Chrome Dome – Why Pilots Flew Nukes Around for 8 Years


Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird.

A man can't like pickles we're not starting our episode that line S N A context in the episode all right, Sorr SARS, we'll start the I like pickles, I'm just saying I've. I've eaten the jar pickles every night and honestly, I feel like my face, is a little tighter. Like my double change on, like I feel like it's working, hey man at have you ever heard of operation, chrome, Dome, Grom, Dome, see when you use it as a verb. It feels really wrong, like entities, nothing funnier to be than stilled water, freaking from Dome, Weird Guy, that little girl yeah drop her from an airport and we're back you. We should all go to like couples therapy together. Things, operation, chrome, Dome, yeah, operation, Croye, yeah, really yeah, it's where so. Google came out with these chrome books, right yeah, and so what I've been doing is just smacking people over the head with chrome books. Yeah, that's is that it's chrome omen, someone get Ruedi, don't know it just sounds really not appropriate. It's got. Chrome Dome, see what you use it as a verb. It feels really wrong it's. He is we doing this week at crum. Do it just feels not right at all operation, chrome, Don? I'm convinced that this is like. I'm convinced at this point that the military names their operations after nicknames they give to people in the military that a Orono's go. You came with braces one day and that's what they call him, my God here so no braces. I don't like it. It makes me cos very. Unlike I mean the two thousand and twenty mask thing that was your year. You know to be an adult with ten it yeah. I just I automatically. Let's say let's say I need a lawyer. Okay, I hire a lawyer that lawyer shows up to court as an adult with braces yeah. I immediately assumed that I'm going to spend forty years in jail, yeah like yeah for a oad parking ticket, just put me in prison. Honestly, honestly, your honor all the charges I brought against me. I know that I didn't do them, but I will I will plead guilty just to get away from this guy be near this. I I'm wearing a sweater, so he's gonna snag it on his teeth. Kayite me away from this crow I'll tell you: what did you have prices? Yeah? Did you really yeah? You think my teeth are this beautiful on accident? Some people are yeah, I'm not natural. This isn't all natural. I it's is a modified mouth over here. This is a manipulated mouth. I'll. Tell you what yeah got some shiny naturals over there see my girl she's all natural snaggle tooth babe. My teeth are real though I'm like yours, yeah mine, are all fake. All the an that's. What I'm saying Tim has dentures tempters yeah. Okay, we want t talk about my teeth, so semper he got insecure real fast. Did you see that you see that on he Gokocht even on your camera copier? What is it see that? Oh, what happened here to I'll have a tooth there. What's anthing on the side, you know what it looks like. You know that no yeah missing two teeth on Bossie didn't brew in Yes, so I did have adulte so they pulled on and the dentist. I was seventeen. The dentist said whoops. They could put in fake teeth yeah and my parents asked how much that was, and they were like here's what happened. So I an there's back O that I go save my parents were like hey. This is really expensive and we're not going to put that much more money into your mouth want to t, and so they said four years in college, they literally they were like there you're about to turn eighteen t. So if you want on you can pay for them or later down the line, you can pay for them. Whatever you want- and I was seventeen so I was like- I don't want to pay for that, and even if I wanted to, I couldn't afford it, so I didn't put them in and so I've just not had teeth there. Since I was seventeen, so at your adult teeth, just didn't grow in we've literally never talked about. This is bizarre to me yea. I just never had a dult. Do you know our ten year? Friendship Anniversaries next year, Oh weird, and I'm just finding out that that you have civil war jaw all right just now, finding out yeah you, you look like you're the way your teeth, O o, like you, be in a museum and be like. Oh yeah, it's how teeth! LOOK BACK TEN YEAH! It's why I haven't got my wiston teeth, foot pulled because I've got room for them to come in to shift my all my moders in so they've just slowly been shifting. My dentist thinks I should put new teeth in, but honestly I've adapted to it and it's kind of Nice like I just got. There's it's kind of great, because I mean like all you dinner on an that, was a really good dinner and, like an hour later, I'm like Oh, more dinner. No, they it's like hardened up my gums. There it used to be really tender. It would hurt yeah. Thank you at Havin, my parents. Well, you know how I hardened my gums. You know I harden my gums Batas. I just smack up against rock every day. Then I would well. I started with bags of sand right and then I graduated and then I just took four on center block. I Gosh tag it my parents, so I don't want o like Im sent hard o this. I Maciel extended my years of aerly, listen to this podcast yeah, because every time I've made fun of your parents yeah they're fans. My parents are okay. Is that so hard for you yeah? Well, my parents are patron supporters. So if we think about whose parents are doing the most, it just kind of seems like you know so he's what happened, and I got all my tea. So O repartant love them. You know, that's really the question isn't it. I had braces for like twelve years, and the reason is because I had the braces and it was like a program was like you have mom from it. Then you take im off th second time around whenever at the end of the time they asked me to bite down. I thought that what was good, Oh, I know. Yeah, you told me where you like, adjusted your mouth to go. I thought what was good as to have your teeth line up perfectly. I thought that's what they were trying to do now and I wanted my braces off. So I just lied and I would just bite down straight down and they were so perplexed. They were every time they were like wow and I thought they were amazed and you were like these people have never seen teeth so good, and so they just kept extending the program to try to fix my bite. Yeah E, like a river band for extra year, you to where the River Mans right until. Finally, when I was like sixteen or Seventeen, I ran as yes, yeah yeah. I asked them. I was like I was like I was like hey. So what's the goal here, what are you guys trying to do? And then I cussed been perfect for four years like putting the thing off, I mean, and they were like they're like we're trying to make your bite like your bites lining up pertly, you don't want that. We want either an over under bite and you were like- and I was like- Oh hold on. I literally was like Oh yeah so about that here is my actual bite and then they took my braces off they're like we can do this today they were like they're like Oh and I was like I'm sorry, I've been lying to you and then I we don't care. We squeeze like four grand extra grand out of your picks, exactly yeah they're like actually like. Can you here here? Let me see your bite again and there slipping you. A fifty l see your body yeah you. Yes, things O my parents were not entertained, Sortita y and they were like. You can keep gaps in your teeth now so they're like you can pay for it, since you did that, that's what had I anyways operation, crove and really, if I can use past for it for a moment, isn't that what we do with the Lord we've spent a lot of our effort, trying to prove that we're straight and narrow, and he over bite yeah and he's just trying to fix her over bite. You know because you're biting off more than you can chew. Let's go a prayer. If you would like to know the Lord, you can make a first all you can make a donation forsa before we force of all we're going to pass the plate, which we are going to do at our ice cream social at we already pass the place with a tim right. Nowhere you doing to that. I your head again: freaking chrome, Dome, Weird Guy Okay. So what is? Operation? Chrome done? An it's not about adults with braces, so the s in the United States of America, everybody's freaked out, because the USS is gonna Lover, Ussun Yeah, the USS ended up it's the height of the Cold War and the s were a particularly tense moment in the Cold War, because the USS figured out intercontinental ballistic missiles and so that for the first time right, they could send a missilee overseas to some others. You know that the bill ogam La Events, they invented the blastic missile. No, I'm saying that, like the reason the Bileam la events were so huge is because the Russia tested those bombs and those La events were two days later, and so it became kind of like a. They really could, because I mean what city is going to target New York in Los Angeles, a exactly so interesting yeah. So one of the ways they marketed that the bill of gram revivals was the they hand as not they really did. They were like they've got missiles that can reach la now. Are you prepared to die where you know? That's crazy, that why that anyway, I know anyway, I know you did it. That's why I said it yeah things I learned last night gosh slip. We got it like ten times, but there's nothing funnier to me than spilled water. Just all over me, yeah tried so hard to hold it together too. So the US didn't have this technology yet, and so what that meant is it would take us hours to get a plane over to Russia if they shot a missile and their missiles would take thirty minutes to get to us and our intelligence at the time. We believe they had about two hundred of these, and so they could wipe out America O efore. We could get a plan across the ocean to even respond, and so fear was high, and so the US had to make a plan to respond in the event that they used. One of these missiles, operation, crome Dome, was born as change angles and cut that out to save you to save you embarrassment this as also cut a part where Tim's got weird teeth. Can you put that out? It's an image thing: it's a plan. It's a play, bask around my mouth, ancient I'll put in my mouth, just hey man have you ever heard of. We got to get some good, be roll to age. Here we go ye onter. If you can take my mouth and put it over a tin just put that in there. Okay, great okay, so chrome dome. Here's I'm on a guest, then legitimately yeah. Is it similar to the Iron Dome that Israel has where it's basically a system that identifies missiles that are flying over and then shoots those? No because Israel has that yeah, no different, pretty crazy stuff. So their response was a throw chrome books, I'm just guessing here. So here's what they did. They said: okay, our missiles theyre you don't they're, not missed with their bombs, and so a plane has to take them over there, and they said: We've got a bunch of B, Fifty two bombers. So what we're going to do is we're just always going to have a B. Fifty two bomber flying pretty close to Russia and so chrome dome, ran from sixty to sixty eight and at that time, for eight years, they've just got they've always got a for eight years. They had at least twelve B fifty two bombers loaded with nuclear bombs at all times, flying somewhere in route to Russia, but never crossing the line, but just basically circling the say where go. What's that sound is beef it to bomb ow? THAT'S THE CROMOMETER CRUMB! Dom! U Imagine that's your daily job, though, is just for eight years, maybe dropping above yeah. I dont, like you say. Let's say you serve four years in the air force right yeah, that's your job as a drive rig, and so then, after you know now, you're. However old you are, which is one thousand nine hundred and sixty eight rise or born in like the S, maybe lates, right, yeah and now you're in your is right and then your grand kids are like you were a war hero and all you did was just you were basically a sky trucker freaking running around goust. You know, saying, like you didn't I mean that's all you did so they had a couple routes that they took. The the main route was that Russia never knew. Oh No, they knew that was kind of the point. o Russia got the cross the air space and they go hello, Gary Right and then there and the non yeah all right. All right, we'll see to morrow space yeah, pretty Muche S had a couple of routes. They would depart from central us somewhere in central us. Okay fly up over the North East, around Canada, up towards Greenland, around Alaska and then back down the west coast and to wherever they came from. That was the one route huh okay, so they would go north east yeah and then over to Alaska over yeah up to Greenland and then over Canada to Alaska, say up to where Greenland you hear it right: Greenland, Greenland, what ice las we be saying wrong there, Greenland, it's land, it's La and D N! I smell end. Are you dumb, Greenland? I as a serious question? Are you an idiot, Leland ice land? That's how it's spelled: man, Greenland, Iceland, yeah! That's how Lazy People Talk Disneyland? No, it's great! No! That's how that's how people? That's, how you say all right! Hey! You know what that was a moment of conviction. God was like don't or Green Land, thank you and around Alaska and then back agayacatl right and then back into the US. The other route, the southern route de an rush, almost touch yeah thither like that they would fly over they'd wave it baby. Sarah Palin and I fly back, Hey Sarah. She grew up. You know, on the stone mobiles looking at the admiring the crumb down, she's like look at those sky tries and so the southern route they crossed the Atlantic and then just kind of circled, the Mediterranean and then came back okay and then the western route they left from the Pasich and then kind of just flew around Alaska a couple times and then came back. So it was all somewhere in route to Russia was where these were at all times was kind of the idea. So that way, right something happened. They could break from their pattern and then just got Russia sure bomb them and most of them at any, given time had at least two third on nuclear bombs, but sometimes six tutamen bombs on board that were armed and ready to be ready to go jobbed, and so here's the thing about when you're doing anything for twenty four hours straight for eight years, get lazy, yeah, something's going to go wrong. For example, this is very similar to like those churches that do the twenty four hours of prayer. For like eight years yeah, I don't know if you've ever gone at those, but they get some bad worship waters in there. There's some o MIS pretty rough, that's kind of what happened with operation cromometer. There was a few prologistic Al problems that they had to figure out that ended up becoming kind of legist nightmares later down the road, the biggest one being is work, keeping twelve B fifty two bombers airborne for eight years. How are we going to do that, and so occasionally they would land swap out crews, they would take back off, but most of the time these would be running about a twenty four hour route, where they'd be flying around for twenty four hours and that's a long time for a plane and a lot of fuel, and so they would typically have to re feel twice in this flight and then that's like refueling wall flying yeah, which I wasn't a new concept at this pride. But it wasn't a science by any means the prevailing method. At this point for mid air re feelings was a the refueling tanker would fly near by, and they would basically have a lasso of like a fuel hose in a last tone. They would just kind of chuck it to the other plane again, one dude from Texas on top of the play, just yearn straight on down a I mean these are sky truckers, they don't care right. They have no fear. I mean it's it's a little bit like I mean you know the culture right, they're out there, just s throwing their their lasses Roun yeah, but this wasn't as now. They do it where, like the plane, comes up and they just look like two flies mating right. Two horse flies just reproducing yeah. That's pretty accurate because Pookas what they they tried to. They tested a bunch of methods. They ended up settling they have like a big boom pole. That's like stationary giants, draw yeah, essentially a big straw, and he that flies over and they basically have to get the perfect spot and then that just kind of latches on and then it refuels. The problem with this was the by twos. They were jets, but the tankers they were still double piston aircraft, so they just weren't as fast, and they also couldn't fly nearly as high. So the B fifty two had to drop down into significantly lower air space, which meant they were now in the clouds which meant they were going to hit turbulence. Oh yeah and the tankers were going to also hit two minutes, so you got these two things that are flying very close to each other, that are very large that are hitting turby Lens Hatiti yeah, and so that was the big worry with this. The other big issue is the top speed for these tankers is lower than the lowest speed for the bfore would have to get so slow that they actually would open their landing gear like it was. The landing operation was how so they had to travel, but there are like fifteen thousand feet, refueling this, and so it was a very dangerous operation and you're doing this. But why okay? Why wouldn't? It is land and well because I, with these routes, they didn't have places they could stop in land on most of these routes, and so it was just. It was a logistical problem and also they wanted to. The fear was that they had so many of these missiles that they could launch all of them at once to all of their military installations, and so, if any of those were on the ground, they'd be destroyed, they wanted to make sure that they always had them in the air. So that way they could avoid the box. You know rare, and so but here's the thing for each of these flight. Imagine being one of those Prala and you see the bomb like through the clouds yeah like you're, like you're sitting here, trying to focus on like okay, late and you're down, okay they're coming day day, seven hundred and thirty of what was that you see that you see that all right, one of those I think Tom to long s been talking about those things at call those Dat. I tell you what I don't know what it was, but I guess we'll probably find out in an undisclosed report sixty years from now so yeah. So things went wrong, so things got pretty bad, so yeah, so things things went wrong a few times. Okay, first time was in one thousand nine hundred and sixty one and it's a there only a year into it, yeah and Goldsborough North Carolina on January, twenty. Third, one of these B, Fifty two they called the Strato fortress okay, which is kind of cool. They were carrying four mega ton, Mark Thirty, nine, three, four Megaton, so three of them that were four Mega: Tens: okay, okay, Mark Thirty, nine nuclear bombs, so twelve mega tons of bomb yeah, twelve megatons worth of Bob, which, if you've seen our CASA. Bravo, that was a fifteen megaton yeah. So this is pretty close to that that the they're caring well this for a reason, I can't find like the actual reason of what happened, but the plane just broke up apart in midair. Oh, no, probably, if I had to guess probably it was like the refenge incident, where they're refiling and like they probably hit each other but so broke apart in mid air, all the pilots ejected and these bombs also ejected, because everything got ejected. You know the plan ICOS it have a kill, switch on it like does it have an engaged switch where you have to do something for it or are those live there? These are live bombs that are safety's on it. Okay, that's all these are live bombs, though they fell into the salt and see yeah very similar concept, except for this was the town of Goldsboro North Carolina where people woke up on the morning of January, twenty fourth to just find nukes sticking out of the ground, all around town, with the largely still intact, with the parachute attached to the back of it. Just like the fully deployed to parashot yeah, just stick it out of the ground. These are like fifteen foot, bombs, sticking out of the ground and one of them had. Actually. This is the scariest part of this incident. To me is one of the blot one of the one of the bombs had plunged itself twenty feet into the ground and and even though the didn't go off yeah. So what happened with all these? What is the either dinneen te or just their TNT pay load detonated. So it was just a blast, but not a blast. You know it's like a blast, but like not a blast, you don't you know it's a lot like my fourteenth birthday party. You know it was a blast. It wasn't like a black. You know, and I think that's why Alex didn't kiss me that day, if I avet think aabout it, it was a blast. You know, but it was a it's like. You know, yeah my next birthday party, it's like whenever you proposed to breathe. It was a blast, but it wasn't a blast. You know because she got real mad, that you left and yeah. That was your fault, literally, not my fault, literally, your faults, whatever we don't have to tell a story about how you propose. So we don't to tell a story about how you got too nervous and I had to compose for you. I understand I belike I stood at the: U O there and she's like she's like what are you guys doing like I'm standing right next to you and you're like down on one knee and I'm like Jim, and I'm like there for emotional support. I like pass out. I come on, come on Tim grow, some teeth right or just hey brick. I mean I got a break, a Meamei God an break man, Oh God, I'm like all right. Let's I did you do this. For me cartel's say: Let's say that this is real right. Let's say that, I'm like away! Let's say that I'm hiding somewhere trying to watch this happen, trying to make sure I go some mothy right, you're telling me that you forget her name. You say hey brick, but you somehow remember mine to scream out for my help right sand, she's just staying there, you think she's. Still there you I mean we have even pulled the ring out. Yet he on one knee back is like she's. Just there and then I casually walk up and I'm like hey bre e Tim really likes you and he wants to know if you like him to check yes or no yeah. That's exactly what happened. Oh Wow! So do I remember it very fondly they. They ended up recovering all of these bombs, except for the one that dug twenty feet under ground. They took some pieces of it and they buried it, and then they buried the shot yeah. They took some pieces of it and after taking a few pieces off, they said to do this more W D would jeopardize it yeah, and so they said we're just going to bury it. So there's just a live nuke underground weir in Goldsborough North Carolina. Let's go okay, dig it up yeah, it's underneath the golden crown and that's one of their main selling points. So, like you, an Ed this Golden Corral, one we've got unlimited food and also there's a new country. Here, it's like all on the sign out we'll blow you away. Oh it's a bomb. I have a bomb. Half a blast. Have your fourteen birthday party here at Golden? Go you'll have a blast, but hopefully not a blast hey. This is a probably a good opportunity to pitch our our live event that we're going to be doing. It's called the ice cream social. It's at the Golden Corral, man ever new in a misry pro we should do. It is gonna, be a brass. We should do a meeting. We should do meat and greets at golden corrals across the potater stands for all seven of our fans. You know we just go and do meetings, that's hilarious. We can grow. Our fans come on into the Bin, Trout, yeah, it's pretty funny. That is pretty funny yeah. So they took a couple pieces and they just let the rest of it in there and they buried it. I knew they would do that yeah, that's what the government does when they like mess up, that's what they did with dia it's what they did with this bomb. It's the government do t yeah there just like whoops bury it. Just that's what barbarian I almost made a joke. Okay, the next one happened in Yuba City, California, another time where this on the city, Guba, Yuba city, ubas yeah, so it's like it. This was back when Skabash really big and I ba Yuba city, where Ubay okay, what inside do you think that was trumpet can see that? CAN YOU TRUMPET? Did you play trumpet? You look like you play Trumpet Alex? Well, I have to get close to make the sound. It can't make the sound with my hand that far away what is is flaking bird called you're telling me that I you were marching an you. Tell e that without your hand, up to your mouth that trumpet impersonation would sound worse. I can do it on my hand. I E I can do a good trumpet a at's here now. DO IT SO Scott Trumpet Baby Poll. I got this I'm under pressure. I don't like it here we go. I can usually do this pretty well when you're, not here. Honestly, it's really good a walk on my house and I'm just like hold on it. Just sounds weird: Maybe it's because I have head Fono's, not bad. I actually have a trumpet tape underneath here. Okay, that would be pretty cool if I did that. So in Yuba city there was another crash and they dropped another bomb, Dinna Detana same kind of similar story, and then there was also savage mountain crash in Georgia or returning from Georgia. Returning to Georgia, Free Edison, savage mountain it at was Jesus, Oh Gosh, savage mountain, to figure out where this was. I this just confused the heck out of me for a second there. Oh it's in Maryland Savage Mountain Maryland. Okay, so their routes were pretty weird yeah. They were all over the place. I mean it was pretty much this situation where it's like. We always have a bomber, and it's really interesting that they only accidentally drop bombs on the United States. They seem like Russia was like. We don't even need to use our missiles. I mean they're bombing themselves, yeah yeah yeah, it's pretty pretty crazy, so yeah. So this was another similar thing. There was, I think, another issue with refueling. They ended up crashing and dropping these bombs in some swamp on the mountain. Thus live live nukes. You know in a merite buried him yeah, they just bared up in the mountain. That's where stranger things came from that little girl yeah dropped her from an airplane. That's our eleven gale feet into the ground and and t t e, the military piles landed and they were like. Oh my gosh, her heads made out of chrome R. She comed home. You remember when stranger things came out. We live together. Then right, Yep, Yep a Ye. What a good time and yeah you watched it without me, so I watched it without Bertie o a y that makes sense yeah. We should all go to like couples therapy together. I so the Tholl air base crash fool. Full Air Base crash happened in the twenty font of January, one thousand nine hundred and sixty eight. So now we're thigh years into this right. It sounds like the end. This sounds like the last draw. The US has drop bombs on themselves. For years now, yeah, not one has come from Russia. Not One has come from Russia, all of them from the US, all of them from the Chrome Dome, all of them from the Crumenam and the US has had some issues. Obviously, with this this program, there's one big one which we'll talk about in a second. We didn't talk about the big one, yet you're telling me that there's an issue bigger than dropping bombs in ourselves. Obviously this is what you're doing right now. Is it everyone's made mistakes? Everyone makes mistakes, you know is best who hasn't accent, dropped a nuke on American soil, like we've all best fair we had far in when you really think about it. You know and honestly haven't we all moked ourselves if you'd like to give to our ministry to you can join on patron like WHO's. Our patron right now go call McKenzie Brown, Mackenzie Brown. You know McKenzie Brown, so dace of twenty five as a month, and I believe that God is going to bless her tenfold till in fold Tilono for her seat of sode. What text Tilini don't know she's a patron sport or twenty five? That's crazy! You know thanks for doing that, we were very wonderful. I think we are, I mean color me grateful I'll, tell you what and we're having a blast. All thanks and I mean she's. You know she's able to get an ad free experience, so she doesn't have to watch advertisements like this way and we're back you back with more ways. The government hurt us so again the US is up there flying their bombs around and here's a punk rock lyricist thought of. I tell you that we wondered if the government herd us, but all they did was hurt us come on. I come on. I hate that man. I hate that okay, so this time they're in their Green Lind, is that how you said Green Land Route? I hate that they're in the green land or at LAC shouts, do you're so wrong, a they're in their greenland route and somehow a fire breaks out on board. Third, fifty two: You talk about Greenland like it's a place in candy land sounds like you're, just like they're in the green land. Ye welcome the Greenland. Well, I was a woful house, an and okay. So a fire breaks out on word five breaks on on Bard, because you know they had the whole like smoking, non smoking on plans for a minute there, you think, or a non smoking section on Tissie t restaurants. Every section was the smoking section. We agree because they had like smoking in a like. I remember growing up. We always sat in the Non Smoking Section, yeah Mexican Villa Yeah. I remember they had a smoking sections, yeah easy and it's still warm cigarettes yeah, and that was before they figured out. It wasn't good to smoke on Joan. We were that we were alive at a point whenever you would go in the first question, the hostess would ask you is certy of a shirt to put on, and the second question was smoking or non smoking. That's crazy that we were alive for them. Do you smoke? It's like that's a weird man. That's a tough personal range question to just ask me yeah. Clearly, I'm missing two teeth. The answers. Yes, yeah sit me over there bro. Whenever you smoke. Do you like put cigarettes? This is, I love that I've implying that you smoke and you just didn't even disagree. I was like whatever you smoking, you were like Huh. Just to s got two cigarettes hanging a row. Just yeah go ahead. Now it's actually Lyconia, like I'll put my straw in there shot yeah. I we really my Straw in there and then I know I open a real seen you do this. I don't like it. I'm literally questioning in the last ten years of my life right now go ahead, so the fire re out and they crash in Greenland. They couldn't put the fire out, there's no fire stinguisher. Now their only thing they could do was well got a nose dive of this thing down into green land as the crash and this time the news they nuke. Oh really like parsley new. You know it's like it's like a nuke, but not a nuke. You know yeah, but it was significant and it's I mean it's Greenland, so there's nothing there, but still there are significant radioactive materials left at the crash site. Now I think they're why the oceans rising? Maybe here's the thing there are is a lot of uranium plutonium Meyrick, a marise, I think, is in tritium there. Luckily, some of the plutonium and the Chit has a half life of only twelve years. Okay on, on the other end, some of the uranium has a high half life of four point: five billion years. So it's going to be radioactive for a while and listen till our grandkids are here at least L I at least at the very minalte, very least. Yes, it's going to be radiative for Lanta. Greenland was not mad or not. They were mad, they were not ever like. They were like actually yeah. It's fine like we don't use that it's just ice. No, no! No! Sorry! Sorry! You hit Blue Lane, we're greenland, that's blue land up there newcome they hate, they hate the blue, Landan, the blue, Blue Land, O nights, blue legions, okay, so go ahead. This is the second significant crash, and this was in the US said. Probably shouldn't do this anymore yeah, but before this there was another significant crash called the so the Greenland one was the was the tip. was there there, like we've done this to ourselves, a lot that was the nuke and the ice cap ye when they were like we can feel that was. The lastthis is the last nuke, okay and so yeah. They said the one before that yeah, the one before that was the Pala Maris crash, O one thousand nine hundred and sixty six okay, and so, like I mean every year, they're having incidents yeah, I mean they just keep dropping bos places, and this one was. They got one of those boards back of the air ces like days with the Otari, a nuclear bomb on accident, a really somber place at the air base, they're just like yeah. So this one happened over the Mediterranean on the coast, the supposed to have an ice cream bay. If we reached a hundred days, I've really been looking for it. I azyr messed it up four point: five billion years until our next ICE GRAM party, I won't even see it mad. Well, this one was a a refueling maneuver okay and they actually hit some turbulent. They hit each other, the two jetat each other. Okay as they broke apart, mid air and the bombs just kind of fell out and they landed in Spain and they did a partial explosion in Spain was like Whoa, not cool seems like O. Listen. We try to stay out of this stuff, but yeah I mean we know you and Russia have been doing this thing for a little bit where you're like just this was not cool. Like I mean we, this year's been a blast. We don't want to be a black. You know, Oh man yeah, so they dropped. They were like me. Still Film, Cheeta Girls. There I like we need a break. All right. Give us like forty years is for well do again: Ouresai sty six. Someone was like. I got this idea that Sheeta girls, yeah Spain was like well, you just move all right, so we can't do that right. Now, we're not going to let you do that. Forty years and forty years have your grandkid come back to me. Yeah. This guy is sitting right next to the days without a night, and they did a cheat a girl's movie in Spain right next to the the days without a nuclear accident. There's another sin: that's a and the guy crosses at the zero and he's like he's like four point: five billion years to ice on party for the guys like, but hey atune me on up crumb on you, a cigarette yeah both on the side. Oh my Gosh! So yes, okay, what are you doing next weekend? I mean nothing, nothing, nothing as probably going to fly that route. Again. I heard about this really cool festival in Indiana, a freaking love it broad we should fly by. We sthat looks more dangerous than what we're doing yeah. So these so Spain, along with a lot of other countries in the world. We, I hey, don't fly over US in other countries like. Why are we next yeah they're, like hey, just keep dropping those on yourself? Okay, that that's for you and you will love what you guys do in your house. That's up to you. Okay, pretty much! The rest of the world was like stop it, except for Greenland. Apparently they said Yeah just find I as and then Russia was like. Why are you hitting yourself what you O so well, then it came out around the same time that this last sixty eight one happened that Russia had been lying about their interconnects. They didn't have them and well they had something similar, but it wasn't. It couldn't go as far and as fast as they said yeah and it's obviously so then the US was like well, I guess we don't need to do this anymore, so I just stop. Lay in the plane bring her home Oration Amos. It's over, Oh man, an then we get the cheat of girls earlier pains like no yeah, you still tear the consequences of your action is what setting boundaries looks like we've got a national timer. You know you go to you go to Spain and, like all next to all like the architecture and the fountains and stuff, they just got a digital clock to to count down like the freaking countdown clock at Times Square on a eve, Yep, happy, they're, dropping a ball, they're dropping a ball very slowly for years. It's the cheater girl's ball. If you look at the left side of your bus, you will see the Cheeta girls bout. Oh my Gosh! Oh my gosh yeah! So that's why I cut that out. They were like all right, all right, lres. They stop doing that, but yeah there's a few of those bombs have never been recovered. We're just pretending it never happened, apparently makes sense yeah. So it's that is or we're going to go, find him. I, I really do think you and I should like take a year off of whatever your job is and we should go just do a till and road trip. We can go to marijuana, Mecca yeah. You know we can go to slab city. Okay, we can go to the police in Alabama that sells the excess baggage the baggage claim place. You remember that I remember we can go to where the other places we've mentioned. Wherever this bomb is twenty feet in the ground yeah I do, we can yeah, we can go to la where a battle took place. Oh yeah yeah, that's true, I mean yeah. I just like quit your job leave your wife and let's get the road buddy. She doesn't listen to this. It's true. She doesn't have patience for this. No one does no one's listening at this point of the episode all right cool. Do you want to run away with me as it the road so there's a sign in Eureka North Carolina right now, okay, you're weak in North Carolina go ahead and I just says: There's a bomb just as keep digging. That's all I say just as I have a bomb. No, it says nuclear mishap and is as B fifty two transporting two nuclear bombs crash: Jay Y R E thousand nine hundred and sixty one widespread disaster averted. Three cumen died, though so three human died, though he cried. Thirty is I I I O it is so it is the word though. Three Groma died, though, on the official sign. Nothing happened. Three crewman died, though comma, though that is, the three cuman died, though populations a okay. So let me this rat nuclear mishap plane crash nothing bad happened. Three crewman died, though population two thousand days until Cheeta girls are here l digital side, but it's broke white. It's now counting the other way because it came out like twenty years ago, so we and spray paint a day sancity the girls cave like that was our high point. The very bottom is says: fiddler. It is a

Few things are more dangerous than extended distance flights. Yet, occasionally, brave pilots will attempt to fly extreme distances in one go. A single flight around the world is dangerous business. A flight around the world is child’s play compared to flying around for 8 years, straight, with nuclear bombs on board. That is exactly what the United States Military … Read More

Bull Island – The Fyre Festival of the 70s


Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey man: what's up, have you ever heard of the erie canal, soda pop festival, okay, so youri canal yeah, i've obviously heard of yeah yeah, it's like eerie, it's a connectit s, a it's a hand canal. It's like ome to the econe know. So it's like yeere and e. Would you call it soda pop festival? Yeah? It also goes by the name of bull island. Stop your s biggest step. What is this? Is this the first fire fest i'm? Yes, i really yeah. This is this? Is the fire fast long before fireface? This is a fire fast before the fire fast guy was even born, really yeah. I was later than this is this. Is this is billy mcfarland's grandpa? I i got im with you or related i'm going to do it. Twenty three there's four hundred thousand people here we are in new town and feel like this giant on fire of catering trucks. You know, what's earing out by your eyes, kids, that girl's got her pins out things a s. I s her like a fire fit like where they just the plan. I thing it is fall ar one huand nine hundred and seventy two, the ears now soda pop festival was yeah, the fire fest before fire fest, the fire fest of the s, the five fest of the s, okay, yeah and jo rule was still there, though, to rule he was yeah. He was an early investor yeah. It was actually his first investment where you think you? U learn his lesson but yeah, but fifty years later he said, i'm gonna. Try to i i fifty years i still look pretty young no yeah. So this was a festival founded by a guy named tom dunkin and bob alexander tom and bob bob and tom bob, an which sounds like your studio, typical stoner der du o who's, going to screw something up, yeah and that's exactly what happened actually so it works out perfectly. It happened in griffin, indiana his little back story on this. So the s the early. They were this magical era of the birth of the festival, the music festival yeah had it happened before this would stock stock, yeah, yeah, woodstock kind of opened the doors and everyone was like. Oh my gosh, this i was yeah. Nobody had ever really done. Music festivals, like that before there was big concerts, but there was never this multi day event where there was seventy lest artists of all time. Yeah tell me about it, but billiam revivals, oh my gosh. In like the s and s this guy's been doing, you know, tillygram was doing winter jam before biliran winter jam come on and the newsboys were opening, for they still had the drum thing in the s yeah i a yeah and michael tate was also still there. Somehow, no, it was. It was a relatively new thing and seeing this successo, what did what stock catapult people into doing festivals and then kind of so people saw this success. I were like what stocks and then all these local promoters, which even promoters was lingers yeah. No, you thought you're gonna get past it, but yeah. I got you okay promoters. We don't even need brick and mortar buildings anymore. We got prickin, we got bricking for mortars, so the promoters all across the country started, saw wood stock and they said hey. We can. This looks fun and like it could make a lot of money, so i'm going to try it in my town and so that's exactly what happened. A bunch of these, like small town promoters, were like i'm going to put a together a wood stock in my own town, and most of them were like relatively unassuming ca. They had a few thousand people show up and it was like a fun time. Whatever you know not a big deal. Well, these two guys tom tom duncan and bob alexander, they figured hey. We've been doing this for a while en per morton a lot of stuff they've been right, we kind of know what we're doing our yeah they're, like we're professionals, sort of porforio als, yeah we're out here professional promoters. We can, we can throw out a festival, all right, which i get a few propane tanks for paine tanks. Okay, i'm i'm getting over this already, so that the idea is as old as time. You know. Festivals have been around for a long time. The the ancient greece ancient grisoni ans did it. I was just turing to as tim as possible, which also your name's, not tim, any more to me. Yeah. There was a youtube comment today. I don't know if you saw this alex or youtube common today that quoted him, that they had a quotes and then, instead of putting his name put the guy, that's not jaren and i think that's, oh yeah. It's pretty good! I'm sorry that people know who i am. You know i apologize that i an you know, i'm the face of this. I don't i don't care whatever it's. I had a moment like that, though, what a guy commented. I want to reagan's instagram pictures yesterday she posted a picture and a guy commented and said: are you still with that guy and it's i get for all the? Are you still with that girl jokes? He make us till with that girl, though shut. I was like, okay, and so with that anyway, i can. I tell you about this now wow, so these these promoters. They had recently done a pretty big festival in in indiana in a small town in indiana, okay, and i we well well. I mean the festival went well but to the local community it went very poorly because what happened was a bunch of young music fans came which in the sevens meant they were hippies and met that they were doing drugs and the presence of drug in eration, but okay, okay, but the presence of drug users in their town ruined their lives for these people in indiana because they existed and they were close because they saw them and they were like yeah, so the the local as it created addicts in the town yeah. When nothing happened, they know they just saw them and they were like those people exist. Yeah and- and it was an outrage for the local, oh yeah, they protested the festival, obviously yeah and so which side bar that first festival. They called the ice cream social which i just is just so cool. There's just something about that era where they just came up with lame names for stuff. You know ice cream, social yeah, like you're gonna. I don't know anything that ends us social, it's something you don't want to go to. You know yeah yeah, that's like what the youth groups are doing. Like the word youth gruppin. You know there is i social yeah. You want to come down my ice cra solo, my cre, so why i so? Why didn't people go to your youth group? When you were a youth pastor, you never use the or social in your events, but people still didn't show up. Why is it? Okay, no je, saying you're blaming it on this on the name. You know whatever i o i'm done with this maybe be were they drew this festival and indiana was like we wish you weren't around. We wish you just didn't come so they told them. You can't do that again and they was is in the same area yeah. So it's like southern southern indiana. So then they picked a location a little outside of that town, a town called chanler indiana a book, their next big festival. So this was kind of the first one was kind of like there there. I thought the towns would enjoy a festival because it does bring in a lot of business yeah unless that business is people that you don't like, and that was the problem. Is they didn't like the hippies because they yeah they don't understand why people are opposed to starbucks coming up in some towns, they're like it's going to bring a bunch of yeah harry armpit liberals around exactly yeah we're going to see their pits, so they blocked them your eyes, kids, that girl's got her pits out. I didn't hear it. I didn't hear it he taking out my mouth, okay, so so okayso to tom and bob after there. You know the bob and tom is like a radio show either it's not that, and but also you know that you say names an athletic order, not this time. So you can't keep saying tom and bob. I think it sounds better tom and bob does it. How does it go tom and bob cause? I guess you say tom and jerry and that's on the alphabetic order. How do you decide what your name goes? First, how did you imbreed aside this a real question? What do you mean when you and bred talk about us yeah? How do you refer to me in reagan? You and reagan? Yeah, i mean exall hey. Should we invite? Well, you guys never say that it was a really good dig this good. I think it depends on the context like if it's a story featuring jaren and reagan's the ancella, then it's jana reagan, but if it's a story or vocari just briary, okay, freaking, say half the words of the english language but you're pulling that out your. But aren't you jeez t and i think it's context, it's cais key all right. We need to talk about this feaking festival. I understand we're doing it, but i'm just trying to figure out so tom and bob were going to put on this festal. They approach to their town. Now, as the other town know, the other town was pissed yeah. So after after this other town was like words spread were started to spread but spreading slowly, it's the s these, these things spread slow, so were spreading, but it's kind of slow but yeah, but it's spreading slowly, and so they book their erie canal, soda pop festival, bit of a mouthful for griffin for a tandler, india, coca or chanler indiana, and they were going to it- was going to be at this race track in than ther indiana, okay, and so they started putting all this resource into it, investing in it, building portapotties building locations for food, clearing out spaces for tents and parking like er investing in making this an a and all of this is happening. So what's the timeline for throwing a festival? How much time do you need to set up? I don't know. I actually don't know what the time lanes i here setting up already you're saying they're puting portapotties up, but doing all that stuff. That means that they are gearing up for the festival yeah. It was a little different back then, because i don't think there was portapotties, as i think, as we think of them. Like they're like out they're, building or building so i mean it's probably a little a little a couple months out at this point: real yeah, it's not going to plan a whole festival months out. Yeah. Do you do that now? Yeah? I think i think people who are booking festivals. I think that you're booking the talent and stuff like- but i mean like as far as like setting i'm saying like actual set up yeah setup- is probably you think crew rolls in for k, coachella, probably like a week or two out o nowadays, but like it t e s. Yes, the ey, so they're just slower and everything the power tools and it's indian yeah like if you guys, spend half your day being like what are we doing here again? It's a festival: okay, it's okay! I'm supposed to come! My mom! I go home, don't know what that is. A cause got a dictionary. So what is the antelao here a so so they started. They start so we're setting up yeah and then word gets to t e, the government of tanler of what happened at the freeman festival and ice cream, social, that's, the full name, freedom, festival and ice cream, social yeah. All right see, i see now they see like two very different events: yeah it was did not go great and they train. There was like oh, you guys, are planning something bigger, so you're going to bring a lot more of undesirable peoples to our town, undesirable peoples, so tandler after a couple court battles with them, they ended up being like yeah. You can't do the festival here and they had already invested all this in competing the festival there. So they start rapidly trying to find a new location. But now word is spreading faster to all the stranding counties and all the counties are like now can't do that here, you're not going to do that here. We don't want you here, and it was primarily because of the type of people that festival attract. I mean it wasn't just that. I mean you've been to a festival. It's it gets pretty traits a it's kind of trashy like things get messed up, it's dirty and there is like a bit of a crime problem. There is the revenue that comes from the tourism, but it's like a one weekend thing and then you just kind of left to pick up the pieces yeah, and so i think i think it's a little of both that the mess that it brings and the people that it brings and so pretty much all of southern indiana blocked them from putting on this festival, and at this point, tom and bob had invested seven hundred thousand dollars in one thousand nine hundred and seventy two yeah into this event. So they're like this has to happen and they're like we've sold. Fifty five and tickets we've invested seven hundred thousand dollars. They were like this event has to happen. Who were the main x going to be so this? So the lineup was pretty amazing. They had here's. Some highlights black sabbath, joe cocker almond brothers, chechen chang, fleetwood mac. Let's see here's the doors, the eagles s, it was a massive show. There's, like hundreds of artists on this on this line up yeah and they're, some of the biggest names at the time aren't in this line up. So it's going to be, i mean a massive massive event, yeah and so ther's spending all this time and energy trying to figure out okay, where the heck are we going to put this festival? We cannot not do it because we put we've based in also if you sold fifty five thousand tickets, already yeah yeah, you sollte you rolling up to a town and being like yeah excuse us. He can fifty five thousand people come here, so what they did is they got cheeky. They found this spot that sits right on the border of indiana and illinois. It's called bull island and it's a strange sort of geographical anomaly, because over time this illanti nois indiana border was separated by the wabash river. But what happened is long after that was established at that was where the border was the river changed courses, and so there's this one spot where it curved up into illinois and so technically this island. It was not really an and it's not really an island yeah. Technically, it's an illinois, but it's on the indiana side of the river, because the river changed courses, and so they said hey, so we can book this event in indiana and people from don't have to cross the river to get there. But it's in illinois and the people in illinois and the time they didn't have bridges. So they couldn't do it across the river. No bridges hadn't been invented right, you don't want fifty five thousand people swimming a cross or whatever you don't want that it's chaos, so they so they said: okay, we're going to put it here, and so they contacted the owner of the land and they agreed to it. They, the owner, was like well we'll rent it out, but they were smart at this point. Yeah they s si. What do you do out there? It's a family reunion, that's what i've been told if you're planning a wedding, really yeah yeah the different lest one of my friends, is in a wedding band and he says that as soon as they hear the word wedding like they charge like for grand, but if they'll play for like a you know, get together a sam or union is like fifteen hundred bucks eats a family reaon we're going to i mean some people are going to get like legally connected for life there, but i mean some fancy. People are going to kiss on that end. But that's like ten minutes. Yeah t t that's a ten minutes. I don't worry about that yeah and so, but they were but tom and bob got smart, and so they said, look everybody's against us the whole world's against us. You know this is this. Is what the lord told us what's going to happen? We be persecute going to walk around indiana seven times an there all. Let us do this music festival. No, so they said we aren't going to announce where this is happening until the week end of the event, because they won't have enough time to organize and stop it at that point, and so they were like, so they literally they waited and here's labor day weekend, the weekend of the event yeah and they're, setting up on bull island and meanwhile, they had taken out ads in the local chicago radio station and a full page ad in the rolling stone, and so people from all over the midwest are hearing this ad, because this radio station was a prominent radio station that had range to cover multiple states and now people all over. The midwest are saying that sounds cool. There's a lot an i like, and i mean like what else am i going to do? You know i've got one tv channel and one radio ca and one wife that i hate. So i was just leave her here. You know, and i will that was still a time where you could leave your family and never talk to him. A yah we've talked about this yeah, i'm missing. You know you were alive no, but i mean, like i missed the abbe bis idea. I missed the idea of being able to go. You know i e trap. I wish i could disappear. I don't know sortons or last night and elwha if i like slipped out a podcast host yeah now that we've ever been any kind of like we're not like, but just like tim still trapped on now, i can't you can escape t time when yadu laptop it it's our brand. I can't get it walk in hey, don't genk! Atout of my hand, you break it. You're gonna, you're, gonna, plug this, the bates gonna die, is going to rot the episode okay get out of here, hey thanks for being here for things alone last night. If you want bonus, content, early access to episodes and a whole lot more, including a discord channel. We have that available to our patron supporters to sign up for that and for or info text till in to six six, eight six six. So so the weekend is going to memel people are start coming and everybody thinks the event is still in chandler. At that race track because they haven't announced that has changed. Yet, where is, does the added rolling stone and all that yeah says chandler yeah because they booked it before chane lot o? I thought you were saying that the new advertisement said it was at this place now they have not announced where it's at now. That's a funny thing we could do is we could just do a fake festival in blood mauburn in missouri, with just a ton of harry hippies. You know i'm saying just and they're just walking around a like: hey, where's, the festival and everyone's like what what are you talking about? Oh, i thought you were saying that people mamar didn't understand what they were saying they were like. Were the vessel? Are you speaking mews that where's the festival you're going to have to slow this down? I really thought: that's what you were saying: okay, why i was like listen, i'm we're not going to make fun of mountain o. It's come out from town come on, but we should do that. We should flood a town, that's really funny, with just an insane yeah yeah petition, your town in the comments. Let us know if we want to whatever gets the most votes yeah. Where do it's like it's like how people will like swat twitch streamers, we should festival a town. We should just yeah. My town got a festival like three years ago. This is seriously like the new thing. That's going to happen on take talk. I'm telling you right now that we're going to put on advertising for massive festivals, we're going to promote a we're going to pomorani al and be more is going to show up through that's hilarious, right down, write it down. I don't know where big type fake type and thank you for writing it down. That's how i'm seriously when i'm telling you. I think this is a really funny idea. I think it's hilarious. We should do it so people show up and chandler yeah people shop and chan there. Fifty five thousand yeah fifty five thousand people show up, and she in there here's the thing taylor realized at this point. They said. Oh, we canceled this event and these people are still here and there's now now, there's no effect and the like, so they hired a puppy ter ye got a entertain these people. Okay, there's that one guy who like plays the flute- and he just kind of like hang out in the park and yeah, there's something i in my high school who says, he's a comedian. He can come so so literally like the weekend rolls in and as everybody's coming in they're flooding chanter in the neighboring town, tom and bob a riding around at a pickup truck. We moved it, it's foliis me he. How do you are you trying to corral that crowd somewhere else? No like out a new radio ad and they said hey the the erican al sort, o pop festival has moved to ball island. Here's how you get there. How far away is that i don't know how far it was, and so everybody were in a half hours. I don't think it was that far. I think it was probably an hour away. You know it's a tive close to where they were. I don't know exactly where, and so now all these people are like a sweet cool: let's go over there, so they they're asking their airbnb hosts. How do we get to? Has there anyway? We paid for like three the whole weekend, but can we just? Can we get out early? Can i get? I know i like don't and come on. Look at me, okay. I know you're charging a big cleaning fee to keep your rate down right. Then, okay, forty five dollar rate, but a seventy dollar cleaning feed come on. You think we're dumb. We see it through you. We see right through you, yeah most of them actually just left in the town park. Sound makes a lot of sense. That's why i didn't want them there colly, so they all leave here's what happened. Thanks for your hospitality, we still trash your town. So here's as happened. They were estimating a crowd of fifty five thousand, because that's how many tickets they sold right, but there was also a bunch of people who showed up to buy tickets at the door. Oh, no and estimates say that the the crowd that showed up ended he being somewhere between two hundred and fifty thousand and four hundredthousand people. Oh my gosh, so this this event was planned for fifty five sand people and on the bare minimum five times that showed up so to say they were unprepared for what happened as an under statement. We got your more ice cream, an ice cream for these e social is going to fall apart fast, it's going to melt before we get to the end of the line, all right so sinking a lines, but you know what happened yeah, and this is a true story. Actually, it happens on bull island. Okay is that there was a boy there who had a basket of fish and bread. You with me, keep god yeah, yeah, yeah and and all those people walked away, fed, fed full full and they had left overs. Oh my gosh! How isn't that the mystery all right? Yeah! You know that makes a lot of sense. Speaking of mysteries, i want to shout out a review real, quick. Here's. Here's a review. Someone said: hey man. Have you ever heard of tillin, because it's awesome except seriously don't listen to the set your job without headphones. Tim's laugh is that of a beautiful, honking, goose or parrot some kind of bird. It's honest. I best always makes me laugh, but my co workers don't like it. I may now from experience so listen to me on full volume at work thanks for watch that and to your co workers that left one star reviews that guys what if that's, what someone did so i was like my coworker listens to this annoying podcast every day. So now i follow the like what if you follow it out of vengeance, yeah as your a podcast okay, and i leave a one star review and i down i download every heavery thing. I followed the guy to his house once or like a so. You said line this event. The the location they chose had two roads leading in and out of it, and so traffic was backed up for twenty miles coming into bull island and it was so bad that most of the concert goers ended up just saying screw, it will walk, and so they just pulled over into the shoulders and i'm i am not twenty mile i kid you not. Cars were lined up on the shoulder six seven cars deep down into the ditch for miles, because people were just like this traffic isn't going to in the median in the ditch on the highway in de ble, island everybody's, just always like yeah, i give up and walking and they just rolled in it's the eeriest thing of the erie canal otobu. I thought you were going to go with due people were so backed up in traffic that people started looking at the housing market there- and i i guess we live here now. I guess we live. I never gonna get my car out. My car stays there's four hundred thousand people here we are a new town. This is a cow towns for that's how it starts it. All starts like this: can you imagine if two hundred fifty thousand people showed up from malbourne in missouri? Look at that and they just left them there for the whole weekend for off labor day weekend? They just ditched them and like that's a time where car alarms, weren't really a thing. You know if you forgot where you park, there was nothing on the high whero mile mark or hundred and sixty two got it. Okay, remember that. Remember that guys, guys. Remember that my mark one sixty two two and at the end of the weekend one of was like oh gosh i had to in it. I had to it had a two: it wasn't til. It was three i'm telling you, okay, candice, whatever right wasn't even my idea to come out here anyway, yeah i didn't want to go to this festival. It's got a weird name. The ice cream socialism is like, i imagine, annoying festival. Girls are still there in the s, so they get there and the show starts. Bands start playing, but cotago started to realize pretty quickly that this wasn't what they expected. Okay, probably the first realizations in was the bathroom situation. Oh yeah, i mean, if you plan, for it yeah, so i mean at the tale as go amount of they had built fifty toilets right that they were playing on music, one two for every thousand people. That's at the original point. That was the original plan yeah, and so they were, they had built the fifty and a they were relatively prepared at the tame the race way. Well, here's the thing they moved this, they pitied weeks, yeah but they're next to a river, so they had six toilets for two hundred and fifty thousand people on this whole swap of land and one of them was reserved for the bands yeah you actually might be right, and so what in the writer they have their own bad or own bathrooms. So what ended up happening? Is people just found an area on the edge of the island? That became this massive public field bathroom and it earned itself the nickname the turdis, because that's what it became is just like a swamp of human excrement and they call it the turn fields. You know and that's when people started to realize this, isn't this isn't going to be good something's off about this place, but we had to walk seven miles yeah. What's ironic about it? Is the road leading in that road was literally finished that week in construction because they had built like a logging operation? They just open literally just built that riot and it's already to the festival, is like its closing. The dart over people are pooping on it. Anything about that guys! Yeah! You like those road. It's now the third fields, the turd curb, if you will so as the festival starts to roll out to drink more water, a lot of the a lot of the big name, artist on the festival start dropping off, because two reasons wellen boss couldn't make it yeah well, probably actually like we're not going to care the drum set seven months, but probably the biggest one being the bigger bands were like hey you're, paying us for fifty tozer people and there's a quarter of a million here. You need to pay us more and when the promoters had it, they were all right. When with him, i wouldn't why couldn't they well, because they not get revenue from these extra people, i mean they probably could but they're greedy. I don't know, i don't know why, but they just didn't they use por. They were like. We would. Rather you just not play. My guess is that they actually couldn't i'll bet that this was a. I bet they took a big loss on this moving i mean they had a bunch of extra people show up, but moving that m you want. You know how much they charge for tickets, twenty to twenty five dolars really yeah, so i mean that's pretty pricey back then i know, but i'm looking at the numbers of like i don't know, i mean they probably had a lot come in. You know they were just breaking, even maybe i don't know because they spent seven hundred thousand before they moved it yeah. So i don't know i don't know i haven't done the math, but for whatever reason they declined to pay for these people when they wanted. The increase and so that frustrated a lot of the concert goers because all of a sudden, there was just massive time slots of the event that were just an empty stage, and there was one stage, because this was early festival and so here's two hundred and fifty housen people just staring at an empty stage for well what it's going to be a fifty minute set, and so they didn't have phones, you they couldn't they couldn't play candy cross. All they could do is just stare at each other's heads, the back of each or sans. That's what they did back then, when everyone tares the same direction. What are the people in the front row? Look at the is the lofty stage you broke way too early. He didn't even get all the way cycle through the anger, so yeah, so since this is starting to go downhill really quickly, yeah well, the other issue. Another big issue was the food situation. They had booked one meal included in their ticket. Now it was extra you had to pay for it, but they had booked one caterer for the event race, catering who expected to cook for fifty thousand people. They were like you got to pay us on el. No can do so. Reece catering brought a couple mobile food trucks with them, but they pretty quickly couldn't keep up with the demand we trucks like in the s where they servili hamburgers and stuff, or they like, because in my mind, they're serving like home, cooked meals like they're out there just like we got a meat loaf truck. You know no, it's burgers prize, okay, but here's the thing they couldn't keep up with it with the demand, and so they had to raise prices because they like we don't have enough supply for how many people are here. This is supply into man, issues you know, and so they like, we have to raise our prices or else we're going to get sold out two hours into this event. Two hundred dollar hamburger fries. Well, yeah. They were charging ten dollars for a hamburg, an fries which is equivalent to sixty three las today, and so. Needless to o, say at this point, the event goers have had enough, oh yeah, and so i know like if i could get my car out, i would leave so they they end up storming the recca ering trucks, oh, no and stealing, all of the food and just distributing it to the people. It was a full forest, take over a hostile takeover and everyone had me slandering chuck. Everybody is handing out raw hamburger meat. We start on the truck, we got it and we were like thanks. I i guess like i think, that's what happened, and so this is kind of the moment where it just starts to decline into absolute disaster. Oh yeah, obviously, because how long how i suppose to be three to five to three day festival? This is like day to, and people were were supposed to sleep outside right yeah. They were supposed to bring their own tents and so they're sleeping in the turn flats, with their tents, tents in the turn flats and in gordly tents or flat deads. Their car is somewhere twenty miles down the highway and their favorite band isn't showing up anymore. There's no food, there's no running water. People are bathing in the river and it's just it's an absolute disaster and and to make matters even worse. Illinois who had just diction to the area had to go around to the nearest bridge to cross into to get there. They could. They only had three sharifs that they could get into this think two hundred thousand people, and so they just they didn't, have a chance. The show s they couldn't police this situation, and so it was, it was a lawless. World drugs were openly being sold. There was a a market that opened up where they literally set up like boot. This there was a there was a drug truck that wollt, like we saw the guys right out of the food truck, didn't work out, but i mean we got jugs yeah, so they were open the selling drugs and it wan hours. It was so open that the promoters between sets would come out and announce the people that they shouldn't buy drugs from because it was leased with other stuff. Hey guys, don't get it from that. Both get from this proof over here and now enjoy fifty minutes of silence. I, for the doors yeah gonna, be low by another moment of silence, but we appreciate you giving us your money. Thank you so much for this festival's huge success, oh and great, le guys, god bless america. That's very! Can now so up. I screwy to get a change cream, social eyes crazy and it's like too many syllables to change. So a lot of people start ditching. A lot of people are like walking back to the car, but there's some die hards who are like who are like i'm sticking around to the end of this. I want to see the whole show. I want to see it through here's the thing they're not eating they're, not really bathing. They don't have they're, not getting a good night's sleep. They are walking through a swamp took out of the bathroom and it's just is the worst conditions you can imagine, and so these people start to get insane and they're high they're very high three days, they've lost their minds. They are yeah and so late. On the second day, a group, a hungry group of people, find a cow roaming, the pastures and they decide to slaughter it, and so these people slaughter the cow and they attempted to cook it, but they did not succeed, and so they left this carcass it just in the middle of the event, half cooked just boiling in the summer sun. So now you just got a rotten meat, yeah just chilling in the middle of the event and the- and you know those people were like guys look, we got a crowd, we got food and then they couldn't cook at this and els like what youth pastors have nightmares about. Camp is they're. Just like they wag in honan they're, like rotten cow, they kill the cow, said the parent email home, hey your child, kid killed a cat, the cow, that's the subiron, i cow killed, but cows of the a a yeah, the literation you thasel of iteration. I love that stuff. Kid killed cow. You open that email i mean. Like you know you gotta go pick up your kid from camp, then yeah you do yeah. You definitely pick up he's like he's like local headline. Is cow killed at camp, but he ends the email on a light. Hearted note because you passes got to do that they're like well. I guess you grabbed the bull by the horns right. I love the initiative that your kids shown. You know, he's gonna be a great leader, one, but a great leader, and so the ansigte just keeps taking it to another love because, worse yeah, so eventually they come together and a group of them go back like a really pierre over there likeokay stop what you doing. Please don't kill the cat. You know like they can't do anything about they can't they can't, and so eventually a group goes back to the res catering trucks there's three of them and they push them together and catch them on fire and build like this giant on fire of catering trucks and this truck burnt the trucks burned through the night. This bonfire was burning through the night. Those trunks in the morning for seven full days is a miracle, a guy walking near him. He heard god speak from the the trucks and he made him take his shoes on it and he was like he's like he was like he's like: hey god he's like i tick my shoes off, but i don't know if you've seen the floor here he's like your hurts everywhere around it's like okay, it was just one of the. It was just one of the the attendees who was really high just sitting in the fire just sitting to the mis. Take off your shoes day. Shoes off doesn't even know the bible story even on the plea of the fire. Take your shoes off. Do that. I'm gonna tell you, i'm gonna sit dude, i'm going to do this all the time man i want to be at the airport, i'm gonna star, someone down and they're like. Could i help you? Can you do your shoes of that's? How weird that would be you have to comply? You have to s mean all right. What happens if you don't? I think it would be worse. If you did, you know want this. Hey thanks for being here, we've got merchandise. It's a way to support the show and help us do more stuff by new equipment. Greet more people if you like what we're doing and want to help us. Do that more. Please consider doing that. If you want to link to that all of that's going to be sent to you. If you is text till in to six six, eight, six, six i'll tell you it's not a thing where we're going to text you a lot were no, it's not a text service. We're not going to like send you more the mot. It's just a way for you to get a link. It's one text! That's all we're going to send. I promise you so yeah, so the thing just burnt, like burnt a just burnt, that cops were like we're out of here the cobs like year. It's going to leave well come to have a wife and kids. I can't do this, so, yes, they leave third day the event i goes on. Most of the people have left by this point. Yeah, when i pewter est it like a rotten cow in the middle and three trucks on fire, i'm like yeah, it's probably not it's literally, i'm not en gonna. I'm an don't hold your breath on a refund. I don't think we're getting it. I think we should just cut our losses and go it's that i hear chandlers a really nice town. I think we should go just hang out in town and visit and honestly it's sunday. Maybe we can go to church. Maybe he freaking need it. I don't so there's only a few thousand people left at this point, an it's all the anarchists, it's the people who yeah the people who are like oh yeah, there's more people who showed up as they heard about the burning drugs they're like. Oh, that's what they're doing a definitely go to that. So the last few artists end up dropping from the show and so yeah. It was like the next day two bands played and then nobody played for the rest of the day. It was the two that no one had heard of. It was just like the local bands who were like we're goin to show yeah. We got a show coming up. You should come we're playing work, tour, we're gonna, drink monster, waters wants to water, so it so. These people stick around for the last bit of the show and then, when the the last artist played before the the opening the end of the men, it was not supposed to be the end, but everybody knew was the ango bat left. They stormed the stage and just rid the to shreds during the set, not right at the end of it. So the guy finishes he's like he's like thanks thanks here canal soda pop festival or a bat yeah watch your feet way out, don't step in the turds see you later and then they like walks up the state and they just storm the stage and they just rip it apart. They end up setting that thing on fire too. Obviously so then they got a use all that money for damages, yeah, yeah and then finally, after parting, on this burning stage for a little bit, the rest of the people leave only to find that all of the cars i that were our part on the highway had gotten toad, which is pretty much everybody, because they had three days of tow trucks to just be like. Well, i guess we've got seventy two hours to just go up and down and to all these cars, and so they were just making round owing up the car, and so that's hilary. They described it as like a liberation event because would happened is somebody would have a car like they would have part they parked somewhere else, not right off the highway rs, whatever sitting at toad, and so they would literally be driving forty people into town, and so they be like piled under. It's like it's like the end of like a war like where everybody's piling on to one car and like hanging out of it and there's just like this picture of all these people, just rolling back into town from the erie canal, soda pop festival and the people in chanter saw this happen. They were like. We were right to the i e. It's a good thing, a good thing. We don't let that happen here at one of our cows burned yeah, we didn't want, they burn down our cows, so yeah. So let's talk a little bit about the aftermath. Okay, a few things happened here. Obviously there was a massive mess yeah that they had to clean up. Obviously there was the dead cow. The new road was pretty much destroyed. Oh really, yeah yeah pretty much destroy the turn. Fields were a public health nightmare to say the last, and so they ended up facing numerous lawsuits from the owner of the island, but also is a guys. You said you were cool. I want you guys said this was a family reunion. We got a big family if you all cat messed up: family, hey, don't hate on our family, man, the irs, the state of illinois and the state of indiana and all the vendors of the event and the court ended up fo, finding them several thousands of dollars. It yeah just seven thousand dollars several yeah, but i mean were hundred thousands of dollars. No, several thousands, really several thousands yeah, so i mean they pretty much got off. It's got free for all this yeah. What are you serious? Pretty much pretty much where the get all men that cost us? Twelve grand, oh no, in which review okay in two thousand and twelve bob alexander, was what he told he told the price. He said it had the possibility of being one of the greatest festivals ever yeah, which is true of any festival. This plan it had the assabet think of one in your head right now, okay, think about all the bands that could play there, yeah, that's possibly the best festival ever best ever possibly, and he said he said. I think the mere fact that we're talking about this forty years later says something about it as a major cultural event, and he said you know i'd love to try it again in the same location. So you didn't learn his lesson. Yeah the owner of the site ended up instead of trying to clean it up. He just bulldozed the land and buried everything there he's like he's like this. Is it literally sweep it on to the rock it's like? They were like he like hired a cleaning, peru, the seventy dollar cleaning fee and he was like yeah forget that i'm just going to bury the whole land way the islands called bull island yeah. You know what's erie about b, i said it's haunted by a ball and that, but if you listen at night, you can hear him go. Is that a bull sound, shut up? Take your shoes on you need the bey joke. Is that not the joe? No? That was. I was mad you the first time, but i was not the interuption like shut up to him. I don't, oh, you has so funny. Did he get it from the fire guy or is that where fire festival got their name, fire fecere burn some case, and your counting is what poor people do we elites burnham? Have you ever been to a festival like that where it like just kind of fell apart? No, really, if you yeah yeah, i never tell you that story. No, it's like heaven fast, like two thousand and eleven, which was like a christian music festival in colorado. I assumed heaven fest yeah, heaven fast and the great thing about heaven. Fest was i mean it was your stereotypical christian music festival. It was free, every yo, it yep ack nelson yep to mac yep, yep, teevee avenue norma to have oh man, ten tav and then crowder, yet obviously even curtis, chapman and grower. That was when he was playing with his guitar hero controller yeah. I real actually yeah yeah, but in like two thousand and nine they had an idea because there was this other tour that was like it was like a mini festival called scream. The prayer which i don't know if you've ever heard, o scream the prayer. No, it was the best thing in the world because, like two thousand and metal that was when youth group metal was a thing, yeah were like. There was just this massive church, metal scene and it was awesome and that scene was interesting because there's a lot over that, because a lot of people who weren't in the church liked those church bands yeah and they would end up going to these church- shows just to see these church bands that they liked well streamed. The prayer was comes through dem with the same day as hoenest, and so heaven fast was like hey. What, if you guys just did it at heaven fast, and so they set up a scream the prayer stage until i was nine and it was a huge hit, and so then in two thousand and ten they did it again, and it was also huge him. Well after the n ten, a screen prayer stop happening, and so they tried to book cannel bands, so havin fast was like we're going to book on, and so they actually did like. Have you heard this great christian man called slip? Knot i mean we think that they're going to really discrete war tent is going to be pretty great. We just booked them, i don't know they're they're up and coming band yeah. It's like that. It's the thether name. It stands for that that three three cord yeah ever you know- i mean it not cleante not easily broken yeah anyways, so they booked this event and they poked a few pretty good bands, a bot, my children, my bride, sleeping giant and under of those were like the big name ones. There was a couple, others that were like ancella metal, core bands like brian, had wild. She was newly christian yeah, that's right, so he was her testimony yeah and then there was white collar side show, and so those were like they kind of related sorta, but not really so they booked this event. It's a free show and there's heaven. Fest is completely free, completely free, okay, and so it brought the denver metal scene out of the woodworks man yeah and they had booked my children, my bride, to play ten am by first band, and one of the stages are on good morning. Good morning, heaven fest good morning, dan pro here's the issue yeah, they told my children, my bride, ten pm, instead of ten, am so my children, my bride at ten, a m was in wyoming all right, and so all these metal had showed up for my children, my bad that early because yeah, that's i this earliest have been on a bed in four months. So there's a massive crowd outside the stage and they obviously don't show up the promoter comes out and says: hey my choler, my bride's not going to make it sorry about it, and so we end up finding out twitter later that they were wyoming an they're on their way. Were they going to do it that now you're going to be there at ten pm is what they or the great thing about the way they planned. This event is there wasn't another metal band? Taking the stage until six p m- and that was now- the denver metal scene is hanging on a even purtas chapman for like ten hours, and it was hot the middle of summer. The closest thing they got was when hock nelson played bring them out exactly, and they were like bray about yeah. So like mashing and stuff, so freaking mercy me, you know mercy marsh at that point is what it was it. So all these dues are just kind of tittling their thumbs for hours and like they saw a white car, sudsine show and the dude from corn, and it was whatever, but then finally under earth takes the stage at six. Okay. This is when under earth was still cool like before they did their new stuff right, but aaron wasn't in the band at the time, but he was there doing his solo stuff, and so everybody was like aaron is going to come to a guest spot in this show like there's, no reason to believe that, okay than the fact that he was also there, he was there, and so everybody there's just the rumors that he was going to come out and that was going to be like their on core. You know it's people are aunt. Well, andrews takes a stage. These malha have been here for eight hours, yeah haven't seen a show they wanted to see, yet it's hot and it's under oath, and so i don't know he takes the stage and oh my gosh, it was one of the funnest pits i've ever been in, like it was just pandemonium yeah. You love that pit. It was so far favorite bit. Look at that pit. I mean of all the pits i've seen and it was just i was in the fields it was dusty. Star er is so cool, but here's a problem, the stephen curtis chapman fans didn't get it and there's such an overlacing metal scene because, like in the church metal bands, there was all these church, kids that listened to it, but they never been to their show. So they didn't know what that environ en didn't know what metal bands were like. So when the pit would open up, they would just see this giant got in the crowd, an ill look at this. They just walt in there. Oh, no and then the song would hit and they just get kicked in the face, as people were getting like. I can't count on one hand how many with us, o jesus they were get was in the teeth, o s questions. They saw these people and they're like i'm goin, to knock that guy out they're laine homeschool kit in the middle, with a backpack. On literally, i could not know that he's got like a backpack full of nestley, pure life waters right and they're like damp, because they're in there you know and like the labels are falling up, he's just got a puddle of water, the bottom of that back peg and those kids. Just straight he's got like you know, he's got those dumb sun glasses, like the ones you used to wear in college. You em for the white frame, one i he's out there and they just were in caked him in the team yeah. They just don't wait about that kevin yep! That's exactly what happened! Yeah and so kids start getting kicked out. F, th show security starts, kicking metal, heads out of show, the metal has oration security, people exactly it was pandemonium, they cut under a set short and, and then they basine stage down. That's what it went from good to great, because after under oath it was the next band. Metal band wasn't until ten p m, not was sleeping giant at ten p m, and there was this rumor that they were going to. Let my children my by play when they get here, which was supposed to be ten pm so is like seven jis can play it. Then my child of my brides flying in the place, so everybody hangs out for four more hours after they cut the set short and kicked everybody's friends out and everybody's just waiting for a super git to come out and sleeping giant set was i mean i thought underoath is pandemonium. Seeing giant was unbelievable. This kid literally got carted out in a stretcher. Rumor has it he broke his neck. I don't know if that's true room or has, but he got carted out in a streche. It was what are the craziest defense i have ever been to and then next year they didn't do a screaming yeah. They didn't let them back they're round on a like we're, not letting us back to this event. It was the death of metal yeah. That was the death of the christian medacine. Oh that's one of th. That's what all the christian bands are like we're, not we're, not crushing augus burns, where i was like we're, not a parthen yeah we're not yeah, heaven fast, never heard of that heaven never heard of it. So yeah it was a disaster. Man is a disaster, but my silin, my brought ended up playing some warehouse in denver that night and i to this day regret not going to see them because we just went home. It was exhausting. It was such an exhausting day, but you know we're still doing an episode right so yeah. So this event failed. I mean just like heaven fest ye. Here's a thing here we can also put pestil is a lot like heaviness the ice cream, social, which is what our live event would be called whenever we do at this fall, it'll be called an hillin ice cream, social tillin freedom festival, and i so they were playing on the scream the freer stage, so the tiling on the scream, the prayer stage of the free festival, ice cream, social at a posters friis ly are, i was like man. This must be a big event. Look el! On studios present we're doing it wow. Well i mean you know, i guess you don't want to hear my story right. Whatever join, you know, join our discord by dorning. Our patron is you? Can text talon six, six, six yeah and in the discord is how we will mobilize you to take over mount bon in missouri, i'm so serious. I e that's really funny and we just show them out for him as er. We just start chanting. Food of tin, love, tio,

At this point, we are all familiar with the Fyre Festival disaster. The Netflix and Hulu documentaries about the absolute failure of a concert captured the American youth. However, Fyre Fest was not the first music festival to crash and burn. In fact, it’s quite common for music festivals to end in disaster. Whether it be due to the kind … Read More

Charles J Guiteau – The Wild Man Who Killed James Garfield


Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird.

And are you ready and then you're tiding a manifesto over here, hey man? What's up, have you ever heard of charles j guato? I don't feel like you're saying it right, but okay, charles j j good to go to no. So this was actually recoes. They play the gateau, oh my god, things as was actually recommended to us by our patron supporter, a rabid, but the use named rabbit. Okay, i don't know what you galouse like my rapid he last night. I think rabbits their first name. I don't think that's like. I don't think there's there doesn't be real lyon. I don't want someone listening to be like, oh, is. Is it a he talk about me, rabid phillips? What do you think about the rabbit phillips? Did you recommend this? Are you a patriot support? Those are the couple other questions as all right all right now, so this guy charles j, o te he's famous for something, notably assassinating the united states president james, a garfield in one thousand, eight hundred and eighty one, but i'm going to go out on a limb and say that's the least interesting thing that happened in his life. So, okay, because get this all right. Twenty three years later after he assassinated, he ran in a little of the olympic race. So here's what happened. Okay to this guy, so he was born- and i hope eighteen forty one in and freeport illinois, okay and you think they got a sign for him. This is real. Like do you, you don't want to honor them, but i do you think i get. Is that we're just like hey we're, free porin illinois, we're home with that guy home of presidential assess child? Stick, i'm serious, not iereus like its lisle, it's not a memorial, but it's almost like we're. Like i mean yeah he's from here you, oh my gosh, so his mother died shortly after his birth and by shortly aster his birth. I mean about fourteen years after his birth, so from okay from what the doctor described, post part of psychosis, oh, which i think is just the way like you remember, early psychology yeah and they were like you're depressed because you have a kid it kind of what it was like. You had a kid and that messed you up, yeah you're depressed yeah, and it was pretty much yeah they pretty much. Just like psychosis was kind of just the depres, the the diagnosis they gave you if, like you, were kind of sad and it could mean anything and she died of it apparently. So i think what really happened is they just didn't understand what happened, but she didn't like take her life or anything show do of cacosi post part em, sycosis yeah. I think what that means. Is they don't know what happened and they were just like put some on there. Yeah they're like as pus part of em, psychoses, yeah and then so a little bit after there's a joke. You can cut out or leave it. I don't care just write, covin nineteen on the tri. Don't leave it a funny it some of those jokes make me sound like a conspiracy person, but i'm not you're, not you're, not, but it's funny to make fun of them as if i am oh gosh. Okay, so his father later died a couple years later of his mother's post, part of the is contagious is davis, so his father died a little while later and he inherited a thousand dollars, which is worth twenty nine thousand dollars to day okay, and so he moves to ann arbor michigan, and he goes to the university of michigan wherever one it goes: ann arbor, the university of michigan and the la of the midwest, but whatl he tried to attend the university of michigan, but he failed the entrance exams because of the school. He went to only taught him french and algebra in high school to pretty useless things, and so he took the interest. Exam is like there's a lot of other stuff on this that i know nothing about, and so he ended a long division he's like what's long division. I have never heard of this. Only now i can sole for x. I can solve this, and- and i can say x and french also x is on say, say i go ahead, say it also x, and so then, because he failed joining the university of michigan. He instead joined what a lot of people considered a cult the only in the oniata community in oniata you nor new york. Okay, i said you know you're you i nork. I did freaking telephone operator to that. I love you nork. I make one of the make those i heart in. Why shirts? But it's i heard why in you know, or you, ok, here's the thing about this. Only at a community, the big orange. This was a ridiculous group of oniata, only ada yeah. So this was a christian community on that people call a cult because the founder, john humphrey noise he his goal was he thinks that people here and now are capable of perfection just like jesus, and he said we should strive for that yeah, and so they got in this community and they set up this community around not sinning and which i mean is sounds like yeah, except of a lot of christian movements, yeah yeah, except for what they. What they did instead is the main phrases was modest as hot as gosh that's annoying, and so what was interesting about this is a well a couple things there's a couple things that they did in this. In this thing, one of them was mutual criticism. Where a couple times a week, they would just get together to point out everything that was wrong with each other so which work yeah so etats you and i do we just get together and we like hey, you know you kind of suck yeah. Do you want to go to lunch after on me, brother yeah, so they would get really intense with their their criticism of each other, of course, a worse and just kind of rip, each other apart yeah, so there's no way that can go wrong. There was a this other thing, that's very seems counter. It doesn't seem to go in line with the whole. You know were perfect thing. They practiced what was called complex marriage, which essentially meant everybody was married to everybody. That makes sense, and you just you're married all of them. The catch was you couldn't have children. Unless the leader of the cult yep interviewed you yeah and deemed you of able to parent it's interesting. I was trying to figure out what i was t trying to fan. I was looking up and kind of reading about like what defines a cold, because there was a few church groups in the v pacific northwest that were like kind of colty yeah, but they just didn't have a leader who i want to say dictated but like yewer sat like it's usually got that sexual element, as far as like everyone can either sexual freedom, or only these people can have you know, and the leader usually oversees that part yep and he yeah. It's usually a there's, usually some sort of charismatic leader who kind of twists everything to make him great. You know, but for some reason this article was saying that, in order to be defined as a cult, it had to involve a sexual element in some way. Huh interesting. I didn't hear of that. But i don't know if that's accurate, well, charles loved the call leader like he worshipped this call leader, but he was he's. The thing about charles charles is that guy in your friend group, who you're kind of like i wish you weren't here, you know like yeah yeah but like not like, but not like it. Like a mean way, it's like a like he's, the one like it's like. It's like important, alex. It's like it's like he's, the guy who, like i took him a second to get it to because he's just watching this on the screen or on pound like it was like he was like, oh no, but like it like a way where it's like it's like yeah, he's pretty annoying, and you hear in the lot and you're like a you saying that stuff again, but it's also in the way where it's like he's hitting on your mom all the time and like he's fighting, he picks fights with you. I i you're like i really don't want to be friends r, that's charles charles is the guy where you're, like i wooning on your mom. All the time like you know that friend, you know that friend yeah a that end, we've all been there yeah yeah, so golly he's curls hitting on people's moms yeah everybody. Well, i don't know i this charles, hitting on minds right. One of our twenty five la patron supporters is charles myers, my dad, who pretty often hits on my mom for tother a lot. I don't like it, but he's a he's, a painting on supporter. So you know thanks for doing that. Charles supports it twenty five a month- and you know it was pretty awkward because our twenty five dollar patrons get a little. They get an exclusive mug, yeah right and patron sends that out yeah. So my dad got his mug yeah, but he got it like last week and we're recording this on the twenty fifth or whatever of june right. So sunday was father's day. He thought that was his father's raked. There was a part of me that was like i'm not going to tell what well yeah i was like i'm gonna. Let him believe that's his father's day gay i didn't, but he got it. He was like. Oh thanks and i was like yeah. You know anyway, if you're at turon supporter there's, you know especially the twenty five dollar level. One were mentioning you in episodes, but also you get exclusive, merge, get insight into the episodes beforehand and you don't have to listen to an advertisement like this one, hey thanks for being here, we've got merchandise, it's a way to support the show and help us do more stuff by new equipment reach more people. If you like what we're doing, i want to help us do that more. Please consider doing that. If you want to link to that all of that's going to be sent to you. If you is text till in to six six, eight, six, six i'll tell you it's not a thing where we're going to text you a lot where no, it's, not a tech service, we're not going to like send you more than bo. It's just a way for you to get a link. It's one text, that's all we're going to send. I promise you, charles, because people hated him so much in the croup, like he, charles j, good, tell good to chills, go tell, and so he spent five years there and everybody they hate years in the cold yeah. I spent five years there. How long do colts run, i don't know just depends on on. We should talk more about colds later, go ahead, and so the people hated him so much that lobbyists on and cults honestly. This is the reason why i wanted to tell you about this guy, the cult the cult gave him the nickname charles get out they're like how do we get this message across and he did and they gave him that in a year too, he stayed around with three more years. Charles gould i hears charles get out. Hey here's charles get out what you just call me this, so he by what your mom so an she s, roulong for you, i just ruber loved. I would love to have a complex marriage in your mom. You know i'm saying oh man, charles kidd, no so charles ended up leaving the call after five years there yeah, because he was just thinking a nickname. He was he wasn't fit, but he made it seem like it was his decision. You know it was like, like you know what guys i just got to go on to other things, i'm going to go. My own way- and they were like all right- okay, thanks, thank you finally yeah. So so he left and he said, okay, what do i got going for me? I didn't get a college degree. I spent five years in the call. I've got twenty nine grand that i spent all moving to ann arbor, michigan and he's like well. What am i going to do? He's like hal i'll, be a lawyer in chicago, so he moved to chicago. He becomes a lawyer and somehow he passes the exam, which is an american dream. I mean you can really start over yeah, so he passes the bar this man yeah, who only knows french and algebra, passes the hatsa. The bar is it's french and algebra, and so french algebra he, coincidentally, did not have a successful law career. He only argued one case in court which we don't have a record to have of how it went, but i'm going to bet not great because he is rieses nervous, he's shaking and he was you're on there, the what the french accent well, he can always beak frients. I don't know. Are you telling me? He spoke french with like a southern ex. We we, what you talking about, he's, not frenchtell him me. The child of course he's in, of course he's weird and doesn't fit in with okay, but imagine not fitting him a cult people you know like, like they're already to fringe of society. Where do you go after that? You go to chicago law, all right and then you're up there and you're. Just like i don't know your honor he's nervous he's like i, charles get out o good. Do i like to picture that he said something really offensive or like something you're not supposed to do in the courtroom, and the judge is like charles get out and he's like. Oh that's what my friend he's like wait. Were you part of the ere you there, and so when that didn't work charles get out when that didn't work, he was like. Okay he's like we didn't really work he's like i can get into the business of bill collecting, so he became a bill collector and pretty quickly on. He was like wait. A second he's like i could go, collect this money for people's bills and then just go back to the people who were looking for the bills and tell them they didn't pay, oh my god. So he was collecting people's bills and not paying the people back. Yeah he's just stealing yeah yeah. So so he s doing that's e, that's exactly pretty old scheme yeah and that what you know what tax collectors in jewish tax collectors did that it's similar they would ask for more. I was being asked for and they would keep the x. I i was still pay the romans, because the lens yeah they still roll in back, really are. When you look at atts business model they take after the romans like the romans would kill you. So in one than eight here and sixty nine still a bill collector, he carries a librarian named annie. Bon who- and i guess just didn't see it- that's the most is name of her o. My life, like, i imagine that she she's living in black and white. Like you know, sanat anny bun, that's straight up a black or white name. He s that's pretty accurate. She talks like this, i'm wit any bun. That's yeah! I like well he's like well, you outer whatever his exit is we don't know he's like? Well, you are any good o now, so you know yeah so and i don't know how this happened like. I guess she just didn't see it like. I don't know if, like like everything i read about this guy, is that nobody liked him. Everybody was like this guy's awful and he was also a crook, and so it's like i mean i don't know, but she fell in love with him and yeah, but i mean, like you know, manson had admires yes, but i mean that's because you all admitted crimes, that's different. I guess i mean we talked about this. The cult hated him, so it's like i mean i don't know any may be she sucked to you, don't know any bun. I guess i should sounds like she didn't. She sounds like she's, a really sweet. You know she sounds like she is an angel. All we know about her is her name though yeah she was a librarian. I i that's what i'm saying: yeah okay, so the bill collectors ended up the the people who needed the bills ended up catching on to what he was doing and they said it started setting bill collectors after him right and so he's like. I know what i'll do i'll move to new york a d an this is in the late eighteen hundreds. So it's like you had to save to you, nork you move out of state and you're almost untraceable at this point like you, you disappear off that how dad's left the yeah well move to new york, yeah, real and so why he was in new york. He was do that up until probably two thousand and two you could just disappear, just be gone for ever real yeah. That's actually pretty true! I can't do that now. You can't. I have the location of my phone on you or, like you, could look up my location in time. Yeah. You could never disappear from me. Okay, it sounded threatening the way you said it for go ahead. I'm not gonna, say boo. Okay, thanks! I hope that that's a disease, so he ends up. He ends up wise in new york. He's like well, i got to do thing different lot at work, bill, collecting kind of went bad on me. What am i going to get into? And so then he was like politics, and so he got into politics. He identify with the democratic party, and he- and this is in what year this is eighteen, seventy two okay, so he supports horace greeley, who was who was a candidate for a president and doesn't go well? He didn't win really yeah. He he prepared a speech for greeley and it didn't like greeley hated the speech and he was mad at gato about it and he was convinced that, but i'm having a hard time, greely guita greatly gato the two different people. Gatell, was convinced that of greeley. One greeley would make a tell the minister to the nation of chili for no reason like nothing ever was told to him, i'm the ministers of the nation of chilis, and so he was really really mine, us ambassador to chiles, so o chilos. After this, you want to go out, huh you go chilis after this kind of actually on one of o voi might as well go chilis you've heard of them. Eathen need, i you know about chiles. You know the chili, you know so dumb, so he was convinced that he would be gan, minika e h and then, when greeley lost he was mad at greeley, because he is i. This is your fault right. The speech is a one. It is you had my speech a yeah, but the speech had all bunch of stuff about my opponent's mom and i wasn't going to war that in front of a bunch of people m m his meanwhile, his marriage to ann is not going well or and on yeah is not going well. Any bones sounds like and you make up a little cartoon character and be it actually pretty accurate. It's really good. Well, they wanted to divorce and they by bun here's the thing they wanted a divorce, but at the day at that time you couldn't just get a divorce. Just because, like you had to have like a good reason for it yeah and really the only good region now, you probably should still have a good reason to get divorced. So you don't legally have to have one, but back then pretty much. The only legal reason you could get a divorce was infidelity yeah. So gato was like i'll just hire a prostitute and bring her to the court, and so he does that and then afterwards he makes her testily have to see it. You know the court doesn't have to like yeah, so you don't go to the court and be like my husband cheated on me and the courts like prove it prove it yeah. I don't see he he's not cheat on you right now. She a here she ain't here, that's how he talks she ain't here. I don't see her yeah, so he hires a lady yeah and a lady of you nork to come with him to court yeah yeah. So they get the divorce and then gato is like well, politics didn't work. Law was borning bill. Collecting was weird. The call was kind of fun, though, and says like i'll get back into theology, and so he writes a book on theology called the truth very well well named, which was a exact plagiarism from the work of noise. The cult leader, like he literally just, took his book and was like this is my book, the truth, the true el? What you could do you couldn't get there was no proof of that. You know yeah, there's no national distribution at that point, so he just stole his book and called it his own book an when did he get cot with that, while he became increasingly convinced that he was divinely inspired and he called himself the new paul and he was preach. He's like he's like i'm preaching a new gospel to the world when it was really a. He took the writings of noise, but somehow he was able to get like people to just listen to him and so on, housden ht here and enty seven. He actually gave a lecture at the congressional church in washington dc from his book, the truth, and so he had a lot of people kind of like eating out of the palm of his hand for a while, and as he was going down this religious road, okay, he began gaining some more political clout because he was in dc and everybody there. Everybody in dc at the time was very religious, and so he was gaining this political clout and so in the s he switched to the political party, are the republican party and got back into politics to help people in politics, which i want to for a second highlight this, because in the late eighteen hundreds phones just come out, yeah actually phones just came out. You could call someone across was doing during the sum arm. I don't know, i actually don't see anything in his life thought. What he did in so are probably nothing he's, probably working on his theology manifesto that he stole yeah. How do you work on that? His every day, you're like copy paste yeah? That's what he was doing copy pasting your on his macbook air. I kid you not so the republicans yeah, don't kid me e the republicans at this point. They split the republican party is split into two factions right and i can't make this up. This is the name of the two factions of the publican party, this time- hey thanks for being here for things alone last night, if you want bonus, content, early access to episodes and a whole lot more, including a discord channel. We have that available to our patron supporters to sign up for that and for info text till in to six six, eight six six. They were the stalwarts and the half breeds yeah yeah yeah, it's literally like some mary potter stuff it, as i was just sure i was trying to do that. You you jumped on it. I was going to be like yes, the sixth book yeah, so ill in other jokes. He he said you just bring this stuff and i'll file yeah. So i'll. Try, i'm not funny. All the time are youtube comments and reviews really are they tell us that we're not so he doing speaking of reviews, i do gosh yeah good idea. This part out, where i'm mad at him, goodness gracious, i teed you for actually a review we want to highlight is this review. We got that says jar, never edits it out. Yeah. We read your podcast reviews, so keep doing that please and we like them. We like him when they're funny and they make us laugh like that. I also like them when they're one star those are even finer. I don't leave on sar reviews like don't because i will hurt us yeah but like i enjoy the ones that genuinely hate our show on they had us yeah. It's funny, yeah yeah for real reviews for the podcast applied a lot so yeah play a second keep doing that to review it. Who who left that? Did they live a name? I don't think i actually. I think that one was a nominis. It's actually. We have like a hundred and ninety five reviews and it's all meats and grains and then one from my dad and then won from jos. It was literally he thought he was texting you he was like he was like hey. Is this bug your father's day? I was so confused on how he is bone, that he was texting me and accidentally left a podcast review even hit. The number of stars is like he's like. This is weird he's like. I guess this is a five star text message he's like. I feel good about it: five stark text twenty minute way to texas roy house. You know how we want to start fighting you perfec. We should do that. We should take pictures and in the captures, are all things we would just see in this text. Essais t messages go les, so anyway yeah. So he decides to sport, support the stall wards a tall, and so this time he tastes ulyssess grant side who beat his the person. He stated with last time he's like a perfect shegeig with the winner this time, and so he writes us a speech for us. Ses called grant against hancock, oh what a leader when things that go well with uluses, he sided with andrew garfield and he just took that same speech and just changed. Everything from in tha said grant to garford against hancock and so, and the speech starts with ask not because what the stalwarts can do for you yeah, because i mean that's all. It is the government's all plagiarism, yeah, ye and so what's great about it is i'm pretty sure both of those speeches were given, i'm pretty sure bliss as grant gave that speech and then gar and regard fill ended up. Giving that speech as well and all that changed was just the name grant to garfield and and so garvie ends up winning and now guato is like sweet. I am the new sort of chilling minsters his fascination do. We know where it came from. I have no idea like there's no explanation, but he, but he didn't get named, that he was just so yeah. He was just like i goniel now and and and garfias like well, not really he's like, but i wrote that peach he's like well, i mean you wrote it for ulysses and he gave that speech m and then i also gave it so no i mean like so i mean minister to chili. Well yeah. So that's actually really close. What happened. Garfield was like well actually pump the brakes bud. You're. Not we actually don't have one of those. We don't do ministers here in the us. I love the. I love the garfield talks like a startup company in san francisco actually pump. The breaks on that could be so over gave a pink cong yeah. I like you, know like we don't really have like. We don't have office, i know so i would want to fight my, but maybe we could. We could go to the talking corner, hmm yeah so pump the breaks the brakes there buddy so so gato. He realized that the president is too strong to kill with a knife. That's what he said in a quote and he's like so because i can't be the representative, i'm manhattas somebody else. That's in a quote: yeah! That's close! He starting to reporters he's like a. He was too trying to kill at his outside and someone's like hey hey. Why did you do it? How did you do it as well? He's too strong and kill, and nice literally the court said he said. Garfield would have crushed the life out of me with a single blow of his fist, and so he settled on a pistol instead to try to kill who's. He talking to, i don't know some reporters, so he borrows fifteen dollars from his ex wife's relative. Like i don't know what relative like his x, wise cousin, he's like he, any fun bucks, hey, what's what's annie up to well she's, making pretzels now, actually and and the profits are pretty good kind, borrow fifteen bucks. I got to get and bucks and so yeah. He buys fifteen bucks and he buys a revolver what she ended up, having to make a choice at the the gun store. Do i want a wooden grip or an ivory grip and he told reporters afterwards. He said he selected the ivory grip because he thought it would look better in a museum. What a psychopath so yeah he's electe ivory lit grip and he goes and he shoots andrew garfield and andegavian up dying in the hospital which, what's really sad about it, is modern. Doctors have looked back at what happened there. They've reviewed the case, and they think that angeal would have survived if he didn't go, seek medical attention because they were their sanitist was just so bad. He ended up getting infection and dying sexual, not of the actual bolt on, so they think he would have survived if he didn't go to the doctor after he got shot but like he would ave un a been better off to just not see the doctor right. That's why, when i got shot, i do for this they're going to kill me. They gook me. Well, that was actually coincidentally, when guato stood on trial, for is a wit de fence. He said i didn't kill him. That was his defense. He's, like literally a direct quote, was what was i didn't, kill him. I just shot him. The doctors killed them. That's a direct quote. I didn't kill him, i just shot up. I just shot. I i just shot them with that gun that you're going to put on display right yeah, that's going to be an busum right, so they ended up in chili in chili. Do i get to go to chili for a lean museum here i ask, is that you hang me in chile in a museum in emus, so they ended up convicting gain and they hung them yeah and the he. So he goes in to kind of like death row of the day and why i was in death row. He wrote this lengthy poem that he said in the poem hes that god commanded me to kill garfield and all this like crazy, just crazy theory stuff. But it's like this ethics are red, voles or blue. I bought me a gun because a knife wouldn't do god, tell me to kill garfield last line. Man doesn't really but it s, so he he wrote the like the like the poem he's that here's the best part about it, though one he wrote it from the perspective of a child. So when he was going to his execution, he recited the poem from memory in the voice of a child. So he was like in a falsetto this whole time, reciting this poem from the perspective of this child and that at all he wrote the poem to be accompanied by an orchestra kid's going in. Like i mean like, i would execute that person immediate. I wouldn't even let him get to the gallows, execute them quicker. Yeah killed faster, oh gosh, dude, like that's terrified, so yes he's he's reciting this pole and he wrote it to be accompanied by an orchestra, and so he kept asking the guards he's like where's. My orsato, please he's like. Where is my order? I you're kidding orchestra executed, we're not getting you n orcas like i need my orchestra and said, but then he just kept like powering through and he's like. He's like this is where the orcas orchestra, i i that was just part of the poemwhere's, my he the powers that be i never. Where is my orchestra will never understand me power of life. Is it will be a lot better if i and they were like we're gonna, i mean what do you do with that? I don't know. Is anybody? Was there anybody in the crowd who was like? I think we should get him an orchestra. Where was the violins from the titanic? Where were they at yeah? I so i are not set get this man i mean, and so in odness, one of the most poetic moments of poet, justice stupid go ahead. They ended up displaying his revolver at the smithsonian, but what i love about it is somewhere along the line. The smithsonian lost it and they don't know where it is they just they literally just like how we misplaced that, no his ghost, and to that's exactly what happed they misplaced it. They lost it. They have no idea where it is well to be fair. It's not what killed them so yeah. They should have put the doctor on this play. Here's the doctor who killed garse, yeah, that's a that's charles j gate or get out wow yeah you're right that wasn't even the most interesting art. It's the orchestra. For me, my goodness, i'm not a fan yeah. What a crazy man, what a crazy man yeah big fan at him. You know what this episode would be better with what an orchestra playing, but like a southern orchestra with a french like a french orchestra with a other accent playing fiddle, is a

You have to be a pretty crazy person to assassinate a United States President. But, for Charles J Guiteau, the man who assassinated the 20th President James A. Garfield, the assassination of the president was the least crazy thing he ever did. From a shady political career to cult ties to ax-wielding outbursts, Charles J Guiteau was certainly unhinged. He … Read More

AT&T – Alexander Graham Bell’s Company Was Actually a Monopoly… Twice


Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey man, what's up not much what's going on with you, this is what are you doing? Hey hey. Have you ever heard of a phone call? Oh nothing much a with you, man! What's going on with you troo, if you would do it, i have a. I have another call and i merged you with that: co. Okay, let's here's! The problem, we've probably just gone viral on tick, tock again yeah probably this is someone's. First episode is hal experience and i want you to know this is it. This is what it is yeah every time yeah actually, but speaking of phone calls. Have you ever heard of att? There's a guy named alexander grandpa, you ever heard of them. Att started war war two and you can't change our mind on that. You should really look at up. It's really interesting to watch them drop it! Here's the things i would like to learn about, because i'm tired of sitting through these episodes he the crap- that i don't want to hear o there, the mom eighteen tes, the mob support on patrio we're going to kill you things now we're goin to learn about my internet provider. Are you serious? Is it going to be? I really wanted to be negative. Is it going to be negative, so i would love for it to be negative sort of i'm not to what it is yeah i mean pensive man. They promised me last year as pensive. They promised me last year. They were give me free internet for life and it lasted two months. I promised you that at d support a in a polo dorador now he's what happened. He's a an. I had a bunch of problems with something i can't even remember what it was last year bunch of problems. My name is bri. They like not a bunch of problems with. I don't even remember what it was your wife name as bree. No, i think they like i make those shows because she will never listen to the past. I think they like triple build me or something like that. It was really. It was something really ridiculous, and so i call support. I ended up escalating it like three or four times like i was talking to the the ceo at this point. If you weren't beated to blame credit, try to call jeff basis, one, i email jeff basis. You know you email jeff, b at amazon di, and i got a reply from his assistant yeah. They do that they do that on amazon support, if you, if you lift it high enough they'll, give you jeff jeffs amazon email, which is literally jeff at amazon com, yeah and they're like here, we'll get you jeff's email. So you can talk to you. That's i mean i don't know, that's exactly where o'doin right right right! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! You want to ask you want to talk to my manage okay. Well, here's you know what jeff than i can tell that you're not going to give up until you talk to jeffrey. First of all, it's not even shore for jeffrey sore for jeff old anyways. So eighteen tea was like yeah. We're sorry, sir, this is a major inconvenience, here's what i can do for you. I can give you free internet for life, and i was like for life and they were like yeah for life, and i was like you're telling me. I don't have to pay and i did not believe him i made them commit to it over and over again, i like for the rest of my life and they were like yes for fifteen more years they were like yes for two more months. I was like: what are you going to do? Do what, if that sound like for life plan, i is at now add, has to put out bounties they're gonna put out like freaking, you know and you and there it's one of those things where yours like. Don't tell me what it's going to happen, yeah and then they just take you out and then they just yeah it was at and take you out that's what ye but yeah a couple months later i got charged for my internet, so i call them and they're like oh yeah, we're sorry we're only supposed to give that deal. The people who live in san francisco- oh yeah, we're sorry. We lied. That was the whole thing that and also we're the biggest internet provider in kansas city. So you literally cannot switch to someone else. So it's kind of either work with us or not really don't it's either just pay us or don't have internet yeah. There are literally zero other options unless you live in north kansas city, where alex lives and it's part of their infrastructure and their city planning to have google fiber for everyone in north kansas city. But if you live in the rest of metro can city, i is just of anagers in most of kansas and you can also get comcast. Can you really you want to get comcast? Sorry, i want to watch hulu. I would like my internet to you know net well, but att doesn't half the time yeah! That's true! So here it's it's my rotic. You said this because, but t own comcast, no, i'm pretty sure they do t they do not. Att is the most monopolist company to ever exist right and this story man. I love this okay, i used to be a singular customer, yeah and now you're in attoms now well. I was at t for like two years and then i was like i was like i'm pretty sure these people are going to try to kill me one day. I cos i keep getting calls from att raps. That makes me think they're getting yeah they'll show be your door to that's how they got my old roommate is that they were like hey you, your older and kill my old at how they like recruited him is they do the whole? You go door, a door selling internet and you make commission and they're like you can junk. Like you know, it's a parents game yeah a little bit yeah. If you recruit people, you get more money, it's just like a whole. So here's how this started. There's a guy named alexander grand bell. You ever heard of them. He invented the phone and you're asking me. If i ever heard of a gb atrius ab- oh yeah yeah, i am asking you that i know who that is so he invited the phone and he started the company in eighteen. Seventy, five, the the roaring s n, eighteen and sirt, five yeah. It was actually the ringing as the first or fun thing, and so he starts this company called the bell telephone company, which is what onch is now bit coined. Pts, that's a little known fact: little no factors if you invested. If you invested a hundred dollars in one thousand eight hundred and seventy five in the bt, you would be a billionaire now your email would be jeff and amazon. Toat just give that email goes to the just by the concy. The jeff bezos isn't. Actually the ceo like. I well that's another a differently. I have a conspiracy that the bald guy we know is jeff bezos. Is it that jeffs not the o? I have a conus, but it's literally an alien with like eight tentacles and he's just out here and that's who runs amazon, because the things they're doing is pretty insane right, like first of all, he's like over here and they're. Well, yeah ett, lied to you and amazon to me was like we're going to send you this thing and like two months later they were like just kidding. We lied just ki yeah, oh here it is oh yeah, oh yeah. We can get anything to anywhere in the world in a couple of hours, but we could get this to you and i i to get us anyway. Okay, so he sat back on track. He starts t bell telephone come ten company, seventy five! He invented the phone. We all know that story whatever he calls his assistant and is like hey. I want to see you and it's like what a weird first phone call but and then he starts this phone company. He was only there for a couple o years because he was he was like i like inventing more he's like. I need to go back to my laboratory yeah, and so he sold his shares. Inventors do the yeah he sold his shares and let the company continue to run. The company is interesting because they had a really interesting strategy in that first, those first days because they recognized okay for this to work, there has to be full lines crossing the country, and so this will cost millions of dollars in infrastructure to get this off. He is to work, we're going to need a lot of yarn and ten cans. Okay and we got to build an infrastructure and there there's that place in central missouri with all the yarn we can go to. What's that place called yarn yarn barn, you an bard, a yarn. What's that is called yard what Welcome to the city of yarn. Actually I open at one of my dream: businesses is to retire with a you know. My wife will run the yarn barn, the yarn section and then i'll run like a little ice cream place. We'll have a sign out front that says my milk shakes bring in all the boys, though the yard. Oh, oh, no. Okay, that's why i'd like to retire? I love of this so eighteens strateg in the beginning was pretty clever was recognized. They recognized. They said we got to. We got to buy property. Well, what they said was this will cost millions of dollars to stretch phone lines across the country, so instead what they did is they said. Okay, we've got twenty years for our patent before the competition starts coming out, yeah, and so they said we got twenty years to cover the country in all these phone lines, but that's going to be expensive. So what they did is they sold licenses to investors to cover s their territory, so most of the territories were towns or in extreme cases, counties and these licenses the way it worked is you could build your phone lines all around your territory? However, you wanted to build them, but you couldn't connect to other territories. You just had your one territory, you can to go outside your territory, so you can only call people in your territory in your territory yeah and what att did is they built the connections? And so that's where long distance phone calls came from, and so when you wanted to make a call outside of your territory, it became long distance and then att you had to pay att. For that call the way att structure this contract was really interesting. Now is because these local territories, they had a ten year term, where they could run their license at the end of ten years, eight would buy back their territory. I guess their company that they started, so an investor would say: okay. Well, i can invest a few million dollars to build out this infrastructure and then run the company and make money makes an era for ten years, and then i've got a guaranteed by out at ten years. So after ten years they still have ten more years with no competition and someone else built the one else they about the em interestin, but those for those whole ten years they have a monopoly on the long distance market. So, at ten years what they ended up doing is they ended up only buying about forty percent of these territories back because of a few reasons, some of them they negotiated with the owners and they let them keep their licenses some of them there just wasn't big enough market in that territories. They said. Ah, you can keep that, and so it was those were kind of the two two leading reasons, but there was also a budget thing because it ended up being way more profitable than i think they even expected okay, and so they could only afford to buy back so many territories- hey thanks for being here for things a on last night, if you want bonus, content, early access to episodes and a whole lot more, including a discord channel. We have that available to our patron supporters to sign up for that and for or info text till in to six six, eight six, six devout back the vast majority. There's a lot of people wanted to keep the investment yeah yeah a lot of them were like wait. Okay, i can make more money if any thing this yeah. So a lot of people ended up the redaction. The people who they bought it back from were probably people who had already spent that money- yeah, maybe maybe or or just didn't, want to do it long term or maybe they were just like yeah. I want out of this i'll take my my pay out, but i think there were some people who were like man. I can stick in this. Let me pay a another license fee and i'll i'll. Stick it out, yeah make more so so they did this for a while and then obviously their patent runs up, and this is this is a really interesting moment in telephone history, because it's now basically the ely nineteen hundred is not quite but basically the early nets. The s it's the roaring s every decade of the best is the roaring that decade, the roaring is were crazy. Nirvana was really big at this time. Shut up, keep going, is them so as crest to me that, like civil war yeah ten years later, phone yeah and that nuts? This was weird because i'm picturing civil war time, you know yeah yeah, i i mean yeah, that's hard. What do you picture when you picture the civil war? I picture? What is it that mel gibson movie? That's brave heart? No, no mill gibson has a civil war movie. Does it really, i think so? Yeah the patriot, hmm yeah yeah, that's makes may more sense. I didn know simi, for, though yeah that's what i don't watch mel camps on movies yeah, my parents. My parents may be watch that in high school because they didn't want me to enlist in the army and they said, watch this and then afterwards they were like. Do you want to go, and i was like? No, that seems besset you down. They were like. Is this what you like for your life, but it works like that that comes o your school and tells you it's like the dare program. Basically, i kind of he's like this is what drugs do? People behead each other? What you're telling third graders about this and that wild yeah that's pretty true anyway, so so the roaring in e s that opens up and everybody's like, i can make phone company yeah, but it it was english, wasn't great. There was old english yeah, i could make phone company. There was a group that talked like four score and seven years ago, and then there was another group that was like i'll make, phones and you're like what i'm make phone, so you do phones make here is the issue with when the patent opened up att covered the nation and phone lines gardy, and so it was me on us. He that you couldn't use their a million dollars. No, no one else can catch up yeah, so there was so much infrastructure to catch up on, that's how they couldn't they couldn't catch up in the states and then, alternatively, what happened outside and in alexander gram bell yeah like just he just kept inventing. He just got a got other things to make he's sold out, though, like he sold his shares. I wasn't making money from this no well i mean i'm sure he might have had a role of royalty. I'm all look it up real, quick yeah. Was he making? No, i want to say we re residuals, but yeah. You know because i mean because if you sell out the twenty years later, they are the company yeah, and was it really millions because in h, e y millions is a lot yeah, so he sold his patents for a hundred thousand dollars in eighteen? Seventy nine! That's a lot of money. How much is that work today? So a hundred thousand dollars in eighteen. Seventy nine worth two point: six million dollars today, so i mean he made money off of it. Two point: six million dollars, so it wasn't. It wasn't like he made crazy money, but he made money that you know like. He probably would have made a lot more if he stayed, but he made he made good money and then he just went on and kept inventing stuff. He lived the rest of his life and he's just like what can i make he vented the pooper scooper? He did it. That's that's what he went on. He made the phone and then he made he the phone and then he spent the rest of his days cutting eels because he was like what may do you say marge come from so what was interesting about it is in the us. Obviously, nobody could compete with att, but outside the us most other countries. What they did was they started state run telephone companies, which sounds at first glance, pretty not american, but it's actually i'm kind of surprised that it didn't go this right in america because it was essentially like the post office right and so there's the state run companies that just they handled your phone calls just like the post office handles your mail, and so that was the way it was in most other countries for years. Until obviously it wasn't a bunch of other people were like we. I can make a lot of money out like this kind of like fete. Do you can you explain to me how phones worked yeah so back then the way back then or now now you say both usually talk to it and it does stuff. No okay, so back, then you would pick up your phone yeah and you get kinoo include that first step yea. Let me let me walk you through evey detail, you'll get connected to your local operator right and that was whoever ran a so middle of night. Is there an operator tans? There was always an operator standing by. Usually there was a multiple and, depending on how big your ten s, s watching ananas phone, the whole time he's on an iphone. That's what i imagine he's on an iphone with his feet. Up on he just watching hello taller. He talked to i and they were like foine phone mak. You reach phone, okay, okay, just doesn't know, he just doesn't know how to talk yeah so that they just had this wall of like in per intelligence, can write really well. Oh my gosh, my kid, but when it comes to like the you know, it's just like the elis to for them, so they had for phone up ro, basically like guitar cables, they're like little quarter and cables yeah, and they just had a wall of inputs with everybody's name on them that they serviced. That's what i knew i was just making sure that we could yeah and so talk about the evolution of that. So what you're saying is that person became a state employe in some areas, yeah, and so in other countries. It was a state employee and then the way was for for long distances. They had like a splitter cable that would then go out into and there's like a person next to t and then eighteen t would can run the cable through the ocean yeah at t just carried it there's actually the the way that works now is there's a giant fiber optic cable. That's just stretching the planet through the oceans. It's actually really interesting to watch those ships lay that cable line because they have a giant school. That's just constantly just dropping it into the ocean, and it's huge this line. You should really look it up. It's really interesting to watch them drop it, but yeah. It's just this massive. Like really sturdy, cable, that's stretching the ocean and that's, i think, that's doing internet now. I think we've got phones figured out and now phones are pretty much all so i love the bree, could wake up at two in the morning and see a glow coming from your office and she's like what is he watching on his computer yeah she's, like he's, probably in some chat room with some girl in florida, f in in your office, you're just watching them lay fipa, cable and you just like it's so satisfied. You really need to try it at y. That's why i bring it up because you use the word satisfying is because you go it's really satisfying. Actually it's like i mean it's they've got some days on a bad day at work, and i want to go home and just relax with a good hour of five rocket cable lad. You know so anyway, really takes the edge ob. One of those companies, one of the state, run companies the dutch company. I think it was. I can't remember exactly how they spell it like dutch telephone near. However, you say that a telephone and dutch that became tea, mobile and tea mobile just was like well can te part. This word has a tea in it will keep that. I guess we'll give that keep everything else so they're from their yeah. Her judge company yeah- originally i think in is from du the jiji. So so what happened really quickly? Is companies existed as these other companies began? They started realizing it's impossible for us to complete, compete with att yeah and so in it to work with them or absorb into them yeah. So in one loud, nine hundred and seven, the government was like this is kind of a monopoly. So pretty much immediately. They were like you guys, little too big here, and so they started kind of like an then eighteen. We was like all right. Well, actually, that area is called comcast and they're, like that's still you and like the like. Why don't you email jeff about it now, when i'm in phoenix i go by jeff, does make you a different person? A does okay, so this is actually really close to what happen. Now. I know exactly how you break up monopolies. Is you just name it different things? Have a different ceo have a different structure, but all the money finals or the same things. It's the i mean, that's how so they spent when you go to the chip isle. Who do you think, owns all those chips? Do you think it's a bunch of you think that you think there are like fifty different chip companies now, no there's two different ship companies, it's kruger and then other croker las free to laze foger and the other companies literally other croker, and then they were like this is a little too on the nose were has to change this okay, we'll call it okay, okay, all day a so so they spent the next like thirty years fighting them. There was a couple dips because of the wars both of the wars. I warns you know the world wars, you know the ones ere the one and the two yeah because and they kind of got a little bit of a world war and then other will the world war they got a little bit of, like obviously the war. The government was occupied yeah, but they were instrumental in the war because they pretty much took care of communication in the and the war, and so the government kind of laid off them a little bit because they were like hey. You know, they're, helping us talk and that's important in this, and so they kind of backed off for each war and then like after the war after world war, one they are like. Okay, but hey. You know the thing that we were talking about before the war. I wars over a nice by the way that i we're talking about before oh shoot was over then, coincidentally, another war before they could get it fixed on hers. The here's, the theory right, hey thanks for being here, we've got merchandise. It's a way to support the show and help us do more stuff by new equipment. Great more people, if you like what we're doing, i want to help us. Do that more. Please consider doing that. If you want to link to that all of that's going to be sent to you if you jus text till in to six six, eight six, six i'll tell you it's not a thing where we're going to text you a lot where no, it's, not a tech service, we're not going to like send you more than, but it's just a way for you to get a link. It's one text, that's all we're going to send. I promise you, you know where i'm going already is that war war warn happens all right and it's like a o and actually a lot of americans didn't like where were one yeah and then everyone was like. That was super weird. We did that right and att was like yeah. I was pretty crazy. I got the heat off of us right and then the government was like hey att and they were like, oh actually and then att started world war to a like. Did you see this thing? This is fact this is canon. Actually you can you can make this is ight is treatis is att canon, so you att started war war two and you can't change our mind on that. Okay, so we're working, no evidence to say they didn't world war, two ends they get a little bit of patting for a little bit yeah and then the government comes back and is like hey. So essentially, what ended up happening is they had to split up from there? They had their own company that handled the phone lines, but then they had a company that also manufactured the phones and they're like you can't do both, and so they split that up and so then they had. They were then just focused on the phone lines, not manufacturing the phone ites like okay, fine. We won't do that, but then, a few years later they were like yeah. This still is a problem like you're still kind of the only one doing the phone line thing, and so it ends up taking them about twenty years and then in one thousand nine hundred and eighty four, they successfully broke up att, and so it split it up into eighty four and eighty four wow. So it's beyah on thousand nine hundred and seven it kind of began where they're, like you guys, are a little too big it almost eighty years for them to successful, saying about like social media, though they've been trying to break up facebook for a little bit yeah. I like listen, facebook, you run like if facebook tried to absorb ticktock, i don't know what they would do. Yeah well, yeah yeah, that's that's a good point, so they ended up putting it up in eighty four into companies that were based on region so very similar to the original model for eight right. So eighteen still existed. So there is att was one of the companies that stay went to csanta bett c tt d in etiquet connect cett! No! At the i was saying kasan t now. I was saying just go through the altho at attor d. I know my name is ronald. I am from p t and t so it's put into. I think nine companies nix pacific telesia, ameritech the atlantic southwestern bell corporation, obviously att bell south and us west, now they're all back to being a part of at right close. So you probably have heard of some of these. These were regional, so i grew up knowing us west, which ended up becoming quest and now a century link. So if you've heard of any of those you probably live in the west or i have watched the seattle seahawks play football because they own their tedium, but then like s, bc that that's here the sb spring level. I don't know if they has brant. I could be wrong. Maybe they do. But you know, team mobile, absorbs friends, so yaya, that's portofino, but anyways. So these companies bell atlantic bought nix in ninety six and they rebranded to horizon, and then s bc went and they bought ameritech and pacific telesia and then eventually bell south, and then they bought atant and rebranded. To att and two thousand five yeah, so what happened? Was they got split up and now there are three companies from the split, so i guys putting a nine now the three century link, which is the only one who kind of stayed on its own, was like verizon by our self eighteen t risen in the att are the two other ones all the rest of the other companies became for izing in the att, which horizon is just two of them so really of the nine six of them are once again at t and then eighteen also went. I mean sp before they buy. Att, went and bought a bunch of other companies yeah and att since it became the new reorganized. Att has also bought a bunch of companies again, most noteworthy being direct tv was a really big one they by they bought that up and got into the tv business. They also got his att on hbo or how are they connected yeah? So i don't know if they actually own hbo, i'm not sure. I know they bought or they're in the process. I'm not sure on this, i'm fog an this part. I know that in the pot process- or they just finished, purchasing time warner yeah, which i think owns hbo. So it's okay, that's where i was thinking yeah a because i know that i get hbo included in my internet m m yeah. I think they might have actually like successfully purchased them right now, and then they also bought a couple mobile phone companies, most notably singular, and to create eighteen, two or so. This was a big deal, because two thousand and five eighteen t in the s in the early two thousand and eighteen, like att kind of sucked all there's some city aries. That split up were great, but the actual att kind of lost its way for like fifteen years because they were like. Oh, what do we doo now, like all of our telephone distributors, are different companies yeah, so they try to get into computers. They try making computers for a little while, which i don't know if you've ever seen a att home pc, but you haven't because it didn't succeed and then so they just kind of had failure. After failure, after failure until they got bought up by s bc, and then s bc just went on a purchase other company rampage where they were like what? If we don't do anything and we just buy other companies that are doing things and that's exactly what they did and that's still what they do, is they just run by yeah but like like? We don't have to do what? If we just don't make a podcast anymore, we we just by the lyats, it's make an offer. That's our to goal is to you for on patron. That's the goal, the goals to get enough people who pors on patron to make enough to buy atant, and if you help us do that, we promise to our patrons will give you free internet for life. Yep. If you know what we mean, it'll be the best two ports of your life support on patron we're going to kill you we'll just put it out there. You know, let's just really make that that's really make that make sure. That's that's known. If you do want to support on patriot, you can text till into six n. Eight. Six: six, that's the quickest way to get started yeah, and we want to take a cook. Second. Actually, while we're on the topic to show you out one of our twenty five dollar patrons, his name is kyle kyles, so cool man, kyle and his wife honestly, like they've, been on all like the live events that i do yeah and they switch. They take turns watching their kid. So this is so true that i need a live. Emento yeah any live event that i've done they their child is in the living room and they honestly like they take little shifts. Oh my gosh in the lie, and then one of them goes to wash the kid and it's almost like twelve minute intervals, where they're, just like all right, see wit like it's, is so funny to me. That's awesome, but yeah, so shout up to kyle. Thank you for supporting the show you're making it this possible yeah for ane to kill you one day, we're going to kill you. I mean like we telout, you know you're going to get free internet and you better enjoy it. You better use that free internet to watch as many fiber acti cables going to the ocean as you can, because we are going to take you out. You think we're goin at you leach off as off of us forever. Oh, my goodness! So! Here's where we're at now at about time warner for legal purposes, i'm being serious, and it was a shock because everybody thought they were like they're like there's no way they're going to let this go through. Ten he's got so much slack slack. No, they don't that's not the word. Oh okay, they've been they've been taking flag from the government for as long as they've been around gosh, and so everybody expected to go through. But what's crazy is i mean this is a vertical merger, so these are companies in two different industries that merged right that never gets shot down. So i think that's what they figured out is: okay. We can't go by companies that do exactly what we do. We just have to buy all the other companies that do different stuff and it'll go through also in two thousand and fifteen. They said wait a second in eighty four. We got split up into a bunch of different companies, and that was really great for us s b c, because now we're a company, but we weren't before, but if now to stop that what we could do is we could just give. I don't know thirty million dollars the government every year, yeah, that's what they're doing now, they're just giving thirty million dollars and they set up a whole. They have a whole department of lobbyists that there yeah absolutely a lot of you gos shmoos, the government. That's all they do. Is they smouse the government and then they just go by companies that are adjacent to what they do. So it's technically not a monopoly. But if you think i am politicians need that money for their campaign to stay in office. So they take that money and then because they took that money, they can't do anything about the problem that exists and anyway of yeah hey. You know it's super cool that, were you know anything that's wrong with the world can never be fixed. Think about that yeah yeah! That's pretty fair! Yes, that's a it's a big problem that you just brought up, but i should do an episode of lobbying to explain that word. An interesting episode, yeah i'll, have to look into that. I ought to learn some more about here's things. I would like to learn about because i'm tired of sitting through these episodes at the crap that i don't want to learn at i'm just tired to learn about your dumb stuff. Tell me about lobbyists. Tell me about that's about it. That's why you want to let all medesen on. Oh, my gosh denominations may be here's what's interesting about this, though, is they technically aren't a monopoly in the fact that they don't own all the phone companies? They have competition now right, but they have an interesting strange monopoly. Now that is kind of un categorized, because now they run the company that gets you internet gets you your tv service and owns the tv channels, so they own that whole stream down the line where it's technically they're, not the only one, there's others out there, so technically not a monopoly, but they own the entire stream for you now where, before it used to be, you would have somebody separate on each step of that road where they went an they're like just let's just buy the whole road, and so it's technically okay, because there's competition they're, not the only option out there. But if you run with att, i don't know if you a lot of people are killing their tv services now, because yeah causi mean its dreaming yeah. But i don't know if you've noticed this. This happens a lot on tv channels now there's these disputes between channels and providers. Where, like i saw this the other day where it was like channel, nine or nbc, just wasn't available for like a month because they were in a dispute with right, direct tv they're like you, can't have us right now and they were like come on like just come back, they were like no means no and they were like bore creepy attis, the creepy guy, who just won't take no for an answer. It's just that come in so so they're kind of like so i paid you what i gave you more money, okay, what if we bought you do it or well we'll buy you or we'll buy you out. That's honestly, a real thing that happens. Yes, so it's making the whole industry just kind of like i don't know, i don't want to say cripple, but it's making it not function well because he was hurting it all, because so much of it is just too connected. So it's a really interesting era for att. I don't know if alexander gram bell ever expected any of this to come from his company. He knew it that's where he got out. You know in toadied and thirty five he's like. Oh, i see that going down help pretty fast. On my be that doing my hundred thousand- and let me piece out of here get out of here- i want to invent. He actually invented a new cable a few years after the phone that is very very similar to the fiber acti cable, which actually really really was the kind of achilles heel for att in the phone industry. When that five rabbit, i cable ended up actually coming out and being widely used. Att didn't wasn't using that cable and they couldn't keep up with their competitors, who weren't and so then they end, they ended up transitioning and getting the five rapi cables, but it was a huge struggle for them in the beginning, and the invention is very similar to something that i was in er, but grand bell invented, but nobody adopted back then i don't really understand why nobody did anyway, but so yeah, that's a that's att. That's att! Wow! So are we pro att? We not that's really, honestly as a character question i'm a subscriber. I give them a lot of money every month, because they're expensive, oh and they're, threatening your life yeah. They. Actually i told them i was i was like. I want free internet for in mob yeah. There's a mom eighteen t's, the mob, and they said how about this to gonna pay us thirty. As a month for your internet or we kill you, and i was like. I brought a pretty great deal. I like that. We'll take a i see you got some problems with the with the service we're providing, and i'm saying we could provide you with other services yeah. If you catch what i'm saying you know their fiber arctic cables and the only thing that's going under water this month. You know, i hate that re wha, i can spoil you spoil il. That's enough for the spool will wrap your own. A spool you'll. Do that with your intestines they're gross pople, oh god! Anyway, that's att! Yep! That's that's aten! Do they own any music companies? You know they might. We should make it o we should. We should try to get acquired by att. We should like make something that they could buy from us. They'd be intestate. Why are we not called fiddle off production

In 1877 Alexander Graham Bell founded the Bell Telephone Company. It was the world’s first telephone company and would one day become AT&T. Even though Alexander Graham Bell sold his ownership stake in the company after just a couple of years with the company, AT&T would become the largest telephone company in the company the world. In fact, AT&T grew … Read More

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Episode Transcription

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Hey man, so we were talking about slab city, hey man. I know i was. I was just jumping into it. I know what this one's about: well, hey, man, okay, what have you ever heard of salt and sea salt and the sea? The salt and sea salt in the salt and sea sultan sultan cy, i've heard their salt in the sea. No, the sultan see the salt. Are you saying? Salt? O n? Oh salt, an hopital letters? No, i that ocean, like a see, saltine, saltensee, sultan, cy, okay, okay, okay, okay, salt and see yeah, there's a body of water yeah and it's a large, increasingly saline saline, salen, sax, alon, saline lake in the desert, baton basin that we talked about called the salt and trough. Okay. In our last episode, so the last episode, we talked a lot about slab city, which is a city on the shore of the sot on the sea in this region: okay, okay, okay, this on se is i'm musin it, okay, probably shouldn't i'll get there. Okay sounded like the chief chance arbold, paying five and dollar rent and smelling, and then everybody back on as a they loaded, the real new into this plan, and it happened to regularly where they didn't just miss their target. They missed the sea straight up. That's made up things, so there's a massive body of water. Okay, it is about forty feet deep and it's about thirty three miles. Long. Thirteen miles wide o covers a service area. Three hundred and forty three square miles. It is like five times the size of lake of the ozarks. If you stand on one end of it for the majority of the lake, you can't see the other side. It is a massive massive body of water right in the middle of this desert in southern california, about fifty miles from next mexico about a hundred miles from or a hundred miles east of san diego and you otaco south east of la yes, you can bet on it. There is pretty good boating on the lake. What's interesting about this lake wow. What isn't interesting about this lake is a better question. Here's the thing is the thing yeah, so this started this was this was a recommendation from someone on our discord server, but then name of christian habit. Okay, that's his birth name, christian persite, o losin, hoit yeah! That's on our discord, which is available to patron supporters. Yes, yes, which, if you text till in to six six, eight six six, you can get access to that as well as so much more grades of things. Yes, but this was a recognition from him to cover slab city or salton sea, and i looked in the slab city and i thought it was interesting to next get episode, so we did an episode on it. That was a last episode check it out. But when i dove into the salt and sea my m had was blown okay and, as i peeled back the layers of this onion of this metaphorical body of water onion, liquid onion, if you well, it just completes actually that's a season right. They sell up the story just liquid on like what fight i need is. The consistency of tobacco is is like o you making chile e or some liquid on. It's also- and this is true part of a lot of home remedies. Yeou know drink some liquid. I need you care, o soak your socks and look whatever. Oh my gosh, so as i feel that the lay alex told us that he's got to get out of here soon and that's why tim is talking so fast just so you all know, i'm talking so fast and i excited okay done a lot of episodes today and i've been waiting for this one. I wait waiting for it, so it just gets more and more crazy as you go down the story like so we'll start from the top. Scientists believe that this has been here for a long time, not the alten sea but the area. So this giant trough. I said it was lower than sea level right. Well, that's because they believe that this was once a part of the the growth of california, the flood of noah. No, i was okay got it, so the go from california. You know where by not. This is part of the gulf of california yeah. You know where baha california is, and you know mexico. Yes in between that is the golf california. Well, they thought it went up much further in through where this desert was okay at one point at one point it dried up and is now a desert, and that's why it's below sea level, so it kind of like sunk. You know like like that thing where, like there's a yeah, you know curve and over the course of the last roughly thirteen hundred years. They believe that there was four different lakes in this region that had spawned and dried up. So over winter or wetter, more moist climates. There was periods of hundreds of years where it was raining more and so it filled with water, and then it dried up and that water that lake dried up at one point they think in seventeen hundred a got its deepest depth where it covered up to the mountain ranges on either side. The whole reasons come surrounded by mountain ranges like a about eight thousand square miles worth, and so they they think that was all filled. They think it was all fill the reason they believe that is from fossil record and also archeological record of native villages along what they think was the shore line that have tons of fish bones in the village. So i think that that was their main source of be fished in this they fished in the sea, yeah, okay and they think it they based on, and now it's only forty feet, the that's only forty fifty well, here's the thing in the nineteen hundreds there was nothing. There is completely dry completely dry, your desert bed. In fact, there was a town that in the center of the bed, called the salton salton town and they had a salt. There was railroad that get through this desert on hand. Nineteen hundred capitalism hit. You know when you know when capitalism came down, capitalism it and somebody somewhere was like you know. This is a lot of land and i bet we can farm it, but it's a desert. So we got to make it fertile, and i said you know what's near by the colorado river. They said what, if we rout the colorado river reroute it through this desert, to make this fertile, so we could farm this land, and so they bought up a giant swash of the desert and they re routed the colorado river down into this desert and started building these canals to stretch through the whole desert. So that way they could feed all these farms that they were getting ready to plant. In yeah we on hund nine hundred o three. There was a record breaking precipitation level that flooded the colorado river and it burst these canals, and it got quickly got out of control to the point where there was an eighty foot waterfall into the salt and trough, which was this giant valley that the two hundred feet bloss level, it became such a problem that they worked for two years non. Stop trying to patch this this flooding before they were able to dam up the flow by that point. It was far too late and they had filled this water value with what came up to sixteen six million acres per foot of water rushed into this valley over the course of two years, turning it into a massive like man made by accident flood at all the towns in the areas going to say so all run. All those towns are in that water, yeah they're under water, and it was a slow thing. It took two years yeah, so they were able to say now, but they was able to say i probably should go is ma. There's probably someone down there. It was like i'm staying, there's, probably somebody six, the no! I left my family to move out here. Okay, me and my r v are staying and then now they're at the bottom of that lake yeah. What's significant about this lake is after they finished damming up that that that that flowin spot they continued their work to send the canals through the region. So they could start some farms and they finite well the waters here yeah. So they finished it a happy accident yeah, you know so they started all these farms. Okay, and what happened was there was a little bit of a run off feed. They made a smaller canal that fed the salton sea of run off from the mountains right, but then they are a series of canals that came from the colorado river to the canals and then we'll go to these farms. The farms would tipene the water, be their crops and then their run off will go back into those canals and then the run off will go into the sea. The issue was the sea didn't have an out, so i just just water, it was all run off one and it and what happened? Was it's slowly transformed from a fresh water lake to salt water like or see got it okay, and so i became a salty body of water pretty quickly and the so much so that like what a what's, why does that run off was coming from these from up in the middle as up in the mountains, so that saw saw and then, like? I said before this used to be part of the ocean. So a lot of the desert floor in this was the levels underneath it were full of salt from when it was. I, the salt, is kind of flowing back through it and end up becoming the salt by a water. Well, in thirty seven i had mentioned in our last episode that there was a military base that was in the right, and so there was actually an air force, a army and a navy military base in these regions and they'd used. They use the satan sea for a lot of like water based training activities, okay activities activities, it's time for our activities put up a pop, hey everybody, hey hampers. Today we have marine exville exercises. We have landing on an aircraft character and then we got the blob pick a o for a wreck, we're going to take a vote in the calf yeah. I think you guys want to pick what you want to do today, see your camp counselor to sign up for s e, the same energy as he, these girls that go to the beach all right, and if i swear, if i see another instar caption, that's like see you later, i'm gonna go to instar and shut it down, o my god to that head corse. I know that no, i know not all the posts or this, but some of them are that's the problem yeah exactly so so the government took advantage of this. They said this is a salt, water body, o water inside our own continental, united states. We can use this to practice. It quickly became a place where they tested bombs, but not like not here's we can use as supress. Oh, we know what that means all right. Well, we'll move he's all right, yeah acting about there's the thing about testing bombs. This wasn't where they tested bombs that they like were blowing up. This is where they tested like dropping bobs like they were, like we er pack to shop about. So these were live bombs. They were bomb shells that they filled with concrete or just left empty like hollow bombs, and they would fly over. This laleo was my bad in high school in to make a graphic tea, a bit o a bombs, yeah the a s and e li boyatt great bobs, so they would put these floating targets in the lake and they would have the bombers fly over and try to do like doing target practice trying to hit that target, and it was significant because, obviously, that's not an easy thing to do- to fly over something and try to hit it with a bomb from altitude, and it happened pretty regularly where they did. It just miss their target. They missed the sea and they hit the land outside the sea. On a couple occasions, coming very close to there was a lot of towns that were in the region and coming very close to like hitting towns like people in the tempers chill and yeah. You know you're outside just you know, whatever you do in the desert and then you know here it's in a cartoon tim yeah. You do. Do you hear him yeah absolutely do ysale, you think you hear yeah they like whistle. They really do because that's the way there it's their aerodynamics, so you sound like a for to characters and is the neural any mix, so you're saying you're just sitting there and then like doesn't detonate, obliterated a whole like, but there's no pulsion, there's no explosion yeah. They said that they, but it hits one house, you know, put some massive hole in the ground. You got to start to think like if your, if you moved out there to get away from whatever life you left right and then a gigantic, i mean there's they're, throwing bricks through windows and then there's concrete bombs. Hey thanks for being here. We've got merchandise it's a way to support the show and help us do more stuff by new equipment reach more people. If you like what we're doing, i want to help us do that more. Please consider doing that. If you want to link to that all of that's going to be sent to you if you jus text till in to six six, eight six, six i'll tell you it's not a thing here, we're going to text you a lot where no, it's, not a tech service, we're not going to like send you more the mot. It's just a way for you to get a link. It's one text, that's all we're going to send. I promise you yeah, so there's multiple reports of these things, fanatis guy in towns and then quickly, bulldozers come to where that is cleaned it up the mess and then just leave, and so what was really significant about this era was in world war. Two. This is where the pilots who dropped the fat, man and little boy bombs, yeah we're trained yeah, and so they literally dropped replica ukes in this lake, and it was. It was a significant thing because they learned, while they were doing this, that they couldn't fly it altitude high enough to escape the blast, so what they had to do is they had to come and drop it and do this crazy, outur. You turn maneuver to escape the blast, so they were practicing that maneuver here at the salt and sea, dropping these giant concrete bombs. Well after the war. This was still used for this purpose, because the cold war happened and people were stressed about dukes for a while yeah, not so much any more, but i mean a little bit if you think about it. All stress you out. I love that america made the nuclear bombs and then they were like all right guys. No one's allowed to do this anymore. Yeah everybody stopped everybuddy stuff, it's like whenever you're playing tag and you've been it for like fifteen minutes and you finally tak someone e like a i got to go home. I got things over you guys, eyes, paws past cause pause. I said pause you can't tax, a poseiden doesn't all got to stop lass and you're like that's. Not the okay, that's pretty! Well what the us did there. Actually, so in the in the cold war era, they had developed a bomb that was sixteen a quien to sixteen maget tons of tant, which you might remember. If you listen to a caste. Bravo episode that casara fifteen magato, which was ridiculously huge, rumin, created a lot of problems. This was six team, maga tons, and somebody made a mistake or his home somebody when they were planning for the practice round. They had the concrete version and for some reason they stored the real version right next to it and they othey loaded the real nuke into this plane. That sounds like that is again what happens in a tv show, that's straight up, that's made up or like they said like they set something down to the table, and then the other person grabs the other one accident and, like everyone watching you homes like you, got the o yea. You know that they go into this big warehouse with their fake but and they're like. Why didn't we just? Is there nothing? We could have spray painted the word real. It's so easy to identify it's so easy to go. This is not that one. This is not yeah yeah. Well, they didn't do that, and so they loaded the real bomb in this plane to go to its practice run. What was convenient or maybe comedian is the right word, but the good thing is luckily this i had a double safety, and so the double safety was that before it was dropped, someone had a manually insert like the admission system into the bomb: okay, still full of explosives, let still full of reactive, material and explosive. It just couldn't detonate, but they dropped it into the son sea and then they noticed they said that was the real bot did. How do they notice, though they went back? They were like o yeah. I don't know exactly how they knows, but they notest so massive search on the real one. I m i'm bars to say this. I spray painted a little heart with my first initial and my crushes first imita on it, and i'm just saying that this doesn't have the arts i like to think that they went. They took it to the nevada test range and they didn't go off and they were like no, i it was empty, it fell apart. It fell by and then the other guy was like sottin saltin they wash at and they were like. Okay, they had all the big legs around they're like here's our new, but you got a long guys are got a love. There's a o, remember castle. Bravo, wait! You ready to see your bones all right, make sure you, like you, take your glacees, a okay. Here we go, you watch it you're ready, don't look away. Don't look await, put your pot away all right, guys! That's where it's going to go off just give it a second a moment just so he me a phone. Please. I need a big, a phone call. Germany can never know about that. Don't tell germany, don't don't tell me i shot yes, so so i do they go get it. A massive search went under way to find with a d the whole thing, a masser here's the thing we have declassified documents detailing the search. We have no declassified document saying they ever found it. Oh my god, he won't say, but it's pretty clear, that there is a live nuclear bomb at the bottom of the sea. Well, not necessary, live the safety is not in it, but i mean it's a nuclear bomb just sitting at the bottom of the sea, and this was a a sixteen mega, tum bom. So if it were to accidentally dentate, i mean it probably would just do a ton of damage in this area, but also it's only a hundred miles outside of la and san diego is not far from vegas or phoenix, so the fallout would greatly affect all of those major cities greatly. So, and those are the only things that matter who cares like anybody who lives in between? But man if it got to la that's a problem, you know so many people live out in the desert, but they take the risk. Okay, o what they would greatly impact. They know i get i'll, tell you who you know who would notice? You know who would notice it would altown lithe would know they would not notice, they would survive they're on the ground. They were day bold, come out and rebuild see. Somebody tell germany, i think it happened. I think they did it. So it's just sitting to the bottom of the season at the bottom, the sea, and what significant about this is remember how i told you there's like just a steady flow of run off coming into the sea and no way for it to go anywhere else, yeah. Well, a couple things are happening with this one in the water radio active. Then it well, it's consistently becoming more and more sartin. You know. At night i mean, though it's just glowing gorgeous glows yeah yeah, god, zilla comes out every night of the water. I was with detail, you didn't he is left out. No, so the the the salt content is significantly increasing, so when, when it first became salty, obviously it was just a couple like points of a percent. Today, it's at five point two percent saltiness, which five point. Five is the point where most biologists say: nothing can survive in the god water. So it's getting very close percentage of the ocean. I don't know like two or three: i don't know it's really not much guest. I hate the years like i don't know to try. I o, let's find out three point: five. Okay, it's close. It's called that educated guess, no big deal, so he just don't his water bottle out of said, probably the only way to respond, like the thing that i just said made me so mad that i a made me so angry that i had to physically responsible water on my be the towel or i aprite, that's a i roars. I ran a cut that out and pretend it didn't happen. I got head he's. The thing is ironing to me dripping on my forehead. I got sweat it and the gonies chest just sweat, it's hot it's summer, it's summer, man, summer, vives, okay, so is ironic. You said that though, because that was the original solution was when this happened. The engineers like it'll dry up, it's the desert, like the lake, the giant, see that they just created a i: u r it didn't anyways, so the the it got salty and salty and salt here right, part of that run off was the fertilizer from the farms. The unintended con consequence of this was that it fertilized the lakes which birth, giant algy blooms in the lake s and also is just full of fertilizer, which is not good rightso. Some people have this theory that the salt and the fertilizer is is eating away at the bomb and maybe the other bombs, because they there's theories that there's probably more than one time that this happened with how easy it was for them to do this with one nuke for them to do this, one every what? If here's the other thing? What if, when they went and drop those bombs in like japan, they so the ru just gigantic grass people mean, like the sirens, are going people like, oh my gosh, and then he just how anticlimatically t and then like, and then everybody back home is like the like check, the the hearts on the one and the in the storage that yeah that's rough i'll, tell you o those didn't blow up, but i'm about to yeah. So so some people theorize that the the outer casing of this bomb as going to go way right and the radio acto material has been leaking into that's what i like yeah. What's there's merit to it because all on the shore, if you take a guy or counter there's above average radiation levels, it's not enough exposure for it to hurt you now, but there's another way. I can get you which we'll get to in a second. Do you think that's what they were picking up whenever they're at the bottom of salvation mountain they were like this is toxic ground, actually, there's. Actually, that might be accurate. I didn't think about that, but could be someone else is like no. No it wasn't. It just depends on who you ask yeah honestly with the government with most ended that one yeah, but maybe we did the second one and they're like well yeah, it's fine, it's not toxic, not the tax is care everything safe. So because the navy is not the government yeah exactly so here's the thing in the s while the testing was still happening, somebody an investor- if you will, because that's what they were, saw an opportunity here in the saltons. They said: hey, look, here's a giant empty piece of land, pretty close to palm springs, that's doing great all right and they said, but this one has an ocean like a literal ocean, you can't see this side, its salt water, as beautiful blue water, it's great to swim in there's not much of a current, so you can vote in it really easy and he said opportunity ox. So he built a resort and a golf course and a yacht club and then a couple other guys said: hey i'm going to do that too, and this sea just got lined with tourist traps. Oh no, and it was a desert already too so the whole shore, this thirty three mile long lake, all the shores are already beautiful, pristine beaches like ready made for right tourists, and so it became the tour destinations of tourist destinations s and s. This is where local californians went for vacation because they were like we're not going to go to the beach here because we lived there, so they went out to the saltensee. I want to go to a different beach. I want to go to a note, be hired to this be yeah, so it became a massive tors destination. They built a theater and out like what an outdoor theater an ampatheater. If you will has woe and the beetles came nat king cole came like big name artists. They were bringing through and they made this a. They made this the spot and it was for years even so much so that a few of the investors pulled together and they dumped a ton of fish into this lake, so much fish so much fish that it became a world renown, fishing spot and the rumor had it that you didn't even need bait. You could cast a baitless hook and catch a fish because it was just floods to medic in there and those fish are magnetic as stick ter. It's the radio act, never even yeah. You really goin to pull them apart. It's yea and there was so many fish that the fish attracted all these different birds from all around the region, the mountains and on the other side of the mountains, the sea and so there's just sea goals and birds, and it also became a world renowned bird watching spot. And so now you have tours trying to find a beach. And then you have a fisherman and bird watchers traveling from literally around the world. To come to this salt, an see for one of those three things and to enjoy a fabulous vacation wow you could ruman. You could do the whole family, you know dad's into fishing moms in to bird watching and kids are into sneaking off and running around and the a roping bombs yeah yeah. You got ye older brother who's. A coming to find this bomb. Do people like dive in this die or dive dive like they peemple liting yeah? I don't know, i guess i guess i imagine if people are swimming in it, that's a that's. What a kind of curious about the whole time was, our people like people were swimming in it this whole time. I don't know if anybody was scuba diving, but i would assume like it was a towards strap. If people are scooping anywhere else, they probably were scoading here. You know yeah, that's what this place was. It was a tourist trap. Hey just popping in again to say: are you tired of advertisements? Are you tired of us not talking about the subject that you click the link to listen to? 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In the s, there was a very significant one where an entire species of fish in the lake was killed off by a disease that ravaged them out, and it also killed off a ton of birds who were eating those fish that were diseased and they would die in the water and they would all wash up on the beach. It was so significant that someone who worked in the area said that they had an incinerator burning carcasses. Twenty four hours a day for three weeks to clean up the the damasius, have the speech for a family trip right and then just fish after fish after fish is just washing up literal piles of carey carcie, look at all these car ki, and so so. The decline of marine life was catastrophic. These algy blooms got larger and larger because the furie just kept feeding them, and so it became this thing where all the marine life was dead and the salt levels of it started getting so significant that the the water itself began to smell like rotten eggs and the fish were dead, and so you had dead fish and rotten eggs. Whether t was the smell of this whole sea, they put on the panfers and rotten aks and and then nuclear radiation on top of that right, possible new possible, clear radiation and in the s the kind of nail in the coffin for it was there was this rerouting of a lot of the water that flowed through those canals to san diego and los angeles, because they needed more water, yea, and so a lot of those farms went not a business because they couldn't feed their farms any more, which decrease the run off, which was sustaining the lake at its current level. So so it started to recede because it was evaporating. How deep was it then? I don't know how deep it was then, but i do know that estimates right now say that i it's three hundred and thirty square miles right right now, yeah three hundred three hundred forty thee squirms, it's estimated by thousand and forty to have lost seventy five square miles in jeez water mask, has the the evabody the evaporation all of the i mean. I guess you kind of hope that in the next forty years it evaporates all the way- maybe it one of these ole bombs will stick out here's the problem with that, so all of the sand that was blow. So it's back about fourteen or fifteen feet as far enough, maybe even further in some areas, because far enough, where the yacht clubs and the docks all of those are completely above ground, now, they're, not above water at all any more. So the shore line is way out there. Okay and here's. The problem with this is the water that the the what used to be the sea floor is heavily contaminated with really high salt levels, radiation, the alge blooms and the whatever the dead fish were dying of, and then all sorts of other mineral deposits, and things like that now that it's not underwater win comes through and craze these dust storms that are kicking these things up and blowing them across the whole region. Okay and spreading all of the contaminates that are within that ever were so people in the area pretty much everybody who lives in this entire basin has asthma and they think it's a direct correlation to that effect, and it's become such an issue that in two thousand and twelve there was a big enough dust. Storm that blew over the mountains and into la and in la they were people could smell the dead fish and the rotten eggs now and la in two thousand and twelve after that. Storm and geologists believe that if this continues to recede, those events will be more and more common and people in san, diego and la will experience to that pretty regularly with these storms that all those dust froms over the mountain and five thousand dollar rent and smelling dead fishes in rotten eggs. Yeah that's contaminated, like like a health risk yeah who cares about the health person it's more about like the now yeah. It smells it's bad as stinky, sticky and stinky. So so it's becoming a very environmentally big issue and there's not a lot of ways to fix the problem. Roosy, it's even if you do find the bomb and remove it like it's yeah, it's solved. The yeah image has been done. Yeah it's far beyond repair. At the word happen of those resorts are those still out there. They are alll like ghost towns, so tour stop coming so there's massive ghost towns, and so these are also squatter type. Villages because sees resorts were like ridiculous, yeah yeah exactly and there so those have become like squatter towns as well. So you have slab city as like one of the more famous ones, but this whole region is like just doted, with these squatter villages of old. What used to be resort towns that are now places where the down tondo and homeless populations end up just kind of squattin, yeah and surviving out there and building crazy, like a lot of them, are building these crazy buildings out of like paletot and stuff like that, but they're surviving out there one interesting little side bar the. If you ever played granted otto five, the desert area r. This is the desert side of the map is the salt and sea and the towns that surround it. They have salvation mountain in the game. They have the the makeshift slab city out there. So all of this is in granted thought a five. So that's interest is rated him yeah. If you swim to the bottom of it, there's a nuke. Well, i actually think that if you sing to the otom of it there's a uf- i don't remember, but there's something o the real yeah well now at a drop drop of water. Yeah pole, ten, your eye o rough, so there's been a lot of proposals on how to solve the problem, a including my personal favorite of just building another lake. That's a horse shoe that raps around the top of the lake that they could use defeat it. And then what, if hear me out what? If we just you know, did it again, but around it it's like a little. It's like a little water hug. Have you seen the neck pillows? What if we is like put a gigage water, lak, no hello, yeah! So here's he that's how all of these solutions were received as, like that's a really big his idea or yeah. It's way too expensive like right, hundreds of millions of dollars. It's not billions of dollars. Tost off this profit, do what right yeah to just make this less of an environmental resource. This problem off till later yeah, pretty much so the closest it got to getting solved was they were going to build a series of canals out to the gulf of california, so this could have an outflow. So that way it won't be just standing water, basically and eventually over time it would all wash away, but that kind of helps solve that problem and then they could treat the land around it and they were close to getting that as a three hundred fifty million dollar proposal they're close to getting that, but the proposal passed through it passed and they began construction in two thousand and seven, which then the great recession, and so it was never finished. So this still, the problem still has n't been solved. Nobody's actually ever been able to fix it and there's been multiple attempt. Since this, but it just it, hasn't, been fixed, it's getting salt here and saltier fish are dying, debt left and right, it's. It is radioactive like literally radioactive and to make matters even worse. This is its right on top of the sanies fault and it's two hundred feet below sea level. So if the bomb goes off well, here's what's right on top of that fault! Well, that is true. I haven't heard anybody say that, but that's that's true. I don't know if that would be a problem, but probably it would problemy from problem. What significant is they have like earthquake storms here, where it's like just repetitive earthquakes, because it's so close to the fault? Oh s like they have these bouts of earthquakes. They also have. It is so close to the lava shelf that there's parts of it where it's so hot that the earth just turns into these mud. Volcanoes they're, like these gray mud volcanoes, where they just like the mud, boils over and just piles up and creates these things that look like salvation mountain, like multiple stories tall, just molten mud, weirdest thing, it's a weird place so and the water is five point: two percent salt right yeah. So everyone there does have the salt wife sticker a tal. You super start, it's part of the it's part of it goes in with it yeah. You know so yeah. So it's it's drying up. It's expected by the year three thousand to be gone. They think it's going to completely evaporate, but that won't be the co. The pros brothers. Basically, we've been to the year three thousand de now much as change. I say the sultan see where they live on a water and there's no nokes down here. So they know that's. They didn't mention a nuke in the sunday i feel like they were a say what a said something if it was there yeah. So there's there are people campain trying to fix this, but even if it drives up, it's still a massive problem, because now you have all that radioactive contaminated dust. H, that's going to be blowing around that valley and then into the greater cities across of california and arizona and nevada and new mexico and mexico. It's it was going to become a pretty pretty major problem if something isn't done about it. But what i love the most about this is that the california parks department is attempting to revitalize the perception of the saltensee still smells like righting still so bad honestly. She smells like rotten an still covered in dead fish. If you got coven, you can't smell, but then it's great here's the thing. If you go to one of their park, shelters in the salency area today, there's still will be an attendant there and they will give you a tour that ends with a film and the film talks about the health benefits about bathing. And it's one of those reels. It's a guy tra, yes yeah, but no. They literally talk about the health benefits of bathing in the sultans and how good it is for your skin, which is anybody with a brain, would say, i'm not getting in that water, but they make all this reiteration about. Your scheme will be gtana in la your skins, got yeah yeah, you're, tired of being pale. What about me alila so this? What was it like the in where they would rub it on their teeth right, because it makes their teeth glow when they were working with like nuclear weapons? Oh and they would eram, they would put stuff on their teeth. That's so weird mes it making like glow in the dark kind of yeah it made him seem bright and stuff. That's crazy! Yeah! I haven't heard of that. That's nuts little non trivia. This was actually contributing factor to the construction of the hoover dam because it slowed the flow of water into the salton sea because they wanted it to evaporate. Originally lover dan was really built for power and to reroute the colorado somewhere else, but this was a contributing fact that they said hey. This would help with that problem. As well, so that's this part of why the hoover dam is there but yeah, so this at on see one of the craziest places ever because you know it's a nucas site, a tours trap and a see that's literally falling apart and it's the fifth time. This has happened that it's grown and evaporated over the past third thirteen hundred years, because i just keeps happening in history. This is just the first time that we did it and then we made it way worse and we were like that's a problem that keeps happening, but you know we. What have we made it a lot worse, that's i mean i feel like that's how american government walks and everything yeah things are pretty bad here. It would be a shame if something happened. If you shame, if it was way worse than that, shame of something you know we just ruined it more, we could make this was kind of how it goes, though it's like this is already bad. I mean how you know, i mean you know we're not hurting it or not, yeah we're just making it a little more interesting. You know that is interesting, yeah, so that's connected to slab city yeah, it's right next to slab city. It's all the same area! This i mean it's in the same desert that burning man and cotil happen at so i mean, if you ever smell ronan eggs, a burning manorite la it's, the lake, wow yeah, so yiks, that's a the sultan sea man, wow yeah, an a that bombs not going to explode. Why not? Well i'm just thinking that if it did like all the stuff is so like worn down and everything yeah all it would do is, and you would just hear o her anyway, i trying to fit of. I o

Fans of the Things I Learned Last Night podcast know that the United States has made some missteps over the years. However, everything we’ve discussed pales in comparison to the colossal failure that is the Salton Sea, California. This story has everything; capitalism, floods of biblical proportion, tourist traps, environmental disasters, and nuclear bombs. Yeah, of course, there are nukes … Read More

Slab City – Welcome to the Lawless Californian Town


Episode Transcription

Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Hey Man, what's up buddy pal, have you ever heard of Slab City Slab City Yeah? It's a barbecue place, downtown right, yeah yeah! You can get big old slabs of ribs from slab city, big old slash. I mean that we saesson big old, lasars. Okay. Well, that's cold for a preparation of you. As you came from Colorado. That's my culture! Oh right! That's where I live here. We have ribs in Colorado yeah, but you know are like that. We talk people and now you don't. We sat around here, okay, okay, and so you can't just come in here and start talking like you grew up in misarranging, for you, like, you grew up going to a school where they got bring your horse to school day list. You grew up where you like, like you, grew up where you had to ask your Mama. If that girl was your cousin before you declared, you had a crush okay. Is She my cousin Mamma? She, my cousin, your doning, it again my Mama to my cause? If you would like to come on down to slab city, because this is how we talk- We've never done a part to God, your H, a thing of a dig, I got twenty, the officials to the new person said. No, I don't want this experience for our listeners. I don't want them to hear us. clapity ideas for gin, dictators things yeah acity. What is it have you ever at? So yes, Slib city is a very interesting place. It's in, what's known as the Sultan Troth of this Sonoran Dean, draft salt and trough. That's like a hipster coffee shop, slap city right next door, a sultan trough right, yeah yea! It is the second lowest point in North America. It it's at two hundred and thirty eight feet below sea level. Okay, so pretty deep! What's the lowest point in North America, Death Valley, my life, my whatever you are at any time. That's the lowest as Osprey are the low point of this country. Aren't you so your fault? What are you sitting like that? You got a hit, a problem. I do well this chairs crooked, and so I'm trying to counteract it. So Death Valley is the lowest point. How is Death Ay? Oh Gosh, I don't know we can look it up. How low is too low hello? Can you go deaths at two hundred and eighty two people? I see the ile, I swear so we digna bad. We two hundred and eighty three. We just dig a big enough hole in slab city yeah. It honestly doesn't have to go much deeper hold on that say it's the lowest point. Slab City is two hundred and thirty six feet below sea level. Yea. Two hundred and eighty two, that's the lowest point, blosio level. Yes, the lowest land like. Obviously, if you a weeks, go lower, yeah, yes, so it's the lowest like surface land. Well, where does the bottom of the Grand Canyon said not that low? That wasn't what I asked Timothy Sorry that wasn't what I asked him, the think. Yes, I could understand you. The thing that I asked was how low was the Grand Canyon here, I'm pulling it up. Okay, two thousand feet above sea level. Oh really, yeah, because I mean the top the green canes at like six thousand feet. Above sea level already know that yeah, so they got a lot of room to go down in the Grand Canyon, but this does it because the top of it ever sent time at sell yeah. Have you yeah? Why did you ask what I mean at the beach? Just is that sea level that's just hanging out of the sea level to day I'll. Do it it again. I mean that's, not cool, I, so you know I really don't try to make like you know, political stands or whatever, and I'm not like trying to champion causes on our podcast. That's silly, so slab city there was in this region. There was a military base called Camp Dunlap, which was started in on thousand nineteen thirty seven and ran through the World War. The second one part to world war part two and was in operation for quite a while after that, eventually over time, the use of that military base like did it completely diminish, but they decreased yeah, and so they made it significance smaller, but left a lot of their installations there. It's kind of k the thing behind Evangel yeah actually really accurate, use to be a pretty big base. Then they sold part of it. Now it's a Christian college where, where kids don't make eye contact with each other, because they're afraid to sin, that's actually. Strangely yeah, it's part of it's a national guard base, part of it's a Christian College, part of its an elementary school part of a Aitin cast yeah, which actually started our pods yeah. Did it really yeah? It was the day that we were on the couch and you went and you re a the Pithy and Knights, or that did I do a pithy and nights episode, no hat just ing. Maybe I show Yo one for our one hundred in we haven't some thin already. I don't even know how many episodes I don't think we're anywhere near a hundred. I think we're like sixty something total. Were he what thirty? Okay, anyways so go later, so the camp shrunk inside significantly, but they left all their installations there and a little while, after that, around s the s O s, a bunch of retired fets who were stationed there were like an I missed. Those days like you know what you remember the good old days yeah. I shows a waiter, know you're in the good old days, while you're still in them yeah, so they just kind of got together with some of their old vet friends and said: let's just go retire out there, and so they win slave city yeah. They went over to the slabs, which were just the foundations of the buildings of the camp and started like parlor. I vs there and we're just like we live here now, which is frowned upon when you do it in a neighborhood in Kansas City, I rolled up my handeck all my windows down middle of the night. I live. A Brood Watch comes up and they're like neighborhood. What what are you watching and yeah? I was like hey what you guys watching their ring door. Bess, that's it that's all they're watching! Is there ring door bells, and I said I said: Hey what's up and they're like what are you doing and I was like I live here now and they said well. This is my back yard and I said Ha. This was your backyard. I live you. This is now my I now swab city, the second one, the second part a yeah. So it started out with his shirts they're squatters, pretty much yeah pretty much there R V squatters. So it is for some reason, squattings a little water case. You have an RV right, yeah like like, if you have an RV people like is just a traveler, but if you and you don't have a r Avola, what is I I kate? There was a traveler going by okay, but for real like you, if you pull up, you can walk up to a location and just try to stay the night there and people will be like you can't sleep here man, but if you drive up in an RV saying, location people like that's cool, somehow they only make or vein works. I do anyways, like you, can't just lay down in a walmart parking lot someone's going to come. Tell you hey, you can't sleep here, it's true. You do yeah and ere a yeah yeah people are like that's cool, that's okay, man, so anyways. So it became like a little RV community. You could try for retires I'll, go see, store tonight honker, so they started moving out there over time. It became this big transient. I don't know if I want to be home this community, because they're not homeless, really K, but just a bunch of people started moving there. Mostly people, mostly retirees, but a lot of like folk artists and hippies is a remunerate sun started. Yeah. Actually, ironically, is not far from Coche or burning man like it's in the same desert that those places that those things happen. I was really yeah. So it's the same desert valley where those happen yea Yep. So this table is not big enough for you to keep doing what you're doing by the way black you're like a lounging, and you can go at your talking about your foot, which is in a gross flip block today, not gross footfirst yeah, which is Gross Oo, is Gross. Thank you, they're the same thing and you just keep you turn it you're, like I don't know if an me can watch this video, but you're literally doing this over and over yeah, I'm just yeah and your foot is chosen. It's just right on my leg and I I thista up tried. I was like I go, I could tell I could tell you were trynor yes and I was adjusting to your adjusted just harder Li. Try To let you continue your sentence. I don't want to. I don't want this experience for our listeners. I don't want them to hear US squabble. We cable all the time. So slap side grew and grew in Grein grew. How big did it grow to re? To me? That's how hovel start actually yeah I'll shut up with their carves who's or me is this. So the community grow grow Y. AH you're fine go ahead. The community grew that strokey just have. The community grew and became this place by Oh gosh, the mid s where people were. It was home like they lived there yeah. They were like. I live in Slab City, and so they were at a Po boxes. No, so it's as in mail to R V, you don't doesn't have an address. You said Telime, there's! No, you telling me Steve Yeah my mail man, yeah, can't hunt down on ARV you're, not sure his name is Steve, O his name, Steve You're, not sure that his name is Steve. Erney, don't know you think you know you don't know, don't do this, you don't know. My name is Jaron. I'm been letting you believe that I did that thing where you started, calling me that and now I'm committed, so I've changed my whole career to be charing. Myers yeah, it's us so because when we were in Scott Hall you re like Hey, I'm Jason and I was like Sori Jaren Ye and I was like yeah because in that psychology class next to Stevie and Reagan Yep now my rigour Ifen Reagan, but you wanted to be your age. Don't worry about that and then different times, and actually I'm only attracted to girls, name yeah. What's your type Reagans Yeah Yeah? It's just you know I mite like I was terrible and then I just sprinkle in some Oregano Yaks. So anyway yeah. You call me for the wrong name and I committed so you're, not a hundred red. Don't do this to me, don't like so doubt. In my mind anyway, you're telling me my Mama can't hunt down on RV, I'm sure you could hunt down in RV, but most our V people are like that's too complicated a right when I have it my rvfinae address on it. I just cockit the side yeah. So whenever you order something, you have the number he is like. Oh what's Trotar we on today you check this tree and you're like Oh, that's. Yeah Yeah and then you're like we got to stay here till the mail gets here. Yeah and the neighborhood watch comes and they're like hey, listen, my yard lie. Well, Hey I'm expense. If it comes here, will you call here's my number? Will you call me I'll just drive back my house moves. Yours does make that teacher. I know where to find you, as you can't find me, because you know the yeah a thing, because the whole recreational thing roaming vehicle. Is it Stapfer Romeias? No, it does yeah. It's recreational. You don't know that. I do know that I'm! I could not be your, but you don't know that. Yes, I recreational vehicle turns out. You were right. I guess maybe we should trust our natural instincts. Okay, whatever man his name, Steve, it's not an instinct, it's a knowledge and he Nesta. You said Hey, ask this. Guy Was name she up o talk every day. He's got an unfair advantage. He sees my name on my home. Yeah he's got your mail, he's reads your mail. He reads my mail yea if he will anyway so they're out there in slave city they've developed it they've got a mayor yeah, so they caught no, they call it the last free place on earth to there's no government. There's no government. There actually is literally nothing. So there's no government there is no rent, there's no property ownership, there's no o o to as it is what I a structure, because I've seen these things popping upon tiktok right, yeah, where these people have the IO, communes or yeah, but your commune can't exist apart from the infrastructure that exists outside your commune. Well, here's the thing these guys are pretty self sufficient. The only thing that they rely on the outside world for is water. That's ground level in it like that's, not self sufficient. That's! What I'm saying is that you're great if water keeps coming out of the spicket, if the if the the infrastructure is already in place, you're relying on the external yeah yeah, that's true, you're, not wrong yeah, so I mean you can say yourself sufficient, but unless you're literally living off the rain water Tuchao, then Youno right. There's no rain there, it's a desert, so that's what I'm saying they go in: they go in and they buy and they're taching all that water from the coast yeah. So it's got a white claw in it. It's come from La that there there is dumb and white all in the water. That's all they're doing you know yeah. We ran out of water years ago out here just but we do have reservoirs white cloth because you know truly came took over. You know everyone's going to sell her. Now people abandon white clock in two thousand and nineteen and now now we use it to water. Our lawns, the grass is dead. All of O Goss is dead. It's weird! I don't know why for a while, it cared purple. That was that was terry cool. It was a pretty cool thing, a lot of tourists for dad all of them did to all of them ten again and then they died, so they never cam back. So I'm saying because I see I hear you I take talks just like they're, like Oh yeah, we're living outside of the you know we're our own. We set our own rules were own masters, all the Sufis like okay, SORTA, you're, arrogant, yeah. Can't you can't exist without the infrastructure. That's already been put in place. Yeah, that's true! That's true! I mean I agree. I have respect for communities there like self sufficient self, sufficient yeah. Where are they yeah, they're, literally Autogram Yeah? These guys are pretty well of to God. There's no electricity, there's no utilities, there's no running water, so they like going and by gallon drums of water from the nearby town. Occasionally they'll go in to buy food, but for the exact rose, yeah you're going and buying food you're going in and buying what you're going into. But for the most part I, with the exception of those one gone slab city for those things, but the exception of those two things really: nobody. There works they just a lot of them. Do Art or other things in the city like there's a guy who at you're describing is literally any retirement community. But not it's not just retires anymore. Just a lie telling me about whatever that jocolate in Florida is so so you think those those retires are driving into town to buy a ten gallon drum of water is the same as the retires in Florida doing a parade for whichever person they're voting for with on their golf carts. Okay, all right! It's the same thing you know, that's yeah did US run the rest of the episode now you're like well. I guess this is impressive. Now they're to realization I was like man I was like. I was like honestly. I that's a good point like retire. I is going to sound so retires. I would love to clip this out of context. If you could write this down, go ahead, there's a thing they're, not contributing to society anymore. So should it should they be a lot of vote like? Should we let them glad you said vote, I thought you were going somewhere else. I thought you're gonna be like soul. Do you allow to live any more? We just yeah. We might little have yeah you don't Conte anymore. You quit working yea, happed, Yeah Bomb God m yeah, so anyways yeels ideas, freaking dictators, it's a really good system tim. If you don't contribute he's to think. If, if you can't vote until you're eighteen years old yeah, then why should you get to vote past? Eighty like there should be a cap. You know like. If there's a early side, there should be a late side. You know you know it's just in what whatever you tried to physically sneak out of that one. You went e whatever that steak. It away from this hey thanks for being here for things alone last night, if you want bonus, content, early access to episodes and a whole lot more, including a discord channel. We have that available to our patron supporters to sign up for that and for or info text till in to six six, eight, six, six, okay, anyways all right here, here's a thing: okay, here's a thing: Let do this: Where Is it good? Is it? where? Is it good in industry? Interesting? Not yet let me first lay in the foundation, okay, but it's a full full community yeah, it's a community with its all with so there's a guy there who runs a internet. Cafe he's got a Sol bunch of solar panels and batteries that he's hooked up to these soller panels, and I guess here's another weird place. Where he's not sufficient is he gets Internet from some Internet satellite Internet service, but I he flicks those on in the morning and he makes coffee he hates coffee, but he makes it for all of his guests and then they can just come and use his internet. But but what's interesting is there's a lot of so it's not as old people who live out there. It's all these INSTAR influencers too yeah they're out there, just like Oh yeah. No I'M! I work for a company they're based in Phoenix, but I live back, but I live here in Slab City and then they just work at this weird tent coffee he was interested in buying is entrail. I anybody wants to yeah, but here's. I think nobody there actually like there's not really an economy, because they just give all this stuff away from free or take donation or like they'll cover the cost. So like there's one guy, there's one guy in town who has a shower, and so everyone uses that show everyone us that show they just give him three bucks to use for the gas and the water that they use, because he hooks it up to a big water tank that he goes and gets filled and then propane to Er to hate the water propane yeah. What are you looking at a pro pain that was normal propane as your bodies of spots on my body? A sorry about that audio listeners. Take that out. I hate hearing those noises, yeah, that's rough, but yeah so but other than that everything's free, like they have a library free. They have a night club called the range free and people just yeah and the way it works is it's like. If you want to do it, you do it. If you don't want to do it, you don't do it and it's just kind of this very big. Like society built on like do you unto other big, I mean how many people you ask me live out there. Okay, so he's what's interesting about. It is there's about a hundred fifty year round residence, but in the winter they get what they call snow birds who are people who are escaping the the Colt and the one ever heard this term before okay shut up so they the snow birds go south for the winter, and the population rises to aver on four thousand, a yeah, so big community through the winter months, but the summer monts only about a hundred and fifty people stay there year round because in the summer average high out there's a hundred and twenty five. So it's a hot. I the only people who stare at the methodics yeah. Well, no! So we're on a case. Do they have place. There is a sheriff in the area, but the sheriff in an interview said that he largely leaves lap city alone for a couple reasons. He says one: They have a pretty strict moral code, so he says they honestly kind of govern themselves. He's like there's, usually not really any serious crime out there he's like there's a lot of drug crime and like drug use is like, but I'm not super concerned about it because they don't harm each other and he was like so so. He was like he's like honestly. Most of those people out there. This is kind of a last, a last resort, place for them and his like so he's like I'm not going to make the lives harder, and so they kind of just let them do their thing. If every once in a while border patrol will come through just to make sure nobody there is illegal and then, if something serious happens, they know how to reach him and he'll come help in a serious issue, but for the most part they're a big Monte. There is like just do whatever you want, yeah and as long as it doesn't affect other people. So I watched a documentary about it and it was really interesting. There's kind of this, the guy who runs the Internet cafe today is kind of like the leader of the town and nobody really established that. But everybody really reveres them and listens like to whatever he says. Yeah and what's interesting, is the methodics in town? Usually don't stay long because their drug use impacts the other townspeople O and because it impacts the other towns people. That's when there's a problem yeah and it's interesting because it's like you go hey, you can't do that yeah. It was. It was the most interesting thing because he literally just came to her camp like in this. He kicked one out in this. He came to a camp and was like hey he's. Like he's like, I realize, you're addicted to this drug and he's like at the end of the day, you should be able to control this and he's like, and this has happened over and over again, that you have kept us all up like three: am you were strung out and making all this noise and he's like? That's just not cool for all of us here, so you got to go this just not cool. No literally you colbe more cool. It was literally that even Keel, and he was just like you got to go and the girl was like sobbing, but she like s like okay and like packed up and just left and like be like what do you and do if she refuses? I don't know like no one's done that, yet I don't know, I don't know, I'm sure, I'm sure it's happened. Let's do it. This is our slap sitting. Oh Hello, eevery name is John from I'm striten I'll bring cargo. If you worship me, I am God I don't want you to like get all I confused. You know, but you should probably tell your kids. They don't worship me. Things are going to be big you're going to go. Oh for them, so that's actually a good Sagwa. The town is pretty famous, obviously because it's like this, like squatter town yea, but because it has these very interesting and quirky, neighborhoods and kind of locations and honestly in neighborhoods, yeah and honestly, if you listen to the list of these, it sounds like the locations in a video game like an open world video game. Listen to this, I'm just going to read you the list of areas so there's poverty, flats, Niland Heights, Little Canada, that's where all the Canadians say: Yeah Slav city singles drop, seven slabs that hold on slab city singles. First of all, this sounds less like town names and more like bowling team names. I can see that I can see that drop seven and drop eight there's the coliseum, which is actually the two big water storage tanks that they used to have that they ripped the roof off of and just crafted, and I can't find anything that says this, but I strongly suset suspect that they just have battles in there because it's called the coliseum. It's just a giant open air. What I be is the only thing that makes sense all right, because a e all right, it's covered in like war graffiti yeah, you know the they at TOR staff out there. That's where they settle all their issues. They say: Hey, listen, lady, Sam you're, freaking out until three in the morning. Here's your choices, you can either leave yeah or you can fight Samson at the cause in the Coliseum. Whoever wins become Samson, that's you know, that's the Dat's like to a Sampson. You know, and I mean so there's always just this is this- is the Samson from two thousand and seventeen to two thousand and nineteen yep O it's kind of like a pharaoh yeah and when he dies someone else become. Someone else is Samson. You are our new Samson there's the Cotelaines, which is the canal that runs through, which I assume is what Kochel is named after okay, maybe hers the Camaniere Cotele, who knows maybe a little, both Salvation Mountain, which you may have heard of that's, probably the most famous thir people, Yeah Angeles. The range range sounds that that's their club, their night club, Borde, yeah, open air bar thing. There content venue bhas my two favorite, so you ready East Jesus and West Satan, so those two communities are really interesting communities and I'll. Tell You why? Okay, they were started by hippies, yeah, obviously es us. US was first and these Jesus was started after Salvation Mountain which gives context to it. But it's not a religious thing. He's Jesus is like an artist installation, and so their big thing was whatever waste. We have we're going to terran into art, and so bottles tires cars they over a decade. We've built this five hundred foot tall statue of Jesus Christ out of trash trash, because isn't he just the great recyclers just go stories? Yeah, it's gonna go for restore yeah, but it's all of us are trash. All of us. A Tha gave us purpose and meaning and value Yep yeah, but the main thing is that you're trash, but it's like kind of Muspel thing. Yeah, your son, if you remember anything from this cock, don't remember that he gave you value, purpose and love, but I remember the you were trash, so write that in your journal Rita, so a lot of the the art installations that they have. There are like heavily political against society, c capitalism and Western society. There is a massive wall of t vs, which I'm going to I'm going to see. If I can pull what kind of movies they watch, these watch a form rope. I'm going to pull this up. So there massive walls of like it's like old vs from like the s s yeah, yeah old TS. So it's basically where all the TV from the Richmond TV vigilanti go yeah. Actually he might source his his addiction from here. You think he's driving a vew hall with box TV from Slab City to Richmond, Virginia Yeah, yeah, okay, and so each of the TVI. Were you going to show me the picture where he's going to pull it yeah, I'm just going to describe it to you. So they're, big TV with white paint over the screen and the big red words? Oh yeah, I s igling something things that they say which is like. You need a man. You need more stuff standard of beauty, you're, not good. My favorite is white people young at each other. So these are the you see on what you think bla we own you, okay, yeah, it's very of the wrong opinion, yeah, it's kind of dark, but honestly, like it's like well, I've seen it right, yeah, it's outside of every house in Arkansas yeah, so there's a with their big trump flags and their cart flags. I mean that's what I'm saying it's had seen this so yeah. They got signs that say the media is lying to you. Yeah they've got one that as Democrats for evil right next to it says Republicans are evil. It's yeah, it's crazy! I mean you know, we're all evil. Jesus actually said that so that's fun, Yeah Bad News, bad advertising, so yeah, so they just got were part of that. You know which one which screen do we thet on it's one of those. It's one of those one of those little faces games from like two thousand and ten, where you tag yourself tag yourself, we're misinformation. We're, like might be facts might be facts. Pretend facts so speculated facts speculative fact. Thank you. So they just have a bunch of things on there that are like it's a call back. Is it just making sure you know never heard of that one? So, just a bunch of political art pieces made out of literal garbage and some of them are very creepy, like they've got like Manikin legs, like sticking out of things like spooky, looking stuff that you're like this is weird. I don't like this and what's what makes it even creeper is they're in this desert heat. So most of this aren't like slowly melts, yeah and so like deteriorates and melts, but yeah so and they're constantly adding to it, because the whole thing is they don't waste any of their trash, so they're constantly adding trash to these art pieces, so they're like in a state of like ever changing and either deteriorating from getting destroyed by the climate or growing from people. I it's like the precious moments, Chapel Yeah Yeah, actually pretty accurate yeah. Pretty soon he's always he says, is never finished until I'm gone till I'm done it's so west West Satan was another organized or nature's pace trash. That's all! I just love capitals, a love to take trash and waste. AH, there they're x a bunch of CEOS and they actually X, N, B C CEO. No, they actually it. This is one of the most interesting neighborhoods because there's the least amount information, they're very close off to outsiders that art welcome people in they have like like make so fest fence around it. That says like keep out and like signs that say like enter, to become my next target and like creepy stuff is because they just don't want anybody to come in and it's pretty clear that they chose the name West Satan to like make fun of Eas Jesus and the hippies over there because they're the angry group yeah. They seem like the angry group, but they keep to themselves. They do their own thing and nobody really cares. So I would love to see the Slab City Royal. You send one fighter from each neighborhood to the coase, the Kansas City Royal, really any any sin. PARKVILLE person they are. They also have their own hot springs, the hot crab slipe city, where they go, and you know I've got one of those things things, that's a hot tub, a something but salvation mounds, probably the most famous part of Slab City. It is just like it sounds a mountain where you go to get saved, that's not that curate, but the artist poly would think so. The guy's name is letter night. He built it. I was born an nineteen thrty one dive, then and fourteen, and he served in the United States military and when he came back from the military he wanted to do something to help people find Jesus, and so his first idea was mountain. Now that wasn't his first, I got t build them out. He started small with the hot air balloon that he would paint a Bible verse on the side of and then on the other side of it right. God is love and then just send that hot er balloon flying over cities around America. Here's the problem. He didn't have a hot air balloon, so he just bought a bunch of canvas and like Oh, no tuck it together try to make one and then took his stove to give is it is sterile. I tried to do and it didn't work. Obviously he sounded great he's lighting all forward, nothing. I was not in out. You know why I could. I left the pans in the Boul all the pans out. It's too heavy yeah, so that didn't work so that he was like I mean I can figure out how high bons work. It's got to be just it's just some meat and a balloon then, and so I didn't know why it worked. I mean I got in the basket and I had a hair drier. It was just you know, nothing seemed to maybe it wasn't hot enough, so I switched to my oven yeah so that didn't work, so he okay yeah I at work. This was in the S in eighty four, he discovered slab city and he was enamored with it. He thought it was the coolest thing in the world and that's where he had his next idea. He was like okay I'll build him out in his like. I could have built a hot air balloon I'll, build the mountain I'll start with this stove, as this isn't going anywhere, I'm going to make sure it never does. So he built a mountain out of what mostly adobe a Dolbean Straw and just started stacking it on top of each other and then with paint painted the outside of it. To be this big colorful thing that the center piece has got his love and then just covered it in Bible verses. Well, he worked on IT T L, one thousand nine hundred and eighty nine when it collapsed and he having a heart of gold said. I I believe this is God's way to tell me that my construction method was not safe, and so he started over in this time. He built it using a dobe Straw and latex pain, same thing no, but he actually started adding random other materials, like sticks and twigs and car parts to strengthen it and stoves and stops ovens, Stevens and so from one thousand nine hundred and eighty nine for the next really until he died like twenty seven years from that point, was adding to this mountain year picture of it yeah. I do you've probably seen this before it's pretty famous I'm gosh this picture is tiny Jeez. I really want you to flip a picture of Pike's peak, a yeah man. You might have seen this before I've never seen you've, never seen this. No, so yes, it S. just this big mountain really really colorful mountain tall. It's about three stories, tall! Okay, it's a mountain! I mean I'm the hill, but I mean, but I mean you're not doing anything out there all day. You just got yeah you's like what are you doing over there yeah we're coming out? Who was that I'm more come O building the mountain build the moment yeah. So it's to describitur audio listeners, it's super colorful he's got like every color in the rainbow, like literally whatever can a Pat Ye at is what he painted the outside of a of it with, and then he this cover o describe a audio listeners. It's kind of like a three story mountain you, a picture that, like just a hill, it's basically a hill. I don't know, I don't know what footage I consider something, a mountain, but it's not three stories yeah so, and it says God is love and there's a big heart underneath it and a big cross on the top of yeah and then the heart inside the middle of it has a cinis prayer, says dear Jesus, I'm a sinner, please come into my heart, that's it and so yeah there's a giant cross, the top of it. So the idea this the idea for him Gennle ly was people will see this and they will become a Christian yeah and he for years were pastors by would start by to see it. He would give them full to or he would stop what he's doing, give them a fule tour and then tell them about Jesus, and this was his ministry, his whole life and he strongly believed in it. He eventually started a church in a tent nearby and it's the Slab City Church and was wondering if there was a church out there yeah and he would baptize people in the Cotelaines, which is I mean, given its name. The best thing we used to baptize people over in that section, but now that's west Satan, so so gonna go out and what's interesting, is he didn't pay a dime for this? It was completely built by donors, sort of I mean he built it, but donors gave them the paint, so people would drive by and they just drop off paint and back. He got I like ten goons of paint you want. It was just put another layer of paint on him once that drives. That's had that's how you build them out. Well, it's he built the mountain out of the adobe, and so he took a doby from the surrounding desert to kill the mountain and just random trash. He found pretty much to strengthen it and then he painted it with donated latex from like done. Latex pain, hey thanks, O ticking out things are learn last night. If you like what we're doing you want to help us do more of it. One way you could do that is to purchase a merchandise. We've got mugs, t shirts, all that stuff on the website. Tilono S Merch. If you go to till nom Mercht, all of that is there of you to check out, and we would love her to be a part of the show and helping us to do more things. So, thanks for checking this out and back to the episode and it's still being painted to this day, so he died in twenty four ee still adding to it. He died in o thousand and fourteen and a group of locals came together and they actually. This is like the only like legal entity that any anybody in that city is a part of. It is a not for profit that is exists to maintain salvation mountains. There Salvation Mountain ink is what I think they called it, but they're not for profit organization. I don't think they understand how that works, but but they just a donations. I Mk, Oh because that's what they put on the mountain, so they they exist just to maintain it. So it's a group of about seven people who they will hang out outside as like security and to give tours to tourists that drive through the area and then maintain it, and so they're constantly painting it or doing patches, because the the the desert environment is really not good for that great for anything or Yeah Yeah, and so it's it's in a state of consent to Kay, and so these people are keeping it up and patching holes as they pop up or repainting sections as they dry up or melt or whatever. What's really interesting about this is that there we go go to the interesting bar okay. What here was really interesting is that well he actually, he built a museum to go along with it like connected to it, which is made of the same thing he actually well. Actually this is he built the first layer of it is the hot air balloon that that failed, so the dome the first layer of it is that hotter balloon that he stuck up and then he built on top of that Hotter Belin. So the hotter balloon is in the mountain. Well, it's in a dome on the side of the mountain, that's the museum, and so the museum was interesting about the museum is what he would do is when people this guy is just so interesting when people came to Salvation Mountain and he gave them a tour and he kind of did his Little Gospel presentation. If people accepted Jesus into their heart, he would think them by asking them to give them something theirs, so he could Kiri. Thank you so much for being here, so he could reave your hub cap yeah, exactly black guys have a spirit here, I'd like it, and so he collected all these little trinkets from Picaro in that trunk. WHO- and so this museum is just shelving, like all around this, like dumb stuff to us, to land him stuff that people gave him after they accepted Jesus, and it's that's is muse and it's just random trinkets and ods. I in it looks like it up there. It looks like areawise. I got from this couple that came through he. Seventy four I hope they're doing. Okay. I think they named their kid after me. I think you just made that up. Yeah Yeah- I did- I haven't heard from them, but I think they did. I would talk after the conversation. It looks like aerials bedroom where she's like sitting in the thingamagig. I got twenty Disney created that I you know that so he does all these trickes, but what's crazy is this became like a big, almost like tourists towards destination sure and some society in some Art Society in California started petitioning the United States Congress to protect it and the United States Congress ended up in two thousand and two declaring it a national art treasure. It's just like a protected piece of art. I would like to be discard and national a well okay, so you got it so that's an nat, yeah yeah and that's different than an NFD. Yes, it is okay, so a national art treasure yeah a Nat. It is not the same. It's not the same, it's a different thing, but it could be an aft. Could I mean you could, in theory take a picture of it and N F it, but I mean, but other people have pictures of the at pictures of it. Just like all N FTES anyways in ninety four, the county hired a toxic way specialist to test the soil around Salvation Mountain yeah and showed that it had really high levels of toxicity, and so they were threatening that they would have to take it down because it was dangerous to the environment and the people side city were like hold up. Can we hire somebody to test it? I and they were like sure, guess and so person wit, it's good to me. You go not to in that toxic. Put that the museum is we put that every time you come, you got a lease Tuck that in the Museus, how could this place be toxic because it just made me a Christian. This is not toxic. o Put this in the fricking museum. Take it as quit. Looking at the screen reaching to pray, there is no Alex but yeah, so that Lik purposely did not turn around. That really literally, is just like just fain, ignoring you, so this other, this other independent organization hate you. This independent organization came back and said: Yeah, there's no, no toxic levels in this soil, a yeah co and the county was like okay, yeah, you're, Ri kind of like sure fine, so they got it to stay and then not long after that it became in the official S. for the new person said no, here's, let's ses, that's fun about this. It it's had. A lot of media coverage is still about. Salvation matters is yeah. It's had a lot of covers in the media, the music video for Kesha Song Praying. It was partially filmed here. I was actually filled all around slab city and the surrounding area, but part of it happened here. My favorite is at the cover of third days. Third Day's album revelation is an artistic rendering of so I'll show you third day third day the nickel back of Christian music. This is this. Is the Thursday third day's Big Song? I don't know they've had a couple. I think photograph Huh Yep, so they were like yeah. It's an artistic rendering of that that mountain. What was it their like? Third Release? Fourth Release: I don't know I can't think of a single third day song right now. Let's see the band thirdday or Terday Thurday Thurday Thurday third day, I can't think of a single Song Ho I'm getting there yeah. I see what you got. They have an album called conspiracy number five. I can't think of a single song telling a song title: Alien, Angus D. Thank US day, Skies Fall Down or sky falls down, come together. Forty days, I can't think of having a song, give you all the stuff they got rewards for. You are good to me. God of wonders that wasn't them, though that's like that's them, covering that song was it so hold on singing. Some men got a wonders by third day, but did they write that got a wonders beyond I galiee see you in slason yeah, of course, cutlass covered it I wait hold on. I knew it wasn't. I knew it like a net song God. I wonders feels like a an yeah. The choir wrote it we're on a way we're on a Christian music tangent. Let's get out of this okay Yeah Kay elthe did. I think they did okay, anyways so yeah third day, that's got the cover art of it. I can think of a lot of casting ground, songs and mercy music, fair. I it was single burnt Das Song Right now anyway. So slap city is what's crazy about this city. Is that there's really nothing about it? That should make it last like there's no economy, there's nothing feeding the city, it's just a bunch of transient people, and then people who are just like. I live here now and they don't really do anything with their time except for make art out of stuff. But what's wild as you watch the you watch, videos of them and they're they love life. They love it there and what's really interesting, is there was a guy named rusty who, in the S, was like the town mayor but like they didn't call him there, but yeah? They always have like a revered person that everybody looks up to and listens to what they say and they're. Like kind of the leader of the pack, a rusty, we shouldn't publicize that because when you say that I think a I could be that person I could go to in a go, be I could take over. You know that would be a dream of mine to take over a cold. I don't want to start while I don't want to start. I want to inherit a colhares. This is my inheritance and that's what we could call it. We are the inhaeret Russy said that was really interesting. Like poetic, even is okay, but he said hast em, that's what they said. What something you've been here for a long time with something that changed over the time that you've been here. I said there ain't, so many chickens. He said used to be a lot more tickets run a while. I don't know where what happened to them, they around no more just kiddin that he did say that, but it wasn't what I was going to say. I was just growling through this is other quotes. You were just like we're rusty from Slab City quotes and he got a whole list at no more chickens right here I was called to this article. That was an interview of him and that I hit that and I was like Oh yeah. This is funny. I forgot that he said that, but I was o what you're thinking of I I'm getting there man, okay, so he said he said it was really interesting is this is how he said it. So it was really interesting is that they said they asked them. If there's like a law or a moral cord code or something that people abide by out here, and he said like things that you have to do, and I said well, here's that that's the thing he's like there's nothing you have to do out here, he's like out here. It's all just what you want to do. He said once you get out of that old situation, where you're punching a time clock and doing what somebody else that tells you to do. He says well you're free and you do what you want to do here. People want to get along with their neighbor. I tell you it girls on you and that's all there is to it, and so it's really interesting because it's like there really isn't a crime problem. That's why the sheriff doesn't really deal with it. Like people do what they want. They do a lot them do drugs, a lot of them drink a lot and they don't really do anything. That amounts to much hoe than the art that they make or building the ranch or the Salvation Mountain or whatever it is, but everybody just does what they want. Mad a mountain yeah. I made him out man. What have you done and so he's like? Oh Yeah, you got tick Tock followers. I made a mount out so yeah and it looks. I really different lives for a happy family they're trying to climb the ladder yeah. You know and I'm climbing a mountain that I made yeah. Some people try to climb Everest and I was like I'm going to make up. I may on ever more like my evertat does sound like something that, like Everest College, would do that I be like yeah. My rest yeah so, but it's not like it's not like a lot of other like like. We talked about tunnel town yeah, and this is a place like we're paddle like that, but not, but not at all, because it like there isn't crime. There isn't people I'm going to visit tunnel bound. Okay, there's n't people getting killed out here. There isn't people like people do drunks, but it's not a debilitating thing. Like people are just they're just living life, it's the one of the wildest. I think it's one of those things where it's probably a bit harder to get there. You know like it's a little bit more of a journey to get out to slab city yeah, it's in the middle of the desert yeah, so you so you kind of have to have the means to get out there and if you have the means to get out there, then you're not. You know yeah rusty. In his interview he talked about how there's kind of two groups of people as the older people and the younger people who come out so the younger people kind of get out here for the anarchy thing like to get away from responsibility and he's like his like. What really kind of happens is we kind of take care of them because they don't understand how to survive out here? Yeah an so. We end up taking care of them a lot, but he wasn't like frustrated about it. He was just like matter of fact about the that's the way I what happens yeah. So there was for a little bit an effort took like take over slab city and like develop it, but a community group came together and they stopped it in the county. They stopped him from being able to sick et over yeah, and now the county officials actually kind of protect it and they're. Like you know, these people aren't hurting anybody. I same sang attitude as that shaeffer like they're, not hurting anybody, they're, not hurting each other. All is got to take. Is some big WIG, CEO yeah? I know real estate developer to come out there with his big map. Yeah right he's three D model. Where he's like listen, we could put a mall out here. You've seen us, do it in Minneapolis and New Jersey, all right, I'M SAYING SLABS S SLAPS! Imagine it's got a Miromesnil. You say that because it sort of happened they developed it sort of, but here's the thing. I knew this from the start. We don't have time for that, so we're going to have to fiddle that off into a part. Okay! Well, we've never done a part to before. So, if you're listening to this and you're like well, I'm impatient, I don't even want to wait for part to that's fine, it's available right now on Patriot. All you got to do is text till in the six six eight six six every week our patron supporters get an episode early. They get the episode a week before everybody else, and if you cannot weigh for part two of this, because apparently this is where it gets crazy. You can text hill into six x, a y six six sign up as a patron number. You also get access to our discord and special merge, but more important part to right now. So, if not we'll see you next week on Tilling

What do Salvation Mountain, East Jesus, and West Satan have in common? If you guessed they’re locations in a video game then you’re only half right. These eclectic phrases are names of subdivisions in the infamous Californian town known as Slab City. Home to mostly squatters and vagabonds, Slab City has been hailed as the last free city in the … Read More

Lonnie Zamora – UFO Sightings Like This Will Blow Your Mind


Episode Transcription

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Hey Man, what's up brother, have you heard of the Lonnie Zamora incident, Lonnie Zamora Yeah? Maybe Bonnie, have you heard a Lani, so mor Lonnie sounds like a youth group volunteer. That's for sure in Texas, like a Texas, we that kind of guy. That means really well but like just says things that you're, like that's, not good theology yeah you, like you're, gonna, tell your Bot your pastor, like yeah, I'm Goin to have a meeting with lonnie today, another my weekly Tuesday, meaning he sal the guy with volunteers, youth group, but is also the maintenance guy for the church. You know like he's just outside and Moin Reante Riding Lawn Mower, it's a massive yard for the church, but Yah I just like she. He likes the discipline of it. He likes Porpus boding that Yard Yeah Church has a Ridin. They don't even have a push. He brings his be biis own push mower of his Tanais to stop T he's. Not even the one is supposed to do. It. They've asked him to stop. They said, listen and hired someone else to do. Somebody else and he's like Hey, save the church's money, I'll go hers O money out. I feel, like God, call me to do this. You know he's just out there a h Mo yeah and he wos over it gets done. He mows it over seven times yeah, because that's what he you know, because he just he believes which is last Le Times a week, Zamora yeah. They call him Lonnie Zamower, so show I'm not a freaking sandquake a patient, probably that guy hired to do it. It's called alien aid. I don't know how would you go back to mowing the church, your R okay, we've got ear horse things to do here. You think they're, rolling, out luxury, yeah, Lokolo, yeah yeah things to me is a Zamora sounds like a shop at a shopping, Mall Yeah, it does welcome, is or one of those key open, Tiamo. That's how the that's, how the employer very tell you walking welcome to some more well, it's yeah! It's a! I had real, weird yeah and they're all wearing like like sparkly shirts, O sparkin short was like a black blazer over, like those shirts. Were like you run your hand across it and it's like black and then you run your hand the other way, and it's like sparkly and silver and they've got like a little chubby under belly kind of thing, but their face is so thin. It's like a a person like that. We your just like. Why is your shoulder up yeah, Ninety five pounds? That's like facial life of life. What did you do and it turns out they're just sucking in their face all day or they've contour their makeup to be a way? That's like it's crazy at Han you doing that. Why are you clinching your jaw like that on a tikas hot? Have we talked about Hottogon in this show? I don't remember. I hate that that was your reaction. I it's a good movie. How do you move out? It is the single greatest movie ever made go that far but yeah. How do go Bloto, it's as it was a movie. It was good. It was if you like, okay, shameless plug, for something that I don't need to plug. If you liked not to libra or or no play in a m the in farmers, those kind of like our Hiron Yeah, you will love hatty blond, it's a good film. I love it. So much is my favor me. I see like more Superior Taste, Oh love, safety, dacker, my Gosh and by superior taste. I mean like, if you're in love with ibility you're, going to love this movie she's in I'll. Tell you what okay a lot he's: a Mora, Lan Lonnie, losed Lodi, but go adisura Loti Sapores Lani la o, more lanes Amora, he was it was an incident we're talking about. This is an incident we is is creat. He was a cop in New Mexico in N T S and S C, and in one thousand nine hundred and sixty four at five forty five P m. He was doing his typical routine, which Walian thing no nice. I was really worried when you said a specific time in New Mexico. I was like this guy got. A duct is so he was sitting. He was doing his typical, his typical daily routine of sitting on the side of the road and pulling people over for speeding, because you know he's a cas what you do he's, not a cop. He just does this there's a guy on there's a guy on the Internet. That does that. Have you seen that guy? No? No there! I don't remember what his using name he's been arrested multiple times he has like a motorcycle yeah with lights and stuff on it, yeah and he's dressed as a cop yeah, and he just sing pulls people over. That's scary, yeah, that's similar, my parents said and growing up. They grew up in Phoenix yeah, I don't remember, or maybe it was when they were married when they were first married. I can't remember the time line of the story, but some time when they were younger in Phoenix in their neighborhood, there was an ice cream man who was mentally handicapped, but he believes he was a cop and the most pure thing in the world is everybody in the neighborhood just went along with it yeah as they let him pull them over and then we write them tickets and he would literally like he would wait on the side of the road and his ice cream check and he'd pull people he'd turn on his ice cream truck music and pull people over and then come rint them a ticket sure and everybody loved him. He was a super cool guy and sold them that's after the ticket. That's the good side of that. The bad side of that is like you know, people get arrested yeah, but it's not a real God right, yeah! Well, he didn't dress like a cop. He just like an ice cream man. So, okay, so people people knew there was no there's no question. I just want to see an outsider driving through town and be like. Is this ice cream truck pulling me over right? Now? I guess I I go back there. I think I'm getting pulled over by an ice cream, I'm being pulled over. I mean I could go for a bomb. I can't tell if I'm going to get a ticket or what was those yeah man they used to have like cartoon characters with Yeah Balls Yeh the Gumbi like lollipop things that epops ca things yeah. Those are so good anyways. I haven't seen the Nice Cram checking a long time. Okay, let's Kiss I appinting, can you door dash an ice cream truck? No okay, so I so he's just eenie cream truck. I have see Nice Comin a long time. They're around an see. I chased one down last year I straight up ran after an ice cream truck is up here in the North Lane. I heard the music. I pulled over a parking line and I realized it wasn't correct. So I came for a yeah all right, Goin yeah, so that I was like all right. Buddy I slipped my lights on yeah I took out my honestie lights. That's right, yeah, an chase! Ten Min Siren, but it's not a siren, it's just a voice. Recording of me going. We, who is that man you have one of those bull horns, I'm sorry! If you're driving, you thought something you looked in the rear, O view, because you thought the place are pulling you over. It's fine, it's just US making dumb noises. I hate when songs have police sirens. Oh yes, the word anyway, anyways so he's in his time he's an actual police of Al. Please O me here get five forty five pm yeah and he clocks somebody speeding down the highway. This is a mill nowhere in New Mexico like the desert, so people I mean they drive fast. This isn't El because it doesn't matter so so start with pursuing this guy walks im going to hundred and forty five. You know it turns out to be a UF N, N N. no, it's a car. This is a car. He coups. He clocks the car going super fast US pursuing him and he's chasing this guys on the radio he's talking about the pursuit right and then he hears this loud explosion, and so he pulls away from the pursuit he as has herd explosion when to try to figure out where it came from so I pulls over. He starts looking for smoke, it's the Melly desert, so it's like you can see for miles right, so he's looking for smoke and then he sees this bright light. This is an alien thing soon, as you said, New Mexico as five and forty five I was like you know what I know where this is going: Golly Man, I hate that you you that look, look, click the camera. First of all, every person is into aliens skipped out when we were doing the whole ice cream yeah it yeah. Well, I mean, but if you're still here it's three thirty in the morning go to bed go, go sleep. Don't comment on the Yutu. Video don't be like these guys are idiots who are just shut up, actually go to sleep. Can You setch to my came? Hey. Thank you. We appreciate your comments. It helps our algorithm, so leave leave your comets. We want them, makes me so mad. I don't like that. My knee is in that shot, we'll get it out of the shop, but your tea down in your female. It's an alien thing. I knew it. Okay, so he's looking. There's a bright lie right like so, he starts driving towards it. He let dispatch know that that's Essenian, what's going on when he gets down there. He notices this weird, like giant horizontal egg, like if you seen a neg before horizontal little bit horizontally, Yeah. That's what I sees. That's, how I hold all my egg or he also came in the refrigerator. I turn him for CICALAS o their best stored yeah. They they keep better that way so or he also described it as a butan tank or as a guy in a Yutu Wath, called it a booting tank, but with four like legs struts, and he sees it. It likes just sitting in the desert and it's got legs on it. Yeah. It's got four little little steel legs, okay and it's just kind of sitting. There in the desert, he sees this red symbol on the side of it. That looks like a like a big archway and in the arch way, there's an Arrow and then just like a horizon line underneath the Arrow and he's like that's weird and cryptic. I don't know what that is, and so, okay. He then notices a wise, basically where the explosion came from yeah and so he's painting the landscape, and then he notices to what he described as either large children or small adults in white cover. Alls, Hey, small kids that adds up with bobbles are, though Yep Yep the children. So there either that large, a large kids are small adults backing around the craft, and he says one of them noticed him and he says when he noticed him, it scared him, and so he started running, not a great cop. That is why he was a John he started running. I O scared, the none, the fifth grader yes with this is this giant horizonal figures wo like yeah, I was out there in the desert. Cheese Everson was beating, Sausamans spoke to them. No, yes, this scared, Lannie. So lane started kind of like it was almost like. He was running for cover he's like he's like oh they're, going to they're gonna attack me sure, and then he hears two loud thuds and he describes them as like car doors. Shutting is what he discredit as he's like it's almost like a garter shut and then he turns back and there was a loud roar and he saw flames come out from underneath the egg and it took off and then once it was air borne, it went silent. There was no exhaust plume and it just flew off along the landscape very low to the ground. So he calls dispatch dispetto s at a bunch. More officers he's a hey guys, keep an eye out for a floating egg, yeah they're like if it floats it's still good. We can still cook it, but if it sinks, then we need to go to the supermarket. So so he calls dispatch a couple. More officers come out and they're investigating the scene, and they noticed that yeah there was in the sand these four sunken like strut spots where the legs would have been and then underneath where there was evidence of yeah in the center of it there was the sand was glass. It got burned into glass where, under with where the thrusters would have been, and then I was also footprints with geometric patterns all over the sand over around where that craft were landed, they had pictures of it. They took pictures of the scene of the like crystallising thing. Your face got tight, like you're smiling as you're like they got pictures of it. Like your. Oh, my God, like you know in deep down, you don't believe these pictures are real, like I don't believe. Are they real? Okay? Let's be honest, if anybody here's not going to believe something, it's going to be you if any, if he to leptic, that's it. If anybody here's Goin to believe something is going to be mean, I'm the person who will blindly believe something here in this room right now, I'm just I'm staving. Okay, so the air force shows up. You call on me, Ear Force Guy, I don't know if they called the air force, but the air force is like. We need to be here for this. Well, that's how you know what's going to issue like you're out here in best it in taking pictures you here, like you like what was that and then like a freaking plane lands, it has six sway or force walks out and you're. Just like Hey Lonnie, where the air force we're going to need you to go. I don't know, pull someone I do now. How would you go back to Mowin the church? Your Okay we've got ear horse things to do here. I'll see you on say that Lonnie, the Air Force kid that is also part of the Church Church. You lay to church and that's really the power of Ortach to think about it. You know so so they quickly take over the investigation. They also enlist the FI in the investigation, the CIA, the army, a bunch of organizations, an listen everyone wants in on Al everybody's, like yeah. We, this is alike D. everybody wants to be a part of the yeah dot. I don't give a crap of what year. Is this one thousand nine hundred and sixty four? Oh, then, okay, those what was big in s? Oh, hey, something to ordered our president last year. Let's forget about that for right now, because I would sure like to figure out this alien situation, all hands on the flight deck all hands on Egg. Oh Gosh, I was trying to think of major events I was like. I was going to be like well, I'm not interested in catching. The unbombarded was like decades later, yeah yeah, someone killed the president last year and we're going to drop that project to look at what's going on out here with you Lonnie that made me think of this. I maybe you saw this. I don't remember who it was. It was one of the guys who attempt to do assassinate a polite political figure. I don't think it was the president but attempted assassination wasn't successful, went to prison for it. I has recently got out and now runs a youtte channel like an art, yuture channel. I don't remember who it was, but he smote his channel Ave race. Have you seen this though I am so like man? I can't remember, and what's it what's, it called the almost discussion. I don't remember I don't remember that's why I'm bringing it up. I was hoping you W. Remember. I mean one of our listeners put in the discord. If you know what I'm talking about, because I'm really honestly like I'm interested in that speaking of the discord the way to get access to, that is to text till in to six six, eight, six, six. As for our patron supporters, and if you do that you can join our discord, which is basically a group chat, it's literally on our phones, yeah. So we're message back and forth whenever we get a message Yep exactly and you to to tell me about where to find that you Tube Che, please tell you if you can to hunt down, I want to learn how to make his mountains that he jos, he draws a really good or paints your you you're gonna. Do you want Bob Ross lessons he's just like he's like you know what there are there's just happy accidents and that's what I think my failed assassination temple was that the ex was a happy accident. I let me to this yout channel. It's really strange, as he draws these really beautiful scenic, like mountain vistas and every single one at the top of the moutain there's a sniper. It's just it's a weird little detail, yeah! So much okay, so they're all out here in New Mexico. Yes, so they're getting in they're investigating it and what's interesting is as the r the investigations going on. They noticed that lanny wasn't the only witness there's a group of Io winds. Is that how you say that people from Iowa Iwein? What I wed you see. What do you call people from Iowa? I don't want Iowans Oetas, I think it's a Jana is that at that is at's reference for the church. No, it's Iowan islands was yeah, so they were a shipping. I wot the Rota bring down his torte. Sixty six sit six sixty five sure sixty six, it you lived in Springfield, I gotta, remember I they were road, tripod tripping and they stopped at a gas station and they asked the gas station attendant. They were like like. Why is that COP still follow us? We just got away, they ask the Assistente said: Why does your planes fly so low here and he was like what I ye have this plane flew like right over us on the highway that was like yeah. I know I was a cashier, the the redistilled. What then the Gaston turned into a giant egg? The ions have never been see again, yea the iowas just started shrinking and they put white other coveralls on them and there, like what is happening to us, is like Richard. What's going on he's, like, I don't know, Doddy like quick, O basic t. We gotta get out, so I know what that Cup yeah. Do. We have merchandise, yeah, very cool? How do I purchase them? You can go to Tello merch there. We have mugs t shirts hoodies, I mean anything. You could want stickers. No, we do have stickers. Do we yeah to Don last March? He what you're saying is there Hawkeye witnesses all right, yeah ye? So so? Yes, so they see it. A couple other like locals, reported seeing some eggs ship a a shaped Craft AG. Ships is that in a hit and they're like you're, saying it wrong, it's ancient is that an Ishi by your saying on Terman's ancient here's, the thing what's really interesting about this is sidings went on for about two weeks. People were seeing this thing flying around the region, two weeks yeah for two weeks, just flying around landing places, doing things and landing places doing things yeah. We talked about like any paces, getting out being seen as on a alre drive through as wild. It was just like mad. The I mean they don't even care they're, not trying to hide. There is out here like hey. We saw your commercials super into that, a like the like: where can we get one of those burgers and they like which one do you want, o the Char boiled one? Am I saying that correctly are boiled one like why s your voice, like that, I'm from a click, maybe a click and something like a char boiled, it's terrible, so wihare broiled. So the Air Force obviously is doing this investigation for a long time and they end up coming out with two reports. So they put out a report that they put out to the pace is all the stuff that's coming out now. Yes, okay, sort of yes, this came out a while ago, but sort of yes yeah, so they put out report the public, basically saying hey. We think that nothing was going on here, we're pretty sure he saw some ball lightning and hallucinated in the desert, because he was dehydrated, that's what they said, and so that was the part that was really really stood public, but they also as dehydrated yes dehydrate yeah they're like when the last time reg water he's, like I probably like fifteen minutes ago. He, like it's hundred thirty degrees, your dehydrated, you hard. As I don't know, I saw a buddy yeah. We believe here drink this drink, some water yeah. We think you're thirsty it's called alien aide. So so they really said. Second a report- and we have this one because of the disclosure of Project Blue Book which do you know, Project Blue Book Yeah. That's where you look up your cars value. That's! Actually it came from project Lou buck that that was their first generation. It did go while the created a new car version. The project Blue Book was the same thing for Uf yea like what's the value, here's the thing I mean we want to find it all right. We want to know where came from also, can we so what's about yeah? What's let's on that? How many miles you think it's got on is in of serious radio or the Atamens is like seventy thousand light years. Is that good or he's calling odd Hamete yeah the odd Hamete? That's odd, so in project Blue Book there was a report that was sent to the director of Project Bluebook literally the same day that they sent out the report to the public. That report said basically it was pretty frantic and basically said we have no idea. What's going on here, Oh yeah yeah. You can say that to the public, so yeah, exactly we like hey guys, get do that. You got to be confident with the public if you're listening, you need to go. Watch that clip, because that's funny, I don't know, I don't know yeah I mean I tell you, but if we knew, but we don't- and this is what I think- and this is a real tangent of ye one real, quick yeah. I think that the leadership we deserve is leadership. That does say things like we don't know we aren't sure, but not sure, but I'm saying the reason that we get to a place where people don't trust. The government yeah is because the government didn't know but still felt they needed to give a definitive answer and that the same thing that happened with Covin and stuff ye was like. Listen, we don't know here's a definitive answer and then what happens a year later it turns out. The definitive answer wasn't entirely accurate, but they were just you know they just had to give something, and so the way it does it ends up creating this like. Well, we can discredit them and so dis creates this distrust and the way to you know if you're listening and you want to create trust in your community. Tell the truth. Tell the truth. Even if you don't know to answer yeah truth, Wins Truth Wins Right, that's up yeah and that's actually one of our sponsors is tell the truth. You know it's one of those billboards that pops up it's like, whatever the pass it on. That's what it is pass on, truth pass it on yeah and then that's also leads us right into one of my personal sponsors. Lunar Truth: Dot, Org, O, I hate you say one of your personal spares they're, not even sponsoring the podcast. They even care. If you say this on our podcast, they want you to say this in normal interaction, all the time it that so much so and the Kelly Blue Book report, they came out and they said yea. We have got no idea. What this is. We don't know what the symbol is. We don't know where it's from what it's made of and they included all the the photographs they actually. We don't know this for sure, because it's not included in the report. I mean a lot of the reports are product, but we don't know this for sure, but Lonnie is pretty sure that they took the glass from the site because when he came back he he came back a day or two later and all the holes in the sand was were filled back in and the glass was gone yeah so he's pretty sure they took it on me to make it they don't need a tourist site, yeah yeah exactly, and so I think it's pretty crazy. You know the last place that aliens visited the Earth Yeah to cover it up. They just started burying cars, sticking aay of the YEP yep they're like the like hey. How do we make it to where they're not curious about the UF yeah cadillacs? Excuse me catalogs, like Ol Floren or yeah yeah. I bourdat the other, a bowered cadillacs he or did the Ford, but they could have got. They could have get them for a right because he did for it was an exclusive deal. The Co Ralph. This is my Calvin cline Lincoln I drive it's. The bumper looks like the top of underwear yeah is, is like yeah really into it. You know, oh my Gosh, so the Blue Book. It has seven hundred and one cases that they don't have an explanation for in the bluebook there's thousands and thousands of other cases in the Blue Book. Okay, but seven hundred a D one. They say these are our on UNUN cases. I think it was in the sevens or eighties they canceled. The the Operation Blue Book or Project Ly Book is what it's called due to a lack of interest in aliens they're just like for that period. The government was like we're bored with this. No, they thought they thought that that it was no longer a threat to the United States, so they stop yeah. The biggest threat is communism. Yeah the aliens aren't Communists, the Er yeah they like other capitalist. We buy stuff from them all time, so we're not worried about him go so so yeah t t that was top in an was disclosed. I I want to say the nines. I don't know if you Lonnie's still out there in New Mexico doing the same thing every day, because he's now a cargo cult thinking if I can just get one of these used to come down, he's just throwing eggs in the desert why our eggs be involved. I think e today and Tina he's just throwing eggs in the desert he's never eaten scrambled egg, yes and he's drying. Little Red pictures on that he's got a red, sharp bees like drawing symbols on the side of these eggs and throw it on through the desert. They just like. There's Lannie this yeah yeah, it's pretty sad he's to be a cop, yeah yeah still pulls people on it. Can I get an ice cream sandwich? Please, just US thrown eggs at them, elani feel so bad. An E O s story, I think, is guy with eggs. Well, oh, they start pulling so he's his is the government started bolling, I knew it. I knew it so there's lots of theories about what was happening yeah here they gave up on the project in the es they were like. Less were not interested. So obviously, obviously one of the theories that it's aliens right yeah and another theory is owls- that's pretty fit for the one everybody knows: owls fly and giant eggs, they carry around. They look for big ostragarth thing and they fly around the desert. Here's a thing: okay, here's a thing! There are baby owls in New Mexico, but there's not adult owls in Mexico. Okay, so they don't know where they're coming from you know talking about the guy to be flyed somewhere else, where what are they flying to what's happening? There's an earlier phase in their metamorphosis where they're a giant a and then they turn into an now. This is the official theory official official theory. Tillin Blue Bookoh just got all of our dumb theories. We should make that we should. We should write a book about just our Sir Tie is that's really funny actually, but I I'm kind of serious. I, like here's, my theory, I'm out there with you. I'm want to put it in that weird cryptic note on my notes on my computer: Seventy six one O one one one, ninety five to o all our case, so the theory is obviously aliens owls, yet dis, yeah, yeah, so aliens are the biggest one owls, I suppose yette. I suppose. There's the government publicly said that he was hallucinating another another very similar with the irons. Is that U O skeptic his theories that a saw marage? And so but I mean that's just like that's the same thing where he's derated yeah. Basically, the same basically same theory: here's two of the larger, more accepted theories right so not far from this, and by not far I mean about a hundred miles away. So pretty far from this is a place called White Sands Missile Range, which is a place where you go. When you made a mistake on your hotel reservation, Oh yeah, we went to White Sans Yeah Yeah. We to that place to the course sandals. I yeah. Isn't this all inclusive? I mean they did keep us in the cell and they gave us all of our food. We a o! Please e!! yes, thank you. A litare out here that a yeah, it's pretty warm, and so the sun lies so low here really runs the experience. The yelp reviews are to the Bois a really bad yeah, so the the locals calm, the babies, that's where they test bombs. I'm assuming I hate that you just ignored that joke. What did you say? I didn't even hear I said the locals called the IAWENS. Oh, my God. I we! Yes, it's a missile test range yeah which that's like I was down and I was out in Palm Springs. I was speaking at a church Sunday morning, yeah, you know everyone's just kind of filing in the church, I'm just standing outside a use here: Bobs Yeah, just things blow right on the other side of these mountains, Yep Yep babe and I was like who, how are you guys getting up? It's US big air force base where they just drop bombs and like yeah, I think that's a war every Sunday morning. That's really disruptive yeah, I mean imagine being the Pentacostal in that area, though you know yeah, because every Sunday it's explosive, we no I'm just saying like every Sunday you're like t guy guy this it. This is it. This is the one all right, let's go into another verse yeah. Do I do that again so, but the theory here is that around that same time NASA was testing all of the devices at the White Sands Missile Range, where they realluring they're losing a before yeah, because they haven't made of the moon yet and they're Lunier lander. They were testing when they were like this. Sand is white. The moon is white. That's as far as ASA got, but like we're going to test on things that are the same. Color Yeah, just body got a lot of paper her. I heard a good joke about the lunar landing. Yeah does that's so I remember it. Oh, my name is buzzard. I was the second person on the Moon who's there kneel before me, Hahahaha Hahaha. I hate that. I hate that so much. I got another one: okay, it's not a moon one though nock knock who's. There Yode Lady, you older lady, who I hate that so much anyway, it doesn't on you, keep in your back pocket for when people ask you to tell you jokes now: Yeah Yep, that's how I prove I'm a comedian is just Hacke street jokes. Have you ever told that story on this that use a comedian? Oh, no, I haven't use a commit. You know people that to me a lot, though, when I was we were driving. It was terrible because then there's no way you're going to make someone laugh when you're driving on guard. They like it's challenge. Oh Yeah, you know he made me lat and you're just like whenever you know my nephew was like you got a brace car bet. You know yeah he's like yeah, I sleep or a car, and I was like yeah me too. You know and they're like hm and I'm like hey. I got two specials you an stole that joke. I saw that on twitter, this guy name Jaron, Myers Tete that I hate I do I, for I saw another tick tacker. Do that someone else made this video word for word yeah, which means you did it: okay, yeah exactly all of you are ticktock by the way anyways, so they ere testing the lunar landing device at that same time, at White Sands, not the same time on time, span yeah a hundred miles away and the literater. If you've ever seen, it looks like an egg. No, but it does have three legs lanes discuss thing with four, but it does have three legs: it lands on it relatively similar. It uses rocket thrusters is it lands to like cushion the fall, and so it's similar ish ish, but no really, we've been to the moon since then yeah. I think there was another one since then, but since the Apollo missions ended, we haven't been back. I believe we've been back a few times since that, first time watching you on musk try to land these rockets, yeah I'm becoming more skeptical. Well, we never landed a rocket on the moon. That's fair. We landed the landers, the rocket took the ladder, and then we landed the lantern. She different things so how they get back. They did it. We left from there. They started a cargo cult. Tom Hanks is still up there. It's lunar, Luner Lunardo termed courtroom. Stop it so anyway, just move on Hey. Thank you. So much for checking out things. I learned last night, if you like what we're doing and want to help us do more of it. You want to help us reach more people. Please consider joining us on patron. It's a way that you can financial support this podcast and help us to reach more people, but also you'll get a lot of really cool stuff. In return, you get early access to episodes, bonus, content and special merge that only gets sent to Patrin supporters, so that is Tillim s join till nom, Jo. In a D, You can check that out there for more information. If not thank you again for even being here and checking on our podcast, so some people say that it's he saw the lunar lander that they were testing a what's strange about. This is when they tested the Lunar Lander. What they would do is to a fly over with the hell copter at low altitude and they drop it and test the landing in and go lit. He didn't describe seeing a helicopter. Also, the loon liner never took back off in these tests. They would put it on a trailer and take it back and do the test again. Also they didn't take it outside of the missile test it which was a hundred miles away. So it's a little odd of a conclusion here that doesn't seem to line up much, but the people who are testing it probably would be wearing white cover alls when they're testing it and we everybody knows people who work at as are really short. So that's what they ask the Nastalik a certain height to be a pilot, though you actually did Y. Ah, you can't be over a certain. Well, I don't know that's the truth anymore. I think there was for a while no to Mak o no true he or saies. Now you think they're rolling out luxury yeah luks bombers, yeah yeah they got the wrong to the lack through I flew yesterday, was an eddy bower. On tell you what I mean you should see the stuff that they're doing in these new ones. I'm telling you what man anyway and you're not going to believe it. I just watch net flix. While I fly the whole time, I got a little screen there. I just watch no Fli anyways, so yeah. There's that theory parlous license. So there's that theory, I know, is the dream of yours and I want o o know it's dead. It's not going to have stop it. It's not that I'm speaking it over you right. He let me speak truth of you at the time that happened to me. What I was at I was it was. I was nineteen, so almost like. I want to speak some truth over Ye. I was nineteen which sounds like what a we wrestler would say. Let me speak some to tete always hold the mice like this, like just like. Let me Tak the street from de Dupe, I sort like got an empty beer can at the end beer again they smashed em their head. They jump from the thing and then yell welcome to Doctor Bobs of to God, so no yeah. So I was nine undred n e N. I was Nineteen Isaiah was working as like an inter mouth paster for his church, because the youth paster left for some reason. His church was like yeah this nineteen year old did he could do that, and so he was just going for the summer to be the youth faster, and so he was at the church where he became a youth pastor. No, and so so he asked me he was like Hey, I'm going to take them to desperation conference, which big conference in Carne Springs every year. He's like you want to come, Colet it with me and we like yeah, we're nineteen. We didn't the side Bar. We didn't think about food on this trip we took. I think it was twenty one high school in Middle Scholers, down to Caro Springs and we got there and it was like lunch time and we were like we didn't think about how these children are going to eat this whole weekend. We're going for the weekend. I remember we literally just took them to Walmart and we're like Ol get some food. This girl came back with a gallon bag of pepperoni yeah. I know you can't believe I do that's a little happen. Every time band trips, kids, wilt come back with like six bags of fun. On I'm good yeah, I'm good. This is right. No that's a giant bag of, was it slight Pepperoni or was it as she's got giants that first up yea, I just came back with tubs of Cot. Is Cheese M yeah the well, I'm pretty sure what? Actually I don't? I'm an there's, no refitter put that in my fat, resand, rotten cosis still good is souls weird, but it's still good. What is cheese, if not old, I hate we so so you so they did like a late night event every night of the conference right, and so they had two events every time it was either late, night, worship or like games or something sure- and we decide to put up this night because a bunch wanted to worship a Bush wanted to go to game. So I went with the group that went to worship and I was just kind of standing in the back of the the it was like their second auditorium. I was like just kind of staying in the back like so I could get an angle and see all of our students in the crowd. I'm just kind of watching and then this other student, not our student walks up to me, puts his hands on my shoulder and starts like praying into my ear that God would heal a spirit of loneliness within me and he's like he's like he's. Like Lord, I cast out the spirit of loneliness and I pray against the spit of loneliness and I pray for a community to come around this man I was just like. Oh Man, guys know that I've got a gallon of pepper. I turn hers. What do my face because you want to pepper one man, take two slices at or like bons ore like currency you're, in a vending machine putting slide on the pepperoni. Thank you for your hospitality kind. O! Thank you! Hey! Do you realize you're putting Pepperoni I e to buy some checks mix. You have food you're, trying to use slice, O Pepperoni to buy Pepperoni, combos yeah, but combos me they're, better you're, trying to barter with people at the conference. I middle of worship. People are like hands raised your cat MOSOLEM. Would you trade me a pound of pepper, just dream this pond Eron? I got a founder one that says you want to do that you, the check in desk the registration back he's like sorry, sir. I don't see a reservation under your church name and it's like how many reservations will this to get. I oh yeah. What are you thinking now apron? I Talks O. Yes, that's that a that we went for me yeah as rough Dale's, weird man. So, however, we got so another theory that is championed by the president of New Mexico Tech. It's a college, guys name is Stirling Colgate, also known for Stupas Es Basil got you, he campaigned like didn't it just like support this theory like he campaigned this there is like this is the truth, yeah that it was a group of students from New Mexico Tech who put a candle in a balloon and drew a picture on it with the Red Picture and just lit it out in the desert and New Mexico tech was a text coal that focused on engineering. He said so they would have had die, weather balloon yeah, and so they said he said they would have had access to the type of materials to make small rockets, and so he said they made a little balloon and put a candle in it with, and they drew a pictures on the side of it and they lit the rockets and sent it into the sky and his conclusion for this is because Lani Zamora before he was working for the county, he was working as a university police officer and he was very disliked among the students, so they were messing with long and he says this was his theory was that they were messing with money kind of like how I would get you fake, arrested, yeah pretty similar. They were like we're going to make him believe in aliens when was like the whole Roswell thing. When did that become? It was relatively recently, I'm let's. Let me double check o what what I mean is like is the whole, like you know how Roswell Twenty seven, okay, so okay! So that's already almost twenty. I no yeah, that's already in the mind of people. That's already happened, it's it's! You know. This is known that Aliens Visit New Mexico, yeah exactly and so yeah. That theory goes that they were messing with him was: What's tough? Is he there was no legs, there's no, nothing to account for the legs, there's nothing to count for all the footprints. So you on Hog. This idea has liks yeah, so I did that does have legs and a strange that there was other people who witnessed it for weeks after that, yeah event and and the shape of it doesn't really line up with a balloon, like you could maybe kind of squish a balloon into that shape, but that's just kind of odd. So it's tough to conclude that, but those are two remembereth a kid was the attic and his parents were like he's in that weather balloon. member. That I think I do actually way it's like very vague. Another theory was that Lonnie made the whole thing up to spurtourism in his town and they actually, the town did capitalize on it and Oh yeah for sure a yeah tourist is just as it happens. You go hey, listen because people show up yeah because as soon as news gets out like a weird people show up yeah, you know, which is why at back door, comedy club on August six through the eighth, there was an alien encounter there, and so you should go to the back door, Comedy Club in St Louis Missouri August, six, thirty eight and you know, or six to the seven six and seven Friday and Saturday. There's two shows each night and that's where aliens a aliens yeah, here's what's crazy about it is what I've heard happens, is there's a loud bang and the floor turns to glass, and then these these either tall children or short adults, walk on stage and they do stand up, comedy, yeah and and then they le they noticed the crap is actually I've been described as a tall child that I have been described away. So that fits you know, that's actually. In my bio that I give the Comedy Club, I say: Yeah Jerry Myers is a tall child with a million followers online he's got two specials on aprison prime and a favorite pair of overalls from old, baby, they're white white overall right overalls, Yep Yep, but I mean you know: If that's what gets people there, then every place that we're ever going to do a live. Tilini has had alien encounters there yeah exactly exactly, and if you show up in costume they're, more likely a I e, the o with pockets full of Pepperoni it. I got a Pokin filliped here. Here's what I want. You know how like tacking about the midnight showings of rocky horror, be bring bread and Thrand, throw stuff and all that stuff yeah I want when we start doing live, shows which we will and the reason I keep saying it and put it in this cord. I'm now saying it on the podcast is that we have to yeah absolutely I wanted to do it. Last year now we said we're going to do some live, shows yeah yeah and I would like people to just bring bags of pepper on the show takes pickle at pickles to your eyes, shove them in your eyes. I want you to legally blind yourself. All right here. Take an ober home. You obviously can't drive because you pickles fries El fore so meet us out front by the emerge. Stable, be signing pickles all night I'll sign. I don't pickle o. This is awkward. I don't have a s. We have a a tow to dry it off. We try this, oh my gosh, so yes, so anyway, this has never been solved. It is one of the more reputable sources because there are photographs, the I think it has been released now that was so because the government's dumping a bunch of fo stuff right now. I can't find the pictures on line I'm looking right now, but I can't find him, but I wait here here they are. I can't find these online anywhere, so we can probably go ahead and oh wait. Hey speaking of pictures, did you know that if you just google the starbucks over here and go look at their reviews, they're just picture of the so people just know where the starbucks over here is the starbucks on Barry Load in Kansas City? That's where I go all the time yeah we were. We were looking it up because there's a guy who comes in every day, it's really mean to all the employees yeah. He leaves negative reviews. Almost every time he's wanted. So he goes and leaves like one or two star reviews, and so I was going to look them up. I was like, Oh okay, you know they were like yeah. He leaves a lot of it, so I googled it to try to find the reviews. Yeah and I see the photos tabuith photo step and there's like three pictures of just meat. Like there's. No reason someone would take that picture as like part of Star to show start liks they're showing year it's a passion, a yeah. So I'm saying like this has happened so many times where people mention me in their instar story. They'll they take a picture of me from afar yeah and be like Yo saw Jeremy, I'm not a freaking sand. Squats like O Arthog, come talk to me. I've been looking for you for a year, then I still have to e, but I'm saying like, and then apart from that there's pictures of me and then there's also just a ton of pictures that I'm in people just taking pictures of starbucks and I'm just in them yeah, because I go there all the time, but anyway, it was just weird that there was one of the main pictures was just me yeah s like who took this who's out here. Just taking stamping pictures of you, probably that guy I hired to do it. Oh, we should do that. We should do that, but we should go to freaking arbs down here, yeah and flood their Google Review pictures it we just atures of us and they like when you go to look when you go to look at Yelp. The top one hundred pictures is a a R B, we're doing that. THAT'S HILARIOUS! That is really funny. So last thing I want to hit real quick. We should do so many restaurants so excited well. Do I fifty four fee were on r. We goin right now. Oh my gosh I'm. So this is a new project, I'm so excited, so we we touch on in the second go, but the girl is releasing a lot of this stuff lately. So right now we talked about this in the reviewing episode is possible for anybody to just go and do a freedom of Information Act. So you basically can go to government and it's not like have more the fouchy emails to and which is no way that someone's going to read those out of the context and also be like you know: Yeah, you do lie, get it yeah, so they just have to release it. If you think it free a man act, they have to release it. They can redact anything that it will affect Atal security. So whenever read it there's a lot of stuff is missing, and so that's where we get most of this information from, but this month, which might be before this episode comes out. So this might already have happened. I don't know what is coming out, but this month is the deadline for a UF disclosure freedom of Information Act that is supposed to come out. I think June. Twenty eighth is the deadline which everybody is expecting them to miss that deadline, yeah so sure might still be there, but there's everything that they have everything that every government agency has on UF that doesn't affect national security has to be released by that date. So a lot of information might be coming out soon, which is really interesting. That's crazy, so be looking out for that. Well, com, La Disclosure, x, tin, the six six, eight six, six, that's the easiest way to find any till in to eight six, six, six, eight, six, six sash disclosure. Also, if you're interested in alien abductions, there is a video we put out already yeah. That is US reacting to the voice. Males from our have you been abducted, sign yeah, we're creating an organization to help abduct IES we're trying to yeah we're trying to abduct these Yep we're trying. We Are Alien Abductis we are so. Basically, we have a class every year, Yep right and we take our new abduct in Duck. Do Welcome Up Jack to Inductis. At the end they get a they get a portfolio like that: Poolin epomeo er, that's just full of peperoni l, O epernay. This is hello: DACT INDUCTIS! Here's your diploma of Tepere, we're going to celebrate ry watching Crocodile Dundee and Hallabay Badiah. My Gosh is there more on this snow fiddle at all

New Mexico, 1964, Police Officer Lonnie Zamora was tending to his typical daily routine of ticketing speeders outside the city of Socorro. Zamora found himself in pursuit of a speeding vehicle when he saw something that would change his life forever. The UFO he witnessed that day would later officially be listed in the secretive Project Blue Book as “unknown.” … Read More

Cargo Cults – John Frum’s Strange Religion From World War 2

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When tribal groups first make contact with cultures and civilizations outside their own there are often unexpected consequences. Throughout history moments of ‘First Contact’ have led to disease outbreaks, war, and genocide. However, there is also a relatively new and incredibly odd phenomenon tied to first contact events known as Cargo Cults. These strange religions are largely formed out of … Read More

Eels – Why Does No One Know Where These Weird Fish Come From?


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The Boston Molassacre – AKA the Great Molasses Flood


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