll down window. That takes some time. It's like it's the CRIPS. They got the whole one, and that's like, yeah, that's how you made it sound. It's the CRIP sargeant folk. Uh. So the guy comes by and he does the little like handgun thing, or he's like I'm shooting you, like but it's just your hand, you know, like your friend. And so, uh, sargeant fault doesn't take kindly to that. So he starts yelling at the guys and the guys are like, you don't know who you're messing with, and he's like, you don't know who you're messing with. And and so then they they're like, all right, we'll see you later to night, and he's like, we'll see you later this night. So like we'll see you later to night. The CRIPS, we'll see you later this night, and they'd talk like Dracula. For some reason roll their window up. It's stuck. It's a broken window. The guy grabs it with his hands pulls we'll see you later this night, but he's gonna have a little room for his fingers on the top. And then he cut the other side and tries to palm. If you've never been poor, like we have, right, like we know how to you. Your car is still like this, but like your your window doesn't work, that your fingertips grab enough grip on there and the fake, uh, fake tint is peeling off. Blows in the wind. Yep, YEP, Yep. Um. anyways, so they kind of had this. So they were like hey, tonight. They're like, we'll see you tonight. And and then he goes back to the barbecue and he's like. He's like hey, everybody, go get your guns and come back. And so all of his army ranger buddies go get their guns and he basically makes the strategy. And he's a sargeant. So he builds this strategy and has everybody position at different posts throughout his property. Uh, and he tells them he said, Hey, look, don't kill anybody. He said, just suppressive fire. Show them that we're better than them at this. It's like literally what he says. Uh. And so then they shut out all the lights on the property and they all just take their to their posts and they just wait, uh, and then late in the evening Levin. This is what every person who like, is she like you can watch this home alone. Yeah, but like the people who make the second amendment their identity. You know what I'm talking about. Like my dad, we we shoot guns. I'm not any kind of like anti gun person understanding. Like the people who like that's their that is their identity, and they, like you, the people who have like their their kitchen, the SPATULA is shaped like an assault rifle, you know, like just weird, weird people. This is their fantasy. They believe that people are going to come storm their house and in there. In their mind they're like, yeah, my house is gonna be dark, like they've got like some weird plans, you know. Yeah, and they're going to defend it and win. Right. This is like their fantasy. Yeah, but like these dudes are Army Rangers, so it's like and they're actually like they've got actual contacts. So later that evening, at eleven am, midnight, and they're like hey, guys, we could really hurt these dudes. Let's take it easy. Yeah, don't hurt them, just scare them. Hey, thank you again for listening to this episode. Making sure that you don't miss one in the future. Go ahead and subscribe to this podcast, whether that be on apple podcast, spotify Youtube, you'll get it alert when we drop a new episode. And if you want more, if you want something a week early, you want to be part of our discord, more access to us as creators, you can support this show on patreon. It helps us go a long way. Nothing that we're doing is possible without our patreon supporters. If you want more information about that, please text tilling to six six eight, six six. Thank you so much for being here. Uh. So, later that evening, um a car is that? In the car after he finally had the window up, he was like, all right, guys, that's how you talk tonight. This night. We scare them. We don't hurt them, we scare them in is how they say, you know. They drive off and he makes the horn sound with his mouth. They both planned on not hurting each other. So the same car comes back down to the end of the block, pulls up, turn it slides off. Yeah, the other end of the block, another car pulls up, turns, it slides off back behind the house in the car comes up, turns, it slights off and then one of them from one of the cars just POPs off a couple of shots from a small caliber handgun, Um, and then the rangers just lit him up from all sides, just unloaded on them, and so all the people in the cars like fell out of the cars, ran around like we're taking cover behind the cars, and like the Rangers are in every every single window in the house, every direction, just peppering all these gangsters that were expecting to just come honestly, probably just do a drive by and get out of that. Yeah, they were like, we were just gonna scare you, we were gonna shoot your cameras. Yeah, we're gonna shoot your cameras and leave and be like hey, you're scared. And now these guys are coming out with like literal military like a great assault. It was Dang, it's gonna be a really good joke, like I'm pulling off. Hold on, I can't remember. What's the suit called, the suit that Alex Jones wore into the place of the Bohemian Growth? Yeah, what's the suit called? Were they're in? They're disguised as the tree and a stuf. Oh, they guilly. That's right. Is that guy of Gillies, kind of gillies sue? Yeah, it's like dude, this is not a serious man. Yeah, so they've got military grade hardware, like, Um, literally calling one of their tank buddies who runs around the corner turn its lights off right over hill. We guys it, turned the lights off. They can't see. You're like, hold on, maybe we didn't know. Maybe he's right. We didn't know. The Rangers are like, we didn't call that helicopter. May We didn't know who we were missing the CRIPP can you say that? I don't know. Out of the helicopter? WHO's a guy landing out of it's the crist like, Wha, wait a minute, shoooo okay, so they but they did? They did they start killing them, like you mean? They let him up, like they just yeah. So, so they were doing suppressive fires. So they weren't actually hitting them. They were just firing over their heads, firing at their cover, Um, and making sure that it was like you can't move because you're getting shot at, but you're not getting physically shot Um. And it stayed this way for a while, UM, about ten minutes of exchanging fire, of them just kind of suppressing them, um, until one guy decided to like go Rambo and he thought, I'm just Gonnas, no one of the CRIPS. He thought, I'm just gonna storm the building, which why, in any scenario, or you're shooting at this house, where there's like nineteen different windows that people are shooting back at you out of where, you would think, I'm just gonna run storm the doors. Are In the house? Yeah, they're in the house. They're in windows and stuff. They're not behind throughout the neighborhood. No, no, no, no, they're all shooting there, all in the house. Um, yes, so they have different positions in different windows, like the attic, second floor, first four, stuff like that. So they're all out of place. Sure. So this guy, uh, decides to just storm the front door, while one of the guys like, well, can't him just get in here? So they caught him in the leg, Um and then. So then he just sprays the building a whole bunch and runs back uh. But that was the only confirmed hit of this whole event, was this guy who tried to storm the building. Okay, meanwhile one of the neighbors is laying down in her kitchen being like what the heck is happening? She calls the cops. Cops like, we can't see it. All right. No, ma'am, I'm sorry. I know you're scared right now and I would love to empathize with you, but we can't be there because there's a lot of other stuff going on. No, no, no, I know. No, I understand. It sounds intense. I'm sure we'll see the video tomorrow from that guy. Yeah, I'm sure he'll send it to us. She'll send it. I'm sure he'll send it over. Um. Well, the police ended up responding. Uh, and so when they came down to the end of the block, the guy just speed the cop full speed, sirens on and everything, just driving down the block and he gets he gets there and there's all these shots everywhere. And and in the police report he got there, he was by himself. He got there, hit there, listening to the radio. Who's like, you know what, tonight, tonight, we are going to check on this tonight. It's over the radio, not over the hood. That's right. So he just does. Guy Shows off to a clearly like the ladies being like there's a ton of gunfire. There's like twenty thirty people exchanging gunfire on her, and he's like yeah, I got it. Yeah, and so he sirens blaring full speed down this block, gets to where the gunfire is and and then the police report, he threw it in reverse and just backed the heck out of it. They got there and then I was like, oh no, and so he backed away, but him just pulling down the block was enough to scare away the majority of the CRIPS. So they all booked it started running. Um. Eventually back up arrived and they were able to track down one of the gang members. Not Hard to find him. Everyone else is running fast. Yeah, I got a weird limp. It's just the thing that happened. Uh, you know what they say. Yeah, you know, you gotta keep an eye out for people who limp. And so, uh, they arrested him and he ended up getting like two years in jail for some possession of the Rangers not in trouble for this at all. Well, so what? Here's what happens. So Um ended up be in a thirty minute shootout that they were out there just exchanging gunfire. About Three D rounds were shot from both sides. Um, what did the house? It's God, looks like freaking Swiss Gee. Yeah, yeah, it, I mean I'm sure. UH, the police seize all the weapons from the Rangers for the investigation. They investigate, they end up giving it back to him and the police say, uh, you're defending yourself, of self defense. The Army Rangers checked in the case and they said yeah, also self defense. So they didn't get any they didn't get trouble from the Rangers, didn't get in trouble from the police. The crypt. That crypt did get arrested. The rest of them got away. As far as we know, no one other than that person who got taed in the leg was injured in the event, like not even not even. Yeah, yeah, for Real, though, like there's a real there's a nobody even tripped and fell and hurt themselves that. Yeah, yeah, there was. Well, there was one of the one of the Rangers, was by a window that got shot out and he got cut by some glass. Um, that like some straight glass. But other than that there was no serious injuries reported. Um, that being said, some people think that when they scattered, they ran to out of town hospitals where they got treated. So the way they can be connected to the event. Um, you got a bunch of guys showing up at the hospital being like, yeah, I'm gun wound. Yeah, Oh, yeah, from. Is it from the same thing? From? Yeah, is it from that big gunfire over in the hill top neighborhood? Yeah, we heard that over the radio. Yea. And the guy laying there getting treated as I guess the cribs not very good at hiding it shot. Uh. Yeah. So, uh, here's the thing. This moment was a turning point in policing in the Seattle Metro area, because the police were like hey, if we don't, you know, do our jobs, then people like this guy are gonna try to do it for us and they might not be as well trained as him. Uh, and exactly what I'm saying. Yeah, and so the police were like, we need to actually, it's not going to go well. Yeah, we need to do a better job at helping protect these names, because as soon as the police show up, one guy is enough to scare off some, you know, some of these gunfight yeah, because, because, I mean they presume those fifteen ish crip gang members that were on site for that and they all ran when they saw one cop, but when they got shot at by Twelve Army Rangers, they stayed there and kept shooting back at them. Um, which is really interesting when you think about it, Um, because at the end of the day, the Army Rangers are better trained in combat scenarios than a police officer would be. Um, so they should be more scared of them. But they weren't. Well, I don't. I mean I don't think that they were out the window being like it's the rangers, you know. I don't think again, you're thinking like like that guy opened the window. It was like ranger time, you know, go, go, Army Rangers, and they were like, you know, they were rolling out the street being like Huh, well, Oh, no, we didn't know who we were messing with. They really didn't, though. That's the whole thing, is that they didn't know who they were messing with. And so this changed the trend that for all a long time in the eighties, uh, there was this trend of what was called community or neighborhood policing, and the idea was that if you were a cop, your job was to get out of your car and get to know people in the community and your presence relationship with people was going to turn the neighborhood around. Um. But that didn't work. The people just kind of it created dirty cops, Um, and so the cops would turn a blind eye to a lot of their friends because now they had friends people who were criminals. Um. This change that trend and made it to where, Hey, your job is to, you know, protect the neighborhood. Um. Granted, it didn't have the same effect that I think they anticipated, but it ended up helping really turned the neighborhood. This neighborhood actually, coincidentally, is the safest neighborhood in the Seattle Metro are right now, um, because everybody knows, Hey, if you do anything there the Army Rangers. Um. But yeah, so it's sparked a major police reform and it actually led to a major change in gang activity in the area as well. Because of the Kings. We're not going back there and now the whole neighborhood is gentrified. So anyway, so the stargeant didn't get in really any trouble, um, because considered self defense. Um. And Uh, the neighborhood did turn around and his investment, I mean surely by now, especially in the Seattle Metro, it appreciated quite a bit. So he made technically speaking, he made a lot of money off. So he still lives there? Does he really, though? Still got the cameras and everything. Never fixed the bull holes. You know, if he would, I think his investment will go up. So the response to this is the response that I want someone to have towards the watcher. Yeah, is wait, okay, so you're saying I'm saying. Say you want the watcher to say, Hey, I said have a bunch of cameras. You don't know who you're messing with. We're gonna shoot you don't know. I don't want the watcher to say that. I want the person who lives in the house to say that to the watcher. H You know, I would put a letter in the mailbox and say, if you even listen to like the watcher episode, it's It's worth. But yeah, that's the response that I want. Is someone to be like, I'm going to protect this house. Yeah, with Nineteen Rangers. Actually, apartment I've got two rangers sitting and you know we're watching at all times. Yeah, just protecting your health. Right now they're watching bilk in nine nine, which is pretty it's a kind of brand for them or whatever. But yeah, I've got like four things I let them watch. Yeah, the last the last guy was like watching new girl all the time and I was like, I don't trust you to me. You're going to defend this house? You? Yeah, so we fired him. Someone broke into my my neighbor's upstairs. I wouldn't let my Rangers Stop Him, you know, because like they didn't pay them, pay for the Rangers. Yeah, gotta, you gotta pay the Rangers, pay the ranger or get ranged. Yeah, anyways, that's the shoot out of a street to come on Washington. Pretty crazy story. I was setting that up so you could come up with a fiddle off, but I thought you were gonna do it. All right, we'll fiddle it off then. Things that then last night, is a production of space tim media, produced by Christian Taylor, audio by Alice Garnett, video by Connor Betts, our graphics and our logo by Kleb but Goldberg, and our social media is run by Kayla Barker. Our host are Jarre Meyers and Tim Stone. FOLLO US on your favorite social media platform at tilling. PODCAST IS T I L L and podcast. Remember to tell all your friends about us and we'll see you next Tuesday for another episode of things either than last night.

In the 1980’s Tacoma, Washington, faced a stark increase in gang activity. The hilltop neighborhood was a particularly active subset of the city and became a hub for the illegal drug trade in the town. However, when one Army Ranger bought a home in the neighborhood, he took matters into his own hands. Sergeant Bill Foulk installed security cameras and … Read More

Julian Assange – The Wikileaks Founder and America’s Enemy Number One


Episode Transcription

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Amen. I have. Have you ever heard of Julian Assange? Oh, yes, yeah, that's that. They serve the it's like dairy queen's Little Mall thing, right. They're g Julius SMOOTHIES, stuff that's really good. Oh my God, people, we just love the theater. No whole atmosphere, you know, we just love going and if you don't get popcorn, you don't get the experience. I can't say most words and I feel like I just ex tradition very well. Yeah, I mean it's not a word, but go ahead. Yeah, we need to rest that guy. We hate this guy. Things I learned last night. Not Orange Julius, Julian Assang. It's pretty close. Have you ever heard of them? Sorry, is that the French is version of it? As what they call it over there? Just Orange Julius, but over there they call it Julius like this, and it's going through Julius, and that sounds legitimately like what they've done out. I mean, you got me there. Yeah, no, I know who this guy is. Let's just go on, do you? Yeah, he's the the the wikileaks Guy. Oh, I don't know. Ay, they beyond that though. Okay, he's got a bad haircut. Yeah, he does have a pretty rough hair yeah, he, and I mean he's had a few haircut Julie says, and the owner of the now Las Vegas Raiders. They go to the same barber. I'll tell you what. Have you seen the owner of the raiders? Why don't you just Google raiders owner? Yeah, let me grab a picture of him. Sure, I'll get a picture of him and I'll get your an audio listeners on our imagine. Imagine like a puppets hair. Yeah, you know I'm talking about. It's pretty bad. That's probably the best description. Like hair. Yeah, I have a doll ever, like a little puppet, you know, and that's what the hair on this human being looks like. You gotta pulled up. Yeah, yeah, hol on, I'm loading it in the propres right now. So cool, two seconds. Yeah, cut this part out also, never mind, leave it in. So here is the owner of the raiders, as I'm saying, is here. Looks like, looks like, it's looks like. Yeah, it is made. Is Worth so much money. Yeah, and he gives his barber none of it. I bet he does this himself. He's got a cut of the cuts his on air. Yeah, for sure, yeah, for sure. Different picture. Worries outside because the sun reflects off of it differently. Yeah, this is a he's got like some ginger hairs. is like a good picture. This is the best picture that exists at this man. This is a good picture of this guy. You know I'm saying pretty no, I say this about him though, joyful. He's a happy man for some such bad hand. Look at the wrinkles on his face. You can tell that he smiles like this a lot. You don't smile like that unless you're genuinely happy. And but Julian Assange, she has a picture of Julian assage, very similar haircut. You can tell they go to the same place. That was fun. I like it. audio listener. He just put a picture of John Christ up there. Orange Julius. Yeah, you know, cut that John Chris joke out. Yeah, see, he looks like okay, so Julia's assage looks like now here's. I don't know how fast you can do this. Okay, okay, but if you can pull up a picture of the Oakland raiders owner and Malfoy from Harry Potter I the best way I can describe Julie Sage is that he looks like he plays the clarinet. Do you say Julia sosage? Whatever, his name is, Julian, Julian asy? I know I'm stuck on Orange Julius. Now, Julian assage. He looks like he plays the clarinets. Got The best, best description of anybody I've ever heard. Yes, he plays the clarinet. Here's DRACO, Yep, here's Mark Davis, the owner of the raiders, and you're telling me that these two put together together equals this person, sage. That's pretty accurate. That's a pretty good yeah, that's a pretty obvious a squared plus B squared equal. See squared. Yeah, that's death. Yeah, anyway, tell me about them. Yeah, so Julian Sage. He's famous for starting wiki leaks once. You probably heard of because they've they started wikipedia. They didn't. They didn't do that. They're different thing. Why don't you tell us what Wiki leaks is? Okay, are you going to in this? I mean now, it's a good time. Yeah, give the listener an idea. Wiki leaks is a website where, if you have something that you wanted to, I don't know, leak to the public, you could log in there and you could have no anonymously give all your information and then what Wiki leaks would do is they would review it and determine whether or not it was legitimate and then they would publish it for you anonymously. And so they weren't actually going out and getting any of this stuff on their own. This is sourced in a space source information. How are they verifying it? How do we know? They read it and they say they go this might he's real. Yeah, that's why last week I went on there and I typed my friend Timothy J stone, is the count or Saint Germain. Submit, submit, and it worked. Yeah, it's on there. I think you have to include like documents. I think there has to be, though. I did. Yeah, I have blooded a whole folder. I'm just it's been my dad. I've been collecting on you for decades. I'm look how old this guy looks. I there's like images that you've doctored and like all these like documents from the FBI that you photoshopped. Yeah, about me being okay, that's great. Well, this picture of him, we're in FBI. Had He knows about the FBI. He must be a part of it. So it's a site that you could leak information through? Yeah, if you had something about they would what really kind of based on a feeling? Did they have fact checkers? Do they have any kind of I think they did, like I don't think it was just like Oh, this feels real, like you had to release your documents, this feels real. There's someone who goes, HMM, I don't get a good feeling about this one. They printed it out and they had two. They have like for Manila folders laying on the table all closed, and then someone just goes getting a good feeling from this one. Good about this? They had this one feels like scientology, but this one, this one, feels real. Now they put it they had scales and their office, like old fashioned scales, and then they had a document that they owned, that they had purchased. This is true. That was real. They would put that on one side and they put it on the other side and if it balanced, then it was true. That's how they did it. I've this one's on make them up. So they would publish these documents and there they've gotten pretty famtasy because there's been a lot of very majoracify things that they published that have come from directly from wiki leaks, and Julian assange is the founder of what key links? He was born in one thousand nine hundred and twenty one and Australia, to parents who were theater people. They watched a lot of movies. Oh my gosh, people, we just love the theater. No whole atmosphere, you know, we just love going and if you don't get popcorn, you don't get the experience. They were. They traveled around Australia and they would put on these productions, okay, and they were they like I mean they acted sometimes, but more than acting they like produced these plays and musicals and things like that. And so by the time Julian graduated high school he had lived in thirty different cities, Oh and gone to thirty different schools and met thirty different people. Just one personal he's school. I'm only allowed to be one of you. WHO WILL IT BE? With the pointings society? Hello, class, we have a new student today. He Hasher's the teacher. I've got a good feeling about that one. Meet me outside at reesis. Tell me everything you know about the Australian government. The kid is just like it's a first grade. Yeah, he's like Hey, I'm like eight, no, sir, I am young. It's as I'm glad you picked me because, man, I am very old. Yeah, but what if he finds like the kid who does know a lot about the government? You know, he's like, okay, I got you, brother. Think children are conspiracy theorist? You think there's like conspiracy theories kids out there? Oh, for sure, I was one of them. Go ahead. Then Julian is size. So He's gone it. He's got a he's a diverse life. Yeah, just think he's experienced a lot of things all over us, the Australian outback and front, back. All right, what if if out back is wouldn't be out front in Oh yeah, out front, I was gonna say in back. He knows the outback, the outfront, the in back and the infront. been to them all. So Julian's got a wide array of experiences and he gets really into computers when he's in high school. So much show that. By the reason, high school, this is like the S. Yeah, this is the s somewhere. So that in the in the s he joined an ethical hacking group which, if you don't know, there's such a thing as ethical hacking, basically what it is is you and all your hacker buddies. You find organizations, whether their companies or governments or crime sent the Kates sure, are doing illegal things and you hack them and you make it to where you change their passwords and stuff. I don't know. Yeah, are you? You Find You just stumble across one of their computers, still logged into facebook, and you post in their status and you go, I got hacked back. They're so embarrassed, so they reveal all their secrets. They stop being a bad person. Oh my gosh, I'm so embarrassed. I have to change my ways. You embarrassed me in the purity that was you group in the well, you know. Yeah, yeah, it's not peer pressure, it's for your pressure. Oh Man, yeah, you're really letting that will wash over you terrible. So, so, yeah, so he got into ethical hacking. Yeah, in the S. and there are some, some ethical hacking groups still. Yeah, there's plenty of them, and in fact it's a huge thing. Like governments have ethical hacking squadrons, okay, that are ethnically hacking their enemies, which, at that point the word ethical comes into question. I was gonna say yeah, I mean anything is ethical. Anything is ethical as long as you are convinced that what you were doing is good. But even if what you're doing is good, is evil, if you have decided that it's good, it's ethical. Yep, Yep. We could get into a whole thing here, you know, but we're not professors, we're not ethics and one of us has a degree. Great. So there is allegedly he was involved, and the major in one thousand nine hundred and eighty nine there was a major hack against the NASA, Nassa. It was a worm virus which were popular in the S. basically it was a bug that went into the computer just broke everything, known as wink, which was worms against nuclear killers, which I don't think the NASA built nukes ever, sure, but they did build rockets which were would be strapp propelling to new nukes. anyways, there's there's allegedly he was a part of that and either a part of developing the wink virus or did develop it and shirts and which is the type of thing. It does fall in line with the type of thing that you're told us. Part of the step very slowly, just so you know. Sorry, really speaking, developed a if that was too slow, for you. Allegedly change it to double spat. Go back, change to the maybe play again. was used against NASA and I don't think that NASA. Okay, whatever, fine thinking. I'll talk faster. Okay, Geez, okay, you're ready. He may or may not have they. Do you set think it's like the friend. Do you feel crazy you're sounding right now, do you there? Are you annoyed that I'm talking like that? Yeah, and we all see it too. Yeah, of us, all of us, every all three of us that listen to this episode. I get that. I get it. You can't. You could have just said hey, so fast, talk with your Mug. What are you doing? Put the Mug down holding them. I Ken't I'm so distracted. But the fact that you're just like anyway, so here you, you're talking with it. You're talking with it like it's Bel Crow to your hand, right, you're just like, all right, anyway. We velcrowed this to my hand before the shoot. We super lute of velcristripped to the pom of my hand. Yeah, it's great. Two options. We could have super gluted the cup to your hand, but that would damage the cup. Yeah, you're right. We needed to super go vell crow to your hand. We don't let that dry. Then we had to put Vlkar on the Mug. What she said? bickly? Yes, obviously. And then now we have and you just ripped your skin off. Hurt a lot. You can't put that mug down for the rest of the episode. Got It. Deal, deal, very funny, SA. Okay, so we should quick. We can't do this. It's we made it. We made it some time, all right, but we should give up. So Julian, he was allegedly par backing group, a part of a mythical hacken group. They did some things that maybe people knew about. Yeah, this wink thing was very much in line with the type of stuff that he's doing. He was really big on he was very antiwar Proslos. So what I knew? As soon as I told you, as soon as you're going to talk real fast, I was like, I'm gonna M Er joke. All Right, his dad was a big antiwar guy, okay, for years before this. And so it seems like Julian picks. All their plays were like Ati war plays. Yeah, okay. They would roll into town and they'd be like invite everyone, this is war crimes. The musical. It was like, okay, Heaven's Gate, the Hell's flames kind of thing, but it was about war. was about war. I love that for them. Yeah, so he was always very day anti aware of what was happening in the world. Vary easy, yes, yes, his or his parents. Would you call his parents activists or not? I would call him activists, okay. And so he got into a little bit of activism and himself mostly through hacking, the activism, if you will, write. And so he had a lot of stuff. And then in this is fun. Where's the types of them? I saw your brain. Try to figure it out outside your brain. Look at the keyboard and then look at the Mug. You can put them like down the type. No, I can't. It's about good to my hand. I figured it out. So in the late s he again working on this project that would eventually become wiki leaks. But she released in October of two thousand and six, okay, which wikipedia very nicely told me is fifteen years ago. Incorrectly. It's actually sixteen years ago. Yeah, hasn't been updated. So anyways, wiki leaks comes out and almost immediately becomes a worldwide firestorm because they started leaking things. Yeah, but like how do you build a leaking website? You know how, like what is the first thing? Like you're like, I want to build a place where people leak things. And then you just go where. You just like be like hey, is there anything they were to leak? Like what do you? How do you? Yeah, I think, I think. And then someone in it, in a cubicle with your office is like I've been waiting for this day, I've got something. I think it's similar to like, like I sure it was just a contact form. You would upload all your stuff and then, I mean, I understand how a website works. I'm saying, how do you eat the word out? Well, marketing. Oh, they started a big billion dollar ad campaign, had a super bowl add okay, there's like got a big secret about the Gout, the state's government. Oh, I was thinking, like exposed the secrets, you know, and then use get people being like my neighbor's cheating on his wife and they put like put that on wiki leaks, but that on wiki leaks? No, they were more concerned with war. Okay. Well, they released this file that has since been dubbed the collateral murder footage. Oh, from a air strike in Baghdad, and this was obviously the middle of the opera war on terror. Yeah, and in this video is the videos pretty horrible. There's a there's a group of what the the pilots of this helicopter seemed to think our militants, right, but there it's just a group of like locals walking through the town and they saw they thought they were holding guns. They're actually reporters from Reuters reporting on the war. They had big cameras with long lenses that they were capturing things with, and so they were talking back and forth with base, with the local forward base, and basically trying to get permission to fire them. Eventually I got it, and then engage them, kill them all. But there's kids there. And the horrible part about the videos you can hear the pilots and the gunners like laughing and cracking jokes while they're shooting these people. Oh yeah, and then at the end of it you hear one of them says, well, that's what you get from bringing your kids to a gunfight, and the other guys like yeah, yeah, and so like it was it was a very like very supvideo roootage that comes out that gets that hits the news and it becomes a giant media firestorm. Right. That was like their first big leak. Yeah, okay, I mean they had leaked other stuff, but this was, yeah, this is the first thing that like they put the story out about the neighbor's wife and all that stuff. They did the small ones, but they did a lot of this is their big one. This is their big one, and this was almost overnight, instant worldwide news. Oh, for sure, everyone's talking about it and covering it. Well, I mean like, and do you think that shape Internet culture now? Because Internet culture now is just like you can just put stuff. I see twitter videos that are just like, you know, exposing people on Online. Maybe maybe, because I don't know if I remember a time before that. I mean to be fair, before that, before two thousand and six, there wasn't a lot of opportunity. It wasn't a lot of Internet for you to put your own stuff on the Internet. That's true. Yeah, like Youtube didn't exist. You would have to have any resource to put things out. For sure, was my space. There was place is where you could post off, but it was a lot less than anyway. The Internet definitely more us than it is someone else. Now anyways, it's an interesting idea. Hey, thanks for checking out this episode. If you like our show, make sure to leave a podcast review in whatever platform you use or, if you're on Youtube, drop a comment if you want to listen to another episode. My favorite right now is Jose can SACO. It's this guy in the MLB who really brought steroids mainstream for the sport and did a lot of other just absolutely insane stuff, and there might be a little bit of aliens in it. So check that episode out. It's one of my favorites. But thanks for being here. But along with this, this video, this was the explosive thing that got all the media attention. But along this video there was about, and you're not going to believe this, seven hundred fiftyzero documents from the war in Iraq. And how are they? How are someone leaving this kind of stuff? So the way this happened, this specific leak came from a woman named Chelsea Manning O ye, Yep, yeah, and she was a at the time. She hasn't translation to Chelsea, I don't know. I don't remember what her name was before then, but she was a soldier in the Iraq war and she was like traumatized by the experience and realize there was a lot of corruption and a lot of just terrible things happening there, and realized, above all else, that the numbers of deaths and civilian casualties were severely morder reported. Reported, yeah, they oh yeah, we were severely under reporting them. And so she, with the help of Julian Assange, she kind of got in touch with him at wikileaks, got kind of some tips on how to hack into their computers and at the like forward land base, like, she was able to get into, oh my gosh, one of the computers and she just downloaded everything on to, yeah, jump drive and that had later, when she made it back to the states, she uploaded that to wiki leaks in the videos included in that upload. Got It. There's other viciously I obviously the video is what takes, you know. That's that's clearly like a that was one of the the strongest because it's a video and yeah, you could hear the way the lighter as it was just a horrible, horrible video. It plays well in the news, yeah, you know. Yeah, yeah, not the type of thing that the news is going to pay to run right, right, and a lost reported numbers horrible, Does News, but you had a video that shows soldiers with they're just ampathetic response. What was wild was along with those in those documents there was stuff about about the numbers, about how how much higher the real numbers were, right about a lot of air strikes and how so many of those air strikes there was no come to details, were straight up war crimes. Yeah, and and a lot of like backdoor deals with different countries to secure resources. While they're they're like, you're crazy. Just it was a very, very bad release for the US government. Yeah, and so it was when people realize, Oh, the government still sketchy. Yeah, and needless to say, when this comes out, the United States was like that Julian Assan Guy, we don't like them. And they really, really wanted to arrest him at this point. But for what? For telling all their secrets, but it could. Here's what's interesting to me. He's an Australian born, yeah, human at this point he was living in the UK, not an American citizen, not involved at all, and at the end of the day, all he did was publish a bunch of docuts. What I'm thinking? Yeah, the issue was these documents were classified documents that were stolen. Yeah, but he didn't steal. But he didn't. He did helped, he did aid in a bet, got it. Got It. So he was a part of it. But they're still it feels like they want to make an example out of them. Oh, yeah, for sure, they're like, Hey, don't do this. Yeah, and so they immediately began. Is exactly why I think that all conspiracy theorists on youtube are all wrong, because if they were right, the government would be like, don't do that. Yeah, you know, but they're not. They're so wrong that it's just like whatever's don't care. Go. Oh, yeah, who you can? Made A little Youtube Channel? Great, yeah, yeah, what are you doing? Well, I's thin, good, I it's it's it's a tangent. It's too yeah, yeah, we don't have much time for this. Okay, so just get to the point. So dolissage, he's he's a guy. You Guy, you know any mate. Website is stuff came out of the website and he's still a guy. got a loss. So jelsee me and he gets arrested. She serves I think it's severallyking seven years in prison. Yep, they begin to build their case against Julian Assag and Julian assaje becomes en. I mean number public. I don't even number one. I bet they use they were like, Hey, you can reduce your time if you like. They were probably working that angle hard problem for her for her prison sentence, I'm sure. Meanwhile, GID right, she's not in the United States anymore. I'm not certain. Okay, that okay, it's a different tangent. But Julian, meanwhile, had become almost like a hero pretty much everyhe else in the more. Yeah, pretty much ever else in the world. They're like that was really cool, which it sounds like. It's like vigilante justice. Yeah, yeah, and so he was doing these almost ted talk type events all over the world talking about well, this is also this. One of the scariest things about the Internet was that, oh, we don't have the ability to cover things up anymore. MMM, like, you know, that's why they were to make an example of it. was like, Hey, you can't use the Internet. This is fairly new thing that is still out here. You're not allowed to use it to do this. Yep, Yep, you know. And so it's of course. That was what was interesting is the United State it's was really mad, but pretty much every other country was. I was like, that was really cool because it wasn't about them. Yeah, and then they had to come out with a PR that was like yeah, we love they, you know, because we have nothing to hide. We are so we love what you're doing. We love what you're doing. Yeah, don't look at us, rules, don't look at us. Yeah. So pretty much every country loved him and he did up. He did like this book Torque type thing. Yeah, what he was doing these speaking engagements and doing these talk shows and stuff like that. Talking. Yes, I really didn't write this book. He just released a seven hundred fiftyzero classified documents about the university sign. People are bringing it there. He's signing the least document. He's like, you guys know, I didn't write this, right. No, yeah, no, but in a way you did. But in a way you did. You wrote it in the anals of his bringing the their home computer for him to sign. They're standing in line with a giant monitor. Out of the well is Dell's. Yeah, dude, or joy's gonna sign my computer. He could I get a large banana, mamma, and also, could you suck my computer banana Mamma, is that you were for? Yeah, I don't remember what the drinks were there matter either. Daughter Orange Julia, still around? Yeah, I haven't seen in Orange Julius in years, because even have been all right, exactly. Actually, we went on my birthday all pretty bought me a bunch of new clothes. Oh, I'm glad you're you're you had super defensive when you said that too. I was like to the Malt Bree bomb, me a bunch of clothes. I love that your sugar mom has taken care of you. Dude. She was like, she's like for your birthday, here's what happened. Here's there's a couple of things that have happened. Oh, besactly. We're gonna go of the past couple of years. I used to work at a church and now I don't, which mean I'm going to take the jewelry of my words. You can just dress how you want to. The majority of my wardrobe was church mark, which church March, which I'm not like, I'm not mad about it, but it's also like wow. I was also like why every shirt I wears that's your previous and from previous. Yeah, which is a little it be like if you got fired from pizza, hug around thing on the top of the car and so so she took you keep that. They'll let you, but you can't. Did PICKMAN'S HAVE ONE? Did you have a? Never put it on my car because because those things, that these super power magnus, they dent your car. They dent the roof of your car. Do they really? Yeah, they do. Every time you put them on and pull them off, they dented. It was so annoying and they would get really mad whenever you cared, whenever I did, because I have you nice car then. The car you had then is objectively better from the car you have now. Yes, absolutely, and corporate would come they be like you got to use that ady. You don't pay me enough for me to use that. I'd go out and I just go anyways. This is not important. So brie took me to the mall, be to the ZOOMI's. Take to Zoomi's and all the stores that I rap a, Zumi's, Weeah, I went to all those things. It was his eyes got so embarrassed when he said that because his eyes were like yeah, that's exactly what he's what's frustrating. Yeah, he's stating. Grown up, I was a pack Soun, Zoomi's hot topic, Van's journeys, all of those stores. They don't know. They don't pander to me anymore. They have lowered their standards and now, Oh, oh, hold on, hold on, you're saying they you had high standards before. Now when you go in, you're like these I'm saying, I want to go into a zoom he's and by black tshirts with skulls on them, but now all they have is like tidye stuff with rappers. Oh yeah, they're like, they're like they're in bucket hats. Yeah, and they're they're appealing to I don't know, the audience that they want to sell stuff too, and it makes me feel like my place in the world is shrinking. And you, you look at the girl behind the counter a Zumi's and you said, ma'am, I'm really old. But all this to say, being in them all was a surreal experience, because it's seriously, has been like a decade since I've been super weird. There was the oddest or sketchy. It was very odd. Yeah, it genuinely felt like walking into a time machine, yeah, or alternate reality. Like it was odd. They're not good. Yeah, anyways, back to Joli massage. I don't remember why we start talking about malls or what. I brought up on juice again. It was a joke. They're signing, their signing, that he's doing his little booktory, speaking of yet he's betther countries are like this guy is a lazy guys. Great. Well, then he started releasing stuff about other country. Yeah, and they really said of being like we don't like this. Go. It's kind of like that. Um, it's kind of like when you become friends of the person is really funny and they make fun of everybody else. You know, you'll talk about like that person you're high school who was just like a jerked everybody, but it was, yeah, funny. So you're like, you're like friends with them. Yep, you're trying to be buddy, buddy, Yep, all out of I don't want you to make fun of me. Yep, you know, and then they turn on you anyway. And that seemed like what they were doing with Julian Assas, where they're like hey, buddy, yeah, thank you for releasing that about the United States, those horrible monsters. Yeah, but because we would never do anything. Why are you telling us? We were friends made were friends, Bro. But it wasn't just governments. He was also exposing. He individuals, corporations. Yeah, corporations. There was in two thousand and eight. He exposed a lot of the thanks that about what was going on. Yeah, that led to the housing crisis. I ahould say he, because at this point what he leaks was a large group. There're people that were involved in I think he takes the flack because I struggled it. He's the operator of the in the butt end of the day, he puts his hand on Manilla folder and says, I feel that this one was right. Feel. So did he did wiki leaks expose the housing crisis stuff before after the crash? It was after the crap. Well, I mean I guess was in the middle of them during the crash, or a little anglic crowd. Yeah, and so by this point the US has put their tase together and they basically put out this order to have him extradited to us so he can be tried for his crimes. And so he is like kind of avoiding while they don't get tried for the years. I mean, that's accurate. He's trying to avoid his extradition and I just want to take a note for a second. I can't say most words and I feel like I just extradition. Very well, yeah, I mean it's not a word, but go ahead. So he's avoiding his extra dice. Anything has some extra dice in here. I forgot my go ahead. Keep going. So he he's trying to avoid this. And then this in two thousand and ten. Yeah, while he was in Sweden, or well before, he wasn't sweeten a little while before that, and then he was back in the UK and then now Sweden it's like, Hey, this stuff has come out. Basically he had some sexual abuse allegations come out about him. So my weekly were him. Yeah, they were trying to actually die him back to Sweem to try him for you see the look at my eye for a second there. I was like yeah, sweet to Swed you. They're trying to get him actually out of back to Swedens. Now he's got two countries that are like hey, hey, we need you to come here so we can arrest you and you want you come hang out over here. Yeah, all of his reason, all of his facebook ads are occasions vacation. Had vacation this sweets take a sweet break. anyways. So he's in the UK and the UK takes a stance and they basically were like, we're with the Swedes and the United on and if we see him, were arresting them and shipping them out to one of you guys. Oh well, because I don't know, they were trying to play pology. Oh yeah, they got stuff hidden to them. Yeah, they're like, we need to take we gotta get this guy off the street. This guy's gotta go away. So where is he now? Well's what happened. In two thousand and ten. He walked into the Ecuadorian embassy and pleaded asylum and had all his paperwork together and they're like okay, and so he camped out in like a off a a back office apartment thing that they set up for him. Yeah, and immediately upon arriving, so he dressed up like a delivery driver. Okay, well, Waltston, with a box and inside the box was his papers, papers to to plead for asylum. And so then almost immediately after he pleaded that asylum, where it got out and then from that point forward, so the ytre Wiki leaks so you use driver just went into the Ecuadorian Ecuadorian equird, Equord, whatever, a equator? No, they went to the impleaded asylum sinnd from that day forward, for roughly ten years, there were ten British police officers outside that door at all times, ready to arrest him if he walked out the door. And he literally didn't leave the building. So he's effectively under arrest. Yeah, they've got him under house arrest in the Ecuadorian embassy and the British parliament. That's what they're called, right, the British government? Yeah, parliament. They're like, if he walks out these doors, he's arrested. Word we're sending off to we can they do that at the embassy? What do you mean? Can they do that? Like that's that's technically that a good are. Yes, they can't go in there, the police can't go in there and they can't take them. But okay, if he walks out the doors, then they can arrest him. Okay, so they're literally just hanging out, but he's got a yard and stuff. Well, I mean, this is this is in like the city, and so I got a plan. Which Embassy you go to? You know, you have to pick an embassy with a backyard. Yeah, you can't just go to a small embassy. I. You need a big embassy, this embassy. You need to look for an embassy. Sweets you needed, and you need to find like a like a realtor for embassies, and help you find an embassy that fits your needs. Actually, love the HGTV show embassy hunters, right, and so you tour three different bassies. Yeah, but you're like this one. Really, there's three, I don't know, and they always choose the one that you don't want to shoot. You're always upset about it. They always choose the middle one. But, yeah, the ones like middle of the road. Yeah, it's almost like they're actors. But you know these people, they did commit international crimes and they've got world powers coming after them. So allegedly, allegedly. So, Julian is in in this embassy and while they're Ecuador was treating really well. They wired new Internet connection to the embassy. You ever? YOU RUN A website? Right, all right, we're gonna get you faster Internet because you want to keep running that. We don't want to keep you from your want to keep you from what you do. Yeah, they're basically like hey, will help you do this. Imagine you're a person who works in an embassy. Yeah, here's going to work every day. Yeah, there's there at your job. Yeah, and some dude rolls in and now he lives there. Your boss comes in for ten years. Hey Mike, so last week. Hey Mike, so last week this is Australi. Yeah, oh well, this is the Ecuadorian embassy too. But he comes in. He's like, Hey Mike, so last week. I know, but they did. They we gave you that promotion. Are they all from Ecuardor you got that new office and need that offense and bad got back because this guy who runs this website, this ups driver. Yeah, he needs to live in year office. As far as it is a couple weeks? Yeah, probably nine years. I'm five hundred and twenty weeks. Try to put a number on it. That's my that's my ballpark. So they did. They they hired a new security agency to make sure that nobody like hired like a strike force to come and get them or stuff like that. Like like they were protecting the embassy, but they're also protecting him. Yeah, but he makes it a threat to the embassy. Yeah, because he's there and because now there's two, one of arguably the most powerful country in the world and then another pretty weedon relatively powerful country. That's the most American thing we've ever said the Swedes. Yeah, what was the most powerful culture the world? It was Sweden. So it's like, wouldn't that be cool, though, they pulled it off and they were the ones you got of. Wouldn't that be the underdog story? So so he's in there and he's running wiki leaks from the embassy, never leaving. His family comes every Christmas years. It go in two, two thousand and ten in November. Every Christmas. Family comes and celebrates Christmas with him in the embassy. But we're here to visit. Yeah, we're just visiting. You bring your passport to embassy? I don't know, maybe because it's technically Ecuador right. anyways, so he world traveler. You are about on a plane, but I've been to every country. Yeah, they've got a little and in Great Britain write down one of the words them g the historian Atlanta here when its avenue? I don't know, like Google maps. I tricked him on that one. The look on your face, it's fun, man. I Miss Spell that. Can we fight like that? I don't know. I just I don't understand embassies work. But we can fire that all later. I guess it is. Wait, would be weird if it was just like an Indiana. Now this is the US embassy and Equador. I don't yeah, anyway, we can later. Hey, thank you again for listening to this episode. Making sure that you don't miss one in the future. Go ahead and subscribe to this podcast, whether that be on apple podcast, spotify, Youtube. You'll get it alert when we drop a new episode. And if you want more, if you want something a week early, you want to be part of our discord, more access to us as creators, you can support this show on patreon. Helps us go a long way. Nothing that we're doing is possible without our patreon supporters. If you want more information about that, please text tilling to six six, eight hundred and sixty six. Thank you so much for being here. But he's there for ten years. He's in there running wiki leaks from within the walls of the Equadorian Embassy. Yeah, and while he's doing this he does something pretty significant that you might remember. He leaks all of Hillary Clinton's emails. Yeah, during the two thousand and sixteen campaign. And now Hillary Clinton is a huge enemy of wiki leaks and very vocally. It's like glad's very dangerous. Yeah, very vocally talking about him. Yeah, and Donald Trump is very vocally talking about how much he loves wikileaks is. Yeah, yeah, he's like, I love wiki leaks, they're great, they're one of the best things about America. And it's like it's anyways, that's a credit for you don't know how the election happens. Well, literally days after the election ends, trump claims he doesn't know who Julie Osange's or wiki leaks is. Yeah, he's like, what, I don't know. There been to a mall, you know? I just I don't have mall money. I'm richer than most. Go to the ZOOMI's and were tea shirt for skulls on them. What is what is the lowest income you could have to still be a mall shopper? Or, wait, highest income you could have? Well, I don't show so somewhere between you and me, I'm not a mall shoppers. The first time I've been in years. But you shopped at them all, didn't you guess? I'm a mall shopper, so so pretty quickly and Charles Presidency, the dialog shifts and then the trump administration, early in the presidency, very sharply begins to pursue Juliana's yeah, they're like, Um, do you know exactly what happened to is he? Because president, they're like, you know, he can find out stuff, right. He's like, I would like you kind of like well, I mean like he knows, here's some stuff you can find out, and they're like yeah, yeah, we need arrest that guy. We hate this guy. So anyways, so he does that leak and he's back in the news and he's doing these sounds like he's do for another one. He's doing these press conferences from the embassy. But what he's doing and then it's the most I don't know what to call it, like World War One movie type of thing, where he literally is in the middle of London or somewhere. I'm pretty sure it's London, and he's walking out on the balcony of this embassy to the streets with all the police below, these all these reporters that are just constantly filming this embassy now and he comes and just got walks out and does this speech about his leaks, yeah, and then walks back in the apartment and everyone on the streets like Ah, is Julian from the balcony. So years go by of this and then in the late ten I believe it was twenty eight, two thousand and seventeen, Ecuador's president his term ends and so new president is elected and takes present. Is like, and then Mike needs his office back. The new president is like, you know, what would be cool if we weren't opposing, you know, the United States and they in Sweden. He's more fraid to Sweden. And so they started trying to find a reason to be able to kick him out of the embassy. They they under their law. They did asn't flush the toilet, you know, real bad roommate. So they they fired their security agency, hired a new security agency, which is a little sketchy, and then they planted cameras throughout the whole embassy and his suite and like like secret. Can't these aren't like like they set up a Webcam. So little gardenomes with cameras for yeah, say, while they were putting cameras inside the fire extinguishers. Yeah, in the restrooms and cameras and they were watching everything assage was doing, trying to find reason they could kick him out, and then eventually they just did. They were just like all right, there go. They took away they took away his razors so he couldn't shave. But really they were like it's a weapon. That's what they said. But I think when they eventually, when it happened, he got he got he got kicked out. They pushed him out the door and then the British police for standing there and they arrested him and they shipped them off to Sweden and while I was in Sweden he was serving his sentence. It was a fifty week sentence and he serving a sentence and they had him psychlot evaluated and they said that he was exhibiting signs of people who had been mentally tortured for a long period of time, which is it makes sense because he died living in this embassy, lived in this this single rapping on the outside, not going outside and not having any personal contact really. There was his his dad at the beginning. He had a lot of family that was coming out and seeing him. His wife ended up leaving. He's essentially on house or rest yeah, yeah, and his wife, his wife left him. She got custody of the kids. Yeah, and so he stopped seeing his family and his dad was the only person who would come visit him, but his dad lived back in Australia, so his dad was coming back ultra occasionally to see him. And so the guy had basically no connection. And then when the president switch, he started to have not only a couple world powers wanting to come down on him, but now the one place where he was actually safe was turning on him as well. And so he was it seemed like he was genuinely going insane. And on top of all that, he was running a website that was dealing with some of the darkest things people are doing in this world, right, and so he's knowing about all these guys, which could not be good for your psyche. So his behavior, that's that's what they cited for when they kicked him out. The Ecuadorian government said that his behavior had become erradict and they sure seemed that he was dangerous for the people and God an embassy, because he was kind of the kind of being erratic crazy. While he goes to Sweden, he goes through his trial, and at this moment, where we're sitting right now, he has not been sent back to the US yet, but he's going to be sent to the US. There is a chance. It seems like the juries tell out on whether or not he's going to leave or not. Okay, whether or not they're going to they're going to send them back out after after this sense or not, but they're it's it's it's an interesting thing because there is a there's this big discourse where there's one side of the map says, Hey, this information deserves to be public, the world deserves to know about bad things that are happened behind closed or sure from people in power. But then there's this other camp that it that thinks that these are things that compromise security through and they are confidential for a reason and releasing them is bad to the safety of everybody involved within those nations right and so it is a moral gray area he's operating in, for sure. What's what's the most troubling about the scenario is, at the end of the day, what Julian assange is doing is he's publishing articles from other people, from other sources. He is he hisself isn't the one doing all the things now and he's not going out and stealing these. There is in the case of Chelsea Manny. He did walk her through how to steal it, sure, but he's basically just a vessel. Yeah, at the end of the day, he's a reporter. He is like any news source that has a source that told them something anominous anonymously and he published it. And so the precedent that's being said here is genuinely a very nerve racking situation because if the US does go try him want, he's not even American citizen. Yeah, and so for them to try him on the grounds of anything close to treason doesn't make a any sense because he's not. He's not an American citizen. But then to it calls it a question the entire thing of journalism, because if you're not safe to publish something that a source comes from, you no matter who it's going to harm. That puts us in a really weird shot. Sure, forward, but if he's helping gain access to classified information, then that itself is a crime. That itself is a crime, but that is the lowest in or not, that's the lowest sentence he's facing. I think that's a seven year sentence. I'm saying the space same for that. That seems fair to me. Yeah, I would know. They're not trying that. I know that it's not what really going for, you know. So out of he's facing, I think in the US is a hundred and twenty years sence. He's the helping eight legos at at home. That is like that's like five hundred. That's five thousand two hundred something weeks. That's that's a hundred years right. And then says he's looking at like, you know, it's a lot of weeks. Is there an over six thousand weeks? Thanks, in Mike's Office. Thanks for bringing that. He can you, Mike. I know you just got this fancy office and stuff, but this guy's going to live here for the next six thousand dozen weeks, two hundred weeks. So he's really been a crew in that PTO. Yeah, so I think the aiding a bend, aiding in a bedding chesse mating is a seven year since. Sure the rest of that is a hundred twenty years and that is all just you told our secrets. Yeah, and that to me is sketchy because, yeah, because at the end of the day. Let's be honest. What he did is no different than what all was. The board does all these other all these other news sources that are talking about what's happening for crane. He's Donna do anything different. They he had a source who told him about war crimes that a world power is committing somewhere else in the world. Right, and, but I didn't make the word probably look good. So here's what I think about classified documents. Right, there are some classified documents. There's probably documents within that seven hundred forty thousand dollar pig, like seven heard fifty thou seven her fetes, thousand pages. Yeah, that it's not the the bad pr pieces that they would be worried about as much of it is. There's included in that would be strategy and important things that are needed to be keep quiet, because if they're using it in this tap coal procedure, they're probably using it another tagical produders, and if that's out of they can't do that anymore in dangers or soldiers. Right. So there are pieces that that I understand as far as classified, absolute leaking classified things. Yeah, so, but what I don't like is whenever that just becomes Oh, the government's hiding stuff because the government sketchy, and it's like, well, no, but sometimes, in order to negotiate, you don't have, you don't want to have all your cards on table, and it's be like okay, how do we do this? When you're negotiating deals with countries with that have bad motives, yeah, or when you're going to the table with China or Russia or Korea or whatever it might be in powers, yeah, other other powers that you've got, you've got to have some stuff absolutely to either offer or to say okay, and you can't just have all those things out. So I'm not saying there because there's something that would have the attitude that just by having classified information, that is sketchy and it's a No. Yeah, that's how politics works, that's how life works. We that's how Wifi doctments. Sure, but if you're going to go out for somebody, for and that's where I go, it makes sense that they're going out. If going after them for the documents that release, that would then endanger either future relations with other superpowers, yeah, or whatever. Right, but if you're going laughter them for the PR bad you know, then that's a whole other, which is what it I mean, that's what it feels like. It feels like it's always gonna be frame that way, though. Yeah, you know, yeah, that's fair. It's always so so that way. I think the question is, the major issue is, what precedent will this set? Sure, because you need we need a society where publishers and reporters have the ability to shine a light on terrible things happening in the world. But if it, if something like this is where to happen and he were to be arrested and face the centure, I think it, I think it could very severely hamper someone's desire to do something like that for sure future and and and I think it opens the door to allow those sorts of receiving and I'm on the side of like, yeah, we should definitely, you know, encourage free press. Yeah, but at the same time we can't just vilify a government for half a secrets. Yeah, yeah, you know, we can. I think it's I think, I think the thing is a secret. Seciacy has a bad commedation. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, yeah, should the government operate with more transparency when it comes to bad image things? Yeah, for sure, I think. I think when you look at things like and and I mean I don't know if we would ever see a day or the government or to act like this, but I think the best way to behave when someone within your organization makes mistake, you have to acknowledge that publicly and you have to talk about what you're doing, even just government. This goes to churches, this goes to businesses, this goes to personal relationships. The same way of like, if you hurt somebody, you have to acknowledge that. No up and we're governments and corporations and individuals get in trouble is when they just go had it. Well, they come. You know, Oh, can you believe that that girl told you that I was sleeping with her on the side. I can't believe her for doing that. It's yeah, but you were cheating on your wife with her. Yeah, it's like, well, yeah, but she's crazy and does she shouldn't have said that. You know, you're like what? Yeah, I think there has. There has to be a knowledgement and there will be consequences for that. But but yeah, putting it in the dark and leaving in the shadows is why there are so many people who don't trust government. And that's the other thing I'm saying is that, you know, there's a lot to get swept under it because it's classified. Yeah, there's also people who were like, oh well, if it's classified, that must mean that is bad. She yeah, right, and it's like, well, that's not how anything works. Nothing works in a black and white way like that. That's all I'm saying. Yeah, which I think it's fair. I think it's fair. Yeah, so basically, where we're landing is, instead of a hundred, twenty years or six thousand weeks, it should be sixty years or the three thousand weeks. Yes, yeah, and I would love for it to be. I here's what I think is punishment should be. I think this man should have to spend ten years managing an Orange Julius in them all. You know, and I mean ten years, whether that mall is open or knees. If that mall closes in three years old navy moves out, you know, and it's just the lights on anymore. It's just him every day with a blender, just he's make a smoothies for rats and he's named him all. Some bears say of Julie Guliano. July, you went with Juliano first, Julia, Julia, Julianne, Guliano, and Juliano is the first one you went with. All right, I made just smoothie. All right. Are we done? Yeah, I guess we can be okay. Yeah, he's in there making smoothies. Yeah, and the playlist still works, but it's just fiddle music in things of the last night is a production of space tim media, produced by Christian Taylor. Audio is edited by Alice Garnett, video by Connor beat social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic designed by Caleb Goldberg. Our hoster, Jeremyers and Tim Stone. Please follow us on social media at tilling podcast. That's Tillo in podcast. Leave a review, comment, subscribe wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on the last night.

The early days of the internet were truly the wild west. Anyone with the means to post to the world wide web could upload whatever they wanted and leave it out there to the world. That is precisely what inspired Julian Assange to create Wikileaks. The now infamous site was envisioned to be a place where whistleblowers could anonymously leak … Read More

Count of St Germain – Time Traveling Vampire with Eternal Life


Episode Transcription

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Hey, man, what's going on? Oh, nothing much. Just introduce the topic. Tim All right, well, I was just trying to but then you interrupted me. This is I'm just summarizing the first two minutes of every episode we do. It's not even close to true. Have you ever heard of got that tattooed on your body forever? Yeah, I did. Is the cool it's just a little bomb. It's like the it's it's actually I think it's the bomb from from Super Mario Brooks. Yeah, so I knew I saw that. Why did you guys it for those Boosa, I think that's what I'm like, what did you that was impulsive tattoo. It was Friday that thirteen. They were thirty bucks and this was one of the ones that I was like hey, now looks cool. We're gonna like put in a explain. You were like doing crooked and a couple weeks. Yeah, it's like he's running down my arm, oh my gosh. Yeah, yeah, well, you already here, folks. I'm back into lives slow decline. Yeah, you were here at the beginning, so congratulations. Congratulations. Yeah, there is an interesting phenomenon yes that I noticed that you and I were talking about you can hear the wind come out of our sales if you listen through the whole catalog. We seem so excited about life at the beginning of our catalog of the podcast, but then as life goes on and we got punched a few times, you can tell like we're just maybe you, I like my life. What are you trying to say? I'm not saying either of US don't like our life. I think we both love our life. We're just realistic now. Yeah, I think. I think we were just bright eyed like Oh yeah, sh out a call Oya. Know, we're the whole. We're dead inside now, for sure. Like I think there was just a period. We were in our early s. The world was our alwayster. We were excited. We barely like had anything go wrong yet. Yeah, and then now it's like, Oh, like we realize my right was three hundred dollars. Of course, I was so happy, you know. I mean, what are you talking about? Now we have like now you know what it is. It's now we sound responsible. That's what it is. I don't think it's that we sound sad or that life is over. I just think it sounds like we're adults. I think there's a genuine thing that happens in your early s. You you go through college or whatever you do in your early s, everybody kind of has this figuring out phase and then you kind of go into real adulthood life, and then when you step into that, there's like this, there's this this twinkle in your eye and you like exciting because you all these dreams about what it's going to be like, and then you experience it and you're like this is harder than anybody's. Yeah, gonna be yeah, and then at what point does wife demoralize you so much and tear you down and just beat the heck? Yeah, that you just impulsively get cartoon characters tattooed on here. Well, point is that? What? Wow, small gradual port is that? What? What pathetic? Point? What pathetic? Well, you know, man, I've been thinking lately. Roll the title sequence. All right. Have you ever heard of sound art? Hold on, just cut this part. We're doing the theme song. Still. Actually put this over the five, somebody. This is the Woll it things I learned last night. I have you ever heard of Count de Saint Germain? What say it again, Count de Saint Germain, or account of St Germain Day is a vampire. Yeah, well, this is a vampire. Technically, is a person people think is a vampire. Yeah, yeah, that's actually well, I want to say they think this versus. What is it? A vampire? Well, I mean sort of. Some people, some people act like he is. I want to say he's a vampire, like he's not, technically, like there's no such thing as vampires. But what Aliens Real? Yeah, what an idiot to believe in vampires. That's so ridiculous. But this is why aliens don't talk to us. It's what we believe in, stupid things like vampires. So here's the thing. He's not a vampire count for some say vampire. He does some pretty vampy things, sampy things, I don't know, bro, that's Super Vaby. That's pretty vampy. Yeah, I don't look at me ors. That's pretty vampy of you, dude, and I can't really the last time I saw my reflection. Dude, I would. I was some friends to pizza hut the other night and I was like, you guys like the little garlic butter stuff and I guy was like aren't you garlic? And I was like that's that's baby of you. That's so vamped. There's a guy who was like man, if you take that piece of wooden over there and stab it in my heart, I'd probably die. That's pretty vampy. Yeah, yeah, I'm glad that you mentioned that. You would die from that, because it's exactly what I was thinking. You're doing. I saw the steaking. Were here, thanks for the war. They also yeah, he just calls me, he calls it a piece of wood. Yeah, that piece of wooden steak. Yeah, yeah, that's wild that we kill people with steaks. And they were like, yeah, because he died, that means he was a vampire empire. Yeah, if, if he was a human, he would have you would have just also died. You would have been less dead. He would have died a little Joe Count of where St Germain, St Germain saying kin. Yeah, so this is an interesting guy. He was a real named Jordan. I'M gonna be honest with you, I don't know. We don't have a real name. We don't have a real name for him. There's a lot of that's pretty vampy too. You. Yeah, that it's very vampy. There's a lot of just mystique around this guy. He's a real guy. We have historical record of him actually living. Okay, he's estimated to have been born in one thousand six hundred and ninety one, oh whereabouts. Fish where their guy, and then he died, theoretically, if there allegedly. Allegedly he died in one thousand seve hundred and eighty four, when he's like ninety. Yeah, so pretty long fruitful life, even for vampire. But here's the thing. So his life, he's he did a few things, he dabbled. He was kind of one of those renaissance man's, if you were man's got it, and the son's men sounded weird. This is the man's room. Excuse me, Miss can you play me to the man's okay, so he did a few things, okay, including alchemy. He was pretty involved in obviously mixing chemicals together and he's pretty involved in Alchemy. Tell me about that new guy you've been seeing? Yeah, he's just really into alchemy. You know, I love humbly is. I've never seen him check himself out in the mirror. He's got this like Cowlick, right, so he's like hair sticks up in the middle, but he just never knows and he has this really weird lisp. But I dude, that's one thing people don't talk about. Vampires got to be ugly as heck me because they can't see themselves. They can't they can't put themselves together. They have really wow, I didn't even think about that. That's how you know. Next time you see an I say you see someone that you're like that some vampy stuff. Man, bro Anytime I see someone with something in their teeth, like I'm hey, you got a little piece of human flesh and your teeth they hey, I have something to tell you, but any just stay really far away from my neck Clo tell it. Yeah, you got something in your your you know, you should have seen that in the mirror. Man. Well, back up man, who? WHOA so he was interested in Alchemy and pretty renown, renowned for it. Renowned, yeah, now and well, I mean if there's no hast tense of renowned. Renowned, renowned. Yeah, pretty renowned for it. He and he would travel around and do his little alcocos. I don't know what that is. He was traveling. Yeah, he was traveling the world. He well, Europe do an alchemy and people were amazed at the stuff he did. He was also involved in the arts and he's actually a pretty accomplished composer. He has, oh, let's see everything. I would know. Six published Sonatas. You know he wrote Paparazzi. Yeah, Pop Papa, yes, his yeah, a lot of people don't know that was a cover. You look at the yeah, you look at the credits for that word. He is. He's the guy from what's that show with the Oh, Yeay, the show with the rapper. Yeah, yeah, exactly. It was talking about. He's the guy that's always like yeah, it's like in the background riding everyone stuff, but you know that's really that guy though, right, yeah, I know he really does that. That's why I was referencing him. Okay, anyways, so six Sonatas, eight Violin Solos and then for English songs, which is a fairly another genre. Oh, yeah, it's an English song. Gott a music to you, right, oh, English, English, it's English, you wouldn't get it. wors song. Yeah, and then like, Gosh, like forty Italian Arias. I think I'm saying that. I don't know. Are you? Yeah, I don't know. If there's any. You would know. I don't know. I mean, I don't know what's I don't recognize anymore in here. Op for the made that's made for love and me. What the made that's made for love and me. Made that's made for love and me. This a Lovin with an apostrophe. Loves like and that's that. Guy's like love and three centuries ahead of his time if he's put an apostrophe on love it. Here's my favorite one, op seven. It's called when he saw my Fanni's face. What are you looking in at me, like just looking at Alex as we look at you, trying to figure out what op means. It's opera. Okay, I don't like the way you said it. It's opera. That's an English opera. anyways. Yeah, so he he wrote a ton of music and he was very talented, sure, and he played a lot of music as well. It was an accomplished violinist, but this is one of this is not what he's famous for. No, he was also a scientist. Knew a lot about just like I don't know how the universe worked. He's also he's a scientist. Me, I knew a lot of stuff. He could that. You could ask him things. Do you know it. I mean it's really good, really stuff. Yeah, about the university stuff. Yeah, you would ask him and he knows it. Yep, he's like, I know that, that's something I now. So he was also a polly map. He was just very intelligent and he knew all how to do a lot of stuff. He had a lot of different skills, but he's famous for he has. There's kind of a legend that surrounds this sure, I assumed. Yeah, I think. I think here's what happened. He would travel from town to town and he would show up to these high courts of like all the the realty in that area. Yeah, so he just walks into the case of the king, to some big ball and everybody there would be like dressed to the nines, like in all their linens and whatever the rich people look like back then. Yep, and they'd be doing their thing and he come in and just like rags, and so you would stand out like a sore thumb. The thing is, people would eventually begin to gravitate to towards him because he was so intelligent and seems good at science. He had he had like that that gift where he could just kind of what are they called the gift of Gab, where he could just kind of talk and Schmooze people, and so I don't. Okay, you don't belong and then he started talking to him and be like tell me more stuff, and like you belong here, and you go, it's just a made made fool of him. You they were like yeah, like so you look at yeah, they're like. They're like hey, you don't ball along here, and he's like do any of US belong here? WHOA? Yeah, Dude, that guy at a party who's so it's so annoying. Do we ready to somebody and that you're just like, like, how's your day going? He's like, well, I don't even live by days anymore, you know, I just live in the moment, and this moment was pretty good. And you're like, I want to burn the house down and leave you in it. You know, I love you. Enjoy that moment. Yeah, well, you're gonna have some rough moments ahead. My friend, last time I ran to work guy like that at a party, I just like I said, you're that's vampy. That's a pretty vampy thing to say. Well, yeah, he was pretty vampy because because people would just gravitate towards them and he tell him about Alchemy, your science or music things. He was into all these things. He was good at like a lot of people do at parties. But here's the thing, here's another thing that's really straining of the party. Playing a violin, but he's got like a speaker next to him. It's actually playing the violin. You see these people outside a target? First of all, that's what you know. If you see somebody outside of like a rass or a target or a Walmart and they got a violin and that violin is playing along with music, they are not playing that violin all right, and you should call him on it. You should walk up and say, I'll give you a hundred dollars cash. Yeah, I'll give you a hundred hours cash if you can play a B flat scale. You just walk up and just put your hand on the strings and do it. If you still hear do it. Yeah, yeah, he just he would walk up to these castles with his violin. Make a whole Youtube series on that of me your fake volume, like fake violinists. Yeah, it's called the unvamped UN. Yeah, he would. He walk up these castles, he throw rocks, at the windows and then he'd hold his violin above his head and then play this song that he he's say anything and anythinking. I he's riding on a cow. That's the law more back then. Right. So he's riding on a cow, writing gotta just holding up the now. So people were just gravitating towards them and listening to all the stuff he would tell. He tell these fantastic tails, but one of the more interesting parts about him is he's wearing these like peasant rags, sure, but all over him, all over these rags and his shoes and like in his hat, are just real diamonds just sewn into his clothes, like he but dazzled his rags what with real, authentic diamonds, like legitimate, and people are like, Oh hey, look at all those diamonds that guy has on that really awful shirt. So He's wearing what are those jeans called? I don't know. I think the girl from your high school they're like randstone Gyeah, and she would always be like you're dumb. You know that girls talks like that, and she was right up. She rose at the puffy jacket, to the puppy jacket with the with the fur around the hood is at Rock Revival Maybe, Oh, I don't even know right, but it's always got a weird smud the brain on the back pocket. Yeah, you know, it's like it's like bells out of the bottom log or something. Yeah, you're telling me those were vampires. The whole time there was a something stupid like Carissa. No, no, it's always a Carissa or a crystal Megan. Crystal Megan Meg in the vampire make it. But it's got that weird silent agent it, you know, talking about M J and Dude, if that's your name, I think you're vampire. I think you're that's great, vampy. Go to everybody you graduated with that fits that description. Yeah, I'll just send him a message and back here are you have? Hey, I don't know where to no, like hey, how's it going, or how you just hey, are you going to try to into it, like the way the es central oils people do with the like hey, girly, you know, and they try to be like hey, I haven't seen or like someone who's like will for us. Girls do that to girls and they try to Locom into like MLM's. Yeah, guys do that. Two guys that they try to like bring them into their like financial portfolios or whatever. Like. Yeah, D does work for a financial planning police. Would love to help you set up your investments. Yeah, it's like, yeah, I know, I would love to unfriend this whole thing immediately. And so, but anyway, not know you anymore and they always reach out and they're like hey, man, really like I just love following along what you're doing these days. Anyway. Have you talked about investing? anyways? Yeah, I've got some investment opportunities for you. So he's great idea for smokeless cigarettes. So this guy. So He's where? But dazzled rags? Yeah, ryanstone rags, and remember that. We'll get back to rhinestone vamp. Well, remember the Ryan Stones, because we're going to come back to that in a second. Hey, thanks for checking out this episode. We love our listeners a lot and one way that you can let us know you're here is by leaving a podcast review. Maybe that's a five star thing in the apple podcast at. Maybe you listen on spotify or if you're watching on youtube, leave a comment. We do read all the comments and reviews. We just love knowing what you think about this show. Also, if you haven't yet, go check out some of our other episodes. My current favorite is the identical strangers episode. It's three brothers were triplets who were separated at birth, unbeknowns to them or their parents, as part of a really weird experiment. So there's a lot of really fun stuff we talked about in an episode, but thank you for checking this out. Now back to this one. But he's chiling around from the kingdom to kingdom and making befriendly a disco ball walking right look at like a really raggy disco ball, Disco Day and over here and he's rolling in and he's meeting all these people, making all these he's important friends. Oh shoot, is that where the whole thing like we're vampires are sparkly? Is that where this comes from? Today is ruin the end of this because, like that's interesting. I don't know the whole thing about how I don't know. I was that just a twilight thing, or is that like a vampire? I don't know why I ask Alex has if you would knew. I guess I assume that Alex would know about twilight. But like in twilight their skin is sparkling yes, that a twilight folklore, or is that like a vampire folklore? Vampires outside, that's whilight, have sparkling skin due to there that time prophety Myers being like, you know what, two thousand and eight middle schoolers would love just some spark coli skin due to the crystalline properties of their cells. When a vampires exposed to sunlight, their body will spark. I hate you're reading. This is if it's from a medical journal. What the heck is that? Due to the whatever of their cells? I hate the your reading is. It's like a legitimate source. Everything I can find is just talking about twilight. That was from the twilight wiki. Yeah, I know, if that was like a thing that you know, I don't know. Maybe it came from this guy. Anyway, go ahead. Yeah, and so he somewhere on the along the way, net Voltaire Oh who obviously is a very famous everything. He did everything, and he's super famous for just ripping other thinkers to shreds, yeah, and acting like they're really dumb. But with the count of St Germain, can imagine how he would do in the current thought leader area. I would love to watch Gary V and Voltaire go at it. You know, v Versus V and I would just love twhich me. So, I mean, like, you know, he just gotta like picture you, Bob, getting sure you, the person you love the most, getting shot in the face and then voltaire being all like, Whoa, I don't know how he's spoken. Wha, you know, boo him say anything stands about. His head plays a speaker would anyway. So Voltaire talking about count of Saint Germain. He actually had really great things to say about him. He's he said he was super smarty, called him the wonder man. Well, he knew a little bit about everything, or like that, and he also said, he said, he is a man who does not die and who also knows everything, which sounds like sarcasm to me. Interesting that you would bring that up. You know that he doesn't die. Yeah, it's that's an interesting tidbit to where they yeah, so maybe that, maybe that was a good point to talk about a little bit of the timeline of count of Saint Germaine. Traditional wisdom says that this guy was a, how do you say it? A con man, right, because he would go into places and he would act super intelligent and tell all this stuff and be confident and then people would love him and he get in their inner circles of important people. As far as we can tell, it doesn't seem like he was selling anything. There's not. Yeah, I don't. I can't find any record of him going around and selling stuff. But he was that. He was. He saw it himself. Yeah, he was getting into these circles, setting fishes of being part of the circles, producing his sonatas and stuff. So maybe it was helpful to get into those groups. But he had friends with literal kings and Queens. Where his friends? Those were the people he wrote rolled with, and he wasn't one of them, right, but he got to be around him. So here's The ethology about Saint Germaine. The timeline goes back to about six hundred BC, when the count claims that he received the staff of Moses from his great grandson time of Cyrus. And we have alon hold on. What did you just say? This guy claims? Yeah, so the count of Saint Germain, yeah, claims that in six hundred BC. Yeah, he receives a staff of Moses. Yeah, who's he claiming this too? Well, he got it from Moses great grandsons. But but he's claim he's just, I don't know, toelln somebody like that that stayed in the family for that long. The staff of Moses, you know, I like that. This was just like, yeah, that's my great GRANDPA's stick. Yeah, it's like in the corner of their house. Yeah, that's the stick that my grandpa says that he like turned into a snake and, you know, like open Oh Shan up with or something, I don't know, I don't know. That's right, and read it. Yeah, I mixed my coffee with it. Yeah, I with a staff the little tiny cup and just you have to fullbody move. You can't do your arms, you gotta like full torso just it's like it's like almost as wide as the cup. It's like literally, like what it's really harks every time I put my staff into a coffee, saying spilled coffee don't cover spreads. Yeah, that's how he's put the sea he talked, you know, is bigger than it him. Yeah. So then and then in like three NBC as a missionary in England. And then if this is stuff that he's claimed or people have claimed about him, that's what's murky, okay, is it feels like what happened is this guy told a lot of really fantastic stories about himself and everybody in Europe bought it, and then it was just like yeah, everyone was like yeah, he did. All these people don't know. Why would he say if it wasn't true? Yeah, why would someone like this guy invented lying? Yeah, that was actually what he's known for. That was the first time anybody lied here. Like he fought it. Yeah, he discovered it as a scientist. He's like, yeah, he's very smart. He's like, wait, I can just say things, I could just say anything. So the mythology grew around him and it's honestly tough to figure out. Is these are these stories he told? Where is this everybody else who met him embellishing upon the story of the myth of the count of in three hundred BC, he did what according he was a missionary in England, okay, and then the story goes dark until about one thousandre hundred a D, so like sixteen hundred years there. Yeah, where he lived in the Tower of London under King Edwards Rule for about twenty years. So that's cool. And then the fifteen hundreds he spent time studying chemistry under Francis, the first of France, at some point during those years. That's a point. And then in the s he did all a lot of forts little one thousand six hundred and ninety one. Huh. Yeah, overachiever. Yeah, and then he meant some important people and then in one thousand ninety five seventeen hundred was living in Venice. So that was now he's alive, and then he was arrested and taken to Vienna. And anyways, there's a lot of rest of for why. Probably we just found out that you lied, sir. That's a crime. And so he kind of lived this life side Ward. He's going all over the place, meeting a lot of people and everyone's amazed by shuting the stories tells, the things he does, and then his alchemy career begins to blossom and he begins to talk about how do you make more career out of that? Or I don't know. You go to the Chamber of Commerce, right and you open up and alchemy to regulated business. Obviously you open up the alchemy shop and then you scam all your neighbors and to buying your chemicals school. So one of the things in Alchemy in that era that was super popular was this mythological item called the philosopher's stone. Have you ever heard of it? It's in Harry Potter. You probably heard of it from Harry Potter. Okay, and the concept of the philosopher's stone. Historian said it was my great grandfather's stone. Is Your great grandfather a philosopher? Know, he was Moses his brother and they you know, where the poem you know, when they were kids, they used to hit their the neighborhood kids. Moses us his stick and his brother used the stones and the kids started chanting sticks and stones. They breke our bones, the words will never hurt, you know. And then their third brother said you show my pass and it was a whole thing. Words heard him, you know. Yeah, that's interesting. No, Joe, no, the philosopher's stone, the philosopher's done. So the philosopher's stone was this mythological item that all that alchemists were like, we need, because what it did is it had some unique property that allowed you to term any material. Yeah, I did, of course, into gold. Yeah, obviously, and so you could just kind of rub this stone on it and then it'd be gold. I guess was the idea. Okay. Well, he claimed to have figured out the the properties of the philosopher stone. He didn't really claim to have the philosopher stone. He's figured out how it worked, how it worked, and so he could turn anything to gold or anything. And so he would turned tin into diamonds. And so he's like, I got all this foil for my sandwiches, I'm turning you out diamonds. That's what they use. And he'd stuck it to his clothes because he's like, look at all the coold diamonds I got. So that's wrong, you're telling me from all the diamonds on his clothes is just crumpled up tin. This man's walking over with tattered clothes and Tinfoil, these time oil, and look at my diamond. He's just walking in saying things like, you know, the government's letting tigers out of the Tigers are going to be our new rulers, and people are like, this guy's saying some crazy stuff, but we have to believe him because no one's ever said anything untrue before. He's like they're going to make a tiger, that there's ruling over all of us. Is going to be that the tiger king, and so one chow the tiger kings are coming and wow, as time proven true, you know. And so he crumpling like he's just figured out to make foil. You make it a little dimly. have diamonds that US doing a quick trick with. I mean feodically clear. He made diamonds. He made diamonds. Speaking of quick tracks, there was the trick that he pulled once where I wasn't going to tell this story, but now we are. He there, I don't know, happen upon a dead dog somewhere, and so he brought it back to life and the dog jumped up, ran in a circle, embarked at everyone and then fell over dead. And someone was like, I'm not write that down, and so we've got a record of that apparently happening. Interesting, which to me is like, I mean, if you're gonna heal a dog, he lies right after kill a dog twice. Yeah, it's like it's like that wasn't helpful, like what you just did. I'm not impressed, like I'm a little an look at what I can do. It's inhumane. It's pet abuse, is aren't you impressed? HMMMMMM. So, yeah, so there's anyways there's a couple things like that, as a couple things like that. So he he he met, he was meeting all these people, okay, traveling to all these different places and doing all these amazing things. Well, one day he's at this court in England and there was a duchess there who was very excited to see that he entered because she was like, wow, he looks just like someone. I dog just died. This is perfect. I've not always prayed for just twenty more seconds with my dog. My dog just died and I am really low on diamonds but I've got a lot of foil dogs and diamonds LLC. So she was excited to see him because he looked very familiar. He looked like someone she knew many years ago. She's an elderly Duchess. Oh. So she came up to him and was saying how he looked a lot like this other man that she had known many mini moons in the past. Okay, and he said, Darling, that was me and yeah, he recounted all the events of the night that they met and the experiences that they had together and she was blown away that he remembered and she said, how do you still look like you did. What's your sad day? Then she said you must be ninety years old, and he said, which is a famous quote from him, he said, ma'am, I'm very old, and then he just walked away. That's right, twitter bio. Maybe I'm very old, very I can't wait. What ain't you allowed to start saying themself? You know, yeah, I'm very old. I love old people. I love old people who say stuff like that. Now they know or they're just like, I'm old, very old, like raise great grandma. Every time we go over there, is just like well, yeah, I'm probably not going to wake up tomorrow. You're like what, you're fine, you're fine, you don't be yeah, that's you're write your name on some stuff. That's so. It's like, we're that's so sad. So, yeah, so, and here's the thing. It wasn't just voltaire who had things to say about him. Sure Moses also this, all the step all the staff. Yeah, we found staff. He signed it. Now, Cassinova said, of and he said he's an extraordinary man, and he would say in an easy, assured manner that he was three hundred years old. He would just talk about being ma'am. Good three hundred years old. And then here's what he said. He knew the secret of the universal medicine and he possessed a mastery over nature and he could melt diamonds. All this, he said as a rest rival to him, I don't know, alcohol. He knew the secret of the universal medicine. Then that sound like you all about beer, but that sounds like someone who's just like is a cocktail server who's just like, Yep, I learned the secret of universal medicine. You know what a little yes thing's called shakers. They's called Shakers. I think so. I don't know what they're called with their little sure, sure you know? Yeah, so, yeah. And then there was catherine the great of Russia. M apparently, allegedly, he was a part of a conspiracy that put her on the throne, and so apparently he was involved in the whole what you was at? Who that put her in power? In one Thousan, seve hundred and sixty two, so this is during his life. Yeah. And then in one thousand seventeen and seventy four, this is a little eerie, he met Louis the what is that fourteen in France, and he told them. He said, Hey, there's gonna be a revolution fifteen years just be careful. And then fifteen years from them, you know, well, yours is super famous. Revolution one, seventeen, seventy four, wow. And so he predicted it. And so I leted some people to think he's a time traveler. That event, and also the fact that he's like forty every year. Yeah, so that seems sketchy. It's sketchy that you we celebrate your forty birthday last year and you'd still says forty on your cake this yeah, but then every suburban white mom would be a vampire yard because they're all still twenty nine. You know, only twenty nine. That's my twenty nine. Again. Hey, don't say that unless you freaking mean it. Okay, don't lie. Don't lie any right now. And so then then he lived the rest of his life in Hamburg, Germany, where he became friends with Prince Charles, and I was a guest in their castle and the ones where the one that's still alive, Prince John's. That's pretty vampy, but it's a pretty vappy big of him. Be Queens, do you think the Queens of empire? And she's pretty old maybe I may'am. I'm pretty old and so and that's where, according to local records, where he died on February twenty seventh, one thousand, seventeendred and eighty four. But the the legend of of do we know cause or death? Or did they bury I don't know, death. Yeah, they buried him, I think. I don't know. The according I see is, according to records, he died there. Let's say that you don't age right. Let's say that this is how you look for the rest of your life, but your wife does. Yeah, at what age you go? This doesn't look appropriate anymore. We have to is that a point where you're like, we can't going, we have to part. Yeah, I know we're both eighty, but you look at but you know and I don't, and I look forty and I'm getting tired of the I don't know, slander. May Way people look at me. Mayham, you sorry, what are youse are hey, what dod you start calling your wife Mayham? Will you please do that? She's so mad. Yeah, but like just like see how long it takes for her, like I bet the first time I said it she'd be like what I think I said yes, dear once and she's like, don't talk to me like that, that's fretting, weird. Oh Really? Yeah, because she was like she's like a she feels don't have like she's like that raids. Huh, you guys don't have romance. I think she's a film mygree's like that feels like a weird, like submissive hub husband. It's gross. And Yeah, you're also, you were clearly obviously are, the big man protector type. So that's what's that's what drew her to you. was what she heard. Just rugged my massy. Yeah, that's exactly what it I said. I told her. I said, Ma'am, I'm very rugged, Mayam, and she believes me. Still does. Mayam, you got any chocolate milk? Hey, thanks again for listening to this episode. If you like our show, make sure you follow us on social at till in podcast or subscribe anywhere where you're listening to right now, whether that's Youtube, spotify or apple podcast, whatever it is. And if you want more, we do have a patreon you can support us on. In there you get all sort to perks, like ad free episodes, early access to our content and even a discord with our hosts and producers, so we'd love for you to check that out. All you got to do is text till into six, six, eight hundred and sixty six. That's till in two, six, six, eight hundred sixty six, but thanks again for checking us out. Here's where things get interesting. Oh, after this, he's dead and normally allegedlie. Normally, at this point in the story it'd be over. But, as you know, he's very old and it seems like he just continued, because records of things involving him continue to be in the books. And this is where questions start to arise, because if you look at the story of this guy's life up until he died, you would say this guy was a guy who was pretty good at art and was relatively smart, but probably just moves a lot of people and was a bit of a con man. Yeah, I'm lied about a bunch of stuff, had a big personality, kind of skated his way through life. Yeah, yeah, and made a lot of really powerful friends. Sure. Well, what happens after this is either he created such a persona that the mythology carried on to a point where everybody had to continue talking about okay, or he's still he lived forever. Those are the two options. People, a lot of people, lied, or he's still alive. So in one thousand seven hundred and eighty five, what would this be? A year after his death? Anton Mesmer, a pie like the the first hypnotist, like the big guy who was like I can hit this, cool, the first guy who like I can do and then I don't know, guy to do the way, what do you say to me? I knew. Excuse me, I know this talks. Is mesmerize these guys. I will do whatever he says if I can understand it. He just out and said he's like. He's like, yeah, I'm counts of Saman Germaine, I'm the Count of saying to me, Oh, but which, if you're a person a year after the death, are you after the death? Which is the thing? If you're a person who is period doing hypnotism for a career, I think it's fairly likely, especially in this day and age where you're going to make up something like that to make you sound more credible. So this one of me, sure, branchsing not super interesting. Right. Here's one that's interesting to me. George Washington. George W Bush, here's one that's interesting to me. In seventeen, eighty five, again, a year after his death, the freemasons have a record that show that St Germain was a rep at a convention that they help. Yeah, it make sense. Seventeen, but that's the best the freemasons. I feel like that's a lot more believable to me than you. Trust Mason's over hypnotis where do we draw the line? I think it's far more believable that this guy was a freemason then he that's for that that I was lying. freemasons been around. We should do an episode about them. Yeah, that's a good idea. For a long time, longer than this. And then in the eighteen one joy in the s seem, Margie Jermaine, apparently took on another identity, and so there were these memoirs. This is if ties is forty years post alleged death. Post alleged death. Yes, okay, there was a buybe a guy by the name of Albert Van Damn who wrote about meeting a guy who had a striking resemblance to the count of St Germain, who went by the name of major fraser, which sounds like you're making that name up. Major Fraser, Major Fraser. What's your what's your name? Major Free? Sure, okay, I will believe you, because that's what people do. Yeah, lying is still so new, I feel like it could trust. A lot of people most of the time, still make up ups, are still sorder they have. So here's a quote from that guy, Albert Vandam. He said he called himself major fraser, lived alone and never alluded to his family. Moreover, he was lavish with money, though the source of his fortune remained a mystery to everyone. He promised a marvelous or he possessed a marvelous knowledge of all the countries in Europe at all time periods, and his memory was absolutely incredible. And, curiously enough, he often gave his hearers to understand that he acquired his learning elsewhere. Then from books. Where your Thos Uf, you will never find out. It wasn't books. Where'd you know that? One Month? You what, haven't picked up a book in years, you know. Well, they didn't help. We're listen to podcasts. Yeah, not books. And then he said many of the time he has told me, with a strange smile, that he was certain he had known Nero and he had spoken with Dante and so on, and so he's like, he's like this guy was just confident that he had been around forever and knew everything, not from books. But was he in the military? There's ways major, or was he saying his first name was major? I think it was his first name. I'm not my name is major. And then he just disappeared without a trace. Nobody knows where he went. So That's interesting. And then in one thousand eight hundred and eighty some someone, the s the theosophical society, which was led by Mystic Helena Blavatsky, which is just you pronouncing names, held up Blah Vat's key. So I got you. Know, you sound like is a a person who's hired to be the announcer, like Adua Coach Pitch Baseball game. You know, it's like children. It's not even a real sport, all right, and you're just like next it's Helena bloody, and you're like, what are you doing? That's an interesting what a weird thing, my guy, in interesting point that you've raised about the way I speak about names, the way I speak about names. Oh that's how interesting of you to bring up the way I speak about names. That was a Vampi sentence bro so the Hellta, don't that be to me about the way I speak about names. Sir Okay, Helena Blovatsky. She was a mystic. She was a part of the what it's called the the Theeo, what I said a second I got this theosophic goal society, theosophicals, and she it seems like she was rolling in the same circles that our friends, our recupboard and Oh, what was that other dejack Parson's, Jack Parsons, and the other tea many guy, alice for kralist or Kroldi. Yeah, it seems like she wrote them. I hope that no one ever associates he with that. You know what's that? I don't no one can ever be like, what's the Demoni Guy? We knew? Oh yeah, Jaron, yeah, yeah, like I was just real de yeah, there's a podcast. I don't know how to years from them. It's like, well, there's a really demoni guy in that area named Jar Myers, you know, like a weird so she she if if they were alive like sixty years earlier, he would they would have been it. She would have hearn that circle like those are the people she bowed with, which she claims. Well, she appears in the S is almost a hundred years post death. Yeah, and she claims that he was so alive and working towards the spiritual development of the West, and there was even claim to be a genuine photo taken of the two of them together, which we can take a quick peak at. I'm here's a picture of count of Saint Germain. He looks like every person that was alive in the seventeen hundreds, just like I imagine were from the seventeen hundreds. You nailed it. It's got that like white wig hair and, I don't know, pointy nose and then weird coat, just a weird coat. Yeah, so that's him. Here's here's how the Nablatsky, Blovatsky and him, she's in the middle, is very great. She look like that. He's like a little tem because she's demon. They dude. Yeah, Madam Bolvadski. Yeah, and master's Kuthumi and St Jo and then St Germain on the right, which here's the thing on the right of that picture is supposed to be Sing Germain, and I'm going to be honest, I don't see that a lot of people act like he looks a lot like that guy, but I'm looking at it and I don't feel like he looks a lot like that guy. I guess say there which if he's a time traveler, he could come and some lie faceleft. Okay, so she's in a you know when you go to like a roadside attraction, they got that giant rocking chair, you sit in it, you take that picture and small Furd of this chair. That's her, but real right. Yeah, yeah, and he looks like, look at those boots he's wearing. Yeah, he looks like the hero at Medieval Times. I mean he's definitely got a beard in this picture, which he doesn't in the other one, so that could be a little to see eating. And also this picture is very love reds. Yeah, because it was like a very early photograph. The other guy's got a mullet on the other side. Yeah, we're yeah, he was ahead of his time. He's wearing Santo's coat. The Guy on the actually is yeah, honestly, honestly, here's an interesting thing about this photo. In the middle we have Madamserroni from Yep, and then we've got Santa on the left. But early, like sailor when he was like twenty one. This is a young Saint Nuke right, and then in the middle is Jesus. That's Jesus in the Middle and then St Germaine on the Right. This is a very prolific squad we got right here. I was gonna say, Oh, Soma Bon lock, who you said? Jesus. It's like that's so SAMA black. Look at him a different good know that's jared letto playing Osama lad that he can't tell me that's wrong, he can't tell her that's wrong. But his eyes, that's jared letto playing Osamabon Laden. That is the most accurate thing I've ever heard. Is The eyebrowsters. So it's the eye structure. But yeah, so, looking at this, I'm like, I don't see how that's Saint Germain. Like I just a lot mean. I know this is a wig and I know the other guy has a beer, but the facial structure to me is very different, even though the resolvator. So she grew your I'm mocking you to your face up. Yeah, that's the rugged masculinity. That pretty lost is your ability to push through it. versity. Yeah, no one's gonna make fun of me. Yeah, those only those two did not look alike at all. It unless he just went through. Well, but it's been a hundred years, you know. It looks like he's keeping up with the styles. is in that first picture he looks like a seventeen hundreds guy. Yeah, and the second big, sure, he looks like an eight hunds guy. One quick way vampires always get caught is that they always look the way that they used to. They look tampy. you see a seventeen hundreds or guy, now I'm gonna drive a steak through his heart. Yeah, you know, it's actually happened a couple times. I was you know, it was you look like he lived like three hundred years ago. I'M gonna kill you, I'm gonna end your life. Yeah, and yeah, I did that to another guy who was wearing that Santa coat. turned out ruined Christmas at the Battlefield Mall. So, Oh, interesting. Well, he looked like he's from the eighteen hundred. So I had to take them out. So and in one thousand nine hundred and seventy two, shut up. In one thousand nine hundred and seventy two he walks in the White House and Richard Nixon goes the vampy. Oh my Gosh, yeah, I wish, but it could be present themselves valiant or prevent presents himself as well. I'll tell you what he also did. Yeah, is he joined a NASCAR race. I made off with the Simi. So a guy by the name of Richard Chan Free, okay, he went on TV and France and he claimed that he was this guy, the count of Saint Germain. Yeah, and he why is? Why are we letting that GUY ON TV? You know, I'm saying, like why? It's the same thing that happened when Emperor Norton declared he was the emperor. Why is? I walked into the TV studio and said, Hey, I'm the count of St Germain and they were like no, you're not. And he's like you want to see me turn this ten into gold? And they're like someone turned the cameras on, let's roll it. Do we have the footage of that or I could picture from him it. Maybe I can see if I can find some. I don't have it, but but yeah, so he allegedly, on French television, brought a camp stove and lit some tin on fire and turned it to gold on TV and everyone was amazed. And you don't have the video of that and show me? No, I didn't think to confind it, to be honest with you. I read it. I was like, well, that's pretty good. That's crazy that that exists a video somewhere. That's wild. If only there was a way for us to confirm the we'll look for it in the after the fiddle. Okay, that would have been a thorough thing for me to do in preparation for this episode, but you didn't. Yeah, we need research assistance if you're interested. Actually, you know, we don't need research assistance. We just need the man who knows all history from the all time, if you're a vampire that goes by the name of Richard Our wait, no count of Saint Germain. Honestly, he apparently might be listening to this and apparently, yeah, well, he is a he is a patron supporter. He pays us in diamonds every mood. Yeah, we get them in the mail, hard mail. Later this claim was presumed to be false, which I mean, you probably don't have to say later there it. People probably just presumed, yeah, that's false. They realize a light that's right up it's guys. At this point, lies have been around for at least we were. We know what we don't want to make them ups are now. We've got a word for makeup ups now. But and it was, it was such a it was such a big thing that, like all throughout history, the seventy two the last time we have like a reference to him. But all throughout history, in countries all over the world, they are written records from relatively reliable sources, sure that they had an encounter with Saint Germain or someone who who wrote the description, description of someone who have been alive for a very long time. But we're also saying that a picture of this guy looks like every guy who's been alive in the seventeen it is also accurate. It's pretty broad to be like that could be that, could be that guy. Yeah, because there was no photographs and there's that was the only that's the only painting we see see alive before photographs. was he around before video for video? Shut up. So, but it was, it was such a big deal and so many people knew about this story, that Napoleon in the S S Napoleon Bonaparte, not Napoleon dynamite. Yeah, polly boat of art in the S had formed a coalition to track down St Germain and he had searched far and wide, or at least had some of his people search far and wide for St Germain, and had a lot of records. And allegedly that right when they were about to find or write around, about to crack the code, crack the case of St Germain, right the records cut of fire. There's a guy who stood in front of the fire and said, I passue you another reference to an unreleased episode. I love it, but yeah, so, I don't know, man. Here's the thing, here's here's what we know. St Germain was a real guy who did some real stuff that was relatively important. Sure that at least important enough for him to get some really rich and powerful friends, that he lied to a lot and convinced them he was more important than he was, and then after that, most likely, the legend of his life lived on and people started seeing him everywhere. Yeah, that or he's a time traveler or a vampire or an alien. One of those could be idiot, could be any of those. Another another property of the philosopher's stone, allegedly, is that if you access this and you were to liquefy the juices from the philosopher's stone and consume them, you'd live forever. That's the so if he had the philosopher's stone that was turning on, had to be a vampire to live forever. I mean, I guess not. Huh. I thought that was a vampire thing. I thought that was exclusively vampy. Yeah, exclusively vampy. Well, you know. Yeah, but anyways, one of the things he's most known for out of everything he's done, yeah, is there was holding a fiddle above his head. We said, Dear Satan, Dear Satan, if you let me live forever, I won't fiddle you off. Things are the last night is a production of space tim medium, produced by Christian Taylor, audio by Alice Garnett, video by Connor Bets, our graphics and our logo by Caleb a Goldberg, and our social media is run by Kaylei boker. Our host are Jeremyers and Tim Stone. 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Since the first humans took their first breath, we have been trying to subvert the forces of death. But, to date, no one has successfully unlocked the keys to eternal life. At least, no one has publicly discovered the key to endless life. Legends of fantastic figures that found the secret have captivated people for longer than we’ve been writing. … Read More

Man From Taured – The Traveler from an Alternate Universe


Episode Transcription

Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey Man, what's up? Have you ever heard of the man from Tarad? What have you ever heard of the man from Tarid? Where is Tarid? The man from Tari, the man how spill? Tara, Tarad, T a. You are Ed. Tarid. Okay, country of origin? D I don't know. What about John Zagaris? Have you ever heard? Oh Yeah, Zegris, John, John Zegris, John says, Zaga, John, Allan, Couchar, Zegriss, I know. The only Zegriss I know is the guy who really wanted to see Jesus, but he was really short, and so was John. Zegriss. Was a we little man and a wee little man, was he? You know the song? Yeah, yeah, he got still study telling me he was from Tarid. Yeah, the man from Tarid. I mean I think we just about covered it. We're good. Okay, God, spy stuff. I hate when we do an episode where it starts at spy and that's so far the most logical answer. That's not a real county. You're a liar, like cutting people's fingers off in the back room. Things I learned last no, okay, so the man from tared. It's a story that is interesting. It's got a lot of it's there's a lot of stories. It is old as time. There's a lot. Was A man. It's old. That's about the s. The S. It was the S S. He wasn't. I was thinking this a second ago before we were recording. Yeah, about like, because I was going to post that clip of just friends and I was going to put the parentheses two thousand and five, you know. And now there's movies that have the same title of as movies that were the like the S. right. Yeah, yeah, and one day your grandkid is going to be like, Oh, this movie just friends just came out. That will just friends, quanteous and five, and look, well, that was fifty years ago, grandpa. Yeah, yeah, we're going to be old. Yeah, you know. Yeah, they make you feel weird. That time happens. I'm more it's less that time happens more that all of a sudden I'll be sixty seven and I can't control other people anymore. I can't stop them. I had so much a billity I had I could control anybody. I can't believe you said that about that lady. You could beat her up. That's hilarious. And if this is your first time listening to our podcast. You don't need any context for that. That's exactly yeah, I'm pretty sure I could beat up a sixty seven year old lady. Yeah, put that in the ex that's one of those intro clips. I'm pretty sure I could be the US sixty seven year old lady who felt tenzero feet from an airplane that got struck by lighting. All right, well, that's not going to fit the Intro, so we have to say faster. No, Oh, so the man from the man from time. So it's one thousand nine hundred and fifty. It's a crazy story. There's a lot of theories that we're going to get to, but first we have to tell the story. So here's the story. It's an early s the man arrives in the Tokyo. It was just a fun while you're looking at up. It was a fun inner monolog that just played out where you're like there's a lot of theories. Where going to get to him, but first way to tell a story. So here's the story. And it was you helping your brain structure a podcast episode. That was me just like here's the theory, putting out the story. First here been around somebody who's tells bad stories. Yeah, oh my Gosh, man, it is torture. It was the Tokyo Hanada airport. Okay, he landed there and early next s he as happens when you get off of a national flight into another nation, they check your passport. Okay, and the customs officials were a little confused when they saw his passport because his passport was listed as him being from a country called tarred, which they had never heard of before. But they figured, yeah, plenty country to your name on all the countries. I bet she can't. Yeah, I can try it. I can name the one that matters. Yeah, which what it's the heaven you know, I am not as a member of society of her I am part of one kingdom. Yeah, yeah, there you go. That's a good good. Okay. So they they check the country Tarret, and they're like, we've never heard of this, and he's like we who me Google it? What do you mean? Yeah, they have Google yet. And so they're like, what do you mean you've never heard of tart he's a come from Tart I've for it's a thousand year old nation, like we've been in the planet forever, thousand years, and a thousand years is forever, and so they kind of had this little argument and they're like, well, here we've got an atlas. Show US where it is. Yeah, why don't you point it out on a map? And so he looks at it for a second and he goes, HMM, do a different map. Yeah, because this, this is a map of earth. Is this an alien thing? I it's doubt would be. I mean here is that we uni show someone? Oh, yeah, so they point at the map and he points right where this little circle is, which is the country of Andorra. Right, I ain't know. Dora was a place many principalities, about a countries. Is Tiny little country. Yeah, the so if you look really, really closely with a Dno are you can see the borders wrapping around it. Wow, this is this country, smaller than Rhode Island. It's a tiny little it's press. I mean it's pot am, right between Spain and France. Yep, Yep. So very, very small little country on the player of too. It's smaller than warrier countries, smaller than Rhode Island. Okay, tin no country. But he points right there and he says yeah, there it is tar ed and he's like wait, what the heck is in and Dora? And now this man is just as confused as the people that are there with him. The theories. Time Traveler? Well, maybe. Sorry, I want to get ahead of you. So that's a time trouvel joke. Those are time trouble joke. That was it. Didn't get it. Yeah, I know. Yeah, I missed it. I looked at all the cameras hoping that they would get it. Yeah, the game is didn't get either. They didn't rege. Oh Man, freaking idiots. So the time travel joke. So that was another one. That's funny. I'm on my a game today. I'm not entertained. Okay. So they, the Tokyo officials, were like, here's the deal. This guy is trying to tell us he's from a country that doesn't it doesn't exist, and he's pretty confident that exists. And so they're like, how can we verify who this guy is? He's pretty common, he's pretty she's very adamant. Bad. It's real. Yeah, and so they're trying to figure out where the plane come from that he got off of the sky. I mean, like, what flight was he on? I'm not sure on that actually, probably Andra I don't know this guy came from, and I know that our flight just came from a place called tower read and he's saying he's from towred or whatever, like one of this is the pronunciation. Their mess up on. That place Dosn't exist. Yeah, it's not real. No, yeah, he actually landed from an unidentified plane. They're like, we don't know what that plane is. No, you're messing no, yeah, yeah, the plate landed but got off. He got off with them and they they're trying to figure out a way that they can identify this guy. Sure, because he's what's peculiar about this people fake passports all the time. How many fingers did he have? Twenty. People think passports all the time, but they were convinced by this passport. They thought it was. This is real, this is a legitimate passport, and also had stamps from all over the world, like legitimate. He's been other places, yeah, including Japan. He has stamps from Tokyo, the same airport, multiple times in this passport. And so these people are really confused because they're like, how is he okay? If he faked this, he shouldn't be able to have gotten this many stamps in his passport, like someone somewhere along the line should have been like that's not a real country, you're a liar. Oh, I mean, okay, sort of somewhere along the line should have been rude to this man. You're a liar. I don't like the way you said it. To have you're a conspher in a lie. Is that what you do? You go your lier, the long slow poke with the flick at the end. See the water flick off your water bottle? Yeah, I did see it. So they were like what are we going to do? Have no way of verifying this. We can't confirm, I mean we can confirm that this country doesn't exist, but this passport is convincing. So they start asking like well, what are you gonna do here? Is Like I'm here on business, I'm here seeing the same cloud of seen multiple times before. I'm staying in this hotel. And they were like okay, we're going to look that up, and so he's like, I don't think you should. They might not remember me. I've only better like twice, you know, so that I not remember that. You should do that. Why? Because I am a liar. I don't think you should do that. So they call they call the business you're supposed to have a meeting with and they're like, you know, we never heard of the guy. And then they call the hotel and the hotels like, we don't have a reservation for the guy. And then so now the man from torred what's his name? Man From Turret, we don't have a name for him. Don't have a name. Okay. So now he's getting really Frustrat at it because he's like, he's like I I've met those people multiple occasions, like how do they not remember me? Like I've got this booking confirmed, like I called them last night to verify, like I've got a booking at that hotel. I've clearly have a passport. There's the stamps. I've been here before and this is never been a problem. And so he's getting visibly frustrated right and the officials are like we we don't know what to do in this situation. For All we know, you could be a spy or some scammer or whatever, like, who knows who you are, or a liar. We deal pretty harshly with liars here at the way. Don't or like liars. So you got to go through TSA and a lot of ty contests there. Are you telling the truth? You guys? Just one suspicious guy. Did you fly here? Yeah, they always do that, like look with their eyes, with so. So, after question him for a while, they realize they weren't get anywhere. So they said, hey, we're going to get some higher up officials. Yeah, I took them talk to you and say if they can give the bottom of this, because we don't know what to do. But they said we can't just let you just go Rom Tokyo because, like we said, we don't know who you are, right, you could be a bad guy. And so they put they put them up in the hotel, the airport hotel, and they put two armed guards at its door. Oh San, they're like, we don't want like, if this is a real legit thing, we don't want him go anywhere. happening. Yeah, so they lock them in there and then the guards stay posted there all night and then the next morning the officials arrived at the airport and they went up to the room for questioning. They got there and he was Gore. was rolled away. The door was off the hedges and upside down three feet and like what did someone roll this door away? Why do you look for the man from tour it here. His clothes are just like laying on the bed. He is not here. Wait, so he's not in the room. He's not in the room and neither are any of his documents. The passport's not there. He's not there, none of the evidence. you go out the window. Happened? The windows sealed chat and they had guards, like they had guards at the door. But they mean, this is the airport hotel. It's not like you can just jump out of window and everyone would be like, that's okay, it's normal. Like most hotels, if you jump out of window, people like hey, that's a really peculiar thing. You see in the we're you know, depends, you know, super eight are like again, yeah, I mean most people leave out of the window and super eight gas through the Doorston't open. Hey, thanks for checking out this episode. If you like our show, make sure to leave a podcast review in whatever platform you use, or, if you're on Youtube, drop a comment if you want to listen to another episode. My favorite right now is Jose Cant Sayco. It's this guy in the MLB who really brought steroids mainstream for the sport and did a lot of other just absolutely insane stuff, and there might be a little bit of aliens in it. So check that episode out. It's one of my favorites, but thanks for being here. So it became this massive urban legend where people were like, what happened with the man from Tourret, like was the story here? Yes, happened, because it's a peculiar event. And then he disappears in it makes it even more because right, all right, so there's a few theories. So let's take a look in theories three. Number One. He's a spy, obviously. Yeah. So, so the idea here is that was he bribe the door guys, know, to get out? I don't know. So. So the idea here is that some nation built this fake country, passport and everything, and we're sending them around the world to do spy stuff. So go do spy stuff. Yeah, we'll give you some. WHIS my job description. I don't know, spy stuff. Look around, just look. You know that. You remember that those book I literally was about to make an eye by joke. I literally was about to make like here, training curriculum is just these books. Yeah, yeah, tell us. Everywhere where you see I don't know, a Spool of yarn, Dude, and I'm telling you what, as a kid, I I know I was annoying, all right, because my parents had those in the car. Yeah, which meant that. Now I'm an adult and I know that that means. They were like, why don't you look at your book? Yeah's your book man, trying to find some stuff. Yeah, look for I don't know anything. And I was like why, and they're like, I just begging. You need to look. I think it's like. I think what's going on here is it's a guy who got a job with the FBI and his mom is like, why don't you let your little brother come to work with you? And he's like here, we'll make up a passport instead of just to look for some spools. If you are all right, you you have to the key to good lies, to convince yourself. Yeah, you have to have to believe that TOR it is real. Yeah, they waterboarded them until he's from stre it. I'm they're tasting it at the same time. You know, I FBI's pretty wild. They're pretty crazy. What's Crazier, too, is that it wasn't the FBI, you're wrong. It was the FDA. The FDA is water boarding them and chasing him. What the FDA was like the FBI, but like a darker like they oh dude, like, but they're we his guys of like, yeah, we're just trying to protect the cow. So here's what I'm saying. I want to do several TV shows, but one of them is definitely going to be like the health inspectors. All right, but they are real in his job. Yeah, very yeah, that would be pretty great, like cutting people's fingers off in the back room. This is a very snittor. You'RE gonna have to clean this up right after this has to clean this up. Yeah, there's like a really dark mofia tire. Yeah, so, yeah, so the idea this guy was traveling around spy and on stuff. Yeah, and that's how he's gotten all the the stamps in his past. But sure, right, it's. It also has the know how of how to get out of this hotel room. Yeah, it's, but it's peculiar. Yeah, probably was was. He's probably hiding in the walls. I don't know if you've seen those story. This is real. I don't know if you've seen the stories of like the hotel rooms or behind the mirror. Yeah, yeah, having, yeah, he's like the watchers. Have you found what's in the walls yet? Found was in the woman feeds for it, man from Tor it ridiculous. Yeah, and and what's peculiar about this is one. Why did every country just let him in with a fake passport? Sure some of them should have. Maybele should have noticed. Somebody should have called him out earlier. Yeah, it's she should have been in any should have gotten into Tokyo multiple times. Like this is strange. But if he was a spy, I mean theoretically they be able to figure out the freaking apples. Trusted people. It is true. It is true, especially if you were just confident, like yeah, people would just believe you. Dude, people have always been dumb and and back then to you can google it. So, like you knew you couldn't easily verify things. You knew there's a lot of countries. You're there, chicken, a hundred passports from this flight. You see and he goes, yeah, it's there on the map. It's between Spain and France. Yeah, you know. Okay, M Yeah, you've never you can't google it. Yeah, I've never been there. You just just the guy I guess. I don't know. So, yeah, so, and I'm airport security was way laxer then. So maybe, and maybe they paid off the guards or maybe they snuck in through the window and figure out a way to steal it, right. Know, it's like they could have found a way. They so one option is that he's a spy. One options he's. The other option is that he has a time traveler. Yeah, I knew that was an option. Yeah, so the idea is he's had there, most likely from and then he gets in the room and he's like, well, this isn't gonna work for me. Yeah, I need to try. You think he's from the future, from the past, most likely, the future? Most likely. You're right. You're right. That was a stupid question. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I was a stupid question. Be Very strange for him to be like a medieval night and him to just walk in the airport and be like here's my passport. Yeah, I probably would be dressed like a medieval night though. Yeah, but, like, I mean, if he gets up, my understand you figure out time travel. Which direction are you going? I mean, it depends what I want to figure out. I feel like you're going to go a few times, like I'd probably got the future because I'd be curious things. See You, I'm saying, yeah, and then, but then I probably also go the past because I'd be curious about some things. Well, but I'm saying back and forth. There's no country called tour it now. No, and there hasn't been in the past. So never be the future. Yeah, so it's got to be the future. So you came from the future at least a thousand viously, obviously, thousand years. Obviously, because he said that the count she's been around for a thousand years. So it's got to be at least at that. Are we going to start? He might, that was what he came back to do. You came back to start his country. So I mean to believe this theory, you got to believe in time travel, which a pretty big lead today. I mean, there's a lot of reasons to try to debunk this one, but we're going to start with the obvious. Yeah, yeah, I believe in time travel. Time travel, we don't know yet. We just don't know. Can't prove it. Well, okay, we need to make a pact right now that, if time travel exists, sometime in our lifetime. Yeah, then we need to come back Monday may nine at for forty PM. Okay, and so that way we know, hey, time travel is not real. Time travel doesn't exist. It could happen. Never, never, in our lifetime. NOPE, it won't happen that. We're not going to talk about anyone. We're we're done noting. Move on it. Will never talk the other theory. The other theory is that he is an alien. I saw your eyes. I'm just really sweaty over here. I know I'm really nervous. I saw your eyes be like he is anyway. All right. So obviously that's a theory. Yeah, obviously he's got to be an alien. Most likely scenario here is aliens. Yeah, flew in on his little spaceship and Tarad to the airport. Yeah, you think the space ships are landing and international airports? Yeah, they fluid. They flew in over old on. Wait, what are they getting? A touch and go? Yeah, they flew over Tokyo Hanetta airport. And what is that? What's their symbol? I have no idea. What is it? H D. They flew over H D. they're like hd tower. This is this is alien hd tower. This is alien, eight niner. What do you say? Like yeah, requesting, requesting permission to land gate six B, Full Stop, and they're like yeah, yeah, aliens, Permission Grant. Yeah, aliens. Yeah, coming in the left back. So they landed and got out and then one of them stayed. What's his name? Val flew to Washington DC, and then he came and he was like, I need to speak to your president. Oh, okay, so you're saying that from space they land in Tokyo. Yeah, and then from there they just first the rest of the world. Yeah, just one guy got hung up because his documents weren't accurate. Yeah, because, well, they had passports, but it was from Mars, tards from God, and they were like the humans are not smart. Just tell him it's not tell him it's a nurse. Looks on Earth televisit Earth country, and they were like the believe it, they're not smart. We've done this before. And he's yeah, I've done this a hundred times. But this one guy was like wow, he's smarter than that. They caught him in a lie because he is an alien. He's an alien. He knows. He said that's from Mars. I'm thinking you a liar and an alien it and I am a time traveler. We're not allowed to talk about that anymore. So here's the whole thing. I'm like, why are the runs? We don't know the name of the thing. This feels like an urban legend. The the alien is far fetched ally, but do we have any evidence of this other than just like Oh, the man from Turret? We'll get there. Last, last theory. What do you leave a clip on tie behind? We talk about we'll get there. To two our theories. Okay, there. So the other theory is that he is an interdimensional traveler who flipped into our dimension from another dimension. So how on his fight and in in this is. This is Stephen Hawkins, Tad Stephen Hawkins. Miss Stephen Hawking saw this and was like I know what happened here. Now Stephen Hawking has a theory that there's many worlds. We talked a little sure about it and every worlds just slightly different from each other. I'm saying I hate when we do an episode where it's starts at spy and that's so far the most logical answer. Hey, thank you again for listening to this episode. Making sure that you don't miss one in the future. Go ahead and subscribe to this podcast, whether that be on apple podcast, spotify, Youtube. You'll get it alert when we drop a new episode. And if you want more, if you want something a week early, you want to be part of our discord, more access to us as creators, you can support this show on patreon. Helps us go a long way. Nothing that we're doing is possible without our patreon supporters. If you want more information about that, please text tilling to six, six, eight hundred and sixty six. Thank you so much for being here. So something happening? Is there? Yeah, he blipped into the only one another in plane. Imagine that, though. Yeah, well, he probably didn't notice. He's probably fine on his plane, falls asleep, wakes up and the passenger next to him different as I I mean that must have I'm saying that. Imagine a three the passenger next to him, you sitting there watching up hers also. So he's asleep, like so did you just yeah, I was late. I was late to the fight. I didn't make it to the gate and time. What? Okay, all right. So, yeah, and then he blipped in, landed and he was confused that no one knew at tar was because in his universe. Tarts real on this whe's from and he's traveled a lot. He doesn't know that. He bled everything down to the flight path. Is the same. Yeah, because in the many worlds theories at everything exists, everything that compossibly sains, every scenari that con possibly exist exists with the one possible variation, because there's infinite worlds, and so every world has every possible scenario in it that could be the exactly same but one details different. Okay, is the theory. So he blipped and then had this whole encounter and then while he was when he went to back to sleep in the hotel room, he poked back, woke up and he was and then he walks out and there's no guards and he goes to his business meeting. He's like that was a weird dream. And then so he's still stays in the same hotel in this multi universe. Yeah, I mean the universe is the same, okay, it's just slightly different the home. Only difference is Tart isn't there and he blips in there. And okay, actually and Dora. Not a lot of people leave that theory. A lot of people want to believe that theory. But okay, there's not a good reason to believe that. Yeah, what's the last one? Here's the thing. I don't like it. I don't like right now that anything that you start with. Here's the thing. I want out, I want to fiddle it off and I want to be done with the episode. Here's what we needed. We need to many time. You're leading back and I'm like, what's the last one? You Go, okay, here's the thing. We need to make a pact that if interdimensional travel ever becomes a thing where that we will, will come to this moment and every possible universe right May, may night, at for forty six eight shot cut. The shot cut the show. interdimensional travel is not real, not real, and that theory is a farce. Could never happened. There's no way, not a chance at all. I can't. We're never going to talk about intern dimensional shovel again. What's the last theory? The last thing is that is made up, that this is just a big old lie, whole stories. That's true last year. Is the one you thought the whole time. And Yeah, you really ruin the ending there, Jarem, because you were life. This is no way, this is real. And it's like Hey, I'm trying to say we'll get to that. No. So here's what happened. Everybody, I mean this was an urban legend since the S. it's been around for a long time, right, and everybody had their opinions on what the truth was. There's the people who thought he was a spy, right, because the people who thought he was it was a fake story. It was all made out, right. And there's the people that thought it was aliens and then there's the people who thought it was two things that we don't talk about anymore. It's so for years. It's just kind of stayed this way, okay, and the only reference that we knew of where this ever, like the evidence of this story, Hmm, ever existed was from a book which was a like collection of stories from an author named Colin Wilson and John Grant. Well, I'm wondering, like if there's like police reports or activity of the of the we don't have any of that, right. I'm that. And so we all we have as this book that came out and eighty one from a like a short story book, and in the stories in there, and that's all we've got of any. Are the other stories and it made up. I don't know. Actually, I don't know. I don't answer that. That would have been a good thing to look up, for this would have been if you just the story from a fiction book. Now, here's some thing. Okay, here's the thing. So, so you're gonna believe this? I have a story to tell. You may tell it. Yeah, tell me. So, there's a little girl. Yeah, she's riding her bike to a grandma's house. Right, well, she's your grandma's house. I thought she was walking. Have you heard the story? I'm pretty sure. Well, I don't. I'm not allowed to say why. I know. If you don't have the context of our jokes, then that sounds real rough. That sounds like you have a restraining order against the child or that you're not supposed to be in this neighborhood. It's like, I'm not about to say wow, I don't. I know that. She Sho she rides a bike, as you walked everywhere. It doesn't even following some girl around. So, anyways, girls riding a bike goes to a grandma's house. Right, our grandma sounds real gargoy that day, just real, like hey, you know, you sound real cord, you sound real rough. A's just, you know, I fell out of a plane or whatever, and so, you know, she's like, well, what big ears you have now I don't know if it is true. The theories are all over the place, but you know, one of the theories is that the the grandma was a witch. Really, yeah, yeah, what's the other one? It's that a wolf. Two theories. Well, that's all made up. That, yeah, it's all made up. Well, here's the deal. So I most people were like, yeah, it's made up for years. Right, it hits the Internet, the Internet, the Internet comes out, and then it hit the Internet and then it does one what you gave the time. Why? Events there? Yeah, it's the Internet visit. The Internet comes down, because so the Internet lose. They when they got to the Internet, it, you know, took off again. The story took off, people started to love it and then some reditors, they started doing their digging. Yeah, and they ended up solving the mystery. So here's the solution. What? Here's the solution? Pretty serious. I'm serious. Yeah, they solved it. So here's what happened. There's two stories that got blended together. Calm. There was a story from one thousand nine hundred and sixty of a one thousand nine hundred and fifty nine, October nine fifty Nin nine man by the name of John Allen Couchar Zegars, which I remember. I brought that Guy Yup. That's right, we're got saying. Well, I asked if you if what was his name was, and I knew you had said one. Yeah, but then you were at we're how a name, and I was like well, okay, but you said it's so confident that I was like all right, yeah. So this guy, he entered a man with his wife and then three months later he was arrested by the police. Say This is a rest? Huh? He was arrested by the police. By the police because he was trying to cash two hundred thousand dollar or two hundred thousand yen check and a one hundred and forty white fiftyzero. She started over. She's what he was trying to cash? A bunch of checks. Okay, and they were like wait, these are these checks come from a bank that does not exist, and he was a good does and they're like Noah, doesn't. And he was bank of tour it and he was like yeah, I can point it to it on the map and they were like go ahead, yeah, does it matter? That's a basking robins. And so they took am for questioning and they realize he has just a bunch of just fake documents, fake checks, fake passports, all this fake stuff that he had been using to travel the world with. And so he came up with this fake bank from this land singer. Yeah, yeah, Taminara set Tam in our set, which is an actual province in Algeria. Okay, right here, province in Algeria. He said he lived north of the Sahara and was part of the country called Tar Rag, with a g Tar Regg. And so he made up this bank and he was traveling with these fake checks and these fake passports and just kind of seeing the world for free. Sure, and they caught him and he ended up serving a year of jail time for that and it was interesting news. It got published in news around the world. How much she all time? Would you do travel the world for free? I'm he only got a hear. That's why I'm saying he was really adamant about not going to jail, because when he was in court on his day of his sensing, when they read all his sense. He spit out a piece of broken glass that he had hidden in his mouth and attempted to slid his wrists, but but the guards caught him well, for he was able to do it, which is very interesting to me that nobody noticed at all during that day that he has broken glass in his mouth. Like all right, how was a defended? Please, no, littlefull, sir. What's in your mouth? You know who. I've got a bunch of marbles in my mouth, like the disturbed guy. MM, I'm just waiting for you to tell me I'm not guilty. The disturbed guy. Yeah, disturbed the band. Yeah, I heard that. Know that, the guy from disturbed in the band. I don't know if it's true, but the myth, the mythology around him, was that the way he managed to successfully do that raw sound was he put a bunch of marbles in his throat and the marbles would slide up against each other and then he would spit them out after he recorded that, and that's how he made that sound. I don't know if it's true story, but you don't know it. You know things you really you don't know. I don't know if it's true story. Yeah, but let's make a bat for April, throw marvels on our throat all. Right, then we have to go back to the studio on me like at four hundred and fifty six. The marvels help us do that. You can do anything with wow. So he gets convicted and he goes to prison. Right, right. So that story was taken. Okay, there's another story, very similar story, where a guy and the nineteen s was a spy and he was traveling on a fake passport because he's this by, because he's a spot, because it's fine. Yes, and this fake passport was ended up being his downfall. And so the the Japanese government caught that it was a fake passport and then they caught the spy that way. Sure. And so they kind of took the two stories together. Where is the disappearing the hotel room come from? But it is. They made that part up to make the story interesting, or interesting her, you know what I meant. So, yeah, tell interesting her stories. So they said the guys wasn't the names John Grant and con Wilson. They were writing this book. They knew about this urban legend. They said, Hey, let's take that urban legend, let's embellish it a little bit and then we'll sell a lot of copies of our book that way. And they did that and it worked and they made a decment of money. And then a bunch of people in the Internet thought that time travel and inter dimensional travel was real, which it absolutely is not, one hundred percent not real. You're not over iterate that enough. You got to be an idiot to believe that's to be just such a young guy to see the worst cognitive ability person. You've got to be so just on interesting. I can't believe you got to be interesting. Was You believe that made? That's so uninteresting of you. It's most other interesting. Is An uninteresting person thing to say. What an insult, though, you know. Wow, so you're uninteresting right now, coming off real and interesting. Yeah, so they figured it out. It was. It was two stories that kind of got blended together. In the way they found it was because they found the newspaper reports. They ended up chasing those newspaper reports back to the court case. And what's interesting is do is Internet's wild this, this case the John Zegris case. We actually have documents from the UK where there was a big diplomatic meeting where they were arguing about it because they believed, after this event, that passports weren't legitimate and because, yeah, they were too easy to fake. Right, and so there's a big back for the ended up saying, yeah, it's fine and let's keep them. Yeah, but if we fix this, how would our agents get across? How would we fake it? You know, that is legitimately, though. That's like, that is straight up. Probably it's probably redacted in there. That's why, I mean, I think that's why they don't do things easier. It's anything like taxes. It's difficult because WHO's making money on it? Yeah, that's the conspiracy theory person in my head. Yeah, you know, I think that the government is actually doing it. The government is doing nothing. The government's doing nothing, not involved. Our they passports are sure really good of doing stuff, and so our taxes. We I want to pay more. If I could pay more taxes, I would. Sometimes I throw in an extra tip the government. Yeah, could you guys, you guys, except tips here. Yeah, Hey, just here you go, sir. This is the other little extra for you. It'll spit it all one place there, the United States. So all right, well, they figured about then. Yeah, they saw that the man from tard is just lie. Maybe the read at people can help us find our fiddle off music. Things are then, last night. is a production of space tim media, produced by Christian Taylor, audio by Alice Garnett, video by Connor Bets, our graphics and our logo by Caleb Goldberg and our social media is run by Caleb Walker. Our host are Jeremyers and Tim Stone. Fall us on your favorite social media platform at Tillin. Podcast is Tillo and podcast. Remember to tell all your friends about us and we'll see you next Tuesday for another episode of things I doned last night

On a hot summer day in 1954, a man arrived at Tokyo Haneda Airport. Since the man came on an international flight, he was required to show his passport to be stamped. Upon viewing the man’s passport, officials were shocked to find the country that issued the passport was called Taured, a country that does not exist. The man was … Read More

Juliane Koepcke – From Free Fall to Amazon


Episode Transcription

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Hey Man, hello, what was that? I just to try to time it right when we could drink. Hey, hey, hey man, hey, heymen, hey man. What have you ever heard of Julianne Kop Key? Julianne Kop Key. Yeah, I'm just gonna see how long had her. I heard, I heard a horn. Is why I stopped. Yeah, and then I was like, I was gonna wait to see how long you let me be side. We can cut this part out. Julianne Kopkey is a famous composer. Oh yeah, yeah, she's known for her musical endeavors. Such as Paparazzi, it's lady Gaga's real name? No, it's not. Yeah, it's Julia Kop key. Why are you googling it? Yeah, I've obviously made this up. Now her name is Stefani Joan Angelina, German, Germanada, Germinata. Yeah, so it's not, it's not. You're wrong. Okay, what about I'm not refuse. They're super similar, you know. Have you ever heard of a lance of flight five hundred and eight? Lance of flight five hundred and eight? What about Peru? You ever heard of Peru? I've heard of Peru. Well, there we go. There's a little start. Will start with the most, starting with you. For Real. It's a missing person, like I says, I go a flight that went missing. I mean technically, yeah, okay, but I mean, yeah, technically. Yeah. So here, let me just tell you about it. Yeah, please. So, I would love it if you did. So why I showed up today. No, no, don't, don't. Try to get out to be an idiot real quick. Right. Yeah, what makes you think you'd be a great manager? Well, I have a degree and rain forest stuff. Wow, this guy's a little overcaulifi. Yeah, position, she knows the gators are friends, not food, and you didn't see the sword and wing where you did? You just have a different idea of Martin US things I learned last night. Julianne COP key. She Julianne. Yes, okay, I thought was Julia Ive. Go ahead, Julianne. We can call her Julie. I don't know she goes by that, but we can do it. Get we're she gonna. Is She alive? Is She gonna stop us? I mean she's alive, but I doubt she can stop us. And that's not that's me. She's a lot, but I doubt. You know, she's got no physical power over me. Yeah, I'M gonna keep saying it. You know, Julia, it's Julie A. and well, what are you gonna physically doing? She can't stop me. He means she's frail. You think you beat her up? Are You threatenings? I do think I could, but there's a reason for that. I just think I could. That is not part of it at all's nothing to do with the starty. What do you mean? I don't think she can stop me? I mean, I just don't think she could. I don't know. She's sixty seven. Okay, so, I mean, that's fine, like, I mean I was last time a sixty seven year old woman tried to stop you from doing something like I don't know. They can't. You can't stop me. Excuse me, Miss How are you? One Thousand Six hundred and seventy? I you can't stop me. Yeah, sure, caught me two years ago. The caught off. He's okay, as kid. You run said Julia earlier. As why I was confused with Julie An. Yeah, Julia. Yeah, so she is now. Her name now is Julianne Diller. Okay, married. Well, she is famous for a couple things. One she's a German Peruvian mammalogist because she studies mammals. Sure it's you might expect. Also, she survived a nine thousand eight hundred presumed, like, presumably, this is an estimate. You said the word wrong twice, but that's okay. Presumedly, go ahead for supably. There you go. They estimate nine thousand eight hundred and forty feet fall. She survived. Wait, what? Yeah, was she jumped out a plane in a parachute network SORTA. So here's what happened. On December twenty four, nineteen seventy one. Yeah, Christmas, one thousand nine hundred and seventy one. Cockkey was about to graduate high school. She had literally just gone to her senior from and her mother, Maria, and her were in Lima, Peru, and they were taking a trip to a town of the other side of the mountains and Peru by name of hold on the me pull this back up. And you heard me earlier. How okay, it's the town's name is Aquitos, Aquitos Peru. That's what that was earlier when you were like, yeah, I heard the computer voice go equitos. What was that? Yeah, well, I was learning how to say it. I'm really proud of you making progress because I've listened to back to a couple episodes and you just really you go for it. Yeah, no help. Well, here's the thing. I have this. I think it's a great character trait. MMM, but a lot of other people in my life think it's a character flaw. Who are a lot of other people? Me and your wife, yeah, and well, most of my friends. Oh, okay, so me and your wife. I think there's a good like I have a good character trait where I will take an educated guests in confidence and answer things that I don't know. And so a lot of times it's pronounce pronouncing things. Okay, you will said pronouncing, but that's pronouncing. A lot of this produncing. But I mean sometimes, like sometimes, for example, this is one that my wife talks about a lot. We were on our way to Florida. We're driving. You were like, I know how to get there. It's Florida. Yeah, we just got to go north on any highways there. Yeah. No, we were driving through Birmingham, Alabama, and I mean you've been to Birmingham. Right outside downtown there's this big hill. On the top of the hill is a giant statue of some dude with his arms up in the air and like, and when I say giant, I mean giant huge, like it is gigantic. If you're anywhere near Birmingham probably know what I'm talking about. Everybody in the car was like, I wonder who that statue is and I'm, as I do normally, take an educate the guys. Yeah, in confidence, that's George Washington carver. No, I was like the Peanut Guy, this is Birmingham Alabama. That's Martin Luther King Jr, like of course, like it's as educated guess, right, and everyone's like, oh, yeah, that makes sense, and nobody, everyone was for question about it. Nobody questioned it because I was confident. Well, on the way back we drive by and on the other route you can kind of see that there's like he's holding up a sword and there's like wings and it's actually a statue of a Greek God. We looked it up and it was a Greek God. And everybody can't let it go. Yeah, because they're like you were so confident, and I was. I was like yeah, it's an educate guess, and I was confident in my guess, which happens when you see the sword and wings? Well, yeah, from that we did. From that angle, you just have a different idea of Martin us he was an angel. Yeah, so, all right, anyways. So, yeah, I'm I get too confident sometimes. So, so this this flight, it's Lance, a flight five away, takes off from Lima to head to eat a quitos and while they're in the air the encounter storm. And this storm it was pretty severe. It was about okay, but that's the point where the pilots and this fight probably should have diverted. Yeah, I'm in taking a different route, but they but they said, they were like, you know what, we've seen storms before. I'm going to take an educated guess and how to get through this. What the code down said. The copie was like, what do you think? That statue is down there? We didn't see the main the clouds with the sword in the wings. So they rode into the storm. They rode into the storm. They shouldn't have to. The plane wreck. Yeah, so the plane got struck by lightning and it was one of the it was the worst mid air lightning strike in aviation history. It split the plane in half and so obviously, like the plane starts going down, absolute pandemonium, and it rips Julianne Cockkey from the plane in her seat. So she still a test her seat. Rips her from the plane and she's just starts flipping through the air, spinal in through the air like attached to alie in. She's attached to a seat. Yeah, but she's free falling. Yes, yeah, and so the plane, she got separated from the plane planes obviously going down and it's ripping apart all around her still because she's falling amidst this other fall. And then, like obviously, other passengers start flying out too. While she while she's falling, she was falling face down, so her head was facing down. She said. She described it as like the seat was kind of like a helicopter blade, like she was just spinning around like real, quite real fast. Yeah, and she thinks that this, it was the spinning that made her pass out. And so she passes out before she hits the ground and she wakes up later with the seat belt like jammed into her her skin and and her collar bone is broken. She tore her acl she had a pretty severe concussion and she fractured one of her vertebrae. But other than that that was really it. So like obviously a lot of very severe injuries, but she felt tenzero feet without a parachute. And so what they think happened when she was spinning around it, because she was spinning like that, the spin slowed her fall and so it slowed her fall enough to where the damage was severe. And they the assumption is when she passed out she leaned backwards just enough that it tilted the chair and then she landed on the chair and so chair landed face down instead of her landing on her face. And so hours after the crash she wakes up and there's just wreckage all through during the rainforest of Peru. This is this is the Amazon. This is right. I mean, if you don't, this is this is where she is, just absolute middle of nowhere, dangerous environment, right, and she wakes up, realizes she's severely injured and tries, she gets herself out of her out of her chair, and she's only able to like literally she gets up, she stands up, falls down, passes back out and is out for another day. And so when she wakes up, here's the I mean this the this whole story is like crazy. Yeah, but this. This part of the story is the most like. Oh, so she wakes up and she looks at her arm. She's got a severe elasceration on her arm, bad enough to where she thought in the moment, she's like, I might have to get this amschutted. And the leading reason for that is because she was out so long that had become infested with maggots and she she was picking them out, but she just couldn't get them all out, like I was hundreds of them. I hate this. Okay, yeah, absolutely her like picturing that at all. And so she gets up and she's just kind of got the maggots crawl around her arm, torn ACL broken collar bone, broken vertebrae, serious concussion in the middle of the Amazon rainforest and there's she can't find any other survivors. She keeps finding bodies, but most of the people she's finding, Oh yeah, they're they're just legs sticking out of the ground like they they lodged into the ground. They because they fell from such heights. Oh my God. And so she said that when she was going around through the woods, every time she found female she would check the toes to see if they were painted, because her mom didn't have painted tonails, and so she's like if I could find one that's not painted, then I would know that that's my mom, which is crazy. And so she's going through the rainforest trying to find her way out, trying to find another survivor. Manages to find a bag of candy. That is the only food that she was able to recover, and so she rations this what she rashes this little bag of candy and she's how long is this whole process happening, because she's moving real slow. So she was knocked out for about a day. Yeah, and then this is. This is that kind of like first early, like okay, I'm up, I'm like moving around, like I have to figure out how to get out of here, to get out of here. Yeah, so this is this is all within a relatively short period of coming, you think a couple of hours or she's walking around, she's finding these bodies, she manages to find this food. Where you got to find is like a way to call for help. Yeah, well, you got to find a plane. What the cockpit? Yeah, what was interesting was with with this flight is when the plane, the when they lost communications with the plane, they sent out search parties to look for it. But because the plane, the plane was struck at Twentyzero feet, and so because I got struck so high, here's this is a crazy shot. I think this is from the movie. There's a movie that came out about those, but this is what they they literally just shot right through the plane the lightning. anyways. So when when the plane never came for landing and they couldn't contact anybody, search parties came out. But because this crash happened so high in the air, it broke apart before it hit the ground and so instead of it being the whole plane going down, for its multiple piece. Yeah, fell in all these pieces and in the rainforest it was just impossible. Like these planes were flying over and she's said she kept hearing the planes fly over, the search places fly over, but it's a rainforest, there's that thick canopy, and so she's like, I had no way of showing them where I was, they had no way of seeing me, but I kept what I'm saying is that you got to find you know where. The first of all you to find your first hate kit, but then you also got to find like the flarers and something that you can use something, you shoot up or create fire. Burned down the forest, the watcher. Burn it down, burn down the holy of us. Yeah, I know, it's humanitarian thing. People going to be like, jared really didn't think about the rainforest when he was trying to save his life. Dude, that's that's exactly what. I've got a press what happened and that. No, I don't even care about that part. I'm saying you would get canceled because you are. You survive, you survived a plane crash. You're in the forest. Yeah, and you you start a fire so you can get a smoke signal up at least. Yeah, some way to show any humanity that you're there. You, and then you actually burned down half of a forest and you get back and people are like, you're the guy who burned down the forest, burned down h I'm also the guy that flew tenzero feet to the ground and made it. I had a little bit of a concussion, like give me, give me somewhere. Come on. Hey, thanks for checking out this APP. So we love our listeners a lot and one way that you can let us know you're here is by leaving a podcast review. Maybe that's a five star thing in the apple podcast at maybe you listen on spotify or if you're watching on youtube, leave a comment. We do read all the comments and reviews. We just love knowing what you think about this show. Also, if you haven't yet, go check out someone of our other episodes. My current favorite is the identical strangers episode. It's three brothers or triplets who were separated at birth, unbeknownst to them or their parents, as part of a really weird experiment. So there's a lot of really fun stuff we talked about in an episode, but thank you for checking this out. Now back to this one. That was another that was another struggle. So she just has so much going against her. In the fall she lost her glasses and she had severe near sidedness, and so now she's not only does she have all this other stuff, but she can barely see and she's walking through Nice. She lost one of her shoes in the fall and so she is walking to the forest with one shoe and a torn acl she can't see anything, trying to find a way out. But here's the thing about Julie. Yeah, and and sorry, sorry, don't tell her. I'm scared of her. Tell her. I would be too man. So here's the thing about her. So she her parents. They were a biologist and a zoologist couple, and they had moved to the rainforest to do science, you know. And this is them. This is them in the middle of science. This is our parents. Okay, another rainforest with all their fishies and different exotic rainforest fauna and flora. We gotta put those fish back in the tank. They're right die now. They're making those those wall fish. It was the bully bass. Those are terrifying billy bass. Those aren't even like some of the early iterations. This was the s they had affected it yet. Yeah, and so she had lived for years in the rainforest with her parents, who were expert learning all the things, ruin for stuff and rainforest stuff. Yeah, yeah, what's your degree in rainforest stuff? Our parents were zoologists, where zoologist on a biologist, and they figured hey, we need to study this. So the best thing we could do is move our entire family into a rainforest cafe. For I was ye trying to make a rainforest cafe joke. I was trying to make them a whole thing of like I have a degree and I use it to be the manager a rainforest cafe. Dang it, Tim. Yeah, what makes you think you'd be a great manager? Well, I have a degree and rainforest stuff. Wow, this guy's a little overcaulifi. Yeah, position, I can tell you a lot about. Yeah, ask me something about that dish right there. What's on that dish right there? Well, what if somebody knew a lot about dishes like plates, you know, like tear with that dish? Oh, I'll tell you. So this one is a good, fine product made. It's good, and then that's a good dish. Like a good dish right. Well, my mom was send me pictures of a bunch of dishes for my grandma's house that are apparently like they got lead on, like on the paint things or whatever, and so like this article is just like if you had these dishes of your house, you probably will have cancer and die. Like that's what the whole article is. Yeah, turns out, I mean my entire childhood we a lot of those dishes. A lot of we ain't a lot of dishes. Yeah, that's what my degree allow me to do, is I knew how to swallow a broken plate. You gotta do it the Right Angle. Yeah, you gotta just get it. Yeah, it's a it's a warning process. I mean, Myasofagus is destroyed, but it was. It was an interesting practicum that they yeah, but you know, every degrees got them the hard parts, the hard part. So she knew a bunch of stuff about the rainforest. Yeah, so she had spent years of her life learning about how to survive in the rainforest and what frogs are poisonous and what plant that's all you really need to know. I don't know anything else about this forest, but I can tell you that frogs poisonous. I can tell you. Stay with for that frog. I get tell you anything about that. This rainforest. I can tell you that frog sketchy guy, what do you do a bear comes around the corner? I don't know, man, I don't didn't get that far. We did it. Yeah, I just got to take rocks. Yeah, I'll we covered is poison frogs. Yeah. So she knew a lot about the rainforest. A few of the things that stood out to her that were very important was one, there's a lot of not only like there's a lot of poises to animals, with snakes and sure and those pross plants and stuff. But yeah, there's a lot of plants that you can't eat. Right. This is why she grabbed that bag of candy, because she's like, I know that there's a lot of plants that will kill me if I consume them, but I don't know all of them, you know. So I know there's a lot, but I don't know how many of them there are and I don't know for sure. So she's like, I can't eat anything I see here. And she also couldn't hunt because she you know, she's got a torn A. See how? Yeah, and like, and she doesn't have any like gear, like, she doesn't. She can't go fish, she can't go spear fishing, she can't go and Oh, go ahead, yeah, we are we yeah, see whether the kind of fishing. Can't she go boat fish? Yeah, deep sea fishing, I can do that. Yeah, yeah, it's just all the fishing. Do catfishing either, you know, or She gonna Upload a picture of somebody else with a full intact arm with the yeah, with a maggotless arm. There's no maggots in my arm. That's what her bias feel like. It says that in the Bio. It seems like they're might be. You know, if you have to tell me there's none, then I think there's some. Her user name online is just like definitely a real girl with no maggots in her arm. That's a long name. It's a really lug easy name. Surprised it wasn't take it over, was though, this usual name was taken. Oh, show. How? So she knew. She knew that it was a big deal, right, that her shoe was missing, because she's walking through all these plants that could or shoe was missing. I thought you said it was a big deal that she was missing. Oh, no, okay, this is a big deal. No, yeah, so there's a big deal and she was missing because she's like there's poison, Ivy and all other different types of all right, like I'm yeah, yeah, and so she's like, I'm going to mess up my shoes. So what she and she also knew that there was lots of snakes that slid around in the Ivy's and so she she didn't want to just bare footstep through this forest, and so she took her other shoe. Also, she doesn't re grasses, just can't really see. Such she took her other shoe and she's waving it through the brush in front of her before every step to make sure there's nothing now that's going to bite her or infect her or whatever. Okay, every single step, just walking through and then stepping so barefoot through the rainforest. Eventually, one of the things that she knew was that if you're ever lost in the rainforest or really in any wilderness area, here's a pro tip for you. Find Water, preferably running water. Right if you can find a bathroom, now you want to find like a stream, because the stream will always run. If you go from where it's going, you're going to end up to maybe a river or something else that you're bigger water to wear. Civilization is civilization always since up being near water. And so that's like when we were driving downtown in Kansas City. Yeah, we're on the bridge and ray goes city be really pretty if it had a river, and I was like you mean like that one? Yeah, like the Missouri River that was really Oliver. This is like years ago. I have not let it go this. That moment is her big statue moment. You know. I'm saying where. I was like, do you mean the river that were crossing right now, right now? Yeah, yeah, I couldn't see it. I mean I'm what do you think? The Bridges? Do you think the bridges? You think we got a canyon, which just do you think? We just canyon right outside of Kansas City? Canyon city? Sorry, my bad, the Kansas Canyon. Yeah, that's the state line. The state line was like they like this, this giant Crovasse. It's a ditch divided. Yeah, ridiculous. Anyway. So fine water, so fine water. So she finds a stream, she falls that stream to a larger river, and here's where her experience really helped her. Yeah, because she wasn't. She's got a white, white, white rapid float down this thing. What would like time see river rafting? Yes, yeah, there you go. No, she didn't have a boat. Well, I mean she actually did. She she put the jest say she had placed a jet ski there way earlier. You know, she said I can get out on this. So this thing's gonna make too much noise. So she has a little inflatable are tube we have, and a pulley system. Yeah, the whole Animazon. Yeah, if he's not listen to previous episodes, that's a bummer for you. That would be confusing. Oh, so she gets to this river and her experience told her. Most of us, when we get to a river the Amazon, yeah, one thing will notice ride away is, hey, this river has water in it. Is Yeah, but also a lot of a lot of you know crocodiles in this water. We am you can see them. Yeah, it visually and most of us are. I do, and I've learned from years of research. And Yeah, you know, being alive is that if you just got to wait from the lineup perfect and you just talk right over them, you know, jump on one. I JUMP ON MS time. On the other one. You got a tight it just right time and just rightwise you can have in the water and that's what hit by truck by truck. Yeah, but in the universe trucks, the river, trucks are a big problem. So well, so most of us would say, man, look at all the gators in the water, I better stay out of it. She can see them with her weather glasses off to like they're big enough. While she's seen enough gators in her life to know whether she can see clearly or not that that's a gator. She's seen her up gators in her life. She knows a blurry one. Yeah, she's like, that's I'm pretty sure that's a gator. I can't see very well, but I'm pretty bare. Alligator for crocodiles in the rainforest, I don't know. Let's look at up alligators like the way you said frocks, Asian crocodiles. Of them. It's in the alligator of family in the Amazon. So yeah, care gators. Here's the thing that she knew gators. They tend to and have heavy emphasis on ten, but they tend to leave humans alone. And so, unless you provoke them, yeah, unless you're like dinory upon them. Yeah. And so she said, Hey, look, I can walk in this water with the gator friends or I could walk on the land with the potential of snakes and Scorpions and poisonous plants. And she walks through the water. So she walks through the gator water, with Oliver Wounds, through the Amazon's dirty river with the gator water, because she figured that was going to be safer for her than walking on the rainforest floor. Mind you, at this point she's already drenched, she's as been. This is days at this point. That's so days into this event for her. She's running out of candy fast and she's she's walking along this river. Well, yeah, the gators took it. Hey, we'll let you pass for to these candy, but you got a lab bag. What are you? An alligator? Pirates is? Are Those get holls? Why do they talk like that? I don't know. Yeah, it's just the way. It's an educated guess. Okay, I hate you for that. Hey, thanks again for listening to this episode. If you like our show, make sure you follow us on social at till in podcast or subscribe anywhere where you're listening to right now, whether that's Youtube, spotify or apple podcast, whatever it is. And if you want more, we do have a patreon you can support us on. In there you get all sorts of perks like ad free episodes, early access to our content and even a discord with our hosts and producers. So We'd love for you to check that out. All you got to do is text till into six, six, eight hundred and sixty six. That's till in two, six, six eight hundred sixt six, but thanks again for checking us out. So the she's walking through write the the rain forest did she's got to find a way out. She knows at this point where she's pretty confident, this point that nobody else survived this plane crash for sure. And what the things that she said after the fact. She said, if I would have found somebody else that survived, I think I would have died, because I think what we would have done is we would have waited together to be found. Yeah, but she said, but because I couldn't find any other survivors, she said that she realized she was on her own and she had to figure this out by herself, and so she was just like, I guess I gotta go, and so she thinks, if she thinks her being the only one that she could find was was the best thing for her, because obviously she would have survived. So she's walking through the water, waiting through gator gator water, and then she finds a broken down car in the middle of the ring forest and it's like it's like it's been broken down, like it's yeah, like vines growing on it and stuff like that. And she has a great idea because at this point the maggots are doing a number on our arm and she realizes, I gotta do something to get rid of these maggots, and so she takes the gas tank on that on this truck. I mean more. You to continue and she dumps it in her cut to use that to kill out all the Maggots, and so obviously I did not feel good, but it worked. They she had was able to wash out the vast majority of the maggots in her arm, in her arm from doing that. They are still was a few that doctors end up finding later, but she got the vast majority doing that. Doctors did say she didn't do that, she probably would have lost the arm, but because they were rapidly just how was your car out there? So at least she knows. She's close enough to society. Now. Yeah, I mean people, people drive through everywhere, you know, okay, and so like at some point someone was driving, probably round with a gas and then they did the similar thing that she did and they followed though the water. They didn't run out of gas. That because there's say yeah, go ahead, yeah, no, no, I wasn't like you to be the battery died. I don't know. Something happened. Was Light Cart probably they got strip by lightning. Yeah, anyways, something happened. They had to leave and you know, okay, it's you know, what are you gonna do? So she continues walking through the rainforest, the rainforest, along this this water, until she finally kind of ended up near this clearing space and was kind of giving up, like her injuries were getting the point where she could barely can't move me. She she was starving. She's right, for days of walking miles on these injuries, all the she's had is like a little back of candy, yeah, to sustain her, and so she doesn't think she's gonna make it. Well, there's when she started to kind of give up, a group of missionaries just happened upon her and they were like Whoa, like, you don't look good, and they were a lint. Know if you know this. They were. He's there's a cut on your arm and there are living creatures crawling in and out of yeah, well, here's here's the thing. She knew how to speak Spanish from her Amazonian days. Right, all right, so this girl just so want to make sure. It just seems like she knows everything. Yeah, she knows how surviving rainforest, she knows the gators are friends, not food, and she knows that she can speak Spanish. Yeah, she knows that she can speak you know, I never knew it before, but turns out I can well, we all can. It's all in us. He's gotta just gotta call it out. He's gonna find it. Yeah, you got to find the Finn the language within. Yeah, and so she knew Spanish. And so here's what's here's what significant. These missionaries, these weren't like these were local missionaries that were yeah, in Peru. Yeah, I wasn't a ratually like higher group of high school white kids after made the ANA. We're just like, we're here to serve. In Peru. Yeah, they got our tracos on and their oversized t shirts. That's what I pictured. But now these were like local, but local, local baptist. Yeah, the local madness. Yeah. Now these are local missionaries going into the rainforce to find tribal people's and tell them about Jesus. And they get they find this lady. But here's the problem, here's the problem that they they encounter right away. There was a lot of mysticism for the people in that area about like ghosts and demons in the forest. Oh, and Julia was messed up. She had some seger fallen from injuries, yeah, and severe. They thought she was a demon. Yeah, and so they were like afraid to approach her at first, and if she didn't know how to speak their language, she said that they probably would have left her because they were scared, but she was able to speak to them in Spanish and convince them. I'm not a demon, come, I'm not a demon, I just need your help. Yeah, that's what she said. So if you, if you, that's actually my code word for like if I'm like horribly injured, right, because I'm sure we'll be together when it happens, you know, if, like I break an arm or shatter my pelvis somehow a car accident together. Yep, right, and you just hear me shouting from the car. I'm not a demon, I'm not a damn that's honestly. I think that's how I'm gonna die, just so you know. No, I think I'm gonna die in like you know, I've said this before, I think. I don't know if said on the PODCAST, but like choking on something. Oh Yeah, yeah, you know, in my basement, you know, and I'm yelling up the stairs to my wife and I'm like please save me, and she's like he's doing a bit. Yeah, you know, yeah, he's joker, a rested real filming to Tick Tock down there and I'm like yeah, they yeah, forwards, bit ive heard it before, you know, and that's how I'm going to die. Yeah, so, just so you know, if you say I'm not a dem and you know I'm it, this is real. This is real, this is real. But here's the thing, Jos, you're gonna let me die. Dang nabbit. Is the thing I would expect you. I say I'm not a demon in Spanish. That's you. Help me. Yeah, if he knows, not diablow, I would assume. That's my guess. Okay, that's your educative guess. Yes, you said it's so confident. Hold on to see. I'm not a demon. Google translate. We need to learn this phrase in all which is this is something wetter. What country you're in? You know this in French, in Spanish, in Chinese? Oh, I was close. Oh, they got another word for the demon. I don't know that. No, so it Wun Demon Ne. Oh, that sounds like someone who's faking. Yeah, did he with the DEMIO? I'm not a devil, as also demonio. What's The oblow? The ablow is I thought that was devil. If you're not Satan, your no son Satan set. Say to NAS, say to NAS say, say to NAS. So it says as it's the ablow. Anyways, this is Diablo, is devil, right, no, shut up, is it is so the missionaries. They end up helping her. That a first aid kit on hand. Didn't do much with it. It was just duck shaming. AIDS Daven what man? Absolutely vestling's right, because DOC David Man's duct, the oil, it helps, you know, anyway, darts anywhere in my glove box. So it's hot. It's like, oh a green man, let me put this in your wounds. Yeah, you're hurt. I hate her. And Oh man, I passed the car acts in the other day, right, and I got out. Don't already, I got me. The paramedics showed up, but I was like no, no, parameos already here. And so I was in there rubbing mayonnaise on this girl's wound. Right, YEP, helmet did not make you. She did not make it. So, yeah, they said that she got an infection, Absolu grat they were like, she would have made it without this mayonnaise. Why would they call it miracle whip if it couldn't heal you? I say that is. You know there's people who use mayonnaise like a cleaning thing. I did not know that. Yeah, there's weird people out there, like some people use vinegar. Yeah, well, putting it in things, like they're wiping down counters with mayonnaise. That is the grossest the got of her. Well, I mean, I'm not I'm not here to I don't know where this senten is going. I don't know how somebody were interrupt me. Okay, so they had the first aid kit, so I had the first kid, kid. It didn't help much, but it was enough. It was enough to get hurt. Someone get her too, to the point where she could be airlifted to the hospital. She gets the hospital and they end up at the hospital being like yeah, you're you're injured. Yeah, Hey, we've got more candy for I diagnosis injured. Yeah, do be a doctor's so easy. So they nurse her back to health and then, once you said that's so casually, how long is that take? I don't know, I don't have any input. Okay, but so after she recovers, she actually assists the search party to go back into the jungle and find the bodies of everyone. Oh my God, she lost because she knew from her experience in Homeschool, different kind of home school, the most people, but she knew it's easy to get lost in the Amazon. Yeah, most every homeschooler graduates knowing it's easy to get lost in the amazone. Yeah, that's like they're weird secret phrase they have. Hey, where you? Hope were you? It's like it's like it's like, Hey, were you lost in the Amazon? It's easy to get lost in the Amazon. That's how they know they found another one, you know, and they have like a weird handshake. You know, it's like this, give your hand. We had a blur it. We're not allowed to give it away. Yeah, yeah, just like that. Yeah, just like that. Yeah, so because of her time in the Amazon, right, she knew it's easy to get lost. So she left the trail. I don't know if it was like like twigs, right, bread crumbs, break crums. She's like a good thing. I got this loaf of bread. Yeah, I'm very hungry. made it out. My brother Han sold it. Not Something Real, least some breath. Maybe he'll go. I've got this bag of candy. Yeah, what else will I do with this heather full tray? She got like a variety pack of a lace chips, you know, and she's just like here's a lace chip, here's a Lido. Yeah, yes, the cool ranch to Redo. All the alligators are following behind her. Just yet them right behind her. She has no ideas, like I'll make it back, I'll make why is she leaving crumbs in the river, you idiot? Were you talking about the follow behind her? You know, the path of the river. You think she was just like no, don't, don't try it out to be an idiot real quick, right. You think that, even if it wasn't food, she was leaving behind whatever she was making a trail with. You think she was still making that trail in the river? Yeah, probably, because here's the deal. Yeah, I'm a really are very bland rivers, like you know, rivers that are just borning. That's the know ary rivers in the Sun River. Yeah, the rivers in the Amazon. They're just dull and you can't tell them apart because all deep is that. How deeper water was she walking through, you think? I mean, she probably was only walking through a couple feet. She's s like the run on the edge. You know, I got check anyways. So she's she left like little clues and signals, so she knows that's a place I've been before, and so she leaves them back through and in a recovering most of the bodies. Oh Wow. What's crazy is how many people died in the she was the only survivor. Well, I mean about how many? Let's see, it was there's eighty six passengers, eighty five died, ninety one people in all and cleaning the crew. So she was one of ninety one to survive. Wow, and they actually found her mother and they said that her mother survived, but she ended up dying from her injuries because she couldn't. She had very severe injuries. So she survived the fall and just kind of lived there in the rainforest a little longer and then end up dining from injuries, which sounds horrific awful to just like survive that fall. But now you don't know if she woke up, though. That's true. Yeah, she might have just been knocked out the whole time. Yeah, but yeah, so she she ended up going back and studying bats and the rainforest. What, I don't know. There was no spoonsher it is that? You mean she went back to where the plague crash was yeah, she's like. She's like, yeah, I want to know what the bats there. This is a good yeah. Yeah, so after the fact they made a movie about the her story called Miracles still happen, and then also there was a couple documentaries called another was a documentary called wings of hope, and then there was a book about her her own autobiography, called when I fell from the guy man, you gotta Really Hope. And no one ever hit on her after that. So walks up to her in a bar was like, Hey, did it hurt? She's like yeah, a lot. Yeah, actually, like really bad. Yeah, here's all kind of hurt. Here's a book. Yeah, you see this, you see this scar? Hey, I hadn't heard Maggotson fell from heaven. Yeah, yeah, pretty bad. Yeah, I the closest thing that you probably experienced. Have you ever like jumped from the high dive and belly flopped? It's like that, but if the high dive was tenzero feet, like a survive. Well, here's the here's here's what's crazy. So after this happened, or try it, you and I jump out of a plane, see who makes it. No parachute, no parachute, yeah, not interested. I'm not a demon, I'm not a dete. So after this happened, they like launched an investigation on this airline, Lancer, the the plane that was in this fight, was a Lockheed electro turboprop plane, is, is one of those big steel looking planes. Right well, ended up discovering after the fact that this plane was built, here's a direct quote, and seven assembled entirely from spare parts of other planes. And so they said that it's entirely because of the way it was constructed that it broke apart when I got stopt lightning, because it shouldn't have done that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it should have been damaged, but it shouldn't have just split up. You think people are more likely to survive the fall if it stays intact? I think probably, unless it like blows up, because because the only reason she survived was because the chair cushion or fall, and so barely. I mean, yeah, but if you're able to have something like if you free from all other items, just hit the ground, you're probably dead right, but if there's something there to cushion your fall, then you might survive. This is actually this is a good no, this was recommended by one of our patrons, daily man, again ironically, and another patron, chump white. Do we not have the names? I don't have I don't have our our specially yet. Okay, I don't have that yet, so I don't know. But there's a there's a video explaining what to do if your parachute he sent like this video explaining what to do if your parachute fails. Oh and the lesson is spin. Well, actually it's make yourself flat like a pancake, and I will slow you down. But then it's fine something to land on, basically, whether that's like trees or something like that, not water, like swamp, trees or something else. I camera what they said, because I'll break your fall, and they said you're going to break your legs, but you might survive if you can land in something that'll break your fault. So my assumption is, if that's the logic when you're falling free fall, that a plane would help, because then the plane would break the fault right the fall. You just got to hope that the plane doesn't explode with the plane's floods you're done. Yeah, so anyway, so they got in a lot of trouble for that, you know, because it's kind of like and she us, or a picture her now. Yeah, so here she is at the plane crash now, and then also there she is when she's going to do with some bird I don't know. And that's her now. Well, that's her. And like I know the S or s whenever they tried to breathe the plane, whenever they made the movie about her. Oh Wow, yeah, and yeah, that's the so, I mean she's still walks and everything. Yeah, I mean her injuries were a broken collar bone, which is a serious injury, but you can heal from that, a torn ascl again serious, but you can heal. Probably her most severe injury was that frashured I said earlier. What is that her arm in your in your spine with the fresh are vertebrae? Yeah, they're her vertebrae. That's probably was saying. Is She's up, walking and everything. Yeah, you know, she never would have guessed that she felt tenzero feet from the sky and survived if you just saw her walking through your local Walmart or something. Yeah, sometimes I do see people that I think has happened to though. He's a Walmart and I go it looks like you've fallen tenzero feet from the sky. Did that happen? And I don't mean that in like did it hurt kind of way, I mean like I know it to look at you a kind of way. You know, I'm sorry about you. were seeing sometaly so ugly that you're like me. I hope something happened. I hope that's not an actur it. That's terrible. Yeah, so that's wild. Yeah, absolutely insane story, terrifying. Yeah, I couldn't imagine literally every step of this road, falling without a parachute, finding the maggots in your arm cont the forest like eating candy, like all of this is just horrible, like it's I can't believe that, like through the rainforest rivers with alligators like that's yeah, and she knew, she knew enough to know she still a better chance walking without the gators than walking with the snakes. Walk with the GATORS. Actually a gospel album. And Yeah, if you look it up, track seven is called fiddle off things of the last night is a production of space tim media produced by Christian Taylor. Audio is edited by Alice Garnett, video by Connerbet. Social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic designed by Caleb Goldberg, our hoster, Jeremyers and Tim Stone. Please follow us on social media at Tilling podcast, that's Tillo in podcast. Leave a review, comment, subscribe wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on the last night.

Today flying is one of the safest forms of transit that exists. Out of the millions of flights every year, only about 30 of those result in an accident in the US, and very few result in any serious injury. However, this hasn’t always been the case. In recent history, regulations on air travel were much laxer and allowed for … Read More

Lake City Quiet Pills – The Hitman Ring Hidden on Reddit


Episode Transcription

Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey Man, oh, nothing much. I had that one of my back pocket. I was fun has. What's what's up? That's what you say. What's up? What's going on? What's going on, man? Have you ever heard of Lake City quiet pills? Hold on, say it's lower like. No, not stop. Lake City, quiet quiet pills. That's what I thought you said, quiet pills. Yeah, all right, that sounds like a community, in a like a really rich neighborhood called Lake City. All right, and the quiet pills were the MOMS passed to each other to get their kids to go to sleep at night. fittle off right. That's exactly what it is. It's close. It's a neighborhood of parents drugging their kids. It's pretty close. Before we get too far into this, I think we need to lay a couple ground rules for today. There's going to be some quotes I'm going to read where there's curse words, and I just need you, Darren, to have your head on a swift hole to bleep me when I am about to cuss. All you want me to let you go. You want me to go bleep. Yes, we're going to post. No, I want you to just be ready and when you think I'm about to cuss. Just bleep it. I'm sorry, I just I thought I thought you were about to say it. I like this new role. I don't. I think you're bad at reading. Is the problem. Right, so I don't know if you're having trouble reading words or if you need to like give us a cuss. Work, you know, will kill a guy. But this is where we draw the line. I don't drug dry alice is looking at me be like, does cheering believe this? How to deal with your seventy nine year old GRANDPA if you're unfamiliar, if you're not one of the old like me and Tim Mark, things I learned last night. All right, so, Lake City, quiet pills. Okay, this is a reddit mystery. That seems to be fairly true. There's well, we'll let you, will let you, let you decide at the end of this. What do you think? But it begins in two thousand and nine. To be their verdict. Is True, untrue? Yeah, is this a true story or not true? That's what I'm going to call right now. You literally just pulled that out of yeah, just like you reached into your brain with your hand, physically, Yep, and held the cube of Truth Cube with truth. It's been in there the whole time. Yeah, you sometimes I work for the police department. MMM, they call me in on criminals. I talk to him and you know, that's what all I detector tests are. It's just me in a room with a criminal pulling out my truth quelch's goop. I'm like, you're going to maybe pull out my truth cube, Liar. So, so this all begin in two thousand and seven when a guy made a reddit account. I was trying to be ahead of it. A guy made a reddit profile and his user name was religion of peace. Oh No, like was is going already. And this guy was a very eclectic redditor and he became relatively famous in the reddit world as a an old war fat. He said he was seventy nine years old. Okay, which there's some debate on how old he actually is, because sometimes he said he was seventy. But okay, who knows? Either way, maybe he was just saying I'm in my seventy or maybe it's the type of the nine is right next to the zero. Sure. So Anyway, so you seventy nine. But he did talk about serving in World War Two and he used some pretty outdated military jargon, lingo and in his kind and his everyday conversation, he seemed to be very fed up with a lot of the world we're gonna be familiar with, like reddit culture. For this makes sense? No, I mean, I mean, I'll explain anything that we need to understand. Okay, and for those of you don't know, read it is a forum, and so you make users and you put stuff. It's a lot like so any social media kind of sure, but he and he was a part of a lot of a lot of different subred it's. So subredit's are like basically channels or groups, if you will, that you can join or on a topic where, yeah, yeah, and you can join them. A lot of them are public, some of them are private, and so he was actually the monitor moderator of a pretty infamous Reddit, subreddit that had caused a lot of controversy for the platform called Jailbait, which you might be able to guess the type of images that were shared on this subreddit. And he was a moderator and he he talks about how he talked about on Reddit in goodred forums in all about the thread, yeah, Jail Bait, where they're posting pictures. Yes, got it, and and and what he would say, this is so creepy. What he would say is he said, I'm an old man and my policy these days is I like to look at the flowers, but I'll never pick them. So very creepy guy. Right. Yeah, just kind of makes you scarring skin crawl kind of person. Right. Sure. Well, he always talked about like these crazy experiences and war and all this stuff like that, and he became sort of a a famous figure on reddit himself and everybody, I don't want to say looked up to him, or maybe was entertained by him, seem enough that he would say, and he was always telling the stories, he went by religion of peace, but he also called himself my loow, so we think that his name might have been my low. Well, then one day in two thousand and nine he made his last reddit post and it was a typical post for him, complaining about spam on Reddit and saying read it needs to do more to block spammers on the platform. Sure, basically, later that same day a new user account was created and they posted something to the main thread of Reddit. So the red they have a subreaddit called our all and that's goes to everybody on Reddit and he posted it was titled the end of Religion of peace and he says I'm the person who provided religion of peace the space for that old guy's image host, which we'll talk about in a second. He said Milow died today. He was seventy nine years old. He died at his desk. Looking at your site, my low was a mean old bleep. Sorry, I really didn't think we're going to port a post. I didn't think you were serious. Mean and honor e. He looked. He looked me up with my first GIG when I got out of the army. I didn't feel like or I didn't like finding him like this. He said, my low, milow, don't have any living relatives and no real friends and other than his landlady and a few people where he worked, he didn't talk to anyone about much of anything. Me He just tolerated. As I said, he was mean. I think he used that as a shield to keep people away from him. My little thought God was some kind of game thought up by some lazy sons of Bleep Pirl who didn't want to work every day. So he's going into the fire Monday without a service, just like he wanted, and I'm planning to dump his ashes in the woods and Pennsylvania, where he was born. So, while I can't put them right there because there's all there now, that would suck o, the one place that you're like, please scatter my ashes in this beautiful scenery, and it's like, well, it's kind of miniums now, great pop. So when me and your grandma went on a road trip, we pulled off the road and there was this beautiful lakeside area and it's like it's a resort. Now. I can still scatter your ashes there, but it's going to get vacuumed up. Please don't scatter me in like a Hilton Conference Room. You know, it's where he was wanted to be. It's then he says. He says, I gave the girl next door his raggedy old cat and most of his books, his computers and elect you to want it. Please take this. He's like, all right, raggedy old cat, and then he said his computers and his electronic Oh beep, sorry, I know you're bad at reading. Is the problem, right? So I don't know if you're having a trouble reading words. Or if you need to, like give us a cuss word. You know, this is getting difficult because you don't realize how dumb you are. You know, are you? Sometimes you'll be like is this a Cuz I don't want to believe it. It was like I'm just having trouble over here. Just can't read all. I went to private school, you know. He said he tagged for the disabled vets at the Va. All the rest of the stuff is for the Salvation Army all those years and everything he owned fits at the trunk of my car. I don't know what else to say. I'll miss some miserable beep. Thanks. And so that was the easier named two six and so everyone was like, oh mylow died. That's kind of sad, but also, like amy, he was a mean person and he was constantly raging on this platform and clearly moderating a pretty nefarious side of the site. So but anyways, darn, he's gone. You know old man. Well, there's a couple things in this message that are important, though. He talked a little bit of out the old guy's image host. So one thing, that one thing that milow, or religion at piece, was constantly promoting on Reddit was a site that he ran called Lake City quiet pillscom. And on that website what was peculiar is if you landed on link city quiet pillscom, it was a blank page. There's nothing there. But if you followed one of the links he gave you, as like Lake City quiet pillscom, Wi archives, this, this big thread, then you would land on the home page and the home page was titled that Old Guy's image host and on there. It was an image host for an appropriate images. Okay, and so what we're talking about? Legal Images? Most likely? It's not most likely. In in the expectation for most people originally was that it was set up this way to kind of hide the image host. Sure you couldn't get there without the unique being specific link. Yeah. Well, after he died, so people started doing some digging on him because they were curious. They said that this all seems a little strange. They a lot of people had questions about him, his age and the stories he told. He said he was on the beaches of Normandy on D Day, which, if his age was right, if any of the suddy night, he would have been fourteen. Yeah, which is not impossible. There were some people who enlisted at a really young age during World War Two, but weren't on the beaches of Normandy. Probably. Well, probably, because that was very much like a frontlines, like we're sending our grunts to that, because I knew a lot of people were just going to get off on right the storming. So maybe, but it's it. It is unlikely that this guy at fourteen was doing that. Sure it. So a lot of people had questions about him. So they started researching and doing some digging, trying to figure out, okay, what other side was religion piece on? What else can we piece together from this story? And here's where things start to get really interesting. So yeah, because so far, just so we're we're at so far? If the story ended here, an old guy who's really creepy online stories, pictures that are most likely illegal pictures, dies. He's pretty active on read it, he dies and somebody has let the community of read it know that this guy's gone. That's where we are so far. Yes, yes, but a lot of people started looking into that user, religion piece, and also the two six, and so they started finding other accounts with too six in the name on other forum sites all across the web. And one that was really the that was used a few times with a similar username was a US name angel to six, on a website called Fark, which is another very not great website, okay, with a forum. And on FARC he had this user name leap. Sir, I was a little late on that one. Yeah, the username angel to six, and then his his little description for his username underneath it on his profile was dispensing lake, city, quiet pills, to Lousy, oh beep, in need of permanent rest since one thousand nine hundred and sixty eight. You need of permanent rest and need a permanent rest since one thousand nine hundred sixty eight. So this guy to six seems to be I mean he mentioned that he provided the space to host that. Old Guys have a chose, which was called the city clot quiet pills. Okay, but the same day that religion of peace disappeared, to six appeared, and too six was tied to another. Well, at these posts. A look word before that post on Reddit. Yes, okay, the dispensing lekes a quiet pills one. Hey, thanks for checking out this episode. If you like our show, make sure to leave a podcast review in whatever platform you use or if you're on Youtube, drop a comment if you want to listen to another episode. My favorite right now is Jose Cancaco. It's this guy in the MLB who really brought steroids mainstream for the sport and did a lot of other just absolutely insane stuff, and there might be a little bit of aliens in it. So check that episode out. It's one of my favorites, but thanks for being here. Okay. And he had also was found on a bunch of other random sites like Yahoo answers, answering questions on like arts and crafts. I think about those people sometimes. I think about the people that were answering Cora Questions Yahoo answers. Yeah, and there were people who were just taking that stuff too seriously, you know. Yeah, I'm curious. One of the things that is most curious to me is people who worked for Cha Cha, like how did they text? Yeah, that text thing, like how do they have any time? They was googling it. Yeah, but they only made like seven sense a text message, right and yeah, and then the peak, like they had to be getting tons of question how how much were they making pretext message? We know, I don't know how much was if you're unfamiliar if you're not one of the olds like me and Tim Mark, because apparently that's a thing now. Before googles on our phone, whenever we were in whenever we were young lads, young children, you data was very primitive on our phones, and so if you had a question like how many people live in Mount Vernon, Missouri, you would text Cha, Cha, which was two four, two four two, two four two, yeah, two four two two for two, yeah, and you would text that number and ask your question and then it would call editor, you know, variant amount of time, sometimes immediately, sometimes hours later. You would get a response, which means it's somebody. Yeah, multiple somebodies. Hopefully wasn't just one person. That's pretty bombers. So they had back in two thousand and eight, they had thirtyzero real human beings that were answering those crownies, fake ones. Why did you say it like that? Fortyzero real human beings, called them beyond seen million fake people. They call them guides, and they paid them three cents per answer. Three cents. So how much do you have to if it's three cents per answer, you got to answer thirty of them? Make a dollar? Yeah, right, so then you got to answer how many per hour. You got to answer three hundred of those per hour to make tens. Why would you do this? I don't know, man. I mean that was two thousand eight money. How many coutimes that was? How many do you think you could answer in an hour? I mean, let's try. How many people? Let's time you. Let's a start timer somewhere, starry. Timer Ready. How long is the drafts necks? Six feet. Okay, how many people live in Mounte Missouri? Forty five hundred. When was basketball invented? One Thousand Eight hundred and ninety one. When was the photo? Freeme invented a D fifty. How many? Or what's the WHO's the first president? On Video? You gotts say. One is a minute. Is it a minute? We passed a minute. I didn't start a timer. Oh Great, I thought how ext it. He said sixty seconds. I was a minute. So you can answer five in a minute, but imagine doing that for an hour. What's I mean? I have a guess, though. That's what that was. A that was right there. That was a dollar fifty, but that's it. They're coming. Yeah, but there's only thirtyzero people and this thing was everywhere. That's true. Everybody was constantly so, I mean, I remember we would just sit down for hours and just chat to our lash. So I'm saying you could just be mean. I'm and you've taught giants and if you're able to copy paste their message to yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, I don't know, man. I don't know, man. It's crazy. The Google does that. It's crazy that Google has thirty is about, doesn't your Google? Man. So I don't know how we got off on that, but whatever. Oh, yeah, who answers? So this to six character? Yeah, so he's on Yahoo answering questions about arts and crafts and DIY projects also. Okay, which makes sense. Yeah. So anyways, so there's these Internet sluice that are digging through the web trying to find traces of religion, a piece and of two six. And what's peculiar is there's a lot of areas where they seem to cross pass. These accounts are relatively unique account names and they seem to be on the same forums. So wherever to six is budget to pieces and vice versa. And so they're starting to put together this thread that they're pretty closely connected. Sure, if not, maybe the same person. I ever tell you about one of them. The message I got from a guy like maybe like a year and a half ago, who was just like hey, this is a random, weird question, but was your user name Blah Blah Blah on this forum? And I was like, Yep, because he and I when we were in high school, Middle School. Yeah, I don't know, I used to work, because I my first job was a computer repair shop. Yep, and I used to do online support on some computer forums and also website for I'm showing you that form I was a part of. Yeah, people would just be like how do I do this in this website building thing? Yeah, he and I would just answer, but we were like fourteen and he is messaging. was like your name is very unique and there's only one other one that I've known, and he went by this on this forum. I'm not saying because I want people to find me. Yeah, that's fine, pretty weird. That is Super Spook Ay. Well, I know he wasn't doing it to be weird. He just came across one of my, you know, very viral videos. Yeah, that's fair. So they were they were on the same forms. Is what I just mean. Like, yeah, I remember that time of my life where I was on forums a lot and we were on several different of the same ones. Yeah, yeah, because your friend would invite you. Yeah, that's true. But where this went from like a kind of well, this becomes really interesting is when people started looking at the source code of like city quiet pills. Oh, and and if you look anywhere on like city quiet pillscom, you're going to find a very normal mid two thousands website source code, except if you went to that main page, that was blank. Now in the main page, if you don't, if you're not familiar with htm now or any cuding language for that matter, they're these things called comments where you can throw comments into code. Just I took I just took the screenshot from Amazon. And so these green text with that start with that the carrot and the exclamation point. That's a comment. And what that is is that's not visible on the front end of the site. No one's going to see what this is. It's for the developers to be able to add comments to explain what they're doing to somebody else who's going to common work on this code. And so these are explaining what these different features that they're adding and what they are doing below that. And the idea is when you're working on very complex things with lots of different people, you're basically is leaving notes of like here's what this section is you leaving a paper trail. Well, on Leacy, quiet pills. On the main page there were these comments that were crazy. So here's the first one that was found. Okay, nothing on there except for this comment. It says immediate need. Eight to ten Chinese, Korean, fluent Korean dialect, accent, details after contract, twelve week half pay sequester on refusal to ground types. Fluent Farsi, Arabic, French, no papers, no problem. Need formed group. Eight to ten, single OP delivery Bonus, gentlemen's agreement, insurance. Immediate need. What? But in this code it says, okay, multiple easy leading for people who speak those languages. That's what it sounds like, because it did, because it's fluent Koreanan dialect, accent. Okay, details after contact. So yeah, there's something very interesting going. Then single ob delivery bonus, and this is just hidden in the code. Yeah, so people have started logging onto the wayback machine, which is a site where you can look at all interesting yeah, if you don't know, you can pull that up and you can look up any website and you can see what it used to look like and it's constantly screenshotting the Internet, and so you can go back, pick a random you can view the code that way. Yeah, you can be the source. Did to that. And so they're going back and there's all these posts on this page. We'll pop up and they appear to be like job postings, and so they're saying like hey, we're looking to hire someone to do this. But there's a bunch of code words. There's phrases like CCW or w slash W and people have tried to interpret a lot of these codes. And so what a lot of people think is CCW stands for concealed carry weapons permit. A lot of people think ww stands for wet work or wants and warrants. What both of them? Wet Work is a common used term, at least in murderles. But for yea murder, murder, and then wants and warrants is basically like don't get caught. Got It. I thought you were saying that what works is a is a common lingo in murder, you know, in murder. No, that means murder. That means murder. It means you'RE gonna get your hands wet. And then so they, these predators, these Internet sluice, went back and they found July seventeen, two thousand and nine, which was that date? That to six posted that milow had died. Okay or religion a piece, I died. And they found a post that said on the source code of lacy quiet pills. It said, I'm sorry to tell you that milow died yesterday. He was quiet and calm, not like we all figured. I gave that fat mangy cat of his the girl, the little girl next door. No, services are nothing, you know, milow. I'm taking his ashes back to where his farm was, close to it anyway. There's a mall where his place was. So host a few for the hoist, a few for the old man. Remember what he said? Keep with the man who's got your back. And that was it. And that was in the in the source code, on the day he died, in the source code, on the day, that same time that he posts that Reddit Post. To six post that Reddit Post, a post that, I mean, it looks like it's written by the same person. Sure sounds very similar on lacy quiet pills in the source code. A few weeks later, another post popped up in the source code. It said, for those who have asked, I bricked Milo's iron key the same day. All as well, if you don't know what those terms being, iron key is like a underground slang term, basically for a USB like flash drive. Oh, and brick means you you killed the data, so you wiped all the data from it, so that way no one can get any access to what's in there. Okay. So everybody started to say, well, there's something weird. God. So we were checking it every day at this point. Yeah, and they were starting to see trying to see what's in our source code. I've been sneaking this stuffing. Now you got my head spinning. Nigo, check, make sure. Yeah, what's we gotta go clean it before this episode. What is you go to our source code of their stuff that you didn't put in there? Oh Gosh, I'd be so smoothed. I mean it's possible, it can happen. Well, what do you mean it can happen? Who can do it? I mean, if somebody can get find a backdoor on your site, they can do anything. To your site, and so if someone can manage to find a backdoor, they could do stuff like this and add stuff to your source code and make it like an illegal job posting site without you ever noting, knowing. Unless you're check, which I just checked in, there's nothing there. Where you checked your myerscom which one and ere? All right. So it became clear that that religion piece and to six are up to some sketchy stuff, sure, or at least trying to make people think they're up to sketchy stuff. That's probably more accurate. Well, here's the deal. A lot of people were like, okay, well, what's the deal? Because the website, if you go on on the actual side of the website, was called that old guy's image host. It never said Lake City quiet pills anywhere. Yeah, domain name was like Lake City quiet pills. So people looked it up and we're trying to figure out what's up with that name. What does that even mean? Well, in Lake City, Iowa, there's an ammunition plant called our an Ol in winchester ammunition plant, which is the biggest ammunition plant in the nation. That supplies the US government with ammunition. And so connecting the DOTS Lake City. Quiet pills are bullets, and so dispensing bullets to lousy old beeps since one thousand nine hundred and sixty eight means this guy's shooting people. This is that's what you got in this as trying to say. Yeah, so, basically what it came down to is all these Internet suits think that what's going on here is this is a job posting forum for a ring of assassins who are referencing this. Side just escalates so fast. You know, you know. So, is this the craziest part? And actually it's not. Now, so I want to run a know tim called me the other night and was like this is crazy thing, I'm looking into. I don't know if we can do it because it involves some things that are in are inappropriate. Yeah, yeah, I wasn't sure if we could talk about this because the nature of that old guy's image host. Sure, shop it is, because it is messed up. Yeah, we can, but I'm saying we can say it's wrong and then move on, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we can. It's not it's the bad person not as much central to the story. No, no, no, it's if it's true that this is an assassin ring, yeah, well, he listened to this. So nove before teen, two thousand and nine. What is this like? Few months after religion of peace, or Milo, died? Yeah, a new post came into the source code. Hey, thank you again for listening to this episode. Making sure that you don't miss one in the future, go ahead and subscribe to this podcast, whether that be on apple podcast, spotify, Youtube. You'll get it alert when we drop a new episode. And if you want more, if you want something a week early, you want to be part of our discord, more access to us as creators, you can support this show on patreon. Helps us go a long way. Nothing that we're doing is possible without our patreon supporters. If you want more information about that, please text tilling to six, six, eight hundred and sixty six. Thank you so much for being here. So people are still checking this every day? Well, I think at this point people are going back in the way back machine. Like I think people saw that post, they started doing some digging. After they figured out La city quiet pills stood for bullets, after they figured out that, yeah, they were on all these other forms, they eventually found this source code and they were going backwards. Sure. Well, neverber fourteen, two thousand nine, presumably to six. Posted in the source code he said Milos will, mileos will cleared probate, surprise. This is really tough to read because the spelling and grammage horrible. Surprise is spelled sire pr Ze. So that's why I'm stopping so much to O case says surprise. Milow was loaded. Email shade. If we sent you out between two thousand and five and two thousand and nine, shade will have checks cut for you. Amount is by how many times, not by pay total, a small shares, three to four thousand, and then a few months later, amount of times we sent you out. Yeah, okay. A few months later he posted we're having a birthday party for the old man on the nineteen. Party starts. Listen to this. Party starts a FI hundred at the usual send your RSPP to shade. Fy I were booking a room for three days for anyone coming out to the area and overnight for the locals. COME HOIST ONE UP FOR DUTCH MILO. And then they go on to list all these details which I'm actually going to pull up. I believe it's I thought you were saying, okay, Okoko Ka. So this is what this is one of the posting. So this is you can see that immediate need. One up there at the top for English French private security on Cruise. Yeah, must be bondable. Immediate need. Twelve as a Spanish speaking no papers required and robbers kept. So there's there's a bunch of postings here right. Well, here's another one. Oh my gosh, and in here I'm trying to find the spot I saw this earlier. Hotel rooms. Yeah, we go. Thirty eight rooms in the Marriott on forty six. Shade has the key cards for locals. Pick up at the party. Give your travel name to the desk and that's it. No ID needed, since we're covering the bill. Keep the room service under five hundred. Okay, the phones there are not secure. Bus from the hotel leaves, which is spelled leafs. Yeah, at one thousand, three hundred and thirty. Car Service vouchers for return ship when you're ready to crash. Don't Dui. And these are these are broken down by date as well. Here. Yeah, and so you see it's going upwards. Here's the final for the party. Hotel rooms. Forty eightzero dollars. Yeah, okay, so listen to this. So this party, the date and time of this party, coincides exactly with the date and time of the assassination of Muhammad all Moba, who which was a an officer, a Hamas officer, who was killed in his hotel room and Dubai and on January nineteen, two thousand and ten. And in the video what happens is you see he leaves his hotel, he goes shopping. Bus Pulls Up, a few individuals come into the hotel and then they go up to where his room is. They somehow enter his room. All of them are covering their head, so you can't like identify them. Go into the hotel room. And then Muhammad comes back, goes up to his room and then those individuals leave his room and he's later found dead in his room. Same Day, same time. And then how many people? There's a few individuals. Sure that it wasn't like a it seems like it was the same number or whatever. So the theory is that this birthday party was code for an actual hit that they were hiring for. And then you started reading. They had the they had the total bill for the party, which doesn't sound like a bill for a party. It says here's here's the final for the party. Hotel rooms. Forty eight thousand three hundred limo, six thousand bus, five hundred, sixty barbell eighteen thousand food, eight thousand dancers, eight thousand miscellaneous tips, Fifty miscellanes expenses, twenty eight hundred med supplies, one hundred and eighty fat Tommy and stew are okay, to total ninety four thousand dollars. You all did Dutch mylo proud. Thanks. Okay, even in the craziest of circumstances, this size of a party is. It's a lot, sure, and to have it happened at the same time and to have at least some similar like we know that a bus pulls up and drop off a few people, okay, know that where there others in the hotel that we're booking rooms. And when you look at the the original post it's peculiar the way they listed it, because they were saying they were saying don't or the the phone lines are not secure, right, use your travel name at the desk, don't Dui. These are a lot of things that are kind of strange things to tell a bunch of adults that are so on the night teeth. On January nineteen, someone is assassinated. Yeah, and that's the same day of this party. Party starts at. Party starts at one thousand five hundred, as at the usual so in your RSVP, the shade. Okay. And so the theory is that this pretty high profile assassination. You think this is in Dubai? Yeah, was pulled by them. Yeah, and so the theory is that they're using a lot of code here because they don't sure under the understand what's happening. So I I don't know what that breaks down to show that it's actually Dubai. But in theory what happened here was they pulled one of the most high profile hits and some people on anked it back to them. Here's what's really interesting. The credit cards use on a block of rooms purchased in the hotel that night were registered under account from a city in hold on. Let me double check this make sure I give the right one. I can't find the exact name of the city, but it was one town over from the Lake City Ammunition Plant in Iowa and Iwa so a lot of use at the hotel in Dubai. Yeah, at the time of this assassination. Okay, for how many rooms? I don't know. I don't know how many rooms. I don't have that EXAC. I'm saying that if they're booking, we got thirty eight rooms, yeah, in the Marriott. Yeah, on forty six. Yeah, which, I'm my guess is third numbers for you, sa Marriott even are probably code. Okay, yeah, that's my guess. Sure, but I don't know. So after this happens, the the site gets encrypted. So these MESOS messed up with. These people are, if they are assassins. I do like that. They're passionate about anti drunk driving, though. You know, don't do Ui with like five exclamation points. Well, the there is that that that's also a code. Dealis also some other cooke were for something. Yeah. Well, my theory is a Dui is code for driving under the influence. You got MOMS against drunk driving. You got a add which is assassins against rung drive. Will kill a guy. But this is where we draw the line. Don't drug dry. Yeah, so the this was a very publicized assassination. They never found who did it. Sure traded it. And when these redditors started saying that they think it was the Lake City quiepills people. Yeah, all of a sudden the source code became encrypted. So you can still go on and access it, but it was not written like that. It was encrypted. Yeah, I was wondering if, because they're to six, person can probably obviously see that these threads are starting about the source code, for sure, for sure, and it's like, and then the redditor started trying to decrypt it and they were posting about it and then they double crypt lets. So they encrypted it and then encrypted the encryption, and so it was. It became the sort of thing where it's like you're never going to figure out what the said. A few days later, Lake City quiepills got taken down. So sorry, just gone. Yeah, so it's pretty highly likely that they just moved this somewhere else, sure, but the the whole scenario seems like there's one of two things going on. M This is an assassin ring that had a that we're trying to hide in plain sight. They were using something that they said, Hey, this is a weird website that most people are going to try to ask this, but even if they do, like, we're in this other subset of the site where, yeah, most people aren't going to access it and we can hide all of our stuff here. And they were a part of this big, high profile assassination. Some people caught them and then they went into further into high your hiding. Yeah, the other possibility is that this was some big hoax to generate some traffic to La city quiposcom for the that old guy's immage host. Okay, because if you look back on religion pieces posts early in the process, he began developing this in like two thousand and one and he's posting on FARC all the time talking about this project and took him years to accomplish it. Sure, put it live and he really wanted it to grow, but it only ever got about a thousand users, which is a lot. But the issue with that theory is that him devising this weird yeah, this whole theory hopes stuff. It's pretty far fetch it's kind of like the watcher thing, like it's a really far fetched way to try to drum up some in a few more users on your website. Yeah, some activity on your website, and even those, those users aren't using your website for what you built it for. And but the lynchpin in that is that the eventually they took the site down, and so if this was being used to drum up traffic, then more traffic we've been good. Yeah, then they would have let it grow and leave it up, but they took it down when more people started looking at it interesting. So at the end of the day, we don't know exactly what's going on with Lake City quiet pills. It does kind of seem like this was some weird dark underground like assassin's ring. There has been a lot of people who have roses looking straight at me. When I looked over, Alex was like Alex is looking at me. Be like does cheering believe this? And Genal looked over and now was just like please don't. He's giving me those eyes where he's like, come on, talk some sense in here's talk some sense, do it, try it. Yeah, they're not assassins to him. I think there's it's just idiot teenagers who figure out how to write an html. And they were like, you know, soon day we're going to be the subject of a podcast. There listen to this and they're going to giggle. All right, they're like. They're like, you know what, some day someone's going to move into this house and they're going to be finishing the base, but they're going to open up the water check house. Source Code. Yeah, maybe that's that's possible. Yeah, that's possible. We've encrypted our source code. Here's was interesting. Since all this blew up, a group, another group of Internet sluice, have followed the paper trail and done like all that stuff that the catfish does, yeah, to track down the ownership of all these domains. Right, and they what's interesting is Lake City quiet pills was purchased from a domain house called Crystal Lakes, which is not a thing, at least not anymore, and not a domain host anymore. Right. But if you go back in the way back when she seen it was a a landing page where they did do domain hosting. Okay, but also in the footer of this landing page it was political rants from a guy named Milow, and so it seems like my low bought this domain from himself and from a crystal lakesite that he would have run, run himself, and he used to put all his political rants before he found read it. I love that somewhere out there there was just some guy who was like the Internet's knew I could build a website. I must use this to yell. Well, here's the thing is, it was a business website, like he was. It was literally would look on it was a normal business website selling where sites. He's just got very hot. Here's my political yeah, it's good of my website, Jer Mars Kam was got my tour dates, merchandise and the very bob was a little leg that just as rance. You can click that and I just go off, man, I don't even hold back. You know, I don't even use punctuation. As far as we down. Here's my safe place to yell. All caps, no punctuation. Here's what's interesting about this, though, is on crystal lakes you can check domain verification and it actually belongs to a guy named Mike, and the the accounts tied to two six also belong to a guy named Mike, and so these sleuths seemed to have tied together. It's a mic, I think, w something at like Gmail, something like that. So they seem to have tied together, that there's some guy named Mike who's playing the role of religion of peace and also playing the role of two six and maybe piecing together this assass and ring or maybe making it all up. The probably biggest point of maybe the none of this is real, is to sit the this this email address has an account on good reads. Hey, and I'm good reads. There's a bunch of books about arts and crafts, old on, all right, because he really answers a lot of yahoo answers about yeah, now there's a bunch of books about old Warren, how to deal with your seventy nine year old GRANDPA, how to understand what you're seventy dollar old GRANDPA sets translating as several SCRIPTA on encrypted the language. It was seventy nine year old old war books, all war might beginning star. I swear I'm saying it's like if he's lying about a bunch of so, for example, there was a guy from my high school who was very you know, every small town apparently just has a pathological liar. I didn't know every small and everyone has a lot of Peth oh yeah, but I mean like every small town has one. Yeah, they there lie there their local liar. Yeah, and ours told us all these fantastic stories of crossing the ocean into Africa and he had a shark tooth necklace and he got it from a real shark, you know, like just all these crazy things. Yeah, but one of the things he always said was that he's an assassin. Yeah, and so I would imagine if there's somebody who spends their day online making up all these fantastic war stories, yeah, they probably are making up the idea of an assassin ring as well. Maybe, maybe, and probably the most, but they would broadcast that. That's the only thing that that's the only thing that holds you back from it. is like, if he's making that up, he would have broadcasted that. The fact that it was hidden. Yeah, it is very odd to do something like this so underground because so few people are going to engage with it, right, unless you're also creating the accounts that like found it. Yeah, that is possible, I suppose. But also on his good read reads account was a bunch of books about assassins, one literally tild titled Wet Work. So some people think that this is just a guy who's writing books on how to assassin people. I think their novels like a novel story about like a love story about an assassin and assassiny. That's where I wanted at all. In love with the person they're supposed assassinate. There's putting books out there called how to kill people or I don't know if I did it. That was a good joke. That was yeah, so we're not believe I didn't, though we could this part. I'm more afraid of OJ Simpson that I have this ring of assassins. Well, I don't know, maybe Olja's one of them. Go to his website, check his source code. Oh, yeah, no, don't actually do that, I say it anyway. So, I mean, here's the thing. I already said it was true. So it's got to be kind of yeah, you pulled it out here, brain you. Yeah, it's I don't know, like, is that all there is about it? There's some things that make it seem like it's probably assassin fake. But the the timing of that big high profile assassination, the connection of the credit cards. Yeah, it's pretty peculiar that that's a coincidence. Is it possible that it is? Sure, sure, but is it possible that this was the group that pulled that off? Sure, well, if you check our source code. Yeah, and big bold letters of the top, it just says that leapt on. Things are done. Last night is a production of space tim media produced by Christian Taylor, audio by Alice Garnett, video by Connor Bets, our graphics and our logo by Caleb Goldberg and our social media is run by Caleb Walker. Our host are Jeremyers and Tim Stone. Fall us on your favorite social media platform at Tillin podcast is till and podcast. Remember to tell all your friends about us and we'll see you next Tuesday for another episode of things I've learned last night

Since the start of the internet, forums have been a strange place. Something about allowing people anonymity brings out the worst in humanity. The effect was in full display for Reddit user Religion of Peace. Known for running one of the most nefarious and controversial subreddits in the platform’s history, the user garnered an almost mythic status during his time … Read More

Biosphere 2 – The Practice Mars Colony In Arizona


Episode Transcription

Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird

Hey Man, what's up? Have you ever heard of biosphere too? I really hope it's a video game. It's not, or a is it a movie? Then no, it's very much a real life thing. Oh See, that's what I was worried about. I was worried that it was going to be just a sphere, like, you know, like Sandy Cheeks House, who were sandy cheeks, the Squirrel, whose name I didn't understand until much later in life. It's you're a little dome. Look at them. Yeah, and well, it says to which means the first one everyone died, and the second one. That's what that feels like. That feels like a place. You know that place. You know what I'm thinking of in Springfield, the qps place or whatever. That does like experimental dreams. Yes, YEP, if you're unfamiliar with the experimental places, they'll pay you like twozero just to stay the night. Yeah, and then they'll just rub some cream on your arm and see if your arm is still there in the next morning. Yeah, basic, if you are still there. Yeah, like, well, we got this new auction. Yeah, Johnson and John's an ultra healing actually just shredded somebody's heart. Just what is that? Shrunk your arm. What if you're like, we're gonna have to call Johnson. Johnson, tell him that change the name from ultra healing to ultra killing healing, ultra healing, I'll drink keeling healing killing. What are you? Jeff done him his little puppet? This is I keel you, I it does a healing. I just have killing. Oh, you, you've made it. I was trying to make it rhyme with healing, I guess. Yeah, I think that's what we were doing. You know, we went to the moon once. What if we did that other places? I don't know. She lost a figure. Maybe like like layoff for a little bit. Yeah, inside, looks like you're been to bass bro. They just loaded the two hundred research stuff into the limos. I'm trying to yes and you right now, but I don't know where we're going to go. Things I learned last night. Anyways, whatever, bias. Hey, maybe you are incredibly on the right track. Is it like a like a test? Yeah, well, yeah, yeah, actually, so biosphere too, is a earth system experimental science facility, and so the idea. Yes, yes, Ye, seth and SSS, that's a Oh, what and eggs and Earth System Science, research facility. That's how you said before. Yeah, I changed and Earth System Science now research facility. So basically, the idea them is what happened to biosphere one? Are we going to get there? Yeah, all right, hold on, you know what I'm going to ask. What? Where is this thing? It's on earth. Okay, that's all I wanted to know. That's all I want to know. I guess I've a biosphere too was built in the late S, okay, by a billionaire oil tycoon who was very concerned with the environment. His name is ED base. I feels that feels like an oxymoron. Yeah, yeah, it is all right. It is a really concerned with the environment. I don't know what's causing all this bad stuff to happen. It's it's it's a call a PR campaign. If you're company is really spending a lot of money on helping the environment, then you look better. So, yeah, I mean sure, are we killing just everything in our path? Yes, all right, but have you seen? But I do see biosphere to biosphere one. Are we killing everything in our path? Yes, I have you seen biosphere too, ed, what about the first one? He's like, I don't want to talk about the first one. If we could just not talk about it, that would be great. Yeah, he treats these spears the way he treats his exfoy. I talk about the second one. Oh my Gosh, D whatever. It Base Ed, base, all right, it's spelled like a Bass Guitar. Great, so he which? Yeah, so he's he is a rick and really, really dye and so jure in the world and then pretending he's saving it. Yeah. So he invested a hundred fifty million dollars in this biosphere concept and the idea was really twofold one. It was a place where you could learn a lot about planet earth. Right, remember, this is the early S. Captain Planet is in full swing. Yeah, people are all of a sudden realizing earth is important, we need to take care of it. Yeah, and so this is a big cultural shift in thinking, even for oil tycoons. They're starting to think of things differently. So so there's there's that. You think that oil tycoons in the late s were like whoops, like we didn't know, or do you think they were like MMM, they all found out? Which one do you think it is? I think it's more of a I think it's more of a whoops, we didn't know, plus a don't let this get out. Okay, so you think that they had that moment earlier? Probably, probably like the s. They were at maybe whoops, maybe. And then in the s they were like, Oh man, they're everything out. Let's build some spheres. Yeah, build the biosphere. We knew this was coming. Yeah, where's it? At Base? Go ahead and build two of them. So at base. But the other idea was, this was also the early s. We were like, Hey, you know, we went to the moon once. What if we did that to other places? What do you mean? Whatever, we did that to other places, like with there? Why would that be? How you worded that? Were you talking about, hey, we went to Chicago once, what if we did that to other place? Other place? What if it is went to other are you talking about if they went to other planets? Yeah, in the s people we like, we should go to Mars. Yeah, and but everyone was like obviously, like we can't survive on Mars. I see where we're going here, so we need to figure out a way to do that. So the biosphere was hey, the oil tycoons were like, all right, let's figure out a way to live on other planets, because this one's going downhill and it's like, but that's your fault because we're running out of oil, and I wonder if they have something there. Do you have a reason? Oh, certainly, yeah, certainly. Well, that was the case, would they just go to war with Mars? Shoot bars down? Let's just start an unnecessary war in the Middle Mars area and let's see if we can capture the war. I'm pretty pretty you were actually, surprisingly on the right track. They took this hundred fifty million dollars and in the desert north of Tucson, which, by the way, I just have to get this out, as I normally do, watch little bunch of videos explaining this, and a guy called Tucson Tuscan Arizona and didn't like Multiple Times called it Tusta several times now, a setting Arizona. Yeah. So, anyways, in the deserts outside of Tuscan Arizona, they took that hundred fifty million dollars and they built this gigantic holy cow facility. If you're an audio listener, imagine just a bad guys layer. Yeah, you know, that's crazy looking. Yeah, imagine the type of greenhouse you could build with a hundred and fifty million. They called this is fear. No wonder we're still on earth. Look anything like a sphere. So this facility, let'sten these other buildings around. There's a barn over there. So you're telling me somebody's house. Well, there's a barn, there's a farmer. Is that related to this? I don't think so. I think that's a nearby imagine you've got your farm and Duskin Ari'Sana right, and you're just out there into to K and are Athona, and so you've got your farm right and all of a sudden just freaking people and weird gray suit show up. That's either you know, that's what they were around here and they've all it looks like straight up like an Austin powers villain would live here at a hundred percent. Does it's and they start building this monstrosity. Yeah, it's ridiculous. That you just had to look at every day. Yeah, what's this little thing sticking up from the center right there? That's the library. I don't know the what did you just say? The library here to what? Are you stupid? We've established a long time ago. That, I say, is stuff weird. We don't have to keep rehashing that. Is that like a lookout station? I think. I don't know. I honestly don't know what's up there. Looks it is almost temporary, like it looks like it's made out of temporary things, as though it's very much not. It's very much not. Okay, so this facility, it's listen to this. So basically, if you look at this, this each of these pyramids, and then that mid big man's right audio listener. He said Pyramids. That's what a week the audio listeners don't aren't seeing this picture right now. Yeah, right, and they you just said Pyramids. Yeah, and if that doesn't scream the ILLUMINATI hpers, I don't know what does. Yeah, so there's so so to paint the picture. There's these two very large glass pyramids and then a gigantic glass structure connecting them. It's like a giant greenhouse. And then coming off the side of the middle of it, there is a large white building with very big windows and a lot of them in diamond shapes. Yeah, and then a tower in the middle that just reaches towards the sky. The best way I would describe this is if you know how they built a bunch of like airports in the S and s and they were like this is really cool architecture. Yeah, it's that, Yep, and then there, and then off the back of that white structure there's more green houses coming. Do those are greenhouses? HMM. And then behind one of the pyramids there's a big dome. There's actually another dome that's not in this picture. Yeah, looks like the top of a water tower, but no tower. Yeah, actually, just the water and and this facility also does have a big office complex. That's not pictured. Okay, and then like a couple warehouses and side watching. Good Green Grass. Yeah, Beautiful Green Lawn, which it was not sustainable. And that's what I'm saying. Yeah, it's. Yeah, they were very concerned about the environment, but they weren't concerned to do anything that actually helped. They instead built this gigantic building and powered it. So what was in here? So, so this was split up. Basically the ideas they created every biome in the planet on this in this building, and the idea was to recreate the environment of planet Earth inside this building and have it be completely self sufficient. So they laid down this thick layer of steel. So that way there was no way. It was like integrating with the soil. But and then they put in their own soil, and then that's interesting. And then chat over the course of a few years, they started to cultivate this into different biomes, and they did. They were very careful to make sure there was no contamination from the outside world from it. So it was all basically its own replicated earth. YEA, it was to duplicate the experience if we were good to go to Mars and try to create a facility like this where we would have to survive in right, that's what they were trying to do. So instid have to import so much dirt, though, I think, Oh, yeah, I'm I'm sure I probably took it from the farm next door. Yeah, but anyway. So there was a twentyzero square foot rainforest. In one of these. They did Ninezero Square Foot Ocean, which I can show you that actually have a picture of that. This is their ninezero square a foot ocean, which seems stupid, way smaller than Ninezero Square feel it looks like a long swimming pool. Yeah, it does, but inside this the actually grew inside looks like you're been to bass pro o? Yeah, it does. On the other end of this there's a beach and then they actually grew a coral reef in here. Really, yeah, inside this ocean. Yeah, that's what Mars needs. Yeah, how are humans going to survive without the coral reef? There was a price. He put it in there because he's you know. Well, I was out of guilt, because that's what he's destroying out in the oceans. Right. He wanted to see if he could recreate a base. It was like, that's for one thing I'm actively killing every day. Can We? Can we try that? He saw. Well, finding Nemo wasn't out yet. I Oh, yeah, this inspired finding Nemo. Biosphere. They did a forty eight hundred square foot mangrove wetlands, a forty. HAVE ANY LIVESTOCK IN HERE? Yeah, they did a Fourteenzero Square Foot Savannah and then a Fifteenzero Square foot desert, which I do actually have a picture of the desert as well for you to see, which I mean it's it. Calling a Basspara was a very good yeah, but let me feels like being park so far. Yeah, it's got this gigantic these tourists starts walking through yeah, they it is open to tourists these day. Is Interesting. Yeah, they didn't. Used to have all these bridges and stuff walking around it. Those are for the tourists. Yeah, but obviously, like, yeah, they created this environment in here for all of these. Is the idea that, like, so, without all these wood paths and touristy things. Yeah. Did they have like the animals? Yeah, yeah, so there was at one point over threezero species of animal and plants surtviving in here. Both. Like. Did they have rattlesnakes in this desert? I mean, I doubt they put rattlesnakes in the desert. Why wouldn't they? Because Ross snakes kill you. Yeah, well, they were on the ARC. The ARC was actually by as fair one. That's hilarious. Hey, thanks for checking out this episode. We love our listeners a lot and one way that you can let us know you're here is by leaving a podcast review. Maybe that's a five star thing in the apple podcast at. Maybe you listen on spotify or, if you're watching on Youtube, leave a comet. We do read all the comments and reviews. We just love knowing what you think about this show. Also, if you haven't yet, go check out some of our other episodes. My current favorite is the identical strangers episode. It's three brothers or triplets who were separated at birth, unbeknowns to them or their parents, as part of a really weird experiment. So there's a lot of really fun stuff we talked about in an episode, but thank you for checking this out. Now back to this one anyways. So they also had, we all know what happened to that, Twentyzero Square foot agricultural system, and so they had like a farmland that they were farming, and then they also had a human habitat. So that was the human habitat. And Habitat, so they had a root, a place that looked like nor our books. That was that was the white facility here. So big white building, okay, had apartments and offices and a kitchen, like all the stuff that you would have in life home, all the stuff that you would have if you were a human, you know, we talked about they had couches, pretty crazy stuff, man. Yeah, so here's so, here's here's where this all columnates though. Okay, so they they built this massive thing and they were going to do some research in it. But the exciting part of this was their manned omissions that they had planned, their main missions. YEA, so to one in September twenty six, one thousand nine hundred and ninety one. Okay. They had a crew of eight, four men and for women, who they locked in there for two years with literally no contact to the outside world. Like they were like we're not going to open the doors, and they were like go forth and multiply, and then they found the forbidden fruit, right, and so I'm paraphrasing, but you get it. And they got kicked out of the blowers feed bass, which sounds more like his legitimate name. You're saying Ed Basse, but you also listen to a guy say Tuscan Ed Bass. First of all, sounds exactly like an oil tycoon. Yeah, all right, and you know that he's got one of those floppy basses on his wall. You know. So it's for. It's four men forward, walcked in this sphere, right, with an ED BASS on the wall. That communicates all their things they need to know. Yeah, twice a day the ED bass goes. Ever see one of those? Yeah, Oh, yeah, they were. What's that McDonald's commercial? What if it were you hanging up on this wall. You like commercial? No, were you, you wouldn't be laughing at all. No, I watched TB, I think it was a filet of fish commercial for McDonald's, was it? Yeah, and they had the bass and it was singing and they were like, Haha, we killed fish. What was the forty that think? So, actually, they're like, yeah, we gotta, we killed the ball, but you're not dead, so you could eat them. Don't worry, our fish are just pie engineered in the sphere. So they put for four men for Wom yeah, and they were like, we're not going to talk to you for two years. Yeah, they were like to see if you make it out alive, matter what happens. Yeah, well, that's what they said. So here's what happened. So, so the idea was if we send someone to Mars, where they cameras whole time? Yeah, they had a team that was keeping track of them. So these people were just on big brother in real life. Yeah, shut up. Yeah, I understand. And it they lived in you're telling me they had what did you call him? A pair Timan's what it? What are the people apper to men? What are the paper Hands Apper? Two men's Apperts, men's what did the people have? Their apartments? MMM, MMM. So, yeah, so they put them in there. There was two months in they all like we're like, we're done. They it was seven volunteers and one person, one person who didn't want to do it, seven volunteers and one involunteer, people who were like let's do it, and one person that they had their drag by their ankles into the sphere. I don't want to go to the pilespere just to cause some drama. They had so many people wanting to do it too. It's not like they got seven and they're like we gotta find somebody else. It's like they narrated down is seven and then they were like all right, now we gotta go grab the former Fars, like my dirt. This is where all my dirt with. Yeah, so now it was seven volunteers, just random people out the street, and then the other state. They asked some about first right, yeah, the way people off the street. The eighth was a doctor and researcher. So he was kind of there in case something goes wrong, he can solve the problems, unless he's the one that goes wrong to yeah, well, things things started out decent. They were like, okay, well, we're gonna have to start planting some crops, doing some agwork, because having all the food was going to come from what they did in the sphere. Oh, and so they had to plant crops, they had to grow their own food or hunt, because I would how many animals in there. There's three thousand species of plants and animals. And you could go to you neither the biomes. Yeah, they could go to any of the biomes. Swing over the desert gets a little too hot there, go to the beach, whatever you want to do. Take a dip in the ocean. This was just there. Yeah, this was a replicated earth. Essentially, they made the garden of Eden Kinda. Yeah, actually, they were like go forth, yeah, and just like name all the animals. And they're like put these animals already named, like give them new ones. Okay, try again, Jeff. I'm sorry, you just named that dear after yourself. I don't know what a dear is. I know what a Jeff Is. Jeff it. We had to change it a couple days in because we realize that jeff hunting was pretty confusing. Here's the thing. How fast they resort to cannibalism. They never resorted to Campbell annibalism. Okay, I will. They probably got pretty close. But so here's the thing. was there any way for them to communicate? Like if things did go horribly running, they can bang on the windows. So here's the thing. The whole things this giant glass facility, and this got a lot of publicity. So so people were just outside. No joke, yeah, it. This was no way. This was like, what's that movie with Jim Carrey? The Truman show? Yeah, this is like the Truman show. There was all these people in the glass, like watching through the windows, watching what was going on their whole life, and film crews coming in, filming through the glass, and everybody was watching this on TV. I don't know if everybody was, I was, but a lot of people were watching this on TV super invested in what was going on in the biosphere to see if this was going to be like a successful mission. Well, is this still biosphere too we're talking about right now? Yes, yes, this is biosphere too. Are you going to tell me what happened with the Bous? For the last fear one? It's a dumb it's a done thing. They they're like Earth spotsphere one and they're like this is bust fear to Oh really, that was it. That was it. It was just kind of dumb. Why did you let that? Why didn't you say that earlier? We edit this and put that part in earlier just out of context, cuts it not even don't even say don't ere next ride. Don't want to try that earlier. Yeah, I don't even try to make it make sense. Just all right, and then fifteen minutes later I'll get to this point. That okay, now, I see. How hard was that to say, though? You could have said that earlier. That I don't know. I don't know. I thought I'd because I'm not thought was gonna set it up and then I didn't anyways. So this experiment didn't go super well. A few days into the whole the whole thing, one of the volunteers, I believe it was Jane Pointner. I believe she was working in the farm cultivating some stuff or something like that. She stuck her hand and some heavy machinery and ripped off one of her fingers, Oh, which the doctor in the facility couldnot fix on his own, so they had to send her out to old days a little to go to surgery. Yeah, and so she left the facility to do surgery and eventually came back. When she came back, she brought Aduffel bag. Her name was what, Jane Pointer. Didn't I didn't say anything. That's her name. Was Game back at Jeff was like, Hey, I think we need a change. We gonna Change Your name, all right, man. So she comes back with a Duffel bag full of like supplies, and she did that. Everybody was like, Hey, that wasn't that's against the rules. Like I thought they were supposed to be like selfsufficient, and all the people outside were like that. Yeah, everybody outside was like you're not supposed to be able to do that. I don't know. She lost a figure, maybe like like layoff for a little bit. Yeah, she had to change your name because of this. Give her some time, man. Well, let her have a pizza color, you know. So, so that was kind of knock number one for this experiment, right. Yeah, well, some of the problems started to surface, the biggest one being when they built this structure, so much of it was built with concrete. There's concrete walls, there's concrete in the struts holding up the all the glass and they didn't give the concrete enough time to cure. So when they close the environment in the concrete started absorbing some of the I can't remember what Malka is, hydrogen molecules, I think basically breaking down the oxygen and splitting up the oxygen. So there was less oxygen and the environment. Oh, so they started running out of oxygen really quickly and so instead of it's very ironic that you're out of breath right now. I'm think it's about it described it's it's making me run. It's kind of like like you're getting head over here. If you've ever been out a breath, if you haven't been out of breath before, let me describe it to you coming out of breath, and so you can hear a little bit of what it feels like. How are they running at? Where the plants not producing enough? So they were, but the problem was it's something about the concrete not being feel cured. I don't know what part of the oxygen molecule it was absorbing, but it is absorbing part of that molecule the outside. Yes, yeah, so there's nothing coming in. There's no air coming in from the outside, nothing like that. It's all this is a completely self contained environment. Yeah, and so the concrete was absorbing part of that oxygen. Do you know what kind of levels they were at, like oxygen levels in there? I don't know at this point, but I know over the course of the next seven months they depleted to a fourteen percent oxygen level. And so through this whole point it got the point where Jane actually she wrote a book after this and she said it got to the point where we had such little oxygen that we had to plan out our energy usage because we were so tired after this mass of task because we cann't breathe fully. And so they were existing in this world where they basically didn't have much are they described it like if you were a climber and you were at the side altitudes. Yeah, I altitude they put that was all the time and they were trying to do all this physical labor. Yeah, to try to make food and eat and all this stuff. Yeah, and it's hard to hunt. Jeff's no oxygen. Why, in the plural is still jeff? You see that Jeff got a ten point jeff out in the desert. Yeah, I own this weekend. How many point, ten point show me on your hands. I can only show you that. So, so they started. Really, we're going to be there. I don't know if there were deer in there. I know there was cattle. I know there's cattle. I know there was tons of different species of fish, lots of insects, lots of birds. WHAT INSECTS? Why would you put it six in there? Because insects or vital to the environment. They which ones? All of them? No, wrong, but we need a little buzz. No, pick one. Wasps. Yes, they're vital. Why? They kill the stuff that's that hurts stuff. They keep the they keep the insect population down. It's like spaying and newtering your pets. Wasps are the natural spay and neuter. L Six populate. How is that way? You just came to okay, they kill what? All the other insects that that can get overrun and then eat your stuff. I love it. Pour. Well, what happened while we're talking about this? Whenever Jane Laft, somehow this local aunt was you just say this local and yeah, one of the farmers, loys, came over and she was like not, my nephew, my nephew is the involunteer in there. And I'd like to get him out. When jade left, it was some local species of aunt. One of them got in, or a couple of them got in and invaded and killed out a bunch of the other insects and it messed up the whole ecosystem because this was like a domineering Predator type ant that was local to test can Arizona. Okay, okay, but not to the biosphere. anyways, that was a side Bar I was going to bring up. anyways, it's interesting. Well, only they had more wasps to kill them. Yeah, because it's all the problem. Hey, thanks again for listening to this episode. If you like our show, make sure you follow us on social at till in podcast or subscribe anywhere where you're listening to right now, whether that's Youtube, spotify or apple podcast, whatever it is. And if you want more, we do have a patreon you can support us on. In there you get all sort to perks like ad free episodes, early access to our content and even a discord with our hosts and producers, so we'd love for you to check that out. All you got to do is text till into six, six, eight hundred and sixty six. That's till into six, six, eight hundred sixty six, but thanks again for checking us out. So they spent all these this time like trying to figure out how to regulate their energy so they didn't use too much oxygen. So they're conservating their energy. Well, the research ons and I on the outside, we're like, Hey, we need to solve this problem. So they shipped in a bunch of oxygen containers and started pumping it into the environment. The world outside found out about this and they were again frustrated. They said it was supposed to be a self contained environment and you're popping oxygen into there. Like they need to figure this out on their own. They need to plan some more. We want to watch them die. They need some Arbor, they need to plan an armor to fat it out. We were like, HMM, they're still alive. He's gotta be outside interference. They gotta be doing something different in here. So they're pumping oxygen in there. So it kind of got the point where the public was like, you're not doing what you said you were doing and they lost interest. Yeah, which started losing money. Yeah, and eventually the crew on September twenty six, one thousand nine hundred and ninety three. So actually, two years later came out. But when they came out they were all very severely malnourished. They're in pretty bad physical shape. But they did survive the full two years. But there was they didn't reach the same a critical a claim that they expected because it wasn't self sustained. They came out they were they were expecting to open the door and be like crowds of people, you know, high fives all around, like we get it, and they came out to like Ed base who is like you guys did it. Proud of you. I just imagine the dug dimmod home. Now you guys. You guys survived. Yeah, honestly thought you wouldn't. I. Well, I forgot we did this. It's been two years. It's been two years. You Know Clintson office now it's he an office already. When was I? I think I think it was in ninety two. I think he was already. I think it would have been ninety. No, yeah, no, wait, ninety, yeah, ninety two. It would have been ninety two. Yeah, yeah, they were missed it. They missed it. Yeah, bummer. Think they have to vote. No, I think that was a plan all along. We've done the math, Mr Clinton, and we're going to be eight votes shot. Hmm, I have an idea. I have an idea, but let's say it's for the planet. It's all about PR call up my friend base base. Mr Base sounds like a youtube streamer who does like just you don't think you know. So it's up, guys. I'm Mr Base. He's got the highest pish voice because he's twelve, you know. Anyway, a couple interesting things happened within the biosphere. Yeah, they split into two factions because they disagreed on how to use their resources, and so it was actually, coincidentally enough, a group of two men and two women on each fashion, okay, and they were like enemies. They weren't know each other going in. Yeah, they actually Jane, she mentioned that the two women and the other faction were her best friends coming in. And now they don't speak to each other because it became so hostile in there that they literally like they all hoarded research. It are resources for their faction and they split into like these little tribes, basically, and they want to share with each other, which is very odd. Imagine that you don't have any oxygen. Write your consolars, like. And then, like, you're a group of four people, not even like a tribe. You know, you're a road trip. Yeah, you're rute trick. I was going to say you wouldn't get a table at all of guarden. You're still a booth. Yeah, yeah, you know, you're a hundred percent a booth. Yeah. And then, but you're still trying to do like intimidation things, like you're still out in the rainforests, like, you know what? I pictured them, climbing the trees in the rainforce and like throwing rocks on each other. Yeah, ambushing them like steal his war's only four of them. Yeah. Yeah. And so they came out. They're all like enemies of each other and they had very, very different responses to their experience. One was very against their time in the bottosphere. The other one thought that it was difficult but a useful experience. And so when the biosphere, our team said, hey, let's do this again, and then got a new group of volunteers and one involtan one involunteer, the faction that was against it. They came and they broke in to the Bosphere. Wait after the new people were in. As the new people were in and trying to survival sphere. Right. They're in their factions. Yep, they're in their road trip groups, and you just here, right, people are throwing rocks, whatever. And then you hear glass break and everyone goes, okay, wait, all right, this has gone too far. You know, let's and then all eight people are like, we didn't do that, we didn't do that, and then you look up the side of the pyramided you see these three people crawling through the broken class. Imagine the biosphere is haunted. How you know con spirits make it through the concrete mix? I don't know, it depends. I think it is. But this was a big or deal. There was some invasive Tucson goes this was a big deal because now they had to pass that window. Yeah, and there was some oxygen bleed and so the oxygen was missing with the desert oxygen and it was a huge problem for their biosphere environment. And also there was a huge pressure issue. We haven't covered this yet, but those domes outside of the outside the facility. You see there's one in this picture. There was. There's a second one on the other side. Yeah, those are you're not going to believe this. The facilities, lungs and so on the inside there's a giant diaphragm. You can kind of see this big rubber dive from, connected to this massive steel plate with some struts on it to make sure it never deflates below that steel plate. And that rubber at the top is one hundred percent held up by air pressure. It's fortyzero pounds and it's literally the way they designed it. Is the air pressure from within the facility moves out to those lungs and inflates and deflates the lungs to make sure the pressure doesn't go too high. And the reason for this hold on so is the roof of this going up and down the whole time now, so the dome goes all the way up. So this this possible for this to inflate to the point to where it's a full dome or it just deflates back down, because that way deflates is pushing air into back into the into the facility. And the reason for this is because they're in Tusk in Arizona and it's a desert and so during the day it's very, very hot and even in the evenings it gets very, very cold, and that change in air pressure. If they didn't do something to regulate it within the facility, it would literally explode. All the glass windows would blow up tight and there. We don't want that, and so they had to figure out a way to regulate one that. They had to figure out a way to regulate the air pressures. So they built gigantic lungs for those who the whole facility. This was presented as a joke, though. Somebody in the meeting was just like, what if we just were the building a long? What if they gave it lungs and had add bass base whatever was over there, holding an actual base, just beatom, doomed to get to doomed, doom to duod doom to Dudoom, doom to get d those big in the s. What did you just say? What if the building had lungs? Dude, Du Dudu. I think that's it, Sadi Kid. What if the building have you dod lungs? Lungs. Well, when you're this rich, what else you want to spend my money on but building lungs? Let's build some lungs. So you're there are like four children at the hospital down the street that need lungs. Would you will to donate that money to get their new lungs. Just talkum up to you. Who else need lungs? Is My biosphere. So let's use that money to build some building lungs, though that sense sounds like building is a cuss word. Build some building logs. This is bonkers to look at. Yeah, it's insane and what's wild is it's it's really fortyzero pounds, the that big metal diaphragm and the rubber holding it. But I've seen videos people will grab those poles and you can literally pull it down because it's just it's very malleable. Yeah, so, anyways, it's insane. And this this is while we're talking about this too. There's a gigantic they call it the undersphere underneath this entire facility. Is this water or is that a pit thing? It's blood. Okay, I think it might be water. I don't know, but underneath the whole facility is this massive underbelly, kind of like Disneyland or Disney World of the I think it's called the text fear, actually the text fear, and that's where all the magic happens. They aren't a bunch of pipes and all h facts and all this stuff. Yeah, I would assume that this there's a lot going on, but assume side was an open tunnel. It's like, well, let's hope that air gets back that way now. Yeah, yes, they got a big, huge system keeping all this alive underground. But anyways, back to the back to the experiment. So, yeah, they the people broke in and they had to patch that quickly, yeah, to be able to save the experiment. While after that thing started going down. He'll fast. There's a lot of decisions made by the research team that hurt their publicity. And one day two Limos, escorted by armed guards, pulled into the facility and change all the locks and kicked everybody on the research team out. Left the people inside, though, that were part of the experiment, and they told the researchers you're not a part of this anymore, and then they left. And then the next day a whole new research staff showed up. who were in the Limos? I'm I don't know, the president, probably at Bass, I don't know. I honestly am not sure, but probably probably a combination of a bass. I thought the limos were pulling up and taking the a people out. Now they stayed that a people. They eight people watched from their glass. They saw these livers pull up. There's two limos point on the entire the diaries got binoculars. They probably built the built them. They had all the resources they need. Well, just, no, just just do your hands. Use Your hands at all, though. The research team is being carted out in shackles, in shackles, and they see the Limoe or open up and it's a pirate with a pig leg and he's got what did you just say? Why did you go this one? These pirates drove with them, but the Calson the toilets at arc. Where this come from? What is it? So a pirate and they just loaded the two hundred research stuff into the limos. I'm trying to yes and you right now, but I don't know where we're going to go if I do this. Are you saying they made the resource for the walk, the figurative plank? Yeah, yeah, they all. They're all gone. So research people leave. Yeah, the next day. So those eight people are just in the building alone at night. Yeah, just watching and be like what the heck is happening? A whole new team shows up and they do their thing for a couple months and then eventually at Bass is, like project is canceled. Shut it down. Yeah, and so they kick them out of the biosphere and he don't held the participants. He lists it for sale. They sell it to a company that was going to put up a bunch of hotels on the land. They were going to like level it and build some hotels there. Could keep the lungs? Yeah, keep the lungs. Oh yeah, this is really going to keep our hotel going. No, but what ended up happening is they didn't have the funding to build the hotels yet, so they leased it to the University of Arizona to do research there and it went really well. Eventually the universe of Arizona bought it and now it is a research facility for the college and what they use it for now is they they're studying earth science. But it's useful because there is no other place in the world where you can have a closed environment to manipulate things that happen in the VI and see the effects. Okay, so they're causing droughts and watching what happens to jobs and trying to fix the problem in stiosphere and they're doing interesting experiments. I could rather're doing that they or instead of out in the real world like they used to. What would happen if, I don't know, it was a fire? You know, that's what the old rich is doing, though. All right, the old rich is like. What if it is burned the West? What if we just, I don't know, destroyed it at all? Yeah, can we send our can we send a hurricane? Here's what's here's what's crazy. You mentioned this and I'm a little frustrated that you did. Oh sorry, but I mentioned that this this was a huge deal and people were watching it, people worthcoming and big brother observing it. This is the birthplace of reality TV. It did not reality TV did not exist before this, and TV companies noticed the ratings of everybody wanting to watch these people live in this sphere and in Europe. A year later, big brother came out as the first reality TV show, and so big brothers literally based on this. If people watching these people try to survive and the biosphere nice. So wow, I nailed that. Yeah, I hate how how on? So this one was just big brother Safari. Addition, big brother survivor edition, I guess. Yeah, it's both ROM combined. Yeah, it's it put them together, but it's pretty wild, like the stuff that they've built in here. It's just a massive facility. They proved that it would be very, very tough to do this on Mars. Yeah, because they every experiment they did, they needed a lot of outside help. Yeah. So, but also some of the main problems were caused by outside contaminants. That is also true. Does also true, which would still exist on Mars? If you open the door once you're dead, basically. Well, yeah, because if the Martian ants show up, that's an invasispecs. Yeah, you see him come with other huge the gigantic. So anyways, spaceship Earth is a documentary that came out about it's on Hulu. You can watch more for more information. Doing talk into your microphone right now? No, because I don't want people. Don't want people to go look it up about it. If you were to look that up later. I want to reference it, but I don't want people to. Good video. You know how these things work, right. I'm what I want. I want to reference it, but I don't want people to do it anyways. So, and it's now open to the public. Ish You can go do tours sometimes and see it. If you live in Tuscan, Arizona. It's a massive facility. I think you've fully embraced Tuscan. I think you have fully calling. I know you. You know you were like this really stupid, and now you're doing it without hesitation. I think it's just party your vernacular now it's pretty wild. We know we would be good at like this reality TV thing, like living in the biosphere. Yeah, I don't know about that. We should do it. I'm not breathe with a hundred percent oxygen. That's true. Gives us. That's true. It's so we can figure it out. Just late at night. You just hear me going. And what's wild is if we gets real still in the desert, you hear the little because they got rattlesnakes in there for some reason. It is a bad choice and little things of the last night is a production of space tim media, produced by Christian Taylor. Audio is edited by Alice Garnett, video by connerbet social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic designed by Caleb Goldberg, our hoster, Jeremyers and Tim Stone. Please follow us on social media at tilling podcast. That's Tillo in podcast, leave a review comment, subscribe wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on the last night

In 1991, eight people walked in a large glass dome in the Arizona desert. Camera crews captured the group as they disappeared into the void. The structure was built by billionaire Ed Bass who hoped to use the facility for research into what it would take to build a colony on an alien world. The philanthropist enlisted a crew of … Read More

1561 Sky Battle – The Best of History’s UFO Sightings


Episode Transcription

Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey Man, what's up? Have you ever heard of the sixty one sky battle? Is this? Is this one fifteen sixty one? Yeah, is that the year? Yes, so this is an alien thing. I mean could be all right, rolled up. I think everyone just stared at the sun too. We were at waffle house. Dude, you were struggling that day. Where you like? This is really taken a toll on to see. This is written back in and flut flat. His name is what? No, I know someone named hands. No, you don't. His name is Hod. We know the same Hans things. I learned last night. What is on the five hund sixty one sky battle? Sky Battle, or or what are we have like pirate and know what? There's also the one thousand, five hundred and sixty one celestial for phenomenon over Nuremberg. There's another name. Oh yes, sky battles way more catchy. Yeah, I agree, it sounds way cooler. It's like if the show was either going to be called battle bots or robots built by nerds that fight each other in the cool little right to the death in a cage. No, it's not even the rope. And they were like this is a little misleading, because this we can't tell if the show is called robots built by nerds that fight each other to death. It sounds like the nerds fight each other to the death, not the rope of the robots, not the rods. Yeah, like it's just misleading. MMM MM. So this is a similar thousand five hundred sixty one. Pirates had to have recorded this, or vikings or something. No, humans, pirates are people to, just like act proven pirates are people to. Okay, well, all right, so Nuremberg, one thousand five hundred and sixty one, okay, average day in the then free yeah, in the then free sires, average day in the then. It's what I thought you were just about to say to me. Nurro Park, one thousand five hundred and sixty one, an average day in the then. Looks that I I saying that time in the then. What, yeah, is in the then free imperial city. Okay, the Holy Roman Empire. Durnberg, sure was a free city. At the time. There was a mass sighting of unexplained aerial phenomena, which is the modern, like welcome term for it, but the proper term is ufos. Use painted that as a woke thing. What are you talking about? Yeah, yeah, well, culture got a little little. Do you stop Tom You AP column by Whoa Phenomena? Huh? But the the truth. People know. So in April one thousand five hundred and sixty one, there's this broadsheet that was printed by a guy named hands class. Or okay, why did you? Why are you lasts for Funny Hands Glass? Or all right, it's Hans first of all. But all right, no, I know someone named hands. No, you don't. His name is Hans. We know the same Hans. We'll get my call find out you really answering like Ah, this is hands, hi, hands. Well, he's a lawyer now, so he'd go go for hands, go for an. That's Alaw your sis to look over hands. Where are you saying? You go for a hand. It's just too confusing. Have you? I saw this like selfdefense video the other day. How is this gonna make sense? And the GUY said, if you're getting mugged, he said you need to defer their attention away. So what you want to do is you want to say something. Oh, just off the wall. That doesn't make any sense. So be like. I saw a pig the other day and it's going to confuse him and be like what? And when they say what, you punch up the throat. Does the Selfdefense. Yeah, yeah, so that's that's go for hands. It's disarming and then you can confuse them. Go for hair stuff. Oh, I was calling to ask about your law practice. I was called to find out about some laws, some law. Hey, do you guys so law? Do you guys do law? Yeah, so, hands, glass her. He printed a broad chee. He was a local wood cutter and illustrator and he printed a broad sheet recounting the events that everybody in the town supposedly witnessed. Yeah, which the broadsheet, the way, was set up as he had it was a piece of wood that he had painted the picture of what happened on and then he had put his interpretation below a picture of it. Yes, here is a picture of the broadsheet of what happened in the sky over Nurremberg that day. So basically, the spun, the Sun was playing chest at the moon and flipped at the table over raw and see that is went flying everywhere. Some tittley wings involved. So to explain this picture you, I hope he had an artistic approach to this. He said, we literally what was in the sky exactly what they saw. That'd be terrifying. So here's what let me explain this far the audio listeners that you got. This the the town of Nurremberg, the sleepy town of Nurremberg. Picture a town in one thousand five hundred and sixty one. That's what it looks like. One of the churches. Picture what town looked like in the then one of the churches on the far end of town is on fire and there's smoke emanating from it on a bunch of little orbs around the outside of that church. And then in the sky there is the sun, very large, with an angry expression on its face, as you know the sun does. Sometimes it looks like the sun from if you're played Super Mario Brothers three. Yeah, there's a sun level, it's got a face, yes, that it's that. Behind the sun there's these two like crescent moon type things. It's almost like the sun has like a backpack with wings on it that it's wearing that day. And then there's a bunch of orbs all over the place, lots of different colors, a bunch of crosses. Some of the ORBS are connected with crosses. What language is is this language? Is this, I don't know, Latin? Maybe that's an assumption. I have no idea. And then there is a bunch of like, honestly, they look like chess pieces. They look like broken ponds all over the place, and then cannons that like shoot the little orbs out of them. Yeah, this is not can't we're at all. Yeah. Well, and then there's a giant black spear type thing at the bottom that looks like if you could picture the ships from Star Wars. That's what it looks like, a gigantic spear shaped. It's worth the Google. where they got to Google to find this thing? The one thousand five hundred and sixty one sky battle or the one five and sixty one celestial phenomena over Nuremberg? Either want to get you there. So whatever happened over the guys? That supposed to that as opposed to the one thousand five hundred and eighty four sky that looks it whatever it is, over Nuremberg. Yeah, and there was another year. Another wasn't and so the interpretation that hands Glasser gave to this was that the Lord was very angry with the people. Yeah, here's, here's here's the translation of for less whole setting down here. Yeah, I'm going to read that and put up a translated in real time. Ready. Yeah, this is, I believe, Latin. I'm not sure, but I know how to read it. Go ahead. So it says in the morning of April Fourteen fifteen sixty one, at daybreak, between four and five am, a dreadful apparition occurred on the sun. And then this was seen in Nuremberg, in the city before the gates, and in the country by many men and women. People talk to weird back then. Just, you know, forget about it. At first there appeared to in the middle of the sun, to blood red semi circle ARCS. So those are the little, yeah, pack thing. I think everyone just stared at the sun too long. Who it's like, so hey look, and everyone went, oh, look at all that stuff. We see. Oh, you see all those dots. I can't get him to go away. If I look at the church, throughout the church. Now, could you guys see that wind in the city? Certainly this is God's judgment. And in the sun above. I'm reading again, I don't know if you could tell. And The Sun above and below and on both sides. The color was blood, not red. It was blood. There stood a round ball of partly dull, partly black. First color on what that means. Likewise, there stood on both sides and as a torus about the sun, such blood red ones and other balls in large number, basically saying there was a bunch of stuff flying around, and rods and balls and crosses and strips, and they said these all started to fight among themselves, so that the Globes, which were the first in the sun, flew out to the one standing on both sides. Thereafter the globe standing outside the sun, in the small and large rods flew into the sun. Besides the Globes. They flew back and forth among themselves and fought vehemently with each other for over an hour. And then it says and when the conflict I'm fast forwarding lung story short. Eventually it got to put that in there. Put A tl be all in there. I just the really hero. It was tough to understand. And then he got to a point where he says the the orbs and the rods got so tired from fighting each other for so long that many of them blew up in a bright shining light and then fell to the earth with smoke. So it's what caused the that's what causes smoke over there, smoke over there, is those those different orbs falling and burning. And so he said that he's that God was very angry with the people and if they didn't fix their lives and behave better, that he was going to bring his rast comes out on them. Yes, yeah, so, as many of those those people. Today, when we see stuff happened in this guy, we say, Oh, that's probably aliens. Back then, when, yeah, sure, back then, when you saw stuff in this guy, you say, Oh, God's probably mad at us. Oh, man, so God knows I was a jerk yesterday. God saw me be a jerk yesterday's so he made a bunch of stuff fly from the sun and blow up. God knows I stole three hundred and fifty million dollars from every bank in the Metro area and for that reason he is out. Hey, thanks for checking out this episode. We love our listeners a lot and one way that you can let us know you're here is by leaving a podcast review. Maybe that's a five star thing in the apple podcast at. Maybe you listen on spotify or if you're watching on Youtube leave a commet. We do read all the comments and reviews. We just love knowing what you think about this show. Also, if you haven't yet, go check out some of our other episodes. My current favorite is the identical strangers episode. It's three brothers or triplets who were separated at birth, unbeknowns to them or their parents, as part of a really weird experiment. So there's a lot of really fun stuff we talked about in that episode, but thank you for checking this out. Now back to this one. This is a peculiar event because here we have this guy witnessed it, recorded it and drew a picture about it, just like the police do with things happen and and a lot of other people in the town reportedly saw this and corroborated his story. They were like, Yep, that's exactly what happened. Yeah, they were like signed off. I agree. I don't know. I don't know how this got corroberated, but apparently a bunch of people say, yeah, this is legit. Okay, I don't know. So there's a lot of theories to how this happened. The first and biggest and probably most realistic, is the alien it's obvious it was aliens, this right outlue, aliens fighting in the sky. Yeah, yeah, they they had a war and they said, if we do a war on our planet then we might mess it up. Let's go to the stupid humans. Where there any other accounts from any neighboring cities or anything like that, because if this is a big event like this, you would have seen it. Do we know? I don't know. I don't know how close this was to other towns. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know about any other towns that when I'm saying there is another something interesting that we'll talk okay, but as far as I know, no other nearby town saw this event. I'm saying, like the solar eclipse, right, it's not just like in North Kansas City. Yeah, that was everywhere. Yeah, but think about how towns weren't really that far away back then. Yeah, I'm true, like if we, if we live the same distance away that we live right now, I would never know you existed. Yeah, that's true. Actually, that's pretty crazy, you know, and it's less than thirty miles. To be fair, though, like I don't know how far, and he depends how high up this happened because like it the horizon line. That's true. You and I might not be able to witness the same thing in the sky. You know, you're the same moon at night, though. No, this is there's a different moon for every town the US. The NASSA they put. They put a new moon for everything. NASA. UNT even call it NASA. You called the AASA the NASA. That's a that's a red flag right there. I someone won't say it. Also, are there other ones? That what's another agency that we say it the NASA. Say NASA, the Fabi? We don't say yeah, we don't kind the we don't say the other ones. It's got to be a reason. I don't know. I gotta be a reason. The Er's what are you are hiding at any essay? What if you stood outside of NASA's building and you're like tell me about the fifteen, sixteen, one, five hundred and sixty one lead. Yeah, are fight sky battle, Sky Battle. They would be like probably a natural. So are there sky battle truthers out there who were going to find our show? Maybe we'll see. We'll find out when, when the comments have come in. So okay. So what are the theories then? So the Aliens Right, aliens said, let's go have a war on earth real quick and last like an hour. And I mean if you look at it from that Lens, you can see it like if you were if you didn't know a Y, if you look different the Lids, you couldn't imagine that right, if you were to imagine that that's what happened, you could have better close, pretty close. But if you look at the picture, look at the picture. Hold on, look at the picture. That looks like that, especially that Black Arrow. If you're listening, I'm sorry, but like go look this up. That Black Arrow looks like if you were alive in the fifteen hundreds and you haven't seen star wars yet, like it, but you saw an imperial destroyer. This is probably what you draw and you'd be like, yeah, there was an Arrow in the sky because you didn't know what an imperial destroyer was yet. Okay. And and he said that they were fighting him and they got tired. They blew up with a great light and then they fell to the ground with a lot of smoke, which sounds like spaceships blowing up. So I don't know. Okay, if you want to look at it, that way. It's believable. That's what I choose to believe. Okay, the other theories, there's there's a couple other theories. One of them it was that it was a meteor shower early morning, probably pretty light our with a bunch of you know, just space rocks falling in hitting stuff. And if you've ever seen meteor shower, if you were to look atter, that that's what happened. Imagine a meteor shower. If you would imagine, you can imaginally close. Yeah, yeah, that one does kind of check out. Also, like it if it wasn't mean your shower. Maybe the problem is we're able to go back and like find record of a lot of like like Oh hey, we found meteorites in that area or whatever. None of that's there. So, like, if it wasn't me your shower, there's no record of anything ever being recovered. Okay, and there's nothing that we can look back through looking at the stars and stuff. How well were be stars keeping rightless? I mean, if this guy's keeping a record for this, I mean I would just I don't know, I don't know this this was a pretty life changing event for this guy, it seems. Yeah, because if you don't know. I mean even if it was just an eclipse and you had never seen that before. So I'm saying, yeah, shake your brain, whoa. Yeah, yeah, and so I knew it was going to happen in this solar close was a pretty crazy event. Yeah, it's hard to see that. Yeah, what it got dark. It's hard to see that. It's hard to be like, Whoa, it is hard to live through this. We were at Waffle House, Dude, you were struggling that day where you like, this is really taken a toll on my middle health to see. I still saw that and I said, you know what, I think this is God trying to tell us that there is a disease coming and we all need to be careful or turn from our ways. You know, made the joke. That's fine, better than one I was going to make. Make It. No, okay, so, could have been aliens, could have been a medeor shower. Okay. Another idea is that it was a comment and they just saw the comment flying to the sky. The problem is described an hour long experience. Yeah, and they described a lot of other things, like not just one object with the tail, and they described like things fallen down with smoke and explosions. It could have been a comment and he could have just really embellished it, because at the end of the day, like, this is just one guy's painting. Yeah, and something he wrote down, like he could have just embellished what he saw. There was a lot of stuff. It was so much you're not going to leave. And I was here enuff. Yeah, yeah, I said one of them. I to the ORB and I said orb fly again. It did. He's like, my name is hands was like, my name is orb. The nerbs like, I think you mean hots in the guy, and then the hands was like is this is a life change? That has sound better. Okay, so there's that idea. So there's that stupid idea. There's what? Another idea is that this guy literally just made it up, like I know what saging at this point. Yeah, literally just made it all up. Nothing music. Yeah, and several other people will corwate my story. Yeah, yeah, several other people said they saw that happen. So who the other people in the town? Here's here's a thing. Yes, he could have just made this up. At the end of the day, all we have is a painting and some stuff he wrote on a piece of wood. Could he have made that up? Absolutely, people draw stuff that's not real all the time. Yeah, but no, but here's what we will say. But we have a lot of us other broadsheets that he puts. Oh, and they do child tell events that we do know our historically accurate. Okay. And so is it possible that one time he just made something up? Sure, but it does kind of likely. Probably not. Yeah, especially in this format. Most likely he is recounting a triteil. Could he have him bellish it? Maybe. Could he have drawn this a little different than it actually looked? Most likely. He clearly put this the logical spin on his interpretation of it. So maybe his art had that same span as well. Sure, I mean the sun has a face in the picture, so most likely, most like her. No, worn't just look. Okay, let's go look. Yeah, let's look. Let's go see the sun has a look at the sun's they ever seen? Yeah, anybody ever see the face? Ask the end say, ask the ANASA. This is sun of a face. Another theory, which seems to be the most widely accepted, why they accepted, is that this was an issue of Sun Dogs, which a lot of people don't know what this is, but rare occasion. You were like why they accepted is sun dogs. Oh Yeah, a lot of people don't know this, but sometimes early in the morning and the guy over northern European towns, sometimes the docks for the sun just get out the roll over the sky. Yeah, Barki Harrible there. Yeah, T sun is the worst neighbor rightings. Dogs are always running around. It doesn't do anything. Try to catch them and we'll control as to calm or they just blow up. The stugs just kind of blow up. Sometimes, yeah, it's tired, explode. It's a mess. It's a mess. Not these are sun dogs. So this is a an actual effect that can happen. Oh, and it's pretty rare. But basically what happens, and this I don't know how, I don't know all the technical terms for this, but basically it's an atmospheric distortion of the image of the Sun. And so when the sun rises in the morning, if it gets that that there's like this perfect moment in the sunrise wherefore, about an hour this Sun will have these two other suns that you can see from the sky and it's a distortion in the atmosphere. There's not two sets of suns, but they're out on where is this picture? Left and right, signs northern Europe. And what what happens is it's kind of like if you're looking through like an eyeglass in a weird way at a light and you kind of sure can see that light in another spot on the eyeglasses. The same thing. The atmosphere is distorting the image of the sun and you're seeing the sun three times, one in the middle, two on both sides. They Cause Sun dogs because they say, Oh, y'all, look, those are the dogs of the Sun. Over on the side it's is those rus dogs. You know, the sun has pets, just like even the sun has died. Relate to the sun. We're not too different the sun. So here's what's crazy. Is What's crazy. The Sun has the it's two dogs, yeah, but most the time when you look there's only one sun, because that's when the sun carried the dogs. He takes a again for listening to this episode. If you like our show, make sure you follow us on social at till in podcast or subscribe anywhere where you're listening to right now, whether that's Youtube, spotify or apple podcast, whatever it is, and if you want more, we do have a patreon you can support us on. In there you get all sorts to parks like out a free episodes, early access to our content and even a discord with our host and producers. So We'd love for you to check that out. All you got to do is text till into six, six, eight hundred and sixty six. That's till in two, six, six, eight hundred sixty six, but thanks again for checking us out. Here's the thing. This is some unbelievable because if we look at if we look at the picture, there are these like weird arc things. I'm curious with the like little blue pole looking things in the side. Are you know? Yeah, you can kind of. Maybe, if you look at some of that, like there's like that coloration on the side. Maybe he's interpreting that as those bars. Well, and I'm sure, I really do think if you're looking at this, like this appears right and you're looking straight at it, like you're going to have this on the sun dots when you're looking around. Yeah, yeah, that effect where you stare at the sun, you start seeing bash. But it's true, like I'm sure the people saw this and they were staring at it and they're like, what the heck is that? And then they yeah, they started seeing all that stuff from okay son. So this is the wildly ecs e their one. This is the why they accepted theory. Skeptics disagree, but I think, I think this is probably most likely what they saw. And who knows, maybe they this happened and then there was a meteor shower at the same time and a comet and India and the war. I mean one of the odds. I mean the odds are slip, but they're not zero. That's true. There's slip, but not zero. So I think this is the most likely possibility. Here's the deal, though. This isn't the only time that's happened. We have another broadsheet from one thousand five hundred and sixty six and the town of Basil with a very similar picture. This is in which year, one thousand five hundred and sixty six, five years later, I few later, years later, and another year very in town similar. Yeah, and so this picture to paint the picture of picture a town in one thousand five hundred and sixty six, five years further along then, yeah, were whatever things looked like. So the Ford Taurus is a little bit nicer than it was back then, but a town square, there's multiple people out. Yeah, they're all pointing up at it, freaking out. And then the sun is back there, still has a face, still faced, same face. Yeah, he's Sun faced, totally sun face, and there are white orbs, look like, you know, little snowballs or something around it, but then also just black ones, and the whole sky is full of it. Either a white or a black dot. Yep, Yep. And in this one it's a similar story. They interpreted again as God was mad at them and there was a judgment coming. Here is here's the text of this event during the Orr one thousand five hundred and sixty six, on the twenty seventh of July, after the sun had shone warm on the clear, bright skies at around nine pm, so in the evening this time, it's suddenly took a different shape and color. First the sun lost all its radiance and luster and it was no bigger than the full moon, and it finally seemed to weep tears of blood and the air behind it went dark. And then he was they thought the sun was a boy at the time, and then he was seen by all the people of the city in the countryside in much the same way also as the moon, which had already been almost full and had shown through the night, assuming an almost blood red color in the sky the next day. So now this is a multiday event. The next day the Sun rose at about six o'clock and slept with some with the same appearance it had as it was lying before. He let the houses, the streets around as if everything was blood red and fiery. And then at dawn of August the seventh, so many days later. Yeah, we saw a large black spheres coming and going with great speed and precipitation before the Sun and chattered as if they left, as as if they led a fight. So they were loud, many of them were fiery red and soon crumbled and then extinguished. So this one does actually seem like this is a combination of everything. The first one sounds like an eclipse, the first thing to happen. Sure it was probably an eclipse, and then the next one sounds like a blood moon, and then and then it does sound like a meteor shower. Yeah, because this was a multiday affair. Yeah, so I think what's going on here is they piece it all together and say this was like the judgment of the God that came in three different visions. MMM, and God is mad at us again because that guy over. Now. How far away did this take place from? This took place in the town of Bassel. The other one took place in Nuremberg. So if you just Nurmberg, yeah, how else would you spot Nuremberg? Yeah, and you Arembe Nuremberg, U said nerm yeah, new, new room. Now Wimberg, Nuremberg, new, new. It's four and a half hour drive. Four hundred and forty one. Okay, so it's a lotzers good distance. How many kilometer miles? That like the face you made, the American face of kilometers, where you're like idiots. We're the only ones that don't use it. So it's a good distance away, though. I'm yeah, like it's not like two hundred and seventy four miles. Yeah, this was written by game named Flood Blat. What his name is? What? Just A flug blood? Well, maybe flu block, I think. Well that I'm gonna Google that. I think the town is called saved. His name is. Why are you the one in charge of this? We either research assisted just so tim knows how to pronounce things. So floog Blat is now in German, both the spelling of the word and the article presuing the right to the Bab Bah. Yeah, okay, here we go. Oh, that's German. I can't read that. What are we doing here? Thing got flog black means it's not the name because it was written. Oh, a flog Blat is a leaflet or a little book or a piece of paper. Okay, so that this is the next time someone gives you a flyer say all hate thanks for this flug black. Well, I'm saying that this is a flog but it's not written by Bog Blat. This is a flug bat of Basil. This is what the caption says. It's a flag Blat of Basil by Samuel a Pireus and Samuel Cosi us. So yeah, so next time, next time someone gives you a flyer called a Flogblat, that's thank you for this flood Plat. Yeah, you guys have a Flogblat or something. You know what one of the most effective voice of Ministry is. I hand out these little flood blots right and it says heaven or hell and it says one thousand five hundred and sixty one in the skies of our Norremberg. There I was God judge in a Bucky's bathroom and the top of your am was a flood black change my life. Froen, who wrote this? Oh, hands evile, Hannes he so, yeah, turns out its Hans, who knew? Who Knew? Who Canoe? You know. So this this scenario is a little bit easier for me to stomach. It's a little easier for me to say all those events happened within like three days of each other. Well, no, because it started the first one was July twenty seven. Yeah, that's and then to last was August seven. So, yeah, it's all this is a long period of different celestial events. Yeah, they were. The other one is just can saying that it all happened one night. Yeah, here's what I think happened. You know, I'm going to tell you what I think. Please tell me Your theory. I think what happened is Hans saw something he couldn't explain and he tried to explain it and he embellish upon it pretty hard. Or we talked to other people and everyone had different things. So the story just kind of develop like it's like telephone, Yep, or for them, Flood Blat, the plague, flood black. It's just so funny to be so that's because you're saying it wrong, probably. You know, it's really nice. What's that? Months ago, super cold in here and we turn the air off, and now it's feels like when we first started this podcast in here, like I feel like I need to take my shoes off. I'm not wanting to belt, but I feel like I should wear it's a little warm. Now, let me kick my shoes off. Oh, we're almost done. I'm kicking my shoes off here. The what more do you have to say? He's the the I used to only do this shoeless. Yeah, and then I started wearing shoes for some reason. I should go back. I should go back to being barefoot on the PODCAST. Okay, is there anything more about the topic? Yeah, so, yeah, so here's the thing. So I think, like I said, I think he probably embellished. Why do you work? Closes time. Mused to be fully nude. Just we're you're a blockbuster and I had, I literally had a story with my eyes closed the whole time. Oh you're gonna do that again? Oh, cool, all right, yeah, I don't see me. It's audio. Yeah, they do. is every professional radio station. Every professional radio station is just naked. All right, it really has. Every country steps with the nerve. They love. If your love, if you're afraid, take a close off. Kay, love hosts. Hey, thanks for listening, a kid. Hey, it's over the pledge drive. Oh my gosh. Okay, more of the story. Probably Aliens. Oh sure, sure, that's your most likely aliens. Your Real theory? Is that my real theors? Guy went around. I think it was part of the sun dogs. I think that makes sense. It is. Then you probably stared at it and saw some stuff in his eyes and then everybody and then he embellished it a little bit. But could be. But but if you look at this and you don't see this and say that's probably an imperial star destroyer, then you're wrong. It is. It is. That's that, to me, is the one part that's like kind of phenomenal about this. Is like that looks like. That looks like what we say what that looks like to be starships. Look like that looks like a blind spot to me, like you've now you've damaged your eye in the shape, in the shape of an imperial star destroyer. Sure, no, you've never seen you've never seen star war. So she saw this in the sky. Yeah, you probably would think, oh, it's like an Arrow or something. Yea's what you that's your brain with. Associate with it, because your brain isn't bro You hungry. What is happening to you? What it is? At the end, you're like mentally breaking down to the point where you're like as a real start, are you? You're seen star wars, like you're starting to like you look belligerent. You're sober beligerent right now. Maybe it's because I took off my shoes and yours over here, like we're you were seen star wars worth. Well, what if you're dumb rain saw this in the sky? What would you think it was? You Bet that's what you treat me like. Chill, I'm just better that you haven't seen Star Wars. That's fine. I'm surprised. I'm I think it's weird. They both at the both suns have a face in the tiddly wings up there. Yeah, so I don't know. It's a weird thing. I mean, the other one had sound. This one doesn't seem to have sound. He never mentions hearing anything. Oh, that's interesting. That's right. The one did mention that they were allowed. Yeah, which this is weird. If it was a sky battle with aliens and there was explosions and crashes, you would hear it. You'd probably hear it. Yeah, you don't hear a meteor shower. Yeah, meteors are quiet typically. Yeah. Yeah, they turn the volume down before they go. Okay, thing I was you like to talk about? Not? We probably should go at things are getting weird. Yeah, well, I mean, but if you maybe it's because he was talking the whole time. This guy was like I looks like maybe an imperial thing, or it was like shut up, we're trying to listen to this battle. What have you. Listen real close to fit the wall. It is things are then. Last night is a production of space tim medium produced by Christian Taylor, audio by Alice Garnett, video by Connor Bets, our graphics and our logo by Caleb Goldberg, and our social media is run by KAYLEA boker. Our host are Jeremyers and Tim Stone. Fall us on your favorite social media platform at Tillin podcast is till and podcast. Remember to tell all your friends about us and we'll see you next Tuesday for another episode of things I have done. Last night

Imagine you woke up one morning to find the sky is full of circular, triangular, and cylindrical objects darting to and fro in an apparent struggle for aerial supremacy. You might immediately think that you were witnessing an alien invasion. Maybe you’d assume you were hallucinating. But, imagine this happened while you were living in the year 1561. That’s precisely … Read More