M Theory – A Look At String Theory and Other Dimensions


Episode Transcription

Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird

Hey Man, what's up? Have you ever heard of in theory? In theory, yeah, or like the Eleventh Dimension? Oh well, you change it up there. I was going to say m theory. Is that rapper, right, he's the white rapper and the name is in theory. If fits, I knew it did. It is. I'm not an idiot. And then I'm glad that you throwed it in and then you look surprised that it fit. I am surprised that it fits, I know, but I was just three steps ahead of you on that. That felt pretty good for me. Actually, you were three dimensions ahead of me. I was the eleventh dimension. The eleventh that's that Christian punk band, right, I'm thinking. I let him make sense. Oh, the Eleventh Dimension, Eleven dimension. Yeah, this sounds like an alien thing. It's actually not. There's literally nothing. Well, actually, I guess there is. Yep, all right, roll it the TRASHIESTI TV's. Here's my thought on the whole. Pete Davidson, that's what this is why your wife doesn't listen to this podcast. CORNEY's favorite color, no jokes, was paige. As like, are you getting me? Your favorite color is base about Baige? Dude, okay, I've got opinion. Can't wait to the comments one day, say the fat one in the ball. One things I learned last night. I really thought that there was nothing to do with the aliens, but I guess they're I guess technically will get there. I guess technically that's a little alien E. Yeah, unintentionally, I'm going to be honest, I literally came into this being like, Oh, there's no alien content this week. In theory. In theory. Yeah, theory sounds like it's like a fancy restaurant in downtown. You know, hey, welcome to in theory, they whisper to you. Yeah, freaking why you come into like it's the as of our restaurant. Oh my gosh, dude, reservation. What? Welcome to him theory. I noticed you booked our experience. Can You? It's like a special like a special experience that they do. Okay, but speak. Okay. Have you watch the movie about time? No, because there's a restaurant they go to, not to go on to metange. If you haven't seen about time, will play the whole movie. Here's the whole movie. No, they go to a restaurant that's completely dark. Oh yeah, and like you just get guided in and all the lights are off and I kind of really want to. Bree really wants to go to one of these. Yeah, it does. One of us just wanted to see. I think there's one in case, because we almost went once, I think, or maybe it was when we were in vegas that we almost went. What's it called? The blind side? Every waitress is like hi, I'm Sandra, I'll be here serf. What you guys like to get? An I'll be your stepmom today. Oh, what's the guy's last name? Alex. do you think we need to cut that out? You're taking a note, like you think we did. It's a funny that's a funny bit. What's The guy's name? My Michael. Michael's gonna Bother me. It's like it's got an Oh, it's Michael, Oh, Michael, or yes, yes, yes, yes, I'm cool. Or anyways. Yeah, that seems cool. What you guys like to see? Our Beer Menu? I feature drink is the Michael Ure, old true and our feature to advertiser is the SOD roppertsheadow. That's where I was trying to do. I was trying to do food things. Anyway, we can look at up later. Great. So in theory sounds like a fancy restaurant. What is it actually? So it's a like it's a subset of string theory, which do you know what string theory is? Yeah, it's a string cheese restaurant. Yes, sound yeah, and Spaghetti noodles. It's you got Spaghetti at that? They just covered and strange cheeseus like some they're what if that's what all our gardens carry around them? A little crank thing? It's the brand with that dude. He's got the head. That's like feeling apart. It's stupid. It's a stupid we have to do an episode. Yeah, that's right. Okay. So in theory it's like a subset of string theory, specifically looking at the geometry of the universe. Go and so string theory, really quick gloss basically the idea is that the universe is made up of really, really tiny, microscopic strings and the strings are connected and everything is a vibration of the string. So we're basically just like a giant cosmic guitar and everything that happens it is just a little vibration of those little tiny strings and there's super small. They're like a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of US centimeter. So like like if if the entire observable universe was an atom. Yeah, then at these strings, according to string theory, are like the size of a tree. So they're incredibly tiny. That just connect everything in the universe. It's a theory. I don't know. Did you mean that reversed? If the universe was the size of a tree? Nothing, sighs. Of Know, if the if an atom was our entire universe, the size of the entire observable universe, not like not our galaxy, but the entire everything we know that exists. Yeah, then these strings are the size of like a tree. So there's super small. They're way smaller than Adams. Okay, yes, you recent. Yeah, so they're dinky, puny, little baby tiny strings, like little baby sad, stinky winky string. This is exactly how tim talks about me when I don't want to come to the office when it snows. He literally is goes all you're like a little baby. That's like straight up what he says in our group text. It's yeah, a little baby boy. I look a little baby boy. I'M gonna call you a little string string tree. Go ahead, yeah, very tiny, microscopic. Yeah, little strings connect everything, and part of string theory explains like the dimensions of the known universe. BASIC HE IM theory takes that idea and takes it a little deeper. And so I guess technically part of this we will go over the dimensions listed out by string theory, but we're also going to go a little further into m theory dimension as well. Okay, so we starts like what are we going to spart speaking English? This is like bad bath and beyond. We're and we're going to be on. We're going to beyond. Got It. I don't think we're going to speak much English today. Actually, the beginning we might. So. So let's start with dimension zero. That's what they call it. Zero, thh dimensions zero. Yeah, so by the beginning, did you mean the word dimension? That was worth about English. And then in the beginning and then you're like dimension. Well, yeah, yeserotion zero. All right, go ahead, it's the zero dimension. Okay, how else would you say that? Zero? Zero, or zero ord zero wind, zero roast, Zeroth. It's that's the most why your wife doesn't listen to this podcast. Okay, so it's a we know dimensions. Right, here's we're going to go through the first three really quick. We're just going to GE hit the first three real quick, actually the first four. Oh, zero, first, second and third dimension all right here on the screen. If you're listening, look at the screen. So here's the idea. I see you were saying so literally, we're doing like D, D, D, that we're talking about dimensions. Yeah, and so, so D is a cube. Yes, to D is a square. Yes, one D is just two lines next to each other. Yeah, and zero is just a point. Yep. And so the concept, I'm with. You know. The concept is with every dimension you're just doubling the amount of points that you have. So Zeros, the one point, one D, You have two points too. These four D is eight points, and then you're connecting on the lines. Right. Okay, which sidebar? Have you ever heard of the Book Flatland? I like just thought of this. I didn't research this. No, is that where Flat Stanley lives? No, it's not. It's called back to an episode where we described to flast Stanley to you. Did you yep? Well, I'd clearly didn't remember. You must not have done a great job pick I pick up on. Man, are you we're gonna do something screen not? I was looking like you're about to. No, I just wanted to look at Oh, flatlands. Yeah, so flatland. It's a book from one thousand eight hundred and eighty four, okay, and it's a book where it's this group of I don't know what to describe them, shapes. What? It's a good start, I guess. Okay, so this world, it's a D world, okay, right, and all the shapes are let me see, the VC is written storm Chok Zone, the NICKELODEON class. That might be based off of it, but it was like an it's so in flatland there was a series of shapes. The shapes were the gentleman, I'm looking at this right. Have you read fly land? It's been a long time. I read it in high school. I read in geometry class in high school. My High School geometry teachers thought it was super cool, and it kind of is. But the shapes are the gentleman, and the women were just lines, because the women were actually three dimensional objects, but the shapes couldn't perceive all three dimensions and so the men were only two dimensional objects. They couldn't perceive the third dimensions of the thought the women were all just lines, but really they were spheares and cubes and things like that, and so because they couldn't see everything, they just saw them as just a single line. And so it was like it was. It was like a narrative on the cast system. Yeah, like the Victorian Society and how certain people only see certain pieces of everything, but really there's more. It's like how on Tick Tock, I posted about me and Ray and one of the comments was said, how did he pull that? And I responded probably by not referring to women as that. If I had that sile. Yes, if you want that, then that's step one. That's step one, I think. So okay, so flat lands was that was a tangent that you went on. It's interesting, though. Okay, so where do we go from d? Okay, so the concept is with with every dimension, okay, you have full range within your dimension and forward momentum within the following dimension. So if you are in zero, you're a point. You can't go anywhere because you have only place you could go is one d because you would need another point. Yeah, but within that you're literally just being propelled forward, and so you're following. Your whole dimension is moving forward down one d down a one day line. Okay, One d you can move forward and backward down the one D line, but you can't move left or right or up or down, whichever I mean. I guess in Video Games it's always up or down. You can't move left or right and video games, but it's arbitrary. What into D Video Games? Oh, you're two dimensional because you can move forward and backwards, up and down, yes, but you can't move left or right. Oh, you're talking. I like Ni like Super Mario Brothers. Yeah, yeah, so you have two dimensions that you can move in. Pac Man is a d game. Okay, to d back. Man's a good example because you're looking from top down. So in pact man you can go forward backward, left and right, but you can't go up and down. And Pact Man, where Maria, you can go forward, backward, up and down, but you can't go left or right because you're in different sets of the twodimensional world sures that makes sense. Yeah, so, except for impact man, you're literally whatever. I'M gonna I'm gonna let that one go. You think you're looking down on PAC man. Yeah, you're looking down to PAC man's face opens like this. Yes, as I reolutely, and you think the ghosts are just like this. We tire all. You are a hundred percent. What do you think? What do you think? PAC man's in an ant hill. Yeah, and you're looking at this. Ain't he'll pack men? Yeah, see, that kind of makes like Dick taking, chasing these ants around, these ghosts, ants. Okay, got a IT'S DANCE NAS. That's what that's. What nats are. Is Ghost, a inst real tree. Will quick look up gain on urban dictionary. Oh yeah, sometimes we say words we make up and then you gotta be like, are we say anything inappropriate? An accident? That's a real fear of mine as we get old, because now we're old right, and one of us is balding, it's you. If one of if it's gonna be one of us, it's going to be you, is it? Yeah, well, I can't wait to the comments one day. Say The fat one in the ball one. Are we good? Yeah, so ganting is looking up words on urban dictionary and comparing them over the computer late at night with a friend because you're bored. So we're kind of DIK ganting. We're ganting right now. Thing, right now, look at us. You got a good gant to you. Oh God, Um, is our whole podcast just a ganter? anyways, the things other than last night. What you take a Ganter with us? Hey, do you like our show? Want to help us keep doing it? One of the easiest ways to do that is to sport our merchandise. We're out in the wild. Tell all your friends. They'll be like, what is total loan, and you'll have to explain what this dumb show is. To get access to our exclusive merchandise. Please text tellent to six, six, eight hundred and sixty six. Thank you so much for your help. Started to mention you add that third right direction. What's interesting is what is forty? Okay, so forty. That's when you like go to Disneyland and they shoot stuff in your eyes while you're watching the movie. We can't do anything because you refuse to talk about the topic. So the fourth dimensions time. Well, this is a great picture. Oh Boy, so you're doubling it. So you not have sixteen points, and I've actually seen this illustrated a couple ways. So you have it illustrated like this, where it's two boxes next to each other and you're kind of like diagonal from each other and the lines are connecting diagonally and that's time. That's time. or I've seen it also illustraight like this, and this is called the tesseract. And so it's basically a cube within a cube and then the diagonals are connecting of the two cubes. Okay, this, yeah, but the idea is that, just like in the other dimensions, like you can if you're in zero, you can only go forward in one d. If you're in one D, You can only go forward in to D D only four thirty. So for US D we can only go forward in time. We can't go we don't have Omni Directional movement within forty. We're stuck because our whole dimension is moving forward in time. I want to know if you're listening. The face that you're making right now is also the face that I'm making right now where we're like I'm just like, okay, so the idea, whatever dimension you're in, you have full range of movement within that dimension, whatever that range of movement allow. Sure. So for us, for the three dimensional, we have X, Y Z planes which means we can go forward, backward, left, right, up down in that whole dimension. But the entire dimension you're in is always moving forward in the following dimension. So we're always moving forward in time. I'm really drying here, man. So, but we're but we can't. We don't have control. We don't know, we don't have control over time. We don't have multidirection. We can. I see what you're saying. Yeah, so we're stuck just moving forward in time. But we were in for we have some level of autonomy within the third dimension, but in the fourth dimension we are at the mercy of its constraints on us. Yes, we're at the mercy of the fact that the entire third dimension is just going forward in time. Fourth Dimension. Got It, okay. And so if we were fourth dimension, we could go forward in time or we could go backward in time or we could just kind of sit still in time. Yeah, well, we can't, we can't. Yeah, unfortunately, none of this is real. So, okay, is made up. I mean it is a theory. But and so in the fourth dimension you kind of you view time as a plane, uh Huh, and there's the forward, the backward, the right here and instead of only moving forward, you have the ability to kind of go whatever direction in time. So time becomes a little bit more like space, like you can conspect conceptualize it like you might conceptualize space. For sure. Way You're able to move around space here. Yeah, maybe this will help. I'm going to pull up a picture of an apple. It won't. You pull a picture of an apple. I hope that it's not. I hope that you changed it to I felt it in your in your laugh is that you had a graph pulled up for an apple and then you just looked up a different apple. Like I felt that happened. I felt you like had a chart that would actually explain it, and then you said, I'm going to pull a picture for an apple and you went to Google images and you just googled apple and you're going to put it up there and it's not going to explain it. I felt that happened. So if we can go ahead and skip that part, like carry will laugh. But another Ah, there's an apple on the screen. Now for where the chart that's going to make sense? I'M gonna pull it up. I know you did. I wasn't gonna do this, but I feel like it would help make sense of all of this. Okay, I don't think well, frank I can't find a Graf of I'm gonna look, I'm gonna keep looking. I'm going to explain this to you while I look. Then okay, okay, so f be like you explain it while yeah, why don't you explain? So you can't? Okay, I'll just pull it up. We'll cut to it. Okay, that's fine. We leave all this part in. So we're about to cut to it right now. So we've got the scale here ready. So this is not an apple, it's just a sphere, because they find it with an apple. But here's a sphere. Okay. So the idea here is you have a d object of the sphere at the top right. If you're listening, I'M gonna do my best to explain to see, but you might want to just go back and watch because it's going to be hard. So you have that gray or that beige line. Yes, by the way, yesterday Brie was watching the Kardat keeping up with the Kardashians. I just have to get this off my chest. And there are playing. Your wife Watches that stuff. She hasn't in years. Literally like yesterday. I was like I've literally as long as I've known her, like even before marriage, she hasn't watched it. She watched it in high school, I guess way she started that before you guys got married. She was like no video games in the house, but she was like, you know, what's fine is for me to watch just the trashiest of TV's. Here's my thought on the whole Pete Davidson thing. Orright, I've got some hot takes. I've got hot takes. I do okay, I hate that you looked at me like, Oh, you're gonna do a tenor right now. You're on. I still like Oh. This guy was like thank you, gonna be so quick. I was like this is a good thing. You took it on the side. Let me drink. I don't think him, Kardashian, is like actually dating Pete Davidson. I think the isn't it weird that keep me up with the Kardashians is doing brain new episodes on Hulu right in the middle of them being constantly in the headlines over Kanye and Kim's beef and all this stuff with Pete Davidson? Kim's very smart. She's so it's Kanye. Yeah, I think days were. Like you think that they're twenty million dollar move? Yeah, let's just get in on TV and break up and get back together after the seasons over. Why wouldn't they? I mean, I guess that's if your entire life is a showing. This is sending Pete to space. So like it. We're showing him to yeah, he's gonna go on the next version orbit trip. Did you not see that? He's going to space. Yeah, he's going to space. Wow, that sucks. So worked out for both of them, I guess. Is that when you wow? anyways, here's the he was the beef I had. They're playing some family game night thing and courtney it was like its like, what's your favorite color, and then like everyone had to likes light on the board. What they think it was courtney's favorite color. No joke. Was Beige, as like, are you kidding me? Your favorite colors, Babe, about Baige? Dude, okay, I've got opinions. Serious, you're gonna let having your lights. You're gonna like it. I got invited to a wedding. I'm a family member of mine and I love this family member, but also that her favorite colors bages just so people watch the show. This season, the twenty milliondollar favorite color. Well, it got her to space, didn't it? Anyway, shut up for a second. So I gottam this wedding and it's a monochromatic wedding. They sent a color scheme that you're supposed to wear on the color stand. that the color. It was a bag. It's Beige Timothy's. Can you believe this? Horse Crap? I gotta go to all age. What I don't look I'm I don't. I'm gonna look like it just a big blob of skin. I'm gonna wear sin color shop pull shirtless. You told me that I'm in the color scheme. All right. They sent like a literal like color scheme. It's like white to like the like Light Tan, and I'm like, well, I fiss. That's so annoying. Yeah, anyways, UN those are a little darker and they one to get. Just clean over him. I don't know why you're doing it. Don't make a color scheme for your wedding. All right, I don't know what home whatever. Go ahead. So you'll notice in this image more word Greens. This is what their wedding pictures look like. I know we're done too many tangents, but honestly, anybody who's actually interested in in the theory did not make it this far. Yeah, so these guys don't know what they talk about. People who are interested in our podcast, many of them have not made it as far. All right, some people were like this is just not our episode much. So there's there's a beige plane, right, and so if you exist in d you see this plane and you see this sphere. I'm actually hear the example of what flat lands look like. So yeah, so if you exist in the second dimension, this is what you're seeing. You see this beige plane and then you just see this gray or this Green Line just appear out of nowhere as there starts to move through the plane and as it moves through you notice it's wider. Yeah, it's changing space because it's the sphere to slowly moving through and then you see it eventually disappear out of the plane. So if a sphere moves through two dimensional space, right, what three? What people into dimensional space it sees is mindboggling. They see this thing just a pew out of nowhere, shape shift a whole bunch and disappear when in reality, all it was as a sphere just moving through their plane. Sure, and a totally normal, natural d movement in two dimensional space is mind boggling. Sphere moving through a plane is also what I call people in the sea boarding group from southwest, you know, down to like it's down the middle seats and it's just people get on the plane and you're like, I don't, I don't want that person to sit in this middle seat because there's not room. You know, I'm sorry about I can say that I've been that person. Did you know? I used to have to have the seatbelt connector on flights? Really and yeah, that and yeah, you forget I was large. I don't forget now. Yeah, I keep all your fat pictures framed in my office. What I got a few pictures of my wall. You want to see him? I keep them just in case. You ever it's a good grass. Ever time I see you like on my hey man, see you get a little pudgy lately. Yeah, let me show this to you. It we remembered. That works. That works for me, just so you know. Well, maybe I'll get some printed. Hey kinks, who are you printing? anyways? At kink goes that. You're old dude and I cant goes. It's called Fedex office now. Yeah, been called Fedex Office for like fifteen years. Shut up, okay, whatever. Well, were we talking about? Oh yeah, so if this were to happen in our world, if something that was ahead of d dimensions, four, five, six, whatever, passed throughout a mention, it would be a mind bogging thing to experience as it moved through, because it would appear as if this thing, it would be an anomaly, it would be something that didn't make sense. YEA, or it would be as if it appeared, I don't know, also only see part of it shape shifted and then, yeah, we would only see a small piece of it at a time and it would appear as if it's shape shifting, changing, and then I would just disappear. And so we would we would be shook, to say the least. Yeah, you would see that and you'd say probably you would go a skin walker. Yeah, I mean that. That's yeah, so let's move on to the fifth mission. Okay, I listened to that, that cut that one of our patrons did, of of the tilling, but only the like educational spot. Yeah, part on the way here and it made me sound like an insane person. Yeah, because I literally was like I would go. Honestly, it's probably very similar to what it is now. Yes, because it's just like me just interrupting my own trust train of thought to try not to save my jokes right and then cutting back and saying the SAK. If you don't know one of our patron supporters, who which one did the hoot? Damn daily man. I think let me have as much are what is? What? What's that person's remain? I think it's Daniel King. I'm not positive. I know everybody from us. The that is a downside of the of the discord is is everyone's got. There is. I just go, which supporter is this? We weren't you anyway. It was Danily Man. Dan, I'm sure in the discord channel made a cut of our podcast. Which episode did he do? He did. Let me scroll up real quick and I'll find it. You just listen to it this morning. It's six to rodders. Your brain can't comprehend six times up to is two hours ago. So he did an episode of six over. I we guess where he cut out all these tangents and all these parts where we're like Beige. He cut all that out. So it's just the information of the episode, which is a really cool thing and something that we hope to do for our entire catalog. For whenever you show this to somebody and they're like these two are idiots. Yeah, then you can just show them the part where word he called it. He called it tilling, but only the things I actually learned last night, or tilling by tilly. Aileen got it. If you want joy a discord, you can supports on. Patrear. Thanks for doing that. Telling text till into six, six three, six six, sixty eight, six six, six, six, six, six, save three is just eight in the second dimension, so the fifth dimension. So this is this is where it goes from being like Oh, this makes a little bit of sense to absolute nonsense. And we got six more to go. Yeah, we do. So here's here's the idea. So everything past this point is sub atomic. The idea is that before the Big Bang there were all look, the four forces of our universe. When you're I so much, would just do the episode of please, electromagnetism, gravity and the weak and the strong nuclear forces. It's gonna leave it at the weekend, the strong universe, l remainosing gravity in the week and the strong sad little baby boys, and then the strong guys, also known as the Alphas, in the bays. I'm sorry when you said it those, it really the weak and the strong. What? And so the weekend strong nuclear forces. Okay. And so before the Big Bang there was this extreme temperatures that held all these together really close. Yes, and then they had the great divorce, love of God in the Sun and Spirit. Yeah, and then the fourth one that we don't hear about, the dimensions. When the Big Bang happened, they broke apart. The first four remained perceptible to us, but the remaining six, seven, if you subscribe to m theory, do not, because they're hyperdimensions in their curling in on themselves, basically like collapsing. Okay. And so this is the world we're journeying, journeying into now. Right are these other dimensions that are similar but difficult to kind of. So how will we get to a dimension? I don't know. Portal, I don't know. I don't think there's any idea that it's possible. Okay, okay, at least for us at least for us as D beings. If you were, if you existed in a higher dimension, there is a way you could move. But you this is very similar to the scale, kardoship scale, relatively yeah, relatively for as movements go. So I got one more picture to show you, because after this point it gets stokers. Yeah, so here is the fifth dimension. Wow, I was really surprised. That's an actual chart. I thought you were about to pull a prank. I thought you were about to pull a funny and do so we got in a strong guy. Yeah, no, so now there's that picture of me Christ thing. You could have put it. I've already done that. That's funny. That's what I thought was about to pop up. Honestly, wasn't a picture. So you see here on the left, that's another rendering of the four dimension. The fourth dimension. Okay, so it's the same concept. Is What we saw before. Sure, sixteen points connected by the red signifies time. Yeah, the red is the the fourth dimension is yet those red yeah, but I'm saying like they're that's not okay. Yeah, so so does that is what you needed. Actual loder point. Moving to that corner point, here's what you need to do to look at this, get rid of the reds, okay, and what you're going to see is you're going to see two square, two cubes up to each other. Yeah, and then the reds are connecting the two cubes in the five dimensions. What you now have is you have four cubes that are like interlocked with each other and the reds are connecting those four keeps. So those now, instead of what would be sixteen points, there's thirty two points in the fifth dimension. Okay, and so anything pass this point becomes incredibly difficult to visualize, because, honestly, this point is difficult to visualize. I'm glad you said that. Yeah, I agree. I mean, there's people listening that can't see this, but if you're if you're here, if you're listening, people watch, you can't see. Yeah, if you're listening, just picture a square, turn that into a cube, add another cube, connect the dots at another cue, connect the dots at another cube, connect the dots and if you're confused, then that's what it looks like. So there you go. We got it. Okay, so I'm not going to show you any more because they can start to get really complicated. But basically, the ideas. Every time you're doubling. So the next time I said of thirty, two hundred sixty four, and then and then after that, one hundred and twenty eight, and so on and so forth. Sure, so these get much more complicated and right confluted. But within the fifth dimension, this is where you start to see the parallel universe thing play out. So there is because you have extra cubes, I guess. If you roll your dice and you have two dice, you have two dice. If you roll the dice for dice. Yeah, yeah, if you roll the die is dice, is plural dice. So you have to dice. If you take some dice, you roll the dice right, two dice equals one world. For dice equals two worlds. That's everyone knows that. With grass, everyone knows. Everyone knows that. Okay, these two DIS yeah. So sure, the idea here, and I'm going to be honest, everything at this point. Like I can understand the geometry, like doubling the points. That makes sense. Like Im for a part where you understand any of this. I understand the doubling the points. I'm like, okay, if hey, every dimension, your doubling points that makes sense. I'm going to be honest, though, everything past time, like the attributes that they assign this, seem absolutely arbitrary to me. Hey, maybe I don't understand it. Yeah, I did just learn this last night and I'm unqualified to know anything about this, but it does seem very arbitrary. But basically, the idea is that in the fifth dimension there's another world identical to our world, right and but there are noticeable differences between the world's because they have the same beginning point. But these world different our comes. Yeah, they any there's circumstances that change the way that they unfall. So you and I might be in that world, but instead of things other than that's night, there's things I learn this morning because I was a bit more of a procrastinator in that world. Maybe there's another world where it's things I learned while getting my doctor degree, because I'm actually intelligent in that world. But I don't know. I mean sure there's all these places that don't exist. Yeah, there's all these possibilities. Six dimension. It's this, it's you. You're doubling to the sixty four balanced, you're dialing to the sixty four points. But now there's just a bunch of worlds, and so you can see all the different possible futures, all the different possible pasts, and they're stemming. Like you haven't watched the new marvel stuff, you don't know this. This is kind of his brother, but not really. They have a timeline and they show these risks coming off the timeline of like different possible scenarios. Right, that can happen, and so the ideas, that's the same thing. You have the timeline and there's all these branches coming off the timeline of all the possible things. And so if you're six dimensional being, you could perceive not only all of time within your own timeline, but all the time within other worlds and all the possible possibilities for those. Yeah, Spider Web, that's what I would like to do. My anxiety tries to do that all the time. These still how can I? My anxiety tries to be like, okay, if we do this, it could you know, and then you spiral out of yeah, Yep, that's probably was really similar to like and for people in the six dimension. Yeah, seventh dimension is a hundred and twenty eight points. Yes, I only know this because it two thousand and forty eight. Oh, yeah, and so, but in this one, hold on, I'm I gonna double check the sixth dimension. Okay, yeah, so in the seventh dimension, this one, it gets it's even more variable, because the beginning point can change, and so instead of everything coming from the Big Bang everything, they could have came from other starting points, and so then you can start to see things change a lot more, like forces of nature could be different, gravity could be different, the speed of light could be different, all this stuff could be different because they had different starting points at different events that made up the beginning. Okay, feels very arbortuary to me. Dimension Eate, this one is where you are now, almost outside of everything, and so all pasts and futures and presidents and spaces are showcased in front of your eyes simultaneously and they stretched infinitely, and so you you're you're experiencing everything at once, because there's a lot of it. I don't know, I'm gonna be outest okay, it doesn't make sense. The the what? What? What people say? Why are people fearizing? Because it's their jobs. I don't like to just think. I wish people would just stop. And so the other this point again. This is where all his careers. It's like is it a career? How do you get a job? And being like just making stuff up, like well, I mean, like, you know, this seems like what we would do in fourth grade. Yeah, we're like, well, and then that to mean that person could even see, like, you know, in that place, instead of Pepperoni, we we use chairs on our BEAZZA. We we're justs are we don't have teeth, we have DSL canons. He's full in our mouths. Yeah, can we just keep chairs? And it's like, I guess that's a theory. It s you can think about that. You could. You could think about it. I guess to think about that. No, it's gonna tell you get the you're shot to work. Man. Let's say, like literally, you just show up the work. If you're a theorist and you're space out at work, your boss is like what have you been thinking about? I don't know, Oh, I'm just doing like you space out, like at work. You're just like you know, I hey, no, theorizing on the clock. We'll only do yeah, wait, you need a vacation. You need to were working over time. We're not paying for that. I'm saying like, what do you do? You sit down at your job, at your desk, and then you just go, hmm, what I like to think about today? You gotta take notes, though. That's the thing is is everybody theorizes, but the people who take detailed notes those are theorists. Okay, yeah, anyways, so the intimational nerds that it's a mention. Here's what's here's what's interesting about the eighth dimension. Yeah, for some reason, don't really know why, but for some reason the physical world just kind of disappears at this point and you become kind of ethereal, phase through things and you yeah, you don't have any constraints, or yeah, nothing matters. I guess at this point the ninth dimension, it's sends to mension. They're more exaggerating forms of this. You just kind of get past all the laws of physics. You have infinite forms of self, everything that exists. You're part of that thing that exists. And so basically what the theorist says, the ten dimension is God's dimension. He's in there because he's the president. He sees all timelines, he sees all possibilities, he's not contrained, constrained by sure constrained by any of space or physical are any. So they're there, theorizing. And yet had you married somebody different and had you know, because the children that you and bree have will be named stupid things like what are you guys in ny? Stupid kids like April and whatever, all right, and June, June and Julie, December, December, your name a kid, December. Yeah, stupid, he just named with over the month Yor born in you just prayed or twains either. Remember. Yeah, anyway, remember, remember, that Kid's name is December. Yeah, if you do that for your one child anyway, you're one kid anyway. So you know you got December right, but God, in this ten dimension, could also see had you married somebody else and had a different kid. Yeah, well, see, they're entirely it's funny you brought this up because when I watch the video of this guy explaining this this morning, actually while was eating breakfast, because I why, I read about this last night I fell asleep in my bed, that thing where your phone falls on your face because you're bored and probably tired, but bored. So I was watching. I warn my phone. My face went board. Sometimes I'm just like I get up and go across the room to get my phone. So poor, and then I just the tooth. So I was watching this eterials on the couch this morning and the guy is explaining as kid milk, yeah, Skim Milk, the fifth dimension, and he was explaining it by saying, okay, imagine if you're in the fifth dimension. Well, if you're in the fourth dimension, you have control over time. You can go board and backwards in time, and so say you're at point one, he called a t one, that's right now, and you're looking back at potto where you made the decision to get married. He said you could make the decision to go backwards in time in the fourth dimension and tell yourself not to make that decision and then go go back forward with your time, make the decision to marry someone else and move through that time, because you can go whatever direction you want in time. But if you're telling yourself, that means the of those timelines exist. And that's what he bought up, because then in the fifth dimension what really happened is you told yourself not to get married and then you went back to time, but that other version of you created a branch and so you have a branch where you you married that, that same person, but and then one you still have to suffer and die with the decision you made. Yes, yeah, I mean and then he went he went to six he went to the sixth dimension. In the sixth dimension, though, there's a short cuts. In the sixth dimension you're able to jump from branch to branch. So you can't just go forward and back on. What do you use? Explained like this from the beginning to this makes way more sense. Yeah, so in the sixth dimension, I love when we talked about being unhappy in marriage, because you're not you, but I love that this is the example that we're you know, this gets funny and as I get this, wait, so you go forward a backwards through time and and all the thing you could experience, all the timeline, so you can be married to all of them. Yeah, that's where you're going. Well, we'll see. So, so in fot the mission, you can only go for it and backward. So you go backward whatever, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, and then fifth dimension. If you were in fifth dimension, you want to go backwards to yourself where you made the decision to get married. But then one another dimension you had teeth. You stuck here. You want to go back to t one. So if you're in tthree, you made a decision get married. You created a branch and that goes down with the other girl tthree. Right. If you're in tthree and you wanted to go back to t one, you would have to go backwards in time to point when you made the decision to go forwards in time along the timeline where you didn't make the decision to get to t one. So you gotta do this crazy forward, time back. And fourth thing, yeah, which is I mean it's a long trip. There's like three layovers in forty. The four, I guess, Sure D space. Well, sixty space. You don't need to go backward and forward because you can jump time minds. So you can go straight from tthree to t one. You don't have to go backwards to t too. Write to t one and she's talking about all this. And then seventy. You then can perceive all the possible wives you could ever have and then, I guess picked to experience one. There's wrong sayings. That what people do anyway, when they're sitting on instagram and they open some raindo girls picture and they said here and they go, oh, they use imagine it. Yeah, but in venty you can experience it. That's so weird. But Brie, she was getting ready in the other room and she's like, are you watching videos on how to time travel so you don't have to marry me? She say that. I was like, yeah, that's exactly what I'm going. Yeah, I can't wait to watch spy kids seventy. You know, you're so stressful. That would be to watch spike kids, all the possible scenarios at once. Oh, that would be so stressful. God. Yeah, I would love to watch the one would they die at the y? I picked that one. You know, I just really want a good movie that the main character is just lose. So yeah, so basically I just love that. His example was about like, I don't know, you regret your marriage? Well, go to forty. Yeah, anyways, tind is just work. is where God is. Yeah, and so it's completely outside of the plane. Sure, so there's I mean it's exactly what you hear about in the Bible. There's no beginning, no end, there's no confines of any laws of nature. Like it's completely outside of everything we know as reality and has complete control and presence and everything. Okay, so now we're to the M theory. Yeah, and M Theory is the eleven dimension, and that's aleister Crowley's dimension. He now I'm gonna be honest with you. The Eleventh Dimension is just the ten dimension. Yeah, I don't understand the difference. It's just like it's all this, but more like it gets it's like a fourth grade of being like yeah, but what it's like? What if the eleventh dimension you would have all been so in any time, you could just change your fingers to those garlic bread sticks, curb all of the guards and then you just eat them and they grow back because your loveth dimension. Nothing real love it dimension. Guling figures. My finger will too hard during that bit. I gotta hurt little bit, Yep, but down a little too hard. But yeah, so everything for a second I was kind of I was getting hungry. I was due to garlic bread stick from yeah. So basically the eleventh dimension, everything just kind of collapses them on itself and it's all there and also all not there. It doesn't make a lot of sense. Somebody honest with you. All right, fittle off things of the last night is a production of space tim media produced by Christian Taylor. Audio is edited by Alice Garnett, video by connerbet social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic designed by Caleb Goldberg. Our hoster, Jeremyers and Tim Stone. Please follow us on social media at tilling podcast. That's Tillo in podcast. Leave a review comment, subscribe wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on the last night.

Thanks to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the idea of other universes, timelines, and dimensions has become mainstream. We’ve all become well-versed in the possibility of other worlds out there. But how realistic is the idea? Some serious thinkers believe that the sort of universe in the MCU is possible. M Theory is a subset of string theory that seeks to … Read More

Freedomland USA – You’re Not Going to Believe This Theme Park


Episode Transcription

Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey Man, what's up? Have you ever heard of freedom land? US? A Freedom Land USA? Yeah, grew up there, baby southwest Missouri. That's just that's just what we call it. And if you're listening from outside the US, all we call it it's just freedom land. For you don't and US A baby, Aka Branson Missouri. Oh Yeah, we've got the ball stoppers. We've got the ball couldn't think of another act. Oh, the Clay Cooper Country Express. We've got a we've got a group of old guys who pretend they're the Beatles every Thursday afternoon. Yeah, we've got the think about some of the shows that exist in Branson. I think about this a lot. Why? Why? You know, and that's really the only question I have. there. They're straight up is a Beatles tribute band and they sell tickets. Yeah, it's pretty phenomenal and, like they know, they're audience. In other you know, you got good hip son. You want to be mixtendrilla or a quarter. You get to see from Cornsoda's like with the lights off from the air to get from James Cake. That's the joke you want to make. That disgusting. Legally, who can't tell you know, I said the Great Chicago fire was devastating for the city of Chicago but really, really helpful for our people. Things I learned last night. So freedom lay and USA. Yeah, can you guess what it is? Oh Man, I want to guess that it's a cult. Oh Gosh, I kind of wish it was. No, it's not a call a roadside attraction sort of. That's closer. It's it was a theme park that opened in June nineteen, one thousand nine hundred and sixty. Okay, and it was a hugege success. Sounds like it. Yeah, we're at New York in the Bronx. So say like that in the Bronx. I just said BOOT hawk in the Bronx. What is your deal? It just said Brock. Yeah, but you said it weird. In the Bronx, in the Bronx. Yeah, you can't. They that's the letters ox. Senetically, Bronx is pronounced prons. You can't say you can't say. Can't say frons. Yeah, you have prons. It's a possible stupid. so He's was it really in New York? Yeah, it's in the Bronx, hundred percent. That's yeah, you're being dumb now. It's in the Bro Freedom Lay and USA. Yeah, so frequently at USA. To paint the picture for this, we need to look at the guy who started it a little bit to paint like faceboo. Man, it was early s. He was very young, just a child. So we lad in like someone give me thirteen million dollars, I want to open freedom land. Wow, this little walk, even the coper that's a toddler. And know it was start about this guy named C v Wood. And there's a little bit of gray area, I should say this guy. He's kind of a mystic figure because even his name no one's really sure if that's his real name, if it's legit. So allegedly, Steve Wood stands for Cornelius Vanderbilt Wood, which is such a cool cornelius. Yeah, I wish it would make a comeback. Yeah, this is my son, Cornelius. Just use it, make the use it. Do you think it's what Neil is short for? Maybe people named Neil Neil, if your name's Neil, that is a message. Relieve a comment and tell us what it's short for. Ne alrt. No, another another theory is that his name is Comrad vanderbilt or Commodore Vanderbilt, wood, Commodore, Commodore Vanderbilt would but he when he was asked like by recorders, no, he would say. They would say, what does CV stand for, and he would say see for nothing, V for nothing. So I don't know. Your name is coughing bothing. All right, MR cutting bobbing. Where do we go from here? See for nothing being for that EXA for nothing basis. I know. Yeah, it's like whenever I was working at Chick Fil A. Yeah, and I'd be like Hey, Karn, name for the order, and so I will go. Why? I was it? Cause I'M gonna hunt you down. I'M gonna come to your house after this and I'm gonna take all your Knick knacks while you're sleeping. What do you think? I'M gonna call your name out for your order, you absolute psycho. Look, I kind of name for your order. Why? I don't know, Dude. I'm gonna Steal Your identity. Have you ever been real like this will restaurant? You're a yeah, you're a been to the public. What do you yeah put my name is Mary Christmas, so you have to say it. We already say that here. Okay, so it Christmas. Go ahead. He but he preferred from a young age see woody. He just wanted to know, buy woody, see these cool seems pretty cool. Honestly. Cornelius would is pretty cornelius. Vanderbilt School, the Corny Comin Vanderbilt, soul commodore, comedy Boblodore Bablo was cocky, bottles over, twist, not a name, and so he preferred wood see. What's he human by Woodsy, wood see wood see. But anyway, so he was born in Oklahoma but then his family moved to Ammerala, Texas. So just the boring parts. Yeah, yeah, and then went through middle school, high school whatever, went to college at Hardened Simmons University in Abilene, where he actually became a champion Trick Roper for the school's cowboy marching band. So all of that. Yeah, the whole sentence there. Huh, if you're a trick roper for your local cowboys marching band. Yeah, what feels like? Your auditioned to be in the Banyand and the band director was like can you do it on a horse? Musical talent? Nothing, you know, no, no, they don't do it on a horse. The trick roping stuff that's not done on a horse, you know? Yeah, I don't know rob a mountain about that. So they freaking it's like they it's you know what it is. It is the cowboy equivalent of those girls downtown the Hula Hoop. You understand I'm talking about, and they do like the weird stuff with their hands and they got a Hulo and they just do it's that with a cowboy hat on and some masculinity. Yeah, no, hit movements that makes they pick up a rope and they make it to where undy they they getty up through it or whatever. Yeah, you know, I've seen that. Yeah, yeah, saying that. So he was a champion at that. Yeah, pretty best, pretty good at that. Well, he stayed there for a couple year, studied engineering and then dropped out and just went straight to a pretty major aircraft manufacturing company called confair and just lied and said he had his degree and they believe him, and so he just started engineering his parent lanes. Yeah, he was just like yeah, I got my degree, and they're like cool, you're hired build an airplane for us, and so it was like I know how to do that, like, I don't understand. That makes me very secure in the amount of flights that I take, and so he worked there for a few years. After that he was able to kind of take the next step into his career and work for SRI, which you might remember from a remote viewing episode. Yeah, they make that hot sauce. Yeah, sorry, Racha, oh my gosh, Racha. Yeah, they they spent years studying if it was possible to travel to different planets, high in your mind, and then also made this hot sauce. That's what they traveled to. Rodina's hot sauce these days. Traveled so many hot sauces. Every year there's a new hot sauce. Here's my family recipe. Thanks for turning the Empire State Building. Here's the Empire's here's a picture of an old lady I found on the Internet, but I'm going to tell you it's my grandma who makes this salsa and you should buy it and I'll go viral on tick tock, even though that lady does not exist. Oh, she existed. Picture of well, I don't know, you could be a fake person, yea. Yeah, so he worked at SRI. Create a deep fake person to sell some salsa. Yeah, let's gonna move some Saracha. Let's do it let's make a deep fake person to sponsor, to be our watch their commercial right now. Some people are going to hear it, some people are going to hear silence. Yeah, you know, it just depends if you believe it. Did you have enough faith to hear? Well, sorry about that, I guess so. So he's just faking this way through. If you did here the remote viewing episode Sri Students for Standford Research Institute, it's a word to play that episode now. Yes, here it is. Don't do the theme song. So it's a company that just research and stuff and they got contracted by the government to research a lot of really fringe stuff. Yeah, but they also did like some legitimate like engineering and research projects, including one for Walt Disney, and so Disney hired Sri to do the viability study for the original Disneyland. And so interesting this guy CB wood sees all this while he was the guy heat that was assigned to that project. He's like Knowin of it. This is sunny. I would call this viable. Yeah, he said this could work and he just has this charm to him, which is why I think he was able to build a career in engineering without any like you know, charisma. Yeah, at like well, I was going to say without any know. He has charisma, has for Asma. He has no creditation. Yeah, so he kind of did this thing for this viability study for Walt and Walt loved him. What was like, this is a great guy, I really like him. Yeah, and so he hired him as the first employee of Walt Disneyland. Oh, he was the VP of operations for while. You can see you're in the gift shop, but I like it. Hey, I like hey, I like you guys, spunk kid. You know the way you do those weird rope things. That's pretty neat. How would you like? Have you heard a cinderella? Plush Toys? Hey, you got good hip, son. You want to be like sit in the rilla. Super Weird Direction. That I wasn't ready for. I don't like the I don't like the accent. I don't like that. You got good hips, son. I like the Comma Sun and that Senence. You know I'm saying. That's what they get really uncomfortable about. That was the Kama Sun. What can we say? You got good hips. That's what he was looking for when he was looking for a Cinderella, you know, a dude with great ms for her hips. What are you talking about? anyways, he got hired his baby of operations for Disneyland. Okay, and that's in the S. Yeah, right before Disneyland launched, well before they even start a construction or anything. So he called up balls, old high school buds, no credentials, and hired them all as like VP's and CEO's and everything for the park and was like we're going to build this world famous theme, Theme Park, theme park, world do they did he call it a world famous then? Yeah, build this. It's like Nathan's hot dogs. It's like if we just call it world famous, they'll be for it's like eighty restaurant that has sweet team. It's our famous sweet team famous. I think we're over using the word. You know, once he starts working for him while it's like, oh, I don't like this guy. Like he realized it's pretty quick. He's like this guy is a liar. He's like this guy is like his whole game is just to kind of swoon you and get too excited about him and then go as far up the ladder as he possibly can and then get out and go to his first different yeah, and so wall didn't like him, but he didn't have like a good reason to can them yet, like he couldn't legally just be like, I don't like you, so you're fired, and so he's like looking for a reason to get rid of him. Well, he builds the park, does the whole thing, and the launch was kind of a disaster for dizzey land, for Disneylands. So disneylands launched like, I mean everyone was hyped because was Disneyland and it got good, like reviews from the public, but from critics it was pretty bad because a lot of the rides weren't done yet, so a lot of the park wasn't open. Even the concrete at certain points was not fully dry. So women's heels, we're getting stuck in the concrete. Kids were just stuck, still stuck to this day. And welcome to Disney. If you got a Disneyland, there's just like a like a bunch of empty shoes stuck in the concrete because they had a slip their feet out. But you had what you had to do is you can't slip your feet out and step into more wet concrete. Yeah, you have to wait till it dries and then take your feet out of the shoes and the shoester is there forever. Yep, you never, you can never see him. And then what happens is there's like hundreds of all of these shoes and this gets section of the park and you see him and then all of a sudden it just has one set of shoes and it's like, well, that's where Jesus can, she is, carried all those kids through. Yeah, did you see, though, the one set of shoes and the Disneyland side Wot. Yeah, it's where Jesus carried them. So it didn't go well. And so while it's like here's my appart, I got that poem in my bathroom at home, sketches on the paper. So don't go well. And so well, did that opening to launching a Disneyland not go well because of what CEEB did? Or Yeah, like a he just kind of just wants it, just drop the ball. Yeah, he dropped the ball on a lot of areas and so likes cool day. Yeah, and so a lot of stuff wasn't done. He didn't he he had it understaffed and it was just like it wasn't to the quality that Disney usually puts things to. Know that. The boomers always say that everyone worked hard back then. Not See, you're telling me you but it's the same. Okay, so back in my day. So he got fired, but then he was like, I got Disneyland on my resume and so, yeah, that's went to Denver. That's stupid, and he found some rich investor and he's like, I mean Disneyland, Disneyland, yeah, he's like. He's like, I made Disneyland. You want to another door, an airport? The Guy was like sure. So he goes at Denver and he pitches Magic Mountain, which was a mountain in Golden Colorado, that he was going to just turn the mountain into a theme park. was supposed to be this like big Colorado history tour and with all bunch of rides and stuff, you're going to learn about the dinosaurs and the gold and all the stuff that's like Colorado. Right. Well, they did it and but they ran on of funding halfway through. The investor and so kind of got canned. So then he went and he started a new one called pleasure island in Wakefield Massachusetts. Yeah, let's did open. Wasn't nearly as successful, and that's interesting me. How many theme parks. There are, I know, you know, like Cilvi, door city just exists and a lot of people don't know. Yeah, you know, there's lots of theme parks. I mean a lot of like and you know, I bet every state has a few. Yeah, that's all I'm saying. Like, I've never been to the six flags of St Louis. Yeah, either. I you'd grow up here. You gotta God. You go to Magic Mountain. Magic Mount wasn't a thing. I went to six bags over Denver. MM, but it's not that anymore out seilers gardens. But anyways, so the that was like a moderate. So he started doing theme parking parts. He was just finding that was like his life. Oh, this is money. Yeah, and then he'd call up his old friends. We be like hey, we're doing another one, and then they come with him. Well, then he goes to New York and he finds an investor in New York by the name of William Zeckendorff who just had like eighty four anchors in the bronx and the where the Bronx, and he talked of me into giving him thirteen million dollars to start a theme park which would become Freedom Land USA. Okay, and freedom land. Honestly, I think to get the picture, all you need to know about it is the map. If you see the map of this park is eighty four acres. Okay, in the middle of the Bronx. Yeah, and here have you are loved and been diagnosed with too many advertisements during the till and podcast. Have we got good news for you? Our patrons enjoy ad free experience and they get early access to content, behind the scenes stuff, exclusive merchandise and access to a private discord channel. Will. We all are in it, our producers and the hosts. So if you'd like to be a patron today and solve that problem, why don't you text tilling to six, six, eight, sixty six. This is this is, this is the park. It's literally the continal United States, and this is uh Huh. And so the idea, the idea was that it would be the United States, like they would do all the Florida stuff down here and all the California stuff. Yeah, and so like every area be themed to that geographic region of the country. LOVES OF THE MIDDLE DOESN'T have a lot of stuff. Yeah, it's just open, just a whole lot of nothing over there in the Great Lakes even. Yep, Yep, they that's a six foot deep lake that they dug. It's ten million gallons of water that they poured into that. This is still exist? No, no, it does. It does not now it' is there something else there? Yeah, it's a bunch of condos, but is the six foot deep lake still there? They don't think so. Let's like I'm saying, it's take a quick a. You Google satellite this or whatever. So the idea was that, you know, all the Texas stuff, would have like the texts world fare down here. Yeah, and then California they would put the Hollywood sign and it would be like California out there, m and so you could, you could travel the entire they made. What's his deal with Michigan? He loves Michigan. Like he was like, I wanted to make the actual shape of Michigan. Well, he wanted to make the Great Lakes Great Lakes. Yeah, how odd, what a weird decision. Yeah, so and then they make mountains. Yeah, yeah, they put those little mountains in there. So, like there's actually a pictures is a train that goes around. Is that what it is? As yeah, so there's there's a couple modes of transportation throughout the park. I can't get mass any for acres. The eighty four acres. Yeah, how big is that? Thirty four hectacres? How? How helped me understand how we visualize. Okay, how many acres are between where I live and where you live? Hold on, I'm just going to convert acres to miles. Like how wide is this? I don't know what you think. At the San Francisco Bay, like he really built it. Okay, so this isn't that big. That's why I'm thinking. So a square mile? Uh Huh. It's six hundred and forty acres. So this is significantly less than a mile. But that doesn't check out to me, because there is like how I said that the chain. They said the train route is a mile in the and one of the things I read. So well, sure, but if you stretch that out, obviously, look, if you take that train route, yeah, it's actually can't testal and you stretch it out across the planet. I'll go across the Planet Sixteen Times. Oh, yeah, it's true. It's not true. It could be any less true. Yeah, so it's Oh way, hold on, hold on. So it's all within a square mile, within an eighth of a mile. There's no way. Okay, hold on, hold on, okay, okay. So they had two hundred and five acres for the site. Okay. The park itself within the bounds, was eighty five acres. Okay. Are the rest of it was parking in the hotel. Yes, I'm just trying to I'm just trying to try get it better. Yeah, so about a mile, roughly a mile, worth of stuff. And Hey, so I'm it's not jaking. It's also kind of packed. Then it's all kind of it's done it together, squeeze together pretty tight, yeah, to get all this stuff in here. But yeah, so there's a couple modes of transportation. There was a there's that train that looped around the whole thing. Yeah, there also was a gondola system that went across the across the whole park. Okay. And then there was literal like a horse drawn like like what do you call like from the old West, like the carriages from the Old West? They called those something, but they didn't clumb carriage wagons. Yeah, they got a wagon you could ride across the whole park, which sounds like. And they even had mules. You can ride mules through the rocky mountains. That was one of the rides. Is like, let's just ride some also had is their all buddies from high school that you could just jump on their back and make care of you across the country. You know, you can jump by that guy's back. He's got good hips, he can take care of it, got wide hips. Just why don't you go jump on Cinderella over there? All the mascots are ridable. He's jump on see. Okay. So wait, what years is opening? How? Well, what's the what's The Times be between like getting the land and opening it open? So they got the land in one thousand nine hundred and fifty eight, O Kay, and they started construction. They opened it in one thousand nine hundred and sixty. So it did open. Yeah, I did. Here. It ran for four years, okay, and they were some interesting years. So, first of all, when they opened, it a very similar launch to the Disney land launch. Not Great, because a lot of stuff was just not done. And so at this point a lot of people, a lot of critics, started saying, well, maybe CV wood is the problem. This is your fourth part that's launched, that's got a great like a failure, but not like a not a failure, but like, you know, a failure. That's what my dad says about me. A failure, but like not a lot of success. He's like a failure, but like not a failure. You know, I'm say like a failure. My Dad doesn't say that about me. My Dad says I'm a huge success. Your wife says that. It's so, that's okay. She won't hear that. She doesn't listen. So when they when they launched, a lot of rides were not done. A lot of construction was still like in progress in the park when they watched it. But the the cool thing about it is they had the problem with the snow. Your right about this, but you can go ahead and you want to try it, you can try out. Yeah, less of a hill, more of a ramp, you know. So it's will let you do it, okays, shot. It's it's redly freedom of where you want. We can't tell you know. Legally, who can't tell you know? Can you carry me across this park? You can do whatever you want. We got my friend punch you in the face. You Bet you my pleasure. I could. I have a name for this order. Why? Just want to know who's punching me? I guess. So. The cool thing about this one is that he had the cement problem again. He laid the cement too late, so it wasn't try. But the what's great about it is this land used to be a landfill, and so there are reports, multiple reports, not one report moll multiple reports of springs from box springs, mattresses just shooting up from under the concrete and tripping people. Dude, and you got him run around. Is like stopping on them. It's like a lack of mole. Yeah, if you stop too hard, it'll shoot you up. You know, I just, yeah, I just I can't believe. I like, I can't think of a more ridiculous scenario. Reo, then mattress springs, matches springs shooting up through the floor of your through the cement of your theme park. So so, needless to say, this one didn't launch it very well either. Right, and it got a pretty mixed reviews because it all like we're aware of the mattress springs, right. I need to let you all know that there are springs in the concretate. They are a ride. Jump on them. That's one of our transs. What you'll take you there side of the park. So, yeah, the critics hated it. They thought it was historically inaccurate, because that was that was a big part. They wanted it to be a lot of history. So every region you came to was that region during a specific point in history. People more wait, I already know what history they're botching. All right, it's the crazy, like this is a story of the inaccurate. There's springs everywhere. Yeah, hath the rides aren't open and they're still letting people ride them. And so the critics hated it, but the public loved it. The public was like real as Oh, I guess. Yeah, patriotism was high then. Yeah, they were. They were amped about it. And so the public there was like one person like they like a reporter asked them. Yeah, that's I mean right outside my house there are mattress springs coming out of my yard. It. So it was crazy. They got that detail about that, you know, down to the detail. No, he they asked them. They said he said, you know, I've been to Disneyland and I've been here. He's it. I think they out did Disneyland. So high praise. Wow, high praise from the general public. Sure they loved it, but some of the some of the park was a bit problematic. Like there was historical and accuracies left and right. Yeah, obviously, I'm sure you probably can assume a lot of it was from the Old West era that painted the native population as just like these real bad guys. Oh, everybody was out here. They were the wow, wow west. The cowboys were taming the thing, because they also could have gone the route that my elementary school did, in that we were all pals, you know. Yeah, yeah, so they didn't really do anything like that. They did they did have this like Tartaria exhibit where it was like yeah, this was all here when we got here, I'm setting, I'm miss only I was like so, don't you believe him? I did wait long as I don't be of the hope I'm an. How did they treat the south? So the south was interesting because they just had a giant New Orleans exhibit. So the South was pretty much all New Orleans. There was a civil war thing, but it's just a shooting range like you just Fota just got tcause. If you see the old commercials for the stampede in Branson. No, the old one where it's like the friendly rivalry between the south and the north, and it's like, yeah, I don't think it was friendly, friendly rivalry indeed. Yeah, that's what I'm saying, like just stuff like that. Really they didn't really touch on that. They only like civil war thing, was that shooting range. But they did actually they had a pirate like a pirate ship ride in in the New Orleans that was actually purchase by nots very farm and they still run it, and that that ride was actually the inspiration for the pirates ride in Disneyland and they like originally Disney wanted to make that like a much more fun and like upbeat ride like most of Disney, but then he saw the freedom land and how dark it was and he was like kind of like that. And so then they say walked Disney, went to freedom land. Yeah, yeah, because he was he was like, I hates like guy. He's like, I hate this guy. Let's see him fail. Yeah, he's like, I want to see him Fil oh, Dang it, this is really good man. Shouldn't have fired him. Instead, let's just feel it. Yeah, he's walking around. He's like. He's like I can't believe he got the details down to the spring sound of floor in the wrong look at those shoes. You know he's got a newer shoes than we got. Ridiculous. So so let's just let's just go on a tour. So the whole idea you came in through New York, okay, and it was was s you New York. You drop in there and it's like similar to when you get to Disneyland and you walk in and it's like all the shops in the restaurants and stare been to Vegas there their whole New York thing. Yeah, yeah, similar concept. And so the whole idea was you walk in and you do your shopping and stuff and then you have to carry your stuff around the whole park the rest of the day. And so in there, you know, random shops, random like ice cream parlor, like a couple mall rides, nothing crazy. In this part there was like a tug boats ride and like a little horse draw like you in New York. So you don't got to go to New York. Yeah, yeah, EI, they're like the like we saw this, but like they're like real like me, and look at that. That looks just like wow, the empire state. It's just like that, but way smaller and cheaper. Yeah, this in the Bronx. So the most part part of this is they had a Welch's grape juice bar. Well, so you just getting. The first thing I think every time I get to it in Musement Park is, man, I wish I has a great Joe, but what's the bar? Why is there? Because there's one option, you know, it's not like they're like you can have great what do you have? More grape juice? You know, like what are they? You sit down, Hey, what do you have it and like well, hold on, you got like the dark lit thing's got his hat down and he's like yeah, let's do hit me with a grape please, which is also what I'm going to do from now odd forever if I go to a restaurant and out of the roads, I'm gonna sit over my head, like hat down, and you're just like yeah, but a long day. You guys got any great grape soda? What do you ask for a grape soda? I'd like an apple piece. They give it to you. Do they have grape soda? I'm should they do? You're sure they do? Sure, let's go after this. Let's go up there. You not scripts there's a really nice apple on the road. I will bet you. I'll bet you a hundred dollars. They don't have it. Let's go. Let's just call him. We don't have to go. We can go. I don't. I don't want to test you and your problem. Okay, anyways. So, Hey, we're lunch after this. So so if you get yeah, so after you get your Kawaiian Brosas Great. Bro. Yeah, yeah, Broy should we should? We invit Alexbly? Okay, cool. I tried to last time. Here's the thing. Alex lives across the street from the place the Tim and I go to lunch by every day. So most days, a lot of days, every day. So I text Alex last week and was yeah, Hey, but my service is really bad in that part of town. Did Not send until we were leaving. Yeah, and that point I hope it was don't win. It was great because he texted them after we left and said, all, my service is really bad. After Leo was a day we should have invited Alex and I text was like Hey, man, we're going to lunch right now. You want to go? Yeah, and then later I was like, oh, it's just because my name is services. You know, I was over in the Bronx and didn't have any service. So they to Wels, just grape juice bother up bunch of grape juice bar and then so that's that's all in New York. And so you you hop on the little train. Can you go to old Chicago? Old Chicago was one thousand eight hundred and seventy one. Chicago's old. Yeah, the actual old Scha Cogo. And so you went to one thousand eight hundred and seventy one Chicago, which the significant thing about is Coles. The city of Chicago is the pizza place, the pizza place. The significant thing about choosing this date was it's the year of the Great Chicago Fire. And so, in really good taste, they had burnt up buildings and stuff. Yeah, it really good tastes. They had a ride where it was the fire and they literally set the built Chicago on fire and they had like like stage hands that ran around and put the fire out, and there's one part where they had the pumps and the kids got to go run the pumps to put this Chicago fire out. And the best part of the whole thing that you're making this up. This is dums. That true. This is this is a Rye, this is a right, like you know what, remember that huge disaster that killed tons of people in Chicago and bike the city almost didn't bounce back. Yeah, let's just make it fun. He actually said in an interview. He said he said the Great Chicago fire was devastating for the city of Chicago but really, really helpful for our the impartments. I think he actually said. That's why he said. He said very amusing for our theme Party. So the best part of using the best part, the best part was that area of old Chicago. One of the characters that they had running around. We're gonna say I don't like it. So there was there was the prevailing theory after the fire was that there was this Irish American immigrant in Chicago who had a barn and Chicago and she was milking her cow one night and she knocked over oral lamp that started the Fire and burnt the city down and she survived and she faced a ton of ridicule like this was an actual, like named individual. They named in the paper. After her death. The reporter came out and said he made the story up and so her ruined her life. Her and the whole Irish community like faced a ton of like like really serious like ridicule for decades because of this reporter just made this up. Yeah, and this was like confirmed false for decades by the time this park opened up. But CEV would was like, yeah, let's have her run around the park and like literally the engagement that they encourage with the kids as to like ridicule the lady who started the fire culture, the it's freedom of lad you can do whatever you want, free, whatever you want, or if you want to wait, wonder what to say, Cev, take her out, like what the heck man? So, so someone's job at this theme park, yeah, was to get dressed as a milkmaiden, show up and just get made fun of by children all day. Yeah, wow, does that have children come up and be like you started the fire? Is that? Is that as far as they would go? I don't know. I mean it was the S. I don't know how good insults were back then. Huh, I don't know if they got there yet. Like insults have evolved. If they're like how you look like fire starter, you know. Yeah, yeah, Singa or whatever I said. I don't know. So there's a bunch of shops, about a few other rides. That was like a Great Lakes cruise. That's not a go the Great Lakes. There they had a boss that pull up and dump it's Poop, you know. Yeah. So just a bunch of random Chicago theme rides. There's a hallmark card shop. They're really yeah, which is kind of random. And then you went to the great planes. You S say the city company. Yeah, I know, but it is. This is Chicago, Nukan city. Okay. So then then you ride the train to the Great Plains and the great planes are themed through the Nineteen Centuryan eighteen and three to one thousand nineteen hundred. Yeah, and I mean the great expansion the yeah. Yeah. So there's all these fords, all these like cowboy themed stuff, all this really poor native American history stuff just not really well done. My most favorite part of this side of the park was borden's milk bar, because nothing says you know what, my grape juice is all gone. I could go for a glass of the people who drink a glass of milk. I think they should be on the FBI's most wanted list. It's scary. A hundred aspecially, like you consider like it's like a hot summer day, like ninety do right, there are like yeah, some milk, but here's what's worse. Not only people who would drink a glass of milk, but people who would make that skim milk. You know I'm talking about. You know what I'm talking about, all right, skim milk, half water, half milk. Okay, half water, half skin. Half. Oh, you said skin is the skid milk. I thought you said skidding. You went skin milk. That's the joke you want to make. That's disgusting. All right, areas drinking it, you're like, I mean, I made front of that lady in Chicago, but she's got a good product, you know. Anyway, it's milk bar. Yeah, so the great planes that they're okay, but which is weird or what? been a long day? Can I get a glass of milk? I'm gonna do it. You know, Applebas as milk. They do for sure. I've done it. I would love some bottle boneless wings and a glass of milk. Play all glass of milk. Yeah, no, I'll pint, but I got a picture of like cond I get a picture of milk. Yeah, and a dollar Rita for the lady. Oh my gosh, I sort of why is it milk and margarite tonight? Let's go. I'm crying. So the planes had just like I was like a bunch of shooting ranges. Like what would you do? You'RE A if you're at a restaurant, someone in the other person with you order a glass of milk. I probably judge them internally, but you wouldn't say anything. No, but you, yeah, probably to the server. What are you gonna say to the service? I don't know. Whatever their code is, you know, like they got it, like you talking about where you like they got a code. It's like a hey, can I get like this kind of cocktail? And it's like a please call the police. Yeah, fire, stay, never shout fire. Fire. Your friend is like, but that order. This guy order milk now. True psychopaths during this is I know there's were two more. We're spending too much time on milk right now, but true psychopaths due ice in their milk. Yeah, way worse. Yeah, yeah, that's a whole different enyway, go ahead, hold the level. Hey, have you're heard of tilling podcast? Merch that's right. We've got a full merch store of tilling branded teas, mugs, stickers, hoodies, a lot more, and we put out new designs with every episode. But those are only available for a limited time, so you got to get those while they're hot. Text tilling to six, six, eight hundred and sixty six to get access to our lusive merchandise. So there wasn't much else in the planes. Like there was like a bunch of like milk bar and yeah, history. Yeah, it was just a bunch of fields at a milk bar in the middle of it, like we came all the way out here for this. Well, I mean that's that's super accurate, though. That's pretty much like our drives through Kansas. No, yeah, so they they had a few rides, but they were all like, I mean, they were just old, westeamed. Right. Yeah, it's roller coasters were boring. Yeah, it's no wheels, this is a roller core and people are like that's good, right, please exit to your left. Good, right, good ride. Yeah, but we're here. Yeah. So then next with San Francisco, it was we had to go through the mountains first. Well, yeah, and so that was part of the the planes that the plane districted. That's where you rode the donkeys to the mountains if you wanted to, and then that was fall. Go, don't know, a few feet, I don't know. They are here. I'll pull up a picture of him La. I start talking real, real picture of the map, real picture. Yeah, show some real pictures in this place. There's not a lot because, I mean, it was the early s. So like to get a picture taken, like you had to have like someone with a big ball camera show up and or a canvas it. Can you pay the picture of this theme park for me? I saw one of these mountains earlier. Let see if I can find it. But So San Francisco, while I'm looking for this, San Francisco was set in nineteen odred and six, okay, and in San Francisco there was like they had some of the like iconic points in San Francisco, like Chinatown. They had a root beer bar. So interesting. A little bit more. When you're done with your milk, when you're done with your milk, if you save your milk, you can put it your root beer in it. You got a root your float. That's not how we're your put warm milk in there. Yeah, I just spent I've I got this milk to out of, like you gotta hold that milk way riding on a donkey too. So it's like spilled milk all over yourself. So the but here's the most the most significant part of it. I'm pulling up. So San Franco set in thousand nine hundred and three. Yeah, not nineteen O six. Okay, here's your brow. Norton's there, Emperor Norton is there. Here's your here's your mountains, and this is one of your wagons traveling through the mountains. Or do you say it like it's mine, like you're like, here you go, here's what you've asked for. It is what you've asked for. Yeah, okay, see, the train people are trying to vary in is full. And Yeah, I mean it was relative. So this is this is the mount I see there's rocks and yeah, they just piled the bunch of rocks. This was the landfill that they just covered in rocks. Yeah, make it so no one can see the mattresses. Yeah, it's pray pay the mattress is silver. Make him look a little more rocky. But I mean they put effort into it at least like it looks. Looks, it looks coolish. Sure, but yeah, so thous nine hundred and six San Francisco, and this was significant because because that was the year of the Great San Francisco Earthquake. What is this deal? And so again they made this big Old San Francisco earthquake ride and that was the main attraction. He was like, listen's pretty bad. Yeah, Francisco Super Amusing for us, though. Yeah, yeah, same thing. And so you went through and it was a ride. What are you like? It's like a little car ride. And then you went in the building and you drove through and then like the power went out and everything started shaking and like you saw stuff falling over in a fire started and you've got to put up the fire and make fun of the lady who started there, everybody. Yeah, she started the earthquake. I was just milky. My cow set off a whole size of the activity of must have built too hard. I was shaking the plectonic plates. I just whoops. So again just picking out a try to tragedy and make a theme park ride out of it. Yeah, and then you went through the old southwest. Nothing super interesting there, except for it. They did have a just a herd of bulls that were just rumming around and they're like look, this is what it's like in Texas. I don't get too close. Yeah, watch out. Then he went through New Orleans, where there was already talked about a bit about New Orleans. I surprised herey more for Texas because he's from there. Well, there was. There was rides, but there's nothing interesting there. Rowdy, Ryes Sotal were there. I think there was eighty nine. Oh my good, that's very big park. Yeah, and then New Orleans had a tornado adventure. So you just got to experience what it's like to die in a tiny door lose. New Orleans have tornadoes now, but it was the closest region to Tornado Alley in the park. I mean I guess Texas probably would have made more sense, but yeah, and then Florida. Instead of, you know, doing something for Florida, he was like this is satellite city and he was like this is what the world's gonna be like in the future. Oh, and so they did walt is. Me Like that one too. Ye had inspired epcot. Did it really? I don't know. It could have, or tomorrow land. I don't know, I don't I don't think it did, but who knows? But on paper it didn't. Sure in reality probably maybe. I mean it's in Florida. Yeah, it's in pronx's Florida. But so, yeah, they had like a Cape Carnaval thing where you guy got to see what it was like to launch the rockets, and then all this educational stuff about space. And then just like some random like, they had the moon bowl, where it was like a big theater that they would simulate traveling to space inside a theater. This would be like if we went to space in a theater. I know, it doesn't feel like much. And then they had they called it the satellite turnpike. So it was a freeway of the future. You just drove Tesla's around. So anyways, that's all. That's an overview of the park. A lot of problem at rides, a lot of weird stuff. It lasted for four years. Yeah, what happened? So because it was popular? Yeah, but they opened it severely in debt. It cost them an insane amount of money to build this. It was a little too ambitious and so they realized right away. They said, okay, first season we launched. We have to have two million visitors to break even. Geez. And the thing about building a park in New York versus what Disneyland did, was it had to be seasonal, like there was going to be a part of the year where you can't run the park. Yep, and so they had to cram those two million people into just a few months in the the warm months in New York. Well, they didn't do it. They got one point five, which put them in a pretty bad financial situation that for the next three years they just struggled to get out of. And so of the next two years they built a lot of attractions, Rehab some areas. There was a section of future land where they put one of the moving walkways from the airport in there and they were like, look at that from the here. Took it from JFK. Yeah, he's go JFK. There's just an empty part of the hallway. What the heck? And there's just a lady with her cow walking arouncord. I didn't know it. DSA is like what fire, come with us, that lady. You know, I went on a ghost tour and there was just like like a lady in the corner who's like, I didn't start the fire. Like, what are you talking about, Old Lady? You know. So, but then the fourth year is my favorite because then the fourth year they realized they didn't have enough money to open this season at all, and so but they did. They were like, well, we could maybe do it if we opened just on the weekends. And so that's what they did because they was they said, hey, we won't will just run the power on the weekend, have the watt on the weekend, the staff on the weekend refine world so fun exists. Yeah, I'm just thinking of all the theme parks that exist. Who was last time with the worlds of fun? If I never been into world's fun? No, yeah, anyway. But so they just ran it on the week we should go. But when they opened in season, guests came during the weekdays and so they were like, well, people are here, and so they hired like a skeleton for showed up on the weekdays. Yeah, they didn't know. I mean it's there's no Internet. So people are just like, let's go down to freedom land, and they drove down in their automobiles, found a free freedom land. Oh yes, let's head on down to freedom. That and they got there and there's a bunch of cars in the parking lots. They walk up to the turnstiles and no one was there. But the owners of the park were like, well, Hey, if we just hired a skileton crew to man the turnstiles, we can charge everyone a quarter to come in and see the park when it's closed. And so they just let everybody into a park that was off and just let him just walk around for a quarter. It just do whatever you want, I guess. Like just goes. Just look at it. I I'm here to punch people. They're off today, Tim once you come back on Saturday, will let you punch a lady who's pretending to milk or cow. Where is the milk? Will let you punch the cow to will let you do it. We won't tell for a quarter for the quarter that'll cost your quarter. I just I just love the the little people are here. Let's just let him in, but not let him do anything. Yeah, yeah, like that's like if best buy was like yeah, come on it, but don't buy. It's like a circuit city was just like, we're only open on the weekends. You can still get in the builds, you can get a tour self guided, Tour Self guided tour through circuit city. Cool. The have one of those headsets that tells me about stuff. No, no, yeah, if I come on Saturday, would you? No, no, no, you can buy a Walkman. Are Welcome to Radio Shack. So eventually the theme park got shut down because they ran out of money. They went bankrupt. Yeah, can't pay the bills with quarters. Yeah, and the guy who owned it built a bunch of condos. And what's really of the satellite pulled up of sorry, do you have the satellite pulled up of what this is now? I don't have a satellite, but I do have a picture of it. I'm pulling it up right now of what exists now. Yeah, and so they just put a bunch of I mean I I struggled to call these tenements, or I want to call them tenements. I struggled the callings condos. Okay, it's called Co op city. And so it's like it's a bunch of Oh my gosh, this is take forever to download. It's it's a lot, a lot of is it? Because you're still streaming prices right? Timms is watching prices right at the office. This morning time myself taking up all the Wi fi, like nothing was working. I was trying to do work. I was here, you weren't hitting stuff done. I really, I literally thought. I was like how funny would be if everyone walked in to shoot today and I was just in here watching prices right while I worked? Yeah, as I did. Here's my question. Brew carry or Bob Barker episodes? It was a new episode. was like live TV. I was streaming my TV. So it's true. So anyway, so here's coop city. So just a bunch of like high rise apartment buildings. Hey, and here's what's interesting. Is Clear plant. What's interesting about it is it seems like this isn't modern. No, yeah, he built. I mean it was one thousand nine hundred and sixty four when they were under stret aftericture, this picture looks two thousand and eight, two thousand and ten. Yeah, do you want anywhere picture? I want a sky view, you know. Ok, let's see if this is sky you. I want to go google maps. I want to see the Great Lakes, is what I mean. Okay, you know saying that I want to see what the layout looks like. Now you might be able to see him in this one. If you listen close at night and some of these buildings you can still hear that lady. Oh so. Yeah, and here's the thing. It seems like this was the guy's plan from the beginning because to do condos there, to do condos there. It seemed like the Guy who invested in it just needed something, some way for it to make a little bit of money for a few years until he was ready to build a condos, and so there's like this conspiracy that he was really just just waiting to be those buildings look terrible, though they all the same. Yeah, yeah, I mean it's your stereotypical like old, but the landscaping was great, most very green. I mean I think that's just natural landscaping. Of I've got the the satellite up. I'll pull it up. This is co op city. Yeah, so a lot of the area around it has since been developed to other stuff. Okay, if maybe this was the lakes, I don't know. That's that's definitely zoom out for the river. That's a normal river. Yeah, I don't see anything that way. Weight so bayst that there was a lake anywhere hot that whole little area right there. Cops City. That's how big it was. Yeah, there's not even a shape there anymore. You can't even tell. Yeah, so here's an Aldi. It was probably like four or five hundred all these ways. Zoom in a little bit, because I think we might be looking at the second upside down as well. I think that that little loop at the bottom is Florida. This, no, up that this. Nope, here you go. That is fluss Florida. Yeah, so that means that that will above the CO op city. To the left would be the Great Lakes. Can I rotate this? I don't think so. That's the Great Lakes. would be over here, somewhere right above Harry as Truman High School in the freeway. Yeah, yeah, maybe I don't see anything that looks great Lakey. Maybe this, I don't know, for them with sub chriss. So that's I mean that that's smaller than what I was even picturing to yeah, it's not. I doubt that interstate was there then, was it? Probably not? Yeah, probably not. So they it's probably like some of they've developed it. We you know, they took the mountains out. I think there's a decent chance like some of this might have been a part of it as well. Okay, maybe, Huh on this river has been here. Pretty Weird. Yeah, I mean there's a little. There's almost no, no like evidence that this was ever here. Yeah, so that's well, it's been a long time too, though. So, yeah, and it's also New York. So New York, you know, I mean it does. So. So the second dwarf is the guys the owner's name is. It's like a dwarf second door. This is first thing. His last name was Smith Second Doors, or wit by Zeeke. Yeah, so he I mean he was a guy who, I mean he owned the Chrysler building also, lightly he was building all these huge skyscrapers all over the city. And then he so it makes sense that he was just trying to get something that would maybe help him break even on a plot of land. Yeah, he held this huge plot of land for knowing that he was going to it was going to, yeah, get so he hired the guy who had a couple failed them parks on his resume, and there's no way he can get that new park ing about right. Yeah. And then just a couple of years after it closed down, the COP city was open to the public and so it was CV during all their meetings was like this, parks is not gonna work managing. We might were bankruptcy. HMM, and Zecondorf over there, like they'd be a really big bummer. Yeah, that would be. I'm really sad about this. I'd be too bad. But if we only open on the weekends this year? What if we charged a quarter? Yeah, maybe lower the prices or the price? Ah, yeah, what if the people in for free? Yeah, it's freedom and right. Yeah, name. How many more employees can we kill? Yeah, I don't know, man, these Old New York developers that they were monster and ruthless. They were crazy. Yeah, crazy. So, yeah, so he did the eat of the the the Co op city, and that was kind of the into freeloman and USA. So what happened? Is CV, though? What does he move on to? He do you really? I mean eventually, well, year he died in was on the death the next rug of my career is death. Ninety one, I think. Oh, so I just I'm saying, what did you do the last thirty years? Was Life? Wait, hold on, sixteen, I don't know. Hold on, let me go out. So I'm saying ninety two. He died at ninety. Was One of his rides. He's like listen and for the next ride you're going to come to my funeral. Right, gosh, your quarter to get in. What are you like did? Is this the last thing he did? Is One? I'm asking? No, I mean it's the last, like prominent thing that he did. Okay, after that he did he taught a class about transcendental meditation for like a couple decades. Interesting. Yeah, he did. He worked for the McCallum More Motors Company, Huh I, which was a sponsor freedomland. Oh it is this significant? I forgot about this. He told the mccullock motors company that London, like this city of London, agreed to allow them to move the London Bridge to America for an ad for mccaulloch motors. He's like yeah, they said it was cool. Yeah, I just called them. I called London. Turns out if you just type in one, eight hundred and then just type the you know, because the numbers are on the Keypad, and yes, type the five, six. MMM MMM, dude, kids don't know how to text like that and then won't. Anyway, it's called London. I think they actually pulled it off, though, now that I'm reading this. What was it? The London Bridge, after a hundred thirty years of service, was being replaced, and so he got he possessed called the Queen. They after a hundred thirty years of service. So they purchased it and they dismantled it stone by stone, before built the new one in its place, and they transported US and reassembled it in Arizona. No, it doesn't sound to reason. He was like for a car commercial. Are we learning something on the podcast right now? There's no way this is real. Are you kidding? But why would you want that in a commert like? What was what would be the point? All Right, here we go, tissue channel. How look how the London Bridge ended up in Arizona. Still there? I don't know, this is crazy. We have to do it. We'll do this. Is the after the fiddle. Let's just figure this out later. That's great. That's great. If you're a patreon supporter, you get access with thin called after the fiddle, and the one for this week is going to be whatever this is. For a quarter, you get to see from Corsoda's like with the lights off, yeah, or the lights on, I guess really, because if you're an audio listener. You don't know that we do this in the dark. You know we do that. It is uploaded black videos to youtube and we're like yeah, we're good's there support? Is that patreon for videos with the lights? Well, I mean it just what was whatever just happened? That's the Bronx Man. Fiddle off this guy. Oh really, we're done. We're the fiddle. Even do a creative fiddle off. Yeah, I just fiddle them off. Things of the last night is a production of space tim media, produced by Christian Taylor. Audio is edited by Alice Garnett, video by connerbet social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic designed by Caleb Goldberg. Our hoster, Jeremyers and Tim Stone. Please follow us on social media at Tilling podcast, that's Tillo in podcast. Leave a review, comment, subscribe wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on the last night.

Imagine a theme park that surveyed the history of the United States while being shaped like the continental United States. How could that not excite you? In the ’60s, the US of A was all the rage in the US, and C.V. Wood saw the hype as an opportunity to capitalize on patriotism. The disgraced Disney Park manager somehow landed … Read More

Mothman – The West Virginian Monster That Tells The Future


Episode Transcription

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Hey Man, what's up? Oh, not much. Have you ever heard of Mothman? Like the Mothman? Moth man? Yeah, like mothmt like I thought. I don't know what moth mean is. We've talked about the Mafia. We have talked about them that we actually talked about the moth man. I saw some Offman coming in a man they broke it in my house. That was what I was like. Is this a reference to something else? Well, Yeah, the Mothman. Mothman is a real thing. No, I mean it's not, but that's the moth man is not a real thing. The Mothman. The moth man is a real thing. What is it? A guy who's just got a house of Moths? My moth man took a look at all these moths. Might he has to say it like that too. Moth's not MOKIG moths. You gotta make moths. My Moth's yeah, yeah, yeah, who's the WHO's the mom? Well, this was the statue that they put on Main Street. Oh Job, I should ask a less stupid person. Your Bout? Well, the pots. He can't communicate, so he just kind of flies around. Is it? Guys, look what's happening. It looks like I hung a sign at the coffee shop that says aliard troopers and I'm just here to get your story. Things I learned last night. Well, it's not that. It's not that. Okay, it's something I want to do. Isn't it weird when people do that whole like they put a needle through a bug. Oh yeah, and then they make it up on their wall? I kind of like it, I think. WHO WANT IT in my office? I'm going to put a above my desk over there. Actually which buggery? A couple on the wall over there. I don't know. What bugs do you like the least? What's your these favorite, but probably one that I pay for and you put on your desk. That's probably the one that I would hate the most. If I had. I'll send you a list of bugs I need for tilling stuff. Take out until on a gives a list of bugs I need. YEA, by running down to the bug mart ball by me some of these bugs. Yeah, there's not. There's got to be like a guy who sells them online. You know, Oh, I'm sure they're yeah, or you just get the street dealer, the bug thug bugs for salecom. How Bug Shippers, bug shippers. Anyway, this is so now it's kind of like, you know, has moths on display. No, it's an oftens, like a slender man kind of thing. Yeah, actually, yeah, it's a man who's a moth, which is a bit of an this number, but we'll get to that. anyways, it's the moths and am man, he is a crypted or. My Fan was born and in West Mathia. So it he's acrypted in West Virginian folklore. And what did your say? He's acrypted in West Virginian forklory. Yeah, I know, Ye, go ahead, forklore. I didn't realize it to the second tie. Where did you actually say this? A gudar accidentally said pulled. No, I know you actually the first time. The second time I thought was like Fre Foklore. There's a lot of story about these forks and Buzz Virginia. Yeah, for you know that unbrittled is pronounced unbridled? Ah Man, that made me so bad. What did you just say? Did you know that unbrittled is pronounced unbridled? Oh Man, that made me so mad. I don't know why. You didn't mean to read. Why did you say that, though? It's almost like you went. Did you know the Guar ry? He is pronounced garage. What? Yeah, I know, I know. The second part. Is it the discord? Yesterday Danley man called me out and he was like you pronounced unbrittled wrong, and I was like I need you to Brittill your tongue. And bridled. Yeah, I've looked it up on youtube the pronunciation key, and it's she said I'm bridled and I was like that's the dumbest that it out of Gosh. That makes me so like it's on. It's unbrittled. unbrittled sounds so much better that I'm bridled. You see a lot of that sounds like you're getting a divorce. unbridled. That's a divorce. Or so unbridled. Yeah, Oh, yeah, I know. We were like we were really in love and then the last moment she just decided to unbridle herself. I'm talking about dude anyway. So the math man, unless Virginia, I hate everything about you. Yeah, okay, just what he'll is actually pronounced wheel. I. This is crazy to me. Whole life is a lie. Ritcholie Broccoli, who know? Okay, the moth man. So in the S and West Virginia and point age man. Yeah, and point pleasant, West Virginia. Okay, the mad age man. I just let us do that in waste Virginia. I don't understand. I'm still suck on this. Is the fact that you're just like, did you know that the word is pronounced this way? Is actually pronounced this way. I cannot believe you. So in something point West Virginia. Yeah, point pleasant, West Virginia. In the mid s this some called NASASTERIA kicked in, okay, around the Mothman, and it lasted until one thousand nine hundred and sixty seven December. There's an extrade seven years. December fifteen nineteen sixty seven is the last sighting of it. Cut It cut off, and there's a reason for that. We'll get to it. They shot a guy, kill the guy in the street and they're like, we got a bunch of moths flew out of his chest. No, he wasn't the moth man. They just decided that this was the sacrifice to them off. He's the scapegoat. Yeah, escape moth so on November feteen, nineteen and sixty six. So it was a really short massest area. Okay, so where begins as a year. Yeah, there was two young couples, Roger and Linda scarberry and Steven Mary Millette. We're driving in the backwoods outside of point pleasant. Point Pleasant Small Town West Virginia, right on the Ohio border. About four thousand people lived there, right, cool, so small town. They're driving through the backwoods, through what they call the TNT area, because this area blows up all the time. You're just drive around it, it just explodes. Yeah, they were lie. Hey, guys, you would be a point double date. Let's test our fate. Yeah, let's see if we blow up over there. No, it's called the temt area because it is the location of the Old West Virginia Ordinance Works, Ordnance Works. Did you know Ordinance or Dinnance is Pronounced Ordinance? You know, ordinance doesn't have an eye in it. Like, I'm literally just out of everything. This is well, like I feel like it Ordinance, Ordinance. Yeah, there should be an eye after that D yeah, because if you say ordinance, yeah, How do you say ordinance? I think there is an eye in it. There should be, but there's not. I'm looking at the wikipedia article right now. Yeah, well, with Ordinance Media Dude, that's a fun game. Just go on wikipedia and misspell some words. Ordinance. Okay, anyways, and so it was. Why is okay, here's our fun tangent. All right, at engined. Why is it pronounced? Boundary? Yeah, ordinary. I forgot. I was going, wait, is it not? You gonna say boundary? Boundaries? No, I'm saying boundaries, boundaries. Boundary is the one that's wrong. Okay, so wait, ordinary ordinance. No, ordinary, but we say boundary, boundary and not or don'tary bounds stuff. Yeah, bound why is it pronounced like ordinary? Or what are other words that end at that? It's because, literally, I know exactly why. I know exactly why. Because ordinary. If you're going to say ordinary, it's IT'S A it's a real conversation. will say ordinary. But if you're going to say boundary, you're angry. You're like, you know, you and Freish on a bound tree. So I'm asking your Legiti I should ask a less stupid person. You're right, this is my fault. This is my fault. I shouldn't bring complex when you're trying to talk about, you know, West Virginian mythical creatures. All Right, I'm this is my this is on me. This is my fault. All right, sorry about this. In drink. Let's talk about this ord dance. So West Virginia Ordinance Works was a United States immunition facility during World War II that actually definitely helps develop the nuclear bombs and what's well, the atom bombs. Yes, so they were. They were they cooking out some in the tea area because, yeah, they were like, they're like, yeah, there's a lot of like big booms over there. It was the bombs were going off of it. I also thought it would be going to be the mines, but no, no, yeah, so they were just me. Okay, they are manufacturing bobs for the war and in the forty pieces for the atom bombs. And by the by the S it was shut down. It wasn't active, but everyone still called the temt area because you know, it names. Take nickname stick. And so while they were driving through, they spotted overhead Um what they described as a six foot man, like ficker with a six. Okay, you know that it's pronounced figure right. I mean I don't know how many more episode could do with you saying it this wrong. How was supposed to say it? Figure, figure, Yep, that's gross. It's figger. Okay. So they I don't like how casual you were telling the story either. Or you're like well, and then they spotted above them a six foot like you were like you get it, and are they saying that? This is this? And they said it's looks like a man. Yeah, man and shaped, man like creature, floating, flying, lying, flying. It has a ten foot wings band, as what they assumed as soon as a ten foot wingspan, six foot size man with glowing red eyes flying, I've heard of above their above their the car, and it spooked them and so Steve was like, Roger, drive faster, and so he did, Roger, drive faster. It's ked. So you know, they're driving to the West Virginia Mountains. They see a six foot, you know, man looking thing flying ten feet above them and their response was Roger, drive faster. So anyway, they're running through the Canyon hills back. You know, I don't like how casually you're telling stories and Throordan stupid details. So they're trying to get out of their faces, trying to get another especial as we can rogers says he was driving a hundred miles an hour down this backwoods road in the S. that's fast. Kind of car. Let's go with assass it's babs Oars Rocket Car, and the Mothman was keeping up with them, flying like along the back round with them in the TNT area of beater. See, they escape narrowly and they get to the police station at too am and the local police station to am tell what they saw, the five police report, and the police like weren't just like, Oh, have you guys been drinking tonight? Like they filed the report and they sent the car out there trying to find we'll check it out. Yeah, well, like we're going to find them. And then they had him sketch. I should have got this Guy's sketch of the Mothman. Yeah, so they were like they're like, can you sketch the Mothman for us, which I'll pull it up real quick. This is if you were like one of those local news reports where it's like they it's just a stick figure with wings. It's like, Oh yeah, we got a lot to go off of here. So they had rogers sketch it, like can you sketch it to the best of your recollition? Recollection? Okay, good, can I do research? Should we give up like, I can't. Would you drink a bang recollition? I don't know what's going on. Man. anyways, here's the moth man as Rogers. Yeah, I know for sure. Understand. So you're saying that he's got like volucherous hips, real wide. Yeah, no feet. No feet. Well, he was flying so fast it could it tell if you had any feet. And he just has this huge body like it almost kind of looks like an elephant, like just ahead of an elephant. Is what the picture looks like. Yeah, with two trunks and no arms, no face, just these big dots where ahead might be sure, and then these weird wings color in the background. He's like he wants you to know it's night, and I love that he signed it. I love these. Is there. You gonna frame this or put this in the put the he put the date down with the top poss sketch of moth man. Moth man me by witness, Roger. Roger, let me de'll check what his name is. Roger, hurry it scarberry. Yeah, and he signed it. So, yeah, this is a picture on a little like. I mean it's got three whole punched on the side there off. Yeah, okay, yeah, interesting picture. The police were like will keep an eye. Like yeah, we're gonna go find him. So they went out to the TV find him. But I'm saying like will watch, will post this all around town, yeah, just in case anyone else sees this six foot moth man. And then also has to be like, I don't know, is that the one from the sketch? And so this hit the local news and one of the Editors called it the Mothman. That wasn't the initial ciriginal name of it. They everyone called it a the large bird man at first. The large bird man. Yeah, the large to the normal size. That's what I'm saying. They have a regular bird man that's already ben he's not even a threat. Birds are small. Nobody likes birds. He's a bird size of man. All he's doing is chirping on the street corner and trying to get coins that you throw into his little bird hat. You know, he just out there like here you go, bird man, you know, and they're like holy yew, like there's a large bird man. You're telling me there's a large bird man out here. Did you know it's perhaps large doesn't even make sense. There's no J so a Larg yeah, and so because Batman the TV series was super popular, he's like we need to make it something like. Is the branding issue? Yeah, it's a mock man. Yes, he bringed the moth man and that's stuck. Yeah, but a lot of the locals were like this doesn't make any sense because they described him as having feathered wings. Like they they're like his wings are feathery. They're not locals and I looked out of seen him. Yeah, and so so this actually looks spread like it wasn't just the scarberries and whatever the knowledge. The scarboros were the first one to make her first ones. Yeah, well, just say that they saw it was the first like sighting recorded siding. Yeah, and then after that a ton of people around town reported seeing the Mothman, and so people who knew what they were talking about were like, yeah, this is matts hysteria, this is some of the scarberries and the MAW. It's Mida saw something in the woods. But everybody else after that like this just a suggestion that it exists. But for about a year all these reports were coming in where people like I'm seeing the moth man, there's the moth man out there. They're freaking out. Yeah, because, I mean he's kind of scary, like he's a big the big man, large bird. He's a large man flying around with his bright red eyes and no mouth or arms or anything like that. There's no evidence outside of it's just the sayings. Yeah, yes, just the siding, and he's just in plain sight. HMM HMM. Okay, Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, that's right. That's when new episodes drop on Patreon. Patreons a way to get early access to episodes and had their content and and exclusive merchandise. And we're not going to stop there, because we had a private discord with our host and producers in it for less than seventeen cents a day. That's right, that's five dollars a month. You two can be a patreon supporter and not here advertisements in this freaking podcast anymore. Text till in the six six eighty sixty six. Otherwise I'll come to your house, I will find you, I will destroy everything that's good in your life until we're the only thing left. Anyway, here's another advertisement. Well, the city was pretty enamored with the idea for the whole year until December fifteen. One thousand nine hundred and sixty seven, and then everyone was just like yeah, let's Stop Worried about this Mothman thing, because and way they were just like, Hey, guys, it's over. We term about the guys. But a year one brought up there. Here, see the open hey, we're done with that. Yeah, WE'RE NOT TALKING ABOUT MOTHMAN. Yeah, anymore. December fifteen, de Sember fifteen, one thousand nine hundred and sixty seven. It's a most Christmas time. We need a new shuttling to sell this off. It's no. The Silver Bridge, which is the bridge that Crossdale Ohio River, connecting point pleasant, West Virginia, with glapa glap Polis, Ohio, J Jolly Polis. Okay, it collapsed and so this bridge and it was it was, it was really bad. Forty six people died. Oh my gosh. So it was like full of people. Yeah, yeah, so this is a two thousand foot bridge crossing the river, and so there's a bunch of people like driving across the river and it just collapsed. The whole thing went down the water. I think it was like sixty eight people went in into the river, plunge into the river, and for forty five of them died. So obviously this giant tragedy, especially like locally, like the it's right in town, so everybody that lived there was pretty, pretty heavily impacted. It's a small town too. But what kind of ended it was? A bunch of locals reported that That Day they saw the Mothman flying around the the bridge and so and then after the bridge collapse nobody saw him anymore. So the theory is that he lived under the bridge. It was that the Mothman did it, not that the Mothman did it. But here's here's I think there's two sides of why it quit. One I think everyone was like this is a tragedy and like this is a bigger deal than some Mothman flying around town. Like they're just like, we're not concerned about that, that, yeah, we have real things to worry about now. Yeah, but I think what what a lot of other people kind of believed was that he was almost like like a symbol or like trying to warm people of the disaster that was coming, and so this Mothman was flying around trying to be like some warms a hero. Yeah, he's like a prophet. He's prophesying that whole year he's like he can't say he's a flying by the pope and in his mind he's like just no, the bridge is gonna fall. You know's like if I just chanse people away from the bridge, maybe they'll stop using I don't see. Yeah, okay, yeah, so, so that's one side of it. The A lot of other people though he did it. They think he is like he's like this evil force that like perpetuated it, because what happened with the bridge is there was a so they didn't they didn't build it like most modern bridges. They have like a lot of layers of redundancy where if like parts of it break, it's still going to be fine, right. This was an older bridge where they didn't think of that yet, right. Well, the reason they think about now is because of things like that. Yeah, yeah, and so one of the one of the bolts, had cracked in it and it was like a I don't know how long. The Bolt was, a couple meters. I don't know what a meter is. This big cracked and then it collapsed, obviously, and so what some people say is that he tampered with that bolt. I don't know. Okay, so, just to be clear, this thing is a large bird man. Oh and with it's not hands, it goes and tampers of the bridge. Well, I mean, here's the deal that picture has. I'm not having hands, but a lot of people think he has hands. Here's a depiction. Well, is a good time. Here's a depiction of what it was really other sightings outside of point pleasant. No, it's just point pleasant. Point pleasant is Momn, we're moth man, shut up, and this is this is what they a lot of people describe him as looking like worse. Yeah, so it's honestly like, if you imagine what I let's top there's a person for referees. Yeah, and he's pretty happy to be here. Is Waving. Who Hello. Well, you know what that is? Is that this is one of those mascots at Disney, and that's the person has to walk with it to make sure kids aren't pulling on the costume stuff. Yeah, the best way to think of it is like sasquatch with wings and like a that eye mask. But it's sasquatch with wings, and the picture was taking on like a two thousand two digital camera, those eyes came up red. Yeah, that's that's the way I would describe it. So a lot of people describe them as having arms. It was just that first guy. Okay, it's like it was like yeah, he's just drew my which you can see the he drove home and he's like, he's like, Nancy, I forgot to draw their arms on moth man. Well, why would he draw like this if he's in the sky? Is that how he's flying? Is just just like a torpedo? Yeah, I don't know, know. I fly these arms back, wings, straight back and just you know. Yeah, maybe, I mean that's how I maybe, I don't know. So they decided that he did. He may he had something to do with the bridge thing. Yeah, yeah, everyone had their opinion either, but everyone's opinion involved him being involved. Yeah, pretty much, or her, we don't know. Yeah, that's true. We're assuming that was on us. Yeah, that's our be yeah. So, so the the bridish claps and everybody in input puss. It was like, yeah, it's we're over it. He mop and probably did it or probably warning US, who knows? And then it just kind of disappeared for about five years until I got by the name of Gray Barker, which is a fake name. That's it. That's his real name. It just sounds fake, doesn't it? Gray Barker. He's a ufologist and paranormal phenomena enthusiast, phenomena, phenomena, but he wrote a book called Mothman, called the truth about the moth man. No, it, no, he wrote. Oh No, he just introduced it to a wider audience. He to write a book about him. He introduced the Mothman to a wider audience. Talked about it on his podcast. Okay, be serious, please, just he just talked about comments on this one are going to be stupid. He just leaves beast. Just tell the story. Well, he just talked about it in like the press or whatever they do for you apologists, you know, like he talked about the Mothman and everyone's like, What's This Mothman? Hey, newspapers, I've got a story for you. You guys. Ever heard of the moth maybe? Yeah, that's pretty close to probably happen. And so five years later he's going around different newspapers. is or a magic there's no different. But out a press release. Okay, all the WIKIPEDIA says. He brought it to a water audience and then John Keel, five years later, he puts out a book and the Books Called The Mothman Prophecies. Okay. And so his theory is that the Mothman is a prophe Sire, a prophet, if you will. He's a prophet and he shows up wherever a disaster happens. He's present to warn every one of the disaster. Oh really, the problem is he can't. Can you want other disasters that he wasn't there for? Well, the problem is he can't communicate. So he just kind of flies around. He's just he's a guys, look what's happening. That's right. Okay, yeah, because, I mean one of the other evidences there, though, was he had other disasters. Well, I don't know what he he references in his book. But since then, believers in in the the Mothman Prophet idea, the John Keeley and view, if you will, is say that he was at the Chernobyl meltdown. Some people said that they sided him there, which I don't know if there was. Some people from so he was a poor an atal point pleasant. Yeah, yeah, some other believers that that they so we saw him. But in order to believe in this theory, then right, let's just play it out for a full year he's warning this small town in West Virginia about a bridge. Yeah, and then he's like there's a nuclear melt down about to happen and just trek in his way over. Well, he doesn't fight, he doesn't move his arms like that one. He flies still for the Atlantic Ocean. And then Chernobyl. Yeah, and he was apparently there at the Chernoel Meltown Rushia and then and then I also was apparently at nine hundred and eleven. was funding on there. So you know, I don't know about all that, but you don't know about you're going to leave that as a possibility your I don't know about all that. It's possible, it's not. But okay, I don't know about all that. Were you talking about? So the idea is that he's he prophesized disasters and sure shows up, hangs out for a little bit, tries to warn everyone and then it happens that he just kind of I don't like all Ries my I tried and then leaves and goes the next one. I don't know. So whether some people say he's done the other side, what if just bad luck follows him everywhere? Yeah, he goes somewhere. He's like I kind of like livings, like he's great and fresh. Style laps. He's like gotta move again. I hear Russia's Nice saying, yeah, it could be he's just very misunderstood by the universe. But yeah, so some people call him like the harbinger of death, because like some people call them, some people as will you drop that nickname? You know, a lot of people call him moth man. Some people are like a large bird guy, other people call him charcoal Gary, and then also some people call the Harper of death. Okay, yeah, yeah, there's that. Anyways, there's a lot of theories about what moth man actually is. Here's what we know. Okay, he's described as being the the description ranges between six feet tall and about six feet tall. The Wingspan is where the ranges. I got that backwards. The range for the wingspans between six feet and ten feet. Some people think it's much larger, and there's there's a few theories. There was a guy, a local, who was convinced, yeah, that it was a let me double check and make sure I get this species correct. If he's six feet tall, then it's six foot. Why? Like a wingspan is not? It doesn't make sense. Not Huge. Yeah, do you know how long? Did you know that all the dashes in the middle of the highway are a minimum of six feet long? M Do you know that? Yes, because your eyes can't process fast. It's because your eyes aren't prophetic, prophet, so yours process pro no, like there. Yeah, ever, all the yellow and white ashes are. So that's why I'm saying is that it's not that big. Right, we're right, because when you're driving those look really small. Yeah, and then if you add distance up, you know, I just looks like a normal how how wide is a Bald Eagles Wingspan? Let's get up. I think it's probably about six feete. That's where I was. That's where I'm thinking. I'm like, that's got to be a good it's there a big old place that sells bald eagles bagels. You just said that, seems like, because you said you all Google pronounced Babel wrong twice in that sentence. You said biggles and Bagels, Bagel. That's how you pronounce it, Bagel, Bagel. Yeah, I'm saying the same thing. Yeah, I know, but you were walking through all the vowels. You like Bagel and Boggle, Bugle, okay. So, Oh, a bugles, a Bald Eagle is between five and seven feet right span. So that's why I was a standard wingspan for large how wide are their bodies? Very thin. Yeah, like a foot or so. Use Guessing. Yeah, I'm just Boll parkting. Very thing. It's very thing that before it is that six foot wingspan is the size of a Bald Eagle. That's not a few it's not gigantic for a large part. So it's believable that this is a large part, and that's why a Robert L Smith, a biologist at West Virginia University, was convinced that it was a sandhill crane, which does have a wingspan of about six feet and red eyes. Actually. So the Sandhill Crane, what they have is they have this like red spot around their eyes and they're about four feet tall and they are known to fly as far inland as West Virginia. So this biologist was convinced that this was what they saw. The pool of the other picture of the similarities are a kidney to the yeah, no, one more time. Yeah, I want you see it. You can't UN see it. You know I'm saying. I mean it looks exactly the same. It looks exactly the same, and so he literally went around like reporting, like he was like, Hey, it's a sandhill crane, it's the same sandhill crane, and they were like who are you? You know, and he was like, I'm just a biologist, and they were like but a nighttime at yeah, yeah, you're about six feet tall. Turns into are yeah, does it call? Well, I mean, that's guess. It's a moth. What's that? The moths make are moths made of dust? Like, when's the last time you killed a moths? What did you just say? Why are moth dusty? I guess, if you really think about it, aren't? We all made it because but the powder is actually tiny scales made from modified hairs, because they're powdery. Yeah, I mean you know, like when you when you crush them off, they literally turned to dust. I don't crush him, though, okay, I trap them a little thing with the paper and I let him loose in my neighbor's house. M Okay, it's like you just didn't react to that. That's pretty fun. You just you were just like, okay, it's actually this is interesting. That says that it's actually like a protective camouflage and air quotes, because scent and everything. Well, no, because it like cheets predators. So if a Predator ties to eat it, it just turns the dust and the predators like I don't want to eat that, like I'm not gonna eat something like imagine going to wait, Paul, like abding in your Brito. It just turns the dust when you bite it, but it doesn't protect you. It just protects other moths. Well, yeah, I mean it's like it's like it so like it's somethin that Lizard as he slow moth and for tasted tear, like yeah, that's not even the thing. Like it's just won't eat. Basically dusty. It doesn't help you. Yeah, it's a communal their communal species. All rights right about to protect the whole. So we're convinced that this is do you, but I want to say we're convinced. I'd say Robert L Smith is convinced. What are you believe? Love telling podcast? Want to support the show? Well, you can support us by buying till and podcast march and wearing it out in the wild. We have tea's, hoodies, shirts and so much more, and our merch store we also have exclusive march for every single episode, but those are limited, so make sure you get a while you can't take tilling to six, six, eight hundred and sixty six to support the show. Thank you so much. Here's what by and this is another prevailing theory that a lot of people have, and he his. I mean owls. It's always owls. It's always owls. I don't know why we did think of and I mean look at the picture, like that's the picture of an owl. To An owl, it was just a large owl. And here's the thing. Here's the thing about owls. When you shine a light in an OWL's eyes, they turn red. They turned that bright red. They all do. Yeah, and there's actually this SPECIEC's just google image owls with red eyes and then just put the whole search window up there. Okay, although I want to see as many pictures as possible. Owls is red eyes, oh my gosh. Well, oh, that's spooky, Dude. Look at that first one. Yeah, that's rough. And so there's a thing with the bag. Is that? Because I mean, yeah, that's huge, man. This how you pronounce that? The STIGIAN Stegen in whats in West Virginia I don't know. Well, yeah, it is horn owls, aard owl like there. Yeah, it's more an owls. The Horn owls can get a six foot wingspan and they can be UPTI I think it's three foot and length. And so if you see this thing Flye at you in the TNT area, you've been out with your friends driving in your fifty seven Chevrolet, little tipsy like, but that's take out the bridge. It just pecked at the thing into that cracked it. Owls are terrifying. Yeah, there, Shit, look at that one. That was quite one with the product. I I'm saying, like the top one. That's like that. Look all there. That is going to be in my nightmares. Sin. Yeah, owls are scary. That's spooky me. So owls, owls are aliens. Owls are the moth man, like like okay, like, yeah, that's it, like that's that's what he saw. That's a hundred percent. That's it. Yeah, so it's I think it's most likely owls, but I will say it's probably a prophetic all, it can see, it can see the future. Well then get it out of here. Yeah, but that's I mean, that's what that is. That's an now, that's that's a hundred percent now. Yeah, so a lot of people. Yeah, it's an awl. Well, it kind of vanished from point pleasant. What are model and troopers? Troopers truther's true, there's old the mafia, okay, but it kind of disappeared from point pleasant culture and then even from point from popular culture in general a little while after John Kills Book in the S, until two thousand and two when a film was released that was inspired by John Kills Book starring Richard Gear, you say, like starring John Travolta, and I think it was by the same name. It was. I think it was the Mothman Prophecies. Yeah, Mothman Prophecies, which, let me see what I got on rutten tomatoes. So in two thousand and two kind but I'm order, like, does this town like do a are they bright? Got Branding on it? You don't saying like they like souvenirs and stuff? We can get to that. I went to point pleasant, West Virginia, to see the Mothman and all I got was this shirt. You know, it got a fifty two percent on rotten tomatoes. Hey, it's better than other films. Yeah, so it's actually I got is actually and we're love for rotten tomatoes to review one of my things, but they won't. So principle it's been canceled by rotten tomatoes. So the story Christian beliefs. I'm being persecuted by rotten tomatoes. So the story is gear. Richard Gear plays John John Kline Oh who is a reporter who is researching the moth fan after his wife's mysterious death. And it was decently popular in two thousand and two, so much so that the city of the town point pleasant was like, let's get some tours in cash. Yeah, so her Y. Yeah, everybody there. They're like, well, you know, once a month we just pay someone to go out in this giant mock man costume and chase kids around and just it's getty. Doesn't imagine that you just like, you're just like outside, this is the guy that's your out in the bar spoken. Well, I guess in the you could just be inside the bar smoking, but imagine you're out, the bar kicks open and there's a guy. There's a guy. Just why? They're just like yeah, he lives here. Yep. Well, I found a my house, but then I caught him and I let him loose in my maid's now he just looks there. I crushed me, turned to dust and came back. I know you're superp follow them with a broom everywhere. He's so dusty. We called it dusty. Oh, yeah, old dusty. Yeah, it's round here somewhere. You know him, Musty, Dusty, Mothman. So what tourism stuff that they do? Yeah, I watch an interview. I watch an interview with one of the like like county clerks there. It is how far off, like a main highway? Are they? Let me look at like a highway that people are traveling on. I watched an interview with like a like a county clerk, and he said before two thousand and two he said, if you came to town and you wanted someone to talk to, someone who didn't believe in the Mothman, he would say yeah, talk to it. Literally anybody in town. Cool, nobody believes in him. And then he said too of them too. The movie came out and if you want to talk to someone who doesn't believe in the Mothman, like you can't talk to anybody here. We all believe in him now, but like they all believe in it it's like a yeah, we all yeah, it's real. I made that joke when I did the I did a college and Beaver Dam, Wisconsin and it was a technical college. So it was all like, you know, plumbers, electricians, all that kind of stuff. They're all they all look the same. They are all wearing ball caps, yep, jeans and then whatever that Tan work jacket is, right, are all like classes that they and I thought it was funny. They didn't laugh at it, but I because I am dressed like I live in a city right. Yeah, and I said it looks like I hung a sign at the coffee shop that says Alien Truth Ors and I'm just here to get your stories. And then is laugh at that. Still think is pretty funny. That is it looks like we're finding big foot right now. That's really funny. They laughed at other stuff. We got them, but we got them. We ended up getting them. We were friends. Yeah, they were cool. So the the town is it's right off highway thirty five. Okay, but that's not an interstate highway. So the next I'm thinking like travel and yeah, so, so probably a lot of people driving down that. The next biggest highways, interst sixty four, which is about an hour outside of sus, was a so you go out of your way to yeah, to be where moth man that come to mof land. So I do they have owls there? They do. They do have owls there. They have a lot of owls. So they have a lot of owls and not one time was anyone like you know what you know this is. So what are they? So we're they're trying to get people off the highway then to come to their small town. Hum. But I mean like just because the people like what you want. It's not tourism experience to go to a town where everyone believes in something dumb. You know, I saw a twoso experience. So here's what he's like, Hey, come off the highway, we're dumb. What are you? So they started, they started that year two thousand and two. They started the Mathman Festival, and so basically they do all this like they do a paray. They have like the you can buy a bunch of moths and stuff. I don't know, like there's a bunch of moth man like themed things all that week. And they actually said that during the Mathman festival they assume that main street which is where the festival takes place, and they're look like historical lown and stuff, but will collapse. They've build a fake main street that at the end of the festival. Just that's horrible. No, they estimate that during Mathman festival every year main street brings in about two million dollars, which they said it's way more than it'll bring in the rest of the year. Yeah, and so a lot of people come from out of town for this. It's still going event. Yeah, still goes to this year. I mean, I guess it hasn't happened for the last couple of years, but when doesn't happen? Um, sure, hold on the way you said like that. H Sure, if only you had a device in front of you to Google. will stun September, seventeen and eighteen. Hey, what are you doing my plans that far? I'm in Texas. That that's a Saturday Sunday. I'm it sexus the sixteen. I can fly over meet me. Hey, what don't you meet me in point pleasant? So, yeah, they have like a bunch of life bands, like food, get a near TNT. I forgot all about the DNT thing. Oh, this is a fun thread. What was that. I forgot all about the ttving. Oh, why are you do? What is wrong with you today? I don't know, man, what's the teething? So before everyone was that it's play. Now they thought it was like a reaction to Thea. They thought was a mutant they got. Yeah, for sure, that's what I thought whenever you said that. And here's the thing. Here's the thing. They ammute. They have like there is an area and they Ohio River which had like this Red Mucas in it from they were just dumping their nuclear waste in the Ohio River. Oh, because they didn't realize at that time that you probably shouldn't do that yet. Yeah, that was before that was before Orsian do that yet. Yeah, mob, that was like, wait until the bridge happens. Got Wait a few years for the dump your nuclear waste. Doctor. And so there was Kart of like whatever, you get left overs. I'm got release way right now support of the fridge. When I'm looking away. In three days on open up a most of him, I'm just say, Oh, I throw them out. I was a bad yeah, so, same story. So Reagan has so many leftovers in my fridge. I make or eat them. Sometimes I was all of guard leftovers. We've been all guarded months. We she's out of the tables and I bring her five to go. Buy Goes, what would you like for dinner? She was one of all this. I said, eat it, all this is I'm not hitting it as eating with a red lobster three years ago. That's in my fridge. Eat that, eat that. She opens it. It's it's all. It's all plasticed over like the plastic. Yeah, yeah, uh, girls, yeah, I hate this. So the there was a there was a lot of theories that it may be it was one of these owls, but it mutated and got larger, or the Sandhill craneitm you take, got larger, or a local buy local boy swimming of the river. Mutated, got larger. Mom, MOM Jays, sorry, out of the the TT zone. Now they just dropped them off on the side of the highway in a box nearly here. Belongs to the woods of West Virginia. Oh yeah, his moth powers made him see the future. He just wait. He's at breakfast and he's like, mom, don't drive the bridge to work today. Put your wings down on side breakfast, knocking stuff off the walls. He's like well, I just want some more Bacon, sh I'll get it. You stay sad down, I'll get it. Could he not put the wings down? Just always as mom, it's like opening the feathers, like long, these twos, like he's run too fast. Actually takes off playing, playing the Little League football, and his coaches like you gotta tie those down when we play. Gonna fly away. It's a penalty. Every time they have a new they have a new rule of little league. No flying. What false, false human defense number, the costume fit of Jersey number. No, mom, you guys know number one dust. So so they thought it was a mutant. Possibly, yeah, maybe, which could be. But the festival, the festival got really big and so a couple years later they commissioned a statue to be built of the Mothman in town center. Oh No, and we're stretched. They go with the main one, the main one. Well, they built the statue and I watched the interview with this kind of Clark talking about it. Picture of yeah, the county clerk was like, yeah, we hated the statue. We thought it was so tom and the mayor, of course, had the dedicat it and so he at this speech that he was just like whatever, and so he was like thank you for coming to the festival. In other new we have a few announcements. The there's that. It's over here. We started crash away. Yeah, we'll see you guys tomorrow, I guess you guys. And now unveiling dusty. It's made out of iron and it rained yesterday. Rusty, dusty. Well, he said that they before the speech, they were in the courthouses whenever to do this. Well, the county clerk will like walked outside and there was like tons of local area news people, like not even just like local, but like from Charleston and from Huntsville and like they drove in to see the dedication and he came back and he's like, Hey, I think you need to work on your speech a little longer. And so he's like they made kind of an event out of it, like and made it, the speech better last minute, because he's like he was going to go out and do the whole thing. He's all right, that's all right. He's in the room just doing like that and then just goes out and turns it on. He's a showman. Yep, you know, because I like welcome, it's your point pleasant, West Virginia. The year was nineteen's sixty six. My father, Roberts scarberry, and his best friend Steve Driving down a dark, bendy road. Lasts in the sky, a local boy. Okay, he's doing a whole. Yeah, yeah, pretty accurate. Well, this was the statue that they put on on Main Street. Oh God, it's terrifying. It is this ten foot ripped, eight past yoked man with like this really odd chest hair pattern and like gigantic, like three gigantic clod fingers. He's got like a little burden mouth. This looks like he would be the villain in as movie. Yeah, he does in a s Batman. Yeah, yeah, exact, but to hold his wings or he looks like he's about to be like it's turbo tie or whatever, the Jankle all the way. Yeah, actually, that's actually it looks like he's yeah, it looks like the bad guy in there. So, yeah, that's tear terrifying. What are they named him? Terry, Terry the terrifying moth man. Yeah, and he's got the and he's just on Main Street. Yeah, just in the center, like in the median like welcome to welcome to point pleasant. Imagine, is this pleasant? Right, you're just driving on I sixty four whatever. It's over there. Right, you take a wrong turn, like this is weird. Where are? where? Where setimes like point pleasant. Turn the court. You're like, well, okay, let's find the town center from there. Maybe maybe a business will be open. Yeah, you turn the corner. This thing is that's legitimately terrified. That's scary. So and this look anything like that? Yeah, it's also kind of got dreadlocks, which is an interesting touch. Oh, that is that? Yeah, why did they do just notice that? I don't know. Probably because, like, I think they did this around the time of the alien movies. Yeah, it does look it looks. It looks very yeah, but is that what it Look Like in the Mothman Movie? I don't know. Actually get this. So they opens. They opened up a Mothman Museum in downtown too, for the festival. Really, here's The statue, so this is the statue you just get to see. Used to happen upon in public for free. Here's The statue that you have to pay for. Those that listening, it looks like you would go to, you know, those Halloween spirit stores, right, yeah, that pop up and it's like this. The the face on this looks like like a costume mask, like it looks rubbery. It looks yeah, it definitely looks like rubber. This baldy eyes and then the teeth. It's a costume. It's a costume. So, yes, it's meant to me worn. Yeah, it does not like designed and built by something fodder, scarberry, something, something, students got some weird fur around the waistline. I love it. It's so bad. It reminds me of it's also next to one of those stuffed Animal Vinda clow games. Yeah, the clock game thing's like literally right next to it. Yeah, it's like and it's chained up, like they chained it to these little pylons, but Jackson Mo homes was still doing tick it. You know. Here this reminds me so much of the alien from people of Earth. You put this in here. Why did you put this in here? What is it's just like it's just like it anyways. So they've capitalized off of it. They make a lot of money off of the moth man every year or anythink that's going to last? I don't know. As Long As the Mothman's prophesizing disasters I mean, I guess he's still doing. A certain point you guys start making disasters happen. You know, certain point you gotta be like well, yeah, so he's a scary guy. I guess I've been depending on which, which depiction of him you're using. But yes, the British collaps. Oh, he was also at the swine flu outbreak in Mexico. When that hit Mexico, he was there. He actually originated coronavirus. And then the most recent was in two thousand and seventeen, apparently, like twenty sightings came from Chicago. They saw him, which the very next day the Dave Matthews River bringing for incident happened. He was like he'sa nobody be on the boat, but he can't say it. You know, he's they're like the next day, man, Yep, so lost dusted. So that's that's the moth man. They got moth dusted and bust dusted. You know, Wow, that's the Mothman. That's the Mothman. Jeez, he's here's the craziest part of the legend. They say that if you drive down into the TNT area at night and you bring pieces of the old bridge there where are you going with this? I don't know if I like this one. Bring piece of the old bridge and you you hit them together and come together like rhythmically. If you hit them rhythmically, you'll hear a final off. Did you know it's pronounced fiddle? Things on the last night is a production of space tim media, produced by Christian Taylor. Audio is edited by Alice Garnett, video by connerbt social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic designed by Caleb Goldberg. Our hoster, Jeremyers and Tim Stone. Please follow us on social media at tilling podcast. That's Tillo in podcast. Leave a review comment, subscribe wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on the last night.

If you chose to stop for gas in Point Pleasant, you might be shocked to see a 12-foot-tall metallic statue of the mythological creature Mothman. Both because it’s shocking that a town would erect such a statue on their main crossroad and because it’s an utterly terrifying statue. Nestled on the West Virginia and Ohio border, Point Pleasant boasts scenic … Read More

Skinwalker Ranch – The Hub Of Paranormal Activity In America


Episode Transcription

Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey Man, trying to like look hot when we start or something. What are you doing that with your jaw? You do whatever you think. You Look Hot, don't you? What's up? Have you ever heard of skinwalker ranch? Skin Walker ranch and Walker and, yeah, that sounds like what they put on my salad at Texas roadhouse. What skinwalker? Right, he's like some skinwalker. Yeah, yeah, a southwest dressing. Its gross. It's gross. Yeah, yeah, someone offers you a ranch dressing called skinwalker. Do what seems like a Zombie theemed restaurant. That's what they give you with the with the human wings. Hmm, where they called that? What do you think they would call him? Fully and JI's? Maybe fully and jefully and he's skin Walker ranch. Okay, am I gonna regret all these jokes? I don't know what Skin Walker ranches. No, you're going to regret this episode. Is that an alien thing? Okay, so this has been recommended to US bottle people, a lot of people, patrons and non patrons, like an alien thing. I mean aliens. There's there's a van Diagram and aliens. Aren't it? Great things I learned last night. All right, well, sorry, if you're watching this, I know first of all, we should also say to all the people who find these stupid episodes, let me just dress the camera. All right, don't comment and be like couldn't make a seven minutes it. Just leave, just go. You can do your free let me release you from there. Let me spiritually you can go here, all right. So just to me. I want to say something. I want your switching me. I want to know what you think about it. It helps me understand. Are we hitting the mark? No, hating? No, because people think that their feedbacks important. So we got all these comes. I couldn't tell if it's a comedy show. It's it's a comedy show. Should this is a podcast and we're we're not as acknowledgeable as you want us to be. It's also so it's Nice and look at me in the face right now. move out of your mom's house. She works hard. You're a grown person. Get a job, all right. So, Skin Walker ranch. Go ahead, this skin worker ranch. So this is a skin walker definitely means aliens and human form A. That's a hundred percent. What that means depends who you ask. I like my skin Walker ranch idea, though. That's fun. We should open a Zombie theme restaurant. Yeah, that actually does sound kind of fun. So there's a place in Utah called skin wallker ranch. It's AKA Western or eastern Utah, a little ways outside of Salt Lake City, probably about an hour or so. I haven't looked that up. I'm just as a Mormon thing. Yeah, the Mormans we call God's Gods and human skin walkers. Yeah, that's pretty close. Actually IT'S IN UTAH. So it's in Utah. It's just this ranch. It's pretty long. It's long large, five hundred and twelve acres, so a very large ranch. Okay, and it's had for owners since inception, since the movie. Nobody owners as this house had since in such a came of thousand and eleven. Is that one? Inception came out with to do not very many unders reception. So you're telling me this lands cycled through some people. Yeah. So, so here's the deal. So we'll go backwards through time real quick. In two thousand and sixteen, branded food go all bought it through his Shell company add mantium holdings, basically like a real estate investment firm. Sure, and so he's had it since two thousand and sixteen before that, was Robert Bigelow. He bought it in one thousand nine hundred and ninety six had it for about twenty years. He is the he's a multimillionaire esm and net worth like seven hundred million dollars. Your last name of like she's seven her million. Yeah, seven hundred million. It's seven billion. And I was like, Whoa hold on, I don't know who our bigelow. Robert Bigelow. That sounds like he wears a track suit ever where he goes. You know, Mr Biggelow, would you like us to get to bring your car around here? Right, it's so. He owns the hotel chain, budget sweets. It sounds right. Yeah, so he owns the hotel chain. That's how he got his money. And then he also found a bigelow aerospace. He does a lot of government contracts building or engineering, designing new jets and stuff for they do the military, I mean the government, spend so much money on that. Yeah, and should make jets. You and I too, former podcasters, left the dream behind. Two film prodcast is spotted in the desert next to a day just blowing stuff up, and turns out that they are prodigies. So and then Robert Bigelow has his. Like you think they would refer to us as podcasters? Do you think that they would know who we are? Tick Tock Star and his friends, spotty desert and his friend. I love that. Okay, and so, and Robert Bigelow also has like a research institute that he runs just personally. Before that the Shermans own it, Terry and Gwen Sherman, but they bought it in nine ninety four, sold in nineteen ninety six, five years. They were like come out, two years, two years, Oh, ninety four to ninety six. Yeah, bad. So they weren't there very long. And then before that was Kenneth and Edith Myers and they had owned it since nineteen thirty four. Oh, she's so, about sixty years. They built the ranch. They were first people there. Yeah, well, they went to first people there, but they were first people to show up and be like this is our land now and we're building stuff. Right, you're so? The Mormon's had been there since the sixteen hundreds. Yeah, and so I don't know where the more wins didn't it didn't mormonism just get created like, I don't know, five years ago? So like that, I created in the fiel, thinks eighteen hundreds. I think it was eighteen hundreds, I think so. All right, yeah, because he found that like golden eyeglass out in the woods. Yeah, anyways, dipped it in some skin walker range dipping an eye watch. Anyway, whatever I watch, I class whatever go on, go on and so so. Not Very many owners, he was what's interesting. So what way? I mean, I'm most interested in the people who owned it for two years. Yeah, they bought the light. Should be so so here. Well, we'll roll the clock back. Before any of these people owned it, though, this was cute tribal land. Yeah, for I mean a long time, but for us right. And they there is a legend in you tribal history that at one point they got into a bit of a conflict with the Navajo people and Navajos cursed their land in the UNITA based, or Uinta Uinta, I think that's how you pronounce it, the Uinta Basin. Okay, they curse that land. Where are the ranches? Where the ranches with hold on, let me, let me. I MMM, what are you doing when you get where you when you're Google is other to you. Just run through the vowels you just go a I hmm, you do what, you Humme it, though, MMM, MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMM. It was it sometimes. Why? So, the there's a word for it. I'm not even going to try to pronounce it. Sure, but it's like it's essentially what it is is the Navajo believed that they had some Shamans who would suchily curse themselves to become what we call a skinwalker. They had a name for it that roughly translates to with it, he goes on all fours, is what that. So with it, he goes on all fours is the translation. So, and the NAVAJOS and and the youths now to and a lot of you just you just graze past the sentence where you said we call it a sky or skinwalker. Yeah, what? What? What do we call a skin walker? The we're going to get here, this this shaman thing, the with it, he goes on all fours. We call skinwalker. I don't know where we well, I do know exactly where he got it, but we'll get to that in a second. It's okay. And this is this is something that even to this day, people who live in tribal groups or like come from this tradition, won't even say the name, which I can't pronounce. It's like, I don't know, he hate you so much I'm not even going to try. And so anyway, you know, and even to this day, they won't purn it. They won't pronounce the word. MMM MMM, MMM MM. They won't say it. I'll try it. Won't say it because they're afraid of to like invoke the spirit and then the skin walk like Bel Juice. Yeah, like beel juice, but it's like serious, like they will, we're not going to say it, and so they're glad that you're not able to say. They're listening to the PODCAST. Really, don't say. I don't know, like they're like, don't say, he's he's fine, he can't say. He won't be able to say it. So the reason why they call it with it, he goes on all fours, because what these shamans would do is they curss themselves and essentially what happened is they would morph into this eternal creature. This is as a legend goes and Mur from this like eternal creature, and what they did is they would crawl around the woods, but on all four wars, but not on like on all fours, like we think, like like backwards, with their back facing down and their head like tilted backwards. So they're like like yeah, like you're in bridge position. Yeah, and like on all fuls, like got all fours, but jack belly buttons the sky and then your head's just dangling down. Yeah, no, I get. Every scary movie has that. Yeah, exactly. So super terrifying, just crawling around like that. But like weirdly fool woods. Yeah, weirdly fast. Yeah, obviously. And then the g every scary movie they eat the flesh of everything, animals, humans, whatever one, you name it. And what they do here's where they get really creepy. In the legend. What they do is where they get creepy. You're saying that if, let's say you're here at the office alone and night right, and you come out this door and outside is a person, presumably on all fours, belly button right navel to the sky, and they're just like and you're like this isn't creepy yet. That's that's a little creepy. But if you did this, what other thing? I see what you're doing. You're Oh, I know what this is. You'RE A M MMM. So what made them creepy Toim so what they would do is they would kill people and they would take their face and stick it on their face. Oh, I hate white shrew yeah, I don't like that. And doing that gave them this ability to mimic that person's voice. So what they would do is they go kill someone from the tribe, stick their face on them and then they would go out in the woods and they cry for help and they sounded like that person and so people would run to go help them. It's problem, and they would them getting killed. They were actually crying fla. It would be the person crying for help, and then the like, you've got their face on, you know, and it's like you must have sounded like them. You know I'm saying, like or you play that logic out. I mean that's a decent idea, but and then there's then there's kind of fringe things on it. I don't know if every you know. This is the thing. Did you know? Now, apparently every girl knows this, is that you don't yell for help. Really why? Because no one shows that. But what do you yell instead? Bomb, sure fire. Yeah, every girl, if you ask any girl, you say you say hey, if you're in danger, what do you yell? They'll say fire, because what people are more likely to respond to someone shouting fire than they are help. That's pretty jacked up, isn't that crazy? We suck man. Yeah, well, I don't know. If I hear someone saying help, I'm like, Oh, are you the person? Are you scar Walker? You know. So there's also a like sub belief of this that they can shape shift into just about amazing. Yeah, but the basic idea is that these are these creature in the woods, that that will lure people in by making people think there's someone in trouble, and then when they get there they'll eat them. Really glad that we live in the Midwest, because there is not a single person, possessed or not, in the Midwest, that has the flexibility physical capabilities, even if they do get possessed. Could you imagine it? Let's imagine you're the possessor, right, and you're like a little spirit. You're just like like jump into him, try to take a LAS castle. You take over somebody's body in the Midwest. You Know Dan, who's just eating four roles at Texas Roadhouse, and then you're just like, Oh, you can't even do it, you know, and I say that as a person who probably can't do it. I say probably cause I have a little bit of competence that I bet I could. Let's get a shot in the after the fiddle. That's thank you. Yes, I like the plea. Maybe do it during the episode. So yeah, so the Schem Walker's pretty scary concept. There's actually a lot of people who believe in them to this day, both within tribal people but not like throughout the West, like there are like stories kind of like big foot, where it's like people go in the Woodsk and Walker got them. Sure, have you are a loved one been diagnosed with too many advertisements during the tilling podcast? Have we got good news for you? Our patrons enjoy ad free experience and they get early access to content, behind the scenes stuff, exclusive merchandise and access to a private discord channel. Will. We all are in it, are producers and the hosts. So if you'd like to be a patron today and solve that problem, why don't you text tilling to six, six, eight sixty six. So does that bring us to the ranch? So that brings us to the ranch. So the ranch is in the you end up basin. I don't know if I'm saying that right, but sure. anyways, it's in that basin that was supposedly cursed with the skip walkers. Sidebar skin walkers. They they are almost invincible. The one way you can kill them is if you say their birth name. So it was a human at one point, a shaman. So there when they shamans are cursing themselves, they're permanently a skin walker. Yeah, they're becoming a skim walker forever, and the sort says their name and they're immortal. Yeah, unless someone says his name. If someone says their name, which sacks us at it again. In this world, how many people's names you remember? What if fifteen? Someone you knew rolls up backwards and you go, Oh hey, hold on, let me open up facebook. We get facebook out when you give me a human name, stay human, Abumanday, that's good. Yeah, so that's the only way they can die. So's if you say their name, you say their birth name, they walk up and there, Oh hey Jonathan, yeah, and then they'll like, oh, sorry, did I say something? I'm sorry. Yeah, so it's the only way I'll die too, jared, I can't believe you try to openly murder me like that. I can't believe we have evidence. We've evidence that you just tried to kill me. That was science. I was used right heal. This science, purely scientific, you're saying, just trying to sound well, yeah, I just wanted to see gun work. Really Science, really science. I was just tested it. I cannot believe you will say my name, Dj Oh. Don't go that. So this can way me. I wanted to name my son after you, but I can't remember if your middle name is James or John, and I know we've had this conversation on the podcast before, so I could probably go look it up. Yeah, but it's James, it's John. I always think it's James. What is it? Jabbowaukee? What are you talking? Don't we'll go with that. All right. So the skinwalkers are supposedly have been there the whole time, right, the same ones? Yeah, yeah, the the old Shamans, and they the old couple that owned it. Well, they weren't old when they when they first built the range. I get, I hope any wild built in the S and they were. They're just hitting care about skinwalkers. Yeah, they well, they built it in the S and three skin walkers short of the door. We're good people, cay see nothing. We just want to welcome you to then we're backwards. They got cookies o their belly. Get a little platters of cookies. We're gonna wrapper our times. We've rethought the whole cursed thing. We've had time to reconsider. Our names are shatter rack me checking a bed to go. Don't say those. Never say Yep, you just call me m please. Don't say when it why wouldn't you just go fake name? Why would you tell someone your realm b? Never say it. Don't say it. Okay, was there reything else? I could call you anything, anything else, literally, but big roll else. Say Yeah. And then, and then Kenneth Myers was like, I don't know how, Skin Walker, can I call you that? And they like that's weird. He called my name. No, he did it. Okay. So, yeah, so the way, the skin walker idea comes from us, because they walk like that. Weird. Yeah, people skin on their face. Okay, like anyways. So the Myers, the Myers family, moves in. They lived there for sixty years. Nothing happens. It is putting on my life and you and skimmaker ran okay, but for some reason when the Sherman's move in life is pretty weird, pretty pretty weird, pretty pretty weird. So here's what happens. They starts with a little bit of catal mutilation. How are you familiar with this? See, cow mutilation, attle cattle, cattle Mune, cattle mutilation. I've I've dabbled. Yeah, I know that I've mutilated any at all. That's consent. Yeah, you wake up one morning and your cows me. What's interesting? I don't know here. What's it? Just think about cattle mutilation. Is there's kind of two tiers to it, right. Yeah, there's your basic cattle mutilation, where you wake up in your cattle's just like exploded. Right, most likely. What happens there is like, I mean you you got your two forms of cattle mutilation, and so you wake up a boom. One one cattle mutilated, all right, and then you look at another one. You got to cattle, right, your rather cattle mutilated, but different. I like that. You just had like this like mad and mutilation breakdown before really did man. So, but I say, what did you basic like it just it just explodess how you're describing as why I did problem. You're just like how it was a coyote got in and just eight your cow. Right, okay. And so people are oh my gosh, something happened with cow, like well, what, just what's going on? But the other scenario actual, you know, probably just a coyote, probably just kyle. But there is another scenario of catal mutlation that's much more rare but documented, and there's a couple cases of this on skimmaker ranch and these are a little bit harder to explain because their scenarios where it's body parts are scattered. No, it's more surgical. So the cows are dead but they're not exploded. There are incisions somewhere and organs missing. Or, in the case of skinwalker ranch, Terry found three different cattle at three different times dead. Couldn't find anything wrong with them except for there was what looked like a drill hole in their eye. Very odd. A lot of people will be like, Oh, yeah, you just got a weird neighbor, but what did you just say? You are go on what, you got a weird neighbor. Well, yeah, but then problem with that is like think about, just like I think about how difficult would that would be? Till I come up to a cal and do that hole still? Oh No, and they would that wouldn't even kill the cow. Yeah, so that's the problem. Is like it's these weird surgical precision type procedures that the cow underwent and then just died afterwards. So a lot of people think it's alien. So he saying he had three different cattle. All that was wrong. was they a whole in their eyes. Yeah, they'd like a trill hole in nothing else. Nothing else, and that was weird to him. He was like, this is strange, but it was like probably a kyoh known guyouts to do this. He thought that was odd. Yeah, he thought it was. Boy. What do you do, though? Look, what do you do when you find your cow dead in a weird situation? I don't know. You called Kock Outline. Yeah, he called the cow corner. Yeah, the CO owner the calendar. He's say, can you explain it, and they usually will say no, easiest jab in the world. Dude. Can you explain this? MMM No, can't you going lunch next Tuesday? Yeah, I'm thinking steak. You guys get hungry. So the so that was really well. Thanks for stopping up by Dr Dvin, don't you say it, don't see. Turns around and his eyes are like it will see you later, gets in his car, art gets in his car and has to use the petals and then turn allwere stir it. Yeah, guys, he is it off kind of character. Yeah, you wee's strange doctor. Yeah, so a lot of people, a lot of these plan say the cattle munlation is aliens like they're being abducted in doing experiments is on the cows because they don't have anythink they're the dominant species. Aliens come to Earth and they're just like take us to your leader, and the cows like me. I think. I think what the theory is is the aliens come to Earth, they don't have cows on their planet and they see that we just make millions of cows and then kill them and they're like why? But I'm saying that I don't think they see us do that. I think they just land in a big field and they can't see anything for a while and they see a cow and they assume, take that this is the intelligent life being. That's what I'm saying. I think they know more than that. I think they fly over Texas and they're like, look at how they put all of those things in that little bin and then they shove them in there. Isn't it weird? The most ailing stories are just so America centric. Is that not alarming to anybody else? I mean there's cow farms everywhere, you think, cattle fans everywhere. That the aliens are orbiting and they're looking down at Texas. Yeah, they're like, look at the weird things that doing over there. We should draw some of those eyes. So so, yeah, that's the theory. anyways, Skim Walker ranch. So they're there for two years. So there for two three cows die. Supposedly they have a few runins with some skinwalkers. No, very terrified people. Yeah, supposed no, they say that. No, they did not. They say they that, but they didn't know they were skim walkers. They didn't know much about any of the thing. I saw some weird just rangers. These are just ranchers. So they saw, I mean they described, a person, person crawling backwards through the woods and calling for help, and so weird things. There's also there's also this like myth of this weird wolf in skinwalker ranch, and this one's dumb to me, but I mean it's all kind of done to me. Yeah, as opposed to the skin walker, as opposed to the person calling help with someone else's voice, this one. What's the idea? So the idea it's a wolf that's like three times the size of normal wolves. Wolf Wolves three times the size of normal wolves, but apparently it's like invincible. Terry says he shot this thing three times with a rifle and I like, Damn, flinch, it's just a bear. You just saw a bear. Terry, saw bear Terry. Terry is the thing it was called for. Hell, he's the thing. Terry is like. He's not one of these guys like he is, like he had been for a long straightforward cattle rest, straight, like stiff neck cattle guy. Right then all of a sudden, all of a sudden he buys this ranch and he's seeing weird stuff in the woods all the time. But the moment that kind of I mean they had seen lights in the sky, see weird stuff all time, right, but the moment that kind of did them in was he was out on his ranch and he had three dogs and they started barking at the woods and then just started running in the woods and he was trying to catch him, try to stop them, but their dogs are fast, right. So they go into the woods and he hears like this commotion, This Barking, and then this bright flash in the woods and then he comes in and there's like this big area of charred ground with like ash piles and and he's like those are my dogs and he's like selling the property, getting out of here. Here's here's what's interesting about this. All those dogs got struck ber lightning. I mean he didn't say it was raining. He could have been, but he didn't. He didn't disgray right. So they sell the property like immediately after this. And what a lot of people will say is that because the Myers didn't experience anything and then the Sherman's all of a sudden did. And the fact that they sold it to this bigelow guy. biggelow was a pretty outspoken, like paranormal guy, like he'd really liked the paranormal stuffkay. So what a lot of do they say? A little buy it because of the stuff. It seems like it it very much so the word got out. Yeah, I mean, if you're trying to sell a house, don't say it's haunted, so the Sherman guys. So the theory is that the Shermans made made this up so they could sell it. UN like, you sell it really quick, because is what way to do it, though, if you say you got a haunted building, some paranorial people will buy it. I mean, here's the thing. If you buy like a five hundred Acre ranch, though, like you don't buy something like that and expect only to be there for a couple of years. Like yeah, you expect to be there for a long time, especially a ranch, like you're expecting to work that ranch right on top of that. Yeah, still the move ranches. You got to move all your cows to that's a lot of huls. You know how many you alls is going to take to do this? I don't care. You don't know what I've seen. You don't know what there's the thing, like the they sold it, and when they sold it, they only sold it for two hundred thousand dollars, which was a major loss. I mean really need to get rid of it. Yeah, so this isn't someone who's like, I mean, if they were trying to get this upseale make a profit off of it, they there's no way they would have sold it for that low of an amount. Right, they would have. They would have tried to make a bigger profit on it than sure, and so that kind of that does kind of like, uh, I don't know if they were making it up right, if they're willing to part with it for that cheap. Hey, you ever heard of tilling merchandise? That's right, we've got a full store of branded teas, mugs, hoodies, stickers a lot more. All of its available online if you just text tilling to six six, eight hundred and six six will send you a link for all of that. And we put out new designs with every episode, but those are only available for a limited time, so get them while they're hot. So that was ninety four. Okay, bigelow comes in. Yeah, bigelow, he establishes. Let me pull it up so I get all right, the National Institute for Discovery Science, the Nid s or the nods is what people call it. Okay, and the idea is it's an institute that will fund the Research of fringe sciences and paranormal topics. And what he does is he sets up audio recorders, cameras like seismic recorders, all over the property to just collect data, basically seven and he turns the ranch, the House and the house in the ranch to a lab. And so they're constantly studying air and studying like what's happening with the seismic activity and all this different stuff, and they get a lot of data, obviously because they've constantly recorded her. In theory, there's a lot of video and photo and audio of paranormal things happening on the ranch and they had been studying those four years. Another interesting thing is there's a lot of its like a seismic hotbed. There's a ton of ufo sightings are. This is actually falls right and what's called the UFL alley, which is kind of the Nevada New Mexico Utah area. Yeah, it's where they orbit. Yeah, yeah, they say they hang out over there. So there's a lot of ufo sightings there as well. And then, of course the skin walker stuff and the wolf thing. So a lot of paranormal activity happen. If there were ufos, they one would have collided with a plane by now. No, they're too fast. Don't don't. Don't you think they would air traffic control be like Hey, Ufo we've got a plane southwest is coming out. I'm saying, though, is like, if you have us, can you know they can get around our system? Yeah, right, yeah, we're not seeing them all the time. Yeah, I think that with how much air traffic there is, I don't think so. I think I don't think they would. Okay, I mean there's a lot of air traffic, but I mean if you look up, like, there's a lot of room in this guy, sure, there's still a lot of room. And I mean those things are they're quick and they're better technology. The fly higher. So I don't know. I mean, yeah, he's serious. It's annoyable, but no, no, I mean like, yeah, but they're also invisible and they can move through objects, and object from Burson's isn't they were nothing for them, and also they're from the future in the past the same time. So clearly your idea is stupid. Yeah, so in two thousand and four his his institute was kind of disbanded without note us. And Yeah, because they saw a skinmugger. Yeah, they saw skind luck. Are they like James? And then a send it and then they were like, oh, we gotta get out of here. So in two thousand and four I got disbanded without notice and he had been relatively outspoken with what was going on there. He had have been releasing a lot of stuff, but he had been talking about like Oh yeah, we saw this thing was all that thing. Blah Bla, blah, blah, blah. Put them for he disbands it and he's not talking about anymore. Very odd. Well, in the skin walkers are blackmailing him. I listen, you're not gonna like what we saw. All right, we've been out here a long time and we notice that you have a couple of girlfriends and if you don't meet our domains, will blow your life up. Yeah, I think that actually might be pretty close to what happened. So he in two thousand and eighteen. At the end of two thousand and eighteen he comes out in a report with New York Times. This is, you know, in two thousand and twenty, when that Ufo Bigu AF report came out. Well, it got elaked years before. From to the Stars Academy. To the Stars Academy is comprised of a lot of to the Stars Academy. Yes, it's comprised of a lot a of like prominent former military and government. It's calls and senators stars. Goody, it's not called Stars Academy now it's to the Stars Academy, okay. Yeah, and and they're comprised of a lot of former military and science people, teenagers with weird powers. HMM. I mean it's funny you say that because it was started by Tom Delong from blank way to so Kinda, but he actually did go get a lot of these people and he was the one that their organization was. They leaked that originally and then a couple years later the government was like, Hey, asked about his real girl ahead to do a couple yeah, dash control kind of stuff. Yeah, and so anyways. So, so they leaked that and whenever they leaved that, bigelow did a report with the New York Times and he was like yeah, so the Oh good, everyone's talking about it. Great, great, great, I can talk about this now. Sweet are awesome. So, I mean if it's already out there, yeah, so that wife left me a decade ago, we could talk about it. So during the time that he had skinwalker ranch, the US senator of Nevada, Harry Reid, had approached him, yeah, and was like Hey, this institute thing that you've got. It's over. We're gonna it's the government's now. Yeah, yeah, and they were like they're are real. Yeah, and so so. So they started. The government showed up, was like hey, and like what? What? And he's like he's like senator. He's like, don't say my name, let me stopf you'reright there. Please have us on my desper morning. So so they take his institute. They let it continue running, but they say never talk about it, this doesn't exist and it's now it eventually becomes a tip, which is the Aeronautical Threat Identification Program which was the government's UFL research program in the early s. That got disbanded in two thousand and thirteen because it's not real. It is real. The government in their two thousand and twenty report declassified that a tip was a thing and they were well, I mean a tips of thing. Yeah, but they're like yeah, so so their lab our cattle or mutilated. So their lab was a portion of a tip and was studying the parent normal. So what did they will say in his report of The New York Times he basically was just like yeah, so we didn't leave. We kept we kept doing research and we found some things and they were very interesting. And he said that he was absolutely convinced that extra touch real life exists and they have visited earth basically like that in the S. Yeah, that's true. That is true. It's fairly true. It turns out I am one hundred percent percent convinced of the thing that I thought. So. So what are you going to do with that? In what you do with that information? Yeah, so government came by and I said, yeah, I've been thinking these things and still think of so. I still think so. Now I think so. Now what are you gonna do? What are you gonna do about that now? Yeah, relase a senator twenty, senator ar sure don't ever see her name again. So don't make me mad sense. That's we're saying, though it is it feels like there's a lot of room for confirmation bias here. There is. And and he did say, and it is true, that a lot of the files from a tip are still classified. And so he said, I you can't talk about a lot of it, which is convenient, but yeah, it's true. We do know. It's true that a tip was the classified. I can't about that. She goes through differently. Do try about she's real, though. Yeah, he's real. Promise she's real. You want to know her, but she wasn't real. Yeah, she's real. No, yeah, I don't pressures with her. Every time I take a picture of her, I can't see it. Yeah, see, I'll try to, I'll let me describe it. She's got she's got a jacket, she's blonde with Bangs, and don't try to Google her. Don't no ear and you're not gonna like. Yeah, you know, I'm gonna find her. You're not gonna find you're not going to you're not gonna find I you know how I did. Sounds like you murder. You're not gonna find her anyway. Yeah, it's touch classified. Can't talk about it. Talk about it. Yeah, I'm gonna do forever. Now. By the way, it's class of now, kid. That rise classified. Yeah, Ray is like, what did you and Tim do last weekend? That's classified. Yeah, Hey, we got jared Myers on the podcast today. I heard you got a new toilet. You say find up. Can you tell us a bit about why did you say my name? I have one rule for this radioator. You don't see more. Hey, we've got a you know, we good comic. We got a comedian. If you've seen Tim Hawkins, you've seen this one and you know. Okay, so bigelow does his a tip stuff for yeah, he doesn't a tips. that. That's all. I lose. Spooky stuff happen the range, like that's happened to tell you? Yeah, exactly. And then a unless you come on Sunday morning at today am, you know you're find out. Why did you join us on Sunday? Best is yet to come. So so that was that was sorry, that was a jab at everybody. So I haint ti gets disbanded and alleged that. A couple years later bigelow puts it up for sale and then this guy brandon food all buys it in two thousand and see, two thousand and sixteen. Yeah, do the Ad Mantium Holdings, which is a shell company. It's a shell company. See, also an alien guy, Um, I mean yes, like he's interested. He's not sold. He's more he's a Mormon guy and he's more interested. He says, if I can prove in the paranormal then that proves mormonism, which is a leap, but sure, he's like. It's like yeah, if I can get a picture of a ghost, then you're like, yeah, the spiritual world exists. So that's kind of his motive. It's a little different. And so he immediately after I shouldn't say he, because there's a group involved. He's the guy who's kind of spearheading it, but it's a full group of investors with the Shell Company. But immediately after they buy it, they close all roads leading into the ranch, they put up surveillance, like twenty four hour surveillance, outside of it, and actually hire security company to patrol the ranch. And they're like trying to keep people out. Yeah, but what if you like get hired for the security of this place? Right, you're like, all right, are we supposed to keep people out or keep weird things in? Little both, but imagine it back here, because, listen, security guards are just cops that didn't graduate, right, and so am I wrong? Yeah, right, a step above mall cop, yeah, step below real one. Yeah, right, yeah, or their cops who blew up the toilet. That's also true. That's also true. Yeah, never mind. So, but I mean what I'm saying is, like they don't they got training, but not really. Yeah, and like anybody could be a security officer. Yeah, yeah, you know, yeah, proven by the people who are security officers my apartment, because the people, my neighbors, were outside grilling hot dogs, playing music till thirty in the morning. Yeah, and ice. I would watch security come in the parking lot with their little yellow lights and they were supposed to shut that down and instead just took a hot dog. It's gonna say. It was like they're like, I canna get one of those nickel that's exactly what they did and they drove off. So, yeah, yeah, that's what I imagine when you say they hired a security company, but also what they could be hiring is like, like security company is like a code word for militia. Yeah, yeah, like the security companies that the United States government hires to go overseas and do stuff. Oh, is that okay? That's the thing. Yeah, the security company that the guy from taking work for. This is going to be a stretch my stick with. It's like taking to all right, that's a reference nobody gets. Oh, no, bomber, if you're a painting one day, maybe. anyways. So, so this real estate, this Shell Company. They here's what's interesting, right. Yeah, they buy the property, shut it down, they shut it down and then they went and they trademarked skin Walker ranch and then they also with the mark that was applicable to in quotes providing recreation facilities, entertainment surfaces, mainly creation, development, production and distribution of multimedia content, Internet content, motion pictures and television shows, and an additional trademark expanded to the use of Cups, mugs, shirts, short sleeve shirts, sports caps and hats. Where you have a theme park out here, yes, can walker land. So and then they made a reality TV show that's now on the history channel called the secrets of skinwalker ranch, and so it seems pretty clear that they bought it because they were like, Oh yeah, we can make for sure profit off this and it and it was usually successed. Worked for sure. Is a successful made a ton of money off it's like, dude, I think about you know, what I think about a lot is that the people from the finding big foot show have to know that big foot's not real and they're it is out there raking in the money. MMM, MMM, yeah, probably, probably, and it seems like this is what's going on here. What a lot of people say is that the Shermans made it up to sell it to bigelow. bigeloaded is thing for a little bit and then now these people are trying to profit off of it again. But there is the theory that because this guy does seem relatively interested, that he started this reality TV showed to fund the research because he's not as rich as biggelow, and so he said, I'm ready to income. Yeah, if we can make this a spectacle also, if you you happen to catch what you're looking for on camera for your TV show. Yep, huge six. I think that's the that's the idea. So whether or not it's genuine, it's hard to tell for sure. Yeah, but the fact that they trademarked it is a little suspect. But I mean, I guess if you're going to start the show name it's kid longer, right. Yeah. So I don't know the whole thing. Like, is there some weird things that happened there? Sure is. Aliens most likely involved. Absolutely, but it's a lot of it probably made up. Yeah, absolutely. I want to go the theme park, you know, like just ride a roller coaster. They got a ride called the mutilater right, another one called face off. They've got all of their cast members are crawling around back. Yeah, I mean you got a passive flexibility test. All this up and then they're big ride. Yeah, you know, the big roller coaster is called the fiddle off. Yeah, things of the last night is a production of space tim media, produced by Christian Taylor. Audio is edited by Alice Garnett, video by connerbet social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic designed by Caleb Goldberg, our hoster, Jeremyers and Tim Stone. Please follow us on social media at Tilling podcast, that's Tillo in podcast. Leave a review, comment, subscribe wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on the last night.

Few places have sparked as much public intrigue as Skinwalker Ranch. Dubbed as the most paranormally active place in America, the ranch has books and tv shows in its honor. We can learn much by looking at the ranch owners over the years. When did that haunting begin? What is the nature of the hauntings? Most importantly, what do UFOs … Read More

Jack Parsons – How This Man Accidentally Funded Scientology


Episode Transcription

Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird

Hey Man, what's up? Have you ever heard of Jack Parson's Jack Jack Parsons Parsons? I think said Pars Arson's, Jack Parsons, Jack Parsons. Also, I know him as John Whiteside Parsons. What? or You could also know him as Marvel Whiteside Parsons? Okay, hold on. Jack Parsons, yes, John White side Parsons, yes, Marvel, marvel whiteside Parsons, yes, I guess not. Is He from that Christmas Song? What the and pretend that he is Jack Parsons, sorry, and pretend that he is melv Miller for Marvel Martin, and pretend that he is marvel white side Parsons. Is Fit, Jack Parsons did though? Yeah, Parson Brown, Parson Brown, yeah, well, no, he's not, he's not. That's not him. Okay, who is Jack Parsons? Jack Parsons was born marvel white side Parsons, named after his dad, Marve Marvel Parson. Is His middle name whiteside? Or was that a nickname? This is middle name. I believe his men names white size is that's his mother's last name. His mother's US White said. His Dad's last name is Parsons. They were married but they split up or that line was on from so he went his parents split up. He was like, well, I'm both. Yeah, so iphinated it. Yeah, he's like. He's like, I'll that all iphenate and he's like, I don't think. What's your opinion on that? On that? Look, when couple of the US? Is there a reason? No, I have. I have we had that conversation before? Yeah, yeah, have we talked about on the podcast? I don't know, I don't know. I just I can't explain why I don't like it. You know what I mean? Yeah, I just I just know that I don't why. You why someone would want to? I don't I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, I understand it about. Yeah, I would never do anyware. I've been thinking about change my last name to whiteside, whiteside Myers, jared white admires. Yeah, my last name Marvel, like I was said I was gonna Change my last name to whiteside and you're like white side Myers. Yeah, their websites probably availablecom marvel whiteside myerscom. That's like that church last week that put on the they put on the screen Jarre and Myers, but they spelled it m Ey Erscom and which is fine because I own that one. YEP, so marvel whiteside Myers is not a live site. Is Available. Oh, I thought you were going to say not available. I was like, what are you talking about? Who Ten bucks here, just dreaming about your death? Oh, it's an active terrorism son here there. Third is death. They gotta be because of the Liberal legend. All Rise for the Lord of the universe. Not Allowed to do anything with blood anymore. Things I learned last brain Satan. Okay, so all marvel was born win one thousand nine hundred and fourteen. Was An old guy. Yeah, and the the marriage didn't really end great, and so the his mom didn't want him to continue to be marvel because he was named after his dad. Yeah, and so she changed it to John and he started going by Jack. Oh, I thought she started dating a new guy named John and she's like now your name is John. A few years later she started dating the guy. She's like, yeah, now it's Jack. Your name is whoever I'm dating. Yeah, what that would be traumatic if your mom kept doing that to you. You know, you know my I don't know if we talked about this before on the podcast. You know the story that my dad's my dad is the one who change his last name. Yeah, yeah, because he used to be Horsey. Don't ughinated, though. Didn't know he did. Not. I swear. I've seen like somewhere where I'll say horsie Myers. No, I swear made that. You dreamed it. Maybe you haven't dreams about my dad. Do Dream Without Your Dad? Pretty up. Yeah, just Dreaming About Your Dad that. Oh Yeah, Huh sor I was having a having a dream a boy your dad. What? Don't do that. So he's a patreon supporter. We dream about all our patrons. Supports. The Patriot of meet us in hard dreams. Virtual events are a thing of the past. The futures is dream dances, all right. And so, anyway, that was weird. My Dad's last date, but he changed his last name when he when he got me married my mom, he took her last name. They didn't make one up together. Yeah, but they thought about changing my last name to his. There was that was a conversation. I could have been Charon Horsey. Was the point of that story? Better for comedy? You would have been a puppeteer. That's another that's a puppeteer, puppeteer, you would have been a you mean of Ventriloquist? Now I mean a puppeteer. I wouldn't have been good at the mouth. I would have had to hide behind the curtain. Yeah, that's what dead difference from a puppeteer and a ventriloquist is. Talent is the curtain and because he is that blue felt curtain, that's the way off track. All right, all, yes, Jack Parsons. I hope this is an alien thing. Jack Parsons, he is kind of like the father the unknown. Will call him the unknown father of rocket tree. Of what? Rocket Tree? Yeah, I mean, saying the word again is not going to help me. Rocket Tree is when you build trees out of rock. Just get to the story, please. You gonna be like our Youtube comments rocket. Just tell a story like rocket designers. Oh, rocketeer, he's but he's unknown because he kind of got design rockets got blacklisted, and so we'll get to that. Okay. But in in one thousand nine hundred and fourteen was born and to a pretty wealthy family. His grandfather was very, very, very wealthy, and so they enrolled the white side school. Yeah, yeah, Mr Whiteside Mr Brightside. So they enrolled him in this really like affluent school where he didn't love his education, but he loves SCI FI. So he read all these sci fi books all the time and he started to dream of going to space, and so as a child he became like obsessed with is this possible? And a common trope in sci fi was figuring out ways to make rockets go to space, because there was like, I mean, fireworks have been a thing for a long time. So there was like really rudimentary, like tiny little like home rockets, basically worth. Okay, they didn't do anything. Say Home Rockets, yeah, you got a home rocket. Yeah, it's like everybody's got everything. He's a home mortgage in a home rocket. Yeah, so and a rocket mortgage. Today's sponsor. I was just smoothing, not we need to bleep it out unless we can get them. Yeah, I'll call them. BLEEP it out unless we get a don't bleep it. Here's the problem is that you keep saying bleep stuff and I watch it back and I don't remember that we bleeped it. And so the bleep stuff to stuff. I said, that's true, but I'm saying, like we should have a warning in the beginning. That's like, Hey, when we believe stuff, we're not actually cussing. Yeah, that's fair. We haven't have a disclaimer that we're not explicit. You know. See, just so you know, I just so you guys notice a family friendly thing. Yeah, if we bleep, something gets a joke. anyways. So he became obsessed with trying to wanting to gas rockets and make rocket. So he started just make trying to ride Bob Rockets in the air. Ye, he's just making exploss at home and and there was a description of him, of his neighborhood, like his family home as a child. The backyard was described as having craters like the moon because he was just blowing stuff up in his back out all the time. So rich people do though. You know, you can tell when they're when they're rich, because either the yard looks impeccable immaculate. Yeah, absolutely, more like total garbage. I mean they are no care. Yeah, because they have so much money that it's like, Oh, land, you know, they don't respect to lay it. I don't need to respect land. I'm too rich for land. It's only on this part that we own, not on the other parts. So he it. He was getting bullied in middle school because he liked sci fi too much and I don't know, the stuff that kids pulled each other for. Yeah, I think anime kids. Now you know that, but Twenti s version. It's so in eighth grade he's just got one day. We're going to go to the moon and everyone's like shut up, nerd. Yeah, I mean that's I mean, I was ACTU I wasn't going to joke. You're not that far off. So anyway, so he got made fun of a lot three middle school. Made good friends with an eighth graator who also was into blowing stuff up, and so they just started blowing stuff up together, right as kid. Yeah, just a little bombros right. And but then the Great Depression hits and his grandparents lose their fortune, and so then he kind of just write lost or whole fortune the Great Depression. Yeah, and so they had to move across town to a hey marvel John Jack powers was a sell this house. We always holes in the backyard. Whyn't you go fill those in? Yeah, he's like sorry, I was trying to dig a whole so I could scare some third graders. I hear they're third is definitely take deeper enough, you go far that you'll find him and so. But even even though he moves schools and move neighborhoods, he stayed Edward Foreman. So now they're name of that eighth grader. Yeah, so like definition poor or like just everyone's poor sort doesn't matter. I mean, yes, okay, like, I mean everyone was poor then, but yeah, like, I don't know what you're true. Were they still doing better than other people's? What I mean, I don't know the answer to that. Okay, I don't know. But anyways, he's remain friends with Edward Foreman, which was that eighth radery stuck up from. Okay, they just blue stuff up all the time, right, that was like the number one hobby. But they they switch schools. He goes to high school and he's just not like applying himself in school. Yeah, his parents think he's pretty intelligent, but he's just not trying, and SOS MOM and an effort to try to try to get him to like put the work in right, she enrolls him in military school and so ships them off the military school. Always the answer, always the answer. Just get him out of the House. Yeah, let him live with some yeah, well, you'll like it here. How about those service? Yeah, about that. So he goes. He got kicked out because because he blew up a toilet, like literally put a bomb on the toilet. Blue, I know, I figured that part. I didn't think that you meant that he just really was stinking at the bathroom. I think I thought you met. You Ned to clarify that. Yeah, I as soon as you said it, I was like, Oh, yeah, he physically blew up a toilet. Not Zack. We have been here. What do you get? Discharge from the military because you're making too much of a mess in the bathroom it. Yeah, Jack, you're not reacting well to the military food. There's not a place for you. Yeah, you're not acting you know, your body is not taking the military very well. And so you say military mucletary what. So, anyway, he blew up a toilet day one. How long did he was there for a little bit, but, okay, he gets kicked out. That's where they draw the line. Yeah, the toilet drew out. You got it's an active terrorism son. Yeah, yeah, so there's there's that. So after after now, what year we in a nineteen twenty something. Okay, nine thirty, I don't know, twenty nine ish ish, fifteen years old. He was in the military. Is a military school? Military School. Yeah, and so he really wanted to go to Caltech because that's where everyone was learning, like sure, really cool rockets, aerospace engineerings. Yeah, him and his friend, as was named for Ment Edward Foreman. They both really wanted to go, but they weren't getting accepted. They were because they didn't try and school. All that. It is just pluw stuff up for fun. Yeah, and they like we can do all the maybe it's to go to the school and we blow up all the toilets. They'll know that we're good at this. We like, look at all the toilets they blew but maybe it's for those things without like that's really annoying, but also, but also, you're pretty good at this. Do that. It's like good rule hunting. But they're just, you know, they take the janitor job or they're just blowing up toilets. So so what they did is they just befriended some kids who went to Caltech and they got really close to them and then they were like hey, we're going to live in your dorm room. They were like hey, you guys want to blow stuff up with us? And so they just blown stuff up with these caltech kids and these these kids had a close relationship with one of the professors there and they were able to get this, I don't know what the word is for it, basically get permission to use an old academic building that had laboratory in it but had been kind of inactive since the depression. Okay, and so they're like, yeah, no one's using that, you guys can just use that whenever you want. And so the students got permission to. The students were like Hey, like your are blow stuff up buddies, like you want to come with the stuff, blow stuff up in this unmused lab. It's you're blow stuff up buddies. Actually did have a name on campus, which I really tried to figure out if this is where this name came from. I believe it is, but I don't have any way to prove it. But the kids on camp is called this group of kids who blue stuff up. They called them the suicide squad, and I am convinced that's why they got that really for the comic books, because this was before DC. I heard they were called something different what Xmen? Yeah, well, lit are those the avengers? Is that marvel? Mar That's what I'm saying. Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, that's right. That's when new episodes drop on Patreon. Patreons a way to get early access to episodes and a their content and exclusive merchandise. And we're not going to stop there, because we got a private discord with our host and producers in it for less than seventeen cents a day. That's right, that's five dollars a month. You two can be a patreon supporter and not here advertisements in this freaking podcast anymore. Text till in the six, six eighty sixty six. Otherwise I'll come to your house, I will find you, I will destroy everything that's good in your life until we're the only thing left. Anyway, here's another advertisement. So, yeah, they call him the suiside squad because, I mean, they repetitively came really close to killing themselves doing this, for sure, and eventually they outgrew this little lab. How, what do you mean they have? They were making too big of explosions and the patio was like you. If I did, the professors like guys, I said, you could use this I didn't say you could burn the building down. It is that I expect you to do this. And so so they go out to there was this damn out in Pasadena, and so they they call it devil's Den, I believe is what they called. Me Double check that, make sure I got so they're trying to blow up at damn. Like they're like what is city? What if? Yeah, they wouldn't let us tear down a building, a cow tech, let's flood it. How about that? We'll show them. So Devil's Gate, Devil's Gate. So it's the Damn Devil's Gate and there was just this big open space by it, because there used to be a big body of water there and it like wasn't anymore because, you know, kind of change is the damn? Because the I'm pretty sure it was Clem to change. Oh you think so? It wasn't because of the because they walled off the water. So they went over whatever was. I mean there was it's mixing that Damn and there was are this big empty area that I don't know how the water is not there anymore. I literally can't put it together. I don't know where this thing I don't agesn't make sense. So they got to be because of the liberal legend. So so there's a big open area that used to have water. Now it's dried up, whatever, for whatever reason. Aliens, probably, but most likely aliens. So they go over there and and me like squad. Yeah, they go over there and they said, let's just blow up stuff bigger, and so they started making bigger and bigger bombs and eventually this developed to they were they're making rockets that were like small time, like just like little, shoot up a little bit and come back down, kind of like what spacex does all the time, like look to go up, it goes down. They're doing that type of stuff and they actually started a group that they called the Gougenheim Aeronautical Laboratory. Don't know where they got that name, Gal I think it was named after the lab that they got to use. I think the lab was the GOUGENHEID lab. Okay, at Caltech. So they don't have any official training in this, though. They're still just befriending these college jude well, the Caltech guys kind of do, because they're glad there, but I'm talking like Jack Parsonson and Edward Foreman. Yeah, they just know some guys and they well, they've been doing it their whole life. Yeah, that's what the question I lost stuff. They don't have any formal training on this stuff, though. We've defied formal, I mean a oversight committee has approved the curriculum that they are learning. Yeah, and then they are guided by a professional through what they're doing. Technically, answer is no, technically no, not even technically no, straight up, not technically. Know Somehow, and I'm not this is very gray. I don't understand how this happened. But somehow during this time, when whenever they were still in the lab, Somehow Parsons got in touch with Werner von Braun. I don't know. You know who that is? That sounds familiar. He is the guy who is who is the father of rocketry. And so he, Jack Parsons, is the secret one. He's kind of, yeah, the behind, okay, behind the scenes. So what murder of my Bron did? He was so, he was a Nazi. After the war. He was one of the ones that we were like, Hey, we're flipped. Yeah, let's yeah, pretend you didn't do any of that, and then he came over get everything you did before. Yeah, and he built the rockets that took us the moon. And so he is the guy that, like everyone's like yeah, he did it, yeah, he did that and nothing else. Yeah, there's nothing else. He did. That was pretty bad. Yeah, why, there's a pretty big like paper clip and print on his file. Ya knows. You're just seeing things, man. Yeah, that's because you stared at the rocket too long. Were you dreaming about my dad? Ask Me. That's the thing. My Dad Would Your Dad Dream? Your Dad Dream Last night? Got Cut it out. And so he became like I wanted to say like friends, but almost a colleagues, like they would call each other. It's around like like like longdistance calls, like this is this is pre war, and so he's like longdistance call. Yeah, this is before all the stuff. Von Braun to just talk about rockets, and so they're kind of like a changing ideas. Yash, yeah, and they will jack. I don't really. Can they say Jay's? I don't know. I don't know. I think. I don't. Think Germans came. I don't know. They say Ja, yeah, Russian. So yeah, they would just calling about blowing stuff up. Maybe, like Hey, if you thought to think about blowing something up like this, like do you what I work and then he likes just just sort of run by something, something real quick. If I were too, and is all hypothetical, if I were to, you know, put these two things together with that go for or would that go? Who? If I were to, I don't know, Rick a bunch of explosives on the Pacadena Damn what, it flood the entire city. I just want to take our cow tech, I mean, and that one military school. Believe, one toilet as right as my calls, as my life, the real placement toilet. What do you call that? Your your your call sign, your call sign, think you had it right now. Call sign is like card, like trucker, trucker. That's your call sign. It's calling card, calling card. Yeah, that's it. Yeah, if you show it to an arson and there's one untouched toilet, this was this guy. It was this guy. So so here's the thing about if you're blowing a bunch of stuff up in the desert. Yeah, the government notices. No, they don't. Yeahs they noticed. Wow, and they said, Hey, we noticed your this is high. This is the government. We're listening in on your phone call with I mean we were just we're just pruising the desert. They found out. Yeah, so they were like, Hey, we couldn't help, but notice the rockets you guys are building in the desert. What if you just did that for us? And no joke. They took the suicide squad and they started the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which was the group that became a NASA, and they said, Hey, what have you guys just made rockets for us. And so this is where, this is really where NASA came from as a group of kids blowing crap up. No, I refuse. It is really where where it all began. And so these guys got stupid rich, like they were making giant rockets for the government, and the government was like hey, government, if you're listening to this, and you're like the government could use a podcast, we've been making this podcasting Mans, I guess, in the desert, and I don't know if I'm kind of like last year. It seems like you could help, but notice. I was just wondering if you would notice us more. Yeah, what do we have to make it? I couldn't help. Yeah, what do we got to do to move this anyway? They say, just like basically, we're like, Hey, that feels on brand for the government, though. That feels like they're just like, yeah, we like what you're doing, and like they haven't have a meeting where they like, do we shut this down, or do we like pay for it? Those are the only two options. Do we shut it down, or do we give them money? Yeah, yeah, or do we like perpetuate it, like yeah, what do we want to do here? We're not we don't like it. Yeah, but if it was ours we would kind of like it. Can you guys do that? You can't know. Okay, Great, higher is he? Fourteen? Is Fourteen years old? Higher High. So they go bathroom access? Yeah, keep away from all the toilets. Heard that was a problem for it. No, no bathrooms in the office. So so they hied them going the field and they make a ton of money. All of that. GETS super rich. So Jack goes and buys himself a Matt Mansion and he nicknames it the Parsonage. You hate that, whatever you like it? You're like yeah, I love yeah, why is your house? I call a stone hinge. Oh, it is now his neck. There you go. So he starts making a bunch of rockets and stuff. was kind of leading the forefront of making rockets for the US, like him, and real competition. There's no one to compare it to. Yeah, and so, I mean he was definitely in the group that was involved in getting rockets off the ground. Yeah, literally, they also they also made rocket propelled aircraft, which was a huge impact for aircraft carriers because then it was safe to take off from an aircraft career. Yeah, so they did a lot of stuff that got them very, very rich. And then and then, because they used sling shot him. Yeah, they did actually. Yeah, and and then Jack Got Weird. He was always kind of weird. Don't go where I think you're going. What do you think I'm going? All right, think you know where I think you're going. What do you think about? I think you know where I think. You think you know where your do you think? Do you think that? I think you started a story about a kid who was really into Scifi. Are Right. And then he's like blowing stuff up and making rockets, and then he gets hired by the government and he's working with a Nazi who isn't an see yet but will be in the future, and then he'll beat an American and then I think you're going to pivot at the end and be like, by the way, Jack Really believes in aliens? No, not even close. So when Jack was in middle school he wanted so bad to get to space that he so so backpedal a little bit. Okay, Jack's family's Baptist, very, very baptist, very heavily baptist. Okay, it's so baptist. I keep waiting for to drop aliens and you drop Baptist, very baptist. And honestly, Jack was not having it. He was not. He did not want to be baptist, he didn't want to be Christian, he don't want to be involved in any of it. Okay, but he was like kind of still religious and which is weird because he liked the reason he didn't want to do any of the like church stuff was because he didn't buy he didn't believe it. Okay. Same time, he still had a religious like Twang to him, a Twang like he had a religious accent. Hey, what's that accent? Oh, it's a it's a little Lutheran, picking up notes of religion. Were talking about it. So it is in middle school he's like he's a man, I want to go to space so bad and he's like trying, God, would you please beat me up? No, he says Seatan, which you please take me to space. So he like holds like a like a seance and basically sells his sold the devil so he could go to space. That's a middle school and is just not the direction I thought we were going. He's like, okay, he's like, he's like, if you get me to space, then I'm yours for all eternity. Devil. Are you joking? No, and the road. So Jack Parsons is just like he's a middle schooler, a little seventh grade towr right, and he's just in there doing Algebra, just, you know, ex equals seven. Why he goes and he's goes, HMM, devil, we tired of I'm sure you let some kind I want to go first face. So do you think he tried? God? First definite question. Do you think he tried God? It was like covering his bass. It was like God, God, please give me the space space. Devil. What if you, God, can't do it, I want you to do it. Yeah, so he I'm processing this. I'm sorry, I okay, and then he hold to this his whole life, like he's out he gets sign in that with NASA. Signed with NASA. What is the NBA player signs? He's like, I can't sign that. I'm already I'm on. Sorry. Yeah, we're my world. Oh, this was just an ink. Okay, good. Yeah, no, not allowed to do anything with blood anymore. Yeah, did that once when I was eleven. Yeah, sorry, a blood. Oh did he write out the full marvel white side parses and then passes out as so much what he's looks. You Want my birth name or do you want to step jappy? It's like doing. Do you need my birth dad or my Stepdad or my second step Dad's name? Like, which one do I need to use? I'm stressed. See, yeah, didn't go to space. Wait till you hear where this goes. So he's like I want to go so far up that I go down for eternity. I'm so stressed. So he gets rich. Right, obviously he gets rich. Everyone, every Satan worshiper does. That's he made a literal deal with the devil. I can't get past it. I'm sorry. Okay, so he gets rich in you. You'll never guess. We've at friends the devil. I guess who alter Crowley, and so he joined. Nont know who alster Crawley is. We didn't have sort about him, and he's a cult leader, basically. Yea. Also, we've mentioned Operation Paper Clip. We've also, don't ever said about that. You can go back and listen to it. So they're alive at the same time. Yep, their live at the same time. And our story is really is running his cauld yeah, tell them. And yet, yeah, out in the desert. Yeah, and he calls himself the be an Alicer dosy, hey, I couldn't help but notice. You, soldier soul to me, to me ten years ago when you were a child, still a child. Hold up the deed, deed to your like just a piece of paper. I got your soul, more like your note. He's like, I'm the devil. It's like, I don't know if I believe that. If I wasn't the devil, what I have this. Do you remember? Do you remember Marvel Jack, John Perful? Do you remember when you sign this to me? Because I remember, I'll never forget. But you remember who you tried to go to first, because I also remember. You're like, Oh man, yeah, so him and him, analysier, become pretty good friends and he joins tell them and he actually becomes one of their priests, and so he gets his own order started. And a little bit disclaimer that this is graphic if you're watching these your children's a little recap on thelluma. One of the big like tenants in Theelluma was they called it sex magic, and so what they believed was on if you manifest your dreams during sex, then they will come true, and so these people just they did it a lot and thought about what they wanted whenever they did. And so he did that and his wife was not a fan, so his wife left them. He was married before this, by the way. Oh, yeah, good, good note. Yeah, sure. So his wife was like hey, not a fan of this thing that you're doing right now, and he's like yeah, by the way, what you do if your spouse joined a cult? Yeah, what would you do if you married someone and then, years into it they're like buy the wake when I was eleven? What? Oh, no, Hey, I know that I should have brought this up earlier. I do love you with my whole heart. Yeah, and I can't love you with my whole soul because part of it belongs to Satan. The Devil. And you, you know how like you're always like man, we're going to spend eternity together, and I'm like yeah, I don't know, and like we could. I've got my spot secured. Yeah, you could just do some bad stuff. Well, I'm saying like okay, but imagine that you get married right and a couple years in your marriage your spouse joins a cult. Yeah, what do you do? I mean I feel like you would try to get them out of it for a while. I feel like you would exhaust all I think bree joined a Colt, you would join it, but if you join a cold she would fight to get you out. I mean it depends how convincing the cult is. That's that's I guess that's fair. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so he gets he dives into this and his wife is not a fan. Yeah, she's like, I don't like that, and so she leaves him. But Luckily for Jack and pretty unlucky for his sister or his wife. For his wife. Okay, I was like for his wife. Yeah, his wife sister is like, Oh, I like that, and so his wife Sister, Marie's no, Oh, no, I see where you were going now. So his wife's sister marries Jack because she's like yeah, I want to be in on that, and I mean like he's already sold us some of the devil who cares? Yeah, you know, yeah, I mean like I know, I know everything now, like I can't find anything else. Wait, that's way. Were she into Jack or was she into the Colt? Well, so she marries Jack, whoa dives dies right into the cult life, the the occult stuff. You know. Yeah, they start living that life. This is bonker. Some this took a hard left. It's about Edward Foreman doing this whole time, Edward and him or after the whole cult, the whole NASTA thing. Okay, COO, there's the whole cult thing. Pretty much everybody was like that's what. Other question. Was He still working for, you know, NASA Junior? Yeah, so he does for a while. He does for wis you in the colts quite a while? Yeah, I love this little crossover wor. If you don't remember the O't that was for probably episode. We're going to play it right now. Things Bra and safe. So so. So he's doing the cult thing right, he's Colton. He's calling it up, but there's this thing that he really wants to do, and it was the Babylon working spell, which is something that Alister Caley had always jumped of. Basically, the concept is that there was this goddess of Babylon that when she returned, she gives birth to the antichrist and then everybody can have sex with whoever they want and then we're going to go to space, is the idea. Yeah, so those were the two things, and I mean, what more this Jack Love? Then the Anti Christ in spaces of spaces. They checkered all my boxes, your favorite asses, and actually my wife board absolutely for her sister. So he's trying to get as your Crowley to do the spell with him. Carley's like, I don't know about that. I don't know for there, I don't know if you're ready. Yeah, basically, and so he's like no, come on, like do that, do that, but that's spell where we go to space, though, Bro. So Jack Calls up one of his other good friends and it's like, Hey, I'm supposed fell that. I was a king. Say go WHO's the others agree in the desert, and so he dries out to the desert and he waits for his friend to roll up to the desert with him to do the Babylon working spell and out of whatever this would have been like a forty two chevel or something. I don't know. I made that part up, but I'm just painting the picture. Sure comes l Ron Hubbard from scientology. Look, the founder of sideology. This is Prett Scientology, though. Well, this guy's spiritual life. He is connected to as, to Crowley, alrona, Hubbard and Werner, von Braun Satan. This guy knows everybody. So welcomenected his linked in account. Six hundred and sixty six connections. What? So, okay. So what does our Ron say? So they do it. They do the Babylon working spell. What is the spell? It's it's weird. So there's some weird steps. Basically, they they do some chance, they do some drawing on the desert. Is some weird sexual stuff, and then the Babylon mistress is supposed to come right show up. Yeah, she's supposed to show up. Well, after all this happens, iron is like, Hey, I've got this business venture. How high are they all the time? I mean he's definitely addicted to drug staying right, that's what I'm saying, and alcohol, like he's very addicted to both. Ron tells them you have got this new business, exciting new business adventure on Florida. It's called somedology. It was a boating company, like but bass pro yes, yeah, no, no, no, like a r tracker, work, a tracker, BOACR. Yeah, like he's gonna sell boats, make boat, make boat, sell boats, all that stuff, it says. He says, I'm looking for an investor, I'm looking for Twentyzero to get this off the ground. And Jack's like yeah, buddy, like we just had a bond here with his whole Babylon working spell. Just Twentyzero, me more, Do you twenty thousand? Let me make your grant. Let me. Okay, hold on, inflation calculatorcom I can't believe that's not like a like a favorite, like a bookmark. I know it needs to be. What is it? One thousand nine hundred and forty two today dollar mount is Twentyzero. Twentyzero four hundred thousand, oh my goodness. So just over a small investment of a lot, a lot of money. And so he's like, he's like, you want to get in on this? And he's like yeah, that sounds interesting. So he invested Twentyzero and all around Hubbard's idea. And then he's like, all right, I'M gonna go to Florida, get the started and then I'll pay back your investment soon. Basically. Well, on his way out on Hubboard, picks up Jack Parson's wife and takes some to Florida, wife or sister, while sister, the sister who's now his wife. Okay, so the next to wife to okay, yeah, picks up wife to wife to is like hey, want to go to Florida with me? No, she's like yeah, sure, and they get married. No, she leaves him. So you're saying that. Okay. He's like, Bluh, bro You got a great business idea boats. Love It, love it, here's all my money and you know, and this is can be great. And then he's like great, thank you for writing me a massive check on the way out. By the way, what was your wife's name? What? HMM, yeah, yeah, yeah, and they got married and they were married for years. I'll Ron. And what's her face? That was her name. You go back to the sister at that point thoughout listen things and were sister left me? Yeah, for a cultists, for for a guy who's about to start a really red old. No, I know you're mad. I different, Coldist, look a different guy. It's a whole thing. Have you heard of tilling podcast March? That's right, we have a merge store full of tilling bread and teas, hoodies, mugs and so much more. We also make new designs for every single episode, but those are only available for a limited time, so get them while they're hot. Text till into six, six, eight hundred sixty six to get your tilling March today. So new started to kind of disseminate through the government of all the stuff that Jack was into, and the FBI was like, Hey, man, we don't like you doing this stuff anymore. Like you're two. Yeah, we all worshiped Satan, but you're too. Probably was. I was. We all sold our souls. We get that part. Yeah, for sure. One. Two things. One, you're fired too. What was your wife's name? Like the FBI is going to marry your original wife, wife one man. So luckily that they were triplets, right, so, separated at birth, it's so written. fround their other sister. What you know? What's he doing now? Not Now, but what did you after that? So after that he he gets fired and the government from the government. He has a lot of money left over. Yeah, blows through it pretty quick and then meets Marjorie Cameron, who was a movie star, and they he believes that she is the Babylon Goddess, like he sees here. He's like, I summoned to you. She's like, excusing me, it was me and L Ron. Yeah, and she's like, Oh, you know what I do kind of. I think I had a dream about that. No, stop. So, so they get married. Way does she go with it? I don't know. I mean she ended up participating in all the Thumba stuff with him after. So she was like she was a yes, I am the Babylonian Princess. She was like, how much money do you have? That's right. Yeah, so I was just thinking of a rich person is yeah, I'm definitely the like bablone. Yeah, yeah, Hey, I prayed for you. You pray for me? Yeah, Oh, okay, are you have? How much money? Yeah, I'd works in mysterious ways. Sounds like a plan. Or sorry, Satan Works and mysterious ways. What are we like? So he's into the clue. He still so he's still like an Aliser, still in his life. Yeah, yeah, so, sorry, he's still pretty set elma and so he still knows aliston whatever. And so, but then he meets this this actress and they hit it off. They get married and wife number three, yes, his wife number three, and she connects them with Hollywood and they're like hey, we like to blow stuff up in our movies sometimes and we also love Satan. Yeah, yeah, also a big Fan. And so they started contracting him to be like the demolitions expert for a bunch of Hollywood movies. He didn't do a ton. There wasn't at that time, that big of a need for it. Yeah, so you actually ended up blowing through most of his cash and ended up having to become an overnight gas station attendant, and so he was doing that, but he was also like overnight. Is what I aught at. Like, yeah, yeah, he has rough. Here's what's interesting to me. Like, I mean he definitely blew a lot of his money on drugs and alcohol taking this point in his life, but also like he had that he still had the mansion, the Max was paid off, and so he was running out rooms and his mansion and then he was occasionally blowing stuff up on Hollywood sets. But he still had to work overnight at this gas station. I mean I think the thing is he just spent too much money on the dumps and alcohol. Yeah, and he's sending a lot of money to Florida for boats. Yeah, he never got that money back from around. I hope. You know, can't wait till the guy gives me my investment and my wife back. Yeah, I invest. I expect that thirteen percent return on my wife. Yes, please, thank you. One of thirteen percent better wife. Yeah. So, yeah, he never got that money back. He actually sued Al Ron Hubbard and he lost anything writing. Well, I was wrote it was just in the sand of the desert. So I mean, like you know, it was still out there. So you go check, you know. Yeah. So, yeah, he lost that, lost that money and then, at the age of thirty seven, he was preparing an explosive for a movie set. I mean, at this point in his life he's blown stuff up. He's only thirty seven at this point. Yeah, yeah, so this a lot of life has hat packed into these thirty seven years. Where he died. So he study seving, he's in his garage, he's preparing this bomb for a movie set, mixing all these chemicals something very routine. He's done this thousands of time. Sure, and drops it and it explodes. He didn't die immediately. He did up dying hospitals. Ended up dying in the hospital. The police officer who first arrived on seen totally obliterated his house, found him in the Rubbel and Jack said these weren't these ended up being his last words. He said I'm not done. So I don't know what that was supposed to mean, but it's sparked a conspiracy theory that I wasn't an accident. So the bomb blowing up his house wasn't an accident. Yeah, so there's there's two. There's a theory that he do it. He blew up his house to hide something. There's also a theory that someone else blew him up well, the hide something. That's not a theory. Okay, it is now. I just thought here we got a new theory, new theory to theory. So he here's the deal, if I can just blow up this house, he's I'll get a new one. Insurance fraud. So He's blows. So here's the deal. He's an expert. What's your explosion covering? Sure, yeah, what's your coverage? I mean I think of my house blows up, I'm fully covered. I think I'll check with my insience only call your insurance. Random question. My House carded just because we're seeing lolow up commercials are we're seeing that, so we cover it. So the theory goes. He was an expert with this stuff. Yeah, and so and especially how it something so routine. And he's only thirty seven. So it's not like he's like to the point where he's like, but I mean, let's look at his life. It's not like he had not all. Know, I want to say, like you had a lot to live for. Yeah, well, like a'son wife number three. Yeah, you know, it's involved than a series called drug addicted, alcohol addicted stasn't been to space. Here's a question. was so I have number two for a second. He's married to the as you did. He just not care about Christmas or like Thanksgiving. Did they go still? You know, I was just thinking about what I think. When you marry your ex wife sister, you pretty much put to the rest having in laws, like you're just like yeah, all of that side of but what would be worse? What if the the inlaws? We're all for it, what if the parents were like, Oh yeah, that was that's a great match. When we met, men were like he's better. She is way more into cults than her. Oh Yeah, she's always been a you know what? What I was tent when she was ten. I found her in a room. She's calling on the devil, signing with blood that if she could join a colt she would just serve him forever. She used to just eat with her own blood right on our walls space, over and over again, like it. She probably wrote it on you space. What are you doing if you walk in your kids room and they are writing in their own blood on the walls? What do you do? What's your first response? It's probably like one of those like and then what if the words are I'm not done, then what do you do? You move and you leave that kids. You leave the you lock the door, do the thing where you move away and you leave the kid the front porch for whatever family moves in. All right, this is the else's child now. Yeah, this is a beautiful bi centennial home. It was built in one thousand nine hundred and thirty three comes this hot a child's three bedroom, two bathroom. One Thousand Nineteen Hundred Square feet. Seven year old girl in the kitchen is newly updated. Quick recommendation. The walls are all painted red and you should just leave them about. Yeah, you just want to see it, you know, I don't want to helps everything blend in a little better. That's the house is child. Yeah, you don't want to see I don't want better at all. Oh my gosh, what do you do? Yeah, anyway, yeah, that's rough man. Yeah, I mean, so, thirty seven, he blows up doing routine the tooth theories are that it was a suicide. Was a lot of people don't buy that, because he said I'm not done. Yeah, and plus, like, I mean you're also kind of find a motive, like he's okay. He said he's on his third wife, he lost his dream job, he hasn't been a space yet. He sold us, sold the devil. He never got a space. That's right. I guess I just assumed he was going to space with all the stuff. HMM. The other theory is that somebody needed him gold on. Yeah, and there's a lot of different theories on who that could be. There's the CIA, there's people at NASA, there's people within Thalama, there's people like l Ron Hubbard, there's a theory. There was actually a this is weird. There's a seven year old girl in the house. Lots of people wanted him dead. There was a cop who was convicted of murdering someone by blowing them up, and they brought him in to testify, to say, Hey, we think this is how he did it. Is that possible? They're like he was the bomb expert and he was like Oh yeah, yea, he definitely did that. And then he went to prison. And so then, if you're saying they brought in, they brought in Parse Parsons to testify against the police officer. Yeah, and then he got released from prison. Yeah, when I never was like off, show you possible? Yeah, yeah, and so so he tampered with his bomb as he was making it, so it blew him up. Interesting. So there's lots of theories on who has the mode. Honestly, a lot of people had motive to kill him, and so there's all these theories about it, but I guess whenever know what we do know. That's very strange. Shortly after his death, he died in one thousand nine hundred and fifty two following that was the space race and the S, which were two very interesting times because one we got to space in the moon, okay, if you believe that, allegedly, allegedly, and then too, there was like this, the hippie movement. It was very sexually liberating. And so if he's made eight more years, some people say like they're like his Babylon thing actually worked, like it's little Babylon call magic check thing. So he had to sacrifice himself to get there. Maybe that was the last part of the spell. Maybe that's what he meant by I'm not done. Oh, Jack Parsons reincarnated as the s were you talking about? As literally HAS THO s. You guys are going to love it when I'm gone. That's not not what I was gonna say. No, I was gonna say he reincarnated his Neil Armstrong. Oh, but I like your idea. That timeline wouldn't have worked out, I don't think. Yeah, I mean he probably just possessed them. I've got to space world where another because like he's like seeing. You can work that out right. Yeah, some things like that's one small step for me. For me, Steve Satan you always calls himself that too, because, yeah, I guess I Satan could figure that out. You're like, dude, I'm how much times you say every time. What do you mean? I Satan and not doing anything. He's always referring to him. So I comma say the same. I just want to be clear who I'm talking about. Yeah, why Satan am talking about? If you say I'm assuming you're talking about yourself. Satan, yourself. Comma Satan, right, and that's I Satan. Am talking about myself, Satan. And so anyways, Jack Parson, he really did contribute a ton to the world of rocket science. I mean NASA probably would have eventually happened, but it was founded because he was blown stuff up in the desert. Yeah, really, which is kind of crazy when you think about it. And and a lot of the stuff he did, like it ended up like it propelled the whole thing forward. Sure he was not foundationous. Who You did? Yeah, Vernavon Brown stole his glory, right, but uh, I mean he also did kind of give his glory away from the whole cult. Well, but hold, one thousand nine hundred and fifty two is around the same time. That not around the same time, but vern Bonbrom Verber, bomber Brom for verb M Brown, Verner Rom Brown, whatever. I can't say he had. When did he come over to worm with like Operation Paper Clip? They took him in the in the s right. Yeah, I would have been like mid fort so then he he's there for a few years. He arrived in one thousand nine hundred and forty five, right. So there he's working with him and then, just cut some augic, he was fired before Vernavon Braun got their hold on the dull check. I'm pretty sure he did, and I mean wasn't working on the side. They were meeting in the desert. Dude. That's fair. That's fair. Yeah, yeah, they were calling, they were on each other before. I mean a short life, but he's in a worse place now. Well, I don't know. I don't know if because Satan didn't hold up his end of the deal. You know, yeah, yeah, he did it, he did it. He's like well, I mean, yeah, yeah, at the end, that's that's where he was. He was telling God he's a God. I meane like yeah, I made a deal with the devil. He didn't keep his sight. Didn't a point. Can you believe this guy? Is it? Then believe the devil wasn't trustworthy. Is I got to here's the deal. Here's the deal. If either my deal with the devil is null and void and so I need my eternal life in heaven back right, or I want my Twentyzero from l Ron Hubbard, you choose which deal you want to uphold, but I don't one of them upheld. Yeah, he's a he's in court. Yeah, he's in God's Court. He's up there just it's like the force court, but it is God's Court, all right, for the Lord of the universe. What is the song? Oh Man, I can't do it better. Is One day in your court, you know? Yeah, so, yeah, it's crazy. The Guy, I mean the people's are masses started. That's pretty awesome and connected that. AUSTER Crowley was like doing cult stuff with our on Hubb before scientology really, honestly, his investment started. I don't Hubb's boating company, which is the company that became the see. What do they call that? See? You familiar with scientology? Scientology? Know, they did hand me a pamphlet downtown can city last night the sea org. So the sea org, that's where they train all their like high level operatives and it's on a yacht that like travels on the oceans. That way, it's not in control. It's international waters. They can do whatever they want. We should do. WHAT EPISODE ABOUT SCIENTOLOGY? So I don't know anything about it. Yeah, it's interesting, but other than the fact that if you fill out the form, if you take their little personality test and the and you give them a your information, they will not leave you alone. Yeah, yeah, I ever. So then. So then you have he basically found in scientology because the CEEWORK happened through that boating company. So he funded Scientology essentially. So the things that this guy was a part of, his kind of Anas not done and he's not done pretty crazy. So the God was like listen, the deals done and void. All right, there's only one thing left. You can do up, put a bandaid on those bloody hands and get over here and fiddle off with the devil things of the last night is a production of space tim media, produced by Christian Taylor. Audio is edited by Alice Garnett, video by connerbet social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic designed by Caleb Goldberg. Our hoster, Jeremyers and Tim Stone. Please follow us on social media at tilling podcast. That's Tillo in podcast. Leave a review comment, subscribe wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on the last night.

The life story of the man who helped found the Jet Propulsion Laboratory is one that anyone would assume is full of intrigue. That is precisely the case with Jack Parsons, one of the lead members of the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory which led to the founding of JPL. However, for Jack, his scientific exploits are some of the least exciting … Read More

Microtransactions – How Greed Has Corrupted Gamings Last Stand


Episode Transcription

Made for robots, by robots. Only read if you're weird.

What's up? Have you ever heard of micro transactions? Microtra are we doing another bitcoin type thing? No, microtransactions. Yeah, is this a money laundering thing? No, I'm kind of surprised you don't know what this is. Do you know what it is? Hold on it, let me, let me get here. Hold on, microtransaction. Go ahead. So microchransactions. They're a HMM. Is this like whenever the bank does like one sent out of your account to verify the account? Is this like whenever someone's not racist but they're saying slightly racist things and it's like that's like a microtransaction, micro transgression? You're right, I have not that I've done. I've never yet. I don't use your patron money for that. He gaming community erupted. They thought of the dumbest thing in the world. They made fun of it so much, but sold great. We got them so hooked we let him run our social media about a cord million bust of the flotimillion things I learned last night. Actually just say those called Tims make stuffs up. Well, micro transaction is a business model where users in the digital world purchase of virtual goods using micro payments and so like credit. What my credit. I don't know what you mean by cred micro payments Kinda I'm not sure what you mean by that. I'm just gonna say kind of just gotta go with you your kind of I'm not sure what you mean by the start over. So so what the what what the system is is? It's a way to squeeze more money out of people in Apps and digital oh are you talking about like hm, when you get somebody to spend ninety nine cents instead of trying to get them to buy a one hundred thing? Uh Huh. You're getting in to buy something for ninetnine cents a hundred times, a hundred times. Yeah, yeah, and it's all within APPS and yeah, mostly gaming right now, but it's starting to spread into some other things. So, and they get microphones in return. Yeah, yeah, he if you buy enough micro transactions. I thought were turn about how a firm. It's very weird to me whenever I go to buy something for the twelve dollars and it's like or for payments of three dollars. You're like, I mean, I guess that would be helpful. You know, zero percent three dollars a month for some cat food. Yeah, that's I don't like that stuff, manny. So you you are talking about how, like starbucks, for example, it gets me to reload my card. So it's a very similar concept. There's some overlap there, technically different, but it's very similar concept, which I we will touch on. Let's look at the history, because here's the thing. I think this is a problematic trend that that we're on. I honestly I do think that, depending on how things play out with legislation over the next few years, I do think this is an issue that honestly could ruin the viability of the Metaphorse, depending on how the Coin Lands Inter sing. So let's turn the clocks back to the s, the hey day of home gaming systems, and by hey day I mean the very beginning, and home gaming system home gaming systems, you got your Atari. You're a nees and your saga's people are hyped right. I had a sega. Did you ever say a grown up? I did have one growing up. I got one when I was twenty three. It was an impulse prot growing then it was yeah, about to hit by twenty four year girls spurt. Everybody knows that. Left they say about like we're your brains. Of heloping until twenty five. My Dad said it to me all the time and time. Yeah, if, but like it's only for guys, right, isn't it? Girls brains. Yeah, they divine earlier. Yeah, yea, mine still going. Yeah, they develop in middle school there. Yeah, I turned twenty eight. When do I turn twenty eight? Tim I don't know. Let me check my calendar. Last week, February twenty three. Thank you. Yeah, it's yeah, I know now. I learned to see micro trans that learn Michael Repression. I learned two seasons ago that this matters to you a lot more than I thought I did or should. All right, so, Sega Atari. Yes, so it's the hey day of home gaming systems. Right. Pretty quickly this industry started to realize they have the same problem that the film industry has, and that's that they invest tons of money into this product for thousands of hours, right, and then they release the product and they have this faucet open up of funding that comes in, just tons of income, and then it's the facet slowly closes and they trickle in a little bit of cash for a little while, until eventually it stops and they have to put something is micro transactions. How Adobe charges me fifty three hours a month. Actually, kind of it's because it's like how they realized that that subscripe subscriptions are a micro transaction. No, I mean it's in that direction. Okay, I'll let you quite there yet. It's not quite there. I'm curious what you're defining as a micro transaction. It's not what I'm defining is it's what it is like. This isn't. This show isn't just tim makes stuff up. The show, I would be a bad title. Things Tim made up last night. T MSU says thanks for listening to Tsu. Somebody in the Tartaria comment this morning. I don't know if you saw this, somebody entartaria. They were like it looks like you just learned this stuff last night. And are like well, no, that was that was called days ago somebody else. It's kind of the show, kind of the joke. Mad Now this guy was like. Another guy commented something very similar, basically saying like yeah, it shows that you learned this last night. You should spend some more time and do your research so that way we can tell that you know what you're talking about. And, as I said, things are less like I said, do you know what you're watching? Actually, this stay shows called tims. Make stuffs up, so that matters. A joke. So anyway. So pretty quickly companies were like this, this revenue system. Yeah, it. It's really risky because if you spend those thousands of hours investing into developing a game it doesn't sell, doesn't sell, then now you have to spend thousands of hours to try to make a new game to release and hope that that cells. Hope you recoup the money for both, for both. Yeah, so it got really risky really quick. So pretty quickly expansion packs became a thing. Now we call them DLC because you download them, that downloado content, but in that era you couldn't download because the Internet wasn't popular yet. Right. So they were actually expensive packs. We actually go get a game cartridge or a disc and bring it and it would be your game plus some extra stuff that wasn't in the game originally. So new maps, new missions, whatever, some new armor or weapons, just a handful of new stuff to make it a little more interesting. Significantly cheaper than they were the base game, base game with sixty dollars. This is twenty fifteen, twenty dogs right, and so this is much quicker to develop for the game developer. So they can kind of squeeze a little bit more out of each title because they can have a smaller team after game releases continue to release these expansion packs for years while they're releasing the next title. Okay, so they can kind of have that stream continue to run for a little bit. But even still, there was a lot of hours that had to go in to that game and it was a gambled because you don't know if people are going to buy that expansion pack. Of there be interested. Am I making a game of my head right now? What did Burger King? Yeah, yeah, and it was freaking awesome. Okay, it was. It was honestly nothing more. I would go as far as to say I loved that game. I would, I would. I'm going to be honest. You race on a little on those little tiny motorcycle on a hundred percent eyes the xbox, hundred and sixty, I can think of maybe five or six games that were better than those burking games on the whole, the whole generation. They came out the second explosis. Can Multiple Games? Burging Games? Yeah, they had three. So they had sneak king. Wait, they had we wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, can we? Can We? Are we about to become twitch streamers? Are we about to are we about to twitch? Yeah, so they had, they had a let me see, they actually had. I think there's more than Oh, yeah, there's three. I had all of them. They had pocketbike racer and they had sneaks. What I had? I did not have sneak king. Yeah, sneaking. You just snuck around and scared people as the king. All I had was the pocket racer one. That was very good. And then there's big bumping, which was like kind of like a Mario Kart type game. So they had two racing games. The only things I can think of that I would say are better our probably all three. Sky Ram, GTA five, not for high there better than everything else I threw. The pocker racer was so so here's what we're going to do. We are going to start having some live events for our patron supporters where we just get together and zoom and maybe like do some you know, yeah, interactive stuff. I think that we have to figure out that. We'll get our hands on and will play him on there, but not even for like I want I want. If you are listening, we're going to post us on a discord too. But like we got to figure how to play those on. Could you play those online? I think so. I think they had online. That will racediness will race you. I missed. Okay, anyway, now I'm just sitting in the nest all of it. So those were those were different. They weren't expansive packs, they were just small games. HMM. Over time this new thing came out, okay, called micro transactions, and these were popping in PC games. The first one to really do it was an arcade game in the s called Double Dragon, the three, the Rosetta Stone. So there's no one or two. They done straight to three and double, and so the in the game. What they did is you would put your quarter in, okay, play the game and throughout the game there would be bonus things that would happen that you could put another quarter in to get that bonus item or to do this extra thing. Right, people hated it. People are supermap. Yeah, I can't the thing without an extra quarter. Yeah, I'M gonna have to spend more to get this thing. So it's like when you play for tonight, I don't play for tonight. It's like the skins. Yeah, they called Skins. Yeah, that's a micro transaction. That's a micro transaction. Yeah, this is what I was trying to explain the beginning of this episode, and you act like I was an idiot. You never mentioned anything about fortnighters skins. You said credit. This is like credit, like I was trying it. I was trying to think of that. I was trying to be bis the comedy bucks. Whatever. anyways, let's continue with the history. Okay. So so they did up a double dragon. Three Double Dragon did this. Everybody hate it, just finding a way to squeeze a little bit more cash out of people while they played a few online games. Started doing these as well, where you could spend a little extra on the online game. In the early maple story was a big probably the biggest one, to do this. Okay, spend a couple bucks on things to get extra stuff within the game. I feel bad for throwing our patreon stuff in a second ago. Then why you can enjoy this episode. Or if you just give us a quarter. You give us a quarter, you can see harm. You can watch US pocket race Burger key. Would you like to watch US scare some kids dressed as the burger king. We're not talking about the video game, we're talking about a manhole cover where tim grew up, right, and we're going to uncover it and it's just the Burger King. Todd, it's me, Burger key. They're the king is scary. I'm glad that they made a game of that, because the king is terrifying. He's scary looking. That is so funny. All right, go ahead. Sorry. Yeah. So, so these online games thing existed, but really the first big kind of public thing where this happened, yeah, was the Prequel to Skyram oblivion. So other scolls for I shouldn't Ay Prequel. It was the fourth in the series oblivion. Okay, they had they had done a few DALC packs. So expansion packs have been a thing all through this period. DLC came out because you could now download it, but they gave it a shot. And so what they did is they release this golden armor you could get for your horse. Wasn't even for you. As for your horse, it was like five bucks and it was weird because it didn't do anything, like it didn't protect the whole it just look it's like that APP on your Iphone, when iphones first came out, that I'm rich APP yeah, yeah, yeah, same concept. Thousand Dollars, while nine hundred ninety nine dollars. Hmmm, pretty much the same concept. So five dollars to get you a little gold armor for your horse. The gaming community erupted. They thought it was the dumbest thing in the world. They made fun of it so much, but sold great. Yeah, care ifeople hate us. Yeah, they were just sitting there count they're like, oh, yeah, people hate the gold horse stuff. Yeah, they're super against it. I think. I think what happened was everybody thought it was super dumb, but it was five bucks. I was like, well, I got to see it for myself. I want to see out. I get out on my could see how it looks on everyone else, but I want to see and so it's sold really well, and so I hate that's so stupid. I want it so but that's the game. Developers were like, yeah, Fil that away, like store that for a little bit. We're gonna need that. So this two thousand and six, right before I phone comes out, right, iphone comes out and mobile games become a thing. Game developing companies are like, Hey, we should make some mumbile games, but they know right off the bat that nobody's going to pay sixty dollars to play a game on their phone. Right they might for a constant they want their phone, and so they're like, well, we got to make them super cheap, couple bucks, and we'd have to sell and, in saying him, ount to make it worth it, or we could make it free and throwing some micro transactions. It's that was the what I was trying to this playing earlier. This is I'm serious. I what I had in my head all oppolutely. My massive was the credit. That's not what I mean this, you know. Well, when ever, I was trying to explain and you said no, I was like, Oh, I guess it's not that. Well, you said a lot of things that weren't even close to this. So this is what I meant. I meant like yeah, like whenever you're see my brains not doing it. You know what I just happened. I was trying to speak and then my brain was like nine sent up charge. I was like that sucks, I'm not sent. It's like when you go to subway, yeah, can I have bacon, and they're like that's part of the expansion back. All right, I guess I'll pay for it. Yeah, you gotta buy the so free APP, but you could do it without ads for ninety nine cents. Yeah, yeah, so there's that concept, but that's still a subscription thing. You could do it. Oh, you know what sucks with a micro transaction? He's where you have to upgrade to beat the next level. Like I used to play a golf game on the phone. Yeah, not a golf game. I don't want people to think I'm like, you know, playing Paga Golf, you know, like a mini golf game on my phone. You know, I always be clear. This is I don't want people to think. I don't want people to think that like I'm, you know, like the golf game, like a fifty year old dude plays. Yeah, but the EAS are there with the ball like right, ruer. Right, he's at home while his two teenage daughters are on dates with guys who drive lowered Honda Civics and they hate him, you know, and he's just sitting on the couch and night hasn't talked his wife and thirteen years right, all laying his golf game while PGA is on the TV. I am not playing that kind of Golf Games, like I'm punning. But yeah, in this game you have to upgrade your putter and it is certain point the game is impossible to beat without enough grade. Yeah, so these Games have earned the moniker fremium or free to play, pay to win. Yes, yes, so that's the concept, like credit. It really if you think of a it's really my life, life, right. Free to play. Yeah, pay to win, pay to win. Yeah, so the same concept as big alive. Pretty, I mean pretty similar concept, you know, just life itself. So what's interesting, though, is when you look at these developers, their business model, the strategy. Yeah, they how much did the beer guy make? You know the APP on your phone? Remember that? Look it up, you turn it and it looks like you're porn a beer or drinking a beer. Yeah, yeah, that was a big one. Yeah, I saw an article about the other day, but I remember the number from it, but it was a lot. Let's see, it made him twentyzero dollars a day, and it's hey day. That's what it was. Yeah, because I was like there's no way it made twentyzero total. He was making K A day. Yeah, so I don't know. I don't know how much he ended up making off of it, but yeah, a lot of people bought that. A lot of people bought that. You're near as much as I make. anyways. Did you know? I looked up my net worth on one of those net worth of checkers? Yeah, yeah, the Internet thinks I'm worth seven hundred fifty thousand dollars. Pretty close. Yeah, it sucks because I put a million right, he's somebody fact check that made it less. Like it's got to be at least a quarter million less than that. Jokes on them. It's about a quarter million, less than a quarter million. It's actually about two hundred sixtyzero less than a quartermillion. So in the negatives, baby. So these games, clash of clans is one of the biggest. Every transaction in my account is in my corps. In Golf, you're buying butters, but not like BGA golf. But now they know I don't want you. That's my mil that's so. So these APP developers are make it. They're like, okay, we can make this free. Their strategy is walking me through this one. It's kind of smart. So clash clans is one of the biggest. I don't know if I should say offenders. Angry birds is like this. To them, words is like this. And so their model, the way they do this, they have your clans started when iphone came out. I don't think they start when iphone came out. A couple years after, though, they're around it. Anger birds around for all. Yeah, same, same, they've both been here for a long time. Bro Those birds need caunseling. Dude, they're still mad. You know it's crazy by now. I know there's a lot of Tangency. If you're listening, I apologize, but I'm saying what's crazy to me is that there was a new commercial came out last year that had birds hitting a house. Yeah, and it was like that is that reference is still relevant. And here's why. Here's why. So their model, the way they do it, is they have there's not a word for this. Let's called pedestrian players, okay, and then they've got words for this next three levels. So there's a small fish, big fish in the whales. And so the concept the pedestrian players, of the people who come in, they will not spend any money in the game, they will just be there play for free. Yes, the small fish of the people who over the lifetime they'll buy a couple things, spend a couple bucks here, a couple bucks there, but all the lifetime they're values were going ten, fifteen, twenty bucks. That's who I am on that, on that golf game. Yeah, you bought a couple putters. The big fish are people who will spend a consistent amount of money on a monthly basis. Yeah, two and thirty, forty fifty a month. Are there big fish? No, I dropping some cash on clash or Claians. Someone's dropping fifty dollars a month. The whales are the people who are dropping tens of thousands of dollars a month. Shot Club months, a month, U month. There are people out here dropping tens of thousands of dollars on clash of clans. There was a report in two thousand and eighteen a SADDI oil baron's son. I'm imagining that. you start an APP called class or clans and then suddenly you've got the Sawdi prints by the throat. Dude, you gotta like you're de Siphoning tens of thousand of dollar. How much she's been a month. In the two thousand and eighteen report it came out and of just this guy's account. Yeah, he said he spent an estimated over the past five years, one million dollars in clash of clans micro transactions of the past five years. These are fifteen hundred days. These are, these are this is what. Now, if you had fifteen hundred days to spend a million? Now, how many nights would you do in jail over a million dollars? Okay, let's was just just do the math on that real quick though. Yeah, let's say it's one point five million dollars. Yeah, okay, over five years it's fifteen hundred days. That's averaging a thousand dollars a day. Am I wrong? Let's let's check this. My crazy on this. This checks out right. This, yeah, these, you're averaging a thousand dollars a day and you're probably not doing that every day, right. No, no, there's no way. So that's what these developers, that class of clans, they are playing and there's there. It's pretty smart when you think about it. They're gonna know that guy's name. They're right. Look in the clash of clans office in the in the in the clash of clan clan right, they're sitting there in HQ, Baron, son of the oil baron. But they've got to be like, Oh yeah, how much did the so he spend today? So companies like clash of plans. They have these they call whales. Do they have more? They have a handful of these people that are playing the game. Do they have more than one game or is it just like these companies doing this? Well, yeah, they've got tons of shirts. Let's go on one. So. So for each of the game, a hand they know that we got a handful of whales, dozen at most, and they're developing the APP for the whales. At that point, yeah, it's off the whales. And so for them it's almost for the whales. The small fish. It's always been for the whales. The small fish don't matter at all. They don't care that they're spending money, and even the big fish, most of the big fish, they don't really care much about. That's just kind of floating them a little bit. They're just doing it for the pedestrians they care a lot about. The game is for the whales and the pedestrians. And here's why that's interesting. Here's why, because the whales, they are pouring a ton of money into this game, so that way they can be better than everybody else in the game. If there's no one else they are. Well, they want a lot of bad players in the game. So they want all these free pedestrians to be people that the whales can just stop. And so they're matching the whales with these pedestrians. They're not putting them with the other decently good players. And then they get my little competitiveness. Yeah, here and I'm hitting second place every time. I'm like, I hate a better potter, and you start. I'm mad, I'm at the store. I'm just breaking poor, you know. And so they're giving the pedestrians a disadvantage. So it's most most likely scenario as the whale is going to beat them, feed their ego and spend more money so that way they can continue to stay better. So basically you got your whale and then you've got just pedestrians, who are your little feeder fish. Yeah, and you were just throwing them like crickets to a lizard. Yep, you've got a lizard. Yeah, as an analogy that works for you right now. We don't feed it crickets. What do you feed it? Worms? That's worse. So pedestrians are as worms. Yeah, sure, you heard it here, folks. Tim Thinks your worms, so I got you to say it. So they're just feeding into it and then they they whales win. The whales win more money. And here's what they do. If the white will don't win, they just been money to win at the whale stop spending their money. They start matching them with better players. So they start losing. So they start spending some more money and when they spend money, they start matching with pedestrians again, so they can start winning more. Okay, but imagine there's a recovery group of people who were addicted to spending money and clash of claims. Right. Imagine you've spent, you've sunk so much money into clash of claims that you're then a gardener outside the Bank of America, right, plotting to rob a bank because you are to fund your clan. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's pretty close. And See Pretty Spears live, dying to see her. So these people, people who are the whales, and this is happens every game that has this model. They have a handful of these whales and these people sometimes are from very well the same people. That's doubtful, but it could be. It sucks that there's rich enough people out there. Well, here's the thing. Most of those peop are spending my rent every day on clash or clans. Most of those people, if there's two scenarios, the whales, are either very wealthy individuals who can just throw money around, or two people who would you like to Upro for ninety nine cents, you can get a putter or twelve payments. Kind of, though, they're people who are deeply manipulated and they go into very, very, very deep debt to fund this game habit. And that's what I'm saying. What if you're destroying your life to beat a Saudi prince and angry parts? Yeah, and what's interesting about it, as they order, if there's somebody out there who's got four jobs, right, yeah, and like they're just tie, like their eyes are sunken in their exhausted and yes, you should take a break. Well, you know, my downtime, like temple run, the temper bro People can played temple running twelve years, man, because it been twelve years. Saying like there's people who are yeah, yeah, and so these companies, their whole thing is they want to either keep you a pedestrian or move you to a whale as quickly as possible, as the second you get on that track, they are trying to grow you up to that whale point. Does the edge they building him does that? Or is there's somebody evil in and all nice? It was like, we're gonna make you a will no, yeah, it's not. Well, fatten you up, boy and either pushes you to be a whale or pushes you back down to pedestrian level. That's what they want, which is I mean it's clever. Well, I mean rough. You know that golf game I play right, I'm just too good to be a peness Reid. Let's be honest, right, I'm saying I'm crushing right. Yeah, yeah, I'm just too good at this. Yep, Yep. And so now you're there. Always is somebody in there, and I've been thinking at this guy's on steroids. There's there's this group of people that top who are always it all. Here's the deal. Here's the deal with that. There has been some scandals, and this hasn't been proven, but there's been some scandals that rumor the dead Internet theory. Yeah, that's some of these opponents that they're matching the whales bots their bots that are, yes, going to win. Yeah, so they're matching you with people that you're definitely gonna win, are definitely going to lose against. They're like hey, these are these are people, and they're scamming you into thinking you're playing. So you're playing CPU and then passing them off as real human players that you're either better as, better than or worse than, depending on where they're trying to move they need. Yeah, so it's clever, very messed up. So what you're saying is there could be one user, clash of clients. I have you ever mess up this place? Classic Clay. It's just the pro I'm literally never. I've never seen the game interfait. The only game. The only time I've seen the game interface is like when ads when you're in high school. You didn't see it. No, it was super popular when we were, was it? I played it, like everybody in my class plate it. Okay, at least a minute, like we. That was pedestrian. That was in two thousand and ten. Yeah, yeah, right, so that guy was spending a million dollars. A few years later, interest an eighteen, I had a couple friends near the end of college. I knew that. Still played it, but just a case. The only thing I've I really played for a while was was it was it called outbreak. You don't tire about that is now you know. You know where you would you would choose the symptoms of the virus that goes to infect the world. What was that called? I'm pretty sure it's called pandemic. Oh, yeah, that's rough. So anyways. So that's one side of micro transactions. Hey and the console gaming world, we got it. Your Xbox, please at Man Your Xox, your playstation and your PC. Be Quiet for a triple a gaming. To continue this episode, please deposit twenty five cents. We know what you're thinks shows. We know what you're thinking. You can drop it right into your micro USB port on your phone. Just slided and it'll shrink. It's a micro quorder. Trust us. Give us your break recorders. There's only one person to listen to our podcast. Everyone else is CPU where. We've got a whale on the whales. So we've got them so hooked we let him run our social media. The others. The other side of micro transactions, console gaming wants to do this. The triple a game developers. They want to do this because it makes you way more money, but they can't because console gamers won't. Yeah, they're more into it. Like there mobile gamers and console gamers are a different breed. They're two different types of people. Well, because you don't really have a pedestrian console gamers. You're making a multi hundred dollar investment on a console, it's true. Yeah, and all console games, well, I mean up until recently all console games were sixty purchases. Yeah, is interesting because the prices never gone on. Oh, are you saying that with like the xbox subscription or whatever? There's games that are doing it more now. Well, what they're doing now is what I called Game Pass. Game Pass. Yeah, so they guy game pass, which is like a subscription service. They have season passes that they do, which is more like a subscription service. It's start into kind of teeter that line. But console gaming, constant gamers aren't going to do the playto win stuff. They hate that. Then any game who's tried that on console has gotten just obliterated by the gaming community and they're like, we're not playing this, this is dumb. But there has been a new development console gaming for cosmetics, and so those are the skins like you see in fortnight. Fortnight's probably the most successful I saw them do this in among us we're buying basically every AAA game now has some form of cosmetic metric, micro transactions, whether that's new outfits or paint jobs for your vehicle or your weapons or new armor. None of it does anything or affects anything in the game. Yeah, but you get to kind of show off this thing that you have. It's like a status symbol in the game. What's the second in FT? It is it's literally an n FT, kind of, because there can be multiple. But what's interesting about it is it does nothing. It holds no value whatsoever, but surprisingly there's a lot of money. Younger generation of Gamers is all about it. The older generation gamers hates it, right, but the younger generation gamers will spend. They will get a hundred fifty for Christmas. They will spend the entire hundred fifty on yeah, but cans. You didn't do any of that in middle school. No, not for I bought gold coins on root skool pants for Christmas. Yeah, but that's different. You can use it to do something in the game, like this is about armor, but your armor served a purpose. It had it gave you best works in the game. Well, these don't sort about a cool Cape, didn't do anything. Still have it, I think. Well, like dinner, but it's still there. But cool, keep between two thousand and thirteen. In two thousand and eighteen, I spent what point for million dollars is runescape GP. So here's the thing. So the kids will spend a ton of money in this getting skins and it's created a status. That's a status thing and it's actually create same thing where there's a bunch of kids will buy followers on instagram. Yeah, yeah, it's become this thing where this new I don't know what what to call it, like a bullying term that kids will use against each other is default. They'll call kids default because they don't have a purchase skin, default skin on their character, like we used to say Nube. Yeah, yeah, they say, Hey, your default, shut up. Default it because you weren't able to go out there and buy the coolest new skin. And they're constantly updating these adding new ski yeah, characters. So the kids keep coming back to try to get getting skins. I shouldn't say kids, probably not all kids, but it's grow olds up, mostly kids. People are buying the skins. Well, it made fortnight very successful and I don't know if fortnight was the first to do this, but pretty much every game does this. Now they do what's called loot boxes. Have you seen these? HMM, so loot boxes. It's a slot machine, is what it is it? They they comes caused a loop box because there it's a slow machine that it looks it's a box. Well, no, it's lute lout, that's a box. You can box. Like you said loop, loop, and I thought you were literally like it's a slot like where they just drink it's inside, and they were like, we can't call this a slot machine. It's basically the same thing. Called a loop machine. It's basically the same thing, because here's what they do. You just buy a box where they have different tiers of boxes and these box has a set number of items or skins, right, things that you could get. And then you buysywhere you buy the Pookemon card and it yeah, same concept and it'll play this music, it'll play this ringy music and then when it opens there's all these lights in the sound effects and the explosions and it's like here's the item you one. Well, that's the the the golf game does that too, is that you it's spins and then you win a thing and then you can pay for more spins hitting with that. That I have not that I've ever done. I've never got that. I don't use your patreon money for that. So if you're watching, you're like that. I've invested a lot of money. I paid this set should be better. Tim should look tim should have a different skin now, because I've spent it all on putters, Mini Golf. So these these games, so the loop boxes, and they have different colors that they use for different scenarios and scenario and and they make you when you buy it. They make you buy before you spend your money on the loop box, you have to buy V bus or credits or whatever, and that the value. The change rate doesn't make any sense right. It's like you're buying ten dollars and V box and it's Twentyzero v Box, but you spend ten dollars on it. So that way, when you spend Twentyzero v Bucks, there's a disconnect between how much money you're spending. You're not see how many v Bucks does ten dollars get you? Yeah, I don't know, but that's why I'm saying. starbucks does that where their drink is four dollars or whatever. H but you you can only add ten. Yeah, it's the same concept. So you're you're getting enough to where you either can buy one item and then are going to have an awkward amount left, so you're going to have to reload it and get more, or yes, which don't have enough. You know much businesses make them from so much gift cards every year, from that leftover like dollar or whatever. I mean it's millions of dollars and just leftover gift cards. It's the exact same concept. So they're making you in to where it's like you have to spend, you have to buy an extra set, and then starbucks actually treat that as an asset. So it's say you have a dollar twenty seven left in your account. You can't buy a drink with that, but all that stuff adds up. They've got like, you know, tons of money in those cards. We see, like I need, so many people in. So many people forget about their money in the cards too, and then they say, what do they say? And we have as much an asset so we can borrow more money. Yep, that walks ketchy. So so what they do then is there's this disconnect and what people have noticed as hey, these are the same sort of schemes that casinos employ. They make you trade your money for chips and they change the exchange right. So they're it's hard to tell, to keep track of where you're at. Yeah, and it's hard to it's difficult for your brain to say, Oh, this is a dollar, I'm dropping and said it's a red chip. Yep. It's the same concept with your credits. It's the same thing going on with the the loop boxes or the crates or whatever game you're looking at, where they're doing all these graphics and different things to make you feel like it's like a crackerblay where I don't know how many pieces of corn bread I've eaten. They only drop off like two of the time. They just keep the pop. Those like im it m's, you know, you know, they keep bringing it by the end of day. I mean twelve piece of cord breath, they like, here's Twentyzero corn bread, but if they like, if they don't like twelve down at once, yeah, you wouldn't eat them. I wouldy too. Yeah, that's why where I go, I asked for twelve pieces of corn bread, because they got this guy is super place be able to bill, like, you asked for twelve and you ate too. Yeah, they confront me about it. Yeah, and they make me eat them all. The other day I was a cracker barrel, that's server. She made me eat be just it. You eat those corn bread and just while she stood next to your table with all the waitresses singing the birthday song. Yeah, so everybody had to like wash you chant. You know what it is? It was those little triangle, little peg thing. They altered a peg and these are pokab like, like no, I'm sorry, I just I wanted to control my carbon take and they were like you eat them, eat them, you whale, you get it. Yeah, it's like that other night when we're hanging out. Oh, I'm a whale to cracker meel. I'll tell you what, if they look at my finances, I've spent a lot of money at cracker Meirle. It's like the other night when we get we ordered that take out and like we all put it on one ticket. Oh yeah, now and she was like, you get a free sprite for ordering so much food. I was the only one who went in. She just thought I ordered the time. Yeah, you know, but here's the thing. When I was a fat boy, I would order, you know, from Chinese restaurants. You know, you know when you realize that you've made a mistake is when you get to a takeout place and they've included two sets of silverware with your order. That is a rough realization. They assumed. Yeah, you're like, oh, wow, thanks for thinking I'm not lonely, but I'm going to eat all I'm gonna. Yeah, this is this is because I'm a whale. Never forgive it. So and they're employing all these tactics, with these that are pretty sketchies crates that it's the lights, it's the it's the flashing, it's the music, and then when they reveal it's like this moment right before you see it where it just gives you this hope that you're gonna get the item you wanted, but the cars are stacked against you. Just like a casino. You're not going to get the house awads on its yeah, every once in a while going to throw you the bone. But most of the time they're going to give you all the crap that you that's a way to keep you playing. Yeah, they only they don't get you give you the crap you want and they give you. They string you along to get you to keep buying these crates. That's what happens. Kids will, any people will buy all these v Bucks and blow a hundred, two, hundred, three hundred dollars on these crates trying to get this one specific item over and over and over again right. It's like a slot machine. You're not going to you're not going to get it most likely, and then they end up all upset because, like, I spent three hundreds and give what I wanted. It's a sleazy tactic and it's starting to become an issue because a couple things. One, people are realizing that a lot of games, especially games like fortnight, that employ these tactics, are largely children. Like are the people who are playing targeting kids? Yeah, and they know they're targeting kids because you can tell by the Cud type of contact they're putting out. But you also know just demographically kids are playing fortnight and they're they're employing these same tactics and they're hooking these kids and giving them really essentially a gambling addiction to make a lot of money off of them. Yeah, and so there's groups of parents and other just like legislators, who seem to be in the route to crack down on this sort of micro transaction in gaming, and it looks like there is kind of the subset of all of the above of the free to play, a pay to win, the cosmetic stuff, the casino type tactics, where they're saying, hey, we we need to do something to regulate this because there's very many kids and just other people who are unknowingly getting sucked into this and getting addicted to just dropping cash and yeah, games, and they're using algorithms against people free the Saudi prints. That's the concept, and so it does look like legislation is on the horizon that would really limit these studios. Got To get the senators to look up from their phones, to stop buying their sitting in this in it hearing about how addicted these Games are and it was like they're playing White House Sim like I was almost president. Look at my gold horse, you look at my White House. Check it out. I'm the president and you're not. Well, I am in there, I am in second life. Sorry, okay. And so here's my thing is, if this pulls off, honestly, that's I think that micro transactions were the foundation that allowed crypto and and FT's to happen, because they were a useless thing on the Internet that people spend a lot of money on. And then FT's and crypto are useless thing on the Internet that people are spending a lot of money on. Sorry if that offends you, but it's the truth. No one who trades those stuff are listening this far. In terms episode and and and the metaverse is going to be built on micro yeah, because you have to. The whole economy of it is going to be buying useless goods. I should even say goods useless. Well, I I mean, look at reality, right. I we were joking earlier about how reality is this way, but I mean think about it. kind of know it kind of is, but even even more so, much the stuff that we spend money on is just to show that we're better than everybody else. Yeah, exactly, exactly. But and what they're selling you in commercials there just like if you buy our product, you will be better than our what everyone will envy you. It's much I adrere have for peloton bikes, for can't ride them all once. Rathi. Here's one for one day. I put one arms day I put an arm in one and arm in the other. In legs. Yeah, put it in. There's a little, a little pedal thing. Well, you're here, Hey, your poor is coming out, because you clearly never been close enough to a Peloton bike to know what it looks like for my arm in a Pelotar bike. No, the pedals. You know, you can hear how say is I agree. I agree. The the difference cut it. That's that right there. We can hear how where you are. I agree. Clip it. The the difference here is in real life there is some physical, measured things that you can say, okay, maybe that's not worth twelvezero dollars. Sure, but that's worth money because it's there's a physical thing. Yeah, work put went in with these. Yeah, somebody made some work to make that item in the digital world, but the end of the day it's easily duplicated. Yeah, it's ones and Zeros, it's it's not a physical thing. Backing that, there's no real value to it other than the value that we as drive to it. So here's my my point is if legislation catches up before the metaverse takes off on the micro transaction world, who knows how restrictive they are on it, but there are some people who seem to be very upset about what about the free rain? These companies have got to just manipulate children and up dropping a ton of money in this game and getting addicted to just buying useless stuff. Who knows how far they could get, and legislating it. Nobody's allowed to get addicted to anything until they're eighteen. Then they can get addicted to whatever they want to, get super addicted to anything except cigarettes. But you can do vapes. If you're a kid, you can do vapes. So I if that legislation gets restrictive, it could really, really hurt the viability of the metaverse right taking off, which is interesting to me. But what're we going to sell them metaverse? You and I, well, probably opportunities to live. Well, actually, here's what we do. Will do opportunities to wander around out front. Wait, he doesn't he want to hear you to show up to the Bank of America, Bank of Bank of Meta, Bank of a Meta versake of a Metta and you guys will just wander around in your gardener gear and then someone is gonna Pepper spray than the guard and then one of you is gonna get scared by the Burger King fast fifty to do it the Burger but the Burger keep you gotta get see the up to Bank of America. It's a tiny motorcycles. Why was he on pocket pikes? Whatever, because it is funny. What were the other mascots? I can't think of a single Burger King Mascot other than that creepy king. Yeah, I mean they it's not like like McDonald's did the time to create their characters. I remember the S, all their VHS tapes with the shows. Do you remember that? They're very good. Burger King did not take the time to do that with anybody other than the king. And I'm going to be honest with you, I don't know if you see the commercial where the king serves food out of the drive through. I would drive off so bad if I both the drive through and my here, come, here comes the king like Bro. First of all, I heard that your son spent too much on clash of clay. The Burger. Kings son is just dropping cash. I took this out. So there was just a motorcycle lady. I want to see it. Oh, okay, hold on, let me. Can you drop it up on the screen? Yeah, give me one second. We could do this later. Actually, this is the Oh, Oh okay, well, here we are. It's later. It's happening. So there was yeah, there was that lady. She was a cover. For some reason she was on the cover. We also had look how dumb they look on the bike hamburglar. That's right, that I do remember. They I used to. I wanted to be the hamburger guy. Yeah, he's not the hamburger. Yeah, he's dresses a Hamburg hamburger. Chicken. There was a chicken. Yep, there's the chicken. You over that. Let's see what else we got in here. Man, this is straight up my childhood right now. I loved this game. It's bumper cars. I might have just been bumper cars on it. That's fun. Gosh. Can we find these somewhere? I'm sure we could. There's someone selling entire staffer sneaking. No, I don't remember that one. I only had pocket racer, Classic Classic Games. Yeah, so these games were awesome, this is a gift. Oh No, not, that's terrified. Look at this hands. Look at his little hands. See, I don't like that. See. And they were like and they were like this is a big branding problem, all right, because they were just like here we go, he's just they're like, let's make him as creepy as we can. That's exactly look and then Athony is in that one look gardener in the background. That's why I so a game. Anyway, I'm thinking we got to come up with some micro transactions. Yeah, we do for the metavers when it comes out. We can. We can sell fiddles in the millers metal verse.

Video games have long been a joyous escape for many throughout the world. Few other outlets provide people with the same expanse of experiences as that of gaming. However, the profit timelines for game developers have always been a dicey issue. Due to long development time and short sales windows, game developers are often left with many months straight without … Read More

Anthony Curcio – The Tale Of The Craigslist Bank Robbery


Episode Transcription

Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey Man, what's up? Have you ever heard of Anthony? Anthony Laur troll? You don't know how to say his last name. You just guessing? I'm gonna be honest. This isn't even close to what I expected. It's how's IT spelt? They're saying Kurt show. I would say Curtsey. Oh, how's IT spelt? Seeuur CIO, Oh, Kurt Chow, Ker Chow. Okay, we'll call it Kurtchow, Anthony Kachou. That was the joke I was trying to make. Anthony, Kurtsho, Kurtio, Kertcho, Kurtcha, Kr Show, Kersho, Anthony K Kushell. Have you ever heard of the HMM? Well, call him. Sounds like all men. Happened? I don't know. We will call him, call me Anthony. Will just call me Anthony. Will forget the LAS. Anthony car curb, Kurdish show. We are so American. Well, I want you to find all the valiant for things. Will meet US in the Bank of America parking. What do you do this? My bag seriously regrets what he did in Vegas. Oh, I'd love to break your favorite. You just think it wrong. By a ghosts this guy's got dumb ideas. I'm thinking he thinks twenty feeds feign things. I learned last night, you know. Okay, so Anthony He is an American author and pub speaker who's been featured and Gq, esquire two thousand and twenty, Fox News, NPR ANDBC. Also a convicted bank robber who nice. Now it was all those features before or after? It was after. Yeah, it was that really he turned his life around? Oh No, we didn't know. He just figured that a different way to rob. That's something about all these like you know, saying like so this is going to be a little targeted. But the my pillow guy right here, I was in barns and over there to day there's his stupid little book on the thing. That's like, have you seen his book? It's a Hologram on the front or whatever that things called, where you look at it one direction, it's one picture. Oh yeah, holograph, and it's like from crack addict to CEO and it's like, dude, you just figured out a different addiction and now your addiction is insane conspiracy theories. Yes, yeah, yeah, same thing. Yeah. So what I'm saying is there's people who were like did illegal stuff, you know, and then they went into the corporate world and did different illegal stuff. Yeah, I mean relatively class, actually relatively okay, great. So, Anthony Kur chow, Anthony Ktoo. So so. Yeah, so he was a he was born in Monroe, Washington, and, as I as a teenager, he was kind of your like your star of the teen movie, not the Star, the villain of the team movie. Oh, like, he's the captain, the of the football team. He was dating the head cheerleader. Yeah, super popular, you know. And what years is? I don't know, like when was he born? It would have been men S Z R age. Know, when he was in high school, in the midnight. Oh, okay, sorry, howl. Do you are? No, I asked. I asked two different questions. That was my bad. That was my bad, you know, and this is and this is me taking responsibility for my actions right now. Is there anything you would like to say responsibilie for or no, I mean, there's nothing that's happened recently that I would have to like for. So, m I mean, are you alluding to something? Not, no, I guess not. I guess not. I mean, you said, you said, all right, here's that our sty issues in our office. We have a shared office and there's been some issues because I have paid for everything in here and Tim keeps use for the stuff I've paid for, like what all this stuff? So we're having a little bit of a riff over here, and this is me saying that I asked two questions, you answered one of them and that you know. And this is me saying I did exactly what you told me to do and now you're upset about H I feel so. Anthony. He played football and it was kind of his life, Lart right here. He'd loved it. Yeah, he loved it. He ends up going to the University of Idaho, which had been his dream to play football at the University of Idaho. He went from Monroe, Washington, yes, small town of Oshto to University of Idaho and in unfortunately, he didn't last long in his college career. Okay, they got arrested for robbing a bank very close. No, in practice he was returning a punt and he tore his anterior crucial ligament. They need to read his last name. They named it after that is it's your Acla Tours Asa. Okay, wow, how do you run out of a bank with a torn ACL. I'm very curious with the bank robbery. And after he tours ACL it ended his is college football, cur sure, and it's kind of what year in college that happened like immediately. He was first year. Has He even played? His First Day pun practice? No pads. Yeah, yeah, they're like trying to show off. It was like tend to show how a watch that good idaho girls. HMM. Like he's like, Hey, check it out, this ligament is named after me. Yeah, he's just out there day one of practice. MMM, here's his ACL and this called foot earlier. He's freshman year then. That's what I'm HMM. And so he still go to school there, though? Yes, it's gone well. He wasn't on with a scholarship. He wasn't that good. He was just on the team, you know, okay. It wasn't like this guy had like an opportunity to go to the NFL or anything like that, but like, okay. Well, when he tears ACL he gets preside prescribed by it in Oh good, which he gets got it very addicted to sure, and over the next few years this addiction begins to kind of cripple him. Right. He all he does is pursuing more and more like it in to the point where he starts creating fake identities and going into the pharmacy to try to get some more like it in under these fake, fake identity. Same Pharmacy, though. Yeah, they were like like hey, we know it's Anthony. You can't just there's not this many people in this town. A limp, you know, we know all the limpers in town. This is this is a CBS. Anybody who limps has been here. Yeah, we actually have a corkboard in the back for we do we take a picture. Cole limps. Look out for these local limbs. WH look out for him. What is the employees like? They need to look out for them. He's up, just so you know. Hey, CBS, we're glad you're all the team here. Real quick before we go anywhere. Yeah, take a look. Memorize. We have a SIS big limping problem in this town. All right, we only want street walkers. If you see someone limping in here, hit their other leg, even steps. All right, we don't take any of this weird gates. Okay, because it's a medical thing and and it's honestly, that's not even CBS policy. That's just ours here at this store. You know, yes, yes, but it's so he went to school and Idaho. Is He still in Idaho at this point? Yeah, okay, so he just stays and then he's, you know, trying to do different IDs, go in and trying to con his way into some more typical drug outic behavior. Yeah, it got so serious the point where he, and you're gonna hate this, he took off his shoes and he went to his concrete like wall in his basement and kick the wall to injure his foot so he could get more of like it in. That is not so pretty, pretty serious addiction. Yeah, eventually his parents were able to talk him into going to Rehab. He goes to Rehab and he turns his life around and opens up a new business. People couldn't see people hit Tim do the finger quotes do they could hear me. Well, but I wanted to clear off. You know, it's great. So turns. I feel like they couldn't see you do it. HMM MMM, that's great, cool. So I'd love to break your favor. So he tried to open up a casino they called Tony's gaming. Okay, so it goes by Tony sometimes yeah, sometimes, and so he tried to open up this casino but it ended up getting shot down by this state of Washington because he didn't have the proper permits for back to Washington this point. Yeah, he's back in Washington and after attempting to do that and try to find other work, he ends up relapsing, falling back into his drug use. But this has been years now of him dealing with vicad in and whatever he needed. Up marrying in the interim. His high school sweetheart has a couple kids and he's hiding his Vicadin addiction from her and secretly going around and getting his vicat in. Obviously this is very expensive and it's causing a lot of financial pressure on the family and he's trying to have to explain where the money's going and it's creating a big issue in their marriage. Right. One day he's at Bank of America in the NINDIES. This would be early two thousands. Okay, he's at Bank of America and he notices, Hey, the brink armored car rolls up in here and just the guy walks in, which is all kinds of money. Yeah, and there's a moment where he's outside alone he's like, I bet I could pull this off, and so for months he poses as a gardener outside of bag of America. So we're are so this is a is a heist that he's planning for months? Yes, yeah, or he's like I am going to be so this. He's better really hoping, he's really banking on this brink. Officer. Yeah, just being like a dude. I mean by of America really cares about their landscaping. I mean like this guy's out here every day, every day he's working on it. Yeah, trying to make sure. Yeah. So also hoping no one inside catching notices. My I just did the show in Jacksonville. Yeah, and the pastor was telling about how he used to work at a bank and he used to work at a bake America. His first day at the bank, you know, he's just bride eyed, ready to go do some good customer service. Walks out to the lobby and I guess there's this guy that came in every day with a million dollars cash. You know, my God, Duffel bag, that's and was just sacked. Yeah, getting money orders for this cash, like they're just washing this money. Well, he's just, you know, bright eye just like yeah, I just really love, you know, new position of the bank, whatever. Papa. Papa goes there, because that's the guy. Goes, hey, how can I help you? And the guy just flashes his homeland security badge and it goes, don't look okay, and then, yeah, they bless the Duffel bag guy and then he has to sit there for like six hours as they're taking statements from every single person. No one's allowed to leave. Wow, so if you see some one of the bad just get out. Before I got bad. I gotta get out of her. I have some gardening to do actually. Yeah, Hey, if you just talk to that guy outside, he like I's been planting stick out with the weed eater. Yeah, I don't think he's a any weeds yet. I mean noticed that we don't have any bushes at this location. Yeah, we didn't gut acres three months gardener, not a single plant outside, and I used were CBS. Actually, I've seen this guy before. YEP, so he spends months watching, yeah, W lanning heights. Yeah, Watching Bank of America, watching the security vehicle show up, drop the money off and their their root, their system. Yeah, he's also like he is listening. To police radio, like figuring out watching live PD every night. He's listening to Qr twenty one police radio. We see that on tour, though, when we'd see like you're really that weird. See like the time we got passed by like seventeen police cars. We'd pick up the we ha a n APP. Yeah, we had an AP for it, but well, he was listening to you were listening to Qr twenty one police radio. Another News Duncan donuts close early this evening. It we're bad. The qr Tony will have pullis radio A. Your listener to Pol. I see plce pl. You're listening to CEOP. You're listening to CEOPE P one hundred and one hundred and two point seven C coeop up. Next we got the new single from the police. They only play rocks, and not even not even like no deep cuts, just their hits. You know, man, I wish they would play other stuff. And he's a side. Not they're just garden and just it's gonna be Great. Yeah, what is with the guy outside with a limp and he's always humming rocks? An WHO's that limping gardener? Someone calls CBS find out who this guy is limping around out front, but they didn't know. Is it CBS? The CIA OF CBS? Right, they've got their own internal investigation network is following this to around right there, like we need, if we need, to keep tabs, keep an eye on that guy. Yeah, Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, that's right. That's when new episodes drop on Patreon. Patreons a way to get early access to episodes and had their content and exclusive merchandise. He and we're not going to stop there because we got a private discord with our hosts and producers in it for less than seventeen cents a day. That's right, that's five dollars a month. You two can be a patreon supporter and not here advertisements in this freaking podcast anymore. Text till in a six, six eighty sixty six. Otherwise I'll come to your house, I will find you, I will destroy everything that's good in your life until we're the only thing left. Anyway, here's another advertisement. So he, he's he's listening to police radio, figuring out their roots. He's studying out how quickly their response by himself, sponse time is. Yeah, all know. No one knows. He's doing, figuring out their response time. Yeah, figuring out, okay, here's, here's where the call is, and then he would go try to get beat in there and figure out how long it took them to get that Geez and sighs, figuring out how quickly they could get to the they were like robberies reported and none of the police where. Like this guy's here every time. Hey, you with those you can see we're really overplaying. I'm much at this guy's got. You know, he doesn't have a lip. It's been like eight years. Yeah, probably got to Fel. You know, we're really overplaying. Probably, Hey, you with that fake mustache and the limp. Where are you going? I'm just guarding. We need a statement. Yeah, he saw the bad my garden company has been guardening in this district. What's Your Garden Company called? Garden HGTV, lows lows. Yeah, limp and lows, Limpid. All right. So he he builds his plan. He builds a get away plan. He says, okay, there's creek right behind the bank, so what I'll do is all attack the guy. All take the Duffel bag of money, physical attack. Physically attack the guy, take the Duffel bag of money. I'll run out to the creek and I'll have a jet ski in the Creek and I'll jet ski to freedom. And in the Word Creek is important. How deep is a creek? I mean not deep. So He tests the where's he get a Jet Ski? Tests the jet ski idea. I don't really know actually that never mentions it. But he tests, test the jet ski idea. It's a creek. So it doesn't go well. So he's hitting rocks, yes, flinging crawfish where, like what? So he he's like, he's like, the jet skis not going to work. So what he ends up doing is he gets an inner tube and he puts an he stores an inner tube back there. and here he builds a pulice. He's gonna Float. Now hes a pulley system down the creek so he can pull to can pull himself all the way down the creek. And nobody anywhere is like, that's right, I'm doing the banks. Like what's that guard doing set up all those pulleys doing back there in the creek? No one hears one. Here's a it's no one. Season backer jests through them. I mean covered in scratches and tree branches. Yeah, my guys just doubt for afternoon, beautiful jets. Yeah, I love one of life. I like the ideas gonna float away. I like that with no polly system, he's just out there on an inner tube with one of those floating coolers right full of Miller light and he's he's just gonna be out there dug and Lazy River. That's exactly what I'm picturing. And then he's just try if the police roll up, like Hey, we saw a guy roll out of here, run away for it. He attacked the brink guy. Yeah, which, first of all love them. We're assuming it's brink. Well, we know it's break. Okay, he attacked the brink guy. Yeah, and made. Did you see a guy run through here? No, I'm just out here. For All whoat. I'm just Tirre for a flow. You guys want to Bush light? Like yeah, yeah, kind of. Her voice is really familiar. Do you do you work for one or two seven the CEOP? Well, yes, I do. whow. It's funny brought up run in the radio station, getting cops to call in and tell them all their secrets, telling their secrets on air on here. Hey, hey, hey, for this, saying that we want all the cops of the area to call and tell us what you do if you were at, I don't know, bank robbery. Yeah, all the cops. Why you call it and give us something we can use as leverage to, you know, to make sure that you won't turn on me, you know, and also your yahoo email passwords. She's putting this plan together. He's like. He's like, okay, I think the best poly system. How long? I mean long enough for him to get away, like this is what's a way, though? That's my eyes wore. I'm asking. I don't know exactly how long it is. There's nothing that has. Guy's got dumb ideas, I'm thinking. He thinks twenty feet is far enough. So he started saying, okay, well, he's aid. I'll pepper sprayed the bring security guy and take him down, take the bag, run to my pulley system, float to freedom. Where does the neg blood out and get away? I don't know, somewhere else in town. Okay, so we can pull up a map. Well, I was just wonder give it. Let's out at like a pond, I don't know, and just say you're out there fishing afternoon and some guy starts floating to the poll button down on an intertube. So he he yeah, this is a tiny creek. Okay. Anyway, so he he rides, he rides, he's gonna ride down the creek and then get off the thing with his duffel bag, changes clothes and just walk to freedom. Right, right in theory. as He's thinking through this, he says he realizes that the police response time can be pretty good. Sometimes it's not always, but can be pretty good. And so he's like, he's like, I need plan B. Well, he said, he said, I need to confuse them, I need to throw them off the sin. This is going to be your favorite part. So what if? What if, when I get to the creek, the jet skis facing the other way and then I just rubber band. What's the world looking for? The throttle, the throttle, throttle, I remember being the throttle down. Yeah, and there's just an empty jets it's he's just flight up. Do just make it wrong by a ghost. It's got demon robbed. So so he says, you know what, I'm gonna make away with a decent chunk of money from this heist. Right, is he going to handl and Gretel the police so what he does is he hops on craigslist and opens up a classified Ad for Twenty Day laborers and tells them a uniform to go pick up and like has links to lows like the exact items that he wants them to wear. So it's like a vest a, white t shirt, jeans, the same pair of shoes and like a little face mask because they're going to be doing like like work with drywall or something, as we like what he told them he's gonna Wears Waldough these police. So he hires twenty day laborers. So Day of the Heist there's twenty of these dudes dressed exactly the same, standing outside than America, and he says, just wait for me to show up, I'll tell you what to do. And so there's twenty of these guys. I'll just kind of hanging out and like they have. I Gu said I was gonna hate this. This is it's gonna idea. So hold on. Questions, I have a lot. Did he put like a body type description on here, or is it just like I think there's some big white dudes right, there's some, you know, darker skinned guys, there's there's women shown up like what you know, I think. I think it was pretty like. I don't know if it was just like hey, show up, or I like he had like interviews with them, or I met them before twenty of twenty of them showed. I'm saying, if you put a craigs, if you're going to let's say you're on the other side, all right, let's haven worried about what he's doing right now. You read a craigslist ad that is so descriptive. It's like I need, I need a five eight, dark haired. Okay, listen to this. That average build. This is September thirty, two thousand and eight. The housing crisis is booming right now. So jumber thirty, what day of the way? Two Thousand and eight, I don't know. Let's look it up. And he's offering twenty eight dollars an hour. Now. Originally what I thought was that he was going to go to leave little. He's going to just was a test. He was running. He's taking out. was O Tuesday. I was a Tuesday as he's running. He's just taking dollar bills out and like leaving a trail. I thought I was going to Hancel gretable away from that way. They've got there followed up hole. This is the uses way to find the criminal. You know, he did it the night before. Just love dollar bills to a different directions exactly. It was like creek, that's what I thought. So up they're like why are you going to the Creek? So then this idea is better. Yeah, his idea crew work. So He's got twenty people just kind of meandering around outside Bank of America. No one's like this. So let's now. Let's go through the brink driver who pulls into a park. About that? That's where I'm saying. If you're the brink driver through got a think you pull up it is is suspicious. What's happen it here now? Is he just standing among them? Yeah, so he's in there with them. He's just super spray in there in his head, like the way he said. In there with them, all right, and he's just standing around outside Bank of America. Did he tell you when he was going to show up? Shut up. Is that he says? Here's what he's doing. Yeah, he was just kind of acts like let we do here here. What's your name? Are you the guy in charge? He lets the brink guy get out. The brink is the police show up, would you say you're in charge. was trying to cover some faces of food and who to point them to if they showed up? Hey, man, you got a pretty bad lip. No, I don't now he did. He's me gappy. Everyone has lips. Everybody's just lipping around there. But you do it like four or five and the rest of them kind of catch on the wait for like they're like, all right, pretty bad John. They knew right. So now you got twenty something people. Yeah, he's almost he's right there with them. He is going to among us, the police. Exactly. So the brink security guy gets out and he's got his duff ad I and he's walking across the sidewalk through this crowd of twanky through a crowd, through the crowd of twinny workers who look like they don't know what they're supposed to be doing. And one of them they look like they it looked like they were going to a costume party and the in the theme was the village people, and they all chose to look like the construction worker. Nobody chose other one. We all did the same cy hey, guys, this is the only one that's not culturally offensive. I think. I'm not sure what the dress as anymore. So. And then all of a sudden one of them empties an entire can of pepper spray on the security guard, just and Anthony's like, wait, I was supposed to do that. What do you do? That's my bag, my plan. So anty's pretty pat spray paints and they like nupper sprays. The pepper sprays the guy. Yeah, takes takes the money. Oh, well, before he takes the money, takes off his clip on tie. I'm not gonna need this anymore. And well, you're gonna like this, I know. He takes the money and he had retro fitted his gear that was matching everybody else's. We tear away, yeah, shot. So he runs behind Bank of America and he tears away all his gear and leaves the lover of good tear away, leaves it all behind Bank of American, runs down to the creek with his bag, hops on his intertube. What do you where? Just regular stream. So for suit. I don't know. Why not? Why are cool big? Just regular streak close and then he just intertubes his way down the meanwhile, a crowd of twenty witnesses sands by, Ding by the creeks in there, like, what are you doing? What do you guys think? That was the guy in George? Yeah, officer, he's on that intertube in the creek right there. You can see him. Yeah, it's new. Creek is very slow moving. He's still over there. He's right next to the CD right there, the one's real messed up, bottomed down. See do over there. Yay, but they really are all witnesses. So intertubes his way down the down the creek, which he actually earned a nickname for the intertube portion of this, HMM, which was DB tuber. Shut up, your's make that up. That's funny. If he made that up, different serious it's somebody else. Get it up. They renamed they like dv Tuber. He's been referred to as the craigslist robber and the D and dbt. I enjoy that so much. DB Tuber rolls down the creek and when he gets the other end of the creek he quickly realizes a couple issues. One he says, crap, I don't know what to do with all this money, like where am I going to hide all this? Yeah, and then too he's like my shoes are soaking wet. And so I'm leaving like footprints and also like I'm afraid someone's going to see them and be like, why are your shoes so wet and such is a common question. I get it a lot. Are you looking to see this? Girl was like, why are you so? It's the limp. Yeah, sometimes would you if you have a lip, you shoe your feet sweat. You're heard a broken foot. You know well you're about to. So why are your shoes so wet? It gets on the other side, the creek runs in this little office building. Asks if he can use their phone. Oh, I say, he's a kin of your shoes. Your shoes asked if you can use your phone, and I watched the interview with them and he said that this was the most stressful point of the whole heights for him because he's standing there looking at the selful bag of cash. Duff, a bag of cash and soggy shoes. Yeah, and he's a can I use your phone? It calls his wife and asks for her to pick him up and give them well foot band it, and so his wife picks him up and drives them home. He stops by friend's house, leaves the cash and does she know what's going on, no clue. She okay, like why are you see your shoes so wet? She probably even ask why is it? Here's what I think is ridiculous is that she just goes okay, now, if you're picking up your spouse now, I'm saying this if my girlfriend called me from a random number and was like hey, I'm at this building, come pick me up. Yeah, and then I just go pick her up and she got a Duffel bag, hmm, and wet shoes. Yeah, Yep, I'M gonna ask questions. Yeah, that's pretty fair, I I would think. Yep. Yeah, wife was just like okay, and she was like Oh hey, how's your day? And he's like I was just it's just so on to the bank and trying to get my jet ski out of the Creek, Lazy River Down Your jets. We don't have a jet Ski. Well, see, do different brand. Yeah, so she picks them up, take some to a friend's house, drop some money off. He drops the money off, he's like I gotta take this Duffel bag to Jack Jack, the lip for limper. So and he leaves it in Jack's safe, which why his friend was like he's a he's like hey, can I leave this Duffel bag in your safe? His friends just like sure, man, like why are your feet so we would you also like some shoes? Too many complicit people along this? That's what I'm saying. That's where I was going. Yeah, and so the police show up to the bank and they're like what happened here? There's a twenty suspects. You guys, you guys all fit the bill of what we're looking for and you can go though, sir. All right, wes, like one, like huge guy. We're pretty sure you're not the one. You can go really fit. Yeah, and so they interview all these people. They find out that he hired all the guy mess hired all these rights. They get paid? I don't know, actually, probably not. I don't think he paid in advance. I think he was like will pay at the end of the job. Yeah, and so they end up finding along around the side of think of America, his mask which he had ditched, and they're like hey, we could get some DNA this mask. It's two thousand and eight. That's right, two thousand and eight. It away with Steph anymore. HMM. And so they took that back to the lab but for all intents and purposes at this point they have no idea who did this. Hey, do you like our show? Want to help us keep doing it? One of the easiest ways to do that is to sport our merchandise weird out in the wild. Tell all your friends. They'll be like, what is total loan, and you'll have to explain what this dumb show is. To get access to our exclusive merchandise, please text telling to six six, eight hundred and sixty six. Thank you so much for your help. So he says, well, Hey, I got four hundred thousand dollars in my friends safe. That's all would be. That's all. It's in those Jafe backs for hundred grand. Yeah, so he has. He's got four Hundredzero. It's not even that much. Got Four hundred thousand dollar. I could pull this off. Into their cities, tells his wife, Hey, I got a business trip. I gotta leave town. Goes to Vegas and goes hard and Vegas, gambles a ton of money. Actually things up cheating on his wife. They're sees Britney Spears live life well, not just out of the Strip, not as he saw her, which he definitely didn't he just saw a blonde girl that he was like, I'm pretty spears. Yeah, tells maybe what he tells everyone. I saw Bredi's version Vegas. Yeah, yeah, sober's Reson is where? Yeah, the banks, Sobberg, yeah, in Vegas. Who? Yeah. And then he gets there and like they have you review, went to Freemont, right, you know, the Old Vegas, right, because you're a sinner and you've been you and as an accountability Partram, and there's the people on the ZIP lines above and he goes, oh, that's it's just, it's it's what I did with no water. No, you know, he's in the hotel in the Lazy River. He's just like this is this is what the light should have done. I should have done so he went to Vegas. Went. How much did HE LOSE IN VEGAS? Please say all of it. Not all of it, but he lost a lot. He lost a lot in Vegas. And then they've got the serial numbers for those dollars. Yeah, yeah, they do. They don't track him from that, though. He comes back. He comes back home seriously regrets what he did in Vegas, very upset about it. Right the seeing the Brittany Spear show that's what he was regretting. He was like, I should not have died, I should have watched David Blaine. Whoever, I don't know. For Angels ways of a trip to Vegas, I'm going back. I think Jeff Donham was also there as the heighted. Jeff done it. So ironically, his undoing came a month later when a local homeless man came forward who had a camp by the creek. Oh No, and the guy said every day. I watched this guy go the pulley system and I actually watched an interview with this guy and they said with the homeless guy. Yeah, and they in the thing. He said, yeah, I saw him running down with a duffle bag and like these like worker clothes and he tore them away, like just tore them off and hit him in these bushes. So I went over and I was like, well, this looks like something illegal. And so he took the suit, he took all the Pearl clothes and he put them in his tent and he called the police, like he went into town, called police and said Hey, I know who just did that. Cry. And now imagine you work an office, right, you're not just normal day. You know exact growing saggy shoes made. Comes in duffle bag. All right, he says, I need to use your phone, call my wife, and so you go. Okay, here you go. Car Pulls up. It's before Huber. You never seen this before? CAR PULLS UP, guy gets in, drives off. Yeah, two minutes later, I can believe this. Almost man comes in with torn up clothes. Are Enough, because I need to use your phone. Really dry shoes, just super dry. I mean the dryest shoes you were seeing your life. Bone dry shoes, right, shoe, dry shoes, sir. Why are your shoes so dry? Yeah, it's pretty humid out side. They should be worse. There's that keep that take care of him. The police didn't take didn't take his tip seriously. So they ignored it for like months until finally, yeah, until finally they were like, I'll remember remember that. First Him with that day one. They go track him down. Oh yeah, but he also told us some other crazy things on the phone call. He's like I saw a guy right into the creek with a deffel bag and tore off these clothes. Also, he had a tale, right, Oh man, yeah, he's he told me. Coming me and you could be one with the gators. I was like, well, I'm, you know, the gators. Everything is watching them. Already committed to be part of the water buffalo tribe, right, and so I couldn't go against my water buffalo family and joined the gator gang. So I watched the movie with the police and the police said, the detective said they tracked him down, they found his little encampment and he said he came over and he knocked on his tent and he said that. He said, I didn't know what to do. I just kind of knocked on his tent. The fabric just hello, it's the police. Why does you say hello? Why do you gonna Knock? He they said he came out. He said it's about time. We just handed them the stuff and he said here's your guy. And they tell they were like there's no man in here, because here's your guy. He said, look closer, it's real tired. He's looks in the pocket, just crazy dude. Jim Jam Jim the guy each other real well. So they take it. So now they got two great piece of a mass like a that. Yeah, and they've tried to down. They've got a pretty strong idea that it's anthony, but they don't have enough DNA proof based on what do you say? Yeah, they just grabbed it off. These have all of our DNA. I don't know. Probably. How does it work? I don't know. So it roll although they follow him around and they end up waiting for him to get out of his car one day, walking to the gas station, throws a gatorade bottle in the trash. They come behind him, grab that gatorade bottle, get the test. It is good enough. It was good enough to match, and so they knew it was him. They end up booking him. He goes to prison for six years, gets out and now he's a motivational speaker. That's DP tuber. Okay, you can't just go now he's a motivational speaker. What are his topics? Prison, Ben Grobery, he did a he did Ted Exile Idaho and he said thanks, are can to talk about? Let's see, terra wick, clothes, gardening, CVS. We'rever monsters and see do see you do. Lessons, lessons learned from crashing my jet skis. I was best selling book. Yep, Yep. So, yeah, what happens? All they're back in money, right. Well, yeah, they'd seize it. Yeah, he's by me. We're about money. Last in Vegas. Does he sure? Yeah, I'm sure. He got to find for it. Let's see right here. Two hundred twenty thousand was recovered from him. He went through a hundred eighty thou how long? So he did this on September thirty. Yeah, he did on September thirty. was arrested almost exactly one month later. Wow, you blew through a hundred eightyzero dollars in a month. I went to Vegas, bottle luxury SUV. Had A pretty good time. Six thousand dollars a day. Yeah, and bought a lot of I can in. But Hey, is that worth it, though? No, let's see. No, hear me out, though. Let's say how how much gl time would you trade for thirty days of just ridiculous spending? None, literally none. You wouldn't do one day. No, no one. That's one night in jail ABS thirty days of just spading our money or where we work. Have you watched that show? Thirty days in or sixty days in, whatever that is? It seems horrible. Okay, great, ever want to go. You wouldn't do one nine for thirty days. Thirty days. I'm just a limited spending you do whatever you want. Way, I don't need anything else. I'm content. You wouldn't even use any that money to buy a power strip. Absolutely not. I've got what. I've got, a working one that my friend told me I can use. How much? How much? How much? You'll tell would you do for thirty days? At least one. So I'm already the game. Isn't fun if we just go okay, you wouldn't at all. What's the longest you would do? Oh, man, for thirty days. Thirty spending. It's been. Yeah, what's the longest you would go? I don't know. Year. Think about dude. I'm saying, think about thirty days. I'm a limited spending. You need to watch more prison shows. Man, that's not worth it. Bro, I be you know. Geez, all right, I guess I would do eleven months to make it a solid, you know, just book end it. Yeah, you thirty days, one month to just is a great yeah, a year of awful, yeah, and then just eleven months of like this is pretty rough, but I mean like a great thirty. You know, do you doubt due not? How your think? Do you get to keep all the stuff you bought in the thirty days. I mean I think you have to like it, like there's no to make that worth it. Yeah, there's no way you would do it if you wouldn't do it for what? If you got to keep all the stuff you bought in that thirty days, you wouldn't do one night in jail? I don't know, man, I don't think so. All right, it seems pretty awful, Bro. No, it's obvious that you've ropped a bank and you're trying to cover it up right now. Yeah, so he goes to prison. I watch this Ted Talk. He said that in prison a lot of people ask them for tips on bank robbery and he said, I don't know why you're asking me. I'm here too. How did you do it, man? Well, I got caught. So let's start without the interview. Yeah, but I mean, like if you can kind of, you can kind of, you know. Yeah, learn from other people's instay. Right, we're right. So, yeah, so he travels with his like school assemblies and like does like like don't do drugs, don't rob banks, like, don't do sketchy craigslist ads, stuff like that. So it's a book I really built a good career out of it, repaired his marriage. Is Happily married still to the same woman. They've they've patched it up and now he's resuming his life of his kids and crazy hard. He actually enjoyed having wet feet. So every morning he just takes a pitcher of water and just just and then you just hear him. Yeah, it's pretty gross, but hey, everybody's got their weird day, but he's a little weird. Yeah, I recovers Anthony Soggy sketchers still where it's Ketch yeah, yeah, but the more of the story from him. He talks a lot about how how it wasn't worth it, how he spent so much time in jail. He said, Hey, I missed everything. He said I miss so much of my kids lives. That missing my time with my my family, so I could get a little bit of money and some B I could in. He said it wasn't worth it, but he's famous now. So I mean, let's be honest, he's got a built a pretty decent career out of it. So capitalized on that. Yeah, what happened to the brink security guard? He still doing it. He's just really cautious about instruction. Where girls? Now another question. Let's say you're a bring security guard driver, right, yeah, how many times would you allow yourself to be pepper spray before you quit? How many times in any job, any job, would you allow? Well, okay, okay, what's what's the maximum and salary you have to have that be able to sting you getting pepper spray? Wow, then you're go like if you're Gett pepper sprayed every day, if you work at a pepper spray factory, all right, really, cash, just scooter a coffee shop. There's a guy sitting at the table just he's not scup, he's fas ripped. Should you hate the doctor? No, it's one of those tick tock videos. Hey, what are you do for a living? He's like, I'm a cute quality control not even looking at it. They're over here quality control, and you see those pig peppers brays it. I make sure they work it, because that's not something you want to sell a defective you never product, need it and they have it not work right, Yep, yeah, yeah, so much more fun to work for like the girls scout cookies places like Oh, we got a new product. Let's try, you know, sit out. This guy's like we got a new product. Let's what makes you think you're qualified to work at girls? Got Some there? Yeah, I make a lot of money doing it, though. Yeah, I haven't seen my kids in four years, but man, doesn't seem much of anything in for years. That was the joke grid. You went there, you know. So, I mean, yeah, that's Oh, I should I almost forgot. This was recommended to us by one of our patrons. His full name on their hex. Yeah, can you beat that? So thanks for thanks for the recommendation. Yeah, I are. Join our disc word, you know, join our patron. We also read recommendations of people who pay to give them to that is actually true. But the other thing, though, is that we've done a few episodes like so, we did Tartarians. Yeah, we did what was the Rock Wall? Rock walls are yeah, but valiant thor those kind of things. So the people who are interested in those topics, yeah, suck. Yeah, I hate it. Right, they are the alien people don't like us. So if you are listening to this podcast, could you please go to apple podcasts and give us five stars, because is the people who'd like the alien stuff are. They're matterrowing our rating. There matter. They're really they really don't like us. Yeah, and they're they're more vocal than you are. Yes, person who enjoys us, outnumber them, fight them, and I here's what I want you to do. I want you to find all the valiant thor fins and meet us in the Bank of America parking lot. Okay, dress however you think that's would look whatever you think of valiant thord truth or would look like. And I meet us in the Bank of America parking there's a creek behind it. Yep, Yep, B B Right, we're gonna drown. All all right. Well, watching your face hear me say that, it was worth a joke, because you were like, all right, I guess we're wrapping up and whatever. That was worth it. I was a good that's worth it. Yeah, that's okay, okay, cool, let's just I guess little this guy off. Okay, things of the last night is a production of space tim media, produced by Christian Taylor. Audio is edited by Alice Garnett, video by Connterbat social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic designed by Caleb Goldberg. Our hoster, Jeremyers and Tim Stone. Please follow us on social media at tilling podcast. That's Tillo in podcast. Leave a review, comment, subscribe wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on the last night.

Bank Robbery is no easy feat. Many have seen the dollars that move in and out of banks every single day and dreamt of ways to procure the money moving within bank walls. However, few have gone through with a bank heist, and even fewer have pulled off a successful bank robbery. Anthony Curcio is responsible not only for a … Read More

Dead Internet Theory – Did A.i. Take Control Of The Web?


Episode Transcription

Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey Man, what's going on? Brother? Oh, not much like when you do that. Oh, there you go. Oh, it feels like you're as somebody how their days going, and they go you, like you could have said good. Yeah, yeah, it's like, Oh, I don't wasn't looking for an answer. Yeah, and they go you know what, you're like, no, no, I want to vent Ti Vanilla. It's always the star. I love. anyways, have you ever heard of the dead Internet theory? The dead Internet theory. Yeah, okay, let me play this out. Play it out. I saw that movie. What movie? D Internet theory? Yeah, Robin Williams makes all the kids staying on the desks rip up the books. It was the sequel. They went up the laptops. Yeah, just say, it's more they break their little your Mac Book Ares and half. Yeah, and yeah, it was a more modernized take on the YEP, Yep. Yeah, and they're all like Tumbler Boys, you know, loocause they were all like, I mean they were they were poets, they were slamp, you know kids. Yeah, and yeah, accurate. Actually, now they would be like the weird tumbler kids. And you know, anyway, they've got that little hey trademark on that idea. If someone's listening to this and like Oh, I should remake the dead poet society, they can't steal that, will see you. Yeah, I will sue you. Support US our patreons so we can win our lawsuits. That's a new perk patriot. Dead Internet. Theory, dead Internet, that we're all dead. Is this your look like? Is it listen? Is it like a lost situation where it not to give away the end of loss, but they're dead. Sorry if I spoiled that. You didn't miss much. So I don't finish it. That we're all dead and that the Internet is our hell, because that's what it feels like. That, honestly, that's my theory, is that we all died and the will is Internet. Dude, all dead and the metaverse is like the final Dante's inferno. It's The let's look the Meta versus the final layer. This reminds me. Let's get to the topic. I don't want to spend fifteen minutes talking about. Reminds you of what, though? I don't want to spend but anyways, what does it remind you? Yeah, well, I didn't want to go off on a bunch of tangents and allow myself the time and then not allow you the time. Yeah, so I need to get some tangent time if you're gonna get some tanted time. I deserve some tanted time and you just wasted yours on that roll. You dingus with Corellacom Flix TV in cale of life way. What are you banned from every website? You can go out and battle box. Are we real things? I learned last night. It's wasted here. Is a good, stupid and time joke. So what is the dead Internet theory? Are you really not going to give you a te you wasted it. I gave it to you and you w have to or get back in and work. Get back in later Tangente time. Have you taken some engine time today? You wasted your your danger time on that. You dingus man rats. So the dead the dead Internet theory? This is the theory that the Internet died a long time ago, and died is probably not the best word came for it. That's a little confusing that they say that. That I get the idea. Basically, the idea is that the Internet is no longer controlled by humans. Okay, which a lot of well, so here's the idea. So here's the idea. So I lay out from look at look at our Internet episode. Remember that. Take a take a brain journey back to when we did that. Can you play the theme song and then put the entire Internet episode in the Middle? Here things I learned last night. That's what we did. You could go back and watch it or or wait thirtyers and we'll talk to you again in fifty eight. We're throwing a whole episode. Couldn't decide what to cut. So anyway, think about the Internet. Yeah, yeah, welcome back. Hope you enjoyed that episode. There you go. Here's the episode. You try to listen to originally, if you fast forwarded. I hope you listen before. I hope you listen to atnt episode, because here's if you're gonna need some much needed context for about to talk about things I learned last night. Okay, so the theory is that AI is running all of it, Kinda so. So, okay, look back to our Internet episode. We talked about the history of the Internet. Right, yes, and there was an era in the Internet. You might call it the golden age of of the webcom boom, thecom boom, the golden age of the web. You know when choosing gumballscom reigns supreme. Everything you saw on the Internet and that era somebody handcoded themselves. It did not exist without a person doing it. So everything that's on the Internet now was coded by hand. Well, everything in that era, everything in thecom boom era, was code by hand. Someone built it all put it there. Okay, we're in an interesting era where, over time it's it's it's coppy and pasted. Everybody caught something from someone else. No one wrote anything. The code is just the code now, sort of. So so here's the steps that kind of touch. So it was if you wanted a website, you sat down with a blank page and you wrote all your rotored out. Yeah, you wrote it on a piece of paper and then you stuck it in your disk drive and you got the Internet. Used to be that. You have to write and Gep a feather in the ink and right ht in. If you had bad handwriting your website, better hope your l doesn't look like an eye, because then your website's broken. Ht Mine. That's how computers used to work. Did you know that what there was cards you inserted. That's a hundred percent in real or real thing they punched holes in them and that's it. Read the holes you punched. Yeah, anyways, floppy discs work. Why you need to see the had a hole in it. Blue Ray. It sounds like you're setting up a joke with did you just want to say blue, Blue Ray, blue ray. Okay, hole in it. All right, there's no real reason those discs to have holes. It's Oh my gosh. So the Internet somebody made. What were you're saying is is that like a city? You show up, the buildings have been made by some money. I'm trying to make it a flick of for I don't know what's so funny to you. Yeah, yeah, that is. Yeah, and now see, that's where that analogy falls apart. But now are the buildings themselves falling over and creating new ones. You don't have to see with that. Almost almost. So people hand cold their entire website right then after that there became an Arrow where plugins were born. Okay, and so someone will build it's plug in. Yeah, or the code for a plug into exist, and then they will. You could put that plug into your way. So you get plugins and plug ins were somebody went and they built this plug in, which is essentially a piece of content for your site, but you can manipulate to get to do stuff. Sometimes it was like a tool that did something. So then now you don't have to write all the code. You just plug everything in and then run with it. And that has become. That has done most of what the Internet is. That's what squarespaces. Yes, yes, scarre space is one hundred percent plugins. Yes, and and it's it's gotten the point now where, yeah, so much of the Internet people aren't sitting down to write it. They were using other tools and plugins to be able to get to that point. Well, as time has gone on, the kind of I don't know, big five or seven, depending on your lists, of the Internet. So your facebook, your Google, your Netflix, your companies like that. They all started writing algorithms. So they mo again. What are your Big Five? FACEBOOK, Amazon, Netflix, Google, apple is like different p Blix TB in Kale of life way. Those are my big five. Those are what all my tabs are. You know, twitter, Youtube, instagram, mostly social, but there's a couple whole like googles, to search engine, Amazon, the store. I don't know a lot of the media. You're not going to after this episode. It's dead to me. Yeah, it should be. They all wrote Algorithms. We've heard Algorithms a hundred times. There's a hundred and one. If you don't know, a hundred one algorithms an animated series for the modern child. You grew up with classes like dead Poet Society of one hundred one Dalmatians, but your kids watching dead Internet theory and one hundred one algorithms. With Correllacom Grella. I want to make a jacket out of these CSS layers. So if you don't know algorithms, just dictate what you see on the Internet. It's a set of SOTUATIONS. It's a computer looking at what you engage with or spend time looking at, and then it identifies things related to or that you are more likely to be Ange the time to. Yeah, and obviously the reason why they have these is so that way you spend more time on the platform, because most of them are making money off of advertising. So they need you to spend as much time as possible on the platforms. That way they can make as much money as possible, because money is life. Tangent time. You cut off my Tato time, so we're going to take some Tato time. I want some times of time back recognize the gentleman is recognized. Do you think it's interesting that there are so many industries now that social media is positioning themselves in a way that they are too big to fail? They're already too big to fail right now, but we've talked about often that, like our livelihoods depend on so much of the Internet existing. Yeah, like still working, but I think that that might have been part of the strategy of facebook and twitter. Is that? And even tick Tock, is that? You t about them a lot of I mean youtube goes down. There are how many creators who lose millions of dollars and revenue just from Youtube? Yep, Yep. I mean that is a huge thing because it's like, I mean, it's so much of the global economy now is tied to the Internet in some way. You get rid of it and it, I mean it. I was the only I'm even thinking more like social media stuff too, is that, you know, they make money on your eyeballs being on social media. But then also there's so many people who use social media, even if it's not like there. My primary job is creating content. I can still create content without those social media platforms, but without them I will not make anywhere near the income. I mean, that's the same thing. Like so many brands that advertise on those platforms would not make anywhere near as much money if it weren't for. That's true social advertising, because social advertising is unbelievably cheap compared to advertising historically, and so you're able to spend way more, which means you're able to get way more return. So yeah, it works. Would not work without social media. Okay. So can I get my tangent now? Sure, now, we won't do a tangent after tangent. I'll do a tangent later. I'll introduce itly. Do Double Tangents so well, when the old red triple tangents. So then algorithms. What they did is they started dictating what you see on the Internet. Sure, and that was kind of the two thousand and ten where you everything you see is an algorithm that's deciding what you're going to see. Right. Initially those algorithms were yes, some person in a computer, that happens, some high school, sat down and built this algorithm. It wasn't a high school, it was probably Google, but a computer ladd in Google was sitting down and he wrote this algorithm that dictates what you see. Right. What's interesting is we're in an are and now where that's not the case. You don't have an engineer that is writing these algorithms. They're probably involved in the process and they probably are writing parts of these algorithms, but for the most part they have an ai that is writing these algorithms. Right, and so they have watched thousands and thousands and thousands of interactions of people. I I have, or the person person's just like I have watched so much browsing his three Ai is taking your you leave a trail, yes, when you are, when you Internet, when you Internet, when you have to the Internet, you leave a trail. Yes, and the AI is taking all of these trails and identifying like in a basically, if, like there's a US map and you've taken a road trip, right, so then it's taking all of us who have taken road trips and they're stacking the maps on top of each other and identifying all the points where these things overlap, our paths overlap, and then they are showing you more of those overlapping points. Yeah, was really good analogy than I just came up with I was very good. Yeah, thank you. So I was like I was getting up credit for it, but the computers doing that. Whereas a person could do that for like fifteen the AI is doing that to thousands, tens of thousands, yeah, hundreds of thousands of people, just yes, and even more, even more than that, like they are able to observe more. But then they are able to adjust the algorithm, so they're able to see in all these different interactions with people, when the algorithm gave these sorts of scenarios, it had a certain result. And it's as well. This would be more beneficial if we gave these sets of outcomes in the algorithm. So it's adjusting the algorithm as well to give that outcome. Yeah, as well. And so it's gotten to the point where it really kind of is like it's a beast that's out of control. Yeah, it's like it's still relatively within control. The way I would describe it is like like an animal trainer who has got like a giant animal on a leash and they're like, we've got it, but it's like but, I mean we do, we have it, you know, it's like it's not trained, it's not in under control as far as I can't direct this thing anymore, but I've got it still. It's not yeah, like they can still, well, they can still kind of control it, but I mean the leash is pretty long, like they're letting it kind of do do it's thing. Every once in a while they're like they're like, okay, so what you want is a responsible owner of exotic animals, right, and currently silicon valley is just Joe exoticing. Yeah, that's pretty Internet algorithms. That's pretty accurate. That's pretty accurate. It's like, I mean they are the under control, sure our people's arms getting eaten off? Absolutely. HMM. Yeah, yeah, that's actually really accurate. So so what's going on here is we're quickly entering into a period where what's being seen by your eyes on the Internet is controlled completely by an ai some robot. Okay, that's just one piece of the dead Internet theory. So we're quickly entering into this, and that is probably the most confirmed side of this theory. Is like yeah, that's true. Each of these next steps going into this theory are where's it's a little less. You like this dance video, you'll like this one, or you liked this craft video. You'll like there's not like it like some instrument. One want dispatch room with people with screen cool watching everyone's browsing. But yeah, there's not. So that's already no party. Dead Internet just means there's no person in charge of that m there's no person doing it actively. Dead Internet, to succinctly define, would say the deadnet theory would say that we are dead. Internet is no longer a the Internet is no longer a human thing. It's the bots have taken over, essentially. Okay, as the idea, and so the first half of that is that that the algorithms are in room skate. When you show up the test logs and all the people cutting logs are in Tan shirts, green paints and they're bald, right, because that's the default character, you get many that that's a Bot. Yeah, yeah, and we're just trying to cut logs. We're trying to play a game and have fun, right, these guys are just trying to bought farm logs. There's farm and logs. Okay, that's a really good analogy, though. Thank you. Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, that's right. That's when new episodes drop on Patreon. Patreons a way to get early access to episodes and o their content and exclusive merchandise. And we're not going to stop there, because we got a private discord with our hosts and producers in it for less than seventeen cents a day. That's right, that's five dollars a month. You two can be a patreon supporter and not here advertisements in this freaking podcast anymore text till in the six six eighty sixty six. Otherwise I'll come to your house, I will find you, I will destroy everything that's good in your life until we're the only thing left. Anyway, here's another advertisement. So that's a first layer and in that is pretty much like yeah, like, that's what's going on, happening. Yeah, the next layers where a limit told us all about it. Yeah, the next layers where I starts to get like there's a conflict of opinion. Okay, this layer would tell you that. Well, let's roll it back a little bit. We're still we're walking this layer. We need to lay a foundation. Okay, have you heard of bots? Okay, we're doing an inception. That's fine, that's fine. BOTs. Yeah, yeah, a program that can run a certain function yes, yes, so the Internet, most of them have gotten pretty good that they can appear to be human as far as like they've got multiple patterns to run. Yeah, that's say running one pattern. Yeah, so there's there's there's two kinds of bots on the Internet. There are malicious bots and then there's benevolent bots. There these are your God bots, these these are the lords of the Internet. It's these. So there's a couple of them. You got like your boss spots, your boss bots. So you got some that are indexing the Internet. These are things like Google, and so Google's got all these bots that are, they say, crawling the web. They call spiders because they're crawling the web and they're indexing everything, and so that's how they know where everything is on the Internet is they're just going to every page on the Internet that they can find and seeing what that page is about and then putting it in a little index folder. Well, yeah, our website still gotta put that in the index. I guess I got the index it. Well, that's one kind of bought. There's there's other bots that are performing relatively similar functions. There are good bouts that. Then there's the malicious ones with that are trying to find backdoors in size, trying to find personal information, yeah, trying to like put code into site, to download viruses through sites, things like that. And then there's you kind of mentioned it. There's kind of these these impersonator bots that are attempting to be humans, and these are used in a couple a few different ways. One really common way that they're used is one it's honestly really tough from a like web analytics point of view, to tell whether a BOT is a BOT or a human. There are specific ips that we just know from experience that we're like, oh, that's a Bot, but there are and there are certain tendencies we can pick out where we'll be like, oh, this is a tendency that's tending towards. But but there's are there are plenty tendencies for as like, Oh, it visited this page or what. Yeah, behaviors. So like it, it tries to enter a form and it doesn't know what a street is like, things like that. But like and certain routes that follows like a rousing. Yeah, browsing behaviors like people in bots brows pages very differently. Bots are obviously typically quite a bit faster and so behaviors you can a lot of times be able to kind of pick up, but it's not always so cut and dry. So a very calm when I go to websites, I just look at pages like two seconds ago, too quick one to click. I try to make it boy yeah, and then I go to the capture formed and I'm like what's what? Yes, I don't want them. I want them. I in my what do you banned from every website? I do. I have no selfcontrol in the Internet. So I'm trying to get banned for being a Bot, and you can't get banned from the Internet, you know, you have to get pay in from every website. And I'm doing an outbreak order tomorrow's basking robinscom. I'm all in the bees, you know, take it forever. Oh my gosh, I can't even tell. Yes, it was bass pro. So anyways, that's a quick overview of bots. Fuddle, the fuddle, the Bota. Here we are now. There there was a popular form of Bot that came out, which I'm sure you've heard of, being a social media mogul like yourself. Yeah, there's you can go out in battle bots. We're talked about it a lot. So we're gonna say in the same time. Okay, you can on social media. You can buy views and buy followers. R I did, and that's super easy. Those all right, did for a podcast. Those kind of bots are pretty hard to tell if it's a BOT or not, right, because all they're doing is viewing some content, yes, or following a profile and so A. I mean it's pretty easy to tell, though. Well, when you click through the profiles, you can start to pick it up. Did you ever look at a certain politicians followers on twitter? I'm not sure what certain politicians you're saying. Well, you can't say that. You can't go look at the now, right, but when you did, this account was getting fiftyzero new followers a day. I would say that's probably not his own doing. I bet. I bet someone else was sending him there. Sure, yeah, but still. But yeah, yeah, and so that's the thing. There was actually there was actually this big company, I think they were called. Like, I mean, but I'm saying, there's so many youth pastors who do this. Oh, yeah, so many common yeah, well, because, I mean, you only need that. And this is where it gets like super unethical, though, is that you know your social media following is almost like a social media credits court, and so a lot of people are boosting these numbers up to an insane amount and then getting deals based on but what matters is your engagement rate, and the bots can't engage with your content the way that people do, can they? That's not paying enough. there. I've never paid for for I feel like I gotta clarify. I've never paid and there bodyny followers or anything like that. You never bought bots. Know about bots. There was a big company that just got in a lot of trouble in like two thousand and sixteen that was selling youtube views. They made like one point three million dollars at that. Maybe that's under what I think. Anyways, they made a lot of money. Yeah, selling views on YouTube. Sure, this is obviously a problem, because youtube views translates to money, chances to add revenue, and those advertisers spent money for real people to see it. It doesn't matter if a BOTSA there ad. It matters of a person's other add oh, I thought you were going the other way of that. A Youtube Creator could gain the system where they are paying for views and making more from the ad revenue. Well, yeah, that it is I want had on two sided. It's a two sided things. So, yeah, the the the Creator, made a lot more money because they had so much more views, but the advertiser didn't get the return on that investment because the people who viewed their ads were not genuine people. Yeah, weren't, yeah, you know, purchasing whatever their sells. So then these advertisers are all upset because they're like, oh, all these people weren't all that this money we spent was gaining this worthless right. And so platforms like Youtube want to try to limit the amount of BOTs on their platform as much as possible. Sure, facebook is also done this. FACEBOOK gotten big trouble, I think it was last year, for inflating the stupid yeah, I think I told you about that. Yeah, we should do a mini episode about that sometime. Yeah, that would be good one. Yeah. And so obviously like this, these these are these are problems because you have bots doing stuff like this. Well, they're getting significantly more sophisticated. Bots are these bots that are doing something like this. And so there's an account out there that has like one point, which I mean, I guess I wish I would have thought of using bots I was charging people for Youtube views and I was just watching so many, sitting there watching them. Dude, I had twenty two ABS open. It's clicking play on all of them because o paying me to watch this. Is that I got sucked into the ADS man. So, like the money I was making, I went and spent on the DAD's. Yeah, yeah, you won't believe how many Vpns I had. Oh my Gosh, man, I bought so much of that squatch soap stuff. So the thing is they've become significantly more sophisticate, and so they are now capable of engaging with content as well. And so they'll go, go and they like in the comment and they are getting a boughts do comment. They are getting significantly better at commenting, where they're more and more going unnoticed. In they're seeing more authentic right. Yeah, because they were using too many e Moji's to begin with. There was a time where it's like, if a BOT commented on something you'd like, that's not a person that you could tell. It's getting harder to tell, so much so that a group of researchers catfish by a Bot once. I tell you that. M No, it was just so hard to tell if it was a person or not. Is the shut. Up to the bakery. Firs was some meat and you wouldn't believe it, a full robot walks in the door. was like, hold on, did I skip bought fish? I hate this so much I just keep bought fished, not fish, like fisa Ph I a tech joke. I got it. I got it and he was like well, technically I am this and I was like wow, this is what are you doing? So there's this instagram account. Okay, this was, I'm pretty sure, put together by a like a research facility. Okay, I don't know what it is. They've got three point one million followers on instagram. Completely bought ran the accounts called Little Monella followers bots. Maybe because it's not as impressive, they just faked it. Well, in theory they aren't. Oh okay, so they're saying that the content being posting, content being posted, is posted by a bout. So this is a BOT account and they this research from was like, can we make this account viral by being a botton? So they've just kind of engineered about. Yeah, can we engineer program that would then build a follower, create an influencer. Basically and it worked. Wow, and and it's hard here. Let me see if I can actually just throw this on the screen. I'm going to stop our output. Are Your background looks better this time. Yeah, so this looks like, Oh, for real and authentic. And all the pictures. That's a real person. These are all night. These are deep fixtures. Yeah, these are deep fakes. What and so it created and like it is the content that it's putting in, like, they do not seem like okay, but I can tell the pictures are fake. But even the comments here, though, that's how come are you the girl from polar suppress? She kind of looks like we'll go back sex. I was reading for these comments here. This is spooky as heck, isn't it? Hu time can we spend on this, because I would love the deep dive into this stuff, but the comments all hold a whole. Look, Miss You. I hope you get a haul of what you buy. I'll show you what I got it today in return to click that account, which we can blow this tha. Is that a real person? It might be. That's a real person engaging with this butt like it's a normal like it's a normal account. But yes, they set this up to see can we get a Bot to become an influencer? Then they even had it up here. I'm like old robot living in La but all this is fake content and people are engaging with it like it's a real person, and I think there's a lot of people who, I would assume a lot of people, don't know. Which is scary and it's Ray. Say what the picture right to the right of what you're at? What's up with the eyes? That's a an instagram filter. That's Terry. Fine. Yeah, that is scary looking, though. So it's not perfect. But if you're not, if no one told you this was a bot and you're just scrolling through your feet and you see this pop up. So is this, you might my head out, a person? That's also made up. Yeah, all of this is fake, and so that are the images from. Whose body is this on? I don't know if this is a body. I think this is like remember when we looked at deep fakes in that synthetic media episode, like I did. Also, we got any who episode right now. Things I learned last night. So this episode is like four hours long. Welcome back. Welcome back from the synthetic media episode. So this is bonkers, man. Yeah, so this is all made up, because this is sure we are. I mean there, I'm sure what they did is they took the box. So, yeah, that's where I'm saying, though. There's got to be a real person to supply the that's a different boyfriend. She went through a breakup. Yeah, she did. Who that? That's it. What the face in that one? What Die Heck, I'm saying the go we're did the break up? How this one? This one didn't it go? Well, that one is symthetic media. Who are the Digital Demon people? What it's? It's crazy, man. And if you the girl from lady mouths were one of the comments said. So here's the thing, and so the dead Internet theory takes accounts like this. These are are known things. There's there's at least a couple of these like research accounts out there. Right, Oh, are we real? Who knows? So, did the what the theory says? So, what's that girl's name? Little Michaela, Little Michaela and Jake Paul are made up. Well, what they're saying is they're saying that we had we're now outnumbered by these. Oh, I don't like so and so. What they're saying is that the majority of the content online is one of two scenarios. Bots like this that are just very convincing fakes of humans, or they are that bought. How the check mark? I know in that crazy and that's instagram's doing. For that's wrong. I don't believe that's creat I just show a photo ID get my check mark. I mean a robot can get an idea, right. I was. I was just thinking, though, like I said, to upload a picture. I could have photoshop my ID. How are they gonna confirm that? That's probably what the BOT did. The pop probably just shop than I. The Bot was just like here you go as yeah, for D, I'm sure form the BOT was like yeah, send me to prison. Good, good luck, walk me away. Give it a try. Yeah, so the the jail on the metaphverse. Sorry, that's a tangent. Hey, perfect good opportunity for me to take my tangent that I've been wanting to take your tangent. So there's a one of my former students. I'm not going to say his name. He listened to his podcast, though. He'll remember this. Ryan sparks. No, that's not here, that different one. That's funny. Yet he texted me the other day he was like he's saying he got in Oculus and he was loving it. Okay, and I was like, dude, that's tight, Super Fun. You gotta met this girl, macay law. He was like he's like brother Neta verse is Dope, and I was I just I was like no, it's not. In his response text with as was fine, it's not. As response is the best thing I ever heard. He said in real life I have mice in my apartment. In the metaverse I have a robot, mean and so, and then he said, I know, I get comet girlfriend. He said I can also sit court side in an NBA game, and I said you could do those in real life if you get a job, you could. I want a robot and be court side if you just maybe you should get a job as a rat killer. Get rid of the mice in your apartment. Yep, work your way up. Yeah, work your way up the corporate ladder, the corporate rat ladder, the rat race, and then say so, so so. The theory is that there's cow or there's a lot of accounts like this, so and this is the other side dead innor a theory in Capt like includes the fact that the algorithm is pumping stuff in front of us. And then it's also say that the stuff it's popping in front of us is mostly made by not real people. Yes, and that's what's kind of losing me a little bit. There's decent data for this. So twitter, twitter did a study in two thousand and nineteen on two things, one bots on the platform to user engagement on the platform. So they found two really interesting statistics. One, they found that ten percent of the audience, or ten percent of the users on twitter, I think it was a hundred fifty million at the time, ten percent were the voice of twitter. So ten percent accounted all for the vast majority. was like ninety eight percent of the tweets on you and me. Yeah, we are twitter, but the other ninety percent they just they follow, they just listen. They're not the talkers. They call talkers and listeners. And so ten percent of all the contests wore, I call them. Ten percent of all the content on twitter came from WHO talkers, the same group. While they also found that four percent of all profiles on twitter were bots, and so not all of those bots were probably talkers. But you have reason to believe that if ten percent of voice comes from are ten percent of all the content comes from that same group, there's a reasonable amount to believe that a decent bit of that four percent that our bots are within that group and there's a decent bit of the content in twitter that's coming from commoter generated content. Yeah, okay. Well, because, I mean, I just saw I get emails all the time for an ai can write your blog posts for you. HMM. Well, we get emails all the time for ads that are written by Ai, like bots, trying to sell us, get us to do ads for them. Really. Yeah, all the time. You've seen those. Well, that's like I'm saying, like those are like clearly scams. No, no, but they're not. They're not selling us on like a script that's been written by an AI, are they? No, yeah, the script was written by the AI to send us, an know, to get us to give farur information so they could, you know, steal stuff from us. Is that we're trying to do? Yeah, Oh, the scam. They're fishing anyways. So then I've been bought fished. I don't know. So the so the theory is that? The theory is that a lot of the content. Not all, obviously, because you and I are still posting stuff and we see each other sweets or but it's the theory is that a lot of content online is being created by computers. Yes, it's also being pushed by computers. Yes, and then eventually your complete internet experience will just be computers. Yeah. What's interesting about it too, is it's even bigger than that too, because, like people who buy and views and engagement, there are brands who will do that to fluff their engagement, to go viral on things. Yes, and so advertise still do that to go viral. And so now you've got these groups that will say, okay, we're sending a BOT to make this go viral. About road an algorithm that made that to where they could get it to the point where it goes viral. And theoretically that thing that went viral was made by a Bot. And so you're in a system where it's like the Algorithm was done by a Bot, the algorithm was gained by a Bot and the content was created by a Bot. And so what they're saying is the Internet has been shrinking. It really, and this is this is verifiably true. It's like it's like the great like it's like a nation where everybody in the nation lived all over the place and then the city's popped up and everybody moved back in the cities. There was all sorts of places in the web and now it's just kind of facebook and twitter and instagram. There's all these other places, but really that's where everything online is happening, right, and so everything's coming even all the other places exist. Point back to those places, yeah, at some point, if you can end up back there. So so the idea is that we are now a serious minority in terms of who is having the voice online. We are consuming stuff that's created by Bots, and what's scary about that is things like with the Russian voter scandal. Right, anybody can create these bots and they can send millions of them into a platform, yes, and set them up to you and say whatever, right, and as they the things they're creating could be very dangerous ideas. Yes, yes, and even beyond that, like what's what's scariest about it is a lot of these are ai driven, so their machine learning. So they are set up to honestly a lot like our endorphin system in our brain is set up where the more they see that success rate, they're just going to keep going yeast it, but their way faster than us, and so they're able to pump out so much more than content when they start seeing success in that way that it almost gets the point to where the creators of these bots really do lose control that leash and it just runs wild. So dead Internet. Theory is that we've passed that point. Youtube Calls Youtube coined the phrase the great inversion, which sounds terrifying, and so that's the point where it flips and we are now. We flit from being the Internet controlled by humans so the Internet controlled by Bots and depending on control by the Internet. Yeah, depending on who you talk to, that numbers different. Some people will said there yet. Well, it's close. Think we're there. It's really close. Like the numbers, the numbers are tough to like say, are accurate, like it's really tough to find an accurate number. But it's anywhere from twenty percent of traffic on the Internet is bots too. I've seen numbers all the way up to sixty percent, and so if we're at sixty percent, the great in version happened and the bottom and control. It's really, really tough to say where we are. But if you look at a lot of those chief websites that are at the top, they'll have numbers of their asset estimates that are probably relatively close to the amount of boss that they have on their platform. And it does seem like we are really, really close to that line of fifty fifty. Whether we're past it or not as hard to find. But twitter or Youtube crack down in two thousand and fourteen, right, and it was a huge deal because that meant a lot of creators found out, Oh, I have twentyzero subscribers than I thought, and for some creators that was a huge impact to their channel and in their revenue then, and so that was a huge yeah, almost scandal, but it's like it needed to happen because that meant that a lot of the content or a lot of what the advertisers were spending their money on was worthless. Right. And so you sayfully doing it, but facebook wasn't even using bots to get those views. They were literally just changing the numbers. HMM, that was a little more like moist asking. Yeah, like someone, someone was doing that. Have you heard of tilling podcast March? That's right, we have a merge store full of tilling bread and teas, hoodies, mugs and so much more. We also make new designs for every single episode, but those are only available for a limited time, so get them while they're hot. Text till into six, six, eighthndred and sixty six to get your till and March today. But it's a scary scenario because we have a situation where anybody who has a little bit of technical know how can really influence public opinion pretty easily. Yeah, and we saw that with Russia. There's there are these farms in China know, that are getting shut down like full warehouses. It's kind of ominous to look at it, where they were literally have walls like rooms as tall as this one, where walls floor to ceiling. They've got phones and the phones are hooked to a server and the servers running that phone, and so you can see it browsing the Internet and engaging with content and putting stuff on like liking posts and commenting on posts and stuff like that, and it's it's terrifying to watch like just all these screens moving around super quick on this wall and they're all like all these chargers plugged in and moved all of the place. China is cracking down really hard on those right now, but I mean the Chinese government probably has them too well, because a lot of these what they're doing is they're doing like almost like smear campaigns against the Chinese governments. Also say they're cracking down on yeah, so they're almost certainly the Chinese government has their own settled up for sure, and I mean it's it's pretty likely. And why do you think they didn't put the windows on those Att Buildings? That's what I'm saying. I think it's pretty likely that just about every like first world country has some port portion of the government that's doing some level of this. And it's scary because it's like you almost can't find something on the Internet that's reliable anymore. It's right, it's set up to steer you towards some sort of opinion. Yeah, and there's someone or something like a bought behind it, which is scary. And so that's the idea here in the dead Internet. Theory is that we've lost control of the Internet and it's completely run over by we've hit the great inversion. So if PSS episode are bought worked, it got you here. Welcome, we're bots. Were deep fakes all of this. We were do a weird like I don't know. Yeah, sometimes it glitches. Yeah, but yeah, so it's I mean it's kind of it. It's a little scary because it is a situation where it's like, I mean, how to how do you fix that? I mean you're kind of opened up. We've kind of opened up Indora's box with the algorithms and the AI and it's Internet. Can we get control of it? I don't know. I don't know if there's any solution other than just killing it. Well, but that's the thing is that once it does cross over that threshold where it is mostly bots creating content engage you with content, there's no reason for ad spenders to put money there anymore. Yeah, yeah, exactly, and so I think we'll just see new circles pop up where ad money does get in front of real people. Well, the interesting thing is because at the end of the day, that's all that matters. The big groups, those big websites, well, I'll tell you where. Nowhere near that threshold. Yeah, but that's because they have their own boss running. Yeah, the thing is, is that legitimate? It's hard to say because because they're red and he was tied to that address. A solution, so they'll lie. Make friends in real life. Yeah, only trust people you see with your real eyes. All Right, let me touch your eyes, let me type you your eyes. I'll know you're real if I feel your eyes. Okay, doubting Thomas. Only make friends in real life and unplug your phone to night. Turn it off. They can hear you. Lock your front door with a real lock, not with the computer lockint a computer lock. Do the thing where you for your sliding back door. Do that? Think we have the broom stick in the way? Yeah, that. Obviously the robots are going to get in. have an emergency front of a thousand dollars. Pay Off your smallest debts first, going with the baby stick. Practice. That that's Snow Ball, Ye, aren't your Big One? Reward progress. Build a bunker. Build a bunker, hit well, dig a hole, final wall. Call the news by the giant. To do all that stuff first, and then build a bunker. Build the bunker. You in that bunker survive the apocalypse. Yeah, but if you connect Internet to your bunker, start all over. Yeah, if you're listen this in your bunker, right now what are you doing? You broke the system unless you downloaded this gruble bro good bunker. Broke your bunker. So yeah, so, I mean, you know, that's a scary place. Now is my bought bunker. It's fo yeah, just afraid of bots. That's the body box in this room right now. I see Bots, I see dead Internet. Yeah, so, I mean it's terrifying. Well, to the scary scenario and anything and everything you see on the Internet, I mean legitimate. They could not be real. That influenzer was scary. Yeah, that's very scary. And they're on the other they're only getting better, like they're only getting better at this, and so the more time that goes on, I mean, the more you're going to see stuff like this. Man, I've wanted to start a conspiracy where I was a fake person for a long time. Either that or I died, but in the Avril leaving thing happened later. But like I should have done this. I thought about in my first set of faked died in my first special back like tosen fourteen. Yeah, you can't find it anywhere. I can don't, but I thought about after, like you know, be like thank you so much on Jeremy Well, everyone's clapping, not in the microphone, just like mouthing the words, like I died four years ago. Cool, just doing that in every special so that it like fifteen years. It just showed clips of me be like like me, like trying to cry for help, like I'm dead. I thought that would be funny. That's that is really funny. Yeah, I didn't do it, though, so you start. Yeah, I will. I guess I could go back at alter the footage with Ai. If you see it, it's altered footage, but it's bad. It's a bad altered footage, like you know where you put a little square mouth. I died two thousand and four what. Anyway, are we done? Yeah, yeah, we can. That was my robot missing up. Did he off? Okay, great things on the last night is a production of space tim media, produced by Christian Taylor. Audio is edited by Alice Garnett, video by Connor beat social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic designed by Caleb Goldberg. Our hoster, Jeremyers and Tim Stone. Please follow us on social media at tilling podcast. That's Tillo in podcast. Leave a review, comment, subscribe wherever you are. Thank you. For listening to things on the last night,

In the mid-’90s, the internet took the world by storm. For the first time in history, everyone had access to an unprecedented amount of information. In those early years, the entire web was curated by skilled webmasters who understood the inner workings of the internet. Over time, new technologies allowed everyone to share their thoughts and ideas with the world. … Read More

Rockwall TX – There’s A Wall Under This Texas Town


Episode Transcription

Made for robots, by robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey Man. Well, all right, have you ever heard of Rock Wall Texas? You shouldn't tell me about a town in Texas. Rock Wall Texas, Rock Wall Texas. Yeah, you ever heard of it? I am assuming it's that guys a town in Texas and not a person named Rock Wall Texas. Gosh, I canna wait. I'm saying you know exactly. He's a car dealer, right, Rock Wall Texas, and you got the big Tim Gallon Hat. Grew up in Vermont, right, and so he's down there and he's just using the worst like how do y'all? I have the best trucks in it down here. You Know Rumont? Well, yeah, he's in Vermont. He's in his hometown. People are like like, Stephen, we know that you're from, like we graduated high school together. Well, I am Rock Wall Texas. You can call me our debut and our DEBA Texas, our Wa Texas. Yeah, so it's a real we're talking about real place, though. Yeah, this is a town, not a not a person, and it's what are you looking at me like this is an alien thing. It's not an alien thing. You did not make a guy contact with this isn't there's some chance I don't think it is. They gonna rose. Well, I'm right. I'm thinking of rock. Anything is it has a slim chance to touch on aliens. This one doesn't. Okay, I mean it does have a slave. Anything has a slobchins, apparently, so this does have a slip. Okay, rock wall text, but it it probably isn't. Most like probably isn't. We're most likely not, as it owls. No, first things first, I'm the real tourist. I'm digging our graves. What are you a thought? So little whole happened was before we got into staring kids. It's too bad. I mean, have you ever done a hole? A BUSHEL is equal to about zero point zero, two blow blowing thirtys things. So here's the thing. So the town rock wall, Texas, is it's this town in the suburbs of Dallas. Okay, all right, DFW, if you will, sure have W students for rock wo frock will, rock will. That's the silent it's on the northeastern end of of the dfw area, okay, and it it's on the shore of Lake Ray Hubbard, and it's honestly like a really pretty town because it literally is like right up against the lake. And here's the thing, like, like Lake towns in Missouri, we trying to saw a time share there or it get to the point. It's a really pretty area. The school district is Great. Honestly. Yeah, what are you real turn what is this? I actually like, I'm really gonna love. You'RE gonna love rock wall text. I watched a real turns video about rock wall. Did you there for yeah, yeah, I mean. and honestly, the market is just booming right now, like you really and interest rates are in all time low. Yeah, you know, it's a really pretty town, uh Huh. And it's so here's the thing. Like Lake towns in Missouri, I like Super Hilly and like because the lakes in Missouri are usually like the shorelines, pretty hilly. Who was? Fort Worth is super flat. Yeah, like a super flat area. So the lakes are really flat. Yeah, this is the flattest Lake you've ever seen. That's a Buffy Lake. Yeah, you're in Missouri. We got bumpy lakes. Yeah, you get it. Italy hilly lakes, but yeah, it's not that way. So it's like it's honestly almost like a beach shore. I actually have pictures of it and it's if if it doesn't to make it better. It's also for the part where you say here's what's interesting. This is a no, third most wealthiest like county in Dallasis we're in the world in Texas. Okay, the Third Wealthiest County in Texas is Rock Wall County. Rock walls the county seat. I don't know. Okay, Oh, this is a really this is a great picture. And Look, I'm good now. Is that architecture? Is that tote him? Is that Tarte? I can't tell. Is this what you plan to show? It is you think? Do you have anyone's crazy is that? This town is just fuzzy. It's blurry. Look, this is the worst image I've ever seen in my life. Thing, here's the thing. On my screen, I have secret good rams looking for like this is ridiculous. On my screen, this looks a lot better this. This TV's way bigger than my screen. So this tells me lesson learned. I need to test this on the screen from now I. Yeah, old, not. No, I've just found in fight a higher resolution, our resolution image. Give me a second, let me see if I can. The point being is it's it looks very fancy. Yes, okay, since they're shopping center. Yeah, so they kind of have a couple of these. They have like almost like almost like the brandson landing, like yeah, like a like outdoor along the shoreline. They've got a bunch of docks everywhere. Can here you go, compare and stuff to Branson. I love this about you, so kind of the Branson Lady. Oh yeah, that's way better, a lot less blurry. Pretty Nice. It's yeah, they got a CINNA mark. You'RE gonna believe this place, Dude. Yeah, what is that? A crime? Just your typical like outdoor malls or I don't know. Who thought this was going to be like the big thing. It seems like Gen x was just like history. Yeah, you listen to the suburbs episode. You were there in the hot tub with I know, but I'm saying they like it seems like in the early two thousands they were like outdoor malls or the future, and people are going to want to live there. Yep, like Zona Rosa across from my house has apartments that are all like stupid expensive, and I'm like, what do you want to live above coldstone creamery? Go down a little bit. Why? What is your deal? A little bit, so it's okay. So they have multiple of these. Yeah, that is really pretty, though. It is really nice. And what's Nice about it is it's like it literally the shoreline is super flat, so it's like most of the town is just butts up to this big old lake. It's a big lake and they the sun sets on the opposite end of the lake. So every night sintimes they're just beautiful. Yeah, so it's a cool town. It's a cool town on Google maps. If you look it up on Google maps, this is the picture. It's just buper. seriously. Yeah, yeah, and actually, because it's the richest county, this is this is just a six year olds birthday party. Like this isn't even like the place you can go. This is just, you know, parents. Do you know parents do that stuff? Yeah, I was driving through the the rich neighborhood down by the plaza and there was a house that had a full bouncy castle and all that stuff and their front yard. I was like this is what. There's like a spectrum of just trashy. Right, so there's like there's like poor trashy, which is people who their yard is full of Christmas inflatables, but their front door is a piece of ply wood, right, and then there's rich, trashy, yeah, which is they are having full out, like they hire there's the people who hire monster trucks to just comes sit in the front yard for a kid's birthday party. It's the gemstones, yeah, people who are just like they're spending money and and by stupid, stupid stuff. Dumb. Yeah, a hundred percent. Yeah, I actually, you know, there was the there was the five hundred shark robot vacuum that I could have gotten, or there's this, you know, seventeen thousand dollar, looks like a person. It's literally it's a shark vacuum, but it's got a mannequin on top of it, so it just runs around your house, but it's shades like it's a person. You know, it's like real. That's my main thinking this. I don't think so. I don't know. I'm saying, like that's what they were by, though. You know, why? Why buy the you know, the UPPLE THE MIDDLE CLASS LUXURY ITEM? Yeah, when you can make something worse? That's what I'm saying about this. That is the point. That is the point. That's fair. That's fair. This is class trash. Is What it is. So it was. What's interesting about rock wall is how it got its name. Is it really? Is that where you're going? Yes, so, Rock Wall Texas. What's interesting about rock wall is how it got its name. Now there's a whole wall of rocks there and it's really pretty. This sunsets on the opposite end, so like at night, it just creates a good little shadow on it. And Anyway, houses are about, you know, four D and eighty two, five hundred and fifty. I could put you in to two bedroom this weekend. Contact me today. Yeah, started a job as a real turn to town that I lived seventeen hours. The real touristcom that way is the real tourist. The thing is that, as someone we had to be done that. First things first, I'm the real tourist. Somebody had to have done that. The real tourist. There are six posts on instagram with the Hashtag real tourist, real tourist, and they're all people who just did not a spellt tourist. Yeah, I think that is actually what's going on here. First things first, I'm the real tourist. Is If you're a real turn, you listen to our podcast, go sell some homes with that one. They're actually all in Iceland. I wonder if that's a word out there, out there anyway. So how did rock wall get their name? So rock wall, Texas wasn't always a town, as most towns were, at one point, it was an idea. So there was a group of settlers, okay, from Illinois, back when they called settlers settlers, and in like eighteen fifty, that are eight fifty one, they traveled to Texas, and this is an interesting time in history. I've always thought about where. It's like you have a life in Illinois and you just say let's take everything somewhere and then when we get somewhere it'll be home. I miss it. And then they just like laying I say this a lot. They just ended up in Texas and like this is our house now. We were talking ray and I my lady about why our families just ended up in Springfield and they were like this is it, this is home. At a time where they could have just been anywhere, they could have and they went this is the world. was their oyster. Yeah, I think they saw that giant fork and they were like we can't leave here, we gotta build around here. We go see the giant fork and the fork is a natural formation, and that's where I'm saying for a natural for nation. So the people from Illinois, yeah, and at one jumped on a flight down to Texas they settled. It was flights were really turbulent back then, bumpy, hilly, a hilly, flighty flights. But they got there and they said, man, the sunset here is beautiful, the promenade, the the bumper cars are great, this is so much. They got a CINNA mark. So they started playing at a cinna mark next to a cinnabond. Come on, yeah, I can't do it. Yeah, I gotta, I gotta stay here. So they started building and they were digging there well as you would, and they hit something and I bet you could guess it was a rock wall, just a layer of rock, like like you would see it, like planet fitness, if planet fitness shut up, my old climbing wall. They're digging their well and they come across, honestly, just the best training ground. You're not gonna believe this. Gonna leave this? No, but they did come across a rock wall. That I mean. Have you ever dug a hole? Yeah, I feel like, what did you why did you dig a whole? What was your reason? I've done a few holes. Yeah, well, you're a homeowner now. I feel like that's just part of something. harmers. Dude, lets you get a home. You're just like us on the back yard. I could dig it. Just drunk in your backyard digging holes. That's what I imagine all of homer homeowners all is. They're just like, well, my life is finished, I own a thing. And then they're like I oh, you're bother. You're like, I own this way and I'll do what I want to get and your wife is like, please, come inside, stop. You know. She's like what are you doing? I'm digging our graves to get us out it. Do get my graves gus. I mean we're not going to use them for a while, but it's getting prepared. I please don't have her yourself and the not bear yourself, please don't. Please, don't bear yourself. Also, please don't have your grave plot be in your backyard and your Beck Harts of a house. You own it. Your s probably won't even own it. then. What happens if you sell the house plots? I come back, knock on the doors like hey, my wife died, but our graves are in your backyard. Can I bury her there? Bury her next to our dogs. She made me promize. What like? It's shuttles and everything. She's in the Trun you already have a ghost in the basement. What's one more I've you say? I've got her in the trunk. You should put her in the passengers. That's creepy. You're weekend and three. So anyway, you've doug a few holes. Yeah, I took a few holes. And how deep were your holes? I mean, not crazy deep. I think the deepest I probably dug was like, I don't know, three or four deep, four feet, but that was I was digging to get dirt the other the other time. So my other hole like fill this whole. I think there's dirt everywhere moving. My Dad comes home, our back at looks like the movie holes. Sorry, I doug what I had to tie Ito. That's too bad. Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, that's right, that's where new episodes drop on Patreon. Patreons a way to get early access to episodes and as their content and exclusive merchandise. And we're not going to stop there, because we got a private discord with our host and producers in it for less than seventeen cents a day. That's right, that's five dollar a month. You two can be a patreon supporter and not here advertisements in this freaking podcast anymore text till in the six six eighty sixty six. Otherwise I'll come to your house, I will find you, I will destroy everything that's good in your life until we're the only thing left. Anyway, here's another advertisement. Now we actually we doug a hole in the park, the neighborhood park. Yeah, in middle school. Oh, because there was this tunnel. There's a tunnel. It's just like a drain. Is like storm Jame tunnel right by the pool in the park. And a thing that you would do in my neighborhood when you're in middle school is you would go to the neighborhood park, and this is back when kids played outside a lot. Yeah, you go to the name of a park and you'd go coerce a bunch of third and fourth graders, your sixth, seventh, you're older, you have our yeah, you'd course them to come explore the tunnel with you. But the tunnel was like it was honestly probably like this is the thing in your town's just course and third graders to the tunnels. Yeah, that's kill a kid in modern house once. Yeah, three football fields long and then it curt. It cut a corner right and are on the right around the corner. What we did is we, with masking tape, mummified a little YODA doll and hung it from the ceiling and there was a manhole cover right there. So another one of us, okay, what stand up on the street. Yeah, and we'd come around the corner and we would make a lot of noise when we saw the the way I said a lot of noise. Yeah, launch and nors such when we saw the Yoda and then the person at the manhole cover would through the manhole cover pretend to be Satan and like they would know their names. We would tell them like hey, we took hey, what are your name's? Kids, we have a scout. You're saying they're a scout. Them children took him into a three hundred foot long tunnel. This is just the thing to do in your town. Hey, kids, we're older and more powerful than you. Come with us, or will beat you up. And then they'd cover up the course. You used to work co worse. They cover at the corner and they would think they saw found a mummified baby hanging from the ceiling, because that's what we made it look like and because we cut the ears off. Of course we cut the Yodo years off, obviously, and then one of the they would cry and then the Satan person would say their names, whatever they're name was, so like todd, it's me, Satan. That's pretty much where it ended all the time, and they'd run away and we thought it was Super Fun. This was back before. Did someone do that to you? Um, this was just something you thought of. I I do remember going in there when I was as sounds like I'm filling the origin story. That sounds like there are people in your town who are straight up out to get you. I remember going in there when I was younger with some older kids and getting scared. I don't remember exactly what happens that. I remember for years not going in. There's got to be someone who's listening to our podcast from your hometown who is just like it was just like he's laughing about my trauma. You know, like what a weird thing you guys, and you're like yeah, good that. You know people complain about and it. Maybe you need to hear that if you're a parent. People complain about kids being on video games all the time, but look at the alternative. All right, yeah, well, he's learn not pretending to be Satan. Let me give so the whole. So the way the hole happened was before we got into scaring kids, we were just exploring the tunnel. We were just scary. Well, who does explode? Before we got into it, you know, and that was really like before we before our hobby evolved into just, you know, fright, it was really more innocent than that. It was just digging holes. Well, they were like maybe we could use this whole just scare some children. We were exploring the tune, doing a little innocent spray painting inside the tunnel and stuff, you know, but we never adventured too far down the door of Vand we never ventured too far down the tunnel because was scary. Well, we could tell that the man who cover had to be there because a little bit of light shone down in, but we never went far enough to go actually find out because we were scared. And so one one summer we just took all my dad's shovels to the park and just started digging a hole in the park, like in the like grass lawn part of the park, where we were like yeah, we think of that hole. That light is probably going from this plot of land with no hole. Maybe we could find it. You started digging to try to find the tunnel. We were trying to find that hole where the light was coming in the tunnel and we're like, yeah, that's probably right around here in the freaking park. I'm surprised no one caught us and I got surprised we'd hit like the sprinkler lines or anything like that. But yeah, we dug the hole and then my dad got real mad at US and how to go fill it in. Yeah, we put it back in. They're all right next to it. Yeah, he's like, but there's the point, is that your original hole was filled. Yeah, and here's why I bring the story up. If you dig a hole, you generally hit something like you're gonna hit. There's something underground. There's a lot of things in the ground. There's something down there. I don't like the way said that. So the people in Texas and rock walls has hit this rock wall and they hit it and they're like, oh, it's there's something, there is rock, this is rock. And so they they started trying to dig around it and as they dug around it, they were like, oh, this is like, this isn't like a rock, this is like a wall. This is this is a rock wall. And here's the thing. It does not. I can tell you righting that it does not look natural. Let me show you. So there's there's one portion of it. What resolution is the imager about the show? We'll find out when I get it on the screen. There's there's one portion of it that is still exposed today just because it's the town has boomed and has been a lot of development. So writing buried back in there's one person that's still supposed today and this is part of that rock wall. It does not seem natural. Looks Natural at all. It so wait, it very much looks like a set of stones, like they are all about two to three feet long. Maybe. No, it's clearly a man made like stacked up rock. Yeah, and it's that they're cut up and still the rocks are shaped, you know, relatively similar. So there's no more to or anything. They're just stacked. They're just stacked. So they're loose. Well, I mean they've been underground for a long time. So a lot of like dirt has got up in those cracks, and so that's pretty firm. Yeah, well, dirt up in the cracks, so it's pretty ferb. That's what I say when I get home for the mindes of the mines all day. A lot of dirt for these. And this where you want to go with? All right, I'm AB outside and dig some holes. All right. So they found a manmade wall. Yeah, underground, underground. So, and this is the only part that's still exposed. This is the only part that still expose. This is the house right there. That's the Rock Wall Historical Society. Okay, and they've got a little museum with all the history about all the families. How long do they think it is? Here's what's interesting. So in one thousand nine hundred and eighty in architect went and mapped the STU. I mean at a certain point, like someone's got to be like, we should figure out where this Wall came Oh, a lot of people have tried, a lot of people are try. Okay, look at that. Okay, and in one thousand nine hundred and eighty and architect, aliens and architect went and mapped this wall and because there was a lot of they come out croppings where it just sticks out of the ground. There was in the s still a bunch of those spots where it sticked out. So you went around up since, yeah, mostly because of just development like so you're saying under Niel Cina mark is a full wall. Yeah, case may s. How longer he determined it is. So he went around and he mapped it. He actually just found all the outcroppings and then took a map and played connect the dots, like it's, I don't know, one of those Italian grills with the anyways on macaroni grew. Yeah, they were going crony go. This is the map of the wall. It is my entire city and more like it. This is so to give you a picture, this is about thirteen miles long and about five miles wide and it's, if you're listening, stretch on this side is thirteen miles. Thirteen miles. Yeah, and so to give you a picture, if you're listening there it's almost a rectangle. There's some angles all, and I mean the the two with sides are pretty straight. Yeah, and then the one length is pretty straight. Ye, the other one is really kind of a good yeah, and what's interesting is it's like it it reminded me of like if you look at if you look at the map section of your Bible and they have the like kingdoms that have their walls, like there's like kind of the inner walls ser weird down here at the bottom. Yeah, that's why I'm saying there's like there's that big outer wall and then there's like an inner wall with like almost like if this was some sort of wall for like a kingdom that was like their keep was like the central area where it's was more fortified than everything else. Very, very big, very very much. I mean you saw the wall. It looks be made. You see this your how tall do they think it is? That is where there's a lot of speculation. Nobody has reached the bottom. People try, yeah, theories. The theory is that it's about eighty feet deep. Holy Cow, no, nobody's made it to the bottom of this wall and no one's interested enough to do it. I'm interested right now. Let's go start digging. People are interested. Eighty feet eighty feet deep. Eighty feet deep. So you're saying if it is eighty feet, right, let's do a conservative let's just say fifty feet. That's a five story building. Yes, so you're saying that four thirteen miles there's that tall of a wall. Yeah, yeah, and we've just built on top of it. Yes, and people are just like let's put some bumper cars. At no point in this just did somebody want to go. Let's just try to get to the bottom. Well, a lot of people have. The problem is, eighty feet is a that's a long hole. I mean you're digging for a while. This isn't just something. You're probably digging through multiple layers of the earth. Yes, yes, this is this is a significant project to get to the bottom of it. So we'll turn the calendar back to the beginning. When they first found this, the people who found it were amazed. They were like this is got to be man made. And if it's covered up in eight hundred and fifty, it's been there for a long time. And I knows how long I mean. And if and for it to be as tall as it is, I mean eighty feet deep, that is a lot of layer of earth, which would make you say that this is thousands of years old. Yeah, so this is it's a significant find if it really is man made. So in the fifties a bunch of people. But you're looking at that picture and saying it's not man made. Well, the conclusion now is that it's natural. Are you dumb? Are who pull a picture back up of the thing of the wall? They conclude? Someone says that this is natural. Yeah, they stupid. Are they stupid? Is that it's natural? Well, why would that name? Well, that's dumb. Well, okay, so we'll roll the clocks. Just how would someone find this picture? Because if you see this, there's no way you're looking at this being like yeah, it's natural. Yeah, I don't know, man. That's clearly like the way that bricks are laid out. You know how you put your long break over to yeah, like for the support. That's how it's laid down. The only happened that is not as no way. There's no freaking way. But the general consessence now is that it's a natural formation. People are stupid. WHO's dumb enough to be like this is okay, whatever. What are they covered up? What are they coming out? So in eight hundred and fifty, where they see they were super hyped about it. Yeah, Dung, a bunch of holes and look at it. That was like we left our lives, no annoise, for this, this wall. We got a wall. Like what are they? Cool if we could climb it. And that's how rock walls were born. Okay, so they they incorporated as a town. They knew after the wall. Yeah, what's they called, Rock Wall? Oh, I thought you were right. They called him Peter and they named it Peter, Peter the wall. Peter the wall. Yeah, it's easy to our wall, Peter. Yeah, we like them. We like them. We're pretty sure he's natural. Pretty crazy, know. At that point everybody was like, yeah, this is some ancient society. Yeah, obvious, okay, because it's like, I mean, it looks like it looks like something you would see. Like is this composed, exposed part of the limit? This is the only exposed today. Really, that is the only part that is exposed today. Really, there's a rumor that there's a spot on private property where there's an archway, but I cannot find any pictures of this arch way. This is the only part that's exposed today. Yes, yeah, that is crazy, because that's because they're covering it up. So for four years early, but also for years people were they settled. The town Baptist Church opened up and like they started establishing like a real town. Right. Well, in one thousand eight hundred and eighty something, the rock wall suspect, which is they are local murder, their local sketchy life. Oh Yeah, that's the Rock Wall subspect going there any crime. He's our number one, you know. Yeah, they didn't have the words scapegoat then. So there's like yeah, he's the word. No now. Yeah, so the Rock Wall suspect their newspaper. It's their newspaper. This is a bona fide newspaper. I need to need to lead with that. Real paper. This is a real paper. This is not a tabloid. They are not Info Warscom, they are not wall truth dotnet. If you look at any of their news articles real throughout the history of the newspaper, everything is to totally just normal. It's things going on in town. It's classified. It's a normal newspaper. Right. But in I can't remember the year I was looking forward today this morning. I can't remember. Hear sometime in the mid s s they put on an article that a local farmer was digging at the wall, like a lot of people in town generally did, because we were like we want to know, we want to know what it is. Also, the a teen in the markets stay anything else to do. They've been built our outdoor mall. Yet it's so bro this. So what they said is that he was diging the hole and he found a skull of like a giant human head, like a skull, but like big, and it said it was half a Bushel in size, which is what, which is big? People do you under beat? People understood that meant. They did understand, like Oh, half a Bushel, half a Bushel. Yeah, and so like it went to extensive Lens. A BUSHEL. Let me pull it up. So half bushel is four and a half gallons. How many tablespoons is that? So half bushell comes out to roughly one hundred table spears? How many airplanes is that? How many thirty sevens is it's like half a Bushel. Don't worry about it. Okay, seven soscom yeah, there we go. You said that up right. Yeah, yeah, it's a real calculators stories. What object are you measuring? I am measuring a Bushel length and with their feet. I mean four gallons. That's gotta be like what, one foot for gallons? Yeah, that's two foot, two feet. Okay, so that comes out to if we stacked for gallons here. All right, so, according to how many seven and thirty Sevencom a Bushel is equal to about zero point zero, two, blowing, bowing and thirty sevens. Okay. Also, I don't even remember which of us how we did that, but whatever, I'm probably called it back. So he says he finds a giant skull. Yeah, a big, a big, and there was a human star rock in the forehead. Right, pretty crazy story, though, Goliath and went to pretty, pretty big lengths to describe the shape of it. It said it was missing most of its teeth, but it did still have a few teeth on the top jaw. Yeah, and it ends the article like of a war job it. He had civil war job. Civil war hasn't even happened. Ye, happened then eighteen by one thousand eight hundred and eighty. That's fair. Civil War job. He was there, he's in the civil war. Everyone missed them. Have you heard of tilling? PODCAST March? That's right, we have a merge store full of tilling bread and tea's, hoodies, mugs and so much more. We also make new designs for every single episode, but those are only available for a limited time, so get them while they're hot. Text till into six, six, eight and sixty six to get your till and March today. The article ends with them saying whatever his name is, like farmer Johnson has he has opened up his home to anyone in the town who wants to come see the skull. So the next day an article comes out. This is guys, that a mob shows up and as like, I want to see the skull and he's just holding that like we'Rrefiki and Lion King. Just everybody in the town doesn't got to it's a giant's head and it's half a Bush, which is zero point zero two, s seven thirty seven. Is Martha. They're all named Martha, isn't that? And that what it is. Martha or Marsha, just just close enough. What are you a thought? Yeah, she's a shove man. Oh Man, I've been talking this new girls. She's a real shot. She's a real shot. You gotta find them with Fuck. You gotta hold on to her. So, yeah, everybody goes to his house. And it's like, let me see this skull, and then everybody show I'm here to see this. Call Man, someone Knox and girl front door. It's just like I'm here to see this call. At a certain point they got knocking like you know why I'm here, and everybody who saw this skull was so taken aback by the scenario that they immediately we're like, well, that's we got a dig and so the whole town mob is out here, a whole town is at his land just digging. And according to the story in this newspaper article, they dug all day until eventually one of the guys there, he calls every one over and he's like, I found like a hole in the wall and he's like watch this, and he drops his hammer through the hole and so he reaches the hand through the hole. It's a hole in the wall which is hand through, and drops it and it sounds like it falls like for a long way. And then what's interesting is the article says it's was described as if it hit metal, like it sounded like it hit metal, which is obviously not natural. And so they were like the wall apart. So they got their picks axe, pick axes and started ripping open this wall and they said they they found a cavern that was about sixty feet tall, held up with all these pillars. What. The interesting point, though, is that the article does say it wasn't clear whether this cavern was man made or natural, which is interesting because, like, what are you talking about? I'm serious, like when I look at this and nice go someone's gonna look at this and tell me that's natural? Yeah, I don't know. I mean here I've got some other pictures of when they had it excavated. More okay, I will say in this excavation shot it's a little bit more believable that it's natural because it's a little less cleaned up, but at the same time I just find it hard to believe. I mean if it's been there for a long time, it's hard to believe that it would be covered up. Yeah, there would be this any rocks and they look like they're stacked because because there's there's a chance, like if you have a wall at this that was exposed, that erosion could rode like a pattern into it. Sure, and like I've seen like up in the mountains and color. I don't I've seen some lake has flooded. Yeah, this has been under water at some point, true, but even that, like, I've seen some like erosion where there's like patterns, but it's not this big like this is. This looks like a picture you would have. Is your background, by the way, this is eighty feet deep. That's at feet. Well, this is. This one is like about thirty. But the wall is supposedly runs eighty feet deep, four miles and it looks like this. You don't see that. Like if you see something that looks like this natural, like it's it's a small moment where that pattern is and then it gets random again, like this is not right. To uniform, yeah, to be natural. Now here's another picture, an older one. I don't I can't confirm that this is real. Everything I found that talks about this shows this picture, and this picture, to me, if it's real, is a nail in the coffin that this is not natural, because they are are curved stones that wrap around like windows. Does it look better in your computer now? Is this this? Look this is a drawing, though. This is not a picture. Are you sure? Oh, absolutely, look at that, look at the colors. I don't know, man, that's a draw that's I don't know. What's the caption of the bottom? Say, could you read it on your screen? No, I can't. Is it that low res on yours? It's yeah, it's pretty cooks. Is An old photo. This is supposedly what they have at the they had this at the historical society, supposedly. Yeah, here's another one from way back in the day of this is the former that found it. Yeah, this child before he grew up. Yeah, yeah, see that picture. Look at the line, look at the there's no way, absolutely no way, that this could happen naturally. I will say the cavern thing, like, I mean look at fantastic caverns. There are pillars holding that up like that. Yeah, they don't look anything like that. They didn't subscribe the builds like and not evil pillers. Yeah, they didn't describe the pillars in the article. They just said pillars holding up the cavern and they never mentioned the metal sound again. Like, I don't know what that sound was. Hitting metal was. I think in theory they would have been just a hammer hitting a rock, you know, and they were just excited. I don't know. He is hammer back? I don't know. Actually, you can get it of this. So it's this giant wall and in in the people aren't going to let us tear down their house. is to look for. I think there's a law in your house. Can I? Yeah, I know, there's walls in my house. I built it now, a bunch of walls. Hey, idiot, why don't you? There might be like a society underneath this. So so they in like the you think that half Bushel head cares about your stock prices? Shut up, like let's just dig up your house. But like the S. let me see, until until the S, it was almost like a tourist attraction. You could pay a quarter to go see the wall and they had a big hole you could go down in and be like, Oh, look at this wall. I don't know if it's real or not. We should just go knock ondoors and rock wall Texas back. We're here to see the skull. You know I were here. You know I were here. That's that's another thing that's really interesting, the skull. So in the s all of the excavation sets got buried. Since then there have been a couple people who have gone back and dug a hole to see it, but it's been filled in. There was one guy who I watched the history channel special about this, which was very, very interesting because it here's what was weird to me about this history channel special. It concluded that it was natural in the special. Since when does history channel do anything rational? Like, since when does history channel find something and say Oh, yeah, this is normal, Clus isn't aliens? That history channel would have been like, yeah, this is aliens, but they are like yeah, this is just a natural formation. That's subs very subspect to me that history channel chose the most like not conspiracy, that ser that is our rockwell suspect. But yeah, so the history channel said it was natural. It there's no way. And what they said? What they said? Here's what they said. They said it I can't remember the word they use. It was like a sand lift, I think, is what they called it. So essentially there's a layer of earth and underneath that layer of earth there's a layer of store. was a layer of sand, and there's some tectonic plate shift that push the stand up in between the earth and gave it almost like a pillar to go up in there. And then over millions of years it hardened and took a weird shape and it was a really odd rare natural thing. What's very odd to me about that is I don't understand why it would this. Would like if this, if it if the plates shifted, I don't understand why it would be like erecting a like this. That like made sense. I feel like it would be way more jagged and just kind of like one line to say Lee to me, be like this is the fault line or whatever. Yeah, it wouldn't be. There wouldn't be a yeah, there wouldn't be those hard turns. There wouldn't be it's very it'd be very unusual for a plate shifting to do something like that. But somewhere in the s they just stopped digging. This skull disappeared. They had this school until you hit the skull and it disappeared. No one knows where it is now. Any pictures of it? There are pictures I've seen. I don't know if they are legitimate pictures of the skulled or if it's like it's the oral you know, the Rock Wall Monster, the Rock Walls Skull, the Rock Skull Wall. So this is let me grab this real quick and throw this up here. In theory this is the Rock Wall skull. I don't. I can't let geimize this. Okay, and anyway, I tried to. I'm just asking you to show me the picture already. But this is, in theory, the Rock Wall Skull. So there's a half a Bushel basket next the Rock Wall skull. So if you knew what any of those know what. And then there's a gallon jug next to a normal human skull. This is a little bit bigger. Wow. So, yeah, there's the scale representatis looks like us. Here's your tiny little head. You know that you're the teeth on that skull or straighter than yours, for sure. And then there's my head, yeah, which the teeth on your head are bigger than my eyes. So now that's wild. Yeah, so I don't know if that's legit, but if it is, it's crazy because we don't like normal. History doesn't have anything about this. But yeah, somewhere in these someone of the s the skull disappeared and the wall was buried. All that excavation skull disappeared. Yeah, no one knows what this call is. And Oh, people know and the wall was buried. Coming this spring on our true crime podcast, and then geologists were like, yeah, this is just a natural formation, nothing weird about it, which is crazy to me because here's nothing came to look at. It's buried. So I mean, I'd be hard to you know. I've yeah, I guess she's gotta let it go. Here's what you know. It's far more interesting is a lot of people in rock all like the locals, will say, yeah, my grandpa used to talk about going out to see the wall and they would describe the windows when they saw the wall, like that picture I showed you with them. Yeah, windows, they say. There's curve stones that arched over windows that would be opening and behind it would just be dirt. But they would be like yeah, my my GRANDPA and my grandma used to talk about that. It's bonkers. But now it's like, Oh yeah, there's no windows, that's a wives tail. It's a natural formation. There's no skull. This called them existed and then they just buried long. GRANDPA remembers town putting the skull on his head. They were, course, the gators into the into the cavern, you know, and they would standing over the manhole and be like I'm sure Jing, you know, and that's just some of you remembers doing as a kid. You know, it's just a good time. got of a local town there. Yeah, people would never entered it back then. I know they had a lot of stuff. They was digging holes and scaring third graders. Called it scary skulls Saturday. He's scary skull Saturdays. Here's the thing. It's not natural. I don't believe that. Also the reason why I brought the history sheel thing. I've ever hit that because I brought this chanel thing. Is this guy went and he saw he met with the an Esku, a local excavator. He owns an excavation company. They was the escalator at classic leader and he asked them, he said, he said, can we see this? And he's like, he's like no, there's only that one spot. That's that's exposed. He had already seen it in the episode and he was like. He's like, but I own an excavation company and in the S he was the guy that picture I showed you of that big dug out. He's the guy who doug that. Eventually it actually flooded and then they had to pump it and they buried it again. They just kind of gave up after that flood. But he was like. He's like, I own an excavation company, I'll dig it. If Dick it out, if you want to see it and like come to a conclusion, because this guy in the show is like supposed we did geologist. He was going to decide whether or not it was real or whatever. He was just like Nah, it's okay, Oh, you'll dig, you'll dig the hole. Yeah, good. Yeah, and then the guy watches the interview back, and so what he did was he was just like, you know, would you dig the hole? In the show? US though the wall, and the guy was like yeah, of course, I mean I'd be having I own an excavation company. He's a great quick route for would you cheat on your wife? And then I was like no, and then when you washed it back, you just cut him together, and so it's like when you dig the hole? No, no, of course not. I would never do that. Why would you? Even? I love saw. So he asks him. He's like he's like. He's like we can do that, we can just dig a hole. He's like, don't want to go get like permits or something like. He's like that, what are they gonna do stop me? I've got an excavator. You can do whatever you want. When it really says he says we don't need permits. This is Texas permits. Well, we're going, we don't need permits. No, sir, this is Texas. And also we're pursuing giants. So they just dig a hole and the guy took some samples, like cut the rocks a little bit, and then he was like, yeah, these are natural, these are some shiny nastro their rocks whatever. Oh Wow, I'm mad now. Yeah, so that's a literal cover up. Pretty clearly looks like they're covering something up. I don't know, man, I no, Noi still alive. Yeah, there's still around where they got the sad they actually ate the skull. I may happen died. They won't die. Every morning I just take this goal and I is I breathe in it's life giving powers. And they look great, like they look like their skin is just like, you know, their eyes are blugged out, like they're just say, yeah, I'm still mine. Yeah, I just drink from the skull every morning. Can we see this? No, nobody see. I'm Satan. All right, you can't do that in the middle of an interviewer. Every we've already covered that, you know. You know I can see you anyway. Yeah, so rock while they're covering it up. Yeah, it's covered up quite literally. We've added it to our tilling road trip. Yeah, WE'RE gonna have to go. It's gonna Bring my dad's shovels and saying what have this natural beauty. That's the thing that's crazy. Is like even in that documentary, the guy in the history channels like this is the most amazing natural rock formation I've ever seen my life. Stupid. And here's the thing. Why would they cover it up if it is? Yeah, dig that hole and then let tourist come see it. People travel from all over the world to see things like the grand can, but people in rock stall like yeah, but then the poores would be here, you know they you gotta remember their rich people in their Texas Rah, which is right. It hasn't always been a super rich town. So yeah, back when they were charging the quarter for everyone to come see it, like I don't understand why they would ever stop that. Like, if people are traveling to see this amazing natural formation in like I feel like you capitalize off that. Yeah, this is America. We capitalize off of our natural formations. Yeah, look of the grand can you? Yeah, look about Rushmore. anyways, it's crazy. He's here's the the widest part, while was part of the thing. Go ahead, the wild thing when they got into the cavern. All right, now it was where he dropped the hammer. Yeah, dropped the and then he's like wait, she's here metal. Yeah, is it? I kind of hear, I kind of hear. Don't, don't got don't you know metal music? Oh, like, no, I'm pretty sure it's fiddles. I'm pretty sure that's Oh, I got him confused. It's a fiddle off. Things of the last night is a production of space tim media, produced by Christian Taylor. Audio is edited by Alice Garnett, video by connerbet social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic designed by Caleb Goldberg. Our hoster, Jeremyers and Tim Stone. Please follow us on social media at Tilling podcast, that's Tillo in podcast. Leave a review, comment, subscribe wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on the last night.

Fifty years ago, pieces of an ancient wall peaked out from underground all around Rockwall, TX. Today, much of the wall has been buried, but this quiet Dallas suburb may be host to the oldest surviving structure in the United States. It seems pretty clear that this wall is man-made, or at least intelligently made. Yet, despite all the signs, … Read More

Tartaria – Is History’s Forgotten Tartarian Empire Real Or Just A Hoax


Episode Transcription

Made for robots, by robots. Only read if you're weird

Hey, man, the stuff I can hear is really rough. What's up, buddy? How you feeling? I feel great. Yeah, yeah, yeah, last week, you weren't. Last week. Now, last I got tested positive. Uh Huh, despite being VACs I'm double vaxed. Are you boosted? I was going to get boosted this week. See, was my plan. I'm boosted and healthy. Yeah, I'm not. I wasn't. I'm like triple boosted. I'm I kept going to I v and I was just like load me up. I have seventeen dost like so we can't keep doing this. And you were like doing it. I was like, I'm sorry, what? I've never been here before, and they were like we know that's you. They're like you didn't do anything about your physical appearance. You just came to try to do different accents. Why? YAUGHTA WHY? I'll tell you what. Okay, where I'm from? Yeah, we know where you're from, man. We've seen you in here a lot. We've seen it. We know. It's pretty bonkers to me that for two years we know, we've done this whole coronavirus stuff and now you can like do you ever think about life saving medicine? And like no, how? Okay, great, so in like the eighteen, hundreds of people would die of a toothache. Okay, like they've been my two thirds. Right, they die, and now didn't just sold us pull stuff out, and I just think it's crazy that I can go to HIV, a g grocery store, and get the vaccine for this pandemic. Yeah, anyway, that's bonkers to me. Yeah, that's a pretty good point. Yeah, that's just a vaccine and not skim milk. Yeah, anything, but honestly, so you're in a hazmat suit because you had Jaren Jaron's career. He travels a lot, so he cann't afford to get a genuinely can't? I read the test positive. So so I'm doing this for him. And is it reflecting off his mask? His screen, it's perfect. Yeah, so if you're listening, if you're watching, his mask is getting more and more fogged up. Like this is the worst idea we've ever had. Yeah, the audio experience is probably going to be pretty rough for this episode. Yeah, and it's worth of it, because I've gotta be hilarious. I am not gonna get Covid, is what I'm saying. So if you're listening to this and you like this sucks. Well, so do I, because my wants are working properly after this. Well, anyways, roll the titled Sequence Are we need a long time ago. It's so hard to breathe in this thing. Take it off. PODCAST. PODCAST. Where this theory? Who is the Ames from? Cames from? Comes from? Who is they? That's why Tim's house is boring. Jesus built that slide through the doors to get all the trains. Things I learned last night. Oh Great, yeah, you're in the episode. Now. What are you talking about? Oh yeah, have you ever heard of the Tartarian Empire? And something made up? I think it is tartarian. Yeah, yeah, tartarian, Bro I don't know if I can. You gotta hate this. Is it aliens? It's not aliens, but I might as well be like like you are. You are just gonna is it? Okay, let's just the the TATARIAN empire. It's Tartarian Empire. Okay, yeah, you're gonna, you're you're not gonna. Sounds like a work of fiction. Yeah, it does, actually, because it probably is. So here's so, here's the idea. Can't make statement like that. By the way, our valiant thor episode has actually taken over. Comments on the bobbles are. So we had babbles. Are everyone hated us, right, yeah, and then now we have I bought you didn't. I believe Bobos are right. Yeah, valiant Thorne, neither of US did, and I think that's where the comments are worse. They are really the people. So we're gonna get that kind of stuff other people who are really in on the tartarian empire. Yeah, so the Tartarian empires is relatively new theory, from like two thousand and sixteen about, like that's when it's so you can't have anything in the two thousand and sixteen and being like tartarian. Know that's something stupid people in my s believed and you can't come out after social media exists and be like the Taut Hadi and empire, no hard pass. Yeah, that's bear. So basically there's just like three, maybe four layers of the tartarian empire theory. So basically here's the older will do. We'll do kind of the broad overview and then we'll look, we'll go down the layers of the onion for the belief. Okay, it's so hard to breathe in this thing. Take it off. Listen, guys, Tim got too hot and uncomfortable, so now he's going to put me at risk. It's really it's really it was really hard to breathe. And here's the thing. I have to have to talk a lot. I know it was a really fun bit, but it looks like you were suffocating. I was, and the thing was fogging up too much and I was really worried that the last thing I was ever going to see of you is a a payol or outline in a foggy little thing as you just fade away. Just yeah, that I would let you die for this big I would have let you die for this bit. I mean, I I'm glad ultimately you took it off, but like, man, it was a struggle for a minute there. I was like I was like, Oh God, I've got a lot to cover and I can't. But so we were saying that the Tartarian, totarian, tartarian empire. So there's really four layers to this here, and we're going to go through the layers. We're gonna do the layers here really start. Here's a brief idea. So at about two thousand and sixteen, this theory came out that there was this empire that predated our civilization, that has been not predated our civilization. Well, maybe Predator, depending on what layer of the onion you'R at, but but basically it was this really advanced empire that we've buried in history. We don't want anyone to know about it for some reason. Oh, we're it's a cover up. Yeah, it's a cover up. The theory is a cover up. Yeah, and and they're they're for for they're like support for this. Where this theory? Who is the aims from? Cames from? Comes from Tartarian believers, tartarian truthers, I guess. Where do they gather? Read it? Yeah, so you're going to tell me about how theory on Reddit that comes out in two thousand and sixteen? Yeah, because I just want you. Okay, so they there's two things. This because birth from. So there was this community in northern Asia, okay, known in history as either Tartaria or the tartars, which sounds like some things you would call someone to make fun of them. Yeah, like, Hey, it's the tartars. Yeah, but this is like like the Mongolian, like invader, like the hunt like this. How do you how do you think the Mongolians, you know, like the Hun the the Viking, like the you know, Warriors, would have felt knowing that their legacy is the Bini Hanna Grill kind of things, you know, like they showed up in our world, we would be like Ah, yes, from we would just hand him a bowl of raw ingredients and we're like cook those that boys together. Yeah, take those somewhere, take those to that guy. He'll flip them around and make some S. Yeah, and if I ring this Gong, you all got to go. Who Hot, you know? Yeah, I don't know if they would love it, but at the same time it is kind of an empire, probably further spanning than they ever were. So who what? Well, not, who ha, that's a local version. Is Many Hannah, who's not a local, is it? Aren't? who hots the springfield vocal version of Benny Hanna? Really? Yeah, they'll Benny Hannas like a steakhouse, like that's not even what I meant. Benny Hannas like they cook in front of you. Yeah, anyway, but I'm talking Mongolian Grill. So that's a that's a term, right. Who hats the brand. But I'm Ongolian Grill is where you just get your raw ingredients. Yeah, and you go, please, cut these together on your little them up on your little black make a show out of this circle grill. So with the onion on fire, make it a volcano Kano. So the tartars like you can see them in history. There are some examples of like flags, okay, of the this Tartaria group, but it from all traditional history. It's this very fringe group that really kind of like the Vikings, where it's like we've taken them this big group of random the vikings were. Well, now it's the same concert what it's like. There's a bunch of different tribes that go around and invade and like try to Compeli. They are Viking King but they weren't one thing. They weren't one thing. Now it's the same thing with Tartar and history is the Tartarians were this massive group of Mongolian invader type People's that function. They weren't connected to each other that we think of, not in traditional history. Sure, I'll let you out with that. But according to the Tartarian truthers, the tar truthers, yeah, that is the pieces of the we have some history of them, Oka, the Tartaria group and the what we're missing is the glue that holds them together. Yeah, the modern history historians are hiding the truth from us. Oh, that's right. Yeah, sorry, I forgot. There's people in charge who are like gatekeeping information. Yet it always isn't cons barise theories. There's always some. There's always some mystery person. Yeah, who like, just doesn't like. They don't want you to know. I want you to well, they don't want you to know. I mean they're letting you talk about on a ready shoom, so it seems like they're fine with whatever's stupid theories you've got. So there's that side of it. You know what happens to people who actually figure it out? They get murdered. All right. So if you're putting theories out on the line and you're just going out, you know, just alive and you're like the rest of your day is spent playing video games and having your mom make fish sticks, like, you probably don't got it right, probably wrong. It's now if you get murdered, you're going to know for sure. You'll know. Hey, I was right. You better get that up on reddit right before and if you do get murdered, do you know where you'd go tonight? He's do like a Baptist Altar called anyway. Okay, so they took that Tartari history. Yeah, and they try to pay to get in it. But then they also took really to architectural styles, one of called Bose are calm, and then another architecture called Second Empire Architecture style, which actually have some pictures to show you. Please do. Yes, here is this style. So we've seen this. It's pretty common. Basically, it's taking like the domes and the domes so honestly, well, most government buildings kind of look like yeah, yeah, he's that, this is the bows are. Yeah, this is Bos are, this is Boz are, we're that. Right now. This is actually second temple. Bose are is the here's bows are, here's second temple. It's very similar. Okay. The only difference for a second temple or second empire, I keep saying Temple, second empire, is that it's a little bit more for a noxious like yeah, very highly decorated. Yeah, like a little of random, like just kind of Gaudy stuff to be like hey, we're rich. Here's another big example of it. This is the singer building in New York. This was the tallest building in the world in like one thousand nine hundred and seven, or somebody stories. Is it? It was twenty seven. They actually tore the building down in the S my apartment is taller than this thing. No, what's not? I think your house is tallerble, but really cool building. I wish that they left it where they's here now. Well, a couple, a couple reasons, singer. I know why. Yeah, but so, yeah, that's the good trying to cover up the target. Is it really experienced? All right, whatever, but they tore it. The reason they tore down is because singer the like sewing company. This was their headquarters. Hey, I think of saying singular, like the old phone company. I wasn't really know they were involve your yeah, that's they built it nine hundred and five for their headquarters. The problem was they wanted to build this, they wanted it to be the tallest building in the world, and so they built it to be that. And the architect who build it. This was early in tall building history, and so they built it really thin. That twenty pretty thin, so that it was impractical. There wasn't a lot of space. And you every floor. Yes, they outgrew it really quickly. So they moved out every floor, the one office. I think they've got more than one, but it's not many. Every floor is pretty small. And then they so they outgreate pretty quick and they moved out and then the city was like they sold it in the people who sold it were like, Hey, we want to build something else here, and so they just demolished it. That was in the s and they built something in this place. Yeah, but in the S is when the government was doing sketchy stuff. It's true. It's so. So what the tart what istarian believer, tartarian chase solely on this building, will say? Will say you see architecture style like this and then almost immediately after which you can kind of see really I guess you can't, like in that left corner of that brick building on the left. Yeah, immediately after this style was populars this style was popular late eighteen century, pretty much through the whole nineteen century, early twenty century. Sure, immediately after that it became what's the word? I think it's called brutalist, where it's literally just like concrete and windows and doors and no design, like just get this building. That's actually how architects talked in the nineteen hundreds. They're like brick, concrete windows, like. But then we didn't teach architects English. The idea and that Arrow was they were just it was the peak of the industry saying your brain is for nothing, but we didn't want to communicate. We just said your brains for nothing but building buildings, but building buildings, and so we gave him like a little Legos when they were kids. Yeah, and like, instead of teaching them any kind of language, no matter what, we just said building, building, wilding, br those work and then they show up. Can Imagine if, like that's how the society work, is that you just had to like you only need the words for your Joe, your yeah in that would that be weird. PODCAST, audio gust hasn't at microphone. And then what do you do on your podcast? Then it is just podcast, podcast, podcast, I can't say anything. You talk about anything, you've that. Bring someone else on them be like podcast and they go brick, right, podcast, it's for architects. Then they listen to it and they go window. You know this is I'm saying. If we got annihilated. Back to being caveman. This is how we would talk. So I didn't the person who comes up with the word the we make them the king of the world. We just go big building the guy. Guys. It's been so much Alex, those two. Yeah, yeah, but you know who doesn't? Our castry on supporters. Architects Love Them, organized love our podcast. Architects hate him. Architects hate him. PODCASTERS FEOREM. Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, that's right, that's when new episodes drop on Patreon. Patreons a way to get early access to episodes and as their content and exclusive merchandise. And we're not going to stop there, because we had a private discord with our host and producers in it for less than seventeen cents a day. That's right, that's five dollars a month. You two can be a patreon supporter and not here advertisements in this freaking podcast anymore text till in the six, six eighty sixty six. Otherwise I'll come to your house, I will find you, I will destroy everything that's good in your life until we're the only thing left. Anyway, here's another advertisement. Talk about Tartaria. So the Tartarian truthers will say. So this, this is a style symbol. What they say is like, there's no way we went from building beautiful buildings like this to those just concrete blocks. Really, they're like, they don't say there's no way. You don't think that the people building building saw the numbers and we're like yeah, it's probably easier just to make a rectangle. Yeah. Well, so what they say is they say that there was a society before that that was more technological advanced than we were when we started building our blocks. MMM. And so we didn't know how to do that stuff. We didn't know how to make buildings are like immaculate, look like that. Yeah, this, this was outside of our technological abilities. So they believe that the capital and like the government buildings that do look like this, we're built by this advanced society. After Tarians, there are remnants of the tartarian and then something happens in the nineteen hundreds where all of us do get wiped down to caveman and we just go windows bricks. Well, yeah, sort of. So it's more like, because what they say is and is remnants. This, this architectra style was popular when it was a worldwide society, so it got sure everyone. I'm saying that the reason they build buildings the way they do is that they go this would cost three times more to make it pretty. Oh yeah, that's exactly why. But there's then there's other people go, but that means they're hiding something. Yeah, exactly. It's like no, I think it's just means they they're more poor than they're telling you. I mean maybe that's why Tim's house is boring. I don't know. Right when I wish tartarians lived here. Maybe we have some paintings in the wall's house is really nice and I'm positive that it's a round. Absolutely sure he is a four hundred year old vampire. But the Tartarian truthers say, Oh, there are ties are all over the world and this was an ancient empire that has gone extinct, and it's like the pyramids, like these are leftovers from their society that we have repurposed to use as our buildings. Do they think that the founding fathers just, you know, they're like yeah, they're called the founding fathers because they found those buildings. Well, that's the thing is they say like like Washington, like that was a capital city of the society because there's so much of that architecture and wash right. See, and when it's really interesting is they'll talk about and Jefferson City, Missouri, just happened to also also be, also be a capital, a capital city. So anyways. So the idea is that in the early nineteen or the early twenty century, yeah, it teen hundreds. They the people that power. People tried to hide it. Got Rid of the TRITERARIANS. They went on this campaign to destroy evidence of the Sartisians, solely on architects. Like, what are you talking about? I guess like he's the only thing that they're more advanced in is they can make buildings look better and they make pretty buildings. Do they have other theories on what else they'd contributed, or was it just like the government didn't like how pretty these buildings were so they were like, you know what, you're out of here. Well, the government didn't like that society. That society got wiped out from and the opinions reign but pretty much war and then the government was like we need to remove the evidence of them from existence. So the early twenty century, the World Wars was a campaign to blow up all these buildings. That's why they went on all these bombing runs. For the first time in civilized, populated areas, they were destroying, trying to destroy these buildings. That and the world's fairs. Are you familiar with the world's fairs? Basically Epcot, but all over the place. Oh my gosh, so this is a world's fair. This is the Chicago world's fair. I want to say in like no way, the late eighteen hundred, one thousand eight hundred and ninety three, something like that. So he was really interesting about the world's fair is they would pick this giant plot of empty land, so they would build this yeah, every year, or it was like every four or five years, come like the Olympics. It was in a new city somewhere in the world, and then everyone would travel and it'd be similar. The idea for epcot is everybody in the world will come show their biggest achievements. So there'd be art, there'd be technology, there'd be war stuff. The fairest wheel was yeah, everyone does on on Instagram, but your achievements or garbage. Wi they're just like, look at this meal I made, and you're like, dude, that doesn't look anything like what kind I can at all of guard. Yeah, all right, yeah, the yeah, exactly. The Ferris Wheel was actually introduced here and it was this I can't remember how big it was the first one that they did here, but is way bigger than like it's like the like Las Vegas Ferris wheel. Like it was massive. It was the first time I'd ever happened and that was because they opened the Eiffel Tower in America. was like, we need someone to do something cooler, and then some words like the tower, Farris on Ferris peeler was like I got an idea. Hit us with the fairest and then he made the wheel thing. But here's what's crazy about this is, and this is kind of hard to believe, but supposedly these are all temporary structures that they would build for this big event. These are made of like Hay and clay that they just like push together so that way after the fair they could just knock it all over. I guess is I could have made it a look better in the drawing. It could will not a picture. This is a painting. So I mean they really could have. They really could have taken some artistic liberty here. But I will say all the world's fairs, the records, we have them. It's that art style, like that architecture style. Okay, and afterwards, Afterwards Fair, they tear them down. So tartarians believers say that the world's fair where the last big expo and it gave them excuse to be like, Oh, this is all, we just built this and now we're going to tear it down afterwards. It's temporary and so saying. Used to throw a big party and then afterwards tear it down and have no evidence that it was thereness. These were the capital cities. Oh, so tetarians believe that it wasn't like Hay and clay and all the stuff. This was the tittarians. Yeah, and this art pojecture, and then they were like hey, look, we built for the world fare. Yeah, and it's almost like actually, I've seen that thing for like twenty years and the like. Yeah, yeah, cool, like that person who drowns in this little pool out there. Yeah, mysteriously. Yeah. And then and then they tear it down and well, starrows over. Yeah, and then they have the same thing. Happened to come and go in my town, the gas station. You know, it'd been there for a long time and then they came in there like a car mazing days. You know, look at this. There's a ferrost real out there and they just leveled it and they're like yeah, we built that gas station for this and we're like actually, would make this Carmel Better. I guess station a coming. I think you're right. COB and goes are evidence of Tartar. So the architecture. Look at the Ark. The last bit of evidence that they have for this is what they call the mud flood hypothesis. Okay, and so the theory is that there was an ancient mud flood and, depending on what letter on the onion, this mud flood could have happened only a hundred years ago, but it also could have happened thousands of years ago. But the idea is it was this worldwide flood of mud that just kind of buried everything a little bit, like just a few feet. And their evidence is that a lot of these bows are art style architecture style buildings have these features that look like they were partially buried, like it looks like when you look at it, you're like, oh, that was built like the ground levels halfway buried in this shot and there's a lot of these where there and they're actually is a lot of that buildings from that era that has since been dug out and it does look like there's another layer that has been buried, like the first floor was buried, or at least partially buried. Yeah, but that exists down town in Kansas City. Yeah, because, let no, it's just as it's just the street coming down from the river bank. So here's here's they're saying. The building was definitely there first. You know, there's no way they figured out how to make a level building on a crooked street. Is that what they're saying? This is maybe this is maybe a hill. I don't know, this building was they like maybe this isn't the best example because there is that Natural Hill. That's but there are other buildings where it's a flat surface. So there's not on a hill, it's flat and it's just partially buried like this. But the real, the honestly the real like reason for that is when this art style, architectural style, was popular, lighting wasn't a thing and so you need a windows. So there was dug out windows like that have in like a lot of modern houses today. Still there's dugout windows and full windows in there and often dug out doors that you would walked down to get into the cellar. Yeah, to provide natural light. And so obviously the whole and the whole foundation was made of the same constructment. Show. So it looks if you dug it out of the ground, it looks like, Oh man, they buried or this got buried in some mud flood. But it's I mean there is a real, like pretty logical explanation for it. Okay, so which layer we in right now? Walk me through. We each layer believes. So this is the overarching proof for it and what they believe? They believe that there was one, there was a society that existed. Yes, yeah, right, and they build beautiful architects, buildings. HMM, we have no idea if they do anything else. Yeah, and then, and then, and they got wiped out in some mud flood. And the reason for that mud flood is either a natural, random disaster that just naturally happened and bunch of mud covered the planet. I see your eyes excited for the second one, or the second one was a big like nuclear war. Oh, I thought you saying the government controls weather and they sent a mudthlystead of mud flood. So it's like a big nuclear war that they got into the tartars. Okay, so, and that's why and that that side of it is where lots are. The tartars were richer than us and they were. They were more technologically advanced than us, had better architecture than us and they were a one world govern like. They covered the whole planet. It was an empire that God planet and then gotten like a civil war something and killed themselves with a mud flood and then now the powers that be that are left over want to wipe them out from society. So that's kind of like layer one. Everybody who's a tartarian truth is like, yeah, that's the story. Sure, so let's peel back a layer. So the the kind of base layer is this? Is it that Mongolian Empire? Yeah, was way bigger than we thought it was, okay, and it was not like this Viking fringe group that was just going in and was separated all these tribes. It was one organized nation that was a lot, a lot bigger than we had initially believe given them credit for. For this, for this layer, it's less of a worldwide empire but more of a very large empire. So it's not them. It conquered everything, but the talk of the majority of Europe, the majority of Asia, okay, Australia, parts of Africa and parts of the United States. Sure, that's kind of where that one ends. That's the most like, okay, like, if you're going to believe this, okay, then it was just big. It's just a big empire that we've. Well, is this at all related to the idea that the Egyptians building the pyramids were more technic, closer technologically advanced than we were? Yeah, so, so a lot of I was a probably layer two would say that the pyramids where the same. Society was just an early part of that society, Co Pyramids, and then they advanced and that's when we got this arts, this architecture style. But the pyramids were the same. Sure, tartars. So this layer is this was a very technologically world spanning society. That goes that dates back thousands of years. For the previous layer, they ended about when that Han Dynasty ended, okay, and so they've been lost to for a long time. For this layer, it's a little different. It could be anywhere from the they predate our modern civilization. Yeah, all the way to there are people who say that they went right up to one thousand nine hundred and then we wiped them out. Are they still flooded secretly around? They're the secret societies there, the Illuminati? Well, I'm saying, I don't know. That's not I haven't seen anyone who says as that. But but yeah, basically they lasted up until about the end of the the nineteen century and then they disappeared or were destroyed or whatever, and then like worse. Yeah, the World Wars were the campaign to vanish really make them from history. Okay, yeah, but in in that idea it's more than just because, like for that previous layer with the hun dynasty thing, it wasn't as much they were super technologically advance, it was just it was a big Er empire than we thought. This layer is they were really technologically advanced. They had technology on like anything we ever knew. They point to a lot of the stuff, like the world's fair is one that they talked about a lot, and so it point to a lot of things. Within this world's fair architecture, like you can see, like there's all these pillars and is especially on the top of the Dome on that far right side there there's that like a big pole and so and then you can see it and stuff like this. They have all those pillars. So the ideas that they were using these pillars to like broadcast stuff and like, like why areless electricity and things like that, like gray like the end. Here's another one. You've got that big pole and that's send an electricity somewhere. Yeah, are something, I don't know, or something or something. So yeah, so that's that second layer. Was a super technolog to the advanced civilization. The third layer. So have you ever heard that like that theory that like the mental ages didn't exist? What? So there's this there's this fringe theory. This has been around way longer than the Tartaria theory, but there's this fringe theory that the Middle Ages didn't happen. Yeah, I think sense. That's why they're called the Dark Ages because for some reason, and I don't really understand the idea, but for some reason, historians were like it'd be helpful if there is about, I don't know, five or six hundred years here that weren't here. So they just made them up, made them up. Yeah, they just made up, like by just cover up what actually happened. Yeah, to just be like hey, we're way further. I don't know, I don't really understand it, but basically they like the dark ages where nothing really happened in history. Yeah, didn't happen and we just made up those like six hundred years or have our long those years were that there has been around a long time. There's really no reason to believe it other than not a lot happened during that era in history. Okay. And so everyone's like well, they we just made it up. And so this theory kind of takes this to the extreme. So so this is this is what I call like like conspiracy theory meets Bible Code. Oh No, gone wrong. So basically the idea here is that they look at they bring the Bible into the target, obviously theory, and they say they look at all of the Gospel Count and how Jesus talks about how his kingdom is coming soon, and how they take they take the the verse where he says before any of you passed away, the kingdom will come and they take that to believe that well, Jesus died, resurrected ascended into heaven and then was gone for a few years and then came back and established this kingom on earth, which was Tartaria, and his kingdom had this beautiful art style and was a one world, worldwide kingdom that lasted a thousand years. Because revelation talks about the millennial reign of Christ. So they say that that began immediately after and they're saying that's the Middle Ages. And while what they're saying is that all happened and then the Middle Ages, the Dark Ages, is the end of it was the end of the millennial rag of Christ, because in relolation they said the millennial right of Christ ends, the beast is loosened. Key Weavers a lawyer deeper than this. So so they're saying that the dark ages was a result of then. Yeah, so that's when in revelation, when the Millennium Raging of Christ ends after the thousand years. Okay, then it the beast and Satan is loosed from the pit and let to go be around for a while until Jesus comes back and recreates heaven and earth. That's the revelation. Jesus came back after World War II? No, so he hasn't. And so, right, we're still in this like we're in this interim period between the millennial reign of Christ and the final return of Christ. So he's gonna Return again again. Yeah, so what they'll say is really twenty of the Psalms we sing, though. It is not two thousand and twenty two, according to this idea. It's really like twenty two, and there's enough two thousand years that we're just made up, starting at the Dark Ages, and so we just kind of and they, whoever that is, made it up, m just cover up the Satan made the same thing. Is the day Satan is the day in this because Satan was loose from the pit and allowed to have control over the world. There's a layer deeper than this. Is All like you thinking. Okay, so this is still layer three, right, I mean there is a layer four. It's I've maybe it's not deeper than okay, okay, okay. I was like what could mean for insane? I don't know. So Satan is then trying to cover up that Christ reigned for a year, for a thousand thousand years, or I mean, yeah, for a millennia. Yeah, and so that's why he went to the campaigns is architecture. Yeah, that Jesus built that. So the world fairies built this. This is this is what Jesus likes, if Jesus could build a big, big house. So what I'm saying is they go back to the then eat the the New York one, like you know that. Well, year was that build one thousand nine hundred and five. So they're saying that Jesus built that then, yeah, or that he was reigning during this. Well, what they're saying is that this is older the one thousand nine hundred and five. Our records that say this was built nineteen and this was built in like eight hundred. Yeah, and then it's actually like twenty now. So sorry, heard years. Is only about three hundred years old. But then when Jesus left, have some wonky belief to go that direction, but that's okay. Then when Jesus left there was the mud flood, the mud flood, mud flood that buried all the buildings a little bit. Yeah, because this is floor twenty six right there. Let's there are twenty four floors underneath for mud. And they don't even get me started on what happen when the molasses came through that was crazy, forty foot tall wave of molasses to cover up to, because Satan was like we got to cover up all God's Arcult tartarians build some brutalist stuff. Have you heard of tilling podcast March? That's right, we have a merge store full of tilling bread and teas, hoodies, mugs and so much more. We also make new designs for every single episode, but those are only available for a limited time, so get them while they're hot. Text till into six six eighthndred sixty six to get your tilling March today. So so I'm right there with you. Yeah, I hold on. So they're saying the Middle Ages never happened. They're saying more than the Middle Ages, about a thousand years since. So it's like just we're sorring a medieval right. We're talking like Knights and templar and all. Yeah, well, I mean that, but even like like the dark ages was kind of a subset of the whole Middle Ages where it was like, I mean really, nothing really happened. Everybody just died and got plagued and all that stuff, and they had their own little kingdoms. Yeah, yeah, and yeah, I was just sad. It was a rusher that exist. They're saying he they didn't exist. That's why I'm so rough. But then there's a few hundred years on both inings of that. So they feel were made up the Medieval Times. It's just propaganda. Yes, exactly, like they think Satan made that up. They think Satan came and was like we need to come up with sessionally clear that what we're talking about is not medieval the Times. I'm talking Medieval Times. They're experience and restaurant where you get to watch nights joust while you eat a Turkey leg. Yeah, that is propaganda to the Tartana from the devil. That would be so insulting to them if you were like you want to go to medieval times and they were like are you? Are you? Are you kidding? You Right House? Have you seen the architecture? Are you serious? After everything I just told you, you'RE gonna want to go to medieval time. You were going to meet the sure, I'll go to this made up stuff with you. Look at this, all fantasy. Yeah, all right. Yeah. So, so the timeline is about like thirty. So the layers, they don't agree. No, none of that attains. Really agree on all this. Yeah, because everybody's just kind of making up what they they just got ideas that. So the general idea is that there was a society more advanced than us that has existed and then has since then been covered up. Yeah, some people think that it was a government thing, that they were like, we can't, we don't know how to build those things and where we're embarrassed. Yeah, or it's like is like the evidence of like some big war. Sure that. It's like we need to Hushush, whatever happened. Yeah, no one can know what happened here. And then man, and then some of those other people who were like it's the Nevition, the devil did it. Yeah, yeah, and so and that theory. We're gonna covered up by Satan. Yeah, it's Satan's mud flood. What does honestly? Honestly, it's easier for me to buy that a giant flood was started by Satan. A giant flood of MOBA started by say. But here's the thing. That's got to be people who were like, okay, but the Bible talks about a massive flood happening exactly. Yeah, they take that and then run with it. I just don't like this. But yeah, I mean and and and there's like tons of examples of these things, like the giant Mormon Temple in Utah, this is one of them. That's one of those Tartarians as one of the tartarian buildings, that big spiral one down an independence that we have. I don't know about that way. I was startaring for sure. Yeah, look that. You think anybody already could make that? Know in King City Union station would be tartarian building. And one thing that they is let's descend, let's go to the next layer of the onion. So so I don't like the word descend, but that's okay. So this this theory, and maybe this is more par parallel layer, because I don't know, the more I think about if you brought it up, I don't know if any are worse than that Jesus theory. Yeah, are more crazy. That's a pretty bad one. It's also crazy. So basically the idea if you look at this art style, one big piece of this art style is vaulted ceilings. They always have, at the minimum, twelve foot ceilings, often more like twenty thirty foot ceilings. Giants. It was a society of giants and that's why they want to cover it up, because they don't want anyone to know giants existent. Yeah, and so the Tartarians were giants. They were technologly fot so hard to beat the giants. You don't even know what it was like. You don't know what it was like, all right, to be running and then just get shinned and your whole body breaks. All right, we can't let anyone we fought giants. Yeah, you don't know what it was like to be facing the giants. You like that. They hated so again, I also could have biblical ground. yeaple. Would love to take the story of David and be like, well, what about the fool stines, about their ceilings were taller than twelve feet? Yeah, they were talking. So they're saying that at union station. Yeah, the reason why union station so tall is because it was built by giants. Four giants. Yeah, so they can stay at that Grand Hall together and then get on the floor and slide through the doors to get on the trains. Giant halls for normal size trains, and they get at the tracks and they forearm on a car, form on a car and they're just you gotta plank the whole way down the tracks and helped to be super fit. They were very physically fit. Yeah, and they were. Honestly, we could probably walk faster in this train. Can move because because we're giant, because our strides incredible. You know. Also, I'm glad you have a giant dome so I can walk into your building and then stand up in this one this one area in the building. Wow, wow, the echoes great. Yeah, yeah, I'm glad you have this twenty seven floor thin building so I can stand in here, can crawling and just that was for ours son until he outgrew it. That was for our side. Another layer deeper is that this is like it's not just like this society existed alongside humanity, it's this society predated humanity, and so humanity rose and was like who built this stuff? And so this probably wasn't even human. This was a race that we don't know about that existed before say the word. It could be alien. Yeah, it could also be, like, it could also be, I mean, who know, more or Reptilian, reptilians. It could be what's called a Nis of NS. It's a call them Tartarians. Tartarians, yeah, or or even like, it could be like Lizard people, the dinosaurs. They could have been intelligent and built these but that that's what the Tartarians are saying. They're this was before community. They build these buildings and somehow they're still standing after thousands of years without anybody up keeping them. But they made it. That's what the buildings are so tall. It's it's the long neck dinosaurs. How they build it a little. De Rex are over they oh that's natly like the whatever those try stops, is that what they're called? With the big flaps? They're the bulldozers. Right. They all have different like jobs, and the meteor buries all their buildings in mud. The munth honestly, might have been dinosaur architecture, Dino Tech, Dino Tech, yeah, or or even just like the neanderthals. Maybe they were more intelligent than we thought and this was their society brick. Maybe he was. I don't know. You don't know. Yeah, no, we know, because it Wae the core, because here's the thing. Like I think we've talked about this. It was the garcoils geologists. They talked about how if humanity disappeared tomorrow, I think they said it's within tenzero years. There would be no record that we ever existed. Everything would just get swallowed by the earth. The only thing that would still be standing that humanity has built would be Mount Rushmore tenzero years from now, without anybody like you sending it maintain without anybody maintaining it, if you Mount Rushmore, and even Mount Rushmore would be heavily decayed because of the rain water and stuff like that. So people would probably think it was a natural formation if they drank. Can you rest here there? You're saying we built that. Are you saying we didn't? So I mean if there was a society that pre so man stone structures would still exist. No, the old the only reason Matt Rushmore still there is could be carved it out of the mountain. Yeah, it's, I'm saying, but not stone structures. Still in structures would collapse, like union station would collapse and get like overgrown plants and just disappear. And you were collaps eventually. Yeah, without anybody, without anybody maintaining that stuff, like the foundation would shift and it would collapse in on itself and then the earth would swallow it whole. But the mountain wouldn't. Well, what happened in thousand years from now is your that mountain would do? It would turn inboard and those presents who just be kissing each other and they what would happen is they would decay and they would look they'd like resemble faces or kissing men, and so then, yeah, so if some if some new human society spawned on Earth, they would see that and they like, they're like that kind of looks like people, but they want to be like, oh, somebody built that. Well, like it kind of looks like people. What do you think about the sleeping giant? Then in Colorado, maybe maybe tenzero years ago, be Tartar, they strapped a guy to the top of the mountain, as punished by arts, and then they forgot about it. He was too high up, so the mud flood took everyone else out. Yep, Yep, but he's just sitting there. What if the heads on Mount Rushmore? We're already there. We don't have any, I like, historical proof those people existed. Here's the thing about the whole tartarian theory is they take a couple things that are like, oh, that's a little weird, and then they just ran with it and made a bunch of stuff up, like there's really no evidence for any of this stuff other than it's just like, oh, that's a little weird. Let me go grab some stuff and make it makes sense. Sure. So, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's and they're on Reddit. Yeah, they're on red dscom sash. There's a youtube channel Tartarian. Going to mention it because I don't want to support them, but there's a youtube now that has a hundred thousand subscribers that's just these theories and the guy just doesn't gets on a Webcam and just kind of will post in our discords. If you if you support us on Patreon, you could access to our discord and we'll post some tartarian links there and it's it's a thing. So anyways, I'm excited for our hate comments on this episode. Yeah, they're going to be great. You know what was really interesting about the Dark Ages? What is that? So the concept of Medieval Times? Right? Yeah, the restaurant, yes, because they had those in a coliseum. Everyone's just around eating dream and they just have two devils fiddling off in the middle. Things of the last night is a production of space tim media produced by Christian Taylor. Audio is edited by Alice Garnett. Video by connerbet social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic designed by Caleb Goldberg. Our hoster JEREMYERS and Tim Stone. Please follow us on social media at tilling podcast. That's Tillo in podcast. Leave a review comment, subscribe wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on the last night.

The globe is dotted with beautiful columns and archways popularized by the Beaux-arts style of architecture. Beaux-arts caught on and took the world by storm, as with many trends. Or did it? According to a relatively new internet, conspiracy buildings in this style are relics from a long-lost empire known as Tartaria. Much of our nation’s capital buildings are really … Read More