PT Barnum – Man Behind The Spectacular Barnum & Bailey Circus


Episode Transcription

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Unknown Speaker Hey man, what's up? I hate it when you interrupt me. Amen. Unknown Speaker I didn't either. I let you finish your sentence. What's up? Have you ever heard of PT Barnum? PT Barnum? Yeah? Is it PD no P T physical therapy Barnard Unknown Speaker Yes Yes Unknown Speaker Yeah Unknown Speaker have you what's what's the known for? Speaker 1 No you do for barndominiums which are homes that are made out of barns? Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah it's a pretty popular HDTV thing they like cut it into three condos inside a bar no Unknown Speaker three condos is that that lady on Netflix you know that's pretty funny. We can interrupt. Yeah, that's a good that's a good spot. We gotta wait for like a good joke to roll the end. That was a good you know what, just roll it Yeah, PT Barnum's circus guy. Unknown Speaker Yeah, he's a circus guy, buddy. Not just a circus guy. Speaker 1 That's why sack of crap. You're gonna support that old man. Take a cinderblock. Go set it out. Let it sit there for a little while. We agree. I was just saying that for political points. Things I Learned last night Unknown Speaker okay, so PT Barnum. Yeah. Unknown Speaker You know who that is, though. Unknown Speaker I do know who it is. I Unknown Speaker figured you did. Speaker 1 Yeah. Do you know before I was a comedian, I wanted to be a circus clown. Did you really did you go to school as a ministry Unknown Speaker Jesus came for your Unknown Speaker okay Unknown Speaker clown nose, that's a clown Speaker 1 I knew exactly what you're talking about. Is that what Speaker 3 is that where the clown nose is? The clown telling the joke? No. But you're saying that as the cloud? Yeah, well, sometimes it's like an interactive bit where they bring the person up on stage. They stick to your nose. Yeah, it's the everybody it's like it's like when you go to do CTOs with it? Everybody gets the wristbands that light up when you go see a clown. Everybody can Speaker 1 see Taylor Swift and the word honks her nose at the end of the show. Very not sanitary. Jesus wants your honk is a quote that will live on the discord forever. I think unfortunately. Yeah, PT Barnum's circus guy. Yeah, he's Speaker 3 a circus guy by not just a circus guy. Unknown Speaker Put that okay. Unknown Speaker Well, we're off to a good start. Alright, here's a here's the PT Barnum. Here's what he looks like. Oh, Unknown Speaker which if you saw this, you saw Speaker 1 if you saw the greatest showman. Yeah. Hugh Jackman should not have been cast to play this guy. This guy looks like the Phantom of the Opera without the mask on you know, I'm saying like, this guy. Yeah. John C. Reilly would have been a great pick that's actually play pts. Very Speaker 2 accurate. Very, very accurate. It's interesting, because I don't know if it's this era of humanity, or if it's if it's this guy, specifically, but he looks like like the last thing I would expect is that he travels around with a giant tent and a bunch of elephants and people who dance real good Speaker 1 that's the job description. I mean, full picture of James Buchanan because maybe I'm just getting maybe maybe my brains not working correct though. Speaker 2 You know I'm gonna be honest with you. I don't I don't remember off the top of my head what Buchanan looks like but this picture Speaker 1 feels pretty Buchanan honey. Does it look similar at all? Or mine's Unknown Speaker pretty similar Speaker 2 causes here there's a lot of pictures with James Buchanan who after he should have Unknown Speaker quit taking pictures. There's pictures of this guy after he should have stopped. There's Speaker 2 a lot of other words, here's like this. And it's like he was outside in the wind. And then he went and took a photograph. Speaker 1 Very disheveled in his like presidential portraits. Yeah, Speaker 2 I think so. He was one where he combed his hair. This is Buchanan with Cohen. Okay, I Unknown Speaker wasn't crazy. was pretty Barnum ready at the same time era. Unknown Speaker Cannon was Speaker 1 I don't know why but like they both could be played by John C. Reilly is maybe why I'm thinking that Speaker 2 Buchanan died in 1868 was President 1857 to 1861. So yeah, same timeframe. Speaker 1 Hey, maybe that's what it was the that was the style. They're gonna think that whenever they see like these guys with the shaved like my barber does the shaved thing in the head right there. You're Speaker 2 gonna see it right. I got looks like Donald Trump. Pull that picture. Unknown Speaker The meanest thing you've ever said anything like that at all? Speaker 3 There haven't been a lot of I can't think of a single president who's had cool hair Unknown Speaker what? Leave up JFK. Yeah, I guess the tape is pretty cool. Speaker 1 Did Clinton had good hair when he was in office? Right. Obama started with good hair. Do you see how fast he grade while he was in office? Speaker 2 Yeah, but honestly, Oh, well. I will say Obama had Obama has gray hair and even gray gray. He grave made him look dignified. I think some people gray makes him look Rama looks Unknown Speaker better old than he did when he was younger. Yeah, Speaker 2 I think some people gray makes you look better. Some people great makes you look worse. I think Obama looked better. Looks better was gray. Speaker 1 Yeah, I mean, gosh, yeah, I guess should we Unknown Speaker dye hair gray? Speaker 1 Should we just do do powerful men have bad haircuts? Should we did that Speaker 2 seem like have you seen all of the Oakland Raiders staff? Yeah, Unknown Speaker the Oakland Raiders owner? Owner. Yeah, he's Speaker 2 not their owner there. I don't know. I think he's still there. Their owner, their coach, and who was it? There was someone on their team. They've all got Speaker 1 the same barber and there is themselves horrible. They were horrible haircuts. Their barbers blind. Okay, we've Speaker 2 got so much PT Barnum, not Barber. Okay, we got a lot of sorry, he has a long life. He was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut. And his dad was an innkeeper and a tailor and a storekeeper. And, you know, like one of those guys who was like, did a bunch for newer, but like, successful, you know, like a serial entrepreneur. Yeah. Like, like, like, he would have had a YouTube channel talking about how to be successful. Speaker 1 I do worry that like, when I'm old. I have, you know, what if comedy dies in the next couple of years, and then it'd be like, yeah, he was a comedian in his like, 20s. And then he worked at a used car lot for his 30s Speaker 2 It's like, it's like, Have you heard that? I don't know why you would hear this. I'd be surprised if you have actually, Unknown Speaker can you stop because we have a lot to get to. Speaker 2 Okay, I heard Wi Fi you don't hear it. Okay. No, I haven't heard it. It's it's a song from Hold on. Let me I have to. Casting I'm not loving the Spotify. I can't remember who sings it. So just forget about this. Okay. Speaker 3 So he but here's the thing his grandfather was a Unknown Speaker teepee. Barnum. The Papa. Yeah, Unknown Speaker what speed do you stand for that? Unknown Speaker Pretty taut. Pretty, Tom, I think we'll call him Fred, pretty boy. Okay, Unknown Speaker so P D stands for Phineas Taylor. Speaker 1 Cool. Phineas is a name that should make a comeback. His grandfather, Speaker 2 also Phineas Taylor. Sure. His grandpa. His grandfather had like a lot of really, really strong influence on him. His grandfather did a couple of things that were like noble, but he also was a lottery schemer as I mean, it means he like schemed a lottery. What does that mean? Speaker 1 A lottery schemer. Okay, what does that he's scheme, the lottery. Okay, how, but he had a lottery. I don't play the lottery. I don't know Speaker 2 exactly how he was scheming the lottery, but I'm assuming it was something like those. We covered a couple of lottery winners on our show. Yeah, did kind of different things. So I'm assuming it's something like that. And he had a lot of influence on young PT Barnum. Okay. And so when PT was on the ways of scamming, yeah, I guess when PT was 18 Danger 16 He, his father died. And he had to become the breadwinner for the family. So he started working at a grocery store. And while he was working at this grocery store, he realized I'm seeing a lot of people every day because they're here buying their groceries. And so he says, I know what I'll do. I'll start my own lottery. ends. Unknown Speaker Okay, okay, so he do that. Unknown Speaker I mean, you can do whatever you want. Speaker 1 For free country. I don't know if it's like, and I hope it stays that way. You know, who else believes that all of our new fans? Speaker 2 I mean, this is like 1825 or something like that, or whatever you want. And so back then, like, it's like, yeah, maybe you weren't supposed to do it. But like you, no one's gonna go get a license to start a lottery, you know, especially in Bridgeport, Connecticut, a lottery license? Yeah, no, no one's thinking Speaker 4 about 60. Cardozo. How does he Unknown Speaker so here's what he does water, he, Speaker 2 he sells lottery tickets, okay. And he's holding, like, drawings for them weekly. And he tells he guarantees a prize for everyone, for everyone who enters a lottery. And so he said, I basically he's like, he's like the grand prize winner. I'll give them like a fraction of my earnings from that lottery current same way most lotteries work. But then he was like, but everybody else, the grocery store I work at has a bunch of empty bottles, and they told me I can have them. And so he gets Speaker 3 to anyone else. Okay, no reason. And everyone was like, thanks. I want a major or Speaker 1 it's good to still hang on someone's mantled. That's my great granddad's bottle, Speaker 3 he wanted in peace for blobby Tom, pretty boy, Speaker 2 gave that to him in a lottery. So we're winners, our family, we changed our last name the winner after that. Speaker 1 Okay. Turns out our daughter was like some kind of spy or something like that really rough. Unknown Speaker So he did this for a few years. And did you get that job? Speaker 2 No, I didn't think so. Are you going to explain it? Okay, cool. So he, he just, he saved up money from this lottery, and then moved to New York and bought himself his own grocery store. So I was able to successfully run this lottery for a few years. Wow. And we should be clear, this is the 1820s. So you could buy grocery stores for like, 40 bucks back then. Like it wasn't this? Yeah, it's not the same thing. But it's still impressive. And so he's managing his grocery store. And you know, it's, he's, he's having like, a, like a career, I guess out of this, but he's not enjoying it. He's in 1835 rolls around. He's 25 years old. He's been doing it for a few years, running the grocery store. And he's, he's successful, but not like, success. Yeah, you know, and like, like, he's like, he's like, I want spend more. But he's like, but I there's one big problem with getting more and has work. And he hates working. And he's like, I don't want to have to work. He's like, I'd rather be able to be in a spot where I don't work. And I'm super rich. And so he started, started looking for the next big thing. Unknown Speaker I've got some great products available. And I think you'd like creams, and assorted. Speaker 2 And so this is this is 1830s. So he learns about an acquaintance he like a childhood friend he has he lives in Philadelphia. And this is the 1830s. And so his friend had a slave. Her name was Joyce Heath. And his friend claimed that she was the nurse, like the nurse of George Washington when George Washington was an infant. Okay. Which I saw the look on your face. The numbers don't add up. She will be 161 years old. Yeah, if that was true. But PT Barnum was like, You know what? The lottery was pretty easy. And he's like, I think I could pull this off. And so he goes out to Philadelphia and technically one off Unknown Speaker that's a good question. So it goes into Philadelphia. So Unknown Speaker you think I'm like, I'm gonna sell tickets to see this lady? Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah, pretty much. And so he wants he goes out to Philadelphia and Speaker 1 some meet and greet with George Washington's, like childhood nurse. Yeah. Shoot, dude. I hope I'm never that famous. That someone will be like this was a babysitter when he was like three. That'd be $20 A meter. Hey, you Unknown Speaker want to meet her? But like, Unknown Speaker I don't know. I guess it's the 1830s Well, Unknown Speaker it's weird though it feels weird. I can speak from experience Speaker 3 a lot of weird experience. Can you speak from when we toured Alcatraz at the end of Alcatraz, the last surviving inmate? Oh, he's just at the end of the tour. And like, he's like the door greeter? Well, no, he was sitting at a table in the gift shop. He's like, he's like I said 30 years ago, and they still have me here. They Speaker 1 won't let me get out of here. We taking a picture? No. I told him to quit taking pictures of me long ago. I don't want pictures of me having anymore. I shouldn't. Nobody should after a certain point. Speaker 3 It was he was there. I think on his own volition. He wrote a book about his experience. He was doing book signings in the gift shop. But it felt weird. And everybody else there felt weird about it to Speaker 1 buy his book. No, that's why Sacher crap. You're gonna support that old man. But his wife was ruined by the archaic prison system that existed Unknown Speaker by San Francisco. Some people were going in there taking pictures with it. Unknown Speaker I'm glad you had a good vacation. Everybody Unknown Speaker else walked by and was like, Unknown Speaker could you ask for a refund afterward? Unknown Speaker Yeah, we did. We were like, hey, it was really Unknown Speaker weird that I didn't really get a refund. Unknown Speaker Really drug magic training. You're Unknown Speaker doing the magic tricks very well. I hated it. Unknown Speaker So do you know what this this is a prison. Speaker 1 I'm sure that guy he's cool in 2006. But his time has done. Unknown Speaker best show in San Francisco. I don't know, man. Speaker 2 So he, he had 500 bucks to his name. So I took out a loan for $500 to make it 1000 And then made an offer to lease. Joyce from her owner, which was weird, because that was technically still illegal. Like, even at this time, slavery was illegal in the north, because he was they were in northern states. And so that shouldn't have been legal to happen. But he exploited the North. Yes. Yeah. It was because he was technically leasing her. Yeah. So it wasn't technically it wasn't laboring, yeah. Okay. And so he took her on tour. So people could meet George Washington, lady, and made, Speaker 1 that's what I'm saying. Like, what are you putting up? Like, if it's just said hi, V. I mean, like this guy nursed or this guy, maybe progressive, you know, yeah. This gal nursed Ronald Reagan when he was a baby, you know? Yeah. And she's at HyVee this weekend. You're like, okay, Speaker 2 yeah, they that's exactly what happened. He's gonna meet and Unknown Speaker greet. He really was. Speaker 2 It was like, it was like, 20 cents to meet her. And she old. Yeah, she was old. She was so she was about 80. Something of this not 161. Unknown Speaker Right. She would have needed to be. Speaker 2 But they the one thing I respect about PT Barnum, there's a lot that you probably shouldn't respect about him until he gets old when he got old, then there's some things you can't respect about him, because he'd learned some stuff. But at this point, he's like, there's not a lot you can respect about him. But one thing you can is he always made posters for his events that were I think ahead of its time. This was his poster for this. Hello, baby. George Washington Speaker 1 was full. So just so everyone knows. It's, you know, obviously, the older woman holding a knot baby. It is a just a small George Washington watching pretty funny. Inside this is aged 161 years. Unknown Speaker Yeah, George Washington isn't even around anymore at the time of this. Yeah, Unknown Speaker they're saying, Speaker 1 Look, though, that's honestly that is ahead of its time, because that's like, full grown. George Washington just shrunk down and put in her lap. Yeah, that's Unknown Speaker some photoshop. already funny. It is pretty funny. Unknown Speaker And so they took her around till on tour, and they Speaker 1 said she was 161. And it was a lie. Speaker 2 I'm pretty sure. Yeah, his friend told him she's 161 years old. Yeah. But Speaker 1 that's like what he Yeah, he's like, sure, sure. Sure. Sure. Unknown Speaker So they took her on tour. And this was a huge Speaker 1 hit. At that time. What people's belief stuff, man. It's true. And no one had invented lying yet. And so people were like, this is this is just true. Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah, that's accurate. And so he made a killing off of this. There's no way to prove anything yet. Every time he would go into 20 cents this year. People were like, oh, I want to see George Washington's nurse. And so people were coming from all over the place to see this. Experience it, but only lasted a year because she passed away year after Unknown Speaker 162. Speaker 3 And he had developed a little bit of a taste of reputation. It because some people were like, There's no way. There's no way that's actually yeah. Washington's that Speaker 1 ends up helping him. Yeah. And marketing standpoint, that's what you want. Yeah. Speaker 2 And because of that, he he capitalized on that as well. And so after she died, he hosted a live autopsy to prove her age. And so at a saloon in New York City, which is saloon of all places, like the doors and everything. Yeah, that sounds like that cannot be up to health. But they hosted a live autopsy, he sold seats and people came in, they watched it. And they verified she was 82 years old at the time of her death. And everyone was like, ah, wasn't real, but it was cool. Well, acid like Unknown Speaker how were they age verifying at that point? Unknown Speaker I don't know. I think teeth. Unknown Speaker Okay, yeah. Speaker 2 Everyone's teeth has numbers on them. Like, the back of your teeth has a number for your age. Yeah. Can you feel that? Yeah, it changes every year. Like your birthday? It's Unknown Speaker 31. But um, you don't know how horny nine? Unknown Speaker Ah, you didn't call your mom. Unknown Speaker I didn't call her mom right now. You call her Unknown Speaker I'm two years old. Unknown Speaker This changes so much. Changes everything I know about myself. Oh, man. Hey, thanks for checking Speaker 4 out this episode. If you like this, and you want more of our show, we've got plenty of other episodes. One of my favorites is action Park, a super sketchy theme park that was basically overrun by teenagers. And they just made the rules. It was in New Jersey. It was a wild story. But we did a whole episode about it. And I think you'd like it. So when you're done with this one, go check out that episode. But for now, back to this one. Unknown Speaker So they barely Yes, she's 82 Yeah, she was 82. Unknown Speaker And so he was like, Wow, this he's like, Unknown Speaker Oh, Unknown Speaker I too, got bamboozled. Unknown Speaker I was tricked by that guy in Philadelphia. Unknown Speaker That you all know is real. Speaker 2 Is none of that. So so yeah. So she she passes away. And he was like, Man, that worked out great. And there was a lot of money and to even just speculation. And so he started looking for other people that were unique that he could exploit. Speaker 1 Oh, yeah, they're old people. Just looking for the Speaker 2 other Oliver's to take somewhere. And so he he started finding you'll never run out of them. Your typical like, cars, like Sideshow stuff, like so like people with extra limbs or bearded ladies and but none of this stuff was as much of a hit as George Washington's nurse. And so like he kind of he kind of struck it big on his first one. Okay, everything after that was like just kind of they're like, yeah, we've seen the bearded lady. Yeah. And so, but he he spent a few years saving up his money. And he bought scoters American museum in 1841. Okay, it was like, like a Ripley's Believe It or Not using a wax place or what? No more like a Ripley's Believe it or not, because they just would have like weird exhibits of like, here's an example. One of the things that they had in there from the very beginning was what's known as I think, yeah, the Fiji Mermaid, which this is allegedly allegedly proof of mermaids that exists, they found this a Fiji and it was this, so I don't like it. If you're listening. It's it was a Speaker 1 half fish and then not even want to call it a person at the top. But kind of Speaker 2 Yeah, so this is a recreation of it. We don't have the original, but it was because what we did was he took a skeleton of a monkey and cut it off at the torso and then glued it to around and like glued it to the back of the monkey. And then was like, look, it's a mermaid. It's a real mermaid. And people were like, Oh my gosh, they found a mermaid in Fiji. Speaker 1 And that's what it would look like. Is I mean all these fairy tales of sailors falling in love with that. Unknown Speaker Yeah, yeah, that's Yeah, exactly. Unknown Speaker It's worth it if you're an audio listener to just Speaker 2 it's terrifying google it is terrifying. So yes, stuff like this, like crazy automated. Yeah, yeah. He's making crazy oddities and saying all this. I found a mermaid Yep. So he redesigns this museum. Oh wow. Barnum's American museum is it's big. What does that force five stories? Yeah. And had just all these exhibits of interesting things all throughout. And it was literally that it was like you walk in you look at something that was kind of interesting or a person who was who had an extra limb or a bearded lady stuff like that. That Speaker 1 is the the last surviving person from Alcatraz. It's the baby that he's holding. Unknown Speaker And everyone's like, what's Alcatraz? Well, you'll Unknown Speaker probably die. But we'll find out. Unknown Speaker We'll find out when you're older. Unknown Speaker He's older. Speaker 2 And this this museum he was he was tricky with this stuff. And so he was, is I guess, it was like a quarter of there's not a real murmee Certain Well, no, no, no, even better. So it was like 25 cents, I shouldn't say even better, even worse. So it was like 25 cents to enter, right? And then you can turn around and see the whole thing. But at the end of every, not every exhibit, but at the end of some of the major exhibits, he would put up all the signs that say this way to egress. But at and I guess apparently still now, people didn't know what egress means. What's your exit? And so people would be like, oh, I want to go see the egress. And then they go out and then they'd be outside and they there's no reentry. So they had to get another ticket to go in. So he was just tricking people to buy a second ticket. Unknown Speaker Dang it. Oh, I put it down. Unknown Speaker That wouldn't fly. Now. This is who PT Barnum was, Unknown Speaker I'd burn it to the ground dude. Unknown Speaker But again, still great posters. Unknown Speaker There's a side to the egress. Unknown Speaker Yeah, cuz he was like, Haha, we got to. Okay, so. Okay, Speaker 3 sure. So just a bunch of interesting stats. Someone with a lot of tattoos they hippopotamus. Siamese? Chicken, Chicken Chicken. Yeah. Bearded Lady. There's a brick. Unknown Speaker Is that a bearded lady though? White? Speaker 3 Yeah, I think that's a bearded lady. looking thing, I think. And then just an average baby. Speaker 1 No, he has a huge baby. That's the point that baby that baby's not average, that is actual size. That's a large baby. Speaker 2 And then there's a brick in this, because here's what he did, he would do this every day he would get into, he would walk into the museum. Speaker 1 One break from the building, because this can't last forever, guys. And like he would just you know, he's like, we're here until the building falls down. A different brick from a different area is like, eventually it'll Speaker 3 fall. Well, what he would do is he would take these bricks, man. And he would Speaker 2 he would walk in, and he would grab a brick and he will walk back out with a brick. And like just set it on the street. And then turn around, walk back in and then walk back out and grab the brick and walk back inside. And people on the like morning commutes would walk by and they'd be like, what do you do with these bricks, man? And he's like, why don't you come inside and see. And it meant nothing. It was just something just odd enough where people would be like, What are you doing? I go try to check that out on one of these days. And I'm gonna do that Speaker 1 when we open our mobile bar. What do you do it just like just go take a cinder block. Go set it out. Let it sit there for a little while. And come back out. Pick it up. Yeah, yeah. What are you doing? Have you ever heard of Oregon? Speaker 3 Just doing weird things. Once you come check it out. And so like his it slowly grows in popularity. Just Speaker 2 it's so, but nothing was like hugely successful yet. Like he was he was doing well. He was doing well. Okay, but it still wasn't like I don't have to work anymore. Well, you know, he was shooting for and then he met Tom Thumb. His name wasn't Tom Dunn. That was the name he changed him to. His name was Charles PT Barnum changed it. Yeah. It was Charles Stratton. Unknown Speaker He's like, I'm gonna call you. Tom. Is there a reason? Yeah. I think you know, Speaker 2 his name was Charles Charles Trenton. And he was his parents. Were actually friends of PT Barnum. Unknown Speaker Okay. It's parents like, hey, our kids weird. Speaker 2 They're like, we don't think he's ever gonna be able to make a living on his own. Why? Why he was a dwarf. And at that day and age, I mean, that's a pretty logical conclusion that he's never gonna be able to make much money on his own. And so at four years old PT Barnum says, Okay, I'll pay him or I guess I'll pay you as the parents. $70 a week. Unknown Speaker I'll lease your child Speaker 2 pretty much $70 a week to be in my A big money. Yeah, good money. And so they were like, yeah, like done deal. And so he legally changed his age to 11 years old and legally changed his name to Tom Thumb. Cuz for some, I think he thought that would sell better, which I think it does. I think it is better than Charles Stratton. Okay, and then calls him a general and says, Come see General Tom Thumb at 11 years old and 11 years old, but He's four years old. But he says he's 11 years old. Unknown Speaker Is there a picture of Tom Tom? Yeah. Here's Unknown Speaker a picture of PT Barnum and Tom Thumb standing together. They ended up becoming best friends that are lifelong friends after this. Speaker 1 That makes sense. But like, but like, why 11 If you're going to change the age, just shoot big, you know, go for 160. You know? Speaker 2 Yeah, I don't know why the age 11 was chosen. I think maybe it's because he was still like, he still kind of behaved like a child. So they were like, well, we got it. We can't act like he's an adult. Unknown Speaker But he's a Gen Y. That's why I say like, Gen. He's 11. Unknown Speaker He's an 11 year old come meet the 11 year old General. Unknown Speaker That's what I that's what I'm saying. Speaker 3 It's like, okay, that's the idea is meet the 11 year old general. And then that's what was interesting about him. Sure. And they taught him to say like, general stuff. And so he would walk into a room and he'd be like, hello, troops. I don't know, whatever generals do. Yeah. Speaker 2 And then they taught him to sing and that crushed. And so like, it was like, it was like, it had developed an audience Speaker 1 for like, oh my gosh, he's a he's a war general. And then he goes and they're like, he's singing. Take two quarters. Speaker 3 How many quarters Do you want? Take me to the egress. I can give you more. Unknown Speaker Yeah, he goes, follow me. He's gonna be running around. He's a child. You know, saying? Speaker 2 Yeah, so Tom Thumb makes him a fortune. People. The word spreads of the singing 11 year old general. And people start traveling to New York just to see Tom Thumb. Okay. And so they become a lifelong best friend. They become lifelong best friends. Wow. Him and Tom Thumb. And he takes tom tom on tour a couple times. But more than anything, Tom Thumb is performing at the American Museum for life and making pretty good money doing it. Speaker 1 Yeah. Did PT have a like, I believe against looking at the camera. Unknown Speaker No, I think he did it here. Okay, well, that's also Unknown Speaker why he didn't do it. Creepy, man. Unknown Speaker Yeah, yeah. After that last picture. Everyone was like, Hey, where's Unknown Speaker my eyes? I gotta bounce my eyes. Yeah. So Speaker 2 I love I love TomTom. And so TomTom makes him a fortune. And it really puts the museum on the map. Sure museum was opened for decades. It is a brick thing anymore. People are coming on their own. And it gets to the point where the museum is now bringing in 400,000 visitors per year. By 1846. It gets the point where the museum earns him $80 million. It translated to today's money, I should say. He makes a ton of cash off this museum. And TomTom really kind of put him on the map and meant this out. Okay. And so he goes on a little bit of a spending spree, finding more oddities and kind of compiling stuff to have in in his museum and then says I'm going to open up a new house from a Speaker 1 new house. I'm going to open up a new house for me usually to build yourself a home like a business plan like a business like for me, I like a house for me and then I like that same house build smaller for Tom Thumb. Give it to him for his at Speaker 3 the garage, his 18th birthday. So Unknown Speaker next year. Well, we could change that. Not really. Got more time. Speaker 3 He's got it. Yeah. At least not on us seven years. It's a lot like Tim's anniversary. Unknown Speaker In that in that on papers, two of them yes. So that's okay. The government doesn't listen to this Speaker 2 so he builds this new house and his II wants this house to be a thing though, where it's he has his home But he also hosts major events here. And so he puts in a theater and he builds like a big ballroom because he's like, I want the best music artists in the world to come do their. Their performances here in my home music here. Yeah. And so he opens up a home and he names it. I ran us down. And this is it. Holy cow builds this in Connecticut. In 1948 is when he built it. No, 1848 Sorry. 1848 That's what I meant. Unknown Speaker Otherwise, he'd be 161 years old. Speaker 2 If you're listening, it's a giant house and it's it's in your classic like, India, like temples style. So they've got like a big dome. Like bulbous rooftops with the spires. Stories. Yeah, depending on who you are. If you hugely been tortilleria. You would think this was here. 700 years ago standing is it? No. Speaker 1 Okay, I guess you'll tell us why. So yeah, Giants. This is this Outback also his Speaker 2 whole properties his there's lots of sub building all buildings. Yeah, that's Unknown Speaker Tom those houses. Okay. Speaker 2 And a fountain out front? Yeah. So I mean, just an absolutely obnoxiously gigantic mansion. Even for today's standards. If you saw this in 1848. It will blow your mind at how big this guy's house is. If you saw this in 2023, it will blow your mind at how big this guy Yeah, it's huge. It's a palace by every like, yes, measure. So a couple of years after he built this house, he finds out about a Swedish singer named Jenny Lind, who was huge in Europe. And he thought he could benefit off of her success. And so he calls up her crew, and is like, hey, why don't you guys come on over to the states all tore manage for you guys. And we'll we'll let you build an audience out here. And so Speaker 1 what would an audience translate if you came over from Europe, like would people show up? Typically, Speaker 2 no. But PT Barnum be one of the things that PT Barnum got really, really good at publicity. And yeah, he got really good at marketing stuff. And so he was confident he could build an audience for her before she even got to the states. Okay, so he went to her and he offered 150 Night tour to pay her $1,000 A night. And that is money. So translate it today is $40,000 a night for 150 Night tour. So she was like, Hey, that sounds great. Can you pay me up front? And he was like, Unknown Speaker No. He was like, Yeah, Speaker 2 I think we can do that. So he went and he took out a loan against his museum. He took out a loan against his house, and he's still stupid. And he took he put his entire savings so dumb, and he was still came up $6,000 short of what he offered her. And so he went and he was asking him for money. He found Unknown Speaker no, that's so dumb. Speaker 2 And so he found a point you Speaker 1 just like a musician enough that you're like, we're gonna do it. I'm gonna force it to happen. Speaker 2 He found a pastor in Philadelphia to give him six grand and he needs six grand. And so he told us pastor, Unknown Speaker pastors were rolling. Speaker 2 He found a pastor Philadelphia, and he said, Hey, Jenny Lynn, one of the things she was famous for in Europe was her morality, and her philanthropy. And so he said, I think if we have a star in the United States that's famous for the things she's famous for, we could really see a change in the morality of our nation, and convinced this pastor and the pastor put up $6,000 towards it, and was able to pay her upfront and she put the majority of it straight into her charities, and then sailed to the US. And he started marketing it and he really played up the morality played up the philanthropy stuff and the marketing. And when she arrived, she had no audience in the States before this deal started. When she arrived at Port, there's 40,000 people waiting for her to sail in. And they worked. Yeah. And so she goes to stay at the hotel that night. There's 20,000 people the hotel and they sold out of her merchandise, which is interesting to me. I'm curious Speaker 3 what her merchandise was. Yeah, like, T shirts, like just there's no way they had T shirts like, Unknown Speaker No, I had a blouse, a little fluffy blouse. And Unknown Speaker a fluffy bass. They sewed some suspenders and Unknown Speaker say J lens pulls my pants up. I Speaker 3 don't know what it is. She's so more moral. That she it says morals. The morals tore the mortals toward morals toward morals tore. So Unknown Speaker that night PT was like, oh yeah, this is gonna Speaker 1 work and then she actually crosses in front of somebody. And they're like She's not who they said they were. What a hypocrite. Speaker 2 And then all of the all of the fans daughters, they started putting black eyeliner on their eyes and go into her shows. And we're like, I love Jenny. Unknown Speaker They're like this is the reversible Speaker 2 Jenny's ruining our nation. No. So she plays at the castle garden Theater in New York, the first like, I guess there's a second night in the States. But our first night of the tour, sells it out. 5000 seat theater, huge theater for the day. sells it out. And this single event, because PT Barnum reiterated the PT Barnum decided instead of selling tickets, he was going to auction them because it was so it was already so popular as this single event paid off the Old Testament. Wow. So and then they went and did well, not 150 Nights, they did 93. Halfway through the tour, she dies. Halfway through the tour, she starts realizing, you see Barnum is making an insane amount of money off of this tour. And she's feels dirty about the fact that she's that he's marketing it off of her morality and her philanthropy. And so he says, if you're gonna make this much money off of stuff, he said, You have to give it away, I have to make more off of this is what she said. And so they negotiate a new deal where he would make a $5,500 management fee for each night of the event. And she would make the rest of the profits. And so So she Speaker 1 starts making a killing. Yeah. And so by the end of this, he was like, I don't want to do this anymore. This sucks. So Speaker 2 after 93 nights, the deal kind of fell apart. And they parted ways, because she was frustrated with the way he was marketing it. So they didn't do a full 150 Nights. But for 93 She walked away having earned about $350,000 in 1840 Cash whole equivalent. I've got a calculator up right now in point Unknown Speaker two or 12 million. Speaker 2 It's equivalent to Yeah, 13 point 6 million today. Yeah. And then he netted estimates range around $500,000, which was net. And so I don't know what a million. Yeah, I don't know how much he actually took home off of that. Because he's had a half. Yeah. And so the gamble worked really well for him. And so he started saying, hey, there might be something to this Tor stuff. And so he starts looking at winner do Unknown Speaker part of started with, Unknown Speaker yeah, get that remember? Unknown Speaker What if we had a morality? Speaker 1 What if we tore it is, you know, $10 entry, no tickets. Speaker 2 But they, they like auctioned all the tickets for free, free auction, free auction pre auction. So he gets into this, this concept of touring. And so he starts sending his acts is pretty crazy Speaker 1 how winter jam did that it's $10 cash at the door. They don't have to pay any processing fees on on cards or anything like that. And there's no ticket sales. So there's no other hands in the pot. It's interesting when you learn how things work, when you know how business goes and you go, Speaker 2 Oh, and you're like, yeah, and then they mark it in a certain way. And you're like, Oh, let's Unknown Speaker see what you did here. Yeah, PT Barnum. Unknown Speaker But anyways, you gotta get a winner. Unknown Speaker I do put me on there. I love it. I think you guys are geniuses. I'm so moral. Yeah, he's Speaker 3 also 3131 31 Speaker 2 You're enjoying it and you're enjoying chillin, you've been around for a little bit, I want to invite you to be a part of our Patreon. We have a Patreon that has early access to all of our episodes ad free content, both audio and video. We have a discord with our hosts and producers. That's a ton of fun getting to hang out with all of our patrons in there. We also do once a month now we do these live streams with our patrons. We hang out we get to know each other we eat pizza. It's a blast, along with a bunch of other benefits like a merch discounts message on your birthday like fun stuff. It's definitely worth it. We're having a blast with our patrons. But if that doesn't sound like something for you, like that guy here, just kidding. No, we love you. Thanks for checking out Dylan podcast. How do you how do they get it though? I realized I forgot to put a CTA in mind. Speaker 1 Oh dang we're doing Yeah, they can text Tillandsia 66866 Thanks Jared. Speaker 2 These are set at his axon tour. PT Barnum is sending his accent or making a killing his museum still open make it a killing off the museum and he's sending him out individually on tour, yeah. And he's brilliant. He's bright. He's starting to like, going out on the road, Tom thumb's on the road doing events, wow, singing or whatever. And he's working with a lot of musicians. Now Jenny got him into the music world. For us, they are there to surround trains. And so they he's, he's a huge success, right? Well, in the 80s, the early 1860s. His museum catches fire. Oh, and the newspaper puts out this article of his museum burning, which is Speaker 1 there's like a head, and oh, it's a mannequin. Speaker 2 Yeah, there's I think it's Abe Lincoln's mannequin. Losing ahead. Unknown Speaker Oh, my God. Yeah, it's Speaker 2 a terrifying image. This is an interesting time in journalism. When the cartoonists that would have typically just done no pictures for the front, they had them do everything. And they let them do it however they wanted. Why don't you draw a picture of the fire at the circus? Okay. And they were just like, cool. And they would just Yeah, make it insane. But yeah, so we know what sort of the fire No. But there was there was a major fire and it damaged it pretty bad. He was able to get an insurance payout, but it didn't even come close to covering the damages. But he was able to reopen partially and didn't didn't open. The whole museum backup reopened partially, a few years later, Unknown Speaker a lot more egress signs, Speaker 2 a lot more and eagerness signs. But a few years later, it caught fire again. And this time he couldn't recover. Yeah. And so it was a complete loss. And he shut it shut it down for good. Ironically, a couple years later, his house also burnt down. What so I don't know if this guy was literally playing with fire or if something wasn't insurance at the time. Well, there was there was insurance. But yeah, it wasn't like the sort of thing where it's like, he's not collecting industry. He's not he's not getting Yeah, I mean, he could have been insurance fraud, and honestly, but he wasn't making enough money off of it. He was making more money off his insurance as pilots burned out. That's why we don't have any pictures. That's a Speaker 1 bummer. Yeah. Because it was wild to like, still exist. Yeah. I also think there's Speaker 2 a possibility. So he, at this point in his life, he got into politics. And he was he was in the Republican, the new Republican Party was a brand new thing. And it was very different than it is today. It was actually like the inverse back then. Right. And so he was he was very progressive. Had a had a pretty instrumental part in the 13th amendment. Which is crazy, because because he started from that, yeah. And so well, what he said in his he gave a speech and in his speech, he said that he was once a while it was the word he used basically, like hard headed Democrat, who was a northerner he thought exploiting people was okay. And he said, over my career, he said, I've been privileged to work with people from all over the world from multiple different background, basically, and realize that these people are all the same. Like there's no reason why you should Jr really did change him. Yeah. And so he his life, like exposing himself to other people changed his life. And so then he was instrumental in making the 13 or passing through the 13th Amendment, but he said in his speeches, he was like he he thought he should be punished for the things that he had done in the past really, really looked like a change man after that, honestly, Speaker 1 it's almost like we agree. I was just saying that for political points. I don't think we should actually don't punish me Don't please don't I've been punished enough my business burnt down, my home burned down. Speaker 3 My business burnt down again. And so he he was also instrumental in Speaker 2 passing legislation that made gas lighting a common thing and cities streetlights were all the time man Speaker 1 in the city before nothing like that. Unknown Speaker Gaslight Wow, they're Speaker 1 like, they're like there was no Barnum's Museum. Well, yes, there was. No You're making that up. You're Speaker 3 crazy. Give it up. You're making it up. You're crazy. And he was like, I did that. He was like that. That was me. That was my work bro. More gaslighting here. But I Speaker 2 do think it's possible that because he was such a proponent of gas lighting, that that's what Burton has everything down. Oh, because that was that makes highly flammable. Speaker 1 But like running gas lines as infrastructure kind of stuff. Yeah. And then lighting Speaker 2 the city that way. Yeah. And so he was in point of all this is to say he was influential in politics as a politician. And then at the age of 63. He was like, You know what I haven't done yet. Okay, because I haven't Speaker 3 done a circus yet. said I've done all this stuff. And everybody the future knows me for the circus but I haven't done the circus yet. She's times right. Speaker 2 And so he establishes PT Barnum's grand traveling museum menagerie caravan and hippodrome wasn't great at naming stuff. Great it advertising. Yeah, good naming. I think that was normal back then. long names were long. Yeah. And so he started Speaker 1 to zipper, his name, Phineas Taylor to long pt. Speaker 2 And so he started running that in 1870. Ran for 11 years. Very successful circus in the States. 1k. one of if not the most successful circus in the United States. Meanwhile, across the pond in Europe, there's a guy by the name of James Bailey, who's running a very successful circus. And K. Borrow the UK in Unknown Speaker Butea. Speaker 3 And he learns about it from Tom Thumb. Important sidebar. Tom, Tom went over there. Yeah, important sidebar. I'm Speaker 2 getting ahead of myself a little bit. Sure. Yeah. So in the 60s, during his political career, he ended up getting into some pretty hot legal waters. And so some of the stuff that he did, made some enemies, as happens a lot with politicians, right. And he, he got a little a little too passionate, I think about these enemies. And so he started coming after them a little bit too hard. And so he got sued for libel multiple times, oh, and nearly bankrupt, got bankrupt from the litigations that he found himself in. Because his museum wasn't open anymore. He lost his house. We had a lot of a lot of his assets were literally burnt out, right. And then, and then he was kind of being a little too risky with the slander. He was thrown at some people, and it costs him. And so he almost lost everything. But his old friend Tom Tom, at this time, it had gone off on his own, and was touring in Europe and was like, why don't you come on toward me in Europe? You can open for me. Unknown Speaker I mean, did we tie five at the top? Yeah. Unknown Speaker But here's the thing. PT Barnum, Speaker 2 this whole his whole career was never a performer. He was always the guy running the show, you know, but not the performer. And so opening was like, What's PT Barnum gonna open for? So he opened as a speaker, speaking against alcohol. And so Speaker 1 thanks for coming tonight. I'd like to start this joyous evening of fun and drinking with a talk about how neither of those things are good for you. You should not drink where they serve and drinks it like theaters and stuff Unknown Speaker then I imagine I would assume Yeah. pour that out. Put that out. Dump your drink, dump your drink. Speaker 1 Don't drink or dump your soul. Yeah, he was what was known as yours. He was he was what was Speaker 2 known as a temperance speaker. And so the idea was alcohol is bad for you. You shouldn't drink it you should abstain he Speaker 1 was running a DARE program across the UK basically Speaker 3 opening for Tom. Everybody's everybody's going out to see Tom Tom perform the the 11 year old general he's still 11 So it's a big bait and switch. Yeah, that he comes out and he's like, he's like, Are you drinking tonight? Unknown Speaker Tonight? Well cut it out. You're Unknown Speaker all gonna die. Unknown Speaker As you can see in this presentation. He's like, not a good public speaker is really hurt. Tonight. I'm gonna give you sorry. I'm gonna give you three reasons that drinking is wrong. Not wrong. Unknown Speaker But like not good. Unknown Speaker Cue photos. Unknown Speaker Can you put the pictures up on the screen? Please? Yeah. Speaker 1 Not the one where I'm looking at my camera. But the camera Speaker 3 anyways, you might not know me. My name is PT Barnum. I'm gonna before we get into it, I gotta show you a picture of me and my family. This is me and this is my son. Speaker 1 Hey, guys, thanks for being here. We want to say thank you for being here. There's a card Have a seat back in front of you just fill that out. Let us know you were here. Speaker 2 Yeah, if you just fill that out with your credit card information, you can drop in the bucket when it comes by and we'll just take whatever we want. Unknown Speaker Nice. Unknown Speaker Legally, I'm supposed to say it that Unknown Speaker if you want to reach the summit Unknown Speaker he goes it does this tour. It Speaker 2 makes a good amount of money off of this tour, and he's able to reboot his career and gets into the circus. was a circus for 11 years. And then Tom Thumb who's still on tour in Europe is like, Hey, there's this guy, James Bailey super successful out here. Looks like he's planning on coming to the states, you should get ahead of that. Unknown Speaker Okay. And so he Unknown Speaker calls that's why he started doing the circus stuff. Speaker 2 Well, no, he had been doing the circus for 11 years at this point. Oh, so he calls up James Bailey. And he's like, don't come to my territory. He's like, you're my number one competitor. He's like, you're the target to my Walmart. You're the Pepsi demand Coca Cola. Unknown Speaker He said, I'm a Bailey. Yeah, he's Speaker 2 like, what if? Join sides? He said, he said, What if we what if we be Pepsi Cola? Anyway, that doesn't flow? Right? What about Walgett? What Speaker 1 if we merge? What if? What if? What if you come over here and I buy your circus and we call it x? Unknown Speaker I think it will sell really well. A lot. I don't know, man. I'm just kind of thinking through some stuff. Make sure this Speaker 3 New York City, a giant light up X, on top of a building facing the windows of your enemies. Speaker 1 Will people think it's a weird thing? Ah, you're thinking too far ahead, buddy. But if we just make it with gasoline, I like to think in the moment. And then let my youngsters tell me my mistake. Plan. Speaker 2 And so James Bailey and him, they partner up, Bailey comes over to the states and brings his his elephant named Jumbo. And they buy a train that they had for a long time. Pin like chartering train trips. Yeah, but Speaker 1 you can't get charter a train. Yeah, you can show up with Speaker 2 like, check bag and elephant. Like, the ticket person is good. I know you can't train. And yeah, so they bought a train. They're the first circus to ever own their own train. Speaker 1 Wow. And they were rolling the towns with a full train. Unknown Speaker And so in 1882, they went on their first tour, how Speaker 1 does somebody go ahead of them? I guess that's how people the circus is coming. Speaker 2 I think they would mail flyers or something. I don't know. I mean, he was great at advertising. However he did it people would always come in. That's what I'm saying. Like, why Unknown Speaker would they do that? Speaker 2 They were the first three ring circus, which I think most likely came out of a debate. Because what they have you ever been to a three ring circus? You know what that means? Yeah, I didn't. I don't think I knew what that mean. Like, I went to circuses as a kid. Like there's Speaker 1 a center ring, where all the cool stuff happens. Yeah, there's another one where like kind of stuff happens. And then there's another one where other but they they can because Oh, it's constant entertainment. Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah. So they're all going at once, basically. Yeah. And so I think that most likely came out of a debate where it was like these two circuses came together. And they were like, well, I want to perform now. And they're like, Well, if we all do it at the same time, everyone wins. Yeah, I think that's what happened. But it was their first three ring circus. They launched in 1882. And it ran until 2017. What is the longest running any form of entertainment? Speaker 1 ran until 2017. The other one that came to the shrine mosque Speaker 2 Barnum and Bailey's. I don't know if it was that or if it was the Ringling Bros. Ringling Brothers in like the post war era blew up and they okay for their money. And now I think Ringling Bros. Bring the Ringling Brothers wrinkling. Speaker 1 There's one in June I think is bigger. Now, there's a there's a company in Joplin that does circus circuses. Uh huh. Yeah. So I drive by their field all the time. And like their elephants are just out there. I'm not joking. Like, they're on the side of the interstate. And they got their big semis, and they're still doing it even though people it's like to me, like, how much longer do you think circuses could exist? And also, SeaWorld? How long do you think SeaWorld could exist? Because I think like, millennials aren't SeaWorld? Speaker 2 Yes. Here. Well, it's close. See? Well, it's gotta be close. It's so close to a close very close. Speaker 1 I mean, I would go weeks ago, just just to keep my life Unknown Speaker I don't think I've been to a circus since I was like, six. Unknown Speaker I would do a circus in. I mean, even before then, when I was a kid, I knew I was wrong. I was I was bad. Really? No, we went I think I went to I was like, in I don't know. Speaker 2 I don't know. I mean, I think it depends on the circus. Like if a circus is like doing like, elephants and like animals stuff. Like I think they're, they're on the target list. But I think if a circus is doing like, just acrobatics, yeah. Cuz those suffering do. Yeah, I think I think the acrobatic stuff could last. But I will say like, like, if I'm on the highway, and I see circus tents, like this part of me that's like, I should go to that real quick. Unknown Speaker I should go see real quick. Let me tell you, let Speaker 2 me tell you if I if I'm on the highway, and I see a circus tent on in the parking lot and independent center. Yeah. And as I'm driving by I see a guy walk out with a brick. I'm good. He sets the brick down. Unknown Speaker I can what's he doing? I can't find now I have to find out how to figure out how to make money off this year. What he's doing. He's opening a story loop. For real though, Speaker 3 like That's definitely what he was doing. Like, it's this question of just like, what's up with the break and then you go through the whole museum. And while you get Unknown Speaker through part of it, you got to pay like I still go. Brick Unknown Speaker brick, you go through the whole thing at the very end. Unknown Speaker He's there the gift shop. A copy of my book. The brick book book. No. What's the brick? is about my life. Oh, brick. Oh, yeah. Greg stands up Unknown Speaker and says the Pledge of Allegiance Speaker 1 to the flag of the United States of America for which it stands, one nation indivisible. Speaker 1 You get it. You got what I did there, right? Because that wasn't in the title of right time era, you guys as a good joke. Speaker 3 So the surgeon is what he's known for it but he didn't start doing it until he was in his 60s. Wow. Speaker 2 I mean, he made a lot of money. Throughout his career, like he, the circus was a huge success of his he was a huge success doing everything else before and he knew how the entertainment business worked. And so Speaker 1 I'm going to change my marketing to be Judy Lynn's marketing, which is just like, come see Jaron, he's a really good guy. Speaker 2 Before Barnum and Bailey's started, while he was getting his circus business off the ground, he got into being an author. And so he wrote a book called The Life of PT Barnum. Unknown Speaker We just didn't spit. Speaker 3 Yeah. It's pretty great. He literally literally did that. Unknown Speaker Yeah, but he did under a fake name. So it would be like a biography. No, Speaker 2 it was called by it was life of PT Barnum by himself. Okay. Unknown Speaker Everybody thought he meant it was written by him. But he was like he was by himself all the time. Unknown Speaker And that's the real story. Speaker 3 He few 10 years later, he wrote a book called The humbugs of the world, which was him just slandering mediums. Speaker 2 Because he had a real problem with them. And he actually in the book he offered, he was going to pay $5,000 to any medium who could prove they could actually talk to the debt. Maybe 5000. That was how the book ended. I sound like one of his friends died. He's like, I'm sick of these people sick of these mediums. Unknown Speaker And so then these mediums, there's a group of mediums Speaker 2 that actually they read that book, they read the offer, they found out that was $5,000 up for grabs, if they could prove that they could talk to the dead. So they got together. And one of them told one of the mediums a secret. And the other medium was in the other room, and he'll tell them, and they did the seance thing. And they proved it and so he had to pay them $5,000 That's it made it sorry. Unknown Speaker Obviously, he didn't know the secret. He would have had to tell someone a secret and then kill them. Unknown Speaker And that yeah, so anyway, so they got a few times Speaker 1 to figure it out. They killed a lot of people before they shoot. He has to figure this super Speaker 3 secret is the brick was nothing. Nothing to do with. It was just a break. It's all don't break. Unknown Speaker She was 82. Unknown Speaker And he was for what are you seeing right now? Unknown Speaker Well, I don't know. Your friends gonna tell me in a second. That's probably gonna get marked by the by the YouTube standards. The transcript says stab, stab, stab, actually three different times because I said it. Again, they said you can say stab 10 times. Speaker 3 Let's say thank you. If you stay, poke 11 times, say what's a better word? What's another? What's a synonym of? Unknown Speaker Of what? That's what I thought this conversation is over real hard. You hear Oh, wow. Speaker 3 Knowledge that was just waiting for it. I was just gonna post. Unknown Speaker It says 29 You're good. So Unknown Speaker he writes up. I'll take you through doesn't boast Unknown Speaker you should lose a tooth for the bid Speaker 3 so he he writes a couple dozen books most of all about like couple dozen. Yeah, most of them about how much he hates mediums or about politics or business, Speaker 1 you know, and that's what what happened if we didn't have social media all these people who leave like seven paragraph comments wouldn't think they're authors. Speaker 2 But then in 1880, right before the Barnum and Bailey Circus thing happened, he wrote what is probably my favorite book ever. I haven't read it I just by the title judging the book by its cover. This is my favorite book ever written. This is PT Barnum's the art of money getting Unknown Speaker which is so great. Unknown Speaker I want to read it. I want to read it really bad. Unknown Speaker I don't think this was the original. This was not Speaker 1 this is definitely what's available on Amazon now. Speaker 2 Because and I think that just because this font is very clearly this was made in in PowerPoint, this car. Yeah. But man, I want to read this book, The Art of money getting all about how he got his money. He is widely attributed with for being the person who coined the phrase, there's a sucker born every minute. Oh, I don't. Most people think that he didn't say that. And I think the reason for that is because I don't think the slang term sucker lasted that long. Right? Right, right. But he was pretty vocal towards the end of his life, about the fact that he said that he would say people, it's not that people have a problem with being lied to. They actually crave it they crave being lied to. And so he would create these ridiculous things so people could be lied to because they liked they liked it. They liked being lied to about this. Fiji Mermaid. They like being lied to about George Washington's nurse or Unknown Speaker liked believing things Speaker 2 like weird stuff. And so yeah, he believed he believed that people were entertained by being lied to. And I liked it. And he was he built a career off of doing that for people. Speaker 1 No, I was doing it for your good. So he really was gaslighting at the end wasn't. Hey, you lied to us. Yeah. And you liked it? Geez. No, no, you craved it. You actually I remember you wrote me a letter one time when you were a small boy. Like I was Santa Claus. I'm you said hello, Mr. Pretty Tom Barnum, will you please lie to me? You remember that he's Unknown Speaker lying. And he's like, Wait, you're Unknown Speaker doing it? Right now? You're alright. You know? Yeah, cuz that's what you wanted me to do. That's okay. Unknown Speaker And in at 91, Speaker 2 his health started to really decline. And he knew it. And so he asked the newspaper to write his eulogy, so he could read it. Before he died. He's like, he's like, I think I'm gonna die. So you write my eulogy. Before I put it out, I want to read it first. And at the age of 80, he ends up dying of a stroke. His last words, were him asking his assistant to get him the receipts from last night's circus because he wanted to see how much they spent. And then he died of a stroke. Give me the receipt. never never never stopped working into the last minute. The reason we know about the reason we have circuses, probably honestly, and a major part of of the 13th Amendment, even though he was kind of a problematic person, the majority of cool for Unknown Speaker talking like mergeable. Okay, Speaker 3 this is this is what happens at the end of the day. This is what happens at the end of the radio tour when you walk around the museum with your earbuds in and the person narrates everything for you. Speaker 2 At the very end of it, they get really close to them like to finish the story. Okay, while you read the plaques and try to listen at the same time. It is very difficult. Why don't you give me the ears and the Speaker 3 Why did you give me yours at the same time? Sure. Islands born Unknown Speaker blindfolded guard this museum Speaker 3 America's first blindfolded museum booster that Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So PT Barnum, legendary entertainer. Great author. Unknown Speaker Prolific, great author, lifted gaslighter. Speaker 3 And I do believe in show person. You believe in medium? Unknown Speaker Yeah, cuz so I did the thing with that. I was like, You know what? You didn't know. Yeah, well, I kinda I was like, I'm gonna prove it. So I did the whole whisper of a secret thing. Speaker 3 Whisper the medium. Yeah, that we killed. And I was like, Speaker 1 Why are you laughing? Why did you say why are you laughing? That person's not anymore. And so I was Unknown Speaker whispered a joke to me. All they talk to you is for the secret and then Secret you said was a funny joke. Fiddle off Speaker 4 things last night is a production of space Tim media produced by Christian Taylor audio is edited by Alex Garnett video by Connor Betts social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic design by Caleb Goldberg. Our hosts are Jaron Meyers and Tim stone please follow us on social media at tellen podcast that's T IO in podcast. leave a review, comment, subscribe, wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on our last night. Transcribed by

One name stands out in the colorful entertainment world like a shining star: PT Barnum. Known for his incredible showmanship, creativity, and relentless pursuit of the extraordinary, PT Barnum left an indelible mark on the entertainment world. Join us as we journey through the life and career of this remarkable showman, exploring his early life, his museum, his European music … Read More

John R Brinkley – “Doctor” of Goat Glands, Lies, and Radio


Episode Transcription

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Unknown Speaker Hey man, what's going on? Have you ever heard of John Romulus Brinkley? The second? Oh. Unknown Speaker I've heard of John Romita is Brinkley, but you're talking about his son. The second. Yes. John are both. Unknown Speaker Allegedly, because like, you don't just do the second. That's Jr. Yeah. Well, yeah, the presence of a second implies implies the presence of a third. Yeah. And also the presence of the first one. Unknown Speaker Maybe I'm gonna name my kid something. Unknown Speaker The second Yeah. Is it Patrick? mahomes. Like the third or whatever. Unknown Speaker I'm pretty sure it's the second, the second or the third. I think he's third. I think he's after mahomes A third. I think he's the second now I'm pretty sure he's the third. Cuz I'm pretty sure he's he's like a logo. His personal logo is pm three. Unknown Speaker Oh, you're right. And so there's a lot of pressure. You know, he has a son. No, he's the second. He's the second. Oh, they only have daughters. All right. Yeah, I think they only have one daughter. I don't know. I don't follow that closely. I'm pretty sure. Unknown Speaker There's a new Nother one. There's a new one. There's a new one. Anyway. Okay. So this is a Patrick mahomes Gossip podcast now. Unknown Speaker I'm airing my adult bully. And I don't know what happened. But as soon as we got married, she is something in her brain just went he's not gonna leave now. And she's got me. Be careful. Be careful. The Dude, it's Saturday night I'll set you up to but he's not a doctor. He is just full of ghosts. I'm just gonna take those feelings. And I'm going to show that's what I'm telling you, man. It's better that way. Unknown Speaker Things I Learned last night Unknown Speaker this is Unknown Speaker John are Brinkley. Oh, the second. This is him before he became Colonel Sanders. Yeah, here he is after he became Unknown Speaker is this is a digitally colorized photos a colorized photo of him I printed the hat they put in when they colorized it. I know. They were like we're tired of doing this. That I can't do his hair back Digital Color artists. Unknown Speaker Here's a picture of her pointing and yelling at somebody probably staged. Unknown Speaker It looks like a stage deal. Here's a picture of him holding someone's baby. It's not his I know that for a fact, because of the story. Don't read that. I know that. Unknown Speaker And here's a picture of all I can't read that. When you say don't read that I scribbled. Unknown Speaker And here's a picture of him, resting his hands on a bald man's head. Unknown Speaker Oh, I love this era of America, where people just took really weird pictures, like really serious, weird pictures. This is his business partner. This was his business. This was the photo of him and his business partner who's on their website to get those on their website. This was about us. What year is this? Like? 1920 or something like that? Okay, when this one was taken? Yeah. Unknown Speaker It's not that funny. But it's like, can we take this picture? You know, you're a person who looks at people planking on the internet and you're like, ah, like it was funny. Yep. Unknown Speaker Yeah, yeah, we can take this picture in a few years when you're bald. Yeah. Good call. Unknown Speaker Wait, do you think something about first? You 100% 100%? Not even a question. I don't like how confident you are in that. I don't know. Let's look through the footage Unknown Speaker from three years ago. Unknown Speaker And just compare it to now. Just every time I turn my head back a little bit. Unknown Speaker People have been pointing it out to him. No one's been pointing out just my wife. My wife knows someone coming out the other day. Unknown Speaker I think it's because we brought it up. Right. We brought this up before Shut up. Okay. He was born in July 8 1885. in Baden, North Carolina. Now he's Unknown Speaker John Brinkley senior. His father, the first John First John R. Brinkley. He was married five times. First. First marriage ended due to the fact that apparently North Carolina or North Carolina had rules for marriages. One of them being you had to be old enough to get married. And his first marriage he was too young to he was too young. Yeah, he was too young. So they were like in the one 1800s Yes, the state was like, not that marriage. What age was he? I can't find that information. I just know that he's Unknown Speaker like 12 Unknown Speaker and he's like an eight year old Unknown Speaker Oh, that's what I'm saying. You know, like it was already, maybe, maybe, okay, this first marriage got overturned by the government. Unknown Speaker But the rest of his marriages didn't all five of the same woman, Unknown Speaker oddly enough, is for marriages. He always married women who are significantly younger than him. And, Unknown Speaker yeah, first one, I just want to make sure I understand his first one gets overturned because he's too young to get married. And then I'm assuming the second one's not that long after. Unknown Speaker I don't I don't know how long after it was, but I do know he was an older man marrying younger women. So I assume based on the stories of the other wives that he waited a few years after his first his first marriage was a little hard one for him to swallow. It took him a year. Yeah, over that. Literally his childhood love. Yeah. Unknown Speaker You know, Unknown Speaker it was It wasn't even his high school sweetheart is a kindergarten sweetheart and the state took her from Unknown Speaker the state took her mind to Unknown Speaker I lost her to the state. That's like if you Unknown Speaker I lost her to the state. Unknown Speaker That sounds like some domestic issues going on. No, I like the idea that like Unknown Speaker No, please, please finish your sentence. It's not gonna get much. Okay, cool. I like the idea of intent warning. Unknown Speaker I like the idea that you go on your honeymoon. And like you go like somewhere exotic to like a national park and you're camping and then your spouse goes missing. And then you come back and what you say is I lost her to the state. As in like, whatever state you were in where you lost her. The state took cool from me. Yeah, me and my wife went looking for treasure. Unknown Speaker Suspicious mountains. Unknown Speaker So married a whole bunch. Okay. Unknown Speaker worse over time, or is he just married five women? They died? They are. They're always younger than him. They always die. You know that my grandpa's been married 13 times? No, when I told you that. No, my grandfather has been legally married 13 times. That's exhausting. Yeah, my grandma was number two. Unknown Speaker And then divorce. Most of them. And like the last three have passed away because he's old now. I mean, that's that, let's say last two passwords and how he said like if you've been divorced more than twice, then it's probably like, Unknown Speaker no, he never got it. He never was like, I'm the problem. He they sent me he sent me an invite to his last wedding. Unknown Speaker It was like in Florida. He's ever wanted to come down for it. Yes. It's great. Great Grandson was his best man. I wrote back and said I'll catch the next one. So Unknown Speaker have you seen that Larry, David bit were these like, he's like, Would you ask him if he would travel for wedding? He's like, I'm like Jimmy Kimmel. I think we've seen that. No, Jimmy Kimmel is like, Unknown Speaker what's the farthest you travel for a wedding? And he's like, he's like, I don't know. It's throwing out and it's like, the guy gave it to them destination wedding. And he's like, No, I'm not gonna go to that. And like, what if it's your like, daughter? And he's like, I'm not going to that he's? And he was like, he was like, he's like, No, if you if you're expecting me to fly, he's like, I'm not going. He's like, he's like, an hour and a half drive is the farthest I'll go for a wedding. Okay, that's a good point. That's a good point. Good point, you flew to mine. Unknown Speaker I was Unknown Speaker I don't think we want to have that fight on a podcast. Unknown Speaker I don't think that you're Unknown Speaker a safe person. Unknown Speaker For me to be vulnerable with. Unknown Speaker Okay, so Unknown Speaker I'm just going to take those feelings and I'm going to shuffle. That's what I'm telling you, man. It's better that way. Unknown Speaker All right, Morty Go ahead. So Unknown Speaker all four of his wives died died before him. And they were younger than him significantly older than him. His fifth era Well, I don't know people died in the 1800s Yeah, just like you get the gist of common cold and you're dead. Yeah. You look at the sun for too long and you die. Awesome. It wasn't anything better Unknown Speaker by looking at the sun all day, all right. Kills Unknown Speaker coincide against Unknown Speaker that sounds gonna kill you. So Unknown Speaker he died his what he loved. Unknown Speaker Looking at the sun Unknown Speaker is fit Unknown Speaker wife Sara had. John The second was kind of wild that waited until his fifth wife to name one of his kids after himself. Did he have other children? Yes. Oh. Unknown Speaker Ran out of name. It was like I just named this one. How many kids do you have? How many kids you have before you do? One named after you? You know? I'm not sure. I know. I know. He has at least one sibling because it's talked about him. Unknown Speaker But I don't know how many like it doesn't have a list of siblings and his thing to prove the oldest sibling to be like the favorite and be like, you know, this is Junior. Quite another Unknown Speaker for like, the fifth kid to be like an old junior and, or, or, or Yeah, the other one used to be Unknown Speaker the second the second? Unknown Speaker Because Unknown Speaker I like him better. Sit him at the table at the table. Hey, so your name is not John Brinkley the second anymore? He traded it. Yeah. He traded it for a bowl of soup. Unknown Speaker Now gonna go buy? Unknown Speaker Sawyer? Unknown Speaker I don't know. That's an old name. Right, Sawyer? Anyways, so Sarah had him out of wedlock, and then they got married because that's what you did in that time. Unknown Speaker And while John was a child, one of Sarah's nieces also named Sarah moved in with them. Unknown Speaker When she was like, in their early second. Unknown Speaker Well, they figured that'd be too confusing. So they started calling her Sally. So is that real? Yeah, they call her Aunt Sally, instead of me. So, Sally, you move in somewhere that like a year ago. Unknown Speaker We already have too many Tim's. Unknown Speaker Tim and aunt, Tommy. Unknown Speaker Sorry, on wherever you're from. I don't know. Unknown Speaker They put Sally and Sally lives in the house. Right. Okay. Sarah, his mother died of tuberculosis when he was five years old. Okay. And then his father John died when he was 10. So now as you're saying, Sally, now it's just him and Aunt Sally. Unknown Speaker So, Sally, and Sally moved into seventh place to go now she has a kid. Unknown Speaker And probably all the others to actually but those ones didn't do anything historically valuable. So we don't know about them. They're not any dollar bills. Unknown Speaker Well, me there's this guy. But he made a lot of them. It's he he went to school in like a log cabin school. Okay, they had classes like two or three months out of the year. Unknown Speaker Depending on how good the year was, you know, they gave him an extra month if it was good. Unknown Speaker Graduated at 16 Sure. and got a job as a town to town sales are not salesman, mailman. So he he didn't put the mail in a box. But he carried it between towns. Yeah. So you had a big bag of here's all the mail for the next town and he had carried over. Thank you for explaining how the mail works. Well, I want to I want to make sure that everyone understands that he was not putting anything in stock for this. You could send a letter you gotta imagine like in the back then. Yeah, the mailman has to be real annoyed. If you put one that's like, far away. Yeah. And then you just know like, he's not gonna take it. I'll take that in like three weeks. How long were they actually delivering letters to the North Pole before someone was like we should stop doing this. They still deliver. Okay? They take them to NORAD. They take them all the nor Unknown Speaker you waste our valuable tax dollars. Of course, forcing those people to read. Read the letter. Make sure it's nothing out loud. Make sure Tara's Unknown Speaker gonna watch these kids these days. Unknown Speaker And so while he was in that log cabin school, though, there was another girl going to school there named Sally. Not as hot. Unknown Speaker But she was a year younger than him and she bullied him his whole life. You want to get married though? You're younger than him. Unknown Speaker But let him his whole life. They were enemies, not friends. Sally did a lot of emotional damage on him as a child. Unknown Speaker Okay, anyways, grew up in the mail of how she bullied him. No, just You said she bullied them. Okay. Yeah. Unknown Speaker Well, eventually they are. But that's different. Unknown Speaker Became a mailman. Yeah. And while mailing. Unknown Speaker He got into telegraphing, they taught him how to do that. Okay. And so he got a job in New York as a telegraph operator, and then moved to Jersey while he was in Jersey telegraph and he gets a call Sally's Unknown Speaker Sick is Sally and Sally is sick. So he comes back and he gets back to beta. By the time it gets there she dies. On behold. Other Sally bullies Sally comforts him. Unknown Speaker They fall in love. They get married. She continues to blame Unknown Speaker because those first one that's the first five the one that they're too young to get married. No, no, no, this is the real John R Brinkley. Now this is a second. This is the second sorry. Yeah, so this is confused. His dad was the one who got married and all that stuff. Yeah. Unknown Speaker Hey, thanks for checking out this episode. If you like this one. Or if you don't like this one. There's so many other ones right? If you're halfway through this one, and you're like, I hate this I want to go check out the Richmond TV vigilante. It's an episode we did a while ago. It's a little bit of a shorter one. But one morning in Richmond, Virginia. He's people wake up with just TVs on their front porch. No idea where they came from until one person checked their ring doorbell footage and got a decent surprise so Richmond TV vigilante is a great episode. If you're gonna go check that out later. But for now, back to this one Unknown Speaker now this is JR to Jr. to Yeah, Mary's is childhood bully. Okay. Unknown Speaker Sally, and they moved to Chicago. I married my adult bully. I don't know what happened. But as soon as we got married she is something in her brain just went he's not gonna leave now. And she's got mean. You know, I heard jokes sometimes I go. Okay. Oh, too. Real? Yeah, she's like making fun of me. Yeah, well, you're easy to make fun of the other day. I was walking out my backpack. She grabbed both straps pull them as tight as she could. And she will walk out the door little turtle Unknown Speaker grown man Unknown Speaker my wife Unknown Speaker cried she's Unknown Speaker sad me. It was fun making it rain. Hail all over me. And you open up the door on that porch bandit was stealing your stuff for your turtle and I was like the Dirac here. I want a little turtle let us tell you that your belt and my neighbor's caught the whole thing on their ring doorbell they well. I hear them. I hear him. I hear. Unknown Speaker They turned the mic on whenever they watch. Yeah. Unknown Speaker I'll ring doorbells work. Unknown Speaker And my neighbors don't have a ring doorbell. There's a guy who sits out Unknown Speaker at like crack the doors like, hey, there's so Unknown Speaker much going on out here. There's a person at your front door, taking extensive notes Unknown Speaker during ski, watch that latest steal my stuff. But it's not his job to get paid enough to intervene. He just gets paid enough to draw so she really did that to me though. She's just so calm. She's just so uncomfortable. And she's a little too comfortable. Now. I go hey, maybe you should buy stuff feelings. Yeah, I'm a boy her back. Yeah, yeah, that's what I always did. To my bullies. Okay, return the ball. I'm gonna lower into Unknown Speaker a tunnel Unknown Speaker with my friends. You know? Unknown Speaker That wasn't bullying. Unknown Speaker That was Unknown Speaker scary. 30 years. So he marries Sallie Mae Sallie. They moved to Chicago and he starts going to medical school. Okay. But it was like one of those medical schools but it's like, is Does that count? You know, you know, every medical school in the 1800s Yeah. And so he's going to this middle school school. After three years though, when they were just like, I know like, here's a cold math. Here you go. Unknown Speaker Actually, yes. And so he he's gone to medical school he's doing the thing would also cure your your Unknown Speaker deviated septum. Yeah, you're right. Unknown Speaker So he is going to medical school. And after three years in medical school, he gets kicked out for not paying any of his tuition at that time. And they're like, we've let you do this for three years. Unknown Speaker Come on. And so he moves to Kansas City, finds another questionable medical school in Kansas City. started going to school there. Same thing happens that doesn't pay as Arthur Bryan's medical school. Unknown Speaker Before they got a barbecue, Dr. Brian subdivides medical school. Yeah. Then he got his license taken away. But he was like he was like you don't want it's pretty similar to the math that I've been telling people barbecue sauce. Unknown Speaker So you just put some brown food coloring in it. Put it on some? Some ribs, okay. Unknown Speaker No, yeah. So he gets kicked out of that medical school again. And he decides, wait a second. I don't need to actually go to the school. And so he calls up a diploma mill in Kansas City and gets a medical license and just pays for it and start practicing medicine. Unknown Speaker In Unknown Speaker sidebar, his dad did this. Not like the fate of his dad was a real doctor. But sure he benefited from the Civil War where like he didn't have to actually get a license. He just got a war license, you know. And then he coasted off that the rest of his life Sure. But he wasn't doing well because he was in a small town where like, there just wasn't like, he wasn't like a rich doctor. He was like a man. If you're in a small town, you gotta go make people sick. Yeah, you know, his wife, his wife. Unknown Speaker Yeah. Oh, yeah, dude, that's annoying. He was creating all of your lifestyle and you're a doctor. And it's like, you got to live with that. And like, yeah, that's why you weren't getting good business Exactly. Like a doctor. Unknown Speaker He could even save his wife. Unknown Speaker That's just bad. PR. It's bad doctoring. Unknown Speaker That doctor. You go to a barber, and they all got bad haircuts. Yeah, you're like, you never want to go to the barber who has a good haircut. Why? Because he's not the one who did it. Unknown Speaker Someone else in that shop did so you want to go to the one that has the worst hair? Cut their own hair? Unknown Speaker Have you ever tried that? Want to go to the one with the worst haircut? No to cut your own hair? Yeah, it's hard. It's really hard anyways. So he gets a plumber gets a fake license, start practicing medicine can study and it goes decent for him. Like, decent, right? During the day in Kansas City. Do we know? I don't know, somewhere in Kansas. Unknown Speaker Does decent, but starts to have some weird rumors pop up about what yours is now. Like 1910s, something like that. Sharks have some rumors pop up about them, trying to face them some trouble ends up in St. Louis, where he met meets that bald guy. Unknown Speaker Yeah, this guy. And they got into medicine, a unique kind of medicine, which was the line. And so what they did is they they started selling German electric juice. Unknown Speaker And it was a German electric juice. Yeah. And so it was a cure all pretty much like it could do whatever you whatever is wrong with you drink our German electric juice. And they were selling it and everyone was really excited about it. And it did pretty well until they got caught because it was just water with food coloring in it. Unknown Speaker And really, yeah, it was literally just water with food coloring. And how do they get caught? Someone came to their little shop and coughing and they're just like with the hose. And just Unknown Speaker it's like, this is how electric juice is. In Germany. This is the real deal. Yeah, yeah. So they started facing like legal issues and Unknown Speaker you take as much as you want before it's packaged. Unknown Speaker started facing some some legal issues in St. Louis. And so he skipped down to a small town in Kansas, where his life really begins. Unknown Speaker And why is in Kansas, he opens up with a bald guy. Now the ball got he ditched the ball guy. And the old guys lose the ball guy got in trouble. The ball guy did face the music. The Yeah, he took the fall. Okay, yeah. And anyways, Unknown Speaker loose Kansas starts practicing medicine in Kansas. And this is where the meat of his adventure begins. Unknown Speaker Why is that? And his wife Sally is bullying him all along the way. Right? She's coming with him. Yeah, so she's blowing him all along the way. She actually leaves them a few times. And while he was in Spain facing legal trouble in St. Louis, she leaves him for good. Oh, yeah. And so that's a good point. She leaves him for good. And he meets another woman named Unknown Speaker Myrna or something like that. Unknown Speaker Okay, I don't remember exactly what her name is. Unknown Speaker And they ended up getting married. But he was our mini Minerva, to Linda Jones calls her Mini Unknown Speaker and Sally finds out and they never actually got divorced. A Sally comes in. She gets really mad and pulleys him some more. Unknown Speaker And then he gets back with Sally. No, no, their relationship ended. They got formally divorced. Unknown Speaker Well, she's like we never formally divorce. You can't see anybody. You can see what Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. Unknown Speaker Anyways, the only reason I brought up Sally is because the pulling thing I thought was funny that he married his boy. Unknown Speaker Okay. Unknown Speaker He's in Kansas. And he's he opens up his practice. Sure, one day while he's in his practice. Unknown Speaker A guy comes in and he's been practicing medicine for a little bit. He's been taking pictures like this of him doing surgeries. Unknown Speaker Okay. Unknown Speaker It's and a guy comes in, and his small town in Kansas. Unknown Speaker Milford, Milford, Kansas has been buried by Lake now a reservoir. The town doesn't exist anymore. Oh, interesting. Because of what he did. They said we should just flood the whole town. Sure. No, so a guy comes in and says Unknown Speaker Hey, Unknown Speaker I've got a medical issue. Can you help me out doc? Unknown Speaker And he's like, Well, what what's your problem? Unknown Speaker He said, he's struggling with impotence. And he's trying to have a baby for a long time and it can't. Unknown Speaker And real professional. Unknown Speaker Actually, I actually put the exact quote there in Kansas, right? So like, there is sure like, I mean, Unknown Speaker Kansas is a land where there's a lot of animals just about, Unknown Speaker like farm animals, there's a lot of farm animals about because there's a lot of farms. Okay? Real professional, you need to get to the quote quicker, you are now real professional. He says, Well, Unknown Speaker points out the window to a goat, and says a pair of those goat glands in you would probably take care of your problem. Unknown Speaker And, okay, and the guy says, Unknown Speaker I think you got something there. Unknown Speaker And so, he agrees to try out an experimental surgery from this not a doctor, but like, Yeah, as far as he knows, is the doctor to surgically implant the goats testicles in him to try to cure his impotence. Unknown Speaker Okay, no, like no reason. So he's just in his met his doctor's office, and he is looking out the window where he goes. Unknown Speaker Like, he's like, he loves looking around the room for like, oh, how can I help this guy? How can I help? Unknown Speaker That's an idea. Unknown Speaker Yeah, yeah. And so he tries it. But here's the thing. Remember, he's not a doctor. And so he doesn't know how he doesn't know any of that works. He works. So Unknown Speaker he doesn't hook them up. Like he just puts them in them. Unknown Speaker Does the surgery I don't understand what you mean. Unknown Speaker Like these are just loosely stuck inside this dude's body. These Goodway calm glands. That's what they call them and all the documentation anyway. Sure. So just loosely, Shazam inside this dude. And Unknown Speaker miraculously, the guy has a baby Unknown Speaker at the end so Unknown Speaker needless to say, suddenly needless to say they named the child Billy Unknown Speaker and that's a true story. That's not a joke. They really made the bill Unknown Speaker and he becomes a giant deal. Brinkley he gets in the news. And that's that's the baby this is Billy This is the goat baby part go and this is this is the article of Brinkley uses goat glands to cure sterility. Okay, which this is an article from the Kansas City Star Unknown Speaker first goat gland baby yeah, it becomes huge news. Here's another article Unknown Speaker Wait, is this like an anti this like? This is a he's the devil kind of thing. No, this is praising him. Oh, really? Because it looks Unknown Speaker aggressive. It does. The article took a goat says preaches fundamentalism practices go clan science. Unknown Speaker And the that headline is the goat horns in a drawing of yeah, that's all I'm saying is like that seems like some demonic, like injury there does. But it's very Yeah. This becomes a giant deal. And we'll forum wide are like, Oh, you mean like there's a cure. And so people start traveling to see him to get some goat glands. Okay. And he's charging $500 a procedure which translated for inflation is 10 grand. Yeah, to get go glands inserted into people. And he realizes Wait a second, like this is this is a cash cow a cash coat, if you will. Unknown Speaker He says he starts coming out and you gotta give a goat milk though. Unknown Speaker So that's my recommendation. You know, you got to feed the child with goat milk. He starts to say oh, wait a second. It's not just sterility. Like it's that's not the only problem this is a Unknown Speaker panacea any any issue you got. Go clans will cure it. And so see, always shoot for the moon too much too much. You can try to solve one problem. You made a lot of money. Yeah. Well, you didn't make a lot of money because everyone was like, I got to forgive those as well. That helped me and he's like, Yeah, you got to put it up on your ribs and Unknown Speaker So he was just implanting these in random parts of different people's bodies, because they had different diseases. And it was literally I mean, it was essentially he was implanting a tumor into people's bodies because he was like, Yeah, it'll heal you. And Unknown Speaker it was working really well for it was making a lot of money men and women lining up to get these glands inserted in them because they believed that this was this was bad. It kind of was like it would heal you of pretty much anything. Yeah. And so he's got lines out the door. I've got anxiety, you know, would help with that. Unknown Speaker It's like looking out the window. Well, you know what animal house with that? Unknown Speaker You come into the doctor's office. It's like It's like Dr. Doolittle. And like all the animals. Unknown Speaker Is it like dogs? Is he talked with his goats? Unknown Speaker I don't know what it's about. You could have chosen Unknown Speaker that Evan Almighty was surrounded by animals and you went it's like Dr. Dulo, who's having conversations with the goats a goat crazy idea. Unknown Speaker As he is he grown his own goats that I guess he's he's coming from, okay, I don't know where the goats are coming from. Unknown Speaker Thanks for checking out our show. If you like it, and you want to support be a part of what we're doing here, you can do that by becoming a patron. What happens there is you get to be in the community, we have a discord with our hosted producers, we have a lot of fun. We're super active in there every day, you get access to add free content a week before everybody else. And we have a zoom every month with our patrons that we hang out, we eat pizza, we get to know you a little bit better. It's a blast. And there's a ton of other different benefits like merch discounts, birthday messages, things like that, that are super cool. If you want to be in that you can just text Dylan 266866. And that'll get you right in there. If not, we're just super glad that you're here. And thanks for watching our show. Unknown Speaker But he's making a lot of money gets very wealthy. And so he makes the logical next step. He builds a radio tower. And he gets into broadcast to advertise. Yeah. And so he is actually a pioneer in advertising gland FM. Unknown Speaker He becomes a pioneer in advertising Unknown Speaker He becomes a pioneer in advertising because he was one of the first people in radio to broadcast but to run ads. And so he would run ads for his go glands and his broadcasts. And he did an early version of like an Ask Me Anything, where people could write in their medical questions, and he would broadcast the answers to them. But he remember it's not. He's like, you gotta you gotta go out on your property. Unknown Speaker Well, I need you to do is I need you to every answer somehow just incision right below your elbow. You can do it. I can do it. You can do it. Unknown Speaker You don't have to do anything with it. Just shove it in there and then duct tape yourself back up. Yeah, you'll be healed. Duct tape. Unknown Speaker So $2,000 changes your life, you've got other problems. Unknown Speaker So he's doing broadcast radio advertising for the goathland stuff, right? And that really starts to take it to a whole new level people are traveling from way further, because they're hearing about this on the radio broadcast. Unknown Speaker And lo and behold, Unknown Speaker a significant person hears this broadcast, and comes to town to find out what's going on. And this is a guy by the name of Unknown Speaker Morris fish being and Morris fish been. It's been fish. Unknown Speaker Fish been Unknown Speaker jarred your fish beads or Unknown Speaker a turtle boy. Unknown Speaker Beads are out called Fish toes. Unknown Speaker Fish being worked for the American Medical Association. Oh, and he heard about this. And he was like, that sounds made up. And so he came to observe one of these surgeries sure to see what was going on. And so he interviewed. He interviewed Brinkley, and he asked Brinkley like okay, can you tell me more about this procedure? And like I said, What? Gauguin's Unknown Speaker What is this decencies How can we replicate this? So medical institutions across the country can start to implement this, this thing? And he said, he said, I'm the only one I can do it. No one else can do it. I'm the only one who's who's able to do this, this procedure. And the vision means like, Okay, can I watch? And he's like, Sure. And so he lets him come in and watch the procedure and he sees it. And fish being is like, fish being realizes immediately. Unknown Speaker Hey, this guy is dropping. Yeah. Unknown Speaker I mean, nothing's actually happening. Well, he's just shoving the them in there. Like there's no actual, like medical reason why they should do anything. In fact, it actually probably causes a lot more harm than good because you have a foreign body just shoved into your body. And so he goes back to the American Medical Association and writes a paper produces it for their publication, being like, okay, yeah, this guy is someone that no one should ever seek medical attention from. And its license needs to be called into question. And so the American Medical Association starts to come after him. Unknown Speaker But doesn't actually like pull the trigger on anything. They're just publicizing things within their medical journals about the fact that the goat gland procedure is fake, and that Brinkley's doesn't have any central ATM. Essentially, the problem is the American Medical Association's journals were Unknown Speaker read by doctors. Yeah, it's all public. Yeah, all the doctors were like, oh, yeah, that guy's a fraud. But the public was hearing this guy on the radio, yeah, talking with authority, and they will continue to travel to get these procedures done on them. And so he Unknown Speaker fish being kind of launches this, this smear campaign, but the only place he can get published is in the medical journals. Okay. And so he's not Unknown Speaker being hurt. Yeah. It's not having an effect on the the success tree, if you will, yeah. And so his radio broadcasts just continues to get bigger and bigger and bigger. Unknown Speaker And finally, the state of Kansas, learns from the American Medical Association about his radio show where he's giving medical advice. And so the state of Kansas starts to the medical board in the state of Kansas starts to go through some legislation to regulate radio broadcasts, to not allow you to give medical advice over the air. Because they're like, that's probably not Yeah, not good, smart. And so they pass this legislation, and he gets his broadcast shut down. And he's not allowed to broadcast at all anymore in this crisis. And so he does what any logical person does moves, he runs for governor Unknown Speaker and says, I will run for governor and replace the entire medical board and change the law so I can have my radio station back. Unknown Speaker Okay. So he, he, he runs for governor and his his, his campaign was interesting, positively will reduce taxes and state expense. Yeah, so his, his campaign was interesting. He promised to reduce taxes, and open up more lakes than any other government. Any other governor in the history of Kansas, he was going to open a bunch of lakes, which is a crazy promise to make coupled with each other to lower taxes and open a bunch of legs. I don't know if like legs or legs are free, overall, but I'm so many legs. But his campaign was going really well. Because he was actually like, a pretty popular person in the state of Kansas for his surgery. And for his radio shows. And for the fact that during the campaign, most of the rallies were like, I mean, Kansas in the 18, or the 1930s. And so it's like, the rallies are happening, their campaign rallies are happening in fields somewhere. And so in he's a rich guy at this point. And so he was flying into all of his rent rallies and landing at the rally. And everyone was like, oh, I want that guy. I want that guy's cool. Unknown Speaker Got it? Okay. It's good to know that this. Unknown Speaker Cool. Unknown Speaker And his campaigns go really? Okay. We'll see you. Unknown Speaker Soon what you want to say I don't want to say Unknown Speaker it's escaping. It's going really, really well. Sure. He's got really good odds. He's, he's winning in the polls. And the state of Kansas sees this. And they go, like, we can't let this guy win. There's no way we're letting this guy become the governor. So they hurriedly pass a law where if you're a write in vote, because that was an important part of that his campaign, he launched his campaign just a little bit too late to be on the ballot. He had to be a write in. But he was still doing so well in the polls that they thought he's gonna get wrote in and actually when the governor so they pass the law that for writing votes, you have to print the name exactly as they tell you, you have to print the name. And so they wrote like you have the right John are Brinkley Sure. A lot of people just put John Brinkley so those folks got thrown out. Yeah. And so he ended up losing the governor. Race, but if it weren't for that, most people think he would have actually won because that law that got changed. Last second, a little sketchy. A little sketchy. Yeah. And so he lost that race. He tried again the next race and didn't get it. And so now it's been a few years and his business is struggling because his his lack of a radio station. Yeah. So he made the decision Unknown Speaker to move to Del Rio Texas. Yeah. Because Del Rio, Texas, significantly Unknown Speaker thing about Unknown Speaker where that city is located is it's right along with the Texas Mexico border. And there was an interesting thing that was happening between the United States and Canada and Mexico at the time. And that was Unknown Speaker the United States and Canada just got together and passed this legislation about long distance broadcasting. Okay, split up who has the rights, and the United States and Canada were like, we get all of the rights. And Mexico was like, We want some, and they're like, no, no, you don't. And Mexico was really mad about it. And so Mexico was just like, I whatever, fine. We're gonna give a bunch of people long distance radio rights, like I know, we're not supposed to, but we're doing it anyways. Because you guys were rude to us. And that thing that we did about it, like we got together, we said, we're going to do this and then you guys bullied me. And so we're doing our thing. And so and also, we're gonna get married. Unknown Speaker We're gonna get married in a few years, but we'll come back to it. That's an unhealthy complex I developed in childhood where I have a feeling for people who make fun of me and I really want to really need to earn your I want to chase you. So he moves to Del Rio, Texas for the Express reason that he knows why he doesn't have long. Yes, he doesn't have broadcast rights in the in the United States anymore. He got banned for the stuff that he was doing. He's like, I can get it in Texas, and are in a school in Mexico right across the border live in Texas. And so he opens up this radio station in, right on literally right on the other side of the border. Yeah, like you can see it from the fence. I don't know if there's a fence yet. Unknown Speaker Which you could see it from the Great Wall. Unknown Speaker And they the amount of Unknown Speaker like the offer that the country of Mexico gave to this guy's absurd. They gave him a 500,000 watt radio station, it was a two, there's two radio towers that are connected by this radio array. It is the most powerful, privately held radio station to ever exist. What broadcast range of this went to Canada, like well into Canada from the border, and so he could broadcast to basically the whole country. Unknown Speaker From right on the other side of the border, because this was such a massive radio array. And they still did it basically to be like, Screw you. Yeah. And because it was in Mexico, Mexico don't have any legislation yet. He could now broadcast whatever he wants. Sure. And so now, the entire US and Canada hearing about plans and Mexico is hearing about as grants. He's doing the same broadcasts he was doing in Mexico. They got goats. Yeah, they got all kinds of goats in Mexico. And so he's he continues doing his Koechlin surgery now in Del Rio moves into a hotel. Unknown Speaker going it's going pretty well moves into a hotel and Unknown Speaker rents out a couple of rooms in the hotel as his practice. Unknown Speaker Okay, which if you're seeking if you're going Unknown Speaker to show to Unknown Speaker Hampton in Unknown Speaker like, yeah, I'll see you in room 478 Oh, sorry. Don't go 678 Is someone from I don't know. Albuquerque. That's a family vacation. Unknown Speaker They're not going to help you. They will. They won't. But be careful. Be careful. The dude on Saturday night. I'll tell you up too, but he's not a doctor. He is just full of goats. That's where he keeps all the goats. It's like overflowing he's gonna push the door shut. Yeah. Unknown Speaker And then housekeepers are that's sheep. Goats bad two. Oh, they don't just they do know that they scream they don't buy they do bad. Oh, no. They go Unknown Speaker it's not Unknown Speaker different sounds. No, it's not play it back on her. He was going back and they go ah, goats make a bot sound similar to the sound of sheep make. However, goat vocalizations are closer to what's called a bleat. Which is a sound also sometimes made by cows and deer lower interesting Unknown Speaker so he he's he's running out of this hotel and it goes well he ends up buying the hotel and turning the whole hotel into his practice and he puts a neat little sign on it and calls it the brink the hospital in Del Rio, Texas No it's not. Unknown Speaker And now he's got an empire he's got her his his radio station is doing super well like he's he's actually broadcasting country music stars on this radio now that are getting their start on it. Sure. And he's got his his hospital that's crashing as well. Unknown Speaker The radio station thing becomes such a big deal a bunch of other competitors start opening up radio stations along the border and it becomes this thing known as border blasting. Which sounds different but it's it's just running a radio station on the border. Unknown Speaker Oh, Unknown Speaker It becomes a huge success from sportscasting success from border blasting and is raking in the dough manages in Del Rio, Texas to open up or to build. Unknown Speaker Wow giant home, which is now our good picture is he's got Dr. Brinkley on his gate. Yeah. Unknown Speaker Sounds still exist. Yeah, it's on the National Register of Historic Places. Oh, wow. So a, you know, it sucks what is like now that's like not a mansion Unknown Speaker you know? Yeah. And now that's that's I mean that's still cost you that's a how $7 billion? No Unknown Speaker it'll still probably cost three does the does the gate still say Dr. Brinkley? I don't think so. I don't think the gates there anymore. Which seems I bet yeah, it's on the National Register of Historic Places. He continued running his Unknown Speaker his radio station and his his How long is he doing this? I mean, this is into the 50s. Now, he's been doing this for 20 years now. Yeah, he's been doing it for decades are dying because of the Go clans? So yeah, so there's about 32 people that you can say their death was tied to the goat glands. It's Unknown Speaker there's a few you can say for sure. They got an infection from the grantee and that killed them. Okay. handful more where it's like, They that could have been the glands that killed him. It could have been stung. That just coincidentally happened at the same time. Okay, most of it was they got infection, so they died. Unknown Speaker And so yeah, it's becoming a serious thing. Fish being is still on his tail. There's been this whole time has been releasing articles in the American Medical Association journals, trying to slander his name, but he doesn't have like a lot of power. He's trying to do everything he can to take this guy down. But this guy's just too rich. He's got too much too much on him. Okay, so fish bean Unknown Speaker enters into a lawsuit against him. Unknown Speaker Basically being like you're operating under Unknown Speaker a fake diploma, and you're doing stuff that's actually killing people, like you should not be Unknown Speaker a doctor, you can't call yourself a doctor. And so he tries he tries to countersue him for defamation, okay, and Unknown Speaker dramatically loses this, this lawsuit Unknown Speaker ends up hitting getting hit in the 50s with a $3 million Unknown Speaker settlement that he has to pay which bankrupt him lose asset sales. Right. So he has to sell because he countersued Yeah, because he tried to do that countersuit. Unknown Speaker And so he ends up having to sell the hotel is his radio station, his home, Unknown Speaker loses everything in that suit, and is no longer able to practice medicine. Unknown Speaker And so without access to his ability to do medicine, and without access to his radio station, he's pretty much lost his ability to make it Yeah. And so that was kind of the end of the story for him. He ended up suffering three or three heart attacks and got some I can't be Davis. Unknown Speaker Okay. Unknown Speaker three heart attacks and got his leg amputated. Yeah, it just feels so unrelated. Like, okay, the leg amputation. Unknown Speaker Pretty Pretty. Go leg on there. Give me Unknown Speaker like one knee goes forward and one knee goes back. But there's so much shorter so it only goes down just Unknown Speaker like it's got this weird diagonals Unknown Speaker Yeah, when he walks it's really weird. Circles. Unknown Speaker It's like I tried to tell him I tried to tell him to just put a goat gland in there, but they put the whole leg Unknown Speaker I went under and I woke up like this. Me a tall one. Pick up the shortest one and what are they called? The kids the pack? Pack? I don't know. Unknown Speaker So yeah, so he was taught. I don't know what to tell Sally about this, please. Unknown Speaker She'll make fun of me so much for this facer? Oh, they'll go boy Unknown Speaker I hate it but I also like it. Oh, I have more than external problems. Unknown Speaker So he, he ended up getting buried in Tennessee for some reason. Memphis, Tennessee. I don't know how that happened. Yeah, he was, uh, probably near Elvis. So he got buried there and he had this like monument with a Angel at the top of it. And in 2017 Someone stole the angel. So now it's a monument Unknown Speaker really tall monument with just the angels foot at the top of it. So Unknown Speaker that's the story. funnier if they left the whole leg Unknown Speaker as it started John Brinkley, a man who managed to scam a bunch of people with a fake that how long after the last day die? Um, I think how long did he live poor at the end? See? Unknown Speaker Like four or five years? Not very long. Unknown Speaker And so yeah, I don't know three years. Unknown Speaker So yeah, so II, he survived off of a fake medical license for decades with a fake medical license was a pioneer in broadcast radio and advertising started border blasting which was a huge deal through the 30s and 40s Unknown Speaker and had a political career of sorts. So Unknown Speaker and it's all thanks to the Koch glands. Unknown Speaker Wow. That's John Brinkley, and his dad was married five times. That was a detail that was the story wasn't it? Unknown Speaker I just wanted to get the fact that there's so many Sally's in his lives. Unknown Speaker More Saudis than makes sense. That's the reason that Sally shut up Unknown Speaker I'm joking Unknown Speaker What are you doing Unknown Speaker now their nannies Yeah. Yeah, their nannies as close as it's close. Anyways, cuddle them off Unknown Speaker things on last night is a production of space Tim media produced by Christian Taylor audio is edited by Alex Garnett video by Connor Betts social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic design by Caleb Goldberg. Our hosts are Jaron Meyers and Tim stone please follow us on social media at tellen podcast that's ti LL IN podcast leave a review, comment, subscribe, wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on the last night Transcribed by

John R. Brinkley was an extraordinary man known for his peculiar medical procedures, controversial political career, and groundbreaking contributions to radio and advertising. Born in 1885 in North Carolina, Brinkley’s life was filled with twists and turns that left an indelible mark on history. Early Life and Shady Beginnings Brinkley’s upbringing was far from ordinary. Raised in a modest household, … Read More

The Lost Dutchman Mine – A Legendary Treasure Hunt in Arizona


Episode Transcription

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Unknown Speaker Hey man Criss Angel talks sneaky okay cool Have you ever heard of the Lost Dutchman mine? Speaker 1 What do you do every time you introduce a topic you go Have you ever heard of glitter Unknown Speaker I've ever heard of Tommy fit? Unknown Speaker I just I'm excited to be here. Okay, just happy to Unknown Speaker add people die Speaker 2 before it got into packaging. You can eat as much candy as you want. Unknown Speaker That's not true. Speaker 2 This is the story that kind of catapulted this into a big deal. My mother in law thought we were gonna get killed by the cartel Speaker 1 that actually is true why we had to stop. It's the most bodacious force. I can say that. Things I Learned last night Speaker 1 so the Lost Dutchman Lost Dutchman mine is that it sounds like a roller coaster like a theme park. It Unknown Speaker really does. Actually. Speaker 1 It's no longer the end. There's like a Flying Dutchman that like, you know, you know, the rides were like something comes down and then you dip, Speaker 2 which I want you to actually Could you describe the Flying Dutchman to me without using SpongeBob? Like what does the Flying Dutchman look like? Well, he looks like or just any Dutchman? Unknown Speaker There's a character in animated series. Speaker 2 No, I don't want you to use that one. If you picture a Flying Dutchman without the Flying Dutchman from Spongebob. What does that Speaker 1 look like? Okay, well, he's got wooden shoes. And he's got like, you know, you know, the Dutch little windmills. That's what he's got on his back. And the propeller. That's the Flying Dutchman. I thought when you said the when he's wearing those, like, later husband? Yeah. Yeah. And I was getting there later. Hosen. Yeah. Well, I had some of those in RuneScape. What's his face? They did a they did like a little special event thing. And if Unknown Speaker you watch the RuneScape videos, I sent you the other night. Unknown Speaker No, I'd already seen him. Unknown Speaker That kid getting 99 You know, I'm talking about? Unknown Speaker Yeah, yeah. It was like a reality show. Speaker 2 No, no, no, no, no, it was in the game. It wasn't he was playing the game. And I don't know. I don't know. Like, he had to line this up. Like he got himself up to where he was like, one hit away from 99 in like every step, okay. And he was like going through town, maxing out each stat and and like, he was like, live streaming. It was like balabac Hitting 99 I love that. And everyone was like, I don't think he told everyone on the stream that he was like, about to hit 90 That and everything cool that he did that. And so it's just boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. It was. It was a fun watch. You should go back into the 200 Tick Tock videos. Yeah, don't watch that I sent you. It's in there somewhere. And Speaker 1 Reagan lay in bed at night. And we watch all the things that you sent. Yeah, I know. You've told me this. We get there. And I go, I go. Oh, well. It's time to catch up on Tim's tiktoks. It's our favorite show Unknown Speaker talks. Anybody? Yeah. Unknown Speaker I'm not gonna watch that video. Because I want to cheer on that kid. Unknown Speaker Well, it's interesting. Yeah, it's it's an exciting watching. Good for you. What even is flushing Unknown Speaker flushing is where you make bows and arrows. Interesting. Speaker 2 So you you could make a really good Boehner you just couldn't use it. I had live pretty good archery skills too, but not as good as make archery skills. Speaker 1 Not as good as making it. Yeah. Super rich off that though. So I was more of a businessman. And that's fair. That's where it came out with the Grand Exchange ruined my entire business model because the entire thing kind of was a scam when you think about it. Like I saw a really funny Runescape post. This is so inside but press post that was like when I was 13 I was manipulated by a 30 year old man on RuneScape to mine pure essence for 30 GP. They were like I was in a slave called mining. Speaker 2 That was the beauty of all of like, early 2000s online games like Neopets or Inscape. Unknown Speaker Down Yeah, Speaker 2 Club Penguin, all of them it was old men scamming kids into getting the Speaker 1 point man not like old guys. Well and like they were making they're making money on it, dude. Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah. Well, you know, there's a business for everything. I buy gold coins and people are doing that and I'd like fortnight and stuff. Speaker 1 Oh, absolutely. Yes, yes, yes. Yes. Yes. Get into that. Absolutely. No, I bought I bought like a million gold coins for like 60 bucks, one time thing, or 3 million or whatever it was, whatever the whatever the exchange was exchange, right? Yeah, just like that's where I got it for like one of my Christmas gifts. I asked, Hey, can you buy me gold coins in RuneScape? Yeah, Unknown Speaker where can I buy them Speaker 1 my, my dad did it. And then said, Son, this is the last time we're going to do anything. And he sat me down had a really serious talk where he said, we would love for you to go back to college. Speaker 2 We've been doing this for you for too long. We're not going to Speaker 1 son, you got to earn 3 million coins in the game. Unknown Speaker And that's when you got 99 in Flushing. Speaker 1 Really? It was. I was like, Okay, I'll go I'll show you. Unknown Speaker This is a very similar situation the last time Speaker 1 I kept waiting for you to switch back the Dutchman and you kept doing Runescape stuff. I was okay. Speaker 2 I'll do. Mine is a very similar concept. Unknown Speaker Yeah, mining is involved. Yeah, yeah. Speaker 2 So this is the story. Maybe the legend is a better word, but it's it's the most well known. Dutchman it's the most it's the most well known lost mine. in existence. I don't know how many lost minds you've ever heard of. But Speaker 1 it's not the is it is a mind that we don't know where it is. Kind kinda didn't know where it was. We found it. Speaker 2 Let me paint the picture. Okay, there was a man named Jacob waltz, who lived in the 1800s died like 1890 something. And an 1840s he had this weird habit that, Speaker 1 you know, we're like, the last people who will have a one in our birth year. Yeah, we know the beginning. Like, that's a little crazy to think about. Actually, Speaker 2 our grandkids will write papers about it. And literature classes be like my Speaker 1 grandpa's birthday is 1994. And people were like, holy crap. He's a goblin and we'll have like, go to their class to ah, that's gonna suck, dude. Yeah. Because especially cuz we're like, we're like, 90s kids. So we're like, going out. Live. Everyone out. Everyone Speaker 2 else? Yeah. Yeah, they're gonna be like, there'd be like he was born and there was no brain tips. And they're all dumber than Unknown Speaker they're all gonna go. Ah. The future the brain chips messed up. They don't know how to do that anymore. Unknown Speaker Did you know that the Tough Mudder has. Speaker 1 Nevermind. Don't want to know what you just said. So Jacob walls died in 1892. Speaker 2 Jacob waltz? Yeah. In the 1840s he had this weird habit that popped up out of nowhere, and everyone thought was strange. Okay. Take a guess. What do you think? Unknown Speaker I don't know. What is it? He Speaker 2 paid only in gold nuggets for everything. And so Unknown Speaker yeah, gold nuggets. Yeah, he went mining for gold. Speaker 2 Yeah. But he didn't like refine it. Yeah, it wasn't worth as much. It was just raw gold nuggets. Okay. And he did this for the rest of his life just paid for everything in gold nuggets. And everyone's like, well, here's Jacob waltz, Walton with his golden nuggets. Who knows? Okay, we don't know what we know. Mr. Payne and golden nuggets. Okay. And then he did your thing. On his deathbed. He pulled his he pulled his son in and said, Hey, there's this mine. There's a mine. And there's he's Dutch. Right? There's this mine that I found. It has got a lot of gold in it. Unknown Speaker That's what we've been living Speaker 2 off of. Yeah. And then he tells them how to find it. But he doesn't give very good directions. Speaker 1 Because he's like dying. Go find Unknown Speaker it's Speaker 1 it took him a second to realize the joke I was making was I wasn't proud of that. Unknown Speaker Cheese. Yeah, just like that actually. is insane. Goes trying to find the mind. Never mind. Speaker 2 But he tells some people about it. Who finds it. Yeah. He tells some people about it. Tell some people about it. And now it's like a legend. It's out there that there's this mind and so it's supposed to supposedly last in the Superstition Mountains. Which I don't know if you've heard there were there were they're called. Yeah, they're in Arizona. north of Phoenix. Speaker 1 Oh, what? Yeah, this is in the United States. Yeah. What are we doing? Hear Unknown Speaker I guess that's a good point. Unknown Speaker Let's go. Speaker 2 Well, here's the deal. It's, it's become a big deal because, I mean, starting really in like the 1890s people started trying to find this mine. word started to spread pretty rapidly, people started searching for them. And it's shrouded in mystery, because a lot of people who've tried to find the mine have mysteriously been murdered Unknown Speaker Okay, Unknown Speaker for example, there was Speaker 1 oh, there was a YouTuber who was looking for this mine. His series. Yeah, right. No different. Unknown Speaker I don't know if a YouTuber has been looking for Okay, do you? Speaker 1 Maybe it wasn't this mind. But there was a YouTuber who like was searching for something in the desert. Yeah. And was like, you know, had been looking for it for many years. It's shaped like an M. There's like, okay, hold on. Wait a minute. There's no there's like a cave that has an edit the cave entrance looks like an M. And you'll have to look it up. Just Google. You have a computer in front of you. cave entrance in shape. It'll pull it up, I promise. And so this YouTuber has documented he found this cave. He's got pictures that he was showing a video and all that stuff. Speaker 2 The M cave of Kenny Veatch? Unknown Speaker Yeah. And then he's been missing. He's like he's gone. Unknown Speaker Interesting. Well, it's probably Speaker 1 a completely different topic. Yeah. But looking at that later. Speaker 2 It's probably a very simple, similar situation that's happening here. Unknown Speaker Where are people going? Speaker 2 Well, here's, here's the story. This is this is the story that kind of catapulted this into a big deal. And in 1931 a treasure hunter who I don't know if that was his career, or if that was just like a hobby or something he'd Can Unknown Speaker you put that on your LinkedIn? Is that an option? Treasure Hunter, you can Speaker 2 put anything in your LinkedIn? No, I'll do it at treasure hunter, Adolph Ruth. It's 1931 Speaker 1 You know what I bet Discovery Channel would give us a lot of money to be treasure hunters. Or History Channel. Unknown Speaker Both of them would. Let's pitch a show. Unknown Speaker treasure hunters. Speaker 2 i We might be honest at the near Okay, no. So this guy Unknown Speaker treasured friends. What if we what if we're Treasure Island? Speaker 2 What if we're you? It's treasure hunters. But we're hunting for treasure. But we can only eat animals that we hunted ourselves on the hunt. And so we're hunting we're also hunting right and a duck lied. Speaker 1 You and I are the treasure. You and I have not shot or caught anything. You and me we have an eight week the most outdoor men that I know. Speaker 3 We cut the last ditches treasure drinking our Speaker 1 own pee Bear Grylls style. And we'll ever have of mine that treasure. And we go we found it. We found it and we're showing the caravan. It's a pile of rice, little Unknown Speaker schooling and all this gold because we're like Speaker 1 delusional. And then discoveries like we can't release this footage. We actually have to burn this footage. Because we've ruined these two lives. People's lives. Yeah, that's fine. I'm down for that though. Speaker 2 So Adolf Ruth, he he was a treasure hunter and he went and searched Lost Dutchman mine, okay. told his family about it was like I'm going to the Superstition Mountains, and they were like, We don't know if that's some place you should go just based on the name. But he did it anyways. And he disappeared. didn't come home. Two months later, his body was found without his head. And month after that they found his head with two bolt holes in it two miles away. So a little obscure, little. Okay. And that hit the news. And everyone was like we there's a treasure up there. Unknown Speaker That's what they got. Okay. Speaker 2 Yeah, exactly. Everyone heard about this murder. And but I'm like the subtext of the murder was like looking for treasure. Go Speaker 2 if we just take the whole town, all 400 of us. And we marched into the mountains. Unknown Speaker That's current. I mean, they can't take us off. Gotta Speaker 2 do. Yeah. Well, they did. So over the next few years, tons of people started going In searching for this mine kinds of people died. Speaker 1 Tons of people. A lot of them we say tons of people, how many were talking? I mean, 80 ish. 80 people die. Most of the people die most of us and most false Speaker 2 most Yeah, most of the deaths were falling off of cliffs or getting lost and dying of starvation or heat exhaustion, where most of the deaths were ruled as, okay, a handful were ruled as suicides. Which is strange, that they're like, I'm gonna go find this treasure and then Unknown Speaker and then I'm gonna quit. I couldn't Speaker 2 find the treasure. Tonight, which I mean, I don't know, maybe depending on how confident they were when they left. Speaker 1 I mean, if they already spent the money, there's a chance there's Unknown Speaker a chance, I guess. Speaker 1 Hey, this checking out this episode, if you like this one. Or if you don't like this one. There's so many other ones, right? If you're halfway through this one, and you're like, I hate this, I want to go check out the Richmond TV vigilante. It's an episode we did a while ago. It's a little bit of a shorter one. But one morning in Richmond, Virginia, he's people wake up with just TVs on their front porch. No idea where they came from, until one person checked their ring doorbell footage and got a decent surprise. So Richmond TV vigilante is a great episode. If you're gonna go check that out later. But for now, back to this one. Speaker 2 But there was a handful that were ruled suicides that were it's strange that it was rolled because those were like multiple gunshots suspicious. And so Unknown Speaker there were multiple gunshot wounds. Yeah, like Speaker 2 eight off eight offs was true, too. And it was legitimately like, like legally classified as a suicide. Which is Unknown Speaker and then pretty unlikely his own head. Speaker 2 Yeah, I think the official report is shot himself in the head twice. And then an animal took his head somewhere else. And animal happened upon him and was like, Ooh, dibs on that. I don't I don't Speaker 1 You should laugh more when you're talking about this. This is great for the students Speaker 2 100 years ago. Okay. Um, so it's, Unknown Speaker it's, I wrote a paper about it, though. So, Speaker 2 for this assignment, we're supposed to interview our grandpa about what it was like living in 1930. And I can't do that. Unknown Speaker Because Because 1930 was a rough time. So okay. 80 people have died looking Speaker 2 for this have died looking for it. And so it's become pretty famous. Oh, the camera crew that can't kill us. Right. So there's another layer that was discovered into this story shortly after aid off Ruth. And that's that there was a Mexican family that allegedly owned this mine named the Peralta's at a ranch in the Superstition Mountains. Okay. And the Peralta's were like, miners, yeah, in that mine. And waltz. Walston there was like gold, and would sneak gold out of the mine. And so it wasn't his. But because of the gold rush. And the fact that melanoma is the Pearl has kind of kept it as like a, like a hidden mine on their food. Like they didn't want it to be obvious where it was they tried to hide this mind. And so there's allegedly, this map at the Peralta's owned to lead anyone in the family to their mind, and they call them the Peralta stones. And we have these these are in a museum in the superstition Museum, which is the museum in the Superstition Mountains. It's not a Museum named after superstition. It's all about the mountains. But also they have this weird stones with them. These are directions this is supposed to be a map to Speaker 1 the Latin heart, a priest and horse map. Yeah, that's a map. So here's another trail maps. Speaker 2 I've got like a diagram that illustrates it. So here's what we're looking at here. They're like these like red terracotta stones that have just been kind of scribbled all over. Okay, really is what it looks like. So one of them literally just says Don, and that's why these have been ascribed to the Peralta's, because the guy's name was Don Peralta. And so everyone's like, Oh, this is Don Peralta stones Speaker 1 in relation to Jake Peralta. Yeah, the great, Speaker 2 great grandpa. Okay. And then above that is the front side of the Dawn stone has scribbles and up bunch of scribbles and line numbers yeah some numbers it looks two equals Speaker 1 three minus Dona minus 18 equals seven yeah Speaker 2 doesn't know math and then there's another stone on the other ends reminds me Unknown Speaker a lot of a door I've seen Unknown Speaker where does the door go? Unknown Speaker No the door Unknown Speaker What are you talking about? Are Unknown Speaker you talking about the door Unknown Speaker about Monsters Inc? Speaker 1 Oh, I'm talking about the door with a bunch of scribbles on it that we've spent three days in our Discord. deciphering Unknown Speaker Todd's door Speaker 2 man, that door is weird. Yeah, so no, not that. If you're if you're not Speaker 1 1847 in the heart. Yeah, if you're not in the discord you should be Oh, yeah, there's a degree the degree symbol Speaker 2 that is that's something no one's ever said. But that's an interesting that's interesting. Okay, yeah, let me continue describing this for our listeners. The other set the other stone there's a front and back picture here and so the front of it says esta better at us as peligrosa your boy 18 Unknown Speaker Lou Gehrig's Speaker 1 I want you to know listen are the mindspace Corazon but they spoke Corazon wrong as this guy is. Speaking, clearly never taken a Spanish class in his life. I just I've done so confidently. Unknown Speaker Duolingo Duolingo Duolingo. Speaker 1 You can't even say the app. Maybe, maybe chill out. So yeah, it's it's, you don't quit trying to spend five minutes to just look it up, folks. Well, no, this is important link to it in the description. There is a link to this image. Okay, cut them off. There's an edge cut to the next there's not a Speaker 2 witch that's there is there's a cross. It's a witch because a witch with a cross shaking a bunch of ingredients out of the cross. And then there's a horse next to a river. And horses also spelled wrong. And the horse has. It's the most bodacious horse I've ever seen. I could say that. Speaker 1 describing these images, is the worst moment of our entire podcasts. Okay, but then there's a middle one that don't have horses bought that way. Unknown Speaker There's a middle one that's got a heart carved out of it. Oh, Speaker 1 it's not. That's what the that's the that's what the horse sat down. Like? Says 1847 And it says one zero. And I think that's a degree sign. Because why? Because why would they make a zero? You know? Speaker 2 Yeah, that's interesting. Yeah, there's a dagger on it a bunch of other squiggly lines. But then the heart to heart you can put the heart in and you can switch directions of it. And it lines up with the map. Allegedly. Oh, one side of it does. Oh, Speaker 1 weird. I see what you're saying. Yeah. What? Speaker 2 And so the idea is that you can flip it over and zoom in. And so you're looking for the Corazon, which is the heart and so there's something that I guess looks somewhat like a heart that you're trying to find. And once you find it, then that leads you to that and then you flip it over and you find Unknown Speaker because look, there's a heart on that one. Yeah. Speaker 2 Oh, and so doing we Unknown Speaker could find this. Speaker 2 That's what a lot of people say and then they die. And so these these are one of the biggest things that people have clung to Unknown Speaker go down. I'm gonna die. Unknown Speaker This is how you get to the mind. Unknown Speaker Oh, dude, we're gonna find this thing. Speaker 2 Here's the thing though. I don't feel like these are quality matte, like, nothing about this map. makes any sense? Unknown Speaker Yeah. To you and I Unknown Speaker right. Okay, what do you try to say? Speaker 1 I'm no, I'm saying that if you were in the family, you wouldn't understand the maths. Speaker 2 Yeah, maybe there's a lot of familial symbolism in here. Right? Yeah. Speaker 1 Like we could make a secret map that only tilam listeners would understand. Unknown Speaker That's a good point. Actually. You know, should we do that something once we find Speaker 1 the mind we'll make a map for our well we got to do this because I can't believe people are we gotta go on our little chillin road trip soon because people are destroying the things we talk about sexy to Georgia. Guidestones are gone. They got Unknown Speaker blown up. Yeah, yeah. Speaker 1 We His record is gone. Because we talked about her race next. Speaker 2 And so long story short, a lot of people have started looking through these, these maps, okay, and deduced that the horse is the key. And okay, which seems strange, it seems like the hearts the bigger deal, but they deduce that the horse is the key. And the horse tells them that it is this mountain in the Superstition Mountain Range, Mount superstition. And Speaker 1 is this net? Is this national park though? Yes. So you can't just walk in there. Speaker 2 I mean, you just pay your entry fee. You can walk around anywhere. Most national parks you can do whatever you want it. It's just the Grand Canyon. That they're weird about and even the Grand Canyon. Like once you're in you're in imaginative care ports for like that. Speaker 1 Yeah. Anyways, I don't know why you said that. But that's okay. This sounds a crime later. Unknown Speaker They a lot of people think Unknown Speaker that this looks just like a horse. Speaker 1 Is it a lot of blind people? What are you talking about? Like a horse? What they're saying I don't see a horse here. I see. Like a weird face though. In the middle. What you don't see that face, Speaker 2 I do kind of see it. What they say is that this mountain has Four Canyons coming off the side of it, legs of a horse. And then the tail of the horse allegedly points to where the treasure is. And so if you follow that tail that's wrapping around, that's where the treasure is. And then you use the heart map. Unknown Speaker Okay, good. What is this mean in English? Speaker 2 So here's what this says. Okay, so first, the one that says Dawn translates to Dawn Speaker 1 next, My patience is just I'm almost there, dude. Speaker 2 The next one is the horse. We'll talk about the horse. Okay, the horse says so on the left. It's pointing out this river thing and it says the horse of Santa Santa Fe. Yeah. And then on the right of the horse. It says I grazed north of the river. Okay, so that's interesting. So there's some Unknown Speaker that were that mountain ranges. Speaker 2 I don't know actually. Well, that's those are the ones the other ones say that hold on, hold on. Okay, so the other one says, and this one is the one with the witch shaking up the cross. This one says this Beretta is dangerous. I boy 18 places look for the map. Look for the heart. Speaker 1 Okay, so we've got the map and the heart. Speaker 2 Yeah. And it's interesting because 1888 is over here is up a few times 18 is over there. 18 is over there. 18 is in the heart. Eight teens on this 118 comes up a lot. Speaker 1 Well 18 is in the harvest is 1847 Tim Well, there's a theory it's not the year Speaker 2 a lot of people say it's the year but there's a theory that those are mile markers. And so each of the mile markers mile marker 18 I feel like Unknown Speaker this is about to be a treasure hunting podcast that we do. Speaker 2 We're about to get it. Treasure I hunted last night Speaker 1 treasure I hunted last night I don't know if that flows as well as Speaker 2 it's still tilling. It's just in the middle. You kind of got a half Speaker 1 I don't know maybe we should just make it things I hunted last night. It gives me a little more broader of a more directions to go for season two, you know? Just in case we have to guess we just shifted people anyway. We're bounty hunters one season give added and we became about the other Oh, dude. Okay. Hey, can you imagine if we became bounty hunters though? Tim looked me in the eyes. Unknown Speaker Yeah, he's a bounty hunter. It's the T and you were Speaker 1 two gallons. The tea. Yeah, I've Speaker 2 just got my tea and my brownie to cut down tea. Unknown Speaker Topic wasn't the episode that we lost. Speaker 2 Of course, I remember the topic of the episode that we lost. Do you not? Unknown Speaker I don't remember. So you could do it again. As I'm saying. Unknown Speaker No, I can't. It's still in the news. Speaker 1 What? No, not the episode we couldn't release which is available to our Patreon supporters. I'm saying the episode that we lost way back when when we first started doing video and audio recording. And someone didn't record the audio. Speaker 2 Ah, good to be honest. I don't remember but do we have those files somewhere? The video files? Yeah. Well then yeah, let's watch the video. Unknown Speaker In like what overdub it really read our Speaker 2 mouths, we'll figure it out. If we watched me say what it is, I'm sure we could figure out what I said, Speaker 1 Okay, well, we do have a lot, we do have a, we have two loss episodes, that one that we've like literally lost because of production stuff, and then to one that we could not put out, but it's available to our patrons. Unknown Speaker And now three, because this one's about murdered. Speaker 1 Hey, it's me again, thanks for being here for this episode. If you like what we're doing, it does cost us money to do this. And so just think about that. You know, that's it. We have Patreon supporters. And it really helps us to make this show possible. Honestly, we're so grateful for everyone who listens to the show. But there's, there's people who want to make more of it happen. And so they financially support the show. And you get a lot back for it. You get our private discord where we chat every day, we're hanging out and just getting to bond and hang out. We also do live zoom Hangouts for our Patreon supporters, you get exclusive merch, it's a good time, there's a lot there's a lot in it for you. And it's a lot enough for us because we get to know you better. You know, you're not just a number and a stat board or whatever. But you know, you're our friends and we appreciate you a lot. So consider doing that. If not, then you can listen to this dumb little ad, because that's how we're gonna get money from you. We're gonna leech from you either way. We're gonna get paid. We're in this for the cold hard cash, baby. Anyway, here's an ad. Speaker 2 How do they how do they get it though? I realized I forgot to put a CTA in mind. Oh, dang, we're doing it. Yeah, Speaker 1 they can text Tillandsia 66866. Thanks, Jared. Speaker 2 Okay, I'm looking through I'm looking at the map of the Superstition Mountains and I'm not seeing a river. I'm gonna be honest with you. Speaker 1 Yeah. It was it has the reo on there. Speaker 2 Yeah, it's I mean, it's depth are definitely talking about a river but like looking at the map, north of the river. And I mean, here's the deal. It's the middle of Arizona, and it's been 100 years. And so like, there could have been a river there before we you know, we did the Industrial Revolution. Speaker 1 Okay. Just throw it on the Wayback Machine. Oh, you're I see what it looks like back then. Okay, so pull up given a real map of this place. Speaker 2 Of the Superstition Mountains. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, well, there is a salt river up north of it. Oh, right next to Tortilla Flat. Unknown Speaker And guacamole Valley. What are you talking about right now? Unknown Speaker I'll show you. So here's here's a map straight from Google Maps. Okay. The Salt River is up there. Speaker 1 I grazed north of the river. Yeah. It might be the Salt River. It's in these mountains right here. Speaker 2 Yeah, I don't know. Maybe it's not maybe that's what everyone's problem is, is they're looking at the unless it's Speaker 1 like in this area right over here. Yeah, I'm saying they're all looking right there because they're idiots. Oh, we're talking about El Capitan right now. That's the same one. Speaker 2 From like, Mac. Yeah, I don't think so. This is an Arizona. Okay. I thought all that was in California. Yeah, I think it was two years. Yeah. But yeah, I mean, maybe it is north of the river up there. Speaker 1 I don't know. The math literally says, I was I say I dwell north of the river. I graze I graze Speaker 2 north of the river. Here's the thing though. This map is no one. There's no real connection to the mine. Sure. Nothing about this map says here's where to find the gold. Yeah, it's just a bunch of weird scribbles. And allegedly a mind Speaker 1 this could all just be a kid coming. Yes. Could be is that a knife on Unknown Speaker a knife on that? It's, it could be completely unrelated. Unknown Speaker There's a lot of detail in the police though. Speaker 2 The one thing that people say to like, be like, Oh, it's talking about the gold is those donuts that are saying that's the symbol for gold? Which I don't know if it is I think it's I think it's just a donut. Okay. Oh, don't say 1867 underneath the pre Speaker 1 18 4700 You should it's a 400% Speaker 2 Maybe right. Anyways, so this whole thing, it could be this could be related to the gold could not. But people have used it to try to find where this is located. Here's the thing though. The Peralta's there's no evidence of a Peralta family living in the area. The only evidence that we can find of a Peralta family of Mexican descent is in Oakland, California. They were ranchers. But that's pretty far from here. These clay tablets have been ascribed to them. But we don't really know where they came from, or who found them or why. And so this connection is pretty loose. It's very, very loose. And there's not really a good reason for us to believe that it's connected to it other than the fact that it's part of the legend. People say it is. There's another story, though, of a guy named Dr. Thorne, who was a Army doctor, who allegedly was kidnapped by the Apache Tribe in the 1940s. And, okay, they said, someone in our tribe is sick. And so He nursed them back to health. And as payment for the work, they blindfolded him, and they draw them Speaker 1 loose in the mind that whatever you grab is yours. Like those, like you've ever been, like a middle school fundraiser event, and they've got that little wind tunnel with all the dollar bills in it, and he's got to grab as much as you can. They're like, we're gonna put you in our Goldmine that we have, and you just grab whatever you can. And then he got bit by a snake because he couldn't see. So it's dark in the mind, no need to blind. Speaker 2 So they know they they blindfolded him, and they took them around the desert for hours, like, you know, like we did call it time up and drive him around. Yeah, so Unknown Speaker they wouldn't know where they were. Speaker 2 Yeah. And so they did that thing, took them around town, took them to the mine. And they were like, tada, we have a mine of gold. Cut off a goldmine. And then they're like, you can have some gold, whatever you can carry as payment for your services. And, and then he grabbed a bunch of stuff as much as he could carry. And they blindfolded him back up and took them away. He just got Unknown Speaker a hold. It just Speaker 2 just carried a bunch of gold through the desert blindfolded. It was like in the basement all along. Like it wasn't even that far away. Yeah, they just turned the heat up really high in Unknown Speaker the house back and forth. Speaker 2 So he's carrying the gold, and then gets back out like they let him they get back to the tribal lands, and then they let him go. And then he goes home. And he tells everyone and he's like, look at all the gold that they gave me. And everyone's like, wow, this is a crazy story. We don't believe but you do have gold. So maybe it's true. Yeah. And everybody's like, tell us where you found it. And he's like, Unknown Speaker he's like, Well, I Speaker 2 don't know. They blindfolded me. And he No, he showed no, what years. This? is 1840s. Okay. And he showed no 1840s Yeah, no. 1940s. He showed no, like, desire to, like, try to find this actual. Unknown Speaker He's like, I got what I wanted. Yeah, he's Speaker 2 like, I got some gold. I don't need more. I'm a content man. Again, the veracity of this story, is can be called into question. Okay. Because there's no record of a guy named Dr. Thorne in the US Army. Okay, so a Unknown Speaker lot of these stories. I'm sure his name's not doctor. You think it's just Mr. Thorns? What do you what do you think like, well, Speaker 1 if you're looking at the army records, and you go Dr. Thorne Yeah, his name is not doctor. Well, it's Richard. Speaker 2 I mean, fair. So he, this story is is questionable. Again. The point I'm trying to make here is a lot of these stories are very questionable stories. Sure. A lot of people have gone looking for this mine. Okay. And they've died, but they probably died because it's a national park in a desert. That is dangerous. Okay. And yeah, maybe some of them got murdered. But honestly, people get killed in national parks all the time. Like that's what murderers murderers frequent national parks like that's a that's one of their hotspots, you know, like they're okay they hang out at those voices point Unknown Speaker are you making right now? Speaker 2 What I'm trying to say here is I don't know if there is a Lost Dutchman mine there's there's this this I don't know there's some believers who really believe that it's out there somewhere find hidden in the Superstition Mountains that you can find and and get rich off of. But a lot of these stories, they seem like Legend. And a lot of these deaths they seem like happenstance. And one of the more significant parts of this is throughout the region. There's a bunch of gold mines sure, like a bunch of gold mines and so there's a pretty good chance that if this was in the 1840s that this guy found this mine Unknown Speaker that is just one of those ones Speaker 2 we already know about. Yeah, that He died and when he died, maybe no one knew about it or maybe he was just sneaking into some other random mine and yeah, napkins gold. off the top, which I guess I don't know how gold mines work, but he's just flicking off a little bit of when I worked at that candy factory and it just kept some candy, you know, off the talking about what Unknown Speaker the factory Did you work at? Speaker 2 I worked for a week at Mountain Man fruit and NAPCO in Parker, Colorado, and they fired you. Yeah, that's because you were stealing candy off the top? No, for different reasons. I don't think you can just fly. Speaker 1 That's not one of those things. You're gonna say go. I got fired for a different reason for a reason. But it wasn't. Well, I was at work one day, and a reporter showed up. And they were like, Who do you sell the Moschini to? And I said, and it became this whole big thing. And I like let it play out for a little bit. And then the owner was like, tell them your job. Go. And you're like, I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah. And then they fire me. Yeah, yeah. Speaker 2 No, they had a they had a policy where before it got into packaging, you can eat as much candy as you want. That's not true. Speaker 1 Packaging. You. You couldn't eat it. Is that what you thought the policy was legitimately Speaker 2 the policy? Everybody did it. And so you most people would just walk by the conveyor belts. And every time they walked by the conveyor belts and just kept some chocolate and eat the chocolate. Unknown Speaker There's no way that was their policy. I mean, that Speaker 2 was their policy. It probably wasn't okay. But Speaker 1 that was there not a chance. That's a there's no way that was their policy. Speaker 2 I mean, it wasn't a huge company. I mean, it was a decent sized company, but like, it wasn't a huge company, you know. But the reason I got fired, the reason I got fired is because Isaiah had the Isaiah got me the job, okay. And he, his boss was like, Hey, I'm looking for some extra help. I was 17. And he was looking for some extra help. It was over the summer. And so I get the job. And then they didn't like I got the job. There's like four other people who got the job at the same time as me. And they're all adults, like they're all real people. I was. And they all went through like training, like they learned how to use everything. And for me, they were just like, I don't know, go do whatever Isaiah needs your help with. And so like I did that for the first day, and then the second day, they were like, Hey, we own the lot next door, and it was overgrown with weeds. It was probably, I don't know, seven or eight acres. And the weeds were as tall as me like six foot weeds. And he was like we got this fine from the county for having this too overgrown. Can you cut down all the weeds? And so they gave me a weed whacker, but it was an hourly rate. Yeah, but it was a broken weed whacker. And it took me a week to weed whack this giant field with his broken weed whack I'm just sitting there just and I got it all weed whacked and then they fired me. Speaker 1 Well you just described is crime. What you just described is someone taking advantage of a 17 year old boy. That's Speaker 2 yeah, that's I mean, that's what I'm saying. Like that's they hired me because they got that fine and they didn't have anyone else to do it. And then they were like, okay, yeah, and so they just had me take it down and then once I finished it, they fired me and they told me it was because I was working too slow. But that was the only thing I did the whole time I was there and they never even like they never trained me they never gave me a warning. But I was too young to like advocate for myself like I didn't understand it was the first it was literally the first job I got hired for. Speaker 1 Yeah, what you just described as illegal. So that was fun. Yeah, Unknown Speaker I got free candy out of it for like a week. Speaker 1 You come in here's why he got fired. Let me tell you why you got fired. Because you were out there waiting. Right at the time you can eat as much as you want to go back you can eat it no so you're out there Speaker 3 watching me out though it nobody's like I told them do we and he's eating every individual weed. No one for this Speaker 1 day should not have passed the marijuana stuff out here. These kids are idiots I was pre so we know I'm saying that you were out there doing all this weed stuff. Not not listener. Please don't get confused. I was you were clearing their lot or whatever. Yeah. So you come in dirty gross hands. This is why you got fired. And you go it's policy Unknown Speaker deck whatever candy we want. Unknown Speaker You put a blindfold on. And then you sat at the end of the conveyor belt and just I think yours walking around stumbling into the wall. Speaker 2 Other Amazon reviews said Yeah, I got the chocolate was good. But there's like dandelion leaves. Yeah. All over my that's why you got fired. You might be right. I mean, they told me it was because of slow that's what they told me Speaker 2 here's the thing though. Here's even better. I was one of, I think four or five friends that I say I got a job for at that. And every single friend that got a job got fired within a week under similar circumstances, so I think it was literally like a weird job will pop up. I'd be like, just get one of those as friends. Unknown Speaker Yeah, yeah. 100% It's sketchy. Speaker 2 Um, I don't remember I think there was something else I want to bring Speaker 1 up a whole thing to tell me. Stories are like they're probably made up. Unknown Speaker It was so that I was I wanted to say about this. I Unknown Speaker swear. Not I mean, Speaker 1 I would love to let's start let's we have a we started a true crime podcast while we did we didn't we didn't follow through. You're dumb? Speaker 2 Well, because my mother in law thought we were gonna get killed by the cartel. Speaker 1 That actually is true. Why we had to stop because we were worried ruffle some feathers. We were worried about stumbling into some stuff that maybe we weren't prepared to stumble into. But now we're prepared to Yeah, so we've been practicing. I think we should one release some of that true crime Podcast. I'm okay with that. And then two, we should become treasure hunters. Yeah, go buy this thing. Unknown Speaker treasure hunting a true treasure podcast. true treasure? true treasure. That's two. That doesn't fall it Speaker 1 doesn't it? Oh, glad you realize it before I had to shut your ideas down. But here's, Speaker 2 here's the moral of the story. The mine probably got mined by someone who found it. And now everyone's out here looking for it. And it doesn't exist anymore. Because it's a it's a matte like it's not lost. Like they found it and they mined it. And those those clay things, probably not related probably just stuff from something else. So if you are in a national park somewhere, and you find some clay tablets with scribbles all over it and stuff written in other languages and pictures. And a dude whose head has been removed from his body and his two miles away, okay with holes in it. Leave it alone, leave it alone. Speaker 1 No, or start a podcast and go find it. As we're going to Speaker 2 Well, I guess that's all I have to say about the Lost Dutchman mine. Speaker 1 Okay, cool. I keep trying to think of podcast titles for what this is going to be. But for now it's who fiddle off Speaker 3 things either last night is a production of space Tim medium produced by Christian Taylor audio by Alex Garnett video by Connor Betts. Our graphics and our logo by Caleb Goldberg and our social media is run by Caleb Walker. Our hosts are Jeremiah and Tim stone. Follow us on your favorite social media platform at Taylan podcast is Ti ll en podcast. Remember to tell all your friends about us and we'll see you next Tuesday for another episode of things I learned last night. Transcribed by

Have you ever heard of the Lost Dutchman Mine? It’s a fascinating tale of adventure and mystery that has captured the imagination of treasure hunters for generations. In this blog post, we’ll explore how this mine became a legendary legend, delve into the mysterious “heart map,” and discuss some theories about where it might be hiding today. The Legend Begins … Read More

Bobby Dunbar – A Lost and Found Story


Episode Transcription

Made by robots for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Unknown Speaker Hey man. What's up? Unknown Speaker Have you ever heard of Bobby Dunbar? Unknown Speaker Bobby Dunbar? Unknown Speaker Bobby Dunbar? Speaker 1 Is that? I don't know the characters are king of the hill. Is that their last name? It Speaker 2 does sound like a character in King of the Hill, Bobby. Bobby Dunbar? No, it's not no, no wrong. Bobby Dunbar was an American boy who disappeared at the age of four. Okay, in 1912 is 10 years ago. We're okay. Unknown Speaker We're gonna find him. They could. Speaker 2 Well, they did. Allegedly. Find him. Okay, good story. Let's just dive right in. Okay, well roll the theme song and then we'll come back and we'll tell you about Bobby don't Unknown Speaker roll a theme song like three minutes. Speaker 2 We heard it's like, well, it's like, oh, oh, they did it. Yeah, yeah. Maybe sandwich. It's an advertisement Unknown Speaker in the middle of a commercial. Unknown Speaker But the commercial for that these Unknown Speaker McDonald's now serving. Speaker 2 You know, I like that. Alright, so Bobby Dunbar and his family they went to Swasey Lake and Speaker 1 you don't do the dishes. I'm going to call the police. Well, you see pianos have little strings on the inside, and my fingers are too big. Your school mascot should be eggs. Yeah, if you're around me, I'm super judgy always trying to like see through what you're saying, you know, I didn't kill his parents. You Unknown Speaker did not know they died long before you're born. Unknown Speaker Things I Learned last night. Speaker 2 Lake is a strong term for this lake. It was a swamp. They went to a swamp in Louisiana as what they do down there. Yeah. And they call it the lake day. And while they were at the lake, Bobby just disappeared. They were all swimming, you know, doing their thing. And then they're like, Where's Bobby? Gone? And so they from Louisiana? Where are they from? I think so i think yeah, they're from St. Landry Parish, Louisiana. Okay. Okay. And so he disappears. And they panic. They call the authorities and the authorities launches this massive manhunt to try to find this little boy that He's four years old at the time, right. And so they're, they're going all around the lake, they're on the boats, they're there, they get the spotlights. They are interviewing the townsfolk. They even go as far as to dissect alligators to see if he was in the alligators. And then on day two, they actually started throwing dynamite in a lake hoping that Speaker 1 they did they did that on day one. They were dissecting alligators. Yeah, Speaker 2 because well, they because they're like there could be an alligator alive. Probably. Fine. Okay, but they're just they're just trying to cross all their T's dot all their eyes, cut all their alligators. Okay, that's how that phrase kills, right? Yeah. But yeah, and then they did too. They started throwing dynamite in the lake. Because they're like, Well, Speaker 1 that'll scare him. If he's hiding in there somewhere. Unknown Speaker Oh, sorry. Don't blow me up with your dynamite. Speaker 1 No one's oxen free. So the soy boy bored right now. So bored. I didn't Speaker 2 know when I did that. So throw dynamite in the swamp swamp. Yeah, it honestly sticks. I'm hoping that they were just gonna blow him out of the water and then be I found them. Louisiana 1912 Louisiana thing to do? Yeah, well, there goes. Unknown Speaker Hey, Paul. We're missing a boy down by the swamp. He's excited. I was gonna I know he's gonna be like, Ah, all right, here we go. Unknown Speaker We're gonna get the blows of boy. Unknown Speaker He blew that boy right out of the swamp. Speaker 2 They don't find them. They don't find her. It ends up being this thing where they are like, yeah, he's probably been eaten by some alligators. Sorry. So they go home and they think they lost their son. Eight months later, the Gators. Eight months later. There's a traveling handyman by the name of William Walters. Walking through town. And a police officer season Unknown Speaker was Hey, you look at that four year old boy. Why do you look like that? a four year old boy that went missing. Speaker 1 I'm a grown man. No, you're not you're, you're a child, and you can't sneak past me. Unknown Speaker And so they took him home. And then he sort of pushed his mom into this. Like Jenna pointed her coffee and stuff, it was kind of crazy. Speaker 2 Now, so he's he's in Mississippi, and he's traveling around fixing pianos and organs and random stuff like that, you know, but there's a child with him. And someone sees that child and for whatever reason, like this goes off. That looks like the boy who was missing Speaker 1 in Mississippi. Yeah. Because I mean, it may dismissing Potter's Speaker 2 got around. Yeah, they made decently large news when he went missing originally. I thought I was like that missing boy. And so they call the police. The police come and they interview him and ask them all these questions about Speaker 1 the police is 1912 Yeah, they did. They said Unknown Speaker police and then Speaker 1 that's police is fire. And oh, is ambulance. Unknown Speaker And it's clown clowns. That used to be first. And police is a little too similar. You need a good police officer up and this guy shows up and he makes some aluminum animal gun Unknown Speaker was really just he just does one and it shoots Unknown Speaker real bone. This is actually more helpful than the police crazy. Speaker 2 I can't believe that works. How did you do that? Speaker 1 Sometimes you're like, Hey, I didn't want you here and they go they don't You don't know their release company? Do you know? Yeah, you gotta be like Unknown Speaker fall into this Unknown Speaker you know? It's 1912 Yeah, Speaker 2 it was a different time. A lot of people don't remember that. We all collective so Speaker 1 they call the police. They go, hey, the police interview this guy and the two children walk in. And they pull someone I missing? Speaker 2 The ask the man, where'd you get this kid? Hey, yeah. What's your name? I made him. I made him loose piano parts. Speaker 1 Used to be my puppet. And then he ran into some talking donkey kid or something like that. Anyway, he got swallowed by a whale. He went through some magical journey crazy. Found a cricket. Yeah. And now is a real boy. Speaker 2 It's driving me insane. He won't let me kill the cricket. I keep asking him. So he's like, Yeah, my name is William Walters. I'm a traveling piano fixer. And he goes on and says, Is your piano broken? And then they're like, No, we don't want it. We don't care about this part of your story. Who's the boy? And he's like, Oh, that's Bruce. And like, Bruce, who? Speaker 1 Well, you see pianos have little strings on the inside, and my fingers are too big. So I occasionally have to contract out a five year old child get his old little nubby campaigns in their fingers down Speaker 2 there. Yeah, to get the strings it luckily there's no minimum wage yet so I don't want to even say the word minimum wage so that way you don't think Unknown Speaker think of it as an idea. It's not even an idea yet. Unknown Speaker Give you the ideas of Mr. Law. Speaker 1 Minimum wage. That's up there with that socialism stuff. Unknown Speaker Have you ever been there's a swamp I think you should Unknown Speaker check. You're about to go missing in the swamp. Unknown Speaker Bruce is gonna swim ahead of you pull you down. Speaker 1 I don't know man. I was just out in the swamp one day eat my cheesecake and this little boy or rose from the water Speaker 2 at the swamp, and there's this police officer who rolled in and started walking to the swamp for a swim and that was swamp swim. chordify I see this little boy look like a Bruce I don't know. Just full sprint. Honestly, very fast. Probably 22 miles an hour top of the water. And I don't asked not even four years old. Just kidding. Just Brian gets to a certain point in the swamp. Not even I and then just dives. And then I see the police officer just go under. Few minutes later, the boy sprouts out of the water. Speaker 1 Like you're seeing a discovery show where they film those sharks out so you don't know what that is? Yeah. Are you a time traveler? Speaker 1 Hey, thanks checking out this episode. If you liked this one or You don't like this one. There's so many other ones. Alright, if you're halfway through this one and you're like, I hate this, I want to go check out the Richmond TV vigilante. It's an episode we did a while ago. It's a little bit of a shorter one. But one morning in Richmond, Virginia, he's people wake up with just TVs on their front porch, no idea where they came from, until one person check their ring doorbell footage and got a decent surprise. So Richmond TV vigilante is a great episode. If you're gonna go check that out later. But for now, back to this one. Speaker 1 Okay, so he's got this kid. He's got this Bruce. Bruce. Bruce. Bruce. Boy, Speaker 2 my Bruce. No. Bruce Anderson is the name. She or he is the child of a family friend that he took with him on his journey for some reason. And Unknown Speaker sure, not a family friend. Yeah, it's Speaker 2 a family and friends kid. And they were like, That's suspicious, but we can't prove anything. And it's like, well, you can just go on your way. And then they follow them around for a while watching them. And they catch them one day weapon, the kid. And like, that's grounds for us to arrest you. And so they arrest the kid. All right. Speaker 1 Well, what you did was very bad. And you got spanking by your family friend. Also, you're going to jail. That's like, that's what parents do. And if you don't do these dishes, I'm going to call the police. Unknown Speaker What are the police gonna do? Speaker 1 They're gonna push. Whether a skier straight this Bruce kid. Unknown Speaker I think you think you're Bobby. So Unknown Speaker tell me interrogating him. Speaker 2 So they take they take Bruce William to jail Oh, for whipping the kid. Unknown Speaker And they take Bruce where Unknown Speaker and they take Bruce and they Unknown Speaker family and they go here. Speaker 2 ruse they said, they said Who's that man? And versus like, Oh, he's a child. He's like, he's like, I don't know who he is. And then he's like, Well, why are you with him? He's like, he's like, Well, he took me from my mom a while ago. And they're like, Well, what's your name? And he's like, ah, like, is it Bobby? And he was like, yeah, it's Bobby. And so then they Speaker 1 could use it. Is it? Is it dragon? Like? Yeah, I Unknown Speaker like that one. Unknown Speaker My name is Dragon. My name is Dragon. Speaker 2 And so they took him back to Louisiana to the mother of Barbie, Miss Dunbar? And they said, Hey, is this Bobby? And it's been eight months. And she's like, I don't think so maybe maybe it's him. Like she wasn't like confident white. And they were like, he looks kind of a lot like Bobby to us. And they were and she was like I'm not sure. And so they're like, we'll take them back to the station. Once you get some rest. We'll give you another chance with them tomorrow. And so the next day, they come back and they're like, like, why don't you give him a bath, see if he has the same scars. And so she turned 12 So she doesn't afterwards. She's like, Yeah, he did have the same scars. This is my son. This is Bobby. And like, we found good work, everybody. We saved the day the kid is alive. We got him. And meanwhile, Williams now got a kidnapping charge on it. Yeah, kidnapping Bobby. And he's like, I ain't kidnapper. That's my family friend. Yeah, word gets back to Bruce Anderson was the boys. A legend name? And so we're where it gets back to the Anderson family. And they understand they're like, Oh, well, we should probably go get Bruce. And so Julie Anderson, who lives in North Carolina takes the journey out to Speaker 1 Julie Anderson who lives in North Carolina. Why did you do that? Julie you're talking back here. Okay, normal podcasts are and then you go Julianne Unknown Speaker North turn like I looked at Alex to make sure that I wasn't insane on that. And Alex, here's Speaker 1 a look. It's like telling the back of the mind. Julie Anderson pulled further. Further away. Are you gonna keep going? Speaker 2 So Julie? So Julie Anderson from North Carolina, makes a trip out to Louisiana to be like, Speaker 1 Hey, don't be trippin back in 1912 What do they send me your internet? No, Speaker 2 we never trip differently. Sure pic has not changed in a long time. Okay, I don't know if she took a car or she didn't take a train Speaker 1 train probably that makes waves that makes a lot. Well, it Unknown Speaker took a train, takes a trip out, Unknown Speaker she loves trains to Speaker 2 take the trip out to Louisiana. And when she gets there, the police she's like, she's like my son Bruce is here, my son versus with you and you gave him to some random lady. Unknown Speaker No, no, it was Bobby. Unknown Speaker Ed. She was like, she's like, can I see? So now Speaker 1 the police are our Ponzi scheme and these kids do they gotta take a kid from a different family. To give it to that one. They got a different family. Give it to that one. And this never ends so they never kept until you find twins. I guess. Speaker 2 We need some twit. Somebody flying his twins. quick throw more dynamite at the lake. I'm sure there's another one down there. Unknown Speaker Okay. I don't want to swamp twin. Sorry. Unknown Speaker I'm just there a point where nevermind. Speaker 1 No. Go on. So the police she's like, Hey, that's my son. Yeah, the Speaker 2 police are like the police are like okay, we're gonna go get Bobby. Yeah. And then we're gonna get a handful of other boys. And we're gonna do like a line Oh line. And if you can identify which ones do I would have Speaker 1 done? Here's what I wouldn't if I was police sheriff. Right. I would have said all right, Miss Anderson. You would not have that side. You could not have that side. Put the boy in the middle and see who he chooses. Lassie, Lassie. No, it's Shiloh? Shiloh. Unknown Speaker Yeah. leboff Speaker 1 I hate everything about you. Sanderson was like, let's cut the baby in half. Got the boy in half, I'll take up. Speaker 2 So they they get the lineup of kids. Okay. And then, while they're in line, she points to Bruce. And she says is that the boy that you guys thought was mine. And that response made the police very skeptical. And they were like, like, Wait, so you don't know which one is your son? And here's the thing where who said that? Miss Anderson? Julie Anderson. Okay. Bruce's mom. Yes. And so, here's here's the thing, you have to recognize that a corner is what sucks Speaker 1 is that this kid just doesn't have a recognizable face. You know? Yeah, yeah, that's true. There's a bland, old normal kid Speaker 2 of blade kid, not even his mom or his other mom can tell. Speaker 1 No one knows who you are. Have we met before Speaker 2 is that I said, Well, here's the thing for Ms. Anderson, at least. She, William Walters took him Yeah, 15 months ago, and at four years old, changed a lot in 15 months. And so like, Unknown Speaker Well, why did my did Mr. Walters TAKE Speaker 2 THE BAIT? Well, he's a family friend. And he was like, he's like, he should come with me and learn to be a man now. Here's the thing with Miss Anderson that kind of doubled over for her and became a bigger issue. She didn't have a great reputation. She had. This was her third child. She lost one of her children had already died. And then there was another child that she lost like a custody battle for. And so she's not she doesn't have a great reputation. Speaker 1 And then she goes, Is Unknown Speaker that the one that you think is mine? Unknown Speaker And that I think is mine too? Yeah, Speaker 2 I think it's that one. So they gave her a closer look as well. The next day, they're like, why don't you give them a bath. We'll see what you think. And, and she wants to saw his scars once. Once she saw his scars. She was like, she's like, this is my son. And they're like, well, dang, the bathroom test worked for both. Unknown Speaker Maybe this isn't a good method. Speaker 2 So now there's an issue. Do Whitewater Speaker 1 is crazy. It's the same dude. Like gremlins. Speaker 2 Here's the thing though. These boys did look a lot like here's, here's an article from well, I'll show you this one first. Here's a picture of the two of them. I could tell them apart. Bobby's on the left is on the route. Don't tell me which ones which. But here's the thing, right again. Maybe Bobby's awesome. Maybe they're both Bobby maybe one of them's not Bobby. Did you look similar? Speaker 1 No, they don't. They do look similar. They both look like the precious moments kid. Speaker 2 I see how you could see these kids. I see how you could see this kid go underwater in a lake. And then see the kid on the right eight months later and be like, I think that's that kid. Speaker 1 They both look like Haley Joel Osment it secondhand, like Unknown Speaker it's actually very accurate. Now, this Speaker 1 is more of him in sixth sense, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. Unknown Speaker This is this is an article from the time which I don't know if Speaker 1 all those pictures they chose. They look very different. Yeah. Speaker 2 I mean, I could see if you saw these kids eight months apart. Your Speaker 1 pictures of the same boy are these Same colleague Dunbar before he died. Oh before he disappeared Speaker 2 Hey, thanks again for watching this episode. If you're enjoying it and you're enjoying chillin, you've been around for a little bit, I want to invite you to be a part of our Patreon we have a Patreon that has early access to all of our episodes ad free content, both audio and video. We have a discord with our hosts and producers. That's a ton of fun getting to hang out with all of our patrons in there. We also do once a month now we do these live streams with our patrons. We hang out we get to know each other we eat pizza. It's a blast along with a bunch of other benefits like a merch discounts message on your birthday like fun stuff. It's definitely worth it. We're having a blast with our patrons. But if that doesn't sound like something for you, that guy here just getting the we love you. Thanks for checking out Dylan podcast. How do they how do they get it though? I realized I forgot to put a CTA in mind. Oh Daddy we're doing Yeah, Speaker 1 they can text Tillandsia 66866 Thanks Jared Unknown Speaker so so now the police have a real connection Speaker 1 analysis and newspapers right about how long is this process? Speaker 2 Well, this has been going on for months because she because they get the kid that kid comes over this Bobby is now or Bruce is now going by Bobby because when the Dunbar's got him back it was a big deal they here's the a kid that's been dead for eight months is back with them. And so they threw this big party they got on a pony and a bicycle. They're they're doing the whole Unknown Speaker Pharaoh Bobby on all its feet and everything. Unknown Speaker On the kids feet. Now on Speaker 1 the on the Promenade pony. Oh, Woody from Speaker 2 after the bath. They lift his foot up and they write Bobby on his foot just so Unknown Speaker he doesn't forget. Speaker 2 Bobby, hold on, I gotta take my shoe off you Bob. backwards again. Yeah. And so he's going by Bobby now. He's responding to Bobby Sure. And he calls his mother Mom. He calls his father father because his sister's Unknown Speaker brother and sister. He says interestingly enough, Speaker 2 though, when he first met them he didn't call her mom. He didn't act like he knew his siblings. And his siblings acted like they didn't recognize him either. Speaker 1 Do kids can always tell the kids are like what the heck is that? Bobby? Unknown Speaker That's not Bobby Bobby got eight by the crocodile. The crocodile told me Speaker 1 in a dream. What do you think the crocodile told you crocodile told me two things in my dream one i A Bobby to your school mascot should be eggs. Unknown Speaker Eggs, and you should try to get him to Unknown Speaker launch campaign. This is your life purpose campaign. Unknown Speaker But also this good your house is not Bobby. Bobby but more. If you just if you forget any of Speaker 1 this paper, not Bobby's boat. Now, Bobby. Speaker 2 I'll have another go eggs. You have to forget about one of these papers. Forget about the bobby paper. Important thing okay. Most important. All right, continue. Speaker 1 Geez. My dream I killed Bobby's parents Unknown Speaker recurring treat all right. So if you're not hold on, if you've not listened to previous episodes, Unknown Speaker as parents you did not know they died long before you were born. Speaker 1 That's my alibi. I was born too late. Unknown Speaker Let's far too late to Speaker 1 shoot dude, I would have I would have if I was alive. Speaker 2 But alas, not Alas, I was not yet. So bummer. So this court case begins sure because now this is this has become a web of problems. Yeah, it's one family who's like our dead sons alive. Unknown Speaker Moms are shown. Speaker 2 There's one family who's like he's like our son's alive and now he's with us again. And then there's another family that's like our son. You took them state and gave us Walton family and then there's Walter who's Speaker 1 any of these people? Yeah, he's been accused of kidnapping because Walter maintain that it's a Anderson's. Speaker 2 Yes, yes, he does. He's like, that's there. Yeah, sounds like that's that yeah, that's the one and so they this court case commences and the they see all the evidence, they see the kid. They have some character references for the Anderson's come out and they're able to A corroborate that that was the kid that even had some of the families that Walters worked for. Before Bobby disappeared to come forward and say, Yeah, we saw Bruce was with them when before Bobby disappeared. Okay, so like that lines up that story. But there was already the stories circulating in the media and had gotten so big that Lesley Anderson was not a good mother. And yeah, had lost these other kids. And it was this big thing. And she didn't know who her son was. She had no idea that the jury was convinced from the start that it was not Bruce. And it was actually Bobby. So at the end of the she didn't get a fair trial. Yeah, at the end of the trial, they ruled that this was actually Bobby Dunbar and not Bruce Anderson. And they legally changed his name and close the case. Walter served a sentence for kidnapping. And Leslie had to go home without her son. Okay, and that was the end of the story. For 90 years. Bobby lived, Bruce. Bobby Bruiser, Bobby lived the rest of his life as Bobby Dunbar Okay, here he is, like, a few years later, not that far, much farther. It's the one that looks like Bruce or Bobby. I don't know. Sure. Speaker 1 His dad is JFK. And there's a mobster in the background. Unknown Speaker But he wasn't they were they took the picture. Speaker 1 Okay, there was no boy when they took the picture. When they look at the picture. There he is Speaker 2 that oh, that's pretty anyways, so Bobby lives the rest of his life as Speaker 1 Yeah, dies as Bobby Dunbar's, Bobby Speaker 2 Dunbar, and one of His granddaughter's Margaret Dunbar cut right. In 2004. Was like 23. And me. Oh, no, and was going through all the storage for Unknown Speaker yeah, here was going through me. Speaker 2 So I don't know if it was like, 23 of me, but it was like that answer? Sure. Sure. Sure. Um, so she's going through all the stories, she's looking at all the family trees and stuff like that. And she's telling them doesn't matter. They're hearing all the stories, she's always heard the story of the time, Bobby disappeared for like, eight months, and they just happen to find them again, and all that stuff. And so she starts digging back into the story. So she's reading the newspaper articles, she's reading all this stuff, like firsthand accounts instead of yes, that was passed down by by sure and became family legend. And so she's reading through all these accounts, she's she is kind of going in as like, like hopes of being like, Okay, I'm gonna prove that Bobby. My grandfather really is Bobby. Sure, not Bruce. And as she's going through all these documents, she starts to realize, Oh, I think that my grandfather is not Bobby. I think he was Bruce. I don't think any of us are done bars. And so she goes, and she tracks down. Another grandson. I don't know why she doesn't do it. But she gets another grandson to do the DNA test. Kai, who is a blood relative of Bobby Dunbar and gets one of their cousins who was the grandson of Bobby Dunbar's brother to do DNA tests, and they were not matches and they were not blood related. And so all of a sudden, 90 years after the fact, they found out that this whole line that people that were using the name Dunbar were not Dunbar's. Oh, actually Anderson's and the fair amount of the Andersons found out that Bruce Yeah, was actually a kidnapped by the state essentially, and given to some random other family. Okay, and William Walters served this prison sentence for kidnapping. Yeah, when he didn't kidnap the kid. He was. Well, I mean, Jury's out on if he can shoot. I don't know, that's weird. But he took the kid and it created this huge mess for their family, because a lot of family got mad at her. Because they were like, I wonder like, just wonder stuff be. Interesting. Yeah. They were just like, yeah, it's in the past. It's, I mean, it is like 100 years old at this point. But it like fractured their family and like fractured the relationship with her. Especially and the people who did the tests. Because they I don't know, they were mad about it. Was Speaker 1 that according to her though, yeah. Yeah. But I mean, like, when people were like, oh, yeah, my family doesn't talk to me anymore. You're like, okay, just from that one sentence. I can tell what I can see. You know, they wouldn't if anybody's like, My family doesn't talk to me be like, Okay. Now if you say we don't talk to him anymore. I go, Ah, you're in the right. Yeah. I assume you don't like if you go I don't talk to him anymore. That's, that's actually I'm just now thinking this but that's a good theory right there. That's an end Just think if someone says My family doesn't talk to me anymore, I go, Ooh, you were wrong did something. Yeah. But as you go, yeah, we don't we don't really talk too much anymore. You go, oh, you set healthy boundaries, good for you. Speaker 2 But that could be though, like, I mean, there's people who are like we Speaker 1 don't say if you're the troublemaker in your family, just switch your verbiage, right? You know, like, just start saying, yeah, don't talk to him and say Speaker 2 that, yeah. If you're around Jaron, depending on who you're around, yeah, Speaker 1 if you're around me, I'm super judgy. Always trying to like, see through what you're saying, you know, I don't believe that. I didn't believe there. Dunbar's for a second. Speaker 2 Yeah. So to this day, we don't know what actually happened with Bobby Dunbar. Okay. Most people are like, yeah, you probably got alligator. Oh, wow. But we do know Bruce. Speaker 1 Sweet justice is if we're in Orlando, and you get alligator, man. Speaker 2 Hey, guys, go to you from Orlando. Unknown Speaker I just bought you live streaming. Speaker 2 I'm going to you from Orlando. We should call it out. Gator. You're gonna Unknown Speaker survive. Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah, I'm in the back of the clown car. I call him for help. I didn't know we still Unknown Speaker do in Orlando. Florida shot. Yeah, Florida dude. They got him they got Speaker 2 him. So So Bruce. Bruce lived his whole life his Bobby and took it to his grave had really had no idea. I didn't have to go through the crisis. Figuring out what everyone else in the family did. And for some reason, it bothered them a lot. And that's the story of Bobby Dunbar. Well, Bruce Anderson, sure. But the family of Unknown Speaker So did they get a DNA test from the Andersons? Unknown Speaker Yeah, yeah. Well, they Unknown Speaker confirmed that he Speaker 2 Well, I don't know if they got a DNA test. Was there any living relatives they got a DNA test from the Dunbar's and from the dawn Speaker 1 of Dunbar's Yeah, one of them that's I'm saying, if they could prove that he wasn't Anderson, though, because he may not have been that kid. He may have just been a random kid. Maybe we need to test them again. Hey, I know this was a big deal. I've got a question. Yeah, and this is gonna seem like it's off the wall but this you know how big were his calves? What is Cat Oh, Unknown Speaker what do you mean by that? I don't know how big his calves were Unknown Speaker they fit in this motel that we have at the police station. Unknown Speaker Let me see the cats What's that from? Oh, you remember that's bro Speaker 1 Are you serious? Oh, do you know what that's from? To mom should do? Speaker 2 Oh, yeah. To mom should it's a great Speaker 1 episode. And Tim, whatever did I just think that you don't care about the show? Speaker 2 Oh, whoa, whoa. I don't want you to think that I don't care about this. Speaker 1 Or that reference? Anything. I've made a couple of references and you didn't get them. What are you Let's eat you in the bath Speaker 2 things are there last night is a production of space Tim medium produced by Christian Taylor audio by hours Garnett video by Connor Betts our graphics and our logo by Caleb Goldberg and our social media is run by Caleb Walker. Our hosts are Jeremiah and Tim stone. Follow us on your favorite social media platform at Taillon podcast is Ti LL and podcast. Remember to tell all your friends about us and we'll see you next Tuesday for another episode of things I learned last night. Transcribed by

Imagine going on a family vacation and suddenly finding yourself in the middle of a real-life mystery. That’s exactly what happened to the Dunbar family in 1912. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the fascinating and perplexing story of Bobby Dunbar’s disappearance and the search that followed. The Disappearance On August 23, 1912, the Dunbar family was enjoying a … Read More

Jake McNasty McNiece – The Fearless World War 2 Paratrooper


Episode Transcription

Made by robots, for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Unknown Speaker So that's pretty heavy. Unknown Speaker Right? Unknown Speaker That's also one of the one minutes for Christmas. kind of remember that? No, it's why it's a movie for oh, that's a new that's Oh, we didn't cover that. I thought you're saying we've already done that. Okay, good. As long as I'm not done Sears Christmas theme is depressing. Unknown Speaker Let's make Christmas but sad Unknown Speaker What are you planning on putting anything? I was just rest of my arm like this. That's a good that's a good rest. Are you ready? Unknown Speaker Yeah, yeah. Hey, man. What? Whoa, that ready? Huh? Okay, sorry. Whoa, go ahead. Yeah, well, I'm ready. We're ready. Let's record. Hey, man. What's up? Unknown Speaker Have you ever heard of Jake make nice? Make nice? Yeah, well, or James make nice. Oh, by Jake. Yeah, I never heard of Jake but James I know. What about Jake McNasty? Unknown Speaker Are you Is that a joke or is this? That's Jake me nasty. Yeah, Jake McNasty. Okay, Jake. Jake, Jake McNasty? Sounds like the bad guy in remember when McDonald's made cartoons? Unknown Speaker Ronald McDonald in the game, the other guy? And he would fight Jake McNasty. Yeah, what it seems I remember that there were any plots from that for some reason they were only going to Easter Island. Yeah, situation. And I remember they had like, they I remember it started out live action. And then they would go down the slide it would turn into a cartoon. Oh, remember that? That's interesting. I don't, but it was a weird. I don't know what's I mean, I guess it's got to be at the bottom is jQuery nasty. Unknown Speaker Scary as you know, yeah. Yeah. But he grew up and then it grew into his nasty Unknown Speaker miles instead of 26.2. Good. I still get a sticker on my car. Unknown Speaker You so you're gonna have a bad? I'm curious what it feels like. Find a chicken who had laid six eggs. And he was stoked about the I don't want you to do Unknown Speaker it. Unknown Speaker Things I Learned last night. Unknown Speaker Who's Jake McNasty? Jake rimasti he is he's Unknown Speaker I don't know how to like, I don't know, like how to do like a like, you know, but you know, a lot of times we'll have like, a top level like this is who he is. And then we tell the story. Yeah, just tell the story then. Okay. So he was born May 24 1919. Okay. And he lived in Maysville Oklahoma. As a kid he Unknown Speaker he was your typical rough and tough Oklahoman. You know, those? You know those? You know those rough and tough Oklahoma? I do. I've seen it musical. Oh, yeah. Like those. I haven't seen a musical. So I don't know if your references are rough and tough. Yeah. There's a whole number in there called Robin and toughen. Well, Robin tough in Oklahoma. That's the line. And you haven't seen it. I haven't seen this. I just have this intuition for musical numbers. Okay. Unknown Speaker To gift Yeah, a lot of people say that and there's it's a shame that I'm not using it. But this guy used his gift of being a rough and tough Oklahoma. Unknown Speaker Okay. Is that what you call people from Oklahoma? I think first time Oklahoma and I think Oklahoma is way cooler. Good morning, Oklahoma. So just feels great. Homie, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma. And you know, they've got someone's compromise. Someone's got to live. There is an entrepreneur who is 23 years old. Yeah, in Oklahoma, who drives a 2014 BMW and he has a clothing line. Yeah. And all of it says is Oklahoma, Oklahoma. Yeah. And he sells a course. Yeah, of course. I bought it. Unknown Speaker I know a lot about how, yeah, so I started I started a business called Missouri homies. Okay, it doesn't flow as well Miss Miss homies Miss zoomies. So he he played football in high school. And then he also got a job, which I don't know if something you could still do in high school. I don't feel like this is something I've heard advertised or seen. But high schoolers doing? Yeah, high school job. Like, most high schoolers now like they're a cashier at Walmart or like they're like making sandwiches at Subway. You know? Like, those are like where most high schoolers go get jobs. Okay, you got a job? Unknown Speaker No, you gotta jump. See Unknown Speaker Yo major corporation, no. Firefighter, he got a firefighter job in high school. Like he was a part time. Depends on the size of the really Yeah, you can volunteer. It wasn't a volunteer. It was a job. He didn't. So he was like, living at the firehouse. And he was what what year? Is it freakin 98 as it is like, yeah, it's it's early. Unknown Speaker So yeah, maybe maybe back then. I don't know, they love people do so much. But they like kids like, work in factories and stuff. Yeah, that is true. Unknown Speaker That's why we think, you know, millennials are always like, oh, houses are so expensive. And it's like, yeah, I do. I mean, like, we're letting Unknown Speaker well know, back then, like, you know, the dad went to work and the kids went to work. You know? Unknown Speaker I have a weird conspiracy. The four income household told him that you have a conspiracy theory once here. Yeah, maybe I shouldn't tell it. That's fine. Let's not hear it. So he was a firefighter. Unknown Speaker Yes, he was a firefighter. Is this the true story of the bald numbers? No. So he was a firefighter is something I want, though. Put that on the list. Is that a real thing? I thought that that was just a ride, Unknown Speaker though. Yeah, I think it's I think it's a real thing. I don't this is the last year that rides open by the way. We gotta go. They're closing it. Why they're gonna put someone else there. I guess that makes sense. So he was hasn't really been the same since that guy died on it. Someone died on Yeah, like a long time ago, though. Unknown Speaker Okay, like before we were born. We've written on it many times. So you're saying you knew it had been the same? I didn't know. I'm saying the local say it hasn't been the same. The local is a little bit more creaky or something like that. He's still on there. I hear him. Yeah, he's in there saying like, Unknown Speaker he's the voice he's the Fire in the hole. That's, that's not part of the ever worked reservoir cities like we Unknown Speaker are who's saying? Unknown Speaker Like, we can't get that does that? Yeah. That's scary. So Jake, is doing the firefighter thing? He's in high school. He's, you know, shut up Unknown Speaker Oh, you just came back. So you like so Jake. He's doing the firefighter thing right now. Okay. Anyways, he's doing the firefighter thing. He's in high school. And then something big happens. Something big for the whole world again. World War Two. He's in high school in 1940. As the end of one, I think he's like, a young adult. Now. Hold on, let's do the math. If 39 is when the worst 22 Yeah, so young adult. And so the war hits. He's still holding down his firefighter job. And so because of that firefighter job, he's exempt from the draft. They're like, firefighters don't have to go cops. You gotta go firefighters. Oh, real cops. I'd actually don't know. Okay, but firefighters were exempt. I'm sure all first responders were exempt. Yeah. And so he was exempt from the draft. So he didn't have to go. But unfortunately for him, he also was a hothead. And so he was he he didn't get so mad at all those fires. Unknown Speaker I'm so Gosh, darn ticked. This house on fire. The billboard fires in my TV when it would be really bad because someone's standing outside there, you know, life in burning in front of ya. And he's like you Unknown Speaker You deserve this. Unknown Speaker These fires you're like his bedside manner is not great. It's not great. Yeah, great. No, yeah. He was constantly getting in fights and convinced fights. Yeah. fist fights. And and he was just, he was a troublemaker, anyone. He was he was your he was he was a troublemaker, people. People see him come in and they'd be like, watch out. Here comes the trouble man. Unknown Speaker So you'd say you're saying people will see him coming? Like oh, we got trouble. Right here in River City. Yeah, right. You're in trouble that starts with T which rhymes with P which stands for Unknown Speaker I've heard his name. Unknown Speaker Jake McNasty Paik. Unknown Speaker Yep, yep. So was that a reference to something or did you just write that? No, I just made it up Unknown Speaker Broadway I got in me, you know, I just Unknown Speaker Broadway and Unknown Speaker sometimes just comes to me, you know? Unknown Speaker It's like, you know, obviously there. It's like the music of the night. Unknown Speaker It just, it just comes to me. I don't think that's what that phrase means. Okay, okay. So he was constantly getting Unknown Speaker fights and disagreements and stuff stop your face. It's your Scotland getting in fights with people so our no show tunes Okay whatever. So he gets in a fight he gets in a bar fight kicks the tar out of this guy is facing charges finds out knock Life Unknown Speaker finds out you Unknown Speaker I hate that the only musical you know it's freakin Annie. I don't know it I just How do you not know that line? Unknown Speaker All right. So he hears he hears through the grapevine season on Tik Tok people don't like him. He's one of the people on tick tock who tell you what the cops are allowed to do when they pull you over. He sees one of those. And they say if you're a soldier, you can't go to jail. And so he goes, and he lists in the military because he's like, I don't want to go to jail for kicking the tire. I like had that bar fight last night. I like you would rather go to the frontlines. Unknown Speaker face jail. Oh, yeah. I just don't want to go to jail. And so he goes any unless and he goes to basic training. And training goes really well for him. And I really well, I mean, really bad. Unknown Speaker He has a problem with authority. And so he, he tries to skip like most of their, like routines that they have, where it's like the morning roll call, and like saluting the flag or something, anyone or calling people by their title. And the reason he cites for not having to do that was he was half Choctaw, Indian. And he's like so because I'm in the tribe. I don't have to do that. And like no, that's not how that works. And so then Unknown Speaker it starts out really rocky, he has a rocky relationship with everyone else sure in the camp. And then he also he's at lunch one day, and he's in the lunchroom. And he asked one of the officers for Rosemary nasty spelled I'm not passed it in C in A S T. Why Unknown Speaker would I Okay, yeah, yeah. Unknown Speaker He's in the cafeteria. He's in the cafeteria asks an officer for his butter so he could put on his bread. Unknown Speaker Butter. Yeah, he's like, not my butter. And so I punched him in the face. Unknown Speaker And so obviously, you get in trouble for that behavior that doesn't go on. It's like, well, Unknown Speaker I'm the troublemaker. He punched him over some butter. I punched him for some butter. It was like he's like, Yeah, give me that butter. And he's like, No, and he's like, Unknown Speaker gonna get a fist your face. So he's, he's troubled man, right? He's not a good guy. Is this the point I'm trying to illustrate. But he was exactly the kind of guy that the military wanted, because they're like, he sucks. But if we could get him on the front lines, there was room when they go, hey. Unknown Speaker That guy stole your butt. They're gonna want you to have a German guy over there. Also know but Unknown Speaker also, he loves fire. He loves fire, he just loves Unknown Speaker fire. And if you don't kill him, you're going to jail. Unknown Speaker We're gonna kill Unknown Speaker the another like, this is exactly the kind of guy we want. We want an unhinged person that we could put in ridiculous parts of the war, sure. But he's tough to deal with. And so they start isolating him. And he continues to do things over and over and over again, that put them in worse and worse situations. Until eventually they create a unit that is literally just him. And like basic training, and they're like you are this unit, go do whatever you want. Well, let's not do whatever you want. But it's like you're by yourself. Like, we don't want you around anyone else corrupting everyone else. Okay, over time. They start sending all their bad people to be with him. And so that ends up becoming this group of five juvie. Yeah, kinda. But yeah, there's a group of five or more than the Rat Pack, kinda. So there's a group of five of them and basic training. Unknown Speaker I want to make sure I'm clear. Yeah, sure, to the camp. Right. And there's a couple of guys over the good old boys. You know, you guys are sitting over here. And they just, they're like, slick. They're like Captain America looking. Yeah. Yeah. And then you got like the schlubs people who are drafted. They've not they've not run more than two blocks and their entire life. They're really struggling and they're like, oh my gosh, I'm so scared of war. And then it cuts over to these military guys all leather jackets. No one knows how they got them. They're all smoking cigarettes and they're just sitting there and they're all like Unknown Speaker you walk by him they're like salute me boy and then you salute and then they're like you loser I can't believe you did wow what a laugh Unknown Speaker see that boy salute Yeah, I suppose to do this is the army right? Saluting army. That's how he talks. Unknown Speaker This is Unknown Speaker what's your first day they haven't been tough yet. Unknown Speaker Just a boy. Unknown Speaker Yeah, we know. Unknown Speaker All right. Unknown Speaker NASCO so one night this group of bag Tigers that go into town on leave, and they go to this bar, and while they're like the idea that they're just walking to the bar slap against drinks out of their hands. We're soldiers were in the army. were tough. They tucked us up already, but they've also got like, there they are with the tough guys, but they've also got like a little chance to do our M y, you know, Army Army. Army guys Unknown Speaker they're like, they're Agen. So tell Unknown Speaker I'm an Army guy. Unknown Speaker Not afraid to die. Unknown Speaker Guy. Unknown Speaker I was like, What the heck are you doing? Shut up. Shut up. Do you hear what I said? Unknown Speaker Is a bit unnecessarily not even not even spit. Unknown Speaker I'm an Army go CGI. Unknown Speaker Wait. Unknown Speaker He's already been out yet. Unknown Speaker 40s. Unknown Speaker So they go to the bar, they go to the bar. They're at the bar. And there's obviously this is near because there's a lot of soldiers there. Right. So there's a couple soldiers that do something questionable, that aren't a part of their group or group, right. And there happened to be some military policemen there. And so the military police, they like pull that guy aside. They're yelling at him and like, they're like getting ready to like beat him with their nightsticks, which is okay, okay, you know, 40s and so they're getting ready to beat this guy and McNasty steps in and it's like, no. Unknown Speaker Take me instead. Unknown Speaker Now he tells them he tells me Don't Don't mess with that guy. Like he tries to stick up for him. He's like, he's like, don't touch that guy. Like he didn't do some go home. Last year, they're like, no, like, he deserves it. We're gonna we're gonna beat the tar out of them. And so he proceeds to take all these military police officers nightsticks, beat the tar out of both of them take both of their guns and unload their guns on all the streetlights on the street, and just blow them off the street. And then he turns to them hands the guns back to them and says, Alright, you can take me in now. Unknown Speaker Yeah, probably get arrested for this Unknown Speaker can out run the law forever. Unknown Speaker This is my mom. Unknown Speaker I'm an Army guy. Unknown Speaker AR m y. Unknown Speaker So they take him to military prison. And so he's in whatever his cell. And while he's in there isn't there a couple of days. And then a commanding officer comes in and says McNasty. He's like we got something for you. And he's like, why he's like, he's like, there's this thing we're trying to do is we just found out. Unknown Speaker We just found out that a group of Japanese soldiers just did a ruck march 100 miles. We want to outdo them. And we think you've give us one of the best shots of doing that, or trying to do 143 miles. So we want to enlist you and paratrooper training, and there's a base 143 miles from here, that does paratrooper training, we're gonna send you a group of you guys, there's like 80 of you. We're going to ruck march you down there so we can beat the Japs and be like, better than them. And he was like, Unknown Speaker he so confidently. Like, is like is like I can do that ruck march he's like, I won't even change my socks. Unknown Speaker Yeah, no, dude sounds he sounds like to be messed with. Unknown Speaker This was intimidated they have ever heard in my life. Unknown Speaker I'm gonna change my socks. I mean, think about it, the otter 43 mile walk the next time I'm in a fight. Unknown Speaker The first time I'm gonna Unknown Speaker I'm gonna hold him. I'm gonna say hey, hey, I'm gonna change my socks. He was the rug guy. Unknown Speaker I haven't changed my socks for the last 143 miles. And then that leaves a lot of questions when you want 143 miles in my socks. That you can change it in. Unknown Speaker You could say that to me. And he said he's like, and I won't even blister. That's what he said. He said, I don't want you to blister. And the commanding officer was like, sharp. Wherever there's holes. I quit listening. Unknown Speaker When you said I'll do it, I didn't hear anything after it. It's like, I'll let you out in a couple days. Sure. And you can get walk in when they weren't gonna and you'll know because they'll just open the door. Unknown Speaker No instructions Unknown Speaker 143 miles in some direction. Yeah, just yeah, let's see how tough you are. Unknown Speaker Hey, thanks for watching this episode of things out there. Unknown Speaker Last night, if you're enjoying this, let me recommend one of my favorites. Emperor Norton. It's this dude who just decided he was the emperor of the United States. No one agreed. But some people did agree it was weird. You should check it out as a lot of fun. But other than that, thanks for being here Unknown Speaker it's a couple days, a couple days go by and they they come in, they shackle him up, and they walk them out to the starting line. And here's all the other soldiers that are like, in their gear, and he's up and he's still wearing his prison uniform shackled up, and then they unshackling the handle uniform. And he joins this March. And he's one of eight people who finishes it makes all the way there didn't change his sock. What does the rest of people do? They fall over? Yeah, they, I don't know. Skip to the war. Unknown Speaker I mean, no one was, like they had like when your friend skips a grade. Unknown Speaker They skipped the work. I did where were one but I skipped over to Yeah, you're too smart for this war. I went straight to the Korean War. Unknown Speaker And what? I don't think you need to do that one. Okay. So he took a test, and he didn't change your socks didn't get blistered. And a lot of people to this day are like shocked by that because it's a long, I mean, you would expect blisters especially. Because with that you're carrying the pack like you're carrying a lot of pounds. Unknown Speaker And so I'm I'm at least pretty confident that he like drove half of that walk or something. Got it. I got an Uber. I think he cheated it. I think he cheated. I'm pretty sure he cheated. Okay. I don't think he's a bar. You walked in his hands. Unknown Speaker So you cheated his way through the walk. Hey, you skin crawl? Unknown Speaker Yeah, it's pretty terrifying. Unknown Speaker So he gets to paratrooper training, does the whole training, whatever, and they ship them off. And they're like, Okay, he has a lot of other things. He gets in fights and stuff like that, you know, he's always getting fights doing the thing he does. By now. He's got his little his little CADRE has grown to 13 soldiers that are pretty much just the people everywhere else in the army, where they're like, We don't it's him and 1300 people 13 Well, it's him and 12 other people, there's 13 of them total. Oh. Unknown Speaker Interesting. Unknown Speaker Sounds like another Kadri. I know. Unknown Speaker But it this it was, it was everybody who everyone else in the world was like, we don't want to deal with you anymore. Don't hang out with that McNasty guy sounds like another cadre. No, you know, tell you about Matthew Unknown Speaker and McNasty said to him Unknown Speaker What's your name? Simon. Shut up Peter. Unknown Speaker Not even close. Unknown Speaker Not even close Unknown Speaker like that. I don't know. He's been calling me Peter for years. I just Unknown Speaker at this point, it's because it means rock. I'm the rock. Okay, you told that guy in your book. He told that guy couldn't walk to just pick up his mat and walk kind of aggressive. He did not do it. Guys still lay in there. Unknown Speaker He goes to war with his group of 13 Sure. Unknown Speaker While they're there, they're breaking a lot of rules. Yeah, the biggest of them was there was rations. There's water rations that they had so everyone could just chugging away Unknown Speaker water I drink Unknown Speaker W A T E R got Unknown Speaker a water Unknown Speaker I'm a water Unknown Speaker I say Unknown Speaker you can keep a boy from the water Unknown Speaker I'm a water What can I say h2o Why be drinking Oh Unknown Speaker I like this picture we Unknown Speaker all have soldiers in World War Two to say about everything they Unknown Speaker were go into to pair it troupe and Unknown Speaker so it's good time. Unknown Speaker We're just we're teasing our new musical. Unknown Speaker War War Two. Well, it's hard to say what world war two World War Two our new record coming out. Unknown Speaker So the reason they are really Unknown Speaker is one six months later called the holdouts? Unknown Speaker Yeah, a little bit of a callback There you go. Unknown Speaker Aren't you? Unknown Speaker I did the same thing you did. You did that exact same thing plays back on. He didn't Unknown Speaker say the holdouts was like a little bit of a jazz song and you said Oh, to call back but um, yeah, and that's what you did. I went high. I went Unknown Speaker which is the same thing easy. It's just as cheesy and mine was always just cheesy as your jazz roll. Yeah, okay. Unknown Speaker I don't want you today Unknown Speaker to get through keep going off Shut up. So the water rations they were using a lot of them because what the water rations were flooded in the spring Unknown Speaker whatever water you Unknown Speaker guys were put on a carwash we're gonna raise money for the Unknown Speaker three Unknown Speaker buddies one washed. Unknown Speaker He opened up his own fire station in Paris, and I use his law for $10 All right. Watch that tag. Hey, you're one of the bad guys. Unknown Speaker That's what they did. They're trying to learn from it. Unknown Speaker What if we did Unknown Speaker the bad guys. Oh, do Unknown Speaker we get Unknown Speaker we just got to take our shirts off. Pulled up all sides. Say car was right in German. What's what's carwash in German car wash. Unknown Speaker Its Car Wash Unknown Speaker garage Unknown Speaker was supposed to be for where they use it before they're supposed to before I was obviously drinking water. Yeah, bathing. They didn't do either of those things with it. Instead, they were doing they were leaving camp in the mail that night and they were going hunting and they were getting whatever they caught hunting. Unknown Speaker Large games small game, medium game. Sure they're bringing it back. And they were using their Waterwatch sins to clean their game and cook their game with it. Which was totally against the rules. Sure they had army food or they were supposed to be eating also army food. Also on top of that they're in France and there was a pretty strict rule in this country that Unknown Speaker I don't know a nice way to say this. But all the animals were the kings animals and if you're gonna hunt them you have to have permission to the king and they did not have permission the king and so the king find the United States military $10,000 for killing all of his animals. The day was probably worth more than 10,000 Now Unknown Speaker probably and so they got in big trouble because not only were they using too many water rations, but three kings meat was a problem for Unknown Speaker and so wasn't pets Unknown Speaker and they Unknown Speaker they All the king's horses Unknown Speaker I'm gonna eat all your horses Unknown Speaker I'm gonna eat all your horses and I peed in your dog's food Unknown Speaker so they they get this fine and then on top of that they weren't using their water rations for anything other than cooking cleaning their meat so they weren't bathing Unknown Speaker suit so dirty. smells so bad. And so the enemy can smell you now they can smell you guys come in from the top of the parents. Yeah. Unknown Speaker Though that moment where you shoot plane flies over there. I smell Americans Unknown Speaker with a stereotype comes from and so they got there to themselves that nicknamed the filthy 13 Oh, because they were filthy. And no one wanted to be around them. And also they kind of got isolated because of the other fights and stuff and just being annoying. Generally. They were the only ones who saying everyone's like buys Unknown Speaker the show too. Unknown Speaker But then also secretly everyone's back Unknown Speaker to Brick dude, just can't get it out of my head, my head. Unknown Speaker So finally, their station in France and they get their first shoot call. Is that what you call it? Unknown Speaker should establish shoot boys by parachute not shoot, shoot, but you'll probably do some shoot, shoot. And after that once you land shoot Unknown Speaker I can't, I don't know what to do. Unknown Speaker And so this is the night BEFORE D DAY, their mission was to parachute behind enemy lines, and they're gonna land at this specific bridge. And their goal was to hold that bridge down for the American forces to be able to cross that bridge, okay, or if you're not gonna be able to hold that bridge down, blow it up. So that way they can't get the reinforcements in one of the two. That's your goal. Here's the deal. They are part of a group where the majority of people are going to die. What they're doing is they're they're dropping behind enemy lines. So they know they're going into a really dangerous situation. And Unknown Speaker they're loading up the plane the night of the operation. And Unknown Speaker Jake McNasty takes his military issue razor, and shaves his head into a mohawk. Unknown Speaker And everyone's like, what are you doing over there? And he at first justifies it and says, This is what my ancestors did. Because he's part Choctaw. And he's like, this is what we did when we went into battle. Sure. Later in an interview, he said, just I don't know. Cool. I don't know which one's more true. I'm going to be honest with you. I, I think I believe the original story more than the secondary story, the secondary story seems like he's messing with someone. Okay. But later in interview, when he was asked about it, he said, I heard there was a lot of licensed France. And so I wanted to have the least amount of hair as possible. Unknown Speaker But I left a little bit in the middle, just a teaser. Unknown Speaker Like, oh, Unknown Speaker look at this allies Unknown Speaker say shaves his head, no Mohawk. And he, one of the planes that they were taking into this operation had just recently been painted, so have wet paint on it. And so it takes the white paint off the plane and starts painting like designs on his face. And everyone else in the group is like, Oh, this is really cool guy. So they start to they start all shaving their head and paying their faces. What they didn't realize was that there was like an army photographer there. Who was taking pictures of them doing this. And so this is a colorized photo obviously. Yeah, it's got color this Unknown Speaker but this hit the papers back home a couple days later, and people lost their minds. These are the heroes of the war already just for fun. Yeah, because they I mean, they look cool. I mean, I'm not gonna lie they look cool. Like they were to today's standards. They look cool now they do look like like Unknown Speaker and I'm gonna say this strategically local UFC fighters you know, not they're not make they don't know Dana White. They want to, you know, that's their life goal is to know Dana White. And so like local UFC fighters who are like, trying to work their way up to the ranks. Yeah, that's very accurate. Unknown Speaker So yeah, so they all paint their face like this. They get their Mohawks, they load into the plane and then they jump. Unknown Speaker And in the middle of the night, they the jump does not go great. They get hit with some flak, and they have to jump early. And he lands eight miles from where they've just freshly paint the plant, okay. Unknown Speaker Nothing's more embarrassing than going to war with a with a bad paint job and paint job. Unknown Speaker Now, there was a reason for that they put white stripes along the bottom to identify there's four friendly anti aircraft guns got it to know Oh, that's ours. Unknown Speaker Don't kill us. Don't shoot us down. But also the enemy. You know. Unknown Speaker We've never Unknown Speaker know they painted big targets underneath, so that the friendly fire would know not to shoot there. They painted this big thing that said, Unknown Speaker musicals we are, these are music boys. These are not Unknown Speaker music boys. Unknown Speaker And they're down. They're like, Oh, no, that's do we shoot. I don't know what we do. If we hit it, do you think it'll sing? And so they got hit and they had to jump early. Unknown Speaker He lands about eight miles from their target that bridge and so he starts hiking. Yeah, trying to trying to find his way through that and he gets in a couple altercations nothing crazy. Unknown Speaker Ends up managing to find one other person from his company, the filthy 13 and but this guy has no weapon he lost his weapon in the fall. And so he hands him a couple of his grenades. And he's like, I'm keeping my own one grand. He's like, You can have my grenades and we're gonna go we're gonna go take this bridge and somehow they pull it off, they get over to this bridge. They make it there. By the time they made it there another pair tripping company managed to also like they came across this petrol company. You Unknown Speaker And there was a commander there who was on a different mission. And the commander was like, Well, I'm in charge of you. Now I'm gonna pull rank and I need you to come help me run security on this thing. And he's and so Jake is like, okay, yeah. Can I have a couple of your men to come help me do that? And he's like, yeah, you can have these people come help you. And so they kind of split ways. He's gonna run security there. And he was like, Yeah, we're not doing any of that. Exactly. He's like, he's like our jobs, the bridge, and then like, let the commander so we go. Unknown Speaker Shut up, dude. Shut up. And so yeah, that's exactly what happens on a war hero. Unknown Speaker Look at my hair. Do you have my plane paint on your face right now? That looks like yeah, I don't know. No paint on which one of us do you think is crazy? You want to find out? Find out? Let me sing to you. Unknown Speaker Oh, Unknown Speaker he takes his group man. And they they go and they successfully take this bridge. While they're holding this bridge down. The other commanders off doing his thing. He has no idea that Yeah, this guy went AWOL. While they're holding down this bridge, there's about a dozen of them. Right? While holding down this bridge. A group of German soldiers falling back from the main the beach of Normandy is fallen back. They've there's 700 of them. They come up to the bridge. And the commanding the commander that German army is like, Hey, you should surrender. Say Unknown Speaker I got a gun. Unknown Speaker And I will Unknown Speaker shoot all of you. And they're like, oh Unknown Speaker 700 of them versus 12. Yeah. And they go, okay. Yeah. And so he says, He's the German commander is like you should surrender. You're out, man. Oh, the German commanders, German commanders, like you should surrender. You're matched. And he's like, I'm not gonna do that. And Jake says, Here's what I think. He says you're going away from the battle. Unknown Speaker He's talking to him. Yeah, he's a hey, oh, let's negotiate. Unknown Speaker Here's the thing. Listen, you put all these add ons on? I don't want to pay for it. I came here to get a Toyota Sienna. Okay. And you're like, oh, it's gonna cost 3000 We put a little we put this mean, and we'll get this three year warranty on I don't want I want the warranty. Unknown Speaker Tell me what the what the what's the price I'm gonna walk out of here with you know, he's used cars. Yeah, yeah, he's haggling him. Pretty much. He says he says, I see you're going this way. The battles that way, tells me that the battle is not going well for you guys right now. And he said, so he's, uh, so I'm pretty sure. He said, We give it a couple minutes. And he's like, we're gonna have a whole group of my allies coming up this hill behind you. And then you're gonna be pinned between the two of us. So that's Option A, we can go with that option if you want to be. He said you could surrender to us. And you guys are fine. And there's no problems. And all of you survive. We just take you with POWs. And everything's okay. And he said, Option D. He said, Yeah, let's stick with the Unknown Speaker option D here, we got the high ground. And which they did, they had a high ground, they had a couple from a hill, we have a high ground, they did have a high ground, there was this ravine that they were gonna have to cross to get to them. And so he said, we already have no machine gun, like routes set up here, instead. So you can try to cross this ravine to get to us. But we got the high ground, we got our Michigan spots. And so even though there's only like a dozen of us, and there's 700 of you, we really have the upper hand in this situation anyways. And the German guy was like, nah. And so he's like, we're gonna just come up there and take you. And so they tried to cross the ravine. By the time they got to the other end of the ravine, and we're climbing up the hill that already mowed down almost all of them. And they took the leftover as POW and only suffered one casualty in the affair. And so these dozen men took 700 People 700 Germans and they want and then the reinforcements showed up, and they had succeeded in their goal one, only one of them. And they were like, Whoa, do Unknown Speaker that's crazy. That you did. I'm so impressed by what you do. So crazy. It's like amazing. smell so bad. But that was cool. Hey, you should go see that beach over there. You should. Unknown Speaker Yeah, you should dip in there. Unknown Speaker So are you storming the beach, the beach and just lay in the water for a while, like just as long time like as long as you can. Here's some soap for if you need it. Unknown Speaker Hey, it's me again. Thanks for being here for this episode. If you like what we're doing, it does cost us money to do this. And so just think about that. You know, that's it. Unknown Speaker We have Patreon supporters, and it really helps us to make this show possible. Honestly, we're so grateful for everyone who listens to Unknown Speaker The show, but there's, there's people who want to make more of it happen. And so they financially support the show. And you get a lot back for it. You get our private discord where we chat every day we're hanging out and just getting to bond and hang out. We also do live zoom Hangouts for our Patreon supporters, you get exclusive merch, it's a good time, there's a lot, there's a lot in it for you. And it's a lot easier for us because we get to know you better. You know, you're not just a number and a stat board or whatever. But you know, you're our friends and we appreciate you a lot. So consider doing that. If not, then you can listen to this dumb little ad, because that's how we're gonna get money from you. We're gonna leech from you either way. We're gonna get paid. We're in this for the cold hard cash, baby. Unknown Speaker Anyway, here's an ad. How do they how do they get it though? I realized I forgot to put a CTA in mind. Oh, dang, we're doing Yeah, they can text Tillandsia 66866. Thanks, Jared. Unknown Speaker So yeah, so he's successfully. That's crazy, this giant group of soldiers. So he gets he gets shipped back to base after this, this whole affair or whatever. And they're like, good job. You did, you did good. And then he said some stuff. And they're like, We don't like you get out of here. But they ended up tracking down the majority of his his group and they reunited, the filthy 13 ish, wasn't quite 13 anymore, but they still call it that. Unknown Speaker They went on a couple more jumps that were were pretty successful. Not as successful as that. There was one really notable moment where they dropped behind enemy lines, and they were clearing this whole town in Holland. And Unknown Speaker in one of the houses, is he here, I need to paint the whole picture. So as they would, their strategy for cleaning houses is they would, they would break a window there, throw some grenades in, and then they would go into the house to the door. And then what they would do is they would crawl when they went in because the dust would kick up and it'd be all up in the air and they couldn't see if they were standing. So if they were crawling, they could see where they were gone. And they could take out any hostels that were still there after the grenades went off. Sure. So they're crawling through all these houses as they were clear in this village in Holland. In one of the houses, Jake happened to find a chicken, who had laid six eggs and he was stoked about the Unknown Speaker game. He's like, I've been looking for eggs everywhere. I killed a chicken Unknown Speaker and fight the chicken with my hands. And so he decided to take the eggs because he was like, I need those legs. And so he put them in his cargo pant pocket. Unknown Speaker He's like he's like, here's the here's the problem though. And I'm carrying this these eggs around in my Cargo Pant pant pocket and then he goes to clear another house right? And he breaks a window. throws two eggs. Oh. Unknown Speaker Imagine you're sitting in your house. Unknown Speaker Just do full legs. Unknown Speaker And you're like, and then someone kicks in your door Unknown Speaker on the ground, and they're like, something feels different. And you're sitting there your chair or your like Unknown Speaker cargo pants explode. Unknown Speaker No legs, so he he put them in his cargo pants and because he didn't want to smash his legs, he's news he's crawling through these houses and she was like I got him in my cargo pants. I'm gonna smash those eggs if I calm so he crawls on one side to keep his eggs safe the wrapper dozen eggs Unknown Speaker on the medic Are you injured now just protect protecting my eggs. Unknown Speaker It's an instinctual thing I'm doing I don't know I saw him I was sitting on him earlier trying to keep them warm. So I gotta Unknown Speaker see, let me save these eggs. So I love eggs dude. It was a pretty successful campaign but for him it was super successful. Unknown Speaker Boy is a weird guy man. E g g guy for some reason you're about to see EA Sports Unknown Speaker a sports we got eggs you got the eggs. The eggs Unknown Speaker if I told that story on the podcast before Unknown Speaker what Unknown Speaker could that possibly mean? Unknown Speaker We are Unknown Speaker you talking about Unknown Speaker i in high school. I had this dream Unknown Speaker I had this dream where my school changed our mascot to the eggs. And they were like breakfast things Unknown Speaker like painted on the center of the field just today. Unknown Speaker And we had this school cheer that we would do a games we'd be like, Go egg Unknown Speaker I got a bunch of these buttons. And I took printer paper and I taped them over around the button and I wrote a campaign for you didn't explain to you this year at Unknown Speaker school. Were the Lutheran eggs. Go eggs. Unknown Speaker And it's still the best thing in the Washington football team should have became the Washington eggs. That is the funniest team name in the world to me this story Unknown Speaker wants to go eggs. Can you imagine? I can't believe you have a wife. Me neither. I told her that. I'm surprised it didn't work out. There's a lot of double dates we went on, where people were like, Yeah, we don't want ever want to double date with you. We're like that guy. You could start bringing him around stuff. Unknown Speaker I don't know, man. I just got good ideas. So he protected his eggs all through the campaign. And Unknown Speaker I don't know how the actual campaign went. I think it went well. We just the student section is just like good squid Unknown Speaker stuff. Unknown Speaker You use a scrambler Unknown Speaker person or you know, I just use a fork. Yeah, I was like, What the heck are you using? Like a little whisk? Unknown Speaker Okay. Unknown Speaker Anyways, Unknown Speaker so he goes on a couple of these, these campaigns that go out Unknown Speaker continually getting in these major disagreements with Unknown Speaker commanding officers while salute, anyone won't call them by their names. Unknown Speaker It's sure, you know, just a real trouble to be around smells bad, all this stuff. Unknown Speaker And so eventually, his commanding officers were like, You know what we're gonna do? And he's like, what? And Unknown Speaker he's like, we're gonna send you to this specific para trooping squad and this specific squad. They were called the pathfinders. And what they did is they were the first people in an area and they got dropped to find the path. Unknown Speaker And Unknown Speaker this actually ended up becoming the Church of Scientology. Oh, wow, you will find the path. Unknown Speaker Now they dropped, they would drop them and they would drop eight of these guys, okay, behind enemy lines, days before the operation, whatever operation they were gonna do. And they would sneak around the enemy lines. And they would have these two devices. And so they would split into two groups that had these two devices. Now imagine one of the other eight. You paratroop in, right. And you're like, kind of sneaky. You're like Unknown Speaker within us here, Unknown Speaker thinking thinking Unknown Speaker what is going on? And Unknown Speaker and he's just over there. You want some eggs? Unknown Speaker Keep your voice down. We don't right now literally. Sign up or scrambled. They left their eggs out, well, I can't I can't help myself. What kind of soldiered lunch leaves their eggs laying around. Eggs, dude. Unknown Speaker So he, Unknown Speaker so they will split in these groups. There's eight of them. They had these two devices that would send signals back to basically like, here's where you're gonna do your stuff. Right? Okay. And they gave them two devices instead of one because Unknown Speaker they're gonna lose one while they were going. Yeah, they're going to lose one device. And they sent eight soldiers because they, on average lost seven. And so they would send and because it was it was the most dangerous job. You could have military. And this was a job. That was only you could only be a volunteer. That's how dangerous it was. You could not assign you on this job. You can only volunteer and so they tell this guy they said hey, we think you should volunteer for this. We think you'd be like, just like you're you're gonna you know what, I bet you couldn't do it without getting blisters. Unknown Speaker I was just, you know. Unknown Speaker Good, you know, but I don't know. It seems like it's pretty blistering. So blistering. Everybody's done. I don't even need to change my socks. I won't change my socks. Matter of fact, I won't even bathe. You don't do that normally. Well, but um, but I'm just saying the reason I like the I won't either. Like, I'm just saying I also, like I know I normally but three things about me. I don't bathe. I don't change my socks, and I don't got lice. Unknown Speaker Explain that. Unknown Speaker A RM y guy, AR m y guy. And so he's thinking about it. And he's like, Well, he's like, there's they're actually legitimately trying to get rid of me now. They're trying to kill me. He's like, he's like you're trying to get rid of me and he's so he's thinking about it. He's thinking through this thing. This is Unknown Speaker 1943 at the at the point, and so he's like, he's like this has been going on for a long time. Chances are, we're close to the end of it. Things have been going really well. And he's like he's like so those 700 Guys, yeah, I took out the 700 Guys, I saved those eggs. Unknown Speaker In a good time, it would have been going great. Unknown Speaker going on for a long time, it's got to be close to over. And he's like, if they send me to do pathfinding, I have to go to pathfinding school. They're gonna send me off to that. He said, it's gonna, it's gonna be a long trip to get over there. I gotta go through the whole way. Now the time is like, maybe I can maybe if I fail the tests on purpose. Yeah. Then did I never school. I know like to write your name. I don't know my name. I don't know. What am I right? I'm looking at the person next to Unknown Speaker this. And so he's sitting there thinking about He's like, he's like, Ah, maybe maybe, like, I don't know how, like, what if not like, and he's going back and forth. And then he remembers that the town that pathfinding school is happening in is in England, and is right next to a major university. And all the men are at war. Oh. Unknown Speaker And he says, sigh Unknown Speaker as legitimately, why did it and so he goes to pathfinding school is the 1940s Ain't nobody else got a mohawk right now? Unknown Speaker Yeah, he was very exotic, especially in England. Unknown Speaker None of their dads want me to take them out. Unknown Speaker They don't matter all their dads are at war. Unknown Speaker And so Eagles pathfinding school, lo and behold, the war didn't end before he finished. And he ends up having to go Pathfinder. Unknown Speaker And he is Unknown Speaker one of the Pathfinders leading up to the Battle of the Bulge. And I don't know if you know a lot about that battle, but it's a very significant battle in World War Two. Yeah, long story short, the things he did Unknown Speaker allowed the 101st airborne division that was trapped to survive long enough for the reinforcements to arrive, which was reinforcements of 350,000 soldiers. And it was pretty much the deciding moment in the European front. And it was his arrival and his pathfinding mission where he brought that device to show where the supply drops should drop. That allowed the hunter first to survive as long as they did Wow. Because they lost contact with him. I think the the number is ridiculous I don't I can't find it not I heard it in a podcast or something. I don't have it. I should write down a shout out down Unknown Speaker here what you said I don't know if we got to believe that or not. Unknown Speaker I found it Unknown Speaker Oh, okay. Unknown Speaker He was 6x Six examinee. Unknown Speaker Number. Unknown Speaker So Unknown Speaker in the first 24 hours, they call 247 Supply Drops. Unknown Speaker By the second day, they called another 160. And by the fourth day, they call another 269. Unknown Speaker So a ridiculous amount of supply drops to be able to hold over the 101st airborne division which for a matter of a few days like no one had heard from so they thought they were dead. Unknown Speaker So a ridiculous amount of supply drops Sure. All thanks to him are what led to the victory in the Battle of the Bulge. So Wow. He that was his fourth drop which was a huge deal because most paratroopers survive. Yeah. Only makes it through to Yeah, and so he already was a record holder and he ended up getting just a ridiculous amount of Unknown Speaker badges. Well, I was thinking about this today. Yeah, I think it's badges are such an interesting concept to me. Like I get like it's a Morehouse man. You don't have any don't Unknown Speaker sacrifice the military service because you're sitting here on badge. Okay, that's what I'm saying. I'm saying can what best TV series by the way, trademark badge? What if we did like corporate badges? Unknown Speaker What would be like Unknown Speaker 10 miles instead of 26.2. Could I still get a sticker on my car? Unknown Speaker What if I did 100 days in the peloton? Unknown Speaker Does the sound of a guy who hasn't been toughened up by the army? Unknown Speaker Corporate badges does that like something a corporation would do that? Yeah, here's your bad Unknown Speaker edge for and it's awkward. It's embarrassing. I'm saying like, why is it? Like Unknown Speaker things that matter? They're literally shaping history? I don't know. I mean, other jobs matter. Why don't they get when you're getting your head in the sales quota you don't deserve a medal of honor. I mean, if you got shot in the process they use should begin badges to like police officers and stuff. Yeah, yeah. You so you're gonna have a badge. I'm curious what it feels Unknown Speaker I don't think you ever heard that. Unknown Speaker Yours your badge. Okay, so here's what he got. He got the Combat Infantry Badge, the Parachutist Badge the Pathfinder badge Bronze Star Medal, with a combat V. Unknown Speaker Purple Heart twice the American Campaign Medal, the European African Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, the World War Two Victory Medal, the army of occupation Medal, the Legion of Honor and five overseas service bars. And it's just Interestingly enough, this is the whole reason I did this whole list Sure. The Good Conduct Medal, which sounds Oh my god, this sounds like he should have got that one. Sounds like I mean, if you do all the other stuff, or like hey, let's give them a good comment if that weren't to be ironic. They were like it was funny this guy was and and they did the they did the whole thing. All one ceremony and they're like, and the good conduct that and everyone was like, oh, and everyone there was like ah, it's like Joe and Tommy who doesn't have that many medals was like, I couldn't get the good conduct match. This guy smells so bad. That's how I imagined in the 40s that you chose a fake name that was so similar to yours. Tommy, Tommy, Tommy. And slip Tommy's an angry 40s dude like from the 40s Tommy he's angry. What else is Tommy? What else is Tommy feel? Tommy Tommy doesn't understand why the other doesn't see things to blame. Tommy sees Tommy understands everything better than everybody what's going on? Tommy doesn't understand why everyone else gets a badge and there's no corporate badge. Why does Tommy bill Unknown Speaker and no one says he wants Unknown Speaker a badge? Tommy sees through what the deep state is doing when everybody Unknown Speaker tries to tell him Tommy knows that that person right there is real but nobody can Tommy tried to go to this new Christian movie it's out in the theater was a little too warm. The Hollywood doesn't want me to watch it. Nobody likes Tommy they don't like us so they kicked us out of this conference. Unknown Speaker It taught me sad Unknown Speaker to M Ed White Guy Unknown Speaker All right. Unknown Speaker So Unknown Speaker here he is now well this is him like 10 years ago he's he died in 2013 but here it is like 10 years ago. Is this colorize Unknown Speaker no this is not but yeah he still loves the hair never came off it was permanent marker Unknown Speaker pulling paint as long as face for no yeah, he he he became a celebrity in the early 2000s When someone he or rated his story to someone and they wrote it down on the book which I honestly I'm suspicious of sometimes when I hear that Unknown Speaker like he's got on metals and stuff so like surely like this stuff happened but like did the fight happen? Did like did the eggs happen? Unknown Speaker Like what have you made a few Unknown Speaker what have he mowed down 700 stores that interesting enough but he's he is written with guilt into his like on his deathbed. He admit he was Unknown Speaker part of my smell more, but I lied. It's true. It's not true. Because Unknown Speaker there's no Unknown Speaker dying words. Ba but he's not actually dead Unknown Speaker oh, you're still here? Yeah, I lied about the eggs. You can go now you can leave the eggs Unknown Speaker that's how the war happened. The Unknown Speaker seals. Unknown Speaker I like the Unknown Speaker typo. There was like, okay. Unknown Speaker So weird. We did it. All right. I like to picture them on launch day and he's like laying down in bed and like next to his wife and she's already there reading her magazine. And he's laying down and getting into conference. He's like Unknown Speaker think don't know. Just Unknown Speaker Honey though Unknown Speaker she's she's so she's so she's so over the eggs like I don't know what about the eggs live for years. All right. He tells the eggs like every dinner party. Yeah, he brings it up and she gives him a knowing look that's like come on. Yeah, she makes a no the eggs weren't there. And he the any honestly it was 1400 German soldiers. Unknown Speaker The soldiers downplaying the German soldiers made up six eggs every day for ever since they launched the book every day, she makes six eggs and she calls them into their sunny side up, and she's like, she's like, you see the eggs. And he's again, she drinks the six sided side up eggs. They're orange juice right in front of them. And since days aren't real, Unknown Speaker you're nasty. Take a shower. Unknown Speaker All right. Tommy doesn't like it. Unknown Speaker Anyways, that's the story of Digg McNasty is so weird. This person's Oh, wow. So you're saying that's the eggs of the episode. That's the eggs. Unknown Speaker The eggs Unknown Speaker things either last night is a production of space Tim medium produced by Christian Taylor audio by Alex Garnett video by Connor Betts. Our graphics and our logo by Caleb Goldberg and our social media is run by Caleb Walker. Our hosts are Jared Meyers and Tim stone falls on your favorite social media platform at tilian podcast is Ti ll en podcast. Remember to tell all your friends about us and we'll see you next Tuesday for another episode of things I learned last night. Transcribed by

Jake McNasty McNiece, the legendary WW2 paratrooper, left an indelible mark on history through his fearless exploits on the battlefield. This blog post delves into the life and remarkable achievements of Jake McNasty McNiece, highlighting his incredible courage and unwavering dedication to the Allied cause during World War II. Early Life and Training Born in 1919, Jake McNasty McNiece grew … Read More

The Barefoot Bandit – A Teen Criminal on the Run


Episode Transcription

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Speaker 1 Hey man watsapp Have you ever heard of the Barefoot bandit? Unknown Speaker The barefoot bandit? Yeah. Unknown Speaker Yes, Unknown Speaker really? What about Colton Harris more? Speaker 2 No, we see the Barefoot bandit. Colton Harris more dads a different, different person. Just go ahead and go on to the next. Next topic. The barefoot Speaker 1 barefoot bandit. This is one I think you're gonna like spoiler alert. There's pilots stuff in here so you can brag about how you're kind of a pilot almost. I wouldn't, Speaker 2 I wouldn't do that. I'm just prepping you for pilot stuff in here. That's why you're not one of us. Just because you say something. Like there's pilot stuff in here. Speaker 1 Sorry. There's aeronautical stuff in here. Does that make it? Does that make me sound official? No. Sorry. Let me think. There's Delta stuff in here and Speaker 1 I do the same thing. I saw a cup of water. And I put a live rat and you didn't even remove? Speaker 2 You're out of breath. Fake sprinting. They can't return my letters, but they sure can't find this guy. I'm available for it. You're not gonna find. We didn't expect that outcome from the jury. The jury is a bunch of monsters things I learned last night Speaker 1 okay, so golden hairs more. Yeah. Otherwise known as the Barefoot bandit. He was born in 1991 in Mount Vernon, Washington, okay. He was a kid who grew up in a pretty rough situation. His mother was an alcoholic. His dad wasn't around. He lived in a trailer park. And he was barefoot. No. No, okay. No, but there was a show could Unknown Speaker give shoes. Speaker 1 Shoes and wasn't a it wasn't a barefoot like, like what you think when you hear barefoot? It was like a, like a he lost his feet. And they gave him bare feet to replace the Oh, and they said ba they're like, they're like this is a veterinarian's clinic. So we don't have any human feed on hey, I guess Speaker 2 that would be a way to get away with some stuff. So if you want them you like cut your ankles, right? We were robbed by a bear. Put some bear on their knees just bad days. And so you went necessita feet. Unknown Speaker Okay, so. Speaker 2 Okay. Anyway, barefoot, barefoot. 9091 is born on the ground bringing Speaker 1 up being to make matters worse than us know. He's a he's he's what you call a not popular kid. And he gets bullied. Growing up right? In Unknown Speaker early what he's called those TJ, who's TJ? CJ, every loser. Every loser I've ever known, we call TJ. Speaker 1 So, in early high school, he befriends another one of kind of outcasts in his high school. Okay, who coincidentally just got out of juvie for you know, crime and theft, like, minor assess that being different not to be confused with thrifting. Speaker 2 How long have we got to do some episodes on the juvenile system? Because I don't understand how that works. Speaker 1 Like, thank God go to jail. Yeah, yeah. And then like Speaker 2 kids, playground and stuff. Like what is kitchen is Unknown Speaker a playground of an adult jail. Sure, they caught the yard. Yes, same thing. Unknown Speaker Okay. Do you learn on lingo in juvie. Speaker 1 I mean, depends on who you're in juvie with, I guess, like what kind of juvie, right? Like, if you're in like a juvie juvie, then yeah, but if you're in like a juvie, really Unknown Speaker juvie light, yeah, okay. Speaker 1 To be light. So, it this this kid gets out of juvie for theft, and he meets Colton, and they become friends because neither of them kind of fit in with anyone. Sure. And this kid realizes that Colton is missing a lot of like, bare necessities. And he tells him like, I have all the necessities I need, like in Colton notices that this kid's got a brand new iPod. Great sneaker, like he's got he's got everything as a teenage boy and nearly 3000s wants. He's got tickets to simple plan. Like he's got everything going on. stuff and but this this kid shouldn't have this like, you know he shouldn't afford it. And so call him ask something he's like he's so used. That's how I feel Speaker 2 when I was watching all our friends go to Taylor Swift. I was like, Hey, you're too poor for that. Speaker 1 In high school, you see someone do that. And you think some sketchy happening when you're an adult and you see that you think you got a credit card, and you're irresponsible. Unknown Speaker Oh, Speaker 2 you're 27 and your parents don't pay for a lot of stuff. That's Speaker 1 for you. Fortune Magazine did a survey. Magazine. Yeah. Different different. Fortune Magazine. Fortune Magazine did a poll of Gen Z years and millennials. And they asked them on a scale of like one to five. How much how dependent? Are you? On your parents? financially? Yeah. And 77% For at least 77% was at least somewhat dependent upon their parents financially. Gen Unknown Speaker Z and Millennial Gen Z Speaker 1 and Millennial which Gen Z like, I mean, a lot of them are probably like, Gen Z, you could still be like 17 and still be in Gen Z. Okay. So that. I feel like that's skews it, but a lot of millennials like Yeah. Speaker 2 I mean, we had a lot of friends in LA, who will be like, I don't even here in Kansas City will be like, how do you afford to do all this stuff? And then we find out their parents are paying their rent? Unknown Speaker Yeah. Yeah. That's crazy. It makes a lot easier. Unknown Speaker I wish my parents love me. All my parents do is support me on Patreon. Unknown Speaker Be like Gerald's mom Speaker 2 on Patreon and support us on Patreon. Yeah, yeah. Okay. So, number one, they got those exclusive merch that you get if you're a Patreon supporter for a certain amount of time. And it's like a mug with my face on it. It's like Jeremiah is my best friend. And it got sent to my dad in the month of June. And he just thought it was his Father's Day gift. He's like I love my Father's Day gift. I have the heart to be like, Unknown Speaker actually, you for that. You. Unknown Speaker That's great. Well, you know what? You're welcome, dad. Unknown Speaker And now every year you give them the same Unknown Speaker for fathers. Yeah. It's got a lot of them. Speaker 1 What if we did that? Well, if we use that are paid with the same gift every year, in June. Unknown Speaker Happy Father's Day, Happy Father's Day. Speaker 1 All right. Millennials are poor. And back to Thomas. Yeah, Colton here. So he's so his friend says a lot of stuff he can't afford. Yes. And his friend tells him like, Hey, I recognize that you don't have a lot of your bare necessities. Why don't you just steal them, like just steal the stuff that you need. And so he starts showing him the ropes on theft, right. And so his friend's favorite version of theft is like home burglary, especially in the town. Speaker 2 Which is a pretty advanced form of theft. You know, yet most people start with a casual gas station pack of gum, you know, but this guy is like, my favorite is breaking into vulnerable people's homes. Unknown Speaker My favorite is big robbery. Let me show you how it's easy to put Unknown Speaker these pantyhose over your face. Let's get in there. Speaker 1 So the town that they lived in, in Washington was an island town off the coast of Washington. And it was like a vacation hotspot. Yeah. And so there's a lot of homes there, that people didn't live in full time. And it was pretty easy to spot. The homes that weren't not lived in homes. They were just be there once a year homes, you know, I'm saying yeah, and so they got really good. Speaker 2 Because when they left, they were like, we'll see you next year. They put a sign on the door that said I'd say that's my wife, now leaving for like a trip and she yells to the cats. Alright, we'll Unknown Speaker see you next Sunday. Then I was like, have you What are you doing? Have you heard of Robert trying to get his home alone? Unknown Speaker And then your packages got stolen? And that same trip? Speaker 2 I'm not trying to? I'm not trying to blame anybody for that. Okay. Don't Don't try to pit me against my wife. How dare you try to drive a wedge between my mayor looking for a new house day or you opportunity? A new podcast. Either we're gonna start a whole podcast on this porch pirate. Speaker 1 So they start, they start breaking into these homes and Colin's new friend is is telling him like, here's some here's some things you need to know. Like, obviously, you don't turn the lights on. Because that's cure giveaway forever. All the neighbors, all the neighbors know no one lives in that house. Sure, unless they're there for the vacation. And so if the lights are on, that's a problem. So never turn the lights on. And other than that, there's not really there's not really a rule. The rule is It's theft. It's your brain a lot. Yeah, not a lot of laws here. Don't open the fridge. Yeah, well, actually that's one of the best rules you can eat whatever you want. Um But it's probably gone bad if they've left it if it's in the freezer though. Yeah so it's a lot of frozen food like you're you're cooking up some frozen food or maybe stuff in the doesn't go bad like Chips Ahoy boxes you Speaker 2 know if you've got a bunch of stuff in our freezer where you're supposed to do is you're supposed to put a little cup filled with water and let it freeze yeah and then you put like a coin on top of the frozen water in the freezer with all your stuff if you're leaving for like months yeah, yeah. And then when you come back that way you can tell if you're if the power has gone out or whatever, Unknown Speaker based on where the coin is in the cup. Speaker 2 It should be at the top still. Yeah if it's if it's all stayed frozen Yeah, but it's in the ice and that means your freezer at one point stopped and now all that stuff is Speaker 1 bad. That's a much better method than what I do. What is what you do you just go for it. Well, no, I do the same thing. I felt a cup of water and I put a live rat in it. And when I get home if the rats still there he then then he froze and I can just thaw him out kind of like a Kyra genic sleep and let him go on his way. But if Unknown Speaker I go thank you for your service power went Speaker 1 out then he's probably used the escape so usually chooses escapes. He has his way through the fridge Unknown Speaker and then I find him in the backyard dead because he's got Freon poisoning your way is a lot easier because it's just a quarter it's a lot easier to freeze a quarter than the life right like Speaker 2 you see him the same every time but he's also died Freon poisoning eggs around Unknown Speaker eat kind of like at this point. I think he likes to Speaker 2 brush up with a freeze on Friday. Sorry, I tried to give you a little fun life hack factoid thing there and Unknown Speaker speaking of rats, we speak Speaker 2 someone in this building speaking ARATS I said something the slack messages that got tweeted and I like tight lips around here Unknown Speaker my rats have tight lips because they're frozen in my freezer. Speaking of rats Unknown Speaker allegedly our Chuckie Cheese has finally Speaker 1 allegedly speak speaking of alleged rats, okay. It could be rats who knows I told you that we got the ring. We got we went for the full ring home security system. Oh yes. Yeah, the full home security systems that are the wires cut. Well what part of what we did was we put motion sensors in the garage so last night 2:37am Aren't the alarm goes off. Because now the full alarm like oh, yeah, you're our motion sensor was tripped in the garage. know a little more you're, you're rolling. And so I wake up 230 In the morning, do 30 days to 37 days in confused hearing this alarm that was quieter than I expected it to be honestly, this is the first time it's gone off. Quite a way quieter than I expected. Turn it off. Go down to the garage to see if I can figure out what happened. Unknown Speaker Did you bring anything with you? No, I Speaker 1 was fistfight I'm a fistfight kind of guy. Oh, yeah. Okay, Speaker 2 yeah, well, so Bri went down first got a breeze a protector of your home here's the thing Speaker 1 here's the thing you need to understand I sleep in full bulletproof armor Speaker 2 so we you know I make our bed walked out of there it is Unknown Speaker but it's the ropes Speaker 1 at our basement, we have a raised red so our basement is where the garage is. Yeah, so I get to the stairs of this bed Speaker 2 got to know how to do the stairs. Yeah. So you get down Speaker 1 there right downstairs and I get into the basement and rod. Yeah, cuz cuz that's my strategy. Unknown Speaker They play it out. Tell me every time it's Speaker 1 been a couple times where like we've thought someone was breaking in the mill the night. Unknown Speaker I've seen your house dude. Yeah. Speaker 1 Well, I told you what happened last time this happened. There was a bath. I overfilled one of our closets and the rack just exploded at the wall. And like it was loud. Yeah, and I woke up and just freaking dead spread out into and that's what happens is like, whenever there's a moment like this, like I don't I don't think and I don't think I should get something like I just run to what I think the problem is and I'm like, I'm gonna get there fast enough that they're not gonna be ready for me. I'm just gonna play it. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna die. Anyways. I get down to the basement into the garage. And there's nothing in there. And so now I'm trying to, I'm still, Unknown Speaker except for that girl behind you. Speaker 1 Well, that's the thing I love. I'm a little spooked now, because everything the garage doors were shut. All the windows were sealed the door into the garage. Oh, yes. Was there still in your house and there ever was, there was nothing in the garage. I checked everything in the garage. There's nothing in the garage. They're off. They also took off. When no, you couldn't, there's nothing else opened. It was just the motion sensor in the garage. And so I was looking for mice. That's why I thought it made me think of rats. I was like, maybe it was a mouse or another bat. Or an entity. I told Billy I was like, I was like, we might have a ghost. She's like, don't say that. All right. So we're putting a camera in the basement with night vision and thermal. See if we can catch the ghost. Because we used to have we used to Unknown Speaker have night vision now. That's not a special thing. Speaker 1 Yeah, but thermal. Thermal. Yeah, well, Unknown Speaker like the heat. Yeah, the Unknown Speaker heat sensor. Yeah. Okay, cuz because we used to have we used Unknown Speaker to otter rats. Speaker 1 There's rats read body temperature. degrees. That's why it takes too long for the freeze. Don't touch a rat. If you see a rat don't Unknown Speaker burn your skin and sizzle it. Speaker 1 I think we should make a term for it instead of cool like we should. Like so that's really cool. It says oh, wait, that's just cool. Because the hotter it goes in temperature. Unknown Speaker Man, that's hot. Unknown Speaker Yeah, I was full circle for you Speaker 1 know, but we used to have motions. We used that motion sensor that's in a garage and they would just turn on all the time. Like I'd be out in the backyard. And like we've got a window in the backyard. That garage would turn on the garage I would turn on and I would go down there and there would be nothing in there. I don't know what it is. I think we have an entity. Yeah, you have a ghost stuck in your garage. Yeah. And you say bye to someone in the basement every time you leave my house. Yeah, cuz she's down Unknown Speaker there. She's stuck in your garage. So they are just breaking into homes like what are they doing? Speaker 1 Yeah, so yeah, they're breaking into homes however they can get it Walston Unknown Speaker glass and Speaker 2 freeze in rat race dude. Yes, bro. Speaker 1 Our entire build and they're all cups rod large cups. Very large Solo cups. They're like bucket size Solo cups, and there's just a frozen rat but here's the craziest part Unknown Speaker was you describe the Barefoot the ice is only halfway down so I think my freezer is no good. Unknown Speaker It's actually a blessing. Rolls are not good anymore. So Unknown Speaker they're breaking Unknown Speaker bad they're breaking into Speaker 1 people's homes learning the ropes it's kind of a thrill thing for them for a little bit they're hanging out they're doing their thing and then he learns Oh like I can't I'm not getting my knees he Speaker 2 breaks into a house and use your your freakin sprinting he's like oh, I wasn't ready for two Speaker 1 got my gun but he's too fat for me. yourself Speaker 1 by the juvie for sure racks I get there before the the little echo can even do it saw the red lights and stuff. I'm just Unknown Speaker doo doo doo doo doo doo doo denser Unknown Speaker full body armor I'm trying to get my Speaker 3 Hey, thanks for checking out this episode of things on last night. If you like our show, and you want more of it, we have plenty of other episodes. One that I enjoyed was Jose Conseco, you know the baseball player from like the 90s and stuff, but also it's kind of an alien episode. Spoiler alert, so go check that out. Thanks for being here. Thanks. For listening thanks for watching and now back to this episode Speaker 1 so he started doing this with his friend, the whatever they're doing their thing. And he realized his basic needs aren't getting met at heart aren't know like he doesn't have one of us live in one of these close in. So that's what he says. He says you don't want like I've got a solution. I used to live in one of these houses and so he doesn't live in the house. What he's doing is he's going he's breaking in for a couple of days eating a bunch of food, stealing whatever he needs. Yeah, sometimes ordering stuff on Amazon with their cards or cards. And then going out to the woods I'm out of breath from that spring Speaker 2 you didn't even move you're out of breath from fake sprinting. You're you pumped your arms as if you were sprinting and you're very intense fakes was it was Did you see that? I see that. Do it do and see how on earth you get Oh, hold on. Yeah, check that heart rate we get my indoor rocks I can track it I gotta get credit for this you feel Unknown Speaker I'm gonna Oh, no staircase Unknown Speaker dude, I can do this for hours man. Speaker 1 I do it the rest the episode shoot. So cold realize this is necessities aren't getting met and so right starts breaking in these houses getting food getting closed, and then a little bit of extra stuff on the side. And what he does is he only spends a couple of days in there. And then he leaves the house and he goes to a tent he set up in the woods. Why? And he lives in that tent. Because he thinks it's easier to hide there than hide in the houses. He's probably Unknown Speaker it's a 160 heart rate, I guess. Yeah, that's fine. Speaker 1 See, it gets it going. And I was also laughing you know? And it's hot in here. It smells like dog food. Not gonna explain why. Speaker 2 smell like dog food. That is true. Unknown Speaker Not gonna tell you why Unknown Speaker that is true. Okay, so so he's living in a tent living in Unknown Speaker this tent. Oh, wow. Okay. And so this goes on Unknown Speaker until his next Airbnb experience. Yeah, Unknown Speaker until he needs something until they need some more food or Speaker 2 is air breaking in or is air b&b at Airbnb? Speaker 4 Yeah. So Speaker 2 he's living in a tent back behind all these houses, Speaker 1 or you know, in the woods, so sometimes it just depends on the neighborhood he picked, you know, he's right behind behind. But sometimes when word gets out in the community that someone's breaking into a lot of houses and stealing a lot of materials and stuff. And so people are kind of on edge like looking out. And so the police don't use this. This is 2000 like five 2006 to Unknown Speaker two years. Cameras and stuff. Yeah, yeah. I Speaker 1 mean, if you're really rich you probably have a camera security. This is ADTs heyday you know yeah, this is not this is pretty ring doorbells. Speaker 2 It's pretty crazy, bro. The ADT commercials were like, the numbers would like go like the whole house. You know, that was a cool commercial that it was like if they break in, it's going to call ATT and ATT is going to call 911. Yeah, yeah. And by the time that all happens, you're dead. Unknown Speaker You're super dead. We had ADT going up. Speaker 2 Did you know that makes sense? That tracks fully, actually. Yeah, it changed me. We had OnStar the button in the part of the car? Yeah, yeah. And I press that a couple times on accident. Oh, no, not on. No. He's Yeah. Finally do it. We just call 911 I love to sit there for 45 seconds. What are you doing? Speaker 1 Sorry, I forgot his line. Um, so. So he's getting into it. And it Unknown Speaker reports are people are starting to keep an eye out. Speaker 1 The police are trying are really trying to track him down. One day they end up he breaks Speaker 2 into one house. There's a 12 year old boy he's met his match. Right? Because he's authorized to walk up the stairs, trips and the marbles on them. Speaker 1 He breaks into home and a neighbor. Here's here's the here's the big problem with Colton. He didn't listen to his friend. His friend said there's one one rule and burglar He is keep the lights off. He would turn the lights on and chill and hang out. Make Chicken nuggets for the TV on. Yeah, watch TV ordered stuff on the internet stay for a couple of days until it showed up. You know Speaker 2 2006 You know, Dane cooks at his peak, isn't he? Actually yeah. So he's like, Oh, don't watch my boy, Dane. Yeah, yeah. Speaker 1 And so when he's, he's one of these houses. And a neighbor sees the lights on and calls the police and says, Hey, that it's the lights are on at this house that's supposed to not have anyone in it for like six more months. The police come and he hears the comment or whatever he gets out of the house before they find him. But they're able to kind of follow his trail back to his tent. Yeah, I Unknown Speaker mean, he's got bare feet. Speaker 1 I can hear the sound of a bear walking. And so they they chase him back to this tent. And he's not there. But but they find his tent and the job is full to the brim of all these stolen, I can't Unknown Speaker even replicate that sound. Unknown Speaker full, full, Speaker 1 full to the brim with all these stolen goods that have been reported stolen for like two years. Speaker 2 How's it carrying this stuff around? At that point? Why have you got to get a second tent? You're gonna have a storage tent? Speaker 1 I think so. I think that was a storage tent. Because Raj tent. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, he's he's building all these expansions on his tent and fire Unknown Speaker adding this weekend. Speaker 1 And so they begin to build their case against him. And a couple of months later, they end up tracking him down and arresting him. Okay, so he goes to juvie. He's now 16 years old. And he gets sentenced to three years and juvenile detention for all the string of burglaries that are committed. He's in there for a year, and he turns his life around. He starts studying doing really good job in school, he picks up aviation, but like, they don't let you fly. But he starts reading all the manuals and stuff, all the learning that you do before you actually fly. He started doing that, but for not like, no one's like, Hey, we're gonna give you a pilot license. Yeah, he's just doing it. You know. Unknown Speaker He's like, it's gonna be fun to pretend, Speaker 1 kind of actually. But he and he's got a great attitude. He's not getting any fights. He's listening, obey, you know. And so after a year, they say, hey, we'll transition you out of this maximum security juvenile detention center into a low security group home. And this is a just a home in a neighborhood that has a bunch of juvenile detainees living in it on house arrest. And there's no adult supervision. Well, there's adults show up and check on him every once in a while. Unknown Speaker Oh, wait, no, no, there's an adult who lives there. Yeah, there's. Speaker 1 So he's staying there. Sure. And he's there for like a month before he breaks out. And so they're like, Oh, that was a miss. Oh, dang it. And so where it gets out that Colton is back out on the loose because everyone's like, Oh, this guy steals all of our stuff in our vacation homes. Yeah. And so the town is booked, the town is on, on edge, he breaks into one home, and he has a very close encounter with the law. But he gets away. And so he decides he's like, he's like, I gotta get out of here. He's like, you see if I'm gonna be able to do this. I gotta do this, you know? Unknown Speaker Like a two different town or what? Yeah. Speaker 1 And so luckily, he's been reading books on flying. And before he got arrested, he had stolen a computer that had Microsoft license. So he's been flying in that flight simulator a lot. Okay, is that current, like, facing it? This is all flight simulator. Yeah. But it's like, it's like, I think I know my way around a Cessna 152. Okay, so he finds the local. Unknown Speaker Are you suggesting the current flight simulator? Unknown Speaker Well, I'm saying, Here's what I'm suggesting. Speaker 2 Are you suggesting that you know, not suggesting Speaker 1 what I'm saying? I know my way around if if you were going to have tried to steal an airplane with no flight experience? Yeah. Through practicing and current flight simulators, probably a little bit better than practicing an old flight simulator. Sure. That's Dom's. That's all you're saying. That's all I'm saying. All I'm saying. Yeah, flip practices in all flight simulators. Like saying I flew in GTA. And so now I know how to do true. Practicing a new flight simulator is like saying, I flew in GTA. So now I know what to do. But I at least know some of the words. That's that's the point. Sure. So he, he starts hanging out around the he sets up a tent at the edge of the runway, and he just starts watching the patterns in the airport. He doesn't actually set up a tent. I don't want to Okay, that's the truth. But he does hang out around the airport, just kind of watching what's going on in there. And so you can figure out patterns figure out who, who's who and what they do, you know, late one night, he jumps the fence in this little private airport, and he goes and he finds his target planet. Cessna 152. Speaker 2 And why is it to a bar in Manhattan? Right on the road, so I made it here for Washington. 15 minutes. You guys didn't believe me put my name on the wall. I told Speaker 1 you I could do it. I told you I could do by the way. Also give me some really spicy wings all the time. All right now do all right now. So he goes with his plane, sure enough, the owner left it unlocked and just left the keys on the seat. They do that. And so he pops in, starts it up, goes through the pre flight checklist because he read the book. He knows Unknown Speaker what's remarkably easy to steal planes to be honest. Speaker 1 And he's off, manages to take off and is airborne and he's feeling really good about it. Right. Makes it to Yakima. Correct. Then while he's flying over Yakima, he realizes he forgot one very important part of the pre flight shadow Laird know, how much fuel do I have? Oh, no. So he realizes he's almost out of fuel. Obviously, he's a fugitive. He can't land at an airport. And so he as a guy who's never flown a day and his wife decides I've got to try to find a field somewhere to take this down because I can't land obviously in an airport. And so he lands it in this Unknown Speaker guy, do your ABCs Speaker 2 check your airspeed go look for your best work best place to land. And then do you gotta cram and you gotta correct always be Crowley's be crashing baby. And so Speaker 1 he he takes it down into this into this field. And he survives. It was not doesn't look like he botched it too much. Yeah, it was not a great landing. No, but it landed. And he got out and he went into the woods and just left it. And he waited a couple of days. And then he went into town and he started robbing some homes. waited a couple of days. Yeah. Let the heat dissipate. Someone's gonna find that plane. Yeah, they're gonna know, they're gonna know pretty quickly. Oh, someone crashed a plane in that field. And then someone's gonna pretty quickly realize my planes gone. Yeah. And so he waited a little bit. And then he went, he went out into this field. And here's the thing about him. He you know, he's a kid. And it's now it's too easy. He's 18. Yeah, is 2007 or 16 Still Facebook error. And so he says a Facebook page. And he's got it. He's hanging out in the woods with all his stolen goods. And he's posting pictures on his Facebook page. Unknown Speaker Are you an idiot? Unknown Speaker And he begins Speaker 2 posting, how do I get away with crime? How do I do tax fraud? Speaker 1 Here's the thing. He becomes famous, relatively big in that era of Facebook. I think he peaked at 20,000 Facebook followers, which was pretty big for that era Facebook. Okay. Unknown Speaker He does look familiar. Unknown Speaker Yeah. And so he Unknown Speaker he uses a very Unknown Speaker 2007 selfie to Yeah, it is. Speaker 1 He begins this lifestyle of camping out in the woods, going into town to burglarized homes, and he would steal pretty much just the essentials. He every once in a while Unknown Speaker will teach you how to do it to Unknown Speaker just join my course Speaker 1 every once in a while he would purchase stuff online with people's credit cards. But it was usually the stuff he would purchase would be like, like camping. So it's like, Speaker 2 here's the fuzzer let's say he breaks into someone's home. Yeah, purchase them with their credit card. Right? He's using their computer. He's his phone. I guess he's got a phone. Speaker 1 Yeah. Well, he's stolen. He's stolen computers. He's stolen phones, phones. Speaker 2 is he stealing people's computers? He's stealing people's property or using he ordered something to be delivered to the higher house. So Speaker 1 yeah, he's stiff. He lives out of town. And he stays there for a couple days. Speaker 2 Get it later. What did you get caught stealing the package? Speaker 1 Well, that's the thing he he finds people who are out on vacation. So this is Speaker 2 how funny it would be is if he broke into this whole home use their credit card to order food and all this stuff and orders a couple packages comes back two days later when his when his Amazon shipping has arrived. And then gets caught stealing and gets in trouble for that. Yeah, he's just like, yes, yeah, it Unknown Speaker was. Pack all I've done is steal the package and Speaker 2 be like, Were you saying that makes me feel like you didn't? He's like plain and simple. What was that? Did Speaker 1 you say? No, go? Walk it simple. Just walking. Simple, simple, just standing and sitting here. Simple, not moving at all. So this is great. That's it. My favorite phrase is not moving simple. Unknown Speaker Okay. So he's posting all this stuff on Speaker 1 Facebook. Yeah. So he for the next couple of years. He has this lifestyle. He goes by the Barefoot bandit. You He is living in the woods. And he's got this Facebook page and he's posting pictures and stuff. But here's, here's what he's doing though he's kind of smart about it, because what he's doing is he'll go in, he'll stay in the house for a couple days while people are out of town, go back into the woods camp out in the woods. And then when he feels like he's got a little too much heat on him after burglarizing a dozen or so homes in the area leaves, he steals a car. And then what he does is he takes that car. And until he's able, he's got cash now because he's stealing, but he never gets gas because he was worried about security cameras. So he would just ditch the car when he ran out of gas and steal a new car. So he was never land on a security camera and never spent money anywhere. And so it was less traceable. Okay, and, and then he would find a new town show up in a new town and then repeat the process set up camp somewhere in the woods, go into town when he needed stuff, and do this for a couple months. burglarized a couple dozen homes and then go on to the next town. Unknown Speaker I guess he's showering at the homes he Speaker 1 breaks into, oh, yeah, he's showering and he's got a whole routine. And he's eaten, like he's doing all this stuff. And so this goes on for a couple years. As estimated that he breaks into well over 100 homes. burglarized is a few dozen vehicles, and steals six airplanes, and uses those to jump town on multiple occasions as well. Each time waiting in the field of retirement ending in some field outside of town. And he goes from Washington, and he is in he repeats this in Washington, and Oregon and Idaho and North Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Indiana, goes almost across the entire country. After two years of this whole thing, Unknown Speaker boring parts though. Speaker 1 Everyone's like, why don't you go to an interesting one, because the cool places are where the better cops are. I guess this was definitely this was not cool enough to have good cops. Unknown Speaker Yeah, it's I mean, it's still 2008. Speaker 1 But he would he was because he had kind of like had like an extended stay. The places he was robbing. He was like living in their home for a couple days. And so he's walking around barefoot. And so a lot of the crime scenes would have chalk outlines of bare feet, where he like I don't know, stepped in dirt and walk around barefoot or something. I don't know, I don't know why they knew as bare feet were walking through there. But a lot of the reports would end up with his bare feet in there. So they started calling on the Barefoot bandit. And that's where he got the name. And he loved it a little bit and leaned into it. And there was an event where the Millah night he broke into like a CVS. And he drew a chalk lines himself the bare feet walking all over and left a note and said this was here. Like the guy from mobile, didn't steal anything. Yeah, he just wants people to know who's here. And it was also he was he was interesting, too, because he didn't he said, What Unknown Speaker did they what was that? What Unknown Speaker about a name? I didn't know what Speaker 1 we need a name. We need. We need a name. And what if it was something that scales so it's like it could be we could be dry? We could be so what? No. And so here's the thing about him, though, like there was a sense that he had like, I mean, obviously he's burglarizing homes and sure, healing vehicles and planes and all that stuff, right. But there's a sense that there's a little bit of morality for him because he's never hurting anybody. Yeah. And he's also only stealing what he needs. Like he's not like he's people have like stashes of cash in the house. He only takes a little bit of He only takes enough to get by. And he's taking mostly food. When he breaks into places every once in a while. He's taken survival supplies if he and then he's doing some credit card fraud to order stuff online for survival, usually survival goods, usually. And so he's he's stealing stuff. Yes. But a lot of people are like, well, he's still in stuff to survive. He's on the run like he's an he's like, ethical, ethical. Yeah. To the point where in Idaho, he left a there's a veterinarian clinic and he left a card with $100 cash in it and signed it from his hand and said, Here's to help the animals from the Unknown Speaker Barefoot band. Unknown Speaker He said thanks for the feet. Unknown Speaker That barefoot bandit Unknown Speaker like just made a donation to a vet which vets are like we don't need your donation we Speaker 2 don't charge a lot. We're a business we tried a lot for profits. We put down the dog and still charging you appreciate the donation for like, Hey, I have really bad news about your dog. I'm really sorry about that. They're both Speaker 1 profitable edge of the business is their freezer rats. Yeah, the shots will be $300 but you want to make Speaker 2 sure Fast they last so long. Would you like a freezer rat? Oh, I'm sorry. What was that? Like a rat sickle? Speaker 1 Yeah, it's a wrap for your freezer, it tells you your freezer, it's a Speaker 2 whole thing. It's kind of, honestly, if you don't know what it is already, it's not worth explaining it to you. Like it's kind of one of those like, it's a little bit like, you either know, or you don't Speaker 1 you either know or you don't. And if you don't, you probably should keep it that way. Because otherwise, you're not gonna like Unknown Speaker I could tell you once I tell you, I can't tell Speaker 1 ya. Yeah, but you're gonna want to buy you'll spend their $100 a pop nearby Mall. Unknown Speaker Yeah, I don't know about the rent. Speaker 1 Thanks for checking out our show. If you like it, and you want to support be a part of what we're doing here. You can do that by becoming a patron. What happens there is you get to be in the community. We have a discord with our hosted producers, we have a lot of fun. We're super active in there every day, you get access to add free content a week before everybody else. And we have a zoom every month with our patrons. We hang out we eat pizza, we get to know you a little bit better. It's a blast. And there's a ton of other different benefits like merch discounts, birthday messages, things like that, that are super cool. If you want to be in that you can just text Dylan 266866. And that'll get you right in there. If not, we're just super glad that you're here. And thanks for watching our show. Speaker 1 So he's in Indiana, stealing cars and all throughout the whole thing. It's been two years. At this point. He's got $10,000 bounty on his head. He's wanted in whatever this is like nine states now. And so he's like, he's like I the Oh, also Canada. He went up to Canada for a minute. Oh, international Speaker 2 prime. Yeah. And so he's so he's not what did you fly there? Speaker 1 Yeah. And the end, he stole and did the same plane Canada for a little bit. And so now he's in Indiana, and he's like, he's like, Ah, this is sketchy. I gotta get out of here. Do you know enough to like, turn the transponder off, I guess. A couple a couple of weeks before the story I'm about to tell you. The FAA is like Speaker 2 this. Guy's stealing planes got him. The FAA will figure stuff out before the FBI. Speaker 1 And so the the FBI has been following them the all local municipalities are you going on? I'm homeless Speaker 2 on it. They can't return my letters, but they sure can't find this guy. Unknown Speaker So what people are starting to realize I Unknown Speaker wrote the FAA letter. No, it says, Unknown Speaker Dear FAA. Speaker 2 I was so perplexed when I saw the removed Speaker 2 from the menu, I'm wondering why you did Speaker 1 the FAA it's becoming really clear. If if there's a car that's ditched in town and getting burglarized, then it's like, oh, he's in town. They started to pick up on that's the airport. So they know he's in Indiana, Indianapolis now. And so the FAA is like, Hey, you guys need to go call all the private plane owners in the city and tell them hey, don't leave your keys on your seats. Because there's a guy who's stealing planes. Otherwise, your plane is gonna get stolen? Yeah. They call this meeting all the private plane holders come to this meeting. 2000. This is no late 2009. And they tell them hey, there's a plane banded on the loose. We believe he's in this town. He's stolen six small single engine aircraft. You own one of those. And so we want you to be on high alert, lock your planes don't leave your keys. And I was like and they're like, well, I'll take questions at the end. Hi, do you want my plane got stolen this morning? They're like, okay. Do you think any Do we have any data Gjerde Do we have any data on how well the plane rats do against this situation? Unknown Speaker Yeah, once he gets a certain altitude they'll on thaw. So, yeah, they tell free to move about the cabin. Speaker 1 They tell it they tell everyone to lock up their stuff. Well, there's one specific pilot who misses the meeting. Okay. One guy, one guy who happens to be his plane. Yeah. And so his plane as plane gets gets stolen for sure. And Unknown Speaker It leaves the banner guy Unknown Speaker unfair DUI, we can help. Oh, man. Speaker 1 So he, he's still this. This guy's specific planet is a guy that last name Miller and I can't remember his first name right now, Donald steals his play. And his his plan is I need to get out of the US as we find out that Cuba doesn't have an extradition treaty with the US. And so if you can get to Cuba, then he can start a new life, live there free of crime, and not ever get extradited for his crimes in the US. Sure. And so he steals the plane and he tries his first overwater flight. Here's the thing. This is the seventh flight ever. Yeah. And it's every time it's been different airplanes. And so he luckily checked the fuel and made sure this aircraft had been enough fuel to make that distance Indianapolis to Cuba. But that's a long flight, very long flight. But it has to stop. But while he a miscalculates the flight path, and he ends up over the Bahamas, which makes it very far but is running out of fuel, Bahamas, so he decides to take it down in the Bahamas. And he Boches the landing because the dirt on the island was softer. And so the landing gear just sunk into the dirt. Oh, no wet. And that triggered the transponder that there was a crash. And so the FAA gets the alert. Yeah. And they call this guy and like, Hey, did you just crash? It's Fourth of July. It's Fourth of July weekend just crashed your Unknown Speaker plane in the Bahamas? And he's like Speaker 2 yeah, I didn't answer because I was like, it was called me. And my buddy made a really funny joke where he said Let freedom ring inside. Sorry, I didn't answer right away. There was it. Are you calling about that meeting I missed earlier? Because I real sorry. But I didn't want to go. I just didn't want to do that. Do that. Speaker 1 So the guys like yeah, that I That wasn't me. I'm still in Indiana. And they're like, Okay, let's we Unknown Speaker renamed this place, the Bahamas. Speaker 1 And so the FAA puts two and two together and says, oh, a plane from someone in Indiana where we know Colton was from, or was at just crashed to the Bahamas. And the owner doesn't know about it. This is probably our guy. Yeah. So they send the Coast Guard down to go get them and they're like, you guys go get them. Yeah, we know you don't usually do gun stuff, but maybe bring a gun this time Take. Unknown Speaker Take a sword because they Speaker 1 do know, he hasn't used a weapon. But they do know he's armed. And they do know at this point. He's kind of desperate because he's, you know, committed to a lot of felonies. He's got a $10,000 bounty on his head. Sure. There's been very vocal talks. Over the last few months, that there were bounty hunters looking for him like they'd been like the other bounty hunters or after you keep seeing that on his Facebook feed. People are DMing like, Hey, I'm a bounty hunter. Where are you at? Unknown Speaker Hey, what's up, man? You want to hang out? I just wanna be friends. Unknown Speaker Well, tell me a little bit about robbery. What are the rules? Hi, Speaker 2 I'm new to town. I saw your profile. And we'd love to sponsor a post. Speaker 1 So he, he crashes he gets out and he starts. Well, I'm this is Bahamas now. I live here now. And so he goes and does the same thing he always does. He sets up camp somewhere in the wilderness and goes into town to steal stuff and live off of stealing stuff. And so he's there for 10 days. The Coast Guard gets there they find the crash site. He's not there. But they're like we know he can't get far. Yes, he's you know, in the Bahamas, he's gonna steal another plane in the Bahamas. When you steal someone's speedboat out of work, and he's doing the same thing he always does. And on July 11 2010, this is about the whatever. week later, seven days after he crashed. He pulls up to a party, a local party where the locals walk on the beach party in a speedboat and pulls up close to the shore and yells and says this is not a joke. He says, Hey, where are your cops? And the locals are like, excuse me what he's like, where are your cops at? And then he's like, I mean, we've got we've got cops here and he's like, this is tourist season. And so they're used to the tourists being weird. And he's like he's in he's obviously a tourist and So he's like, he's like he's like, I mean, we have cops in the Bahamas, that but we don't I don't think we have it as many as you guys do it, but they're around. And yeah, I'm bored. Well you call them Yeah. And the guy was like, That was weird. And then he just speeds off. And he says, he said, I'm Colton Harris more look me up on the internet, and then speeds off in the Speedboat. Speaker 2 So he's like, he's speeding through the ocean, right? He's like, and then part of them goes, I'm not even being chased. Speaker 1 He's like, this isn't fun anymore. To want to be. This is too easy. I want to be chased. It's about the chase for me. Like I'm being chased by Coast Guard pursue me. Come on, give me Unknown Speaker I'm available for it. You're not Speaker 1 gonna find it. So he's driving around this island that night. This is late at night waiting for the cop waiting for the police to show up. And the party was like, alright, we'll call him and so Speaker 2 he's straight up doing Grand Theft Auto. Yeah, he's just like, oh, like one star. Speaker 1 And so the police. They show up and they find him and they start chasing him. And he's he's in a speedboat that's Unknown Speaker so much faster than you. Speaker 1 He's so much faster. And so he's, he's losing them. Unknown Speaker But slowing down a little bit, just to just to keep just to keep him Speaker 1 like on Yeah. And so he's kind of toying with them. But he doesn't, he's not a local. He doesn't know. He doesn't know these waters. And so he's flying for now. And he hits the sandbar. And he gets caught in the sandbar. And he starts trying to back up and trying to push it and he's just digging themselves deeper into the sandbar. And so then the police catch up to him. And they kind of have this interchange. They're yelling at each other. He's throwing laptops into the ocean. And they're like, What are you throwing over there? It's not just my picture. I stopped Unknown Speaker don't worry about it. Yeah, Unknown Speaker they can swim. It's fine. All these rats, like so many rats frozen. Now they still frozen. Unknown Speaker Down the waters. Speaker 1 Water was cool. I could move I can run. I can freeze. So it gets into this interchange. And then the reports are foggy here. Unknown Speaker He got tased though. Speaker 1 It's not clear exactly what happens. There's there's a couple of versions of the story. But what the most accepted version of this story is that he took out his firearm, he pointed it himself. They had a 20 minute long conversation boat about Heart to Heart boat to boat. And then the conversation went south and he fired around and they lit the boat up. disabled the boat. Didn't hit him now. He was fine. And so then they came closer and they arrested him. So Bahamian government the next day, just parades for him. Yeah. They just parade them around the Bahamas. Oh, they literally take them around town. Like we got this guy. He's super wanted everyone us who is like, look him up. He's on the internet. He's got 20,000 Speaker 2 show up to the Shrek pre show to a high school play. We got. We got. We got him. Yeah, he's a bulletproof vest. Speaker 1 Yeah, they parade them around town. And like we got him. We got the guy hanging his head like that. Like, he's defeated. He's been caught. Yeah. And so the US is like, sweet, like, they got him. We'll get him extradited. And they were like, no, but they they're doing the math. They're doing the math. They're like, well, the charges he's facing in the Bahamas. He's looking at 10 years in prison in the Bahamas, and then we'll get him to the US and then he's looking at a lot more because he's like, over 100 felons, so they're like us keep him. Yeah, well, they're like, we're gonna have to wait for him to serve his time in the Bahamas before they extradite them to us. And so he goes, they wait a couple of weeks. He goes on trial. And in the Bahamas, for some reason. And no one really knows why Unknown Speaker was like, Oh, cool. Speaker 1 The only thing they charged him with he robbed a handful of homes. He crashed that plane, and he's sold a speedboat and he fired a shot at an officer. But the only thing they charged him with was entering the country without a passport, which was just a $300 fine. Speaker 2 And he was like, Oh, I threw that in the wall. Carter, he's like, Speaker 1 I just tried when I got stuck. And I weighed too much. I heard papers heavy Unknown Speaker through through $300. Exactly, yeah. Speaker 1 dollars. And so the United States government was like, we'll pay that fine. Can we have them? And so they did. They paid his fine. He was like, thanks. And he's like, you're welcome. And so they took him to court. And he I don't know, if he hired or managed to line up, pled not guilty, he lined up the same lawyer that Ted Bundy hired, oh, for a very specific reason. This gets kind of smart. He hired the same lawyer that Ted Bundy hired because this guy has expertise across state lines. Now, his expertise is not to do a not guilty plea is to do a guilty plea, but get the jury on your side and feel bad for you and lighten your sentence. Because he knew he's like, he's like, I did it. I can't get out of this. And he's like, but maybe I can get a lighter sentence if I hire someone who's really good at that. And so he gets this guy. And they have a very long hearing. But the the picture that they paint is that this is a kid who never had a chance he had a father that wasn't present. He had a mom who was an alcoholic, okay, he was actually he had fetal alcohol syndrome, because his mother drank while he was sure in the womb, and so and lived in poverty. And he was a good kid, like he tried the first time he was in prison. Sure. And he never hurt anybody. He didn't steal any more than what he needed. That was the picture that they painted. And so the Speaker 2 majority was like death. Kill the poor. Whoa, we didn't expect that outcome from the jury. It turns out the jury is a bunch of monsters. And so the jury was a jury of his peers. And he threw a ball into the ocean and Unknown Speaker I was really dumb, I'm sorry. Speaker 1 So the jury and the judge were like, they felt bad for the guy, cuz they were like, Yeah, he did a lot of things wrong. He's, he's a product of his environment. And so he ends up getting a kind of dual punishment. So the first time of the punishment was seven years in prison. Okay, well, she ends up serving five years and gets out on good behavior. So he got out in 2016. The other side of the punishment, this is an interesting part of the story that I haven't told you yet. Early in the story, after he has stolen the plane, that first time, he goes back to Oregon. And when he's in Oregon, he meets up with a lawyer on an island, he steals a boat goes onto an island meets up with this lawyer. And he says, Hey, he says, I want to sell my life story to a movie producer to make a movie out of this. He's like, can you help me do that? And they made it so you can't. And the lawyer was like, yeah, we can help you with that. And so he starts building this relationship with this lawyer, during this whole time when he's on his way to Indiana, setting up this relationship where he can sell his life story. So he can go to Cuba, sell a story, have a couple million dollars live off of that for the rest of his life. Unknown Speaker Sure. Speaker 1 The, the other part of the sentence was like, when you sell that, when you have that sale goes through, you have to use that to pay back all the people you robbed, and you can't keep a dime of it. And so he sells it for seven figures. He does sell to 20th Century Fox for seven figures, and he has to repay every person he's robbed, like cookies from. He's like, he's like, Yeah, I stole 1499 from your house. So here's that. So he didn't see a dime from Santa story. 20 Century Fox has used it to make two documentaries. And allegedly, they are working on a film, but there are YouTube Speaker 2 money, dude. What? They're gonna take our YouTube money 20 Century Fox. Yeah, not afraid of them. They're gonna say you can't tell a story. Now we get a cut of your YouTube earnings. Unknown Speaker What? Here's, here's the thing. I'm gonna be running so fast. Unknown Speaker They're gonna be like, where's this guy? Speaker 2 I've been doing this the whole episode. So I'm still I'm just got a couple more minutes here and I'm Speaker 1 done. So yeah, so they, so he didn't see a dime of that. He's, he got out. He started in 2017 a GoFundMe to get his pilot's license. And the FAA will never take that down. That's a scam. It's like bummer. Okay, you know, Unknown Speaker psycho. You know, you know, Unknown Speaker he really wanted it. Speaker 2 I don't know if well, he probably knew he probably knew he's been steady enough that he knows that the requirements are you can't be a felon. He liked Speaker 1 it. He liked it. There was something about the I just said that about crashing a plane Unknown Speaker are where to learn to lay. Speaker 1 And so in 2019, he started trying to make a career out of being a public speaker. But his parole officer didn't allow that. But it's true. It's travel there. Well, yeah, that's that's the big thing. But his parole ended in 2020. Obviously couldn't travel then. The question is, now that things have cleared and his parole is over. We might have him come to a town near you as a public speaker. Let's ask him he's been. So yeah, that's the story of the Barefoot bandit. Also known as Colton Harris more. Wow, he just got bored in the Bahamas. Unknown Speaker It's just uh, hey. Call the cops. Where are your cops? Um, I'm bored. Chase, Chase, come in. Come and get a photo. I was like, I was just joking about that kind of there. I thought I was gonna get away to be home. They Speaker 1 just chased me. They didn't do this part. And here's the wild thing is he wasn't that speedboat. And he, you know, you could kind of like lock the throttle. So he locks the throttle, and he's flying. Like, whatever's fast on a boat, I don't know, like 30 knots. And he's still standing in the boat. And he's looking back looking the other way, like, standing on the front of the boat looking the other way towards the cops chasing and they're far away, or far away. And he's just sitting there with the fiddle. Speaker 3 Things around last night is a production of space. Tim media produced by Christian Taylor audio is edited by Alex Garnett video by Connor Betts social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic design by Caleb Goldberg. Our hosts are Jaron Meyers and Tim stone please follow us on social media at tellen podcast that's ti LL IN podcast, leave a review, comment, subscribe, wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on my site. Transcribed by

In the annals of criminal history, few stories are as captivating and unconventional as that of Colton Harris Moore, famously known as “The Barefoot Bandit.” This young outlaw’s escapades captured the imagination of people worldwide and left a trail of disbelief and fascination in his wake. Colton Harris Moore: A Desperate Descent into Crime Colton Harris Moore was born in … Read More

Thomas Midgley – A Dangerous Mind


Episode Transcription

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Unknown Speaker Hey man, what's up? Have you ever heard of Thomas Midgley Jr, Speaker 1 Thomas McGonigal, Unknown Speaker Midgley, Midgley, Thomas Midgley, Jr. No Speaker 1 heard his dad though. Senior. Thomas Midgley, Unknown Speaker Thomas Midgley, Jr. Unknown Speaker No, I have no idea who Speaker 2 you might recognize this quote from Speaker 1 what did he do all things through Christ who gives me strength? Speaker 2 That's a different guy. This is a quote from John Robert McNeil, the round, rundown really round environmental historian, okay. He said of Thomas Thomas, Jr. He said that Thomas had more of an adverse impact on our planet than any other single organism in the earth's history. Okay. He's a good guy. Unknown Speaker What do you just like chalk down for us ever for us for the sport? Speaker 2 If you dress nice, we're gonna be super rich. Yeah, because this is gonna work fantastic. Long story short, one day he got tangled up in these ropes and they Speaker 1 killed him. Oh, really? He didn't die. The polio. How much gasoline would you drink for a couple of million dollars. Speaker 2 But luckily he died early so we were able to kind of take back everything. Unknown Speaker Things I Learned last night Speaker 2 time is measured Lee Jr. He was born in 1889. In Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. They named because there's a beaver Speaker 1 can't walk straight. The bar is called the drunk fever Speaker 2 drunk beaver. But he's not drunk. He just isn't coordinated. Looks like he just yeah, he's just wattles and false. So Thomas Mitchell Jr. was a an engineer. In mechanical and chemical he did both well over 100 responsible for the oil industry or why? Well, well offer was well over 100 Pass RNs to his name. Okay. Two of those patents, however, have been banned. And by who? Most the response all Unknown Speaker banned by most. Speaker 2 Most it's estimated that those two inventions Well, one of the two images actually. The first one is estimated that that has killed over 100 million people globally. And the other is estimated that it has cost the collective American IQ 824 million points since the 1940s. Maybe that IQ is not as I should have led with that that killing 100 million people was more significant than dropping What are Unknown Speaker you create the United States Government Speaker 2 television? I'm just kidding. No, Thomas Mitchell, Jr. Well, I should we should provide some backstory first, actually, before we get into Thomas Mitchell Jr. Okay. Have you ever heard of the automobile? Speaker 1 Yes. So so he did. He is responsible for the oil industry. But Speaker 2 not the oil industry. Okay, but he is adjacent to the oil industry. Jason Unknown Speaker got it cool. Yeah. Who says things like that? Go ahead. Unknown Speaker Okay. Automobiles. Have you heard of him? Unknown Speaker Sure. So he not horseless carriages Speaker 2 in pre 1920. I don't know bills. I don't know why he's saying automobiles. It just makes him sound older. If you say car It sounds more modern. His car short for carriage? I think so. Yeah. As automobile short for automobile. Billy as his automobile edge. But that was too much of a mouthful. Yeah. So they said automobile, automobiles, Unknown Speaker which is much easier to say. Speaker 2 Pre 1920. Yeah. They didn't start with like a key or anything like that. Or a push to start or remote start. They didn't have any of that yet. Sure. What they had was feelings was you Speaker 1 had to go out and be like, Hello. Hi. feelings start. Like I'm ready to drive. Now all you had to do was you had to go. Your feet underneath the car. Do you know what I'm referencing? Yeah, Flintstones. Okay. Why did you do that weird. Road Runner noise is the same thing. No, no, mine was which is like, you know, Flintstones feet and yours was? Yeah. Which is like Unknown Speaker I get me there. Speaker 1 Okay. There's no no, no, no, you're rolling. It's a it's a now I've lost it. Tim. Is I'm Morse code No, I Speaker 2 Oh, Got it. You're directing? He's got it. Yeah, but Avenue. Speaker 1 Close enough. Kinda Yeah, I was getting there. Speaker 2 No, you open up the hood and there was a little like kind of like a tire iron. So easy to get you stuck into the engine cranked it yanked it over to turn it over. And that's how you started the car. Yeah, the problem was Speaker 1 when like when you go camping and you've got one of those little lamps, that's battery powered. Speaker 2 Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Like you got a toy. The crank on the back, you crank it to get to go. Yeah, the early nuclear bombs Unknown Speaker were unlucky fellows. Speaker 2 This was one difficult like, it wasn't this wasn't a like, Oh, I'm great. It was, oh, I'm cranking like, this is hard to crank this engine start, you know? Yeah. It was it was tough enough where it was literally advertised that women can't start cars. Which is also something that the time they probably would have just said it. You could have just said Speaker 1 anyway, ya know, you're a poor old lady. You can crank that soulja boy. Speaker 2 And so it was, but it's also dangerous, because if you left that crank in there too long, it would start spinning with the engine and engines. Unknown Speaker And they would like to take your arm. Yeah, yeah. Speaker 2 So it was actually like a genuinely dangerous way to start a vehicle. But they just haven't come up with a better way to do it yet. Until a relatively notable person in the automotive industry is driving along the road. And there just happened to be a damsel in distress, whose car was on the side of the road, she couldn't get to start. So he pulls over to help her crank starts her engine. And a rather common issue happened where he didn't get the crank out in time. And it popped up and it caught him in the jaw and it broke his jaw. And he actually died as a result of his injuries. That was the time where a broken jaw could kill you. Okay, Speaker 1 I think I think it's more like the head trauma probably did it. Speaker 2 Yeah, that or an infection after the fact. Oh, maybe even more sure. But either way he got he got this injury and later died because of that injury. And a close colleague of him Charles Kettering who Kettering who worked for a research institute that worked closely with the automotive industry was like, we need to come up with a better solution for this Unknown Speaker people are getting hurt. We got to fill out an incident report about this. Unknown Speaker Do you want to tell your story? No, it's an active case. You can't I can't Unknown Speaker talk about my lawyers involved. Speaker 2 You don't have a lawyer you're representing yourself Unknown Speaker hey on the advice of my counsel, shut up so so this guy gets injured, guys. Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah. And a friend of his basically invents the key the strike that way. This changed the game. Speaker 1 And he was like, well, the women are gonna lose these. Speaker 2 So he came up with air tags not back was out a long time ago. Now in creating that though, the first vehicle that used it was a different a slightly different style of engine. Okay, that compressed to the fuel a little bit more than normal. And so because of that it was significantly louder than most engines on the market. Speaker 1 So I asked him before we started recording I said you got interesting topics today are boring ones. And he said interesting. Hey, and here we are. i i Yeah, go ahead, buddy. Hey, don't worry Oh, we'll get the engines the the type of oil that would squeeze through the engine or is you know, compressing Unknown Speaker this is important backstory backstory is always boring. Okay. Unknown Speaker Okay, so I trust you Speaker 2 these in the engine in this car was really loud. Also, because it compressed this just feels Speaker 1 like we're going on a roller coaster. It's like thinking do you do the sound? Stupid. Bad. Yeah, and you're gonna tick tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. That's what it feels like right now. Unknown Speaker Yeah, cool. Unknown Speaker I'm glad you feel like that. no end in sight to the top of the coaster is just that there's another station at the top. Unknown Speaker Did everyone else to walk up the stairs? Speaker 1 On the coaster through this wild ride? Drag part of the tracks Michigan leaps over to the other. You know, Speaker 2 yeah, but the EPA said no one can ride this is two days, they'd already Speaker 1 built it. So they were like they just like that is, yeah, but all the theming is still there. And so it's like, come on guys, we got to get going with it. It just takes off without you, you know, Speaker 2 it's very So, so this engine was really loud, and it was also prone to misfiring. And that misfiring was also ridiculously loud and bad for the engine. And so Catherine had a problem that he needed to solve, which was this misfiring thing. And this the, how compressed the fuel got in this? Sure. And so he hires Thomas, mentally junior grade to come up with a solution for this. And so he tries a lot of different additives to add to gasoline to make it to where it doesn't compress as hard and doesn't lead to these potential failures. Unknown Speaker Fanta Orange, so Warren syrup, Speaker 2 he actually didn't check horns here. And I know he tried a lot of different things. And a difficult I won't maybe not difficult but annoying job probably because he did this. I mean, just a ridiculous amount of tests. And he actually has a quote where he said, the majority of the things he tried was like spitting in the Great Lakes. Which I like that phrase. Speaker 1 You can't say spitting in the Great Lakes USA spitting in the Great Lakes. Yeah, thanks. flows better. Yeah, it's like automobile versus Speaker 2 does it have the same flow as well, it's all about the flow. So Thomas Midgley, Jr. Here's a picture of them. While we're here, glad we got this Thomas mentally Jr. He went to work. And he realized, Oh, hey, it's like the 1920s. There's this thing that's everywhere. Called lead. And he said, What if I put some lead in it? Unknown Speaker Oh, he put the lead in the paint and all that stuff. Well, he put Speaker 2 lead and everything first. Well, yeah. Yeah. And then everything else, and then everything else. And then he led the way. Yeah, he loved the way. And he, here's the thing. It worked great. It worked. It did exactly what they needed it to do was a huge success. And it was also one of the cheapest additives that he found. Okay. And so he came to Kettering. And he said, we're going to be super rich. Yeah, because this is gonna work fantastic. And they renamed they, they packaged up this additive version of gasoline. They added a second added to its release. So they could just brand the gasoline, as ethyl. And they intentionally did not include the fact that lead was in this and any other marketing or any of their packaging. Lead was a major component in this, but they intentionally didn't include it because at the time, even at that time, they knew that lead was bad, very bad for you. They knew that probably about 150 years before this. There's documentation of Thomas, talking about how dangerous lead is that he was sick from his lead stocks pencil. Yeah, my mechanical pencils are making me sick. That's what he said. A direct quote from Thomas Jefferson, one of my personal favorites. Speaker 1 Hey, August 31. You've got plans? Do you got plans? You've got plans? Oh, Google Play is hosting a live stream on their YouTube channel. And we are hosting that live stream that they're hosting. We're gonna be in it. Yeah, we're Unknown Speaker gonna own a lot of fun. We're gonna be playing games, Unknown Speaker clear eight hours of your day. Unknown Speaker Whatever. It takes a beat to watch us on this. Speaker 1 If you're bored, don't go to your job and give very minimal effort that day. Put us on your phone, tablet, laptop, whatever it is. We're gonna be hanging out all day with Google Play on August 31. Yeah, pretty exciting stuff. Unknown Speaker Spam the chat say your name over and over and over again. Speaker 2 So they started marketing this, Ethel. They ran into issues pretty quickly. Okay, because they had a manufacturing plant that there are people there manufacturers were getting lead poisoning. And they were Speaker 1 like, well, it says about, they were like, ah, have you been seemed like we're in an ethic? Ethical core Speaker 2 ethical dilemma. Did you at the Likkle koyna. It's Unknown Speaker really trying to get it going. Unknown Speaker It's for ethical issues. Speaker 1 And what do you think about like if something is really cool. We say, as drainage to use wet as a barometer for how cool something is that way if it's not cool, we can say that's true. Unknown Speaker I'm just trying to I'm just an event. Speaker 1 You know, I'm just trying to get it out there, ya know? If you know but anyway, at the local, Unknown Speaker ethical, ethical. Unknown Speaker Of course, they're gonna lead poisoning. Speaker 2 Yeah, they're getting lead poisoning. And so the Unknown Speaker water, what would cause that the he's like, Unknown Speaker the rest of the world was like what's going on what's happening there now. Unknown Speaker So he hires Edward Bernays. Speaker 2 He actually holds a press conference to say, hey, yeah, there's a little bit of lead in this is not bad amount of that. Like, it's not a dangerous amount of lead. Maybe if you weren't there, like but we're, we're kind of upper safety precautions at our manufacturing plant, so there'll be fine. And he said, but wow, it's like, I can pour this gasoline all over my hands. I can look my hands afterwards. And I'm fine. And he did that at the press conference to show that like, hey, this isn't dangerous. And everyone was Speaker 1 like, Well, is there a movie that I'm thinking of? There? Yes. What is it where he's created a cleaning solution? And he goes on like QVC and the whole thing is that you can drink his cleaning solution. Oh my gosh, what movie is this? Speaker 2 Is that movie about Apple? What? The movie about Apple? Speaker 1 Yeah, there's a side story about a guy who made a cleaning solution. Now there's some movie. He makes a cleaning solution and the whole thing is that you can drink you know, he's like, he like Gatorade, right competitors stuff. Anything drinks there. You know? I can't think what it is out find out later. Yeah, so that's what he does. Yeah, he drinks QVC he goes out to a press conference. It was pouring it all over and like they're not filming at the time. They don't got that right. So he's just been in front of a bunch of Newsies. Yeah, he's like, go tell the town. I did tell every lead extra soggy man says the lead is safe. Unknown Speaker Midgley got Letty. And it's good. Speaker 1 Lead. He's their mascot. So he he gets highs, ironically. You know, anyway. Speaker 2 And so because of this is so cheap. Yeah. And because it solves the problem. Sure. The world is lining up to get some of his leaded fuel. And so that becomes a huge thing and gasoline. That's where I'm at it. Yeah, well, now that yeah, this next part of the story is why right now, yes, this is the leaded pre unleaded Speaker 1 is. I'm gonna ask a clarifying question in the middle of this episode. Yes. Is the fact that all gas pumps say unleaded? Is that where your story gets interesting? Because yeah, we're getting interesting now. I don't know. I'm interested to hear the Speaker 2 Snowball is picking up the Snowball is picking it up Unknown Speaker picking winners. Unknown Speaker Oh my god Unknown Speaker no, that's okay. Speaker 2 Have you ever been to a TED talk? Where like in the middle of a TED Talk someone's just like a witness the Unknown Speaker future so this is like Speaker 2 I've actually been to a performance of Shrek the Musical this high school. Kid was like what are they Speaker 1 one of the best videos I've seen is you may kiss the bride. Unknown Speaker Give the god tags. Speaker 1 It's Oh, it's Shrek. The musical. texts. No, Shrek is supposed to bust in and stop the the wedge between squad and Fiona. Yeah, Mrs. Q misses his cue. are just standing. It's a high school production. And they're just standing out there. No one says oh, they just they just but I mean, in a normal scenario, maybe the priests would say his line again to try Unknown Speaker and be like, yeah. Speaker 1 But it just looks like Lord far. Quad was awkward. homeschooler doesn't Unknown Speaker know. And he's part Speaker 1 five instead, you know? Yeah, yeah. And then Shrek comes out. Well, then this kid shots. What do you do? Do it just very funny. And then Shrek comes up and goes, hope they're waiting Speaker 2 up to the stage. That's a good scene. It's a good scene. Yeah, so very similar. So Speaker 1 we love watching high school productions. We should go to more high school. All productions. Speaker 2 The way you said that made you realize that I don't know if we're allowed to know, I Unknown Speaker think we're old enough now. Yeah, we could Speaker 2 pretend that like, we're related to one of them or something. Speaker 1 Well, I'm saying like there's an age, there's an age like, college and to where we are now. Like if you're like 20 something and hanging out. You're either a youth pastor or a creep or both. Yeah. And now we're at the age where it's like we can go to support local theater. Unknown Speaker Maybe if you dress nice enough. Speaker 1 We show tuxes. Okay. It doesn't look like we're trying to sneak into prom anymore. It's very clear. We're not high school Speaker 1 local high school production of grease. Yeah, in tuxes. Ah, the laws are regular gentlemen, you get dropped off in a limo? Yeah. The more we joke about this, the more I want to Unknown Speaker do more, it just did I get Speaker 1 phenomenal. We hire security Unknown Speaker really sharply dressed for this? Speaker 1 Yeah, we get like a full security team. We buy 20 tickets so that there's no seats around us. Just Speaker 2 to be fair, high school production tickets are like $3 a pop like we could easily buy. Unknown Speaker On the same page. Speaker 3 I mean, I feel like the the real power move is you buy like a six by six grid of seats just in the data center. Unknown Speaker We're all on the same page. Because Speaker 3 that way you also have like your whole security detail. And yeah, so rounding? Yeah, well, no, you have just like people all around the perimeter of it. So you have your entire detail that has to then come into the building and be like, oh, excuse me. Sorry. Speaker 1 Sorry. Sorry. Excuse me. Yeah. Your bottle of water, sir. Unknown Speaker We buy every single ticket except one. Unknown Speaker No, that's what you do to Criss Angel. Speaker 1 That's what I'm saying though. If you bought every ticket to a Criss Angel show you'd find out there's plants there. Speaker 2 Yeah, you would Yeah. Wait, no. I bought all that. Speaker 1 I know for a fact. You're not real. She's not real. That audience member anyway. Yeah. So local theater productions. Speaker 2 It's good idea. Speaking of local theater productions, the whole industry bought on to all this stuff they were they were stoked. And so like 90 Different in the industry awards were given to Thomas Midgley because he like changed the world or something. But he missed all of the acceptance ceremonies, because he was in Miami because he was recovering from lead poisoning. Unknown Speaker I remember getting a laugh at that. Speaker 2 And the reason he would turn is because he washed his hands in the stuff. Well, not Well, I mean, he because he was around the lead. Sure. And so he got lead poisoning. And what he said was I'm gonna go to Miami for a little bit to heal of my lead poisoning and breathe fresh air. Like he said that yeah, he thought that I guess the thing that fixes lead poisoning, it's fresh air, so I'm going to be honest with you. I don't know if he had a lead poisoning or if he just wanted a long vacation. Yeah, either way. He missed all of his acceptance. Speaker 1 I'm gonna stay home from work for two weeks. I have lead poisoning my doctor says so he hires the high school senior to act like a doctor. Hi, Speaker 2 I'm Thomas is Lance's lead is good deal you can tell he's led by the way as skid looks like silver painted gray Unknown Speaker Thomas's. Unknown Speaker He's got lead boy, Unknown Speaker he's also Sure. Speaker 1 No, I would do well. No, that's what happened to the fairytale goes. So he himself has lived in Miami. He's Speaker 2 in Miami. He's healing from famous breathe and breathe in fresh air where you can heal him in the money. And his his buddy mr. at Kettering gets a contract from a refrigeration company. And the company says, hey, the chemicals that we're using to refrigerate stuff are pretty volatile, what do they need to be for refrigeration, but they shouldn't be this volatile. They're like a lot of our fridges are blown up. And obviously, that's not something we want with our fridges. So can you come up with a solution for that? And so he calls up Thomas in Miami and says, I need you to come home. And he said, he said, No, I'm busy said I need you to come home Unknown Speaker the next fly home Speaker 2 thanks for checking out our show. If you like it, and you want to support be a part of what we're doing here. You can do that by becoming a patron. What happens there is you get to be in the community. We have a discord with our hosts and producers, we have a lot of fun. We're super active in there every day you get access to add free content a week before everybody else. And we have a zoom every month with our patrons. We hang out we eat pizza, we get to know you a little bit better. It's a blast. And there's a ton of other different benefits like merch discounts, birthday messages, things like that, that are super cool. If you want to be in that you can just text HiLine to 66866 and that'll get you right in there. If not, we're just super glad that you're here. And thanks for watching our show. Speaker 2 Kettering is like we got it. We got a new project. He said you got to come up with a new fuel source for refrigerators for refrigerators. And so he invent Freon Long story short, which is a big part of Yeah, fridges and AC units still cars to this day? Yeah, they call them CFCs. But they branded it as Freon they brand named it Freon Sure. Because again, the contents of it are toxic to human consumption or consumption. I don't know if that's the right word human touch. Yeah, just being around it kills you. Is the point of the story. I guess human touch. I mean, touch and smell. And human touch carries you and well depending on your your Enneagram type Speaker 1 and youth group as well or church camp, but human touch will kill you. Speaker 2 Yeah, that's Well, it depends on the human. So he invents Freon and it's another huge success. Big hit. They are absolutely rolling in it super rich. Well, good. They're Speaker 1 needed to pay their legal fees for the other stuff. Speaker 2 Yeah. So people start to discover that both of these things are really bad for you. But it takes a while like the 50s or 60s. And now we still use Freon though. Kinda okay. So, so lead was banned from being in gasoline. Okay. And it was kind of like this it well, after he died. So maybe maybe I should maybe I should finish Thomas's story for a second. Thomas went on to invent a lot of other stuff got super rich was relatively noteworthy throughout his life. And then he got polio. And couldn't walk anymore. So he invented some stuff to help them be able to walk and one of the things he invented was a bed that couldn't move like a hospital bed does now. Oh, Ben for Speaker 1 I want you to know what I pictured was a full bed. Good stand up like a transformer. And like half the bed would be his legs. Panda bed the whole bed mattress down the hall. That's what I picture twin size or king size. Probably full. You know, Queens might be a little too wide for it's a one person bed. Yeah. A couple wake up. Speaker 2 And it's like it's like a what's a three legged race? So I'm used towards the one in the middle doesn't switch. Speaker 1 You got a three? Yeah, yeah, it's like you're it's like what's your sleep number? You know? It's like walking too fast. Unknown Speaker Slow down. Yeah, so he Unknown Speaker fast walker you are Bri. Speaker 2 Usually me, every once in a while breed speeds up for some reason. Or, as usually me. Speaker 1 Depends on where we're at. Sometimes usually it's me. Yeah. But if we're at Disney, Regan is sprinting everywhere to get our pins. Unknown Speaker Yeah, my buttons Speaker 2 so he invented this bed that moves up and down. But the it was it was primitive. It wasn't like our modern hospital beds are I've been saying it was like a series of pulleys and ropes and stuff that like moved it Speaker 1 also had led, like, just none of it was like good. No. Speaker 2 And so he long story short one day he got tangled up in these rubs and they killed him. Speaker 1 Oh, really? He didn't die or the polio. I mean, he died of his machine. Speaker 2 Yeah. But it wasn't it wasn't it, he wouldn't have died if it weren't for polio. So he died because of the polio, but also, I guess. But this was November 2 1944, the very end of the war early enough to where I don't think he was aware of what was about to happen with all of his inventions, and how negative and impact he had on the world. Speaker 1 However, why did they say he's responsible for 100,000? Because of World War Two? Yeah, he started World War Two, Speaker 2 you know, however, there is so publicly it was, he was moving his bed and he got tangled up and there is reports that it was he did it on purpose. Oh, and that Saturday. Some people think that it was the guilt because he he knew that lead was bad for you. He knew that lead was bad for you and he was lying about it. And he went to extensive late lengths like that, that first to prove it was fine to prove it was fine. Even though he knew all experts nature that led consumption was bad. And so he knew it was a dangerous thing. But he got was getting really rich. So he just turned a blind eye. Same thing with Freon. When Freon came out. He inhaled a bunch of Freon like it was helium and blew out a candle to show them like, hey, it's safe. It wasn't and he knew it wasn't. But he was like he was like, I'll do it once to make a couple million dollars. It'll be fine. Unknown Speaker Okay, yeah, I mean, how much gasoline would you drink for? A couple of million dollars. You know? Speaker 2 That's the thing though. I don't know how much gasoline you can drink. He knows exactly how much you can. If I understood how much you can drink? Sure, I'll drink a gallon or two. Speaker 1 How much you can drink? That's true. Yeah, true. You're saying that if the amount is let's say the AB let's say the amount is three ounces, you go either a gallon or two. You know the amount of three ounces? Like if I know three ounces, I'll drink a gallon to know if I don't three ounces. I will hold you to what you said originally. Speaker 2 If I think it's a gallon or you drink that amount, I would drink as close as I can get to the legal amount without Have you seen that episode of nevermind Speaker 1 jet video of the girl who couldn't figure out how to unstop the gas thing. And so her gas things like spraying and all that. Yeah. She's like, What do I do? She said it's okay. It's only three ounces. Speaker 2 It's fine. It's done. Yeah, so he knew it was bad. And so a lot of people thought that he was like, maybe like way down with the shirt because he knew it was a problem. I don't think he recognized how big a problem was. I don't think he knew Freon was as big of a problem as it was. But here's some things that we've learned after the fact. Obviously, I've alluded to it, I think I actually flat out said that led was banned led paint was banned in 78. And lead so much longer getting banned. Yeah. And by the end of the 70s, lead was banned from just about everything. Sure, there wasn't a lot of chemical usages, and was banned from just about everything. What's interesting is we know that especially for children that lead just like being around lead and breathing that in limits your cognitive growth, specifically parts of the brain that are related to like decision making. And so there's a very interesting correlation that's been drawn of the crime rate in connection to lead being in gasoline and paint. So here's a graph. The black line is the blood lead content level of children in the United States. The red line is the crime rate, violent crime rate in the United States. This is adjusted 20 years. So you'll notice the graph at the bottom has two sets a number occurs. And so when lead started being popularly used in the nation, 20 years later, the violent crime rate started to rise. And as it got more common, it peaked in it, it follows pretty closely. And then when lead got outlawed 20 years later, the violent crime rate started to deployment. This is true, not just in the US, but globally. This is these are graphs of Australia, Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand. And so this isn't just like a thing where it's like, oh, this happened in the US. It happened everywhere in the world, and everywhere in the world banned it. And when they did, the violent crime rate started to plummet significantly. Which is very interesting. Huh. Speaker 1 It feels like it does seem like they all hit us like a stagnation point, though. Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah, that's just the normal crime. That's that's the normal human propensity to crime. I mean, you're gonna cry and they're gonna cry. I just needed to pull over and get a good crime and sorry, Cry Cry Unknown Speaker that's what we all said. Right. We all said cry. Yeah, Unknown Speaker I like to cry from time to time. Speaker 1 Sometimes I just like to release what's in me by this need a good crime. Crime scene should Speaker 2 get a good crime in I'm just trying to get a good climate. But, uh, yeah. And that that led led to the lead caused a collective IQ drop of 824 million points in the United States. Wow. Which is a lot so. And then a lot of people died of lead poisoning. So there's a lot of people estimate 100 million people who died of lead poisoning or lead poisoning related illnesses. Variable 100 million globally during this timeframe when lead became popu popularly used because of him. Sure. But it wasn't just the lead. It was the free the Freon was a big thing to CFCs got banned in 1994. And what's really interesting is, and 2020 Freon as we know, it was completely banned as well. They've got a new version. Okay. Yeah. The guy came in. He drank a bunch of it. Sure. But the there's evidence that the CFCs were the reason for the hole in the ozone layer, because it was used in not just Freon and air conditioning and refrigeration. Yeah. But that was like the main component and like for breeze sprays, like anything that was a spray, and those went up in the atmosphere. You see all those Speaker 1 videos couple years ago, they were like, remember, like it took them 14, when people were talking about the whole ozone layer. Then one day, we just stopped hearing about it during those videos, and you're like, yeah, man, we did stuff and they fix that. Unknown Speaker Well, a lot of people think it's the banning of the CFCs. Because Unknown Speaker what I know is caused the hole in the ozone layer. Tell me Speaker 2 about it. Oh, it was when God reached in and pulled the Garden of Eden out and moon. Speaker 1 What I gotta say, okay, but I've got these little pucks around my house. All right. There's all this Oregon, Unknown Speaker or Yeah. Unknown Speaker What are we looking at now? Speaker 2 So this is the Earth from above the Northeast pole. Okay, and in this graphic, the hole in the ozone. If you look up at the top of the 79, that little tiny blue area is the area that's okay. Okay, as you move along in time, the blue area is the area that's getting better. So we have a kind of rough patch that's happening right now. But for the most part ever since CFCs got banned. The ozone layer has been healing and getting a lot better. Have we not banned in 79 a lot of climate experts say that the planet probably would have been uninhabitable by 2060. And now they expect the hole in the ozone layer to be gone and completely healed by 2060. And so this guy, potentially I mean, the climate issue is this guy's fault. Also so good legacy, okay. He Yeah, so he killed the most people out of anyone ever damaged the planet? Almost erupt irreparably, right. But luckily he died early. So we were able to kind of take back everything. I think they took back his rewards but he never accepted them. So it was fine to Well, it's Speaker 1 because I went back in time to November 2 1944. And he said, Hey, don't you need to leave your bed up first, and I only killed one. Oh, wait, hold on. What? Who was another person who were killed in 1944? Who's everyone said they go back Time to Kill. Really want Disney? Yep. But really you killed Speaker 2 you killed the guy who was more I said there was a show dangerous Speaker 1 of like the if time travel is real. Yeah. And like someone hasn't gone back and killed Hitler then there's something there's somebody worse someone that did get killed. Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah. It's an interesting concept. Yeah So yeah, that's Thomas Midgley he was a most dangerous man has ever lived I guess Unknown Speaker technically. That's where we're going with Okay big nerd though. Big Nerd big nerd big Unknown Speaker danger. Unknown Speaker Oh, Er. Er, yeah. All right. Are we ready to end this thing? Unknown Speaker Yeah, okay, you have something that you want to Yeah, hold on I gotta say Unknown Speaker we're gonna be doing federal Speaker 1 things on last night is a production of space. Tim media produced by Christian Taylor audio is edited by Alex Garnett video by Connor Betts social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic design by Caleb Goldberg. Our hosts are Jaron Meyers and Tim stone please follow us on social media at tilam podcast that's ti LL IN podcast, leave a review, comment, subscribe, wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on my site. Transcribed by

In the realm of scientific innovation, specific individuals stand out for their exceptional contributions to the progress of humanity. One such figure is Thomas Midgley, whose brilliance led to significant advancements in both the automotive and refrigeration industries. However, alongside his notable accomplishments, Midgley’s legacy is marred by controversies that serve as a reminder of the complex ethical dilemmas that … Read More

Glitter – Unveiling The Glitter Conspiracy’s Enigmatic Secrets


Episode Transcription

Made by robots for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Speaker 1 Okay, here we go. Hey, man. Are you recording? Yeah, okay, cool. Hey, man. I asked you Speaker 2 if you're ready. And then you did some weird like, I did not do anything. I do. Yeah, Unknown Speaker I did nothing weird. I did everything. Speaker 2 Weird. clingstone something I do every time we shoot. Yeah. And then you did like your feet underneath the table like you're getting ready to car. Speaker 1 I need you. I did something I absolutely do every single time you shoot, so I don't need you to do whatever this is. Okay, anyways, have you ever heard of glitter? Glitter? Yeah. Have you ever heard of glitter? Unknown Speaker Like the like the stuff? Speaker 1 Yeah, yeah. Like, like the Yeah. Yeah, like the stuff physical glitter. physical, real life. Glitter. Yeah. dabbled? Yeah. Did you? Do you know there's a conspiracy surrounding glitter? Speaker 2 I don't know what this means. What do you mean? What do you mean, there's a conspiracy surrounding glitter. Unknown Speaker I don't know how to make that more clear to you. Speaker 2 I mean, you could spend an hour talking about it. If you want to do a full episode on it. Unknown Speaker Let's go. Alright, cool. Sounds good. Let's do this. Speaker 3 You going to ask questions? Or are you going to go home to your family? We really got it. Yeah, we got why we buy that? Because you said it. Speaker 2 You don't have to do it. You said me saying it doesn't mean you have to spend the money on you're gonna need to talk to somebody about how much free time you got to listen to a podcast about glitter. Things I Learned last night Speaker 2 I think every time you start an episode, what I've suggested probably 30 topics here. And I every time I think you're gonna bring one up. I'm gonna be like, I'm gonna have to be like, oh, yeah, never heard of that. You know? And every time you go glitter Okay, sure. I guess it's what we're talking about. Unknown Speaker You want me to start doing your topics? Unknown Speaker I would. Why was when I send them to you tonight and I'll start keeping track Unknown Speaker of your recommendation. Speaker 2 Let me tell you about glitter. Okay. Yeah. Tell me what do you got to say? I used to be an Uber driver. Right. Yeah. And certain places in Kansas City. Yeah. When you pick patrons up? Yeah, it is. No, your car is gonna be covered and you're gonna get some glitter. Yeah. So I know about glitter. And that's subway. Subway restaurants. That you know, whoever you're gonna pick up. patrons. Yeah. There you're gonna pick up a little glitter bug. Unknown Speaker I don't think that's what they call themselves. Subway people. Speaker 2 Oh, no, I thought people who were into glitter. Okay. What's the conspiracy? Speaker 1 Okay, yeah, so okay, we gotta back up. Glitter. Speaker 2 In glitter is always a fun idea. But we did the Christmas episodes. It's there's still glitter. Yeah, we're Speaker 1 still finding it. We're still finding it. And yeah, I vacuum pretty hard. After that. Speaker 2 Show us what that looks like Tim, what you think vacuuming pretty hard. Looks like Unknown Speaker okay, oh, that ASMR was good for you. Yeah. Okay, so, Speaker 1 in fall of 2018 Glitter was a trending word on Google search trends. Everybody was looking for glitter. I don't know why everybody wanted some glitter for stuff, you know, whatever reason, is just popular. Okay. And so the New York Times saw this as an opportunity to write an article as most outlets like that. Unknown Speaker Yeah, there was sort of returning topics Okay, glitter, and so Speaker 1 they put their journalist by the name of Katie Weaver on it and said, Hey, do an article about glitter, like maybe how it's made or what it is or whatever, like just do something interesting, not glitter. It's trending right now. Let's get an article about about glitter. And so she starts doing some research and she finds that there's kind of like a mecca for glitter in the world. And that's New Jersey, New Jersey, is where all the glitter comes from. The majority of the major manufacturers of glitter are in New Jersey, mainly two companies, but one by the name of glitter X I'm gonna show you a picture of I got a picture of glitter X. Speaker 2 Thank you for this. This gives me a lot of context. It's just a picture of their office building Unknown Speaker a just normal building company. Speaker 2 I know a lot more about this conspiracy now that I've seen this building. Yes, go ahead. Speaker 1 Meadowbrook glitter, which I don't have a picture of them. They're a little bit more so Speaker 2 once you Google Streetview it I use the same Can you Can they Speaker 1 Meadowbrook glitter fun fact about metal brick glitter owns a property that's about 100 acres. And they got a factory about the same size just in the middle of the woods on their property. Right. They're a little bit more secretive than glitter x's. On Can you Skyview it. I mean, you can but there's trees like that. Yeah, they they're there. They're hiding some things. Meadowbrook Okay, so metadata is the other big one in New Jersey. The other largest one in the world is one called RJ a plastics. And they're actually out of Germany. New Jersey, Germany. Unknown Speaker Very similar. So. Okay, what Unknown Speaker could you possibly have questions about right now? I just Speaker 2 I sometimes I think about, like, wanting to like run a business and like make money. Yeah. Right. And then I find out there are entire companies that just make glitter. Yeah. Unknown Speaker When I guess I just Speaker 1 I don't know, man. Yeah. And they make a lot of money doing it. Speaker 2 There's no entrepreneurs starting glitter companies. Yeah. Yeah, because it's not no one's like trying to be the next big thing and glitter. Speaker 1 Yeah. Yeah, maybe that's an industry. No one's trying to Unknown Speaker glow up you know? Unknown Speaker Yeah. That's an interesting. Speaker 2 I'm trying to imagine who's at a dinner party being like, yeah, I work. I work in glitter. Speaker 1 And we're trying to do we're just doing the next biggest thing. Here's the thing we got glitter that serve I mean, people Unknown Speaker do we put on a new glitter every month. Unknown Speaker We call glitter the month. Yeah. You wouldn't Speaker 2 even know that if you sign up for our newsletter. The month. Say guys litter. Unknown Speaker We caught glump. Gone. Unknown Speaker Okay, during the month. Unknown Speaker I'm just saying like, it's just weird. There's Okay, go ahead. Speaker 1 So these companies are the biggest glitter companies in the world. Yeah. So she goes, Unknown Speaker Are there any mom and pops? Yeah, there's Speaker 1 some small ones all on Etsy. Yeah. Well, maybe. I mean, I'm sure they're on Etsy, but they they're, like any other anti artists tiny piece of corporations got their foot on their throat. You're not getting any better. Yeah, okay. So so she goes to Jersey, because she's like, there's the most manufacturers that are that one of there's one in Germany, and she's not gonna talk to them. She's gonna talk to the two in the States. She goes to New Jersey. She reaches out to glitter X and to Meadowbrook Meadowbrook says absolutely not. We're not talking to you. Glitter exes. Sure. Come on down. We'll give you a tour. We'll tell you how it's all made. Whatever, right? So they're giving her the tour, walking her through how to make glitters. Yeah, Speaker 2 I went over to Meadowbrook and they go home Hold on. I have one of the bathroom. Tour Guide disappears. And then half of the lights shut off. Suddenly, she and her photographer heard a weird hallway half lit, right. And then down the hall. Very far long hallway. You see two double doors just open. Standing in the middle of that middle door is what I could describe as a human shaped disco ball. We don't know if it's a human, but it's something covered in glitter. And it's moving toward them. It's getting bigger, you know? And they realize pretty quickly. There's no way out of this place. All right. And they're they're tugging the doors. They're sitting there doing all this stuff, right? They're like, I can't get out. Please. No, please help me. Ah, they're yelling no one can hear their cries. And then just before this beast reaches them, the lights all slam back on these disappears. Guy comes out. He goes whispers in their ear. Never say that again. Unknown Speaker Sir, what was that? Speaker 3 Are you going to ask questions? Or are you going to go home to your family? Unknown Speaker I guess I'll go home to my family. Unknown Speaker Perfect. Would you like to take a sample of our glitter with you? Unknown Speaker That was their encounter with the Middlebrook beast. Yeah, so just Unknown Speaker They always got Glitz. Speaker 1 So they didn't get to go to mountain Brook. But they get to go to glitter X. They do the tour, right Rex. And they're seeing how it's made, or they're hearing about the history of the company and all this stuff. And then sure, while they're on the tour, Weaver asks a question, a very simple question and says, Hey, what's, what's your biggest industry that you guys serve? Unknown Speaker Yeah, who do they sell to? Speaker 1 And she's like, she's like, I can't, I can answer that. Terrorists. And she says, she says, you couldn't answer that. Or you're not allowed to answer that. And she says, Oh, no, absolutely. No, but I can't. And so the reporter says, But you know what it is? And she says, Oh, god, yes. And you'll never guess it. Let's just leave it at that. And so the reporter says, Well, Speaker 2 anytime you say, if you're talking to a reporter, maybe avoid the phrase, let's just leave it at that. Because that's just to a reporter. They go, this is my big Brad tell Speaker 1 reporter it's do you would you like me to give you a million dollars? Yeah. Unknown Speaker And I will say, Oh, it's the same word. Speaker 2 To report are they here six months from now you're gonna be on every news station in the country. Speaker 1 And so so she that she You're right. She knows that the US government should not leave it at that. She says, Oh, why? Like, Why can't your Why can't you tell me that? Hold on? Unknown Speaker I have to go to the bathroom. Here like, Speaker 1 okay, and the same thing happened there that what happened at Meadowbrook? Oh wait, I can't talk about Meadowbrook I didn't get Speaker 1 so she says she says okay, so you don't tell me. Don't tell me. You can't tell me. She's like, No, I can't. And she's like, Well, why? And she says they will murder Unknown Speaker be the rest. Unknown Speaker Rex? Good. Kids, Speaker 2 because I have a family because I have people that I love who rely on me. Speaker 4 She says because they don't want anyone to know what it is. Speaker 2 That's the weirdest thing to say to somebody. Honestly, you know, what I love is that there's no vai or it. It's just a worker, bro. You work at glitter X dude. Nothing exciting ever happens. And then here comes this fancy report. asking all these questions. Well, you guys found it. Oh, you know, you know what kind of colors because how many colors Can you print glitter? You know what size is glitter. And then you disgruntled worker as glitter Emporium just keeps a look at this as far as I go. So who do you sell the most glitter to? Oh, I can't tell you that. I'll never tell Speaker 2 you could just you could just back into a dark hallway. And just, you know if someone else comes out and goes Gree talking to you know, like you could like, can we get it right now that if at a reporter is everywhere, anywhere near us, we convinced them I'm Amish or something. I'm just adjacent or something and be like yeah, we can't tell you that. Oh, never. And then you just, you know, sad like that, that. Unknown Speaker You could be on video. And suddenly Speaker 2 Imagine that. You're just like, here's like, I don't know. And then months from now you look out your window, your lunch break. And you see that reporters sleeping in their car outside your building with like a look at and you're like, oh, no, no, I've ruined their Unknown Speaker life. Someone insane. Yeah. Speaker 2 Because it's like there's two people who never let go of a hunch. Right? And it's reporters, and then those weird private investigators in these documentaries. Yeah, Unknown Speaker yeah. Yeah. Which is there were always like, Speaker 2 yeah, I staked out their house for six months. Turns out, they weren't involved. Unknown Speaker Turns out they're super normal. Unknown Speaker restraining order. Speaker 2 Yeah, my wife's gone. So I have a lot of free time. I'm not allowed in the neighborhood anymore. Speaker 1 So she asked a follow up question, because you're right, the answer, because they don't want anyone to know what it is was an answer that makes you say, Hold on. I need to know more. More questions? Yeah. And so she says so the report asks her and says if I looked at it, what I know it was glitter. And she said, No, not really. And since then, she asks what I'd be able to see the glitter. And she said, Oh, you'd be able to see something but it's, yeah, I can't. And that's where the conversation ends. And so our biggest Speaker 2 customer is Meadowbrook, who then resells our glitter at a markup. So our biggest customer is a teenager in Denver, Colorado, who has an online e commerce store sells our glitter. marked up price Speaker 1 on Etsy. I've never even heard of Etsy. You know what that is? Speaker 2 Yes. I don't know what Etsy is. I don't know what it's they don't want you to know what else? Yes. Okay. Speaker 1 So she writes this down in her notes. Yeah, she goes and writes an article about words that are comes from and what it Speaker 2 goes, and they won't tell me who they see. And then at the Speaker 1 literally at the end, she says, also, by the way, I had this weird conversation, here's how it went, and leaves this conversation and the article. And the internet was like, Hold on. Unknown Speaker Wait, tell me more. Unknown Speaker I liked the internet made it to the end of an article, Speaker 1 saying I do really appreciate that. I really appreciate that. Someone on Reddit found it, put it on Reddit, and a subreddit was born to try to solve who is buying all the glitter? A theory or a a lie began to be perpetrated within the subreddit that there was a glitter shortage. That's not true. But they that that came from the subreddit and everyone's like, there's a glitter shortage. And it's because whatever this industry is, they're buying up all the glitter and using it in something that they don't want us to know what it is. And so, this was in December of 2018, that this article came out. And since then, people have been vigorously trying to discover they haven't figured it out where the recording is from. Here's the thing. There's a lot of theories. Some people are very confident that they've figured it out. Okay. Before we do I'm curious if you have any ideas of what you think this industry this mystery industry is. Unknown Speaker It's Bethel. Speaker 2 That checks out it is checks out charismatic churches with Yeah, with the gold diary. Fine. Unknown Speaker Yeah. That checks out. Speaker 2 I really probably web II wrestling. Think that the wrestlers aren't real dude. I've thought that for years, man. I've been like these are globs of glitter. Put together, dude. And I can smell what they're cooking. All right. You can't get that past me. Speaker 1 That's why every time one of them gets punched, it's just as puff of glitter. And nobody talks about that. Speaker 2 I don't know what it would be. I'm trying to think of like the farthest thing from it. Probably the meat industry. Are we eating glitter? Unknown Speaker Interesting. Are we? My real thought is? Let's see. Because when she's like you wouldn't know it's glitter. Yeah. What does that mean? Unknown Speaker Yeah, I mean, like, you could say, this Speaker 2 is absolutely an employee messing with somebody. That's my real theory. Unknown Speaker That's an interesting theory. I haven't I haven't heard of that anywhere. Unknown Speaker Yeah, now it's been like five years, and they're a little too far deep. Speaker 1 Yeah, they're like, we can't come out with the truth now. It's just like, Speaker 2 they reached back out to glitter expert. Additional comments. And glitter X was like, Who told you that? Like that person? She doesn't work here, which seems more suspicious that they're like who? Yeah, who told you that? And then that person gets fired. Yeah. And then everyone goes, see they are hiding something. But it's like, guys. Clint was just weird. Hey, August 31. You've got plans? Do I've got plans. You've got plans. Oh, Google Play is hosting a live stream on their YouTube channel. And we are hosting that live stream that they're hosting. We're gonna be in it. Yeah, we're Speaker 1 gonna be having a lot of fun. We're gonna be playing games, clear eight hours of your day. Whatever. It Unknown Speaker takes a beat to watch us on this. Speaker 2 If you're bored, don't go to your job and give very minimal effort that day. Put us on your phone, tablet, laptop, whatever it is. We're going to be hanging out all day with Google Play on August 31. Yeah, pretty exciting stuff. Unknown Speaker Spam the chat say our name over and over and over again Unknown Speaker there's a few theories. Yeah. that have popped around the and I Unknown Speaker got no idea. Unknown Speaker A big one. toothpaste. Unknown Speaker So dumb, stupid. A lot of people really Unknown Speaker liked this theory. A lot of people like blue toothpaste. Unknown Speaker Yeah that has like Speaker 2 to say and what I would say the next time is when when the reporter next time when a reporter goes, you know who's your biggest client? Yeah, I'm just gonna go You wouldn't believe me Unknown Speaker I can't say I Speaker 2 can't say anything. You wouldn't believe me. Toothpaste. Why is that a favorite? Because the little blue sparkles Speaker 1 on it? Yeah, cuz there's toothpaste that has what looks like glitter in the toothpaste. And I mean toothpastes are plastics so most people would be like I don't want that in my body. And so they would secret ties that Unknown Speaker secret ties it okay Speaker 4 secret ties that secret I have right now. I'm gonna tell you said the budget the province promise Speaker 2 privatize you have to privatize you will you say to me okay. Speaker 1 One of them. Another popular theory is a shampoo shampoo. Yeah, similar answer. I haven't seen someone say that but similar thought Unknown Speaker try to think of my household products that have glitter in it now Speaker 1 another soap Yeah, that's another option. Another really popular one is resorts are putting it in the sand on the beaches to make it glisten more Unknown Speaker like I know Speaker 4 they're walking out there imagine that your job is to get the glitter to Speaker 2 go out there and you just and it washes away every day. Yeah, everybody you walk Unknown Speaker out there it's like a salt and pepper shakers are dying Speaker 2 in zero salt pepper shaker wouldn't be that these are resorts these are fancy places Unknown Speaker Come on, Speaker 4 tell me what to tell me. When you sit down. You get your towel out. You put your umbrella you open the book and then the beach boy what are the column? Guns it says Tell me when it is. Yeah, there's the sand around glitter I'll see Speaker 2 comes out in the 70s it's the same girl from she's old now. She's Yeah, yeah, she's the glitter gal. Yeah. Speaker 1 Similar theory to that is that there's a sand shortage right now, apparently. And they the same shortage like diluting the same Speaker 2 watch of it down. Okay. I'll tell you why. There's a sand shortage. It's all in my freakin towel and my shower and stuff when I come home. My butt crack and I don't leave the beach and the sand shortage for sure. Do you Speaker 1 know what they say? There's a sand shortage. So they're diluting the sand that they sell. So it's like 70% Sand 30% Glitter can mix it up and they put it in sandbags and sand for playgrounds and stuff and construction and whatever you say I'm Unknown Speaker saying 20% glitter. Okay, Speaker 1 that's a popular theory. Another really big one that has bombs. Why? Why Speaker 2 I don't know. To go to big Lockheed Martin to make Speaker 4 them more balmy, balmy by me. You know what you know what just really adds insult to injury when you blow up Speaker 2 glitter. Glitter rating sucks. Unknown Speaker Like I lost my leg and my dignity. Speaker 2 My birthday party got droned, but glitter was kind of a nice touch. So toothpaste beaches, toothpaste, Speaker 1 beaches, sand sand itself. Another popular one is boats. Unknown Speaker Making boats that are glitter. Speaker 1 No boat paint. Have you ever seen a boat? They're sparkly. Unknown Speaker My car is sparkly car paint. Speaker 1 car paint is sparkly. Here's the thing with a lot of these theories Speaker 2 that like that's put Why would she not say those Speaker 4 well okay, so yes sand so toothpaste. You don't want to consume sure the plastic sand you want to keep Speaker 2 the mysteriousness of you know because the resorts are playing god yeah they're like Look Look how beautiful the beaches are sand is yeah we go out and we literally ocean so that it sparkles Speaker 1 so it's a similar theory there is like It's like they're maintaining a lie. There's a couple other ones that are similar as like fake jewelry. countertop companies are like yeah, it's this is marble but it's just normal with glitter. Yeah, and Speaker 2 you're stupid dumb eyes. Look at it you go. Unknown Speaker Are those the hearts? Speaker 2 I don't know. I've never seen marble before he cards it looks different up close. Unknown Speaker And so this is Speaker 2 caves. Probably caves. Because all the rocks Speaker 4 owl rocks rake. Yeah, yeah, rocks aren't real. So they there's holes. Guys like to say that you say that one part. And now Speaker 1 rocks are Unknown Speaker All right, glitter Unknown Speaker I'm sure that's the thing. Speaker 1 rocks aren't We got it. All right. Unknown Speaker We really got it. Yeah, we got it. Why did we buy that? Unknown Speaker Because you sent it. You don't have Speaker 2 to do it. You said it me saying it doesn't mean you have to spend the money on it. Unknown Speaker I thought that's how this works. All right. I thought that's what business meant. Unknown Speaker When I say something, you spend money on it. Yeah, my car is broken. Unknown Speaker You said it Unknown Speaker that's got to be like a local mechanic. Speaker 1 It's taken. Car is is not though. No. Okay, an opportunity. Okay. So there's this whole subset of like, they're lying to you about what this product is right? By putting glitter in it and being like, it's marble. It's sand. Speaker 2 There's got to be a nefarious motive. Yeah. And so that Speaker 4 that's interesting ish. Maybe it cannot really those could be the there's Speaker 1 another there's obviously the toothpaste. Another one similar is sugar. They don't want it. And so the idea was sugar is a couple of couple possibilities. One, they're making it shinier, because it's sugar kind of glistens. A little bit. Yeah. Another one is that there could be supply chain or shortage ish issues that they're trying to artificially inflate the market to keep the prices up Speaker 2 sugar market. Yeah. Because Because kind of sweeten the deal. Glitter Speaker 1 costs, glitter cost more than sugar. And so it doesn't make sense to dilute. Like you're not saving money by tricking people and having some glitter in there and not sugar. You're not saving money that way. So there has to be a lot of their glitter doesn't Speaker 2 dissolve in my coffee. So like, Unknown Speaker well, this sugar is really thinking. Mm hmm. Interesting sugar Unknown Speaker coffee grounds while we're having we might as well say it Speaker 4 while we're here. There was a someone online who said hot dogs. Put it in the chest. If you look at our dog, raw dog, it does glisten a Speaker 2 little bit wonder how Joey Chestnut feels today? Bad. Guaranteed Bad. Bad day. Unknown Speaker Do you think Joey Chestnut cuts Wait, Speaker 2 do you know that he goes he got paid $40,000 from Pepto Bismol. To compete and some of these things Unknown Speaker make sense? Yeah, that's a that's a great project for them. Unknown Speaker He makes half a million dollars a year. Speaker 1 He's kind of like it's kind of like Warped Tour where they have Monster Energy. He had the board for water. Yeah. And the cans. He's got Pepto Bismol Joey Chestnut. Speaker 2 is like an airline pilot in that for the first few years of your eating career. You don't make a lot of money. But then like 25 years in, you get paid a lot. You get there, but only if you're a champion. Unknown Speaker Yikes. Speaker 2 Okay. Let's see what else sparkles. Contact lenses so that your lover thinks it's the twinkle in your eye, but it's really just a scam. Um, let's see. Cocaine. Like drug smugglers? Right. Yeah, I mean, I can see drug smuggling they don't want you don't know what it is. Yeah, Speaker 1 I could see Jack smugglers math. Yeah, that would make a little bit more sense. Because then then the corporation's got more of a reason to keep that secret to Unknown Speaker Sure. Sell the cartel? What's Unknown Speaker your number one client? Speaker 2 Yeah, months ago. That's why they don't want you to Meadowbrook anymore. One of the employees like the cartel. And he hasn't been seen since. Unknown Speaker So let's see. No one's seen him. Unknown Speaker Okay. What's the theory you believe? So? Speaker 1 Here's what I'll say. I'll say the internet. A couple of years ago in 2019. There was a podcast that was produced by a podcast called inless thread. And they did a whole investigation on this. The conclusion they came to was the boat boats. And the reason for that conclusion is they were able to find within some glitter X documentation that they sold a lot of stuff to a specific company that makes paint for boats and they follow it up with boating companies, and the entire boating industry is buying paint from this company to paint their boats with glittery paint And they're allegedly using a 55 gallon drum worth of glitter on each boat. The reason why this is covered up the explanation for the reason why this is covered up the podcast didn't give an explanation. They just said I was just about company. They're trying to Speaker 3 imagine listening to a six part series at the end that's like It's like dramatic music. Yeah, do. And in the end, after all that work of fighting, glitter x, or Meadowbrook we discovered it was in fact into the boat to learn about painting. You know, Unknown Speaker this podcast is brought to you by Speaker 2 BetterHelp you're gonna need to talk to somebody about how much free time you've got to listen to a podcast about glitter. And honestly, you're we're judging him for a year about 30 minutes into a podcast. Unknown Speaker Already you Speaker 2 are here. So anyway. Also, if you're listening on via glitter, if you're listening on Stitcher, yeah, yeah. do that anymore. Yeah, they're gonna cut you off, find something new. We recommend anything else. Speaker 1 You know where they are. And I'm sure you've heard the notice. But if you're listening on Stitcher, they're shutting down at the end. We just want to give you so don't miss Dylan. Unknown Speaker Obviously never tried Stitcher. Now is the time Unknown Speaker to dip diamond. Unknown Speaker Diamond hands. Oh, is it the star? Speaker 2 Bow paint? Yeah, so the Carnival was pretty shiny. When I was there. They Speaker 1 followed they followed the rabbit trail they found that was about paint. And they said that your average like not even carnival size boats, but like boats, fishing boats, bass fishing size boats. Use like a 55 gallon drum worth of glue on each one shiny. And what they say what they say is there's two there's two possible bald people Unknown Speaker by a lot because there has Unknown Speaker no say. Speaker 1 So the rabbit pay for this app. And they were like, Okay, there's two possible reasons why they don't want the world to know that glitter is in boat paint. Reason one, that the saltwater and the sea. This doesn't happen in freshwater, obviously, because there's no saltwater and freshwater. Unknown Speaker Very good. Unknown Speaker Roads, the paint is eroding Speaker 1 the paint and then leaking the glitter into the ocean. And so turtles, what they're saying is boat paint is the majority of the reason for the microplastics that we have all over ocean. And they don't want anyone to know about it, because they're making a ton of money off of it right now. And that's theory number one of why they're keeping it a secret. Okay, number two, and this is my favorite one. Theory number two is that the boating industry recognizes who their ideal customer is. They're, they're fishermen. They're outdoorsy outdoorsman. And if they found out that their bugs were covered in glitter, they would revolt. Unknown Speaker It's because their eyes can't see that it's shiny. Unknown Speaker There's glitter, the paint on their boat, because that is not manly. So those are the two. That's the leading theory. And this is a two liter Speaker 2 worth an episode. I want you to know that. I'm glad I've listened to this. Speaker 4 Thanks. Thanks. Okay, here's where it gets interesting. Sure. So, a couple days ago. Speaker 2 My interest is piqued. A couple days ago, the industry as a whole comes out with a unified letter. And they go we've never seen the Meadowbrook monster we have no idea who you're talking about. Remember like we mentioned the monster you know, neither did we. It was a joke. Clint April just got fired from the boating industry. Well, he worked for all of them. He worked for the boat cartel. Unknown Speaker The Bartell bore Unknown Speaker you butchered okay. Speaker 1 So, a couple days ago, a relatively new YouTuber called Chappell is the third video. They managed to get an interview with Meadowbrook kinda Unknown Speaker Where's Meadowbrook? Also in New Jersey Speaker 1 is I'm glad you asked. So I actually a minute ago took the screenshot while he was on metal. So this is in the middle of the ranch. It's genuinely in the middle of nowhere. It's actually very close. Only a 40 minute drive Unknown Speaker from or a 15 minute flight Speaker 1 from glitter racks. So glitter x is in the city henders the city they're out in the country can actually own like, a giant portion of that open space. Wow. Speaker 2 Right by the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, which is convenient for them not having a monster. Unknown Speaker Yeah, that's a good point. Actually. Glad you pointed that out. Speaker 1 There's where it is. Okay. So this new YouTuber, they managed to get an interview with Meadowbrook with Meadowbrook, but not I, not the CEO, Speaker 2 the monster. And all he said was Oh Ha, ha ha. Oh, and they go boats. It was the boats. Unknown Speaker The boats. Speaker 2 My family is on the boats. What is the glitter monster? And he's like, my family is on the boats. polluting the oceans. Unknown Speaker Yeah. So, Unknown Speaker you hear Tim goes, yeah, yeah, he's like, no, no, please stop. Unknown Speaker Please, just get away. I just don't want to hear anymore. Unknown Speaker Okay, so Tomas was super friendly. The whole time. That was just, Unknown Speaker he was the nicest guy I've ever met. But it's Unknown Speaker like the whole point. It's made a glitter. You can't be Speaker 1 okay. So they got an interview with Henry Henry rushman Jr. who is the son of Henry, Unknown Speaker Sr. who is Speaker 1 founder of IC O. And the inventor of glitter. Like he came up with it on accident. Speaker 2 Yeah, he actually shredded some important news like this. And I still look bonds, you know, that would make the Unknown Speaker sand at my resort look a lot better. Unknown Speaker Yes. So they got an interview with him. So they got an interview with Speaker 1 Henry rushman Jr. And he was the acting CEO for like 20 years of Meadowbrook They kicked him out. They asked him because they got in disagreement with him. But his father invented clutter. And so in this interview, they kind of take you back on the story of work later came from because an interesting thing about Henry rushman. He was on the Manhattan Project. So Henry rushman, senior before Meadowbrook Unknown Speaker Times New York. Speaker 1 And what's crazy, is at the top of Manhattan, he made an airport that they didn't build. But allegedly they didn't build but we all know that they built it and they buried it. Build the top part of Manhattan on top of it. Runways still there. Speaker 2 Just can't see it. Because the glitter you just can't see it because a guy landed So. Speaker 1 So. So he was working. He ran a precision cutting firm. And so what he did was he just cut pictures and stuff really close. like kind of like early Photoshop, he would do your lasso tool, but like really, really close. Yeah, like in real life. Not on a computer. Sure smart thing yet. And then he also did metals and stuff. And so he would cut things really, really small cuts Sure. had like an exacto knife. He was really good. When the shavings. He was like, these are fun. Well, he's cutting stuff in New York. It's World War Two. He's cutting it up. And he gets a call from the United States government. And they said, Hey, we hear you cut really good. Unknown Speaker He's like, Come on, Speaker 1 do you want to come cut something for us? And he said, No. And they said, it's not optional. We're not asking you, we that was more of a formality. Or we Speaker 2 were like, You have to come offering it but like we're gonna, we're gonna find you. Speaker 1 So they fly him out. And he starts he gets put on a task to cut these really, really tiny washers for the Manhattan the atom bomb. Yeah. And he does it he realized that this new, this new type of metal washers aren't normally made out of and it's very, very small. He's cutting these these little tiny washers, okay for the atom bomb and successfully does it but in the process while he's manufacturing these, he realizes that there are shavings that are coming off of this. Yeah, that are very shiny and really fun. And so he starts bottling them up and when he's off duty, he's selling them to Speaker 2 John story. them up in what looks like an empty Mountain Dew bottle. No like, like selling him to who like mason jars, or something like that he's going to drugstores Speaker 1 for Christmas. And he says, Hey, this would be great for Christmas trees. People could sprinkle them on the trees and make them glisten. And they were like Yeah, that's true. That'd be cool. So a bunch of drugstore stuff, dude. Speaker 2 Love it. Where are trees? Sure. It's Unknown Speaker Jamie, do you think Unknown Speaker Johnny's off JD? Yeah. Well. Speaker 1 Thanks for checking out this episode of things I learned last night. If you're here, and you're a little shocked, because you've been watching ASMR videos all night, and you woke up to the sound of my laughter, let me help you out real quick Speaker 5 and join back in the SMR. One thing that will help us a lot and the algorithm is if you'll have some comments, or some reviews, if you're on the podcast app, we'd really appreciate that. And that would help us grow this show. So thanks for your support. Speaker 1 But if not, and you're just here, trying to sleep, I hope I interrupted it. Here's another advertisement Unknown Speaker he realized he was making a lot of money selling Speaker 2 shaving, don't put too many shavings near each other. Density, or else they mold together and form a living creature and you don't want to fight. I learned that the hard way makes us column metal. Wasn't the old monster the Manhattan Project right loose Speaker 1 so he does this. Yeah. Obviously, the atom bomb happened and glitter happened. And so after the war, he opens up metal Brook and start selling this glitter like continues cutting this glitter up and making still making the rings probably, and selling them to the government and then making glitter. Sure. And then starts developing all kinds of different glitters. And the US government keeps calling them back and like, Hey, we've got another idea of some stuff that you can cut up for us really small. Or they also there was also a point where they said, Hey, could you just give us a whole bunch of clutter? And Unknown Speaker he was like for what? Excuse me? What? The government? Please don't ask that. And Unknown Speaker they said they said we want the White House to be shinier. Yeah. Speaker 2 There's a giant lizard that just came out of the ocean. We don't know how to fight him but we feel like the glitter monster like Speaker 4 glitter wants to get out. So we're gonna try to summon him in the Pacific Speaker 1 know the idea they had this idea for radar chaff, which was kind of like early flares. Yeah. And so the concept was, if you're in a plane and a rocket, like an early heat seeking rocket is searching, reaching, you could shoot like some glitter could drop some glitter out and because it was metal at the time that it was metal it would blow up on the glitter bomb instead of on your plane. They call it radar chaff. And it also distract radar. So if you're flying through a radar zone, you just explode a bunch of red glitter into the air. So Speaker 2 just to make sure I was made sure I was saying flying through dwarfs there's a button in this plane. That's like flashing red. That just says glitter. They're worried about the manly boats. But this plane just goes and it's like Unknown Speaker like it opens up the Unknown Speaker cockpit he has to blow it is like Speaker 2 tower I'm gonna poke you in sight. They're coming straight to Oman. Unknown Speaker Glitter deploy? Unknown Speaker Yeah, they did that. That was the thing. Speaker 1 So he's secured a handful of government contracts doing things like this where there were certain applications for glitter in the military. Another another big part is another big one was actually explosives. Speaker 2 I said that earlier said for 20 minutes. Tim, when I said you're making bombs, or you're making pumps or glitter. You did that to me? Unknown Speaker Yeah, so they did that Jim Speaker 2 hates when I'm right about things. Tim hates where my brain goes. I know. Yeah. So the Speaker 1 reason the reason they put it in explosives is say you're making a bomb. Yeah. government contractor, whatever, making this bomb. What the last ingredient in the recipe. As per the United States government is a little bit of glitter, but every manufacturer of bombs, and every type of bomb has a different color and shape of glitter so you can know what went off so you can know exactly where it came from. Yeah. Smart. Yeah. So if you're ever at a bomb site, look for the glitter and see if you can figure it then you know, came from Yeah. Ah golden stars. I You know where the Speaker 2 fingers gone, and you're dying. Yeah, but at least that last moment, you might know, Speaker 4 you know, Lucky barter came from it's the logo, the logo really small Unknown Speaker Johnson and Johnson Speaker 1 so, so he's, throughout his whole career, he's making glittery stuff for the US military, and glitter for kids birthday parties and stuff like that and crafts and things like that. He passes away, his son takes Henry reference Jr. Takes over it. He invents another special kind of glitter and then they transition to like plastic glitters. And they continue selling glitter for a long time. He got ousted from the company. And so he takes this interview because it's kind of better. Yeah, a couple days ago. Well, the video was released a couple of how long ago? Do you get acid? Like 10 years ago? Okay. So he's still lives on the property because it's family property. Sure. But he doesn't work for the company. So you can't go into like the super awkward like it. It's weird. He he technically is an owner of the property. He sleeps Unknown Speaker outside the offices. He Unknown Speaker doesn't work there. So he's like, Yeah, you know, you know, Speaker 2 wakes up every morning and leans his car seat forward. Oh, hey, Rachel, because she's the journalist who's also living in her car. A junior, right, they share a cigarette, they fall in love. And turns out Oh, cigarettes. Speaker 1 Ah, that's a good, good diet. Because smoke needs to be shiny, because the ash and stuff. Oh, so you can trace it. Unknown Speaker where that came from? You know, what Unknown Speaker gave you lung cancer? Cancer. Cancer is making a corporation that's big cancer. Speaker 1 So he talks about all the government contracts that they had. Sure. And he said, he said, Look, I don't know what's going on there now. And he said, but I can almost guarantee whatever they don't want you to know about is a government thing. Because he was like, because the boating stuff that's out there in the open the automotive stuff that's out there in the open. Toothpaste was a thing toothpastes was doing it. But in 2017, before this article came out, the FDA was like, Hey, stop. That was their glitter. And Unknown Speaker they were like, oh, never. Unknown Speaker But it's like, very saliva II. Yeah, Unknown Speaker I noticed whenever it comes out the other way. It's like, Wait a minute. Speaker 1 So all of these industries, the issue with it being any of these industries, he said, he said, we have there's too many glitter manufacturers. And there's too many companies in the industries and there's too many middlemen. He's like, someone would leak that information. He said it has to be government for us to not be able to know what it is. And so he encourages the YouTuber, their name is chapel. Unknown Speaker Here's Mr. Truffle. Speaker 1 Mr. chappel here's what I think you should do. Now he says he says you should follow that trail. So a couple of days ago, they filed a Freedom of Information Act to get the government to release their everything Unknown Speaker with the glitter in the woods, how do you file this Freedom of Information Act? Yeah, Unknown Speaker right. Speaker 2 I don't know what kind of words go into it. But it's like I assist in the United States hereby requests records in relations to the government's operations and activity involving glitter, find substances and, and other things so toothpaste. Unknown Speaker What have you used glitter for Speaker 2 and manmade monsters that fight? Deep sea creatures, the metal man known to science? Unknown Speaker I think that's Speaker 2 an email to George Surely, surely, there's no way it exists, right? Unknown Speaker I don't know if you can You know, that's Unknown Speaker the whole point. Unknown Speaker it's unavailable. though Speaker 2 but I absolutely can is available. Yeah, it says restriction. Unknown Speaker I've literally never seen restrictions apply on something Speaker 2 well, you can buy you can Buy a blue checkmark on Twitter for GA we push Unknown Speaker the word in the checkout wait till y'all hear Unknown Speaker what we did with glitter. So they put Speaker 1 this in. Here's what I think. I didn't mention this yet. One of the theories from the beginning had been money. And I think that's, that's a pretty solid theory like the quarters, know, dollar bills, because I guess an important note that I haven't made yet. She talks in the interview, she asks her any interesting facts about glitter. And there's an interesting thing about glitter is because of however they make and how thin it is, or something like that. They actually put out UV light. And so we can't perceive that. But she was like, I think I think the exact way she put it, she said that it was putting out waves that we can't see. And a lady said, oh, so could like animals and stuff. See them? And she's like, Well, yeah, I guess if they can see UV lights. And she's like, Oh, that's interesting. That feature there that they put off UV makes me think, okay, they're putting in money. And that's like part of what their like verification processes for doorbells. That's like the UV. They can scan that. Okay. And they obviously don't want anyone to know that because they don't want people to know, I just need to go get that type of glitter to counterfeit. And I've got it. Sure. And so that's like how their secret tising their dollar bills Unknown Speaker synchronizing? That's problematizing Speaker 1 that's what I think is the most likely thing is dollar bills. Is dollar bills. Cash, Speaker 2 I think what's your glitter smash it together? Yeah, stamp and Washington's face on it passionate as a quarter. Speaker 1 Okay, so you're saying it's it's it's kind of like Protein Chips? Like it's just a powder. Water you talk chip Foreman and he did not sure same concept. It's just it's just glitter. You're just quarter foreman? Yeah. And selling quarters? You don't sell quarter quarter and Unknown Speaker this quarter? 46 cents. Got up. Unknown Speaker Yesterday is what I'm trying to make a profit. Unknown Speaker Yeah, what do you think I'm gonna sell it at cost? Yum. It's ridiculous. Unknown Speaker Come on, man. These people want too much. Unknown Speaker You ain't gonna tip me either. Unknown Speaker Here's a tip. Speaker 1 So this is this is this is a developing story. I can't believe I've never heard of it before. But maybe someday soon. Why won't Speaker 2 you updated listener? I know we're on the edge of your seat. We're gonna hear Unknown Speaker where glitters coming from Unknown Speaker who's buying up all the glitter and why they don't want you to know. Speaker 2 Tim, I did find out. Oh, yeah. Tell me. You guys put some dramatic music and yeah, let's hear some like some. Like documentary music. Unknown Speaker He's googling dramatic music. Unknown Speaker He's gonna put it in post. I Speaker 1 know. He's, I know he's putting it out. But I'm, you know, Unknown Speaker on. This comes out August 13 15th. That's what you wrote. Okay. On July Unknown Speaker 27 2023. The Freedom of Information Act revealed that the glitter was indeed being use Speaker 1 in that other blog, guys, the guy was like, they interviewed a guy in the industry. And he was like, in the industry. And when I say industry, I should clarify that in the glitter industry in like the industry of like, like private investigation industry. Speaker 2 Oh, me, the industry. As far as your sleuthing. Speaker 1 He said he what he said was, it's going to be something really boring. He was like he's like yeah, he's like, I think it's gonna be something really boring. Unknown Speaker In the government's like, You got us Unknown Speaker we like glitter. Okay. Unknown Speaker Sorry, dudes. Anyway, anyways, who doesn't like glitter? The devil Speaker 2 I guess the glitter monster doing a weird voice thing. Unknown Speaker I want what? Why is the glitter boxers voice like Speaker 2 Tommy's made glitter. It's hard to speak. His vocal cords are made of glitter. I don't want to say it was so. So gosh, dang hard to understand. First person and being entirely composed. fine shavings. I you know and for the fact that you would ridicule yeah their voice Unknown Speaker don't take their voice from them. Yeah. Speaker 2 Their voice Yeah. And, and use that as a way to mock them, ridicule them to dim their light to stop their shine. Speaker 1 Here's the thing, they shine in ways you can't even see. They're on a spectrum that you cannot perceive Speaker 2 that he puts out UV rays that you can't even see my guy, Unknown Speaker my guy, all right. Unknown Speaker You're not careful. He's gonna steal your wife. What if that's Speaker 1 what that's a, like people who go around like I see your aura. What if they do have like a disability where they can see UV rays. And that's what it is like they they actually see you emitting UV light. And that's what they mean by aura. Unknown Speaker And that's a disability. Unknown Speaker We all agree that's all right Unknown Speaker yeah, super mega super, super close to the story. Unknown Speaker Guy's really strong, he gets to Unknown Speaker disability. Speaker 2 And that's what's annoying is that they're always taking the spots people need or walking a long way. While these heroes like, if animals can see UV rays that we can and you just take a bag of glitter to the zoo, and they just tripping out dudes. They're like, yeah, Unknown Speaker what's going on? Yeah, I wonder how many UV light UV lights we got going on? Like, just in Speaker 1 general, everyday life like we would see if we could see you know. Speaker 2 Dinner I think what about a lot? Is how, you know, obviously this table is brown. Yeah, right. Yeah. But what I see is brown will use his brown maybe literally completely opposite. Speaker 1 Like yeah, you know, just scary to think about like if Speaker 2 this table Yeah. And your brain looks what I would perceive as purple. Yeah. Yeah. But like we in your brand new Les Brown. Yeah. So you know, these these colors look good together. Yeah. Speaker 1 I think the same thing with tastes. Yeah. Yeah, same exact concept. Unknown Speaker I think the same thing with consciousness. Unknown Speaker Like what use? Like, what if Unknown Speaker I'm not real? Yeah. And you're not real? Yeah. Unknown Speaker I don't care what anybody says. Unknown Speaker person is not real. Video, best video on the internet. Unknown Speaker There is a very similar video of Britney Spears. Speaker 1 Things either last night is a production of space Tim medium produced by Christian Taylor audio by Alex Garnett video by Connor Betts. Our graphics and our logo by Caleb Goldberg and our social media is run by Caleb Walker. Our hosts are Jeremiah and Tim stone. Follow us on your favorite social media platform at tilam podcast is Ti O N podcast. Remember to tell all your friends about us and we'll see you next Tuesday for another episode of things I learned last night. Transcribed by

In the vast online world, captivating stories often catch our attention. One such tale is the “Glitter Conspiracy” or “GlitterGate.” This mystery revolves around Glitterex, a glitter-making company, and its secretive top buyer. Let’s explore the intriguing story behind the glitter conspiracy. The GlitterGate Emergence The Glitter Conspiracy, also called GlitterGate, started as a puzzling idea. It’s about Glitterex, a … Read More

Tommy Fitz – The Pilot Who Landed at a New York Bar


Episode Transcription

Made by robots for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Unknown Speaker Hey man, what's up? Today we're gonna do an episode about someone who's still alive Unknown Speaker all right, weird intro we've done in a fat minute. Okay, great. Go for it. Have you ever heard of Jose Conseco still alive? Unknown Speaker I mean, it's not the first time we've done one. Yeah, Speaker 1 I don't know why you gotta be like, Hey, man. Today we're going to do an episode about someone who's still alive. Did they survive something crazy? Is that what you're saying? Unknown Speaker I mean, depending on your perspective, yes, sure, go ahead. Have you ever heard of a Thomas Fitzpatrick? I know him as Tommy Fitz. Speaker 1 Tommy Fitz. Yeah. No, but he sounds like he runs a like a 50s themed diner. Oh, come on down to fixes. Speaker 2 It does. It does. There's a fitness here. Yeah, right. That's the train place. Unknown Speaker That's a Fritz's. Oh, cause Right, right. I think so. Yeah. Fritz, for instance. Yeah. Anyways, yeah, don't ask about train places. I your train boy. Today we're going to talk about my favorite train places. I'm a trainee Speaker 1 My goal is to get enough dirt on people that I forced them to come to my shows at a black. Here's my tour dates. If you don't come I'll ruin you. Speaker 2 They were just like, yeah, we need to do this for the war. You can get your license later. Who cares? Unknown Speaker Yeah, they are. Things I Learned last night Speaker 2 they were taught me Fitz fits. Darn fits. fits. So tell me if it's he was a dude. Who lived days with dude. Yeah, in while you're still alive. Still alive. Still alive. Speaker 1 What's trapped? You know how you know we record too far in advance to do this. Right. Let's record another version. Can't guarantee anything here. So today's episode is about a dude Speaker 1 All right. Okay, so Tommy Fitz is Unknown Speaker was a real possibility. Honestly. He was born in 1930. So Unknown Speaker okay, just use whichever one you need. Yeah, we'll send you a thumbs up or thumbs down. Speaker 2 So dad taught me fit study fits me. He's born in Manhattan. Okay. New York. The big one. Yeah. And he was your average New Yorker in the 30s. Right. And 40s and 50s. All the years he was alive. Your average in New York Unknown Speaker is a lot. Still, he still is average. Speaker 2 Jersey. Now is your average New Jersey or New Jersey? New Jersey? Sure. Okay, so he, he's an interesting fellow for a couple of reasons. One, okay. When he was 13, he said it'd be cool to be in the army. Since 1943 Yeah. And he's like, he's like, they'd be cool. And so he just joined lied about his age. And they were like, yeah, we can use you. It's fine. Like we know you're lying, but it's fine. We can use it people. Yeah. Warrants fears. Like what Speaker 1 did he do in the military war? Yeah, I get it. But are you stupid? What are you a dumb person? I'm saying sorry, I shouldn't say that word anymore. Stupid or shut up. So are you What did he do in the military? Honestly, like he wasn't on the front lines storming the beaches at 13. Right? Yeah, so Unknown Speaker he joined Marine Corps and he was Speaker 1 a lot to go through. Yeah, at that age. Yeah, for sure. Verde beaches are storming the beaches of Normandy and adulthood. Speaker 2 This is this is 43 this is late war. They're not there's no beaches anymore. It's kind of just it's kind of like we just running around looking for Hitler. That's all that sure the war is at that point. Got it. Anyways, he did eventually get into someone Unknown Speaker say that's when the true war really started. Speaker 2 Some some will say that we haven't stopped that war yet. We're still looking Unknown Speaker Some ones they were still fighting that war. Speaker 2 So he got into recon planing for a little bit too, so he started flying recon planes. Unknown Speaker Now what? 14? Yeah, yeah. Speaker 2 So picked that hobby. I guess you can say career at 14 when he was 16. The military found out now the war is over. They don't need teenager Yeah, anymore. At 16 the military finds out and is like, Hey, you can't do this anymore. And then so then he went and he got a permission slip. That's not a joke. It's Speaker 1 my dad says I can go to like a be here. Hey, Dad. The United States military's parents already said yes. Can I stay over at their house tonight? Unknown Speaker This is really awkward, because Unknown Speaker I'm supposed to go to Sam said, Yeah, Speaker 2 I have some classified things I'm supposed to go do. So I need you to say I care. Unknown Speaker I can't tell you what. Speaker 2 I can tell you what we're gonna do, dad. But I need you to tell me it's okay for me to do. Unknown Speaker Please. Please let me go. Speaker 2 I'll give you two flights. I'll give you this coupon for two flights in my plane. Unknown Speaker Okay, so he starts reconnaissance. Yeah, he ends Speaker 2 up getting stationed in Japan. And he's in there for 15 Min 16. And so it's what 5046. Now, Speaker 1 as long as your parents know, we didn't care if your parents knew three years ago when you were 13. Yeah. But now we have a permission slip. Now we Speaker 2 got a permission slip. So okay. And so he ships off to Japan get stationed in Japan, and he's there for a few years. And then the Korean War starts bubbling up. And he actually gets injured. And he received a Purple Heart for it. But then because of that he's honorably discharged. And so he misses out on the Korean War. What age does he get discharge? 20. Speaker 1 So he's 20 years old. Yeah. And a Purple Heart veteran. Speaker 2 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He actually had like seven years of service, or to some stuff in Japan. And like, arguably, not officially Korean War, but it's like, it's, it's the Korean or the hat. But yeah, you could wear the hat if you want. Oh, sure. Yeah. It's kind of like, Speaker 1 I, I'm gonna veto whatever you're gonna say, no, let's just go ahead to the next. The next part. Unknown Speaker It's, it's kind of like when. Okay, it's kind of like when you like. You play varsity, but you're like, a third string. So you get a letter. But it's like you didn't you'd never even like, saw the field, you know? Sure. similar scenario, you're saying Speaker 1 his Purple Heart is you're equating a Purple Heart veteran, but like kids, just wanted to make sure Unknown Speaker kids break their legs all the time. Oh, cool. Cool. Speaker 1 Cool. Cool. You're you're saying a Purple Heart veteran, is the equivalent of a third string. Speaker 2 He got injured in a car wreck in Japan. That's what it wasn't even. Is it real? No, no, no, no, no. Okay, yeah, I actually, I don't know if there's a record. I mean, I'm sure there's a record in like the military books somewhere. But there's not like a public record of what happened to him to get a Purple Heart. Okay, because that's not the interesting part of his life. We're getting to that part. Unknown Speaker Okay, so obviously, that's a lot of life lived by 20. Speaker 2 Yeah. And it explains why he's the way he is then. Okay. So he does whatever he returns home, finds a couple of jobs works as like a steel Miller. Sure, whatever that means making steel and stuff. And one night in September 30 1956. He is at a bar in northern Manhattan, at the end of a bachelor party, did the bachelor party thing. And then he's been living in New Jersey for a couple of years now since he got back from Japan. So he like he hasn't spent a lot of time in Manhattan. This is his old stomping grounds. It's kind of like live we live in the glory days, you know? Sure. When he was 13 and Speaker 1 13. running the streets of New York. Yeah. We live in the glory days. And so when he was 13, couldn't find his way around, ran into Donald Trump in a hotel, ordered some pizza took down some bad guys, Speaker 2 as you do as the most average New Yorker 13 Yeah, you know, I, here's the Speaker 1 linear 13 don't know your way around the subways. It's easy to get lost there. It's a 15 reference, one of the Taylor Swift's hit songs from 2008 and Speaker 2 I was talking to someone yesterday about Taylor Swift. That does like live production for events. Sure. Let's take a guess. I bet. I bet Alex gonna have a better guess at this cool. How many trucks semi trucks? Do you think their? Their stage production brings on top with them? 2020 What do you think? Think it's in like the 80s. Now, Unknown Speaker holy crap. No way. He Speaker 2 told me he told me 63 Okay, yeah. And but he said he said that. It might be, it might be closer what you said, because he said there's two units. And so what they do is and that's the stage production, the stage production will go, they'll skip a date. So yeah, we'll go to the next day with that. Speaker 1 They're already setting up so she's here. We're recording this in 2021. Yeah. But we're very far Speaker 2 ahead. But she's here like this Friday, isn't she? Yeah. And he's at the stage because already here that's what I'm saying. They roll in Yeah, a couple days that they're setting up the stage and then the arrowhead or why wait? Yes, then yeah, of course. Yeah. So that's crazy bonkers, dude. Anyways, Unknown Speaker you know, I've got a couple of tickets. I'm trying to resell. Unknown Speaker Yeah, how are you? Yeah, yeah. What's the price Speaker 1 are you trying to buy? It depends what the price is right now. It's Nope, just kidding. It's higher now. It's higher now. It's higher now. It's higher now. You know, just keep going up. Give me a number. I can't it's impossible. Unknown Speaker Okay, cool. Speaker 1 What do you like 20 6300 Oh 7200 It's just it's just jumping like I needed to pull the trigger these days. We're fans are rich I guess. Speaker 2 Or are in debt bear very much a both a little both to her. Okay, so Unknown Speaker she Speaker 2 there's a moment in the middle of that show where the whole stadium no miles wide, just stops like the whole it just it goes silent. And then everybody they start this kind of like low hum. And they're like Speaker 1 my goal is to get enough dirt on people that I forced them to come to my shows at a black you know, some people have an email list. I got a black. Oh, no, I've got probably 1000 People in Jacksonville, Florida than I am. But we do a show there. They'll all show up. Anything. Don't sit down my newsletter. This is like a you better show. Here's my tour dates. If you don't come I'll ruin you. Man. Here's my live shows show up or tell everyone your secrets. Well, I'll steal the secrets out to work. Speaker 2 I love that. That's an you know, it's poetic. Yeah. Okay, so this guy Tom is Unknown Speaker one of our Patreon supporters know so much. So I don't know how we got here. I apologize. Speaker 1 Hey, thanks for listening to this episode. If you like our show, please leave a review. Leave a comment if you're watching on YouTube and go check out other episodes. Here's one of them. I hate the Lonnie Zamora incident. You know me just not a big fan of the alien episodes. But if that's your jam, that's out there. So go check that out. It's very fun episode. I think you'd like it. I hated it. So anyway, back to this episode. Unknown Speaker But Tommy Fitz, yeah, I Speaker 1 understand. tartufi He's back. He's up in Manhattan. He's up at 18 running the streets. Now he's back torn. Yeah, he's Unknown Speaker like, 2026 2060s out. It's a Unknown Speaker Germany for a while Unknown Speaker it Japan. Yeah, probably World War Two. Probably. I Unknown Speaker don't know how you said he went from Japan and then lived in Germany. Speaker 2 Jersey. Oh, New Jersey. Okay. Yeah, sorry. People mix those two up all the time. You're You're good. No, he lived in Jersey for a little bit. Sure. And a bit back to Manhattan. Drive. It's it's it's a trip. And so he was like, you know, this bachelor party is over. It was like a bachelor party, whatever. But I want to go back to my old stomping grounds. So it goes to a bar that he used to go to as a child. And yeah, I guess I don't know. Everybody, every every place. I've seen this story retail acts like he's like reliving, like his, his time in Manhattan. But when he was in Manhattan, he was. Speaker 1 Yeah. But he goes to this bar. He doesn't go to a bar. There's a wiggles concert. My favorite band again. He goes, he goes to Speaker 2 this bar, and he's hanging out at this bar. It's late. It's like one two acre. And while he's at the bar, he gets in this argument with another patron at the bar. Okay. over whether or not he could get to where they were from Jersey City in 50 minutes or less. And the guy was like, No way. You cannot pull this off. You could not get here in for teammates. He's like I guarantee you from Jersey City, right to here. bar to this bar in 15 minutes. To give you an idea, I actually took a screenshot on the maps of where this is so this is like Northern in the map there's a red dot this is barely Manhattan anymore where this bar is like it's it's Speaker 1 it's an where's he at in New Jersey that he's gonna come from? I didn't take a screenshot of that, but it's I just assumed you didn't want to screenshot the road directions to see how long it would take now, I think maybe that was useful. Fine. Give me a second. Just gonna point to the side of the TV. Here it's you know, the point of bringing this up. What was really thinking? Now, LaGuardia, Unknown Speaker let me tell you about LaGuardia. Tom Bennett. Speaker 1 There is a bagel place in that airport. That is phenomenal. So good. I couldn't tell you what it's called. I do know where it is on the airport map though. And every time I fly to LaGuardia, I gotta get a bit. I'm stalling for time. But I do go get was the W and George W. Bush. Was that was that Washington? What is now I think it was Washington. Walker. It might be Walker. It's like Walker, Texas Ranger. Speaker 2 I don't know. What is it? I think it's Washington. I think I've always thought it was Washington. Now I'm googling this. Speaker 1 George Walker Bush. It's Walker like Walker, Texas Ranger, Speaker 2 just saying I never would have guessed that. Huh. I always just assumed Washington. Okay, ready for this? Sure. I've had this already for a while. There it is. Speaker 1 Okay, so now take a minute. Yeah. I mean, like it was taking driving. Speaker 2 But that's with modern New York traffic. Sure. today. I look traffic looks pretty bad on the northern end of that. Yeah. That run. So all that to say it's not it's not a quick drive, you know, right. Wherever, right. Unknown Speaker And this is 13 miles, it says 13.8, almost 14 miles. Speaker 2 This is 1956. Two? Yeah, yeah. So this is a trip. Speaker 1 So he says, I could do it in 15 minutes Speaker 2 and 15 minutes. And the guy the guys here doubting him. Like he's like naked, you could not pull this off. And he's like, how Speaker 1 was he suggesting he would get from point A to point B? He's like and run it. Speaker 2 He's not given like a, an idea. Like, he's not I could get from there to here in 15 minutes. Yeah. And the guy's like, I don't believe you kind of do that. And he's like, I could, he's not saying like, on foot or No, he's just saying I could do it. Okay. And so they kind of argue about it for a little bit, whatever. It's like when I am. And then he's just like, Alright, and so like, kind of Irish exits, like everyone's sitting there to the drink, and he just walks out the building. So no one really sees him leave. But Unknown Speaker okay, they all see him return. Speaker 2 Two hours later. One of the patrons of the bar that night, it's just before last call. recounts that he heard what sounded like a loud fan. And he looks outside the windows of the bar to see this. Oh. If you're listening, there's a plane in the street. Unknown Speaker Just parallel parked, furloughed part plane. It's visit a wing. Speaker 2 This is a couple days later, while they're like, Okay, we gotta get this out of here. And you can't take off. They had to take it apart. Yeah. Oh, shoot. Yeah. And so here's what he did. Here's what he did. He said, All right. And so he got a taxi back to New Jersey City back to Jersey City, which took like an hour. Speaker 1 Yeah, it gets. Jersey City. He has a plane, no. Jersey City. He had all a plane. Speaker 2 So Jersey City, he had relatively recently done some work as an airline mechanic or an air, not airline, but like regular airplane mechanic. So like, playing a small lawyer at Teterboro airport, which is like a small regional airport in your city. And he, he had done some work there. He also was working on getting his actual pilot's license out of that airport. And so he did not have his actual pilot's license, because which is interesting. Yeah. Because he honestly, he did recon flights in the military, but maybe the military at the time didn't license you. They were just like, yeah, we need you to do this for the war. You can get your license later. Who cares? I don't know. But I guess he maybe it's a civilian license. He needed to get separately. I don't know. I don't know what the legal terms are. 50s were, but I do know he was studying to get his license. Out of this airport. He'd done some mechanic work out of the airport. And so he went and he found Cessna 150 and just took it took off and flew up to Manhattan. And then came to St. Nicholas Avenue near 100. Street. Yeah. And came in and yeah, landed right on the street about three o'clock in the morning, no lights, no radio. When I did, and then taxi to the bar and parallel parked in front of the bar and got out and said, I took off 15 minutes ago. And everybody in the bar was always a little bit more impressed about the plane thing than they were about the got here in 15 minutes thing. Unknown Speaker Well, you could have taken 60 We still would have been impressed we still would have. Speaker 2 Because Because here's the thing, this is New York City. This is I mean, there's six seven storey buildings at the time. Yeah, so Unknown Speaker he's bringing it down the middle, like you're dodging buildings, Speaker 2 you're dodging, building all the light poles. They they describe it like threading a needle. Like, right in between all the end there's traffic to and that a lot. It's 3am. But there's still there's cars out there. And there's Unknown Speaker a Cessna as you can see. Yes. Speaker 2 Yeah. So I mean, he pulls it off. He lands. He's also I mean, it's it's 3am He went to a bachelor party and spent a couple hours arguing with someone in a bar, like he's definitely intoxicated. And so he lands that plane. Everybody the bar is like two super cool. Speaker 1 And then the police are like, Hey, excuse me. Are the bars carrying them outside on their shoulders? Hey, this guy didn't he Unknown Speaker didn't play Tommy. Tommy fit the police roll up. But they go who did this? He did. He didn't do that. I don't know why. I don't know why I'm saying I keep saying that. I can get out of here in 15 minutes. Speaker 2 Yeah, no, they're all hanging out back in the bar. They're celebrating your heart and someone, someone in the that comes over to the bar intercom and says, Hey, if you parked illegally parked at 3am, and the planes is getting towed out front. Speaker 1 Whoever has the Cessna 150 Your lights are on. Speaker 2 Also, I don't think you can park a plane there. So Unknown Speaker the police show meter was broken. Speaker 2 The police show up. They started asking questions. Yeah. And they're like, Hey, so what's up with that? And he's like, Oh, well, you know, I was I was flying out to the other airport. And I had some engine problems. And so I Oh, so he claimed I decided our emergency land right here. Grab a drink. Everybody here was you know, they saw that thought it was my ring. So I came in saying my couple drinks. It's not like it's just, you know, her want me to Speaker 1 sign their faces and and autographs and pictures? And like, I kept saying I wouldn't, I wouldn't use the word hero. I think they did. Write that down in your little cop notebook that you got here. It's ag aro. Yeah, but I don't. Unknown Speaker I want to I want to, Unknown Speaker I wouldn't say I wouldn't say Speaker 2 yeah, I would, I would say it was kind of something from deep within. Like, you know, when like things just, it just Speaker 1 takes I would say we're having an officer I left here got a taxi blacked out and woke you again. We're playing outside couldn't tell you don't know where the plane came from. We don't know what PTSD is. Yeah. But this sure sounds like it. Speaker 2 So the police officer is like, that's a cool story. What about the reports we have a plane that went missing around two o'clock from this airport is it Unknown Speaker 30 minutes ago. Speaker 2 And then the reports of a plane taking off without radio or lights from that same airport. And then you know, a plane that matches that description. Just so happens to be out here. And you got me. Yeah, Unknown Speaker so he talked. Unknown Speaker So he gets arrested? On the 15th. Unknown Speaker Yeah. Speaker 2 Yeah, not on the landing. So he gets arrested for that. The owner of the plane comes forward. Has a word with Tommy decides not to press charges because he says it was a hero. did say he literally said It's impressive that he landed it and there's no damage. So but now they have to take it apart. So he didn't Yeah, so he didn't press charges. I don't know who paid to move it. Maybe the city I don't know. But they did take it apart and they shipped it back to the airport and put it back together. Hey, thanks again for watching this episode. If you're enjoying it and you're enjoying chillin, you've been around for a little bit, I want to invite you to be a part of our Patreon We have a Patreon that has early access to all of our episodes ad free content, both audio and video. We have a discord with our hosts and producers. That's a ton of fun getting to hang out with all of our patrons in there. We also do once a month now we do these live streams with our patrons. We hang out we get to know each other, we eat pizza. It's a blast, along with a bunch of other benefits like a merch discounts message on your birthday like fun stuff. It's definitely worth it. We're having a blast with our patrons. But if that doesn't sound like something for you, that you're just kidding, no, we love you. Thanks for checking out. Dylan podcast. How do you how do they get it though? I realized I forgot to put a CTA in mind. Oh, dang, we're doing Yeah, Speaker 1 they can text Tillandsia 66866. Thanks, Jared. Unknown Speaker They ship it. Okay. Speaker 2 Well, I mean, like a truck. They loaded it into a truck and drove it to the airport. I don't see Speaker 1 why it flies. Yeah, but what do they what are Speaker 2 they gonna take it apart and then take it down to a different airport and then fly it three minutes to that airport when they could just drive 20 minutes? Speaker 1 Was it 20 minutes? It was a 20 minute drive. Why was the argument over 15 minutes? Speaker 2 Well, what I'm saying is the other airport. Oh, it was probably 20 minutes. I don't I don't know the distance of every airport should I do. Anyways, Unknown Speaker part of my training. Speaker 2 They put a blindfold on your face. Yeah. And then they describe a runway to you and you have to tell me where it is. Speaker 1 Yeah, they are. Yes, they are. Okay, so no charges pressed, no charges where he goes, let me do it again. So he's been three days ago, I didn't figure this out. My favorite is Tim's face when my job I had my story on accident. Okay, Speaker 2 he spends three days in jail while they figure this thing out. And then he gets out after it goes hard to jail goes about his life. The police are like well, I mean, he got away with it. I guess. A goes about his life. Couple of years later, he's back at this same bar likes his bar a lot now because it's the fame. He's got his picture. pictures on the wall. Yeah. It's like he won the blazing challenge used to hang out with a picture with like, you know, hi. And this picture, they call him Timmy, Speaker 1 but he goes with it. Yeah. And he goes now it's close enough to my name. Speaker 2 But don't you kick dare call me TV, you say? So he's taken out of this bar. And the people are talking to him. And some guys like you didn't do that. The plane thing? Yeah. And this guy's like, you didn't do that. That didn't happen. This guy Speaker 1 has an ego issue. Where he goes, I don't believe you. Speaker 2 Yeah. Is it because I didn't do that? And he's like, Yeah, I did. And he's like night. And so he again. Irish exits. Just kind of disappears. I was like, he's like, I'm going to the bathroom. Two hours. Tommy. Tommy. No GS. Tommy, he's always disappeared and coming back with a play. It's thing he does. Where did you find that play? Yeah, he does the same thing. He gets a taxi goes down to the same airport. Find someone else's Cessna 150 different plane. Yeah, but it's same. Same plane. Different. Plane. Yeah. Same type of plane. Different plane. Speaker 1 I know how that works. We both drive Honda Civics. I'm not going to get in your car when we leave here. I drive a Honda Civic. And you're like, No, no, I get that. You drove a Honda Civic. Civic. I drive a Honda Civic. Stupid. Speaker 2 Card. Every car. Okay. Okay. Okay, okay. So he takes a taxi out to that airport. Yeah. Taxis out to the roadway, and then takes off and pulls it off again. This time, though. It's not three o'clock in the morning. It's like earlier evening, like 1010 o'clock search traffic. Oh, no. And so he actually as he's coming in for a landing, there's a car. And so he comes in for the landing and he touches and goes over the car and takes off, hits 20 feet over the car and comes back down and lands behind the car. Unknown Speaker That's super dangerous, but okay, well, yeah, Speaker 2 I mean, landing on the street is super dangerous in general. Oh sure but pulls it off doesn't damage the plane doesn't damage any vehicles does it damage light poles or the buildings or the streets or anything? And the patrons in the bar describe the same experience as they're all sitting there being like where's Tommy go and they just hear what sounds like a loud as he taxis into this parallel parking Unknown Speaker here comes the fan Speaker 2 you know? So he lands drunk again gets out everyone's excited. The police aren't really mad this time. Because you just are like your this wasn't an emergency. Yeah. No it was isn't he's like though it was an emergency and like, tell us about the emergency. Well, he didn't. I said I did this thing. And it Speaker 1 was a crisis of my inner self. Yeah, if Speaker 2 I couldn't prove that I did this, then I'd be dead. It was an Unknown Speaker identity crisis what it was. Speaker 2 And so he gets arrested for plane theft. Yeah. And so the charge that he was given was grand larceny. Yeah. For the theft. The the pilot did press charges for that. And so he got slapped with a really big fine for that. But the judge Speaker 1 the bar all came together and paid it though. Pocket around for our friend Timmy, who's flown here twice. And you believe him now? Don't you? Doubting Thomas. Speaker 2 It was a love offering and the story goes, I don't know if it's true. But the story goes that that love offering inspired a young man who was in the bar that night. Also, like 11 like to Unknown Speaker fall through some ice Speaker 1 Oh, I was just nevermind to fall through. So yeah, and he got saved and then a whole movie. Oh. It wasn't for Tommy, flying that plane and landing in New York City. I wouldn't have fallen through that ice and got a whole Christian movie made about me. Unknown Speaker Okay Unknown Speaker what's next? Yeah Unknown Speaker sorry. You're having a real breakthrough Forget it. Forget. It sparked my interest. Speaker 2 I was just gonna say like a Southwest thing. Like it was guys. Like, what if there was an airline that had this much love for its passengers? Oh no, yeah. So the judge came down pretty hard, because they said, hey, if if we would have actually punished him last time, he might not have done it this time. Unknown Speaker He was proven wrong. Yes. Third time. Speaker 2 I'm pretty hard on him. They gave him six years in prison for Oh geez. Or illegal parking of an airplane was the sentence, which apparently is six years in prison? I don't think it is. But this time it was because the grand larceny? I guess they couldn't for some reason. I feel like that was probably an easier charge to get a larger sentence. Sure. But the illegal parking of an airplane was what they they hit him with. And they gave him six years in prison for that. And so he said in an interview about it, he said it was that dang drink. So far the alcohols fault. Unknown Speaker It is the only episode. Here's the thing, though. Speaker 2 Here's the thing, though. He didn't never do it again. As we know. Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. You seem surprised. Speaker 1 Well, I don't know. It just I just thought there was an interesting part of the story. Are you not interested in a plane leaving in the street? Love that? Speaker 2 Yes. Crazy. You you have a quarter pilot's license, you should be interested in this topic. She's asked your flight instructor next time you go on Unknown Speaker my reel. You should ask your chat menu on flight simulator. Unknown Speaker Yeah, yeah, well, I actually land planes in that one. i Alright. It's been a while. Speaker 1 It's been a while. It's been a while. Are you gonna pick that back up? Yeah. Speaker 2 Brent asked me about that. Yesterday, did he? I said do you think Jared is going to pick that back up? Unknown Speaker Why would I not it's been a while it's been a while. Unknown Speaker Yeah, cuz you landed that plane in front of that bar and then we'll Speaker 1 just got to pick better bars to do that. Pick the ones that are like out now. Yeah. Isn't Okay, so I wanted to throw some axes one night right? Downtown, and I land my plane at bury the hatchet. And know for those that don't know how the FAA works is that in 2015? I took an a depressant, yes. For like two months to see if it would help. Yes. And my counselor decided it didn't. Yes, it didn't make that much of a difference. And so I quit taking it. But the FAA is like, whoa, why did you take that? You can't you can't be in a plane. Yeah, you took her? Why are you gonna? What are you gonna do? You know, and so, so now they're making it really difficult for me to get my pilot's license, which is also why all of your airline pilots never report any of their health or mental issues also, and ended up having shorter lives because of it. Yeah. And you know, when I say the FAA is super annoying. Speaker 2 You know what, you know, FAA stands for fiddle. Speaker 1 Things last night is a production of space Tim media produced by Kristian Taylor audio is edited by Alex Garnett video by Connor Betts social media is run by Caleb Walker and graphic design by Caleb Goldberg. Our hosts are Jaron Meyers and Tim stone please follow us on social media at tilam podcast that's ti O N podcast, leave a review, comment, subscribe, wherever you are. Thank you for listening to things on the last night Transcribed by

In the vibrant streets of New York City, where dreams and challenges intertwine, a daring tale unfolded that left patrons at an uptown bar utterly astonished. Tommy Fitz, a man of audacious spirit, engaged in a bet that led him to execute a remarkable feat – not once, but twice – by landing a Cessna plane in front of the … Read More

dearMoon Project – Using the Moon for Better Art

Listen to "dearMoon Project - Using the Moon for Better Art" on Spreaker.

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Made by robots for robots. Only read if you're weird.

Unknown Speaker Hey, what's up? Hey, man, I? Yeah, what's up? Speaker 1 Have you ever heard of? Yeah? suku nasarawa? Huh? Yeah. suku Misawa Yeah, also know, Mesa, also known as NZ. Maybe you know, Unknown Speaker M Z? Unknown Speaker Yeah, maybe you know by that name M ZIL? Speaker 2 I don't but that's super cool. Do you know if someone introduced themselves to me as M Z? Speaker 1 Yeah, that's how that is. That's super cool. I agree with that. You might know him by one of his projects known as Dr. Moon. Have you heard of that? What are you looking at Unknown Speaker the camera? Unknown Speaker Why do your moon yeah, Dr. Moon? Speaker 2 Is that that children's book that we all read. Goodnight Moon. Yeah, that is the reference. Now. Millionaires either gotta go up or down. You know, saying like they're just so unhappy with being on Earth. Steve Aoki and the top 11 artists of the world suit. Ankle Brace. How are you guys getting good. You're telling me the Steve Jobs saw his whole speech? Last night Unknown Speaker okay, what is the Remove Deerman? Speaker 1 Well, we need to talk about Yeah, suku first. Unknown Speaker Okay, who is yes, we'll Unknown Speaker get to Deerman yah, yah sock. Yeah. Saku Saku sock, it was born in 1975. In Japan. Speaker 2 I just want everyone to just appreciate the pivot that Tim just did. We didn't talk about you so cool first. So you're talking was porn. Like, chill out, bro. Sorry. So we're when? Speaker 1 1975 Okay, November 22. In Japan. And he had a normal Japanese upbringing. In high school, he started a hardcore band called Switch style. And was going to go to college, but was too excited about his band switch style. And then him just thought it'd be sweet to live in America. So they moved to America for three years. Sure. which was hard to sustain his band. He had to fly back for band practice. I don't know. I think the band broke a van was in Japan. The band was in Japan. Okay, that sounds like that sounds like a Unknown Speaker it was a Japan band. Speaker 1 Yeah, that phrase. The band was in Japan. That sounds like like there's always money in the banana stand. Oh, yeah. Unknown Speaker Rice is good for Yeah, Unknown Speaker the pan was in Japan. Okay. Unknown Speaker So you know, in Asia, they call them bandas. Unknown Speaker Hey, that I hate that a lot. I hate that a lot. Unknown Speaker You're gonna like all of them, to the Speaker 1 US. And while I was in the US, he fell in love with CDs and records. important feature of his life started collecting both Sure. lived in the US for like three years, went back to Japan started the band back what year was that? In 91, early 90s living in the United States. 93 93k moves to the US and then moves back to Japan and 95. Okay. And then while he's there, he remembers my band Unknown Speaker switch styles. They Speaker 1 start this band back up and they have decent success. They released three albums. They got decently big in Japan, but not like huge, okay, but then he remembers CDs and records. Okay, so he takes what he learned about selling CDs and records. And he starts a company known as start today, which eventually became Japan's equivalent to Amazon. Oh, very major online retailer, went public on the stock market in 2004, and then started his new company Zozo town. Speaker 2 Okay, that was so dramatic. All right. Zozo town, Unknown Speaker which I want to take a second to see if you could guess what it says. Unknown Speaker Okay, what year would it be found it Unknown Speaker would have been 2004 2004 Speaker 2 Start Zozo town so Town is a first social media network. And this predates Facebook. And so he was trying to create a social media network to connect people and sell music through Speaker 1 your incredibly close. So it's a social media website for Zoo. Keeper's Speaker 2 the social media website for clowns Zozo the clouds he says oh town Unknown Speaker Facebook said if we could get the college kids we could get everyone he said if we Speaker 2 circus clowns, you guys are say You're thinking too small, too small college campuses. No, you gotta get the you gotta get the carnies. You gotta get the Speaker 1 new Sloan every week. A new city every week. What do you what do you think bigger? Speaker 2 Ptolemy on Zozo town. You know or whatever clown sound like. Speaker 1 Here I'll give you this. Here's one of the most profitable things he ever created with Zozo town or no? Speaker 2 Okay. This is the Zozo suit. This is just not flattering at all. Zack, Kansas, Speaker 3 this is the Zozo suit. Which is Speaker 2 this. Okay, it goes over your feet. That for listeners it looks it's a black suit with white dots all over. It looks like you've seen the behind the scenes for how they do animation movies. And there's that guy with a suit with the green dots all over him. It's that but it's style. Yeah. And there's three people in what I can describe as the Brady Bunch background. And they're in a this is a one piece suit. Where does it zip? Does it zip? Unknown Speaker I think you have to crawl through that. Do you? Speaker 2 What do you do? You crawl through the neck hole. The heels are cut out the toes are cut out. Yeah, that's like wrinkle breezes. And then you just vacuum it co2, your baits. Unknown Speaker Got fingerless gloves too. Speaker 2 It's so tight. It's tight and like that's tight. It really is like Speaker 3 it's like those storage bags. Speaker 2 It is you stick to it is not flattering. I'm not going to comment on the models. So yeah, Unknown Speaker so this idea was Unknown Speaker what was the number I want to say was like $3.7 billion. Who? This concept. So here's what's also Tannaz Speaker 2 you imagine you become a billionaire. And when people other billionaires go, how did you become one of us? You gotta say, Unknown Speaker says oh suit. Speaker 2 And they go Oh, is that something you were to go see the Titanic? No, no Speaker 3 when he when he walked out on stage for the press conference for this, he said imagine you were one Yeah, he said he said he said is it worth making a suit? An ankle brace. Polka Dots. Speaker 2 Suit. Ankle Brace. Oh, good. Are you guys getting good? That it's all one suit. Introducing those those you're telling me the Steve Jobs so his whole speech it hit harder for jobs Zozo town was a fashion brands as Speaker 1 a town was an online fashion retailer one of the first commercially successful online fashion retailers that were really early to the game 2004 What does that Zozo that is so and this this device device don't call it a device it is a device this is the Zozo suit and this was a sizing device. And so you would put this on and you would take pictures in it and it would tell you your exact size and send you the most accuracy Speaker 2 makes so much more sense if that makes so much more sense. Unknown Speaker Okay, Speaker 1 so yeah, you put this on take pictures from every angle, upload it and then it would be like your size nine. Here we go by the shirt. Speaker 2 Okay, yeah. So this is a computer can tell how far apart the white dots are then. Yeah. Interesting. That's actually okay. Sure. Oh, wow, that pretty Speaker 1 cool. So this is used in 72 countries. These led to this CDs Yeah. Because it was kind of like Amazon Amazon start with books. You start with CDs and records on his start today. Okay, okay. Okay. Yeah. He also in 2012 Unknown Speaker We're holding Unknown Speaker I wasn't I didn't notice this on the Wikipedia article before as a little meme, but I need to show you the picture of this Speaker 2 okay, this is a little mean, but I need to show you the picture of this guy Unknown Speaker he's also wearing checkered vans because I think he thinks they match. Unknown Speaker I don't know I don't get what's funny about this? Yes, I do. I don't. I don't get what's funny, but do Speaker 3 you do you do? This is like when your dad says you took a picture of me. He's got the classic dad pose. Chest out too far. Checkered vans, I Unknown Speaker don't know you're talking about a normal picture of somebody who is giving a product review. Unknown Speaker Okay, so let Unknown Speaker me see the behind though. Let me see the back I gotta know what the dots look like. Unknown Speaker What are the dots look like on the back? Back of Zozo suit. Unknown Speaker Zozo suit biceps. Speaker 1 These are getting pretty sophisticated now. I'm not gonna lie. They still exist. Yeah, here's the current. Here's a current model. They used a similar background and this one. They only opted for one color in this version, the background. But these look these look more like you're gonna get on a ship and they're gonna put you to sleep for somebody. 100 years. Oh, and then they're gonna wake you up when you get Unknown Speaker all animated people. Those aren't real people. I think you're right. Yeah, I know. I'm right. Speaker 1 But I think their faces are real, I think no, they're not. I think they put different hair on them than they are. Speaker 2 Yeah, look at their feet. Dude. I hope none of those people are real Sims. So basically, this new suit looks like TV static compared to the old suits. Yeah. Interesting. Speaker 1 Here's why that's just the man I can't find a full back shot of Speaker 2 this because there's no way that bearded guys faces that round and his torso is like that, you know, saying why? Because I understand how Washington's Yeah, that's not true. Speaker 1 Yeah, so the Zozo suit. Great idea, I guess for the law firm is that no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm telling you more about this guy. Okay, he also started to get Unknown Speaker this off the screen then. Oh, sorry. Speaker 1 Hey, thanks for checking out this episode. If you liked this, we've got a lot of great ones. Let me recommend a recent one hitch bought. Basically some Canadian scientists said what if we made a robot that hitchhiked across the country you think it can make it SPOILER ALERT it's a fun episode I like it a lot. You can need to check it out one of my favorite reason jokes is in there. So check that one out but if not, thanks for being here Speaker 1 he also started a contemporary art foundation where he has made two of the largest basket wait purchases basket now. Speaker 2 Be as Kay I want to buy the largest baskets I can to hold on my Zozo Unknown Speaker Basquiat you've got this Container Store. Speaker 2 basket basket. Wait, that's great. Say it right? How much for this basketball educated American that's like a $30 Unknown Speaker basket. I'll give you 54 million Unknown Speaker to run up I'm a manager. Speaker 3 I'm not sure how to charge you this much for this. When I scan it it says 30 I don't know how many Unknown Speaker zeros I don't know I'm a lowly person. Speaker 3 Put on a Zozo suit to help make use Speaker 2 shimmy into it. So okay, Speaker 1 so ya know he made to the largest purchases he actually purchased a painting called the Untitled by Basquiat for 57 million. And then he's he bought another one also called Untitled by Basquiat. But it's where he just didn't like titles. It's a different picture for 110 million. And he bought a bunch of other parents. So he's like a, like a fine art collector and he's got this foundation where he's got all this different art and stuff like Sure. When in 2019 He said, You know what? I'm a billionaire now. I've made my successes. He says, I'm gonna sell my ownership of the company, which he sold for about $3.7 billion. And he said, Now it's on to the next thing. Like many billionaires today, space, Speaker 2 obviously, obviously. So, there's either gotta go up or down, you know, saying like, they're just so unhappy with being on Earth, that they're like, I gotta go. I gotta go the deepest depths of the ocean or the tippy top of space. Speaker 1 But here's the thing. He has an angle. He's different than most of the billionaires. He's not just trying to be funny. Yeah, not that I've like halfway through this new season. Speaker 2 Oh, really? Have you seen the billionaire episode where she goes on dates with some rich guys? No, I haven't say and she's on dates with a boring old millionaire. And he gets a call in the middle of dinner that he's now a billionaire. Yeah. And she goes to the restroom and comes back and he shaved his head bald. And his just got so much plastic surgery and his eyes look really weird. And he's climbing those ceilings. He's like, Look how high I am. Oh, hi. I am what? I think they get a spaceship and I am. Speaker 3 Now we watched we watched it's a great show. I love when they're at the premieres so good. It's about to start that they are whatever, like, hey, this was this guy's gotta get out of your chest passing. This was just bought by what was it? Like a Starbucks Starbucks, did I die? Speaker 2 And then they were like, was that the scene? Like that was the see. Did you see the Disney on ironically did that this week though? No. Like with the new elements movie. There's a non binary character in it. And it's like, not clear at all. But it's a non binary character. Oh, interesting. Unknown Speaker Like, it's Unknown Speaker just kind of like, yeah, Unknown Speaker yeah, it just is. Speaker 2 Yeah. And like, do you think that they knew about it when they wrote the other two? Because I found out on Twitter when the voice actor was like, I just got to voice the first non binary character in Disney. And like people said they watched the movie and didn't know they had they were like, Oh, okay. Hmm. But this character is not a human. It is a it's a gloop. It's a gloop. It's, it's, it's the bit Unknown Speaker interesting. It's very funny. Unknown Speaker Okay, all right. Unknown Speaker That's what billionaires do. That was what I'm saying. They just go to space. They just Speaker 1 go to space. But here's the thing. He's got an angle. He's not just going to space. He's doing different things. Unknown Speaker What's he going to do? Speaker 1 So Well, first of all, he's already been. So he's been once he went in mid 2021. This is why he's got this picture in the spacesuit. All right. Speaker 2 Does he have to wear a Zozo suit? To get the right measurements for his face? Speaker 1 He did get those owed. Yesica is a Twitter personality. Okay, he has 191,000 followers on Twitter. But he all he holds the record, the number one or the number two record for most retweeted tweet. Oh, because one time while two times, he tweeted, he was gonna give a million yen to the first 100 people to retweet this or no to 100 random people who retweet this. And so a lot of people retweeted it. And actually, I'm gonna be honest, I don't know if he did give the money away. But a million yen Come on. Uh huh. Unknown Speaker I mean, I guess. Unknown Speaker 4 million people retweeted the tweet. For when he said he was gonna give 1 million yen to 100 people, Unknown Speaker I'm gonna give my best friend's house. The first one of 100 people retweet Speaker 1 this and I'd say first 100, say to 100 random people who read this, because that's what he did. It was 100 random people. So that way, it didn't matter how many to Speaker 2 100 random people who retweet this. Wait, Speaker 3 so you're given a house to 100 different people. You can split deeds, Speaker 2 right? Give my best friend's house to 100 random people who retweet this that's out there. So Speaker 1 he got 4 million people to retweet that tweet 200 which was about $9,300 US dollars. That same year, and this was 2019. The same year in 2019. He did it again. But he said he's gonna give it to 1000. And that one got 3 million retweets. So a million last people were a million people were like, Speaker 2 That's a billion dollars gonna give away? Yeah, allegedly, Speaker 1 allegedly. I don't know if he did it. I don't know if he did it. Also, there's questions about his ability to pay for some of the stuff he says he's doing but we'll get back to Okay, he goes on the spaceflight. And he says, so he gets this fight with the Russian Space Federation. And he says, Hey, I'm gonna do this fight. I'm gonna go up to the International Space Station. He said, I'm going to be up there for a little bit. I will do 180 challenges. Stage, how Unknown Speaker many crunches Do you think I could do? Speaker 3 So he goes up to this debate stage, but that's real. Because at this Speaker 1 stage that he goes back, and he's still posting video, video vlogs of him from this 2021 trip, doing these 180 challenges that he got, and they're things like, play this game, this ballgame. Whatever this game is called, where you have the wheel. How old is this person? He was born in the 70s 75. So I mean, he's younger than my parents. I don't know how your parents are. Here's another one where he put together a jigsaw puzzle. But he had to blur out the puzzle for the picture, I guess because it was copyrighted. Unknown Speaker It's not complete. It's not real. Unknown Speaker Here's another one where he none of these pictures. Speaker 2 None of these pictures look real. These are all incredibly photoshopped. Here's one where he played a drum. He's not his face. He played all of these look like YouTube. Are these all the YouTube thumbnails? Yeah, they all Unknown Speaker were he played with this weird pirate. Speaker 2 Okay, so this is all Photoshop for the thumbnail. Okay, Coco, Coco, okay, cuz otherwise, this is not real. Speaker 1 Here's what I love. Here's what I love. There's 180 of these challenges where he needed random things like this. And so he crawled on board imagine Speaker 2 he could imagine, just stick with me, you've spent your entire career becoming an astronaut, you want to go to space and do real science. You want to figure out how the universe works. You want to figure out how quickly the universe is expanding. You want to be up in the elements of space, trying to figure out so so that Neil deGrasse Tyson can keep owning people in debates, okay, you're sending info back and you're like, Hey nerds, here's why we're live on Mars one day and you spent your entire career sacrificing you're in so much student debt you cannot breathe and now you're in the International Space Station you've earned a spot you and killed two kids in your graduate program so you could be the top they don't know that. And then one day a billionaire boards, the plane plane boards the space station, and is like, Hey guys, I'm here to contribute to space and they're like really? Thank you so much for using your vast amount of wealth to advance the the race for human knowledge and he goes on and on and on until you guys do your thing. I'm gonna play with a yo yo in the corner and film it for you too. Speaker 3 They're like they're like looking at like science thing. We're gonna play the same oxygen is hitting them in the back of the head with this yo yo and zero G Speaker 2 he's being an annoying kid in the back of a minivan in space in space. Speaker 1 I just want the idea like this is all he did 100 Navy these challenges and like, like he did a drum which this looks more like like a concave like ring. I don't know what that is. That's not the kind of drum I think of when I think drums. But he brought large things on board this and the access high. He's Speaker 2 got his like, seven carry on Speaker 1 it he's calling into like, what do you need all that stuff for? Oh, it's for my challengers for Unknown Speaker my challengers. Speaker 1 Did Okay, and he told you he was doing this? Now, Speaker 2 now how long is he up there? How much time does he have to do to all these to do all these challenges? Speaker 1 Oh, no, actually, I think he's up there for about a week. 180 challenges a week. Yeah, I mean, you do four or five of these a day. The challenge was literally play with the yo yo, like, you can get that video done in five minutes. Okay. So he's just a full workday doing these challenges while you're trying to do your science. Unknown Speaker What else is he doing? Speaker 1 He does 180 of these. They're still coming out of his vlogs of what he did in the space station. Unknown Speaker Should have a microphone far left. You see that's a microphone. Speaker 1 I think that's for when they do their speeches back to like their presentations. Unknown Speaker Hello Earth. We encountered aliens today. Speaker 3 Sorry, sorry. That was the challenge. He rolls in. He rolls into screen in the middle of his press conferences. He's like, I built a fort in the space station and no one knew. Behind them there's just a giant blanket fort. Unknown Speaker I hope we knew doors for my last challenge, Speaker 1 one of the doors and it cost NASA's 13.8 79 Speaker 2 Stupid tasks and one way really bad one. Speaker 3 The first ever act of space terrorism Speaker 2 so he's back. Yeah. So just releasing these every week. Speaker 1 He's releasing these every week to his his Twitter. So Speaker 2 you spend so much money to get three years worth of content. Speaker 1 It's like I'm trying to speak up a YouTuber. No, it's Twitter handle is you suck MZ. The way you would spell you suck. Oh, it's not like yeah, it's you suck MZ. As an analyst, he's just tweeting these things, his videos. They're doing pretty good. They're getting like a million and a half views every video. He's got 1.3 million subscribers doing these vlogs of his experience and space. But none of this is the real reason I brought this guy up. All this is backstory. Speaker 2 Hey, thanks for being part of this episode. If you want to help us do more of this, you wanna help us grow our show. One of the easiest and best ways to do that is to join our Patreon. It's a way for you to financially support the show, and you get a lot in return, you get access to our Discord channel, you get bonus content that comes out, you get exclusive merchandise and like live zoom Hangouts, where we're both just hanging out eating pizza, just getting to know each other. The biggest thing is, is we want to know you more as an individual and as a friend. So thanks for supporting our show. If you don't support us financially, we're not pressed about it. We're not like mad. But I'll find you. So text till into 66866 to keep yourself from being found. All right, because if you don't I want you Speaker 1 I want you to know about dear moon. Yeah, I saw the patch on his hoodie. Yeah, so he's got his dear Moon project. Here's the footer from his website. I don't know that that's better. Unknown Speaker Okay, this is a little bit bigger, this version. Unknown Speaker So who are these people? Speaker 1 Those are the suits. Those are those those know, so the dear Moon project. This was an idea he had where he said, You know what, what this world needs more of? It needs more artists, space tourism. No, it needs more artists that are creating unbelievable works of art. Because he's a big art fan. And he says, but all the artists today, their industry, plants, their industry. Drones. Yeah, all their arts do for money. Speaker 2 We got to find the the random artists floating in space. Speaker 1 Well, when he says like, we need to inspire them. And he's like he's like, so I want to put together a project called Dear moon, designed to inspire 11 of the Earth's greatest artists by taking them on a trip around the moon, to see something that no other artists has ever seen. So they could come back to Earth and bless Earth with the art that comes from what they see. My volunteer the other side of the Speaker 2 Gerrans comedy career really took off after he saw the other side of the Moon. So he's is this 11 different trips? Speaker 1 No, this is he wants it to take 11 artists one trip on one trip. Leave the earth flight 11 of the greatest artists take it. Yeah, take a take all that sounds Speaker 2 like a movie I've seen. What? I don't know. 11 of the world World's Greatest Artists are on a spacecraft as stranded in space. Ocean's 11. Unknown Speaker Spaces 11 there Yeah. Unknown Speaker Orbits 11 Speaker 1 orbits. 11. Holiday now's a good Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So he remarked. Speaker 1 So II wants to take them on a trip from Earth, out around the backside of the moon and back. So it would be the farthest any humans ever gone in space, because no humans past the moon. And so he wants to go all the way around the back the Dark Side of the Moon, and come back. And he thinks that that would make the artists contribute something to society that's never been contributed before. And so, Speaker 2 I know you've seen what Buzz Aldrin paints. Not great stuff. We gave him some paint. We're like you've you've seen a lot of stuff, some stuff. He's got no artistic ability. Yeah, he's just an astronaut. So he Speaker 1 makes this press conference? Sure. And he says, Here's what I want to do. I want to bring a bunch of artists Speaker 2 to space. I mean, who decides who the 11 greatest are? Well, he says it's subjective. Speaker 1 I mean, yeah, yeah. Well, here's what happens. He does this press conference. And he says, he says, We're all No vote. It's a spaceship. It's an artist. It's a moon. Speaker 2 A space suede, the spaceship is the artists in this thing. Speaker 1 Okay, no. So he's he kind of briefs the idea. Sure gets the idea on the ethos says, here's, here's what I'm thinking. And then he says applications are open, go to Dear Moon dot Earth, which is Speaker 2 okay, I guess when you like money you can own the internet, you know, like, Speaker 1 going to Dear Moon data is to apply if you're an artist, apply, send us your portfolio, let us see what you've created. Sure. And then we're going to select the top 28,000 people applied artists from all over the world, all walks of life. And he said, we're now seeking assistance from any government space program. There's a handful in the world to help us pull this off. He said, I'll pay for it. I said, but I think this will really help humanity. And every government space organization in the world said that's a dumb idea. We're not wasting our time. That's dumb. But luckily, there was one guy who loves dumb ideas. Unknown Speaker I knew it. I knew he was going to come up with this. I knew it. Speaker 1 And so Elon said, Well, why don't you know, we have a space company. And we're trying to get to Mars. This will be further, this would be a perfect test flight for us. And so he says, we're working at the time, it was his Falcon Heavy. He said we can take you up there in the Falcon Heavy around the moon and back. And you're 11 artists, and he says we probably could do it by the end of 2024. Unknown Speaker Okay, when did he say that? Speaker 1 This was 2018 when they announced the project. Okay. Cool. And so, Speaker 2 I don't know if I believe anything that Elon Musk does is real. I'm gonna watch that we had an episode about him because I thought about him 2017 early before he was like, Hey, I thought he was somewhat crazy person. Speaker 1 Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Well, he was still a crazy person. But he wasn't. He hadn't exposed himself as much yet. Sure. He was still kind of impressive at the time. Speaker 2 Now. Now, it's now you realize that I mean, like, Sure. I mean, if you shoot 100 things, you're gonna hit two. Speaker 1 Yeah, you know, and this is one of them, he might hit. So now it's now it's not the Falcon Heavy. But it's the other one that they're working on right now. Unknown Speaker All in 95 calories Unknown Speaker you can find them on in the store. Unknown Speaker You dude. I shot down the Falcon light and the name of my politics. So mission failed, because Kid Rock shot the Falcon light out of the sky. Unknown Speaker Know so Speaker 1 they, they're, they're working together. SpaceX is working to figure out how to get them there. When they're going to take you the Dark Side of the Moon, the Yeah, The Dark Side of the Moon and back. So that way they can make really good art. And so throughout the past five years, he's been working on the marketing and the logistics of the mission. And putting together his crew, his dear moon, artist crew. And at the end of the year, last year 2022 He announced his selections. And these are the the 11 artists. Oh, that will make history. Unknown Speaker This is a very high picture. Hold on. I know you recognize at least one of them. Unknown Speaker Okay. Here's a Speaker 2 hint. Let me get a higher I noticed that there's only 10 people behind him. Yeah, so he counts as 11. Now he's the 11th Yeah, he's the artist. Yeah, he's like, Speaker 1 he's like, surprise. I'm the 11th. Artist. Speaker 2 Let's go through the names. Because I want you to say it. For the audio listener. Speaker 1 Yeah. So a lot. Um, here's a higher res image. So we're gonna go through this. So here is the artists that he has coming with him on the dear Moon trip. So Mission Specialist, Choi Seung Hyun, who is also known as baizen stage name, T O P, who is a South Korean rapper is about the purple hair. Apparently very famous in South Korea. Mission Specialist dev Joshi. Who is the guy on the second from the right over there. He is a Indian filmmaker or Indian actor second from the right and television actor. Speaker 2 Yes. From the right got it. To the right. I was like what Yeah, so again, Speaker 1 to the right, he's a Bollywood actor. Mission Specialist Brendan Hall, who I'm not sure which one he is or what he's famous for. He doesn't have Unknown Speaker a Wikipedia page, but I guess he's the one in the orange hoodie. Speaker 1 No, that's actually not I know who that is. Oh, Kareem Elia I believe she's a mission specialist. Also don't know which one that one is doesn't have a page. Read anon. Adam is a writer and photographer. I don't know which one she is, but she doesn't have like a PDF. He just doesn't have a picture on it. Jimmy ad is the dude second from like, on this side right next to purple hair. He is a Czech choreographer. Okay, so it might have some good dance moves that comes out of this mission specialist Tim Dodd, who's a YouTuber known as Everyday Astronaut. That's the dinosaur Jedi. And then pilot, Steve Aoki. Yeah, Speaker 2 yeah. Yeah, that's the first person I saw pilot. They're teaching him to fly. Or not, though. I mean, he's gonna do the same thing he does on stage which is just push buttons Speaker 3 and throw the cake like you to kick the windshields again, it's quite thick. Yeah, open the Unknown Speaker door, throw it on the moon. Throw a cake. That's kind of my deal. Speaker 1 One of their backups just think they have a backup to backup. Craig's your alternate? Yeah. So there's a specialist named me you from Japan. I don't know who who he or she is I'm not sure if what you're Speaker 2 saying there's a world and our universe where our podcast could have grown so much that we could have been apparently because this is not. Unknown Speaker Okay. I mean, Steve Aoki is Speaker 1 pretty famous and so as to get anybody else in here. I mean, there are people who don't have to Speaker 2 be okie in the top 11 artists of the world Unknown Speaker my favorite thing is he was selected to be the pilot. Speaker 4 Someone just look at CDJs and go those look like spaceship buttons. Yes. Probably know how to do Unknown Speaker he knows how to do it. labeled. Unknown Speaker He pushes a lot of buttons. Yeah, I mean, some of these people. They're writers. Unknown Speaker They're just looks like a season of Survivor. Unknown Speaker This looks like yeah, Unknown Speaker it does. Or last, like a last promo. Unknown Speaker Or the challenge looks like looks like CVS, the challenge Speaker 1 which honestly given his last trip to Mars, he might make this a reality TV show. Yeah. He's gonna He's gonna vote him off the ship. Unknown Speaker The crew has spoken. Unknown Speaker Steve Aoki is going to push you out the airlock now. Cake hits him in the face in space space, Speaker 2 because he threw it like four days ago, but it's just out there. You know? Because it doesn't really move. Yeah, and the speed that it hits a man is speed dude. Oh, wow. Speaker 1 So these guys, allegedly, they haven't changed the timeline right now. Allegedly, right now these people are training for their mission. They're doing all their like stairs. Speaker 2 He's on tour, and in his free time is training to pilot a spaceship to space. Mind you, Speaker 1 it's a spaceship that hasn't successfully launched every time they've launched it. It's blown up so far. And so that's the one he's gonna pass. Unknown Speaker Now they're down to these 11 people. Speaker 1 And so what is it the Elan says that they want to want to carry 100 successful satellites to space using this spacecraft before they carry these people to the moon. They haven't successfully gotten one Yeah, taken off without exploding. So there's no way they're going to do it in 2024. That's the timeline the public timeline that they're seeking. For Speaker 2 if it's good if it's like 50 years from now I still want it to be Steve Aoki. Speaker 1 But I, according to MZ, the guy in the middle here, their training, their training, and at the end of 2024 these these 10 artists are going to go see the Dark Side of the Moon. And they're going to come back to Earth and they're all going to get murdered by the mines. Yeah, what you said they're gonna make really good art Unknown Speaker that we'll never see. Speaker 1 Yeah, so I love this idea. I love it so much. That's Yes. suku Yes, yes. Aku muy mas Eva. Mas our MC he goes by MC you can find them at you suck in Z on Twitter. Unknown Speaker This is the YouTube Speaker 1 or on Zozo town by yourself Zozo suit today till such as those that can you think we can get sponsored by them. Speaker 2 Anytime that you wonder about the, you know, hunger crisis in the world or how many people need clean water. Just think about Steve Aoki and the incredible beat drop that we would get if he's able to see the Dark Side of the Moon Unknown Speaker here's the Dark Side Speaker 2 of the Moon you know, and like that would change humanity. I believe he doesn't Speaker 1 have to go we know exactly what he's gonna do. He's gonna take that entire record Dark Side of the Moon and just remix it. And that's gonna be his art. We all know that's what he's gonna do. He doesn't have to go. He's actually probably already finished it. Unknown Speaker They've already been. That's the conspiracy. Unknown Speaker They're gonna have a look at my presentation. Speaker 2 The whole conspiracy is that the reason we know who they are? Is because they went 15 years ago while their moon people, their moon people, you're okay. You're going the route that we Speaker 3 would have landed? And he said, he said Bring me your artists. Speaker 2 Buzz Aldrin brought back a small child prodigy open em if you will. The moon opened up and make up some bizarre story about owning the freakin Benihana restaurant. Like where are we can come from any Hana guy. Yeah. Oh, okay. Benihana was was like, I guess Yeah, that's fine. I honestly don't know how many kids. You're like. Sure. He's a ladies man. Man. The girls love when they flip. They flip the little shrimp tail on their hat. Yeah, yeah, that gets them. Unknown Speaker You don't get the name Aoki without being a moon child Unknown Speaker with some light racism. I like that about you Unknown Speaker all right, well, here's the thing. Unknown Speaker Here's what I've heard Speaker 2 this at least. I heard what you hear. I heard that the civilizations long before us. Yes. had already gone to the moon. Yeah, they had one advanced Unknown Speaker stuff that was pyramids all over the dark side. And Unknown Speaker that's where we got the music of our day. Speaker 1 Yeah. What which day there's a lot of music like today. Speaker 2 The music that we have now came from the moon people Midwest Unknown Speaker salt grass. Yeah, actually. Speaker 1 Things are there last night is a production of space Tim medium produced by Christian Taylor audio by ours Garnett video by Connor Betts. Our graphics and our logo by Caleb Goldberg and our social media is run by Caleb Walker. Our hosts are Jared Meyers and Tim stone falls on your favorite social media platform at Taylan podcast is Ti LL and podcast. Remember to tell all your friends about us and we'll see you next Tuesday for another episode of things I learned last night. Transcribed by

Welcome to an exciting exploration of the dearMoon project led by the visionary entrepreneur Yusaku Maezawa. This blog post will delve into the crew members accompanying Maezawa on this daring journey and the project’s ambitious goal. Let’s embark on a fascinating adventure into the realm of space exploration! Meet the Crew The goal of dearMoon Inspiring Art and Creativity: The … Read More